HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 092795 - Joint City Mtng F APPROVED AS SUBMITTED 11/14/95 MINUTES - JOINT CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING —SEPTEMBER 27, 1995 MORRO BAY COMMUNITY CENTER - 7:00 P.M. Morro Bay Mayor William Yates called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Yates led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Morro Bay City Council Present: William Yates Mayor Rodger Anderson Councilmember Colby Crotzer Councilmember Cathy Novak Councilmember Ahnawake Unger Councilmember Arroyo Grande City Council Present: A.K. Dougall Mayor Drew Brandy Councilmember Michael Fuller Councilmember James Souza Councilmember i Atascadero City Council i Present: George Highland Mayor R. David Bewley Councilmember George Luna Councilmember Grover Beach City Council Present: Henry Gates Mayor Ronald-Arnoldsen Councilmember Marcia Hamilton Councilmember Paso Robles City Council Present: Walter Macklin Mayor James Heggarty Councilmember Steven Martin Councilmember Pismo Beach City Council Present: Paul Bailey Mayor John Brown Councilmember Hal `Halldin Councilmember Marian Mellow Councilmember Karl Stahl Councilmember _ i d i San Luis Obi po City Council Present: Allen Settle Mayor Dave Romero Councilmember Bill Roalman Councilmember Kathy Smith Councilmember Dodie Williams Councilmember Welcome and opening Statements p g were delivered. by Morro Bay Mayor William Yates. A motion was approved by the City Councils to appoint Bridgett Bauer as the Recording Secretary of this Joint City Council Meeting in the following order: Morro Bay - Mayor Yates/Councilmember Novak (5-0) Pismo Beach Mayor Bailey/Councilmember Stahl (5-0) Grover Beach Mayor Gates/Councilmember Arnoldsen (3-0) Paso Robles Mayor Macklin/Councilmember Heggarty (3-0) Atascadero Mayor Highland/Councilmember Bewley (3-0) Arroyo Grande- Mayor Dougall/Councilmember Souza ( (4-0) San Luis Obispo - Mayor Settle/Councilmember Romero (5-0) PUBLIC COMMENT Elaine Anthony, Chairwoman of Title 9 Task Force, addressed the City Councils on the issue of County Animal Control Regulations. Michael Kovacs addressed the City Councils on population/growth in the County of San Luis Obispo which is over-regulated and over-taxing. Gordon Held addressed the City Councils on the economic development proposal for the County of San Luis Obispo. Mary Phillipsaddressedthe City Councils on recycling incentives in the County. Fred Strong 'addressed the City Councils on LAFCO and how it causes annexation problems for cities Ruck Kolemaine addressed the City Councils on the purpose of joint city council meetings stating there is no need for further bureaucracy. Pat Mackey addressed the City Councils on County Animal Control Regulations. Joe Kelly addressed the City Councils on property tax splits between the cities and the County. Carolyn Moffatt addressed the City Councils on the Special Districts in San Luis Obispo County. 2 3 i Craig Anderson addressed the City Councils on a workshop that will be held on October 20th regarding "Changing of Maps" - the purpose is to guide communities to facilitate urban planning issues. WRITTEN STATEMENT A-1 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE No action was taken on this item. NEW BUSINESS B-1 DISCUSSION OF PROPERTY TAX SPLIT BETWEEN CITIES AND THE COUNTY Morro Ba Finance Director Jim Koser reviewed the report on the Y P equity of the current method of property tax distribution. He recommended each City consider adopting Joint Resolution No. 01- 95 seeking the support of elected officials in the California j Assembly and Senate, the League of California Cities, and all other California cities to create a more equitable system for the distribution of property taxes. After discussion between the City Councils, a motion to approve Joint Resolution No. 01-95 was made by the City Councils in the following order: i Morro Bay - Mayor Yates/Councilmember Unger (5-0) Arroyo Grande - Mayor Dougall/Councilmember Fuller ( (4-0) Atascadero - Mayor Highland/Councilmember Luna (3-0) Grover Beach - Mayor Gates/Councilmember Hamilton (3-0) Paso Robles - Mayor Macklin/Councilmember Heggarty ( 3-0) Pismo Beach - Mayor Bailey/Councilmember Stahl (5-0) San Luis Obispo - Mayor Settle/Councilmember Roalman (5-0) Consensus of the City Councils was to address this issue at the League of California Cities Annual Conference. B-2 DISCUSSION OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY POLICIES REGARDING PROPERTY TAX AND SALES TAX IMPACTS ON CITY ANNEXATIONS San Luis Obispo Assistant City Administrative Officer Ken Hampian reviewed : the property tax exchange policies and annexation. Mr. Hampian recommended the City Councils direct the city managers to continue negotiations with County staff to establish a consistent, predictable, and equitable county-wide property tax exchange policy; he further recommended the City Councils adopt Joint Resolution No. 03-95 regarding property tax exchange policies and annexation. 3 t After discussion between the City Councils, a motion to approve Joint Resolution No. 03-95 was made by the City Councils in the following order: Morro Bay - Councilmember Unger/Councilmember Novak (5-0) Arroyo Grande - Mayor Dougall/Councilmember Brandy (4-0) Atascadero - Mayor Highland/Councilmember Bewley (3-0) Grover Beach - Mayor- Gates/Councilmember Arnoldsen (3-0) Pismo Beach - Mayor Bailey/Councilmember Brown (5-0) Paso Robles - Councilmember Heggarty/Councilmember Martin ( 3-0) San Luis Obispo - Councilmember Smith/Councilmember Romero (5-0) B-3 DISCUSSION OF NEED FOR JOINT PLANNING AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITIES AND THE COUNTY FOR AREAS SURROUNDING CITIES (GREENBELT, NON-URBAN SPACE SEPARATIONS) I Arroyo Grande City Manager Robert Hunt introduced Bob Braitman of Braitman & Associates who reviewed Ventura's guidelines for orderly development which affirmation is that urban-type development should take place within city boundaries. He stated the guidelines strengthen a City's ability to control or review problems within its sphere of influence as well as establish a partnership relationship amongst the cities and County. It was recommended to the City Councils to form a subcommittee comprised of three city managers to initiate discussions with County staff regarding the establishment of a consistent, equitable county-wide policy on urban development. After discussion between the City Councils, a motion to approve Joint Resolution No. 02-95 indicating the Cities' interest in establishing with the County guidelines for orderly development was made by the City Councils in the following order: Morro Bay - Councilmember Unger/Councilmember Novak (5-0) Arroyo Grande - Mayor Dougall/Councilmember Souza (4-0) Atascadero - Mayor Highland/Councilmember Luna (3-0) Grover Beach Mayor Gates/Councilmember Hamilton (3-0) Paso Robles - Councilmember Martin/Councilmember Heggarty ( 3-0) Pismo Beach - Mayor Bailey/Councilmember Mellow (5-0) , San Luis Obispo - Mayor Settle/Councilmember Williams (5-0) Mayor Yates nailed for a break at 9:10 p.m. ; the meeting resumed at 9: 30 p.m. B-4 JPA AND CITY/COUNTY MEMBERSHIP Grover Beach Mayor Gene Gates addressed the proposed membership between the cities and County in a Joint Powers Agreement; he recommended the cities oppose the proposed JPA. Consensus of the City Councils was to agendize this issue for the next joint meeting; no further action was taken on this item. 4 B-5 PRESENTATION ON WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND JPA Paso Robles City Manager Rich Ramirez gave an oral report on this issue. The City Councils received the report for information; no further action was taken on this item. B-6 ANNUAL MEETINGS i t Morro Bay Mayor William Yates addressed scheduling future Joint City Council meetings on an annual basis. He stated these meetings will cause a unification of the cities that will provide strength to attaining common goals. Mayor Yates announced San Luis Obispo Mayor Allen Settle has offered to host the 1996 meeting. I After discussion between the City Councils; consensus was to hold bi-annual meetings to be scheduled on the third Thursday of March and September of each year. No further action was taken on this item. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Recorded by: Bridgett Bauer Recording Secretary/City Clerk I 5