HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 021495 Approved as Submitted Meeting Date: 03/14/95 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 14, 1995 MINUTES The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilperson Luna led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Carden, Highland, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Bewley Absent: None Also Present: Muriel "Micki" Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Price, City Clerk Staff Present: Andy Takata, City Manager; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Brady Cherry, Director of Community Services; Brad Whitty, Finance Director and Lt. Bill Watton, Police Department COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman Luna announced the availability of World Wide Web, a computer network link, and urged the Council to consider methods for getting on the "information highway". The Mayor introduced Doug Carter from Andrea Seastrand and recognized Jeff Wegg, representing Jack O'Connell's office. CC 02/14/95 Page 1 SPECIAL PRESENTATION: O Recognition of an Exemplary Volunteer Mayor Bewley presented a City watch to veterinarian, Dr. Steve Robinson, in appreciation for volunteering his time to the Charles Paddock Zoo. Claudia Collier, General Curator, also expressed gratitude and presented the doctor with a special tool. Dr. Robinson indicated that it was an honor and privilege to work at the Zoo and explained that he would continue to volunteer his services. COMMUNITY FORUM: Rush Kolemaine, Potrero Road resident, spoke out in opposition to a recent decision made by members of the Council of Governments (COG) regarding the Highway 41 realignment project. Jim Edwards, 2800 EI Camino Real, also expressed displeasure with COG's vote on the Highway 41 project and urged the Council to consider reducing participation in COG. He suggested that the Council initiate plans to formulate a new regional planning agency for the North County. Eric Greening, 5th district California Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) delegate, stated that COG's decision had not been a vote to kill the Highway 41 realignment project. He commented that COG, as a body, is uncomfortable with accelerating the project without completing concurrently improvements to the intersection of 101 and 41 . Susan Knowles, 3355 Ramona Road, read a prepared statement updating the City Council on the Atascadero Recreation Center Committee (ARCC) (see Exhibit A). Allan Weaver, Santa Lucia Road resident, announced that the Atascadero Mural Association is being formed and is a new idea for regenerating and revitalizing the downtown area. The City Manager suggested that Mr. Weaver meet with Brady Cherry and members of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Marj Mackey, member of the Atascadero Land Preservation Society, reported that funds have been raised in the amount of $9,400 to date and announced two upcoming fund raisers. Eric Greening, speaking once more, noted that the San Luis Obispo City Council will be discussing the Salinas River Area Plan on Tuesday, February 21 st and encouraged attendance. CC 02/14/95 Page 2 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 10, 1995 Staff Recommendation: Approve as Submitted 2. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY, 1995 Staff Recommendation: Approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vender checks for the months of December, 1994 and January, 1995 3. RESOLUTION NO. 06-95 -Authorizing the City Engineer to sign quitclaim deeds on behalf of the City Staff Recommendation: Staff requests continuance 4. RESOLUTION NO. 07-95 - Designating a stop intersection on Cole Court at Portola Rd. Traffic Committee Recommendation: Adopt 5. RESOLUTION NO. 08-95 - Designating a stop intersection on Valle Ave. at Palomar Ave. Traffic Committee Recommendation: Adopt 6. RESOLUTION NO. 05-95 - Authorizing traffic signal maintenance contract with Lee Wilson Staff Recommendation: Adopt Mayor Bewley pulled Item #A-1 for correction. MOTION: By Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve the Consent Calendar, Items #A-2 through 6; motion passed 5.0 by roll call vote. Re: Item #A-1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 10, 1995 Mayor Bewley asked that the motion on page 7 of the Minutes be amended. MOTION: By Mayor Bewley, seconded by Councilman Carden to approve the Minutes, as amended; motion adopted unanimously. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: No items scheduled. CC 02/14/95 Page 3 C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. AUDIT - June, 1994 Report Staff Recommendation: Accept and Approve Brad Whitty presented the 1994 audit and responded to numerous questions from the City Council. There were no questions or comments from the public. MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Luna to accept and approve the June 1994 audit;motion approved 5.0 by roll call vote. