HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 012396 Approved as Submitted Meeting Date: 02/13/96 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 23, 1996 MINUTES CLOSED SESSION: The City Council met in Closed Session at 6:30 p.m. for purposes of discussions pertaining to: 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR: Agency negotiator: City Manager Employee organizations: Management; Mid-Management/Professional; Fire Captains; Firefighters; Atascadero Sergeants Service .Organization.; Atascadero Police Officers Assoc.; Atascadero Public Safety Technicians Organization.; Service Employees Intl. Union 2. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT Title: Police Officer 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Name of case: Greene, May, Price, Rounds, Smith, Sturtridge, Tray, Wilson, Dougherty & Gutmann v. City of Atascadero Closed Session was adjourned at 7.00 p.m. The City Attorney reported that the Council had given instruction to the City's negotiator relative to Item #1 and made no appointment regarding Item #2. Item #3 was continued until after adjournment of the regular session due to time constraints. REGULAR SESSION: The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Councilperson Bewley led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Bewley, Carden, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Highland Absent: None Also Present: Rudy Hernandez, City Treasurer and Lee Price, City Clerk CC 01/23/96 Page 1 Staff Present: Andy Takata, City Manager; Steve DeCamp, City Planner; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Roy Hanley, Deputy City Attorney; Brady Cherry, Director of Community Services; Brad Whitty, Finance Director; Lt. John Barlow, Police Department; John Neil, Assistant City Engineer and Kelly Heffernon, Administrative Analyst COMMUNITY FORUM: Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, announced that it is a good time to keep tabs on what's going on in the City of San Luis Obispo as it relates to the Salinas Dam Expansion project. Robert Johnson, Planning Commission representative on the Citizens' Economic Recovery Task Force, read the following recommendation to the City Council: "Due to the severe financial condition of the City, the Economic Recovery Task Force felt it necessary to make a recommendation to the City Council. The Task Force voted on January 22, 1996 that no new capital expenditures would be funded from the General Fund, be authorized by the City Council until the final report of the Economic Recovery Task Force is presented to you. The only exception to this recommendation is for emergency situations. It is the goal of the Task Force to complete their recommendation within two months". Deputy City Attorney: Status report on the adult book store (verbal) Roy Hanley provided a status report on proposed regulation regarding adult businesses and referred to Item #B-2 (see page ). A. CONSENT CALENDAR: The Mayor read the Consent Calendar, as follows: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - December 12, 1995 (City Clerk's recommendation: Approve) 2. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9, 1996 (City Clerk's recommendation: Approve) 3. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - December, 1995 (City Treasurer's recommendation: Review & accept) 4. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1995 (Staff recommendation: Approve) Mayor Highland pulled Item #2 at the request of the City Clerk. The Minutes of January 9, 1996 were continued until the next regular meeting. MOTION: By Councilmember Luna, seconded by Councilmember Carden to approve the Consent Calendar; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. CC 01/23/96 Page 2 B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF C.U.P. 95-008, PROPERTY NEAR INTERSECTION OF TRAFFIC WAY & OLMEDA (Cont'd from 1/9/96) (Recommendations: Planning Commission - Deny appeal; Staff - Uphold appeal) Steve DeCamp provided the staff report. Councilmember Carden shared concern that the appeal had not been filed with the City Clerk and that the appeal letter was unsigned when itwasreceived. Steve DeCamp confirmed that the appeal was filed in a timely manner in the office of Community Development, where the staff report is prepared. He also reported that the letter had been dictated to staff but unsigned for approximately three weeks due to the extended illness of appellant, Robert Johnson (Planning Commission Chairman). Councilmember Carden also pointed out that the subdivision ordinance calls for a hearing within thirty days and inquired whether or not the Mayor should have called an emergency meeting in December since the second meeting of the month had been canceled due to the holidays. Art Montandon advised that the ordinance is directory, not mandatory law, and explained that staff is instructed to make their best effort to ensure that the appeal is heard within that time frame. He pointed out that the applicant had requested a continuance on January 9" and added that it was unlikely that a Court would find that the applicant was detrimentally affected by the delay. He advised the City Council to proceed with the hearing. Public