HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 042595 Approved as Submitted Meeting Date: 05/09/95 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL APRIL 25, 1995 MINUTES The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Carden, Highland, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Bewley Absent: None Also Present: Lee Price, City Clerk Staff Present: Andy Takata, City Manager; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Wendy Stockton, Assistant City Attorney; Brady Cherry, Director of Community Services; Brad Whitty, Finance Director; Mike McCain, Fire Chief; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Doug Davidson, Senior Planner and John Neil, Assistant City Engineer PROCLAMATIONS: The Mayor read the proclamation for "National Day of Service", April 25, 1995 and recognized volunteer organizations who donate their services to the City of Atascadero. The Mayor presented signed copies of the proclamations to Sandye Tillson of the American Association of Retired People, Susan Johnson of the CALL Program (Creative Alternatives for Learning & Living), and Diane Maiorano representing the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. Mayor Bewley read the proclamation for "City Clerks Week", May 7-13, 1995 and presented it to City Clerk Lee Price. The City Manager announced that the City Clerk had recently been awarded the Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) accreditation. CC 04/25/95 Page 1 Mayor ProTem George Highland read and presented the proclamation for "Public Schools Week", April 24-28, 1995 to California Masons' representative Chief McCain. He also read the proclamation for "Crime Victims' Rights Week", April 23-29, 1995 and presented it to Eileen Allan of the North County Women's Shelter. The City Clerk read the proclamation for "Day of Prayer", May 5, 1995 and presented it to Tom Ferrell of the Atascadero Kiwanis Club. COMMUNITY FORUM: Jody Neal, San Luis Obispo County Zoological Society, challenged the City Council to a Work Day at the Charles Paddock Zoo on Saturday, May 13, 1995 from nine to noon. Dwight Huffman, President of the Business Improvement Association, suggested that the City take a proactive stance with regard to attracting businesses, specifically Trader Joes, to Atascadero. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - March 28, 1995 City Clerk recommendation: Approve 2. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - March, 1995 City Treasurer's recommendation: Review and accept 3. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS FOR MONTH OF MARCH, 1995 Staff recommendation: Review and accept 4. CAMINO REAL (FASHION OUTLET) ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - Acceptance of public improvements Staff recommendation: Accept as complete 5. INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY - Appointment of Delegate and Alternate Staff recommendation: Ratify Mayor's appointments 6. CITIZENS' TASK FORCE FOR ECONOMIC RECOVERY -Appointment of Council members (2) and at-large Council appointees (3) Staff recommendation: Approve appointments CC 04/25/95 Page 2 7. ECONOMIC ROUND TABLE - Appointment of 5 members-at-large Staff recommendation: Ratify Council appointments 8. RESOLUTION NO. 33-95 - Supporting the Central Coast Regional Technology Alliance Staff recommendation: Adopt 9. RESOLUTION NO. 32-95 - Declaring weeds a public nuisance and commencing abatement proceedings Staff recommendation: Adopt The Mayor pulled Item #A-4 from the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Luna asked that Item #A-2 be pulled. Councilmember Johnson requested that Item #A-7 be pulled. MOTION: By Councilmember Highland, seconded by Councilmember Carden to adopt Consent Calendar Items #A-1 , 3, 5, 6, 8 & 9; motion passed 5.0 by roll call vote. Re: Item #A-2. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - March, 1995 City Treasurer's recommendation: Review and accept Councilmember Luna asked the Finance Director to clarify interest earnings from the Orange County Investment Pool. Brad Whitty reported that interest earned as of June 30, 1994 were paid in September of 1994 and confirmed that the City has received no additional interest since that time. The earnings, he added, are due and are part of the settlement. MOTION: By Councilmember Luna, seconded by Councilmember Highland to approve the City Treasurer's Report for March 1995; motion approved unanimously. Re: Item #A-7. ECONOMIC ROUND TABLE - Appointment of 5 members-at-large Staff recommendation: Ratify Council appointments Councilmember Johnson communicated that Missie Hobson from PG&E has expressed interest in continuing to serve on the Economic Round Table and suggested that her expertise and input would be beneficial. Councilmember Highland proposed that the Council consider appointing Ms. Hobson as an ex-officio member. Staff was directed to bring back a revised resolution formalizing the Round Table membership reflecting the proposed change. CC 04/25/95 Page 3 MOTION: By Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Luna to approve Item A-7 on the Consent Calendar; motion passed unanimously. Re: Item #A-4. CAMINO REAL (FASHION OUTLET) ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - Acceptance of public improvements Staff recommendation: Accept as complete The Mayor stepped down due to a potential conflict of interest. MOTION: By Councilmember Carden, seconded by Councilmember Johnson to approve Item #A-4; motion passed 4:0. The Mayor took his seat. