HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 013195 - NC Summit Approved as Submitted 2/28/95 NORTH COUNTY SUMMIT CITIES OF EL PASO de ROBLES & ATASCADERO TEMPLETON COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT NORTH COUNTY SUPERVISORS TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1995 MINUTES Atascadero Mayor Bewley called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Paso Robles Mayor Macklin led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors: Present: Supervisor Ovitt (District #1) Absent: Supervisor Blakely (District #5) Templeton Community Services District: Present: Directors Engels and Gannon, Vice-President Thompson Absent: Director Bergman and President Beere City of EI Paso de Robles: Present: Councilmembers Picanso, Martin, Iversen, Mayor ProTem Heggarty and Mayor Macklin Absent: None City of Atascadero: Present: Councilmembers Carden, Johnson, Luna, Mayor ProTem Highland and Mayor Bewley Absent: None North County Summit 01/31/95 Page 1 COMMUNITY FORUM: Eric Greening, Atascadero resident, announced that there would be an informational meeting regarding Upper Salinas River watershed on Thursday, February 2, 1995 at 6:00 p.m. in the Paso Robles School District Office located at 800 Niblick Road in Paso Robles. State Water Resources Control Board representatives will be present, he reported. Michael Kovacs, resident of unincorporated North County, encouraged continuation of the North County Summit, requested more representation for residents in the unincorporated areas of the North County and recommended the adoption of an action plan for 1995. He suggested that the Board of Supervisors consider acquiring an electronic bulletin board to illustrate how they are voting on issues and complained about recent action to increase supervisor salaries. George Schroff of Atascadero proposed that the Carlton Hotel (in downtown Atascadero) be used as a detention home for low risk, low custody juveniles. Dale Gomer, Paso Robles Waste Disposal Company, addressed recent County imposed restrictions on the amount of waste may be dumped at the Paso Robles landfill. Supervisor Ovitt clarified that the cease and desist order had been issued by the County Health Department acting on behalf of the State. He noted that communications are on-going and resolution is expected soon. 1. STEERING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: A. Join resolution establishing the North County Council and approving organizational by-laws Councilmembers Highland and Martin proposed amendments to the draft resolution and by-laws. MOTION: By Councilmember Martin, seconded by Councilmember Heggarty to adopt, by resolution, the recommendations of the Steering Committee, as amended. Public testimony and discussion ensued. (see vote, page 3). Public Comments: Rush Kolemaine, Atascadero resident, suggested a minor change to the draft resolution. North County Summit 01/31/95 Page 2 Doug Lewis, Atascadero resident, asked if establishing the North County Council requires LAFCO approval. Supervisor Ovitt responded that no LAFCO approval is necessary because a district is not being formed. He clarified that the North County Council will be an advisory group for the area it represents. Mr. Lewis asked if the Council would be a lobbying organization. Mayor Bewley indicated that it would be advisory in nature. Pat Mackie, Paso Robles resident, commented that he supports the formation of the North County Council and recommended some minor revisions to the language of the draft resolution and by-laws. Joe Kelly, Rancho Asuncion, asked what criteria is being used for selection and appointment of supervisor delegates. Rush Kolemaine suggested that the highest ridge line of the Santa Lucia Mountains serve as boundary for the area proposed for representation. Michael Kovacs proposed that goals be clearly defined and representation be equal. ---End of Public Testimony--- Vote on the motion: Motion to adopt the joint resolution, as amended, passed unanimously. B. Appointments to the North County Council Mayor Macklin announced that Councilmembers Martin and Heggarty would serve as representatives for the City of EI Paso de Robles. He added that he would serve as an alternate. Mayor Bewley announced that Councilmembers Luna and Highland will represent the City of Atascadero. Director Engels reported that the Board of Directors of the Templeton Community Services District will make their appointments at the regular board meeting on Tuesday, February 7, 1995. Supervisor Ovitt recommended that representatives from the following advisory groups be included in the North County Council: Shandon Advisory Group, San Miguel Advisory Group, North County Advisory Council and Templeton Advisory Group. He also recommended representation from the Nacimiento Regional Water North County Summit 01/31/95 Page 3 Management Advisory Committee (NRWMAC), either the Creston Farm Bureau or the Adelaide Farm Bureau and the Heritage Ranch Community Services District. Super- visor Ovitt indicated that specific names for each organization would be forwarded at an appropriate time. Supervisor Ovitt appointed Dick Montague, incoming Chairman of the San Luis Obispo County Cattlemen's Association as his voting delegate. He noted that Supervisor Blakely was out of town and has not yet made public his appointment. 