Comments: Robert Johnson, appellant, confirmed that he had been ill for three weeks and was unable to appear to sign the appeal letter in a timely manner. He spoke in support of his appeal emphasizing that, as a proponent for "Safe Routes to School", he is in favor of requiring that businesses install necessary public improvements. John Belsher, attorney representing the applicant, summarized concerns about technical requirements relating to the appeal process and spoke to the merits of the application. He argued that the number of children at the day care center does not warrant the imposition of curb, gutter and sidewalks. Mr. Belsher noted that the applicant is not making any improvements to the structure and pointed out that there are no other sidewalks in the neighbor. Mayor Highland commented that the owner has operated the business for considerable time without a permit. Mr. Belsher reported that the business was operating without a business license prior to requesting an increase in the number of children and is now applying for a Conditional Use Permit. He added that the applicant is trying to comply and is fully licensed with the State of California. Judy Mora, applicant and owner of Kids Corner, requested that the City Council to waive the condition of curb, gutter and sidewalks primarily because she cannot afford to construct the improvements. She reported that she is only asking to increase the number of children and has adequate parking. In addition, Mrs. Mora clarified that she is not proposing any changes to the structure and mentioned the building is an original Colony home. CC 01/23/96 Page 3 Requesting that the City Council deny the appeal were Planning Commissioners Jim Edwards and Sid Bowen, the Director of Little Lambs Pre-School and residents Jill Terry, Barbara Waheed, Marj Mackey, Robert Bronte, Jana Needham, Rick Holiday, Rush Kolemaine, David Graham, Tom Mora, Kathy Smith and Valeri Guerro. Robert Johnson, speaking for a second time, commented that while the day care center is a valuable business, the Council should give thought to the direction of growth in the City. He remarked that the City cannot afford to construct the needed infrastructure and debated the cost projected by the applicant to construct the improvements. Regina Foster, Paso Robles resident, commented that sidewalks are not necessary. Rick Holiday spoke once more and encouraged the Council not to place this burden on a small business. ---end of testimony--- Staff responded to questions regarding bike lane improvements scheduled for Traffic Way and clarified conditions of approval. Lengthy Council discussion followed. MOTION: By Councilmember Luna, seconded by_Councilmember Carden to deny the appeal; motion passed 5.0 by roil ca# vote. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 297 - Urgency ordinance extending the interim ordinance prohibiting adult businesses in certain places, pending consideration of a permanent ordinance for same (Staff recommendation: Adopt - Requires 4/5 vote) Roy Hanley, Deputy City Attorney provided the staff report and recommendation to approve. He reported that the draft permanent ordinance will be available for public review the following week and explained that the Planning Commission would hear the matter at their meeting of February 6t''. Council questions followed regarding amortization of adult businesses. Public Comments: Tom Austin, 10780 EI Camino Real and representing Citizens Against Pornography, commented that he supports the extension of the urgency ordinance and, further, that he is looking forward to a permanent ordinance that has some teeth in it and will address the secondary affects of such businesses. Dan McPherson, 12500 EI Camino Real, praised the work of the Deputy City Attorney and urged adoption. Regina Foster of Paso Robles asserted that a recently opened pawn shop near property currently proposed for an adult bookstore on EI Camino Real is an undesirable business and wondered if there was any significance to the fact that it went in so close to the proposed bookstore. Mayor Highland pointed out that the issue at hand is that of adult businesses and not pawn shops. CC 01/23/96 Page 4 M'Lee Zalvidar, Tecorida Avenue resident, spoke in support of extending the urgency ordinance and cautioned that the owner of the proposed adult business downtown should be watched closely to ensure that he is following all requirements for developing the site. ---end of testimony--- MOTION: By Councilmember Luna, seconded by Councilmember Bewley to waive the reading in full and adopt Urgency Ordinance No. 297; motion carried unanimously. 3. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN A. Resolution No. 02-96 - Approving the Notice of Determination & Negative Declaration for the Siting Element and Summary Plan, as prepared by the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority (Staff recommendation: Adopt) B. Resolution No. 05-96 - Approving the Siting Element & Summary Plan, as prepared by the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority (Staff recommendation: Adopt) Kelly Heffernon provided the staff report and recommendation to adopt Resolution Nos. 02-96 and 05-96. Also present was Bill Worrell of the Integrated Waste Management Authority to respond to any questions. There were no questions from Council and no public testimony. MOTION: By Councilmember Luna, seconded by Councilmember Carden to adopt Resolution No. 02-96; motion carried 5.0 by roll call vote. MOTION: By Councilmember Luna, seconded by Councilmember Johnson to adopt Resolution No. 05-96; motion carried 5.0 by roll call vote. 4. 