HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 011095 Approved as Submitted Meeting Date: 02/14/95 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 10, 1995 MINUTES The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Councilperson Carden led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Carden, Highland, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Bewley Absent: None Also Present: Muriel "Micki" Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Price, City Clerk Staff Present: Andy Takata, City Manager; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Brady Cherry, Director of Community Services; Brad Whitty, Finance Director; Lt. John Barlow, Police Department; Steve Sylvester, City Engineer and John Neil, Assistant City Engineer ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Bewley announced that Item #C-2, Wil-Mar Disposal, Inc. request for contract extension, will be continued until the next regular meeting. Councilman Luna expressed concern for delays in addressing solid waste management issues and voiced disapproval that all matters are not yet before the Council for consideration at the same time. He asked staff to bring back all the information, including the countywide solid waste joint powers agreement (JPA), a JPA between the cities of Atascadero and Paso Robles, City liability in relation to possible closure of the Chicago Grade Landfill, etc. He displayed a fax memorandum from the Waste Management Board CC 01/10/95 Page 1 regarding violations of the Paso Robles Landfill and asserted that the Council needs to quickly make a decision about whether or not Atascadero will join in on the countywide JPA. Councilman Luna also remarked that discussions regarding an amicus brief filed by the County in relation to pending litigation between Chicago Grade, Paso Robles and Wil-Mar should have been held in an open forum rather than in Closed Session. Councilman Highland cautioned members of the Council against taking a stand in the lawsuit and commented that the Atascadero City Council has no authority to make a decision about where Wil-Mar Disposal takes it trash. Councilman Luna argued that the City is at risk and pointed out that it may be very costly should the City suffer liability and be held responsible for costs associated with landfill closure. He concluded that he would prefer to give some direction to staff on how to move on this issue and suggested that the City may have nothing to lose form joining the countywide JPA. Mayor Bewley noted that the City Attorney had requested that an item be added the Closed Session. Art Montandon explained that correspondence had been received from legal counsel to the owner of the Millhollin Mine and recommended that the matter of Santa Lucia Neighbors Association, Inc. v. City of Atascadero, et al. be added to the Closed Session. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Highland to put the matter on the Closed Session agenda; motion carried unanimously. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman Carden reported that applicants for a recent General Plan Amendment and zone change request were not notified in advance that the matter would be on the City Council agenda. Henry Engen reported that the General Plan Amendment intake process has been referred to the Planning Commission. Staff was attempting to come up with something friendly to the Brown Act and keep the applicant informed, he said. Mr. Engen explained that the City Council is initially given an opportunity to review applications prior to staff study and public hearings. The problem, he added, is that applicants often believe that a hearing is being conducted and a formal decision rendered when, in fact, it is preliminary and informational at that point. In the instance to which Councilman Carden was referring, Mr. Engen noted that the matter was agendized and noticed, however, because it was not a public hearing personal notice to the applicant and surrounding neighbors was not required. Councilman Johnson noted that related information packets prepared for City Council review by the applicants were not distributed and voiced distress about the oversight. CC 01/10/95 Page 2 Henry Engen explained that the information would have been distributed as part of the agenda material going to the Planning Commission and City Council when public hearings were scheduled. He sympathized with the applicant's concern because the application was rejected, because of environmental issues, and taken out of the cycle. Councilman Carden proposed a meeting of the cities of Atascadero and Paso Robles (separate from the North County Summit) to discuss issues directly related to the two cities. He suggested that topics for discussion might include combined efforts for reduction of costs for services like solid waste management, Dial-a-Ride and engineering services. In addition, he suggested that the two cities, as one urbanized area, may qualify for federal and state grants for mutual assistance in areas of transportation, housing, health and human services. Councilman Luna added that there has been a long-standing desire by both cities to purchase jointly a chipper and suggested that this matter could also be discussed. Councilman Carden asked staff to schedule a meeting. PRESENTATION: Mayor Bewley presented a plaque to Dennis Lochridge for six years of service on the City's Planning Commission. