HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 032895 Approved as Submitted Meeting Date: 4/25/95 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MARCH 28, 1995 MINUTES 6:00 P.M. SPECIAL SESSION: 1. CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CTAC) A. City Council Interviews B. Resolution No. 30-95 - Appointing the Atascadero delegate to CTAC The City Council met at 6:00 p.m. for purposes of interviewing five citizens who had applied to serve as Atascadero's delegate to the Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee. All members of Council were present. Roll Call and the Pledge of Allegiance were deferred until the regular session. Interviewed were Atascadero residents Peter Boonisar, Patrick Dempsey, Leon Korba Jim Edwards and Lorene Cabrera. Following the interviews the City Council selected, by ballot, Jim Edwards to serve on a 4:1 vote (Luna). The Council unanimously agreed to appoint Mr. Edwards to an initial term of two years with the provision that the term may be extended by an additional two years with Council consensus. MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Highland to adopt Resolution No. 30-95 appointing Jim Edwards to the Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee; motion passed 5:0. 7:00 P.M. REGULAR SESSION: The Mayor called the regular session to order at 7:06 p.m. Councilperson Luna led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Carden, Highland, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Bewley Absent: None Also Present: Muriel "Micki" Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Price, City Clerk Staff Present: Andy Takata, City Manager; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Brady Cherry, Director of Community Services; Brad Whitty, Finance Director; Lts. Bill Watton and John Barlow, Police Department and Steve Sylvester, City Engineer COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman Highland referenced an article written by reporter Maggie White of the Telegram-Tribune regarding the March 29th Council of Governments special meeting regarding the fallen Curbaril bridge and Highway 41 issue. He stated that, although he agreed with the opinion Ms. White was expressing, he disagreed with the article's placement in the paper and pointed out it should have been published with the commentaries. Councilman Johnson asked if a recent incident involving high school students at the Sunken Gardens was gang-related. Lt. Watton reported and confirmed that the incident was not gang-related. PRESENTATIONS: Welcome visiting Lithuanian Police Delegation Lt. Barlow introduced members of the Lithuanian Police Delegation. The Mayor presented the visitors with certificates conveying honorary citizenship. PROCLAMATION: Mayor Bewley read the proclamation for "Month of the Child" and presented it to Supervisor David Blakely and children and parents of the local Head Start Program. The children presented the Council with "Celebrate Children" ribbons. CC 03/28/95 Page 2 COMMUNITY FORUM: Waymond Smith, 8710 Azucena, complained that a neighbor in his area has installed a fence without a permit and that the fence is obstructing the natural drainage flow. He asked that this matter (and other concerns relating to drainage) be addressed. Mr. Smith also asked when the Amapoa/Tecorida drainage plan will come to the Council. Steve Sylvester replied that the plan was scheduled for the second Council meeting in April. Councilman Luna commented that staff should identify and include relevant complaint issues at the same time as the plan comes forward. The City Manager suggested that Mr. Smith contact Bill Wittmeyer, Compliance Official, regarding his complaint. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, extended congratulations to Jim Edwards for being appointed to the CTAC member. William Zimmerman, 6225 Lomitas, recommended that the City Treasurer be included as a member of the Citizens Task Force for Economic Recovery. Carla Cole, Mercedes Avenue resident, asserted that certain rules of public participation were not followed at the last meeting of the Council and voiced disapproval that the Mayor allowed certain comments directed at certain individuals. Rush Kolemaine, Potrero Road resident, stated that staff had not been responsive to direction from the Planning Commission regarding the Economic Development Element and suggested that the City Council instruct the City Manager to look into the matter. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - March 14, 1995 City Clerk recommendation: Approve 2. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - February, 1995 City Treasurer's recommendation: Review and accept 3. EMERGENCY REPAIRS: LAUREL ROAD Staff recommendation: Review and accept The City Clerk made a minor correction to the Minutes of March 14th. There was consensus to approve the correction as noted. MOTION: By Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Carden to approve the Consent Calendar Items #A-1 through 4; motion CC 03/28/95 Page 3 passed 5:0 by roll call vote. