HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 111495lJ 1 C7 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 14, 1995 MINUTES CLOSED SESSION: Approved as Submitted Meeting Date: 12/12/95 The City met in Closed Session at 6:30 p.m. for purposes of discussions pertaining to: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Agency negotiator: Andrew Takata Employee organizations: Management, Mid -Management Professional, Atascadero Fire Captains, Atascadero Firefighters, Atascadero Sergeants Service Organization, Atascadero Police Officers Association, Atascadero Public Safety Technicians Organization, Service Employees Intl. Union Local 817, Confidential Employees Closed Session was adjourned at 6.45 p.m. There were no announcements regarding the matter; however because of a matter of urgency concerning a potential threat of litigation, the City Council voted unanimously to go back into Closed Session. The second Session adjourned at 6:59 p.m. There were no announcements. REGULAR SESSION: The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Bewley, Carden, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Highland Absent: None Also Present: Lee Price, City Clerk Staff Present: Andy Takata, City Manager; Steve DeCamp, City Planner; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Roy Hanley, Deputy City Attorney; Brady Cherry, Director of Community Services; Brad Whitty, Finance Director; Mike McCain, Fire Chief; Lt. CC 11/14/95 Page 1 Bill Watton, Police Chief Department and John Neil, Assistant City Engineer COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman Carden inquired as to when the draft environmental impact report for the South Atascadero Area Plan would be available. The City Manager reported that the document would be forthcoming in a month or so. Councilman Luna asked staff for a status report on Atascadero Mutual Water Company's plans for a pump station on San Marcos. He asserted that citizens should be notified and commented that he would like to see the road brought up to City standards. Andy Takata noted that the Assistant Engineer had already sent out a survey to property owners to determine interest in forming an assessment district. John Neil added that the Water Company is scheduling the improvements for mid- November and pointed out that there would not be enough time to get the assessment district formed. He noted, however, that the project may be the catalyst and indicated that it may take a year and a half or two years to formalize the district, based upon previous experience. Councilman Carden if there was still time for the City Council to add items for consideration for the next cycle of the General Plan update. Steve DeCamp advised that the Council would have an opportunity to do this at the next meeting when other applications submitted would be presented. Councilman Carden noted that he had an item he wished to add at that time. COMMUNITY FORUM: Denise Mortorff, 7910 Balboa, read a prepared statement (see Exhibit "A") requesting that weed abatement charges for her property be removed and that Council consider changes in the weed abatement policy. Ray Jansen, 6655 Country Club Drive, spoke to the issue of chelation therapy. Lee Mosher, Salvation Army Christmas Ring Chairman, asked for community volunteers to participate in the Salvation Army Christmas Ring program. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, urged all to take an interest in the Draft Environmental Impact Report on proposed improvements to the Cuesta Grade. John Cole, 8710 Sierra Vista Road, asked for a status report on road improvements under construction on San Gabriel Road. He stated that he was dissatisfied with the road surface and asked if the street would eventually be smoothed out. John Neil reported that the project was a week away from completion and emphasized that there are no immediate plans to overlay the road. He offered to meet with Mr. Cole CC 11/14/95 Page 2 to review the situation. Rush Kolemaine, 4580 Potrero Road, announced that the San Luis Obispo Council of Government's telecommunications consortium would be meeting the following day and remarked that recent Council action to not participate has resulted in no representation for the City of Atascadero. On another matter, Mr. Kolemaine pointed out that the City Council agenda does not include the Citizens Task Force for Economic Recovery under the list of committee reports. Tom Austin, 10780 EI Camino Real, spoke to the issue of the proposed adult bookstore and encouraged Council to stand firm on the City's existing ordinance relative to vending machines. Mark Egan, 10025 EI Camino Real, also urged Council to fight the issue. Deputy City Attorney: Status report on the adult book store (verbal) Deputy City Attorney Roy Hanley reported that staff is on track with the permanent ordinance regulating adult businesses. PRESENTATIONS: Final Report on Youth Recreation