HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 09/08/1986 'CINDY WILKINS DEPUTY CITY CLERK • NOTE: THERE WILL BE A CLOSED COUNCIL SESSION AT 6 :45 P.M. , FOURTH FLOOR CLUB ROOM, FOR PURPOSES OF DISCUSSING LABOR NEGOTIATION ISSUES. AGENbA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOORP . ROTUNDA ROOM 'SEPTEMBER, '8,,"1986 7: 30 P. .M. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call City Council Comments COMMUNITY FORUM - (Only 15 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum at the beginning of the agenda. Citizens are requested to keep remarks under 5 minutes, and that a speaker person speak in behalf. of groups. ) • ** Certification of Appreciation - To be presented to Escuela Del Rio for Their Participation in Landscaping the "Welcome to Atascadero" Sign located on El Camino Real at the Highway 41 Offramp ** Proclamation - Acknowledging International Literacy Day - September 8, 1986 A. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar , are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Approval of Minutes of Regular Council Meeting of August 25, 1986 2. Proclamation - Acknowledging Erosion Control Month - September 15 - October 15 , 1986 3. Proclamation - Acknowledging the Month of September, 1986 as United States Constitution. Observance Month • 4. Council Authorization for Mayor to Enter into Agreement with Robert M. Jones for Interim City Attorney Services Beginning September 9, 1986 1 0 0 • 5. Approval of Proposed Resolution 102-86 - Travel Policy for Individuals Traveling on City Business 6. Approval of Camino Card Parlour Business License Change of Ownership from Shirley Butterfield to Mary Johnson 7. Approval of Tentative Tract Map 20-86 - 8305 Coromar Road - Subdivision of 3. 50 Acre Parcel into 6 Lots of between .50 and .71 Acres Each - Molina/Twin Cities Engineering 8. Approval of Lot Line Adjustment 9-85 - 9095 La Linia - Adjustment Between 2 Existing Parcels - Meyers/Volbrecht Surveys 9. Approval of Lot Line Adjustment 11-85 - 4370/4390 Rosita Avenue - Adjustment Between 2 Existing Parcels - Jewell/ Costiloe/Dan Stewart & Associates 10. Authorization to Begin Bid Proceedings for 1986/87 Road Overlay Project 11. Authorization to Begin Bid Proceedings to Purchase Dial A Ride Bus 12. Approval of Proposed Resolution 101-86 - Prohibiting Parking of Vehicles 6 Feet and Greater Within 100 Feet of Intersection On. El Camino Real, From San Anselmo to San Gabriel Roads • B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS 1. Assessment District Number 4 - Separado/Cayucos Sewer Project A. Motion Accepting Staff Report on Financing of Proposed Assessment District B. Proposed Resolution 99-86 - Approving Revised Boundary Map and Revising the Description of Public Improvements C. Proposed Resolution 100-86 - Approving Engineer ' s Report on Proposed Improvements, Appointing Time and Place for Hearing Protest to Said Improvements and Calling for Construction Bids 2. Ptopos'ed Resoolutlot104-86- - Approving the County of San Luis 0 ispo Solid Waste Management Plan C. ' UNFINISHED BUSINESS Proposed Resolution L03-36 - Compensation for City Clerk and • City Treasurer Positions (Cont'd from 7/28/86) 2 • 2. Proposed Resolution 98-86 - Amending Sections of Resolution 9-86 - Amapoa Tecorida Development Impact Fee (Cont'd from 8/25/86) D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion on Request for Proposal and Advertisement for City Attorney Contract 2. Policy Amendment to Time Extensions for Building Permit Applications E. ATATCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (Coinc l will recess and convene as the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board of Directors) 1. Developer Request for Special Consideration on Sewer Fees (The Board of Directors will adjourn and reconvene as City Council) • F. COMMUNITY FORUM G. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager • 3 • P R O C L A M A T I O N INTERNATIONAL LITERACY DAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1986 WHEREAS the United Nations has proclaimed September 8, 1986 , to be International e ations Literacy iteracy Day; and WHEREAS, the social, political, and economic structure of the United States is dependent on the ability of its citizens to read and write; and WHEREAS, those who cannot read or write English must be in- formed that help is available through adult schools, public libraries, community colleges, and volunteer literacy programs; and WHERE, significant steps to increase the literacy rate must involve volunteers to tutor those unable to read; and • WHEREAS, existing public and volunteer services cannot entirely address this situation and need the increased partici- pation of the business community to -. lend financial or in-kind support; THEREFORE, I Marjorie Mackey, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, do hereby urge the citizens of Atascadero to join in celebrating International Literacy Day, and supporting literacy efforts throughout the year . MARJQR E MACKEY, Mayor City f Atascadero September 8, 1986 r • ITEM: A - 1 • MINUTES TO THE AUGUST 25TH COUNCIL MEETING WILL BE PROVIDED t BY THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT A LATER TIME, • • 5 �Tsi�G AG'NOA , Tr 9/8/86 �� - 2 • P R O C L A M A T I O N EROSION CONTROL MONTH SEPTEMBER 15 - OCTOBER 15, 1986 WHEREAS, the well-being of our people depends upon the production of ample supplies of food, fiber , and other products of the soil; and WHEREAS, the quality and quantity of these products depend upon the conservation, wise and proper management of the soil, and water resources; and WHEREAS, our people have a mutual interest in the land and share the responsibility of preserving its productivity; and WHEREAS, the Upper Salinas-Las Tablas and Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation Districts provide a practical and demo- cratic organization through which landowners are taking the initiative to conserve and make proper use of these resources; and • WHEREAS, the soil conservation movement celebrated in 1985 its 50th anniversary of carrying forward a program of soil and water conservation in cooperation with numerous agencies and countless individuals; and WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo County erosion Control Ordinance recognizes the necessity of preventative measures and establishes October as the date by which all erosion control measures must be installed. THEREFORE, I Marjorie Mackey, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, do hereby proclaim September 15 through October 15 , 1986 as Erosion Control Month, focusing public attention on this critical period of time and urge all residents to participate in an effort to protect our natural soil resource base, our properties, and our livelihoods. i - MARJORI MACKEY, Mayor City o Atascadero � September 8, 1986 f � • gh V` I OLF-11 A-3 LC `7"A • P R O C L A M A T I O N FRAMING OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WHEREAS, the Constitution of the United States is the result of heroic efforts and labors of our founding fathers, who be- lieved that any government is justified ONLY to serve the people and to enable them to enjoy the natural rights of man; and WHEREAS, the United States Constitution was conceived as an instrument for the government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" ; and WHEREAS, this inspirational document was framed in order to "form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquality, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity" ; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 1787, 199 years ago, George Washington and 38 other Americans, ordained and established an immortal document, the Constitution of the United States of America. THEREFORE, I Marjorie Mackey, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, believing all people should be reminded of this great and distinctive heritage, do hereby proclaim the month of September, 1986, to be United Stated Constitution Observance Month in and for the City of Atascadero. MARJ IE MACKEY, Mayor City of Atascadero September 8,1986 'i • /8/86 Ao'1lrA ,A-4 DAT-- • TO: City Council Members September 8, 1986 FROM: Mike Shelton ---- City Manager SUBJECT: AGREEMENT FOR INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY SERVICES RECOMMENDATION By motion, the City Council authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Robert M. Jones to provide interim City Attorney services. BACKGROUND City Council, at the August 25,1986 Council Meeting, directed staff to solicit proposals to provide City Attorney services. The present agreement for City Attorney services expires September 8, 1986. Proposed attached agreement will provide availability and continuity of legal services until City Council appoints a City Attorney. Interim agreement is the same as was used previously by Attorney Jones prior to his retainer • agreement with the City with the exception of the hourly fee increasing from $85 to $90 per hour. The latter fee represents Mr Jone' s customary fee. FISCAL IMPACT It is anticipated that the Interim City Attorney cost will be covered by regular budget appropriations. MS:kv File: MATRNY • A G R E E M E N T • II FOR INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY SERVICES This agreement is entered into between the City of ATASCADERO ("CITY") and ROBERT M. JONES (ATTORNEY) . 1. CITY hereby retains ATTORNEY to act as Interim City Attorney as part-time independent contractor . ATTORNEY shall be paid an hourly rate of ninety dollars ($90) for legal services rendered, including: A. Drafting of ordinances, resolutions, contracts, leases, opinions, and similar documents; B. Attendance at City Council Meetings and City staff agenda preparation meetings. C. Reviewing contracts for legal form and content. 2. ATTORNEY shall provide legal services only as requested by the City Council, the City Manager , or key Department Heads, as designated from time to time by the City Manager. • 3. In addition to his hourly compensation, ATTORNEY will be reinbursed for out-of-pocket expenses for such items as court filing fees, long distance telephone calls, photo copying, and -similar out-of-pocket items. 4. ATTORNEY is employed to serve at the pelasure of the City Council and shall at all times hold himself ready to perform his duties pursuant to this Agreement. However, it is understood that ATTORNEY is free to engage in a full-time private practice for himself, and it will be necessary to provide adequate notice to ATTORNEY the need for extra- ordinary service. 5. This agreement may be terminated by either party by service of seven (7) days written notice upon the other party. September 8, 1986 ROBERT M. JONES MARJORIE MACKEY Attorney Mayor • City of Atascadero My�'NG AG''�1DA D 9/A/�6 iIE, A-5 • To: City Council MEMORANDUM Through: Mike Shelton, City Manager From: David G. Jorgensen Date: September 4, 1986 Subject: Travel Policy RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council approve the Travel Policy as outlined in Exhibit A. DISCUSSION One of my department goals this fiscal year is to review and update the Personnel Rules and Regulations. This will take some time to accomplish. However, in reviewing the existing regulations, I noted the lack of a written travel policy for people traveling on City business, paid for by the City. In practice, uniformity I believe is necessary to control costs and minimize potential abuses. • With this in mind, I prepared a draft of a proposed travel policy. This policy was discussed at length with the City Manager and the Department Heads. A draft copy was also given to the City Council for their comments. The attached policy reflects a consensus of input from all these individuals. RESOLUTION NO. 102-86 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING A TRAVEL POLICY FOR ALL INDIVIDUALS TRAVELING ON CITY BUSINESS WHEREAS, it is necessary for individuals to travel at City expense on City business from time to time; WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish standards and fiduciary control concerning the disbursement of City funds; WHEREAS, the standards should be able to be applied uniformly by the City Finance Department; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Atascadero does hereby adopt the City Travel Policy as detailed in Exhibit A. ON MOTION BY Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember , the Atascadero City Council hereby adopts the foregoing resolution in its entirety by the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: • ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk MARJORIE R. MACKEY, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROBERT M. JONES, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MIC B. HELTO , City Manager r 0 0 issue checks, therefore, if proper requests for such advances are received by 5:00 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the week the trip is to take place. POST TRAINING For courses funded by the State Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission, restrictions currently in effect shall govern expenditure limitations for meals and lodging. (See P.O.S.T. Administrative Manual. ) 0 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ATASCADERO TRAVEL POLICY Purpose To reimburse City of Atascadero employees, elected officials and commissioners for their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the conduct of business for the City. Reimbursement for such expenses will be made subject to these rules. Any person traveling at City expense is expected to show good judgement and proper regard for economy in incurring expenses as he normally would if he were traveling at his own expense. Eligible Travel Expenses Costs which are eligible for payment with City funds include: Meals Lodging Transportation (including personal vehicle use) Parking Fees Reasonable Gratuities Safe Arrival Personal Phone Call Car Rental Cab Fare Ineligible Expenses The following expenditures are ineligible expenses for reimburse- ment by City funds: Costs for entertainment (except as part of banquet ticket or conference registration) Travel Paid for By Another Organization Liquor Valet Services Meal or Lodging Accommodations for Family or Guests Non-Business Related Tour Bus Fares or Sightseeing Tours Personal Telephone Calls (except as noted in the policy) Mileage if Traveling as a Passenger in Privately Owned Transportation Trip Insurance Any Other Personal Expenditure for Entertainment, Recreation or Other Purposes Per Diem In lieu of submitting receipts for reimbursement, the per diem . is to be used for meals, gratuities and tolls. • A per diem will be advanced to a person traveling on City business. The amount of the per diem will be: $30. 00 for Conference Days In order to receive the per diem advance, a purchase order must be submitted to the Finance Department by Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. the week before the trip is to take place. A check will then be processed and will be available the Friday prior to the trip. Any deviation from this must be approved by the Director of Administrative Services. TRAVEL COSTS ALL REIMBURSEABLE TRAVEL EXPENSES MUST BE DOCUMENTED BY RECEIPTS. Transportation The most economical and expeditious form of transportation should be used. Travel by air : Only tourist class air fare is appropriate. Travel by City Car : Only City employees and other persons authorized by the Department Head will be permitted to travel in City-owned cars. Reimbursement will be made for repairs, gasoline, oil, storage, parking and other necessary expenses for the use of the City car . A paid receipt must support all reimbursement requests of this nature. Travel by Private Car : The use of a private car will normally be confined to destinations within the State. Full reimbursement for travel by private car is at the rate of $. 24 per mile and is paid to the car owner . Reimbursement will be made on a mileage basis unless it is more expensive than what it would cost to reach the same destination by air. No reimbursement will be made for expenses incurred in making repairs, except reasonable towing expenses. Coverage of these expenses is provided in the mileage rate. Lodging Lodging expenses will be paid at reasonable rates, whenever possible. • i Whenever feasible and appropriate, it is suggested that employees room together. Expenses for spouses are not allowed. In cases where rates for lodging are established separately for two or more persons to a room, lodging at the single rate only will be allowed. The City will pay reasonable costs associated with conference recommended lodging accommodations, at the rate of a standard single room. Other Expenses Parking Fees: Actual expense will be reimbursed. Parking fees to a maximum of $5 per day are reimburseable without receipts; anything more than $5 will need a receipt. Registration: Registration fees for conventions, conferences and seminars will be considered eligible for reimbursement ( if not pre-paid) . Car Rental: Rental car expense will only be authorized when it is more practical and/or less expensive than the use of taxi cabs, other public transportation or hotel 0 supplied transportation. Cab Fare: Cab fare while on City business will be considered eligible. DOCUMENTATION OF EXPENSES Expenses shall be properly submitted on a travel expense form. Each employee is expected to submit his own travel expense form. If lodging accommodations are shared between two or more employees, the billing shall be submitted by the employee paying the bill. Non-Routine claims for reimbursement shall be accompanied by an explanation of such charge. All applicable receipts shall be attached to the travel expense form. Travel expense forms shall be turned in to the Finance Department. The completed travel expense form shall be approved by the Department Head prior to being turned in to the Finance Depart- ment Disbursement of Travel Advances The Director of Administrative Services may approve advances of estimated travel funds in excess of the per diem amount and ETfNG AGtiNDA • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council September 8, 1986 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager 10 - FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director kms, SUBJECT: Card Room Business License LOCATION: 5940 El Camino Real APPLICANT: Mary Johnson REQUEST: Consideration for approval of Camino Card Parlour business license change of ownership. BACKGROUND: Chapter 3-5.03.15 of the Atascadero Business License Ordinance re- quires that all card room license applications be reviewed by the • Police Chief and, with his finding and recommendation, be forwarded to the City Council for action. The Camino Card Parlour is currently owned and operated by Shirley Butterfield who was granted City Council approval for this operation on July 28, 1986 . Mary Johnson wishes to purchase the card room oper- ation from the present owner. The applicant has successfully completed a standard Police Department background investigation. The application is being brought before the Council at this time since a change of g ownershipis being requested. g eq ested. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the change of ownership of the Camino Card Parlour located at 5940 El Camino Real. HE:MM:ps file: tran92 • �n Ml: G AGTlDA DAT- WEE ltEM r - • MEMORANDUM TO: City Council September 8, 1986 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager ' FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Tentative Tract Map 20-86 LOCATION: 8305 Coromar APPLICANT: George Molina (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of a 3. 50 acre parcel into six lots of between 0.50 and 0 .71 acres each. On August 18, 1986 , the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced subject, unanimously approving the application subject to the findings and conditions contained in the attached staff • report. It should be noted that after discussion, the conditions were amended as reflected in the revised conditions of approval which are attached. Tom Vaughan with Twin Cities Engienering, representing the applicant, expressed several concerns with regard to the proposed conditions and asked that the Commission consider amending Condition #7 as the appli- cant' s desire is to post a bond for these improvements to be completed within a year ' s time rather than prior to recordation of the final map. The Commission felt that all improvements should be installed prior to sale and/or development of the lots that are being created. There was discussion among the Commission concerning the need to have the future private road fully paved to accommodate all of the proposed lots which will be created. No one else spoke on the matter . /p s cc: George Molina Twin Cities Engineering • City of Atascadero Item: R-1 STAFF REPORT • FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: 8/18/86 BY: Steven L. Decamp, Senior Planner File No: TTM 20-86 Project Address: 8305 Coromar Road SUBJECT: Proposal to subdivide one parcel containing 3. 50 acres into six lots ranging in size between 0.50 acres and 0 .71 acres. BACKGROUND: Notice of public hearing was published in the Atascadero News on August 8, 1986. All property owners of. record located within 300 feet of the subject property were also notified on that date. A. LOCATION: 8305 Coromar Road (Lots 6A and 7, Block 7) B. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Subdivision of a 3. 50 acre par-• cel into six lots of between 0 . 50 and 0 .71 acres each. 2. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..George Molina 3. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Twin Cities Engineering 4. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. 50 acres 5. Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Coromar is a City-maintained road with a 40 foot wide right- of-way. 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RSF-X (Residential Single Family - High Density) 7. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .House and barn 8. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . . .North: RSF-X, residential South: RSF-X, residential East: US Highway 101 West: RSF-X, residential 9 . General Plan Designation. . . . .High Density Single Family Residential • 10. Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Level to gently sloping 0 ! Tentative Tract Map 20-86 (Molina/Twin Cities Engineering) 11. