HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 112096 - Special Mtng Agenda Item: A-2 Meeting Date: 1/14/97 Approved as submitted ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 20, 1996 MINUTES REGULAR SESSION: The Mayor called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Bewley, Carden, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Highland Absent: None Staff Present: Andy Takata, City Manager BUSINESS ITEMS: 1. INTERVIEW OF APPLICANT TO CITY CLERK VACANCY A. Resolution No. 103-96 - Making appointment of citizen applicant to fill the unexpired term of City Clerk Lee Price (Staff recommendation: Adopt) The City Council interviewed the single applicant to the City Clerk vacancy, Marcia McClure Torgerson, at length. Mayor Highland expressed concern that Ms. Torgerson might have difficulty being objective as a result of her previous involvement in community issues. He asked if she was willing to give up her involvement if she were to be appointed. Ms. Torgerson stated that she was glad that he asked that question because she knew that would be a concern of all of the Council and she appreciated the opportunity to address their concerns. She went on to say that she was aware that the position of City Clerk required complete neutrality and she assured the Council that she was willing and able to do so. She stated that she would resign from the Santa Lucia Neighbors' Association, Inc. Ms. Torgerson stated if appointed to this position, her goal was to work with the public and the City Council. As a result, she would not be writing letters to the editor or.getting involved in political issues. Councilman Johnson echoed Mayor Highland's concerns. He also said that, while he had no problem with her capabilities, he was concerned about her past feelings of inadequacy in some of the departments at City Hall. He asked for reassurance that Ms. Torgerson, as City Clerk, would not express those opinions to staff and, as a result, cause dissension among the staff. Ms. Torgerson responded by stating that she did not know what she could say to reassure the Council that she would not use the position of City Clerk in that manner except to promise that she wouldn't. She went on to say that she was proud of what she had accomplished as a private citizen but saw no reason why she could not work CC 11/20/96 Page 1 well with city staff. She said that, if appointed, she will strive to do the best, professional job she's capable of doing in her capacity as clerk. Councilman Luna said that in looking over her application he felt she was very well qualified, probably one of the best applications we've had. He then commented on the attached resume and reference letters and asked for an explanation of them. Ms. Torgerson explained that she attached her resume and 2 reference letters to her application because she realized that the Council knows only of the part of her that attends Council meetings and speaks out on neighborhood issues of concern to her. She wanted them to see the other side of her, not just the one that comes to Council meetings and complains. She felt that the resume and reference letters would allow the Council to see the side of her that is professional, reliable, loyal and efficient. Councilman Carden asked Ms. Torgerson if she had any suggestions as to how the City could get more people to become involved in community issues. Her response was that she felt that if the Council meetings were televised, more people would be aware of how the City runs. She went on to say that even though she attends all of the City Council meetings, she many times is not necessarily interested in anything on the agenda. However, she went on to say that at every one of those meetings, something comes up that is interesting and educational and makes it worthwhile to have attended. Councilman Carden then asked Ms. Torgerson what her opinion was of having an elected City Clerk versus having an appointed City Clerk. Ms. Torgerson responded by saying that she didn't really have a strong opinion one way or the other but, if she had to vote on it today, she would vote for an elected City Clerk. Councilman Carden expressed concern that as City Clerk, Ms. Torgerson would have access to confidential documents, including lawsuits. He went on to express his concern that if that information were to be exposed, it could be detrimental to the City. He asked Ms. Torgerson if she felt she would be able to keep that information confidential. Ms. Torgerson responded by saying that in her business experience of the last 26 years, confidentiality was a big part of her responsibilities. She went on to say that she would have no problem keeping confidential information, confidential. Mayor Highland commented that as a medical transcriptionist you must keep information confidential and there's no room for mistakes. Ms. Torgerson agreed. Councilman Bewley stated that before he said anything else he wanted to tell Ms. Torgerson that he never felt that she came to Council meetings and complained. He always felt that she came prepared, expressed her opinion and usually offered a solution to the problem. ........ Once the interview was over, the Council asked the City Manager, Andy Takata, some questions. Councilman Bewley asked if they had to appoint someone tonight or could they let the new Council do it. Mr. Takata stated that they could appoint anyone between now and November 25th. Mayor Highland stated that they had to appoint someone because the new Council would be sworn in one day after the deadline for this appointment. The two new Council-elect, Jerry Clay and Ken Lerno, were in the audience and Mayor Highland asked them if they had any problem with the current Council appointing someone to the position of City Clerk. They both stated that they had confidence in the current City Council and besides, they would not be sworn in until the day after the deadline for this appointment. There were no further public comments. Motion: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Mayor Highland, to appoint Marcia M. Torgerson to serve the unexpired term of the City Clerk, by the adoption of Resolution No. 103-96, said term to expire in November of 1998. Motion passed 5:0 by roll-call vote. CC 11/20/96 Page 2 2. ORDINANCE NO. 316 - Allowing City's participation in Operations Agreement for the Millhollin Quarry (Staff recommendation: Motion to waive reading in full and adopt on second reading by title only) There were no public comments. Motion: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Johnson, to waive the reading of Ord. No. 316 in full and adopt it on second reading by title only. Motion passed 5.0 by roll-call vote. MEET/NG ADJOURNED AT 6.35 P.M. MINUT RECORDED BY: ANDREW J. TAKATA, City Manager 41 PREPARED BY: CINDY HOLT , Deputy City Clerk CC 11/20/96 Page 3