HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/13/1987 0 CINDY WILKINS DEPUTY 'CITY. CLERK NOTE: THERE WILL BE A CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION AT 6: 30 P.M. IN THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOOR CLUB ROOM REGARDING PROPERTY NEGOTIATIONS (ATASCADERO LAKE PROPERTIES GUIDRY AND POLICE FACILITY SITE (BENO'S) AGENnA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOOR, ROTUNDA ROOM OCTOBER 13. 1987 7:30 P. M. RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION * Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. * A person may speak for five (5) minutes. • * No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so. * No one may- speak more than twice on any item. * Council members may question any speaker; the speaker may respond; but after the alloted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. * The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Invocation - Pastor Phillip Sievers, Luteran Church of the Redeemer Plaque of Appreciation to Atascadero Board of Realtors Donatin to the Charles Paddock Zoo ** Introduction of New Employee Dave Payton, Fire Fighter City Council Comment Committee Reports (The following represent Ad Hoc or Standing Committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary. i J 1. City/School Committee 6. Equal Opportunity Commission 2. North Coastal Transit 7. Police Facility Committee 3. San Luis Obispo Area 8. Atascadero Lake Acquistion Coordinating Council Committee • 4. Traffic Committee 9. Tree Committee 5. Solid Waste Mgmt Committee 10 . Bicentennial Committee (Approximate Time - 30 Minutes) COMMUNITY FORUM The City Council values and encourages exchange of ideas and comments from you the citizen. The public comment period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items. To increase the effectiveness of Community Forum, the following rules will be enforced: * A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. * All remarks shall be addressed to Council as a whole and not to any individual member thereof. * No questions shall be asked of a Council Member or City staff without permission of the Mayor. * No person shall be allowed to make slanderous, profane, impertinent, or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the City staff. * Any person desiring to submit written statements may do so by. forwarding to Council, prior to the Council Meeting, nine (9) copies to the City Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceeding the Council Meeting. A. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine, and will. be enacted by one motion in the form listed be- low There will be no separate discussion of these items. A member of the Council or public may, by request, have any item removed from the Consent Agenda, which shall be reviewed and acted upon separately after the adoption of the Consent Calendar . 1. Approval of City Council Minutes - September 22, 1987 2. Denial of Claim by Rosalie Hyde- for Augustine Hyde - $850,000 Personal Damages 3. Denial of Claim by Thomas Bench in the Amount of $-250 ,000 4. Proclamation - Acknowledging October 25-31 as "Red Ribbon • Week" (Drug Awareness Week) 2 5. Resolution 108-87 - Designation of a Stop Intersection on Tranquila, Rosita, and Lobos at Intersection with San Anselmo 6. Resolution 107-87 - Designation of 2-Hour Parking on the Northwest side of Pueblo, from E1 Camino to Sinaloa Avenue 7. Resolution 111-87 - Designation of a "No Parking" Sign on the Northerly side of San Andreas, near Santa Lucia (Behind Atascadero High School) 8. Approval of Tentative Lot Line Adjustment 14-87 - 800 Belle Vista - Atkinson/Twin Cities Engineering 9. Approval of Proposed San Luis Obispo County Visitors and Conference Bureau Agreement - 9/1/87 - 9/1/88 - $2,300 10. Acceptance of Final Tract Map 4-87 - 9240 Atascadero Avenue Hawkins/Cuesta Engineering 11. Authorization to Solicit Bids - Graves Creek Bridge Reconstruction 12. Resolution 99-87 - Establishment of a Policy Statement for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Establishment of a Liason Officer In Accordance with Federal Regulations (Cont'd from 9/22/87) U.. Acceptance`.of Final Parcel Map 37-86 - 7421 Santa Ysabel - Young B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES/REPORTS (Approximate Time - 20 Minutes) 1. Zone Change 11-87 - 8485 El Corte - City of Atascadero Initiated (Cont'd from 9/22/87) A. Public Hearing B. Ordinance 158 - Reverting the Existing Zone Designation of Residential Multiple Family with Planned Development #6 to the Prior Zoning Designation of Residential Single Family, 1. 