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted July 18, 1986 C. ANALYSIS: The property proposed for subdivision is located in the RSF-X zone. The minimum lot size in this zone is one-half acre. Each of the lots proposed in this application meets or exceeds the min- imum lot size requirement of this zone. The subject property currently contains one single family dwelling and a barn. The new lots being created are located to the rear of the existing dwelling. Access to these new lots will be by a pri- vate road from Coromar. If this road is improved to City stand- ards, it would allow for eventual acceptance of the road into the City-maintained system. If the road is improved to a lesser standard, it will remain a private road to be maintained under the provisions of a road maintenance agreement. The access road will also serve as a Public Utilities Easement allowing the rear lots to be connected to the sewer line existing in Coromar . The entire area surrounding the subject parcel was the subject of recent General Plan and Zoning Ordinance amendments allowing for the establishment of one-half acre lots. The proposal before the Commission is in conformance with the new General Plan and Zoning Ordinance provisions. Staff believes that the type and density of development proposed is appropriate for the neighborhood. D. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends conditional approval of Tentative Tract Map 20-86 based on the Findings in Exhibit A and the Conditions of Approval in Exhibit B. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Findings for Approval Exhibit B - Conditions of Approval Exhibit C - Location and Zoning Map Exhibit D - Tentative Tract Map 2 Tentative Tract Map 20-86 (Molina/Twin Cities Engineering) EXHIBIT A - Tentative Tract Map 20-86 Findings for Approval August 18 , 1986 FINDINGS: 1. The creation of these parcels conforms to the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan. 2. The creation of these parcels, in conformance with the recommended conditions of approval, will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development that is proposed. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of development that is proposed. 5. The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. 6. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvement will not . conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision; or that substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7. The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474 .6 of the State Subdivision Map Act as to methods of handling and discharge of waste. 3 EXHIBIT B - Tentative Tract Map 20-86 Conditions of Approval (as amended) August 18 , 1986 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and water lines shall exist at the frontage of each parcel or its public utility easement prior to recordation of the final map. 2. All existing and proposed utility easements, pipelines and other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are other building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 3. Grading, drainage, and erosion control plans, prepared by a regis- tered civil engineer , shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to recording the final map. 4. Drainage work and facilities shall be constructed to City of Atas- cadero standards prior to recording a final map. 5. Prior to recording the final map, a soils investigation (as re- quired by the Map Act) shall be submitted, recommending corrective action which will prevent structural damage to each structure pro- posed to be constructed in the area where soils problems may exist. The date of such reports, the name of the engineer making the report, and the location where the reports are on file shall be noted on the final map. 6. Road improvement plans prepared by a registered civil engineer must be submitted to and approved by the Public Works Department prior to recording the final map. 7. Construction of road improvements shall be completed prior to re- cording the final map, and shall include paving of the entire road and hammerhead as shown on the tentative map. 8. Construct an Atascadero City standard cul-de-sac or approved ham- merhead at the terminus of the road where said road serves three or fewer parcels. 9. Road improvements shall be to one of the following standards for : a. Maintenance agreement road : 1. 16 foot wide AC traveled way 2. 20 foot wide road bed 3. Minimum 50 foot centerline radius Tentative Tract Map 0-86 (Molina/Twin Cities Engineering) or ; b. City-accepted road : 1. 20 foot wide AC traveled way 2. 24 foot wide road bed 3. Minimum 110 foot centerline radius 4. 40 foot wide right-of-way 10. All road grading shall be completed prior to recording the final map. 11. An irrevocable offer of dedication to the City of Atascadero for the following right-of-way for future road purposes shall be made and noted on the final map: Street Name: unnamed future street Limits: From Coromar to cul-de-sac Minimum Width: 40 feet 12. Install all street signs, traffic delineation devices, warning and regulatory signs, guardrail, barricades, and other similar devices where required by the Public Works Director . Signs shall be in conformance with the Public Works Department standards and the current State of California uniform sign chart. Installation of traffic devices shall be subject to review and modifications after construction, and shall be limited to the intersection of Coromar Road and the unnamed future street. 13. An offer of dedication to the public for the Public Utilities Easement shall be made. 14. All offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneously to recording the final map. 15. A road maintenance agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed, and a note to this effect shall be placed on the final map. This condition will be deleted if the road is built to City standards (see Condition 9-b) . 16. A City standard fire hydrant shall be installed at the cul-de- sac/hammerhead at the terminus of the road prior to recording the final map. 17. If the future road is to be constructed to City standards, a name for the road shall be selected and presented to the Planning Com- mission for approval. Said name shall then appear on the road on the final map. 18. Obtain encroachment permit(s) from the Public Works Department prior to recording the final map, and construct improvements as directed by the encroachment permit (s) prior to final building inspection. 2 Tentative Tract Map �86 (Molina/Twin Cities Engineering) 19. Plan and profile drawings of proposed individual driveways, drive- way easements and private roads shall be submitted for approval by the Community Development and Public Works Department in order to determine average grade and appropriate improvement requirements. This shall appear as a note on the final map. 20. Wastewater disposal shall be by connection to the public sewer . 21. Obtain sewer connection permits from the Public Works Department prior to hooking up to the public sewer . 22. All development fees and/or assessments in effect at the time of building permit application shall be paid at the time of building permit issuance. This shall appear as a note on the final map. 23. The property owner shall enter into an agreement, acceptable to the City Attorney, agreeing to participate in the formation of an assessment district for drainage and related improvements intended to mitigate flooding in the Amapoa/Tecorida drainage area and in those areas impacted by that drainage. 24. Participate in eliminating a portion of the flood hazard to the property by posting a performance security in the amount of $2,996/cfs or $5,393.00/acre with the City to be used for a drain- age improvement project for channelizing the outflow from Atasca- dero Lake to Atascadero Creek. In the event that a future assess- ment district is formed for the area drainage improvements that include this project, then credit in the amount of the deposit will be applied towards final apportionment of the assessment if allowed by the assessment district proceedings. This shall appear as a note on the final map. 25. A ten foot wide Public Utilities Easement shall be established along the northerly boundary of Lot 4 and along the southerly boundary of Lots 5 and 6. 26. A final map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submit- ted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 27 . Approval of this tentative tract map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. 3 • a �y yam• , / •► I r V` Vim/ ,•,: `� �+ ? --r,Qc � �? ;:�' �:� trS•:'Tt a:KY!L !..,.•, . a Y � � � '-wT-9?•sT •' ,IE ...t XT-t 1 S JkT �...' ,,.+ e+ ao •y• ♦ a ? i,j.wi �\ stir , Ar-19-23 12-61 f'3 a .)t'o �.i ' fI♦ \-. ' .+ Y c.` SSet 'AT'81-185 12•b1 �:: -► - +�p,P . �j•++a .Z� t' '*y 1 '• +:•+ ..��j \ AT 81 2X 5.25.82 �... •• ae . G ''gyp•a +• t �• :O Y' 77 K e ✓✓I•, ' .. . tai 4 e�• '.��r ti3 r� './.p - �Ip• ♦_' r Oyr. •"ICS t S s - 'f� ,4 , u .;y!, 44•' Yt.• E REVISION DATE. 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Coromor -- jr`JEtI3," IL A.--- It 3 10 ti I , ,O wy ip a n �y Ave hA E v F C 2 a M ~ R , EET"NG AG7NDA DATA 9/8/86 nEM A.8 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council i' _ September 8, 1986 lM` VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director l SUBJECT Lot Line Adjustment 9-85 LOCATION: 9095 La Linia Avenue APPLICANT: Richard Meyers (Volbrecht Surveys) REQUEST: To adjust a lot line between two existing parcels result- ing in a reduction in the size of an existing, nonconform- ing lot. On August 18, 1986 , the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced subject, unanimously approving the application subject to the findings and conditions contained in the attached staff report. Alan Volbrecht, representing the applicant, noted his agreement with the staff report. No one else spoke on the matter . /ps cc: Ed Jewell Delver Costiloe Daniel J. Stewart • City of Atascadero Item:—B-2 • STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: 8/18/86 BY: Steven L. DeCamp, Senior Planner File No: LLA 9-85 Project Address: 9095 La Linia Avenue SUBJECT: Request to adjust a lot line between two existing parcels resulting in a reduction in the size of an existing nonconforming lot. BACKGROUND: The. City' s Zoning Ordinance provides a method for accomplishing lot line adjustments that will result in a reduction in the size of exist- ing, nonconforming lots. This lot line adjustment procedure is the same as that required for the review of variance requests. Among the requirements for this type of action is that a public hearing be conducted. Notice of public hearing was published in the Atascadero News on Aug- ust 8, 1986. All property owners of record located within 300 feet of the site were also notified on that date. A. LOCATION: 9095 La Linia Avenue (Ptn. Lot 6, Block E, Eaglet #1) B. SITUATION, AND FACTS: 1. Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Adjustment of a lot line between two existing developed lots. 2. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Richard Meyers 3. Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Volbrecht Surveys 4. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.21 acres (APN #30-253-04) 0 .20 acres (APN #30-253-05) 5. Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .La Linia is a paved, City main- tained street with a 40 foot wide right-of-way. El Centro is paved and also has a 40 foot right-of-way. 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RSF-Y (Residential Single Family one acre minimum lot size with sewers, one and one-half acre • without sewer) Lot Line Adjustment 9-85 (Meyers/Volbrecht Surveys) 7. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Single family dwellings 8. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . . .North: RSF-Y, residential South: RSF-Y, residential East: RSF-Y, residential West: RSF-Y, residential 9. General Plan Designation. . . . .Moderate Density Single Family 10. Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Flat 11. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Categorically Exempt (Class 5) C. ANALYSIS: ' The property which is the subject of this lot line adjustment is located in the RSF-Y zone. The minimum lot size allowed in this zone is 1.0 acres where sewers are available. Neither of the affected parcels meet the minimum lot size and are considered to be nonconforming. Because one of the lots will be made smaller (more nonconforming) as a result of the proposed lot line adjust- ment, Section 9-7.116 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that review and action on the proposal follow variance procedures (Section 9-1.113) . These procedures require that the Planning Commission make additional specific findings prior to approving such a lot line adjustment. The General Plan provides for the reduction in size of existing nonconforming lots through lot line adjustment in certain speci- fied cases. Land Use Policy #10 on Page 62 of the General Plan provides, in part: "Reduction in size of existing nonconforming lots shall, how- ever only be allowed with lot line adjustments to correct historical and geographical use problems and to facilitate the relocation of existing utilities, infrastructures or easements where no increase in overall density will result. " The lots in question are both developed with single family dwell- ings. Improvements on the parcel fronting on La Linia Avenue have been constructed on or beyond the rear property line. These im- provements include a metal shed, a retaining wall, and a concrete patio and walkway. Because both lots are very narrow (approxi- mately 75 feet) , and the existing improvements fill the lots, there is no opportunity to effect a lot line adjustment involving an equal exchange of land between the two lots. This method is normally preferred to avoid any further reduction in the size of nonconforming lots. Under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, there are four find- ings that must be made prior to the approval of the proposed lot line adjustment. These are the same findings that must be made prior to the approval of a variance. 2 h . Lot Line Adjustment 9-85 (Meyers/Volbrecht Surveys) The first finding requires a determination that the lot line ad- justment does not represent a "grant of special privileges. " Although this project would result in the further reduction in the size of a nonconforming lot, it will not result in any increase in overall neighborhood density. Thus, even though other properties would not be allowed to subdivide into substandard lot sizes, they would be allowed lot line adjustments under similar circumstances. The second finding requires a determination that "special circum- stances" exist to justify the action requested. As noted above, both of the subject parcels are fully developed to the limits allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. Some of the improvements were placed across a property line and have existed that way for a num- ber of years. Due to the size and configuration of the lots and their improvements, there is no feasible alternative lot config- uration that will meet the intent of the application without re- ducing the size of a nonconforming lot. The third finding requires a determination that the approval will not authorize a use not otherwise authorized in the zoning dis- trict. The use of both of the subject parcels is residential which is the allowed use in the zone. No change in the use of density of the parcels is requested or will be authorized through approval of the lot line adjustment. Finally, a finding must be made that the proposal will not, if approved, adversely affect public health, safety or welfare. The lot line adjustment requested will not result in any density in- crease or any new development. The change requested is legal in nature and will not result in any discernible change to the sub- ject parcels or the neighborhood character . Thus, there will be no effect upon the health, safety or welfare. The proposed lot line adjustment meets the test of the required variance findings and is in conformance with all of the other Gen- eral Plan and Zoning Ordinance provisions. In this case, there will be no detrimental effects from the further reduction in size of an existing nonconforming lot. D. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Lot Line Adjustment 9-85 based on the Findings in Exhibit A and the Conditions in Exhibit B. SLD:ps ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Findings for Approval Exhibit B - Conditions of Approval Exhibit C - Location and Zoning Map Exhibit D - Tentative Lot Line Adjustment Map 3 Lot Line Adjustment 9-85 (Meyers/Volbrecht Surveys) EXHIBIT A - Lot Line Adjustment 9-85 Findings for Approval August 18 , 1986 FINDINGS: 1. The application as submitted has been determined to be categori- cally exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 2. The application as submitted conforms with all applicable zoning, general plan and subdivision regulations of the City of Atascadero. 3. The lot line adjustment authorized does not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zoning district in which such prop- erties in the vicinity and zoning district in which such property is situated. 4. There are special circumstances applicable to the property, in- cluding size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings, and because of these circumstances, the application of this Title would deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and in the same zoning district. 5. The lot line adjustment does not authorize a use which is not otherwise authorized in the zoning district. 6. The granting of such lot line adjustment, under the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, adversely affect the health or safety .of persons, is not materially detrimental to the public welfare, nor injurious to nearby property or improvements. 4 Lot Line Adjustment 9-85 (Meyers/Volbrecht Surveys) EXHIBIT B - Lot Line Adjustment 9-85 Conditions of Approval August 18, 1986 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Prior to recording the lot line adjustment, certificates of com- pliance shall be obtained and recorded for each of the existing parcels. 2. The lot line adjustment as generally shown on the map attachment provided herein shall be submitted in final map format or reflec- ted in a record of survey to be approved by the Community Develop- ment Department prior to recordation by the County Recorder ' s Office. 3. The proposed adjusted lot lines shall be surveyed and monuments set at the new property corners prior to recordation of the final map or record of survey. 4. If a final map is to be recorded, all existing improvements and easements shall be delineated thereon. 5. Approval of this lot line adjustmentshallexpire two years from the date of approval unless a time extension has been granted pur- suant to a written request prior to the expiration date. 5 '- x� IBlT G -- • ti i � < ! < ! Q l i I L oc-,4-ri ont Z N i m 4 LLA 9385 93'ES a_ t 93V5 929 ,]10' 100 N C7 11 9Z'SO 1CD 5 r / ko \ '' <p� • ; r,gi oda '-♦ _-4 m CQ ,-- 1p OWN In V dos v _ 9100 ;. 9095 LA L►�I A AVE. r s 5Se es55 Or- Ir\ •t?�" i�� G > , \ - 44 a. 9 ` - 350 `p� Q n 5 0,0 via �/_ `1�` I�!•' .hJ (�' spa iA��� 895 tee C%j 0 ttio gas- �• e �',� �. '.�o .r `l P AD '\/hb �� � m \ ' \,•gt� ,. +�'"F ,ti,off _ �N �'+. v-� 1> ° Nps t/) s rQ a/JM A Cap A p-6 in Fn Ile a S s, `•�� 'A its. �D � n� y {A/•�//yL1/" G� 1 1 � w ' / I Ps e, ti0 .s a "'E AGENDA DTE Qj�JR� ITEM # A 9 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council September 8, 1986 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager , FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director AW_ SUBJECT: Lot Line Adjustment 11-85 LOCATION: 4370/4390 Rosita Avenue APPLICANT: Ed Jewell/Delver Costiloe (Daniel J. Stewart) REQUEST: To adjust a lot line between two existing parcels result- ing in a reduction in the size of an existing, nonconform- ing lot. On August 18, 1986 , the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced subject, unanimously approving the application • subject to the findings and conditions contained in the attached staff report. Ed Jewell, applicant, spoke in support of the request and indicated his concurrence with the recommendation. No one else spoke on the matter . /ps cc: Ed Jewell Delver Costiloe Daniel J. Stewart • City of Atascadero Item: B-3 • STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: 8/18/86 BY: Steven L. DeCamp, Senior Planner File No: LLA 11-85 Project Address: 4370/4390 Rosita Avenue SUBJECT: Request to adjust a lot line between two existing parcels resulting in a reduction in the size of an existing nonconforming lot. BACKGROUND: The City' s Zoning Ordinance provides a method for accomplishing lot line adjustments that will result in a reduction in the size of exist- ing, nonconforming lots. This lot line adjustment procedure is the same as that required for the review of variance requests. Among the requirements for this type of action is that a public hearing be conducted Notice of public hearing was published in the Atascadero News on Aug- ust 8, 1986. All property owners of record located within 300 feet of the site were also notified on that date. • A. LOCATION: 4370/4390 Rosita Avenue (Lots 146 & 147, Block NC) B. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Adjustment of a lot line between two existing developed lots. 2. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ed Jewell/Delver Costiloe 3. Engineer . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .Daniel J. Stewart 4. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lot 146 : 0.32 acres Lot 147 : 0.34 acres 5. Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rosita Avenue is a paved street with a 40 foot wide right-of-way 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LSF-X (Limited Single Family - 0 . 5 acre minimum lot size) 7. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Single family dwellings 8. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . . .North: LSF-X, residential • South: LSF-X, residential East: LSF-X, residential West: LSF-X, residential Lot Line Adjustment 11-85 (Jewell/Costiloe) 9. General Plan Designation. . . . .High Density Single Family 10. Terrain. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gently sloping 11. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Categorically Exempt (Class 5) C. ANALYSIS: The property which is the subject of this lot line adjustment is located in the LSF-X zone. The minimum lot size allowed in this zone is 0.5 acres. Neither of the affected parcels meet the min- imum lot size and are considered to be nonconforming. Because one of the lots will be made smaller (more nonconforming) as a result of the proposed lot line adjustment, Section 9-7.116 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that review and action on the proposal follow variance procedures (Section 9-1.113) . These procedures require that the Planning Commission make additional specific findings prior to approving such a lot line adjustment. The General Plan provides for the reduction in size of existing nonconforming lots through lot line adjustment in certain speci- fied cases. Land Use Policy #10 on Page 62 of the General Plan provides, in part: "'Reduction in size of existing nonconforming lots shall, how- ever only be allowed with lot line adjustments to correct historical and geographical use problems and to facilitate the relocation of existing utilities, infrastructures or easements where no increase in overall density will result. " The lots in question are both developed with single family dwell- ings. The fence and driveway for the dwelling at 4370 Rosita both encroach onto the lot at 4390 Rosita. Because of the size and configuration of the lots, there is no opportunity to effect a lot line adjustment involving an equal exchange of land between the two lots. This method is normally preferred to avoid any further reduction in the size of nonconforming lots. The proposed project appears to meet the intent of the General Plan policy language referenced above. Under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, there are four find- ings that must be made prior to the approval of the proposed lot line adjustment. These are the same findings that must be made prior to the approval of a variance. The first finding requires a determination that the lot line ad- justment does not represent a "grant of special privileges. " Although this project would result in the further reduction in the size of a nonconforming lot, it will not result in any increase in overall neighborhood density. Thus, even though other properties would not be allowed to subdivide into substandard lot sizes, they would be allowed lot line adjustments under similar circumstances. 2 Lot Line Adjustment 11-85 (Jewell/Costiloe) The second finding requires a determination that "special circum- stances" exist to justify the action requested. As noted above, both of the subject parcels are fully developed to the limits allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. Some of the improvements were placed across a property line and have existed that way for a num- ber of years. Due to the size and configuration of the lots and their improvements, there is no feasible alternative lot config- uration that will meet the intent of the .application without re- ducing the size of a nonconforming lot. The third finding requires a determnation that the approval will not authorize a use not otherwise authorized in the zoning dis- trict. The use of both of the subject parcels is residential which is the allowed use in the zone. No change in the use of density of the parcels is requested or will be authorized through approval of the lot line adjustment. Finally, a finding must be made that the proposal will not, if approved, adversely affect public health, safety or welfare. The lot line adjustment requested will not result in any density in- crease or any new development. The change requested is legal in nature and will not result in any discernible change to the sub- ject parcels or the neighborhood character . Thus, there will be no effect upon the health, safety or welfare. The proposed lot line adjustment meets the test of the required variance findings and is in conformance with all of the other Gen- eral Plan and Zoning Ordinance provisions. In this case, there will be no detrimental effects from the further reduction in size of an existing nonconforming lot. D. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Lot Line Adjustment 11-85 based on the Findings in Exhibit A and the Conditions in Exhibit B. SLD:ps ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Findings for Approval Exhibit B - 'Conditions of Approval Exhibit C - Location and Zoning Map Exhibit D - Tentative Lot Line Adjustment Map 3 i 0 Lot Line Adjustment 11-85 (Jewell/Costiloe) EXHIBIT A - Lot Line Adjustment 11-85 Findings for Approval August 18 , 1986 FINDINGS: 1. The application as submitted has been determined to be categori- cally exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 2. The application as submitted conforms with all applicable zoning, general plan and subdivision regulations of the City of Atascadero. 3. The lot line adjustment authorized does not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zoning district in which such prop- erties in the vicinity and zoning district in which such property is situated. 4. There are special circumstances applicable to the property, in- cluding size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings, and because of these circumstances, the application of this Title would deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and in the same zoning district. 5. The lot line adjustment do o authorize� es not a thori e a use which is not otherwise authorized in the zoning district. 6. The granting of such lot line adjustment, under the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, adversely affect the health or safety of persons, is not materially detrimental to the public welfare, nor injurious to nearby property or improvements. 4 ,1 I 0 s Lot Line Adjustment 11-85 (Jewell/Costiloe) EXHIBIT B - Lot Line Adjustment 11-85 Conditions of Approval August 18 , 1986 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The lot line adjustment as generally shown on the map attachment provided herein shall be submitted in final map format or reflec- ted in a record of survey to be approved by the Community Develop- ment Department prior to recordation by the County Recorder ' s Office. 2. The proposed adjusted lot lines shall be surveyed and monuments set at the new property corners prior to recordation of the final map or record of survey. 3. If a final map is to be recorded, all existing improvements and easements shall be delineated thereon. 4. Approval of this lot line adjustment shall expire two years from the date of approval unless a time extension has been granted pur- suant to a written request prior to the expiration date. 5 , ; -c, EX14I 81 T p t,LA 11 b5' •rh At v4 •-t• 1 v o "ILof n c ` M are A zo• •. Ic�� a� o -01 Ilk a ° G ox �xI LAA DO 0 2 2 6 Lp CP y$ s 4p�s \Du �. 22 � -i �. y`+2 '• 4�:,t fl 00 �� �. ✓ d�• 1��i "-' app 1' 22t ^v��29 �"• � / C +�o� A g ass- R,� 21712 'elf, 3nN ' "N e A _ A A r P! *y U 220 V s A0�11e h216 Na 21 � z� 01 ew e Dk`e" j18z 2p5cv, Sl 0 Ap 20g y$ 9 �0. .+�Grr g4Z�i —` \6e` \ �►p` a tot b }• 1n Af �9 fs L S /\ G ••5°915 Q- \S 19� S1zS P; sioot ( 201 v 0 ,tf,, h�ti� F n �!l�:y .+X''z P/; •�ai•� V' V z 1 r� � �'„ �g(c�Z7 "S�$150��513�i q*�" 183 �5 ��" 194 S J ` ! 4 3 0 40�4 79a X05 t TA AVE'v y Ns jo C,` v� eo- ; 5'1zo4 .`sti �s�F ',,� "•or`s�Q �� �� �F�. '- a��k sA��, a�s�sgs� IZo ` � .. Ak '` �p\ � �5jp �� A`, aA 6z� �6,iSpN ,r4� r'IfT'o ylf ;`47•p.1+''-S�} M O LZ' ," } ul a r • INS j,�°\ AR-� �' o• `� iA°` _� �. �..c..^✓ CR � �,C' yy`O • N ; > `h yn� � ; .•' "a4M�,�,Y�.r `' �`\ , 7 90, I F �. A ''sr �o A�? �-'.1 ' el�tPr.S� seg •� � �''� 3` •s p�p` 5 .. (6r. x 'L t. MM �n ��i�q\• � I' N r,�F 9/8/86 AGZMA q_10 ` I:EM MEMORANDUM • TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager OLL . FROM: Paul,Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer t�7 SUBJECT: Authorization to Bid - 1986/87 Overlay Project DATE: September 2, 1986 Recommendation: It is recommended that Council authorize staff to prepare plans and specifications and advertise for bids for the 1986/87 Overlay Project. Background: The project proposed to be let out to bid includes an asphalt overlay of various city-maintained streets and the surfacing of the Cayucos and Falda Avenue Maintenance Districts approved previously. • Discussion: The work proposed is part of our annual resurfacing program and has been previously approved during -the budget process. Fiscal Impact: Funds are budgeted in the F.Y. 1986-87 budget for this project. • ANG AG,-:NDA DATE- V_8L8 r ,v,A # A-11 r MEMORANDUM • TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager - L FROM: Pain ensibaugh, Director of Public Works Z SUBJECT: Authorization to Bid - Transit Bus DATE: September 2, 1986 Recommendation: It is recommended that Council authorize staff to prepare specifications and advertise for bids for the purchase of a new bus for the Dial-A-Ride Transportation System. Discussion: This year , as in the past years, we have requested and received a grant for the purchase of new buses for the Dial- A-Ride system. Authorization has been received from the State Department of Transportation to proceed with the bid • procedures required to purchase the bus. Background: At the City Council meeting of September 23, 1985, Council authorized staff to make application for the purchase of two replacement buses, one bus to be funded out of Section 18 funds and the other out of State Discretionary Funds, both administered by the San Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council and Regional Transportation Planning Agency in conjunction with the State Department of Transportation. Fiscal Impact: The grant received for this bus is funded on a matching fund basis. The total cost of the bus is approximately $40 ,000 with the City share being approximately $8,000. • FETING AG�-Nr�A � 9/8/86 1,Ern#_A-12 • MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: No Parking of Vehicles 6 ' in Height or Greater within 100 ' of an intersection on El Camino Real from San Anselmo (East) to San Gabriel Road DATE: September 3, 1986 Recommendation Staff recommends that Council adopt Resolution No. 101-86 which prohibits the parking of vehicles that are 6 ft. high or greater, within 100 ' of an intersection on E1 Camino Real from San Anselmo (east) to San Gabriel Road. Background • This issue, as well as the issue of establishing 2 hour parking within the same limits, were the subject of the January 13, 1986 Council agenda. The request at that time was to hold a public hearing and to hold the items for budget considerations. A public hearing was held on January 22 at 5:00 p.m. and no one from the public attended to discuss either issue. The budget presentations included both issues and Council appropriated $8,000 for the materials for both projects combined. Discussion Staff suggests that of the two issues the above resolution would be both less controversial and less costly. The passage of the resolution would allow implementation as soon as the cash flow would allow. Sight distance at intersections and driveways are a problem on E1 Camino Real. This action would improve sight distance at intersections and would alleviate some driveway� visability problems as well. The issue of 2-Hour Parking will be approached later in the year as funds become available. Fiscal Impact This item is estimated at about $2500 and is included in the • $8,000 budgeted from the $0. 50 development mitigation tax. Attachments Resolution 101-86 Background Data RESOLUTION NO. 101-86 • A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO PROHIBITING THE PARKING OF VEHICLES 6 ' IN HEIGHT OR GREATER FROM PARKING WITHIN 100 ' OF AN INTERSECTION ON EL CAMINO REAL FROM SAN ANSELMO (EAST) TO SAN GABRIEL ROAD WHEREAS, Section 4-2.1101 et sequence of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to determine the location of No Parking areas, and to place and maintain appro- priate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Traffic Committee has recommended that prohibiting the parking of vehicles 6 ' in height or greater within 100 ' of an intersection on E1 Camino Real from San Anselmo (east) to San Gabriel Road will relieve a hazardous sight dis- tance condition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appro- priate signs or markings that the parking of vehicles 6 ' in height or greater within 100 ' of an intersection on El Camino Real from San Anselmo (east) to San Gabriel Road is prohibited. On motion by Councilman ,and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: UNON BOYD C. SHARITZ MARJORIE R. MACKEY City Clerk Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT APPROVED AS TO FORM PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH ROBERT M. JONES Director of Public Works City Attorney • 3 i ! • MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: Request Authorization to Hold Public Hearing on Traffic Committee Items DATE: January 7, 1986 Recommendation: Staff is recommending that a Public Hearing be held to discuss items that have been brought to the attention of the Traffic Committee. Public Hearing, if approved, to be held January 22, 5:00 p.m. at the regular meeting of the Traffic Committee in the Council Chambers. Background: It has been brought to the attention of the Traffic Committee that the parking of tall vehicles near driveways causes a severe sight distance problem. The Traffic Committee is recommending prohibiting the parking of vehicles 6 ' in height or over within 100 ' of w Additionally, the Traffic Committee is recommending establishing 2-Hour Parking on El Camino Real from San Anselmo to San Gabriel Roads. This action is to alleviate reoccurring problems connected with long term parking. Discussion: While both of these recommendations appear warranted, it is felt that the impact would be sufficient to justify holding a Public Hearing on both matters. The Public Hearing would be held by the Traffic Committee and a report of comments and recommendations would be sent to the City Council for action. Fiscal Impact: Approximately 170 signs would be necessary to complete the above recommendation and 2 men with a vehicle would be tied up for approximately 2 weeks could cost up to $15 ,000 and could not be taken from the present budget without sacrificing other projects. TRAFFIC COMMITT Agen j t ;s. C � y ' ` /ACTION_ REQUEST Request Date Problem: r� �f;:;'r/ Cr e/7z / V U Location: Action Requested By: Signature Sketch Below 0 See Attached Sketch ElRefer to Drawing Existing Proposed Recommended Solution: ''�Ioc, /7`//ive 117, C. �0;-, ✓�? l Committee Decision: Estimated Cost. Necessary Action: Council F]Director of Public Works 0 Chief of Police F-]None Controlling Ordinance or Resolution: Approved by Traffic Committee Chairman Date Disapproved by Traffic Committee Chairman Date F] Approved by Council Denied by Council Date Date Work Completed by Public Works Superintendent - Date Initials Director of White - Public Works Canary - Chief of Police Pink - Planning Director Goldenrod- - City Manage 1 § 22506 -438- Div. 11 +� (3) In areas within one-half mile of the boundary of any unit of the state + park system which the county health officer has determined are areas where or h a substantial public health hazard would result if camping were allowed, pen upon notification of the .,Department of. Transportation of such c determination by the county-health officer: -vehi (b) No person shall park any vehicle in violation of the restrictions stated T) on such signs or markings. issui c This section shall nota 1 to any of the following: apply A 1 Public utility vehicles while performing a work opera tion- ( ) tl' P grl (2)' The driver of any vehicle which is disabled in such a manner and to. Pa j d. such extent that it is impossible to avoid stopping-and temporarily leaving An' the disabled vehicle on the roadway. Th. Amended Ch:888,Stats.1963.Effective September 20,1963. follov i Amended Ch.515,Stats.1970.Effective November 23,1970. fo 5. Amended Ch.5 Stats.1974.Effective anu 1,197 2. January Loco : Local Regulation of Slate Highway Parking 2.2 22506.. Local authoritiesmay>by ordinance or resolution prohibitor autk sC restrict the parking-of,vehicles on a state highway, in their respective .'or st jurisdictions,if the ordinance or resolution is first submitted to and approved bets in writing by the Department of Transportation, except.that where prol maintenance of any state highway is delegated by the Department.of in a Transportation to a city, the department may also delegate to the city the vehi 1 powers conferred on the department. rela s` Amended Ch.545,Stats.1974.Effective January 1,1975. a sy 1F . . .. - .rest Local Regulations resit '22507. Local authorities may; by ordinance or resolution, prohibit or lack restrict the parking or standing of vehicles,including vehkies which are six rela feet or more in-height (including any load thereon) withlh 100 feet of nay dist( intersection,on certain streets or highways,or portions thereof,during all or mak �'. certain hours of the day. ( )1 The ordinance or resolution may include a any designation of certain streets upon which preferential parking privileges the i' ( )'are given to residents and merchants adjacent to ( )�t the streets for re their use and the use of their guests, under which ' the residents and P po merchants may be issued a permit or permits which exempt them from the pre, 1 ; prohibition or restriction of the ordinance or resolution.With the exception Ad of alleys,no such ordinance or resolution shall apply until signs or markings An giving adequate notice thereof have been placed. A local ordinance or An t resolution adopted pursuant to this section may contain provisions which are Lace reasonable and necessary to insure the effectiveness of a preferential parking program. !. Amended Ch.1070,Stats.-1963.Effective September 20,1963. rest t; Amended Ch.541,Stats.1969.Effective November 10,1969.- higl- Amended Ch.1102,Stats.1976.Effective January 1,1977. ordi Amended Ch.140,Stats.1980.Effective January 1,1981. veh: Amended Ch.181,Stats. 1984.Effective January 1,1985. Corr: The 1984 amendment added the italicized material and at the point(s) indicated deleted the following.: mer ' I-Such stre a- "shall bethe Permit Parking:Private Driveway stru 22507.2. Notwithstanding. subdivision (e) of Section 22500, a local ordi authority may, by ordinance,authorize the owner or lessee of property to Port park a vehicle in front of the owner's or lessee's private driveway when the . sten vehicle dispplays a permit issued pursuant to the ordinance authorizing such autl parking..The ordinance shall include, but not be limited to, the following to t _ requirements: lett( (a). The name and address of the owner or lessee of the private property hou ' is on the permit. inte (b) The permit is effective ( ) while the holder owns or leases the for s ' ro art stre P p y for which the permit is issued,but may be revoked without notice f pari Ad An j: MUTCD NUMBER NONE CODE R28B (Lt.) or (Rt.) 1/4 1-1/4 R 1/4 I 1.1/8 4.7/8 3.1/2 B 7/8 1/4 z 2C O RKING T F„ 1/4 0 18 2 C 0 a to VEHICLES a 1/4 cc I— LL 2C O OVER 6 FT z --1/4 w 2C ccQ HIGH CL uj � --- 1.1/4 I 2-1/4 I z �--- 6-3/8cc 2 z O LL J Q U LL O COLORS w 1-3/8 Q BORDER & MESSAGE• RED N BACKGROUND•WHITE 1/8 R t 7/8 t 3/4 � 7/8 4 1/4 ARROWHEAD DETAIL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES {4` THE POLICY FOR INTENDED USAGE OF THIS SIGN IS SHOWN ON REVERSE SIDE. CJ _ 10l10� $4- CHIEF,DIVISION OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DATE REVISION REVISION DMO-T-69(REV.12-80) '1EETING AG1DA. .. DATE 9/8/36 B=1=.R' • MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Sewer Charge for Cease and Desist Areas "C" & "E" DATE: September 2, 1986 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council approve Option B, but would not be uncomfortable with the adoption of Options C or D. Background Council has made several efforts to reduce the cost of sewer Assessment District No. 4 and at the same time maintain the Sanitation and General Fund monies that are earmarked for capital improvements that affect the entire City. This has been done by: i1. Instructing the Engineer to reduce design costs as low as practicable without sacrificing good engineering judgement. Such de- sign considerations were outlined in the staff report at the last re- gular meeting (copy attached) . 2. Requesting a time extension from the RWQCB to June 30 , 1987. It appears that the staff for the Board will recommend to the Board to extend the construction deadline to September of 1987 , if the City proceeds immediately with the project. 3. Exempting Cease and Desist areas from the new sewer charge and new annexation fees, and only requiring them to pay the old annex- ation fee of $850. This represents a savings of nearly $335,000 to Assessment District No. 4. 4. Allowing two (2) years to connect to the mainline to provide time to line up funds and contractors for improvements on private pro- perty. If the RWQCB accepts the September , 1987 deadline, the time limit for connection will be September , 1989. It should be noted that the assessments themselves, if the measure passes this October , will not be placed on the tax rolls until August of 1987 . Therefore, one-half of the annual installment (about $250 for Seperado area and about $300 for the Cayucos area) will not be due until December , 1987 . The assessment on a monthly basis will • be about $42 for Seperado and about $50 for the Cayucos area, if current estimates hold up. 5. Researching any and all applicable grants and/or to available to the city and/or owners. There are some programs ava able for the elderly and low income sectors, but otherwise no help '0171S been found. (refer to attached report. ) 6. Providing City participation or ownership in the portions of the system for which associated costs, plus interest, can be re- couped at a later date. This action will reduce the burden to the property owners by approximately $300 ,000 . The purpose of this report is to present options regarding the collection of the annexation fee to further assist the owners with their financial burden. The following options do not affect the Engineer ' s Report or the Spread of Assessments. The construction and related costs are not expected to change significantly going to bid. The job is expected, however , to be competitive and perhaps the bids received will be favorable. Option A: Owners to pay the full $850 annexation fee upon connection (or September, 1987) Option B: Allow 5 years to pay off the $850 annexaiton fee at no interest. This would not be a loan, just a delay in payment. The loss to ACSD would be the interest that would not be earned on the fee dur that period. It is . proposed that a lein be taken on the property and that the issue be placed on the first August 10 tax roll after the mandatory 2 year connection date. That would make one half of the first one-fifth (or 10% of $850 = $85) due in December of 1990. Option C: Charge Areas "C" & "E" the new sewer charge instead of the old annexation fee. When the new sewer fees were adopted, the council was working on the formation of the Marchant Way Sewer Assessment District No. 3 (Cease and Desist Area F) . Council at that time exempted Cease and . Desist areas from the new fees and set their fee the same as the old annexation fee. Staff concedes that areas "C" & "E" are unique since those are the only areas that are under a direct order that is date specific. Indeed, in some ways the areas can be compared to the vacant lots in Assessment District No. 1. The plant was sized at 1.4 mgd to accept the flow from Improvement District No. 1, plus the Cease and Desist Areas. The lines in Improvement District No. 1 were also of adequate size to handle the above flow, but annexations over the years, which have paid heavily into the system, have utilized some of the capacity originally intended for others. The annexation fees charged, however , will provide the oversizing of existing lines or new lines necess due to that development. 