2. GENERAL DISCUSSION FOR PURPOSES OF GUIDANCE A. North County Water Issues B. Economic Cooperation C. Salinas Area Plan Brief individual comments followed. Councilmember Johnson suggested a cooperative outreach effort to bring in business and proposed that the North County Council explore ways in which the North County can collectively address regional economic concerns. Supervisor Ovitt reported that the County has been diligent in creating countywide economic strategies. One of these strategies, he said, has been the development of an Economic Vitality Corporation with North County representation. He stated that the corporation is outside of government and has objectives and goals that include retention, recruitment and employment in the County. He noted that a complete target analysis has been put together as a tool for the Economic Vitality Corporation for establishing strategies and recommended that the North County Council invite the corporation to make a presentation to that body. Mayor Macklin proposed that the Cities of Atascadero and Paso Robles may desire to meet directly and discuss ways in which to share certain programs. Councilmember Picanso suggested that there may be opportunities for the pooling of financial resources together for mutual purchase of materials or equipment. Councilmember Picanso commented that he hopes that the North County Council will discuss the Salinas River Dam as well as Nacimiento water and effects of re-charging water basins. He also mentioned that there may be future concerns regarding monitoring of wells and said he would like to see significant water issues seriously addressed. Councilmember Martin concurred. Councilmember Martin pointed out that the North County has a unique set of geographic problems different from those of other areas in the County and suggested that the North County Council correlate emergency preparedness for all the North County Summit 01/31/95 Page 4 communities in the North County. Councilmember Highland reported that the Upper Salinas River Coordinated Resource Management & Planning Committee (CRMP) has completed a first draft of a plan relative to the Salinas River area. He remarked that he would like this group to be included in North County Council discussions regarding water. Public Comments: Doug Lewis of Atascadero suggested that the Atascadero Mutual Water Company be included in the North County Council. Chuck Pritchard, Las Tablas Resource Conservation District and the Upper Salinas River CRMP, provided more information regarding the meeting concerning water on February 2nd (see Eric Greening's comments, page 2). In addition, he explained that CRMP's purpose is a grass roots effort to make solid recommendations to State and Federal regulatory agencies. Eric Greening expressed strong support for a unified voice on water issues for the North County. Rush Kolemaine urged the North County Council to promote a cooperative effort for expanded visitor and tourist industry. Sid Bowen, Atascadero resident, stated that no single organization will manage better than a countywide one. Ken Weathers, General Manager for the Atascadero Mutual Water Company, reported that controversial issues, like Nacimiento water and the groundwater basin are currently being studied. He emphasized the importance of working together for common solutions to issues of mutual interest. Debbie Sullivan, North County Advisory Committee, encouraged citizen input any time a change in basic water use is being contemplated. Michael Kovacs complained that there had not been a staff report on economic development included in the agenda packet and demanded that this matter deserves attention. Councilmember Martin responded by explaining that the North County Council is just getting organized and has not yet developed a detailed plan. Priorities will be addressed within the parameters of available resources, he said, and added that without water---nothing will happen. Councilmember Martin asserted that the North County Summit 01/31/95 Page 5 first item of business for the North County Council should be the formation of a policy statement for the North County on water. Dawn Smugg, resident of the unincorporated County, asked who would bear the costs associated with the North County Council. Councilmember Highland reported that the two cities and the Templeton Community Services District will continue rotating responsibility for organizing the meetings, preparing agendas and minutes, etc. A break was called a 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:20 p.m. Public testimony continued. Nick Ferravanti, Citizens Rights Coalition, declared that there has not been a fair hearing at the County Planning Commission level on the Salinas River Area Plan and proclaimed that the plan will violate the economic future for the North County. Debbie Sullivan asserted that the Salinas River Area Plan gets worse every year and urged citizens to provide input and to lobby their representing supervisor. Chuck Pritchard stated that every agency on the state and federal level is looking at water and land resources. Soon, he speculated, these resources will dictate the means by which people do business. ---End of Public Testimony--- Closing comments followed. Councilmember Picanso indicated that he desires to see consideration of a countywide recreational master plan update. Councilmember Martin recommended that the executive committee (voting members) of the North County Council meet as soon as possible and establish water issues as the number one priority. Councilmember Johnson asked if there was a time issue relative to the Salinas River Area Plan. Supervisor Ovitt explained that the draft document will be coming before the County Planning Commission shortly and emphasized that this is where reaction is needed. MOTION: By Councilmember Martin, seconded by Mayor Bewley to adjourn to a meeting within the next thirty days of the executive committee of the North County Council to be hosted by the City of EI Paso de Robles; motion passed unanimously. North County Summit 01/31/95 Page 6 Note: The Paso Robles City Council, on motion duly made and seconded, adjourned to Thursday, February 2, 1995 at 6.00 p.m. MEET/NG ADJOURNED AT 9.40 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: LEE PRICE, City Clerk North County Summit 01/31/95 Page 7