5-2. 5 Acre Minimum Lot Size (FIRST READING) (Approximate Time- 30 Minutes) 2. General Plan Amendment 2C-87 and Zone Change 6-87 9300 E1 Bordo - McCaslin/Hawkins A. Public Hearing B. Resolution 105-87 - Approving Amendment of the General Plan from Low Density Single Family to High Density Multiple Family C. Ordinance 159 —Amending the Official Zoning from RSF-Z to RMF-16 (PD-7) (FIRST READING) w 3 0 (Approximate Time - 15 Minutes) 3. Proposed Zone 'Change 12-87 - 8750 E1 Camino Real - Genzone A. Public Hearing B. Ordinance 161 - Revise Industrial Park Zoning Designation to Commercial Service (FIRST READING) (Approximate Time - 30 Minutes) 4. Zone Change and Tentative Parcel Map 10-87 - 6875 Tecorida - Woodglen Ltd/Cuesta Engineering A. Public Hearing B. Ordinance 160 - Amending Existing Zoning of RMF/16 (FH) to RMF 16 (FH) (PD7) Allowing Creation of a Planned Development Overlay for Small Lot Subdivision Consisting of Subdivison of 2.1 Acres into 9 Lots of Varying Sizes from 3,968 to 7,074 Square Feet and Establishment of Los Arboles as a Private Street Name (FIRST READING) (Approximate Time - 10 Minutes) 5. Fiscal Year 1987/88 First Quarter Budget Status Report (July to September) C. UNFINISHED I ISHED BUSINESS (Approximate Time 20 Minutes) 1. Mayor Selection Survey y - Status Report D. NEW BUSINESS (Approximate Time 10 Minutes) 1. Consideration Regarding Appointment of Citizen Member to Traffic Committee. (Approximate Time - 10 Minutes) 2. Award of 1987-88 Road Resurfacing Program to Madonna Construction for $423,105.84 (Approximate Time - 5 Minutes) 3. Resolution 106-87 - Amendment of Resolutions 21-85 and 112-86 - City Manager Terms and Conditions of. Employment- Agreement 1987/88 (Approximate Time 5 Minutes) 4. Resolution 103-87 - Adoption of Salary/Classification Schedule and Benefits for Management Employees — F.Y. 1987/88 4 (Approximate Time 5 Minutes) 5. Resolution 104-87 - Adoption of Salary/Classification Schedule and Benefits for Confidential Employees E. ATASCADERO SANITATION DISTRICT (Council will recess and convene as the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board of Directors) (Approximate Time - 10 Minutes) 1. Proposed Bordeaux House Sanitary Sewer Bypass - Financing (Approximate Time - 5 Minutes) 2. Award of Sewer Cleaning (I & I) Bid to Milton Simon for $54,012.80 (Approximate Time - 5 Minutes) 3. Resolution 109-87 Approving Sewer Service to Portion of Lot 16, Block 13 (9925 Morro Road) (Evangelical Free Church of 1 . Atascadero) and Incorporating the Area into Sanitation Improvement District #2 (Approximate Time - 5 ' Minutes) 4. Resolution 110-87 - Approving Sewer Service Extension to Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, Portions of Lots 6 & 7 of Tract 5, and Parcels 1, 2, and 3 of Parcel Map AT 81-281 (El Bordo Avenue) (The Board of Director will adjourn and reconvene as the City Council) F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION 1. City Council (Re-formation. of Contractor/Staff Ad Hoc Committee (Norris) 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager 5 • ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 22, 1987 Atascadero Administration Building The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Norris. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Borgeson, Handshy, Mackey, Bourbeau, and Mayor Norris New Employees Harry Parsi, Public Works Senior Civil Engineer, Brett Morris, Police Officer, and Cynthia Reid, Police Officer, are introduced to Council. Councilmember Bourbeau commends staff for completion of the bud- get report for fiscal year 1986/87 in a timely manner, and for the surplus of $600 ,000 . Proclamations are presented to the City of Atascadero Fire and • Police Department, and all outside agencies who contributed to the City' s fire protection from the recent Los Altos fire. CITY COMMITTEE STATUS The Traffic Committee will meet tomorrow. The Police Committee has received appraisal and structural reports on Beno' s as a police facility site which will be presented to Council at a later time. The Bicentennial Committee will hold its celebration on Saturday, September 26 in front of the Administration Building. All are invited. PUBLIC COMMENT Sherry Baldner, Estrada Avenue, tells of a consistent neighbor- hood concern with disruptive neighbors,,"Chief Mc Hale is requested by Council to consult with Ms. Baldner regarding this nuisance. Joe Nyle, Atascadero resident, presents "Mayor Survey" forms, which he has gathered from outside of local grocery stores, to • the City Clerk. Terril Graham reviews current "granny housing" regulations in Atascadero, and requests Council to review the requirements in a positive manner for update . 