2 • The build-out of Improvement District No. 1 itself, however , without consideration of annexations, will provide flows in excess of the original calculations. The biggest factor contributing to the problem is the above normal inflow and infiltration of storm waters entering the system. Therefore, those prooperties that have paid the assessments for the lines but did not develop,and therefore, did not connect to the sewer , must pay the new sewer charge of $573 upon con- nection. New annexations pay that charge plus the new annexation fee of $1210 ainsince they are placing a demand on the system above and beyond original design. It can be argued that it may be appropriate to allow areas "C" & "E" to pay the new sewer charge ($573) instead of the old annexation fee ($850) . Although the ACSD would not collect the same amount of money it would be the normal annexation process, it can be rationalized that if annexations for these areas were allowed to take their natural course, in leiu of the forced annexation now in process, the fees would dribble in over many years and perhaps never equal in total the $573 per parcel collected in mass. The additional savings to the owners would be approximately $100 ,000 for this option and would not involve the expenditure of any existing City funds. Option D: Combine Option C with the theory of Option B. This would allow the $573 in Option C to be paid over a period of 5 years beginning in december of 1990 ($58) . Option E: Pay no annexation fee or sewer charges. Additional Considerations Since the last regular meeting, staff has been approached on all sides with ideas from citizens and consultants regarding help with the problem. These ideas . range from Community Development Block Grants to fronting only the costs for the elderly. Staff is not tak- ing any suggestion lightly but is discarding those that they feel do not warrant council' s time. Staff itself has unvieled a couple of new code sections that should be brought to Council' s attention as protection against criti- cism of not exploring all avenues. The first is Health and Safety Code Section 6120 , et seq. (Chapter 11) , Assistance to Small Rural Communities. This involves technical assistance for the development of community facilities. The limit to any one community is $7 ,500 and Assemblyman Seastrand' s office advises that the prospect for such a grant does not look good for our situation. 3 The other program, as outlined in Health and Safety Coo Section 5464 , allows a property owner that is involved in an assesle ment district to request the City to construct "all necessary plumb- ing" to connect to the sewer main, take a lein on the property and recover the costs over a maximum of 15 years at a maximum interest rate of 6%. This procedure, while appearing attractive on the surface could be a monumental undertaking which- would be more costly to the owners than the alternatives. The project would be handled seperately from the assessment procedure, could involve one or many contractors, would require pre- vailing wage provisions, would involve financing costs and would re- quire seperate plans and specifications and engineering costs. This concept would be an administrative nightmare which could involve over 300 parcels, thus over 300 individual situations which all involve the encroachment onto private property. The in- dividual tastes of owners, the problems with disturbing landscaping and the inspection time required,coupled with those items mentioned above could easily tripple the cost to the owners. Doing or hiring the majority of the work themselves over the extended time period be- ing offered by council appears to be a more viable concept. Staff does not approve of this program but brings it to council' s and the homeowner ' s attention. If there is sufficient i terest in a project of this nature, and if council directs its impl mentation, staff will provide the necessary guidance to make it work. Recommendation Staff recommends tht Option B be adopted but understands the attractiveness of Options C and D and would not be uncomfortable if Council decided to adopt either of those proposals. Editorally, staff would be very disappointed, that if Option C or D is selected, if a majority protest would occur on October 27. There are no more rabbits. Staff time alone has been a major contribution to the project. A 10% to 15% administrative charge to the new assessment district is both warranted and fair . Such charges, however , are not a part of this project. In excess of $60 ,000 has been invested to date in engineering and legal fees. These are real dollars and will be lost if the dis- trict is not formed. Council is reminded that the consequences in not forming the district, or in not overriding a majority protest if such protest occurs, are very serious and may cost all of the sewered population dearly. Besides imposing fines and placing a septic tank use mora- torium on the lot owners, the RWQCB will most likely be directed EPA to recover the $3 million grant received by the ACSD. This is nNo a bluff. The RWQCB clearly holds the ace in the hole. 4 The Sanitation fund will front nearly $500, 000 in the Seperado- Cayucos and Marchant Way areas based on staff recommendations. All but a small portion of these costs will come back to the City, including interest and financing costs, and, therefore, only a temporary loss of the use of these funds will be experienced. Additionally, no sacri- fice is being made to the operation and maintenance of the system and the 1986-87 Capital Improvement budget involves projects that will provide an adequate infrastructure for several years to come. However , Cease and Desist Areas G, I and F (portion) have not been sewered. The scheduling for such sewering is a requirement of Order 81-60 . What concessions, if any, will be made for these areas are unknown at this time, but some provisions should be anticipated in the future. Fiscal Impact Nothing new addressed in this report is expected to have a significant impact on City funds, but the same could mean an additi- onal savings of as much as $100 ,000 to the property owners and should allow adequate time to meet the obligations of paying any required fees. The overall savings to Assessment District No. 4. , as contained in this report, could reach $735,000 , not including the pos- itive affect of design considerations, interest savings, staff time and valuable time extensions. 5 1 MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh,' Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Status Report Sanitary Sewer Assessment District No. 4 - Cease and Desist Areas "C" & "E" DATE: August 18, 1986 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council proceed • with the adoption of the Engineer ' s Report and Plans and Specifications for the above pro- ject at the September 8 regular Council meeting and that the time schedule for subsequent actions be adjusted from that date. This action will not require a formal motion, but staff direction is re- quested on the issue of City participation. Council is also requested to acknowledge that the CEQA requirements have been met and that a negative declaration has been prepared for the project. Such docume will be noticed for 10 days, and final action will be requested September 8. Background: After passage of the Resolution of Intent, Council directed staff to research every possible avenue to decrease the assessments to the parcels in areas "C" & "E" , without sacrificing the integrity of the project. The following is a report on staff ' s findings with re- spect to City participation, cost reductions, title notifications, environmental considerations, availability of grants, private loans, assistance to the elderly, and alternative financing. Finally updated assessment costs are discussed which incorporate the City parti- cipation concept. Staff has made a major conceptual change in recommended cost •allocations within the last week, and therefore, has removed the Engi- neer ' s report from this agenda in order to incorporate these changes in the proposed assessments, and to ask Council ' s guidance on the new approach. City Participation Staff has been researching ways to accomplish fair participation by the City. The key element is to begin to talk about "participating" in improvements for which the City could reimbursed through future users of those improvements. Deleting cos that would not directly benefit parcels in "C" & "E" , if the complete sanitary sewer system for the entire drainage basin was con- J structed all at time, appears to be a fair and equitable approach There are some improvements that are required that should,however , be proportionately cost allocated to "C" & "E" . Portions of the lift station and the force main, and the gravity trunk line along Traffic Way may be constructed at City expense, the cost of which will be recouped when adjacent properties are connected. (See Exhibit A) Similarily, one-half of the San Anselmo trunk line could be constructed mostly at City expense. The Urban Services Line, a plan- ning line outside of which no public sewers are anticipated, runs up the centerline of San Anselmo. Therefore, at the present time the northerly adjacent frontage cannot be assessed as would normally be the case. (See Exhibit B) The change on Traffic Way would require an amendment to Resolution 69-86 that established the assessment district boundary to eliminate those parcels that are not in the cease and desist area but that front the new trunk line. These parcels would be required to connect to the sewer main within two years of the line becoming avail- able. Therefore, the associated costs would not be born by areas "C" & "E" , but would on the other hand be returned to the City upon connection. One half of San Anselmo would be treated similarily, ex- cept that no boundary line adjustment is required. Engineering and other processing costs would be proportined to allow the City to finance the "non benefiting" portions of the project. S.taff would need to bring back a resolution after the protest hearing that would set a line extension cost on those properties that would be required to reimburse the City for their fair share of the project over and above the annexation fees and sewer charges in effect at that time. This procedure is common in the midwest and some parts of California, and is a cousin to the old in-lieu-of assessment charged by the ACSD in the early days of incorporation. The City will have an option at a later date to pay the City participation cost within the 30 day period, or finance it through a bond issue. Other Cost Savings Many hours have been spent by staff and our engineering con- sultant to establish a profile grade on the sewer trunk lines that would enable the greatest number of parcels to be served by gravity flow laterals, yet which would not drive up the cost significantly to the entire district because of excessive trench depths. In one case a line that would serve only 3 out of 7 parcels at 15 feet deep could only pick up 4 by going to 20 feet. It was more cost effective, therefore, to place the line shallow to reduce the cost to the majority and require the 7 lots to either acquire a private easement or to pump. Increased depth, that would affect everyone, would in- crease the cost to some lots more than the cost of the pump that might be saved. Construction costs to about 12 feet deep increase somewhat • linearly, but costs over 15 to 20 feet deep increase exponentially. 2 • i Pumping by private parcels is looked upon as an additional bur that the majority does not incur. On this project, however, t minority group has chosen to construct at locations that are not com- patible to public sewer service, and the majority, the gravity served lots, argue that they should not bear the burden of pumping costs for which they derive no benefits. Costs along Traffic Way, San Anselmo and a few other streets have been reduced due to the redesign of "the alignment to avoid pave- ment replacement where possible. For the most part, existing utilities on either side of the road prohibit the installation of the sanitary sewer outside of the pavement. Additionally, the cost of manholes at the angle points that redirect the sewer to the outside often outweighs the savings due to pavement replacement reductions. Trees or tree root systems also can be endangered if the edge of the road is utilized for deep sewers. Therefore, avoiding pavement re- placement is not an automatic savings. On narrow streets with utilities on either side, engineered curves were used for the sewer alignment to avoid excessive manhole requirements at angle points. It is beyond the scope of this paper , of course, to elaborate on all the typical considerations given to a project by a competent engineer to reduce the costs of construction. There is, however, one other .. suggestion from the homeowners that deserves consideration, b cannot be pursued by the City. There may be cases where a group lot owners can obtain easements sufficient to serve several properti and use a common lateral to connect to the main sewer. These ease- ments cannot legally be obtained by the City unless the land is made public and the maintenance is accepted by the same; neither of which is acceptable to staff. It is also against City Ordinance to allow common laterals, unless a waiver is granted by the City Engineer. Such a waiver may be given for apartments or condominiums, or common ownership properties. If a group of lot lowers can obtain appropriate and sufficient easements, without an environmental impact that may challenge the neg- ative declaration received, and if a maintenance agreement is recorded with such properties, then staff will consider an addendum or change order to the project to accommodate such a design. It should be noted that the majority of easements considered by the consultant may have required the elimination of several trees and other natural surround- ings. Title Notification Much criticism has been received regarding the lack of notice of the Cease and Desist Order . Staff is pursuing a method by which the title to the property can contain a recorded notice that such pro- perty is under a Cease and Desist Order. 3 It is proposed that lots in all other cease and desist areas will have the Order attached to their title. Staff wants to make everyone aware, however, that such an action on our part may cloud the title sufficiently, or place an undesirable stigma on the parcel, that resale values may be affected, or that legal actions may result from perceived devaluation or potential reverse condemnation. It is sug- gested that the Regional Water Quality Control Board is the appro- priate body to cause notification to be placed on the titles. If a majority protest is received, and subsequently not overriden, lots in areas "C" & "E" have indirectly requested that the titles to their parcels contain such language so that future owners will not be subject to misunderstandings with respect to this issue. CEQUA Requirements Negative Declaration: Environmental considerations for the project show that the design is intended to clean up the environment and in doing so will not have an adverse impact on the same. The Director of Community Development has given a negative declaration to the project based upon the re- quired findings by the consulting engineer as contained in the engi- neer ' s report to be adopted at the September 8 regular council meet- ing. Council is _ asked to make a motion to accept those findings at that meeting. County Findings Staff has been in contact with the County staff who has indicated that the RWQCB directed the study to be completed and that the County and the RWQCB agree tha the results were conclusive and remain valid to date. There is a strong feeling by those involved that if a similar study was completed today that the results ould at best be the same, but most likely would show a worse problem than in 1981. Staff has requested a proposal from the County Environmental lab that will indicate the cost of sampling of effluent and tracing that effluent to private septic tanks. Should it be desired to pursue a second study, the burden of the cost, assuming confirmation of the original study, will add to homeowners cost. Availability of Grants Staff has researched the availability of grants from as many sources as practicable. Regional Water Quality Control Board : Enclosed is a letter from Ken Jones dated July 21, 1986 stating that EPA or' Clean Water Grants are not available for Areas C & E since two thirds of the flow does not come from homes existing prior to October 18, 1972. He re- ferred us to the Federal Housing Administration. 4 Housing and Urban Development Block Funds: HUD requires t a specific block or area be designated that meets low income minority guidelines. Atascadero in general, as well as areas C & E does not have such areas due to its unique subdivision layout in 1914. The only available grants at this time are Economic Development HUD grants, which require that an increase in low income or minority group jobs will result from economic assistance. Farmer 's Home Administration: Enclosed is a letter from Paul Rice dated July 24 , 1986 stating that the medium income in Atas- cadero exceeds the maximum allowed for grant participation under cur- rent guidelines and therefore our City does not qualify. Some senior citizen grants are available on a private basis, but the population in Atascadero exceeds the maximum population requirement of the FmHA rural program. However, low income elderly citizens are encouraged to apply by contacting the Arroyo Grande office at 805-489-6151. University of Davis Data Base: The University of Davis has a computer program that apparently has all available grants for any- thing and everything stored and cross-referenced. Bob Best, Director of Parks and Recreation, has requested an output specifically for sewer construction. There had not been a response to that inquiry at this writing. Other Grants: A student grantswriter from Cal Poly has been assigned to Administrative Services Director, Dave Jorgensen recent to research grant availability and to write specific grants. To d* no positive results have occurred. Political Assistance Enclosed is a letter written to Assemblyman Eric Seastrand soliciting help with the Cease and Desist problem. Also attached is a copy of a letter from the Homeowners group, and Mr . Seastrands letter to Ken Jones. Additionally, there is a short response to the Public Works follow-up call by Valerie Humphrey, Clerical Technician. A similar letter to the first was sent to Senator Thomas in Pismo Beach and Bakersfield. A follow up call indicated that they had misplaced our letters and requested a copy. No response has been given to date. Private Loans Farmers Home Administration: Enclosed is a brochure regarding Farmers._ Home Administration Loans. Loans are available for waste disposal system that meets local health department requirements, . . . " at various interest rates from 1% to regular rates. The 1% loans are for $1500 to $2500 and require an adjusted family income of $3 , 000 or less. Any adjusted, family income exceeding $7 ,000 does not qualify for 3% or less in- terest rates. Other incomes and interest rates are programmed, b most likely are not available to Atascadero residents since our po ulation is 11 shy of 20,000 , the maximum population requirement of FmHA participation. Interested parties should contact the Arroyo 5 Grande office mentioned earlier . Other Loans: Kathy Williams, agent for Security Pacific, the bond underwriters on this project, have been contacted regarding private loans. Their information reveals that the applicable loans are second mortage loans and are available through regular channels and normal qualifying standards. Private owners are also encouraged to seek Federal Housing Administration Loans due to the low interest rates and down payments. Assistance to the Elderly Besides those grants and loans already discussed, there is a State program for the elderly which will loan money for sewer and other improvements and obtain a lein on the property. When the house sells, or when the person dies, the State will recoup their monies from the sale of the premises. Additional information on that program will be available through the Administrative Services Director in the near future. Alternative Financing Staff has researched Pool Financing, Certificates of Participation, Revenue Bonds and Privatization. Pool Financing: The California Financing Corporation and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) were both consulted re- garding pool financing. All existing pool financing issues are for equipment or buildings and involve a lease-buy-back concept. This type of financing requires the sale of bonds on a group basis, but is otherwise similar to the bonding program staff has engaged. Certificates of Participation: Certificates of Participation offer no advantages over municipal bonds, except that an assessment district does not have to be formed, and thus a vote of the people is not required. Revenue Bonds: Revenue Bonds are similar to municipal bonds except that future revenues are pledged through sewer rates. Thus instead of paying assessments the lot owners pay a monthly sewer rate to reduce the debt. No lein is taken on the property for security, therefore, collection for bad debts goes through the normal back taxes collection procedures. Privitization: Privitization involves the const'ruct'ion , by private contractor and a lease or purchase back to the owner� (city) . The County anticipated using this mechanism for the Los Osos project since the $39,000 , 000 price tag was attractive to the private sector . However , the California Marks bill requires prevailing wage to be charged (as do all the other programs discussed above) , and such a scheme is subject to a referendum within 30 days. Additionally, the new Federal Tax . Law now disallows tax incentives for the privitization 6 i ! route. Therefore, since interest rates are down and the project 16% grant eligible, the County may opt for Industrial Develop Bonds. If privitization is used the project is not grant eligibles and the savings would be minimal. Privitization on smaller projects is even less attractive. New Costs: Revised construction