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. AMAPOA-TECORIDA DRAINAGE PLAN - Presentation of Draft Plan and alternatives for protecting area from flooding Staff recommendation: 1) Review & provide staff direction; 2) Direct staff to conduct public meetings John Neil provided background and a summary of the study plan. He indicated that staff is looking for direction about which avenues to proceed with within the plan and authorization to conduct community informational meetings. Questions followed regarding potential build out, culvert locations, flow restrictions and improvements formerly constructed by CalTrans. The Assistant City Engineer reported that preliminary negotiations with CalTrans has revealed that there may be some willingness on their part to participate in the drainage improvements. Councilmember Luna asked if the work could be done before the onset of the next rainy season. John Neil replied that it might be difficult to complete the project before that time because of necessary environmental review and public hearings. Councilmember Carden requested additional information about water flow restrictions at the bridge on Portola Road. John Neil confirmed that there is a restriction at the bridge and predicted that the new plan will not totally alleviate inflow of water from the lake spillway channel. Flood levels, he added, will still be high. Responding to additional inquiry from Councilmember Carden, the Assistant City Engineer reported that drainage culverts were properly sized when the highway was constructed and the drainage basin was more rural in character. CC 04/25/95 Page 4 Councilmember Carden asked if the City would be assuming additional liability if it takes on the maintenance of the drainage improvements. Wendy Stockton explained that with ownership comes along the responsibilities of ownership and clarified that easements and ownership are the same in terms of looking at liability. Mayor Bewley asked the City Manager if the City could maintain these new facilities at the present time. Andy Takata noted that the Streets Division would ultimately be responsible for maintenance but explained that the division is currently down by two men. Some choices about some work priorities would have to be made, he concluded. Public Comments: Athena Wilson, 8420 Azucena, indicated that her home has flooded five times in the last three years and expressed appreciated to the Council and City staff for inspections. She reported that a driveway has been constructed in a culvert at 8145 Amapoa and explained that debris and grass are obstructing drainage. Ms. Wilson also noted that three homes on Amapoa have been abandoned because of the floods and suggested that the City adopt a policy (similar to the weed abatement program) to encourage property owners to maintain drainage culverts and channels. Bill Guidry, Morro Road property owner, asked questions regarding the plan and suggested using the lake as a detention basin to control flow. John Neil responded and advised against using the lake in this manner. He clarified that a back up system would be required and remarked that the lake is for recreational use. Whitey Thorpe, 8025 Santa Ynez, asserted that the simple solution is to clear all obstructions in the creeks and channel water through them. ---End of Public Testimony--- Councilmember Luna commented that there is evidence that concrete channelization of creeks, as proposed by Mr. Thorpe, does not work. Councilmember Highland observed that the plan will have to phased in over time with the spillway work the logical first step and will be dependent upon available funding. He suggested that staff be directed to proceed with necessary public meetings prior to coming back with a final plan. Mayor Bewley concurred. Councilmember Johnson recommended that staff work closely with Caltrans and seek participation. Councilmember Luna remarked that he would like to see drainage analyses performed at the permit level and indicated that he would like to see the drainage plan implemented as soon as possible so that necessary improvements can be made before the next rainy season. Brief discussion ensued regarding timing. CC 04/25/95 Page 5 Henry Engen estimated that it will take approximately two months to conduct a public information meeting and finalize the plan. Councilmember Luna referred to the suggestion made by Ms. Wilson and asked staff if this could be done. Chief McCain replied that he thought it was an excellent idea and suggested that the City pursue the concept. Wendy Stockton advised that the program could be implemented by ordinance and stated that the process would be the same as is presently done with weed abatement. Discussion ensued and there was mutual agreement to research the matter for future consideration. Councilmember Carden inquired of staff as to the possibility of forming an assessment district including all property owners in the affected area. Henry Engen proposed that the concept was reasonable, especially if done to improve non-City maintained streets such as Amapoa, and suggested that the matter could be brought up at the public meetings. The City Council directed staff to proceed with public meetings and bring the final plan back in two months. Mayor Bewley urged staff to contact all individuals affected. Councilmember Carden requested that staff look into and clarify CalTrans' liability. Councilmember Highland speculated that at the time the improvements were put in they were adequate. The Mayor called at break at 8:35 p.m.; the meeting resumed at 8:50 p.m. 2. 