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: Andy Takata provided an update on flooding situations resulting from recent heavy rains. In addition, he expressed appreciation to staff from the Fire, Police and Community Services Departments for their hard work and efforts. COMMUNITY FORUM: Marcia Torgerson, 6200 Llano, read a prepared statement asking the City what action it will take on the Millhollin Mine (see Exhibit A). Lanny Dugar, 8300 Santa Rosa Road, encouraged the City Council to share some of the responsibility of the Orange County Investment crisis and not put all the blame on the City Treasurer. William Zimmerman, 6225 Lomitas, commented that the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (COG) is impacting all forms of transportation and warned that soon COG and the Air Pollution Control District (APCD) will be dictating how and when citizens can travel about for work and play. He suggested that the full Council study in-depth all agenda materials for COG, its subsidiaries and the APCD. In addition, he proposed that the Council hold regular study sessions and give official direction to the CC 01/10/95 Page 3 Council representative serving on the committees and consider making separate appointments to the APCD and COG. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, expressed concern about the safety of joining with Paso Robles in a JPA for solid waste management and encouraged the Council to look at all the inter-linked issues relating to the matter. He also announced that there would be an unmet transportation needs hearing in San Luis Obispo on Wednesday, January 11, 1995 and encouraged citizens to attend. Michael Kovacs, 1449 Mesa Road, proclaimed that the public is entitled to know what transpired in the Orange County Investment Pool situation and claimed that the City violated a principle rule of investment safety by placing "all its eggs in one basket". Gail Swazey, Santa Lucia Road resident, demanded to know if the members of the City Council had been to the Millhollin Mine to see the destruction that is taking place there. The City Attorney advised the Council not to respond to public questions at this time because of pending litigation. He added that questions should be asked through the Court proceedings. Ms. Swazey stated that, in her opinion, the destruction is horrible and the mine is creating a huge hole. Terril Graham, 6205 Conejo Road, remarked that the City Manager is running the city and stressed that it is he who is responsible for actions taken by the City. He said that people are dissatisfied with administration and how things are being governed. He criticized the public hearing notice process and agenda setting policies. He concluded by stating that Andy Takata is the best manager the City has had. Councilman Luna asked that the Finance Director come back with an accounting of costs for noticing public hearings and provide some suggestions for how to get better use of the monies expended. Mayor Bewley announced once more that the Wil-Mar Disposal contract extension request was being continued and that an item for Closed Session had been added. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - December 13, 1994 2. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - November, 1994 3. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS FOR MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1994 CC 01/10/95 Page 4 4. FINAL PARCEL MAP 94002, 5150 ATAJO ROAD - Subdivision of a 5.05 acre parcel into three parcels for single family residential use (Gearhart) 5. FINAL TRACT MAP 23-89, 11455 VIEJO CAMINO - 19-lot residential subdivision (Gearhart) Mayor Bewley pulled Item #1 at the request of the City Clerk. The matter was continued to January 24, 1995. MOTION: By Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve the Consent Calendar, Items #A-2 through 5; motion carried 5:0 by roll call vote. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 94-003, 8505 GRAVES CREEK RD. - Appeal of Planning Commission-imposed conditions of approval of proposed division of 6.11 acre parcel into two parcels (Lava Ilee/Wilson Land Surveys - cont'd from 12/13/94) Steve DeCamp provided the background and staff report. Council questions followed regarding appealed Conditions of Approval. With regard to the proposed road maintenance agreement (Condition #16), Councilman Luna asked the City Attorney to provide a status report on establishing a mechanism for the collection of a traffic mitigation fees (AB1600). Art Montandon indicated that the process would take approximately five months to formulate and added that it would not be an option at this time for this project. Councilman Johnson indicated that he would prefer to see a subdivision improvement agreement similar to one approved in the recent past (Maxson/Portola Road). Public Comments: Ken Wilson, representing the applicant, spoke in support of the appeal and addressed points of concern. He responded to inquiry from Mayor Bewley regarding plans for driveway access. Additional Council questions to staff followed regarding Condition 7a. (road improvements). The City Attorney provided an overview of various financing methods and Steve DeCamp reported that there does not appear to be any additional subdivision opportunities at the current density levels. The City Engineer reported on engineering road improvement standards and pointed out a significant difference between this subdivision and the recently approved one on Portola Road. CC 01/10/95 Page 5 