HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-007-A1 Quincy (Approved 2017) CITY OF ATAI I E O (a1) CONTRACTV AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT No. 1 Quincy Engineering for Professional Services Santa Lucia Road Bridge Replacement Project C2015B03 Federal Project No. BHLS-5423(029), Bridge No. 49-C-0164 THIS AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT is made and entered into by and between the CITY of ATASCADERO, a Municipal Corporation ("City"), and Quincy Engineering ("Consultant") All certifications and assurances as agreed to in the specifications and contract dated April 27, 2016 are hereby incorporated into this amendment. The following scope of work and compensation are in addition to that specified in the aforementioned contract: REGARDING EXHIBIT A — SCOPE OF WORK: Exhibit A Scope of Work is hereby amended to include the items listed on the document attached to this Amendment. REGARDING ITEM EXHIBIT B - COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT: Exhibit B is hereby amended to include the Cost Proposal for Phase 2 as listed on the document attached to this Amendment, not to exceed the total contract amendment price of $295,748.86 as detailed in the cost breakdown provided. All other terms of the original Contract remain in effect. Dated: May 10, 2017 Quincy E ineer' g By: John S. uincy, President City of Atascadero Y a helle Rickard, Cify Manager Quincy Engineering Professional Services Santa Lucia Road Bridge Replacement Project City Project No. C2015B03 Page 1 of 4 9 SCOPE OF WORK Task 4.1 - Design and 65% Plans Final bridge design will be performed in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 6th Edition, and the Caltrans Amendments dated 2014. The latest updated versions of Caltrans bridge design manuals will also be utilized when applicable. Seismic design will be performed in accordance with the Caltrans "Seismic Design Criteria Version 1.7 April 2013" and the latest information available from Caltrans Earthquake Research. The approach roadway design will be performed in accordance with City Standards, AASHTO "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" and Caltrans Standard Specifications. Cross-sections will be developed per Consultant standards. Plan sheets will be prepared in AutoCAD 2015 with English units and utilizing drafting standards. All plans will be signed by Consultants civil engineer (registered in the state of California) in charge of the design, in accordance with the Local Programs Manual. The PS&E for Via Avenue will contain 20 roadway plan sheets and 11 bridge plan sheets. Task 4.2 - Independent Design Check An independent analysis of the project will be performed using the unchecked bridge detailed plans and 65% roadway plans by an engineer that has not been intimately involved in the design. Based upon the independent check and agreement to revisions by the checker and designer, the plans will be revised. Independent Check comments will be summarized and resolutions will be documented. Task 4.3 - Construction Quantities & Estimate The construction quantities will be prepared independently by two engineers and checked against each other for accuracy. Quantities will be calculated in accordance with Caltrans' practice and segregated into pay items. The estimate will show quantities, unit costs, and a project cost summary. The estimate will be prepared in spreadsheet format for inclusion into the City's final bid package. Task 4.4 - Special Provisions Consultant will use Caltrans 2015 Standard Specifications, in conjunction with Caltrans 2015 Technical Special Provisions (Chapters 8, 9, and 10). A hard copy and disc copy (Microsoft Word) of the technical specifications will be provided for the City's review. The City will combine these technical special provisions with its boilerplate specifications to develop the project specifications. A construction (working days) schedule will also be developed to determine the number of working days for the construction contract. Page 2 of 4 t Task 4.5 -- Quality Control & Constructability Review Consultant's senior level engineer will review the entire draft PS&E (90% PS&E) package for uniformity, compatibility, and constructability as well as conformance with the federal HBP program requirements. Task 4.6 -95% PS&E and Response to Comments After the QA/QC review has been completed and the plans, specifications, and estimate have been updated, the 95% PS&E will be submitted to the City for their review. This submittal will include the "red-lined" set of plans with responses to City review comments on the 65% plans. Task 4.7 - 100% PS&E Upon receiving 95% review comments from the City and other agencies, each comment will be reviewed, discussed, and addressed in writing by Consultant. All apparent conflicts will be resolved in person or via telephone/email as necessary. Appropriate modifications will be made to the plans, specifications, and estimate. Consultant will furnish final Plans (pdf, and electronic AutoCAD files-excluding