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 283 -Amending Title 7 of the City Municipal Code (Sanitation Ordinance) relative to sewer connection time limits Staff Recommendation: Adopt on second reading by title only Henry Engen provided the staff report and recommendation. There were no questions or comments from the public. MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Luna to adopt Ordinance No. 283 on second reading by title only; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 09-95 - Designating a no-parking zone on Marchant Way at Pismo Ave. (adjacent to the Lake Park Pavilion) Traffic Committee Recommendation: Adopt Henry Engen provided the staff report and recommendation to approve. Councilman Johnson indicated that he would prefer to see the matter deferred until other alternatives for parking can be explored. He suggested that staff look at options for expanded parking at the existing parking lot and/or around the AARP building, or by creating additional parking at what is currently the Parks Division & Zoo storage yard. Brady Cherry noted that the service yard at the Zoo is needed for vehicle and equipment storage. Councilman Johnson asked whether or not staff had considered moving the service yard to another site. Brady Cherry commented that it is more efficient if staff have the equipment they need on site. Andy Takata noted that the Atascadero Zoo Master Plan has explored the issue of parking and recommends that the "bone yard" be removed. Councilman Luna agreed that additional study was warranted and emphasized that people need to be able to walk safely around the Lake. Lengthy discussion ensued. CC 02/14/95 Page 4 Public Comments: Carl Lownes, 9550 Marchant Way, spoke in favor of the resolution and asserted that consideration for parking should have been made before the Pavilion was completed. He suggested that City storage areas by the Zoo be moved to another location to allow for additional parking. He noted that people find it more convenient to park on the street and expressed concern for pedestrian safety. Mr. Felli, 8320 Portola Road, also spoke in support of the resolution and voiced concern for the safety of those who like to walk around the Lake. ---End of Public Testimony--- MOTION: By Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Luna to send the matter back to staff to look at alternatives for additional parking; motion passed unanimously. MOTION: By Councilman Carden,seconded by Councilman Luna,to approve Resolution No. 09-95; motion passed 5.0 by roll call. 4. PUBLIC NOTICING METHODS AND REPORT OF ASSOCIATED COSTS Recommendation: Discuss and provide staff direction Brad Whitty provided an overview public noticing related costs and explained that the City is reimbursed by the State for only six percent (6%) of the total annual costs. The City Clerk summarized present noticing methods and highlighted suggestions for improving the process. Discussion and individual recommendations followed. Councilman Johnson proposed that a brochure be made available to members of the public informing them of the local legislative process. Mayor Bewley encouraged citizens to take some responsibility in finding out what is before the City Council. Councilman Luna indicated that if the City elects to subscribe to SLONET (regional information access via telecommunications), as is being recommended by staff), the agenda could then become available to the public by computer at the Library. Councilman Carden recommended that staff individually notify members of the public who have petitioned the City, by way of application, whenever the matter is placed on either the Planning Commission or City Council agenda. Brief discussion ensued regarding a recent City Council meeting at which an applicant for a General Plan Amendment was not formally notified that the matter would be on the City Council agenda. Henry Engen reported that the Planning Commission is presently looking at the General Plan Amendment process and is considering CC 02/14/95 Page 5 eliminating preliminary Planning Commission/City Council review before the matter goes to public hearing. Public Comments: Rush Kolemaine commented that the property notice format needs improvement and suggested that the City pursue a public information channel access to cable, which Falcon Cable TV is federally required to provide. Councilman Johnson noted that the City is already looking at this. Lon Allan, Atascadero News, suggested that staff alert the newspaper by sending news releases via fax machine. Lindsay Hampton, 8205 Alta Vista, suggested that better placed and larger notices in the newspaper would help attract reader attention. Eric Greening commented that computer access at the Library should not replace the "hard" or paper copy of the agenda. ---End of Public