HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 110894C Approved as Submitted Meeting Date: 12/13/94 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 8, 1994 MINUTES The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilperson Luna led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Carden, Highland, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Bewley Absent: None Also Present: Muriel "Micki" Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Price, City Clerk Staff Present: Andy Takata, City Manager; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Brady Cherry, Director of Community Services; Brad Whitty, Finance Director; Mike McCain, Fire Chief; Bud McHale, Police Chief and John Neil, Assistant City Engineer COMMUNITY FORUM: Atascadero resident Russ Wright asserted that he was angry about recent vandalism at City Hall and in the Sunken Gardens. He pointed out that City staff, citizens and tourists are being accosted by juveniles and mentioned that the bus stop on East Mall has become a gang hang-out. He proclaimed that it is time to take back City Hall and the downtown and urged the Council to direct the City Manager to instruct the Police Chief to aggressively address the problem. The Council directed staff to provide a status report to date on vandalism to City buildings and come back with a strategy for managing the problem. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, also shared concern for vandalism. He emphasized that the problem is not that there are juveniles in the vicinity, but rather the behavior of some particular juveniles. He asked whether or not staff has studied the details of a recently passed federal crime bill to determine if the City may be eligible for funding to strengthen the Police Department. Andy Takata responded affirmatively and CC 11/08/94 Page 1 reported that the City will be submitting an application for grant monies. Mr. Takata added that the Community Services Department has identified some of the kids responsible for damages and is looking at ways to involve the kids in community service projects as a form of positive re -direction. David Lowe, 6500 Alcantara, announced that Boy Scouts from Troop 155 were present in the audience to observe. He noted that there are positive solutions out there to the problem and pointed out that many scouts are working constructively in the community. Livia Kellerman, 5463 Honda, inquired as to whether or not the pay phone formerly located outside City Hall will be put back. She explained that public phones are needed especially for citizens who, like her husband, use public transportation. Andy Takata reported that the City will be installing credit card phones in the building and pointed out that there is a public pay phone located outside at the junior high school. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - October 27, 1994 2. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - September, 1994 3. RESOLUTION NO. 114-94 - Qualifying the Santa Lucia Bridge for the Federal Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation (HBRR) Program 4. RESOLUTION NO. 116-94 - Authorizing extension of existing cooperative agreement regarding the use of mortgage credit certificates in the City of Atascadero and authorizing application for additional MCC authority 5. RESOLUTION NO. 115-94 - Award a contract to Miller Drilling Co. for the construction of the reclaimed water extraction well project, Phase I (Bid #94- 06) 6. CONFIRM CHANGE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE - Reschedule Regular City Council meeting of Tuesday 11 /22 to Tuesday 11 /29 due to Thanksgiving holiday Councilman Johnson pulled Item #A-1 for minor correction. Marcia Torgerson pulled Item #A-3 for comments. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Highland to approve Consent Calendar Items #A-2, 4, 5 & 6; motion carried 5:0. CC 11/08/94 Page 2 Re: #1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - October 27, 1994 Councilman Johnson asked that the Clerk substitute the word "preferred" for "safe" on page 9 (City/School Committee Report re: "routes to school"). MOTION: By Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve Item #A-1 of the Consent Calendar; motion carried unanimously. Re: #3. RESOLUTION NO. 114-94 - Qualifying the Santa Lucia Bridge for the Federal Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation (HBRR) Program Public Comments: Marcia Torgerson, 6200, Llano Road, read a prepared statement in opposition to proposed the bridge replacement (see Exhibit A). Karen Oakes, 6705 Llano Road, also spoke in opposition (see Exhibit B). ---End of Public Testimony --- Councilman Luna asked staff to provide background. Henry Engen explained that considerable public testimony has been received regarding the safety of the bridge. He added that this proposal represents response to the neighborhood concern. John Neil, Assistant City Engineer, reported that the bridge replacement has been in the replacement program for years because of inadequate width and funding is now available. He remarked that staff would have to explore further the option of widening the bridge rather than replacing it. Chief McHale reported that there have been a few head-on collisions at the bridge because of the narrowness of the bridge. Councilman Luna suggested that the City attempt to collect its' 20% share of costs from the Millhollin mine operations. John Neil noted that the City may be able to negotiate this contribution as part of a new operations agreement. Councilman Carden commented that the bridge replacement is included in the Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan and the Circulation Element. He pointed out that the bridge has been an issue of concern at recent public hearings regarding the proposed Long Valley Ranches II (which was not approved) and most recently regarding 3-F Meadows expansion. Agreeing with Councilman Luna, he stated that he would like to look to the Millhollin Mine to provide some funds for replacement of the bridge. Art Montandon advised that the City can attempt to exact some conditions of approval which would require some participation as part of approving a revised reclamation plan for the mine. He noted that staff can also look at the Subdivision Map Act funding mechanism whereby the City could charge back to certain subdivisions that use the bridge the cost of improving it over time. Councilman Luna CC 11 /08/94 Page 3 indicated that he would like to see something like this done. Councilman Johnson asked the City Attorney to comment upon safety and liability implications. Art Montandon explained that if the City has knowledge of an unsafe road condition or dangerous conditions on public property, it can in fact suffer some liability. He noted that by State standards the bridge is already deficient. MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve Resolution 114-94: motion carried unanimously by roll cal/ vote. MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Luna to request staff to come back with possibilities of alternate sources for financing the [City's] 20%; motion carried unanimously. