HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 022895Fj n Agenda Item: A-2 Meeting Date: 03/14/95 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 28, 1995 MINUTES The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Carden, Highland, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Bewley Absent: None Also Present: Muriel "Micki" Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Price, City Clerk Staff Present: Andy Takata, City Manager; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Brady Cherry, Director of Community Services; Brad Whitty, Finance Director; Mike McCain, Fire Chief; Lt. Bill Watton, Police Department; Steve Sylvester, City Engineer; John Neil, Assistant City Engineer and Steve DeCamp, City Planner COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman Luna requested support for Senator Jack O'Connell's bill, SB 1 X, relating to disaster relief funding. Staff was directed to bring the matter back at the next regular Council meeting. Councilman Highland asked staff to bring back the sewer hook-up ordinance for consideration of a distance limitation for required hook-up. Staff will bring the matter back at a future Council meeting. CC 02/28/95 Page 1 PROCLAMATION: Mayor Bewley read the proclamation for "Arbor Day", March 7, 1995 and presented it to Bruce Bonifus of the Atascadero Native Tree Association. Mr. Bonifus invited all to attend the Arbor Day celebration planned for March 11, 1995 at the Lake Park Pavilion and provided a summary of the day's events. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: o Special Presentation to City Council by Atascadero Mutual Water Co. Grigger Jones, Atascadero Mutual Water Company President, Board Member Leroy Davis and Ken Weathers, Executive Manager, presented a framed 1912 topographical survey map with overlay to the City Council. Mr. Jones indicated that the map was on loan from the Water Company and asked that the City Council display it proudly. O Special Presentation to Jim Rodger for 8 years service on Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee Mayor Bewley read and presented to Jim Rodger of Atascadero a framed resolution of the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments recognizing his service on the Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee. COMMUNITY FORUM: Rush Kolemaine, Potrero Road resident, announced a DeAnza Trail celebration would be held on Saturday, March 4 at the Wranglerette Arena. William Zimmerman, Lomitas Road resident, requested that the City Council reconsider recent action creating a No Parking Zone next to Atascadero Lake. Rush Kolemaine read a letter to the City Council dated February 25, 1995 alleging Brown Act violations relating to the February 21, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Kolemaine asserted that the agenda had not been posted pursuant to State Law. The City Clerk provided a report on posting practices and assured the City Council that the Planning Commission agenda had been posted accordingly. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 24, 1995 City Clerk recommendation: Approve CC 02/28/95 Page 2 2. NORTH COUNTY SUMMIT MINUTES - January 31, 1995 City Clerk recommendation: Approve 3. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - December, 1994 Staff recommendation: Review and accept 4. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - January, 1995 Staff recommendation: Review and accept 5. RESOLUTION NO. 17-95 - Demanding that the Orange County Board of Supervisors accept responsibility for the Orange County Investment Pool bankruptcy and that it return 100% of the deposited funds to the City of Atascadero and all other pool investors Staff recommendation: Adopt 6. RESOLUTION NO. 12-95 - Communicating concerns regarding the Public Utilities Commission's deregulation of electricity Recycling Committee recommendation: Adopt 7. RESOLUTION NO. 06-95 - Authorizing the City Manager to sign a quitclaim deed releasing claims against excess right-of-way (Hoff --W. Mall/EI Camino Real signal) Staff recommendation: Adopt 8. RESOLUTION NO. 16-95 - Authorizing the execution of an agreement with Kuentzel, Henderson and Associates for architectural design services for the Atascadero Youth Recreation Center Renovation Project Staff recommendation: Adopt Councilman Johnson pulled Item #A-5. Eric Greening pulled Items #A-1 & 5. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Highland to approve the Consent Calendar Items #A-2, 3, 4, 7 & 8; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. Re: Item #A-1.CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 24, 1995 City Clerk recommendation: Approve Eric Greening questioned the meeting date noted in the Council of Governments Committee Report on page 9. Councilman Carden corrected the date. Councilman Highland noted a name change on page 5. CC 02/28/95 Page 3 MOTION: By Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve the Minutes, as amended; motion approved unanimously. Re: Item #A-5. RESOLUTION NO. 17-95 - Demanding that the Orange County Board of Supervisors accept responsibility for the Orange County Investment Pool bankruptcy and that it return 100% of the deposited funds to the City of Atascadero and all other pool investors Staff recommendation: Adopt Eric Greening noted that he had pulled this item to voice his support. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Highland to adopt Resolution No. 17-95; motion carried unanimously. Re: Item #A-6. RESOLUTION NO. 12-95 -Communicating concerns regarding the Public Utilities Commission's deregulation of electricity Recycling Committee recommendation: Adopt Councilman Carden stepped down due to a possible conflict of interest. Councilman Johnson suggested that the word, "protection" in the last paragraph of the resolution be changed to "consideration". There was consensus to amend the resolution as proposed. MOTION: By Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Luna to adopt Resolution No. 12-95; motion passed 4:0. Public Comments: Mike Cassiday, San Benito Road resident, indicated that he was representing a group of Pacific, Gas & Electric (PG&E) employees who wished to talk to the City Council about the realities of the Public Utility Commission's decision to de -regulate electricity. Councilman Luna explained that the purpose of this resolution is to address corres- ponding impacts upon the ability to comply with State mandates relative to recycling) and solid waste reduction. He assured the speaker that the City Council was not specifically dealing with PG&E or the issue of de -regulation. The City Clerk noted that a full copy of the resolution was available on the back table for review. North River Road resident Charles R. Strong commended the City for its cost recovery program that allows the City to collect fees from PG&E for emergency personnel stand-by during electrical emergencies. ---End of Public Testimony --- CC 02/28/95 Page 4 Councilman Carden returned to the dias. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 3-F MEADOWS RANCH DEVELOPMENT A. Final Environmental Impact Report - Consider certifying that the EIR is adequate and in full compliance with CEQA Planning Commission recommendation: Certify B. Ordinance No. 286 - Amending the Zoning Ordinance text and map to establish a Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 11 for this 802 -acre project Staff recommendation: (1) motion to waive reading in full and read by title only, and (2) motion to introduce on first reading by title only C. Resolution No. 14-95 - Summarily vacating a portion of a road pursuant to Streets & Highways Code; Part 3, Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law; Chap. 4, Summary Vacation; 8330 (being portions of San Marcos, Cholare, Escabrosa, San Felipe, San Cayetano and Madrone Roads) Staff recommendation: Adopt D. Lot Line Adjustment 94-005 - Changing 114 residential lots and 1 water tank lot to 111 residential lots, 3 open space lots and 1 water tank lot Staff recommendation: Approve Steve DeCamp, City Planner, presented the staff report and recommendations. He submitted a revised map to Resolution No. 14-95 (see Exhibit A). Consultant David Foote, SEDES, provided an overview of the Final Environmental Impact Report. Fire Chief Mike McCain expressed gratitude to the applicants for cooperation with the City in designing the development. Councilman Luna also voiced appreciation and noted that the development as proposed is a much better project than what had been presented five years ago. Council comments followed regarding proposed walking paths along Laurel and Cenegal (Condition #F-11). There was mutual Council concern regarding pedestrian safety and pathway design. John Neil responded to questions. Discussion ensued regarding a site for a radio repeater station. Steve DeCamp reported that the Davis Family Trust is willing to dedicate a site for the repeater CC 02/28/95 Page 5 station but noted that staff is reluctant to recommend a Condition of Approval at this time because there is no site yet determined suitable. Chief McCain indicated that a prime location on San Marcos Road has been approved by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company Board of Directors but reported that the City does not have the funds to construct the facility. Public Comments: Dan Lloyd, representing the applicants, expressed appreciation to staff for accessibility and professionalism. He also thanked the Atascadero Homeowners Association for their cooperation and input into the design process. Mr. Lloyd spoke in support of the project and asked for approval of the staff recommendations and proposed substituting a Class II base material instead of the decomposed granite referenced in Condition #F-1 1 (pathways). He also confirmed that the applicants were willing to work with the City in locating a site for a radio repeater station and are committed to restricting second unit dwellings. Don Saueressig, 10735 San Marcos Road, recommended that the City identify a site in the development for a radio repeater station and make it a part of the Conditions of Approval. He emphasized that prospective buyers deserve to know in advance where the repeater station is going to be located in the future. The speaker also asked whether or not the City has a communications plan. The Fire Chief later noted that the City has an excellent Communications Plan, but noted that funds are not available. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, commented that the project design was well thought-out and the EIR was exemplary. He added that he hopes that the project and the EIR will become a standard by which others are judged. Bob Lilley, 11850 San Marcos Road, shared concerns regarding access into the development and remarked that he would have preferred to see the access to project via Highway 41. Lindsay Hampton, on behalf of the Atascadero Homeowners Association, read a prepared statement in support of the project (See Exhibit A). Ann Holly, 9665 Laurel Road, urged the Council not to accept the EIR as adequate because it does not recommend appropriate mitigation measures. Art Montandon and David Foote responded to questions the speaker had regarding the road abandonment. Gordon Edmonds, 9747 Laurel Road, commented that he had some serious concerns regarding safety and disputed estimated average daily trip numbers as presented in CC 02/28/95 Page 6 �I the EIR. He asserted that a bridge over Graves Creek connecting Laurel Road and San Lucia is the obvious solution and urged Council to consider it. Doug Conner, 12170 Cenegal Road, also expressed support for a bridge solution and voiced concern for the safety of approximately 47 children in the existing subdivision. He suggested that walking paths be clearly separated from the roadway. Marcia Torgerson, 6200 Llano Road, read a prepared statement (see Exhibit B) in support of the project. Gail Swazey, Laurel Road resident, commented that she was concerned that there may be unforeseen drainage problems after homes are built on the hilltops. She also spoke in favor of a bridge solution and proposed that construction be paid for by lot assessment. Gordon Edmonds, speaking once more, reiterated that a bridge is the right solution to alleviating traffic impact to the neighborhood. Dan Lloyd, applicant's representative, addressed some of the comments made by the public. He indicated that although he was willing to discuss a bridge solution, the EIR did not identify a significant impact and felt that a bridge was not warranted. He commented that he believed concerns regarding the pedestrian link can be addressed through ample improvements, road widening for consistency and Class it base material construction. Councilman Luna asked the speaker if there were any conditions the applicants were uncomfortable with. Mr. Lloyd indicate that there were none and added that the applicants are willingly to incorporate all approved conditions. ---End of Public Testimony --- Staff responded to questions from members of the City Council regarding on-site road improvements and trip analysis. Individual Council comments followed. Councilman Johnson suggested that the pavement on Laurel and Cenegal Roads be striped and encouraged neighborhood input in the design of the pedestrian walkway. He added that staff should carefully monitor the traffic situation and consider, including in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) a bridge over Graves Creek connecting Laurel and Santa Lucia Roads as a long-term solution to traffic concerns. Mayor Bewley spoke in favor of approving the project. Councilman Carden agreed and pointed out that there had been a great deal of community input. Councilman Highland asserted that the project will impact existing residencesand the CC 02/28/95 Page 7 City Council cannot do anything about it. He contended that those who benefit from developing a project should pay for all necessary improvements. Councilman Luna agreed and emphasized that the City Council needs to acknowledge the fact that the City's infrastructure is falling apart. He pointed out that the City's development fees are half of what most other cities in the County charge and proclaimed this to be one reason why the City does not have the funds necessary to improve and repair streets, as well as support new and existing development. He recommended that the issue of development fees needs to be re -visited. Regarding the project, Councilman Luna stated that was in favor of approval and pledged support to working with the neighborhood to mitigate concerns. There was Council consensus to amend Condition of Approval #F-11 (relative to pedestrian walkways) by changing "decomposed granite" to "Class 11 base or other all-weather material". The City Council took the following actions: MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Luna to certify the EIR; motion passed unanimously all by roll call vote. MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Luna to waive reading of Ordinance No. 286 in full and read by title only; motion passed unanimously. MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Luna to introduce Ordinance No. 286, as amended on first reading; motion passed 5:0 by roll call. MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Luna to adopt Resolution No. 14-95, as revised; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve Lot Line Adjustment 94-005, as recommended by staff; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. The Mayor called a recess at 10:43 p.m. At 10:45 p.m. the meeting resumed. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 19-95 - Authorizing a 3 -year franchise agreement extension with Wil -Mar Disposal, Inc., for solid waste collection Staff Recommendation: Adopt Brad Whitty provided the staff report and recommendation to approve a three-year CC 02/28/95 Page 8 contract extension with Wil -Mar Disposal, Inc. Public Comments: Tom Walters, Executive Manager of Wil -Mar Disposal, Inc., requested approval. Responding to inquiry from Councilman Johnson, Mr. Walters confirmed that Wil -Mar was carrying Atascadero's solid waste to the Chicago Grade Landfill. I.B. Jenkins, representing Chicago Grade Landfill, requested that Wil -Mar's extension request be continued until negotiations between Wil -Mar and Chicago Grade are completed. David Smith, CPA representing Wil -Mar Disposal, Inc., spoke in support of Wil -Mar's request for contract extension and suggested that Chicago Grade's request for delay is not related to franchise agreement between the City and Wil -Mar Disposal. ---End of Public Testimony --- MOTION: By Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Carden to continue the meeting beyond the hour of 11:00 p.m.; motion unanimously passed. MOTION: By Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Carden to adopt Resolution No. 19-95; motion approved 5:0 by roll call. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 18-95 - Appointing an ex -officio youth member and alternate to the Parks & Recreation Commission Council subcommittee recommendation: Adopt The City Clerk reported that the Council sub -committee was recommending that Christina Kays be appointed as the youth representative and Yasmin Jones as the alternate. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Carden to adopt Resolution No. 18-95 as recommended by the Council sub- committee; motion approved unanimously by roll call vote. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports were given, as follows.): CC 02/28/95 Page 9 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority - Councilman Carden reported that SLORTA will meet on Wednesday, March 1 st and noted that alternate Councilman Highland would attend. 2. County Water Advisory Board/Nacimiento Water Purveyors Advisory Group - Councilman Highland indicated that the County Water Advisory Board would be meeting on Wednesday, March 1 st and noted that alternate Steve Sylvester would attend in his place. 3. Economic Round Table - Councilman Johnson reported that a resolution revising the structure of the Economic Round Table would be coming before the City Council at the next regular meeting. 4. Highway 41 Realignment Community Advisory Committee - Henry Engen reported that bridge plans are available for review. 5. Air Pollution Control District- Councilman Carden reported on the study session held on February 24, 1995 and announced that the APCD will meet again on March 10, 1995 in San Luis Obispo. 6. Upper Salinas River Coordinated Resource Management and Planning Committee - Councilman Highland reported that the group had met on February 27th to review and comment on the second draft of the Salinas River Basin Management Plan. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council Mayor Bewley expressed appreciation to the Fire Chief for implementing a cost recovery policy on emergency response and stand-by for PG&E -related calls. Councilman Johnson commended staff for efforts in getting agendas out and posted. 2. City Manager Andy Takata provided an overview of the next regular agenda and reminded the Council to adjourn to the Mid -Year Budget Review scheduled for March the 2nd. CC 02/28/95 Page 10 F. ADJOURNMENT: THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 11:12 P.M. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL MEET ON THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1995 FOR PURPOSES OF THE MID -YEAR BUDGET REVIEW. MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: LEE PRICE, City Clerk Attachments: Exhibit A - (Resolution No. 14-95 Exhibit A) Exhibit B - (Atascadero Homeowners) Exhibit C - (Torgerson) CC 02/28/95 Page 11 IN s RESOLurioN NO. 14 — S 5 REVISED 2/28/.85 EXHIBIT A Page I of Y LEGEND PROJECT BOUNDARY= �• •-� ROAD VACATIONS= r \`^ �..i% ". ♦ a • . � � ♦ � �� ^��\ i%";--�Y � \_ sem. �r • MARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSON 6200 Llano Road Atascadero, CA 93422 805-466-7980 February 28, 1995 Atascadero City Council Atascadero, CA RE: 3-F Meadows Ranch Councilmen: As I expressed in my statement to the Planning Commission, I was impressed with the EIR for 3-F Meadows Ranch and how thorough it was. I was particularly pleased with the inclusion of the "Visual Resources" impact that was addressed in this EIR which has