HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 04/14/1986 DEPUTY CITY CLERK • NOTE: THE CITY COUNCIL WILL BE MEETING AT 6 :00 P.M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERVIEWING PLANNING COMMISSION AND BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICANTS. AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOOR, ROTUNDA ROOM APRIL 14, 1986 7 :30 P.M. ** PROCLAMATION - The Month of April Designated as Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month ** ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS, STAFF MEMBERS AND CITIZENS ARE REMINDED ** PLEASE SPEAK DIRECTLY INTO THE MICROPHONE Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance • Invocation Roll Call City Council Comments A. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar , are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. Thee will be no separate discussion of these items. if discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered separately. Vote may be roll call. 1. Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 24, 1986 2. Authorization for Mayor to Enter into Agreement with County of San Luis Obispo for Alternate Work Program 3. Resolution Number 35-86 - Prohibiting Parking on South Side of Solano at E1 Camino, Extending Easterly 4. Resolution Number 34-86 - Establishing a Stop Sign on San Fernando Road at �� • 5. Resolution Number 33-86 - Establishing a Left Through and Right Only Lanes at Intersection of Curbaril and E1 Camino Real 6. Award of Bid 86-37 - Herbicide Spraying at Various Locations - Satellite Extermination Company 1 • 7. Acknowledgement of Administrative Policy on Distribution of Commercial Literature to City Employees 8. Authorization to Enter into Agreement with Communication Resources Corporation for Telephone Consultant Services 9. Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 3-85 - 12650 San Cayetano - Charnley/Twin Cities Engineering 10. Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 16-85 - 7125 Sycamore Vaughn/Cuesta Engineering 11. Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 13-84 - 14405 Santa Lucia - Tenneco Realty Dvmt/Cuesta Engineering 12. Authorization to Sell Unclaimed Property by Police Department B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS 1. Appeal by Gary Mulhullond of Planning Commission Requirement of 10-foot Sidewalk - RMF/16 Project - 5550 Traffic Way 2. Proposed General Plan Amendment 1A-86 and Zone Change 1A-86- 18-00 • E1 Camino Real - Leonard Brazzi A. Proposed Resolution 29-86 - Amending General Plan from Single Family Suburban Residential to Retail Commercial B. Proposed Ordinance 122 - Amending Atascadero Zoning Maps from Residential Suburban to Commercial Retail (FIRST READING) 3. Proposed General Plan Amendmenmt 1F-86 and Zone Change 6-86 4155 Carrizo Road - Jaime Lopez-Balbontin A. Proposed Resolution 30-86 - Amending General Plan from Single Family Suburban Residential to Moderate Density Single Family B. Proposed Ordinance 123 - Amending Atascadero Zoning Maps from Residential Suburban to Residential Single Family, Medium Density (FIRST READING) 4. Pavilion Committee Report on Status and Policy Position of Committee (Request by Mike Arrambide) (Verbal) C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS • 1. Authorization to Enter into Agreement with Ross, Levin, and Mac Intyre for Architectural Services for Police Facility and Establishing Design Perimeters 2 • 2. A. Proposed Resolution 36-86 - `Appointment of Planning Commission Vacancy (1 vacancy) B. Proposed Resolution 37-86 - Appointments to Building and Construction Board of Appeals D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Report by Staff on Formation of Central Business District Redevelopment Agency 2. Discussion Regarding Proposed Breakfast Meeting with State Assemblyman Eric Seastrand - 8:00 A.M. , May 15, 1986 (Verbal) 3. Proposed Resolution 28-86 - Authorizing New Position of Senior Building Inspector 4. Acquisition of Property on Morro Road Adjoining Atascadero Lake Property 5. Appointment of Alternate Representative to San Luis Obispo County and Cities Planning and Coordinating Council • E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (ACSD) (Council will recess and convene as the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board of Directors) 1. Authorization for Public Works Director to Advertise for Bids to Assessment District Number 3 - Marchant Way Sewer Extension (The Board of Directors will adjourn and reconvene as City Council) F. COMMUNITY FORUM G. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager • ** NOTE• MEETING IS ADJOURNED SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING REGARDING FISCAL REVIEW AND 1986/87 BUDGET SESSION ON APRIL 21, 1986, AT 7:00 P.M. , ROOM 306, CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 3 7 #!!_// AG T�DA �D /�/ITE ' • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting, March 24, 1986 Atascadero Administration Building The Regular Meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m: by Mayor Nelson, followed by the Pledge of Alle- giance. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Handshy, Mackey, Molina and Mayor Nelson Absent: Councilwoman Norris STAFF Mike Shelton, City Manager ; David Jorgensen, Admin. Services Director ; Robert Jones, City Attorney/City Clerk; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Henry Engen, Commun. Devel. Director ; Paul Sensi- baugh, Public Works Director; Cindy Wilkins, Deputy City Clerk. COUNCIL/STAFF COMMENTS Mayor Nelson announced Councilwoman Norris is absent due to a recent death in her family. • Councilwoman Mackey commended the services of the Atascadero Police Dispatchers to the City. Councilman Molina asked the Council to reactivate the ad hoc fee com- mittee to restudy the Lewis Ave. Bridge fees; Council consented, and Mayor Nelson directed Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, to fol- low up. Police Chief McHale introduced Jeff Fredericks, new Police Officer who joined the APD on February 19th. Mayor Nelson read correspondence from Carolyn Bresley requesting he declare April 16th Atascadero Literacy Day, as part of Atascadero' s volunteer (in coordination with nation-wide) effort to help adults learn to read. In addition, he read correspondence from Atascadero Friends of the Library requesting he proclaim the observance of April 6-12 as National Library Week. A. CONSENT CALENDAR At Mayor ' s direction, Mike Shelton, City Manager , summarized Item #4, the Employee Recognition Program. Councilman Molina requested Item #5 be pulled for separate vote. • 1. Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 10, 1986 2. Approval of City Treasurer ' s Report - February 1-28, 1986 1 MOTION: By Councilman Molina that Council concur with the Planning Commission' s recommendation to deny the request for zone change, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously, with Councilwoman Norris absent. 2. Public Hearing on General Plan Amendment 1I-86 and Zone Change 9-86 - Steil, Roberts, Jagger, City of Atascadero - Colorado Study Area Henry Engen, Commun. Devel. Director, gave staff report. Mayor Nelson read a letter from Gary A. Power , 10705 Atascadero Ave. , expressing his opposition to the proposed zone change due to density issues. Public Comment Sandra Jagger , co-applicant, read a letter from herself and the Roberts explaining that the Neals (owners of property to the south of area proposed) have removed themselves as co-applicants, reducing the size of the study area, and that Mr. & Mrs. Steil are no longer co-ap- plicants, feeling that, by concentrating on a smaller study area, the concern of residents should be reduced; Ms. Jagger then reviewed the revised proposal and spoke in support of it. Alice Roberts, co-applicant, spoke in support of the zone change. Roseann Alderson, owner of parcel directly across from the Roberts' s, presented a letter to Council from Ron & Susan Sullivan (vacationing and unable to be present) expressing opposition to zone change based on density concerns, and she expressed strong opposition based on her desire to maintain the present character of the neighborhood. Chuck Hazelton, 10610 Colorado, expressed his feeling that Council should consider the general slope in the area proposed, noting that there' s a considerable watershed problem; he is opposed to the zone change. Roland Hickerson, 10620 Colorado (directly across from applicants) , spoke in opposition to the zone change due to the watershed problem, which he noted is evident at this time, both in and around his home. Nancy Hyman, 10760 Colorado, expressed strong opposition to the zone change due to the considerable watershed problems in the area, in ad- dition to her desire to see the rural character of the area preserved. Sue Herring, 10810 Colorado (bordering Steil' s property) , spoke in opposition- due to increased traffic concerns which would result from a zone change. She read a letter from Mike & Anna Marquez, who own property in the area proposed, expressing their opposition to the zone change based on their desire to preserve the rural character of the neighborhood. (Mrs. Herring presented the letter to Council. ) 3 Steve Dirkes, 10800 Colorado, expressed his feeling that Council need to consider the concerns of the neighborhood, noting that the Robert can still build one house on their property, and a decision denying a zone change would not totally deprive them. Roger Cook, 10600 Colorado, spoke in opposition to the zone change due to .the drainage problem which already exists from the Roberts's prop- erty; he thinks the property should remain as it is and not be split. Strape Zanartu, 10618 Colorado, expressed opposition to the subdivi- sion for all the reasons previously stated by area owners. Mark Lawall, 10755 Colorado, expressed opposition to the zone change; he owns horses and is concerned that eventually, if the area starts becoming subdivided, the rural character will be threatened as will having horses or other animals (people may begin to complain) . Nell Isom, 10775 Colorado (20-year resident) , spoke in opposition to any zone change. Discussion came back to Council; Councilman Molina asked that the agenda for the upcoming Council/Planning Commission Joint Meeting (Thursday, 3/27) be expanded to include discussion of possibly taking a look at the five-year cycle of the General Plan, noting Mr. Engen' s earlier mention of (18) applications for GP amendments, in addition to numerous other concerns expressed by people; Mayor Nelson noted this various subcommittees which are working on such things as the tre ordinance, a hillside standards ordinance, multiple-density zoning, the subject of architectural review and population projections (in- cluding schools) , concurring with Councilman Molina's concern for dis- cussion; Council concurred, and Mayor Nelson directed Mr. Engen to add the topic to the joint meeting agenda.. Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director , noted that his staff will look into the watershed problems in their upcoming drainage study. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to uphold the Planning Commission' s recommendations, denying the zone change, seconded by Coun- cilman Handshy; passed 4 :O, with Councilwoman Norris absent. COUNCIL RECESSED FOR A FIVE-MINUTE BREAK. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Selection/Recommendation for Architectural Services - City Police Facility (Cont'd from 1/27/86) Bud McHale, Police Chief, gave staff report and responded to questions from Council; Mike Shelton, City Manager , made additional comments relating to the fiscal impact of and financial approach to this pro ject. 4 Public Comment Terril Graham, 6205 Conejo Rd. , accused the Council of foregoing the public's choice in the last election (of whether or not they want a new police facility) right into the planning phase. (Councilman Molina removed himself from the Council podium during Mr. Graham' s comments) . Mr. Shelton, in response to Mr . Graham' s comments, expressed the importance of providing a facility in which the Police Dept. can func- tion efficiently, suggesting the decision for acquiring/providing a facility for the staff is appropriately a City Council decision. Debra Kankiewicz , 11455 Viejo Camino, relayed that she has questioned some Atascadero police officers, and she relayed their concerns over the fact that the present facility would not be safe in the event of earthquake, and safe parking is a necessity due to recurring vandal- ism; she spoke in favor of providing an adequate facility. She in- quired as to the cost of blueprints for a new facility; Chief McHale responded that it will be contingent upon the estimated cost of con- struction (the square footage is not known yet, which is part of the architect' s task) , and is considered 8% of the architect's total cost. Terril Graham addressed Chief McHale, recalling a conversation between the 'two of them 3-4 months ago relating to the consideration for a new police facility. Maggie Rice, speaking as a resident, encouraged (as at two previous meetings) the City Council to allow the Police Department to grow with the community, without further delay, feeling that the single-most important issue prior to incorporation, other than autonomy, was ac- quiring a police department. It' s her opinion the City property (just north of the armory) would be the best site. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve staff recommendation to contract with Ross Levin & McIntyre, with the stipulation that, within the next month, Council will make a decision on whether to hold public hearings to determine site selection or to let the architects determine a site; if the City makes the site selection, staff will bring back a counter-proposal, and the architect will not be paid for the service of site selection. Motion seconded by Councilman Molina; passed 4:0 by roll-call vote, with Councilwoman Norris absent. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion on Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting Scheduled for March 27, 1986 Mike Shelton, City Manager, gave staff report. MOTION: By Councilman Molina that Council authorize up to $300 to cover the out-of-pocket expenses of Mr. Milton Farrell for his travel from Sacramento, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; 5 passed by 4:0 roll-call vote, with Councilwoman Norris ab sent. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to recess as Council and convene as the Atas. County Sanitation District Board of Directors, seconded by Councilman Molina; passed unanimously, with Councilwoman Norris absent. E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (ACSD) 1. Ordinance No. 121 - Amendments to the Sewer Service Fees (SECOND READING) (Cont'd from 3/10/86) Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, gave staff report, reviewing proposed fee structure and responding to question (from last meeting) of possibility for early pay-off on original sewer bond (see report in agenda packet) . No public comment. MOTION: By Director Handshy to read Ord. 121 by title only, seconded by Director Molina; passed 4:0 , with Director Norris absent. Mayor Nelson read Ord. 121 by title only. MOTION: By Director Handshy that this constitutes the second readin and adoption of Ord. 121, seconded by Director Mackey; passe by 4:0 by roll-call, with Director Norris absent. MOTION: By Director Mackey to recess as ACSD Board of Directors and reconvene as City Council, seconded by Director Handshy; passed 4:0, with Director Norris absent. F. COMMUNITY FORUM Cecile King, 8830 Curbaril, requested the replacement of two benches on the sidewalk of Sunken Gardens fronting E1 Camino Real, presenting - a petition containing about 58 signatures supporting that request. Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director , responded that staff intends to locate the benches and anchor them down (to prevent vandalism) . G. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION No comments. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9 :45 P.M. TO 3/27/86 FOR JOINT MEETING WITH PLAN- NING COMMISSION AND TO 4/14/86 FOR INTERVIEW OF PLANNING COMMISSION AND BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICANTS (PRIOR TO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING) . 6 ,NTEE A"A TO: City Council \ April 14 , 1986 FROM: Mike Shelton, City Manager SUBJECT: ALTERNATIVE WORK PROGRAM PROPOSAL RECOMMENDATION: City Council authorize the Mayor to enter into "Alternative Work Program" agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo. BACKGROUND: The County Sheriff' s Department is implementing an alternative work program, as an alternative to incarceration in County • detention facilities, for persons sentenced to jail that qualify to work their sentences. The type of work proposed in the pro- gram relates to public works projects such as pulling . weeds, picking up trash, etc. The Public Works Department feels the City could benefit from this program, and requests the Mayor to sign the agreement in behalf of the City. FISCAL IMPACT• There is no cost for tis program. MS:kv File: MWork A G R E E M E N T THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered _this 14TH of APRIL, 1986, by and between the County of San Luis Obispo, hereinafter referred to as "County" , which term shall be synonymous with the Sheriff-Coroner of said county, and the City of Atascadero, hereinafter referred to as "City" W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the County administers an Alternative Work Program for the placement of county jail inmates, hereinafter referred to as " inmates" in a work program for public works projects; and WHEREAS, City desires that such inmates be placed with it for voluntary work under the direction and control of City; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1 . The Count lace Y may P inmates with City, the number of inmates to be coordinated between the County and City. 2. On placement of inmates by the County with City, the work of the inmates will be under the direct supervision and control of City. 3. The work performed by the inmates shall be as determined by City, with the understanding that the project must be in the light of public works. 4. City shall not provide any security guards and the employees of City will not physically restrain any such inmates that might leave the work area. The County will be notified during the regular reporting cycle of any missed working assignments. 5. The inmates shall be responsible for their own transportation to and from the work site, and shall be responsible for any meals . 0 6. City employees will provide safety instructions , explain the work to be done, and direct the work of the inmates. 7. In the event that a claim for industrial injury is filed by an inmate working under this program, the County will be responsible for the administration of the claim in the same manner as if the inmate was a County employee. 