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. ORDINANCE NO. 282 - Amending Ordinance No. 268, Section 2-13.03 of the Atascadero Municipal Code amending Parks & Recreation Commissioner terms (Recommend (1) motion to waive reading in full and read by title only, and (2) motion to introduce on first reading by title only) Brady Cherry provided the staff report and recommendation. Public Comments: George Beatie, Parks & Recreation Commissioner, noted that he agreed with the concept of the proposed ordinance. He suggested, however, that the Council continue the matter and study alternatives to advisory body recruitment and appointment procedures. He suggested that it may save the City some staff time and money to make appointments every other year instead of on an annual basis and proposed optional methods of appointment. ---End of Public Testimony --- Brief discussion followed. By mutual consent, the City Council continued the matter and directed staff to research alternative methods of recruiting and appointing advisory body members, including the Planning Commission, for Council consideration. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. GENERAL PLAN STUDY EIR - Consideration of proposed contract with SEDES to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (E1R) for a City -initiated General Plan Amendment and rezoning (Hendrix -Fredericks property) and possible extension of the Urban Services Line to include the remainder of the South Atascadero Specific Plan Area (cont'd from 10/27194) CC 11 /08194 Page 4 C E Henry Engen provided background and the staff report. David Foote, EIR consultant, was present. Mr. Engen provided a summary of the total acreage involved and the estimated costs. He noted that no funds had been budgeted for this project and advised that the City Council would need to direct an appropriation to cover the costs. Council questions followed regarding funding the proposal. Henry Engen clarified that estimated costs do not include staff time and explained that Community Development Department work program priorities will need amending, if the project is approved. Following inquiry from Councilman Luna, the City Attorney indicated he would explore the possibility of whether or not the City can re -coup from future development costs associated with the preparation of the EIR when there is not yet a specific project. City Treasurer Micki Korba indicated she agreed there is a need to entice business, but commented that given, the City's financial situation she did not support the present proposal. She urged the City Council to postpone making a decision until after the City's financial audit for 1993-94 has been received and reviewed. Councilman Carden pointed out that the last time this matter was discussed, the City Council requested that staff come back with a proposal for possible amendment to the sewer hook-up policy and asked staff if this issue was being addressed. Henry Engen confirmed that staff had received said direction and will prepare a draft revision to the mandatory hook-up requirement for future consideration. Councilman Carden inquired if an economic analysis is required as part of the EIR. Henry Engen replied that it is not required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and explained that the reason this type of study was included in the overall project is to determine what impact a commercial use would have on existing commercial uses, especially in the downtown. Discussion regarding the need for a project -specific EIR ensued. Henry Engen reported that an EIR would be required for any type of commercial development on the subject property because of traffic, drainage and change in intensity. He added that the General Plan demands an EIR when there are major changes proposed for the Urban Service Line (USL). Councilman Johnson asked the Finance Director to highlight the financial status of the City. Brad Whitty explained that the City is currently operating in the negative and without reserves because 87% of the City's projected revenue from property taxes has not yet been received. Public Comments: Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, urged the Council to listen to the City Treasurer's advice and wait. He remarked that the proposal looks sketchy and speculated that the EIR will not provide complete information without a project. CC 11/08/94 Page 5 Marj Mackey, 5504-A Tunitas, spoke in opposition to the EIR and voiced concern for the affect commercial development at the south end of town will have on the downtown. She suggested further that condominiums would be a more appropriate use for the Hendrix property. O.W. Smith, 11705 Atascadero Avenue., expressed displeasure and opposed re -zoning the Hendrix property. Carol DeHart, 4035 Lobos Avenue, demanded to know who owns the subject property and why the City is considering using taxpayers dollars to pay for the EIR. Virginia Powers, 7505 Carmelita Avenue, read a prepared statement in opposition (see Exhibit C). Dick Chafin, 8250 San Dimas Road, spoke in favor and urged approval. He stated that the City needs a larger sales tax base. Debbie Carter, 12500 Santa Lucia, spoke in support and also urged approval. Leo Korba, 10509 Santa Ana Road, cautioned the Council to consider other alternatives and wait for the consultant's final report (Economic Development Element/Assessment of Business Potential