HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 082295 Approved as submitted Meeting Date: 9/12/95 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL August 22, 1995 Minutes Mayor Highland called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Bewley, Carden, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Highland Absent: None Also Present: Micki Korba, City Treasurer Staff Present: Brady Cherry, Community Services Director; Doug Davidson, Senior Planner; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Brad Whitty, Finance Director; Sgt. John Barlow, Police Dept.; Cindy Wilkins, Deputy City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Highland asked the City Attorney for an update on the proposed adult bookstore. Art Montandon indicated the escrow for the proposed book store property is expected to close tomorrow. He indicated that the business license application is the only document the City has received to date; staff is awaiting the business owner's response regarding various items, such as the proposed number of video booths. Staff continues to work on a permanent ordinance and expects to come back before the Council with a request to extend the recently-adopted 45-day interim urgency ordinance to a time needed to process a permanent one. Art added that he has contacted attorneys for the National Law Center for Children and Families, a non- profit organization, one of whom has indicated she is willing to come to Atascadero to meet with community members, Council and staff. She would, however, request reimbursement for travel costs. He anticipates her visit could take place the week after next. PRESENTATIONS: 0 Presentation of former Curbaril Bridge dedication plaque to City Capt. Lloyd Hatfield, 1 Lt. Jon Rempe and Cdt. Chris Hunter of the National Guard's "Bravo Company" presented to Mayor Highland the missing Salinas River Curbaril Bridge plaque, which had been removed during the demolition of the bridge following its failure from March 1995 rains. The restored plaque was then presented to the Historical Society's Mike and Ron Lindsay for placement in the Atascadero Museum. It was noted that the Guardsmen had sandblasted the plaque to remove its original, lead-based paint. COMMUNITY FORUM: Mayor Highland asked that any public comments to be made which concern the proposed adult book store be 1) submitted after any other public comments, and 2) held to new information only. Marj Mackey of the Historical Society read from a transcript she is writing on a history of the Atascadero Museum, in which she notes the historical location of the museum in the Lower Rotunda Room. She spoke in support of retaining that use, should others be considered,-and extended the Society's invitation to Councilman Carden to tour the museum with the Curator and members to see how worthwhile it is there. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - June 1995 Treasurer's recommendation: Accept 2. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1995 Staff recommendation: Approve 3. ACCEPTANCE OF WEST FRONT STREET OVERLAY IMPROVEMENTS Staff recommendation: Approve 4. ACCEPTANCE OF RECLAIMED WATER EXTRACTION WELLS, PHASE 1 IMPROVEMENTS Staff recommendation: Approve 5. RESOLUTION NO. 81-95 - Endorsing the application to the California Depart- ment of Aging for designation of S.L.O. County as a planning and service area Staff recommendation: Adopt Councilman Highland pulled Item #5 for input by the County's representative on the subject. Motion: Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve Consent Items Al-4; motion carried unanimously by voice vote. Re: Item A-5: Robert Grayson, SLO County Administrative Analyst, clarified the County's purpose in wishing to form its own county agency on aging, which is outlined in a letter authored by Supvr. Blakely, dated 8/10/95, in the agenda packet. CCMin8/22/95 Page 2 Motion: Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Bewley, to adopt Res. No. 81-95; motion carried unanimously by roll-call vote. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. AMENDMENT TO THE CITY'S PORTION OF THE S.L.O. COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FINAL STATEMENT (Site acquisition by Loaves & Fishes) Staff recommendation: Approve Doug Davidson provided staff report. Councilman Johnson commended all those who made this project possible. There was no public comment. Motion: Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Carden, to approve the Amendment to the City's portion of the SLO County CDBG Final Statement, as shown in staff's report; motion carried unanimously by roll-call vote. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. POLICY PERTAINING TO THE NAMING OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS, PARKS & FACILITIES IN THE CITY Staff/Parks & Recreation Commission recommendation: Approve Brady Cherry provided staff report, noting an amended staff recommendation that the Council adopt the proposed policy developed by the Parks & Recreation Commission, as presented, and to omit staff's original recommendation to exclude ball fields. Public Comment Eric Gobler, 9110 Atascadero Ave., thanked Brady Cherry, City staff and the Parks & Rec. Commission for their work on this sensitive and emotional issue, however expressed disagreement with the draft policy and amended staff report. He spoke in support of naming facilities after people, and of naming Paloma Creek Ball Field #3 after the late Jared Cunningham. Sarah Gronstrand, 7620 Del Rio Rd., feels it is extremely important to consider an individual's work for and contributions to the City which have made it possible to have organizations that are used by and are of benefit to all its citizens. Lee Cunningham, Jared's dad, suggested perhaps the Council fears there will be an avalanche of requests for memorials. He asked that this be viewed as an opportunity rather than a stumbling block. CCMin8/22/95 Page 3 Jerry Tamalier, Varsity Basketball Coach, AHS, spoke in support of a commemoration of Jared at Field #3, should the naming of the field not be approved. Vic Smart, 8930 Palomar, Parks & Rec. Commissioner, noted the time that the Commission spent on developing the proposed policy to include an option for the placement of plaques, trees or other perpetual memorials. Their rationale was that naming an entire facility after one young person might preclude the possibility of doing the same for someone else later on. Also speaking in support of naming Field #3 after Jared were Mario Perez, represent- ing Little League, Mark Miranda, resident, and Michael Lara, 9005 Caleta. Michael expressed he feels there are two issues: the need for a policy and the people of the community supporting one of their peers, the latter of which should be the main issue here. --- End of public testimony --- Council discussion ensued. Their consensus was that, in the interest of developing a fair policy for all concerned, it would not set a good precedent to name an entire facility after one individual. Motion: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Bewley, that the Council adopt the proposed