1 • Council directs the issue of "granny housing" to be reviewed in the General Plan update. A CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of City Council Minutes - August 25, 1987 2. Approval of City Council Minutes - September 8, 1987 3. Proclamation - Acknowledging October 4-10, 1987 as "National Mental Illness Awareness Week" 4. Proclamation - Acknowledging "American Business Women September 22, 1987 5. Resolution 102-87 - Authorization for Mayor to .Enter into Agreement with San Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council Joint Powers Agreement for Fiscal Year 1987/88 6. Denial of Claim by Erica Rip, et.al. - $25,000 - Personal Damages • 7. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 23-87 - 11605 San Marcos Road - Proposed Subdivision of 10. 55 Acres into Two Lots of 5.2 Acres Each - •Vaughan 8. Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 10-87 - 8435 Curbaril Shearer/Volbrecht Surveys 9. Acceptance of Final Tract Map 30-86 - 8375 Amapoa Salmeron/ Cuesta Engineering 10. Acceptance of City Treasurer 's Report - August, 1987 11. Acceptance of City Finance Department Report - August, 1987 Item A-1, minutes of August 25, 1987 are removed from Consent Calendar for amendment. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to approve the Consent Calendar , except for Item A-1; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously • MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves approval of the Consent Calendar Item A-1, Minutes of the August 25, 1987 Council Meeting with amendments ; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds ; motion carries unanimously 2 ITEM A-1. . . .PAGE 3 REVISED paragraphs 6 & 7 the word Please add this amendment to yo r ower has been amended to higher) agenda package. B-1 ZONE CHANGE 11-87 - 8485 EL CORTE - INITIATED BY THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ORDINANCE 158 - REVERTING EXISTING ZONE DESIGNATION OF RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY WITH PLANNED DEVELOPMENT #6 TO HE PRIOR ZONING DESIGNATION OF RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMITy-4 , 1.5 TO 2. 5 ACRE MINIMUM LOT SIZE (FIRST READING) Due to applicant' s request, as he could not attend this meeting, this item is continued to October 13, 1987. I It is noted that no public in attendance wished to speak to this item. B-2 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2A-87 AND ZONE CHANGE 4-87 - 8500 EL DORADO - LINDSEY/FUNK (PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION FOR DENIAL) Henry Engen, Community Development Director , states that the Planning Commission denied this proposal, as it would not offer a beneficial effect on the area. There was significant showing of residents against this proposal. It is clarified that the zoning presently offers 1/2 acre development. Staff states that higher densities could be achieved with additional road cirucilation. Donald Funk, applicant representative, reviews his proposal and possible alternate proposals which could be presented to increase traffic circulation and thus allowing higher densities. Council clarifies to Mr. Funk that it can address only the pro- posal before them and not other possibilities at this time. Adjacent neighbors Shelly Moss, Peggy Baskin, Greg Baskin, Ellen Bruce, and Janice Wilson all speak against higher densities on this site. Council discussion continues regarding concerns with higher. density in this area. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to accept staff recommendation to deny General Plan Amendment 2A-87 and Zone Change 4-87 ; Councilmember Borgeson seconds; Motion carries unanimously B-3 REPORT ON 20 ,000 SQUARE FOOT LOTS AND FLAG LOT CONCENTRATIONS Per Council' s request, staff has reviewed the potential of new 20, 000 square foot lots with a focus on flag lot concentration. 3 B-1 ZONE CHANGE 11-87 - 8485 EL CORTE - INITIATED BY THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ORDINANCE 158 - REVERTING EXISTING ZONE DESIGNATION OF RESIDENTIA MULTIPLE FAMILY WITH PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 46 TO HE PRIOR ZONING DESIGNATION OF RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMTTLV 1.5 TO 2. 