Public Comments: Rush Kolemaine, Potero Road resident, asked how the fifty foot creekway setback is measured. Steve DeCamp responded that a licensed land surveyor can provide that information. Sid Bowen, 5550 Cascabel, commented that Graves Creek Road is not in good condition and money spent to widen a'short strip of the road would be wasted. He stated that he was opposed to the Fire Marshal's arbitrary recommendation for a fire hydrant and remarked that additional driveways will not impact existing traffic. He also suggested that the open space easement be left to the property owners. ---End of Public Testimony--- Individual Council comments followed. Councilman Luna indicated support for all Conditions of Approval. He commented that he hoped the City would not miss the opportunities it has to get the funds to improve the roads and indicated he would have no quarrel with approving a deferred improvement agreement, provided the work is actually done at some point. He added that he would like to see the City Attorney move forward with a mechanism for traffic mitigation, as previously discussed. Councilman Carden remarked that he disagreed with Conditions #18 (open space easement) and #16 (road maintenance agreement) emphasizing that he was opposed to common access. Councilman Highland argued that a road maintenance agreement would be, in the case of common access, necessary to establish indeed who's responsible for maintenance. Councilman Johnson spoke in favor of revising Condition #7a (road improvements) and suggested that deferring the improvement makes more sense than creating a "bubble" in the road. In addition, he suggested that fire sprinklers be permitted as a substitute for a fire hydrant and proposed that language referring to Fire Marshal discretion be stricken (Condition #14) . Councilman Johnson also commented that forcing a common entry does not make sense and argued that one additional driveway would not create much impact and further suggested that Conditions #15 (access denial) and #16 (road maintenance agreement) be dropped all together. In closing, Councilman Johnson voiced concern for the taking of property rights by imposing Condition #18 (open space easement). Mayor Bewley agreed that road improvements as proposed would create a "bubble" effect and indicated he would prefer to see an in-lieu funding mechanism for deferred improvement. He stated that two driveways would not create a hardship and proposed that a fire hydrant may not be needed if fire sprinklers are deemed CC 01/10/95 Page 6 appropriate. Councilman Highland stated that he approved of the language set forth in Condition (#14) and pointed out that fire sprinklers are designed to protect buildings, while fire hydrants are intended to protect buildings and the surrounding areas. He also spoke in favor of developing an in-lieu fee arrangement for deferred road improvements. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Highland to deny the appeal with the exception of instructing the City Attorney to come up with an in-lieu fee arrangement; motion failed 2:3 (Carden, Johnson and Bewley opposed)• MOTION: By Councilman Johnson to direct the City Attorney to establish an in-lieu fee arrangement, strike the discretion of the Fire Marshal [in Condition #141 and drop Conditions #15 & 16; motion died for lack of a second. MOTION: By Councilman Carden to approve the appeal request and charge the City Attorney with a program to collect fees [for] the future; motion died for lack of a second. MOTION: By Mayor Bewley, seconded by Councilman Johnson to [create] an in-lieu fund for the road widening and approve appeal of Conditions #15 & 16. Discussion/Motion clarified: Councilman Highland recommended that the motion be clarified to approve (and therefore deny the request to appeal) Condition #7a (road improvements) with exception [in-lieu fee for deferred improvement], deny appeal of Condition #14 (fire hydrant), Condition #15 (access denial) be allowed and Condition #16 stricken (now moot). Mayor Bewley indicated that Councilman Highland's clarification of his motion was accurate. Councilman Luna asked staff it there were any other flag lots being served by two different accesses. Steve DeCamp indicated that there were many. Councilman Carden requested the Mayor to amend his motion by authorizing the appeal of Condition #18. Mayor Bewley rejected the amendment. Vote on the motion: Motion, as clarified, approved 5:0 by roll call vote. CC 01/10/95 Page 7 C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. AD HOC DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE - Consideration of committee report (8/23/94 Council meeting) Henry Engen provided the background and introduced Bob Fisher, Ad Hoc Development Committee Chairman, presented committee recommendations. Individual Council comments followed. Councilman Johnson commented that he would like to see community input before implementation. Councilman Luna noted that many of the recommendations are already being implemented by staff and stated that it may be best to step back and let staff proceed, rather than attend additional meetings of the ad hoc committee. He also suggested that if the committee is to stay in place, its mission should be to come back in six or twelve months. Councilman Luna cautioned that he did not support those recommendations with an unknown dollar amount attached to it. Councilman Carden indicated that the committee had taken a major step