policy for the naming of public buildings, parks and other public facilities in the City of Atascadero, as submitted; motion carried unanimously by roll-call vote. Motion: By Mayor Highland, seconded by Councilman Carden, to specifically name Paloma Creek Field #3 "Memorial Field" and establish a monument to be used for memorializing names, placing Jared Cunningham's name first; motion carried unanimously by roll-call vote. Councilman Luna requested that a biography of the individuals being honored be included with the plaque or monument. Special Announcement: Tim Arnhart of the Fire Department announced the State Firemen's Muster Championship to be hosted by Atascadero this weekend and extended the Fire Department's invitation to the City Council to attend, noting Atascadero does currently hold a state record. • Council recessed for a 10-minute break • CCMin8/22/95 Page 4 2. LEASE AGREEMENTS FOR TENANTS OF THE ATASCADERO YOUTH RECREA- TION CENTER BUILDING Staff/Parks & Recreation Commission recommendation: Approve Brady Cherry provided staff report and responded to questions from the Council. Councilman Luna inquired as to how the plans for development of a skate park in the area adjacent to the recreation center building fit in with the lease agreements. Brady responded that the tenants have been informed. The plan does call for a specific setback from the Karate studio's entrance, and the area now used for parking will be affected. However, the lessee understands they have no exclusive parking rights on the site. It is hoped that the initial concrete pad can be poured by the first of the year, depending upon fundraising efforts. In response to query by Councilman Johnson, Brady noted that, pending a successful fundraising effort by ARCC, a new addition to the existing structure would eventually replace what is now the karate studio's office. This would likely trigger a termination of their lease following sufficient notice by the City. Public Comment Leon Korba asked if Ken Yu Kan could terminate their lease. Art Montandon responded that the tenants could request termination at any time. Motion: By Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Carden, to approve the proposed lease agreements for tenants of the Atascadero Youth Recreation Center, as presented;motion carried unanimously by rol%call vote. 3. AGREEMENT WITH TRAVIS DEVELOPMENT CORP. TO ADVANCE MONIES FOR DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT Staff recommendation: Approve Art Montandon provided staff report. He noted correction that the agreement should be with "Travis Development Corporation/Carlton Square, Ltd. Liability Company". Public Comment Charles Andes, Travis Development Corp./Carlton Square, reported that the interior project demolition is 50% complete. Work on a conditional use permit to allow for work on the exterior and roof of the building is underway. The project is roughly 11 days ahead of schedule. Motion: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Johnson, to adopt Resolution No. 83-95, including the necessary amendment noted by Mr. Montandon; motion carried 4:0 by roll-call vote. CCMin8/22/95 Page 5 Councilman Bewley stepped down from voting due to potential conflict of interest. 4. REPORT REGARDING REQUEST OF NORMA E. SCOTT FOR FEE WAIVERS (re: 8800 Pueblo Ave.) Staff recommendation: Approve Art Montandon provided staff report. Mayor Highland noted that he has been in contact with Ms. Scott. He also copied her letter of request to Mike Ryan, AUSD Board, to ask for the Board's consideration, from whom there has not yet been a response. Art recommended that, should the Council opt for setting up a procedure for relief through the use of a note, support documentation should be required in the form of 1) a medical professional's verification as to the existence of the illness, and 2) a statement regarding the economic condition of the requesting party. The Council's consensus was to take no action. Staff was directed to explore other options to assist Ms. Scott with perhaps reducing the cost of constructing her new home. Art Montandon indicated he will give the letter of request to the volunteers of his wife's non-profit clinic, The Response Team for the Chemically Injured, to obtain their assistance. 5. ORDINANCE NO. 289 - Amending Zoning Ordinance text to allow "offices" in the downtown pedestrian retail overlay zone (ZC 95004) Staff recommendation: (1) Motion to adopt on second reading by title only Mayor Highland introduced this item. There were no staff or public comments. Motion: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Carden to adopt Ordinance No. 289 on second reading by title only; motion carried unanimously by roll-call vote. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1. County Water Advisory Board/Nacimiento Water Purveyors Advisory Group - Mayor Highland reported that this group meets next week. 2. North County Council - Mayor Highland announced that the NCC meets Thursday, 8/24, at 7 p.m. in Templeton. A position paper will be presented on water management. CCMin8/22/95 Page 6 E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council - Mayor Highland indicated he would like to get the Council's consensus to direct staff to complete the EIR for the South Atascadero General Plan change and expansion of the sewer district. 2. City Attorney - Art Montandon reported that, as part of the City's normal processing, City Council appointees' qualifications are verified. So far, staff has been unable to verify that the recent appointee to the City Treasurer position is a registered voter and is a resident of the City, both of which are required by State law. In the event the verification is not made, he asked if 1) the Council would like to have this item placed on the next regular agenda in the event another appointment is necessary, and 2) should staff readvertise to seek further applications to the position. He clarified that the office will not be officially vacated until Sept. 1 st, and Micki Korba has the option of extending her term; the Council has 30 days from the time the position is vacated to make an appointment. Micki indicated she would be willing to extend her term to Oct. 1 st, if necessary. Staff was directed to place this item on the next agenda to make a decision on how to proceed. Councilman Johnson asked that steps be taken to assure that a screening procedure is followed in verifying applicants' qualifications in the future. 3. City Manager: Joint meeting with City Councils in SLO County (suggest Wednesday, September 27, 1995) Mayor Highland indicated that the mayor's group consensus at their recent meeting was to limit the meeting to 3 hours. Several items are suggested to be on the agenda, the primary one being the proposal on the City/County tax splits. F. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 29, 1995, 4th Floor Club Room, for the purpose of conducting interviews of applicants to the Planning Commission. Said meeting is open to the public. MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: CINDY WILK S. DepUtVCityClerk CCMin8122/95 Page 7