5 A E MINIMUM LOT SIZE (FIRST READING) Due to applicant's equest, as he could not attend this meeting, this item is cont inu d to October 13, 1987. It is noted that no pu lic in attendance wished to speak to this item. B-2 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2A-87 AND ZON CHANGE 4-87 - 8500 EL DORADO - LINDSEY/FUN (PLANNING 00MMISSION RECOMMENDATION FOR DENIAL) Henry Engen, Community Develo ment Director, states that the Planning Commission denied this pro osal, as it would not offer a beneficial effect on the area. h re was significant showing of residents against this proposal. t is clarified that the zoning presently offers 1/2 acre develo nt. Staff states that higher densities could be achieved wit a itional road cirucilation. Donald Funk, applicant represe tativ , reviews his proposal and possible alternate proposals hich co ld be presented to increase traffic circulation and thus allowing igher densities. Council clarifies to Mr. Fu k that it ca address only the pro- posal before them and not ther possibili ies at this time. Adjacent neighbors Shell Moss, Peggy Bask i , Greg Baskin, Ellen Bruce, and Janice Wil on all speak agai t lower densities on this site. Council discussion c ntinues regarding con erns with lower density in this area. MOTION: Counci member Bourbeau moves to accept staff recomm ndation to deny General Plan Amendment 2A-87 and Z ne Change 4-87 ; Councilme ber Borgeson secon s; Motion carries unanimously B-3 REPORT ON 0 ,000 SQUARE FOOT LOTS AND ' FLAG LOT CONCENTRATIONS Per Council' s r quest, staff has reviewed the potential of new 20, 000 square foot lots with a focus on flag lot concentration. 3 14 Henry Engen, Community Development Director , states that there • could be an additional 128-20, 000 square foot lots developed with approximately 66 potential flag lots. C-1. AWARD OF PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BID FOR UTILITY VEHICLE - SAM FERRANTE - SNIDER HI JET - $8 ,218 .18 Bob Best, Park and Recreaton Director, states that the low bid of $8,218.18 by Sam Ferrante was under the $9,800 budgeted. Two bids were received. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves to award the bid for the Park Utility vehicle to Sam Ferrante for a Snider Hi Jet for $8,218.18; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries unanimously C-2 AWARD OF BID FOR SANTA YSABEL ROAD RECONSTRUCTION - M.S. HEMRICK, INC. - $129,167.10 Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director , states that 5 bids were received. Staff is recommending awarding the bid to lowest bidder M.S. Hemrick for $129 ,167 , which is over the budget ' allo- cation of $120,000. The remaining funding will be allocated from SB-300 funds, from gastax carryover , and interest. The project life is expected to take 28 to 40 days. A Chamber of Commerce representative is invited to attend the pre-construction conference, as this road is called out to be used in the Colony Days parade return route. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to award the Santa Ysabel Road Reconstruction Bid to M.S. Hemrick for $129 ,167 .10; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously D-1 RESOLUTION 101-87 - PROPOSAL TO ACCEPT A PORTION OF GRAVES CREEK ROAD, FROM SANTA ANA TO SAN FERNANDO, INTO THE CITY MAINTAINED ROAD SYSTEM - GORDON T. DAVIS CATTLE COMPANY Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director recommends acceptance of the proposed section of road, as it meets all City requirements for acceptance. Discussions continue regarding city requirements for acceptance of roads into the system and the process. Councilmember Bourbeau feels that City future revenue sources • should be considered regarding the maintenance of accepted roads into the system. City Attorney Jorgensen states that a road policy will be forth- 4 coming with an additional requirement that roads accepted will need to be contiguous with existing maintained roads. D-2 RESOLUTION 95-87 - AUTHORIZATION FOR APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FROM COUNCIL CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR $5,000 - ARSON REWARD Acting Fire Chief Mike Mc Cain supports the arson reward amount increase, as it adds additional incentive to help reduce arson fires. He notes that the City does pay for all outside help received in fighting fires. Council discusses recent fires, costs thereof, and ways of possibly reducing these costs through other government funding. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to Adopt Resolution 95-87 appropriating $5, 000 arson reward; Council- member Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously D-3 RESOLUTION 99-87 - ESTABLISHMENT OF A POLICY STATEMENT FOR DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A LIASON OFFICER, IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL REGULATIONS Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director states that this reso- lution is a requirement for receiving Federal grants and estab- lishes a policy statement that the City recognizes the hardships of individual small businesses. Staff representative is proposed to be the Public Works Director, as most related projects are of a Public Works Department nature. No public comment is given on this item. City Attorney Jorgensen expresses concerns regarding designation of a position prior to adopting the policy, and that various portions of the policy statement need to be confirmed prior to approval. MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves to continue Resolution 99-87 to the October 13 Council Meeting to allow staff to complete additional portions of the policy; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries unanimously D-4 RESOLUTION 96-87 - APPROVAL - OF THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF, ATASCADERO ANIS THE ATASCADERO- SERGEANTS SERVICE ORGANIZATION - FISCAL YEAR 1987/88 David Jorgensen, Administrative Services Director, states that negotiations have been completed and that the organization' s representative has signed the Memorandum of Understanding. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 96-87. 5 No public comment is given on this item. MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves approval_ of Resolution 96-87; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously D-5 RESOLUTION 97-87 - ADOPTION OF SALARY CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE AND BENEFITS FOR MID - MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES- FISCAL YEAR 1987/88 David Jorgensen, Administrative Services Director, states that negotiations have been completed and staff recommends the approval of Resolution 97-87 . No public comment was given on this item. MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves approval of Resolution 97-87; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries unanimously D-6 RESOLUTION 98-87 - AMENDMENT TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND LOCAL 817 SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, ATASCADERO CHAPTER CLERICAL BARGAINING UNIT David Jorgensen, Administrative Services Director, states that the Clerical Unit Memorandum of Understanding has been adopted. Staff is, however, recommending an amendment of Section 6 . 1.5, - which will allow a range adjustment for Support Services Aides of 2.5% in January, 1988 and January, 1989. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves approval of Resolution 98-87; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously E-1 RESOLUTION 100-87 - EXTENSION OF PUBLIC SEWER SERVICE TO' LOT 214, BLOCK NC (4525 NAVIDAD) AND INCORPORATING IT INTO THE BOUNDARIES OF SANITATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT #4 Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director , recommends approval of this proposal. The lot in question is adjacent to a lot with sewer service (not on same street) and the area is known for septic problems. Sewer service extension to Navidad is not known at this time. The lot in question is uphill from the- sewe-r and gravity would- have an affect on property on Colima. Staff clar- ifies that the applicant has been apprised of all cost-s involved and is agreeable. No public comment was given on this item. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves approval of Resolution 100-87; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously 6 ' 0 • F-1 CITY COUNCIL COMMENT A. COUNCIL MEETING REARRANGEMENT All agree that the rearrangement is acceptable. B. RECONSTITUTION OF THE CONTRACTOR'S COMMITTEE - NORRIS It is noted that the full Contractor ' s Committee has not met for some time. The group was formed to review concerns and gaps that may form between City requirements and contractor 's concerns. A sub-committee has been meeting since on an ongoing basis. Councilmember Borgeson expresses her concerns with the breakdown of committees into smaller subcommittees, and questions