Center, presented by Project Architect, F.L. Henderson & Associates Frank Henderson, architect, provided the final report and summary of estimated costs. He recommended that electrical upgrade be considered the first priority and noted that detailed electrical plans can be done at no cost to the City by a mature, experienced Cal Poly student, under his direction. Mr. Henderson recommended that additional restrooms, heating and air-conditioning system and seismic retrofit are also serious components and suggested that a reasonable phasing plan (including a schedule of occupancy in the building during the construction of each step) should be developed. Council questions to Mr. Henderson and staff followed. By mutual consent, the Council directed staff to bring back an integrated plan, including budget projections, how community groups are expected to contribute, construction phases and related costs, future maintenance costs and an analysis of Community Development Block Grant funding (including how they are allocated and whether the city is meeting housing goals and guidelines of the CDBG program). Jim Edwards, Atascadero's representative on the Citizens' Transportation Advisory Committee, referred to his memo to Council regarding committee meeting procedures. He shared concern that there may be violations regarding the State Open Meeting's Act and asked Council for direction. CC 11/14/95 Page 3 1 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Highland read the Consent Calendar, as follows: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - October 10, 1995 (City Clerk's recommendation: Approve) 2. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - September 27, 1995 (Joint City Councils) (City Clerk's recommendation: Approve) 3. RESOLUTION NO. 105-95 - Setting blanket position bond coverage sums for City employees (Staff recommendation: Adopt) 4. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 95004, 8295 MARCHANT AVE. - Subdivision of a 1.13 acre parcel into two (2) lots for single-family residential use (Bernard) (Planning Commission recommendation: Approve) 5. RESOLUTION NO. 106-95 - Approving an application for grant funds under the California Used Oil Recycling Enhancement Act (Staff recommendation: Adopt) 6. RESOLUTION NO. 107-95 - Authorizing the execution of an amendment to Contract No. 95004 with F.L. Henderson and Associates for architectural design services for the Atascadero Youth Recreation Center Project (Staff recommendation: Adopt) 7. RESOLUTION NO. 109-95 - CalTrans Cooperative Agreement for Amapoa/Tecorida drainage improvements (Staff recommendation: Adopt) 8. RESOLUTION NO. 108-95 - Authorizing execution of an agreement with Addiction Medical Consultants, Inc. (AMC) for Service Agreement for drug and alcohol testing (Staff recommendation: Adopt) 9. AWARD OF BID TO AERATORS, INCORPORATED, FOR THE PURCHASE OF TWO 25 H.P. AERATORS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY (Staff recommendation: Approve) Councilman Luna pulled Item #A-4. Councilmembers Carden and Johnson noted they would abstain on Item #A-2 due to their absence from the Joint Cities meeting. Councilman Carden pulled Item #A-6. CC 11/14/95 Page 4 n Re: Item #A-4. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 95004, 8295 MARCHANT AVE. - Subdivision of a 1.13 acre parcel into two (2) lots for single-family residential use (Bernard) (Planning Commission recommendation: Approve) Steve DeCamp provided a brief staff report. Councilman Luna noted that he had pulled this item because he had some concerns about exceptions approved by the Planning Commission relevant to flag lot standards. He stated that he opposed the relaxation of some of those standards and recommended that the matter be sent back for further study and/or public hearing. Responding to inquiry from Councilman Bewley, Steve DeCamp clarified that the lots do not meet the minimum lot size without the easement. The City Attorney confirmed that the matter could be brought back for public hearing after adequate notice is provided. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Bewley to continue the matter for public hearing; motion carried 4:1 (Carden opposed). Staff noted that the item would be agendized for December 12, 1995. Re: Item #A-6. RESOLUTION NO. 107-95 - Authorizing the execution of an amendment to Contract No. 95004 with F.L. Henderson and Associates for architectural design services for the Atascadero Youth Recreation Center Project (Staff recommendation: Adopt) Councilman Carden indicated that he would prefer to continue this matter until after City staff has prepared and presented the requested budget projections (see Special Presentations, page 3). Mayor Highland and Councilman Johnson voiced support with moving forward with approval. MOTION: By Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve Item #A-6; motion passed 3.2 (Carden and Bewley voted in