HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 102296 Approved as Submitted Meeting Date: 11/26/96 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 22, 1996 MINUTES The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Councilperson Carden led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Bewley, Carden, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Highland Absent: None Also Present: Rudy Hernandez, City Treasurer and Lee Price, City Clerk Staff Present: Andy Takata, City Manager; Roy Hanley, Deputy City Attorney; Brady Cherry, Director of Community Services; Steve DeCamp, City Planner/Acting Community Development Director, Lt. Bill Watton, Acting Police Chief; Mike McCain, Fire Chief and Alicia Lara, Personnel Analyst PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Highland presented a plaque to Lee Price in honor of her service as the City Clerk for the past seven years. Members of the City Council and the City Manager expressed appreciation. The City Manager reported that the City Council has only thirty days to either appoint someone to serve the unexpired term of two years or call a special election. The City Council directed staff to open a recruitment and solicit applicants for City Clerk. COMMUNITY FORUM: Myra Douglass, 8005 El Retiro, announced activities for this year's annual celebration of the Juan Batista Anza Historic Trail. Bob Lilley, 8740 Pueblo, voiced concern about delays in seeing upon the agenda a request by his client, Self-Storage, for a ruling on their request for a waive of CC 10/22/96 Page 1 development impact fees. Roy Hanley explained that a number of calls have come in recently from people who want to request a fee waiver and/or are suggesting the development fee issue be revisited. He reported that he is preparing a legal opinion on this matter and had planned to announce his intent to do so under Individual Determination. Councilmember Carden remarked that he thought the Finance Committee was going to look at this issue. The City Manager clarified that although the committee may look at residential development impact fees, this matter relates to commercial development. The City Council directed staff to resolve the matter as soon as possible and directed the Deputy City Attorney to bring back a draft contract for a certain amount of fees and any mechanism for securing the balance. Councilmember Carden asked staff to also prepare a report on comparable fees. Ann Landers-Ketcherside commented that she thinks that developer fees are too high and that the issue should be studied. She also voiced a concern that too many items are lumped together as one in the proposed budget. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -September 10, 1996 (City Clerk's recommendation: Approve) 2. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - September 11, 1996 (Adjourned Meeting) (City Clerk's recommendation: Approve) 3. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - September 24, 1996 (City Clerk's recommendation: Approve) 4. RESOLUTION NO. 80-96 - Authorizing a lease agreement with Superior Office Systems for photocopiers (Staff recommendation: Adopt) 5. RESOLUTION NO. 87-96 - Authorizing the filing of a claim for Local Transportation Funds and State Transit Assistance Funds in compliance with the Transportation Development Act (Staff recommendation: Adopt) 6. RESOLUTION NO. 92-96 - Adopting the 1996/97 Fiscal Year Budget (Staff recommendation: Adopt) 7. RESOLUTION NO. 93-96 - Adopting Salary Schedule for Full-Time and Temporary Part-Time Employees (Staff recommendation: Adopt) 8. RESOLUTION NO. 94-96 - Amending contract with the Zoological Society in regard to the Zoo Education Coordinator Position (Staff recommendation: Adopt) CC 10/22/96 Page 2 Mayor Highland reported that Item #6 had been pulled at the request of staff and would be continued. Rush Kolemaine requested that Items #4 and 7 be pulled for questions and comments. MOTION: By Councilmember Carden, seconded by Councilmember Johnson to approve Items #1, 2, 3, 5 and 8; motion passed 5:0 by roll call. Re: #4. RESOLUTION NO. 80-96 - Authorizing a lease agreement with Superior Office Systems for photocopiers (Staff recommendation: Adopt) Rush Kolemaine thanked staff for providing more information on this matter and urged a "yes" vote. MOTION: By Councilmember Luna, seconded by Councilmember Bewley to adopt Resolution No. 80-96; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. Re: #7. RESOLUTION NO. 93-96 - Adopting Salary Schedule for Full-Time and Temporary Part-Time Employees (Staff recommendation: Adopt) Andy Takata requested approval and indicated that he would like, for the record, approval to make departmental transfers of staff members to assure that the work loads are being met. There was full Council support. MOTION: By Councilmember Carden, seconded by Councilmember Johnson to approve