HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC_2017-07-12_AgendaPacket http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA Committee Meeting Wednesday, July 12, 2017 2:00 P.M. City Hall 6500 Palma Avenue, Room 306 Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Chairperson Roberta Fonzi Committee Member Charles Bourbeau Committee Member Duane Anderson Committee Member Mark Dariz Committee Member Jamie Kirk APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DRAFT MINUTES OF JUNE 14, 2017 City of Atascadero Design Review Committee Agenda Regular Meeting, July 12, 2017 Page 2 of 3 http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. PLN 2017-1642, MASTER PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT 6410 SANTA LUCIA RD. (ST. WILLIAMS CHURCH) Property Owner: Roman Catholic Bishop of Monterey Applicant: St. Williams Parish, 6410 Santa Lucia Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 Project Title: PLN 2017-1642 / DRC 2017-0100 Project Location: 6410 Santa Lucia Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 (San Luis Obispo County) APN 030-271-023 Project Description: The project is a Master Plan of Development for St. William’s Parish. The new facilities will be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 is a new 6,400 square-foot youth center with additional parking and exterior landscaping. Phase 2 is the removal of the existing hall a nd rectory buildings, and construction of a new 14,000 square -foot assembly hall with second-story staff offices, and a 1,000 square-foot storage building. 159 on-site parking spaces will be available upon completion. Curb, gutter, and sidewalk improvements will be required in accordance with AMC 9-4.159. The removal of three native trees is proposed, including two valley oaks with diameters totaling 52 inches and one blue oak with a 44 -inch diameter. Existing street trees on Santa Lucia Road may need to be removed and replaced to accommodate curb gutter and sidewalk improvements. General Plan Designation: High Density Residential (HDR) Zoning District: High Density Multi-Family Residential (RMF-20) Environmental Determination: The project qualifies for a class 32 categorical exemption (CEQA Guidelines § 15332) from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) City Staff: Katie Banister, Assistant Planner, Email: kbanister@atascadero.org, Phone: 470 -3480 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the DRC review the Master Plan of Development and make recommendations to the Planning Commission regarding the appearance of the buildings and site plan for St. William’s Parish. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee Agenda Regular Meeting, July 12, 2017 Page 3 of 3 http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website 3. PLN 2017-1649, SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR 6300-6500 EL CAMINO REAL (LA PLAZA) COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS DIRECTOR’S REPORT ADJOURNMENT The next DRC meeting is tentatively scheduled for August 9, 2017. Agendas, Minutes and Staff Reports are available online at www.atascadero.org under City Officials & Commissions, Design Review Committee. Property Owner/ Applicant: Z3 LLC, 8189 San Dimas Lane, Atascadero CA 93422 Project Title: PLN 2017-1649 Project Location: 6300 through 6500, Atascadero, CA 93422 (San Luis Obispo County) APN 030-193-001,003,017,016, 031,030,033 Project Description: Proposed mixed-use redevelopment project on previously developed parcels within the downtown. Proposed project includes 18,000 square feet (sf) of retail commercial type uses, 9,700 sf of office space, and a total of 40 units. The proposed project includes 86 off- street parking spaces, and proposes a Road Abandonment of a portion of Atascadero Avenue (Atascadero Mall). Proposed height of all occupied spaces is 45 -feet, with an additional 20-feet for architectural features. Total height of structures within the proposed development is 65-feet. General Plan Designation: Downtown (D) Zoning District: Downtown Commercial (DC) Proposed Environmental Determination: To be determined City Staff: Alfredo R. Castillo, Associate Planner, Phone: 470-3436, Email: acastillo@atascadero.org Staff Recommendation: Approval of the proposed site plan and architectural elevations with any incorporated modification as determined by the DRC. DRC Draft Minutes of 6/14/2017 Page 1 of 4 x CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DRAFT MINUTES Regular Meeting – Wednesday, June 14, 2017 – 2:00 P.M. City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Rm. 306, Atascadero, CA CALL TO ORDER – 2:13 p.m. Chairperson Fonzi called the meeting to order at 2:13 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Roberta Fonzi Committee Member Duane Anderson Committee Member Mark Dariz Committee Member Jamie Kirk Absent: Committee Member Bourbeau (excused) Staff Present: Community Development Director, Phil Dunsmore Associate Engineer, Public Works, Mike Bertaccini Senior Planner, Kelly Gleason Recording Secretary, Annette Manier Others Present: Sam Bogdanovich, BogMar Properties, LLC APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Committee Member Dariz and seconded by Committee Member Anderson to approve the agenda. There was Committee consensus to approve the agenda. ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 7-12-17 1 DRC Draft Minutes of 6/14/2017 Page 2 of 4 PUBLIC COMMENT None Chairperson Fonzi closed the Public Comment period. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DRAFT MINUTES OF MAY 24, 2017 MOTION: By Committee Member Anderson and seconded by Committee Member Dariz to approve the consent calendar. There was Committee consensus to approve the consent calendar. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. PLN 2017-1638, DESIGN REVIEW OF PROJECT AT EL CAMINO REAL/HWY. 41 Senior Planner Gleason presented the staff report and answered questions from the Committee. Staff contacted Rabobank who is now willing to share access. Senior Planner Gleason gave the same three scenarios for a site plan as previously presented, and distributed a new rendering of the building with new architecture (Exhibit A), which will blend in nicely with the rest of the structures in the area . Property Owner: Donna Halliday, 5740 Olmeda Ave., Atascadero, CA 93422 Project Title: PLN 2017-1638 / DRC 2017-0097 Applicant: BogMar Properties, LLC, 680 W. Shaw Ave. Ste. 202, Fresno, CA 93704 Project Location: 6990 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 (San Luis Obispo County) APN 030-211-036 Project Description: The project consists of an application for an approx. 