HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/28/1985 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOOR ROTUNDA ROOM OCTOBER 28 , 1985 AT 7 :30 P.M. * NOTE: THERE WILL BE A CLOSED SESSION FOR PURPOSES OF LITIGATION DISCUSSION IN THE CLUB ROOM (4TH FLOOR) AT 7 :00 P.M. Proclamation for Officer Richard Blumberg upon his Retirement A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar , are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed elow. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of October 14, 1985 2. Approval of Treasurers Report - September 1-30 , 1985 • 3 . Approval of Finance Director ' s Report - September 1-30, 1985 4. Motion Approving Mayor ' s Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem Handshy to Council/Atascadero Unified School District Ad Hoc Committee 5. Motion Approving Mayor ' s Appointment of Council Person Mackey to Employee Recognition Program 6. Approval of Plans and Specifications & Authorization to Solicit Bid for Fire Station Remodeling 7. Proposed Resolution 120-85 - Approving Acquisition of Two Patrol Cars through State Bid 8 . Proposed Resolution 121-85 - Approving Acquisition of Building Inspection Truck 9. Tentative Parcel Map 24-85 - 7503 Carmelita - Thomas Bench - (Allow division of 3. 53 acre parcel into three lots of 1.06 , 1. 23 and 1. 26 acreas each) 10. Authorization to Solicit Proposals for Engineering and Design of Graves Creek Bridge 11. Motion Accepting Staff Report on Urban Service Boundary Lines 1 12. Tentative Parcel AT 820325 :1 - Ardilla &Balboa Roads (Lots • 14, 15, 16, 17, 33, Block 24) - Dovica/Szatlocky (Extension of time to complete conditions of tentative map) 13. Tentative Parcel Map 25-85 - 11160 Atascadero Road (Lot 2, Block 65) - Curtis/Twin Cities Engineering (Allow division of 5. 04 acres into two lots of 2. 50 and 2. 54 acres each) 14. Authorization to Enter into Purchase Agreement with State of California for a Signal Control - Traffic Way/E1 Camino 15. Approval of Bid # 85-32 and Award to M.J. Hermreck for 1985-86 Overlay Project �s• /22 -ate B. NEW BUSINESS : 1. Report on Location of Proposed Post Office C. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT: r (Council will recess and convene as the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board of Directors) • 1. Public Hearing on the Following Proposed Annexations into the Atascadero County Sanitation District (Cont'd from 10/14/85) (Request Item Continued to November 12, 1985 Council Meeting) a. Lots 11-16 , Santa Rosa Road b. Lots 66-72, Santa Rosa Road C. Lots 73-87, Marchant Way 2. Proposed Resolution 118-85 - Approxing Annexation of Improve- ment District #3 (Lots 11-16-Santa Rosa Road, Lots 66-72-Santa Rosa Road, and Lots 73-87-Marchant Way) (Cont 'd from 10/14/85) 3. Authorization to Waive Sewer Connection Requirement - Dale Ziegler - 5700 Ardilla Road (The Board of Directors adjourn and reconvene as the City Council) D. COMMUNITY FORUM • E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 2 28L.85 A-1 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL ----___� Regular Meeting, October 14, 1985 , 7: 30 p.m. •Atascadero Administration Building The Regular Meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7 :30 p.m. by Mayor Nelson. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Handshy, Mackey, Molina and Mayor Nelson Absent: Councilwoman Norris STAFF Mike Shelton, City Manager; Robert Jones , City Attorney/City Clerk; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Direc- tor; Bud McHale , Police Chief; Mike Hicks , Fire Chief; Cindy Wilkins, Deputy City Clerk. PUBLIC COMMENT On behalf of the Atascadero Board of Realtors , Sharon Morin and Eric Michiel- ssen Dresented a check to Fire Chief Mike Hicks in the amount of $3 ,800 , the proceeds from a recent golf tournament which the Board sponsored, which will be used to help pay for the purchase of a portable heart defibrillator moni- tor for the Atascadero Fire Dept. Chief Hicks acknowledged the City' s appreciation of the Board' s and the participants ' efforts and contribution. •COUNCIL COMMENT Mayor Nelson read a Proclamation of Thanks & Appreciation for Lillian Murdock, School Crossing Guard for over 8 years in Atascadero;. Police Chief Bud McHale spoke of Mrs. Murdock' s dedication over the years and will present the pro- clamation to her along with the Council' s thanks and best wishes. Illness has forced Mrs. Murdock to leave the City' s employ. A. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Nelson announced Item #16 has been dropped. Regarding the minutes of 9/23: Councilman Molina requested that Page 3 , paragraph 5 , be amended to reflect that he did not vote; Councilman Hand- shy requested that it be clarified that he , as a Sanitation District Boardmember , did not vote for "buildings" but for annexations to the sewer system (Page 3 , Paragraph 2-4) . Councilwoman Mackey requested Item # ' s 2 , 3 & 18 be pulled for separate discussion. 1 . Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of September 23 , 1985 2 . Approval of Pop ' s Tackle Shop Concession 10/85 - 9/86 Lease Agreement - Atascadero Lake Park $3 . Approval of Zoological Society Novelty Concession 7/85 - 6/86 Lease Agreement - Charles Paddock Zoo • 0 COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/14/85 PAGE TWO • 4. Proposed Resolution 117-85 - Approving Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Atascadero and the Atascadero Police Officers Association. 5. Approval to Enter Agreement with David Griffith & Associates to Pro- vide Mandated Cost Claiming Services for 1983-84 & 1984-85 with an Estimate for 1985/86. 6. Claim by Jeong Kang and Arthur Popovits (unspecified amount) (RECOM- MEND DENIAL) 7. Claim by Muriel P. Loose (unspecified amount) (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 8. Claim by Frank Sanders in the amount of $75 ,000 for Damages (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 9. A. Approval of Reclassification of Public Works Administrative Secre- tary 1 to Clerical Technician B. Proposed Resolution 116-85 - Adoption of Position Classification of Clerical Technician 10. Approval of Bid No. 85-31 and Award of Contract for Pavement Painting by Safety Striping Company 11. Tentative Parcel Map 22-85 - 6905 El Camino Real (Century Plaza Shop- ping Center) - El Camino Associates/Kennaly Engineering - Division of 8 Acres into 3 Lots �2. Final Parcel Map 1-85 - 6599 San Gabriel Road - Peterson/Kennaly Engi- neering 13 . Final Parcel Map 17-83 - 9300 Laurel Road - I .D.M. Enterprises/Twin Cities Engineering 14. Final Parcel Map 16-84 - 8405 Atascadero Road - Folbre/Stewart 15. Final Parcel Map 15-85 - 7850 Portola Road - Knowles/Dan Stewart and Associates 16. THIS ITEM DROPPED 17 . Lot Line Adjustment 11-84 - 4522 San Jacinto Avenue - Langford/Daniel Stewart & Associates 18. Proposed Resolution 119-85 - Relocation of Various Animals at Charles Paddock Zoo MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve Items 1-18 , omitting #16 , and pulling Items 2 , 3 & 18 for separate discussion, seconded by Coun- cilman Handshy; passed 4: 0 by roll-call vote. DISCUSSION, ITEM #2 : Councilwoman Mackey questioned the $500 ,000 liability insurance requirement for Pop ' s Tackle Shop Lessee , as she feels their liability is greater than both the Museum and the Zoo Society, which are both reauired to carry $1 ,000 ,000 liability insurance. Mike Shelton, City Manager, explained that the issue was researched by Bob Best , Recreation • Director; although staff concurs that $1 ,000 ,000 may be more appropriate coverage , there is no more insurance available to the lessee and, if there were , the premium costs would probably drive Pop ' s out of business. • • COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/14/85 PAGE THREE •DISCUSSION, ITEM #3 : Councilwoman Mackey suggested the 10-day notice of eviction clause in the Zoological Society' s Novelty Concession Lease Agreement be extended to 30 days; Council and staff concurred. DISCUSSION, ITEM #18: Councilwoman Mackey suggested zoo ' s pig be the basis for a fund-raising barbeque/luau; Council unsupportive. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy to approve Items 2 , 3 & 18 , with change as discussed (#3) , seconded by Councilman Molina; passed unanimously by roll-call vote. Mike Shelton, City Manager, noted (regarding Item #2) that, upon direction by Council, staff will inform the responsible parties that the City desires to see their liability coverage increased as soon as possible. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey that Council recess and convene as the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board of Directors , sec- onded by Councilman Handshy; passed unanimously. B. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT 1. Public Hearing on the Following Proposed Annexations into the Atc­@�sca- dero County Sanitation District : • A. Lots 11-16 , Santa Rosa Road (Cont ' d from 9/23/85) B. Lots 66-72 , Santa Rosa Road (Cont'd from 9/23/85) C. Lots 73-87 , Marchant Way (Cont 'd from 9/23/85) 2. Proposed Resolution 118-85 - Approving Annexation of Improvement Dis- trict #3 (Lots 11-16, Santa Rosa Road, Lots 66-72 Santa Rosa Road and Lots 73-87 Marchant Way) Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director , gave staff report. Public Comment Carl Lownes , 9550 Marchant Way, spoke in support of annexing the entire area (Marchant Way, as well as both sides of Santa Rosa) ; he has spoken with the majority of the property owners there , and most have indicated they would like to get off septic tanks , basically to contribute to clean- ing up the lake. Since they will be paying for their own annexations if approved, Mr. Lownes stated they would be willing to wait until spring , if necessary, and annex the entire area at once instead of in sections. Council Comment Due to the receipt of new information regarding the Urban Services Line along Santa Rosa Rd. , Board . concurred to continue this item to their • next meeting to allow staff to study this issue further. MOTION: By Director Mackey to continue this item to the meeting of Monday, Oct. 28th, seconded by Director Molina; passed unani- mously. COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/14/85 PAGE FOUR • 3. Utilization of FmHa Loan Monies to Assist Cease and Desist Areas Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director , gave staff report. MOTION: By Director Molina that Board direct the Public Works Director to put the items (listed on P. 2 of the staff report) out to bid and use the remaining $153 ,000 to pay the engineering costs neces- sary to solve the problems in the Cease and Desist areas , speci- fically the Seperado and Estrada areas , seconded by Director Mackey; passed unanimously by roll-call vote. MOTION: By Director Handshy to recess as the Atascadero CSD Board of Directors and reconvene as the Atascadero City Council , seconded by Director Mackey; passed unanimously. C. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1 . Proposed Ordinance 112 - Amending County Business License Ordinance Regulations (Continue to October 24 , 1985 Council Meeting) Mayor Nelson announced this item will be continued to the Tuesday, November 12th meeting. COUNCIL RECESSED FOR FIVE MINUTES IN ORDER TO PREPARE FOR THE PRESENTATION .FOR THE NEW CITY LIBRARY. 2 . Presentation on Proposed New City Library (Presentation by City Manager and Architect) - Verbal Mike Shelton, City Manager , gave staff report. He indicated that the ultimate objective tonight is to get Council approval of the proposed plan, as their go-ahead would (1) allow the City to complete the pro- perty tax agreement with the County (the library funding formula is one of the elements of that agreement) , and (2) expedite the movement of the library from the Administration Bldg. to the Polin site. Ken MacIntyre , of Ross-Levin-MacIntyre Architects , reviewed their schem- atic design for the library, explaining how the building is proposed to be placed on the site; the design allows for possible future expan- sion if adjoining property can be acquired. Public Comment Doug Lewis , local resident , inquired how large a city must be before it requires branch libraries. Mr. MacIntyre said he couldn't answer that question, but that this City can currently support one library facility. Sylvia Key, Librarian in the Atas. Branch, spoke in support of the • construction of a new library. She indicated the library currently has 8 ,822 registered patrons (who've used the library at least once in the past year) , and that number continues to grow on an average of 200 new patrons per month. She believes the service of the lib- rary has an indirect financial impact on the community. COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/14/85 PAGE FIVE Sarah Gronstrand Friends f S h e o the Library, spoke in support of the "good will" approach which made the library project a reality, and she extended thanks to Bill Briam, Chief County Administrative Of- ficer , his assistant Debbie Hossli and Mike Shelton, City Manager , for their efforts and "a fantastic achievement" . MOTION: By Councilman Handshy that Council approve the site and give staff direction to proceed with proposed plans , seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Order of items changed from agenda) 1 . Architectural Standards Review Committee Membership Recommendation Henry Engen, Community Development Director, gave staff report. He clarified that the purpose of the committee is to examine the stan- dards that are in both the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance to see if changes or strengthening are necessary, the end product a handout for developers in the community which would give them direction for future projects . No public comment. Council consented to go along with staff recommendations (see staff • report in agenda packet) . 2. Community Block Grant - Request for Amendment to Agreement to Fund Selected Site Improvements Henry Engen, Comm. Develop. Dir. , gave staff report. Public Comment Edward Young, 9010 San Diego , applicant , spoke in opposition of fur- ther delays on this project in order to take advantage of now available State funds. Councilman Molina questioned the propriety of using CDBG monies for the water improvements, in view of its having been included in the Farmers Home Loan on the project. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey that Council approve the $44 ,357 . 30 , if Mr. Engen gets approval from the State, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed 3: 1 , with Councilman Molina voicing NO. (See letter from R.E. Hamilton, Atas. Mutual Water Co. , dated 10/14/85 , to Judy Young for breakdown of costs) 3. Proposed Resolution 85-85 - Prohibiting Parking on West Side of E1 Camino Real, from Santa Rosa to the South Boundary of the Goodrich Dairy Property (Cont' d from 8/26/85) _ Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, gave staff report. • Public Comment Tom McNamara suggested that the Council consider a 2-hour parking limitation on all of El Camino , from San Anselmo to Santa Rosa, be- go COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/14/85 PAGE SIX • cause of the increase in business congestion; also because many per- sons who work in San Luis Obispo park their vehicles along_ El Camino Real and leave them all day long. Council consented to ask the Traffic Committee to look into that sit- uation and consider the 2-hour parking limit. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to adopt Res. 85-85 , seconded by Council- man Handshy; passed unanimously by roll-call vote. E. NEW BUSINESS 1 . Proposed Resolution 114-85 - No Parking and 2-Hour Parking Zones at Various Locations on Santa Ysabel & South Mall Extension , 2. Proposed Resolution 112-85 - Prohibiting Parking on the South Side of San Anselmo , from El Camino West to Hessick Realty , & North Side of San Anselmo 20 ft. to West , and El Camino Real from San Anselmo 100 ft. to North and 20 ft. to South , 3. Proposed Resolution 115-85 - No Parking Zone on Southeast and North- west Side of East Mall at El Camino Real 4. Proposed Resolution 113-85 - Installation of Yield Sign at Southeast Corner of Pueblo and Sombrilla 5. Proposed Resolution 111-85 - Installation of a Stop Sign on Ardilla • Ave. at Balboa Rd. Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director , gave staff report on each of the above items. Public Comment Doug Lewis , resident, asked if the Park & Ride people were considered in the area involved in Item #1 , Santa Ysabel & South Mall Extension; Paul Sensibauah resn_ onded that the Park & Ride users appear to park along the street in that area instead of in the Park &Ride lot provided, which has contributed to much of the congestion problem. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy to adopt Resolution # ' s 114-85 , 112-85 , 115-85 , 113-85 and 111-85 , seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously by roll-call vote. 6. Zoning Code Enforcement Status Report (Verbal by Community Develop- ment Director) Henry Engen, Community Development Director , gave staff report , sum- marizing the Planning Department ' s ongoing nuisance abatement effort which is being implemented in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. The outstanding cases will be closed or heard by Council at their first meeting in November. F. COMMUNITY FORUM Terrill Graham, 6205 Conejo Rd. , spoke to Mayor Nelson, Councilman Handshy and Councilman Molina regarding the recall issue, reading a • • COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/14/85 PAGE SEVEN prepared statement. G. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION City Council - Councilman Handshy expressed concern about a teen-age dance at McCarthy' s on Sunday nights (which does not include alco- hol) . Sgt. John Lovgren stated the APD is aware of the activity. There have been two such dances to date; the crowds have been ex- tremely light , with no problems or calls to the Police Dept. for service. City Attorney/City Clerk - Robert Jones inquired if the Council plans to have its meeting of Mon. Nov. 11th (Veterans Day) on Tues . , Nov. 12th, and if so the Clerk' s Office can properly notice the public of that change. Council responded yes. City Manager - Mike Shelton announced, for those Councilmembers un- aware , that Pat Reising of KPRL has changed jobs. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10 : 15 P.M. RECORDED BY: ROBERT M. JON City Clerk PREPARED BY: CINDY WILKINS, Dep. City Clerk r11 10/28/85,74z kA A-2 CITY OF ATASCADERO • TREASURER'S REPORT SEPTEMBER 1, 1985 TO SEPTEMBER 30 , 1985 RECEIPTS TAXES Property Tax 2,892.04 Cigarette Tax 4 ,152.10 Motor Vehicle "In Lieu" 53,499.33 Sales & Use 109, 409.10 Livestock-Head Day Tax 100.80 Franchise Tax 1,955.93 LICENSE/PERMITS/FEES 33,692.04 GAS TAX 19,908.04 RECREATION FEES 29,276.00 RETURNED FROM LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND AND MATURED TIME DEPOSITS 230,000.00 TRANSPORTATION SB-325 2,718.00 MISCELLANEOUS Rents/Concessions 7,912.40 Sale Maps/Publications/Reports 186 . 30 Special Police Services 87.00 Fines & Penalties 890.82 Planning Permit Deposits 3,868.90 Bails/Bonds 1, 000 . 00 Traffic Safety 6,361. 56 Reimbursement from Sanitation District 22,175. 68 Reimbursement to Expense 901. 28 911 Funds 297.90 P.O.S.T. 863.58 Narcotic' s Officer 2,505.72 Rebates 2.00 Refunds 507. 50 TOTAL $ 535,164.02 1 • til A-3 OCTOBER 21, 1985 • To All Council Members: The breakdown detail on all accounts is available for your viewing in the Finance Department. tl� Ray Cassidy Interim Finance Director • 3 • CITY OF ATASCADERO FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT SEPTEMBER 1, 1985 TO SEPTEMBER 30 , 1985 EXPENSE LISTING PAYROLL DATED 09/04/85 CHECKS #34464-34566 71, 475 .15 PAYROLL DATED 09/18/85 CHECKS #34567-34670 77,468.83 VOID CK#26345 CK. REG. DATED 09/27/85 (16, 581. 25) TOTAL 132, 362. 73 • 5 t`. • ��;.��. ` , 10/28/85 ; g A-4 • TO: City Council Members October 28, 1985 FROM: Michael Shelton, City Manager 04 SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL PERSON HANDSITY TO CITY/SCHOOL AD HOC COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: City Council confirm appointment of Council Person Handshy to the City/School Ad Hoc Committee. DISCUSSION: There are a number of issues the City desires to discuss with,. the School District. The formation of an Ad Hoc Committee, consisting of one elective official from each body, the City Manager , School • Superintendent, and other appropriate staff will serve as a working committee to make recommendations to each body. Mayor Nelson has appointed Council Person Handshy to serve in behalf of the City. The action requested at this time is to confirm the appointment. SPECIFIC ISSUES: Staff desires to explore a number of issues with the District in- cluding a drainage easement across District property for the City' s parking lot, City use of school facilities for recreation classes, shared uses of School District gasoline pumps, and contract main- tenance by District of City equipment. As issues are specifically defined and studied, groundwork may be laid for a broader purpose joint City Council/School Board Meetings. MS:kv File: MSchoo13 • 1 Iw 10/ _$LB A-5 M E M O R A N D U M October 17 , 1985 To: City Council Via: Mike Shelton, City Manager &4T From: Bob Best, Parks & Recreation Director Subject: Employee Recognition Program INTRODUCTION During recent weeks there has been considerable discussion concerning an Employee Recognition Program at the employee and department head levels. It is my understanding this is also of interest to Council members. As a result of the importance of a recognition program, this report is being submitted. • BACKGROUND It is extremely important that employees feel their efforts are genuinely appreciated by the City. In an effort to have an effective recognition program, there are many possibilities for implementing a program for all employees. This has been discussed by the department head group on several occasions, and recommenda- tions being submitted are the result of discussions in these meet- ings. RECOMMENDATIONS Establish an Employee Recognition Program for all City employees. A committee should be formed to include one Council member, one rep- resentative each from Fire, Police, SEIU, non-represented group, and one department head. It is requested that Council approve the selec- tion of Marge Mackey to represent them on the committee. The committee would be responsible for the formal establishment of the program. The department head selected for the committee would be responsible for getting the group together to work out specifics of the program. • DAT-2 10/28/85 nvA A-6 MEMORANDUM • T0: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul ensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization to Bid - Fire Department Office DATE: October 21, 1985 Recommendation: It is recommended that Council authorize staff to. approve plans and specifications and advertise for bids for the Fire Station office addition. Background: This project was originally budgeted in F.Y. 1984-85. The intent at that time was to purchase materials and do most of the work with volunteer or in-house labor . The City Attorney' s Office, however., recommended against this procedure and the project was sent out to bid. The bids received were considerably over the budgeted amount • and all bids were rejected. Discussion: The Fire Station addition would provide the Fire Chief with a private office and the space now occupied by the Chief would be occupied by the Fire Marshall, who presently occupies office space on the 3rd floor of City Hall as there is not adequate room at the Fire Station. The addition also provides for an additional restroom facility; the station currently has only one restroom. Fiscal Impact: Funds are budgeted in the F.Y. 1985-86 budget in the Fire Department Capital Outlay account. • Y� M E M 0 R A N D U M55 TO: CITY MANAGER MIKE SHELTON ? FROM: CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF PATROL CARS DATE: OCTOBER 14 , 1985 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that our City purchase two standard CHP specification patrol cars. COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize the purchase of patrol cars through the State coopera- tive fleet plan by executing the attached resolution. PROBLEM STATEMENT: The two cars proposed for replacement are 1982 Chevrolets which have approximately 80, 000 and 90 , 000 miles respectively. (These two cars were purchased in July, 1982 , through the State cooper- ative purchasing agreement. ) Please note that these two cars have been designated for transfer to the Fire Department during this fiscal year. BACKGROUND: The California Dept. of General Services has notified me that they now have patrol cars immediately available for delivery to allied agencies such as ours. They are equipped with 318 cuoic inch heavy duty V-8 ' s and meet the rigorous testing and require- ments as set forth in the CHP specifications manual for 1985 . These cars are offered to cities at a large discount because they are purchased in such large quantities from the manufacturer. Our experience has been that county-wide dealers have not been able to furnish patrol vehicles at a price which is competitive to the State fleet purchase plan. Additionally, in checking with one local dealer, I learned that there are no police-equipped cars available at this time; thus, a special order would be necessary with a three to four month lead time. ALTERNATIVES: Advertise for bids in the central coast area - purchase accordingly. FISCAL IMPACT: • Sufficient funding has been allocated within the police budget (account #03-25-3275) for the proposed purchase. Total cost for RESOLUTION NO. 120-85 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PURCHASE CERTAIN ITEMS BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby authorize the Office of Procurement, Department of General Services of the State of California to purchase 1985 police vehicles to current specifications for and on the behalf of the City of Atascadero pursuant to Section 14814 , Government Code, and that Michael Shelton, City Manager, is hereby authorized and directed to sign and deliver all necessary requests and other documents in connection therewith and on behalf of the City of Atascadero. • On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ADOPTED: ROLFE NELSON, MAYOR ATTEST: ROBERT JONES, CITY CLERK ATTEST: ROBERT JONES, CITY ATTORNEY r .� _'t `,a 10/28/85 -:; A-8 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council October 28, 1985 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager J FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director . RE: Purchase of building inspection truck RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council authorize the purchase of the building inspec- tion vehicle through the State Cooperative Fleet Plan by executing the attached resolution. BACKGROUND: The Community Development Department presently has one truck for .use in the building inspection division. There is presently one permanent building inspector and two half-time building inspectors which require the use of two vehicles per day. The City-adopted budget included $10 ,000 for purchase of an additional permanent, four-wheel drive vehicle appropriate for inspection services. HE:ps ATTACHMENT: Draft Resolution No. 121-85 • 10/28/85 rr e _rE A-9 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council October 14, 1985 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map 24-85 LOCATION: 7503 Carmelita APPLICANT: Thomas Bench REQUEST: To allow the division of a 3. 53 acre parcel into three lots 1.06, 1. 23, and 1.26 acres each. On September 3, 1985, the Planning Commission conducted a public hear- ing concerning the above-referenced request, and unanimously (w-ith Commissioner Mi.chielssen abstaining) denied the request subject to the findings contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7-85 adopted • on September 16 , 1985. There was considerable discussion and public testimony as reflected in the attached minutes excerpt. HE:ps ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 7-85 (Planning Commission) Staff Report - September 3, 1985 Minutes Excerpt - September 3, 1985 • • • On motion by Commissioners BOND and seconded by Commis- sioner MICHIELSSEN , the foregoing resolution is adopted in its en- tirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS BOND, MICHIELSSEN, SANDERS, HATCHELL, NOLAN, KENNEDY AND CHAIRMAN LAPRADE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE DATE ADOPTED: SEPTEMBER 16, 1985 AYNE LAPRADE, Chairman ATTEST: HE14RY ENEN Communit Dev&vopment Director 2 AT-77-236 i-1L 61 AT'-80-13 12-81 jjbK F u 3 Sr Cf�r3 .AT 62 12 CRG,� .:j�,,l � ``•s ,+ �-"XWt'�� { � q qac RMF/gyp 4 LOSS 17 - lh;l, �`- / �� 0 � 't.- • FE:•I St O:: DATE BY �` ,' '7�-.'i � • ' 9C ! 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"'o ys t b �r Adak j� ' CITY OF ATASCADERO 2 'i Planning Department `r ,�'I r n-� • o'�"j 1 f I \ T � Y�-b r...<,..�..,1,..y �+1�r• +,-;",: NLY=- �i-r:C It lia a�G1. .ya;iar a 7_ t � V i All Ld P / 90t to ti M • • City of Atascadero Item: a-4 STAFF REPORT • FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: 9/3/85 BY: Doug Davidson, Assistant Planner File No: TPM 24-85 Project Address: 7503 Carmelita SUBJECT: To allow the division of a 3. 53 acre parcel into three lots of 1.06, 1. 23, and 1.26 acres each. BACKGROUND: A notice of public hearing was published in the Atascadero News on August 23, 1985 and all owners of record property within 300 feet of the subject site were notified on that date. This proposal has quite a long history. In 1963 , the original owner (Finch) of creek lots 5, 6, 7 , and 8 (see Exhibit D) began deeding the lots off minus a 60 foot wide strip of land at the rear of the lots which follows the Creek Reservation boundary, and a 60 foot wide strip along the northeast edge of Lot 4 from Carmelita Avenue leading to the creek. A potential buyer of Lot 5 made an inquiry to the County re- garding the legality of the easement and lot lines. The County deter- mined an illegal situation existed and notified the owner of his es- tablishment of lot lines without required maps. The owners subse- quently recorded an irrevocable offer of dedication to the County for roadway purposes for these 60 foot strips n 1966 . This action miti- gated the situation at the time and the County stopped violation pro- ceedings. In 1978 , the owner (Medley) of Creek Reservation No. 6 and the dedicated 60 foot strips applied to the County for permits to develop in the dedicated area, but these permits were denied due to the offer of dedication. The house, on proposed Parcel 3 (of the 1982 parcel map) was then constructed in the Creek Reservation portion of the property. This parcel map was applied for in June, 1982 by Jim Haun. At that time, Mr. Haun proposed to combine Creek Reservation No. 6 with the 60 foot wide strip along the northeast property line of Lot 5 and resubdivide said land into four parcels of 3. 44 , 1. 92, 1. 57 and 1. 50 acres each. This project also required the applicant to vacate an irrevocable offer of dedication for road purposes to the City for the above-mentioned 60 foot wide strips of land. It was the appli- cant's intention to utilize the Creek Reservation areas to fulfill minimum lot size requirements and the 60 foot strips to provide the area for actual building sites. The following issues were raised at the hearing: 0 • 1) General Plan policy on creek reservations 2) Recreational easement/dedication/improvements 3) Possible cul-de-sac, future splits on Lots 5 and 6, improvement participation 4) Access to Parcel 1 and staking 5) 100-year flood levels and buildable sites 6) Sewage pumps for individual lots 7) Fire hydrant requirements 8) Abandonment of easement The matter was continued at that time until General Plan Amendment 821206 :1 concerning creek setbacks was complete. General Plan poli- cies at that time specifically required a 50 foot setback for all structures from the bank of the creek or river. If this was applied in this particular case, there would be no buildable sites available. This General Plan amendment deleted this strict 50 foot setback while still insuring the uninterrupted natural flow of streams, as well as access to and recreational use of the creeks. Another issue was the abandonment of the road which involved a sepa- rate staff report and hearing process. To summarize, it was deter- mined by the city attorney that a road abandonment was not necessary for the offer of dedication since the offer was never accepted by the County or City. This did leave the property in violation of the Su}a- division Map Act, but the subsequent approved and recorded map re- solved the situation. As stated previously, this earlier proposal requested the division of an 8 . 43 acre parcel into four parcels of 3.44, 1.92, 1. 57 and 1. 50 acres. Due to site conditions and the limited buildable area, the approval was granted on the condition of reversing the number of lots from four to three. This resulted in a parcel map of 3. 53, 2. 34, and 2. 63 acres (see Exhibit D) . The intent of this approval was that there be no further lot splits on this property. This current request is to divide the 3. 53 acre parcel into three lots of 1.06, 1. 23, and 1. 26 acres each. A. LOCATION: 7503 Carmelita (Lot 5 of Block UB) B. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To allow the division of 3. 53 acres into three lots of 1. 06, 1. 23, and 1. 26 acres each 2. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Thomas Bench 3. Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kennaly Engineering 4. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 53 acres 2 • 0 5. Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Carmelita is a City-maintained street with a 40 foot wide right of-way. Parcels 1 and 2 are reached by a private road and utility easement off Carmelita. 6. Zoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LS (FH) special recreation, flood hazard 7. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Single family residence on pro- posed parcel 1. Parcels 2 and 3 are vacant. 8. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . . .North: LSF-Y, residential South: SL (FH) , Atascadero Creek East: SL (FH) , Atascadero Creek West: LSF-Y, residential 9. General Plan Designation. . . . .Moderate Density Single Family Residential 10. Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Level to steeply sloping con- taining mature trees character- istic of the creek area 11. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration C. ANALYSIS: The zoning on this property is LS (FH) (Special Recreation, Flood Hazard overlay) . This zone is established to provide suitable locations and standards for the development of recreational facil- ities on land in private ownership. This zone also provides for residential and agricultural uses where intensive recreational activity may not be appropriate. There is no minimum lot size in the Special Recreation zone, except for parcels intended for single family residential use, where the minimum lot size is one acre when sewers are available and one and one-half acres when sewers are not available. Sewers are available in the area. Development of Site: Precise plan approval is required for grading on slopes over 20%. This proposal does not appear to require such action, although the Flood Hazard overlay involves standards which attempt to minimize the effects of development on drainage ways and watercourses. A soils report and engineered foundation will be required to assure adequate soil stability and minimum soil erosion affecting struc- tural integrity of any buildings due to stream action along the creek. A drainage plan, inlcuding the 100-year flood line, will need Community Development and Public Works Departments' approval to show that the proposed structures are designed to be flood-free i or be able to withstand partial inundation, and that proposed uses will not subject occupants to undue risks of flooding. The build- able area of parcel 2 must be shown to be above the 100-year 3 • 0 floodway. If that fact is shown, site checks have verified that this is a suitable building site. Staff has major concerns about creating a third building site (Parcel 3) . Three important considerations preclude this from be- coming a viable building site and separate parcel: 1) The 100-year floodway does not allow for a feasible buildable area. 2) The establishment of a residence in this area would impede public access to and recreational use of the creek. 3) The future construction of a bridge across Atascadero Creek Creek at Curbaril would obstruct access to Parcel 3 due to the two feet freeboard approach guardrails needed for bridge improvements. In sum, staff cannot support a three-way lot split in this area. It was the intent of the City in 1982 to allow no further parcel- ing after the 3. 53, 2. 34, and 2. 62 acre lots were created. Find- ings can be made to support another parcel, but the creek align- ment and policies associated with it would permit the creation of Parcel 3. D. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Tentative Parcel Map 24-85 based on the findings and conditions of approval contained in Exhibit A. DGD:ps ATTACHMENTS : Exhibit A - Findings/Conditions of Approval Exhibit B - Location Map Exhibit C - Parcel Map Exhibit D - Parcel Map AT 820504 :1 (Haun) Exhibit E - Staff Report - AT 820504:1 (Haun) - Exhibit F - General Plan Creek Policies 4 0 • EXHIBIT A - Tentative Parcel `Map 24-85 Findings/Conditions of Approval September 3, 1985 FINDINGS: 1. The creation of two parcels conform to all applicable zoning and the General Plan. 2. The creation of two parcels in conformance with the recommended conditions of approval will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment, and preparation of an Environmental , Impact Report is not necessary. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development that is proposed, if two lots are created. 4. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development, if two lots are created. 5. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat, if two lots are created. 6. The design of the subdivison or the type of improvement will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large for ac- cess through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision; or that substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided, if two lots are created. 7. The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474.6 of the State Subdivision Map Act, as to methods of handling and discharge of waste. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The map shall be revised to combine proposed Lots 2 and 3 into a single parcel and define the only building site as being at the end of the 25 foot access easement beyond the Creek Reservation boundary and confirmed as being above the 100-year storm line. 2. A preliminary soils report shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer . If tests indicate critically expansive soils or other soils problems, corrective measures shall be taken. 3. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and water lines shall exist at the frontage of each parcel or its public utility easement prior to recordation of the final map. 4. All existing and proposed utility easements, pipelines, and other 5 • 0 easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are other building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 5. Drainage and erosion control plans, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Plan- ning Department prior to issuance of building permits in conjunc- tion with installation of driveways, access easements or structures. These shall include showing the 100-year floodway in relation to Parcel 2 building site. The area subject to inunda- tion for 100-year design plan shall be shown on the final map. 6 . Plan and profile drawings of proposed individual driveways and driveway easements shall be submitted for approval by the Planning and Public works Departments in order to determine average grade and appropriate improvement requirements. 7. The applicant shall waive the right to oppose participation in a future assessment district for the construction of a bridge across Atascadero Creek at Curbaril. 8. Additional fire hydrants shall be installed, if necessary. Loca- tion and standard to be determined by the Fire Department All fire regulations shall be complied with prior to recordation of the final map. 9. The right-of-way along Curbaril within the property line prolonga- tions of proposed Parcel 3 shall be offered for dedication to the City of Atascadero. The offer for dedication shall include the access rights along Curbaril within the property line prolonga- tions of proposed Parcel 3. This shall be shown on the final map. Offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to re- cordation of the final map. 10. All necessary permits shall be obtained from agencies having permit authority which may include the Department of Fish and Game and the Army Corps of Engineers. 11. A sewer connection permit shall be obtained form the Public Works Department. An in-lieu sewer connection fee of $850.00 per addi- tional lot created shall be due in addition to the usual connection, tap-in, and installation fees. 12. All conditions herein specified shall be complied with prior to filing of the final map. 13. A final map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. 6 a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate by certificate on the final map that corners have been set or will be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submit- ted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 14. Approval of this tentative parcel map shall expire two years from the date of City Council approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. 7 i Minutes - Planning Commission - September 3, 1985 AYES: Commissioners Michielssen, Nolan and acting Chai Hatchell "\X3. Ten OES: Commissioners Kennedy and Sanders er Bond and Chairman LaPrade returned to the C mission. tive ParcelMap 23-85: Reque t submitted by Bill Carroll (Dan Stewa ) to allow the creatio of two lots where three lots now e ist in the Indus- trial Par zone. Subject property is loc ed at 5495 Traffic Way, also own as a portion of Lot 13, dministration Park. Mr. Davidson presen d the staff report a d pointed out the Fire Department' s concern with regard to t access width and read an additional condition wh 'ch had been ov rlooked relative to compli- ance with Uniform Buildin Code setb cks for a building without a fire wall. Bill Carroll, applicant, talke in support of the request and noted that with removal of el tank on the property, he would then have a clear 30 foot ac ess 'dth. • Mr . Engen noted that the were alter tives concerning the fire wall which would invo e leaving the b ' lding where it is and ad- just the lot line, or take the building d n. MOTION: Made by mmissioner Bond, second e by Commissioner Hatchel and carried unanimously approve Tentative Parce Map 23-85 subject to the finding and conditions con ined in the staff report, with addit ' n of Condition #1 to read: "10. The proposed lot lines shall be altered provide the proper Uniform Building Code setb k for a building without a fire wall; or the e ' sting building located on the proposed property line shall be brought into conformance with Uni rm Building Code wall protection requirements; or t building shall be moved or relocated to satisfy this requirement. : 4. Tentative Parcel Map 24-85 : Request submitted by Thomas Bench (Kennaly Engineering) to allow the division of 3. 53 acres into three lots of 1. 06 , 1. 23, and 1. 26 acres each. Subject property is located at 7503 Carmelita, also known as Lot 5 of Block UB. Commissioner Michielssen stepped down due to a possible conflict of interest. In presenting the staff report, Mr . Davidson briefly summarized the background on the history of this property which dates back to 6 '� 0 • Minutes - Planning Commission - September 3, 1985 1963 and spoke briefly on eight issues pertinent to a prior land division on the property. Thomas Bench, applicant, stated that the purpose for requesting a lot split was to create an additional lot for his daughter to build a home on and explained the difficulties he is encountering with a portion of proposed Lot 3 involving adjacent property owners who are using a portion of his property. He indicated a desire give a portion of that lot to the City if the problem can be resolved. Judy Stanley, 7505 Curbaril, stated she has prescriptive easement rights on a parcel that Mr . Bench owns, and noted the area is buildable because there is inadequate land and would disrupt the creek and its beauty. Don Saueressig, 7705 Carmelita, explained his efforts in opposing the prior lot split for the property and noted that there is a drainage swale on proposed Parcel 2 and spoke about a creek bank which has fallen away about 7 to 10 feet. He further stated that the lot split is not consistent with the neighborhood and there is not a suitable building site for the parcels. Bob Powers, 7505 Carmelita, asked how parcel 2' s access would' be reached and spoke about his concern over an access easement that he is not able to use but is paying taxes for . Mr . Engen respon- ded that, in speaking with the Public Works Department, he was told there are no limitations on the use of the easement in terms of access to properties and stated that more research may be needed, if there were information to the contrary. Lorraine Russell, property owner on Carmelita, asked how the ap- plicant would gain access to his property and explained her parti- cipation with regard to the 60 foot easement and expressed her concern with any future lot splits on the property. Mr . Engen explained that the Public Works Department had determined that the easement which would lead to parcel 2 is a valid easement to serve the property. Chairman LaPrade noted that the easement was granted to the prop- erty and not to an individual. Richard Russell, property owner on Carmelita, added that he owns the 60 foot easement plus the lot below it and stated that he would request a similar lot split if this particular lot split is granted. Dorothy Bennett, 7450 Carmelita, stated her driveway is directly across the street from the access road that goes to Mr . Bench' s property and expressed her opposition to the project. She noted that any additional building on this back lot would be out of character with the neighborhood and stated that there is already a heavy amount of dust created from the access road and pointed out that more traffic would be generated if additional lot splits are allowed. 7 Minutes - Planning Commission - September 3, 1985 Mr. Saueressig stated that he has studied the easements noting the words are very specific in their meaning, but that may be a matter for an attorney to research. He stated that if the split is al- lowed, the legal description and legal easement will change. Mr . Saueressig further stated that it was his understanding that if more than four homes are served by one driveway, that driveway would be required to be paved. Mr. Davidson replied that up to four homes can be served without paving. Norma Davis, 7400 Carmelita, expressed her concern with the road and felt that if a lot split is approved, the road should be re- quired to be paved. Bonnie Lowe, Tom Bench' s daughter, clarified that there would be no additional lot splits on the property in which to serve more homes and explained who would be using the 30 foot easement. She also pointed out that the creek reservation area is private property. Chairman LaPrade stated that this is a unique piece of property and is one of the few parcels that is privately owned with regard to the creek reservation. He spoke about the prior Planning Com- mission' s action regarding the division of the three original par- cels and felt that this prior decision should be upheld to keep the parcels as they are and not allow any more splits on the property. Commissioner Kennedy felt that a substantial amount of the proper- ty is in the creek area and there is small amount of land avail- able for a building site, and concurred with Chairman LaPrade' s comments. She also noted concern with the amount of underground utilities that would be required on that easement. Commissioner Bond concurred with Chairman LaPrade' s comments that the Planning Commission could not justify any additional lot splits for the property. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Bond, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously to deny Tentative Parcel 24-85. Mr. Engen noted that a resolution reflecting findings for denial would be prepared for consideration at the next meeting. Chairman LaPrade noted that the applicant does have the right to appeal the decision to the City Council. Commissioner Michielssen returned to the Commission. C. NEW BUSINESS 1. Conditional Use P -8 Present y Ralph McCarthy and Ass for proposed 8 � CITY OF ATASCADERO 1918gQ . +R 1979 CAD Planning Department December 6, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 820504:1 LOCATION: Behind 7275-7425 Carmelita (Lots 5,6,7,8 , Block UB and portion of Creek Reservation No. 6) APPLICANT: Jim Haun (Stewart) REQUEST: To allow division of 8.43 acres into four parcels of 3.44 , 1.92, 1.57 and 1. 50 acres. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: R-1-B-D-1-D (506) and L 2. General Plan: Moderate Density Single Family Residential I �3._Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental de- scription form has been completed by the applicant. The Planning Director has prepared a Draft Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment if certain mitigation measures are incorpora- ted into the project. 4. Site Conditions: The 8.43 acre site is located adjacent to Atas- cadero Creek and is parallel to Carmelita Avenue between Curbaril and San Andres, and includes portions of Atascadero Creek Reserva- tion No. 6 . The site contains mature trees and shrubbery charac- teristic of the creek area. Existing development consists of one house located on proposed Parcel 3. The 1982 Flood Insurance Maps indicate that the entire site is within the 500 year flood plain. Sixty to seventy five percent of each of the lots is in the flood- way which is also the 100 year flood plain. There are indications that the creekbed is being used as an equestrian trail. The easement area proposed for abandonment is generally level except at the edge of the creek. Utilities including sewer are available to the site. 5. Project Background: In 1963 , the original owner (Finch) of Lots 5, 6 ,7, and 8 began deeding the lots off minus a 60 foot wide strip of land at the rear of the lots which follows the Creek Reserva- tion boundary, and a 60 foot wide strip along the northeast edge of Lot 5 from Carmelita Avenue leading to the creek. A potential buyer of Lot 5 made an inquiry to the County regarding the legal- ity of the easement and lot lines. The County determined an illegal situation existed and notified the owner of his establish- J- Tentative Parcel Map4T 820504 .1 (Haun) 4 ment of lot lines without required maps. The owners subsequently recorded an irrevocable offer of dedication to the County for roadway purposes for these 60 foot strips in 1966 . This action mitigated the situation at the time and the County stopped viola- tion proceedings. In 1978 , the owner (Medley) of Creek Reserva- tion No. 6 and the dedicated 60 foot strips applied to the County for permits to develop in the dedicated area but these permits were denied due to the offer of dedication. The house, on pro- posed Parcel 3 , was then constructed in the Creek Reservation portion of the property. 6. Project Description: The applicant proposes to combine Creek Reservation No. 6 with the 60 foot side strips of land behind Lots 5,6, 7, and 8 and the 60 foot wide stip along the northeast proper- ty line of Lot 5 and resubdivide said land into four parcels of 3. 44 , 1. 92, 1. 57 and 1. 