Study prepared by Palmer Koert aka "Palmer Koert report"). Don Hanauer, 5555 Vida, commented that the City cannot survive on residential tax base alone and suggested that the Council take advantage of the "Dove Creek" project proposed by long-time Atascadero resident, Rex Hendrix. Tom McNamara, Atascadero business owner, also spoke in support and pointed out that Atascadero loses sales tax revenue to other cities. Ken Marks, 973 Circle Oak Drive, said he supports the concept of expanding the USL because it will entice development that will bring the City needed revenue. George Beatie, 10025 EI Camino Real, commented that while he was generally in favor of expanding the commercial sector, he was concerned about the City's financial situation. Speaking as a member of the San Luis Obispo County Zoological Society, Mr. Beatie expressed concern about funding for the Zoo and suggested that the City Council postpone approving this expenditure. He added that the City needs to take care of the facilities and assets it already has. Doug Lewis, Tunitas Avenue resident, encouraged the City Council to wait before making a decision until it receives the Palmer Koert report. He then asked how much the City is paying for the report, Henry Engen noted that the fee was approximately $31,000, most of which comes from a State grant. He added that the final report has CC 11 /08/94 Page 6 been received, will soon be distributed and may be discussed at the City Council's first meeting in December. Marilyn Barclay, 3730 Ardilla, spoke in favor of the proposal and asked the Council to move forward. Rich Larson, Ardilla Road resident, also provided testimony in support. Paul Heiman, 10760 Colorado Road, cautioned the Council not to take a risk at this time and asserted that it is the property owner's role to pay for the EIR. James Patterson, 9312 North Santa Margarita Road, voiced concern about the amount of money and staff time this proposal will cost the City. He pointed out that the City would not realize any revenue for several years and questioned whether or not the proposal will solve the problems Atascadero now faces. Eric Michielssen, 5300 Aguila, spoke in support of the concept and urged the City Council to make the investment. Livia Kellerman, 5463 Honda, spoke in opposition to the proposal and suggested that revitalization of the downtown become a priority. At 8.50 p.m., Mayor Bewley called a recess. The meeting was reconvened at 9:02 p.m. The public hearing continued. Nancy Heiman, 10760 Colorado Road, encouraged Council to listen to the advice of the City Treasurer and urged the Council not to make a compulsive move. Resident Jerry Bond spoke in favor of extending the USL and stated that those who want to develop will to tie in to it and pay for it. He added that he was also in support of changing the zoning to commercial. Bob Powers, 7505 Carmelita Avenue, read a prepared statement in opposition (see Exhibit D). Dorothy McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista Road, read a prepared statement in opposition (see Exhibit E). Joan O'Keefe, 9985 Old Morro Road East, read a prepared statement in opposition (see Exhibit F). Vince Lavorgna, 9170 Santa Barbara Road, commented in favor of changing the zoning from residential to commercial. GC 11 /08194 Page 7 1 John McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista Road, read a prepared statement in opposition (see Exhibit G). Carol Ball, 7070 Marchant, spoke in favor of the proposal. Sid Bowen, 5550 Cascabel, also spoke in support. Ray Jansen, 6655 Country Club Drive, shared concern with the number of already vacant commercial buildings in the downtown. Richard Summers, 5340 Magnolia, spoke in favor of the proposal. Jean Young Behan, 4925 Verano, submitted a statement of opposition for the -record (see Exhibit H). ---End of Public Testimony --- City Council comments followed. Councilman Johnson commented that there is a need to revitalize the downtown, but emphasized that there is also the need to do more to enhance the economic vitality of the community. Councilman Highland stated that he could only support authorizing an EIR to extend the USL to Santa Barbara Road and specifically to the 62 -acres bounded by Santa Barbara Road, San Diego Road and Highway 101. He suggested that the economic analysis proposed be eliminated. Councilman Luna asserted that he was opposed to approving the proposed EIR because it is speculative and because there is not yet a site-specific project application. In addition, he shared concern about making a commitment of twenty- five to thirty thousand dollars when the City has not yet looked at other alternatives such as formulating a formal retention recruitment policy. Councilman Carden commented that one of the tools the City has, short of developing curtain areas itself, is to ensure that there is a proper amount of appropriately zoned property to provide continuance of atmosphere and services that citizens want. He argued that the City is already in a position where it cannot provide the services and cannot afford to delay further an opportunity to plan ahead. Mayor Bewley concurred with comments presented by Councilman Highland and proposed that the EIR be authorized, without conducting the economic analysis. He remarked that it could be done at a Later date when there is a specific project. CC 11/08/94 Page 8 u MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Johnson, to approve going ahead with the EIR for the rezone and extension of the USL around the Hendrix property less the economic analysis; motion carried 4: 1 by roll cal/ vote (Councilman Luna opposed). D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1. County Water Advisory Board/Nacimiento Water Purveyors Advisory Group - Councilman Highland reported that the Board had met, but there was nothing pertinent to report. ' E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council Councilman Luna requested that staff bring back, for Council consideration, options for implementing a funding mechanism to secure financial participation by subdivision owners and/or developers in the construction of public improvements. He reiterated support for seeking a share of costs from the Milihollin mine operation to provide improvements to the Santa Lucia bridge. 