8. City shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the County, its agents and employees, from any and all actions, claims or suits of every name, kind, and description, which may be asserted by any person including any inmate placed by the County with City, arising out of, or in connection with, any action by an employee of City. 9. The County shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City, its agents and employees, from any and all actions, claims or suits of every name, kind and description, which may be asserted any person, including any inmate placed by the County with City, arising out of, or in connection with, any action by an employee of the County. 10. This agreement shall become effective upon its execution by both parties hereto. This agreement may be terminated at any time. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers, the day and year above written. COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO OFFICE OF SHERIFF-CORONER By: George S Whiting, Sheriff City of Atascadero By ROLFE NE 0 Mayor, City of Atascadero ,y • MEMORANDUM TO: City Council tM� . THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: Resolution Prohibiting Parking on South Side of Solano Road from El Camino Real easterly to a point beyond the end point of the curve as determined by the City Traffic Engineer. DATE: April 8, 1986 Recommendation: The Traffic Committee recommends that Council pass Resolution No. 35 -86 establishing a no parking zone on the southerly side of Solano Road from E1 Camino Real as described. Background: • Council previously established a no parking zone on the northerly side of Solano and 20 ft. on the southerly side, based upon a Traffic Committee Recommendation. The Committee at the timerealized that it might be necessary to restrict parking on the southerly side but wanted to see the effect of the restriction on the northerly side before making a commitment. Discussion: After 4 months of observation by the Traffic Committee and after receiving both written and verbal concerns, the Committee acted to recommend the above action. Fiscal Impact: The cost for this improvement will be approximately $50 to be paid out of the street budget. PMS/vjh • & A1 • MEMORANDUM TO: Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: Resolution 34 -86 establishing a stop sign on San Fernando at Del Rio Road DATE: April 8, 1986 Recommendation: The Traffic Committee recommends that Council adopt Resolution 34 -86 establishing a stop sign on San Fernando Rod on the westerly side of Del Rio Road. Background: San Fernando itself is a non-city maintained street that is for the most part sub-standard from Del Rio Road to Balboa Road. The intersection at Del Rio, however is not only within the right-of-way g y of Del Rio, but the San Fernando approach is built to standards. San Fernando was paved through a maintenance district. Discussion: The intersection is considered hazardous without any traffic control and many "near misses" have been reported. Although the signing of San Fernando has liability implications, it seems appropriate that traffic be controlled as it enters Del Rio, which is city-maintained. Fiscal Impact: The cost to the City is approximately $75 and can be paid out of the maintenance district fund. out of the street fund. PMS/vjh is RESOLUTION NO. 34-86 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A STOP INTERSECTION ON SAN FERNANDO ROAD AT MONTEREY ROAD WHEREAS, Section 4-3. 801 et sequence of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to determine the location of STOP intersections, and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Traffic Committee has recommended that establishing a STOP intersection at San Fernando Road and Monterey will alleviate a hazardous traffic condition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating a STOP intersection at San Fernando and Monterey Roads. On Motion by ,and seconded by , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: ROBERT M. JONES, City Clerk ROLFE NELSON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED A5 TO CONTENT: ROBERT M. JONES, City Attorney PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH Director of Public Works/ City Engineer EM MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Resolution No- 33-86 Establishing Left-Thru Lane and Right Only Lanes on Curbaril DATE: April 8, 1986 Recommendation: The Traffic Committee recommends that Council adopt Resolution No. 33-86 allowing the marking of left-thru lanes and right only lanes on both the eastbound and westbound sides of Curbaril Avenue �at El Camino Real. Background: Previous action by council established left only lanes on • Curbaril based on the recommendation of the Traffic Committee. The recommendation was based upon the correction of logical conflicts normally associated with similar State-maintained, signal installations. Discussion: The City Traffic Engineer after studying the phasing diagrams for the signal at this location learned that the County and not the State designed the signal and that the opposite exclusive left turns work independently and not congruently, and the detector loops which actuate the same would have to be modified in the ground as well as the controller to facilitate the left only movement. Conclusion: The only logical arrangement without expending large sums of money, which are not warranted, is to place a left-thru and right- only movements, which will be very similar to the present layout. The red curb previously authorized is still appropriate. Fiscal Impact• The cost of this improvement will be the cost of pavement marking • and labor which is estimated at $250 to be paid out of the street budget. - T MEMORANDUM TO: City Council L�&A , THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Pau],,Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: Bid No. 86-37 DATE: April 7, 1986 Recommendation: It is recommended that Council award the contract for Herbicide Spraying to Satellite Exterminating of Atascadero. Council previously authorized staff to prepare specifications and advertise for bids of various Public Works projects. Background: The Herbicide Spraying project is done on an annual basis at various locations determined by the Public Works Super- intendent. Specifications are mailed to firms that have sub- mitted bids in the past. Fiscal Impact: Funds are available for this project in the F.Y. 1985-86 budget. Attachment: Bid Spread Sheet PMS/vjh • ANG`7/ AGENDA CfATE �d�v ITEM# • TO: City Council May 14 , 1986 FROM: Mike Shelton, City Manager SUBJECT: POLICY REGARDING DISTRIBUTION OF COMMERCIAL LITERATURE TO CITY EMPLOYEES RECOMMENDATION: City Council acknowledge staff Administrative Policy regarding commercial literature advertising services and products being made available to City employees. BACKGROUND: Recently, a local business marketing representative contacted myself, requesting to provide their brochures to City employees. I approved the request, and they were distributed to employees, with no City endorsement, with the April 2, 1986 paycheck. I felt distribution of commercial discount offerings (particularly by local businesses) to government employees, is a common . practice. Since that time, the practice of distributing commercial offer- ings by employee paychecks was discussed in the Department Head Staff Meeting, inwhich other viewpoints were reviewed. As a Department Head team, the staff defined policy on this issue that the City will continue accepting commercial offerings, ex- cept that the method of distribution be altered from including them with the employee paycheck to providing available literature for employees in non-work areas and appropriate employee bulletin boards. MS:kv File MLit DAU / / • ME M O R A yN D U M TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: David G. Jorgensen, Administrative Services Director SUBJECT: Authorize Contract for Telephone Consultant with Communication Resources Company DATE: April 8, 1986 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Citv Council authorize the Mayor to sign a telephone consulting contract with Communication Resources Company (CRC) . DISCUSSION In the 1985-1986 Fiscal Budget the Council authorized $5,000 to hire a .consultant to analyze our current telephone system to determine if it is the best system for our city. This appropriation was made in response to both employee and citizen complaints regarding the viability of our current telephone system. The proposal from CRC outlines a 24 step plan for analyzing the City' s needs in regard to a telephone system. They specifically address two main areas of concern. The most important aspect of their analysis will be how to better serve the citizens of Atascadero through a telephone system. Secondarily, they will look at the need for more specific management controls involving the cost of the current system. The time frame for the analysis phase of the work will be 60 - 90 days. FISCAL IMPACT The amount for the analysis phase of the contract is $4950. This is $50. 00 under the amount appropriated by the Council in the current fiscal budget. The contract also includes two additional phases (bid and installation) which will be part of the 1986-1987 budget requests in the amount of $8355 for both. The contract for these two phases is contingent on: 1. need; 2. the Council • appropriating the funds; and 3 . the results of Phase I. We are in no way obligated to continue with Phases II and III. Communication Resources Company 505 W.OLIVE AVENUE,SUITE 120,SUNNYVALE,CALIFORNIA 94086 • (408)738-2922 RECEIV =D y X986 April 7, 1986 ATAXACrRO /`-Ty Ott" Mr. David Jorgensen Director, Admin. Services City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Atascadero, CA 93423 Dear Mr. Jorgensen: The enclosed agreement supersedes our previously offered agreement which was presented with our proposal on March 28, 1986. The current agreement reduces the fee for Phase I from $5,415 to $4,950, based upon your willingness to provide 90% ($4,455) upon acceptance of this agreement and 10% ($495) upon presentation of the Phase I report. Upon execution of the agreement and receipt of the initial fee, a project manager will be assigned to your project and work will begin. We look forward to providing you with professionalism and expertise that CRC has become well known for. Sincerely, W.W. Dettman Consultant WWD•ce Enclosures r , coecAgreement No. 0-4431 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSULTING AGREEMENT AGREEMENT is hereby made between the City of Atascadero (hereinafter referred to as „CLIENT"), and COMMUNICATION RESOURCES COMPANY, -with principal offices at 17155 Newhope Street, Suite N, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT"). The CONSULTANT will analyze the CLIENT'S telecommunication services for the purpose of providing the CLIENT with appropriate recommendations to assure that satisfactory telecommunication services are provided for CLIENT'S facility at 6500 Palma d remote sites, Atascadero, California. The CONSULTANT will• perform all functions necessary to determine which communication services offer the CLIENT maximum cost effectiveness and best service arrangements. The scope of CONSULTANT'S functions will include; all reports, studies, planning, and analysis as detailed within the Communication Analysis Plan Proposal dated March 1986 which is a part of this AGREEMENT by reference. The CONSULTANT will submit a report addressing the findings approximately ninety (90) days after the date this agreement becomes:ieffective. Foll6wing,,CLMT acceptance of this report, the CONSULTANT shall proceed as directed by CLIENT. Responsibility for final decision making shall, at all times, remain with the CLIENT. CONSULTANT shall act upon decisions as made by and in behalf of the CLIENT. 0 By means of periodic observation of services and installation, CONSULTANT will endeavor to guard the' CLIENT against defects and deficiencies in the work of the system supplier, but nothing in this- AGREEMENT or in CONSULTANT'S periodic observation shall constitute, or be construed as a guarantee of performance . of any contracts or a guarantee against defects or deficiencies. The CLIENT agrees to pay the CONSULTANT a fee for its services, as described in detail in the Communication Analysis Plan Proposal, in the amount of: PHASE 1 - THE ANALYSIS............................................$4,950 and, if elected PHASE II - NEW EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION...............................$4,730 followed by PHASE III - IMPLEMENTATION SUPERVISION..............................$3,625 Upon execution of the AGREEMENT, $4,455.00 shall be paid to the CONSULTANT. ,All remaining amounts due under this AGREEMENT $495.00 shall be billed and paid upon presentation of the Phase I report. Payments are due upon presentation of invoice and become delinquent 30 days thereafter. Penalties will be assessed on late payments at the rate of 1 1/2% per month. • • t Should the CLIENT desire to expand the study, cover other locations, or require additional activities beyond those stipulated, In this- AGREEMENT and/or in the Communication Analysis Plan Proposal, such activity will be considered an addition to this AGREEMENT and billed at the rate of $95 per hour, subject to prior CLIENT approval. The CONSULTANT anticipates that the entire project will be completed within approximately one (i) year from the date this AGREEMENT becomes effective. If the project is delayed or extended beyond the, anticipated completion date, for reasons over which the CONSULTANT has no control, extra charges may be Incurred. Further, in the event the CONSULTANT'S work should be indefinitely delayed or entirely stopped through causes over which the CONSULTANT has no control, the CONSULTANT shall receive from the CLIENT an amount commensurate with the work and time expended by the CONSULTANT to be billed at the rate of $95 per hour. It is agreed that, during the period of this AGREEMENT, CLIENT will not authorize or accept from any other party any other telephone related studies, reports, or similar studies, unless both the CLIENT and, the CONSULTANT agree to or request such reports or studies in advance. CLIENT shall pay CONSULTANT all costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees to the extent permitted by law) incurred by CONSULTANT in enforcing the provisions hereof or in exercising any of CONSULTANT'S rights and remedies hereunder. The CLIENT agrees to provide the CONSULTANT with a letter of authorization permitting the CONSULTANT to contact the serving telephone company on the CLIENT'S behalf, and permitt ig ;the CONSULTANT access to telephone billing statements, personnel and present telephone equipment durinj normal business hours. This instrument represents the entire AGREEMENT between the two parties. CLIENT CONSULTANT CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNICATION RESOURCES COMPANY BY: BY: SIGNED: SIGNED: 1 DATE: DATE: ji • DING E"A # 9 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council April 14 , 1986 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 3-85 LOCATION: 12650 San Cayetano APPLICANT: Brian Charnley (Twin Cities Engineering) • On August 26, 1985, the City Council approved Lot Line Adjustment 3-85, subJ ect to certain conditions and in concurrence with. the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The required condi- tions have been complied with and the final ma is recommended P P for approval. HE:ps cc: Brian Charnley Twin Cities Engineering i MEETING AGENDA D yom� ITEM#�2----- • II • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council April 14, 1986 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 16-85 LOCATION: 7125 Sycamore APPLICANT: Donald Vaughn (Cuesta Engineering) iOn January 27 , 1986 , the City Council approved Lot Line Adjust- ment 16-85, subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The required con- ditions have been complied with and the final map is recommended for approval. HE:ps cc: Donald Vaughn Cuesta Engineering N� A I-TEM • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council ,A_ April 14, 1986 VIA: Michael Shelton, City -Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Lot .Line Adjustment 13-84 LOCATION: 14405 Santa Lucia APPLICANT: Tenneco Realty Development (Cuesta Engineering) • On March 25,1985, the City Council approved Lot Line Adjustment 13-84, subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The required condi- tions have been complied with and the final map is recommended for approval. HE:ps cc: Tenneco Realty Development Cuesta Engineering • ,raj • _ ITEM • TO: CITY MANAGER MIKE SHELTON AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: SALE OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY (ITEM FOR COUNCIL CONSENT CALENDAR) DATE: APRIL 9, 1986 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the police department to offer for public sale on Saturday, April 26 , 1986, lost and unclaimed property (primarily bicycles) in keeping with all applicable Civil and Government Code procedures. COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED: By motion, authorize the sale of unclaimed property as indicated above. BACKGROUND: At the present time, the police department has a large accumulation • of property which may now be disposed of within the guidelines of the law. As we have not had a property sale for approximately two years, our property/evidence room is overflowing. The police department will coordinate the sale as was the case previously, and we will enlist clerical assistance from our finance department. FISCAL IMPACT: This sale will be conducted within existing financial constraints, and the City will obtain revenue from the proceeds. R� - RICHARD H. McHALE RHM: sb • 2�P �r�. oa1' ' 0 JTEAA M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council April 14 , 1986 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Appeal of the ten foot sidewalk requirement for a project in the RMF/16 zone. LOCATION: 5550 Traffic Way APPELLANT: Gary Mulholland BACKGROUND: This appeal was first considered by . the City Council at your November 12, 1985 meeting. At that time, the Council continued consideration of the appeal and instructed staff to prepare a study of sidewalk requirements along the entire length of Traffic Way. The background analysis of that study is now complete and can be utilized ' in response to the appeal filed by Mr. Mulholland. 'RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of the appeal. STAFF COMMENT: As will be discussed, the study of Traffic Way sidewalks indicates that a minimum sidewalk width of ten (10) feet should be required on both sides of the street in the area around the parcel in ques- tion. This conclusion was based on an analysis of: (1) traffic counts; (2) speed surveys; (3) pedestrian (adult and juvenile) census; (4) traffic accident data; (5) extent of existing improve- ments; and (6) projections of future activity levels. The full study of Traffic Way sidewalk improvement standards should be scheduled for consideration by the Council in the near future. HE: SLD:ps • J� October 11, 1985 City of Atascadero Planning Department 6500 Palma Ave. Atascadero, CA 93422 ATTN: Planning Dept. and City Council Members This letter is written as a request to appeal a decision set down by the City Engineers Dept. regarding their recommendation of a ten foot sidewalk at 5550 Traffic Way. Listed below are several reasons why I do not agree that a ten foot sidewalk should be required. After consulting with two engineers , an architect, two contractors and the Planning Dept. , it is our opinion that a six foot sidewalk is a sufficient width. Please consider the following information in your decision to approve a six foot sidewalk at 5550 Traffic Way. 1. The most logical reason to construct a six foot sidewalk would be to follow continuity with the existing six foot sidewalk to the West. There is no sidewalk to the East. 2 . :Normally ten foot sidewalks are not found in residential areas . This width of sidewalk is generally found in front of commercial pro ert yr (as per City and County Policy. ) ) 3 . An additional four foot cut into the hillside , (because of a ten foot sidewalk) , would increase the size of cut and retaining walls considerably. This would add great expense to this project that is not necessary. 