3,500 sf retail/restaurant building and associated improvements on a vacant downtown lot at the corner of El Camino Real and Morro Road. The request includes a variance to the required zero-foot setback from the street frontage in the downto wn zone. General Plan Designation: D Zoning District: DC Proposed Environmental Determination: The City of Atascadero’s environmental review process incorporates the requirements in implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. Persons, agencies, or organizations interested in obtaining more information regarding the environmental review should contact the Community Development Dept. City Staff: Kelly Gleason, Senior Planner, kgleason@atascadero.org, Phone: 470-3446 Staff Recommendation: DRC make recommendations to the Planning Commission based on the following project discussion. 2 DRC Draft Minutes of 6/14/2017 Page 3 of 4 PUBLIC COMMENT The following member of the public spoke during public comment: Sam Bogdanovich, who gave a presentation on the project, and stated that two points of access would be beneficial for a future retail store. Parking is currently at 24 spaces, and he would like to break ground in October 2017. Chairperson Fonzi closed the Public Comment period. The Committee recommended the following items in red be addressed: 1. Variance Request. (The Committee recommends that the building be placed at the back of the site.) 2. Parking. (The Committee acknowledges this is a tight parking lot, and believes the loading zone will have to be in the parking lot as opposed to any other location. Parking is at 24 spaces. The site is planned for everyd ay circulation. Associate Engineer Bertaccini is fine with the current design.) 3. Site Design. (The Committee is in agreement with the brick on the ATM and the site design as presented.) Associate Engineer Bertaccini prefers the circulation as chosen.) 4. Building Aesthetic. (The Committee preferred the brick and vertical trellis feature on Exhibit A. The lighting should accentuate the architectural features to compliment the lighting in the downtown. The applicant will work with staff to make lighting as attractive as possible.) 5. Landscaping by Rabobank. (The corner is a very important focal point corner for the City, so the Committee recommends to the Planning Commission that a condition is added to reserve the corner for the future Wayfinding signage. The Committee would like to see this site used for a sign that is permanent-looking, and will be uniquely Atascadero. The applicant agreed to dedicate an easement for the City to secure an area on the corner site for a wayfinding sign. This area will also act as a barrier to protect pedestrian safety. The City will work in cooperation with the developer to secure the easements. The Planning Commission will need to decide specifics, i.e. signage design, who will construct it, and if there will be a shared maintenance agreement.) 6. Uplighting. (The committee recommended lighting to accentuate the trellis to highlight the architectural features. The details will be left up to staff to work with the applicant to make as attractive as possible.) The applicant stated his concern that if this is a community wall, he does not want design of the the wall to prevent the project from moving forward, as he would like to keep it moving forward. There was Committee consensus to move the project on to Planning Commission. 3 DRC Draft Minutes of 6/14/2017 Page 4 of 4 COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS None. DIRECTORS REPORT Community Development Director Dunsmore stated that the next meeting scheduled is tentatively set for July 12, 2017, and may include an expansion of St. Williams Church and the La Plaza project. Community Development Director Dunsmore gave an update on Wendy’s, Santa Maria Brewing, KFC, Dead Oak Brewing, and permits for a distillery, medical office building, the creek project, and bridge plan. ADJOURNMENT– 2:58 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Design Review Committee is scheduled for July 12, 2017. MINUTES PREPARED BY: ______________________________ Annette Manier, Recording Secretary Administrative Assistant The following Exhibit is available in the Community Development Department: Exhibit A – New Architecture t:\~ design review committee\minutes\minutes 2017\draft drc minutes 6.14.17.docx 4 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish Master Plan of Development PLN 2017-1642 / St. William’s Parish ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE ATASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT http://www.atascadero.org 6500 PALMA AVENUE | ATASCADERO, CA 93422 | (805) 461-5000 | (805) 461-7612 Atascadero Design Review Committee Staff Report – Community Development Department St. William’s Parish Master Plan of Development MEETING DATE PROJECT PLANNER APPLICANT CONTACT PLN NO. 07/12/2017 Katie Banister Assistant Planner Mark Lowerison PLN 2017-1642 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Design Review Committee make recommendations to the Planning Commission for the Master Plan of Development for St. Williams Church (CUP 2017-0311) PROJECT ADDRESS GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION ZONING DISTRICT ASSESOR PARCEL NUMBER(S) SITE AREA 6410 Santa Lucia Road HDR RMF-20 030-271-023, 006, 012, 015, 025 3.6 acres total PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project is a Master Plan of Development for the expansion of St. William’s Parish. The new facilities will be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 is a new 6,400 square-foot youth center with additional parking and exterior landscaping. Phase 2 is the removal of the existing hall and rectory buildings, and construction of a new 14,000 square-foot assembly hall with second-story staff offices, and a 1,000 square-foot storage building. One hundred and fifty-nine (159) on-site parking spaces will be available upon completion. Curb, gutter, and sidewalk improvements will be required in accordance with AMC 9-4.159. The removal of three native trees is proposed, including two valley oaks with diameters totaling 52 inches and one blue oak with a 44-inch diameter. Existing street trees on Santa Lucia Road may need to be removed and replaced to accommodate curb gutter and sidewalk improvements. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The City of Atascadero’s environmental review process incorporates the requirements in implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. Persons, agencies, or organizations interested in obtaining more information regarding the environmental review should contact the Community Development Department. The project qualifies for a class 32 categorical exemption (CEQA Guidelines § 15332) 5 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero USE CLASSIFICATION ALLOWED OR CONDITIONALLY ALLOWED USE STRUCTURE 50-YEARS OLD OR GREATER JURISDICTIONAL CREEK Churches and Related Activities ☐ Allowed ☒ Conditional ☐ No ☐ Colony Home / Commercial ☐ Registered Building ☒ Yes, but not deemed historically significant ☐ Atascadero ☐ Graves ☐ Paloma ☐ Boulder ☐ Other ☒ N/A EXISTING USES St. William’s parish has three existing buildings: the church, hall and rectory residence. The parking lot is used as a Caltrans Park & Ride location. Several sea-train storage containers are located near Venado Avenue. SURROUNDING ZONING DISTRICTS AND USES North: Highway 101 South: Immediately to the South is a multi-family development (RMF-20), across Venado Avenue are single-family residences (LSF-Y). East: Mix of multi-family and single-family residences (RMF-20). West: Mix of multi-family and single-family residences (RMF-20 and RSF-Z) ZONING ORDINANCE / MUNICIPAL CODE STANDARDS / CITY POLICIES City Standards Meets Requirements Exception Requested Setback standards (AMC 9-4.103-.110) ☒Yes ☐No Height Standards (AMC 9-4.112-113) ☒Yes ☐No Parking Standards (AMC 9-4.114-121) ☐Yes ☒No Planning Commission Modification Landscaping (AMC 9-4.124-127) ☐Yes ☒No Planning Commission Reduction of Landscaping Fencing Standards (AMC 9-4.128) ☐Yes ☒No Planning Commission Modification Grading Standards (AMC 9-4.138-145) ☒Yes ☐No Lighting Standards (AMC 9-4.137) ☒Yes ☐No Water Efficient Landscaping (AMC Title 8, Chapter 10 ) ☒Yes ☐No Use Classification Standards: Church and Related Activities ☒Yes ☐No 6 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero DISCUSSION: Background St. William’s Parish was founded at their location at the intersection of Ardilla and Santa Lucia Roads in 1950. The first church building was bought at auction from Camp San Luis in 1949. This structure now serves as the Parish Hall. The current 6,500 square- foot church building was constructed in 1968 and 1969. Project Description / Summary St. Williams Parish proposes a Master Plan of Development for future development of the church property. Phase 1:  New 6,385 square-foot youth center,  Expansion of the parking lot,  New driveway from Venado Avenue,  Curb, gutter and sidewalk on the Ardilla frontage wrapping around the corner with Santa Lucia Road, and  Landscaping. Phase 2:  Demolition of the existing 2,113 square-foot rectory (residence) and 3,500 square-foot parish hall,  New 14,000 square-foot parish hall with 2nd floor offices,  New 1,000 square-foot storage building, and  Curb, gutter and sidewalk on Santa Lucia Road and Venado Avenue. Analysis Churches are a conditionally-allowed use in the residential zoning districts. The DRC’s recommendations will be presented to the Planning Commission when they consider a Conditional Use Permit for this project. The item is tentatively scheduled for the August 1, 2017, Planning Commission meeting. DRC DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. Youth Center – The applicant proposes a 6,385 square-foot, 19-foot tall building with stucco and Hardie-board siding in muted earth-toned colors (see attachments 4-6). The building has rock-face accents and a metal roof. The structure is on a partially-raised foundation to limit the amount of grading required. The structure meets height, setback and other zoning requirements. The structure provides up to 7 classrooms and an assem bly space with an occupancy of 200 people. 2. Parish Hall – The applicant has provided a conceptual drawing of an approximately 25-foot tall, 13,967 square-foot parish hall, which is proposed for the second phase of construction (see attachments 7-8). Parish halls are typically used for special events such as wedding receptions, dances and performances. The plans show approximately 4,500 square feet of open 7 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero assembly area with supporting bathrooms and kitchen area. Upstairs are offices and conference spaces. This building will be highly visible from nearby public streets. Staff is concerned the proposed architecture of the hall may not be in keeping with current design. It may be dated in an effort to complement the 1950’s architecture of the church; however, the elevation provided is only conceptual and does not include a list of materials. Staff recommends the DRC give preliminary direction for the proposed architecture of the hall and then fully review this structure when more complete plans are available , before Phase 2 construction permits are obtained. 3. Parking - The church will request a Planning Commission mod ification to the required number of parking spaces. DRC is asked to make a recommendation regarding adequacy of parking for the proposed uses. The church currently has two assembly spaces: the church and the hall. Phase 1 will add youth classrooms with a smaller assembly space. Phase 2 adds additional assembly space to the hall. The applicant reports the different assembly spaces will not all typically be used concurrently. Staff has provided the parking requirement for two scenarios: the first assumes the youth center and all assembly spaces are used at the same time, the second assumes the youth center and either the church or the hall are used together. St. Williams Parish Parking Requirement Project Phase Required spaces (all assembly spaces) Required spaces (one assembly space) Proposed Existing 214 126 124 (existing) Phase 1 250 162 159 Phase 2 281 168 159 4. Fencing – Non-residential uses are required to provide screening for residential uses with a six-foot tall solid wall or fence. The church property is surrounded by residential uses, which are currently only partially screened.  