2. City Treasurer Micki Korba reported that she would be attending the Municipal Treasurer's Workshop in Pasadena the following day. 3. City Manager Andy Takata provided an overview of the next City Council agenda. The Mayor adjourned to Closed Session at 10.01 p.m. F. CLOSED SESSION: 1 . CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR: Negotiator: City Manager Employee Organizations: Service Employees International Union, Atascadero Police Officers Association, Atascadero Sergeants Service Organization, Atascadero Safety Technicians Organization, Mid -Management Bargaining Unit, and Management Bargaining Unit CC 11 /08/94 Page 9 2. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: Employee: Police Officer Closed Session was adjourned at 10:12 p.m. The City Attorney announced that the City Council had given further direction to staff relating to labor negotiations (Item # 1). In addition, he reported that the City Council had given direction to the Labor Negotiator and explained that no agreement had been approved (Item #2). THE NEXT MEETING OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL WILL BE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1994 AT 7:00 P.M. MINUTES REC07D AND PREPARED BY: LEE PRICE, City Clerk Attachments: Exhibit A - Torgerson, M. Exhibit B - Oakes, K. Exhibit C - Powers, V. Exhibit D - Powers, B. Exhibit E - McNeil, D. Exhibit F - O'Keefe, J. Exhibit G - McNeil, J. Exhibit H - Behan, J. CC 11 /08194 Page 10 �J CC 11/08/94 MARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSOWXHIBIT "A" 6200 Llano Road Page 1 Atascadero, CA 93422 466-7980 November 8, 1994 i Atascadero City Council Gentlemen: As most of you know, for the last 2 years I have attended a fair amount of city meetings on a regular basis. It has given me a good perspective on how this city operates. In regards to this bridge, I have been able to witness, first hand, the political maneuvers that have brought this issue to this point. I also realize that my comments tonight probably won't make much of a difference because once that political ball is rolling, it's practically impossible to stop. Nonetheless, I will make my comments for the record. I have been told that the Santa Lucia or Graves Creek Bridge was constructed in the early days of Atascadero. It's a great bridge! I would even dare to say that this bridge, if it were properly maintained, could even be considered a historical structure! Why don't we tear down the Carlton Hotel and City Hall too? They're old and in need of repairs too: This bridge is one of the many reasons myself and many of my neighbors in Paradise Valley moved out there. It gives Paradise Valley that "rural character" that is encouraged in the General Plan. So, why has the city pulled this bridge out of its place in the stack of capitol improvements and put it on the top of the stack? The representatives of the city that I have spoken to say it's because the neighbors in Paradise Valley feel it is too narrow and unsafe and they want is replaced. If you believe that, then the political ball I mentioned earlier has done its job. It has clouded the actual facts for the purpose of a chosen few. The facts are that actually almost everyone I have ever talked to who live out in Paradise Valley say they love this bridge and, if this bridge is structurally sound, don't want it replaced. Yes, we are concerned about safety, but much of the entire stretch of Santa Lucia Road is just as narrow as this bridge; which means that much of Santa Lucia Road is as unsafe as that bridge. To give you a comparison, remember the road improvements you recently voted on for Portola Road? Well, your same argument pertains here also. Why replace and widen a bridge on a road that is no wider than the original narrow bridge? Most of the neighbors would like to see some sort of traffic control such as better signs or something that would make people slow down when approaching the bridge so that they can properly evaluate the traffic and maneuver appropriately. A traffic consultant would probably have some good suggestions. CC 11/08/94 (2) EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 Another fact is that Cal Trans inspects this bridge every two years. At each inspection, Cal Trans has stated in their reports that this bridge is structurally sound and that it is able to sustain all legal loads. However, they have repeatedly recommended, over a period of several years, to the city specific work that is needed to keep the bridge in good condition. The reports explain that the exposed rebar needs to be sandblasted and covered with cement. Also, cracks, that according to each subsequent inspection report are getting larger, need to be patched. Has the city done any of those repairs, no. Why?, good question. If you say they can't afford it, then why can they afford to pay the 20% required to replace a bridge that is structurally sound? I'm sure the minor repairs would be much less expensive. And besides, don't forget, the 80% that Cal Trans will pay for the replacement of this bridge is also coming out of all of our pockets! Unless you plan on widening all of Santa Lucia Road, why widen a small portion, such as this bridge? Why not just do the repairs that Cal Trans has suggested and have Cal Trans pay for 80°x, of a prefab foot bridge that you could place adjacent to this bridge? The bridge would be sound and repaired and the pedestrian problem would be solved. This solution would ensure safety to pedestrians crossing the bridge and save Cal Trans and the city a lot of money. This would be a solution that benefits the neighborhood and all taxpayers in Atascadero. Please don't spend money the city doesn't have to replace a bridge that only needs to be repaired and a pedestrian bridge added. Some day, when Santa Lucia Road is widened, the bridge can be replaced then, when it makes sense to do so. Sincerely, Marcia McClure Torgerson Attachments: Bridge Inspection Reports 1 To: Nvaia roigeuon Gans at r4:07:3s srw:tt�c�u Bridge No. 49C-0164 SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT 0""to=4-ae Location 44- at.wcyea.��.cur Date of investigation Nante, (;AAYEy. CURE (Santa Lucia red_ P Llano Bd. i �w . RATINGS: st Deck .r .» Superstructure _ m Substructure s » Waterway Adequacy ._ st CtRanaei 3t Channel Protection �w a Culvert B. zz Approach Rdwy, Align. 