HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 061494 Approved as Submitted -- Meeting Date: 06/28/94 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 14, 1994 MINUTES The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilperson Bewley led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Bewley, Borgeson, Highland, Luna and Mayor Nimmo Absent: None Also Present: Lee Price, City Clerk Staff Present: Andy Takata, City Manager; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Brady Cherry, Director of Community Services; Russ Scotten, Interim Finance Director; Lt. John Barlow, Police Department; Steve Sylvester, City Engineer; John Neil, Assistant City Engineer; Mark Markwort, Chief of Wastewater Operations, Valerie Humphrey, Engineering Department and Alicia Lara, Personnel Coordinator PROCLAMATION: Mayor Nimmo read the proclamation for "California Peace Officers Foundation Torch Run Days", June 20-21 and presented it Lt. Barlow. COMMUNITY FORUM: Paul Phelman, Rancho Del Bordo Mobilehome Park resident, expressed appreciation to the Council for the removal of a portion of the median on South EI Camino Real in front of the mobilehome park. CC06/14/94 Page 1 Dorothy Robbins, 7455 Cristobal, had questions relating to her sewer assessment. Henry Engen asked the speaker to contact his office for clarification. A. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing commit- tees. Informative status reports were given, as follows.): 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments (COG) - Mayor Nimmo announced that COG had undergone a performance audit and delegates received the report at their June 8, 1994 meeting. He noted that a recommendation to add one additional COG staff member had been rejected. A proposal to consolidate the Ride Share Program into COG was also rejected, he added. 2. Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) - Mayor Nimmo reported that SLORTA also met on June 8, 1994. Agenda items included the budget, presentation of a proposal by Tom Martin relating to bus shelters at stop locations and a presentation regarding SCAT's Route Nine by Duncan White of San Simeon Stages. 3. Solid/Hazardous Waste Task Force - Henry Engen reported that the next meeting would be July 13, 1994. 4. City/School Committee - Henry Engen reported that the committee had met May 26, 1994 and discussed the possibility of an interim soccer field at San Benito School. In addition, it was reported that the gymnasium floor at the Atascadero High School is in need of repair. The School District submitted their proposed Route-to-School Plan Map and were asked to submit requested revised safety projects. 5. Economic Round Table - Henry Engen reported that the round table members will meet with Greg Koert, of the consultant firm of Palmer Koert, at their meeting scheduled for June 22, 1994. The firm, he added, was recently selected to prepare a business potential assessment study in a Draft Economic Element of the General Plan. B. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - May 24, 1994 2. APPROVE CERTIFIED CITY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE, PAYROLL AND PAYROLL VENDOR CHECKS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1994 CC06/14/94 Page 2 3. RESOLUTION NO. 40-94 - Accepting those roads within the 3-F Meadows Assessment District into the City system of maintained roads 4. RESOLUTION NO. 41-94 - Designating a three-way stop intersection at Ensenada Ave. and Via Ave. 5. GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY REPORT 94-3 - Potential acquisition of real property located at 10400 Santa Lucia Road for proposed fire station site 6. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 10400 SANTA LUCIA RD. FOR THE PUR- POSES OF A PROPOSED FIRE STATION A. Resolution No. 55-94 - Authorizing the purchase of real property form G.T. Davis, authorizing the City Manager to execute appropriate deeds, their recordation and authorizing the transfer of funds 7. AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK TO RECRUIT FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS (2 SEATS) Mayor Nimmo reported that he had a potential conflict of interest and would step down from deliberations regarding Items #13-5 & 6. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Highland to approve the Consent Calendar, Items #13-1 through 4 and 7; motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. The Mayor stepped down from the dias. MOTION: By Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve Consent Calendar Items #B-5 & 6; motion carried 4:0. Mayor Nimmo returned to his seat. C. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 56-94 -Modifying sewer service charges for the Wastewater Division of the City Henry Engen provided background and the staff report. Councilman Luna expressed gratitude to Atascadero Mutual Water Company for their cooperation in conducting a study of local water usage. There were no questions from the Council. CC06/14/94 Page 3 Public Comments: Lamon Colvin, Chapel of the Roses, spoke in objection to the rate increase proposed for funeral homes. He mentioned that ninety percent of his water usage goes to County-mandated irrigation of his two and one-half acre parcel. He urged the Council to reconsider the proposed rate. Dorothy Robbins, 7455 Cristobal, proclaimed that there are no provisions for adjustments allowed for residential customers. ---End of Public Testimony--- Responding to inquiry from Councilman Bewley regarding Mr. Colbin's comments, Henry Engen explained the adjustment process and suggested that the Chapel of the Roses owner come in to City Hall and request an adjustment. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Bewley to adopt Resolution No. 56-94 revising the City's wastewater rates;motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. 2. 