costs are now being generated from the final design and will be included in the Engineer ' s Report on Sept- ember 8. The spread of assessments will be estimated from these figures, but will be revised after bids are received. A review of the anticipated City participation, the total project cost, the former assessment amount and the newly proposed assessments will be given verbally Monday (August 25) during the pre- sentation of this agenda item. 7 ND SAFETY CODE HEALTH AIV V DAr r,i i t,w"rJ ____ 9:1,Jt t to the extent such governing board pays the cost or price of said connection, it shall succeed to and have all the rights, including the lien provided for above, of such person or persons against the real estate and against the owner or reputed owner thereof. Kennedy v. City of Ukiah As an alternative power to the enforcement of the lien provided-for in this section, the governing C.A.3d $45. body of the public agency performing the work of connection to the public sewer may, by order entered upon its minutes, declare that the amount of the costs of such work and the administrative - expenses incurred by the governing body incident to the proceedings, together with other charges uniformly applicable within the jurisdiction of the governing body for the connection of the premises to the public sewer, shall be transmitted to the assessor and tax collector of the public agency, whereupon it shall be the duty of those officers to add the amount of the assessment to the next :rnra were instituted tinder regular bill for taxes levied against the lot or parcel of land. tes, it was not necessary to The liens provided for by this section shall be enforced in the same manner as those provided for :rerrtents contained in such by Title 15(commencing with Section 3082), Part 4, Division 3, of the Civil Code. s Ukiah (1977) 138 Cal.Rptr. . The governing board may also use the procedures in Section 5474 for levying the costs incurred for the construction of the improvements for the connection of the premises to the public sewer tearing - (Amended by Stats.1971, c.'935,p. 1834, § 1; Stats.1973,c. 852, p. 1519, § 1,urgency, eff.Sept. 25, 1973.) ents" were instituted under - es,.it was not necessary to § 5464. Request by owner for governing board to connect property to system; lien for work rements contained in such done Ukiah (1977) 138 Cai.Rptr. Any owner or reputed owner,who has his property included within an assessment district for the construction of a main trunkline or collector sewer lines, may request the governing board to - construct all necessary plumbing to connect his property to the adjoining street public sewer system. The person employed by the governing board to do the work shall have a lien upon the property,for o give notice and provide work done and materials furnished, and the work done and materials furnished shall be deemed to Jk: 77) 138 Cal.Rptr. have been done and furnished at the request of the owner, reputed owner, or person claiming or having any interest in the property. The governing board may pay all, or any part, of the cost or price of the connection to the person or persons who furnished labor,materials,or equipment and,to the extent that the governing board pays the cost or price of the connection, it shall succeed to and have all the rights,including the lien,of the person or persons against the property and the owner or reputed owner of the property. As an alternative power to the enforcement of the lien provided for in this section, the governing SEWERS body of the public agency performing the work of connection to the public sewer may, by the power of ordinance approved by two-thirds vote of the members of the legislative body, fix the cost of improvement for connection to the sanitation or sewerage facilities, fix the times at which such costs shall become due,provide for the payment of the costs prior to the construction and connection or in rcing the Clean-Water Act installments over a period, not to exceed 15 years,provide a rate of interest, not to exceed 6 percent 2 U.S.F.LRev-437. per annum, to be charged on the unpaid balance of the costs, and provide that the amount of the costs and,the interest shall constitute a lien against,the respective lots or parcels upon which the facilities are constructed. i The governing body may use the procedures specified in Section 5474 to implement the levying of the costs for the construction and connection of the premises to the public sewer. lien for work done. (Added by Stats.1973, c. 852, p. 1520, § 2, urgency, eff:Sept. 25, 1973.) of health officer or Library References Municipal Co ! P Corporations X712. r other district having C•J•S. Municipal Corporations§ 1805- iotice upon the owner ier or reputed owner, use, together with all - ARTICLE 3.5. BONDS ' ry manner, with the _ arson doing said work al estate for his work Section 1 be held to have been 5465• Repealed. .aiming or having any ost or price of such nt for the same,and, ' itic* amendment Asterisks •.• indicate deletions by amendment 17 Library References Municipal Corporations e-918. G.S. Municipal Corporations§ 1920- § 5474.30. Enforcement of chapter The primary responsibility for enforcement of the provisions of this chapter shall be vested in the local health officers; county agricultural commissioners may participate in such enforcement. The State Departments of Health Services, Industrial Relations, and Food and Agriculture may also enforce the provisions of this chapter. Any agency enforcing the provisions of this chapter shall report any violation to all field offices of the • • • Employment Development Department located in the county where the violation occurs. Such report shall-identify the employer responsible for the violation,the nature of the violation, and the location of the food crop growing and harvesting operation where the violation occurs. The • Employment Development Department shall not refer persons for employment to any employer or food crop growing and harvesting operation identified in such report until the agency reporting the violation certifies that the violation has been corrected. (Amended by Stats.1971, c. 1593, p. 3283, § 193,operative July 1, 1973; Stats.1973, c. 1206, p.2612, § 33; Stats.1973, c. 1207, p. 2662, § 33; Stats.1977, c. 1252, p. 4392, § 295, operative July 1, 1978.) i971 Legislation. - Notes of Decision Operative effect and subordination of amendment by Stats.1971,c. 1593,p.3424,to other 1971 legislation affect- 1. In general ing this section,see note under§ 20. Violation notices issued by local health departments pur- 1973 Legislation. .suant to§ 5474.20 et seq. are subject to public inspection. Conformance with federal requirements of provisions of 53 Ops.Atty.Gen.258,8-19-70- Stats.1973,c. 1206.and Stats.1973,c. 1207,see note under ._Code of Civil Procedure§ 690.175. Law Review Commentaries Scaling the welfare bureaucracy: Expanding concepts of governmental employee liability. (1973) 21 U.C.L.A.Law Rev.624. - § 5474.31. Violations Law Review Commentaries Scaling the welfare bureaucracy: Expanding concepts of governmental employee liability. (1973) 21 U.C.L.A.Law Rev.624. CHAPTER 11. ASSISTANCE TO SMALL RURAL COMMUNITIES Section 6120- Definitions. ... _ 6121. Legislative findings and declarations. - i 6122. Establishment of rural community facilities technical assistance program; contracts. - 6123- Administration of program. 6124. Purpose of program; funds used with maximum amount of matching nonprogram funds. 6125- Rural community facility grant fund; appropriation. 6126. Conditions for grant of funds by contract with eligible grantees. 6127. Rules and regulations. Chapter 11 was added by Stats.1983, c. 1152, p. ; § L § 6120. Definitions =Unless the context otherwise requires,the definitions in this section govern the construction of this chapter. (a) "Community facility"means a public or mutual water system,or publicly operated waste water system. (b) "Department" means the Department of Housing and Community Development. Asterisks • indicate deletions by amendment 39A Cai-Code-2 23i 1986 P.P. .' § 6120 .,HEALTH AND...... �:. ...... SAFETY!CODE HE (c) "Eligible grantee"means a local governmental entity ora private nonprofit organization which has demonstrated capacity to provide technical assistance on all subjects specified in subdivision(g). § 61 (d) "Low-income community"means a community in which the median income of the persons in the community, area, or city is less than 70 percent of the median income in the state, T1 (e) "Rural community" means any community, area, or city with less than 5,000 population. (Add (f) "Seed money" means funds granted by the department pursuant chapter for project organization and development, test wells, prelim nary engineering, pro of this fees, ' ' • and other costs which are necessary to get a project a § 61: state, or federal sources ' ' P J pproved for financing from local, Th (g) "Technical assistance" means assistance and advice on all of the following subjects: ensue (1) Organization, including formation, financing, and operation, of public and private nonprofit service entities. servic (2) Community responsibilities, including the conduct of meetings, maintenance of minutes of when meetings, provic g , preparation and analysis of budgets, keeping of fiscal records, and supervision of staff. great (3) Operation and maintenance, including schedules and techniques pertaining to all parts of a facility, and maintenance control systems and maintenance recordkeeping to assure adequate (Adde maintenance,.including schedules and techniques pertaining to all parts of a facility,and maintenance control systems and maintenance recordkeeping to assure adequate maintenance is performed on a § 612: facility. (4) Project development, including, but not limited to: The (A) The preparation of plans for needed expansion,creation of services,and schedules for expected Contin major repairs or replacement needs. the pr: _ the pry (B) Negotiation of contracts for professional services. grant (C) An examination of various funding alternatives, and packaging applications for assistance. (Addec (D) Review of engineering plans and specifications for development projects. (E) Compliance with appropriate regulations relative to funding agencies. § 6126 (5) Financial assistance available from the department in seed money grants pursuant to this chapter. The (Added by Stats.1983, c. 1152, tions: P• § 1. Amended by Stats.1984, c. 744, p, Library References § 1') (a) T Words and Phrases(Perm,Ed•) countT (b) T § 6121. Legislative findings and declarations costs cc The Legislature finds and declares that small rural communities are unable to take advantage of (c) various local, state, and federal facility development programs due to their lack of technical certifiec expertise,staff,and seed money. The Legislature finds and declares that changing state and federal regulations relative to the provision of domestic water and waste water disposal are creating an �d) T, extra hardship upon rural areas. The Legislature further finds and declares that the provisions of this chapter are necessary in order to provide assistance to rural areas so that they may take (e) TT advantage of existingfive hun the future. Programs and develop self-help expertise enabling them to assist themselves in less. (Added by Stats,1983, c. 1152, (f) Th requires funds. § 6122. Establishment of rural community facilities technical assistance program; contracts (Added t lish a which,subject�to the availability ent shall boffunds therefor, contracural Community ties s shall b beal madeAssistance the department under 1 Public entities and nonprofit corporations for the provision of technical assistance to rural and § 6127. Y partment with low-income communities in the,operation, maintenance, and development of community facilities. f The de (Added by Stats,1983, c. 1152, p, § 1,) chapter. (Added b Underline indicates changes or additions by amendment >> Asterisks . - �s DATA: 9/8/86 E' B-1-b • CITY OF ATASCADERO IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 4 (SEPARADO-CAYUCAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) RESOLUTION NO. 99-86 RESOLUTION APPROVING REVISED BOUNDARY MAP AND REVISING THE DESCRIPTION OF PUBLIC -IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, in accordance with prior proceedings duly had and taken, the City Council of the City of Atascadero (the "City Council" ) has declared its intention to and has determined to undertake proceedings pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 and to issue bonds in said proceedings • under the provisions of the Improvement Bonds Act of 1915 for the acquisition and construction in and for the City of Atascadero of certain public improvements in and for an assessment district in the City designated "City of Atascadero Improvement District No. 4 (Separado-Cayucas Assessment District) "; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 69-86, adopted on July 14, 1986, the City Council approved a map of the proposed boundaries of said assessment district; and WHEREAS, on July 14, 1986, the City Council adopted Resolution of Intention No. 70-86, wherein the proposed public improvements were described; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to revise said boundary map • and to revise the description of the proposed public improvements; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Atascadero, as follows: 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and this City Council so finds ,and determines. 2 . The revised map submitted to this City Council, entitled "Proposed Boundaries, City of Atascadero Improvement District No. 4 (Separado-Cayucas Assessment District) , County of San Luis Obispo, State of California" a copy of which is attached hereto and labeled Exhibit A is hereby approved as the map of the proposed boundaries of said assessment. 3 . The description of the proposed public • improvements contained in Exhibit A to the Resolution of Intention No. 70-86 is hereby revised as shown on Exhibit B attached hereto and said Resolution of Intention is hereby amended only as to the description of the proposed improvements, which description shall govern for the assessment proceedings. 2 041003-0001-198-4900d t r PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September, 1986, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers NOES: ABSENT: Marjorie R. Mackey, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County, State of California ATTEST: Boyd C. Sharitz City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obisbo County, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Robert M. Jones, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Robert M. Jones, City Attorney 3 041003-0001-198-4900d R-5 CITY OF ATASCADERO IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 4 (SEPARADO-CAYUCAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) RESOLUTION NO. 100-.86 RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER' S REPORT ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS, APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS TO SAID IMPROVE- MENTS AND CALLING FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS WHEREAS, in accordance with prior proceedings duly had and taken, the City Council of the City of Atascadero (the "City Council" ) has declared its intention to and has determined to undertake proceedings pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 and issue bonds in said proceedings under the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 for the acquisition and construction in and for the City of Atascadero (the "City" ) of the public improvements more particularly described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein and made a part hereof, in and for an assessment district in the City designated "City of Atascadero Improvement District No. 4 (Separado-Cayucas Assessment District) "; and WHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution No. 66-86 duly adopted on July 14, 1986, determined that the construction of the public improvements is necessary as a health measure; and WHEREAS, the City Council, by resolution duly adopted, appointed the firm of John L. Wallace & Associates as Engineer of Work in and for said proceedings and authorized and directed said firm to do and perform or cause to be done and performed all engineering work necessary in and for said proceedings, including the preparation of plans and specifications for said improvements and the descriptions of the acquisitions, together with estimates of costs thereof, and the preparation of a map of the assessment district, an assessment diagram, and an assessment, and the supervision of the work; and WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution of Intention No. 70-86 heretofore duly adopted, as amended by Resolution No. , adopted on September 8, 1986, declared its intention to order said improvements to be made in and for said assessment district; and WHEREAS, the City Council in and by said Resolution of Intention referred said proposed improvements to the Engineer of Work in and for said assessment district and directed said Engineer of Work to make and file a report in writing containing the matters specified in Section 10204 of the Streets and Highways Code; and [WHEREAS, the Engineer of Work has complied with the • requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act by 2 041003-0001-198-4586d obtaining the necessary declarations and clearances for the proposed improvements; and] WHEREAS, in accordance with said Resolution of Intention, said Engineer of Work has filed with the City Clerk of the City a report in writing containing the matters specified in said Section 10204 of the Streets and Highways Code; and WHEREAS, Said report has been duly presented by the City Clerk of the City to the City Council for consideration and has been fully considered by the City Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, as follows: 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Council so finds and determines. 2 . Said report is hereby preliminarily approved by the City Council, and o' clock P.M. on Monday, October 27, 1986, at the Chambers of the City Council, City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California 93423, is hereby fixed by the City Council as the time and place for hearing protests to said proposed improvements. Any interested person may object to said proposed improvements, the extent of the assessment district or to the proposed assessment by filing a written protest with the City Clerk of the City at or before the time set for said hearing. Each protest must contain a description of the property in which the signer thereof is interested sufficient to identify the same and, if the signers 3 041003-0001-198-4586d • are not shown on the last equalized assessment roll as the owners of such property, must contain or be accompanied by written evidence that such signers are the owners of such property. The City Clerk of the City shall endorse on each protest the date of its receipt and at said time appointed for said hearing shall present to the City Council all protests filed with her. 3. The City Clerk of the City is hereby directed (a) to cause notices of said hearing to be posted in the time, form and manner provided by law, and (b) to cause a notice of said hearing to be published in The Atascadero News in the time, form and manner provided by law, and (c) to give notice . by mail of the adoption of said Resolution of Intention for said proposed improvements and of the filing of said report to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed in the time, form and manner provided by law. Upon the completion of the mailing of said notices, the City Clerk of the City is hereby directed to file with the City Council an affidavit setting forth the time and manner of the compliance with the requirements of law for publishing, posting and mailing said notices. 4. Mr. Sensibaugh, City Engineer, City of Atascadero, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California 93423, telephone (805) 466-8000, is hereby designated to answer inquiries regarding the protest proceedings. 4 041003-0001-198-4586d 5 . The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause notices to bidders inviting sealed proposals or bids for the making of said improvements, in substantially the form attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof, to be posted in three (3) public places in the City for two (2) succeeding weeks and to be published once a week for two (2) succeeding weeks in The Atascadero News. 6. Sealed bids for making said improvements shall be received at the times and places and in the manner specified in the notice. 7. The City Council hereby declares that it intends to collect liquidated damages in the amount of $100 per day 5 041003-0001-198-4586d for failure to complete the work as scheduled, as will be provided in the contract specifications. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September, 1986, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Noes: Absent: Marjorie R. Mackey, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County, State of California [Seal ] ATTEST: Boyd C. Sharitz City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROBERT M. JONES City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ROBERT M. JONES City Attorney 6 041003-0001-198-4586d 4549d OH&S 8/25/86 r CITY OF ATASCADERO IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 4 . (SEPARADO-CAYUCAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) SUMMARY OF DEADLINES FOR NOTICES AND FILINGS Dates 1. City Council of Atascadero Meeting Resolutions [1-4] adopted July 14, 1986 2. City Council of Atascadero Meeting September 8, 1986 Resolution 5 adopted 3. File copy of Boundary Map of *September 23, 1986 Assessment District with the San Luis Obispo County Recorder [per S&H § 3111] (within 15 days after Resolution [R-5] is adopted) 4. City Clerk executes Affidavit of *September 23, 1986 . Filing Boundary Map [A-1] 5. Notices of Invitation to Bidders *September 12, 1986 published [per P.C. § 204821 September 19, 1986 (twice in successive weeks per Gov't § 6066; the bids may not be opened before 14 days after the first publication) 6. Request newspaper to mail tear September 12, 1986 sheets for each publication of September 19, 1986 (A) Notice of Invitation to Bid and (B) Notice of Improvement & Hearing to Bond Counsel 7. Publishing Notice of Improvement September 12, 1986 & Hearing [N-1,2] [per S&H § 10304] September 19, 1986 (twice in successive weeks per Gov't § 6066) 8. Request newspaper to mail Proof September 19, 1986 of Publication (3 certified copies, 2 for City Clerk, 1 for Bond Counsel) of (A) Notice of Invitation to Bidders and (B) Notice of Improvement & Hearing *These represent the latest possible date for completion, not the earliest. 