50 acres each. This project also requires application to vacate an irrevocable offer of dedication for road purposes to the City for the above mentioned 60 foot wide stips of land. (The road vacation request is a separate Staff Report. ) It is the applicant' s intention to utilize the Creek Reservation areas to fulfill minimum lot size requirements and the 60 foot strips to provide the area for actual building sites. STAFF COMMENTS *--On June 10 ,--1982- the Subdivision Review Board met with the applicant and his engineer , Dan Stewart. Also present at the meeting were: Larry Stevens, Planning Director ; Wayne LaPrade, Planning Commission- er; Fred Buss, Associate Planner; Patsy West, Engineering Aide; and Jill Kollman and Kami Griffin, Planning Interns. The principal items of discussion were: 1. General Plan policy on creek reservations 2. Recreational easement/dedication/improvements 3. Possible cul-de-sac, future splits on Lots 5 and 6; improvement participation 4. Access to Parcel 1 and staking 5. 100-year flood levels and buildable sites 6. Sewage pumps for individual lots 7. Fire hydrant requirements 8. Abandonment of easement A primary concern of this project is whether those portions of Lots 5, 6 ,7, and 8 which were separated and held in separate ownership as an offer of dedication should revert to the lot owners if the offer is vacated or be allowed to continue as a parcel map. The strip of land 2 Tentative Parcel Ma .,,T 2 8 0504:1 (Haun) _ offered for dedication has been quit-claimed to the current owner (Haun, previously Medley) , however , the land was never properly split away from Lots 5,6 ,7, and 8. Another concern is that of Creek Reservation use for recreational purposes. The City' s General Plan indicates a Creek development plan for the future. The City and the Atascadero Unified School District currently own portions of Atascadero Creek Reservations. It is, therefore, appropriate to require sufficient easements to eventually facilitate the Creek Development Plan. The General Plan lists Creek Policy Proposals to 'be used as criteria and guidelines for specific development and preservation of the creekbed. Building sites are available on each of the proposed lots above the base flood elevation. The area is served by sewer so that septic fields will not be a concern. It is Staff' s intent that there be no further lot splits on this property. FINDINGS 1. The application as presented will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environglen- tal Impact Report is not necessary. 2. ___The application-as- submitted conforms to the applicable zoning and subdivision regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends: A. Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 1. Adequate provisions shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjunction with site development and road construction. 2. Provision shall be made for adequate access for each proposed parcel. 3. Grading and tree removal shall be minimized during all phases of site and road development; and, B. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT 820504 :1 subject to the fol- lowing conditions: 3 r i" Tentative Parcel Ma ) 820504 :1 (Hann) _ 1. Provision shall be made for connection of undeveloped parcels to the City sewer system at time of development. Building permit applications shall include plans for individual pump- ing stations on each site. A Note to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. 2. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water. Com- pany and water lines shall exist at each parcel frontage prior to filing of the Final Map. A letter from the water company indicating they are willing and able to serve the property shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to recordation of the Final Map. 3. All other available utilities not already in place shall be extended underground to each parcel frontage at the time of building permit. 4. The access easement shall be designated for use as a public utility easement and shall be widened from the 15' proposed as necessary to accommodate all utilities. 5. The existing hydrant on Carmelita northerly of the driveway east shall be upgraded to a standard fire hydrant to the sat- isfaction of the Fire Department prior to recordation of ,the Final Map. _5.______The driveway access shall be improved to at least the follow- ing minimum standards: - an improved width of 12 feet - unobstructed vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet These standards shall appear as Notes on the Final Map. 7. All driveways providing access to building sites shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval at the time of building permit application for each parcel. Plan and profile drawings may be required. If average slope ex- ceeds 12%, paved improvement would be required, otherwise, an all-weather surface would be required similarly. In no event will driveways be allowed which exceed 20% in slope. In the event any portion of a driveway is shared, improvement of the shared portion shall be a requirement made in conjunc- tion with the first building permit. Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. 8. Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be dis- ruptive to the natural topography and removal of existing mature trees. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Man: 4 Tentative Parcel MAT 820504 :1 (Haun) _ "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable . City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appro- priate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. 9. Roof materials for all structures shall be Class C rating or better and a Note to that effect shall appear on the Final Map. 10 . Drainage swales shall be indicated on the Final Map and a Note shall appear on the Final Map which states: "Any modification of the ground during site development with- in fifty (50) feet of the creek shall be subject to approval by the Planning and Public Works Department. " 11. Final grading and drainage plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer for development on each parcel may be required to be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments prior to issuance of building per- mits. A Note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 12. All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any building re- strictions. A Note so stating such restrictions shall appear on the Final Map. �— 13. The applicant, in a form acceptable to the City, shall dedi- cate or grant an easement for open space and recreational purposes to the City of Atascadero consisting those portions of Atascadero Creek Reservation No. 6 with the 100 year flood plain, generally excluding the westerly creek bank. The { exact boundaries of this area shall be determined in conjunc- tion with processing the Final Map and may be adjusted to in- clude areas outside the 100 year flood plain where access across the creek bed to the westerly creek bank is feasible for a trail or similar recreational use. Said dedication or easement grant shall be made in conjunction with the Final Map. 4. The boundary of Atascadero Creek Reservation No. 6 shall be delineated on the Final Map so that it is distinguishable from remaining portions of the proposed parcels. 15. CONDITION DELETED. 16. The 100-year flood plain and the floodway shall be delineated on the Final Map and a Note shall appear on the Final Map which describes any building restrictions, including those affecting development of the site based on City participation in the Federal Flood Insurance Program. The wording of said • Note shall be approved by the Planning and Public Works De- partment. 5 Tentative Parcel Map*T 820504: 1 (Haun) 17. The Final Map shall delineate, as part of this parcel map, the original parent parcels (Lots 5,6,7 , and 8) from which the 60 foot strips were divided. The Final Map shall include the signatures of those owners or shall reference recorded quit claims or similar documents in lieu of signatures. 18. A Final Map in compliance with all conditions set forth here- in shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division ordi- nance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners cre- ated and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monu- ments have been set prior to recordation of the Final Map. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with processing of the Final Map. 19. CONDITION DELETED. 20 . Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expi- ration date. 21. The following informational Note shall be placed on the Final Map: "In conjunction with site development, engineered foundations and appropriate soils tests may be required to assure ade- quate soil stability and minimum soil erosion affecting structural integrity of any buildings due to stream action along the Creek. " 22. If this Parcel Map, or a Lot Line Adjustment, or a Certifi- cate of Compliance is not recorded within six months, a notice of violation pursuant to Government Code Section 66499 . 36 shall be recorded with the County Recorder . No per- mits can be issued until this Map Act violation is remedied. " 23. The applicant shall submit a revised parcel map to the Plan- ning Department reducing the number of lots from four to three. The redesign shall combine Parcels 3 and 4 although the southerly line of Parcel 3 may be adjusted closer to the existing residence to more nearly equalize the lot sizes. L' 6 eas of open space available for recreation that 11 be p served are listed below: e banks and bed of -Atascadero Creek The ' nundation area of the Salinas 'ver Atasc ero Lake and its surroundi „ park The Sun Gardens Chalk Moun in Regional Park The three Li le League ba all fields The banks and b of Gr es Creek Pine Mountain in ar The Wranglerette Ar Areas of open space at shall considered for acquisition by a public agenc nd/or presery for recreation are listed below: Chandl Parkland Pine _.ountain Amphitheater Co ty-owned lots fronting on Lakeview add ent to Atascadero Lake th categories are shown in Table VI-4 . The Creek Rese ves , actual and potential, are shown on Map VI-4 . Atascadero Creek bisects the Colony on a west to east line, running along the southern portion of the Central Business District and the administrative-civic center complex. Portions of the Creek Reserve already are in public owner- ship. Natural vegetation and scenic quality are abundant 1� along both creeks. Creek Policy Proposals 1. Possible purchase of privately owned portions , or negotiation of easement rights, shall be considered in order to develop the whole area as recreational land. These actions can be financed through public subscrip- tion, general obligation bonds , revenue-sharing funds or operating surplus. 2. Building set-back reauirements shall be established along the banks of both creeks to insure the uninter- upted natural flow of the streams . �e� e tr eek,s s � -1 hA a---sure fav est—a- , sh1T btlildincj tbacks- of not less than 50_ f � AAi0 Ek`aLleE /�C�F_ SS TO 14A,D R'ECIZEAT-I0AAL USE OF r14E LKEEkS 3. The bacteriological content of the water in both creeks shall be monitored at appropriate intervals, to insure aaainst contamination by inflow of effluent from nearby septic tank leach-lines . This possibility may exist . alona Atascadero Creek from the Capistrano Avenue Bridge to the railroad overpass. `� 83 , _ a a � � cc � tumZ W L fj (� W j / O t N o I �.ry► .Afs' 009 1 _ m3 " � 3 f I ,90'18►-M,Sf.L9 A p CO o tffi Aa. 1 � b— b .faE"_ • / M•h.9SN V \ A{n.9fN 1 ' a v �• i. '� �`�' w tie� �1'i� off- .Oyr 9 y 8 S9w N v in it ;s 'I i *14 lz ; q / i '✓5� x4`,M )1 Ci a h b ♦; ,.s ,p / a♦m aW♦ 1 t y M 41Q'W 8Re ,, Awff 10 � vv i r w 4. Land disturbance shall be minimized within at least 50 feet of water courses, except for that maintenance such as brush clearing which shall protect adjacent properties from flood hazards. Other minor exceptions could be made for harvesting sand and gravel and for low-intensity recreational uses, such as trails and pic- nic areas. Channelization of creeks with concrete shall be prohibited. 5. Some areas of the creeks shall be left in their natural state for public enjoyment and to provide a continuing home for the beaver population, as well as the foxes, weasels, coyotes, wildcats and raccoons . 6. Facilities for picnics, playgrounds and riding, biking and hiking trails are appropriate to these watercourse areas. Multiple-use trails for hiking and riding shall be developed the length of the creeks . 7. A series of check dams on the upper portions of Atas- cadero Creek could provide year-round water (see Chapter VII, SERVICES) for fishing and swimming acti- vities. However, the alteration of natural drainage patterns shall be minimized, and the existing minor drainage channels shall be left in open space, in most cases, to provide for runoff. 8. The Atascadero Creek Plan, as prepared by SEDES and approved as amended by the Board of Supervisors (1975) , is an integral part of this General Plan and represents a potential horizon plan for the subject area. The Creek �-_ Plan is shown on Map VI-2. 9. That portion of the Atascadero Creek Reserve from El Camino Real Bridge tothe proposed Lewis Avenue Bridge shall be developed into a park. e Salinas River and its watershed recharge at least me of e riverbed wellfields of the Atascadero "4utu Tater Compan The unimpeded flow of the river and s tributaries must be ured. The Salinas River offers ectacular possi- bilities fo certain types of recreatio uses, as well as playing an im_n tant role in the Cou Riding and Hiking Trail System. Ce in sections endowed with abundant natural vegetation. 'ver bo om areas above normal flow levels are particularly ed to camping and picnicking development. ' A specif ' st for this type of use shall be made of the more avorable 'ver areas . 1. Agric ural and recreational la uses shall be main- t ed the full length of the river flood plain as it passes through the Colony. Buildin ermits shall be denied in the potential inundation area . 84 , 101 8L$5 .a� t A-10 r, MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager /• 1 FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: Request for Proposals, Consultant Services for Bridge Replacement, Monterey Road @ Graves Creek, Bridge No. 49-C-277 DATE: October 22, 1985 Recommendation: Staff recommends that a request for proposal be send to a minimum of three qualified engineering consulting firms and that the bridge design be started as soon as possible. Background: The City has qualified for Federal Aid-""Bridge Replacement • Funds. Federal and City participation will be 80% and 20%, respectively. The existing bridge is a three span wooden structure with a total length of 64 feet having a width of 21. 25 feet. The existing structure will be load rated by order of the Director of the Depart- ment of Transportation. This structure is located on an arterial road. The proposed structure will sustain legal loads and meet current State and Federal standards and is invisioned to be reinforced concrete flat slab structure with an overall length of 90 feet and an overall width of 36 feet which will provide two 12-foot lanes with 4-foot shoulders and a 4-foot sidewalk on one side. Proposal: The consultants shall submit proposals to provide design engineering, detail construction plans and construction engineering service acceptable to the Department of Transportation and the City of Atascadero. Fiscal Impact: Monies for this service have been budgeted in the 1985/86 • Capital Improvement Budget. Attachment: Scope of Services SUBJECT: Request for Proposal - Bridge Replacement, Monterey Road at Graves Creek, Bridge No. 49C-277 Dear Consultant: The City of Atascadero has qualified for Federal Aid Bridge Replacement Funds. You are invited to submit a proposal to the City of Atascadero to provide design engineering, detail plans and construction engineering acceptable to the Department of Trans- portation and the City. The preliminary evaluation of the project calls for a three- span (flat slab) structure with Pier support and open abutments. The anticipated total bridge length is 90 feet. Foundation investigation has been prepared by Moore & Tabor Consulting Engineers and Geologists which recommends spread footings for support of the proposed structure. Your proposal should be based on the following Scope of Services. SCOPE OF SERVICES: 1. Gather existing plans, maps, preliminary design engineering and other data. 2. Investigate and analyze existing information. 3 . Prepare detailed construction plans for staff and Department of Transportation review. 4. Make corrections to Detail Construction Plans, if necessary, per staff and Department of Transportation requirements. 