in the right direction. He added that he would, however, like to see recommendations regarding "nuisance" permits and suggested that it may be more suitable to take the City out of some processes and hold licensed engineers and contractors in the state accountable for their work and/or products. Councilman Highland commented that he was impressed with the committee's report. He proposed that staff be instructed to come back with a status report on what is already being implemented and what costs are estimated to be associated with various recommendations. Councilman Carden suggested looking into setting up a group of outside planners or consultants (like plan checkers, etc.) for citizens to contract with. He said that this would allow for expanded services and individual attention without increasing costs to the City. Mayor Bewley pointed out that some recommendations may not yet be affordable but should, nevertheless, be considered as goals for a time when the City is able to fund them. He concurred with Councilman Highland's recommendation and spoke in support of additional in-depth Council study of the report. He also emphasized that the intent of continuing the ad hoc committee is to proceed with evaluating the recommendations and pursuing new ideas. Public Comments: CC 01/10/95 Page 8 Rush Kolemaine spoke favorably of the committee's efforts and encouraged the City Council to allow the committee to continue. Sid Bowen commended the City for moving in the right direction to simplify the building process and suggested that permits be required only for safety issues. ---End of Public Testimony--- Councilman Luna asked if a water heater could be installed without a permit. Henry Engen noted that because of possible earthquake damage, a water heater must be strapped to the wall and added that the permit fee is $35.00. Art Montandon advised that the City adopts the State Uniform Building Code and indicated that the City does not have discretionary authority when it comes to permit requirements. Councilman Johnson expressed appreciation to the committee and to staff. There was consensus to bring the matter back for further study and discussion. At 9:22 p.m., the Mayor called a recess. The meeting reconvened at 9:37 p.m. 2. WIL-MAR DISPOSAL - Consideration of three-year contract extension request This matter was continued to January 24, 1995. 3. LITTLE LEAGUE REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A CONCESSION STAND/BATTING CAGES/HOME RUN FENCE AT PALOMA CREEK PARK Brady Cherry provided the staff report and recommendation to approve the ballfield area improvements proposed by Atascadero Little League at Paloma Creek Park. In addition, he recommended that the City Council authorize a revision to the building permit to allow Little League to construct a temporary prefab concession stand and summarized three related alternatives. He explained that Little League would, however, still need to get County approval for the building permit alteration. In conclusion, Mr. Cherry reported that a previous City Council had pledged funding support in the amount of $9,600 for the construction of the original building. He noted that the funds were not set aside and suggested that the Council discuss this issue. City Council questions and comments followed. Councilman Highland commented that he preferred Alternative #3 and was in favor of re-affirming the monetary commitment of the previous Council. He added that it had been predicated on the permanent building and pointed out that it would not be an immediate budget expenditure. Councilman Luna proposed that monies be set aside in an account that CC 01/10/95 Page 9 would be prorated over the next seven years and adjusted by the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Councilman Johnson voiced approval. Public Comments: Steve Dummit, Vice President of the Atascadero Little League, spoke in support of their request. He suggested that a painted metal building structure would be easier less expensive to construct. Councilman Luna inquired if estimates had been obtained. Mr. Dummit indicated that they had and a savings of approximately $1 ,500 could be achieved by going with a metal building option. George Beatie, Chairman of the Parks & Recreation Commission, explained that T1-11 siding had been recommended by the Commission primarily because it would match the existing buildings. He indicated that he could support a metal building if it was painted to blend and fit in with the concept of the park. Steve Dummit, responding to inquiry from Councilman Luna, noted that Little League season starts in March and construction would begin late spring. He also suggested that maintenance would be much easier with a metal building and added that brochures could be made available. ---End of Public Testimony--- Brief Council discussion ensued. Councilman Luna proposed that the matter of the building construction be referred back to the Parks & Recreation Commission. MOTION: By Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Luna to accept [Request #31 Alternative #1 with a proviso that the building be referred back to the Parks & Recreation Commission for approval. Discussion on the motion: Councilman Highland indicated he wanted assurance that the structure would be temporary and replaced within seven years. He proposed that Alternative #3 would be a better solution and suggested that reference to T1-11 siding be deleted. Andy Takata advised the Council