4 CODES: u Custodian ED n Owner Q 26 Functional Ciaussineation: Deck 19 Undcr 41 Str Open, Posted or Ceased FAI 307 Deck Type E =.J I'm Wearing SurracdProt Sys 504 Max CoUPler Ht. t_J tit Pier/Abut. Prot. ss Min Lai Underctr on Rt. St Min -Vert Underctr its LAOIS Bridge Length r DATA: $t Bridge Width (NB"1') 18. 41 'w Average Dxiiy Trucks (% of ADT}: Deck _.I- Under . NA tt' Future ADT: Deck anon Under NA tis Yr. of Future ADT: Deck 2011 Under .Na Number* of latemedlate Nair. tib Hinges �� Bents 0 TYPE OF INYSSTIGATIONIREPORT Biennial x Category A Other Damage Underwater Office MMXTX 3M There is a longitudinal crack 4" in 'from edge of deck in the soffit of the left overhang with spalling in several areas. There is transverse reinforcing steel exposed in several places of the south half of span. Both transverse and longitudinal reinforcing steel exposed at the 2/3 point of the span. There is a longitudinal crack in the soffit of the lett exterior girder With a spall exposing the stirrup and main reinforcing' steel at the 2/3 point. There are 2 vertical cracks netyr center of span in G rders'2, 3 and 4. Otherwise, there is no significant change to this structure since the previous investigation. Protect exposed reinforcing steel from rusting. SUPL Seal larger cracks. SUPM Paul a. •Cedertwrg Registered civil PEC/pfa-32291 CC 11/08/94 EXHIBIT "A" Page 3 J 1 L� MAR- 8-94 TUE 10:28 ATASCROERU CITY FAX NU. 4611615 K U2 o�OF OUR COPY 1Trldtet No�_ 49P_�Allt9 �'�war SUPPLZMZMTAJtY BRIOGR ASPORT ot-►afaer�.�ae LoeRtioq •es,arn..c± Date of Invempti a•+,c�,e�.ratc No RATINGS: "Deck _ � Sugerstrvcture-,..4..._ 40 8abstrutture „ A "Waterway Adequacy - t.?_?. _ 6t Channel do Citanosl Protection • Z� a Culvert 1 M Approach Rdwy Aiip. 4 TYP$ OF INYESTIGATIONREPORT Biennial �`,i CAftory A� Other Damage ,, Uademter Office zMaj cis - Revise permit capacity to XXXXX ' =a Mr =a l . The exposed reinforcing steelbas wt been Protected from further corrosion. St7PL 2. The vertical Cracks in Girders 2, 3 and 4 has not been sealed. imm The barrier rails continue to show widespread cracking and spalling of tate Concrete. The longitudinal crack in the bottom of the lett exterior girder is now over 20' long with 31 of exposed main reinforcing steel at the 2/3 point. That left deck overhang continues to deteriorate with heavy concrete cracking and 101 of exposed reinforcing steel. AC has been placed on t?le structure since the last Supplemental Bridge Report. The toal AC thickness varies from 6" to aw at this timet. V= REMKJEMM 1. Do items listed ur4er "Work Not Dane". IM CBE$C TV Load capacity calculations indicate drat this structure is able to sustain all ambinat:ions of legal loads but no Btate paxV.it batt. ghee L6;Ason Reviewed And Approved by 4C• CC 11/08/94 EXHIBIT "An Page 4 AM itrol C. Kaplan Vit. !c EXp.12/ VO4 s Registised Civil &agineer MJ/2Wwb•-06193 MAR -08-1994 10=23 4617615 95% P.02 �J J CC 11/08/94 EXHIBIT "A" Page 5 a 's S'L'ATS OF CAi]AO MA DEPARIMMOFTRANS MAIM Bridge Nam -0164 SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDE REPORT mssAmsv.:aaP Locatiog, 05 SLQ:C . S - -Atas DM,Co.tq•^Cby Date of Investigation_ 3/22/94 Naena HAVES: CRmrFt! Santa Lucia Rd. At Llano Rd_ 1 RATINGS: "Dock _,,,- I" Superstructure i0 Substructure I: Waterway Adequacy 61 Channel & Cbastnel Protection 62 Culvert 12Approach Rdwy Align. TYPE OF INYESTIGATIONWPORT Bienniai Group A "_ Other X Damage Underwaftr Office Paul Goryl, Bridge Construction Engineer in District 5, called to request an inspection of this structure in response to a cititen's inquiry. It was reported the structure has visible concrete distress and recent heavy truck traffic. CMUU= OF STMY^Tm_1R= tmVitudinal cracking of the exterior girders and spaliing of the north girder and overhang has been meted in maintenance reports for several years. Cause of the deterioration is rust expansion due to reinforcement corrosion. The exterior girders and ovexhmve have heavy moss growth which keeps the concrete moist and accelerates the deterioration. LQQ The most recent Supplementary Bridge Report (1/11/93) included a capacity analysis due to Added dead load, (increased depth of M. The structure is rated good for legal loads only. The capacity is not limited by the concrete distress at present, but if the condition is not corrected load restrictions will be required. W= awmamp Complete previoui]y reced work as follows Remove sled and unsound concrete aloaV the path of corrosion (girder cracks). Clean steel and place structural concrete patch. Remaining concrete cracks should be injected with emw. Additional work should be completed to prevent recurrence of the problem as follows:: Scrape all moss from concrete surface and sandblast clean. Remove earth and weeds from deck area between curb and AC surfacing. Fill void with concrete or AC. —15-1994 10:55 75 P.0` APR -15-94 FRI 9:55 K U2 BRIDGE NO. 49C-0164 SHEET 2 DATE -3-22-94 WEE RZCCmmEb=p cont, Core drill drain holes along both faces of curb to direct surface flow through overh=V instead of over the edge of deck. �gp�ESS�t�. R. William R. Baker �r Registered Civil Engineer 9 '-- � No WRB/pfa cc: Paul Goryl - OSC, District 5 Exp - Robert Kobal, OSM&I�r4 civil - Erol Xaslan, OSM&Z T� OF CAL�� APR -15-1994 10:55 CC1/0894 EXHIBIT A" Page 6 97i P.02 L 1 7 KAREN OAKES 6705 Llano Road Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 461-3993 November 8, 1994 CC 11/08/94 EXHIBIT "B" Page 1 Atascadero City Council 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 RE: Consent Calendar Item 3: Resolution No. 114-94 "Qualifying the Santa Lucia Bridge for the Federal Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation (HERR) Program" City Council Meeting of November 8. 