4 . A ten foot sidewalk may contribute to future drainage , erosion and maintenance problems . 5 . Practically speaking, I wouldrefer to minimize the height of P ., the retaining wall along the sidewalk area. If you drive by and look at the property next door , (to the west) , you will see what I mean. 6 . Last but not least, the pedestrian traffic alona that portion of Traffic Way does not warrant a ten foot sidewalk. A six foot sidewalk will more than address the current and future pedestrian needs . In closing I would like to thank the Planning Dept. and City Council. Members for considering this appeal . If I can be of anv assistance in expediting this matter, please let me know. Sincerely, Gary �mlullholland (Please copy and forward to each council member prior to hearing. ) E M 0 R A N D U M TO: PAUL SENSIBAUGH FROM: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: APPEAL OF 10 ' SIDEWALK DESIGN STANDARD ON TRAFFIC WAY THE CITY OF ATASCADERO PUBLIC WORKS AND PLANNING DEPARTMENTS CAME TO A JOINT AGREEMENT, 4 YEARS AGO, CONCERNING THE SIDEWALK WIDTH OF TRAFFIC WAY BETWEEN OLMEDA AND ROSARIO AVE. IT WAS DECIDED THAT FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS A TEN FOOT SIDEWALK IS NOT ONLY JUSTIFIED BUT NECESSARY TO CONDUCT FOOT TRAFFIC SAFELY ALONG TRAFFIC WAY. 1. THE EAST SIDE OF TRAFFIC WAY IS INDUSTRIAL AND HAS NO SIDEWALKS AS WELL AS NO REQUIREMENT FOR SIDEWALKS. 2. HIGH DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY ZONING ON THE WEST SIDE} OF TRAFFIC WAY WILL BE GENERATING SUBSTANTIAL FOOT TRAFFIC ONCE IT IS FULLY DEVELOPED. 3. THERE ARE MANY CHILDREN WHICH ALREADY WALK THIS WAY TO GET TO AND FROM THE JUNIOR HIGH AND LEWIS AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. 4. THE SPEEDS AT WHICH VEHICLES TRAVEL ALONG TRAFFIC WAY ARE SUCH THAT WE WANT TO PREVENT PEOPLE FROM WALKING IN THE ROADWAY AT ALL COSTS. THIS INCLUDES WALKING AROUND OTHER PEDESTRIANS , BICYCLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, ETC. WE HAVE PREVIOUSLY DENIED A SIMILAR REQUEST, ALSO ON TRAFFIC WAY AT THE CORNER OF ROSARIO, FOR THE IVERSON PROJECT. FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF PROJECTS THAT HAVE EITHER BEEN CONDI- TIONED TO INSTALL OR HAVE ALREADY INSTALLED A TEN FOOT SIDEWALK. ADDRESS APPLICANT 5070 TRAFFIC WAY installed JACK ERB 5020 TRAFFIC WAY installed GENE WHITE 5700+TRAFFIC WAY installed G.D. SPRADLIN 5400 TRAFFIC WAY installed JOE HAFLER 5690 TRAFFIC WAY approved plans DR. MORGAN 5350 TRAFFIC WAY approved plans GARY MORITZ 5000 TRAFFIC WAY approved plans IVERSON RES. CARE ? TRAFFIC WAY conditioned projects HAMLIN (MOBILE 5550 TRAFFIC WAY conditioned projects GARY MULHOLLAND INDUSTRIAL SIDE OF TRAFFIC WAY - NO SIDEWALKS SLOCO MEATPA COM NY ICE HOUSE corner of Via MINI STORAGE r i PIan3�i Depai tsrz.t:�_ �� N I f •i tSG T o r a tv 40 L •{- yea / � {`�' ^'�. .� .T - - s t ~�,}�/ a\.✓\<t a' 4\t1 ql/ Q,1 -- f( i k �'.� ` r ,� >• 2r yv -%a�'ld\0 ia.vjC;."'•1� �/`/ �•Jd'• \ l.s• !� `l�� _ .� Vt ;:;.k •_-i - ti:a;s''s\ Wa <n`f'+„p<<• c ���'��:�'s'`rF� 4 a �..�`txiEk��i fid'1,•\\�•/r'.S�T\ � F .a � �• �� ._.a r�'� . 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R�r-- �L.;: a/.' �'j�a�4\`•�` �/ �i�jrf��� F W�'. .Y.o.f- 1� .H•i1' .{,. y .� �' r Z. ,Sy,.!%'�/' r /` \.��7� L �L.�► �•"•„flaw• r J r�!'y ._! e1 J`. ",�11 ,•,sys•v� ` 1' -�*_ `./ / / - ' RMF/16 < :'1.. •` . a :' '�•�,`3,1. ��� +�.�1�+7.�'`,.� Ics;r�-Tt�' �;7,.' _4 • \',.:y r a\ � /y' /"C"Ai+• nv r'J ss><-1<�. ��• , �` ,sS �s l�4aP� w — if s / LA .. , ...• ;��•��.ry'Y IC ,`��` ��� � ---^r a!L—.- . 16 _._1V y\\f `.f ',Ci-+.-y/ .,Is ra...1`!u•;•,rT�[u i'...`..'�a�^wrw - L a— . ELcr" f1 r, �•r•w •o..•.o•�T ��•�� ay.�,•. v -- — -- - 7n11TlJ-liil�, � r � •' IL fit It LU 17 71, s• ut ooss: w�aH r Lfl-ft-Killill, `�. �� -- ._ - T4311 fj - .•. .. ss►h-�'1,tt/ttYf!►t1C , i •ri.a� 9464 9 12 Y . • , m tnuvl ''3 T35 a w %moi-•�► �_ �- '' �. , �x� . .. 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I F,t E ,ett.11 i I I _ -�, •f F Y �\ �i \ "aw r.,�1 n \ I . ,� -.__.a +i ., 1, `� �c a„ y tF 1• \ 1 n k� �Y \- F , \.._ \ �I I ` T-• i �ll� �-}�{�f 1� I ,\1 - ,° •' e t�f 1 { I k t-O \ l i l .:.:.ia - I 1 I -•U i �•- 1 et Y tT, tl 111 � �,.� 4- 5\ �f11 \' 1 ` �� w• � � a o ,III .. 0 v ti um I( ° ffi m � ema m o WE N 3 "A TZ y �,� .-V # M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council April 14 , 1986 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment 1A-86/Zone Change 1-86 LOCATION: 1800 E1 Camino Real APPLICANT: Leonard Brazzi REQUEST: To revise the existing general plan from Suburban Single Family to Retail Commercial and zone change from RS to CR. BACKGROUND: This request was considered by the Planning Commission at their meet- • ing of March 3, 1986 . There was public testimony and discussion by the Commission concerning this matter as referenced in the attached minutes excerpt. RECOMMENDATION (Planning Commission) : On a 5 :1 vote, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the general plan amendment and zone change, as 'outlined in attached Reso- lution No. 29-86 and Ordinance No. 122, respectively. RECOMMENDATION (Staff) : Staff had recommended denial of the two requests based on the. findings contained in the attached staff report. STAFF COMMENT: Staff is concerned that approval of this request for a new type of zoning on north El Camino Real beyond the Urban Services Line could commit the whole corridor to a new land use trend that may be nega- tive. The rationale when the Council approved the rezoning of proper- ty to CN (Commercial Neighborhood) at 1875 El Camino Real was to square off the existing zoning and not to invite additional strip com- mercial development, especially in an area where much of the existing commercial zoning was undeveloped. • HE:P s , ;f City of Atascadero Item: B-3 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: 3/3/86 BY: Joel Moses, Associate Planner File No: GP 1A-86 and ZC 1-86 Project Address: 1800 E1 Camino Real SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment 1A-86 and Zone Change 1-86 to revise the gen- eral plan from Suburban Single Family to Retail Commercial and related Zone Change 1-86 from RS (Residential Suburban) to CR (Commercial Retail) . BACKGROUND: The applicant has submitted requests for both a general plan amendment and zone change for a site on north E1 Camino Real. The zone change requests a change in the present zoning designation of RS to CR. The applicant has proposed and has a commitment to establish a sales yard on the site. In addition, the existing residential storage area that has been the focus of a nuisance abatement process would be re- moved. During the last general plan cycle, the Planning Commission/ Planning Agency reviewed a request for an interpretation of the gen- eral plan to expand the existing commercial area across El Camino Real (Zone Change 4-85) thaapproved the expansion of the existing CN Commercial Neighborhood)ei hborhood g ) area. Notice of public hearing was published in the Atascadero News on Fri- day, February 21, 1986 and all property owners of record located within 300 feet were also notified on that date. A. LOCATION: 1800 El Camino Real (Lots 3,4 , Block 48) B. SITUATION AND FACTS : 1. Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To revise the existing general Plan from Suburban Single Family to Retail Commercial and zone change from RS to CR. 2. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Leonard Brazzi 3. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 5 acres 4. Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .El Camino Real (arterial 0 undivided) 0 General Plan Amendment 1A-86/Zone Change 1-86 (Brazzi) 5. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RS (Residential Suburban) 6. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Residential 7. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . . .North: RS South: CN East: U.S. Highway 101 West: RS 8. General Plan Designation. . . . .Suburban Single Family 9. Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Level/sloping to freeway 10. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration C. ANALYSIS: The applicant' s proposal is based on the site ' s location between E1 Camino Real, U.S. Highway 101, and just north of the Del Rio Road overpass. The applicant feels that the site is unsuited for single family residential use and is more suited for commercial uses. The applicant presently has a commitment for use of a por- tion of the property for a commercial use needing freeway exposure and easy freeway access. The applicant has also submitted approximately 16 letters from neighbors indicating their support or lack of opposition to the redesignation. The applicant' s request is for a redesignation of the subject property from Suburban Single Family to Retail Commercial with a a zone change from CR (Commercial Retail) . As noted in the gen- eral plan. Several categories of commercial uses are combined as retail commercial. Those categories noted as general retail, downtown, neighborhood and tourist commercial can be equated to zoning of CR (Commercial Retail) , CT (Commercial Tourist) , CN Com- mercial Neighborhood) and potentially CS (Commercial Service) or CP (Commercial Professional) . In light of the possibilities, a review of commercial retail requires a multitude of items to be considered as a part of this application. The general plan land use element lists several "problems" that are also common to other cities (pages 64 and 65) . These include : Commercial properties strung out inordinately along El Camino Real; and Commercial properties are sporadically developed and mixed with incompatible uses operating in substandard buildings. These are conditions leading to blight. It is obvious that a two-edged argument could be made here. The problem of commercial property strung out is also balanced by the site' s somewhat blighted condition. The proposed revision would 2 General Plan Amendment lAn.$6/Zo -ChAnge 1-86 (Brazzi) solve one problem but then add to another. The general plan acknowledges that the City of Atascadero' s gen- eral commercial retail area is a strip commercial development and thus notes that the most acute problems include: -. Vehicular movements on, off, and across El Camino Real severely limit the capability of the roadway. - Each business requires a separate sign large enough to be seen by the motoring public: this can create a condition of visual chaos and confusion. The general plan continues on to list several keys to optimum commercial development in Atascadero. These include three of six that could be considered as a part of the overall evaluation of this proposal (page 65) : 11 2) Provision for areas for heavy commerce and commercial ser- vices outside the Central Business District (CBD) , but with convenient access. " 113) Provision of areas for daily shopping needs convenient to residential neighborhoods. " 11 5) Encouragement of the concentration of compatible businesses to the exclusion of inharmonious uses. " In reviewing this proposal in light of these criteria, the appli- cant' s proposal could be plausable. The proposal would locate heavy commercial uses outside the CBD, if used for neighborhood commercial (not proposed at the present time) ,' and the proposal would expand an existing concentration of potential commercial use focused on the intersection of Del Rio and El Camino Real. The general plan lists two policies concerning general retail that could apply: 113. Commercial uses shall be developed in clusters to encourage concentrations of compatible retail trade service. Each cluster shall be developed in a coordinated architectural design. The signing and identification of the stores in each cluster shall be combined, thus reducing the confusion clutter . " 114. Commercial uses outside the Urban Services Line shall be ex- amined and reviewed, on an individual basis, to insure that there is no conflict between the intensity of the land use and minimum parcel sizes. Sewage disposal shall be a prime factor for consideration. " Of these two policies, clustering has previously been mentioned. The second policy notes that each application should be taken individually and examined as to conflict between the intensity of the adjoining land uses on parcel size, with sewage disposal being 3 • • General Plan Amendment 1A,-§6/ O ,Change 1-8fi' (Brazzi) a prime factor. The site is not within the Urban Services Line and sewer expansion is not foreseen into this area nor is it included as part of the proposed general plan amendments covering the expansion of the Urban Services Area (GP 1L-86) . Attached is a copy of a memo from the City Engineer concerning sewer expansion. In considering sewer, the site is considered severe for septic suitability, but commercial uses have normally smaller demands on septic systems. Of the remaining criteria of lot size and intensity of uses, in- tensity of use is of note. Due to the site's location between the freeway and El Camino Real, it is part of an area that is mixed (e.g. , included in the area is an existing bar , several deterio- rating residences, a rest home, a nonconforming veterinary hospi- tal) . Adjoining the area are the present designations of commer- cial neighborhood and multi-family, partially developed. It would appear that the area is clearly in transition but as to when the area will be needed for commercial uses by the citizens of Atasca- dero is not known. Further, a simple designation of CR would be inconsistent with the neighborhood characteristics envisioned for this area at the present time. In reviewing an adjoining request for rezoning (ZC 4-85) , the City considered and approved a change to CN to "square-off" the exist- ing zoning. This proposal would again. extend this designation to create a "tail" extending down E1 Camino Real. The proposal for CN was also based on the area' s intensive commercial neighborhood type use. Staff also noted concerns over further intrusion into a residential area and that no demonstrated need existed for addi- tional commercial land. Overall, the proposal could be found partially consistent with the general plan, but the overriding considerations of vacant land existing in the area, potential conflicts of developing in a leap frog fashion make the proposal questionable. Consideration of this proposal at some future time along with a full review of North E1 Camino Real appears to be a more appropriate recommendation. D. RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends denial of General Plan Amendment GP 1A-86 and Zone Change 1-86 based on the findings contained in Exhibit D. JM:ps ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Existing General Plan Map Exhibit B - Existing Zoning Map Exhibit C - City Engineer ' s Memo Exhibit D - Findings for Denial 4 r., .... :::::::: :: i ........................ ,. ... SITE :: .- GP : lA: 86 - BRAZZI •• 1800 EL CAMINO REAL { :.:....... :::::.........::::::: :::: :::::::: L ................... _ ..... :' : '1 � 11)11 • : ...........: ::: G~v�1CPVIL PLIh'1U A4U"CMkg f 71A E ::........:::. :::......"....": ::::::::: ::::.. :::......:::: ZD�IE G�l`mXiE ZE I Y ..................:::...... LOCAL ) ..... =...::. :::: ::::::::::............:::::::: :: �SD AJ& G�DUt✓�Jit, RAN �/t�'(' :... . ... ::::::::: :::::::::: ::::: ..... .<::: ::: :::::::::: o ATAy CADER0 I � CT AT. '-j'-qAL PLAN -M-AP LAND USE AND CIRCULATION w HIGH DENS MULT FAM. HEAVY CO"MERCIAL AGRICULTURE _= LOW DENS MULT. FAM. RETAIL CC`•1MERCIAL RECREATION HIGH DENS. SNGL. FAM. COMMERCIAL PARK SPECIAL RECREATION MOD DENS SNGL FAM. I SPECIAL COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL Drv!CED LOW DENS. SNGL.FAM •.••.. PROFESSiCNAL OFFICE 'ARTERIAL uyav,CEO ••••............. CCLLECTCRS I SUBURBAN SNGL. FAM. >' INDUSTRIAL PARK JRBAN SERVICES LINE PUBLIC 1 INDUSTRIAL URBAN RESERVE L.%E `�? AT X\ AT EI :Sh — 1 Xx \\N \Y� /f i \I� 42 g •3 of g 1 8`ted ILS 7:7 1 2?2 j \� •� RL'F � } \ TX1'6 A 11 10 Is 14 1 Ire , �\ 11� RMF116 'I15 10 I \11141 `� O� 1 •�'1 . 09 \ ♦\\\ \//�o is 395.. le i LZ�\ 13 t 800 7(/ CAMlVUO ZM,L t- \ 1,0 23 `,(.?♦ ��52° \ �✓. 1L�L�' / [,` - S2-t: .) \`:f\ .\ �' :••c.=• / r do \\�.` `xo 6\ los_ •\r\.d `~-'40 `' 1h .ts�a;o•.�i�\ 23 •' 8 �� �\ C \\ r I .S.'•. �.l 2S S ♦ ` °s .\// \ -�� by �.� \\ o.'• \`\ \ `'�•` .\ ,- %,1:949. �`-32•C 1 ws ], RS .'\ °o I 1'. 2e"° 47 4� \\ \ /T\ ,y O�.b y 0 32'A -\• \ /�� \,..�•'y'N/ 28 % r\ SJ •\ yep0 40 , \ 49 ` •�H •' v S2 33,D ° \\\\ $g \ v� ' Svc \� /�q ..,`\ SO ---="' f •\\ •>,�',� i' . 'y was \ �--�� \, / `\' `,v,, % 79 \ 51 - .. 37 34 31- SS•i /'� / ,T \ /Tw15° y35/ i3 /32 I �_ �.:0/120 \. 31 \`\ 31,,.o e s S / ` � ( �,� � �g.Ql— �` /'_�1 •...+° y ` -�•. . \,9s ��L ��\ J is 1'\u i t� 50-F ^p 1L4 A �•�'\i+�<•\\\�, / a,d•/� ° j 1 �•, \dfo�\ 16 % \s.1.n 1 17 \ems 11 �1:�\•\\\ �t+'a I I �5aey •\ 21 �o .� �10Iz EXP •`.\ N IE)IT TF,7 -Cif ME 21 ZZA ZZ-1 Al e ' l` �.• -J ,`\;f l- Pla,nni g, Beparti1-1,- M E M O R 9 N D U M TO: Henry Engen, Director of Community Development FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: Sewer Study & Fees DATE: February 25, 1986 Just a note to address the recent sewer study with respect to General Plan changes. While the study doesn't pick and choose specific locations it is understood that these changes will increase the number of sewer lines that will be surcharged, so will improvements inside the I.D. No. 1 that evolve due to normal buildout. No one knows exactly where growth will hit next except that the south side, of course, is now showing much activity. Our policy will be first-come, first-serve, but pay your way as you go to provide for line and plant adequacy. The sewer fees now being proposed cover the buildout of I.D. No. 1 as per the Wallace Study and the buildout of the ACSD (or USL) . The fees do not address areas outside the USL and if such line is extended different fees or mitigation may be necessary to provide adequate service. We can, however, address those cases seperately and individually by use of the new computer program provided with the study. If you have any questions, please notify me. EXHI&T C CzL'�i��11t, �l.P(Y�J A�tGyU'dY�t Gk1C` GP I i1-� Bt�YkZZI 9 0 General Plan Amendment 1A-86/Zone Change 1-86 (Brazzi) EXHIBIT D - General Plan Amendment 1A-86/Zone Change 1-86 Findings March 3, 1986 FINDINGS: 1. The proposed general plan amendment would encourage development which would be inconsistent with existing general plan policies pertaining to the establishment of commercial areas outside of the Urban Services Area. 2. The proposed general amendment is considered premature and should be considered as a part of an overall study of commercial property and the north E1 Camino Real corridor . 