5. Provide construction engineering for the project. • NOTE: The City will provide any maps, records or other data that it has readily available upon request by the consultant. The Consultant should satisfy himself prior to submittal of his pro- posal as to what information is available. BACKGROUND: The consultant shall present the City with background in- formation on his firm and the key individuals that will work on this project. A contact person will be named if the proposal is accepted. The company' s experience in San Luis Obispo County and in Atascadero and with the California Department of Trans- portation, should be included. FEES: The consultant shall present his proposal based on a cost times a multiplier or an alternate similar approach if his accounting system dictates. In any case, a not to exceed figure shall be given. Out of pocket expenses shall be shown as a separate estimate but shall be included in the upset figure. TIME SCHEDULE: Time is of the essence with this project. The consultant shall indicate a completion time for the proposed services. We look forward to your submittal and are ready to answer any questions that you may have. Proposals are due on or before 12:00 noon, November 8th at the office of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. Sincerely, PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH Director of Public Works/City Engineer GEORGE A. WOLFRANK Senior Civil Engineer 2 A-11 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council October 28, 1985 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director 439 SUBJECT: Proposed Marchant Sewer Assessment District: General Plan/ Zoning Implications RECOMMENDATION: That only the former cease and desist area north of Santa Rosa Road along Marchant Way be processed at this time. The area south of Santa Rosa Road would require a General Plan amendment to allow for sewer service. • I BACKGROUND: • At the October 14th Council meeting, the consulting engineer ' s maps were presented for this proposed assessment district which showed ex- pansion beyond the original cease and desist area to include an area outside the City' s General Plan Urban Services Line. Action of the Council was to continue this matter for further study and analysis of the cost implications of project alternatives together with the Gener- al Plan implications of proceeding as proposed. The purpose of this memorandum is to report on the General Plan and zoning issues. GENERAL PLAN: As indicated in the accompanying General Plan map, the subject area includes an area north of Santa Rosa Road designated High Density Sin- gle Family Residential and° within the City' s Urban Services Line. The area to the south of Santa Rosa is designated Suburban Single Family Residential and beyond the Urban Services Line. The General Plan states, in part, the following with respect to the Urban Services Area: Urban Services Area: "The Urban Services Line defines the area that will eventually be furnished with major public and quasi-pub- lic services. The urban services area - 3,714 subdivided acres - comprises 15. 4% of the Urban Reserve Area. This acreage will be • served by some or all of the central urban services including: Re: Proposed Marchat Sewer Assessment District • ambulance sewers cultural facilities solid waste disposal drainage street lighting fire protection street sweeping improvement districts street trees library streets parks utilities police water The Urban Services Area in this plan approximates the present sanitary improvement district. . . . " With respect to the suburban services area, the plan states as follows: Suburban Services Area: "The Suburban Services area consists of the remainder of the city and the portion of the Eaglet Tract within the city boundaries. There are 16, 539 acres of subdivided land in this category, excluding the three peripheral Agricultural Preserves. Services to be provided are similar to the Urban Ser- vices Area, except with the exclusion of sewers and drainage. . . . " Under land use policy proposals, the plan includes the following statement: "Properties outside the Urban Services Line shall be eval- uated for lot sizes based on the Suburban Residential range (2 1/2 to 10 acres) until sewers are available. " In the plan' s section on sewage collection and disposal, it states that: "Beyond the urban services area, users would not be served. " Hence, inclusion of the area south of Santa Rosa Road, if it is to proceed at all, should be preceeded by a general plan amendment to in- clude the area within the urban services line. It should be noted that there are two areas within the City wherein the improvement district boundary extends beyond the urban services line (see attached sanitation district sketch for boundary) . These are: 1) Pentecostal Church site on north El Camino Real and 2) the Bordeaux housing project area (400 rental units) . ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISIONS: The accompanying zoning map shows the former ceast and desist area zoned RSF-X (Residential Single Family, minimum lot size 1/2 acre on sewer) . The purpose of this zone as stated in the zoning ordinance: "Purpose: This zone is established to provide for single family residential areas within the urban services line. " The area to the south of Santa Rosa is zoned RS (Residential Suburban) and this zone has a lot size standard of 2 1/2 to 10 acres. The pur- pose of this zone as stated in the ordinance is as follows: 2 Re: Proposed Marcha* Sewer Assessment District'" "Purpose. This zone is established to provide for large lot residential uses in areas outside the Urban Services Line or in other areas where large lots are desirable to protect land uses and buildings subject to inundation, steep slopes, or other hazards. " There is a direct link between the general plan and its implementation through zoning drawing the density boundary at the Urban Services Line. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT ALTERNATIVES: Given the fact that there are a number of General Plan amendments scheduled for the current cycle which bear on density issues and the capacity of the sewer plant and its distribution system, it would be prudent to await the results of the sewer study before initiating a General Plan amendment for this particular area. By definition, the extension of the Urban Services Line invites sewer service and higher densities. HE:ps ATTACHMENTS: General Plan Map Sanitation District Map Zoning Map cc: Robert M. Jones, City Attorney 3 GENERAL PLAN i' �{ ::• .v . ........ : ... ... ................... C) Q !j V ("1 .:.::.. .:::. ::: .:..... CCV v44Q �?. ('N 4 Q Q ......' . ':::::: ........... ..... ......... . .. a .. - A DERO o _.. ............ ATASCA IOU . GENERAL PLAN MAP ' LAND USE AND CIRCULATION \�. ••. \ HIGH DENS.MULT FAM. HEAVY COMMERCIAL. AGRICULTURE - .......•.... LOW DENS.MULL FAM. RETAIL COMMERCIAL RECREATION ' . . - . . . .. .... . .. HIGH DENS. SNGL,FAM. COMMERCIAL PARK SPECIAL RECREATION M SPECIAL CO ______ •"`cM� aw[os SNGL FAM INDUSTRIAL ARK .. .. 00 DENS SNGL.FAM. COMMERCIAL ______ W" K LOW DENS.SNGL.FAM. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE caLccras . . .. . . . SUBURBAN /� INDUS P wee"seevices L: PUBLIC INDUSTRIAL weee ascevE L4 CITY souNOeer /J f • i W :/ � Rte, \ � / �/•� �07 sv4loA- � - s 7 /II _\ // \t/a C\ - • \ - ��` ����•��r��l �-rte 1,7 -10 WTI 10, � \\\�1 --Y-- — F� '^`_ � ��. m'-.' .�r:��ry\it� '� _d., 1�-�fy«�z:<.Y• a `�I \ �, � � moo- \ ��� \ .�'� u. ���.��4\�' r}I� ' ''z• �C��-`I-^` 10 �:/{\1��rr z�_,.�,�% ' j•.��:� e'—� ''-� � ������� \� ms'''s ��� �'�_^ �e� a � o ,: ' � �i���R;. �x��Ig � 11��"�4"��\J,�.�1 '�.' a9Te Is�t= _, �-Q•� \^ ^,J^3�`, J 4o rg�,,'• --•,f$�; ,♦ 3�s Lam., .,� 'S"��t - a4'I _ .1���` - I"/ � i •it �� 1 ':a - �I, 6 15, as C w�r' -- � �_� � ,�vv�� � v a���'� o° ' • I - •- _' '�-..ar.__•"� –_.L�.F,.i _ _ f?�rY -,/ - �\ ,%`_ Z �•� ^. 11Y�'l ! Z / e .,P��' �'r � A a 0 / loolf Yl UIr 2 cv t �kgl i f IV _ 09 8 s, - � eIV i - - Cr QO.. L& Sorg 1p /L'-`-- co LLJN _- -� 0osB of 10 • e 0 • < O �� 8 'b h` k Sog8 7, lo ♦ N pj� wy� a'�C -� Q9� " tL� `^y � N b a � • et"I EE 'W13 , A-12 . M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council October 28, 1985 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager K'\,' FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel AT 820325 :1 LOCATION: Ardilla and Balboa Roads APPLICANT: Charles Dovica (Michael Szatlocky) REQUEST: To extend the time allowed to complete conditions of the tentative map. On October 7 , 1985 , the Planning Commission considered the above-ref- erenced subject on its consent calendar, unanimously approving a time extension to September 27 , 1986. There was no discussion nor public testimony given concerning this matter. HE:ps cc: Charles Dovica Michael S. Szatlocky • City of Atascadero Item:—A-2 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: 10/7/85 BY: Doug Davidson, Assistant Planner File No: AT 820325:1 Project Address: Ardilla and Balboa Roads SUBJECT• To allow a time extension in order to give the applicant additional time to comply with the conditions of the tentative map. This tenta- tive tract map approved the subdivision of 27.5 acres into eleven lots of 2. 5 acres each. BACKGROUND: Tentative Tract Map AT 820325 :1 was approved by the City Council on September 27, 1982, subject to eighteen (18) conditions of approval. These included the improvement of Ardilla Road along the entire prop- erty frontage as well as participating in the C. I.P. program for im- provement of Balboa Road. A one year time extension was granted in September, 1984. A letter requesting a second time extension was received by staff on September 5, 1985. A. LOCATION: Ardilla and Balboa Roads (Lots 14 ,15,16,17 ,33, of Block 24) B. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To extend the time allowed to complete conditions of the ten- tative map. 2. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Charles Dovica 3. Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Michael S. Szatlocky 4. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27. 5 acres 5. Streets, . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ardilla, Balboa, and Graves Creek Road are City-maintained streets. 6. Zoning. , . . . . . . 000 . 000 . . . . . . . .RS (Residential Suburban) 7. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vacant Tentative Parcel Map AT 820325:1 (Dovica) 8. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . . .North: RS, residential South: RS, residential East: RS, residential West: RS, vacant 9. General Plan Designation. . . . .Suburban Residential 10. Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The property slopes slightly with vegetation consisting of grasses and several oak trees. There is a drainage swale along proposed Parcels 4, 5, and 11. 11. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .A negative declaration has been filed with the County Recorder (October 4, 1982) . C. ANALYSIS: This tentative map approval involved substantial engineering and road improvement conditions of approval. The applicant is contin- uing to complete the conditions of approval and is confident that this second time extension should suffice in order to complete the tract. Under the Subdivision Map Act, tentative maps may be ex- tended for a maximum of three years, not to exceed a total of five years. The primary issue involved in considering the request is that the 1983 zoning ordinance passed after the original approval would require lots somewhat larger than the minimums previously approved. However , State legislation recently passed supports time extensions as a vested right notwithstanding changes in local land use regulations. Staff believes this project merits a time extension. D. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the time extension to September 27th, 1986 based upon the original conditions of approval. DGD:ps ATTACHMENTS : Exhibit A - Letter requesting time extension Exhibit B - Staff Report dated September 7, 1982 2 • (- • ; A - _ ► Michael S. Szatlocky, P.E. Civil C33834 Met. 1781 2349 Ganador Ct. • San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805)541-2278 p�Ct�-IVt�D SEP 0 51985 September 5, 1985 City of Atascadero Planning Department 6500 Palma Atascadero , CA ATTN: Mr. Joel Moses RE: Tract 1057 Time Extension Mr. Moses: Please find enclosed the sum of '+220.00 to cover the cost of applying for a second time extension for the above tract. The engineering plans are not complete, but are under preparation. A second time extension should suffice to complete the tract. Thank you. Please let me know if you need further information regarding this request. Yours, Michael S. Szatlocky cc. Charles Dovica 1979 19is '°" c' 1979 / CITY OF ATASCADERO CADF,RQ PLANNNG DEPARTMENT September 7, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Tentative Tract Map AT 820325:1 LOCATION: Ardilla and Balboa Roads (Lots 14 ,15 , 16 „17 ,33 Block 24) APPLICANT: Charles Dovica (Western Engineering) REQUEST: To divide 27. 5 acres into 11 parcels of 2. 5 acres each BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-2 1/2 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental de- scription form has been completed. The Planning Director has pre- pared a Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment if certain mitigation measures are incorporated into the project. 4. Site Conditions: The 27 . 5 acre site is located at the northeast corner of Ardilla and Balboa Roads, with one parcel adjacent to Graves Creek Road. The property slopes slightly, with the high end being at Ardilla Road and the low end at Graves Creek Road. There is a significant drainage swale along Balboa Road across proposed Parcels 4, 5 and 11. There is currently no development on the site with the exception of a concrete slab on Parcel 9 which is to be removed. Vegetation consists of grasses, with a couple of mature oaks on the corner of Parcel 11 near the swale and brush along Balboa Road. 5. Project Description: The applicant proposes to divide five ex- isting lots totalling 27 . 5 acres into 11 Parcels of 2. 5 acres each. Access to Parcels 7 , 8 ,9 , 10 and 11 will be from Ardilla Road, to 3,4 ,5 and 6 from Balboa Road, and to 1 and 2 from Graves Creek Road. Several of the parcels (2 and 7) are flag lots while several others (3 and 6) would be served by a common private ease- ment. Utilities are available to the site. The project will in- clude extension of utility lines; grading of an easement from Balboa Roads to serve Parcels 3 , 4 , 5 and 6; road improvements on Ardilla Road; and drainage improvements on Graves Creek Road. STAFF COMMENTS On May 6, 1982 the Subdivision Review Board met with Mr . Dovica and his engineer , Mr . Biathrow. The following items of concern were dis- cussed: In`'` 0 Tentative Tract Map AT 820325: 1 (Dovica) • 1. Number of flag lots, potential for a dedicated or private cul-de- sac. 2. Existing foundations and piping needed to be shown on the map, and removal would be a condition of the map. 3. Fire hydrants will be needed spaced 800 feet apart. 4. Potential septic problems due to standing water . 5. Lot 9 (original design) had a questionable building site. 6. Potential name change for Ardilla Road. 7. Traffic safety problem with access to Parcels on Balboa Road. S. Water drainage problems on Graves Creek Road. 9. Road improvements on Ardilla Road. 10. Pay-back for Balboa Road improvements. 11. Comments received. • After discussion of these items, it was felt certain revisions to the proposed map were in order . On July 8 , 1982 the Subdivision Review Board met again with Mr . Dovica and Mr . Biathrow. Also present at that meeting were: Joel Moses, Associate Planner ; Mike Hicks , Fire Chief; Patience West, Engineering Aide; Jill Kollmann and Kami Griffin, Planning Interns; and Bill Carroll , Planning Commissioner . The discussion centered around selec- tion of the best cul-de-sac alternative. Of primary concern was access to Parcels 3 , 4 , 5, and 6 from Balboa Road, due to limited sight distance along Balboa. A single easement to serve the four par- cels was agreed upon as being the best alternative. FINDINGS 1. The proposed Tentative Tract Map will not have a significant ad- verse effect upon the environment and the preparation of an En- vironmental Impact Report is not necessary. 2. The proposed Tentative Tract Map conforms to ail applicable zoning and subdivision regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atas- cadero General Plan. • 0 40 Tentative Tract Map AT 820325: 1 (Dovica) RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 1. Adequate provisions shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjunction with site development. 2. Provision shall be made to minimize grading and tree removal. 3. Provision shall be made to minimize fire hazards created by resulting development. 4. Adequate provision shall be made for septic suitability; and, B) Approval of Tentative Tract Map AT 820325: 1 subject to the follow- ing conditions: 0' 1. Private sewage disposal systems will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal if reports, tests, and design are accept- able. All tests, reports and designs shall conform to meth- ods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordinances. The following • shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the presence of ground water , and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet shall be submitted to the Atascadero Planning Department prior to the ' issuance of a building permit on each lot. Where soils re- ports indicate that conventional soil absorption systems are not acceptable, City approval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system, designed by a Registered Civil Engineer , shall be required. Depending upon the sys- tem, more restrictive requirements may be imposed." 2. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and water lines shall exist at the frontage of all parcels prior to filing of the Final Map. 3. Other utilities available to the area not already in place shall be extended underground to the front of each parcel prior to recordation of the Final Map. Any utility easements are to be shown on the Final Map. -4. Drainage and erosion control plans , prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer , shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments prior to issuance . of building permits in conjunction with the installation of private driveways. A Note to this effect shall be placed on the Final Map. Tentative Tract Map AT 820325: 1 (Dovica) • Plan and profile drawings of proposed individual driveways shall be submitted for approval by the Public Works and Planning Departments in order to determine average grade and appropriate improvement requirements at the time of building permits. If average slope exceeds 12%, paved improvement would be a requirement at the time of application for a building permit. Otherwise, an all-weather surface would be required similarly. In no event will driveways be allowed which exceed 20% in slope. Driveways shall be improved to a minimum width of twelve (12) feet with a minimum vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet. In the event any portion of the driveway shall be shared, improvement of that shared portion shall be a requirement made in conjunction with the first building permit. Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. 6. The common access easement serving Parcels 3, 4, 5 and 6 shall be paved with a minimum 2" AC on adequate base prior to recordation of the Final Map. a. The easement may be reduced to 25 feet in width but shall have adequate width to accommodate 16 feet of paving and any utilities. • �� Parcels 4 and 5 shall take access from the common ease- ment only. 5�-A Note shall be provided on the Final Map to indicate that these parcels are prohibited from having individual driveways on Balboa Road. 7. Ardilla Road along the entire property frontage shall be constructed to City standards with a twenty (20) foot paved section (22 feet where drainage control berms are provided) along Ardilla and with three (3) feet of graded shoulder on each side of paving. a. Improvements are to be constructed under an inspection agreement and encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. b. Improvement drawings , including improvements to control drainage and erosion within the road right-of-way, shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval prior to recordation of the Final Map. C. Any dedications necessary along Ardilla shall be made in conjunction with acceptance of the road. 8. The applicant shall upgrade the existing fire hydrant on Ardilla. The size, type and manner of installation of hy- drant will be as required by the Fire Chief. A letter from the Fire Chief certifying the installation of required fire hydrant shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to recordation of the Final Map, unless deferred, in which case the letter shall be submitted prior to final inspection and acceptance of the roads. 1 r,, 0 0 Tentative Tract Map AT 820325: 1 (Dovica) a. The applicant shall contribute to a partical reimburse- ment for the hydrant installed on Graves Creek Road in conjunction with Parcel Map AT 80-109 . The amount of the reimbursement shall be determined by the Planning Department. 9 . The existing concrete 'slab located on proposed Parcel 9 shall be removed prior to recordation of the Final Map. 10. A drainage plan to resolve the drainage and ponding problems along the property frontage on Graves Creek Road shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and ap- proval and any required improvements shall be installed prior to recordation of the Final Map. a. Improvements are to be constructed under an inspection agreement and encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. Oka. All drainage swales shall be indicated on the Final Map. 12. Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be dis- ruptive to the natural topography and removal of existing , mature trees. The following shall appear as a Note on the • Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appro- priate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. V X3. All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any building re- strictions. A Note so stating such restrictions shall appear on the Final Map. v14. Roof materials for all structures shall be Class C rating or better and a Note to that effect shall appear on the Final Map. 15. Improvements required by Conditions 6, 7 , 8, and 10 may be deferred for a period not to exceed three years by entering into an agreement. Any such agreement shall include a bond, certificate of deposit or similar improvement guarantee ac- ceptable to the Public Works Department. 16. Prior to recordation of the Final Map, the applicant shall pay for a portion of the City Capital Improvement Program for the reconstruction of Balboa Road; said funding participa- tion to be in the amount of $5, 689 . 46 . 17. A Final Map in compliance with all conditions set forth here- in shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordi- nance prior to recordation. 0 0 Tentative Tract Map AT 820325: 1 (Dovica) tea.o Monuments shall be set at all new property corners cre- ated and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monu- ments have been set prior to recordation of the Final Map. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Parcel Map. 18. Approval of this Tentative Tract Map shail expire two years from the date of this approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expira- tion date. ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: JILL KOLLMANN Planning Intern REPORT APPROVED BY: �U2�iGy /4LM LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /Ps 4C 16 \ N � �/ \ / 10 SCI 'S 51 !I ,�20 12 t4 \ Ig\' 2- L 191 2C / -y 5 i9 98v' v 3 22 194 z c R 14\ o�O ;l r, l 25 h7/ ' l ;� ' 4 1 1rS 146 IS 12 / g /%` /28,/2930 5 \I \ LLI 1 145 6�\- 20 140,� 13616134 19 '2� /3� / b / j �! 19 / ! B9 L' 31 i7 7 - / 9 ({ ! 10%'I I / % \ C B 67 66 8 2 !X30 1 6 5f 1 90 / / 2� 1 / 12 / a r--� 22s 8 I ' I i3 14 1 1 Jt1 z331, 3z 330 7 5 ti,. 13 /12, r , 15 /� �- 1239 24y 3z! _ i / 4/�3 X36 �. . II,10, j �. 921g31 �_ e/ �•�;' 1 j _ t / f ! I X94. 243 32 33 35 14,/ 9,'8 7 ! /16 r 1244--2— ,9g .99! Od 33 / � yam' / --i I ` .,101IIC" 10� / c 3 %- I 31 r31-3t �3C 1 ,f' 9 /8 ,?A1 •`a7c I 13 12 29 d I ����--- '� f 16 \_�\ LL6�5/ 04 A 1I 10 30/30 / \ 30 �� '` /!//; 0/ 4 1 N/ 9 8 b 17\ X21 3 / 7 6 I 3 \`� 32 3 20/ 13 OLL1l✓ 22 �7 2g 291- \ M / 3 314 1 z \ 4 I 34 33 32 31 ?qty A 1178 19 Q %? � --=f_ 23 ' 25 35 14 ✓9 ( EI ; 30 �/ G�j�ti ; A 24 JON i 1 e3 i I =613 7 3839 1 40 \ 15 16 17 17c 17 19 d a 12 ��. I .. 41 ire c \ r �•, �/ 13 11 i Ip 9 g / �1 �� 8 d i 4���� 18 19 — i9 5i -';. 6� 54 43 18o a b 27 4 6 / 1 / �2 i1 18b (18c 8 � it / F 12 �� 1 e J J- 1- a 33a e 9 --' r� —i o I /4 1.0 ( 12 </ y 33 I 1G / ZS 22 1 �3 \� 3 d 14 3 Ir 3 /25 �( 2 �� 15 24 "<' /- \ � / 31 , � t ��� 2�` 31 30 ga '� 30 ii� 27 19 L j✓ �`1 �/ 19/7 21 16% 29/ ,fib/ 111/// 8 1 I " Zo 28 20 /2 8 d�34 5 �_ 20 // I� �� X21 i 28 t 4 / �/, 19 �s \� 2317 �� 4,� �s�1 i2 y 25 21 , —ice' / 2 a ,%15ai ter- -" t 6 5 4 D 4 / i 15 � Vi � 23h4125I26� 27i 27a 28I I i \ 1` 1 I� 3 ,q 845 14 16 1 F� J I ���� � / SITE LOCATION J f 7 a82x325 : 37 I 9 - "14 13 I /2ra'Mcl cgv,8 BcOboq Lot s l4, \5, 1 lo, 1-]�3 3 b I oc.kZ4- �/ 5 ►0 .e% SAiy i2 j 6 I 1Q%10' 11 1 j 1 I G 1 y o 1 3 2 4 1 \ 1 A- 1 Q 2-�_dk1 A c-I-N W A_I-2yt G-I-N WW 7� V C—I—N y� A-1 c H "Zva c-2-D A-1 ¢-4-13-2-0 1 � US 101 1-2%z RA-B-D-I=D q P � A -1-B -✓-3 -D I-6-�-5 � ZON I N C AT 82032.9: 1 Ar(A l 1 cx a v,d B o-k bo ca Lois 14, 15, I(-, 1i,33 block 24 A- I -13-V-5 A-I-t3-V-5 �� � --lil - - _ --- �:-- F— ---- t C $o z mo i i�• f FZ - ; � �y` = C ill FF� W t •I W�. Ch EtE= `mod 1 Ill • j / l-_ � - I 01, 4. ! 1 I •p .r 1 al h �1l kW 1 Vt I0 ° y ���� ��� -- __ __ ��� '�•rr,a. ``«_ � _ is if M crT�M jl 8 � ��'i �♦♦e —__ `�\ ' — `-__ `` - 1 ///// � V lir C t -------- - pyl. 2f � e \ Otpv croar 1 �\ .-�.O12I85 �A-13 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council October 28, 1985 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager ftZ,L FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director]-fir SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map 25-85 APPLICANT: Lane and Alexis Curtis (Twin Cities Engineering) LOCATION: 11160 Atascadero Road REQUEST: To allow the division of 5.04 acres into two lots of 2.50 and 2. 54 acres each. On October 7, 1985 , the Atascadero Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced subject unanimously recomme-nd- ing approval of the tentative map as reflected in Resolution No. 8-85 (see attached) , with modification to Conditions #1 and #7-a as follows: 111. A preliminary soils report shall beprepared by a registered civil engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. If tests indicate critically expansive soils or other soils problems, corrective measures shall be taken. " "7-a. The construction of one half (1/2) of a 20 foot rural road section on Ortega Road along property frontage. " There was brief discussion concerning this application wherein site specific criteria was considered as opposed to the minimum lot size criteria factors as outlined in the zoning ordinance. Tom Vaughan, representing the applicants, spoke in support of the re- quest and asked for modifications of the two conditions referenced above. No one else spoke on the matter . HE:ps cc: Lane and Alexis Curtis Twin Cities Engineering • i City of Atascadero Item: B-1 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: 10/7/85 BY: Doug Davidson, Assistant Planner File No: TPM 25-85 Project Address: 11160 Atascadero Road SUBJECT: To allow the division of a 5 .04 acre parcel into two lots of 2.50 and 2. 54 acres each. BACKGROUND: Notice of public hearing was published in the Atascadero News on Fri- day, September 27, 1985 and all owners of record property located within 300 feet were notified on that date. A. LOCATION: 11160 Atascadero Road (Lot 2, Block 65) B. SITUATION AND FACTS: • 1. Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To allow the division of a 5.04 acre parcel into two lots of 2. 50 and 2. 54 acres each. 2. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lane and Alexis Curtis 3. Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Twin Cities Engineering 4. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. 04 acres 5. Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ortega Road is a private road with a 40 foot right-of-way. Atascadero Road is City-main- tained with a 50 foot wide right -of-way. 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RS (Residential Suburban) 7. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Single family residence 8. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . . .North: RS , single family resi. South: S.L.O. County jurisdiction East: RS, single family resi. West: RS , single family resi. • • Tentative Parcel Map 25-85 (Lane & Alexis Curtis) 9 . General Plan Designation. . . . .Suburban Residential 10. Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Level to gentle slopes with a number of trees and a drainage swale running through the property. 11. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration C. SITE AND DEVELOPMENT DATA: Option No. 1: 1. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.04 acres 2. Required Minimum Lot Size. . . . Lot Size Factor Distance from center (14-16, 0001 ) . 50 Septic suitability (severe) 1. 50 Average slope (0-10%) . 50 Condition of access (all-weather 15%) .75 General neighborhood character (3.15 ac. ) . 63 3. 88 acres • Minimum lot size reduced by 20% = 3.10 acres Option No. 2. Substituting percolation test rates for the Soil Conservation Maps: Lot Size Factor Distance (14-16,0001 ) . 50 Septic suitability (moderate) .75 Average slope (0-10%) . 50 Condition of access (all-weather , 15%) .75 General neighborhood character (3.15 ac. ) . 63 3.13 acres Minimum lot size reduced by 20% = 2. 50 acres 3. Proposed Lot Sizes. . . . . . . . . . .Parcel A - 2. 54 acres Parcel B - 2. 50 acres D. ANALYSIS: In the RS (Residential Suburban) zone, the minimum lot size is 2 1/2 to 10 acres, depending on the sum of the lot size performance standards contained in the zoning ordinance. As the previous charts show, there are two options in evaluating this proposal. 2 Tentative Parcel Map 25-85 (Lane & Alexis Curtis) First Option: This option uses the zoning ordinance as it is currently written. Septic suitability is derived from the Soil Conservation Service Maps and, in this case, the soil suitability is severe. To be granted the possible 20% reduction, the applicant must provide positive site specific information showing proposed building sites, proposed septic system location, plan/profile of driveways, and a preliminary grading plan. The applicant has supplied this information; however, applying the 20% reduction results in a min- imum lot size of 3.10 acres. This is substantially larger than the two proposed lots of 2. 50 and 2. 54 acres each. Second Option: This option substitutes percolation rate tests for the Soil Con- servation Service Maps. Percolation rates were submitted which resulted in a septic suitability factor of moderate ( .75) . Staff had incorporated this information in the past as a part of the re- quest for a 20% reduction. In effect, this proposal for a reduc- tion and modification to the soil suitability factor amounts to a greater than 20% reduction by reducing the lot size formula for septic suitability plus permitting a 20% reduction due to favor- able percolation tests. Past Action: At the August 19, 1985 meeting, the Planning Commission approved Tentative Parcel Map 20-85 (Cini - LaPaz Lane) . Likewise at their meeting of July 15, 1985, the Commission directed staff to prepare findings and conditions of approval for Tentative Parcel Map 18-85 (Miller - San Marcos Road) . These decisions were, themselves, influenced by two previous Commission decisions (Peterson on San Gabriel Road and Dunham on LaPaz) . These approvals were similar to the current request in that it granted a 20% reduction and ac- cepted the favorable percolation rate test results. Also, at the July 15, 1985 meeting, the Commission directed staff to prepare a zone text change to eliminate the 20% reduction and accept site specific information in its place. (This approach would preclude approving this application in that 2. 13 acre minimum lots would be required) . Staff is in the process of preparing such a change; however, in the meantime, staff sees no alternative but to comply with the existing language of the zoning ordinance. The hearing on the zoning text change to eliminate the 20% reduction is ten- tatively scheduled for the October 21, 1985 meeting. E. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the findings contained in Exhibit A, staff recommends denial of Tentative Parcel Map 25-85. Should the Commission determine approval to be appropriate, Exhibit D is enclosed for consideration. DGD:ps 3 Tentative Parcel Map 25-85 (Lane & Alexis Curtis) ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Findings for Denial Exhibit B - Location Map Exhibit C - Parcel Map Exhibit D - Resolution approving Tentative Parcel Map 4 7 19 to 9 - R /16 VISION DATE BY p °o �J> 7} .4G' \ 1• N rn 0 12 4 00 ZO ,s Y NH 13 F/1" RMF/16 o� ,ale iD 3 14040 5 �\ ,7 35 ''�3g' Tee , 1 - gp'�a 34 '.>.� �d•dyq ,G � eaAS yN ,= P'C nF�o as 3 �J "�,,;� • \•"�'/ego , _ \plr'O t! - 33 . .4 RS(FHdl a ) N ..i Is .'� ��,, .-_.C~ ° •e is 30 a \ f 46 DAN >•d. ,• 7 6 24 20 45 40 1 III IDS\° \�cp \d"�s ss es s'),;•; • 14,21 42 c 4� • ' 43 � RF ' cg� 44 9 wf >. o c 19 'r.�. 6 1♦\�I N 47 IAq�'pZJ 90 24 e a S 22 20 �� •�° - t 23 46 f z c zl 66 0 ^ 25 24 45 i pop ct es•u.-xz y8' 26 27 7 44 S 13 ♦ 4s t 9J 1 1 1\(J' DN ^ 28 1�1 GS '♦ qr ♦ \. .9s \ 1 42 \\O 1 �0 29 ^ p C J. _ to ` 1� ' 9 43 >S ' l^ �y A ,\\ 119 / �° .. P X, LJ 4 ' 30 � cc 76-.309 a 7i=2i. 41 89 ry ! 114 wR 2 PAK.C 72 9•� / J r J '`♦X72 31 ♦♦ 4O e l4ly/ t��/ // 17 7 ' ♦?o ♦ V r J\ t'7 o I A •,PAR. ♦♦ rAlt.a J9 'K` • fP 1 B93o / 7AA A \ 36 975 oy srh T>•a.� 9 ,r r 10 {[[.3e 1.>,.r.°r..:.lil.++ ... lsa..> . IN� U 33 3G 11 1�.•l.�U^.wf...1:e.Ar..Z7 t.1• vruru ...w. S��r J 'i40 211 l�tY r ..u.°aro .,wur n se• L z w�/� "e e"t eo.. 9r>o 19 _ �...w •n.r a .; � w. ..4 7 12 CITY OF ATASCADERO Planning Department 24 1J � r Ljuj W Or4� �N��p tN' x n� �•cv4~Q W c� p yJ]FV>��p �? R Qt'Q �000Z� ;3 S _ W mt�J :f ` ~� a �� Zvi a • gyp 1`��� r ol ' CY N � o / n / O/ M, .f36N 20 ZO RESOLUTION NO. 8-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 25-85 (11160 ATASCADERO ROAD - CURTIS/TWIN CITIES) WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on October 7, 1985; and WHEREAS, at that meeting, it was decided that specific site infor- mation should be included; and WHEREAS, this site information, specifically septic suitability, is substituted in the lot size formula for the Soil Conservation Ser- vice Map category, the parcel map conforms to the City' s General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero does hereby approve Tentative Parcel Map 25-85 as follows: Section 1. Commission Findings. 1. There are circumstances applicable to the property including shape, topography, location and surroundings which warrant use of specific site information rather than generalized area information in determining lot size. 2. The specific site information submitted clearly demonstrates that the adjustment in lot size is warranted. 3. The granting of the adjustment will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons, be materially detrimental to the public welfare, or be injurious to nearby property or improvements. 4. The granting of the adjustment will result in better utiliza- tion of the affected property. 5. The granting of the adjustment is consistent with the General Plan. 6. The creation of these parcels conform to all applicable zon- ing and the General Plan. 7. The creation of these parcels in conformance with the recom- mended conditions of approval will not have a significant ad- verse effect upon the environment, and preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary 8. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. 9. The site is physically suitable for the type of development that is proposed. 10. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage or substan- tially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat 11. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvement will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision; or that substantially equivalent alternate ease- ments are provided. 12. The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474. 6 of the State Subdivision Map Act, as to methods of handling and dis- charge of waste. Section 2. .Conditions of Approval. (AMENDED 10/7/85) 1. A preliminary soils report shall be prepared prior to the issuance of a building permit by a registered civil engineer . If tests indicate critically expansive soils or other soils problems, corrective measures shall be taken. 2. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Com- pany and water lines shall exist at the frontage of each par- cel or its public utility easement prior to recordation of the final map. 3. All existing and proposed utility easements, pipelines and other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are other building or other restrictions related to the ease- ments, they shall be noted on the final map. 4. Drainage and erosion control plans, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Department prior to issuance of building permits in conjunction with installation of drive- ways, access easements or structures. 5. Plan and profile drawings of proposed individual driveways and driveway easements shall be submitted for approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments in order to determine average grade and appropriate improvement requirements. 6. A City-standard fire hydrant shall be installed on Atascadero Road 800 feet from the intersection of Atascadero and Ortega Roads. 2 • 0 7. Road improvement plans, designed by a registered civil engin- eer , shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works De- partment. These shall include: a. The construction of one half (1/2) of a 20 foot rural road section on Ortega Road along property frontage. b. The pavement width of Ortega Road from edge of pavement to centerline shall be ten feet. C. The applicant may enter into an agreement with the City (acceptable to the Director of Public Works) to defer road improvements along Ortega Road. Securities shall be posted to guarantee these improvements. d. Applicant shall offer to dedicate the following to the City of Atascadero within the parcel map frontages: 1. 25 feet from centerline of Atascadero Avenue 2. 20 feet from centerline of Ortega Road. This offer shall be consented to, but not accepted. 8. All conditions herein specified shall be complied with prior to filing of the final map. 9. A final map drawn in substantial conformance with the ap- proved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners crea- ted and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate by certificate on the final map that corners have been set or will be set by a date spe- cific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 10. Approval of this tentative parcel map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expira- tion date. On motion by Commissioner Michielssen and seconded by Commissioner Bond, the foregoing resolution was adopted in its entirety by the fol- lowing roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Michielssen, Bond, Sanders, Hatchell, Nolan, Kennedy, and Chairman LaPrade 3 /T �""ECI TINT a AG NDA DAT,:. 10/28/8 T; t A-14 • MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager k� - FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: Purchase of Controller DATE: October 22, 1985 Recommendation: It is recommended that Council authorize staff to enter into a purchase agreement with the State of California for a signal controller . Background: Traffic signals in the City are maintained through an agree- ment with Caltrans. The signal controller at the intersection of Traffic Way and E1 Camino Real is an obsolete style and as parts are no longer available Caltrans has recommended replacement. By purchasing the controller through the State Cooperative Purchasing System we eliminate the need to prepare specifications and solicit bids. Fiscal Impact: Funds for this purchase are available in the F.Y. 1985-86 budget. The controller is estimated to cost approximately $6 ,000 . PMS/vjh • •2 � A 10/28/85 - A-15 • MEMORANDUM TO: City Council 1 THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Snsibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: Bid No. 85-32 DATE: October 21, 1985 Recommendation: It is recommended that Council award the contract for the 1985-86 Overlay Project to M.J. Hermreck of Nipomo, CA. Council authorized staff to prepare plans and specifications and advertise for bids at the City Council meeting of July 22, 1985. Background: The Overlay Project is done on an annual basis to resurface various City streets. Notices are published in local papers and Bid Plans and Specifications are mailed to firms that have sub- mitted bids in the past. Fiscal Impact: Funds are available for this project in the F.Y. 1985-86 budget. Attachment: Bid Spread Sheet PMS/vjh • r-I a L 4— .,y >1 rd Q a� r-I � N 0- 0 N Ln O O m lfl U N to O M .. 00 .rte a-J IL- 00 M Ln O U � d U o o M Q) 00 00 l0 d1 CO ---$ m .-r . O r I D 0-1 N M L 4-J M c)' 1— 00 a. O M M M M N U L a. 4--+ :z �p J 4-J CL >- c to Q o � � 1� O rtiEi z 3 f� b U W >1 U rd -P U ---1 •rl � Ul U) U r-f o 4-)� ' .H -r-I �4 s4MWM (0ra1~ c � 1 o 0 0 O 44 1~ I i A A A O m U < Q >, U) U -H U) U) U) ^- (d 4-) rl 4 I (d (d rt1 L ri Q) ri U �4 U 4J U N U N N U �4 U) N (D > 4j -ri a (d b �1 0 U) ro U) cn Cn Cn Lr '� U U 1 a o N U M I I ' HCl X M U U a a a w . 4-3 o cn U r rn U) �4 1` -H U) r-i -rl S I N FC rl r i -H U Cyt 0 O M O L- S4 X U rd «i U X U) U k N N U 0 . H oxpq0 Q0 � � a a z Q) -. o a n n h0 °a F-3 Lo � 0 1:1. T° 0 1~ Jaz FCNcq (n - czaU) ave RESOLUTION NO. 122-85 CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING THE APPLICATION AND THE PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION GRANT FUNDS FOR ADMINISTRATION BUILDING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FROM THE CALIFORNIA PARK AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ACT OF 1984. WHEREAS, the Legislature under the California Park and Recreational Act of 1984 has authorized the establishment of a Historic Preser- vation Grant Program, providing matching funds to the political subdivisions of the State for historic preservation projects; and WHEREAS, ' the California Office of Historic Preservation in the Department of Parks and Recreation is responsible for the administra- tion of the program within the State, setting up necessary rules and procedures governing application by local agencies under the program; and - WHEREAS, nd -WHEREAS, said adopted procedures established by the Department of Parks and Recreation require the applicant to certify by resolution the approval of applications and the availability of local matching funds prior to submission of said applications to the State; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby: 1. Approves the filing of an application for the Historic Preservation Grant assistance for project; and 2. Appoints the Public Works Director or his/her authorized ' deputy as agent of the City to coordinate, process, and execute all contracts, agreements, amendments and ancillary documents within the scope of the attached application; and 2. Agrees that all required local matching funds will be provided for the project. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Resolution No. 122-85 Historical Preservation ADOPTED: ROLFE NELSON, Mayor ATTEST: ROBERT JONES, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROBERT M. JONES, City Attorney 2 10/28/85 B-1 M E M O R A N D U M • TO: City Council October 28, 1985 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager Ltt4 FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director RE: Post Office Site Analysis Request RECOMMENDATION: Following review and discussion of the issues at hand, convey to the Postal Service concerns over the issues raised by the three sites proposed for consideration for a new post office. Additionally, the post office should be strongly urged to maintain a traditional post office function in the central commercial area of Atascadero while locating the processing facility in a service commercial or industrial area. BACKGROUND: • The City has received a request (see attached letter of October 11th) to comment on three tentative sites for a post office facility with a building of approximately 26 ,128 square feet on a site from 156 ,000 to 202, 000 square feet (3. 6 to 4. 6 acres) . Last spring, in response to an April 3rd letter , Mayor Nelson respon- ded to a general request for City comment on a target area for such a facility indicating a preference consistent with the City' s General Plan for a location generally between Rosario and Pueblo and Santa Ysabel and Highway 101. All three sites currently being given serious study lie outside of this defined central commercial area. SITE REVIEW: Site No. 1 - This parcel includes 156 , 000 square feet northwesterly of San Anselmo and E1 Camino Real approximately 6 ,000 square feet from the center of Atascadero. The General Plan designation is Retail. Zoning is Commercial Retail which permits offices. Soils reports would be needed for any development in view of past filling activity. As with any location for a combined post office/processing operation, traffic would be a major issue on this location and a traffic study should be prepared to determine impacts and establish necessary miti- gation impacts. Although post offices are appropriate within a com- mercial center and can serve as a magnet, this particular location in combination with the land extending down to San Anselmo would be a prime location for a northside neighborhood shopping center . ! 0 Site No. 2 - This site consists of three lots that extend up a sin- gle family residential street on Coromar with frontage also on Por- tola. The General Plan designation for this property is Retail and the zoning is CT (Tourist Commercial) . The zoning on this property anticipated a freeway-oriented commercial use and is immediately adjoining the recently approved Plaza Madrid shopping center which will provide some 88, 000 square feet of retail and restaurant space along the frontage road at this offramp location. The site is 10 ,000 feet from the center of the City and on the wrong side of the freeway for a post office location. Pre-emption of a tourist commercial site would also have a negative effect on the City' s economic base objec- tives to encourage expansion of tourist-related facilities. Traffic congestion would occur at this location in combination with the other uses which have been approved between Portola and Santa Rosa Roads. Site No. 3 - These lots lie north of the Overland Stage between El Camino Real and Frontage Road. They are also 10 ,000 feet from the center of the City. The site is depicted as Retail on the City' s Gen- eral Plan and zoned for a Tourist Commercial use. This is a prime location for tourist-commercial activities. With a double frontage access, however, the site offers some pluses in dealing with circula- tion issues posed by a post office. Offices are not indicated as a permitted use in a tourist commercial area and traffic concerns would be a major issue in view of the considerable construction which has occurred in South Atscadero. GENERAL COMMENT: The main problem with siting such a large scale facility in the com- munity is the project description which ties a processing operation with a traditional postal service function. A processing activity could be established separately from the downtown mail pickup activi- ties, thereby expanding appropriate siting operations for both func- tions. While acknowledging the traffic problems caused by the post office, the City' s General Plan did not anticipate its location out- side of the central business district. HE:ps ATTACHMENTS: October 11, 1985 communication from Los Angeles field office April 30, 1985 communication from Mayor Nelson April 3, 1985 communication from U.S. Postal District Office 2 '0JES POSiq M YT LOS ANGELES FIELD OFFICE Real Estate and Buildings Department U.S. Postal Service, Western Region October 11, 1985 Inglewood, CA 90311-9202 Mayor Rolfe Nelson 6500 Palma Avenue P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423-0747 Re: ATASCADERO, CA - MAIN OFFICE SITE ANALYSIS The U. S. Postal Service has completed the standard process of advertising for various sites in your community to construct a new postal facility. Three (3) of the offered sites have been evaluated as being conditionally I qualified under postal operational criteria. The final site selection will lso include considerations of local planning, environmental and historical clearances. It is proposed that the new facility will be constructed and owned by the U.S. Postal Service. New facility requirements include a site of approximately 156,000 to 202,000 sq. ft. and a building of approximately 26,128 sq. ft. The present post office will be vacated. You are requested to make an official review of the site locations identified in the attachments herewith and advise our office by brief letter if and how the selection of any of these sites will seriously conflict with local planning or other local projects. Our office will answer any questions or contribute to further discussions on this matter at your request. In order to timely coordinate the final site analysis report for this project, I would appreciate receiving your comments by October 25, 1985. Sincerely, Terry Cherene Assistant Real Estate Specialist (213) 215-2466 Attachments: Occ: CITY OF ATA.SCADERO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DM:HECTOR GODINEZ MSC MGR/PM:SANTA BARBARA MSC PM: Douglas Leeds WER3 File 1.1.3/C/R RES:TCHERENE Doc 0022Z/na 1 � .....�..�...�...._..-:....�w..�.✓,..P...,.nr.�.,�..e..........a.�.s....�.. -.....�,...a.�.=oe.,. - - -- -bs.ar..,....,..a..,.....a.:.,,..-:... .,...e..k... ..,_....,�...,..-,....�.sr..Pa,«.....r..........�....... -.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 TO MSO R08US _Creek AR SOUTH -- . SANTA _.CRUl_-'--� �"''y �� !� \ - leirnarlt r „\ SAN LOS OBISFO CWHTATASCADERO \ ort / of \ \ \ O F?v 101lF . &LF RD � *0 9 b n� •xb. Yoe tq+ \\ _W o®�� t. 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I/9'�CO z E 8> B �% yo KILOMETER <,. gyp`'►� i ONE KILOMETER EQUALS.62 MILE > '.v.°< 'r ,~ �LO� p f'O 4VE' f4" a° CP< Atascadero j ' COPYRIGHT© 1985 ANDRITA 0.0 Lake 6 AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF «tTTT AAa �O 9 EL V;D F� R� 0.D Grp \° SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA `'' `�•� ' i `° �` ° > TRAVEL PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT 2601 SOUTH FIGUEROA STREET LOS ANGELES 90007 TO - ♦' -`/FE �I'+ IAAF 2506 MORRO RAY - O �-4D TO SAN LUIS OBIS V 1 2 3 4 5 1 / 6 t c, % O J w a p 4� �o < 0 1 � � 1 I � b n ti 1 _ W - N3 446.96 V ` v � l V 1 i i ., w 4 .ASCADLERO 56 - N 32040' W 6 -N32040' W 3 133.42 THIS AREA SEE 5E-05 35 FR Lor 34 C NO. 101 + 335 6J= 7S. 90 s I10 t 34C ao !I 34B 34A h R 34 /� 85Ac .96 Ac. Z O ` V � � � 1 Q i 11�1 � � -- ' 23 0 h O r ROAD 40 COURTESY OF HOMESTEAD TITI`LE CORPORATION 2 This map is for informaticnal purposes only and is not a survey. Homestead Title Corporation does not assume any • responsibility or liability for its aocuratenma. ATASCADERO COLONY =- ASSESSOR'S BLOCK a AMENDMENT'S N LOT NUMBERS SHOWN SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY'h; ti p a O ROAD - 0 SANSA Do OS e' V { I O � c � c w a C.b { to �'v D wNw ® O o =s m i c x ». z, o it ti rrc" ; :fm t9D 40 —T' H HCA IA A in rn 1 H - In g e, zr F�' O zesi. � as1 AN GQBRIEI ao ROgp A A r p o > a Co �. •Y 71 ) r •� C O �Ob, Cuf co �� 'tG'4_�,. ` ADMINISTRATION BUILDING . CITY ATTORNEY POST OFFICE BOX 747 POST OFFICE BOX 749 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 9342. ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 ! PHONE: (805) 466-8000 PHONE: (805) 466-5678 CITY COUNCIL / ///� � CITY CLERK �:.r,: ;- ,. a°a�g:g� POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY TREASURER INCORPORATED 3iil�tS�p POST OFFICE BOX 747 CITY MANAGER INCORPORATED JULY 2, 1979 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 FINANCE DEPARTMENT -'moi PHONE: (805) 466-8600 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT RECREATION DEPARTMENT 6005 LEWIS AVENUE ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 ter-• PHONE: (805) 466-2141 April 30 , 1985 Mr . Hector G. Godinez Sequoia District Manager United States Postal Service District Office P O Box 7777 Orange, CA 92667-0777 Dear Mr . Godinez: Thank you for your letter of April 3, 1985 requesting comments on your proposal. to initiate the process for site selection for a new post office in Atascadero. To assist in your population analysis, we are enclosing a copy of /the recently adopted Housing Element which traces population trends and projections through full build-up of the community. Please contact our Planning Department for further information. With respect to the preliminary preferred area for the site, it would be desirable to focus on a somewhat smaller target area described in our General Plan as the central commercial area of Atascadero. This generally lies between Rosario, Pueblo, Santa Ysabel and Highway 101. We would welcome your meeting with local officials to review and par- ticipate in planning for this important community facility. Sincerely, ( do 2 ROLFE NELSON Mayor RN:ps #TED STATES POSTAL SERE o�C DISTRICT OFFICE P. O. Box 7777/Orange,CA 92667-0777 DATE: April 3, 1985 OUR REF: WED7 : HGodinez :DSR:wf SUBJECT: N e w Facility Atascadero , CA 93422 • TO: Honorable Rolfe Nelson Mayor of Atascadero - City Hall P . 