opposition). B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None scheduled C. REGULAR BUSINESS: CC 11/14/95 Page 5 1. COMMUNITY GROUP FUNDING REQUESTS (Staff recommendation: Review and provide staff direction) Brad Whitty provided the brief staff report. Councilman Luna recommended that the Council increase support by $500 to the Red Cross by reducing the $5,000 request by the Womens' Shelter by $500. Councilman Bewley voiced approval. Eileen Allan, Executive Director of the North County Womens' Shelter, responded to questions from Council regarding required matching funds. Public Comments: Wendy Ferstchneider, representing the Senior Nutrition Program, spoke in support of their funding request. Eileen Allan thanked Council for continued support and provided a status report on the newly constructed shelter. She clarified that the funding request would meet matching requirements for obtaining other state and federal funds. Councilman Johnson asked if the program would be significantly impacted if the request is not fully funded. Ms. Allan demonstrated understanding and commented that other funding sources could be sought. Rush Kolemaine urged the approval of funds for the North County Womens' Shelter because it provides for necessary public safety and emergency services. ---End of Public Testimony --- There was consensus to reduce the Womens' Shelter request by $500 and increase the Red Cross allocation by $500. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Bewley to approve the staff recommendation as revised; motion passed 5:0 by roll call. The Mayor called a break at 8:25; the meeting was resumed at 8:35 p.m. 2. MILLHOLLIN MINE: Consideration of request of mine owner (Staff recommendation: Provide direction to staff) Art Montandon summarized three alternatives presented by the attorney John W. Belsher, on behalf of Glenn and Darlene Millhollin, mine owners. Numerous Council questions followed regarding operations, enforcement, the proposed development agreement and plans for eventual closure. In addition, staff responded to questions relative to environmental review. CC 11/14/95 Page 6 1 John W. Belsher, representing the Millhollins, reviewed the background and summarized the conceptual plan. He noted that his clients object to preparing an environmental impact report (EIR) and asserted that said was not necessary because other relative studies have already been conducted. Mr. Belsher outlined the Millhollin's position on each option, as presented. Regarding Option #1, he noted that his clients are willing to proceed with the tentative map and closure plan but stressed that they are not willing to pay for an EIR. If Option #2 is chosen, he continued, the Millhollin's will proceed with a development and closure plan, but without a subdivision map. He reiterated that if an EIR is required, the applications will be withdrawn. Option #3, he explained, provides for continued mining under the present voluntary operational restrictions in place. Mr. Belsher remarked that the Millhollins have a vested right to mine and are comfortable with continued mining with or without City action. In conclusion, he mentioned that the Millhollins are willing to voluntarily pay their portion of improvements to the San Lucia Bridge. Councilman Luna asked the Millhollin's legal counsel which option was preferred. Mr. Belsher indicated that his clients were agreeable to any of the three. Councilman Luna inquired as to the expected date for mine closure. Mr. Belsher replied negotiations with quarry opponents (Santa Lucia Neighbors Association) has not resulted in any agreement on a closure date. He reported that the opponents have requested a yearly limitation that is, however, unacceptable to the Millhollins. Councilman Carden asked what the physical and legal limitations of mining are at the quarry. The City Attorney reported that the present reclamation plan approved by the County, although not completely clear, illustrates a physical limitation of 11 acres on the site. John Belsher reported that the client's interpretation is that the mine's physical limitation is 40 acres at 100,000 cubic yards per acre. Public Comments: Mayor Highland asked members of the public to be specific about what they want and how they want to situation resolved. Jim Brenton, 11665 Santa Lucia, provided a summary of a handout setting forth the neighbors' position and including specific recommendations (see Exhibit "B"). He asserted that the Council has the authority and responsibility to enforce and limit mining pursuant to a revised recommendation agreement. Mayor Highland commented that he hopes to ascertain what kind of annual restrictions and operating standards are desired by residents. Marcia Torgerson, 6200 Llano, read a prepared statement responding to options presented by the Millhollins (see Exhibit "C"). CC 11/14/95 Page 7 Jim Reyborn, 11705 Santa Lucia Road, urged the Council to assert its lead agency status. Daphne