Resolution No. 93-96; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 9600520NE CHANGE 96007 A. Negative Declaration - Find to be adequate under the provisions of CEQA and the State and local guidelines for its implementation (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Find to be adequate) B. Resolution No. 86-96 - Amending the Land Use Map of the General Plan by modifying the land use designation of the site from "Office" to "High Density Single Family" (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Adopt) C. Ordinance No. 315 - Amending the Zoning Ordinance by changing the zoning district shown on the Zoning Ordinance Map for the site from "CP" (Commercial Professional) to "LSF-X" (Limited Single Family - High Density) (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Motion to waive reading in full and introduce on first reading, by title only) CC 10/22/96 Page 3 Steve DeCamp provided the staff report and recommendations. There were no questions or comments by members of the City Council or public. MOTION: By Councilmember Carden, seconded by Councilmember Johnson to find the negative declaration adequate under the provisions of C E QA; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. MOTION: By Councilmember Carden, seconded by Councilmember Johnson to approve Resolution No. 86-96; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. MOTION: By Councilmember Carden, seconded by Councilmember Johnson to waive the reading in full and introduce Ordinance No. 315 by title only; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. ORDINANCE NO. 311 —Amending the Zoning Ordinance text by creating a (CPK) Commercial Park zoning district, adding Planned Development Overlay No. 10 and amending Map 23 of the official zoning maps by rezoning certain real property located at 11500 El Camino Real from (RS) Residential Suburban to (CPK) Commercial Park with (FH) Flood Hazard and (PD10) Planned Development #10 overlays and (RMF-16) High Density Multiple Family (ZC 95003; City of Atascadero/Hendrix) (Staff recommendation: Motion to waive reading in full and adopt on second reading, by title only) Steve DeCamp provided a brief staff report and noted that Exhibits A and C have been modified, pursuant to Council direction at the previous meeting. MOTION: By Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Bewley to adopt Ordinance No. 311 on second reading by title only; motion passed 4:1 (Luna opposed). 2. ORDINANCE NO. 313 - Amending the Zoning Ordinance Text by the addition of a (CPK) zoning district and amending Map 11 of the official zoning maps by rezoning certain real property located at 2600 EI Camino Real from (IP) Industrial Park to (CPK) Commercial Park (ZC 96005; Johns/Churchill) (Staff recommendation: Motion to waive reading in full and adopt on second reading, by title only) Councilmember Bewley stepped down due to potential conflict of interest. Steve DeCamp provided the staff report and recommendation to adopt on second reading. There were no comments by the City Council or by any member of the public. CC 10/22/96 Page 4 MOTION: By Councilmember Johnson seconded by Councilmember Carden to adopt Ordinance No. 313 on second reading by title only; motion passed 4:0. Councilmember Bewley returned to the dias. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority - Councilmember Carden reported that there is no meeting this month and announced that he will attend a CALCOG meeting next month. 2. Economic Round Table- Councilmember Johnson reported that the round table had received a report by the new director of the Economic Vitality Corporation and noted that the group will be coming forward with some recommendations for regional economic development. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Attorney Roy Hanley reiterated that there have been several inquiries about development fee waivers and asked if the City Council wishes to have these matters agendized for the next meeting. There was consensus to not calendar any other,request than that of Self-Storage (Bob Lilley). 2. City Clerk Lee Price expressed appreciation to members of the City Council and to staff. 3. City Manager Andy Takata noted that the City Council would meet on Wednesday, October 23`d at 7:00 p.m. in a special meeting for purposes of reviewing the revised reclamation plan and operations agreement for the Millhollin Mine. At 7:53 p.m., the City Council adjourned to a continued Closed Session. Said Closed Session was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. There were no announcements. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL WILL BE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1996 AT 7:00 P.M. FOR PURPOSES OF CONDUCTING A SPECIAL MEETING TO REVIEW AND CONSIDER A REVISED RECLAMATION PLAN AND OPERATIONS AGREEMENT FOR THE MILLHOLLIN MINE. MINUTESC ED AN PREPARED BY: CC 10/22/96 Page 5