0 . Box 747 Atascadero , CA 93423-0747 Subject : Community Contact Letter Dear Mayor Nelson: The U . S . Postal Service is conducting preliminary studies to deter- mine future post office space needs for the Atascadero, California - Main Post Office . At this stage in planning , the postal service is reviewing growth factors , size requirements , potential locations and local traffic , geographical , topographical and environmental conditions which should be considered in our planning . Our studies will include investigation of various alternatives . The preferred area is outlined in the attachment . At this time , we estimate our needs to be approximately 20 ,341 net square feet of building space on a site of about 157 , 000 square feet to provide ?"4', postal services such as Finance , General Delivery, Post Office box, City and Rural Delivery and Express Mail services . We would appreciate receiving your concurrence and/or comments in writing concerning the proposed preferred area by April 30 , 1985 ._ Your views concerning our facility planning are invited and , if you wish, my representative will meet with local officials to further review our prelimina y lanning. re ac or G . Godinez Sequa District Manager Attachment cc : General Manager , FREBO WER2 General Manager, Real Estate Div. , Code WE330 Manager , Operational Requirements , Code WE401 Public & Employee Communications WE10 —� B:fEO MSC Manager/Postmaster , Santa Barbara, CA 93102-9998 Postmaster , Atascadero , CA 93422-9998 ,7 PRELIMINARY FACILITY PLANNING PREFERRED AREA Atascadero California Main Office (CITY) (STATE) (FACILITY) ' The area under consideration is bounded on the north by Traffic Way , on the south by Santa Rosa Road , on the east by Santa Ysabel , and on the west by Highway 101 . C-1 • MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Directors THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: Improvement District #3 - Marchant Way/Santa Rosa DATE: October 23, 1985 Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board continue the Public Hearing on Improvement District #3 - Marchant Way/Santa Rosa until November 12th, and that Resolution No. 118-85 be held over until the next regular meeting. Background: Prior to the Public Hearing staff needs to review engineering data that, as yet, has not been received. Continuing the hearing • until the next meeting will provide staff with an opportunity to do SO. • CITY COUNCIL OF ATASCRDERO SUBJECT: SELLIERS The following property owners on Santa Rosa Road petition the city of Atascadero to grant permission to place a sewer line from the intersection of Santa Rosa Road and Marchant Way, north on Santa Rosa Road to tluenal Ruenue. We would petition the city for the option of paying all sewer costs including engineering by assessment on city tatr roils, or be able to pay costs outright, at the discretion of the property owner. MAP SECTION 56-35-351 Assessor's ADDRESS LOT 0 NAME SIGNRTURE 8090 18 Duty • 8092 18 Duty 8100 14 Mongolo 8150 22 Taylor -'��,�, i _�- �. 8140 36 Gaskell vaaant !ot 37 Dykstra 8170 27 Berndt 8160 26 Williams vacant !o+ 41 Yar-noid 8220 42 Lyon 82'50 43 Muldet 0i CITY COUNCIL CC fiTRSCt?OE:iO SII'DJ ECT: SEl..JESS The following propertu owners on Santa Rosa Road petition the city of ntascadero :o grant permission to dace a sewer fine from the intersection of Santa Rosa goad and Marchant bray, north on Santa Rosa Load }a Pluenal fluence. 1111e would petition the city for the option of paying all sewer- costs including enginei;ring by assessment on city tan rolls, or be able to paIg costs outright, at the discretion of the propertu owner. Milp SECTION 56-35-:351 Asse_s_r's llOJr;ESS LOT S3CNi1TL;;E 3t�`�0 1O Dutu d03� 1 t3 1)Uti; oil00i0 0151) 22 Taulor 91 -111, J l u�3 Ce11 S �Gn(It �iit �-7 kstr Ci j 31 7.� 13 rn d t f l 4 � u � u�J �ti 3:lliti(il .1Vn CITY COUNCIL OF ATRSCROERO SUBJECT: SEWERS The following property owners on Santa Rosa Road petition the city of Atascadero to grant permission to place a sewer line from the intersection of Santa Rosa Road and Marchant Way, north on Santa Rosa Road to Avenal Avenue. We would petition the city for the option of paying all sewer costs including engineering by assessment on city tar rolls, or be able to pay costs outright, at the discretion of the property owner. MAP SECTION 54-15-151 Assessor's ADDRESS LOT z NAME SIGNATURE 7950 43 Andrews 7950 41 Smith 1 • 7988 49 Peyton 7984 47 Topham vacant lot 7982 48 Weems 8000 28 Sutton V13i aInt lot porcel J 8008 B Weems Z� -racant lot perr_el 8010 C WeemsZZ 8014 Brunner 8030 19 Moench 3040 18 Doerfler -- - 8050 23 Bunton 8070 51 Nelson — vx-ant iot 8080 50 Nelson - CITY COUNCIL OF RTRSCAOERO SUBJECT: SEWERS The following property owners on Santa Rosa Road petition the city of Rtascadero to grant permission to place a sewer line from the intersection of Santa Rosa Road and Marchant Way, north on Santa Rosa Road to Ruenal Ruenue. We would petition the city for the option of paying all sewer costs including engineering by assessment on city taH rolls, or be able to pay costs outright, at the discretion of the property owner. MAP SECTION 31 -38-381 Assessor's ADDRESS LOT xr NAME SIGNRTURE • 7975 56 Moser 7985 55 Hay ; -f 7995 36 McMurray 8005 44 O'Dell -- 8015 41 Romero 8025 52 Kagel �,� 8035 61 Jacobsen DESCRIPTION "B" Being a proposed sewer annexation district of Lot 66 through Lot 87 and park "A" of Block J-C of the amended Map of Atascadero in Book 4 at page 56B and Lot 11 through 15 of Block 13 of the Atascadero Colonv as recorded in Map Book 3 at page 11, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 87 of said Map of Atascadero thence along the line between Lots 87 and 88 , South 70°29100" East 170 .90 feet to the centerline of Marchant Avenue; thence along said road centerline South 26018100" West 101 .80 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve to the left , concave to the East , having a radius of 114 . 8 feet and a central angle of 62006100" ; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 124 .42 feet to the point of tangency; thence South 35°48 ' 00" East 391 .20 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve to the left , concave to the northeast , having a radius of 477 . 50 feet and a central. angle of 29° 18100" ; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 244 . 17 feet to the point of tangency; thence South 65006 ' 00" East 117 .50 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve to the right , concave to the southwest having a radius of 114 . 8 feet and a central angle of 46°42100" ; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 93 .57 feet to the point of tangency; thence South 180 24 ' 00" East 68 .70 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve to the left concave to the northeast , having a radius of 114 . 8 feet and a central angle of 46037100" ; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 93 .40 feet to the point of tangency; thence South 65001 ' 00" East 35 . 25 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve to the right concave to the southwest having a radius of 286 . 6 feet and a central angle of 25°49' 00" ; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 129 . 14 feet to the point of tangency; thence South 39°12100" East 8 . 1 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve to the left concave to the northeast , having a radius of 238 .8 feet and a central angle of 23°45 ' 00" ; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 98 . 99 feet to the point of compound curvature and being the intersection of the centerline of Santa Rosa Avenue; thence continuing along said centerline on a tangent curve to the left concave to the northeast an arc length of 201 . 70 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 11; thence along the line between Lot 11 and Lot 10 South 8050 ' 00" East 495 .81 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 11, thence along the southerly property line of Lots 11 and 12 North 81°10100" West, 580 . 00 feet to an angle point , thence along the southerly property line of Lots 12 , 12-A, 13 , 14 , 15-A, and 15 North 58°00 ' 00" West , 1489 .22 feet to the northwesterly corner of Lot 15 thence along the Westerly line of Lot 15 North 45°54 ' 11" East , 719 . 14 feet to the Northerly corner of Lot 15 thence along the centerline of Santa Rosa Avenue North 43°05100" West 159 . 48 to the most westerly corner of Lot 66 being the most southerly corner of Lot 65 ; thence leaving the centerline of said Santa Rosa Avenue and continuing along the common lot line betwoen said Lots 65 and 66 North46°55100" East 167 . 25 feet to the most ;ortherly corner of said Lot 66 being common to Lot 65 and 64 ; thenc`: mouth 60°26 ' 00" East 38 . 58 to the southwest corner of Lot 86 ; thence along the westerly line of Lots 86 and 87 , North 25032100" East 172. . 00 feet to the point of beginning. 3N.L.bi �J N IV 1,0 F. O 1 vs 68s ti t ,A `�l'j�'• Ooo2£N 9 kh' � 6v7d� pV ?j ps�CdN , e .S of.Li [/ oO`Iw 177 co co IJ '•� Ms=c,JK"f moo. E'er—_ i G 'p a n •a 6 ��,� �� o Q 4` S" .�� •��' sip_� .. ip .c "� •� '_. ID Y C � vj RQ 14 .;i 2tl � . .. oa�ow h. •o--�"�" rte„ � —� VIOL i.or _�- o :. 10/28/85 C-2 � RESOLUTION NO. 118 -85 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT APPROVING THE ANNEX..ATION OF 117IPROVEN��NT DISTRICT NO. 3 TO THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT PURSUANT TO SECTION 4834 ET SEO OF THE HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE WHEREAS , the Atascadero County Sanitation District is impowered by Section 4834 of the Health and Safety Code to annex territory already a part of the County Sanitation District to the Improvement District of the County Sanitation District; and WHEREAS , the Atascadero County Sanitation District has received a petition from property owners residing on Marchant Way and Santa Rosa Road in the City of Atascadero requesting to be annexed to the Atascadero County Sanitation District which if approved would create an improvement district to include Lots 11 through 16. of Block 13 and Lots 66 through 87 of Block JC , in the City of Atascadero , and 114-ER_EAS , the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board of Directors has properly noticed a H-earing for the proposed annexation of the aforesaid lots ; and WHEREAS , it is in the best interest of Atascadero County 'Sani- tation District to provide sewer service to the subject property , as ® afore described; and ?JHEREAS the extension of utility service to existing, private structures are categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (Class 19) . NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE DIRECTORS OF THS ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT , AS FOLLOWS : Section 1 . The Board finds that the territory described in this Resolution will be benefited by annexation to the Atascadero County Sanitation Improvement District , and creation of Improvement District #3 ; Section 2. . The territory that is intended to be annexed to the Sanitary Improvement District , thereafter entitled Sanitary Improvement District #3 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District is listed as follows : Ptn. Lot 11 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P. I. 56-351-43 Ptn. Lots 11 and 12 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 56-351-42 Ptn. Lot 12 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 56-351-41 • Ptn. Lot 12A Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 56-351-26 G t Ptn. Lot 12 12A Block 13 , Atascadero. Colony A.P .N. 56-351-27 Ptn. Lot 13 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 56-351-37 Ptn. Lot 13 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P.N. 56-351-36 Ptn. Lot 13 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P.N. 56-351-22 Ptn. Lot 13 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P.N. 56-351-14 Ptn. Lot 13 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 56-351-18 Ptn. Lot 14 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 54-151-57 Ptn. Lot 14 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 54-151-51 Ptn. Lot 14 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 54-151-23 • Ptn. Lot 14 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 54-151-18 Ptn. Lot 14 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P.N. 54-151-19 Ptn. Lot15A Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 54-151-28 Ptn. Lot 151L Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 54-151-52 Ptn. Lotl5A Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 54-252-53 Ptn. Lot 15 Block 1.3 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 54-151-48 Ptn. Lot 15 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 54-151-47 Ptn. Lot 15 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P.N. 54-151-49 Ptn. Lot 16 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P.N. 54-151-41 Ptn. Lot 16 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 54-151-43 Ptn. Lot 16 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 54-151-42 Ptn. LAC Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P.N. 54-151-30 Ptn. Lot 16 Block 13 , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 54-151-20 Lot 66 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A.P.N. 31-381-56 Lot 67 Block JC, Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 31-381-55 Lot 68 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 31-381-36 Lot 69 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A.P.114. 31-381-44 Lot 70 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A.P .N. 31-381-41 Lot 71 Block JC, Atascadero Colony A.P.N. 31-381-62 Lot 72 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A.P.N. 31-381-61 _ Lot ;3 Block JC , Atascadero Colony 31-381-"0 O� 71, BlOCr: JC , Atascadero Colony LOO: Block JC Atascadero Colony mot 76 Bloc'c TC Atascadero Colony A.P ... . 31-3F1_,3 "or- j , Block ;tascadero Colony A. _ Tot Bloc?: C `_tascadero Colony Lot 79 Block JC Atascadero Colony A. P .N. 31-381,17 Lot 80 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A.P .:1. 31-?81-�Q Lot 81 Block JC Atascadero Colony A.P .`.,. 31-381-;�Q Lot 82 Block JC Atascadero Colony A.P .:i. 31-381-^1) Lot Block Atascadero Colony A.P.7 Lot Block Atascadero Colony A.P.N. Lot Block Atascadero Colony A.P .N. Lot Block Atascadero Colony A.P.N. Lot Block Atascadero Colony A.P.Tv. Section 3 . The Atascadero County Sanitation District Board shall file a Certified Map of this Resolution together with a map or plat of the new boundaries of the Improvement District as required by Sections 54900 , 54901 , and 54902 of the Government Code. Upon such filing, the annexation of the territory of the Improvement District shall be effective. On motion by Board Member and seconded by Board Member the foregoing Resolution is adopted in its entirety by the following role call vote: AYES : NOES : ABSENT: DATE : ATTEST: :-BIKE SHELTON, Secretary ROLFE i1ELS0`?, Chairman APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROBERT IM. JONES , City Attorney APP ROVED AS TO CONTENT: PAUL M. SENMAUGH, Director of Public Works/City Engineer f fie C-3 • MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Directors THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: Request for Waiver - Sewer Connection DATE: October 22, 1985 Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve the waiver request submitted by Mr. Dale Ziegler, 5700 Ardilla Road, Atascadero. Background: Article 3 Section 3. 3 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Consolidated Ordinance Code states, in part, "When a public sewer becomes available to a building served by a private sewage disposal system, said building shall be connected to the public sewer within twenty-four (24) months after said public sewer is available and said private disposal system shall be abandoned . " . • Because of the recent annexation of property on Ardilla (Dunn/ Harter) and the extension of the sewer line to that property, sewer is now considered "available" to Mr. Ziegler ' s property. Discussion: As Mr . Ziegler has a septic system that is functioning at the present time it would be inappropriate to require abandonment at this time. If, at some point, the septic system were to fail, then he would be required to follow the dictates of the Ordinance. Fiscal Impact: None PMS/vjh • To: Board of Directors, Atascadero City Sanitary District Subject: Ardilla Sewer Annexations (Rehbock and Dunn) Reference is made to the Director of Public Works undated memorandum, above subject. '7-1g-45 Cited letter addressed the recommended annexation of certain properties on Ardilla to Sanitation Improvement District No. 1 of the ACSD. Since I own an affected parcel , Lot 28 of Block KB, I hereby request a variance to the mandatory two year connection requirement of the City ordinance until such time as my septic system may prove inadequate or fails. Currently I have a new septic system which is entirely adequate and should continue to be so for a number of years. 1 note under paragraph three of the item "Mandatory Connection" it states that "the developer could offer to provide the connection for the affected parcel ." I do not quite understand the ramifications of this but would consider investigating this possible alternative. Request favorable consideration be given to variance from mandatory connection when annexation approval is given. Respectfully, 4� L1'•cr Dale E. Zieg� 5700 Ardilla P.O. Box 1529 Atascadero, CA 93423 T