Fahsing, 5105 Llano, urged the Council against setting a dangerous precedent, emphasizing that the quarry's mountain top has already been removed. Barbara Rose, 7200 Llano Road, read a prepared statement opposing further removal of materials along the ridgeline (see Exhibit "D"). Vicki Reyborn, 11705 Santa Lucia, implored the Council to take some action that will result in a revised reclamation plan that complies with the California Environmental Quality Act and the City's SMARA (State Mining and Reclamation Act) ordinance. Fred Strong, Fred Strong & Associates and also representing the Millhollins, referenced the Sierra -Pacific Groundwater Consultant's, Inc. study presented in 1993. He argued that the mine does have a vested right and read portions of the mining act that were in effect at the time the reclamation plan was approved by the County. Mr. Strong emphasized that the mine has saved the County as a whole thousands of dollars each year by providing road improvement materials at reduced price. ---End of Public Testimony --- The City Attorney responded to questions from Council regarding the status of pending litigation (Santa Lucia Neighbors Association v. City). Councilman Johnson suggested that staff arrange for appropriate officials at the State level to meet with the City Council, staff, the community and the Millhollins to clarify issues and seek resolution. Councilman Luna inquired if the mine was surveyed by staff after the City took over as lead agency. Steve DeCamp advised that while staff conducts an annual inspection, an initial survey was not done. Councilman Luna indicated that he supports recommendations #2, 3, 4, and 5 as suggested by the neighbors (see Exhibit "B") and requested Council discussion regarding these and the three options put forward by Millhollins. Councilman Carden suggested that another interim operations plan and a reasonable plan for closure be negotiated. He also spoke in favor of looking into whether or not the City can collect a royalty fee on the material mined, noting that this would be an appropriate way to fund street and bridge improvements. Councilman Bewley commented that he wants the neighbors to be involved in the negotiations process. Mayor Highland added that he wants clarification of the legal physical boundaries of the mine and about what the neighbors will agree to in terms of annual extraction and eventual closure. The City Attorney pointed out that renewed negotiations with concerned parties would not impact present litigation and CC 11/14/95 Page 8 reiterated his opinion that it would be preferable to resolve the matter out of Court. By consensus, staff was directed to determine the precise coordinates of the mine, research the concept of adopting a royalty fee and return to negotiations with the Millholl/ns and neighbors. This matter to come back to the City Council (no date certain). 3. REQUEST TO RENAME CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING (Historical Society) (Staff recommendation: Provide direction) Andy Takata provided a brief summary and recommended that staff research the back ground behind the former naming of the building as the Veteran's Memorial Building. Mayor Highland spoke in favor of the idea to re -name the administration building after E.G. Lewis and commented that the concept is within the guidelines for naming public facilities. Councilman Luna indicated support and pointed out that the Atascadero Historical Society can provide the necessary background research. Councilman Carden noted that E.G. Lewis was a convicted felon and proposed that this may be a problem. Public Comments: Marge Mackey, Atascadero Historical Society Board Member, mentioned that the County bought the building in 1952 and explained that it was traditional to have a Veterans' Memorial Building in each city throughout the County at that time. Mrs. Mackey spoke in support of the proposal. Lon Allan, also a Historical Society board member, elaborated on Mrs. Mackey's comments and reported that the County put money aside for purchase or construction of a Veteran's Memorial building in 1952. He also spoke in favor. Bill Smith, President of the Atascadero Historical Society, spoke on behalf of the proposal and asked the Council to recognize the City's founder by naming the building after him. Rush Kolemaine asked that consideration be given to simply naming the building "City Hall". George Schroff, EI Camino Real resident, pointed out that if the administration is re- named as proposed, visitors or new -comers to the community could be confused and think the city is named "E.G. Lewis City". ---End of Public Testimony --- CC 11/14/95 Page 9 There was general consensus to direct staff to gather information relative to past naming of the facility and provide cost estimates for sign changes. 