Testimony--- Councilman Luna spoke in support of three worthy, inexpensive suggestions to improving the process (SLONET, Falcon TV-Channel 6 and improved news releases). He also pointed out that the public can request an agenda via fax by calling the Clerk's Office. Councilman Johnson recommended that staff get the word out about where agenda packets are available. Councilman Carden reiterated the need to notify individuals who are affected and encouraged staff to take extra effort. Councilman Luna asked that staff add who is making the recommendation on the agenda face sheet (.e., staff, Planning Commission, Traffic Committee, etc.). Andy Takata reported that staff is in the process of creating an administrative policy relating to noticing process. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc orstanding committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority - Councilman Carden reported on the meeting of February 8. Action taken, he stated, included the adoption of a general work plan, approval of a transit plan and authorization of a revised legislative agenda. He clarified that COG's decision relating to the Highway 41 realignment project was not to terminate the project, but rather to delay it for eighteen months. He asserted that the delay will cost the general public CC 02/14/95 Page 6 additional money, will expose the City to more time delays, affect the City's plan for economic development and tie up individuals who own land in the right-of-way. He proclaimed that regional authorization of local projects was taken out the hands of the locally elected officials who represent the public. 2. City/School Committee - Councilman Johnson reported that the committee had met and explored ways to save costs through joint economic efforts. 3. County Water Advisory Board/Nacimiento Water Purveyors Advisory Group - Councilman Highland reported that the County Water Advisory Board had met and continued discussions regarding the revised County Water Master Plan. 4. Economic Round Table - Councilman Johnson announced that the round table would meet on Wednesday, February 22 at 7:30 a.m. in the Club Room. 5. Finance Committee Councilman Luna reported that the committee had met on February 7th and 8th to discuss the Orange County Investment Pool situation, the audit, the City's Tax & Revenue Anticipation Notes and investment policy. 6. Highway 41 Realignment Community Advisory Committee -Henry Engen reported that the next meeting will be February 23, 1995. 7. Air Pollution Control District - Councilman Carden announced that the APCD will meet on February 24th in an open study session to examine expanded duties and responsibilities. He indicated that the district will meet regularly on the last Wednesday of every odd month. 8. Upper Salinas River Coordinated Resource Management & Planning Committee - Councilman Highland announced that the committee will meet on February 22, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. to review the Upper Salinas River Groundwater Management Program. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council By mutual consent, the City Council directed the City Manager to attend the California CC 02/14/95 Page 7 Transportation Commission meetings scheduled for February 22nd and 23rd in Sacramento. On the agenda will be the City's Transportation Enhancement Act grant application for Stadium Park and the Highway 41 realignment project. Councilman Johnson asked by what process the application for Long Valley Ranches II can be brought back for Council re-consideration. He noted that the matter had previously been before the City Council at which time a 2:2 split vote resulted in no action. The City Attorney and Community Development Director were asked to provide the City Council with a response. Mayor Bewley reported that the Mayor of San Luis Obispo has requested a joint meeting with the City Councils of both cities. Councilmembers Highland and Carden indicated that they had no desire to meet with San Luis Obispo because of recent events. Councilman Highland added that the only reason San Luis wants to meet with Atascadero is because they want North County water. Councilmembers Luna and Johnson indicated that they would be willing to meet with San Luis. Councilman Johnson commented that the City of EI Paso de Robles has also been asked to meet with San Luis and they are willing to do so. The Mayor indicated that he would be willing to meet, but added that the Atascadero Mutual Water Company should also be invited if the agenda should include discussions regarding water. By mutual agreement, it was decided that Mayor Bewley would meet with Mayor Settle of San Luis Obispo to discuss the agenda, ground rules and expectations for a joint meeting. The mayor will report back to the Council. Councilman Luna mentioned that there will be a reception for Senator Jack O'Connell at his new district office in San Luis Obispo on Friday, February 17th. 2. City Clerk Lee Price reported that Atascadero resident Jim Rodger has resigned from the Citizen Transportation Advisory Committee where he has served for eight years as the City's at-large delegate. The Clerk is currently soliciting interested citizens to apply. The City Clerk also reported that a Council sub-committee had met the previous day to interview five local teens who have applied to serve as the Youth Representative to the Parks & Recreation Commission. She indicated that a recommendation from the sub-committee would be coming forth on the February 28th Council agenda. 