1993 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT, FINAL GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT (Staff recommendation: Accept comments/questions from interested parties) Steve DeCamp introduced Don Dana, Peoples' Self Help Housing, who provided the status report on the North County Womens' Shelter project. Mr. Dana gave special recognition to Henry Engen, Eileen Allan, Pat Wickstrom and contractor, John Edens. Public Comments: Eileen Allan, Executive Director of the North County Womens Shelter, expressed appreciation to the Council, staff and many citizens who participated in the success of the project. CC 01/23/96 Page 5 ---end of testimony--- The City Council received the report. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: With mutual consent, Mayor Highland moved up Item #C-2. (For Item #C-1, seepage 8). 2. PROPOSED POLICY FOR ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO (Parks & Recreation Commission/Staff recommendation: Approve Alt. C & provide staff direction) Richard DeLong of the San Luis Obispo County Arts Council presented a slide show illustrating Arts in Public Places programs and spoke in support of adopting an "arts in public places" policy. Councilmember Luna asked the speaker how the City can avoid controversial art. Mr. DeLong noted that a public hearing at some point is vital and explained that it is incumbent upon the City to establish a streamlined local review process. Resident Susan Beatie, also of the County Arts Council, described County guidelines recently established. Brady.Cherry provided background and the staff report. He explained that an ad hoc arts committee formed to make a recommendations relative to an arts in public places policy was not able to reach consensus on a single draft policy. He summarized three draft policies submitted and included in the staff report and noted that the staff's recommendation was Draft Policy "C". He requested direction from the Council and outlined key points for consideration: (1) whether or not the arts policy should cover public and private property, (2) will there be provisions to allow for public input, (3) shall a process for screening and reviewing be included, and (4) does the Council wish to create some type of an arts commission. Council discussion followed. Mayor Highland commented that a policy for arts in public places should deal only with publicly-owned property and asserted that property privately owned should be handled separately. He indicated that he was not in favor of appointing another committee or commission because it takes too much staff time and the City cannot afford it. The Mayor remarked that he would support an advisory ad hoc committee to advise the Parks & Recreation Commission on an as-needed basis as set forth in Draft Policy "C" and stated that any such committee should include members of the arts community and public at- large. He added that he does not feel it is appropriate for this type of committee to be chaired by a member of the Parks & Recreation Commission as is suggested. Councilmember Luna spoke in favor of adopting one policy for public and private property because it will ensure the same rules for everyone. He indicated support for Draft Policy "C" and suggested that a project, once it has been reviewed by an ad hoc committee of those knowledgeable in the arts, be set for a public hearing before the Parks & Recreation Commission. The matter, he suggested, could then CC 01/23/96 Page 6 come to the City Council for final approval on Consent Calendar. Councilmember Carden mentioned that although he supports Draft Policy "C", he does have a problem with government getting involved with art on private property. Councilmember Johnson shared concern about how the concept of public art murals will be handled and expressed a desire to review what other cities are doing to address this issue. Councilmember Luna suggested that the City follow similar procedures that the County is already using and spoke in support of adopting standards that will ensure that murals are produced with proper materials to avoid deterioration over time. Public Comments: Doug Lewis, Tunitas Avenue resident, asked how the seven 80-year old statues in Sunken Gardens will be treated in the arts in public places policy and wondered if there was some significant public art in the works. Baxter Boyington, ad hoc arts committee member, spoke in support of Draft Policy "B Susan Beatie spoke in support of Draft Policy "C" and encouraged a policy for both public and private art. George Beatie, President of the Parks & Recreation Commission, verbalized support for Draft Policy "C" and clarified that the proposed non-voting member of the Parks & Recreation Commission serving as