3. The designation of this site as CR (Commercial Retail) would be inconsistent with the existing and proposed land use intensities in the area. 5 Minutes - Atascadero P1aaning,,gooTqmir;,sion - March 3 , 1986 -MGTZQN: _ Made by Commissioner Michielssen, seconded by Com Tione�_Kennedy and carried unanimously ove Condi- tional Use Fe -86 subjec ._temfindings and condi- tions contained in ort with modification to Condition to permit native and #9-a and to_ clarify option to bond for futu ril improvements) . 2. General Plan Amendment and Zone Change 1-86 : Request submitted by Leonard Brazzi to revise the general plan from Suburban Single Family to Retail Commercial and related zone change from RS to CR. Subject property is loca- ted at 1800 E1 Camino Real, also known as Lots 3 and 4 of Block 48. In presenting the staff report, Mr. Moses noted that 16 letters of support the request have been submitted by surrounding property owners. He noted staff recommends denial of the request citing lack of sewer, existence of vacant commercial zoning, inconsisten- cy with the neighborhood' s character . It was felt that this ap- plication is premature at this time. Leonard Brazzi, applicant, spoke in support of the request and explained that if the property is designated commercial in nature, he would be starting a mobilehome sales business. Gordon Wilbur, 1865 E1 Camino Real, explained that this area is undesirable as residential and spoke about the large amounts of traffic which use the Traffic Way access to Del Rio Road and pointed out the various small businesses which have operated along this strip of El Camino Real. Chairman LaPrade stated that the large areas of Atascadero that have industrial zoning are along the Traffic Way corridor and once these properties have been developed, he felt that Del Rio Road is going to bear the brunt of this traffic which would result. There was discussion concerning the possibility of considering an overall study for the north El Camino Real corridor. Chairman LaPrade asked about the status of the Rochelle property. Mr. Moses stated this property has been annexed into the City based on LAFCO action and explained the zoning designations for this property. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commis- sioner Bond . to deny General Plan Amendment 1A-86 and Zone Change 1-86. Commissioner Michielssen stated he would like to see another al- ternative considered or have a larger study area. Commissioner Bond stated his opposition to considering a small piece of proper- ty at a time and felt that a commercial designation would be war- ranted in this area, but would also like to see a larger study 3 f- ` Minutes - Atascadero Plawling, C, mission - March 3 , 1986 area. Chairman LaPrade concurred- with Commissioners Bond and Michielssen. In reviewing the Gerneral Plan concerning retail commercial, Com- missioner Hatchell referenced a section of the Plan regarding commercial retail areas which still remain to be developed and stated that this does not seem to hold true now as it did when thxe section was written. Further discussion ensued. The motion was defeated with a roll call vote, as follows: AYES: Commissioner Kennedy NOES: Commissioners Hatchell, Michielssen, Nolan, Bond, and Chairman LaPrade. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Hatchell and seconded by Commis- sioner Nolan to recommend approval of General Plan Amend- ment 1A-86 and Zone Change 1-86. The motion carried with a roll call vote, as follows: AYES: Commissioners Hatchell, Nolan, Bond, Michielssen, and Chairman LaPrade NOES: Commissioner Kennedy Staff will bring back proposed language for approval. Mr. Engen pointed out that the Commission could, at the next gen- eral plan amendment cycle, initiate an amendment which would con- sider a larger overall study area for this north El Camino Real corridor. 4. General Plan Amendment 1C-86 and Zone Change 3-86 : Request submitted by Norvell and Stella Warren to revi the neral plan from Low Density Single Family to Density Mu ' le Famly and related zone change from RSF to RMF/10. (Applic t is requesting RMF/4) . Subject p erty is located at 5800 Ve o, also known as Lot 15 of ock LB. Mr. Moses presented the aff report noted that this request is based on the fact th the my had previously zoned this property multi-family resident He provided a background on the history of the proper and ed staff ' s recommendation for denial of the request. Ron Von Feldon, orney representing the app l ' nt, stated that several neig rs of adjoining property between th ite and Santa Lucia app to be in favor of the request and may joi on their own submit an application to change the general plan their pr erties. He felt that in view of the recommendation, he e- uested that the matter be continued to the next cycle. He state 4 RESOLUTION NO. 29-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATACADERO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP CHANGING THE LAND USE DESIGNATION AT 1800 EL CAMINO REAL FROM SINGLE FAMILY SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL TO RETAIL COMMERCIAL (GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 1A-86 : BRAZZI) WHEREAS, a request to amend the City of Atascadero General Plan has been received as follows: General Plan Amendment 1A-86 : Request submitted by Leonard Brazzi to change the General Plan Land Use Map designation from Suburban Single Family Residential to Retail Commercial. Subject property is located at 1800 E1 Camino Real, also known as Lots 3 and 4 of Block 48. Negative Declaration to the provisions of CEQA is to be certified. WHEREAS, this request was considered by the Planning Commission at a hearing held on March 3, 1986 and was recommended for approval; and WHEREAS, such amendment to the General Plan was considered by the City Council during a public hearing; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65323 provides that a general plan be amended by the adoption of a resolution; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Atascadero finds as follows: 1. A General Plan Land Use designation of Retail Commercial is consistent with the policies of the General Plan. 2. The proposed general plan amendment will not have a signifi- cant adverse impact upon the environment, and preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does resolve to approve General Plan Amendment 1A-86 to change the 1980 Atascadero General Plan Land Use Map as shown on the attached Exhibit entitled GP 1A-86, 1800 E1 Camino Real. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Atascadero, California, held on the day of , 1986. CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA By: 0 ROLFE D. NELSON, Mayor ATTEST: i ROBERT M. JONES, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: . ROBERT M. JONES, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director - ::....................... SITE GP: 1A: 86 - BRAZZI ,� :•:.. _ 1800 EL CAMINO REAL lb`s' 1 6r�G1A4 ;. .:. .:. •.: •.-. ......-. ...........� ''�•• .:. .•......:. .. ��•�' .: :.:... ...... • ::. : :::::.. ::•.: -:.::::::::::::• . .......•. ::::::::::: .::: ..... ::.: :.... : :::::.... .. . ::::::::: = ::::: X. :. ::: . ................:..: ::::::: CXIIIgIT A `= :... :. ...... :::: :::: :...............'.:: Gt�IJCQ�'L FLM k AILIT P-IA -U ::::...:::::::::: ::. :: ::: :: . : Z041E 7£ I Yr :::::: :: :..:. ::::: ::::: .......... - - :::: :::::.:: :::::...::::::: ::::: :::::- � ' ... .......: c� I G �T E'�,A� PT AT 11�P I� LAND USE ATAT D CIRCULATION HIGH LENS 'CULT FAM i HEAVY CO"ti'ERCIAL AGRICULTURE LO'N DENS MULT. FAM RETAIL COMMERCIAL RECREATION HIGH DENS SNGL. FAM. � ( CC.MmERCIAL PARK SPECIAL RECREATION MOD CENS SNGL FAM I i SPECIAL CC`•1MERCIAL aRrFQIAL CIVTED LOW GENS. SNGL FAM ..' PROFESSIONAL OFFICE � �' � ARTER'AL =AvCED SUBURBAN SNGL. FAM INCUSTRIAL PARK CCLLECTCRS ^ ,JRBAN SERv+CES LINE 'I PUBLIC �� iN'DUS T RIAL .-.-.-.• UR91ry RESERvE L.1E '-- ORDINANCE NO. 122 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP NUMBER 4 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY AT 1800 EL CAMINO REAL FROM RS (RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN) TO CR (COMMERCIAL RETAIL) (ZONE CHANGE 1A-86 : BRAZZI) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning reg- ulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant ad- verse impact upon the environment and preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing and has recommended approval of Zone Change 1A-86. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse en- vironmental impacts and preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. Section 2. Zoning Map. Map Number 4 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended to reclassify Lots 3 and 4 of Block 48 from RS to CR as shown on the attached Exhibit "A" which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and ef- fect at 12:01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: ROLFE D. NELSON, Mayor ATTEST: ROBERT M. JONES, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: � c MICHAEL 8TiELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROBERT M. JONES, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director S \ — l AT B \�\ ,xz�, Nl�j tail ' i� �\�. •.�.,\;.I� _ j 44 a 'III.�� _y -r-.sem--• �� ��,� \Y\ _ . . .._.—.._ f \T 1'�11��L- tl ;II`i1 1 711 ILS 7� 2 1� it 1z IT°• i• �1 , �• IS 1♦ -- : RM X16 ID �� � '.•�' \, / -` `,\\ � \/��� � .Tyr• op / \ \ Zc EL 21 -% \. 32-t: r T o ��• jr `\°'°`1 \as ',rte•`~.',4° c �4« -\.+sc;1.°/it\ 23 '� e .23-1 �S • O `^ ~ •^���\`�. y •. l !2•D 1 37 a,\��\, gel\ \� �;^i 5� \ `y .:�,_ � .3 1 / �•' 2E��• .� Yoo `� V' ze,°o \ 4734 .S•c . MIO I4•« \\ "!\\4- \\ \ >� Or /, - y \ 4 •y• t7 �� \ 4ywO `\[\/7'1�� � .d 'b ---�? )3-C \\ a `�.+.\�� /�'• \\ \ I erg 32 a \, \� /'T \C ,« ze 4D ^\ 49 \ \ \.� �• � �'' � '\ / i \•\ yam^/, 14 315 33'= / 'Y 39 h w _ \� .3D-i ' y oy s• '�� \ \CT;��'�?t�\� l22 u 11` rI•f J1\ \ NSS \\`•\ 12 Ef"IIy FF A v° \ • � � �- ,,�,� � �'= - '°�/' �` Z11rvE C.H��ZLtX�ctdC�Ur A•� 1 i 21 EEA ZZ-1 r 10 CITY Or, ATA Al 1'la.nni nom' p�L't371.'tlt, . \�/ ..,•�..�... .._ _ _ �� AJJET!N3 Z11 -NDA AGz 17 EM • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council April 14, 1986 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment 1F-86/Zone Change 6-86 LOCATION: 4155 Carrizo Road APPLICANT: Jaime Lopez-Balbontin REQUEST: To revise the existing general plan land use designation from Suburban Residential to Moderate Density Single Fam- ily and related zone change from RS to RSF-Y. BACKGROUND: This request was considered by the Planning Commission at their meet- ing of March 3, 1986 . There was public testimony and discussion by the Commission concerning this matter as referenced in the attached minutes excerpt. RECOMMENDATION (Planning Commission) : On a 6:0 vote, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the general plan amendment and zone change, as outlined in attached Reso- lution 30-86 and Ordinance 123, respectively. RECOMMENDATION (Staff) : Staff had recommended denial of the two requests based on the findings contained in the attached staff report. STAFF COMMENT: Staff is concerned that this single lot change is a "spot" action con- trary to the overall neighborhood character . Such a density change should only be undertaken as part of a larger action after analysis of the overall neighborhood. HE:ps • Enclosures: Planning Commission Staff Report —March 3 , 1986 Minutes Excerpt - March 3, 1986 Resolution No. 30-86 Ordinance No. 123 CC : JAIME LOPEZ-BALBONTIN c M 0 General Plan Amendment 1F;-86/Zone Change 6-86` 5. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RS (Residential Suburban) 6. ExistingUse se. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Single family residence 7. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . . .North: RS South: RS East: RS West: RS 8. General Plan Designation. . . . .Suburban Single Family 9. Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Generally level with an upslope to rear of the site away from Carrizo Road. 10. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration C. ANALYSIS: The applicant is proposing the general plan amendment based on the existing land use patterns (lot size) and a desire to construct a new residential unit in the area. Staff has reviewed the lot sizes in the area and has developed the following information: Average lot size within 600 feet 1.78 acre Average lot size within 2, 400 feet 2.75 acre Residential property in Block 49 2. 24 acre (excluding multi-family/commercial lots) The average lot size in the immediate area of the proposed revi- sion is definitely below the 2 1/2 to 10 acre minimums set forth by the general plan, but as one expands the area, the lot size expands to above the minimum. A review of a "best" situation lot size calculations shows the following: Distance from center of community (12,000-14, 000 ' ) . 40 Septic suitability (moderate) .75 Average slope . 50 Condition of access .40 Neighborhood character (1.5 X .2) .30 Minimum lot size "best" situation: 2.35 acres The proposed lot size would not conform to the existing standards set for determining lot sizes. The general plan notes several policies that are applicable to the proposed amendment. General Plan Land Use Element Policy No. 3 (page 57) notes that properties outside the Urban Services Line shall be evaluated for lot sizes based on the Suburban Residential range (2 1/2 to 10 acres) until sewer is available. The proposed revision is not included within the Urban Services area and is not envisioned to be served or included in the proposed revision of the Urban Services area (GP 1L-86) . The City Engineer has pro- 2 l _ 0 • General Plan Amendment 1F-86/Z2ne Chznge 6-86' vided a memo noting City policy as- to expansion of sewer facili ties in the future. It should be noted that review of the site soils septic suitability indicates a moderate rating. Additional policies in the general plan also potentially bear on the proposed request. These policies include: residential den- sity shall decrease as one moves outward from the core. . . (Policy No. 5, page 62) ; lot splits shall be thoroughly evaluated and be in accordance with community plans and principals. . . " (Policy No. 10, page 62) . In both cases, the proposal would not conform to existing policies of the general plan. The proposal would be an island of higher density within a lower density designation. The general plan and zoning ordinance pro- vide for one intervening designation of low density single family (1 1/2 to 2 1/2 acre) designation. Even with this designation, the proposed redesignation would be an island (spot designation) . D. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of General Plan Amendment 1F-86 and Zone Change 6-86 based on the findings contained in Exhibit H. JM:ps ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Existing General Plan Exhibit B - Existing Zoning Map Exhibit C - Property Ownership Map Exhibit D - Developer 's Statement Exhibit E - Distance from Center of Community Exhibit F - Sewer Map Exhibit G - City Engineer ' s Memo Exhibit H Findings 3 ol C5 it�F 2-i^ikr��f da..+ �-. �. `a* ' 1 . h , i hi:'''�" ��� •� 00 .."' :ria k` • ,. ` GP• 1F:86 'LOPE S/BALLBOIV= ` .• '` TIN =` 4155. CARR I ZO ROAD • cit r a p' • -:� r ... .. �• -Y.Y'.'. • •• •. .\y . 5 I l 1. • •.,.rte• '►O�: •:v: •-+t — ..+.•:}: is. a :. :r: ,. :.. ', .a c G� I G) r Ka i�. � •:�::: �r .i y 'Y YR:.•• EX I IFS 11155 CAER= QO�p FLW AMCI,JDl111M Cf.IF•f, .. ZO�,aC CW �E ZC-� B� O r_ ATA S CA.DE ROco �q G NE-R L PLAN i1 -MIAP LAIND- USE AND CIRCUL � ATIOl 7 ^;M HIGH DENS. MULT FAM. HEAVY COMMERCIAL —� Y LOW DENS. MULL FAM. I RETAIL COMMERCIAL —� AGRICULTURE ; � .. L_� RECREATION yGL. FAM. COMMERCIAL PARK I t ` „u fFasr HIGH GENS. SI I SPECIAL RECREATION .::.: M00.DENS. SNGL. FAM. SPECIAL COMMERCIAL . SNGL.FAM. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE ARTERIAL omoEo LOW DENS ' ��..� �� ARTERIAL utiOrv10E0 SUBURBAN SNGL. FAM. INDUSTRIAL PARK """'•"•'• COLLECTORS '� URBAN SERVICES LINE PUBLIC INDUSTRIAL l RRAN RFCFwvC I %f:. - ..,S.+l:...F .. .... ._.jc C,.•.. �: .7t .Y 1. ... ... N�. ..'�`. l' ii:�l_u AL GAP:IF b GITT7 9.4 1 �i`�j'� —RMF/1 so # q �� •2 .} �3 M w � � ILy 751271j$ \ OF Irs � � - a , e 14 -+s--� ,•• I RMFI16to eo S ct \1 u,.2 \11` 17 `, ,i•' //\(��.•$ ( '•Og ,\\`c:s �..\ n•.:�.�+iv.$° {, ,,,,\\•1 IS \',�\ ., �S.T. \ 9'2' , r 12 72t: 33 \\' `~/ - 'y ' 2/'� `•� / \ �a \ % `�+aol \ `' s*f ''r'\i'�.i 9. j is tiv�i\ )"'�_ fo°\C•A\ 1 0�• •+� °i3�\�• \ \ \ 33 •`\ vs°5 \J� 44 ^a•. 52.0 33& ,`4\ >-J° (•UL' U SS•A}(a. }' 49 to 32•41 �� "�\// 23 9 �1t 32•C ,I_ir! / ai iE�s/. !/_,�/C 34 \ \� Aicl . �` '��\\\ ' A 0.'+°, , '•s/ j \•/ \vv/ 4 9'• at 060 33-C 40 43 le 32A as 32 37 s \\ 46 '�•p \Ve^N /i'29••" , 4\\. "`b" 51 39 82 34 - 33•r •s bN\n, 32 31� � t4 �` \/ N't 32t%�-rs• �•-=_1� ��•SO•/ 304y` t` ' ,� %GIA(/�- i/ ' • \k•-�� S 1,%P. 13 Irlj :••..I • '' 12 •• �_ �� /1 to -� ��• � � 12 S%tet\\� S J -,yti�/ � ° � ////j . 10. it to 12L--X6-}IgIT t3 • ♦. / CA CZMC_ PLf(1J A(MOJDMaTf GP \� 2' �' > %'" ry`' 4 ZU F cRmQ c ZG CITY OriACFt:(PD 1) SGA.DE o PlaningDept1i :- - . rrit . 11 n Y' �o qo N 1Q G5 m V N \ O ro Ul O 7C �r r w Z - �� p0L °fid �* O v L�2 V Iv �lB O Q 1 N Lb£ O N -n - � n u �kw o n w N O N n CD ' y N N 51 y O v N m n c y. cilrn n wOa �a a � o EXA IS IT Cl ZWD ss' QE1JMI, RW A'MGI WW lF6l a l/EC.MW ZC' (0-Y6 T'IZPJl�I'm CJII utzG141 P 11 w SEPT. TCS 1995 ATASCADERO PLANING DEPTO. SIR: 0 As per your request, the following letter will justify our reasons to request a change in zoning in the property at 4155 Carrizo Rd. , known as Lot 4 Block: 49, Assesor Parcel No. 049-052-01-000 3. As you can see in the accompanying map of the area, most of the par- cels located on Carrizo Fid. avenge slightly under an acre. Our parcel in the corner of Carrizo Rd. and Traffic Way is 3. 9 acres. There is a very small house in the North East corner of the property used at this moment as a rental unit. It does not serve the purpose of housing my family. We would like to build our permanent residence at this location. We feel that granting our request will not change the configuration of the neighborhood. Our purpose is eventually build a home in this location. We are requesting a change to RSF-Y which would permit us eventually, divide the parcel in two. Allowing us to do this, would not change the characteristics of the area, and at the same time, would permit us to improve the looks of the property. After talking to members of the staff , we felt encouraged to go ahead and present this request to you. Hoping to obtain a "REQUEST GRANTED" from you: Respectfully yours, JAIME LOPEZ-BALBONTIN E 4IgiT D -11 5� ifwrZIM VIM) 1 GDEWL pJO,) N1KWTk ftT &Y I F tL ZAE CN'Y(&C, ZC: b-fL �i[IJ�ZU�YrS STI��Z'MCIV[" ,, J• I �\ -r r ,/� y��, x 1• . �/e`er r •.r r � _'�S • (9,/y��•- - f 1 - .�r .�i ':%! f.� _It.- .1 , =ter/'\ • .r� �� \. 1i�.. l.� - • �/; '; `�r� � ' '':-1•�_ �y , ' %t�� /%r„�. i i�- .IYw.ki lyr�E _ 4• 1 � ' _ , s '• 7 ' �, i_`_ - 1' `A. w`I( � fc,�,' .CCL ki � , (••�•• e\ /• �' i` A _f \ �Y ,�a!' t---'ry��i -�_ _a �_`° •, 1111 1 i `F 4 .a y; � �`' �� ;.� .\ •�l��'�~ ���'�R ^. .r�/ `mss�°` —��f�' .