HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 121693 - Special Mtng Approved as Submitted Meeting Date: 1/25/94 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 16, 1993 CALL TO ORDER: The special meeting was called to order at 4:32 p.m. in the City Manager's Office, Room 207, City Administration Building. Present were Councilmembers Luna, Borgeson and Mayor Nimmo. Councilmember Bewley was absent (illness). One council seat is vacant. Others present were Micki Korba, City Treasurer; Lee Raboin, City Clerk; Andrew J. Takata, City Manager; Art Montandon, City Attorney and Brian Reynolds, San Luis Obispo County Librarian PURPOSE OF MEETING: The City Council met to discuss the County's expansion plans for the Atascadero Branch of the San Luis Obispo County Library. At issue was consideration by the City Council of making a recommendation to the County regarding a gift offering of land for the Library expansion site. MEETING HIGHLIGHTS: Brian Reynolds provided an overview of an offer by Mr. Martin Polin to donate property for the Library expansion. He explained that originally Mr. Polin had presented the County with their choice of two lots: 1) the lot adjacent to the existing library upon which a Circle K convenience store is located and 2) Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 30-291-019 - a lot located on the corner of Morro Road and San Andres (across the street from the library). Mr. Reynolds explained the County's position and clarified the contents of a memorandum dated December 16, 1993 to the City Manager from Curtis Sorg, County General Services Department. In addition, Mr. Reynolds also revealed that Mr. SPCC12/16/93 Page 1 Polin had, because of potential problems associated with the "Circle V lot, revised his offer by removing that parcel from the offer. The County Librarian emphasized that there now was only one lot to consider and summarized the County's possible options to be as follows: 1) sell the subject parcel at a later date, 2) exchange the lot for another one, or 3) construct upon the lot a building for revenue (ie: sell or rent). Council questions and comments followed. Also participating in the discussion were Sarah Gronstrand, Sylvia Marshall and Lon Allan representing the Friends of the Library. There was a general consensus that the "Circle V site would be preferable because of the direct location to the existing library; however, members of the public and the City Council recognized the complexities surrounding that particular site. City Attorney Art Montandon provided legal counsel. He suggested that the City Council (1) support the County recommendation for acceptance and (2) have the County contact Mr. Polin with a request to consider a like-kind exchange sometime after January 1 , 1994. This option, he added, would preserve the tax value of the gift of the property and provide additional time to rectify problems on the "Circle V lot. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Luna to concur in the decision by the County to accept APN# 30-291-019 as the property to be donated by Mr. Polin and include a recommendation to the County to convey to Mr. Polin [the City's] continuing interest in the "Circle V property if at some future time he's inclined to dispose of it. Discussion on the motion: Sarah Gronstrand commented that Mr. Polin's intention was for the City of Atascadero to have the land it needs for the library expansion. Brief discussion followed regarding clean-up and removal requirements relating to underground fuel tanks on the "Circle V lot. Vote on the motion: Motion as stated passed 3:0 by roll call vote. The City Council unanimously agreed to send a letter to Mr. Polin acknowledging his gift and generosity. At 5:05 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. MI TES E OR ED AND PREPARED BY: P I-Ef PRICE, City Clerk SPCC 12/16/93 Page 2