Staff recommends the two-rail fence on the southwest property line be left in place. This fence is attractive and maintains a residential feel on Venado Road.  The applicant proposes new fencing around the outdoor play area adjacent to the youth center. Staff recommends this fence be extended to the northwest corner of the site area.  The northern property line adjacent to the residence on Ardilla has a fence in poor repair. Staff recommends this fence be repaired or replaced with a solid, full height 6-foot tall fence. 8 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero  An apartment complex is located on the property to the south of the rectory. This property line has very limited fencing. Staff recommends a new 6-foot tall solid fence be placed along this property line.  The eastern property line adjacent to the same apartment complex is adequately screened by vegetation and elevation difference. Staff recommends waiving the fencing requirement on this property line. 5. Cargo Containers – The church uses four cargo containers to store miscellaneous items near the Venado Road frontage. The municipal code allows the use of cargo containers under limited circumstances. Containers must be placed in the rear half of the property outside the required setbacks . A building permit is required to ensure cargo containers are placed on an adequa te foundation. The DRC can approve a single container; however, two or more cargo containers require a Conditional Use Permit. The City adopted regulations regarding the use of cargo containers in 2013. The church’s cargo containers were placed on the property before that time. Therefore the church’s containers are legal, but nonconforming with today’s regulations. Through the Conditional Use Permit process, the Planning Commission can allow new, conforming uses on a site with non-conforming uses. Staff recommends the church be allowed to retain the cargo containers in their current state temporarily. The containers are currently well screened by a 6 -foot fence that block the view from Venado Road. The containers are intended to be replaced in Phase 2 of the master plan of development. Moving them to improve the foundation would be cost prohibitive for temporary storage. 6. Lighting – Diffused pole lighting is proposed in the new parking area at the northwest corner of the property (see attachment 3). These lights are near adjacent residences. Existing and proposed vegetation will preven t some light spill. Staff recommends additional shielding on pole-mounted light fixtures to keep light from negatively impacting neighboring residences. Any lighting on the rear of the youth center should be motion detecting so lights do not stay on at night along the western property line. 7. Landscape Plan and Native Trees – The applicant has provided a site plan that retains all but three native oak trees (see attachment 3). Remaining oaks are incorporated into the site improvements. New shade trees are proposed adjacent to existing parking areas where space allows, and at 30 foot intervals in the new parking area. In the multi-family zoning districts, at least 25 percent of the site area must be landscaped. In the commercial districts the requirement is for landscaping on 10 percent of the area. The use on this multi-family zoned property is not residential. Staff recommends the commercial district standard be applied to the project. 9 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero The proposed plant palette includes California lilac bushes, wisteria vines, rosemary, salvia, daylilies and rockrose. Proposed trees include London Plane sycamore, redwood, mayten, western redbud and cork oak. Plantings are proposed adjacent to the existing and proposed buildings. An outdoor stage and seating area is incorporated into the hillside between the churc h and youth center. Staff recommends the landscape planters between the two levels of parking on the Santa Lucia side of the parking lot be revegetated. 8. Curb, gutter and sidewalk – The scope of the project necessitates the installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk on all the church’s frontages (Ardilla, Santa Lucia and Venado Roads). The applicant is working with the City Engineer to potentially phase the improvements.  Phase 1 would include Ardilla Road improvements including altering the geometry of the turn onto Santa Lucia Road to improve safety at this intersection. The church will install curb, gutter, sidewalk, a low landscaping wall, and street trees on Ardilla Road.  Phase 2 would include curb, gutter, sidewalk, a low landscaping wall, and street trees on Santa Lucia; and curb, gutter, sidewalk, and street trees on Venado Road. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Aerial Photo Attachment 2: Site Plan Attachment 3: Landscape Plan Attachment 4: Youth Center Elevations Attachment 5: Youth Center Floor Plan Attachment 6: Youth Center Color Board Attachment 7: Future Hall Conceptual Elevation Attachment 8: Future Hall Conceptual Floor Plan Attachment 9: Site Photos 10 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero ATTACHMENT 1: Aerial Photo PLN 2017-1642 11 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero ATTACHMENT 2: Site Plan PLN 2017-1642 Existing Church Future Hall New Youth Center Future Storage 12 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero ATTACHMENT 3: Landscape Plan PLN 2017-1642 13 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Plant Palette 14 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero ATTACHMENT 4: Youth Center Elevations PLN 2017-1642 15 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero 16 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero ATTACHMENT 5: Youth Center Floor Plan PLN 2017-1642 17 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero ATTACHMENT 6: Youth Center Color Board PLN 2017-1642 18 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero ATTACHMENT 7: Future Hall Conceptual Elevation PLN 2017-1642 19 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero ATTACHMENT 8: Future Hall Conceptual Floor Plan PLN 2017-1642 20 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero 21 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero ATTACHMENT 9: Site Photos PLN 2017-1642 Existing Church, Hall and Rectory (from right to left) Existing