}��/�' �\ ��i � I it \ . � ( t'.� � ,• •, u� _+', \ �t`` i �,J� a�.p\ , �pr-���I =_/ � � -�i�:.. ��R,t�'�1e�'.C• ..f>< � I I• �I•!\\ / \ �` '•✓/ .k: �� I- g �y_.. t�`,JY v. J/lam_' UUUU k;�.Lir. )�t y��'p„ �� ',I - `�. .�' ' � i , •t, . Is� �J,/3�1I._1'v1:I' o ;jb,/D�,j,rt ra•{.=•� ” � /��. i -- '$\• eT / /a � ' 1\I� Y = ).CY ••`�...777`I�. 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'..{j;.'z3o-.. r3n1.�;�•i�:-'rr71r3'_'', . .'�'_ .rny>~'.�'x;-;�;r•},'- �xUUI/Y1111..r G U I IV/'11YUJNUYWUV 1 Ur7'11 "LI7 ZfiNJ- ERWbE ZC:G-M -lo M E M O R A N D U M TO: Henry Engen, Director of Community Development FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: Sewer Study & Fees DATE: February 25, 1986 Just a note to address the recent sewer study with respect to General Plan changes. While the study doesn't pick and choose specific locations it is understood that these changes will increase the number of sewer lines that will be surcharged, so will improvements inside the I.D. No. 1 that evolve due to normal buildout. No one knows exactly where growth will hit next except that the south side, of course, is now showing much activity. Our policy will be first-come, first-serve, but pay your way as you go to provide for line and plant adequacy. The sewer fees now being proposed cover the buildout of I.D. No. 1 as per the Wallace Study and the buildout of the ACSD (or USL) . The fees do not address areas outside the USL and if such line is extended different fees or mitigation may be necessary to provide adequate service. We can, however, address those cases seperately and individually by use of the new computer program provided with the study. If you have any questions, please notify me. 915�G�17.0 � 6 DUN& PC.RCI`) YnOY�If G-P,i r t6 ZUVE LN' & ZC-G-bG Cxi Y u I w EEVS ,>tiIkW 0 0 0 General Plan Amendment 1F-86/Zone Change 6-86 EXHIBIT H - General Plan Amendment 1F-86/Zone Change 6-86 Findings March 3, 1986 FINDINGS: 1. The proposed general plan land use map revision would not be con- sistent with existing policies contained in the general plan land use element due to the proposed project' s inconsistency with the need for sewer, decreasing density from the center of the commu- nity, and density determination factors. 2. The proposed land use designation would be a spot designation and would be inconsistent with existing land use patterns in the area. 3. The site is not within the sewer improvement district and sewer services are not available to the site. 4 Minutes - Atascadero Pla in _QL mis, ssion - March 3 , 1966 Commissioners Bond and Kennedy both concurred that the area shou n be rezoned to the single family nature because of the con rns expr sed in the public testimony. Chairman LaPrade note at it has bee the Commission' s policy to grant requested co inuances. Commissioner tchell stated he would not cohsid a continuance at this time he felt that even with th ontinuance, the ap- plication has to ch a any way. Mr. Eng added that the differ- ence with this request is that a conti ance is being asked to expand the study area. E with two lots that are suggested, it would provide some linkag t Santa Lucia, but would be a "finger" of land penetratin 'n the neighborhood and would trig- ger some reasonable conc s on th art of the neighborhood. Commissioner Michi ssen stated that the may already be too much RMF/16 zoning the character of the town ould studied in this light. MOTIO Made by Commissioner Bond, seconded by missioner Kennedy and carried unanimously with a roll ca vote to deny General Plan Amendment 1C-86 and Zone Change -86. Chairman LaPrade called a recess at 8 :55 p.m. Meeting reconven at 9:08 p.m. 5. General Plan Amendment 1F-86 and Zone Change 6-86: Request submitted by Jaime Lopez-Balbontin to revise the gen- eral plan from Suburban Residential to Moderate Density Sin- gle Family and related zone change from RS to RSF-Y. Subject property is located at 4155 Carrizo Road, also known as Lot 4 of Block 49. Mr. Moses presented the staff report and noted that this request is based on the existing land use patterns (lot size) and a de- sire to construct a new residential unit on the property. He pointed out staff' s recommendation for denial of the request due to overall neighborhood character and general plan policies. Jaime Lopez-Balbontin, applicant, spoke in support of the request and explained the history associated with this property. Mr . Engen read a letter in opposition to the proposal from a res- ident at 4200 Carrizo Road who would be unable to attend the meeting. Mac McGuinnes, 4255 Carrizo, sated he would not be against the proposed change if the applicant would go ahead with his plans to clean up his other property. Commissioner Kennedy stated she has viewed the property and felt the change would improve the property. She did not think this was an unreasonable request. Commissioner Bond concurred with Commis- sioner Kennedy' s statements but expressed concern over the way the lot would be split. 6 ? f • Minutes - Atascadero Pla 1DZS,( ig-sion - March 3 , 1986 Chairman LaPrade expressed concern relative to this property's redesignation becoming an "island" of different density. He said it would not be a liability to let this go through but expressed reservations because of the zoning situation. Commissioner Hatchell also expressed concern with the "island" concept, but because of the existing use of adjacent properties, this would not be a problem and would be in favor of approval. Mr. Engen explained the Commission may want to consider continuing this matter to the next general plan cycle when it could be con- sidered as part of an expanded study area to change the designa- tion of the other substandard lots of record on that corner on both sides of the street. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Bond, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously with a roll call vote to recommend approval of General Plan Amendment 1F-86 and Zone Change 6-86. 6. General Plan Amendment 1I-86 and Zone Change 9-86: Request submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Neil Steil, Mr. and Mr . David Roberts, Sandy Jagger (with expanded study area ini a- ted by the City) to revise the general plan from Su rban Residential to Moderate Density Single Family an related one change from RS to RSF-Y. Subject property is ocated in th area between Colorado Road, Atascadero' Road San Diego Roa mind San Rafael Road (Colorado Study Area) In presenting he staff report, Mr. Moses not he applicants are basing their re est on the existing land us pattern (lot sizes) in the area. He` ointed out that this a a is outside the Urban Services Line and no d staff' s recommen tion for denial. Dave Roberts, one of the pplicants, hanked the Commission and staff for all the effort an& work at has been done. He noted he purchased the property over t ears ago and noted his efforts to split the property and s ted his desire to maintain the aesthetic values for the ne ' hborh d. He spoke about the lot sizes in the area and did of feel t -' s request was unreasonable. Gary Powers, 10705 A scadero Avenue, sta d this area is very beautiful and woul be reluctant to see an crease in the density of the area, es p ially in relation to the ncrease of septic systems in the area. Sandra Ja er , one of the co-applicants, explained t t this re- quest one from low density to moderate density. She stated that total of four more residences could result if this edesig- na on were approved. She then pointed out on the overhea pro- ' ctor other densities in the area that range from . 8 acres to 1.3 acres and noted that this request being asked to bring into co TOrmity what already exists in the neighborhood. 7 ��r RESOLUTION NO. 30-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP CHANGING THE LAND USE DESIGNATION AT 4155 CARRIZO ROAD FROM SINGLE FAMILY SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL TO MODERATE DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY (GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 1F-86 : JAIME LOPEZ-BALBONTIN) WHEREAS, a request to amend the City of Atascadero General Plan has been received as follows: General Plan Amendment 1F-86 : Request submitted by Jaime Lopez-Balbontin to change the General Plan Land Use Element Map designation from Suburban Single Family Residen- tial to Moderate Density Single Family Residential. Subject proper- ty is located at 4155 Carrizo Road, also known as Lot 4 of Block 49. Negative Declaration to the provisions of CEQA is to be certified. WHEREAS, this request was considered by the Planning Commission at a hearing held on March 3 , 1986 and was recommended for approval; and WHEREAS, such amendment to the General Plan was considered by the City Council during a public hearing; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65323 provides that a General Plan be amended by the adoption of a resolution; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Atascadero finds as follows: 1. A general plan land use designation of Moderate Density Single Family is consistent with the policies of the General Plan. 2. The proposed General Plan amendment will not have a signifi- cant adverse impact upon the environment, and preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does resolve to approve General Plan Amendment 1F-86 (Jaime Lopez-Balbontin) to change the 1980 Atascadero General Plan Land Use Map as shown on the attached Exhibit entitled GP 1F-86, 4155 Carrizo Road. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Atascadero, California, held on the day of , 1986. CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA By. ROLFE D. NELSON, Mayor ATTEST: ROBERT M. JONES, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROBERT M. JONES, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director J ,. ., •. :I " TIN ,� I +�' `•4 �r--CAR S n.,415 SRIZ0 ROADi .1I. .. .;. x ' ti-!• ., .,• :•.:: j: f • •' . . : ki� �;:: •; ••�.r.•• :.:;. ,a .. . ` :;. �? C-C: Q C :i }i'r?:.. Tiia< X. J i. ... EXHIL�ITq '1155 CAT?TZ IZD Q0�� . CE�)EFAt_•TLW W Cf,JD YA E7JC' GF IF .... ZO�,�C ZC g .SCADERO co l_RAL PLAIT TJAP LATIT D USE AND CIRCULA � f TIOIT HIGH DENS. MULT FAM. HEAVY COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE .u. LOW DENS. MULT. FAM. I RETAIL COMMERCIAL RECREATION HIGH DENS. SNGL. FAM. COMMERCIAL PARKf SPECIAL RECREATION MOD.LENS. SNGL. FAM, I SFECIAL COMMERCIAL LOW DENS. SNGL.FAM. •• . ARTERIAL OIV,DEo PROFESSIONAL OFFICE ARTERIAL U�OIViOEO SUBURBAN SNGL. FAM. INDUSTRIAL PARK • COLLECTCRS L •••••••� URBAN SERVICES LINE ,.•I�'"' PUBLIC � d I.:nl cTal•I —_-_�._._._.. URBAN ORDINANCE NO. 123 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP NUMBER 4 OF THE OFFICIAL- ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY AT 4155 CARRIZO ROAD FROM RS (RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN) TO RSF-Y (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, MEDIUM DENSITY) (ZONE CHANGE 6-86: JAIME LOPEZ-BALBONTIN) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning reg- ulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant ad- verse impact upon the environment and preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 3, 1986 and has recommended approval of Zone Change 1F-86. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse en- vironmental impacts and preparation of an Environmental Im- pact Report is not necessary. Section 2. Zoning Map. Map Number 4 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended to reclassify Lot 4 of block 49 from RS to RSF-Y as shown on the at- tached Exhibit "A" which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once 0 within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and ef- fect at 12:01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on AYES: NOES: ABSENT: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: ROLFE D. NELSON, Mayor ATTEST: ROBERT M. JONES, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROBERT M. JONES, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director `\ &7::I r bb RS To �$F- u-- Y _ �'T %if i '�1I 'f2MF/1 _,AA1 1 n•:1{nt s 1%%4 2 �� ��'ft. • :) 43� .` w $ 1(,T'7 272 1 \� 8I 12 y 17 r7•A • 12-0 RM Xt6 \� �i tt •, •? 'X / RMF/16 `A lbbb .o i•fu,.2 ,1 11 � /� /+fib// •°S \,r.`Y. ` n• IN7;'• �\` - 23 jc �� Y �\,a76\i,\rr`° �`/�• zt /• ��` :�`•\� 7 �� Ss h' ',, ``\ !`1 �2. � � • ,�\�'\� Y1=e°'° tor_ \�1 1 c' ..rs;,'s°• i\,23 y .ar�{ \ `"� `,/ � }b ✓ \ rr� °s / \ss\ v \•n.c ois ° '�. s•s� 44 =2-p 33-A 3.A�'' rd \ \ , -23 us 3 4 32-C .z _`. wte I.1• \\\ \ w 'Y/ / 4Y•ro !I 4Y b/� 27 •/ 40 43 at 33-0 /wq�\ /'�i0 —.�,... r - �\ ' •Y �°/ a ;. `,FIs+c \ i 1`` 39 51 315 -3!•- \ as \\•,••�\/ �,p /• ' �y@or, / J ` _ `\ 75� 31 �` !:-��'^ 33-� ' / .�' �/ ! •°° 4 - ]a yi a3 33 A 34 32 1 \ \\\� • �•, /y /20 / `\ 31 eat 4 i ,1 ``.•�� o� �\ ^�• �• '\ •:� • '" sor �' 3'��\�1 \\\_`j rte/ gf•../ i / \ \ + ¢ -.0 1-c i•e A;�` i. .0 \ 12 V >a 12 22 0 10 12 -XHIE)IT • `'\ • ^/ •`\```\ /"'`� \,\t`^Gi'l�r'',�/ -qL_J C 1VIl.'7-0 ZC!11''D • \`�`� \ 21 s \,ly,•_i � ��� '• � �A-T�1u�1�N- �7'ru.1U1JIVlrU,V/1 l�f - zo 4 '.• \= 44 /s ZAU-CRMTS 1\ACEI- LG' l'w �: :_ _�,� •�i CITY fll+, .TAS,t;A..i)EQ .��-�•::;: �l 1 TING y/� AGENDA �Q !i EM TO: City Council mA April 14 , 1986 FROM: Mike Shelton, City Manager SUBJECT: COST FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR POLICE FACILITY AND RECOMMENDATION REGARDING POLICE FACILITY SIZE AND COST RECOMMENDATION: 1. City Council authorize Mayor to enter into agreement with the Architectural Firm of Ross, Levin, and Mac Intyre in the amount of $31,700 , less $2,987 if only one (1) site analysis is required, and less $12,800 if Architect performs final construction documents. 2. Architect design a Police Facility, not to exceed $950,000 , to accomodate current Police Department facility needs that can be expanded upon in future years, as additional expansion needs may be required. DISCUSSION: At the last Council Meeting, the Architect Selection Committee • recommended the Council contract with the Architectural Firm of Ross, Levin, and Mac Intyre to provide architectural services for the proposed new Police Facility. Council concurred with the appointment of the architectural firm, but directed staff to bring back an amended agreement showing an alternate price, if only one site analysis is required. The Architect has amended the agreement, reducing the price by $2,987 if only one site analysis is required. Council also discussed concerns as to the cost of the new facility and the City's ability to meet cost requirements. Attached is a memo from Chief Mc Hale providing researched infor- mation as to probable alternative costs and Police Facility size based on industry standards and comparative data with other Police Facilities in our immediate area. It is desirable to define a Scope or provide perimeters for the Arcitect to work in so as to avoid the cost of sending the Architect back to the drawing board should an unacceptable design be submitted. Limiting perimeters may be as follows: 1. Planning Guidelines - The size of the building will be impacted based on planned future Department growth pro- jections. 2. Facility Cost - Design should correspond to funding is limitations, if imposed. M E M O R A N D U M 0 .....E ,.- ,. TO: CITY 14ANAGER MIKE SHELTON FROM: CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: CONTRACT WITH ARCHITECTURAL FIRM OF ROSS LEVIN AND MacINTYRE - POLICE FACILITY DATE: APRIL 8 , 1986 Attached for your review and execution is a "standard form of agreement between owner and architect" . Project is to include the programming, site analysis and schematic design of a new police service facility for the City of Atascadero Police Department. Please note that the fee is established as originally pre- sented by R.L.M. at $31 , 700, and as an addendum, we have the option of requiring only one site plan analysis versus three analyses. Should we *choose to have only one site plan done, we will deduct the sum of $2, 987 from the figure above. Addi- tionally, the architect agrees to deduct $12 ,800 from the amount shown if the City decides to contract the final complete con- struction phase of the project. Depending upon the above factors, initial cost of architectural services will range between $15,787 and $31 ,700 . For your consideration. . . q� RICHARD H. McHALE RHM: sb Attach: *This alternative expires May 14 , 1986, at which time architect would proceed with three site plan analyses. t v oss Levif & MacIntyre Architects JOHN R. ROSS FAIA RODNEY R. LEVIN AIA KENNETH H. MACINTYRE AIA HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE May 1, 1985 Principal $ 55.00 per hour Architect Designing, Engineering and Production $ 40.00 per hour Associate Architect $ 30.00 per hour Draftsman $ 22.00 per hour Steno and Bookkeeping $ T7.00 per hour Field Supervision & Observation Certified Architect $ 50.00 per hour Consulting Engineers Cost + 5% Consultation $ 300.00 per day Travel $ .20 per mile + direct cost Printing .30 per square foot Specifications At Cost Telephone, Long Distance At Cost Greyhound, U.P.S. At Cost ROSS LEVIN & MACINTYRE ARCHITECTS - LIABILITY POLICY The Owner agrees to limit the Design Professional 's liability to the Owner and to all construction Contractors and Subcontractors on the project, due to the Design Professional 's professional negligent acts, errors or omissions such that the total aggregate liability of each Design Professional to all those named shall not exceed $50,000 or the Design Professional 's total fee for services rendered on this project, whichever is greater. 1129 Marsh Street, San Luis Obispo, California 93401 (805) 543-1291 �_E M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER MIKE SHELTON �1 Y FROM: CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: POLICE FACILITY UPDATE DATE: APRIL 4 , 1986 Having completed the process of architectural services selection, it now appears appropriate to address some concerns voiced by Councilmembers regarding the breadth of the police facility request. As you know, I intentionally omitted any specific refer- ence to square footage requirements in our Requests for Proposals ("R.F.P. " ) which were sent to architectural firms. Additionally, I did not mention a maximum dollar amount which the project was not to exceed. As mentioned, this was by design on the advice of city officials in other jurisdictions who had completed similar projects. In my research, I was cautioned against creating artificial benchmarks which are without substantial foundation and which may be based upon preconceived notions having no application to our particular circumstances. In an effort to clarify the parameters of the P.D. project, I gathered some current information from the below sources which recommend standards for law enforcement facilities : 1. National Criminal Justice Reference Service U.S. Dept. of Justice, Mash, D.C. 2 . Operational Improvement Service International Association of Chiefs of Police Gaithersburg, Maryland 3. National Council on Crime and Delinquency Paramus, N.J. 4 . Center for Studies of Crime and Delinquency Rockville, Maryland 5. National Clearinghouse for Criminal Justice Planning and Architecture Champaign, Illinois From these sources, general considerations affecting facility cost are: 1. Structures should be designed for a minimum 7/5 year life span. 2 . Proposed additions for future growth must be planned ��J into original plan and must enhance the design. 