1995 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) - Consideration of proposed allocation of $248,600 for local projects Staff recommendation: Approve as amended Doug Davidson provided background and an overview of the objectives of the CDBG program. He described last year's allocation and noted that one recipient project, the Carlton Hotel, has been delayed. He explained that the grant money has to be spent within two years of the award and noted that while the funds do provide an incentive for future buyers, the City Council may wish to consider re-allocating the money if no progress has not been made on the project in the next six months. Mr. Davidson summarized the 1995 applications and recommendations. Dana Lilley, County CDBG program manager, was present. Questions followed. Councilmember Highland remarked that he objects to funding Applications #12 (Transitional Housing Program for Disable Homeless Adults) and #13 (Family Self- Sufficiency Resource Centers and Case Management) because the funds would be used for the hiring of personnel implying the need for on-going support. He asserted that this is not a wise way to handle block grant funding. CC 04/25/95 Page 6 Councilmember Carden questioned the need to hire a consultant to study compliance with the American Disabilities Act. He suggested that there may be organizations that can come in and review the facility. Councilmember Luna asked for a status report on the youth center. Brady Cherry indicated that CDBG funding for 1994 had become available only last month and mentioned that the architectural design work has begun. He announced that a special workshop would be conducted on Thursday, May 4th to seek community input on the design. In addition, he noted that the Parks & Recreation Commission would receive a summary of architect's findings about seismic safety and retrofit options at their meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 18, 1995. In response to inquiry from Councilmember Luna, Brady Cherry explained that $47,000 of the $67,000 allocation from 1994 is for seismic retrofit and noted that the Youth Center's application for this year is for working drawings and engineering assessment. Mayor Bewley asked staff if there is a time limit on complying with the requirements related to the American Disabilities Act. Brady Cherry clarified that the City was required to conduct a Self Evaluation and Transition Plan by January 26, 1995. He noted that Atascadero is not in compliance with that mandate and emphasized that public agencies that do not comply run the risk of having federal funding, including CDBG, FEMA, Gas taxes and others withdrawn. Mr. Cherry stressed the need to have the plan and make the improvements in phases according to the plan. He added that the task is complex and staff is not recommending doing the evaluation and plan in- house. Councilmember Luna inquired if the development community has been informed of the CDBG award and opportunity associated with the Carlton Hotel. Doug Davidson mentioned that the matter has been discussed at numerous public hearings related to CDBG funding and Economic Development Element. Mayor Bewley added that he is aware of the fact that the project is well known in the real estate community and is being publicized by the sellers. Councilmember Johnson asked for clarification about potential re-allocation of CDBG monies awarded to the Carlton. Dana Lilley, County Planning, reported that if the City wishes to re-allocate the funding, City and County staff will need to work together to amend the 1995 Consolidated Plan. He stated that it will be necessary to hold a public hearing and then ask the County Board of Supervisors to adopt an amendment to the plan. Mr. Lilley added that, although it is not mandated, the City may wish to consider opening an application period to solicit potential projects for the re-allocation. Councilmember Highland spoke in favor of reviewing the Carlton Project allocation in six months and commented that it would be preferable to re-allocate the monies if CC 04/25/95 Page 7 nothing more has happened with the project. Councilmember Carden asked if a re- development authority would be a reasonable use for CDBG funding. Dana Lilley reported that staff would have to get a determination from HUD about whether re- development would meet the criteria. Public Comments: Roberta Fonzi, 7880 Sinaloa, spoke