Church 22 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Rectory and Hall Santa Lucia Parking Area and Frontage Ardilla Road Parking Area 23 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero 24 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Future site for the Youth Center Fencing – Southern Property Line Adjacent to Apartments 25 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Fencing – Northwest Property Corner Fencing – Western Property Line (Future Parking Area in Foreground) 26 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Fencing – Western Property Line (New Youth Center Site in Foreground) Fencing Southwest Property Line (Venado Ave) 27 ITEM 2 St. William’s Parish PLN 2017-1642 Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Fencing - Cargo Containers off Venado Road Cargo Containers Viewed from Site of New Youth Center 28 ITEM 3 La Plaza Master Plan of Development PLN 2017-1649 / Z3 LLC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE ATASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT http://www.atascadero.org 6500 PALMA AVENUE | ATASCADERO, CA 93422 | (805) 461-5000 | (805) 461-7612 Atascadero Design Review Committee Staff Report – Community Development Department La Plaza Master Plan of Development MEETING DATE PROJECT PLANNER APPLICANT CONTACT PLN NO. 07/12/2017 Alfredo R. Castillo, AICP Z3 LLC, 8190 San Dimas Ln, Atascadero, CA 93422 PLN 2017-1649 RECOMMENDATION DRC Recommends to the Planning Commission: 1. Approval of the proposed site plan and architectural elevations with any incorporated modification as determined by the DRC. PROJECT ADDRESS GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION ZONING DISTRICT ASSESOR PARCEL NUMBER(S) SITE AREA 6500 El Camino Real Downtown (D) Downtown Commercial (DC) 030-193- 001,003,017,016, 031,030,033 1.83 acres PROJECT DESCRIPTION Proposed mixed-use redevelopment project on previously developed parcels within the downtown. Proposed project includes 18,000 square feet (ft) of retail commercial type uses, 9,700 sf of office space, and a total of 40 units. The proposed project includes 86 off-street parking spaces, and proposed road abandonment of a portion of Atascadero Avenue (Atascadero Mall). Proposed height of all occupied spaces is 45-feet, with an additional 20-feet for architectural features. Total height of structures within the proposed development is 65-feet. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The City of Atascadero’s environmental review process incorporates the requirements in implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. Persons, agencies, or organizations interested in obtaining more information regarding the environmental should contact the Community Development Department. ☒ EIR / MND / ND / Statutory Exemption to be circulated ☐ Prior CEQA Review CEQA # ____________ Certified: _________ ☐ Cat. Exemption Class ___________ CEQA Guidelines § 153XX ☐ No Project - § 15268 Ministerial Project 29 ITEM 3 La Plaza Master Plan of Development PLN 2017-1649 / Z3 LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN STANDARDS ☒ N/A ☐ Specific Plan ______________________________________________________ ☐ Planned Development Overlay____________________________________________ USE CLASSIFICATION ALLOWED OR CONDITIONALLY ALLOWED USE STRUCTURE 50-YEARS OLD OR GREATER JURISDICTIONAL CREEK Multi-Family Housing / General Retail / Offices ☒ Allowed ☐ Conditional ☐ No ☐ Atascadero ☐ Graves ☐ Paloma ☐ Boulder ☐ Other ☒ N/A ☒ Colony Home / Commercial ☐ Registered Building ☐ Yes, but deemed not historical significance EXISTING USES Retail, Food and Beverage, and vacant / underutilized buildings. SURROUNDING ZONING DISTRICTS AND USES North: Financial Services / Downtown Commercial (DC) South: Right-of-Way / Non-Conforming Uses / Downtown Commercial (DC) East: Right-of-Way / Park / Downtown Commercial (DC) West: Highway 101 / Right-of-Way AVERAGE SLOPE VEGETATION Less than 5% average Urban Infill, previously developed DENSITY / FLOOR AREA RATIO ☐ RSF-X / LSF-X: 4 units per acre ☐ RMF-10: 2-10 units per acre ☐ RMF-20: 20-24 units per acre ☐ CP/CR/CS/CN/DO/DC: Max 20 units per acre ☒ Other: 22 du/acre ☐ State Density Bonus Requested ☒ Density Bonus for High Quality Architecture ☐ City Inclusionary Housing Density Bonus ☐ Inclusionary Housing Required ☒ Floor Area Ration (FAR) ______________________ (Total square foot of building compared to the size of the property) 30 ITEM 3 La Plaza Master Plan of Development PLN 2017-1649 / Z3 LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero ZONING ORDINANCE / MUNICIPAL CODE STANDARDS / CITY POLICIES City Standards Meets Requirements Exception Requested Setback standards (AMC 9-4.103-.110) ☒Yes ☐No Height Standards (AMC 9-4.112-113) ☐Yes ☒No Height exception for Downtown zones Parking Standards (AMC 9-4.114-121) ☒Yes ☐No 72 spaces required, 86 provided. Landscaping (AMC 9-4.124-127) ☒Yes ☐No Fencing Standards (AMC 9-4.128) ☒Yes ☐No Grading Standards (AMC 9-4.138-145) ☒Yes ☐No Lighting Standards (AMC 9-4.137) ☒Yes ☐No Water Efficient Landscaping(AMC Title 8, Chapter 10 ) ☒Yes ☐No Use Classification Standards: N/A ☐Yes ☐No ADVISORY BODIES / OUTSIDE AGENCIES THAT REQUIRE REVIEW OF PROPOSED PROJECT: ☐ Native American Tribes ☒ Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC) ☐ Caltrans District 5 ☒ Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) ☐ Dept. of Fish & Wildlife (DFW) ☒ SLO Air Pollution Control (APCD) ☒ SLO County ☐ _____________________________ ☐ _____________________________ ☒ _____________________________ APPROVAL PROCESS ☒ DRC ☐ AUP ☒ PC ☐ CC DATE APPLICATION DEEMED COMPLETE Incomplete 31 ITEM 3 La Plaza Master Plan of Development PLN 2017-1649 / Z3 LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero DISCUSSION: Project History In March 2009, a fire destroyed two commercial buildings within the proposed project area. Since that time, the property has remained underutilized. A coffee shop, beauty parlor and cell tower still remain on the site. In 2010, a redevelopment proposal was brought forth by the applicant and property owner. The proposal, known as “La Plaza Theaters”, consisted of a 39,680± square foot (sf) building that would contain a 10 screen movie theater, retail stores and a sit-down restaurant. This project went before the City Council and was continued for additional analysis. The