HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 121394 " PUBLIC REVIEW COPY evemn do not remove frm couate-r AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6500 PALMA AVENUE, 4TH FLOOR ROTUNDA ROOM Tuesday, December 13, 1994 7:00 P.M. This agenda is prepared and posted pursuant to the requirements of Govemment Code Section 54954.2. By listing a topic on this agenda, the City Counc#has expressed its intent to discuss and act on each item, In addition to any action identified in the brief general description of each item, the action that may be taken shah include: A referral to staff with specific requests for information; continuance; specifwc direction to staff conceming the policy ormission of the item;discontinuance of consideration;authorization to enter into negotiations and execute agreements pertaining to the item, adoption or approval;and, disapproval. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk (Room 2081 and in the Information Office lRoom 103), available for public inspection during City Hall business hours. The City Clerk wX answer any questions regarding the agenda. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to lease contact the City b this City,p offered y participate in a City meeting or other services Y . , Manager's Office 118051451-5010)or the City Clerk's Office ((805)451-5074). Notifica- tion at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:* PLEASE SEE BACK PAGE CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS CQMMUNITY FORUM: Please see "Rules of PubEc ParticiPRtron" (Back P89e1 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: f } All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine, and l will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion on these items: A member of the Council or public may; by request, have any item removed from the Consent Calendar, which shall then be reviewed and acted upon separately after the adoption of the Consent Calendar: 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - November 8, 1994 .2. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - November 29, 1994 3. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1994 4. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 07-91, 9210 ATASCADERO AVE. - Acceptance of final parcel map to divide an existing parcel of approximately one acre into two parcels, each having a net area of approximately 21,500 sq. ft. (Plotkin) 5. RESOLUTION NO. 119-94 - Authorizing the extension of a lease with the SLO County Genealogical Society for a library in the City Administration Building 6. RESOLUTION NO. 120-94 - Approving application for grant funds under the used oil recycling block grant program B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT - Presentation by Greg Koert of Draft General Plan Element and recommendation of the Economic Round Table to refer the draft plan to the Planning Commission for hearing 2. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 94-003, 8505 GRAVES CREEK RD. - Appeal of Planning Commission-imposed Conditions of Approval on proposed division of 6.0-acre parcel into two lots of approximately 3.0 acres each (Lavallee/Wilson) C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. DISCUSSION ON ORANGE COUNTY FUND: A. Resolution No. 121-94 - Authorizing and directing City staff to request a property tax advance from the County of San Luis Obispo for the second half of the 1994-95 fiscal year B. Resolution No. 122-94 -Authorizing and directing City staff to obtain a line of credit from a financial institution to meet the short-term cash flow needs of the City 2 2. SAN GABRIEL BOOSTER STATION - Consideration of request by the Atasca- dero Mutual Water Co. to conceptually approve future alignment of San Marcos Rd. across City property 3. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT REQUESTS-Consideration of Planning Commis lion's recommendation regarding initiation of hearings to consider applications to amend the General Plan 4'. ORDINANCE NO. 280 - Amending Title 8 Building Regulations Chapter 12 on unreinforced masonry buildings to amend time limits for compliance and related matters , (Recommend motion to adopt one� cond reading by title only) D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.'.0. Regional Transit Authority 2. City/School Committee 3. County Water Advisory Board/Nacimiento Water Purveyors Advisory Group 4. Economic Round Table 5. Finance Committee 6. Highway 41 Realignment Community Advisory Committee E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1 . City Council 2. City Attorney " 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager ova F. CLQSED SESSION: , ��-+ easons 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR: Gree'G ng Cs' Negotiator: City Manager ..J Employee Organizations: Service Employees International Union, Atascadero Police Officers Association, Atascadero Sergeants Service Organization, Atascadero Safety Technicians Organization,Mid-Management Bargaining Unit, and Management Bargaining Unit 2. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: Employee: Police Officer 3