1994 Dear Mayor Bewley and Council Members: I would like to present several thoughts for your consideration as you review the issues surrounding the Santa Lucia Bridge. Since the calendar calls for a vote on both replacement and rehabilitation without discussion of an either/or alternative, I will address both points. I strongly believe that the bridge should be rehabilitated and not _replaced and that recent structural reports from CALTRANS support that position. The Santa Lucia bridge has historical and sentimental significance to many residents of Paradise Valley as well as adjoining communities and should have historical VALUE to the city of Atascadero. The bridge joins other edifices including this building in the makeup of the historic fabric of the town. Just as this structure is maintained and preserved, the bridge should be granted a more permanent place in our history through a planned program of repair and restoration. As a parallel, I would challenge you to consider the concerted efforts made in other areas of the country to maintain the rural character of communities. The townships of New England as well as cities in California are renowned for the preservation of their covered bridges. While the Santa Lucia bridge is not covered, it does represent early settlement of the Valley and an element in E.G. Lewis' vision for the city. CC 11/08/94 EXHIBIT "B" City of Atascadero Page 2 November 8, 1994 Page 2 of 2 From a practical perspective, replacement of the bridge is not warranted at this time and I believe previous schedules called for a useful life of 15 more years. I have attached for your closer study a copy of CALTRANS Supplementary Bridge Report dated 3/22/94. The investigation identifies cracking that has been reported [by CALTRANS] for several years and recommends °clean(ing) of the (exposed) steel and place(ment) of concrete patch" as well as injecting the cracks with epoxy. Additional clean up of moss and weeds is recommended. The report does not call for replacement. The surrounding neighborhoods have 9ppro&hed the Council in recent yews on issues related to the bridge, issues that have threatened the preservation of the rural character of our area. A common denominator of many meetings has been a community recommendation for a foot bridge addition to the automobile traffic span now crossing Graves Creek. The basis of this recommendation remains the safety of pedestrian, bicycle and equine traffic. I believe that the addition of the foot bridge is compatible with the longer term historical preservation issues as well as realistic with fiscal constraints facing the city. My question to the local CALTRANS office re: application of the 80120 funding policy to rehabilitation (vs. replacement) has not been answered. I believe that the $62,400 (20% x $312,000) required to replace the bridge would be money poorly spent. _I would request that the Council direct staff to present cost estimates for repair of and foot -bridge Wgrovements to the Santa Lucia bridge in concert with both your fiscal and historic responsibilities as accents of the community members. *ieelyOakes Encl: CALTRANS Supplementary Bridge Report, 3122194 1 CC 11/08/94 EXHIBIT "B" _ Page 3 ' STATE Of C LUORMA DEM? OFTBANSFMTATt0t aradr No. - 12C-0164 su"LEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT as Moww-J-q Le>,cation OS-SIL?-c`.s.-ryas Date of InresdC&Nae 3/22/94 NaMR CM&VES REEK (Sanra U=ia Ed.—Or "Am Pd -i RATINGS: as Dwk "Superstructure if0 Substructure 71 Waterway Adequacy ft Channel & Cbeaanel Pmtettlm bZ Culvert nApproack Rdwy A1180 - TYPE OF INVUTIGATION/REPORT Biennial Group A Other X Damp$* Underwater_ Office __._ Paul Goryl, Bridge Construction Avireser in District S. called to request an inspection of this structure in response to a citizen's inquiry, It was reported the structures has visible concrete distress arks recent heavy truck traffic. MM== OF SrRt=ME Langitvdinalcracking of the exterior girders and spalling of the north girder and overhang furs been documented in maintenance reports for Several years. Cause of the deterioration is rust expansion due to reinforcement corrosion. The exterior girders and overhangs have heavy moss growth which keeps the concrete moist aryl accelerates the deterioration. IM cr.p= The most recent Slatrplanentary Bridge Report c1/11/93) included a capacity analysis drat to added dead load, (increased depth of AC) . Trio structure is rated good for legal loads only. The capacity is not liiaited by the concrete distsesa ac present, but if the condition is not corrected load restrictions will be required. le3oB Comlete previously reecatsueeersded work as follows: Ramovea spalled and uruw nd concrete along the path of corrosion (girder cracks). Clean steel and plane structural concrete patch. Re aairsiryg concrete cracks Should be injected with avow. Additional work should be ccopleted to prevent recurrence of the problem ss follows Scrape all moss from cemncrete surface and sar Zlasc cleat:. remove earth and weeds from d& -,k area between curb and AIC surfacing. Fill void with dates at Ac. t r BRIDGE NO. 49C-0164 SHEET 2 DATE 3-22-94 Core drill drain holes along both faces of curd to direct surface flow through ovezh=V instead of over the edge of dock. gypf EjWUSs+oy,� �O ti��� A 8F�i William R. Baker Registered civil Engineer 9 %RBlpfa Exp - cc: Paul Cosyl - OSC, Discrict 5 t. Robert Kobal , OSM&I `rT C { V N �'•. Erol Ktaslan, OSM&I CA`` �Q CC 11/08194 EXHIBIT "B" Page 4 V.ixOtma PMw" Nov. d, 1994 Leas than tMV M66 opo, MOV ei ii-PU carve to these d =beA6 to plead "wA yoau rot to gime owc ba►td-eaxned tau dallax6 to a fAw wsattkg devetopeu foa the PuAp*Ae o� erini.dviv thein .Land AO&U W. At #bat tine aaae 4 you dec&mad that pnu ,sate etec#ed ori a prro-bwineee p[a and ve^e eanxpciV Drat fps prasiAee. At no tine bd�axt the aCeciim did mW o� prat etate Aat the smut& peas achieved oAtLee ipu eeateld tap; to drain the ci.##'A co4&xd foa the bowAt 4 ip " A dowlAp" Pdapode. That " not p+rn-business. l t ss pw develop - sent and ana brasineea. l gnat the ne Ad to mead .that At ci Upu o4 Ataoeadew Ad the uAc og osm #roc da"&U Ax pai va to wdagpV.8e AA n WA6 cat, .iAWMt mal paaeiUyc .i. tart. lie PC adding prat at &A tim to do At nLot Aing.---VoU 'Wo" an ros440te AA A& -A" CC 11/08/94 EXHIBIT "Cn �CC 11/08/94EXHIBIT "D" U ` � |�� '.