4. CREATION OF AN "ADOPT -A -PARK" PROGRAM FOR ATASCADERO RECREATION AREAS (Staff recommendation: Provide staff direction) Brady Cherry provided the staff report and recommendation to endorse. By unanimous approval, the program concept was endorsed and staff was directed to proceed with implementation. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports were given, as follows: 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments/S. L. 0. Regional Transit Authority - Mayor Highland reported on the meeting of November 8, 1995 meeting. 2. Economic Round Table - Councilman Johnson reported that this committee meets next on November 15, 1995. 3. North County Council - Mayor Highland reported that the full council meets on Thursday, November 30, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in Atascadero. 4. Integrated Waste Management Authority - Councilman Luna reported on the success of recent household hazardous waste recycling and composting bin events and explained that more will follow. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council Councilman Carden asked staff to come back with a status report on inter -fund transfer write-offs and unfunded sick and vacation leave accruals. Councilman Johnson suggested that staff develop a log to record when and to whom legal notices relative to land use actions are sent out. Mayor Highland asked the status of a request for an opinion from the Attorney General relative to LAFCO policies and annexations. Staff reported that the letter requesting an opinion has been sent, but no response has yet been received. CC 11/14/95 Page 10 C 1 2. City Manager Andy Takata inquired if the Council desires to provide input to the Council of Governments pertaining to transporting nuclear waste. Councilman Luna suggested that if another unfunded state mandate is going to be approved, the City should begin lobbying our representatives in Sacramento. AT 11:02 P.M. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL WILL BE NOVEMBER 28, 1995 AT 7:00 P.M. MINUTES RECO D AND PREPARED BY: LEE PRICE, City Clerk Attachments: Exhibit "A" (Mortorff) Exhibit "B" (Brenton/Santa Lucia Neighbors Assn.) Exhibit "C" (Torgerson) Exhibit "D" (Rose) CC 11/14/95 Page 11 u 7910 Balboa Rd. Atascadero, CA 93422 November 14, 1995 Honorable Mayor George Highland & Councilmembers City of Atascadero Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mayor & Councilmembers: EXHIBIT "A" My husband and I, recently received a tax bill for property we purchased and owned as of August 18, 1995. Parcel # 050,051,005. This tax bill included a charge for "Atas Weed Abatmnt" in the amount of $452.00. I would like your assistance in reviewing this tax bill charge, the policy and procedures involved in billing for these charges and respectfully request your directing staff to have this charge removed from my bill. Based on my experience as a former Director elected to the Rodeo -Hercules Fire Protection District Board, I would like to share its policy as it relates to fiscal costs and weed abatement charges in a case like my own. It is my understanding that the District relies on billing for weed abatement charges by initially relying on the most recent tax roll to get address information, when noticing property owners when they are not in compliance in maintaining their properties to abate weeds. Notices are posted on most properties, as is customary, with the exception of those properties for which mailed notices are returned. The District then checks with the appropriate County agencies to get information for changes of ownership and mails notices to the appropriate owners of properties for which initial notices were returned. For those properties still not abated, the on-site notices are posted and the property cleaned up under the direction of the District. The District then files a lien through the ReCorrler'c nfaFice and hills the nwner fnr weed ahatement charges on the next tax bill. In my case, the City of Atascadero followed a somewhat similar approach with the exception of two significant steps. The notices to property owners went out utilizing the tax roll information. However, no check for changes in ownerships were made for returned letters to ensure the proper parties were being held accountable. The City then followed the appropriate steps by posting notices and seeing the property was abated. The City did not file a lien however, and the abatement was placed as a billing charge utilizing the Tax Assessors Office as a means for billing. By the City not checking for changes in property ownership and resending out notices to new property owners it resulted in not holding the existing owner accountable for something for which they were responsible at the time and should bear the burden of the cost. In addition, since there was no lien recorded, the title search on my property did not discern any charge like the one in question. Therefore, I had no opportunity to deal with the problem when acquiring the property. Since I am not negligent for improper maintenance