0 i Dates 9. Contract Bids Opened October 15, 1986 10. Mailing Notice to Property *October 7, 1986 Owners of Adoption of Resolution of Intention [N-2] [per S&H § 10306] (20 days before the hearing, 10/27/86) 11. Posting Notices of Improvement *October 7, 1986 & Hearing [N-1] [per S&H § 10304] (at least 20 days before the date of the hearing, 10/27/86) 12. Engineer executes 2 copies of *October 7, 1986 Affidavit of Posting [A-4] (1 to City Clerk, 1 to Bond Counsel) 13. City Clerk executes Affidavit of *October 7, 1986 Compliance with Requirements for Publishing, Posting & Mailing Notice of Hearing and Affidavit of Posting Notices Inviting Sealed Proposals [A-2, 3] [per S&H § 10308] ; 14. City Council of Atascadero Holds October 27, 1986 Public Hearing, 2:00 p.m. and adopts resolution levying Assessment [R-6] [per S&H §§ 10312, 10600, 106031 , adopts resolution awarding construction contract [R-7] ; 15. City Clerk Records Assessment October 28, 1986 and Diagram with the Superintendent of Streets [per S&H § 10401] 16. Copy of Assessment Diagram October 28, 1986 filed with San Luis Obispo County Recorder [per S&H §§ 3114(a) , (c)] , City Clerk executes Affidavit of Filing and Recording Assessment Diagram [A-5] 17. Notice of Assessment [N-4] October 28, 1986 recorded with San Luis Obispo County Recorder [per S&H §10402.5] *These represent the latest possible date for completion, not the earliest. 2 041003-0001-198-4549d Dates • 18. Mailing Notice to Property October 28-29, 1986 Owners of Recording of Assessment [N-5] [per S&H §§ 10404, 5070] 19. Request newspaper to send October 31, 1986 tear sheet for each November 7, 1986 publication of Notice to Property owners to Bond Counsel 20. Publication of Notice to October 31, 1986 Property Owners [N-6] November 7, 1986 (published twice, in successive weeks) [per S&H § 10404] 21. Request Newspaper to mail October 31, 1986 tear sheets of publication of Notice of Award of Contract to Bond Counsel 22. Publication of Notice Award October 31, 1986 of Contracts once [N-7] [per Pub. Cont. Code § 20484] 23. Request Newspaper to mail November 11, 1986 Proof of Publication of Notice of Award of Contract (2 certified copies, 1 to City Clerk, 1 to Bond Counsel) 24. City Clerk to execute October 29, 1986 Affidavit of Mailing Notice to Property Owners of Recording Assessment [A-6] 25. Request newspaper to mail Proof November 7, 1986 of Publication of the Notice to Property Owners (3 certified copies, 2 for Clerk, 1 for Bond Counsel) 3 041003-0001-198-4549d Dates 26. Underwriter distributes draft November 4-14, 1986 Official Statement and Bond Purchase Contract to County and Bond Counsel 27. Comments on draft Official November 18-21, 1986 Statement and Bond Purchase Contract telephoned to Underwriter 28. Statutory Period for paying November 7, 1986 or attacking assessment ends [per S&H §§ 10400, 10402.5, 10403] (30 days after Assessment, Diagram and Notice of Assessment filed and recorded) 29. List of Paid and Unpaid November 28 - December 5, 1986 Assessments compiled [per S&H § 8620] & information telephoned to Underwriter 30. Resolution Approving December 8, 1986 Amount of Bonds to be issued adopted; Approving Bond Purchase Contract and Authorizing Distribution Official Statement [R-8] 31. Underwriter delivers final December 9-12, 1986 Official Statement to printer 32. Underwriter distributes December 12, 1986 Official Statement 33. Bond Closing December 19, 1986 34. Construction Begins January, 1987 35. Construction Completed Summer, 1987 4 041003-0001-198-4549d Resolutions R-1 = Resolution Determining to Undertake Proceedings R-2 = Resolution Appointing Engineer of Work, Underwriter and Bond Counsel R-3 Resolution Approving Boundary Map R-4 Resolution of Intention R-5a = Resolution Approving Revised Boundary Map and Revising the Description of Public Improvements R-5 = Resolution Preliminarily Approving Engineer' s Report, Appointing Time and Place for Hearing Protests and Calling for Construction Bids R-6 = Resolution Confirming Assessment and Ordering Proposed Improvements to be Made, Providing For Notice of Recording Assessment, Designating City Treasurer to Collect and Receive Money R-7 Resolution Awarding Construction Contract . R-8 = Resolution Approving Unpaid Assessment List, Authorizing Issuance of Bonds, Approving Official Statement and Approving Bond Purchase Contract Notices N-1 = Notice of Improvement ( same form for posting & publishing N-2 = Notice to Property Owners of Adoption of Resolution of Intention, Filing Engineer' s Report and Notice of Time and Place of Hearing Protests N-3 = Notice of Assessment (form to be recorded) N-4 = Notice to Property Owners of Recording of Assessment (form to be mailed to property owners) N-5 = Notice of Assessment (form to be published) N-6 = Notice of Award of .Contract Affidavits A-1 = Affidavit of Filing Boundary Map (City Clerk) A-2 = Affidavit of Compliance with the Requirements of Law for Publishing, Posting & Mailing Notices of Hearing Protests (City Clerk) A-3 = Affidavit of Posting Notices Inviting Sealed Proposals (City Clerk) A-4 = Affidavit of Posting Notice of Improvement (Engineer) A-5 = Affidavit of Filing &Recording Assessment Diagram (City Clerk) A-6 = Affidavit of Mailing Notice of Recording Assessment (City Clerk) 2 041003-0001-198-4549d 1!N AG SNDA DAT` 9/8/86 t;Em B-1-c MEMORANDUM • TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Engineer ' s Report and Setting of Protest Hearing Date for Assessment District No. 4 DATE: August 29, 1986 Recommendation Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 99-86, and Resolution 100-86, approval of the Plans and Specifications, authorization to bid, acceptance of the Engineer ' s Estimate, tentative spread of assessments, related diagram and method of spread, and the setting of October 27 for the Protest Hearing, all for Assessment District No. 4. Background • The staff report from the last regular council meeting is offered in this package as background information for this meeting. The acceptance of the above recommendation is a major and significant step in the formation of the proposed Assessment District. Discussion The protest hearing is set for October 27 with the bids being received October 15 for the above project. The award of bids, selling of bonds, and the establishment of the assessment will all happen on October 27. Written protests may be presented up to within one hour of that meeting. Tonights action will trigger the noticing of the protest hearing and the advertisement for bids. Resolution ammends the District Boundary due to the deletion of Traffic Way properties. Resolution adopts the Engineer ' s Report and sets the noticing for the protest hearing and the advertisement for bids. John Wallace, special engineer , will be presenting the Engineer ' s Report and reviewing the plans and specifications and the final assessment boundaries. The method of the spread of assessments and the tentative spread will also be outlined. Antonia Dolar of Orrick, Herrington and Sutcliffe, bond counsel for the project, will be in attendance to present the • revised time schedule and to advise Council on any. legal questions that they might have. Kathy Williams of Security Pacific, bond underwriter for the project, will also be in attendance to answer questions on financing. Financing Revised Time Schedule Resolution No. Engineer ' s Report Plans and Specifications File:SetPH • 2 d MNG 9/8/86 AGTNDA DA ITEM B-2 ---__ • MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Pau Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works .�Jy SUBJECT: Final Draft of the San Luis Obispo County Solid Waste Management Plan DATE: September 2, 1986 Recommendation Staff recommends that Council not approve the San Luis Obispo County Solid Waste Management Plan until it contains language that (1) exempts Atascadero from mandatory collection without council' s permission, that (2) insures that Atascadero residents or Chicago Grande Landfill users will not pay for the Los Osos or Lake Naciemento transfer stations, or the planning or engineering thereof, or for the replacement of the Cold Canyon Landfill, that (3) limits be placed on the funds relating to the planning of resource recovery, that (4) assigns the cost of expansion of the Chicago Grade Landfill to serve areas other than the 26 sq. miles of the Atascadero Corporation limits • to those new areas being served, that (5) assures the acceptance of the ACSD waste-water recovery plant as a certified septic tank pumping station and that costs associated to the planning of other such sta- tions not be paid by . Atascadero residents, that (6) limits be placed on the funds relating to the planning of the handling of household hazardous wastes, and that assurance is given that the implementations of these plans not be mandatory or assigned a penalty for noncompliance, that (7) assigns a member of the Atascadero City Council to serve on the proposed Solid Waste Commission, and that (8) guaranteesthe funding formula either be known in advance, or re- quires the affirmative vote of the Atascadero City Council prior to the County Board of Supervisors assigning any costs to our City, ' it' s haulers, the Chicago Grade Landfill, or the developers within our territory. Background Staff presented a report on May 7, 1986 that supported the Draft plan excepting specific issues discussed above. (copy attached) This report was sent to the County to be addressed by the Consultant for the San Luis Obispo County Solid Waste Management Plan. The final Draft has softened its language to treat some of the topics in more general terms and indicate that all items be studied or addressed or considered. • Staff does not find this acceptable. While staff agrees with many of the general goals and recognizes the importance of all the items addressed, it still appears that our residents may have to pay an unfair share of the costs of solving someone else's problems. We R. agree that perhaps a new position is warranted in the County En neering Department, and that the monies to support that position c from sources other than the County General Fund. However , we feel strongly that those who benefit or impact the problem should pay for the mitigation of the same. Summary The purpose of not adopting the attached resolution would not be to slowdown the county plan, but would rather be to protect the citizens of Atascadero from unknown, unforseen or unfair costs. Reso- lution No. is presented for Councils consideration as requested by the County Planning Department. Fiscal Impact Unknown. Attachments Staff Report - May 7 , 1986 SLOCo. SWMP Exerpts (Implementation Recommendations, Funding) (A complete copy of the Management Plan is available in the office of the Director of Public Works) s • • 2 �! ! RESOLUTION NO. 104-86 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the County of San Luis Obispo has prepared a County Solid Waste Management Plan (CoSWMP) as required by the Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Act of 1972; and WHEREAS, said Plan is an updated policy document designed to guide future County efforts to provide efficient, sanitary, economic, and enviornmentally sound methods of waste storage, col- lection, and disposal through 2005; and WHEREAS, the California Government Code, Title 14, Sections 17144, 17146 and 14147 require approval of the Plan by a majority of the cities within the County which contain a majority of the popula- tion of the incorporated area of the County; and WHEREAS, said Plan has been submitted to the City of Atascadero for approval pursuant to the aforesaid sections of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero has reviewed said Plan, conducted a public hearing, and concurs in the following: 1. Objectives set forth in the Plan; 2. The method and/or organization for implementation of the program; 3. Procedures for financing the recommended program; and 4. The role identified in the Plan for the City of Atascadero. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero that the CoSWMP is hereby approved. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 3 DATE ADOPTED: ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ MARJORIE R. MACKEY City Clerk Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH, ROBERT M. JONES Director of Public Works City Attorney City Engineer 4 MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: San Luis Obispo County Solid Waste Management Plan - Preliminary Draft DATE May 7, 1986 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council support the above plan in general, but that it take exception to some or all of the issues highlighted by staff to not benefit Atascadero users. Background: The City is in receipt of the above document for official comment to the Advisory Committee. (Staff member Sensibaugh sits on said Committee) . The report is an update of the 1977 plan which was administered through existing county offices. The new plan is intended to be self-supported and the revenues are anti- cipated to come from landfill or collection surcharges, a de- velopment fee, or related methods. A new administrator will be hired to oversee the new division and to implement the plan. It is suggested that one of the priority tasks will be to "determine how the Incorporated Cities will contribute to the system" . Consultant Recommendations: 1) General - Board of Supervisors approve plan and forward to the California Waste Management Board for approval. 2) Waste Collection - Evaluate mandatory collection for the more densely populated areas. 3) Waste Transfer - Evaluate transfer station at Los Osos Landfill and in the Lake Nacimento area, and others identified in the County General Plan. 4) Resource Recovery - Evaluate alternatives to landfill disposal. 5) Waste Disposal - Evaluate expansion of the Chicago Grade Landfill, and a possible replacement for the Cold Canyon Land- fill. 02 6) Special Wastes - Evaluate current disposal of septic tank pumpings, chemical toilet waste and sewage plant sludge. 7) Hazardous Wastes - Prepare a program for disposal of household hazardous substances. 8) Management and Funding - Evaluate added personnel to help administer program. Implement additional sources of revenue to supplement the County General Fund for administering the program. Discussion: Atascadero Municipal Code Sections 6-4.01 to 6-5.07 provide authority for the County to act as the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) for Solid Wastes Management as required by State Statutes. Staff agrees with the overall objectives to ensure the protection of the general public health, minimize the impacts of solid waste upon the environment, ensure compliance with govern- ment goals and regulations, provide adequate facilities, provide for efficient management of the County solid waste system, in- corporate technology, coordinate with other environmental pro- grams, develop a feasible plan and maximize the recovery of waste when cost effective. Concerns: There are some concerns by staff, however , that Atascadero residents may end up paying for work that directly benefits others, and that non-productive tasks may be emphasized. Specifically, (1) Mandatory Collection Evaluation. The layout of our city is not necessarily conducive to mandatory col- lection. The cost to the customer to be serviced would be directly proportional to the distance from the center of town. Many colony roads have fewer than five homes. The City maintains over 120 miles of streets and there is again that number of non-city maintained roads. In a typical grid layout or con- centrated subdivision the cost is normally lowered by the in- crease in customers. This is questionable, at best, in Atas- cadero. ; (2) Transfer Stations. Stations at the Los Osos Land- fill and Lake Nacimento should not be a burden of the Atascadero Customers. ; (3) Re5ourte Recovery. While an excellent idea and promoted by our City, this has been studied over and again and is often not feasible. Limited time should be spend on evaluation, and the use of existing knowledge is encouraged: (4) Expansion of the Chicago Grade Landfill. We need more detail on the need for this, but if the expansion is unrelated to Atascadero, our cus- tomers should not share in any landfill surcharges for the same; (5) Replacement of the Cold Canyon Landfill. Again our residents should not share in this special benefit to other users; . (6) Special Wastes. The ACSD wastewater plant already provides for septic tank pumping and we handle our own sludge. Limited value 2 j MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: DrafttInv415ronmental Impact Report for the San Luis Obispo County Draft Solid Waste Management Plan DATE: July 22, 1986 Recommendation: Approve the Draft EIR with reemphasis on the adverse economic impact of mandatory refuse collection in Atascadero, and for household hazardous wastes mitigation. Heavy restric- tions on the future expansion of the Chicago Grade Landfill may also have an adverse economic impact to citizens. Background: Council was previously presented the Draft Solid Waste Management Plan and through staff made comments to the County regarding the same (Staff report attached. ) The Draft EIR for that plan is now under review and your comments are being sought. A summary of the findings are attached for your review. A com- plete copy of the report is available in the Director of Public Works' office. Discussion: This is the second step of several that must be taken to finally adopt the Management Plan. All cities in the County will eventually be asked for their stamp of approval. Any pro- jects that result due to the Management Plan will be required to have individual EIR' s, the draft EIR discussed herein pertains only to the Management Plan. i f p� is seen here for us. ; (7) Household Hazardous Wastes. We are very skeptical about any programs of this nature. While the philosophy is ideal, the regulation seems impossible. The sep- eration of household waste (at higher costs for disposal of aerosol cans, chemical containers, etc) may lend to dishonesty, police-state tactics and other off-the-wall administrative night- mares. Voluntary measures are encouraged but not very practical for good results. Time Schedule: Comments to the preliminary draft plan are due May 12. Based on comments from all agencies and the Advisory Committee, the Draft EIR is presented to all of the same, allowing 45 days for comment. The Draft County Solid Waste Management Plan is then revised and the final EIR prepared. A county public hearing is then held where the Board certifies the EIR and approves the Draft Draft County solid Waste Management Plan. The incorporated cities receive the County Solid Waste Management Plan for review and approval. Approval is required by 50% of the incorporated cities, allowing 90 days for response. The approved plan is then submitted to the California Waste Managment Board for review and approval. Fiscal Impact: Funding. The citizens of our City no doubt should share in the general benefit of the plan to the County, including the items objected to above. We question, however, if . their con- tribution through their normal taxes to the County General Fund isn' t adequate for that purpose. T 3 �� TO: City Council Members September 8, 1986 FROM: Mike Shelton, City Manager SUBJECT: CITY CLERK AND CITY TREASURER COMPENSATION RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the attached resolution, increasing the City Clerk 's monthly salary from $20 to $50 and the City Treasurer ' s monthly salary from $10 to $25. BACKGROUND: In reviewing the 1986-87 Budget, Council appointed an ad hoc committee to review the City' s pay practice for the elected City Clerk and City Treasurer positions. Committee members appointed were Mayor Mackey, Dave Jorgenson (Administrative Services Director) , and myself. The committee felt a nominal increase was in order and is so recommended. In making this decision, the following was taken into consideration: 1. Pay practice for other elected City Clerks/City Treasurers in the County. 2. Benefit Compensation - The City provide medical and life insurance coverage for both positions at a monthly cost of $102.85 each. 3. The City provide full-time City staff to perform the duties of the Clerk and. Treasurer position. 4. The City budgets and pays for training, conferences, and other out-of-pocket expenses for both elected positions. 5. By being elected, both positions are of a public service nature. FISCAL IMPACT: The City Clerk' s annual salary appropriation would increase from $240 to $1,000 ($760 increase) . The City Treasurer ' s annual salary appropriation would increase from $120 to $300 ($180 increase) . MS:kv File: MComp • 1 • RESOLUTION NUMBER 103-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING AN INCREASE OF SALARIES FOR CITY CLERK AND CITY TREASURER POSITIONS WHEREAS, the City Council at their July 28, 1986, Council Meeting, appointed an ad hoc committee to review City pay prac- tices for the City' s elected City Clerk and City Treasurer positions; and WHEREAS, the ad hoc committee reviewed the total compen- sation of the Clerk and Treasurer positions, including benefits, conference, travel, and other out-of-pocket expenses compensation practices of other Cities and other considerations as they relate to duties and the public service aspects of the positions; and WHEREAS, the ad hock committee recommends that the data analyzed analyzed supports a modest salary increase for both the City • Clerk and City Treasurer positions. THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero resolves to establish the City Clerk monthly salary at $50 per month and the . City Treasurer salary at $25 per month, with increases retroactive to July 1, 1986. On motion by and seconded by the motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO BOYD C. SHARITZ MARJORIE MACKEY City Clerk Mayor • �F7'NG A07-NDA ATc 9/8/86 liE,4A C-2 -------� • MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Amendments to the Amapoa-Tecorida Drainage Development Fee Resolution DATE: August 29 , 1986 Recommendation Staff recommends that Council amend Resolution No. 9-86 as presented. Additionally, it is recommended that Council motion that the requirement to sign an agreement to participate in a future as- sessment district for drainage corrections be eliminated from future permit conditioning if the special drainage development fees are paid. Background • Refer to Staff Report dated 8-14-86 (enclosed) for background information on the fee amendment to Resolution No. 9-86 . change. At the last regular meeting Council voted to eliminate the provision that developments subject to the Amapoa-Tecorida Drainage Development Fee be also required to enter into an agreement to parti- cipate in a future drainage assessment district. Discussion The old condition as stated above was never dropped after the fees became effective. Staff has reasoned that it was a factor of safety in case the development fees did not eliminate the problem. It is unlikely that an assessment district could be successful since it requires 51% participation by area. Most of the large area lots are in the upper slopes of the drainage basin and contribute to, but are not damaged by, rainfall runoff. Additionally, there are many existing properties that, even though they may have potential flooding problems, would vote against such a district due to cost. Assessment districts are based on benefit, whereas development fees are based on impact. New development is charged an impact fee since it either causes or magnifies drainage problems. Existing pro- perties on the other hand cannot be taxed for a share of the miti- gation unless they are party to an assessment district.. f Staff cannot locate a general ordinance or resolution stat' the requirement to enter into an agreement. Only resolutions specific projects were apparently adopted. Therefore, it is suggest. that a motion requiring a majority vote would suffice to eliminate a perceived double committment by developers or new homeowners in the area. Fiscal Impact If the development fee is maintained until the drainage problems are corrected in the basin, then there will be no impact due to the motion on the assessment agreement requirement. If the development fee is eliminated along the way to our goal, then the lack of the as- sessment agreements could be meaningful. The fiscal impact of the fee resolution adjustment is covered in the attached report from the meeting of 8-25-86 . File:Amapoa3 • 2 i 0 RESOLUTION NO. 98-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 9-86 RELATING TO THE AMAPOA- TECORIDA DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero has adopted Ordinance No. 117 known as the Amapoa-Tecorida Development Impact Fee Ordinance, and WHEREAS, Section 3-9 .04 and 3-9.06 of Ordinance No. 117 provides for the adoption of a fee schedule required to be paid by developers in the specified area. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The following fee schedule shall be effective 30 days after passage of said Ordinance. a) The development or construction of residential or non- residential buildings, and the person causing such to be constructed, shall pay a fee in the amount of: Commercial and Multifamily: $3 ,343 per cubic feet per second of runoff based on 3 cfs per acre, and Single Family: $2,996 per cubic feet per second of runoff, based on 1. 8 cfs per acre, on lots one acre or less. b) The development or construction of residential or non- residential additions or accessory uses to existing buildings, and the person causing such to be constructed, shall pay a fee in the amount of: Commercial and Multifamilv: $0 . 58 per sq.ft. of building addition or accessory use, or the square footage that exceeds 40% coverage of the square feet of land area, whichever is less. If the addition or accessory use plus the existing building (s) does not exceed 40% coverage ,then no fee ($0) is the minimum fee charged. For the purpose of this Resolution negative fee calculation means no fee ($0) . Single Family: $2. 48 per sq.ft. of building addition or accessory use, or the square footage that exceeds 5% coverage (based on one acre maximum land area) of the square feet of land area, whichever is less. If the addition or accessory use plus the existing building (s) does not exceed 5% coverage, then no fee ($0) is the minimum fee charged. For the purpose of this resolution a negative fee calculation means no fee ($0) . c) The development or construction of residential or non- residential buildings on lots exceeding one acre, and the person causing such to be constructed, shall pay a fee in the amount of: Commercial and MultiFamily: Same as 1 (a) Single Family: $2,996 per cubic feet per second of runoff based on 1.8 cfs per acre, for the first acre only, plus $2. 48 per sq.ft. of building area that exceeds 5% of one acre of land area (2178 sq. ft. ) . If the total land coverage is less than 5% of one acre, then only the first acre fee will be charged. The Development Impact Fee is hereby identified and incorporated as a part of this resolution. d) All developments which were previously conditioned for deposits pursuant to Resolution No. 42-85 shall pay this fee as meeting the obligation of contribution to the future drainage improvements and will be payable upon notice after passage. Appropriate credits may be applied as determined by the Director of Public Works. On motion by and seconded by the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following vote: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ MARJORIE MACKEY City Clerk Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT APPROVED AS TO FORM PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH ROBERT M. JONES Director of Public Works/ City Attorney City Engineer 2 •�� ��.�1' ?-,S _ .� a , -c��i�r.. 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' ?.' y't.y yy,,,, l �' �y I jt` s< i; 1l��sj "��►�r.'L.�`,o (9 �[ �Y it J .�'� 4 �:. -� _�'�a• � �� Y' k ••, •. ;.•Il 1. {- �(' ..X07" `�: ' •f .�� � ����j,rjl E•f;�.r . � t�� � .� �'1i.i � �'• '�'>'�'rr�i,';�:`-s *� �/'.r ����� ���Q•. ?� •k f � J a•_��'�� tap. � •..I'� 3 S _ -moi 'lryyr �!.'.,f���.�•��`+?Ll�'�-� '•► • • .I% :,` • AG NDA D-1 *AM_�tNG8/25/86ff EM MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Proposed Amendments to the Amapoa-Tecorida Drainage Development Fee Ordinance and Resolution DATE: August 14, 1986 Recommendation: P v Staff recommends that Council direct staff to bring back the appropriate amendment Ordinance and/or Resolution at the next regular meeting. Problem: Staff has encountered two situations that are not specifically covered in the ordinance or resolution concerning C the above fees, namely Additions and Accessory Uses, Large Single Family Residential Lots. . Background: Additions and Accessory Uses: The first situation relates to additions or accessory uses. It is fair to assume that such development has an impact on drainage since land area is being covered. It does not seem fair, how- ever , to apply the full fee since the main structure is existing and existing structures are exempt from the fee. Attached is a letter to the Community Development Director citing an example that would add 400 sq.ft. to a 2000 _ sq. ft. home, (call this Example #1) . We decided to handle this at an administrative level and agreed to proportion the addition to the existing and multiply that percentage by the full fee. This appeared reasonable at the time. Subsequently, however, a second example (call Example #2) which in- volved a total of 1166 S. F. was added to an existing coverate of 1480 S.F. This resulted in a high percentage and thus a somewhat high fee. The unfairness comes not with the fee, necesessarily, but with the reality that homeowner #2 (with an existing home 25% smaller than #1) , who brings the total sq. footage to only 10% greater than #1 pays a fee 637% greater than the first. Also lot #2 is 50% greater than #1 and therefore has a lower density, even though the new velopment of #2 involves more sq.ft. The example may be per- ceived by some that the person who cannot afford the larger house to begin with pays a much higher fee to improve their status equal to others, even though they have less density than the comparison. This is somewhat of a philosophical arguement, but it does lead to a more equitable way of handling these situations as will demonstrated later below. Large Single Family Residential Lots: The second situation relates to larger lots in the upper part of the drainage basin and deals with lots that are either zoned at 2-1/2 to 5 acre minimum or that lie outside the City limits and thus outside city jurisdiction. Even though there are known drainage problems it is reasoned that if development does not occur, then there is not significant problem, but if development does occur that the problem is either caused or magnified by the im- pact of development. We have a situation, therefore, that since average situations and parameters were used,a fee for a single family residence will be charged based on a land area that is mostly vacant land that has not been and cannot be developed to the density assumed in the lower part of the basin. As an example, if a homeowner wants to build a house of any size on a 5 acre lot that cannot be split, it will cost $26 ,960. The same house on a 1/2 acre lot will cost only $2696. The larger parcel does contribute more drainage, but, like the homes in the area, is for the most part, an existing situation. Discussion: The theory of the fee calculations, although +-. specifically identified in the development fee report, applied a land coverage to single-family residential land. This breaks down o 2178 S.F. , and thus $2.48 per S.F. of building. Commercial and Multi-Family breaks down to 400 land coverage, or $0 .58 per S.F. of building. In reviewing the report these assumptions still appear to be sound and, therefore, can be applied when solving these special cases. However, it is not reasonable to assume that we can collect the currently required fee for the large parcels or county parcels mentioned above. A limit of one applicable acre of land will be in line with the assumptions and allow a fair contribution instead of a fee that is simply not affordable. Solutions Additions or Accessory Uses: . Use $2. 48/sq. ft. for new construction of additions or accessory uses, but allow a 5% total coverage without a fee. The amount of square footage over the allowed coverage or the actual square -footage of new construction, which ever is less,would be charged at the above rate. The examples below should make these statements a little clearer. ,Jr Example #1 Example #2 Existing: 2000 S.F. Existing: 1480 Sq. Ft. Addition: 400 S.F. Addition: 1166 S.F. Total Coverage: 2400 S.F. Total Coverage: 2646 S.F. Acreage: 0. 5 Ac. Acreage: 0.75 Ac. Allowed 5% coverage: 1089 S.F. Allowed 5% coverage: 1633 S.F. (Existing coverage is greater (Existing coverage is less than than allowed, therefore allowed, therefore credit) no credit) Total Coverage Total Coverage less Allowed: 1311 S.F. less Allowed: 1010 S .F. 400 S.F. is less than 1311 S.F. 1010 S.F. is less than 1166 S.F. Therefore, 400 X $2. 48= $992* Therefore, 1010 X $2.48= $2505 Old Method: Proportion $539 Old Method: Proportion = $3835 Example #3 (Fictitious) Example #4 (Fictitious) Existing: 1200 S.F. Existing: 1000 S.F. Addition: 300 S.F. Addition: 2000 S.F. Total Coverage: 1500 S.F. Total Coverage: 3000 S.F. Acreage: 1.00 Ac. Acreage: 1. 00 Ac. Allowed 5% Coverage = 2178 S.F. Allowed 5% Coverage = 2178 S.F. (Existing is less than (Existing is less than Allowed, therefore credit) Allowed, therefore, credit) Total Coverage Total Coverage less allowed: -678 S.F. less allowed: 822 S.F. -678 S.F. is less than 300 S.F. 822 S.F. is less than 2000 S.F. Therefore, No Fee applied ($0) Therefore 822 X $2. 48 = $2038 (Since -negative number implies Old Method: $10 ,785 paying developer) (Normal fee would no doubt have Old Method: Proportion $1338 been applied here at $5 ,392/Ac. Large Single Family Residential Lot: �- i Proposal would be to limit the fee of new construction on k. parcels exceeding one (1) acre to that of one acre ($5 ,392 per acre) except that any coverage over the 5% allowed on one acre be charged at $2. 48/S.F. This would mean that the fee on a 5 acre parcel for example would be $5,392, plus overage, and not $26 ,960 . (See examples below) Example A Example B (Combination of Problems) Existing: 0 S.F. Existing: 1000 S.F. Addition: N/A Addition: 2000 S.F. Total new coverage: 2500 S.F. Total Coverage: 3000 S.F. Acreage: 2-1/2 Ac. Acreage: 5 Ac. Allowed 5% Coverage: 2178 S.F. Allowed 5% Coverage: 2178 S.F. (Based on one Acre) (Based on one Acre) Total Coverage Total Coverage Less allowed: 322 S.F. Less allowed: 822 S.F. Therefore, overage 822 S.F. is less than 2000 S .F. Fee: $5392 + (322 X $2. 48) Therefore, 822 X $2. 48 = $2039 _ $6181 Old Method: ($5392/Ac. ) $13, 480 Old Method: Proportion: $6 ,741 Summary: Since these are significant fees and since they can be handled on a consistant basis without much need for descretion on the Director ' s part, staff suggests that the ordinance and/or resolution be amended to contain these methods of handling these two situa- tions. The rule for additions could also apply to commercial or multiple-family, using the proper design parameters of 40% coverage and a $0 . 58 per sq. ft. The large lot concept would not appply to com- mercial or multiple family; the $10 , 029 per acre would still apply. *As you may have noticed Example 1 results in a higher cost than was actually charged. It would not be staff ' s intent to go back on those that were previously given a lower fee. Also, if an application has not been processed yet a fee has been given that is more than one as now calculated by the above methods , the lower fee would apply upon issuance of permit. r Fiscal Impact: The overall fee was based on the need to correct the problems. When and if the fees will be available for that purpose is speculative at best. The present methods may discourage the use of some single family residential property thus deriving no fee at all. The new methods are expected to be reasonable and in line with the intent of the original ordinance, and when collected will help achieve our goals. cc: Henry Engen George Wolfrank Attachments: f MEMORANDUM TO: Henry Engen, Director of Community Development FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works �•-` SUBJECT: Application of Amapoa-Tecorida Drainage Development `: +- = Fee for Accessory Uses DATE: June 10, 1986 The above fee does not carry an exemption for accessory buildings as do other development fees. The intent is to mitigate the impact on drainage of any new development. The intent is not, on the other hand, to apply to existing situations. Therefore, in the case of accessory buildings or additions, it is hereby documented that you and I have mutually agreed that the fee should be based on a proration of the additional square footage of building to the existing square footage of buildings. . .Thus, if, for example, a 400 sq: "ft. garage- was added (either attached or detached) to a 2000 sq. ft. home on 1/2 acre of residential ground, the. fee would be: 1.8 cfs/ac X 1/2 ac X $2,996/cfs X 400 sq ft = 2000 sq/ft = $539 .00 Again, I suggest that the Engineering Division of the Public • Works Department either provide or approve .all Amapoa-Tecorida Drainage Development fee calculations. 1NCO8PO8ATED JULY Z.1979 /tR • Date Received: Date Issued: _ )DRESS OF PROJECT: 8355 San Andres PERMIT NO. )Building OC)Electrical ( )Mechanical ( )Plumbina ( )Solar ( )Swim Pool ( ) mer ( ) Lessee ( ) Mail Address loyd Bobsin 8355 San Andres Ata-s . , CA Phone intractor/Builder 4 _ o aner/Builder Address Phone Lic. No. 'ch./Engr./Designer Address lchanan's Drafting Service phone Lic. No. .nk or other source of loan lI3D NibliRd- 3ntury Federal Savinas Address - 6955 E1 Camino i pe of Project: ( )New ( )Add. ( )Alter O Repair ( )Demolish ( )Move ( )Install ( )Compliance Survey ( )Change of Occupancy ( )Other -oject Description: To 01 gry- ft Mi con tittLIChud Uaraue addltlon gal Description: 35, Blk UA Assessor's No. Use Zone 30-292-23 RMF/16 fh Lot Are AME 7LC FOUNDATION EXTERIOR WALL ROOF HEAT IAg rood Stud ( )Cont. Conc ( )Wood Sdg ( )Stone Vnr .etal K )Slab ( )Conc T/Up (X )Comp Blt-up ( )Wood Trm ( )Brick Timber ( )piers ( )Conc B ( )Metal ( )Comp Shingle (X)Stucco ( )Brick Vnr ( )Gas Fur ( )Wood Shgl/Shake ('•)Gas Wal re of Construction: rn— No. O )Tile ( )Solar ccuoancv Group OU IRE:-MNTS: FEES: Value $ 31 , 705 Construction: 200 ?C) 831 Affidavit Electrical: anning Approval Plumbing: Mechanical: Earthquake: —2 - 22 Issuance: Plan Check: oQ 7 Dev ^Ao nn :3 187 gal. septic tank and sq. ft. leach field FEES:S 3 8 3 5 5� have read this completed application carefully. 1 Owner ( )Agent Date Paid: t" Receipt ^nature Date ent's Name Printed �, � -���1'• ,�` Q°' � urs>. �'< �' - _y"`��77T•������' �~'_, �u� .., ,.ted, /•� •� /, �.i -yam A• / ,r� '' '< �} •'. . "'(��►`�. tel.) � a.��' 1 a ro 00 Hig4K h. 17 •:V POnc •� J � / 1 39 ,l ��\e`� i `'( T � � �,�t, -i - •\u.• / •936. � S ..��" 1 >� b' ;.1 t• .�2 :. anctd5a r+ >✓•�9J� 34 4.7 10 .��..� � ` '`� .,I is To F3: �Lr � •, J• �Yil,,� / �/ �'�\� i _.a -_ '`} � �-i 1-•� •� �'� ';01'x\ ..:F-i ,�-�.i'/ 3 .t LA �./ �,�J �I y �� ! jr: -�• � -r� - 12002520 ' ��i , 66\ 64 ��� \ .i _ -il a ��/A•�� �• _ I � � �( JRO ��' �!�•j l • _ •/ _ -- i � r� C/ tom'�,` / `,_ C��� I 1 11 1 �iC / V ,•r 0 1203 Ir— Tribuke A/-,-o N An��b/ TCl'ridil L�;na4c ja7 Fac DEVELOPMENT FEES City of Atascadero Single Multiple Commercial Type of Fee Family Family & Other When Payable Source Interim School $200-700 per dwelling unit Exempt Prior to issu- Ord. 107 Facilities (includes mobile homes) ance of Bldg. Resol. #81-85 (City-wide) depending on square footage Permit (paid to & number of bedrooms Atas Unif Sch Dist) Development $.50/square foot of gross bldg. area Prior to issu- Ord. 111 Mitigation Tax of principal bldgs. or additions ance of Bldg. Resol. #64-85 (City-wide) Permit Amapoa-Tecorida $2.996 cfs $3,343 cfs based on Prior to issu- Ord. 117 Drainage Area based on 3 cfs/ac ance of Bldg. Resol. #9-86 Fee* (City 1.8 cfs/ac Permit Engr. Map) Applies to all Bldgs/additions Lewis Ave Exempt $1.93/square foot of Prior to issu- Ord. 118 Bridge Devel. gross bldg area or $168 ance of Bldg. Resol. #11-86 Impact Fee per average daily traffic Permit (BIA Area) if square footage not f applicable Development Prior to issu- Ord. Ili Impact Fees: ance of Bldg. Resol. #10-86 Drainage** $0.034/S.F. $0.073/S.F. $0.141/S.F. Permit $46.00/cfs $533.00/cfs $770.00/cfs Traffic $0.001/S.F. $0.022/S.F. 50.500/S.F. $0.18/ADT $2.27/ADT $43.46/ADT Bridges*** $0.080/S.F. $0.126/S.F. $0.157/S.F. $13.43/ADT $13.29/ADT $13.62/ADT Roads $0.034/S.F. $0.054/S.F. $0.067/S.F. $5.76/ADT $5.70/ADT $5.34/ADT Parks $0.015/S.F. $0.309/S.F. $0.000/S.F. Police $0.009/S.F. $0.189/S.F. $0.291/S.F. Fire $0.009/S.F. $0.180/S.F. $0.278/S.F. Bldg/Grounds 50.083/S.F. S0.083/S.F. SO.083/S.F. Subtotal $0.265/S.F. S1.036/S.F. I $1.517/S.F. Sewer Fees* Mobile Home Other Connection $ 573/unit $ 533/unit 5451/ !S20.501Uoon connection Ord. 121 unit fix.un.1 Annexation $1,210/unit 51,123/unit 5950/ �S43.20IUDon application unit Ifix.un.j Tax Charge $ 250/unit S 250/each 5250/ IS250 Upon connection each eacn Permit Fee S 5/eachI S 5/each S 5/ IS5.00 IUDon application each each * Calculations to be made by Public Works Department. ** Piot charged if subject to Amapoa-Tecorida Drainage Area Fee. *** Not charged if subject to Lewis Avenue Bridge Impact Fee. Note: Certain projects may be eligible for fee credits where major public improvements are a condition of project approval. 7-1-86 NG9/8/86 AGENDA DTI ITEM TO: City Council Members September 8, 1986 • FROM: Michael Shelton r City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - CITY ATTORNEY RECOMMENDATION: City Council direct City Manager to advertise availability of Request for Proposal document for City Attorney services in accordance with advertising and selection methodology outlined in this memorandum. DISCUSSION: Attached is a proposed "Request for Proposal" for Council consideration to be utilized in soliciting Attorney proposals to provide City Attorney services. Upon Council approval, this doc- ument will be sent to individuals or firms who may be interested in applying. In an, effort to obtain several proposals for Council • consideration, staff will conduct an extensive recruitment, including a personal mail out to contract City Attorneys serving neighboring cities, sending proposals to member Attorneys of the League of California Cities Tri-County Municipal Attorney Association, advertising in local newspapers, advertising in Job Finders (a professional municipal publication) , and targeting Los Angeles and San Francisco legal publications. The purpose of the latter is not to hire a Los Angeles or San Francisco Attorney, but rather to make a large legal profession aware of the City Attorney opportunity here on the Central Coast in the event they may want to consider relocation. Due to not knowing all publications to be used and publication deadlines, staff will present a verbal recruitment/selection/ appointment schedule for Council consideration at -the Council Meeting. ALTERNATIVES: Direct staff to conduct a full-time Attorney recruitment. Such a recruitment, however , will result in considerably higher costs due more hours, support staff (Secretary) and supplies (Law Library) costs. • MS •kv File : MAtrnyl 1 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING - CITY ATTORNEY POST OFFICE BOX 747 POST OFFICE BOX 749 ..CALIFORNIA 93423 ATASCADERO.CALIFORNIA 93423 ATASCADEROii PHONE: (805( 466-8000 PHONE: (805) 466-5678 CITY COUNCIL - - �� � � ® CITY CLERK CITY TREASURER POLICE DEPARTMEN POST OFFICE BOX 74 CITY MANAGER INCORPORATED.JULY 2. 1979 ATASCADERO,CALIFORNI0523 FINANCE DEPARTMENT PHONE: (805) 466-8600 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FIRE.DEPARTMENT RECREATION DEPARTMENT 6005 LEWIS AVENUE. ATASCADERO.CALIFORNIA 93422 ++ PHONE: (805) 466-2141 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CITY ATTORNEY The City of Atascadero invites interested attorneys or legal firms to submit a proposal to provide contractual legal services to serve as City Attorney. A proposed contractual agreement is to be included with the proposal. REQUESTED INFORMATION: 1. Statement of ordinary services to be provided under a flat rate monthly retainer, and said amount of retainer. Definition of ordinary services to be provided under retainer include: A. -Attendance at all regular and special meetings of the City Council, and other meetings, as deemed necessary and rende ing advice and opinions with respect to such meeting Regular attendance at Planning Commission is not required. However, attendance upon request may be required on an infrequent basis B. Provision of routine legal advice, consultation and opinion to the City Council and staff. C. Assistance in the preparation of resolutions, notices, con- tracts, ordinances, leases, and other legal documents. D. Attendance at two (2) staff agenda preparation each month. E. Cooperate with and assist the City, its officers, agents, and employees on all legal matters pertaining to the City, in- cluding general policies, personnel, zoning, election and legal procedures, and negotions of leases, contracts, and franchises. F. Keeping City Council and staff apprised of court rulings and legislation affecting legal interests of the City. G. Performance of legal research and presenting written and oral opinions to the City Council and staff, when requested. • 1 s' 2. Definition of extraordinary legal services outside a monthly retainer and a basis for compensation. 