��''------- �. ----^^'`~-----~�---------~^~ --~ ` ( F3��� �f ~~ ' � ra^ - ------ -- ----^� ---'-''-�&---'-�------''--------- -----------=----'--------------- ���-------------- -------�$------°---~��_--~� ---^ ---8--------�-------- ------- A����������� U - �� � ---� -------- - --------«'~^^w"-`� '�-_°�=_~-�- _.,~~__--__ - 14-�-v��_=�r~~=�,_-�. N4r~ | _~ . ~*�^�"-go No W*1<1+106 IT slief"rl) E39 - too E r� To: Atascadero City Council From: Dorothy F. McNeil November 8, 1994 CC 11/08/94 EXHIBIT "E" Page I Subject: Hal Carden proposal to change the General Plan Mr. Mayor and other Councilmemberst It is obvious that this proposal to rezone certain, particular lands from residential to commercial was brewing well before the June election. The extension of the urban services line was a necessary part of the scheme to make the new commercial land useful or salable,. And, of course, the best part of the plan for the schemers was to make the rest of us pay for it. Candidates Carden and Johnson ran on a pro-business, not a pro - developer platform. To my knowledge the public was not made aware that Carden and Johnson backed this massive re -writing of the General Plan. Had the voters been informed, I doubt that these two men would be sitting in those seats tonight. The reason it is obvious that they were in on the plan is Carden's almost immediate proposal of it as soon as he was seated. Those benefiting from the plan are the owners of the land involved. We have heard their names many times in our city. Gordon Davis, Rex Hendrix, Bob Nimmo and the Fredericks family. Apparently they backed Carden and Johnson. The Bob Nimmo Council majority began the new policy of making the taxpayers, the residents, pay the bills for the developers. How much welfare do these developers want? They want us to pay the costs of rezoning the residential land they bought because it was cheaper than commercial land. Thus we pay to make their land more valuable, and we pay to have them increase our density. At the same time we pay to devalue the other commercial land in town. Then when a business wants to locate here, they make us pay the building permit fees and loan the money to the would-be business to build it. No wonder our city is broke! It's financially killing us to support the developers who are already very rich men. Mr. Carden claims that building big box stores at both ends of town will help our local business people in between. How silly! He did admit at the last meeting that present smaller retailers, so kindly called bottom feeders by Mr. Kolmaine, may have to "sharpen their marketing skills" to survive. Very easy for Hal Carden to say. He works for a giant utility company with captive customers. No competition in his world! I said at the last meeting I grew up pro-business. It ran in the family. But I do not subscribe to the belief that "whatever is good for business is good for America." I do not view with approval an America without Mom and Pop stores. I view with dismay an America of one huge box store after another --from town to town the same monotonous shopping. Many of the business malls have become clones with the same chain stores and merchandise. CC 11/08/94 EXHIBIT "E" Page 2 i There was an article in the New York Review called "The New-,,, - Threat to history." I quote from it, but, unlike the nevem I shall try to show my deletions which were needed to shorten the quote. "Governments, the economy, schools-, everything in society, --are not for the benefit of the privileged minorities...It is for the benefit of the ordinary run of people ... Any society worth living in is one designed for them, not for the rich, the clever, the exceptional although any society worth living in must provide room for such minorities. But the world is not made for our personal benefit, nor are we in the world for our personal benefit. A world that claims that this is its 'purpose is not a good world, and ought not to be a lasting one." I view with even greater dismay the mentality of a council what is good who are here which thinks making the rest of us help the fat cats will rich improve the situation of all of us. The old trickle-down rest of us. theory. It has never worked. The fat cats get fatter and fewer, and the rest of humanity gets thinner and thinner. When the thin ones can't buy what the fat ones produce, then it's sad, sad city. 8765 Si a Vista Rd. There was an article in the New York Review called "The New-,,, - Threat to history." I quote from it, but, unlike the nevem I shall try to show my deletions which were needed to shorten the quote. "Governments, the economy, schools-, everything in society, --are not for the benefit of the privileged minorities...It is for the benefit of the ordinary run of people ... Any society worth living in is one designed for them, not for the rich, the clever, the exceptional although any society worth living in must provide room for such minorities. But the world is not made for our personal benefit, nor are we in the world for our personal benefit. A world that claims that this is its 'purpose is not a good world, and ought not to be a lasting one." 1 This council needs to change its focus. It needs to think of what is good who are here for all now. -ft the residents and all the businesspeople must not ask the w o—le to subsidize a few who have grown rich in this town and are in no need of any kind of handouts from the rest of us. ID).. orothy Mcl` ei 8765 Si a Vista Rd. Atascad o, CA 1 CC 11/08/94 JaO an 'Keefe EXHIBIT "Fu Page l 0985 Old Morro Rd. E. F4r, one night two week ago in this room, democracy worked. The voices of the paopl:=- .�aid over and over they did not want Atascadeno turned into another strip develapment shop til> you drop, box city USA and th�ir ;oioe was heard by the majority of the council. The people said thev liked the rura| ambianca, of their bedroom city and they offered alternativ� suggestions for revitalization of the business oonwnunity. One of the Councilman took great umbrage with what he heard and ohastioed th-em for not off. ---ring suggestions. Suggestions were offe-red |�ut h� d�dn/t }�ke what he heard from 'he u�lle�t1ve voi�a of �h� �eop|e and so accused the people of throwing granades~ H=- z --=id he represr-nted the ma�orfty �f the �eop}e, �e}l Z never h=ard this`Card�o �johnson p|�n to add 500 acres into the USL mentioned in either of their oampaicln ` �|stf-rm�. 