1993-98 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (C.I.P.) A. Resolution No. 57-94 - Approving the 1993-98 C.I.P. as a guide for future capital program budgeting B. Direct staff to utilize the existing Traffic Committee to prioritize safety projects Henry Engen provided the staff report and recommendation to approve. Steve Sylvester pointed out some of the significant changes made to the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) since the last time the City Council reviewed it. Council comments and questions followed. Councilman Luna indicated that he liked the format of the Plan and was in favor of Recommendation #2. He suggested that staff include in the CIP a specific schedule for street overlay projects in order to adequately inform the public. Councilman Luna also proposed that a representative from the School District be added to the membership of the Traffic Committee, at least for purposes of prioritizing safety projects like suggested "Routes to School". Staff responded to additional questions regarding funding for trails and creek development. CC06/14/94 Page 4 Councilwoman Borgeson asked staff to summarize property acquisition on behalf of the City at the Lake Park. Andy Takata reported that a four-year purchase program included buying four lots on the corner of Portola and Morro Roads. He explained that all lots but one have been bought and mentioned that there are no other purchases planned for property at the Lake. Mayor Nimmo remarked that the Plan does not include any funding for improvements to the Masonic Temple and proposed that the Council may want to review the CIP in six months, in light of the recent acquisition. In addition, pointing out that the Plan denotes future overlay of Portola Road, he suggested that consideration be given to widening the street at that time to provide for a pedestrian walkway. There were no comments from the public. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to adopt Resolution No. 57-94 and direct staff to utilize the existing Traffic Committee to prioritize safety projects. Discussion on the motion: Councilman Luna asked if there was consensus to add a member of the School District to the membership body of the Traffic Committee. Henry Engen provided two options: 1) the Council can add a School District representative on an ad hoc basis, or 2) staff can bring back an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 44 establishing the Traffic Committee and setting forth its' membership. There was consensus to approve option #1. Vote on the Motion: Motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. 3. ORDINANCE NO. 279 - Establishing special assessment use charge for Atascadero Street Improvement Project No. 1992 (Las Encinas and 3-F Meadows) (Recommend (1) motion to waive reading in full and read by title only, and (2) motion to introduce on first reading by title only) Henry Engen provided a brief staff report and recommendation to approve. There were no questions or comments from the Council or public. MOTION: By Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Bewley to waive the reading in full and read by title only; motion carried unanimously. CC06/14/94 Page 5 MOTION: By Councilman Bewley, seconded by Councilman Luna to introduce Ordinance No. 279 on first reading; motion carried unanimously. D. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. ORDINANCE NO. 278 - Amending Map 17 of the Official Zoning Maps by rezoning certain real property on Amapoa Ave. from RMF-10 (low-density multi- family) to RMF-16 (high-density multi-family) (ZC 93-006; City of Atascadero) (Recommend motion to adopt on second reading by title only) There were no questions or comments from the public. MOTION: By Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Bewley to adopt Ordinance No. 278 on second reading; motion carried 3:2 by roll call vote (Borgeson/Luna voting in opposition). Councilman Highland remarked that, although he voted in favor of the rezoning, he did have reservations about the approved land use. He explained that he was compelled to vote the way he did because of the manner in which the issue came about. He noted that if anyone was to bring in an application for a General Plan amendment to change the zoning, he would consider it. 2. SCHEDULE DATE FOR JOINT MEETING WITH PASO ROBLES CITY COUNCIL - Suggest July 21 st Andy Takata provided a brief report and noted that Councilman Highland would be out of country at the time suggested for the joint meeting. There was consensus among the Council to select another date and staff was directed to bring the matter back at the next meeting. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council Councilman Highland indicated that he had driven the roads in Las Encinas II over the weekend and found 56 large, bright yellow traffic signs on 1 .2 miles overwhelming and inappropriate. Andy Takata mentioned that his office had received complaints about the new signage installed in the assessment district and noted that staff was looking into the matter. Steve Sylvester provided background and indicated that staff would consult with the design firm that was responsible for the safety study and recommended mitigation measures. CC06/14/94 Page 6 2. City Clerk Lee Price announced that applications were now being accepted for the Planning Commission, Parks & Recreation Commission, Traffic Committee and Community Services Foundation Board of Directors. She added that applications would be accepted until Friday, July 15th and mentioned that interviews would be scheduled for July and/or August. CLOSED SESSION: At 8:10 p.m., the City Council adjourned to a Closed Session for the following purposes: 1) Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Title: City Manager 2) Conference with Labor Negotiator - Agency negotiator: Andrew Takata, City Manager; Employee organizations: Service Employees International Union Local 817, Atascadero Police Officers Assoc., Atascadero Sergeants Service Organization, Atascadero Public Safety Technicians Organization, and Mid- Management/Professional Employees 3) Liability Claims - Claimant(s): 1) Becker & Bell, Inc.; 2) Tom & Marcia Torgerson Item #3 was taken first. Mayor Nimmo stepped out for deliberations on this matter because of a potential conflict of interest. Item #2 was then discussed among the full Council. Councilman Highland, recently elected to the City Council, did not participate on Item #1 because of his short tenure on the Council. Closed Session adjourned at 9:22 p.m. The City Attorney announced that he had been given authority to settle both claims (Item #3) and mentioned that the Settlement Agreement pertaining to the Torgerson Claim would be available for public review once the draft has been put into its' final form. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL WILL BE TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1994 AT 7:00 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: LEE PRICE, City Clerk CC06/14/94 Page 7