3. Seismic design is a critical factor in P.D. facilities. 4. Other factors dictating special construction and detail features: a. Texture of the city including nature of residential, commercial, industrial and schools. b. Location/adjacent to other cities, courts, jails, sheriff and other allied agencies. C. Police criminal records - trends and enforce- :Hent problems. How handled by staff. d. Size of staffing (actual and needed) . e. Communications center (combined police and fire) . f. Need for emergency operations center. g. Record-keeping system, microfilm, computers, other. Through additional research, I learned that the parameters addressing space needs versus staffing were fairly broad - following are examples: *Recommended square footage for police facilities : 250 square ft. to 330 sq. ft. per full-time police employee. This formula, in our case, would suggest an immediate need of 7,750 sq. ft. to 10, 230 sq. ft. without consideration of room for growth over a ten year projection. Assuming our police department will continue to employ a comparable ratio of police employees to the number of city residents as we grow, the minimal needs are seen as follows: Year **Population P.D. Staffing Level Space Needs 1985 19 , 600 31 7 ,750 sq. ft. 1990 23, 520 37 9 ,250 1995 28 , 224 45 11 ,250 2005 34, 150 54 13,500 It should be noted that the figures quoted are conservative, minimal figures and that should city priorities change in the future, the police staffing level could increase considerably *Source: Criminal Justice Statistics, 1983 edition for Pacific Coast 1,578 cities with populations of 10,000 - 24 , 999 . *"Source: Atascadero Community Development Department and State Department of Finance. �r placing us within the average staff/resident ratio in San Luis Obispo County (see Police Annual Report - Staffing Comparison - 1985) . To insure we are dealing with current and valid infor- mation, I again surveyed (March, 1986) city police agencies in S.L.O. County which revealed the following facts: Number of Total Sq. # of Sq. Ft. Police Full-Time Footage Per Full- Agency Personnel Allotment of P.D. Time Employee *Arroyo Grande 20 4, 400 220 **Grover City 18 5 ,200 289 Morro Bay 22 4, 920 224 Paso Robles 27 5, 044 187 **San Luis Obispo 76 20,800 274 Pismo Beach 20 4,250 212 Atascadero 31 4, 000 129 County-wide average, excluding Atascadero, is 234 square feet per police employee. By way of comparison, it is interesting to note that the S.L.O.P.D. moved into a new 10 , 000 sq. ft. facility in 1968 (population 22 ,000) and during 1985, with a population of approx. 35 ,000 , that facility was expanded to over 20, 000 square feet of floor space. All these figures can tend to make one dizzy, and it has been said by some that "figures lie and liars figure" ! It is not my intention to overwhelm anyone with statistics, rather, I am attempting to clarify the matter in an effort to assist Council in making a difficult decision! On the basis of all data considered, I offer the following estimated costs for our project alternatives : A. Build P.D. for current, 1936 needs : -7, 750 sq. ft. @ $100 sq. ft. = $775 , 000 -Built on City-owned land = (0) ***-Purchase land = estimate $65 ,000 to $200 , 000 depending upon location, zoning, etc . -office furnishings: 20 ,000 *Now• in planning stages of new police facility. **Recently constructed P.D. /remodel & add-on. ***According to my research, land requirements for a public facility such as a P.D. are generally four times the building square footage as an industry-wide benchmark. B. Build P.D. for projected population in 1995 of 28 ,224. -11,250 sq. ft. @ $100 sq. ft-. _ $1, 125 , 000 -Built on City-owned land = (0) -Purchase land = estimate $65 , 000 to $200 ,000 depending upon zoning, etc. -Office furnishings $20,000 It appears that alternative A comes closest to our current and five-year projected financial means, and while certainly it would seem prudent to build a facility to include (at mini- mum) a ten-year growth factor, a fund could be established to build an addition of approx. 4, 000 sq. ft. to the building in later years. Current available and anticipated funding as seen by City staff is: -Current P.D. "set-aside" : $150 , 000 VanderBerghe Apartment Project: 235 ,000 -F.Y. 1986-87 Police Dept. Develop- ment Fees: 113,000 Actual Funds Available 1986-87 Fiscal Year: $498 ,000 -Other: (prioritized development mitigation or R.S. funds) : 37 , 000 Projected available funds - four years (four year police dept. development fee income @ $113,000 per year) : 452 ,000 GRAND TOTAL $987 ,000 If facility is constructed during fiscal year 1986/87 , approximately one-half of the total cost must be funded through debit financing. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City direct the architectural firm of Ross, Levin and MacIntyre to evaluate alternative sites and make recommendation to Council as to the most appropriate site and facility which will best serve the needs of the police department (preferably over a ten-year period) at a total construction cost not to exceed $950 ,000 . RICHARD H. McHALE RHM! sb r n CD nn CA Go n �s >r ORQ r+ CC CD ° Q �z U- `� _ r x Or r r 7C1cno (n N 0 CrC + O rQ rr Fr c toA n to O drm pOi CA co Cw t2l A A d A ` (�/� N� o antro n yto -nn 0r) r)r) -3 ty n ooh � `e o a.eo nc °+ 0 .e ccCD cw 70 0-4— 11O oro =-'c3 oy ° ncfo 1.6 � co � n � H � w mY a O � cD � Cr1 � p CD ~ ;.�N-' Ili oD Mill . W Ilijl 0z --i y OTI o9 mm ~• =� J • '� ,yC ci, �J C� L" U nji :.1 �-' C. :C :'3 w '•Jys.�.� -Z;^r .0 V ^ � J J ^�f G �. U C 3 ✓ J ztV r V J y u u r. i•� J J J y �J- r V C C 'U � j..� ,� � � � "� C � cam. .� � r, `�' •� +-, � ,� � 4J u, V ,� � ,� 4-0U J -� •�J :J: �. �_ .r'' L" rt, �1 r •� L ,r C � � � , ^, � �.. � ter, � = �r. 72 4-j 71 .i•1 ¢ ^ y rYJ-. � � -- � .^ � � .� � .^ I C C � J ^J � � v J f "" y ^ •J J � "� OI � � � '�; ._^. i., � � r � y 3 ti s X r `� ter. -+_. � .� ••, z. 'Al Lj CL Z. 4N +: .r- � r ^� � L ,5-'., � v:. .,+"J, Ca-=. � '_' C^ .~�. V ••��" ^ � = � ,� � 3J. � � J �J .n �r" � �' 3 � r. "'. � = � � � 3 J• i � = � = � � ter. U ,.. .� � f = L J r-. r ^ U7; J r J zj J' r 3 X V EleZ: oc zi ••yi `7" J :� :J r- =. ^_ = .r... r �� �, a ;� �, .� r r r ,c ^ :J r L �, r t—' .� J' ;, J ,• .^ =- L r-� T f L ..i J '' J ;� ^~. U U V u U uIz � � J r- r• J J � `� n � � J U � � � J / � r r .= :r L J � � � J ^ .."r-, r, •� r :J zi C'� .rr J J •U J _ f X r U J J J �I J J f r % r i• ►'I}C/�I `� J = •�- :i 'r t' `� ;4 C ;j 'J AGINDA • M E M O R A N D U M TO: Honorable City Council FROM: Cindy Wilkins, Deputy City Clerk SUBJECT: City Council appointment of applicants for Planning Commission and Board of Appeals vacancies DATE: April 14, 1986 City Council, earlier this evening, interviewed applicants for Planning Commission and Building and Construction Board of Ap- peals vacancies. There is one (1) Planning Commission vacancy, due to the resignation of Commissioner Carla Sanders; an appoint- ment will be made to serve her unexpired term, which ends August 1, 1988. There are three (3) Board of Appeals vacancies as a result of the expired terms of H. John Edens, Jr. (general con- tractor) , Kenneth E. Lerno (specialty contractor) and David R. Walters (general public member) ; Council appointments will be for four-year terms, expiring ` ; 1990. Applicants are as follows: • Planning Commission: Fernando C. Ebhardt J. Donald Hanauer Marjorie Kidwell Richard J. Montanaro Barbara C. Reiter Randall G. Young (*) Board of Appeals: Randall G. Young (*) Donald C. Jensen Attached is a ballot you may wish to use in selecting appointees; additional copies of the ballot will be made available to you at the Council meeting. Attach. (*) Applied to both bodies • ! i M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council February 24, 1986 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Building and Construction Board of Appeals Appointments BACKGROUND: In the course of researching the files for a Board of Appeals meeting scheduled for February 25th, 1986, I have found that terms of three of the members expired on February 9th and 22nd of 1986 . Hence, with a five member board, we are lacking a quorum unless appointments are made to said board. The following are the members of the board whose terms expired and their membership category: H. John Edens Jr. - 2/22/86 - general contractor Kenneth E. Lerno - 2/09/86 - specialty contractor David R. Walters - 2/09/86 - general public member g Board members whose terms expire thereafter are as follows: Michael Bewsey - 4/23/88 - general contractor David Grummitt - 5/14/88 - civil engineer ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives appear appropriate: 1) Re-appointment - The City Council could re-appoint the three incumbent members for four year terms expiring on 2/24/90 . 2) Continuance - The hearing scheduled for Tuesday, February 25th could be continued to permit a formal recruitment process for filling expired terms. For the Council' s information, the board meets once a year to elect officers and is on call to consider appeals. There have been an aver- age of two meetings per year since 1983. HE:ps cc: Robert M. Jones, City Clerk REVISED ORDINANCE NO. 101 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING CHAPTER 9 OF TITLE 2 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF TITLE 2 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE RECREATION COMMISSION AND DECLARING THE URGENCY The Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follow - Section Sections 2-9.01 through 2-9.07 of Chapte of Title 2 of the Atascade Municipal Code, relating to the Pla ng Commission, are hereby repealed. Section 2. Chapter 9`�.Reorganized) added to Title 2 of the Atascadero Municipal Code, relating t he Planning Commission, to read as follows: �� CHAPTER 9. PLANN N COMMISSION (Reorganized) Sec. 2-9.01. a 'o om o . There ' s created a Planning Commission for the Clity which shall sist of seven (7) members who shall not be of�ials or ployees of the City, but who shall be residents of \ t . Sec. 2-9.02. Members: Appointment: Terms of office. The City Council shall appoint the members of the Plan- ning Commission. Three (3) members shall be appointed for terms which shall expire on August 1, 1986. Four (4) members shall be appointed for terms which shall expire on August 1, 1988. Thereafter, all terms shall be for four (4) years and shall expire four (4) years after August 1 of the date of the appointment, except those appointments made after the commence- ment of the term to fill a vacancy or removal, in which case the term of office shall be for the balance of the unexpired term. ec 2-9 03 . Absence from meetings: Running for office -� .oCity Council . Absence of a member of the Planning Comms"ssion from three (3) consecutive meetings;`-or ffro�our" (4) meetings during a calendar year, without formal zoinsen.t.__of the Planning Commis- sion noted in its off Gia—iinutes, shall___be reported by the the Planning Direct-6r to the City Council for-consideration of removal m-_'fice. If a member of the Planning Commission f ' for election as a member of any elective City off,ice,__, -1- AG:fr/3/29/85 4- �� i . ORDINANCE NO. Page 2 ' s term as Planning Commissioner shall terminate as --tK6 date iling. Sec. 2-9.04 . _ tubers,' Re a from office. A m o the Planning Co Cion may be removed by a vote •f all of the members of t ^ uncil. Sec. 2-9.05 . Vacancies. A vacancy on the Planning Commission occurring by death, resignation, removal, or any other cause before the expiration of the term of the member shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term by the Council. c - Expenses. lanning Commission members shall be entitled to remuner tion z expenses in accordance with the procedure approved resoluti of the Council. Sec. 2-9..07 . powers _ duties, and functions. . The powers,'}duties, and functions of the Planning Commis- sion shall be al1.\those powers, duties, and,-functions of a Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment as provided in Chapters 3 and 4 o€„ Title 7, commencing, with Section 65100 of the Government Code `bf the State (the-” and Zoning Law) , as the same may be hereafter amended. The Planning Com- mission shall perform such "Other duties and functions as may be directed or designated by the Council not inconsistent with State law. Sec. 2-9.08. Chairman- Rules• Records and meetings. As of August 1 annually, or as soon\thereafter as is fea- sible, the Planning,. Commission shall elect_ a chairman and a vice chairman from " among its members, shall-,,adopt rules for the transaction ,of business, shall keep a public record of its resolutions, transactions, findings, and determinations, and J shall hold a-ttleast one (1) regular meeting each month. Sectio - Sections 2-13 .01 through 2-13 .12 of Chapter 13 of Title 21,of the Atascadero Municipal Code, relating to the Parks and Recreat-fon Advisory Board, are hereby repealed. Section 4 . Chapter 13 (Reorganized) is added to Title 2 of�'the tascadero Municipal Code, relating to the Parks and Recreation Com=tip mission, to read as follows: • s RESOLUTION NO. 36-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL APPOINTING (1) MEMBER TO THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION WHEREAS, a vacancy has been created on the City Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted Ordinance No. 101 re- lating elating to the establishment of a City Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, public advertisements soliciting interest in ap- pointment to the Planning Commission have been published; and WHEREAS, the City Council did receive six applications for consideration; and WHEREAS, the City Council did, on April 14, 1986, consider six candidates for appointment to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, on April 14, 1986, the City Council did vote for specific nominations to the Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does resolve to appoint to the Planning Commis- sion to fill the unexpired term which ends August 1, 1988. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does further resolve that this resolution shall take effect immediate- ly. On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: ROBERT M. JONES, City Clerk ROLFE NELSON, Mayor City of Atascadero, CA r 1 ,� t ORDINANCE NO. 44 r AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTIONS 8.04.230 AND 8.04.130 OF TITLE 8 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION AND ESTABLISHING A BOARD OF APPEALS The Council of the City of Atascadero ordains as follows: Section 1. Section 8.04.120 and 8.04.130 of Title 8 of the Atascadero Municipal Code are amended to read as follows: Section 8. 04.120. Board of appeals established. In order to conduct hearings to determine the suitability of al- ternate materials and methods of installation, and to provide for rea- sonable interpretations of the provisions of this Code, there is here- by established a Board of Appeals. The Board shall consist of five (5) members, two (2) of whom shall be general contractors, one (1) one whom shall be an architect or structural engineer , one (1) of whom shall be a specialty contractor , all of whom shall be qualified by experience and training, and one (1) of whom shall be a member of the public who is not one of the foregoing. Members of the Board of Appeals shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the City Council. The Building Official of the City shall serve as secretary ex-officio to the Board. In order to be eligible for appointment to the Board, the person shall live within the City. Terms of initial appointment shall be for a term of two (2) years for two (2) members , for a term of four (4) years for three (3) members with four (4) year terms for subsequent appointments . Each member of the Board shall be required to comply with the applicable provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 , California Government Code Section 81000 , et seq. _---_ he Board shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations, subject t approv nd adoption by the City Council, for conducting its bil ' ess which shall form to the requirements of the Ralph M. Br ct, California Goverftment Code Section 54950 , et. seq. , a all render all decisions and find-incls in writing with a co the appellant. Section 8 . 04. 130 . A ealr du Any person aggrieved becision of Planning Department re- lated to any manner wi hTn the purview of this 't�t�.e, shall have the right to appeal , ecision. The appeal shall be filedwith the Building of.-ictal within fifteen (15) business days after t-he-render- ing of---the decision affecting the aggrieved person. Grounds for--t'e _-3.pfs al shall be set forth in writing. \,. Ordinance No. 44 - Btrd of Appeals The secretary of the Board shall set the time and place for a hearing,.,on the appeal, and notice of the hearing shall be publishred in a newspaer of general ciculation and shall be given to the ap 'llant by mailin11 it to him, postage prepaid, at his last known addr ss , at least ten 0) calendar days prior to the date set for hear ' g. Any writtLen reports to be made to the Board shall b filed with the Secretary 6f the Board and shall be made available to the Board and to the publih, no less than three (3) working day prior to the date set for the hearing. Any Department Head sha have the right to be heard on any matter coming before the Board. The decision of the Board on the appeal s all not become final until ten (10) working days after the Board as made its determination in order to allow time for an appeal to b made to the Council from the Board' s decision. Any party aggrieved byt deter ' nation of the Board shall have the right to appeal its determinat,i,6n to the Council. Such appeals must be filed with the City C1ei\k/within ten (10) working days after the Board has made its determination. The Council shall set app al fe&s to the Appeals Board and to the City Council by resolution-,: There shill be no charge for city- initiated appeals. Section 2. The �:, ty Clerk shall cause, this ordinance to be pub- lished once within fifteen (15) days after\�ts passage in the Atas- cadero News , a n( cWspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated .A this City in accordance wit Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adoption and posting of this ordin- ance; and s�'all cause this ordinance and its certification to be entered i 'the Book of Ordinances of this City. Se tion 3. This ordinance shall go into effect nd be in full force/and effect at 12: 01 a.m. on the thirty-first (316t) day after pa,sS age and shall termination three (3) years from its ffective date ari December 10 , 1981. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on October 26 \ , 1981, and adopted and ordered published on November-9- 1981, ove er 1981, by the following vote: AYES : Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover, and Mayor Wilkins NOES: None ABSENT: None J ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor 2 'r RESOLUTION NO. 37-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL APPOINTING (3) MEMBERS TO THE BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted Ordinance No. 44 relat- ing to the establishment of a Building & Construction Board of Appeals; and WHEREAS, the terms of three members of the Board of Appeals have expired; and WHEREAS, public advertisements soliciting interest in ap- pointment to the Board of Appeals have been published; and WHEREAS, the City Council did receive confirmation of inter- est in reappointment from the three members whose terms expired, in addition to two new applications for consideration; and WHEREAS, the City Council did, on April 14, 1986, consider the five candidates for appointment to the Board of Appeals; and WHEREAS, on April 14, 1986 , the City Council did vote for specific nominations to the Board of Appeals. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does resolve to make the following appointments to the Board of Ap- peals for terms of four (4) years from this date: w„ 1. 2. 3. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does further resolve that this resolution shall take effect immediate- ly. On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: 1 t� 0 0 (Resolution No. 37-86 ) ATTEST: ROBERT M. JONES, City Clerk Rolfe Nelson, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROBERT M. JONES, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager i 2 �A�'ETdA►G �/�1��� A���A - `� tTEM � TO: City Council April 14 , 1986 FROM: Mike Shelton, City Manager SUBJECT: CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BACKGROUND: At the March 27, 1986 Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting, an extensive presentation was made on the need for and merits of formulation of a Redevelopment Agency. Information given was presented by myself and Milton Farrel, Executive Director of the California Community Redevelopment Agencies Association. Redevelopment was presented as a tool to help a community take a pro-active stance to revitalize and competitively compete to maintain and enhance the prospects of a viable economic base. Educational information was presented as to how redevelopment works, what advantage it offers, and the formulation process. Prior to the joint March 27, 1986 meeting, a group of approximately 15 individuals met to discuss the concept of utilizing redevelopment to revitalize the central business district. Present at this and/or the Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting included representatives from the B. I.A. , Chamber of Commerce, County, School District, former B.I.A. formation representatives, Realtors Association, Contractors, central business district owners, City staff and other citizens at large knowledgeable of redevelopment. It was the consensus of the City Council/Planning Commission Meeting that staff bring back further recommendations at the next regular Council Meeting to pursue formulation of a Redevelopment Agency. As explained at your joint meeting, by California Law all cities in California have Redevelopment Agencies. These agencies are dormant, however, until the City (or County) enacts the agency. Attached is an illustrated schedule for activation of an agency. The process of formulating an agency is a relatively simple process. The agency, however, without a project, is a shell only. It becomes the instrument to borrow an interest bearing loan from the City to obtain working capital necessary to pay for the cost of studies and planning leading to the establishment of a project. The process of formulating a project is long and arduous requiring over 50 steps including an Environmental Impact Report (E.I.R. ) and numerous public hearings by both Planning Commission and City Council. • RECOMMENDATION: In accordance with the attached Agency Formation Schedule, staff recommends City Council direct staff to bring back necessary documents for public hearing and Council consideration to formulate a Redevelopment Agency. Staff further recommends Council consider loaning funds to the Redevelopment Agency for project formation only after Council has the opportunity to evaluate the 1986/87 Fiscal year Budget and prioritize the expenditure of City funds for this purpose. At Council directive, staff will notify community organizations of Council action and make ourselves available to provide informative presentations. MS:kv File:Mredev • • f 2 ��' Date Action Month 2, Day 17 (d) Adopts personnel rules, including con- flict of interest provisions. Month 2, Day 17 (e) Requests the use of City staff services for Agency purposes, if applicable. Month 2, Day 17 (f) Authorizes execution of contract with City to repay City for staff services pro- vided Agency and to establish that Agency operations are covered by City insurance. (g) Authorizes execution of other contracts with City, as applicable. Month 2, Day 17 (h) Designates newspaper of general circu- lation for official notices. Month 2, Day 17 (i) Informs all persons engaged in planning for redevelopment project of interest dis- closure requirements and provides for such disclosure. [H&SC S§33130 and 33130. 5] Month 2, Day 17 (j ) Adopts Conflict of Interest Code. [Government Code §87300 et seq. ] Month 2, Day 17 (k) Authorizes filings with Secretary of State and County Clerk for Roster of Public Agencies. [Government Code §53050 et sec[. ] (1) Authorizes hiring of consultants, as necessary . f� I-4 ET NG A07NDA shy � • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council April 14, 1986 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager IN( FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director RE: Budget/Personnel Request: Building Division, Community Devel- opment Department - "SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR" RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Resolution No. 28-86 incorporating a senior building in- spector job description into the City salary plan, initiating recruit- ment for senior building inspector, and approving transfer of $5,200 from Contractual Services to Salaries/Benefits to fund the position`. BACKGROUND: The City is experiencing a record volume of construction activity (see • attached chart) . Calendar year 1985 witnessed over $36 million in valuation processed which was 30% of the total construction volume over the City' s six year history. There were 501 permits for single and multifamily units issued which represented 33% of the 1,538 dwell- ing unit permits issued in the history of the City. By way of compar- ison, over the same six year period (1980-85) , the average construc- tion volume was $18 million and 256 dwelling unit permits per year. During 1985, the City Council authorized supplementary appropriations to maintain quality control in the plan checking and inspection pro- cess while reducing what had become excessive turn-around time for plan checks. At the end of December, 1985 a new chief building in- spector, Bob Fielding, was hired, who brought to the job plan checking skills which somewhat reduced our reliance on outside plan checkers, but demands on his time limit the time available for plan checking. Furthermore, we initiated a two week initial turnaround time goal for single family permits and three weeks for larger projects which began January 1. We have been able, thus far , to meet this City goal. How- ever , maintaining this turnaround deadline is threatened by (1) the inability of outside structural plan checkers to deal with unique local needs such as grading and septic system plan checks; (2) Paso Robles will be using the same outside plan checkers due to a key staff retirement; and (3) the coming years appear to hold continuing high levels of construction activity. • The sketch on the attached page shows the present staffing of the Community Development Department. With respect to the Building Divi- sion, we have a chief building inspector , plan check engineer , one full-time building inspector, and a building aide and clerical assis- tant I . In addition, we have two part-time field inspectors. 0 O t/l v t.1 01 (n 1 v O 1 ro r N `D N N C., P-1 111 I O C: O O � i r N C` r I N CN co en C I O t I N t ro I U < 7 i I I I C I I 1 I 1 O V I N N O I O 4 # I E ro N # N I CT n # aj 1 -4 C1 4 U I U . ro C) C) rrn .� I u N > .D L•n r N O 1 U C rJ y 0 N Ln N O I O O 1.1 ~ .•I co i N •.I p ro G I c O a.+ E a I •.t M U I i b z w I J-+ O G I ro ro C I 4J t1 O O r •i 1 N C to u O .-I O C' O fn 1 Gs. HO 1 Ili (/] O 41 1 U y Q ro _ u 7 .-I co O Inr 1 > N U a .i co en Ln .c r O N I w O E ro U ro ro co 1 p C% 1 N # N : N C ro # „ I d ro c .-I U co .•i N r �p i 0 L �+ N O ao c0 co co '••1 to 1 O iJ fX M ro•n •-1 ,--1 H H '.{ to C1 I u C !n N N O 1 N N 1 U U Y 1 N J-I O I C) O t U N W U C C M � M to I 44 N W I O r1 (n m N r r co W I w N E a Q p y M M rn �p 1 0 7 N .aI N O H I ro w r O r ('7 Iu a 0. 7 (n -4 r v O 1 N 7 O p o H co In cor rn r n 1 U N rn po ro 1 L 4.1 c E+ C m > C' to N •.i UW� rl I E N 1 C N 7 M ro N 1 U QI .-1 In N W I b a 4 E ta.1 O N Ln r co r M o tb i tn a E N N Na'd .-1 N to a Ea N a% Q U i D 41 {1 N 1 ro 0 41 U C .-I r N •-I N r I •'I 'O ro ro O N 00 W to rn 1 N •••1 N •-1 41 ap V' to r O� d, 1 4-+ N.0 tU y to c M W ID In C r 1 7 w N N 7 N co N -T c0 1 a C d N N rt o O co r co I c O 41 roca 0 01 H > In C ri rn I $ `y N N N 1 7 7 N 7 y 1 r-I .i C .-i ,•� C E 1 C C ro C q p N I t--I t•-t p H .7 N 1 p 1 � /` O rll.•1 ch 1.-I vI.-1 Olth �Ir1 nI� U rl. 4ujl v ' N N C a ILI u a+ Ai I 04 1 tv a� ro 1 .i •n •n E N t ro O O Fa y 1 -rI N N p .,..I I U W LL W VE N rn N r r I N C rl. c0 N O to c0 m v t CJ -4 LI ►� U)CI r•1 -4 '-1 '-I r N a' .-1 o 1 O E N p I U m p I d U (a O N co co N w ro o coOO o 0 0 0 > ro J% i # 7 C) O� CT C% •.� C) O I # # 0 Heretofor we have sought to handle constantly increasing work loads with supplementary appropriations for part-time help and outside plan checkers. This is an appropriate conservative response for short-term work surges and avoids a committment to long-term permanent staffing expenses. Should building volumes deline dramatically to a point where revenue does not equal expenditures, it would be necessary to cut back on staffing levels, beginning with the part-time inspectors. An alternative would be to hire the Senior Building Inspector on a two year contract basis, which may impair recruitment. SUMMARY: Creation of a senior building inspector position would reduce our reliance on outside plan check services, increase the depth of staff service available at the City, and not require any increase in budget. HE:ps Enclosures: Five Year Building Summary Resolution No. 28-86 authorizing Senior Building Inspector Existing Organizational Chart Future Organizational Chart 1 RESOLUTION NO. 28-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AUTHORIZING A NEW POSITION OF "SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR" , AND APPROVING JOB DESCRIPTION, SALARY SCHEDULE, AND BUDGET TRANSFER WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Atascadero wishes to expedite efforts to strengthen the City' s ability to provide a timely service for building and planning services. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero resolves as follows: Section 1. Instruct the administrative Services Director to incorporate the attached job description for Senior Building Inspector (Exhibit B) in- to the job descriptions of the City of Atascadero and authorize re- cruitment for a senior building inspector at the salary level of Asso- ciate Planner. Section 2. Authorize the Admiistrative Services Director to transfer funds in the FY 1985-86 budget as follows: To: EX 1010 Permanent Salaries - $5 ,200. 00 From: EX 2240 Other Contract Services - $5 ,200 .00 On motion by and seconded by the foregoing resolution is adopted in its entirety by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA By: ROLFE D. NELSON, Mayor ATTEST: ROBERT M. JONES, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROBERT M. JONES, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCH, 1986 CLASS TITLE: SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: Under general supervision, in a lead capacity, reviews and approves highly technical construction plans and specifications; assists in reviewing codes and ordinances and recommend changes; performs diffi- cult and complex field building inspections; may supervisor subordin- ate personnel, and do related work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES PERFORMED: (Any one position may not include all duties listed, nor do the exam- ples listed cover all the duties that may be performed. ) Reviews building and grading plans to determine compliance with local, state and federal codes and laws, including the various uniform codes, city ordinances, state energy conservation and handicapped regulations and applicable federal laws; interprets and explains construction codes and regulations to contractors, public officials and others; and makes field inspections where difficult problems are involved. EMPLOYMENT GUIDELINES: Knowledge of: Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbin Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electric Code and related uniform codes; applicable federal regulations governing building construction and practice; state build- ing code and other applicable state regulations; proper methods of construction work and inspection; the legal procedures in the enforce- ment of building codes and ordinances; principles and practices of supervision and training. Ability to: Deal tactfully, diplomatically and persuasively with the public; in- terpret codes and ordinances; read and interpret plan specifications; analyze situations accurately and to adopt an effective course of action; maintain accurate work records and prepare comprehensive reports. Desirable Education and Experience: Equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade. Possession of a Certi- ficate of Registration as a Plans Examiner issued by the International Conference of Building Officials or the State of California. At least three years of field work and plans examining or directly related work experience, or any combination of training 'and/or experience that could likely provide the desired knowledge and abilities. Special Requirements: Possession of an appropriate California operator ' s license issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. Other Conditions of Employment: Must be a permanent United States citizen or hold status of an immi- grant "permanent resident." Must be able to periodically pass a medical examination administered by the City medical consultant. EXISTING CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT -ORGANIZATION- CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOP. DIRECTOR HENRY ENGEN -BUILDING DIVISION- -PLANNING DIVISION- CHIEF BUILD. INSP. SENIOR PLANNER Robert Fielding Steven DeCamp ENGR. PLAN CHECK ASSOCIATE PLANNER Cal Fernandes Joel Moses - I I . BUILDING INSP. ASSISTANT PLANNER John Miller Doug Davidson r BLDG. INSP. (3/5 TIME r ASSISTANT PLANNER r. (FULL TIME) Phil Wachtel Meg Morris BLDG. INSP. (3/5 TIME IBob Kelley J BUILDING AIDE Deborah Cini CLERICAL ASSIST. I Peggy Ertl ADMIN. SECRETARY I Patricia SheDnhard I ' PERMANENT r 1 PART TIME 1/1/86 ;t FUTURE CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT -ORGANIZATION- CITY P-4ANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOP. DIRECTOR -BUILDING DIVISION- -PLANNING DIVISION- CHIEF BUILDING INSP. SENIOR PLANNER . - 1 PLAN CHECK ENGINEER ASSOCIATE PLANNER SENIOR BUILDING ASSISTANT PLANNER • INSPECTOR BUILDING INSPECTOR ASSISTANT PLANNER (full time) BUILDING AIDE CLERICAL ASST. I ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY I PERMANENT �Al A � MEMORANDUM April 8, 1986 TO: City Council VIA: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Bob Best, Parks & Recreation Director t4d Aa4T SUBJECT: Property Acquisition Introduction: As part of the 1985-86 Budget, Council approved $50,000 for acquisition of property on Morro Road near Atascadero Lake. Recommendation: Authorize the purchase of the Donald Messer property, Lot 6 of Block JC Amended Map, City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, for $50,000, adopt Resolution No. 32-86, and authorize the City Manager to sign proper agreements for the acquisition of this property. Background: The City presently ownstwo lots in front of Atascadero Lake Park between the spillway and Logo Avenue. The third is owned by Donald Messer. He has expressed his willingness to sell to the City. The purchase of this lot would provide the City with complete ownership of all three lots in front of the parking lot at the Lake Park. This area would provide the City with the space to develop a public use facility. The appraisal report has been completed by Dennis Greene, Inc. A copy of this report is attached. According to the report, the subject property is estimated to have a Fair Market Value of $50,000 (rounded of from $51,660) . Fiscal Impact: The total expense for this acquisition, at the above price, would be in ex- cess of $50,000. The appraisal report could be paid for from the Parks Depart- ment Budget. • April 1, 1986 Mr. Bob Best Director of Recreation City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mr . Best : RE: Appraisal of Vacant Lot on Morro Road At your request and authorization I have appraised the above referenced property known as San Luis Obispo County Assessor ' s Parcel Number 31-361-05 whose owner of record is Donald Messer . The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the current Fair Market Value of the fee simple interest subject to an all cash basis . The function of this report is to provide a basis for the City of Atascadero to proceed with an offer to purchase from the current owner. This appraisal could be also utilized for a possible condemnation process . The property owner was contacted on March 31, 1986, and was invited to be present during the physical inspection of the subject site. As evidenced by a letter in the Addenda of this report, Mr. Messer did not need to be present during the site inspection. A thorough sales search along Morro Road provided the appraiser with seven comparable sales . After final consideration of available data, the subject property as of March 31, 1986, is estimated to have a Fair Market Value of : FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS $50`000 y� Subject to the limiting conditions contained herein. I hereby certify that I have inspected the subject property; that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements of fact contained in this report , upon which the analyses , opinions and conclusions expressed herein are based , are true and correct; that this report has been made in conformity with , and is subject to , the requirements of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice of the American Institute of the Real Estate Appraisers of the National Association of Realtors. Respectfully submitted , - �..«C�LL�L 'SL-2 t�t-Vi��ii.:tcVGtCt6:Viv Dennis E. Greene , MAI* , SRPA *Currently Certified #6823 DEG/ld c ATAcOAQERO CREEK RESERVATION NO.8 N HI yWA�- • to fdo,.0 41 NO , .75':_ N( m o u o I 516 4 - !� in v m a► p 0 glf�'Z 7 1 0 w sO S N m _ 1}111,��.1 \7 �O 4 O O 1''jiU2 °' • 1P0 .'i.'