been excluded in prior EIR's. I therefore feel that this EIR adequately reviewed all significant environmental impacts. In regards to the project itself, I think that the Davis family, David Watson and Paul Reichardt have gone out of their way to create a better neighborhood than was originally designed and has worked with many of the surrounding neighbors to make adjustments that would alleviate their concerns regarding the project. Therein lies the key! Instead of trying to shove their property rights down their neighbors throats, they realized the benefits to all concerned of communicating with their neighbors, accepting input from those neighbors, and incorporating that input into their plans as much as they could. The traffic complaints from some of the residents of Cenegal and Laurel seem impossible to mitigate. I get the feeling that some of these residents feel that if you approve this project tonight, tomorrow there will be 400 more cars going by their houses. In reality, it will probably take years for the first phase of this project to be completed before the second phase, which includes the road leading down to Cenegal, is even constructed. Then, lots will be for sale. This will probably increase traffic by a few cars. Then, if some lots sell, a few might build a house. Only then will you begin to see regular traffic increase on Cenegal and Laurel. Cenegal and Laurel are already designated as Rural Local roads in Atascadero's Circulation Element. This project had nothing to do with that designation. These residents should have attended the public hearing for the updated Circulation Element back in April 1993 and expressed their concern for their streets' designation then. The fact that this project is not a subdivision but only a re -alignment of existing colony lots, means that this project is not adding (2) any more traffic to those streets than the original lot configuration would have. Therefore, if the Davis family wanted to sell the lots as they exist today, there would be the same amount of traffic impact. Also, the suggestion of a bridge across Graves Creek has one major problem; the bridge would be situated almost directly across Santa Lucia from the entrance gate of the Millhollin Mine. This area of Santa Lucia is already a dangerous situation. If the County of San Luis Obispo, who currently operates the Mine, is allowed to continue with their proposed expansion of their operation there, which includes approximately 30 truck trips per day, this will surely be a deadly combination. Imagine cars trying to pull off the bridge onto Santa Lucia; dump trucks with trailers trying to pull out of the Mine onto Santa Lucia. Add to that the already existing residential traffic on Santa Lucia and the blind curves of Santa Lucia in both directions which restrict reasonable sight distance of oncoming traffic. You can see that this would only make an already dangerous situation that much worse. I hope you will agree that this project is a well thought out endeavor that includes many neighbors' input and support. Sincerely, Marcia McClure Torgerson Im 1 1 February 28, 1995 Mr. Major and other Council members: The Atascadero Homeowners Association has always supported quality residential and commercial development that is consistent with the General Plan Goals. For example, the AHA supported the Downtown Plan, gave its blessing to the Factory Outlet when it chose to build on property already zoned commercial, supported the Lewis Avenue bridge and acquisition of Stadium Park. On February 23, 1995 the General Membership of the Atascadero Homeowners Association voted to support the Davis Family Trust 3-F Meadows 800 acre residential development and commended consultant Dave Watson and the EIR for the project. The 800 acre 3-F Meadows expansion is the largest -ever residential proposal in Atascadero. It was begun six years ago. Since then the Davis Family Trust, working with consultant Dave Watson and SEDES, have made many changes to the existing 1914 E.G. Lewis subdivision. 1. Roads were rerouted, saving many trees. 2. Horne sites have been clustered in the more appropriate building areas leaving open space and wildlife corridors to the steeper areas. 3. Fewer homes, not more, have been proposed -• from 115 to 111. Probably the outstanding feature of this project has been the willingness of Dave Watson to meet many times with concerned citizens and to conduct a tour of the area for them. He also gave a very comprehensive description to the Homeowners Association, brought maps and answered questions from the audience. The communication between the developer and the public has definitely been two way. There would be less polarization and more community consensus if other residential acid commercial development were conducted in a similar manner. The EIR on the 3-F Meadows project is exceptionally goad, in our opinion the best we have seen in Atascadero, and the taxpayers were not asked to pay for it Thanks again to the Davis Family, Mr. Watson and SEDES. Sincerly, Lindsay Hafnpton for the Atascadero Homeowners Association