of this property at the time notice was given on this property, and since the process didn't enable me to resolve this problem when acquiring the property I would appreciate your having this charge removed from bill. I would also like to see the current policy for recovering weed abatement costs examined with consideration for the steps we found effective in the former District for which I served. It is my understanding from discussions with City staff they are examining this carefully in an attempt to resolve this issue. I have found the staff extremely courteous and interested in the isssues I have presented to them. I realize there are many other serious matters you have to consider in the next few weeks, and any time you can give to resolving this measure would be most appreciated. It would be most helpful if my request for removal of this charge could be considered at the next Council meeting as a discusssion item. Respectfully, IlIn Denise K. Mortorff `�G -97�?' 11/4/95 EXHIBIT "B" SANTA LUCIA NEIGHBORS' ASSOCIATION RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Deny all options proposed as worded in the 11/08/95 letter from Mr. John i3,elsher. 2. Certify that vested rights were granted, by the County of San Luis Obispo(lead agency at the time), to Mr. Millhollin in writing in 1980 when his reclamation plan was approved. 3. If you are unable to determine the legal boundaries of the 1980 reclamation plan, then require a current survey of the site. a. Limit the mining operation to within the reclamation plan's legal boundaries. 5 If Mr. Millhollin wanes co expand beyond the legal boundaries, you must require an amended reclamation plan. MARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSON 6200 Llano Road Atascadero, CA 93422 805-466-7980 November 14, 1995 Atascadero City Council RE: Millhollin Mine Dear Councilmen: EXHIBIT "C" After Mr. Millhollin's attorney withdrew his appeal of the requirement on an EIR on the day of the Council hearing, September 26, 1995, 1 was under the impression that the City Council put this item on the agenda tonight for the purpose of your considering his request that you waive fees, requirements, conditions, etc. on the development he has proposed. However, Mr. Belsher's latest letter, dated November 8, 1995, makes no mention of waiving anything. Instead, he continues to argue the need for an EIR for Mr. Millhollin's proposed development. In his option #1 he mentions all the study's Mr. Millhollin's experts have conducted. I have not seen most of those study's so I cannot speak to most of them. However, 1 have seen the traffic study. It analyzes the impact of six homes on the neighborhood. It fails to even mention the 10-12 years of mining truck traffic that would have to take place to achieve those six homes. If this traffic study is any indication of flow thorough his environmental studies are, it falls short of being complete. He also mentions under option #1 that "No expert hired by the City or the neighbors has pointed to any such impacts." I don't know about the City, but I do know the neighbors have not hired any experts. So for Mr. Belsher to imply that experts have been unable to identify environmental impacts is dangerously misleading. In Mr. Belsher's option #2, again he misleads you. He states that, "The State has made it crystal clear the mine is presently able to continue its present mining operation without any permit required of the City." He then refers to the letter addressed to me from the State that I previously gave to you. It amazes me how both Mr. Montandon and Mr. Belsher love to quote from my correspondence, but neither of them bother to quote in context. I also doubt either one of them have bothered to call Dr. Parrish and talk to him about this issue. As Jim Brenton mentioned, we spoke again with Dr. Parrish on the `telephone this morning. In discussing this situation with him he told us that the mine is only able to continue its present mining operation if it is in compliance with the existing reclamation plan. As Jim showed you, this mining operation has expanded outside even its vague, incomplete reclamation plan. Mr. Belsher goes on to say that the only change proposed -is to close the mine. Not True! The Millhollins want to expand outside the -vague boundaries of their existing reclamation plan before they close 1 November 14, 1995 RE: Millhollin Mine the mine and, according to the State Board, the lead agency cannot let them do that without a revised reclamation plan. In Mr. Belsher's option #3, he suggests that the mine continue as it is currently operating and that "the extraction will be done in a way which will result in the final topography called for by the Conceptual Development Plan." If they do that, they will be mining outside the boundaries of the existing reclamation plan. In his final paragraph, Mr. Belsher states that the residents have told them that, "they do not care if the