3. Other provisions including: A. Designation of City Attorney and competent substitute backup legal services in the absence of the City Attorney. B. Designation of desired working relationship between City Attorney and City Council, City Manager, and other members of City staff. C. Payment of retainer, billing of extra hours and expenses, and accounting requirements. D. Definition of extra expenses and overhead to be either com- pensated or provided directly by the City. E. Definition of time frame for response to perform legal services in a manner that permits the City Council and staff to meet established deadlines. F. Degree of availability for quick response to inquiries that arise from day to day operating questions. The City contracts separately for liability and workers compensation legal services. EVALUATION AND SELECTION PROCESS: Proposals should be submitted to the City Manager ' s Office by Proposals should set forth the firm' s or individual' s experience and qualifications to provide the service with particular reference to those specific areas of concern already outlined. Explanation and qualifications related to providing City legal services should include: A. Legal training and years of legal practice. B. Years of municipal or County law practice as a full-time local government attorney or in a private law office specializing in local government. C. Years and statement of other types of clientele represented. D. Knowledge of and experience with California law. ie E. Experience and track record in court. Proposals will be screened by City Council members and City Manager. 2 References and qualifications of top candidates based upon propos; responses will be verified. The City Council will conduct person,* interviews of the top candidates and make the final selection. If the candidate is a firm, the person within the firm who is proposed to be designated as City Attorney will be expected to be the key inter- viewee. A formal contract outlining dues and reimbursement will be entered into with the successful candidate. The City Council reserves the right to reject all proposals, to request additional information concerning any proposal for purpose of clarification, and to accept or negotiate any modification to any proposal following the deadline of receipt of all proposals, and to waive any irregularities, if such would serve the best interest of the City, as determined by the City Council. All inquiries regarding this Request for Proposal and current legal services for the City, including types of legal activities, past and current litigation, should be directed to the City Manager. 3 • ET;NG A AGCND - 1 D-2 ----------- MEMORANDUM ---MEMORANDUM • TO: City Council September 8, 1986 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager M6�. FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Building Permit Time Extension Policy/Development Fee Requirements BACKGROUND: The City Council' s recent action with respect to Campbell Enterprises' appeal for their 114 unit motel at 8870 West Frontage Road focused on the issue of granting a time extension and whether to impose the new development impact fees. The action of the council was to grant the time extension but to subject the project to the development fees which had gone into effect in the interim. It can be predicted that there will be other development projects re- questing time extensions which were accepted for building permit pro- cessing prior to July 1, 1986 , thus exempting these projects from the development impact fees which took effect on that date. This suggests the need to consider establishing a standard policy routinely granting time extensions but subjecting such extensions to development fees if they do not have permits issued within 180 days of the date of application. ANALYSIS: The City' s Zoning Ordinance contains language with respect to the granting of time extensions on precise plans and conditional use per- mits, which are good for one year . They may be extended for an addi- tional year by the Community Development Director provided that there have been no changes to the provisions of the General Plan or Zoning Regulations applicable to the project or no changes in the character of the site or surroundings which affected the original project approval. With respect to building permit applications (which expire 180 days after the application date if not issued) , the Uniform Administrative Code simply states: "The building official may extend the time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding 180 days upon re- quest by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. " • Time Extension PoliccI/Development Fee Requireme s We can anticipate that some of the building permit applications sub- mitted before July 1 will seek time extensions. The City Council • originally allowed a four month grace period before the development fees took effect, and the City' s capital project needs would suggest that any future time extensions on permits be conditioned on payment of development fees. RECOMMENDATION: Condition any future time extensions for building permit issuance on payment of development impact fees. ALTERNATIVE: Act upon time extensions without consideration of fee requirements. HE:ps • 2 % AA lt�G AGrTlDA D 9/8/86 ITPhA E-1. MEMORANDUM • TO: Board of Directors, Atascadero County Sanitatiotrict THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manag FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Developer ' s Request for Special Consideration on Sewer Fees DATE: September 3, 1986 Recommendation Staff recommends that the two developments requests to not pay the sewer fees now in effect be denied. Background Two written requests have been received to not pay the current sewer fees, but to pay the fees in effect prior to July 1, 1986. Section 12.3 of the Sef er Ordinance states; Kee_w+im, 9k�,r = L f r, ,1 #lows t_4"*o k ¢t --41 r "Relief: Any person, who by reason of special circumstances believes that the application of any of the provisions of this Ordinance Code to him is unjust or inequitable, may make written application to the Board of Directors for relief therefrom. Said application shall set forth all of the special facts and cir- cumstances and shall request the specific relief or modification desired. The Board of Directors upon receipt of such application and after such investigation as deemed necessary may take action to grant such relief or modificatin as it finds necessary. Discussion Cased - Bethel/Frank/Messer (Precise Plan 55-84) 16 Units. The developer had a precise plan and grading plan in process prior to the effective date of the new sewer fees, and believes that that fact should allow payment of the old sewer fees. The precise plan conditions for this condominum project states that "Sewer connection fees are due at the time of hook-up to the system or before recordation of the final map. " There is no language discussing the amount of the fee. No sewer permit was applied for until the last week of August. Staff set the charge based on the present fees, since no previous dis- cussion with the de$bloper had transpired relative to said fees and since the application was not filed prior to July 1. Although a developer may apply for sewer connection if legitimate precise plan or building permit is in process, there nothing in the new fee ordinance that exempted those already in t pipeline. It was indicated at the public hearing that if application was made before the new fees went into effect that the old fees would apply. This matter was the subject of a special news article after passage. Case 2 - Nelson (Precise Plan 19-86) (Building Permits 2569 & 2570) - 18 Units The developer had a building permit issued prior to the July 1 deadline, but did not apply for a sewer permit until the last week of August. The precise plan conditions did not address sewer , otherwise the issues on both sides are similar to case 1 above. Discussion Neither developer applied for a permit in a timely manner, discussed the fees with staff or had any agreements with staff re- garding the amount of the respective sewer fees. The rapid development of apartments and condominiums played a large role in the realization that the sewer fees were not adequate to mitigate the necessary improvements to the infrastructure requirgh by such development. Staff feels that there was adequate time giv., by Council to apply for a permit prior to the enactment of the new fees. Fiscal Impact The ACSD would not collect about $19,500 if relief is given to the two developments. Attachments Planning Background Information File:Appeal 2 DENNIS BETHEL & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS 313 B East Plaza Drive,Suite 9 • Santa Maria,California 93454 • (805) 928-7666 August 27, 1986 DB 6267 City of Atascadero Administration Bldg. P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Attn: Paul Sensibaugh Subject: Creekside Dear Mr. Sensibaugh: In reference to our telephone conversation of August 22, we understand that your office cannot issue a sewer connection permit for the Creekside project without collecting a sewer fee of approximately $9, 000 even though the project was approved prior to the enactment of the fee. We also understand that the only way we can avoid payment of this fee is by an appeal to the City Council. We therefore request that you consider this a formal request for such a hearing. There are several reasons why we do not believe it is fair or just to change this fee to the Creekside project. 1. This project had been approved prior to enactment of the fee, it was in the plan check process, and it was almost ready for issuance of final permits prior to adoption of the fees. 2 . Other fees that have been adopted applied only to projects submitted after adoption. There was no public not.ce that this fee would be differenIC. We believe the City should have notified applicants in the permit process so that they could make their application for permit prior to the fee. The Creekside project would certainly have done this if they had been aware of the option. 3 . When a project is ready for issuance of permits and has made all of the financial arrangments it is not fair to impose substantial increased costs. A project of this magnitude places burdens on anybody's financial position and these are fees that the owner doesn't have. I ny furthe action we must take to expedite this ase let us now. Thank you for your assistance. e , DB:jb i � I , :.­ .: , . � .- . I I W -� ��,, --. - - - , , , � � - I :..4�� .� � , *� . I . I : - �­�� , ---�1---��,��-, -, .�,. Y V s :. .. .: .... - .._ �.. r .. 0 � , EXHIBIT:.C ; Conditions ,of. Approval r Pp. recise Plan 55-84 &,r 4 5600 fn�est_Mall > ` 1. r (Bethel/Frank) Y :( , se t C _ 4-1--- s - . .. ..'. .. ..,:r... - % a �.Y > 1. All construction - shall be in conformance -with Exhibit A,.(site '1 landscaping) , Exhibit B -(site, plan) and Exhibit C _ (c6nditions of a royal) .- " pp along with all applicable codes and ordinances of the `City of Atascadero. r J 'P, -, � . '' .. ll 2. Provisions shall be made for a handicapped parking stall and trasht`, enclosure. Locations of these will be reviewed ;and approved by I:-.'­­`.­, heiPlanning Department. r= , d 3. Completion of the11 circulation coop shall be required during = Phase z' I. A temporary hard surface loop is acceptable. t�� a `.V .� ,�r�� � ` t�.. r w` _ its n �cz,:4 L __.�°�tY'� `'F +�'f I�Jr"`�a. 4. Landscape and irr'igation +�plans shall be reviewed ands-,approved Eby ahe ':Planning 'Department prior to the issuance of -:a building.:per � mit,"to. Include provisions for maintaining the undeveloped area of^,`_ Phase II in a clean and sightly manner z �`" - ?'x ' t\h ; 1 10 ,­ -­ -.­ ­'.­�,:-­-, �-..,�-1-.�r­"-,e,':'��,�� ,1;�:- , 11.5. Drainage and erosion control plans`` shall be reviewed..arid .approved b the Public Works Departments prior. to the issuance of a build ing permit. t�� 4 ,,R 6. All easement locations shall be verified -prior to issuance of building permits. y s 7. Two fire hydrants shall be required one at'the driveway entrance :and the other at the -landsca ed area at':the center ,the. project­- project. Exact location and design shall be determined by the Fire Department: r �< 8. Sewer connection fees' are due at the time of hook-up to the sys tem or before recordation of the fincl map. r. r _- 9. Public improvement plans shall be submitted toJand^`approved :by the Public ;Works Department. a. Sewer. improvement plans, including details of:, .manhole con struction, shall be submitted to and approved by- the Public 1. � �� ,�­01Z Works Department` SIF �� r ; ,17, h: , ,- 1 . 11 . .,Y b. `;Storm drainage and system improvement plans shall be re ,. viewed and approved by the Public ' Works Department w,,, .��, I. - } -� tib. ''� K .: E ='� ._ .- ,x-` Ll -�:`4•r .�yc.�x'�'�„3,Rjn2'x r'�"��e^Fy. 3t"s�" �:1 r '- ti*.;--- - c. � A five foot wide 'sidewalk shall be constructed along the full �� : s frontage. , �� � s } s ;u • .�". `rte '* ix E'�'�'q..at e .�- -""<x ' '-,?I,,-,*I , A"ifN.v�• �n .:> ,�y^Q ;• :,> '.gs �` ^4 1�s c f .r r . i x uF.[^ A,{ 't X i,i. "4.2 F ."n 4J 7 .+.^," .µ > Y, a-�3�5'ti 4L X s�Y4 ,dy' ��• �-f .•s -. C it 'r , I � - - I "I .� I � I . I � .. .-­ I I . � I �. I .- . ..* - ,.� . I�,� I::. I - � I . .�. � I :�.� �- ,-�., � I � � - � ,., - , I � . I � � � .. I I �. x 11 I I I � .., .I .� - I I I � � , I I . . - , I .. , I I I , " - - , ­ *, � ,... . .- . . � ,� _­ -, .�:� ., - . ,, , , . , ' a -) '', . � . .., ... . ,: .� _. I.". I . 1 . 0,01..� 11 I - � -- , , – , , � � � _ - - .1 . 1 , ,��_ - - - - , - . _ I . � : . . �� �*� � ��' -__� _. � .: , ,".,.., , .1 ­ , .1 � ,.:­ ;_ - � _ - - - .: ._��,-,�,-__,- - —.1 i , ­ I , I - - -,.- - ­ ­ _ .._,­_, . � � � _.". ,­ i - - ,� . , __ . - ��" –,_­� , . ", . ,����, _.",- . t� I � o ". I-, .I -7----- -, y-:,�­, - " - :,� � , �� --. �,.., � �, I . I � � �:. _ - , , ,Y1- " � , - , - "--- , - �­ ­ . I I I I . . — -,� -- -- I-,- � - ,- - - .. , , . , - � ... ... -,S d. , , The 12 inch abandoned sewer main crossing the site is to ,be _. removed or crushed. t # � � x :; , e.O"'::,_. permit shall be. secured from , Caltrans to work in their right of way for sidewalk and sewer line construction.` otic?� - . ` 10. ,Development shall be subject ' to any' City wide , .development fee ;.'schedule which may be adopted by the City Council . to mitigate im` pacts on schools and -other public facilities. 11. All conditions of appI1I roval of Tentative Tract Map :20-",4.6,: 4 shall be complied "with. , 12. This precise-plan approval is approved for; one year from the date of final approval (January '1, 1985) , unless an appeal - fi16d.<-, #t r _ � � ir Ys� �� , , 4 .: i '+.r .s, -f,- t`' c+ 'Fs2 .1try a-.YK^'7,-tri. -"r�i.•$it t'-.. t _ ..;__'� -.. r: . + -^ :i ,..,: ; m-Z r x 2•'M '-- -��,.Yi'7'- ,['. x's°"•. '' i• i .� - y }- 9 x.d z, , '-'k'.r,i. Y'F +�., C - 7'��.tj , 55 ft ty, >` I G� ?w 4 4 c fi - - J.. .. f RS` S t {k aY , - .. _ ( " . r .. .'' ` ;- 4 b �: 1 t }Y v/ J� 1. ' ,.. - - 4 r hr 4�h _ a t cg.' t.�jF• ,f }� 'ryF`t kaf �a� �`` �'°�.v-rs „ ��' 111: �+—, s A sas.+v w -t< . f r3 :S^.Sc ^C'^ Jt >. .,L - F'' C - - z',, F:N1`,' ;I•,i�S,'U",T+ r'Ii-- t S - 4M .S 1 S - {:-,- V SS '`, - t '( y b' irJ s Y .t. f. C 8:.' 7t �_. r+' "t1' ix ». wi ...dG 'r i .. � ­17 .. :•. ,,,xr f p lriR t t1 r*j.r+iY } i 5f "`' .yr4 ,l i•.+ �#3�a +�L r_z zr og, 1. 2 E z ti Y� WK`.Y �l Q �ICI_ `k :�a Y y., ! M1 i M i y�� L ��=$Ih' -,rir�» •ter, �r�c .x rr � {i r .:,�` i ! s,'y� x tas-Y ,v.: .tri (' ) .. 4 kL-.4 t- 'l, R`1!, `� t C k f Y 4 , r a n_`'�, , a, "{�c 'xo: ,rxt µ _;` 5 r i�.','c-ja j„ ,�'� �•��`t"55 a Y�"` -� . S:� �Jr [ , t ! '`{•r• . f .4a' `{.-�_ i it ,,ti :C °f�,: k 4 �:+ x o $�. a a ,s i* t f'- 7. L ,4 / S .y'.. - " i + _ t•. r M1 ,y 74a p S 'y S Y - }J h t .- _ - .. ..� 1.. - - ... - .._.._ .r. c'f Ali.:cCa. hA-w+.i f. - ....r.t R A ADMINISTRATION BUILDING CITY ATTORNEY POST OFFICE BOX 747 POST OFFICE BOX 606 ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93423 ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93423 PHONE: (805) 466-8000 PHONE: (805(466.4422 CITY COUNCIL 4aS A eiC® CITY CLERK `-,��. POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY TREASURER POST OFFICE BOX 747 CITY MANAGER AZ JULY 2, 1979 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 PHONE: (805) 466.8600 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT _-. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 6005 LEWIS AVENUE ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 '�• PHONE: (805) 466-2141 March 20, 1986 Mr. Daryl Nelson P. 0. Box 95 Santa Margarita, CA 93453 RE: Grading Permit No. 2351 Building Permit Nos. 2569 and 2570 Precise Plan 31-84 (9805 E1 Camino Real) Dear Mr. Nelson: I am in receipt of your letter requesting reinstatement of the above- referenced grading and building permits and precise plan approval. I must again advise you that we will be unable to reinstate these ap- provals due to the expiration of the mandated time limits. As you have previously discussed with Bob Fielding, Chief Building Inspector,- your grading permit expired in August of 1985, six months after the last inspection on February 22, 1985. Section 303 (d) of the Uniform Administrative Code specifies that building (grading) permits shall expire if work on the permitted project is suspended or aban- doned for a period 'of 180 days. Failure to call for a final inspec- tion of your grading within the 180 day time limit is considered aban- donment of your project. Our records indicate that building permits #2569 and #2570 for two (2) nine unit apartment complexes were issued on April 25, 1985. There has not been a request for inspection of any work accomplished pursu- ant to these. permits as of this date. The provisions of UAC Section 303 (d) again apply to these permits. Further , the expiration of your grading permit prohibits reinstatement of these building permits. Finally, as- you have previously discussed with Henry Engen and myself, approval of Precise Plan 31-84 expired on August 6 , 1985 , one (1) year after its issuance. . The City' s zoning ordinance does provide for the granting of extensions (Section 9-2. 118) ; however , requests for exten- sions must be submitted and approved prior to the date of expiration of the entitlement. Further , Section 9-2. 119 provides that "No use of land or structure, the entitlement for which has lapsed pursuant to this Section, shall be reactivated, re-established, or used unless a new entitlement is first obtained. " RE: 9805 & 9825 E1 Camino Real Permits #2351, 2569, 2570 DARYL NELSON 1. Grading Permit #2351 A Grading Permit was issued on October 11, 1984 . The last inspection made re grading was February 22 , 1985 according to our records. In this case it has been well over a years' time & per the U.B.C. no longer valid. This was relayed to Mr. Nelson. 2 . ( 2 ) Nine Unit Apartment Complexes , Permits #2569 & 2570 The structure permits were issued on April 25 , 1985. As of this date, the job has not commenced. NOTE: I spoke with Daryl pertaining to these matters & informed him that the permits would have to be reactivated which is 50% of what was originally paid & that additional fees would not have to be paid (re: School Fees & Development Fee ) er Bob Fielding. After I informed Daryl of this particular matter he called back a few hours later to schedule for a grading inspec- tion. I informed him I couldn't place him down on the list since our records showed that it had been over 6 months since his last inspection. Also after I went thru the Building Permits , I then let Planning know the situation & at that time they also checked files and saw that the Precise Plan had expired on August 6 , 1985 pertaining to this project . EXHIBIT C Conditions of Approval Precise Plan 19-86 9805 _E1 Camino Real (Nelson) 1. All construction shall be in conformance with Exhibit A (site Plan) , Exhibit B (elevations) Exhibit C (conditions of approval) , and all other applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Atascadero. 2. Submit a drainage plan, prepared by a registered civil engineer n , providing for mitigating measures relieving any downstream ,drain age problems or alternatively a stormwater detention basin. If a detention basin is selected, then the design shall be based upon a 100 year design storm, site developed, with outflow limited to - 10 year design storm, undeveloped site, and as required by the Deten- tion Basin Policy adopted August 12, 1985. - The alternate selected must be acceptable to the Director of Public Works. 3. Public improvement plans, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department prior to the issuance of a structural building. permit for the site. The plans shall include, but not be limited to, curb, gut- ter, sidewalk and . paveout along E1 Camino Real. 4. A new fire hydrant shall be provided near the entrance drive of the project. Exact location and design shall be reviewed and- ap- proved by the Fire Department prior to the issuance of. 'a structur al building permit. 5. A'trash enclosure shall be provided in conformance with Section 9-4.129` of 'the zoning ordinance. 6. Parking area construction shall be in conformance with _ Section 9-4.114 and one handicapped parking stall shall be .provided. 7. A landscape plan shall be submitted by the applicant and approved . by , the Community Development Department . prior to -issuance of.,. building permits. 8. The handicapped . parking stall shall be relocated to` the :area adja cent to "Unit #18." A twenty (20) foot wide portion of` the paved areal adjacent to the fence at the eastern property boundary shall be striped and signed for "no parking" to provide adequate room for Fire Department turnaround. 9. It shall be the applicant' s responsibility to resolve , '.-conflicts with public utilities and to relocate poles at his expense.. 10. This preciselan is approved for a P PP period of one year - from the date of final approval (April 22, 1986) . r P. 0. Box 95 Santa Margarita, CA 93453 September 3, 1986 Mr. Paul Sensibaugh City of Atascadero Department of Public Works 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero , CA 93422 Re : Elm Estates - Tract 1211 Dear Mr . Sensibaugh : I am requesting a waiver of the new fee now charged for connecting to the sewer. My construction permit was issued in April, 1986, and I feel the imposition of the new fee is an unjustifiable charge , and should not be required. I would appreciate a waiver of the sewer connection fee. Very truly yours , C & S Construction Carl G. Sjelin, CS/p