in support of Application #14 (residential rehabilitation - 7880 Sinaloa). She explained that the funding is being requested to upgrade a currently deteriorating Colony home located in a transitional neighborhood. The project, she added, falls within the guidelines of the grant and has no other funding source. George Moylan, City of San Luis Obispo Housing Authority, commented that the word is out about the Carlton Hotel. He described the list of projects as excellent illustrations of what the CDBG program is intended for. In reference to Application #12 (Transitional Housing for Disabled Homeless Adults), Mr. Moylan noted that the request for $20,000 to fund a position would be a one-time request. Rush Kolemaine, Potrero Road resident, remarked that he did not support Applications #1 (City Hall - ADA Compliance) and #6 (Fire Department - Hazardous Fire Apparatus Exhaust). He encouraged the City Council to make sure that all three objectives of the CDBG program are being met. Mr. Kolemaine spoke in favor of a revolving loan fund for economic development because it would rejuvenate businesses that are now deteriorating. Mike Lucas, resident and Chairman of the Board of the Economic Vitality Corporation, reported that there has been a countywide application for revolving loan funds (to create jobs and fund local businesses). He noted that the Economic Vitality Corporation will soon have full-time staff and will be able to assist in this area. Councilmember Luna asked what criteria will be required to qualify. Mr. Lucas reported a list of criteria has been formulated and that funding may be made available for low to moderate income businesses that will create jobs. Jeannette Duncan, Executive Director of the Peoples' Self Help Housing Corporation, pointed out that there are many low to moderate income residents in Atascadero who would like to own their own home. She suggested that if the City Council re-allocates CDBG monies awarded to the Carlton, that it consider the first-time buyer program. Dwight Huffman, President of the Business Improvement Association Pres, announced that the BIA's position of record is in strong support of the Carlton restoration project and speculated that without the CDBG funding, the project will not come to fruition. CC 04/25/95 Page 8 ---End of Public Testimony--- Councilmember Johnson indicated support for a downtown revolving loan fund and suggested that this concept be studied further by staff and brought back to the Council when the Carlton Hotel project is re-visited. Councilmember Carden remarked that he, too, supports wholeheartedly the concept of a downtown revolving loan fund and suggested that the Council consider a redevelopment authority as a potential for re-allocation, if HUD determines it qualifies. Councilmember Carden reiterated that there might be an organization that deals with the disabled community at-large that could advise the City on ADA compliance as a means for receiving the information at a lesser cost. Councilmember Luna asked staff for clarification of the request made by the San Luis Obispo Housing Authority (Application #13). MOTION: By Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Luna to accept recommendations made by staff, including amendments to the HOME funds in the County's Consolidated Plan; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. By consensus, the City Council requested that staff bring back the Carlton Hotel project allocation for review in six months. Councilmember Carden asked when the City Council might expect discussions regarding redevelopment. Henry Engen reported that there is a proposal for redevelopment which is presently on hold. The City Manager added that costs to determine blight were estimated at approximately $11 ,000 and confirmed that the matter was deferred because of the Orange County Investment Pool crisis. He stated that he anticipated the matter can be put back on tract sometime after May 15th. Councilmember Carden requested that staff bring back options for the revolving loan fund to explore. 3. ORDINANCE NO. 287 - Proposed amendment to Zoning Ordinance text comprehensively amending the uses allowed in the CN Neighborhood Commercial zone (Hawkins Plaza/Golden West Development) Staff recommendation: (1) motion to waive reading in full and read by title only, and (2) motion to introduce on first reading by title only Mayor Bewley stepped down because of a potential conflict of interest. Mayor ProTem Highland took the gavel. Henry Engen provided the staff report and recommendation. Brief Council questions followed. There was no public testimony. CC 04/25/95 Page 9 n ilmember Luna seconded b Councilmember Johnson to MOTION: By Cou c y waive the reading in full and read Ordinance No. 287 by title only; motion passed 4:0. MOTION: By Councilmember Luna, seconded by Councilmember Carden to introduce Ordinance No. 287 on first reading; motion passed 4:0. Mayor Bewley returned to the dias. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. SUPERVOTE - Consideration of alternatives to the "Supervote" (response to request from the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments) Staff recommendation: Eliminate supervote and provide direction to City's SLOCOG delegate Henry Engen introduced the item and presented options as outlined in the staff report. Council discussion followed. Councilmember Luna indicated that he did not have a problem with the supervote but noted that he could support Option #3 (majority of membership). He commented that as the newly appointed delegate to the IWMA, he will take whatever is decided back to the board for consideration. Councilmember Highland remarked that while his first choice would be to abolish the supervote all together, he would find Option #5 (deadlock) most acceptable. Councilmember Carden agreed. Public Comments: Ron DeCarli, Executive Director of the Council of Governments (COG), reported that the Board of Supervisors has not yet discussed the matter. He noted that the City of Grover Beach considered the supervote issue the previous evening and recommended Option #2 (2/3 majority). Mr. DeCarli explained that each jurisdiction is providing input and the matter will be discussed at the June COG meeting. When asked if he had a personal preference, Mr. DeCarli replied that he did not. Rush Kolemaine commented that he supports abolition of the supervote and would prefer a majority of the quorum. He argued that it is imperative that cities preserve some rights regarding local issues. William Zimmerman, 6225 Lomitas, encouraged the Council to select Option #3. CC 04/25/95 Page 10 Whitey Thorpe, 8025 Santa Ynez, urged the City Council to vote to abolish the supervote. ---End of Public Testimony--- MOTION: By Councilmember Carden, seconded by Councilmember Johnson to support abolition of the supervote and approve Option #4 (majority of attendees), motion passed 3:2 (Luna & Bewley opposed). MOTION: By Councilmember Highland, seconded by Mayor Bewley to take a second position by choosing Option #5, motion failed 1:4 (Johnson, Carden, Luna and Mayor Bewley opposed). MOTION: By Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Luna to make Option #3 an alternate position; motion passed 4:1 (Carden opposed). 2. TRIP REDUCTION RULE OPTIONS -Consideration of alternatives for compliance with the Air Pollution Control Board's Clean Air Plan Staff recommendation: Request that the APCD reconsider their rejection of Rule 901 Councilman Carden stepped down because of a potential conflict of interest. Henry provided the staff report and recommendation. Councilmember Johnson commented that he was in favor of the concept as a method to provide an incentive, but does not approve of an employer-mandated program. He suggested that the City Council vote to request that the APCD reconsider Rule 901 . Councilmember Luna concurred and pointed out that the rule's limit applies only to employers of 100 more and proposed that attempts be made to seek legislative change raising the limit. He emphasized that the City does not have the expertise to develop and implement a trip reduction program. Councilmember Highland agreed. MOTION: By Councilmember Highland, seconded by Councilmember Luna to support reconsideration of the Rule 901 by the APCD board. Public Comments: Hal Carden, speaking as a member of the public, commented that he would like to see COG, the APCD, City Councils and the Board of Supervisors act to lobby the legislature to remove the mandatory requirement. Councilmember Luna inquired of CC 04/25/95 Page 11 the City Attorney if it was permissible for the councilmember to speak on this matter. Wendy Stockton advised that in her opinion Councilmember Carden could speak as a member of the public. Councilmembers Luna and Highland noted objection. Whitey Thorpe stated he was opposed to the mandate. Ron DeCarli reported that Rule 901 has not been adopted by the APCD and clarified that the question may become how to comply with State law. He indicated that consideration may be given to a countywide model program or an approach whereby cities implement a program with the help of COG. ---End of Public Testimony--- Vote on the motion: Motion to recommend to the APCD board to reconsider Rule 901 passed 4:0 by roll call vote. At 10.55 p.m., a motion was duly made and adopted to extend the meeting past the hour of eleven o'clock. MOTION: By Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Highland to recommend that the APCD go back to the State and ask them to remove the mandate. Discussion on the motion: Ron DeCarli suggested that the City Council address the recommendation to the COG to make a request to change the Congestion Management Plan. Motion amended and voted upon: The motion was amended to direct the City's delegate to COG to request that the Congestion Management Plan be amended by removing the trip reduction mandate; motion passed 3:1 with Councilmember Luna voting in opposition. Councilmember Carden returned to deliberations. 