the chair of an ad hoc arts committee was for administrative purposes. He argued that community input can be afforded without having to establish another legislative body. Barbie Butz, Parks & Recreation Commissioner, also spoke in favor of Draft Policy "C" as written. Joe Ramirez, ad hoc arts committee member and member of the North County Mural Society, noted that he supports a successful mural program and is currently involved with a project proposed for the Wilkins Printery building. He argued that Draft Policy "C" ignores the input of the ad hoc arts committee and urged the City Council to adopt Draft Policy "B". Robert Lilley, ad hoc arts committee member, also spoke in support of Draft B and emphasized the necessity of establishing an arts advisory council. In addition, Mr. Lilley advocated an exemption to the sign ordinance for public view art. Rush Kolemaine, 4850 Potrero Road, stated support for Draft Policy "B" and the creation of an arts commission appointed by the City Council. Lee Swam, 9065 Lakeview Drive, recommended that before any additional art is installed, the City must take care of the ones it already has. He urged the repair of the statues in and around the City Administration Building and challenged the North County Mural Society to the task of preserving murals at the Youth Center. He emphasized the need to develop a plan for addressing vandalism and the on- CC 01/23/96 Page 7 going maintenance of public art. ---end of testimony--- Lengthy Council discussion ensued. There was mutual consent to: 1) Direct staff to bring back a revised Draft Policy "B" for public art on private property to include a provision for public hearing before the City Council, 2) Tentatively approve Draft "C"for public art on public property (prior review of project to be conducted by an ad hoc arts sub-committee selected by the Parks & Recreation Commission), and 3) Direct staff to revise the sign ordinance by establishing an exemption for art murals. It was noted that all three matters would be brought back for final approval. On a related topic, Brady Cherry asked the City Council for clarification about action taken on August 8, 1995 relative to proposed public art at the Lake Park Pavilion (Linda Wargo, Atascadero State Hospital). Mayor Highland stated that the Council had conceptually approved the project proposed for art in the public area of the Pavilion. In addition, he said that the Council had approved Phase I of the project which includes tile work to go across the sidewalk. The development of an arts in public places policy was referred to the Parks & Recreation Commission, he added. Councilmember Luna commented that he understood that the policy was to be put together first. Councilmember Johnson remembered that the proponents of the project were anxious to get conceptual approval before the onset of the school year and explained that he had not approved anything beyond Phase I. MOTION: By Councilmember Luna, seconded by Councilmember Bewley to go beyond 11 :00 p.m.; motion carried unanimously. Councilmember Johnson noted that the item had been a presentation, not a business item, and questioned whether or not the Council could have legally acted upon the matter. Art Montandon explained that because of the way the item was noticed, the Council had authority to act, but suggested that the Council clarify by motion the intent. Councilmember Johnson asserted that the item was brought to the City Council in an unacceptable format and without adequate staff input. Discussion ensued. Councilmember Carden indicated that he was not convinced that third-grade art was appropriate for the Pavilion and suggested that staff re- negotiate with Linda Wargo an alternative site for placement of the tile. By mutual consent, staff was directed to re-negotiate with Linda Wargo regarding the proposed project. 1. INITIATION OF CITY COUNCIL-GENERATED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS (Oral) (Staff recommendation: Provide staff direction) Steve DeCamp provided an oral report regarding proposed City Council initiated General Plan amendments and estimated costs. Staff recommendations were as follows: 1) Initiate a General Plan Amendment to include within the Urban CC 01/23/96 Page 8 Services Line two commercially-zoned parcels on the west side of 101 at Del Rio Road (one parcel owned by the City of Atascadero and one parcel commonly known as the Hemingway property), 2) Initiate a General Plan Amendment to modify the zoning on the north east side of Traffic Way at Ferrocarrill Road (also known as the "Rose Lip Quarry) from residential to industrial and 3) Take no action to initiate a General Plan Amendment for the "Davis Family Ranch land". He explained that although staff believes the property would be appropriate for industrial use, the owners do not wish it to be rezoned. Councilmember Luna emphasized that he was not in favor of devoting any staff time to these proposed amendments, especially in light of the Citizens' Task Force for Economic Recovery request to put a moratorium on additional expenditures until they have completed their study. MOTION: By Councilmember Carden seconded by Councilmember Johnson to include the two lots [on west side of 101 at Del Rio Road] within the Urban Services Line as a General Plan Amendment; motion carried 4:1 (Luna). MOTION: By Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Bewley to direct staff to initiate the General Plan Amendment rezoning the Rose Lip Quarry area; motion carried 4:1 (Luna). Public Comments: David Zingg, Ferrocarrill Road property owner, asserted that 'industrial zoning would negatively impact his property value. Rush Kolemaine spoke in support of the Council action. 