1 be they ��dh'� �h�nk /t vw�u|d ��t �otes. Zt wou'id have been �fff1�u\t to cell the publ�o an eccnmnfn �t�mul�tion pr�qram th�t mmk's thre-e- wealthy wea|thier by increasing th�z va|ue �f the�r land at the tnx �oyer-, �t is important t� 'hat thi--r�z- are no specific prmliiot� for either the Hendrix property or thei {property, ~��N to p���ha-t waias.7id -iAsl,#. grand schemes. I see this as a scheme pure and simple to hawa ia�nd rezoned and density increased through the use of a prcgram EIA and then to sell it off Piecemeal and not be bnther�--d'with the hassle of dealing with a specific development proposal~ It dmesn/t assure one additional ni-ke| to the --Ytu '' ' CC 11/08/94 EXHIBIT "F" Page 2 The Hendrix property is just that the ANNA pr ^per't'•y , not Cove Creek The appkc m, did ^'fir ova n --t, leaY ho which was the name attached to a Previously proposed project, The 01- a N AIT. Nimmo-Davis property is residential rand, no one has come forth .and said I represent this company and we want to develop and executive park on this land. The fiscal problems the cite is experiencing are due in part to the recession California has experienced. We are not the only city experiencing financial problems but the economy is turning ,around .and it in important to not take ,an action just for the sake of doing something. Atascadero' s is frequently compared to Paso Robles. Remember a lot of people prefer to live in Atascadero because its not Santa "aria north as Paso Vb l _ w in rapidly becoming, Think through the possible consequences sequences t the action voG are taking this evening. Hany of our problems with getting a viable s; •gip} i r _a are related to knee rk+ec o a si Jn_ made in the p,LLt such as when _, local citizen convinced the transportation, commission to place Hwy 101 parallel to CR. This was going to bring business f ;; the downtown and we all know what it did it killed x.h y. downtown. When the Hendrix property 13 developed it is veryimportant that it be a w, l l thought out. we l i designed project because it has :such a high profile. However part of the Ask of w`J31 moment is putting out mane V up front. Government has no business subsidizing the wealthy. 1 John W. McNeil 87650 Sierra Vista Atascadero, CA 93422 - I Nov. 8, 1994 City Council of Atascadero City hall Atascadero, CA 93422 honorable Mayor Bewley and Council Members: CC 11/08/94 EXHIBIT "G" You have all read the General Plan of Atascadero. Councilman Highland collaborated in the drafting of the Plan. It states as basic community goals: "There is a consensus to retain the overall character and atmosphere of rural living." Gentlemen, you have a duty to the residents-of-Ataseadero to abide b7 -that basic goal etren as Congressmen have a duty to support the Consti- tution of the United States. What other cities in California have such a General Plan? Fresno, Santa Ana, Ventura, Salinas? This town is unique. Please do not destroy our rural character and make us just like all other cities. What will happen if we adopt Carden's proposal to develop commer- cially the north and south ends of our town? '.,ie are told the added traffic through town will Dromote downtown business. Per- haps it would somewhat were it not for gridlock. Look at our traffic now and tell me how we can add to it without endless traffic jams. There simply are no feasible laterals to carry the additional traffic on El Camino, Hwy 101, and Hwy 41. But then we are told about the Big Prize - Tax Revenue. I call it the Big Hoax. The anticipated taxes will not Day for more traffic si,,nals, more police, more fire equipment more schools, more pollution. We will still be broke. Goodbye to rural living. Certainly 11endricks, and Davis have the ri-ht to develop their property to business if it is zoned commercial, and to build homes if it is zoned residential. If you changed -their commercial ^roperties -'U'*o residential zoning, they would probably file lawsuits immediately. How can you justify changing the zoning on their properties from residential to commercial? Can you convince the citizens the benefits to us will outweigh the costs? I submit Councilman Carden has not even attempted to evaluate the costs and benefits. We are asked to pay for the EIR, and little t1ought seems to have been given to the obvious negative economic and environmental impacts of his proposal. Do you seriously believe the Carden proposal will retain the overall character and atmosphere of - rural living in Atascadero, tascadero, the basic community foal of the General Plan? Sincerely, u D CC 11/08/94 EXHIBIT "H" November 8, 1994 Dear Mayor and Council Persons: The truth comes out. The pro-business label some councilmen have pinned on themselves is nothing but a front. The speculative land development forces are at work. Councilmen Carden and Johnson's proposal, followed by Mr. Kolemaine's letter to the Editor, demonstrates clearly their total lack of interest in and support of Atascadero's business people. What an insult to call our retailers "bottom feeders". Carden and Johnson proposed to extend sewer service to the far north and south and to the west as well as rezone large areas from residential to commercial at taxpayers expense. This would increase property values andd salability of those properties. A simple way to make money is to buy relatively cheap residential property outside the business district and then rezone it to increase the density (zone it for sewer), or betterlet, to commercial. It only requires the cost of environmental documents, application fees and a supportive vote on the council. No labor, no productive work is required. There is only one better way. Have the taxpayers pick up the initial bill for such speculative venture. This is very profitable for a few land owners, but it will do nothing for the business people. It will not fill the vacant stores, instead it will erode the property values of existing commercial and surrounding residential properties. As a taxpayer I strongly oppose the council majority's plan to spend our tax money to finance the speculative rezoning of Mr. Hendrix, Mr. Nimmo and Gordon Davis's properties on the outskirts of town. If the council majority was interested in supporting business they would revitalize the core of the city by implementing the Downtown Plan and initiating a redevelopment project within our city's center. Sincerely, Jean Young Behan 4925 El Verano Atascadero, CA 93422 NOTE: I will not be able to come to the City Council meeting. Please read my statement into the record.