3. SLORTA FUNDING FORMULA - SLOCOG request for revised formula Staff recommendation: Endorse proposed 49/18 funding formula Henry Engen introduced the matter. Ron DeCarli briefly expanded. MOTION: By Councilmember Carden, seconded by Councilmember Luna to endorse the proposed 49/18 SLORTA funding formula; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. CC 04/25/95 Page 12 4. INTERIM INVESTMENT POLICY Staff recommendation: Review and adopt updated interim policy Brad Whitty provided the staff report and recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 31-95 approving an interim investment policy. Councilmember Highland suggested that the word "probable" be stricken from Section 3.0 of the policy and that language be added to establish an investment oversight committee. He commented that the City Council and the City Treasurer do not have adequate expertise to seek out the highest return on the City's money. Councilmember Luna argued that the City Council is the investment oversight committee and is charged with safeguarding public funds. Mayor Bewley agreed but added that the City will benefit from professional investment advise. The City Manager recommended that staff be given an opportunity to draft committee options to consider and suggested that it is timely to formalize the Finance Committee. Councilmember Johnson proposed that at least one professional or expert in public finance be included in the membership of either the Finance Committee or an investment oversight committee. There was consensus to continue the policy and staff was directed to bring back options regarding an expanded Finance Committee and/or an investment oversight committee. 5. CITY OF PASO ROBLES' REQUEST FOR FUNDING ASSISTANCE TO HIGHLIGHT CONCERNS REGARDING THE POTENTIAL ECONOMIC IMPACT IN THE EVENT OF THE CLOSURE OF FORT HUNTER LIGGETT Staff recommendation: Review and consider Councilmember Highland introduced the matter and explained that the City of EI Paso de Robles was looking for financial support to assist in an effort to develop strategies to retain the TEXCOM Experimentation Center at Fort Hunter Liggett. Mayor Bewley commented that the closure of Fort Hunter Liggett would not greatly impact the City of Atascadero. Councilmember Johnson stated that the City is not in a position to make a financial commitment at this time. Councilmember Luna concurred and suggested that the Council send a letter to Paso Robles indicating conceptual support of the effort. CC 04/25/95 Page 13 Public Comments: Fred Strong, editor of The Citizen, announced that there has been a study conducted which indicates that there will be a loss of 7.5 million dollars of spendable income in the North County. He emphasized that the closure may indeed affect the City. ---End of Public Testimony--- There was concurrence to send a letter of conceptual support to Paso Robles. 6. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - March, 1995 Staff recommendation: Approve Brad Whitty provided the report and recommendation to accept. Councilmember Johnson asked if it would be possible to streamline or summarize financial reports. The Finance Director reported that he is presently working on a software program that will provide the information in a more efficient format. Councilmember Highland suggested that the Council be given an opportunity to scrutinize one consolidated report. If questions arise, he added, then the Finance Director can provide more detail. Councilmember Carden proposed that the Council be informed of the reasons why a department may be over budget. MOTION: By Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Carden to approve the Finance Director's Report for March 1995; motion passed unanimously. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1. County Water Advisory Board/Nacimiento Water Purveyors Advisory Group - Councilmember Highland reported that the Water Board had reviewed the Santa Barbara County Water Management Plan. 2. North County Council - Councilmember Highland reported that the executive committee of the North County Council will meet on April 27th. CC 04/25/95 Page 14 E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council Councilmember Carden requested status reports on the Routes to School program,the Lewis Avenue Bridge project and the refund questionnaire for the 3-F Meadows/Las Encinas assessment district. Henry Engen reported that the Routes to School program is a funded item and indicated that staff will come back with a written report. He also noted that the Lewis Avenue Bridge is included in the Capital Improvement Plan and is a project that will have to compete with other bridges on the list. Brad Whitty predicted that the refund questionnaire will go out to the property owners within the next week. 2. City Manager Andy Takata provided an overview of the next meeting's agenda. He also noted that he would soon be attending a meeting regarding the Orange County Investment Pool settlement option. At 10:38 p.m., the City Council adjourned to Closed Session. F. CLOSED SESSION: 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Name of Case: Elliott v. City of Atascadero At 11:43 p.m., the City Council adjourned Closed Session. The City Manager reported that the City Council had given him direction to settle. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL WILL BE TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1995 AT 7:00 P.M. MINUTES RECOR AND PREPARED BY: nX L RICE, City Clerk CC 04/25/95 Page 15