property owner and project applicant formally withdrew their application for development of this property in January 2011. In August 2013, City Council approved a commercial mixed-use project that envisioned 26,500 sf retail/restaurant space on first floor uses, and office uses on 2 nd floor. Since the approval, the previous property owner had marketed the property for purchase and development consistent with the approved Conditional Use Permit (CUP); however, probate and other tax issues delayed the sale. A new owner has purchased the property and the project was reviewed by the Design Review Committee (DRC) as a part of Staff’s pre-application review in March 2017. The DRC provided comments on the proposed site plan, architecture, landscaping, etc. Staff seeks a recommendation for the Planning Commission to continue moving this project forward with the revised site plan and architectural elevations, and any provided directions by the DRC. The proposed project requires approval by the Planning Commission. Project Description / Summary The proposed project would result in the demolition of all remaining buildings on the property, including the existing beauty supply store, Malibu Brew, and vacant Jack-in- the-box building. The existing cellular communications tower would remain. The project area includes all properties between the Atascadero Mall and the Founder’s Bank building. The following is a brief overview of the proposed project:  Total site including Right-of-Way – 2.2 acres;  Total Redevelopment acreage – 1.83 acres;  Three-Story buildings that are fully articulated on all sides;  18,000 sf retail 1st floor in Building A;  9,700 sf office (Building B, 2nd and 3rd Floor);  40 residential units on 2nd / 3rd floor  A total of 45-feet on height for occupied spaces;  A total of 64-feet in height for architectural elements, and features;  A high quality architectural design density bonus;  86 total parking spaces;  Abandonment of Right-of-Way on El Camino Real and Atascadero Avenue;  Inclusion of pedestrian plaza near proposed project driveways;  Tower features visible from El Camino Real / Highway 101; and 32 ITEM 3 La Plaza Master Plan of Development PLN 2017-1649 / Z3 LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero  Use of color and materials consistent with Historic City Hall and the Printery building. Analysis The applicant requests a density bonus for “high quality architectural design”. This bonus allows for additional project density based on the design of a project. Other projects that received this type of bonus included Dove Creek, Las Lomas / Woodridge Apartments, and the 2016 Emerald Ridge apartments. DRC should weigh in on the additional density as proposed by the applicant. The density bonus units would be for market rate units and would not involve affordable deed restriction covenants. The proposed density of the project would be 22 units per acre, versus the allowed 20 units per acre. The applicant is requesting a height waiver/exception. The Atascadero Municipal Code (AMC) currently allows only a total height of 18-feet on the westside of El Camino Real between Atascadero Creek and Lots 19, and 20, and Block H -B. The proposed project is located wholly on Block H-B. At the time of this ordinance adoption, it was thought that the “view window” would be preserved to allow motorists a viewshed of historical City Hall. Since that time, vegetation along the freeway, maintained by Caltrans, has grown and partially obstructed the viewshed to City Hall. The proposed 4-sided architecture and its elements allow for a views of the surrounding hillside f rom the development, as well as serve as an additional marker for motorists utilizing Highway 101. Staff is in support of the proposed height waiver exception. Additionally, the applicant has provided a conceptual plaza for Atascadero Avenue (also known as Atascadero Mall). The Downtown Concept Plan includes a plaza with a connection to the existing pedestrian tunnel. The City supports the implementation of the plaza, as it will implement the downtown plan while enhancing the aesthetics and synergy of this key location in the heart of the downtown. The responsibility for construction of this plaza has yet to be determined, as it will span road right of way, and the lot that formerly contained the Main Street building. Staff will continue to work on accomplishing this plaza through a road abandonment process and possibly through the use of encroachment permits. The applicant is currently in discussion with City Staff and the adjacent property owner (Jim Shores) in an effort to bring the plaza into fruition. Currently, La Rosa’s automotive utilizes the Atascadero Mall to access their business. La Rosa’s mechanic business is a non-conforming land use in the downtown. La Rosa’s shares a single lot with the gas station, which is owned by Jim Shores. In order to complete the plaza, the access to La Rosa’s would need to change, or the site would need to be reconfigured. At this time, the DRC should comment on this matter; however, an ultimate solution will require additional work. In response to Staff and DRC comments, the applicant has revised driveway locations, as well as parking configurations. The applicant has added a drop-off area, additional 33 ITEM 3 La Plaza Master Plan of Development PLN 2017-1649 / Z3 LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero articulation on balconies, wider plaza spaces, and refined tower features. The DRC should review these changes as a part of its recommendation. DRC DISCUSSION ITEMS: The following are discussion items for the DRC. Staff and the applicant requests direction on these items. The DRC should provide direction and move the project to Planning Commission phase versus requiring an additional meeting, as market conditions remain favorable for this project. 