to refer approval of building materials to the Parks & Recreation Commission. Amendment & Vote: The motion maker and second agreed to amend the motion to read: To accept [Request #31 Alternative #3 with the proviso that the building be referred back to the Parks & Recreation Commission for approval. Motion passed 5:0 by roH caii vote. CC 01/10/95 Page 10 MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve [Requests] #1 and #2, and in addition make a commitment to the $9,600 to be prorated to the CPI; motion passed 5.0 by roll call vote. 4. COMMITTEES & COMMISSIONS A. Procedures for selecting committee, commission & board members The City Clerk provided an overview of the staff report and recommendations. Brief Council questions followed. Councilman Carden inquired whether or not it was legal to maintain an application pool and not advertise when there is an unexpected vacancy. Art Montandon advised that there is a legal requirement that every year the City Clerk advertise the terms that will expire and the names of those people holding positions. The City Clerk added that the City does meet the "Maddy Act" requirement as explained by the City Attorney and suggested that applications be accepted year-round to supplement the application "pool". Public Comments: Rush Kolemaine indicated that he was in support of the recommendation to implement an application pool but voiced some opposition to the selection provision (Section 4(c)). William Zimmerman commented that he also had some concerns about the selection process. ---End of Public Testimony--- General Council comments followed in support of the recommendations. Councilman Luna suggested that candidates for the Planning Commission be given a packet to include a job description, an explanation of the General Plan and its' role in land use planning, a summary of the "Brown Act" and other information that will educate citizens and potential commissioners. Councilman Carden debated that individuals should, on their own, familiarize themselves with the General Plan to avoid possible pre-conceived ideas about the document. Councilman Johnson suggested that applications be held active in the application pool for six months instead of one year. There was consensus to amend Resolution No. 02-95 by substituting "six months" for "one year" relative to the length of time the CC 01/10/95 Page 11 application pool remains active. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Johnson to adopt Resolution No. 02-95 as amended; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. B. Ordinance No. 282 - Amending Parks & Recreation Commissioner terms (cont'd from 11/8/94) (Recommend (1) motion to waive reading in full and read by title only, and (2) motion to introduce on first reading by title only) Brady Cherry provided the staff report and recommendation. There were no comments from the Council or public. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Highland to waive the reading in full and read Ordinance No. 282 by title only; motion carried unanimously. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Highland to introduce Ordinance No. 282 on first reading; motion carried unanimously. C. Planning Commissioner recruitment - Direction for replacing Dennis Lochridge The City Clerk provided the staff report. Brief discussion ensued. The City Council directed the City Clerk to contact the applicants that were interviewed on August 30, 1994, but who were not selected, and ascertain continued interest in serving on the Planning Commission. if six or more applicants are still interested, the Council agreed to make an appointment, by simple motion, from one of those candidates at the next meeting. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments (COG)/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) - Councilman Carden noted that COG would meet the following day, Wednesday, January 11 , 1995. 2. County Water Advisory Board/Nacimiento Water Purveyors Advisory Group - Councilman Highland reported that the Water Board had met on January 4, 1995 to review the five-year update of the County Water CC 01/10/95 Page 12 Master Plan and a groundwater management report. 3. Air Pollution Control District (APCD) - Councilman Carden reported that the APCD would be meeting on January 18, 1995. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council Councilman Highland noted that it was the City of Atascadero's responsibility to host the next North County Summit meeting and asked staff to report on what arrange- ments have been made to schedule it. Andy Takata requested members of the Council to inform staff of available dates and reported that the only item presently set for action is the ratification of the steering committee's recommendations regarding formation of the North County Council. Councilman Carden noted that he would be on vacation March 21 st. 2. City Clerk Lee Price reported that a recruitment had been held to solicit interest from local teens who would like to serve as the Youth Representative on the Parks & Recreation Commission. Six applications had been received, she reported, and explained that the selection procedure for youth representatives calls for a sub-committee of the Council to be appointed by the Mayor. Mayor Bewley asked members of the Council to let him know who would be willing to serve. Appointments to the sub-committee will follow on January 24, 1995. 