mine stays open forever, as long as the extraction does not exceed certain annual levels." We have never said that. From the beginning, we have asked for a sunset date. Mr. Belsher also mentions that the extraction of rock for 1994 and 1995 has been far below the horror stories projected by the neighbors last year. That's absolutely right! And we have us, the neighbors, to thank for that. If we had not put pressure on the City regarding the nuisance of 1993, the mine would have continued to operate at that accelerated rate. The problem is that Mr. Belsher consistently tries to sway everyone into thinking that we are talking about a development plan. The problem is that the property in question is a mine and must comply with SMARA as long as rock is being extracted. What Mr. Millhollin does with the property after the mine closes is up to him and the City. As Jim Brenton mentioned earlier, the Sierra -Pacific report offered the City Council several recommendations regarding this mine (please turn to page C-1 of the packet). #2 states that a revised reclamation plan should be prepared for this mine. The City Council of that time, took that advice, and required a revised reclamation plan on June 8, 1993 (please see page D-1 of the packet). As you can see by the history listed on that page, since June 1993, which was 2 1/2 years ago, the City has not successfully enforced their decision. They have continually given Mr. Millhollin 3 months here, 3 months there, etc. According to Dr. Parrish of the State Board, if the lead agency has determined that a mine needs a revised reclamation plan, they have the authority to require it immediately. If you are unable to determine the legal boundaries of the mine, due to an incomplete reclamation pian, you have the authority to require a survey of the site to set legal boundaries. That is your job as lead agency. I know that the City Attorney continually tries to scare you into believing that the State Board would overturn your decisions if Mr. Millhollin files a complaint with the State Board, but we sure get a different opinion when we talk to the State. Dr. Parrish again asked me to read you portions of SMARA tonight (which I won't do because of the time) to re -assure you that you have the authority to enforce SMARA and that the State does not routinely overturn lead agency decisions when there is obvious reasons for your enforcement actions. He told us to tell you that must enforce SMARA. That is your job. 2 November 14, 1995 RE: Millhollin Mine In regards to the issue of vested rights, Mr. Millhollin says he can mine as much as he wants for as long as he wants because he has vested rights. I believe he is under the impression that he has that right because he was mining before SMARA. According to Dr. Parrish, the lead agency at the time of the approval of the reclamation plan (which would be the County) should have determined what his vested rights were at the time of his reclamation approval. The granting of those vested rights should have been documented in writing by the lead agency with the approval of the reclamation plan. I am not aware of any such document. Dr. Parrish stated to us this morning that if Mr. Millhollin's vested rights were never documented, he will have to apply now to the current lead agency for his vested rights status. In the meantime, if his vested rights are not documented, he does not have any vested rights. Our recommendations to you tonight are listed in E-1 in your packet. We ask that you deny all the options proposed by Mr. Belsher because to do otherwise would be violating SMARA. if Mr. Millhollin's vested rights are not documented, then we ask that you close the mine until his vested rights can be established. If the existing reclamation plan does not clearly tell you the legal boundaries of the mine, then we ask you to close the mine until you can survey the site and set the legal boundaries according to SMARA. Once you have the legal boundaries, we ask that you limit the mining operation to within those boundaries. And finally, if Mr. Millhollin wants to expand his mining operation outside the legal boundaries (which he already has), we ask that you close the mine until a revised reclamation plan is in place. Dr. Parrish explained to us that if, after exhausting all our efforts to convince you to take action and use your authority to regulate this mine, we are unsuccessful in convincing you, that our next step would be to file a complaint with the State against you for not enforcing SMARA. We, the neighbors, fully intend to take that step if you do not take appropriate action tonight. Sincerely, �q4 I'V Y4AA-,- Marcia McClure Torgerson /m 1 3 Off. EXHIBIT "D" y4lajA �.o w►� jLL , - `+-� 4ur`-0 tx . tL4P� s� 4f,,L� a � C,vs•'�,v. �`�. .�n�..o. tate, .. Gni ,. , - - d xk. -,`{ ..�., Al M.a. j kO- s +kazi- +�r� AA- +,4)- am"-�k � jo rug, a�q.tkz41 Ile -+_r,,,.e,,,CLA �w,,,.Q.,c o-��-'-L� t "��- °c-