1. Proposed density bonus for high quality architectural design; 2. Proposed height of occupied and un-occupied structures on-site; 3. Reciprocal access to the Founder’s Bank property; 4. Proposed architecture of all buildings on-site; and 5. Integration of plaza area with site plan improvements (i.e. how will project interface with plaza to create a pedestrian environment across from Sunken Gardens). ATTACHMENTS: 34 ITEM 3 La Plaza Master Plan of Development PLN 2017-1649 / Z3 LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero PROPOSED PROJECT AERIAL MAP 35 ITEM 3 La Plaza Master Plan of Development PLN 2017-1649 / Z3 LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero PROPOSED PROJECT SITE PLAN 36 JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS16T1LA PLAZA MIXED-USEOWNER: MICHAEL ZAPPAS 8189 SAN DIMAS LN ATASCADERO, CA 93422ARCHITECT: RRM DESIGN GROUP 3765 S.HIGUERA STREET, SUITE 102 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 CONTACT: PAT BLOTE PHONE: (805)-543-1794 EMAIL:PLBLOTE@RRMDESIGN.COMPROJECT ADDRESS: 6500 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO, CA 93422APN NUMBERS: 030-193-001; 003; 017; 016; 031; 033 PROJECT DIRECTORYPROJECT STATISTICSZONING: DC (DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL)PARCEL SIZE: 1.83 ACRES (79,541 SF)PROPOSED COVERAGE.: 30,000 SF (38%)PROPOSED OCCUPANCY: MIXED USEPROPOSED RETAIL: 18,000 SFPROPOSED OFFICE: 9,700 SFPROPOSED RESIDENTIAL: (32) 1 BD UNIT (8) 2 BD UNITSUNIT TYPE SQ. FT.1 BD (PLAN 1A) 650 SF1 BD (PLAN 1B) 650 SF1 BD (PLAN 1C) 750 SF2 BD (PLAN 2B) 900 SFMAX HEIGHT ALLOWED: 45 FT. MAX. PROPOSED HEIGHT: 45 FT.DENSITY CALCULATIONSUNITS:(32) 1B UNITS(8) 2B UNITSPER MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 9.3.173 (F), A DENSITY BONUS MAY BE GRANTED, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL THROUGH A MASTER PLAN OF DE-VELOPMENT (CUP), CONSITENT WITH SECTIONS 9.3.801 THROUGH 9.3.806. IN AD-DITION, GENERAL PLAN POLICY 2.1 SUPPORTS APPROVAL OF A 15% DENSITY BO-NUS THROUGH THE CUP UPON A FINDING OF SUPERIOR DESIGN.ALLOWED DENSITY: 20 UNITS/ACRECALCULATION: 20X1.83= 36.6 15% DENSITY BONUS: 36.6X0.15= 42.09PROPOSED DENSITY: 40 UNITSPROJECT DESCRIPTIONTHE PROJECT CONSISTS OF A 3 STORY MIXED USE BUILDING. INCLUDING RETAIL ON THE GROUND FLOOR AND OFFICES/RESIDENTIAL UNITS ABOVE.EL CAMINO STREET LINED WITH PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY INVITING STOREFRONT DESIGN.VICINITY MAPEL CAMINO REAL.EAST MALL.ENTRADA.FREEWAY 101.WEST MALL.SITEPARKINGSHEET INDEXT1 TITLE SHEETA1 EXISTING SITE SURVEYA2 PROPOSED SITE PLANA3 GROUND FLOOR PLANA4 MID LEVEL AND SECOND FLOOR PLANA5 THIRD FLOOR A6 ELEVATIONS AND PERSPECTIVEA7 ELEVATIONS AND PERSPECTIVEA8 SITE SECTIONSA9 SITE ACCESSIBILITY PLANA10 COLORS AND MATERIAL BOARDC1 SITE IMPROVEMENTSC2 CIVIL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANC3 STORM WATER MANAGEMENTL1 CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLANL2 TREE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT PLAN L3 LANDSCAPE MATERIALS PARKING REQUIREMENTSUSE TYPE SQUARE FEET/# UNITS PARKING REQ. SPACES REQ.COMMERCIAL 20,000 SF N/A N/A1 BD 32 UNITS 1.5 SPACES/UNIT 48 SPACES2 BD 8 UNITS 2 SPACES/UNIT 16 SPACESGUEST PARKING 40 UNITS 1 SPACE/5 UNITS 8 SPACESTOTAL 72 SPACES REQ.PARKING PROVIDED61 SURFACE19 GARAGES1 ADA GARAGE2 ADA SURFACE3 TUCK UNDER SPACES (1 ADA)TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED: 86 SPACES PROVIDED JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS16LA PLAZA MIXED-USEA1SCALE: 1” = 20’-0" (24X36 sheet)EXISTING SITE SURVEY0402010 JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS160LA PLAZA MIXED-USEPROPOSED SITE PLANA2402010SCALE: 1” = 20’-0" (24X36 sheet) JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS16LA PLAZA MIXED-USEA3SCALE: 1/16” = 1’-0" (24X36 sheet)GROUND FLOOR PLAN04 168GROUND FLOOR PLAN1/16" = 1'-0" (24 x 36 SHEET)14005 SFRETAILEL CAMINO REAL91' - 0"96' - 3"286' - 3 7/8"92' - 4"ELEV. EQUIP.78' - 6"STAIRSSTAIRSELEV.ELEC.19 GARAGES3 TUCK UNDER SPACES2323 SFRETAIL3883 SFRETAIL3040 SFRETAILADA GARAGE3749 SFRETAILLAUNDRYELEV. EQUIP.ELEC. 1/16" = 1'-0"A-5.1 A2GROUND FLOOR PLAN1 JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS16LA PLAZA MIXED-USEA4SCALE: 1/16” = 1’-0" (24X36 sheet)MID LEVEL AND SECOND FLOOR PLANS2376 SFPATIO92' - 4"78' - 6"OFFICE2 BD (PLAN 2A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)2 BD (PLAN 2A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN 1C)286' - 10"96' - 4"63' - 0"2B (PLAN 2A)2 BD (PLAN 2A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)1BD (PLAN 1B) 1BD (PLAN 1B)04 168SECOND FLOOR PLAN1/16" = 1'-0" (24 x 36 SHEET)2MID LEVEL AND EXTERIOR PATIO FLOOR PLAN1/16" = 1'-0" (24 x 36 SHEET)1 JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS16SCALE: 1/8” = 1’-0" (24X36 sheet)04 168THIRD FLOOR PLANA5LA PLAZA MIXED-USE78' - 6"64' - 5 1/2"OFFICE1 BD (PLAN 1A) 1 BD (PLAN 1A)2 BD (PLAN 2A)2 BD (PLAN 2A)2 BD (PLAN 2A) 2 BD (PLAN 2A) 1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN 1A) 1 BD (PLAN 1A) 1 BD (PLAN 1A) 1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN 1A)1 BD (PLAN 1C)PATIO1BD (PLAN 1B) 1BD (PLAN 1B)286' - 10"96' - 4"63' - 0"THIRD FLOOR PLAN1/16" = 1'-0" (24 x 36 SHEET)1 032168SCALE: 1/16” = 1’-0" (24X36 sheet)JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS16LA PLAZA MIXED-USEA6ELEVATIONS AND PERSPECTIVESOUTH ELEVATION BUILDING A1/16" = 1'-0" (24 x 36 SHEET)4EAST ELEVATION1/16" = 1'-0" (24 x 36 SHEET)1NORTH ELEVATION BUILING A1/16" = 1'-0" (24 x 36 SHEET)3BUILDING BBUILDING ABUILDING A PERSPECTIVE2GROUND LEVELSECOND FLOORTHIRD FLOORMAX HEIGHT30'45'20'GROUND LEVELSECOND FLOORTHIRD FLOORMAX HEIGHT30'45'20'GROUND LEVELSECOND FLOORTHIRD FLOORMAX HEIGHT30'45'20'MAX TOWER HEIGHT65' JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS16048 16ELEVATIONS AND PERSPECTIVESCALE: 1/16” = 1’-0" (24X36 sheet)A7LA PLAZA MIXED-USEWEST ELEVATION1/16" = 1'-0" (24 x 36 SHEET)1BUILDING ABUILDING BNORTH ELEVATION BUILING B1/16" = 1'-0" (24 x 36 SHEET)3SOUTH ELEVATION BUILDING B1/16" = 1'-0" (24 x 36 SHEET)4BUILDING B PERSPECTIVE2GROUND LEVELSECOND FLOORTHIRD FLOORMAX HEIGHT30'45'20'GROUND LEVELSECOND FLOORTHIRD FLOORMAX HEIGHT30'45'20'GROUND LEVELSECOND FLOORTHIRD FLOORMAX HEIGHT30'45'20'MAX TOWER HEIGHT65' JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS160SCALE: 1/6” = 1’-0" (24X36 sheet)LA PLAZA MIXED-USEA8SECTIONS32168MAX HEIGHT45'MAX HEIGHT45'MAX HEIGHT45' JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS16A9LA PLAZA MIXED-USESITE ACCESSIBILITY PLANBIKE LANE(E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E)BIKE LANECELL PHONE TOWEREASEMENTADAGARAGEPATH OF TRAVELPATHOFTRAVELRETAILPATH OF TRAVELADA TUCKUNDER SPACE0402010SCALE: 1” = 20’-0" (24X36 sheet) JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS16LA PLAZA MIXED-USEA10COLOR MATERIALS BOARDSTUCCO WALL SURFACEBRICK VENEERPLASTER