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT - Consideration of the Planning Commission's recommended additional element to the General Plan A. Resolution No. 15-95 - Approving an amendment of the General Plan by adoption of an Economic Development Element (GPA 94-006; City of Atascadero) Planning Commission recommendation: Approve as amended Henry Engen provided the staff report and Planning Commission recommendation. Council comments followed. Councilman Highland stated that he was disturbed with the whole document. He commented that after reviewing the Planning Commission minutes, he notes that 14 changes staff was directed to make were not made. He submitted that the document should be sent back to staff with direction to include all changes requested. Henry Engen reported that the City Planner had compiled revisions approved by Planning Commission consensus and the revised document had passed on a 4:3 vote by the Planning Commission. He noted that he would assume that the Planning Commission would have protested if they felt that the final draft was not responsive to their direction. Councilman Luna remarked that the document has changed dramatically since it was first introduced and asserted that he cannot support it the way it is written. Councilman Johnson summarized his proposed changes which were reviewed by the Economic Round Table and are included in the staff report. Councilman Highland questioned why there had not been more public testimony at the Planning Commission hearing considering the number of substantial changes. Public Comments: Bob Johnson, Planning Commission Chairman, commented that he would have liked to have heard the comments of the Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Round Table before the document was ultimately approved by the Commission. He suggested that the City Council direct staff to include the omitted revisions and send the matter back for additional public hearing at the Planning Commission level. CC 03/28/95 Page 4 Rush Kolemaine commented that the Element needs to have teeth in it in order to protect the economic health of the community. He encouraged the Council to take the time to prepare a good document. William Zimmerman suggested that the City Council seek input from the Citizens Task Force on Economic Recovery. He added that the document should be consumer oriented and reflect what the community needs are. Doug Lewis, Tunitas Avenue resident, requested clarification of the Carlton Hotel Project and relevant community block grant funding. Henry Engen provided the status report. Sid Bowen, Planning Commission member, suggested that the Council provide the Commission with specific guidelines should the matter be returned for further study. Rush Kolemaine added that the Palmer-Koert report provides the methodology for determining sales revenue loss and other information that is available. Doug Lewis commented that he does not find any analysis about how Atascadero goes about doing its business. ---End of Public Testimony--- Council discussion followed. Councilman Carden provided an overview of recommended revisions submitted (see Exhibit A). Councilman Luna declared that the Economic Element commits the City to spend money that it does not have. He said that if it is adopted, he will find it difficult to explain to the taxpayer why his roads are not fixed and why his drainage problems are not solved. He noted that he favored Mr. Zimmerman's suggestion that the Citizens Task Force review and comment on the document. Councilman Johnson indicated support for sending the matter back to staff and the Planning Commission. Councilman Highland remarked that the Element is a document that need not be rushed. Councilman Carden spoke in favor of providing incentives for new development and aggressively pursuing fiscally prudent investments. Councilman Luna asserted that he had difficulty with the number of "shalls" being proposed for the document and questioned why there was no economic analysis. Councilman Carden argued that the Fiscal Element of the General Plan provides that CC 03/28/95 Page 5 information. Mayor Bewley remarked that the recommendation for the formation of an economic development agency for the downtown is too restrictive and proposed that it should be expanded. The City Clerk noted that Micki Ready, Manager of the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, was not present due to illness and had requested that the matter be deferred until the Chamber Board has had ample opportunity to comment on the document. Henry Engen noted that State Law will require that the matter be re-heard at the Planning Commission level because of the substantial changes proposed. By Council consensus, the Economic Element was referred back to the Planning Commission. Staff was directed to incorporate all changes proposed at the January 17, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. In addition, comments submitted by Councilmembers Johnson and Carden shall be considered and brought forward as options. There was mutual agreement that the matter is not to be fast-tracked but rather given thorough review and study before it is brought back to the City Council. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 29-95 - Supporting the construction of the Alternate A (Modified) alignment of the Highway 41 bridge across the Salinas River given the failure of the existing Curbaril Bridge (NOTE: THIS IS NOT A PUBLIC HEARING) Councilman Carden recommendation: Adopt The Mayor reported that Ken Nelson, CalTrans District Director, intends to pursue purchase of existing rights-of-way on the east side of Atascadero and route traffic down Cemetery Road onto Capistrano Avenue. He suggested that the proposed resolution be amended to reflect this action. Councilman Luna read the following prepared statement into the record: "Now that CalTrans has decided to go forward with the bridge and realignment of Route 41, it is important to mitigate construction impacts on the downtown, the schools, and the affected residential neighborhoods. If there is an attempt by CalTrans to piecemeal the project as they suggested at last Wednesday's meeting, then Atascadero will have to live with detours and a construction nightmare that might last into the next century. The resolution could and should be amended to make clear that the majority CC 03/28/95 Page 6 of the Atascadero City Council consider the bridge, the realignment, and the interchange improvements as one project. Recall that the Atascadero City Council, on a 4 to 0 vote, selected the Proposed Improvements Option as identified in the DKS Project Study Report on the Highway 101/41 Interchange". Councilman Highland commented that in reality the project will be built in phases as funding becomes available. Councilman Luna asserted that the City ought to know, before moving ahead, how long each stage will take to complete. Councilman Johnson spoke in favor of replacing the bridge as soon as possible and moving forward with the road realignment as funding becomes available. Councilman Carden reported that the funding for rights-of-way will be acted upon by the Council of Governments (COG) in June. He speculated that bridge construction will be expedited while the realignment project will be completed according to the previously published schedule. Public Comments: Peter Boonisar, 5212 Magdelena, recognized the State's present fiscal situation and spoke in opposition to temporary re-routing as proposed. Carla Cole, Mercedes Avenue resident, spoke in opposition to constructing the project in a piecemeal fashion and urged the Council not to subject the City to a long-term construction nightmare. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle Avenue, agreed with the two previous speakers and noted that a phased construction has not been subject to environmental study. ---End of Public Testimony--- Councilman Johnson suggested that Section 2 of the resolution be amended by adding the words, "or similar" just after "Bailey bridge. MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Johnson to approve Resolution No. 29-95 as amended; motion passed 4:1 (Luna). MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Johnson to authorize staff to negotiate with CalTrans for an alternate realignment. Motion amended: Councilman Highland suggested that the word "temporary" CC 03/28/95 Page 7 be added just before the word "alternate" and that the City street names be specified. Councilman Carden re-phrased his motion as follows: To allow City staff and the Mayor to enter into negotiations with CalTrans to provide a temporary alternate (along Mercedes, Capistrano and Santa Ysabel Avenues) to the Highway 41 route during the construction of the bridge and that the Highway 41 A-Modified Alternate is to be temporary only until the A-Modified Alternate and bridge are complete. Councilman Johnson agreed to the amendment. Vote on Amended Motion: Motion passed 4:1 (Luna). The Mayor called a 10-minute break at 8:47 p.m. At 8:57 p.m., the meeting resumed. 2. INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY (IWMA) A. Joint Powers Agreement - To join the IWMA for SLO county and cities Staff recommendation: Adopt B. Appointments to the IWMA - Delegate and alternate Henry Engen provided the staff report and recommendations. Council comments followed. Councilman Highland declared that he would not vote in favor of the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) if the "supervote" provision remains in the document. Councilman Luna argued that the City will gain nothing by not joining and suggested that the Council give direction to the delegate to work with other delegates to eliminate the supervote. Councilman Johnson agreed and discussion ensued. MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Mayor Bewley to sign the JPA with the agreement that joining will be temporary contingent upon the provision that the [appointed delegate work to] eliminate within 60 days the supervote provision. Discussion on the motion: Councilman Highland voiced opposition and stated that the Council needs simply to decide whether or not to join, appoint the City's delegate and then instruct him to bring the matter of the supervote before the IWMA Board. Councilman Johnson agreed. Councilman Carden withdrew his motion. MOTION: By Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Luna to sign CC 03/28/95 Page 8 the JPA; motion passed 5:0 with reluctant "yes" votes from Councilmembers Highland and Carden. MOTION: By Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Carden to instruct the delegate to place on the [IWMA Board] agenda the elimination of the supervote and have this action completed within the next 6 months; motion passed 5:0. The City Manager asked members of the City Council to contact the Mayor if they are interested in being appointed as the City's delegate to the IWMA Board. This matter will come back at the next meeting. Bill Worrell, IWMA Manager, commented that he was looking forward to working with the City. 3. ECONOMIC ROUND TABLE RECOMMENDATIONS (Cont'd from 3/14/95) A. Resolution No. 01-95 - Affirming advisory committee's purpose and revising membership ERT recommendation: Adopt Henry Engen introduced the item and presented the Economic Round Table's recommendation. Councilman Johnson, Economic Round Table member, provided some background for the recommendations and spoke in support. Public Comments: Melanie Dunn, Atascadero State Hospital, commended the City Council for continuing the Economic Element and observed that there is no representation for the State Hospital on the Economic Round Table or the Citizens Task Force for Economic Recovery. She suggested that the City Council consider Atascadero State Hospital as a consumer and spoke in favor of have the hospital represented. Ms. Dunn indicated that she would be willing to serve in this capacity and provided the City Clerk with a letter of recommendation. ---End of Public Testimony--- Mayor Bewley asked Councilman Johnson if State Hospital representation had been considered. Councilman Johnson indicated that the issue had not been raised before or discussed, probably because the Hospital is outside the City's jurisdiction. Councilman Luna mentioned that he could support a "consumer" representative on the Economic Round Table. He also pointed out that the City Treasurer is not listed as CC 03/28/95 Page 9 a member of the Round Table. Councilman Johnson reported that the City Treasurer has requested that she not be included in the membership. Councilman Highland suggested that the resolution be amended to reflect that members-at-large may be from the business, financial or consumer community. MOTION: By Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Luna to adopt Resolution No. 01-95 as revised. Discussion on the motion: The City Clerk suggested that the City Council specify in the resolution how the members-at-large are to be appointed. Discussion ensued. There was agreement that each councilmember shall appoint one member-at-large who shall serve a term coterminous with that of the appointing councilmember. The Clerk noted that appropriate language would be added to resolution. Vote on the motion: Motion to adopt Resolution No. 01-95 as amended passed 5:0 by roll call vote. B. Downtown zoning - Initiating text amendment to allow offices on the first floor in the Pedestrian Retail Overlay Zone without requiring CUP approval ERT recommendation: Approve Henry Engen provided the report and recommendation. The Council expressed support for initiating the zoning text amendment as recommended by the Economic Round Table. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 26-95 - Consideration of Planning Commission's proposed procedures for processing General Plan amendment requests Planning Commission recommendation: Approve Henry Engen provided the staff report and recommendation to approve. Brief discussion ensued. Councilman Highland asked the City Attorney if it is legal for staff to refuse to accept an application for a General Plan Amendment and send it through the process. Art Montandon advised that unless the Council adopts a specific ordinance setting forth a policy for rejection, the City must accept all applications. Councilman Highland declared that the City Council should not see General Plan amendment applications until after they have gone through the normal process. Art Montandon explained that this issue is really a matter of jurisdictional preference. CC 03/28/95 Page 10 Councilman Carden spoke in favor of the recommendation and stated that people deserve the petition process. Councilman Johnson inquired if there was any provision for gathering a "sense of the Council" before applicants pay their fees. Henry Engen reported that normally an applicant pays the fee but the City Council has ultimate discretion to waive or provide a refund. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Highland to adopt Resolution No. 26-95, motion unanimously passed. 5. GOLDEN WEST DEVELOPMENT REQUEST TO HAVE SPRING BOND PAYMENT MADE WITH EXCESS CONSTRUCTION FUNDS (Factory Outlet) Mayor Bewley stepped down because of a potential conflict of interest. The City Attorney provided an overview of the request by Goldenwest Development that payment of the bond assessment due in April be collected from excess construction funds and responded to questions from the City Council Mr. Montandon explained that the participation agreement between the City and Golden West Development provides that the City will pay half of the sales tax received up to either one-half the assessment or $92,000, whichever is less. He reported that the payment is made semi-annually in the year after the sales tax is received and added that the City is not legally obligated to make a payment until December, 1995. He noted further that the project's initial completion date was delayed and the first payment of sales tax revenue was not received by the City until early 1995. The City Manager explained that the City will receive in March sales tax revenue collected in the fourth quarter of last year (1994). He projected that the exact amount of sales tax from the Factory Outlet stores will not be known until April. The City Attorney reported that excess bond proceeds may be used, but pointed out that those funds are in the Orange County Investment Pool and not, therefore, accessible. Grant monies, he added, may or may not be used as it may constitute a gift of public funds. He suggested that the Council consider action to defer the April 10th payment of the bond (collected by the County in April for payment in September) and waive the late penalty. Councilman Johnson indicated support and suggested that the Council direct the City Attorney to negotiate a deferment without jeopardizing the bond issue. Councilman Carden asked if the bonds can be re-financed. The City Attorney reported that staff is considering this option and plans to bring the matter back at a later date. CC 03/28/95 Page 11 Public Comments: Chuck Voorhis, President of Golden West Development, spoke in favor of the request and highlighted benefits to the City the Factory Outlet is providing. He clarified that he was not asking for a hand-out and explained that the request is for excess construction funds not required to make public improvements. Responding to inquiry from Councilman Johnson, Mr. Voorhis estimated sales tax for the first quarter of 1995 to be approximately $90,000 and speculated that when the outlet center is full it will be producing revenue beyond original projections. ---End of Public Testimony--- By consensus, the City Council directed staff to send a letter to the County requesting that the April payment be delayed without penalty. 6. CITIZENS TASK FORCE FOR ECONOMIC RECOVERY A. City Council appointments B. Status of community group & remaining appointments Andy Takata reported that his office had received only five responses to a letter sent to community groups requesting participation. He noted that many of clubs have not yet met to discuss the matter and suggested that the deadline to respond be extended. Staff, he added, will make follow-up calls. Mayor Bewley asked that the members of the Council let him know if they want to serve on the Task Force. He also reported that the Rotary Club has declined participation. By mutual consent, the matter of specific appointments was continued. Councilman Luna commented that he favored Mr. Zimmerman's earlier suggestion that the City Treasurer be included on the Task Force. There was agreement and Ms. Korba indicated she was willing to serve. 7. ORDINANCE NO. 284 - Amending the official City zoning map by rezoning real property located at 3555 EI Camino Real from RS to RSF-Y (ZC 94006) Staff recommendation: (1) Motion to adopt on second reading by title only MOTION: By Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Carden to adopt Ordinance No. 284 on second reading by title only; motion carried 5:0 by roll call vote. CC 03/28/95 Page 12 8. ORDINANCE NO. 285 - Amending the official City zoning map by rezoning real property located at 6000 San Palo from RSF-Z to CT (ZC 94004) Staff recommendation: (1) Motion to adopt on second reading by title only MOTION: By Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Carden to adopt Ordinance No. 285 on second reading by title only; motion passed 5.0 by roll call vote. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments (COG) -Councilman Carden reported that COG will meet April 5, 1995 to take action on the Highway 41 issue, discuss the "supervote" concept and review the Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee. Councilman Luna asked if the Highway 41 agenda item was a public hearing. Councilman Carden explained that it is listed as a special agenda item. Henry Engen reported that public testimony was closed at the meeting of March 29th. 2. City/School Committee Henry Engen reported that the committee had met on March 16th and discussed issues relating to skateboarding. He also mentioned that the committee received an update on the "Safe Routes to School" program. The next meeting will be May 18, 1995 in the City Manager's Office. 3. County Water Advisory Board/Nacimiento Water Purveyors Advisory Group - Councilman Highland reported that the Water Advisory Board will meet on April 5th. 4. Finance Committee - The City Manager reported that the committee had me and agreed to bring back an interim investment policy at the next regular Council meeting. 5. Air Pollution Control District - Councilman Carden announced that the APCD meets March 29th, but noted that he will not be able to attend because he is participating in "Youth in Government Day" (same day). He also mentioned that because of potential conflicts of interest and time constraints, he is finding it difficult to continue serving. He added that the alternate, Councilman Highland, is not permitted to vote. It was noted that the City Selection Committee will not meet until July and therefore a special meeting has been called at the request of the Mayor to designate Councilman Highland as the voting delegate. CC 03/28/95 Page 13 6. Upper Salinas River Coordinated Resource Management and Planning Committee - Councilman Highland reported that the committee had met a week ago and are still working on the Water Resources Management Plan. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Clerk: 1996 General Municipal Election (verbal) Lee Price reported that, in 1993, an election pilot program was enacted by the State legislature which moves the statewide primary from June to March. The pilot program is for 1996 only, unless extended. The City Clerk noted that Atascadero, by ordinance, consolidates with the County of San Luis Obispo and conducts its general municipal elections concurrently with the Statewide Primary. She asked the City Council to consider whether they wish to hold the 1996 election in March or in November and summarized the pros and cons. Fiscal impacts are not fully known, she reported, and discussions are on-going with the County Clerk-Recorder. There was consensus to gather more information; the Clerk will bring back options for consideration. 2. City Manager Andy Takata provided an overview of the agenda items for the next meeting and reminded all of Youth in Government Day to be held the following day. He also mentioned that the City Council would meet in a Joint Study Session with the Cities of San Luis Obispo and Paso Robles and the Boards of Directors for the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and the Templeton Community Services District on Tuesday, April 11 , 1995 at 7:00 p.m. for purposes of discussing the Nacimiento Pipeline Project. The Mayor adjourned to Closed Session at 10.53 p.m. F. CLOSED SESSION: 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR: Negotiator: City Manager Employee Organization: Management Bargaining Unit 2. EXISTING LITIGATION: Name of case: City of Atascadero v. Orange County CC 03/28/95 Page 14 Closed Session was adjourned at 11:14 p.m. The City Council gave direction to staff; no settlements were reached. MINUTES RECO AND PREPARED BY: LEE RICE, City Clerk Attachment: Exhibit A (Carden) CC 03/28/95 Page 15 CC 3/28/95 EXHIBIT A Page 1 Recommendations submitted by Councilman Carden Subject: Economic Development Element Recommendation: Page x-1, para. 6, line 45-46 Delete (replace with ERT recommendation) S. Municipal Policies to Promote & Sustain Economic Development Page x-2, lines 27-29 (replace the following actions with ERT recommendation) The following policies are hereby adopted by the City Council of Atascadero as part of the Economic Development Element of the General Plan to improve the local economy: Page x-3, line 9 Replace "...friendly..." with "...oriented..." Page x-3, line 11 Replace "...friendly..." with "...oriented..." Page x-3, line 16 Replace "...friendly..." with "...oriented... Page x-4, line 11 Add: Goal - Expand employment opportunities for those Atascadero