3. City Manager Andy Takata mentioned that staff would be coming back with a time line and report on implementation regarding recommendations made by the Development Review Ad CC 02/14/95 Page 8 Hoc Committee. The City Manager also announced that a "Youth in Government Day" is being coordinated by Brady Cherry and Community Services Department staff on Wednesday, March 29th. Details are forthcoming he said. In closing, the City Manager provided a summary of items on the next City Council agenda. F. CLOSED SESSION: At 9:52 p.m., the Mayor adjourned to Closed Session for purposes of- 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR: Negotiator: City Manager Employee Organizations: Service Employees International Union, Atascadero Police Officers Association, Atascadero Sergeants Service Organization, Atascadero Safety Technicians Organization, Mid-Management Bargaining Unit, and Management Bargaining Unit 2. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: Employee: Police Officer At approximately 10.30 p.m., Closed Session was adjourned. The City Attorney reported that no agreements had been reached and direction was given to the City Manager. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL WILL BE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD AT 7:00 P.M. FOR PURPOSES OF CONDUCTING A REVIEW OF THE CITY'S BUDGET AT MID-YEAR. (Note: Meeting was later postponed to Thursday, March 2nd at 7.00 p.m.) MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: LEE PRICE, City Clerk Attachment: Exhibit A (ARCC) CC 02/14/95 Page 9 Atascadero Recreation Center Committee ARCC P.O. box 2322 Atascadero Ca. 93423 February 13, 1995 4 Members of City Council: F A This is a progress report of the Atascadero Recreation Center Committee at the end of the term of current officers, many of whom are continuing in their positions. In addition to the Community Development Block Grant of $47,000.00 that was awarded to ARCC last year for seismic retrofit of the Youth Center, the fund raising efforts by ARCC to date has generated $22,000.00 from private contributions. We have several grant applications pending for both programming and Facility development as well as continuing to work hard raising private monies within the community. In keeping with our commitment to support the City of Atascadero as stated in ARTICLE I OF THE ARCUS BY LAWS...."The purpose of the Atascadero Recreation Center Committee Inc. (ARCC) is to develop a recreation center for the use of the citizens of Atascadero and to assist the City of Atascadero with funding and program development to assure the availability of the center for young people. ARCC shall provide funds and advice to assist the City of Atascadero with the development of necessary building(s) and recreation programs to offer the youth of Atascadero a positive peer environment." We have begun our part to assist the City of Atascadero in their efforts to provide a successful Youth Center, a motion was made at the ARCC board meeting of January 26, 1995 , by Jack Heninger. The motion stated as follows... gUpon receipt of a monthly budget from Atascadero Recreation Dept., which may include salary expense, up to $1,000.00 per month be made available on a reimbursement basis to the city of Atascadero for Teen activities from the month of March through December 1995. In the event that the Youth Center is not available such activities may be conducted at alternate locations." The motion was carried unanimously!!! By making $10,00.00 of ARCC's private contributions available for teen activities and events, the ARCC Board believes we are keeping fund raising in the forefront. The constant attention to and exposure of the Youth Center will only emphasize the importance of the Youth Center. The necessity of the seismic retrofit as well as facility development, will become even more evident and rally the community interest and involvement. As a community reminder: ARCC Board elections are in March. Anyone interested in serving on the Board should contact the nominations committee member Barbie Butz @ 461-1234 and leave a message. **The approval of this report was given by the ARCC Board members. Written by: Sheree Ricketts, Publicity Chair. Presented by: Susan Knowles, Treasurer.