proprietary Civil 3D components), Specifications (MS Word format), and Estimate (pad, and excel format) package. Task 4.8 - Utility Coordination Consultant will prepare and submit "A", "B" and "C" utility coordination letters. Task 5: Bidding and Award Individuals that were directly involved in the design will be available during the bid period to interpret bidder inquiries and prepare addenda if needed. When the construction bids are opened, Consultant will be available to provide analysis and recommendations concerning award of the contract. Consultant shall also attend pre construction meetings if requested by City. Task 6: (Not Applicable) Task 7: Project Management and Meetings Task 7.1: Project Management Consultant will be responsible for project management to provide oversight and coordination as necessary for prompt and successful completion of all contract services. Consultant will prepare, submit and coordinate project invoices with City staff. Task 7.2 - Kick-off Meeting/Project Team Meetings Consultant's Project Manager, Project Engineer, and all sub consultant Project Managers will attend a kick-off meeting. Consultant will also hold two additional in person meetings during the course of design between the Project Manager and Project Engineer to review City comments on the 65% Plans, and the 95% PS&E package. Consultant will prepare agenda items, and compile project meeting minutes for Page 3 of 4 distribution. A total of three (3) meetings including kick-off will be required. In addition to in person meetings, Consultant will attend up to 36 monthly conference calls. Page 3 of 4 Cost Proposal Phase 2 -Santa Lucia Bridge Replacement Project Date: 4/18/2017 Quincy Engineering,lnc Direct Labor. _ $86,850.70 Escalation for Multi-Year Project(3.0% . $2,605.52 Subtotal $89,456.22 Overhead (1.639): $146,618.75 A. Labor Subtotal $236,074.97 Subconsultant Costs: SWCA Environmental Consultants $23,985.24 Yeh and Associates,Inc. $0.00 WRECO $11,478.75 Mcmillan Landsurveys $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 B. Subconsultant Subtotal $35,463.99 Other Direct Costs: Travel(@acGveIRS mi7eagerare) 560 miles @ $0.540 $302.40 Pier Diem/Hotel 2 days @ $150.00 $300.00 Delivery @ $20.00 $0.00 Vendor Reproduction Vellum @ $0.00 81/2 X 11 Reproduction @ $0.00 11 X 17 Reproduction @ $0.00 t Mounting Boards for Presentations @ $0.00 Newsletters(Translation andprinting) $0.00 Subtotal Vendor Reproduction $0.00 Title Report @ $0.00 Miscellaneous Prevailing Wage Differential $0.00 C. Other Direct Cost Subtotal: $602.40 Labor Subtotal A. _ $236,074.97 Fixed Fee (10.0%): $23,607.50 Subconsultant Subtotal B. = $35,463.99 Fixed Fee(0.0%): $0.00 Other Direct Cost Subtotal: C. _ $602.40 Fixed Fee(0.0%): $0.00 TOTAL= $295,748.86 Note. Invoices will be based upon actual QEI hourly rates plus overhead at 163.9% plus prorated portion of fixed fee. Subconsultant and Direct Costs will be billed at actual cost. Page 4 of 4 Cast Proposal Project Number.A46-300 Project Name:Phase 2-Santa Lucia Bridge Replacement Project } vi o aiaci Z p L Y J E C O N U) m Fes- o o `a '� V) u W c _ W W h d c C c o a n W W W W W W L W n- W Q C� c Lj r7 a D u o o a o `o o m a o o c g CJ c u yy v C CC N y� C CN C CN U l3 CS > TASKS a_ 0- ui a N V) V) d o m a'-, a `f) r BL MR GY AC RF GM CP VD BM PK KG MQ EM PJ Direct Lobar Ne. Intal Hourly Rata $76.70 $76.70 sotm z4320 s4a40 s57.40 $45.20 547.30 $44.20 $24,90 $84.10 $70,80 536,60 $3520 Phase 1 &2 1.1 Task 1.1-T000 ra hic Surveys 0 $0.00 1.2 Task 1.2-Hydraulics 0 $0,00 $11,478.75 $11,478.75 1.3 Task 1.3-Geotechnical Studies 0 50,00 50.00 1.4 Task 1.4-Preliminary Engineering 0 $0.00 1 $0 Task 2-Environmental Review, 2 Coordination,Design and Permittinq 8 8 $613.60 $23,9B5.24 $23,985.24 3 Task 3-Right of Way 0 $0.00 50 4,1 Task 4.1-Design and 65%Plans 24 60 120 90 260 110 110 774 $35.869,80 s0 4,2 Task 4.2-Independent Check 100 32 132 $5,833.60 $0 Task 4.3-Construction Quantities& 4.3 Estimate 8 4 40 40 16 10 4 16 140 $6.810.00 $0 4.4 ITask 4.4-Special Provisions 8 4 4 60 76 $4,938,00 $D Task 4,5-Quality Control& 4,5 Constructability Review 4 24 28 $2,006.00 s0 Task 4.6-95%PS&E and Response to 4.6 Comments 4 20 40 20 70 20 20 10 4 208 $10,095.00 $0 4.7 Task 4.7-100%PS&E 1 4 10 1 20 10 40 1 10 10 1 5 4 1 113 $5.568.50 $0 Task 4.8-Utility Coordination& 4,8 lRelocallon 4 36 1 50 20 1 110 $6.302.00 $0 5 Task 5-Bidding and Award 4 8 4 8 4 28 51,634.00 SO 6 Task 6-Construction Support Services 0 $0,00 $0 Task 7-Project Management and 7 Meetings 58 32 12 1 1 2 104 $7,18220 $0 0 $0.00 $0 0 S0.00 $0 0 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 Subtotal-Hours 0 126 1741 140 224 2101 404 32 1401 140 79 321' 1B 2 1721 0 loth Direct Costs I I I i I 1 0 Total Cost -.$0.001 $9,664,20/$10,735.80l,-$6,048.001/$10,841.60 /572,054,00 x$18,260.80-$1,513.60 X56,188.00 '$3,466.00/$5,063.90!$2,265.60 $858.60/ $70.40 i $136,650.70 S86.850.701/ $23,985.24 $0.001 $11,478,75% $0.001 $0,00 $35,463,99 .! QUINCY Sarda Lucia Cast Prop Phase 2 Ony 4.18-ZO r 7,xlsx Phase 2 Nrs 4272017 ENGINEERING