.01 02,17 074Gy • - 1p 07 T rte: � jy I '' • �� � g ` O - � a o m 4, AV -. rgo,p N m F OE�I Ate ,,1 Sqe qO _ N h, 7,00 'P O ye Zr� u L W 91.10 GS.21 m 05 -1Ub.o \30 c S A Sqe S 89 r, 1 q0 w r• z D l 9 D =7 D In O O n C A Z y 1r'in — [//J W RESOLUTION NO. 32-86 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY FROM DONALD MESSER, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE APPROPRIATE DEEDS, AUTHORIZING THE RECORDING OF SAID DEED, AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS. WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero desires to purchase real property owned by Donald Messer; and WHEREAS, Donald Messer has expressed a willingness to sell his property to The City of Atascadero; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. The Council hereby authorizes the purchase of real property owned by Donald Messer as described below: Lot 6 of Block JC amended Map, APN 31-361-05, City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo. Location: 9100 Block of Morro Road. SECTION 2. The Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to enter into agree- ment with Donald Messer for the expressed purpose of purchasing his property as described above. SECTION 3. The Council hereby authorizes a sale price of $50,000, payable from Account 04-90-EX 5050 (Atascdadero Lake Land Acquisition) . SECTION 4. The real property being acquired by the City of Atascadero shall be used for public purposes. SECTION 5. The deed relating to this property, being official business of the City of Atascadero, is entitled to free recording under Section 6103 of the Government Code. SECTION 6. The City aerk shall forward a copy of this resolution to Donald Messer, 7450 Morro Rd. , Atascadero, CA 93422. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: April 14, 1986 ROLFE NELSON, MAYOR ATTEST: ROBERT M. JONES, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: lq� r- 1 MICHAEL SHELTON, ITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROBERT M. JONES, CITY ATTORNEY CONTRACT OF SALE CONTRACT OF SALE, dated April 15, 1986, between DON MESSER (called "the selling party" in this contract) and CITY OF ATASCADERO (called "the buying party" in this contract) . The selling party agrees to sell to the buying party, and the buying party agrees to purchase from the selling party, the real property situated in San Luis Obispo County, California, and located in the City of Atascadero, (called "the property" in this contract) which is more particularly described in Exhibit A which is attached to and made a part of this contract by this reference, on the following terms and conditions : ARTICLE 1 Purchase Price 1.01. Amount. The purchase price of the property is $x`:, 000.00 payable by the buying party as set forth belou7. 1. 02. Decost_3nto_EscOn e,.ecution of this contract, the buying party shall deposit with 11-1101ESTEAD TITLE, tae sunt o $1,000. 00 to be applied to the purchase price at the close of escrow as provided in Article 2 of this contract (called "the escrow" in this contract) . TMJ sun shall be payable by cash or check. 1. 03. Aclditionnl_Pay_1_nt_3nto_Escroy. Tile balance of t:ic ;purchase price, if any, shall be paid into escrow during business 1 i. i hours at least 5 days Before the close of escrow. This sum shall be payable by cash or check. ARTICLE 2 Escro.V 2.01. Qgening_o _Escro . Escrow shall be opened to achieve the sale of the property according to the terms of this contract at the office of HOMESTEAD TITLE at Atascadero, California, within 14 days after the execution of this contract. written escrow instructions in accordance with the terns of this contract shall be prepared by each party, and the instructions shall be signed by the parties and delivered to the escrow holder within 21 days from the date of the execution of this contract. The buying and selling parties shall also deposit with the escrow holder, within this same time period, the items specified in Schedules 2.01-3 and 2.01-S, respectively, along with all other information, instruments, and items, reasonably required by the escrow holder to close the sale on the closing date specified below. 2.02. Closing Date. Escrow is closed on the date the deed is recorded. The closing date for this escrow will be June 30, 1986, unless the closing date is extended pursuant to the terms of this contract; provided, however, that in no event shall escrow close later than July 31, 1086. If escrow does not close on July 31, 1986, or, if extended pursuant to this contract on the extended date, then either party may instruct the escrow bolder to cancel the escrow and return 2 i all money and instruments field in escrow to the respective depositors. A cancellation pursuant to a request under this paragraph may be carried out by the escrow holder without notice to or consent of the other party or the broker. A cancellation pursuant to a request under this paragraph shall not prejudice any legal right the parties may have against each other. 2.03. P eiimir�a y_Titie_R2p2 t. Within 30 days after the execution of this contract, the selling party shall cause to be prepared by HOMESTEAD TITLE and delivered to the buying party a preliminary California Land Title Association report of the title to the property and each document shown as an exception or encumbrance in the report. This shall be done at the expense of the selling party. 2.04. diti2ns_2t_Lscr2��. The close of escrow opened pursuant to paragraph 2. 01, and the buying party's obligation to purchase the property pursuant to this contract, are contingent upon the satisfaction of the following conditions which are for the buying party' s benefit only, except where specifically stated that the condition is for the benefit of the selling party as well or alone: (1) The conveyance to the buying -)arty of good and marketable title to the property as evidenced by a standard form CLIA owner ' s title insurance policy In the full amount of the purchase price issued by HO ESTEAD TITLE and showing title vested in the buying party, subiact only to the exceptions set forth in Schedule 2. 04 (1) to this contract (the "listed exceptions" ) , and any other exception approved by the buying Darty provided that: 3 f: ! 0 (a) The approval of the buying party to any exception other than the listed exceptions must he in writing; and (b) Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, the failure of the buying party to object in writing to any exception shown on the preliminary title report within 14 days after the report has been delivered to the buying party shall be an approval by the buying party of that exception. The title insurance policy shall also include the indorsements listed in Schedule 2.04 (1) to this contract. (2) The delivery of possession of the property to the buying party immediately on the close of escrow free and clear of all uses and occupancies except those approved in writing by the buying party. 2.05 . Prorations. -0n the date of the close of escrow, the following will be prorated between the buying party and the selling party on the basis of thirty-day months : Real property taxes levied or assessed against the property, as shown on the latest available tax bills. This a=mount shall include taxes or charges levied for the furnishing of water or sewage service to the property. 2. 06. Bonds_and Assessrmen s. Any bonds or improvement assessmaents which are a lien on the property shall be paid by the selling party on time date of the close of escrow. 2.07. 1- r ions . Any and all commissions due to real estate or otter brokers because of this sale of the property shall be paid by the selling party. 2.08. Ex enses of Lscro�a. The e:.penses of the escrow 4 �Z i� opened pursuant to this Article shall be paid as follows: (1) The cost of the title insurance policy described in paragraph 2.04 (1) shall be paid by the selling party. (a) The cost of the indorsements listed in Schedule 2.04 (1) shall be paid by the selling party. (2) The cost of preparing, executing, and acknowledging any deeds or other instruments required to convey title to the buying party as stated in paragraph 2. 04 (1) shall be paid by the selling party. (3) The cost of recording the grant deed required to convey title to the buying party shall be paid by the buying party. (4) Any tax imposed under the Documentary Transfer Tax Act on the conveyance of title to the buying party shall be paid 0 percent by the buying party and 100 percent by the selling party. Any other local transfer taxes shall be paid 0 percent by the buying party and 1.00 percent by the selling party. (5) Any escrow fee, other than the cost of the title insurance -Dolicy required by paragraph 2. 04 (1) , shall be paid 0 percent by the buying party and 100 percent by the selling party. 2 .09 . Vesting_o _Title. The buying party shall advise the escrow :folder prior to the close of escrow oL the manner in which title shall vest. ARTICLE 31 ailure_o _Concli tionl_Zerloval_of_Defoct_�r_Feects 3. 01. Failuro_or_Condition. If any condition set forth in 5 12 1 • • paragraph 2. 04 of this contract fails to occur �vitIiin the time provided for the occurrence of that condition in paragraph 2.04 or on or before the date of closing specified in paragraph 2.02, then there is a failure of that condition and the buying party shall have the following power, which shall be exercised by written notice (called "the termination notice") to the selling party and to the escrow holder : the power to cancel the escrow, terminate this contract, and recover the amounts paid by the buying party to the selling party or the escrow holder towards the purchase price of the property. The exercise of this power shall not waive any other rights the buying party may have against the selling party for breach of this contract. The selling party shall instruct the escrow holder, in the escrow instructions delivered pursuant to paragraph 2.01, to refund to the buying party all money and instruments deposited in escrow by the buying party pursuant to this contract upon failure of a condition or conditions and receipt of the termination notice as stated above; this instruction shall be irrevocable. The right of the buying party to tern -Mate this contract pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 2. 04 shall control in the event of any conflict between that paragraph and this paragraph 3. 01. 3. 02. Ref unc3_on_Terminafion. The selling party shall instruct the escrow iioleer, in the escrow instructions delivered pursuant to paragraph 2. 01, to refund to the buying party all money and instruments deposited in escrow by the buying party pursuant to this contract upon termination o this contract by 6 • buyer. In the event of such a termination, the selling party shall bear any costs and expenses of the escrow. ARTICLE 4 rV a rran_t3 Ps 4.01. uryiya�_g __Varrant3��. All warranties and other obligations of this contract shall survive delivery of the deed. 4 .02. Varrant1es_oI3ncZ_21arty. The selling party warrants that : (1) The selling party owns the property, free and clear of all liens, licenses, claims, encumbrances, easements, encroachments on the property fron adjacent properties, encroach-ments by improvements or vegetation on the property onto adjacent properties, and rights of way of any nature, not disclosed by the public record. (2) The selling party has no knowledge of any pending litigation involving the property. (3) There are no material defects in the property. ARTICLE 5 laneous 5.01. Insurance. The :welling _arty shall cancel all policies of insurance on the property as of ti-.e close of escrow. The buying party shall be responsible for obtaining insurance on 7 l° • • the property as of the close of escrow. 5.02. The valid assignment of this contract shall relieve the buying party of liability under this contract. 5.03 . T ,e_3__of t2e_Es=onco. Time is of the essence in this contract. 5.04 . lotjcos. Any notice, tender, delivery, or other communication pursuant to this contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be properly given if delivered, mailed or sent by wire or other telegraphic communication in the manner provided in this paragraph, to the following persons or to such other persons at other addresses as may be designated by written notice to each other addressee below: (a) If to buying party, original to : CITY OF ATASCADERO P. 0. Eos, 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 (b) If to selling party, original to: DON MESSER 7393 Santa Ysabel Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 If sent by �imail, any notice, delivery, or other communication shall be treated as being effective or as having been given 48 hours after it has been deposited in the United States mail, certified and postage prepaid, return receipt recuested, in a regularly maintained receptacle for the deposit of rail, and addressed as set forth above. If sent by wire or other form of telegraphic communication, any notice, delivery, or other communication small be treated as 3 {. being effective or as having been given eight hours after it has been deposited with Western Union, or other carrier, prepaid and addressed as set forth above. 5.05 . Entire_ greer�ent. This contract and the attachments constitute the entire agreement between the parties relating to the sale of the property. Any representations or modifications, written or oral, concerning this contract shall be of no force and effect except for a subsequent modification in writing that is signed by the party to be charged. 5.06. AttorneYs'_F_es_and_Costs. If an action or arbitration, arising out of or relating to this contract, or a breach of it, is initiated, then the prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to receive from the other party or parties the reasonable � p attorneys ' fees, costs and expenses incurred in the � action or arbitration by the prevailing party or parties. 5.07. 3ind3ng_Ltizct. This contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties to this contract, except as expressly provided above. 5.08. Coyerning_Law. This contract and the legal relations between the parties shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laces of the State or California. 5.09. _Ieac�ingQ. The headings of the articles and paragraLDhs of this contract are inserted for convenience only and do not constitute part of this contract and shall not be used in its construction. 5.10 . T-,aivar. The waiver by any party to this contract o 9 0 a breach of any provision of this contract shall not be teemed a continuing waiver or a waiver of any subsequent breach of that or any other provision of this contract. 5.11. 'Mutual_-Qontributiorus. This contract has been drafted on the basis of the parties ' mutual contributions of language and it is not to be construed against any party as being the drafter (or causing the drafting) of this contract. 5.12. Autzority_of_Zuyiu,y~_ ioratior�. A certified copy of the resolution of the City Council of buying party which authorizes the signatories to this contract on its behalf to enter into and execute this contract is contained in Exhibit 2 which is attached to and made a part o this contract by this reference. Executed on ---------------------- at Atascadero, California. SELLER: ---------------------------- DON iIESSER LUYER: CITY OF ATASCADERO ' -------------------------- iIC1' 11AEL SHELTON, City Manager 10 W TING AGENDA E ���/� ITEM �-S T0: City Counci Me ers April 14, 1986 FROM: Mike Shelton, City Manager SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVE TO SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTIES AND CITIES AREA PLANNING AND COORD- INATING COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: Mayor recommend for Council motion action designating alternate delegate representative to serve on the San Luis Obispo Counties and Cities Area Planning and Coordinating Council. BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy of the resignation letter submitted by Councilperson Norris resigning as alternate delegate for the City on the Area Planning and Coordinating Council. By-laws of the Area Council request an alternate representative in the event the regular delegate is unable to attend. By-laws require the alternate to be a City Council member . Duration of the appointment is open-ended unless specified otherwise by Council. Based on Council appointment, staff will advise the Area Coordinating Council administrative staff, who will schedule an orientation for the newly appointed member . MS:kv File:MSLOCOG *ING� AGENDA �-S E • TO: City Counci M�s April 14, 1985 FROM: Mike Shelton, City Manager SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVE TO SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTIES AND CITIES AREA PLANNING AND COORD- INATING COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: Mayor recommend for Council motion action designating alternate delegate representative to serve on the San Luis Obispo Counties and Cities Area Planning and Coordinating Council. BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy of the resignation letter submitted by Councilperson Norris resigning as alternate delegate for the City • on the Area Planning and Coordinating Council. By-laws of the Area Council request an alternate representative in the event the regular delegate is unable to attend. By-laws require the alternate to be a City Council member. Duration of the appointment is open-ended unless specified otherwise by Council. Based on Council appointment, staff will advise the Area Coordinating Council administrative staff, who will schedule an orientation for the newly appointed member . MS:kv File:MSL000G • MVNG 4// �t�N • MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Directors, Atascadero Sanitation District THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Authorization to Bid Assessment District No. 3 Marchant Way Sewer Extension DATE: April 8, 1986 Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Board authorize the Director of Public Works to advertise for Bids for the above project. Background: Assessment District No. 3 was formed by the Board to enable the parcels along Marchant Way to take advantage of long term financing to extend the sewer along their frontages. This is Cease -and Desist Area F, which is rated the 3rd worse problem area in the City. • Discussion: A contract was awarded to Kennaly Engineering to design the project. This firm has since gone out of business, but one of their engineers, John Faulkenstein is finishing the project as Cuesta Engineering. The Board will be asked to officially switch the contract over to the new firm as soon as the City Engineer obtains a release from Kennaly Engineering. The plans are being reviewed by the City Engineer as they progress. The following schedule is proposed for bidding the project. April 14 (Monday) - Authorization to Bid April 23 (Wednesday) - Advertise for Bids April 25 (Friday) - Advertise for Bids May 2 (Friday) - Advertise for Bids May 5 (Monday) - Receive Bids May 12 (Monday) - Award Bids Fiscal Impact: The City has not obtained financing for this project and will not until the bid is awarded. There are several options available to the ACSD, which we ' ll be outlined in a later report. The costs will be shared by the parcels on an equal assessment basis. The City will • pick-up the Engineering costs, now reduced to $15,000 , and will pay for it' s lot at the southerly end of Marchant Way. The sewer fund additionally will pick up any assessment costs greater than $4150 per parcel.