HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 113095- NC Council Approved as Submitted Meeting Date: 01/09/95 NORTH COUNTY COUNCIL CITIES OF EL PASO de ROBLES & ATASCADERO TEMPLETON COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT NORTH COUNTY SUPERVISORS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1995 MINUTES Chairman Steve Martin called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. Delegate Tina Salter led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Templeton Community Services District: Present: Directors Engels, Gannon, Thompson, Bergman and President Beere Absent: None City of EI Paso de Robles: Present: Councilmembers Picanco, Martin, Iversen, Mayor ProTem Heggarty and Mayor Macklin Absent: None City of Atascadero: Present: Councilmembers Carden, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Highland Absent: Councilmember Bewley San Luis Obisgo County Board of Supervisors: Present: Delegates Salter and Montague Absent: Supervisors Ovitt and Blakely COMMUNITY FORUM: NCC 11/30/95 Page 1 Pat Mackie, Paso Robles resident, spoke regarding the safety of Highway 46 East and recommended that the North County Council urge CalTrans to separate the lanes. BUSINESS: 1. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT a) Presentation of the City of EI Paso de Robles Economic Strategy Plan Richard Ramirez, City Manager, provided an outline of the economic strategy plan. He summarized the program and its goals. b) Presentation by Dale Ward, Acting Executive Director, on the Economic Vitality Corporation Dale Ward summarized goals and objectives for this new countywide, non-profit organization. After responding to brief questions, Mr. Ward suggested that all cities in the North County consider the adoption of a joint resolution acknowledging the need for and in support of the adoption of a countywide economic strategy plan. There were no public comments. Discussion ensued. MOTION: By Councilmember Carden, seconded by Mayor Macklin to direct staff to put together a resolution that promotes economic development in the North County citing specifically the compilation of information on development sites, incentive plans, support for higher education and better utilization of the Paso Robles Airport; motion passed unanimously. MOTION: By Councilmember Heggarty, seconded by Mayor Highland to direct staff to prepare a separate resolution supporting the placement of a college campus in the North County and, further, to forward copies to representatives in Sacramento upon adoption; motion passed unanimously. Chairman Martin and Mayor Macklin volunteered to form an ad-hoc sub-committee to shepherd the efforts of compiling a data base of development sites and incentive plans. 2. WATER RESOURCES a) Report from the newly-formed ad hoc Regional Water Management Committee NCC 11/30/95 Page 2 Atascadero's Mayor George Highland reported that the ad hoc committee had met on November 8, 1995 for the purpose of establishing its membership and goals. The next meeting is December 6, 1995, he added. Public Comments: Pat Mackie emphasized that the committee should focus not on quantity but quality. Bob Idel, 9685 Nacimiento Lake Drive, spoke on behalf of the Nacimiento Property Owners Association in regards to the proposed location of the Nacimiento water treatment plant. b) Proposal by Bob Finley and John Swank of Water Resources, Inc. regarding water resources Bob Finley reported that Water Resources, Inc. is a water wholesale company and summarized a proposal that would involve leasing water from farmers on a royalty basis to sell to municipalities. He explained that the quality of the water is guaranteed and noted that the lease/purchase arrangement would have to be approved by local agencies. He and Water Resources, Inc. President John Swank responded to questions from the Council. Public Comments: Pat Mackie reminded the Council that the goal is to keep North County water from going over the grade. Pete Cagliero, San Miguel resident, shared concern about the proposal and its impact on the local farming community. Debbie Soloman, York Mountain resident, voiced opposition to the transfer of water to other watersheds. Dawn Smugg, Paso Robles resident, urged the Council to carefully weigh proposals of this nature and avoid rushed decisions. Lester Rougeot, Green River Mutual Water Company, expressed opposition to the proposal. Hans Granther, Shandon farmer, spoke in support of the proposal. ---End of Public Testimony--- Chairman Martin assured members of the audience that the North County Council would not be taking action on this proposal and suggested that the proposal be NCC 11/30/95 Page 3 considered by the ad hoc Regional Water Committee. MOTION: By Delegate Montague, seconded by Mayor Highland to refer the matter for evaluation by the ad hoc water management sub- committee; motion carried unanimously. At 8:50 p.m., Chairman Martin called a recess. The meeting was reconvened at 9:05 p.m. 3. Cuesta Grade Improvements Summary Report from Caltrans, District 5 Office, relative to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement Steve Devencenzi, San Luis Obispo Council of Governments, introduced Greg Albright of CalTrans, who summarized various alternatives, key issues and design approaches for road improvements on 'the Cuesta Grade. He announced that the Draft Environ- mental Impact Report (DEIR) will be available December 8, 1995 for review and further explained that public comment will be accepted from that date until March 8, 1996. Mr. Albright also mentioned that "open house-style" public hearings will be held on January 17, 1996 at the San Luis Obispo Veterans' Hall and on January 20, 1996 at the Atascadero City Administration Building. Questions followed. Public Comments: Pat Mackie indicated that while he was pleased to see less-expensive options for consideration, he had some concern for the safety of cyclists on the Cuesta Grade. Bob Roos suggested that it would be worthwhile, for comparison's sake, to include the option of a full six-lane freeway on the grade. ---End of Public Testimony--- Greg Albright emphasized that CalTrans is looking for countywide consensus on an alternative. Steve Devencenzi noted that he would be contacting staff in each jurisdiction to schedule the matter for formal discussion. 4. Organizational structure of the North County Council - General discussion relative to rotation of chair After brief discussion, there was consensus to amend the North County Council By- Laws to include the following provisions: 1) Executive committee members will be appointed by their respective legislative body, or County supervisor, in January of year. 2) The chairperson will be elected by the executive committee in January. 3) The chairperson may serve consecutive terms. 5. Individual Determination NCC 11/30/95 Page 4 City of Atascadero - Mayor Highland announced that the Atascadero City Council would meet in a special meeting following adjournment to take action of a matter of urgency. THE MEETING OF THE NORTH COUNTY COUNCIL WAS ADJOURNED AT 9:48 P.M. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE WILL BE THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1996 IN TEMPLETON. ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING: SUBJECT: Authorization of an agreement with USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service for City sponsorship of emergency watershed protection project near Carmelita Avenue and Atascadero Creek in Atascadero. Art Montandon, City Attorney, provided the staff report and urgency findings. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Johnson to adopt Resolution No. 112-95 authorizing a Project Agreement for the Carmelita Avenue Homes Emergency Watershed Protection (ESW) Project; motion carried 4:0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. M UT S ACO DE AND PREPARED BY: P , LEE PRICE, crKc City Clerk,' City of Atascadero NCC 11/30/95 Page 5