residents who possess a high school education or less. Objective - Create specific job training, vocational and educational programs which will increase the employability of our population who possess a high school degree or less in order to increase their employability and respective household median income. Program - In conjunction with Cuesta College, the Private Industry Council, the Atascadero Unified School District and the City of Paso Robles, support the establishment of job training which is specific to local manufac- turing and employment needs. CC 3/28/95 EXHIBIT A Page 2 Recommendations submitted by Councilman Carden Subject: Economic Development Element Page x-4, line 26 through Delete entire sentence (replace w/R. Johnson's recommended wording) Page x-4, line 37 Replace"...fiscally possible..."with "...fiscally prudent..." Page x-5, line 50-52 Delete Page x-6, line 1-13 Delete Page x-6, line 15 Delete the words "Within this boundary..." and begin sentence with, "The community should...,, Page x-6, line 20 Place period after "...department stores." Delete remainder of sentence Page x-6, line 50-52 Recommend possible deletion covered under general direction of revitalization of Downtown core area. Page x-7, line 1-3 See above comment. [Follow-up note: I am in agreement with Ray Johnson's comments.[ CC 3/28/95 EXHIBIT A Page 3 Recommendations submitted by Councilman Carden Subject: Economic Development Element The following text may be added to the text of the element or as an addendum. I would recommend an end date of 1998 to 2000 for these incentives. I would also say these are guidelines to be administered by staff; any requests greater than these shall be sent to the Council by staff for review and approval/disapproval or modification. I wouldn't want to institute a General Plan update or any such thing because these incentives are included. These are intended to be a starting point for discussion. Page x-3, para. 4, line 47 Add the following: Goal - Increase the number of manufacturing jobs by the year 2005 Objective - Create an average of j50-100 new manufacturing/industrial jobs annually, of which 50% would most likely be for the residents of Atascadero. Create skilled jobs. Of the new manufacturing jobs, 25% will be skilled jobs which pay a minimum of [$35,000/year] to be indexed against the CPI as of 1994. Increase the gross square footage of new manufacturing/industrial space by at least [15,000 sq. ft./yr.] Program The City will aggressively encourage private development of the following locations for industrial/manufacturing development: CC 3/28195 EXHIBIT A Page 4 Recommendations submitted by Councilman Carden Subject: Economic Development Element The following incentives will be provided to "new" development: • A density bonus of will be provided to those manufacturers who meet or exceed the above stated objectives. • A reduction in fees up to {25%] but not to exceed (25%] of the estimated increase in new revenue streams calculated over a [4-year] window. • The above apply to new facilities which occur before the year 2000. Program • The City will aggressively pursue the retention and expansion of existing manufacturers within the City of Atascadero. • implement quarterly meetings between local manufacturers, the City Manager andfuture economic development exec- utive to provide input to strategies which would improve the business environment of existing manufacturing firms. • Provide a density bonus of up to of manufacturer expands prior to the year 2000. • Provide a {_%I reduction in fees if the salary levels meet the City target and expansion occurs prior to the year 2000. All fee discounts apply to the first {350,000 sq. ft.] increase of combined new and expansion of existing facility. CC 3/28/95 EXHIBIT A Page 5 Recommendations submitted by Councilman Carden Subject: Economic Development Element Pge x-6, line 25 Add: S. Retention Goal - The City shall aggressively pursue the retention and expansion of existing retail and commercial services within the City of Atasca- dero. The following incentives will be provided to existing retail/commercial businesses who expand within the City of Atascadero before the year 2000: • A 20% increase in signage. • A 25% decrease in parking require- ments. (This may be increased to 100% based upon current square foot- age of sales area, i.e. laydown yard space that may be covered.) • A (35%I reduction in fees for the first 25% increase in square footage and/or (20%] decrease in fees on the remain- der up to 50% expansion. x-6, line 24, under in-fill Those retail/commercial who are "targeted" for infill and meet the requirements set forth in 1. a & b, above, will be provided the follow- ing incentives: • The use will be allowed/pre-approved or a C.U.P. requirement will be waived. • A parking density bonus of [_%] will be allowed.