3. REVIEW STREET LIGHTS IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA AND DISCUSS POTENTIAL POLICY DEVELOPMENT (Staff recommendation: Provide staff direction) Councilmember Carden stepped down due to a potential conflict of interest. Brady Cherry provided the staff report and summarized three types of luminaries which can be installed by PG&E without cost to the City. He noted that Option #2 (Colonial Type Pole) would be easiest to standardize and mentioned that whichever type is chosen, they will be changed over as they need replacement by PG&E. The City Council mutually agreed to direct staff to proceed with Option #2 (Colonial Type Pole). 4. APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSIONER TO ECONOMIC ROUND TABLE (Verbal) (Staff recommendation: Appoint one member from Planning Commission) Councilmember Carden returned to the dias. Steve DeCamp reported that Commissioner Jim Edwards has found it necessary to resign from the Economic Round Table and indicated that Commissioners Jennifer Hageman and William Zimmerman were both interested in serving. CC 01/23/96 Page 9 MOTION: By Councilmember Carden, seconded by Councilmember Bewley to appoint Commissioner Jennifer Hageman to the Economic Round Table; motion carried 5.0 by roll ca/I vote. 5. ORDINANCE NO. 296 - Amending Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 10 with respect to the master plan of development and allowable uses affecting certain real property located at 5000, 5020, 5040 and 5060 Marchant Ave. (ZC #95012: Gearhart) (Staff recommendation: Adopt Ord. No. 296 on second reading by title only) MOTION: By Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Carden to adopt Ordinance No. 296 on second reading; motion carried 4:1 (Luna). D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments (COG)/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) Councilmember Carden reported COG and SLORTA staff are negotiating new salary and benefit packages, an item relating to telemarketing item was voted down by COG and that he had been elected Vice President of COG. 2. County Water Advisory Board/Nacimiento Water Purveyors Advisory Group - The Mayor reported that the Nacimiento Water-Group meets February 7, 1996. 3. Economic Round Table - Councilmember Johnson reported that the County Economic Vitality Corporation is providing data and assistance with locating new businesses. He mentioned that the corporation's Acting Director has been attending the Round Table meetings and has indicated a willingness to be of additional help. 4. Pollution Control District - Mayor Highland reported that the next meeting would be Wednesday, January 24' at 9:00 a.m. 5. North County Council - Mayor Highland reported that the executive committee meets again on February 15th 6. Ad Hoc Regional Water Management Committee - Mayor Highland announced that the next meeting is February 1st. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council Mayor Highland reported that the Mayors Group met on January 18th to discuss LafCO and are developing a position paper for purposes of drafting a resolution to the Board of Supervisors. He also mentioned that the next Joint Cities Meeting will be April 11, 1996 in San Luis Obispo and that he will appear on KVEC Radio on February 7th. The Mayor also asked that agenda materials for continued items CC 01/23/96 Page 10 be saved to reduce reproduction costs. 2. City Manager Andy Takata announced that COG was sponsoring a workshop on LafCO issues on Saturday, February 3`d. It was determined that Mayor Highland, Councilmember Carden and the City Manager would attend. The City Manager reminded the Council that a City Volunteer Recognition Evening was planned for Thursday, January 25th at the Lake Park Pavilion. He also reported that the Council would hold a special meeting on February 21" for purposes of conducting a workshop relating to the Millhollin Mine. He added that representatives from the State Board of Mining and Geology would be present. Regular session adjourned at 11:47 p.m. CLOSED SESSION: The City Council added, by unanimous vote to add an item of potential litigation which arose after the posting of the agenda to the Closed Session The City Council met in Closed Session for purposes of discussing the item added and Item #3 held over. Closed Session adjourned at 11:58 p.m. The City Attorney announced that Council gave him direction regarding items of existing and potential litigation. THE NEXT MEETING- OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL WILL BE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1996 AT 7:00 P.M. MINUTES RECO ED ND PREPARED BY: LEE MfCE, CNIC CITY CLERK CC 01/23/96 Page 11