COLUMNSPRECAST CONCRETE TRIM AND BASE MATERIALTILE ROOF WITHWOOD FASCIAPRECAST PANELS JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS16048 16LA PLAZA MIXED-USEC1PRELIMINARY SITE IMPROVEMENTS04010SCALE: 1” = 20’-0" (24X36 sheet) JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS1608040201020 40SCALE: 1'-0" = 40’-0" (12x18 sheet)SCALE: 1'-0" = 20’-0" (24X36 sheet)C2LA PLAZA MIXED-USEGRADING AND DRAINAGE JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS1608040201020 40SCALE: 1'-0" = 40’-0" (12x18 sheet)SCALE: 1'-0" = 20’-0" (24X36 sheet)C3STORMWATER MANAGEMENTLA PLAZA MIXED-USE JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS1604010 20SCALE: 1” = 20’-0" (24X36 sheet)L1CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLANLA PLAZA MIXED-USEPEDESTRIAN CONNECTION OUTDOOR DININGPERMEABLE PAVERSEXISTING VEGETATIVE BUFFERWATER JETS (SEASONAL)MONUMENT SIGN / ENTRY FEATUREWATER WALL AND PLANTERRAISED PLANTERTRASH ENCLOSURESDECORATIVE CONCRETE PAVINGPAVERS / ACCENT BANDSCONTAINER PLANTS CANOPY TREES (SEE TREE EXHIBIT)FILTER STRIPS REFLECTING POND OR OPTIONAL TURF COLUMNS, SEE ARCH PLANSSWALE, SEE CIVIL PLANS FLOWERING TREES WITH TWINKLE LIGHTINGSPECIMEN PLANTING, SEE TREE EXHIBITE.G. LEWIS STATUETURF OR LOW PLANITNGCELL TOWER EASEMENTBOLLARDSSTEEL TREE GRATESDROP-OFFDROUGHT TOLERANT LANDSCAPINGTHROUGHOUT EXCEPT IN LID OR PLAY AREASLEGENDMETHOD OF IRRIGATIONMWELO WATER CALCULATIONSEL CAMINO REALSUNKEN GARDENS101 FWY11115152222161133353671111101017182412191920174185196207212121222625238888222324252691011121314 THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM WILL UTILIZE THE FOLLOWING METHODS: DRIP AND BUBBLER IRRIGATION WILL BE USED TO APPLY WATER ACCURATELY TO THE PLANT ROOT ZONES AT A RATE THAT IT CAN INFILTRATE TO IMPROVE IRRIGATION EFFICIENCY. LOW SPRINKLER HEADS WILL BE USED WHERE NEEDED TO APPLY WATER UNIFORMLY AND SLOWLY. OVER-SPRAY AND EVAPORATION WILL BE MINIMIZED AND MATCHED PRECIPITATION RATE NOZZLES WILL BE USED WITHIN EACH CONTROL VALVE AND CIRCUIT. A WEATHER BASED , SELF-ADJUSTING IRRIGATION CONTROL WITH A RAIN SHUT OFF DEVICE WILL BE INSTALLED. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM WILL BE CONTROLLED BY A TIME CLOCK WITH THE ABILITY TO ADJUST RUNTIMES BY DATA COLLECTED FROM RAIN AND ET SENSORS. THE WATERING SCHEDULE WILL BE BASED UPON PLANT NEEDS, SOIL TYPE, SLOPE, AND SEASON. IRRIGATION WILL BE SCHEDULED TO AVOID WATERING DURING RAIN AND FREEZE EVENTS. RETAILRETAILRETAILLAUNDRYBIKE LANEPARALLEL PARKINGELEVATORRETAILRETAILMAXIMUM ANNUAL APPLIED WATER ALLOWANCE:(MAWA) 142,89I.70 GALLONS, 191.03 UNITS ESTIMATED TOTAL WATER USE: (ETWU) 108,631.99 GALLONS, 145.23 UNITS PROPOSED PROJECT IS USING 76.02% OF THE MAXIMUM WATER ALLOWANCE PER GOVERNOR'S ORDER NO. B-29-15 JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS1604010 20SCALE: 1” = 20’-0" (24X36 sheet)L2LA PLAZA MIXED-USETREE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT - PROPOSED TREE (REFER TO PLANT SCHEDULE AND CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN) - EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED - SUGGESTED FOR FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS PRUNUS SERRULATA 'KWANZAN' - 15 GALGLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS INERMIS `SUNBURST` - 15 GALARBUTUS X `MARINA` - 36 " BOX PODOCARPUS ELONGATUS `ICEE BLUE` - 15 GALX CHITALPA TASHKENTENSIS `PINK DAWN` - 48" BOXSTREET TREES: FRAXINUS OXYCARPA `RAYWOOD` OR SUBSTITUTE PLATANUS X ACERIFOLIA `BLOODGOOD` - 48" BOXLAGERSTROEMIA INDICA `WATERMELON RED` - 36" BOX JUNE 1, 20170725-01-RS1604010 20SCALE: 1” = 20’-0" (24X36 sheet)LANDSCAPE MATERIALSLA PLAZA MIXED-USEL3ACCENT TREESCOMMON NAMECONTCERCIS CANADENSIS `HEARTS OF GOLD`FOREST PANSY REDBUD15 GALLAGERSTROEMIA INDICA `WATERMELON RED`WATERMELON RED CRAPE MYRTLE15 GALLAGERSTROEMIA INDICA `ZUNI`LAVENDER CRAPE MYRTLE MULTI-TRUNK15 GALMAGNOLIA X `STAR WARS`STAR WARS MAGNOLIA15 GALX CHITALPA TASHKENTENSIS `PINK DAWN`PINK DAWN CHITALPA36"BOXDECIDUOUS TREESCOMMON NAMECONTSC`S`S15 GALFRAXINUS OXYCARPA `RAYWOOD` TMRAYWOOD ASH36"BOXGLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS INERMIS `SUNBURST`SUNBURST COMMON HONEYLOCUST24"BOXPLATANUS X ACERIFOLIA `BLOODGOOD`LONDON PLANE TREE24"BOXEVERGREEN TREESCOMMON NAMECONTARBUTUS X `MARINA`ARBUTUS STANDARD36"BOXPODOCARPUS ELONGATUS `ICEE BLUE` TMICEE BLUE YELLOW WOOD24"BOXQUERCUS AGRIFOLIACOAST LIVE OAK MULTI-TRUNK15 GALSHRUBSCOMMON NAMECONTACANTHUS MOLLISBEAR`S BREECH5 GALAEONIUM CANARIENSEAEONIUM3 GALAGAVE ATTENUATA `NOVA`BLUE CLONE5 GALAGAVE DESMETTIANA `VARIEGATA`VARIEGATED AGAVE5 GALALOE POLYPHYLLASPIRAL ALOE5 GALANIGOZANTHOS X `BUSH PEARL`DWARF PINK KANGAROO PAW5 GALARCTOSTAPHYLOS X `EMERALD CARPET`EMERALD CARPET MANZANITA5 GALCALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLORA `KARL FOERSTER`FEATHER REED GRASS5 GALCARPENTERIA CALIFORNICABUSH ANEMONE5 GALCEANOTHUS GRISEUS HORIZONTALISCARMEL CREEPER5 GALCHONDROPETALUM TECTORUM `EL CAMPO`CAPE RUSH5 GALCISTUS PULVERULENTUS `SUNSET`ROCKROSE5 GALCOTINUS COGGYGRIA `PURPUREUS`SMOKE TREE5 GALDIANELLA CAERULEA `CASSA BLUE`CASSA BLUE FLAX LILY1 GALECHEVERIA X `PERLE VON NURNBERG`AFTERGLOW ECHEVERIA1 GALHAKONECHLOA MACRA `AUREOLA`GOLDEN VARIEGATED HAKONECHLOA1 GALIRIS DOUGLASIANA `PACIFIC COAST HYBRIDS`PCH IRIS1 GALLEONOTIS LEONURUSLION`S TAIL5 GALLOMANDRA LONGIFOLIA `BREEZE`DWARF MAT RUSH5 GALNEPETA X FAASSENII `SELECT BLUE`CATMINT5 GALPENSTEMON HETEROPHYLLUSFOOTHILL PENSTEMON5 GALPHORMIUM TENAX `YELLOW WAVE`NEW ZEALAND FLAX5 GALPINUS MUGO PUMILIODWARF MUGO PINE5 GALROSA X `FLOWER CARPET WHITE`ROSE1 GALSALVIA CLEVELANDII `WINIFRED GILLMAN`CLEVELAND SAGE5 GALSENECIO MANDRALISCAE `BLUE CHALK STICKS`SENECIO1 GALSENECIO SERPENSBLUE CHALKSTICKS5 GALTHUJA OCCIDENTALIS `SHERWOOD MOSS`SHERWOOD MOSS ARBORVITAE15 GALZAUSCHNERIA CALIFORNICACALIFORNIA FUCHSIA5 GAL PRUNUS SERRULATA 'KWANZAN' KWANZAN FLOWERING CHERRY*****THE PLANT PALETTE IS DESIGNED TO UTILIZE A MAJORITY OF DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTS (80%) WITH THE REMAINDER DESIGNATED FOR PLANTS REQUIRING MODERATE WATER (20%). THIS PLANT PALETTE COUPLED WITH THE EFFICIENT IRRIGATION SYSTEM (PROPOSED ON THIS SHEET) WILL MEET OR EXCEED THE STATE’SREQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THE MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE. NOTE: * INDICATES SPECIES IS SUITABLE FOR LID INFILTRATION AREAS.CONCEPTUAL PLANT SCHEDULE