HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 081695 - Adjourned Mtng Approved as Submitted Meeting Date: 9/12/95 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED MEETING AUGUST 16, 1995 MINUTES The Mayor called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Club Room. The Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call were dispensed until 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present. The City Manager, City Clerk and City Treasurer were also present. 1. CONSIDER APPLICANTS FOR CITY TREASURER The City Council interviewed the following applicants for City Treasurer: George Schroff, Kenyon Trengrove, Garry Halstead and John Grden in the Club Room. Following the interviews, the City Council by ballot selected Garry Halstead to serve as City Treasurer. The City Clerk reported that, pursuant to State Law, the appointment could not be confirmed until after the Elected City Treasurer's resignation becomes effective on September 1 , 1995. At 7.03 p.m., the Council convened in the Rotunda. The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Bewley, Carden, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Highland Absent: None Also Present: Muriel "Micki" Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Price, City Clerk Staff Present: Andy Takata, City Manager; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Brady Cherry, Director of Community Services; Brad Whitty, Finance Director; Mike McCain, Fire Chief; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Steve Sylvester, City Engineer; John SPCC 08/16/95 Page 1 Neil, Assistant City Engineer; Claudia Collier, Zoo Curator; Geoff English, Recreation Supervisor, Paula Anton, Recreation Supervisor; Brian Sword, Streets Supervisor; and Mark Markwort, Chief of Waste Water Operations 2. URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 293 - Prohibiting uses in conflict with pending zoning proposal concerning location of adult businesses and further prohibiting location of adult businesses within a specific distance of public parks, churches and children's schools and the downtown zone, pending consideration of proposed ordinances by the City Council City Attorney's Recommendation: Place on the agenda (will require 4/5 vote) and adopt City Attorney Art Montandon requested that the City Council add the urgency ordinance to the agenda and explain that a 4/5 vote is required to do so. He reported that the City does not have an ordinance regulating adult businesses and there is an adult business is attempting to locate in the downtown. He explained that there is a fear that these types of businesses tend to locate in one area and noted that the urgency ordinance provides for a 45-day moratorium. MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Bewley to consider and act on Urgency Ordinance No. 293: motion passed unanimously by roll call vote. The City Attorney summarized the criteria for adopting the urgency ordinance including and explained that it is possible to extend it, if necessary. He reported that staff is working on a permanent ordinance to regulate adult businesses and noted that the first draft of that ordinance is the exhibit attached to the urgency ordinance being considered. He added that he is still receiving input from the public and noted that the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the matter before it comes back to the City Council for public hearing. The City Attorney responded to brief questions from the Council Public Comments: The following individuals spoke in favor of the ordinance and in opposition to the proposed adult bookstore: Tony Ranalette, owner of the Virginia Plaza; Susan Macari, owner of Naturally Country; Regina Foster of Paso Robles; Trey Little, Pastor of the Christ Chapel; and Atascadero residents Bonita Borgeson, M'Lee Zalvidar, and Tom Austin. Gary Kirkland, 4620 Portola Road, contending that pornography is defined differently SPCC 08/16/95 Page 2 for different people and opposed this type of regulation. John Cole, 8710 Sierra Vista, asked what citizens can legally do to oppose the adult business. Andy Takata explained that citizens can meet with the Police Chief and the City Attorney to learn more about their lawful rights. Councilman Johnson urged residents and business owners to take wise steps in dealing with the issues and suggested that the community organize in a unified effort. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, Councilman Bewley to adopt Urgency Ordinance No. 293; motion passed unanimously by roll call vote. 3. BUDGET STUDY SESSION At 8:00 p.m., the City Manager and Finance Director presented the proposed budget for fiscal year 1995-96. Andy Takata recommended that the Council adopt the budget and noted that the newly-formed Citizens Task Force for Economic Recovery would be making formal recommendations to the Council regarding the City's financial status in the ensuing months. The City Manager also reported that the proposed budget does not include any recommended amounts for community agency funding and suggested that the Council adopt a specific dollar amount for community groups with direction about how it is to be dispersed. The City Council reviewed the budget by department. Formal direction given to staff included. 1) The City Council unanimously agreed to waive health benefits for members of the City Council for the fiscal year and directed staff to remove the allocation $4,800 from the City Council departmental budget. 2) The City Council directed staff to proceed with installation of "Routes-to-School" signs. Andy Takata reported that the City contracts annually with the Chamber of Commerce and the San Luis Obispo County Visitors & Conference Bureau (VCB). He noted that the budget erroneously reflects the VCB request as $4,100 and clarified that it is, in fact, $5,550. Public Comments: Jonni Biaggini, Executive Director of the SLO County Visitors Conference Bureau, requested annual funding in the amount of $5,550 explaining that the figure is based on bed tax collections for fiscal year 1993-94. She clarified that the formula, established in 1986 with all the cities in the county is calculated as a percentage of SPCC 08/16/95 Page 3 the bed tax collected in each municipality two years prior to the year being funded. Ms. Biaggini also requested that the City Council approve a one-time fee of $1,000 for the City's share of conducting a countywide visitors survey and highlighted the projected benefits of the study. Micki Ready, Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, commented that she will be presenting the Chamber's Annual Report to the City Council in the next few weeks and spoke in favor of continued funding support. Leo Korba, 10905 Santa Ana Road, recommended that the City conduct their own utility costs surveys, prepare cash flow statements and look into interest earnings for some of accounts. Rush Kolemaine, member of the Citizens Task Force for Economic Recovery, speculated that it may take months to implement recommendations by the Task Force and suggested that, given the financial condition of the City, the Council be prepared to evaluate service levels. He also spoke in favor of expanding and promoting tourism in Atascadero and urged approval of both funding requests by the VCB. Shirley Moore, Treasurer of the Zoological Society of San Luis Obispo County, explained that the Zoo Board will soon meet to allocate a budget for the next fiscal year and noted that financial support is expected to be approved for the Charles Paddock Zoo. She summarized recent accomplishments at the Zoo. ---End of Public Testimony--- By consensus, the Council approved both requests by the Visitors and Conference Bureau in the amount of $5,550 and $1,000. In addition, the Council directed staff to solicit requests from those community groups funded in the 94-95 fiscal year totalling $10, 155 and bring back a recommendation as a separate item for approval. The City Manager noted that the revised budget will be brought back for formal approval on September 12, 1995. Councilman Carden announced that he would be absent for the Planning Commission interviews scheduled for August 29th and for the .Joint Cities Meeting set for September 27th. Councilman Johnson indicated that he, also, would not be attending the Joint Cities Meeting. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10:20 P.M. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE AUGUST 22, 1995 AT 7:00 P.M. SPCC 08/16/95 Page 4 MINUTES RECO ED AND PREPARED BY: LEE PRICE, City Clerk SPCC 08/16/95 Page 5