3. City Treasurer Micki Korba reported that the City's investment policy adopted annually over the past four years was based on exemplary policies and guidelines provided by the California Municipal Treasurer's Association and the National Municipal Treasurer's Association, as well many other city policies. She added that the policy was tailored to fit the needs of Atascadero and reported that the Finance Committee will be meeting soon to review the policy. In closing, the City Treasurer commented that because the City is not planning on depositing any more monies into the Orange County Investment Pool, the matter of approving a revised investment policy is not urgent. 4. City Manager CC 01/10/95 Page 13 Andy Takata announced that grant funding for acquisition of Stadium Park has been recommended for approval by the local Caltrans staff and by staff at the California Transportation Commission (CTC). Henry Engen reported that transportation enhancement program funding will be heard by the CTC February 22-23 in Sacramento. The City Manager presented an overview of agenda matters set for the next regular meeting. Councilman Carden asked the Manager when the Council could expect to address service levels. Andy Takata reported that staff is intending to bring the matter to the Council during the mid-year budget review (late February). The Mayor adjourned to Closed Session at 10:47 p.m. F. CLOSED SESSION: 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR: Negotiator: City Manager Employee Organizations: Service Employees International Union, Atascadero Police Officers Association, Atascadero Sergeants Service Organization, Atascadero Safety Technicians Organization,Mid-Management Bargaining Unit, and Management Bargaining Unit 2. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: Employee: Police Officer 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION CASE: Santa Lucia Neighbors Association, Inc. v. City of Atascadero Closed Session was adjourned at approximately 11 :05 p.m. The City Attorney noted that Items #1 and #2 had been taken off the Closed Session agenda and not discussed. Regarding Item #3, it was reported that the City Council agreed to extend the Interim Operations Agreement regarding the Millhollin Mine for an additional two weeks. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL WILL BE TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1995 AT 7:00 P.M. CC 01/10/95 Page 14 MINUTE RECORDED-AND PREPARED BY: LEE PRICE, City Clerk Attachment: . Exhibit A (Torgerson) CC 01/10/95 Page 15 MARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSON 6200 Llano Road Atascadero, CA 93422 466-7980 January 10, 1995 cc 01/10/95 EXHIBIT "A" Mr. Mayor and Councilmen: I would like to request that you update the public regarding the Interim Operations Agreement that was effective September 30, 1994 and signed by the City of Atascadero, the County of San Luis Obispo and Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Millhollin on October 10, 1994. On page 3 of the agreement, it states that the owners of the Millhollin Mine agree to submit an application for an amended reclamation plan for the quarry and/or other development application. The agreement goes on to state that said application shall be submitted to, and accepted as complete by, the City within 90 days of the effective date of the agreement. The 90 day time limit was December 30, 1994. The Millhollin's did submit a development application on December 2, 1994. However, according to your Planning Department's written response to their application, dated December 21, 1994, the application is incomplete. The Planning Department listed no less than 10 reasons for their conclusion. Also, the City's Engineering Department also has a long list of reasons why the application is incomplete. Therefore, as of December 31 , 1994, the agreement has been violated by the Millhollins. As each day passes, with the City doing nothing, the mine continues to operate in violation of the Interim Operations Agreement. The agreement states that the City will initiate enforcement action if there is a breach of this agreement. Well, there has been a breach of the agreement and the public has a right to know what the City is going to do about this. I was told, by the City Attorney, before the signing of this document that the beauty of this agreement was that we finally had a signature of the parties on an agreement saying they would submit a complete application by a certain date. That had been the problem for the past year and a half. The City would give a time limit for submitting an application and the Applicant would repeatedly submit,incomplete applications. The City Attorney assured me that the City would enforce a violation of a signed agreement. Why hasn't the City taken action as of December 31, 1994? 1s the City going to initiate civil enforcement action against the Millhollins? If not, will you be in violation of your Lead Agency responsibilities? Are you aware of the possible consequences that can be imposed on the City by the State Department of Mining as a result of neglecting your Lead Agency responsibilities under SMARA? (2) You seem to be so worried of being sued by the mine owner that you have lost sight of your obligations to your citizens. Instead of doing what is right, you are busy scrambling to avoid possible litigation. Again, I repeat, the public has a right to know what the City is going to do about the violation of this agreement. Sincerely, Marcia McClure Torgerson /m