this logic stating, "if you want a small committee, appoint a small committee" . Councilmember Norris states that she will be attending the next Contractors Board Meeting and will verify full committee member- ship interest. C. MAYOR ELECTION SURVEY Council discusses the status of the survey. It is clarified that- this survey is being done in an informal nature., and is to be used as an information gathering tool to get public opinion on this subject. It is noted that the survey will conclude September 30, and results will be presented at the following Council Meeting by the City Clerk. The Council meeting is adjourned at 10 :45 and will reconvene on September 27 for a Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Administration Building Rotunda Room. Submitte by: Kar aughan Depufty City Clerk 7 M E M O R A N D U M To: Mike Shelton, City Manager From: David G. Jorgensen, Admin. Svcs. Director Date: September 23, 1987 Subject: Claim of Rosalie Hyde for Augustine Hyde RECOMMENDATION City Council deny the above-mentioned claim in the amount of $850, 000. 00 , which was submitted on July 16, 1987. • BACKGROUND Claimant, a minor, was a passenger in a car and injured in a headon collision. Claimant states inadequacy of roadway caused the accident. Our claims adjustors, Carl Warren and Company have reviewed the claim and recommend denial. • v. 17 • M E M O R A N D U M To: Mike Shelton, City Manager From: David G. Jorgensen, Admin. Svcs. Director Date: October 7, 1987 Subject: Claim of Thomas Bench RECOMMENDATION City Council deny the above-mentioned claim in the amount of $250, 000 .00 , which was submitted on September 25, 1987. • BACKGROUND Claimant alleges City Planning Comission and City Council have not allowed claimant to split his lot to develop same, thus the value of the property has been diminished Our claims adjustors Carl Warren & Co. , have reviewed the claim and recommend denial. • A Z 'DA P R O C L A M A T I O N ACKNOWLEDGING AND SUPPORTINGS` "RED RIBBON WEEK" OCTOBER 25-31, 1987 WHEREAS, Californians for Drug Free Youth, Inc. ; a state z wide parent/community organization, and the California Department _ ¢ for Alcohol and Drug Programs are co-sponsoring. "Red Ribbon Week" •; � '. from October 25-31 1987• andx L� WHEREAS, schools, businesses, law enforcement, churches, x "' hospitals, service clubs, government agencies, and individuals in the State of California will demonstrate their commitment for a drug-free society by wearing and displaying red ribbons during this week-long campaign; and THEREFORE, the City Council .of Atascadero _does hereby • acknowledge and support the "Red Ribbon Campaign" and encourages £i its citizens to participate in drug awareness activities. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council encourages its citizens to pledge, "The Choice For Me. . .Drug Free" . BARBARA NORRIS Mayor October 14, 1987 1 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton , City Manager FROM: Pawl aensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT Resolution Establishing Stop Intersections on Tranquilla, Rosita , and Lobos at their intersections with San Anselmo DATE: October 5 , 1987 Recommendation : The Traffic Committee recommends that Council adopt the attached Resolution establishing Stop intersections on • Tranquilla , Rosita, and Lobos at their intersection with San Anseimo Avenue . Background: The Traffic Committee has received a number of requests from residents in this area to install stop intersections at these locations . The site has been observed by the committee and stop intersections are determined to be appropriate . Fiscal Impact : The cost to the City is approximately ;ISS? to be paid out of the 1987188 budget . • RESOLUTIONI NO. 108-87 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A STOP INTERSECTION ON TRAN�.!UILLA, ROSITA AND LOBOS AT THEIR INTERSECTIONS WITH SAN ANSELMO WHEREAS , Section 4-2 . 801 et seq, of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to determine the location of STOP intersections , and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Traffic Committee has recommended that establishing a STOP intersection on Tranquilla, Rosita , and Lobos Avenues at the intersection with San Anselitio Avenue will alleviate 3 hazardous traffic condition : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of • Atascadero directs t'ne City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating a STOP intersection at the location 'Listed above . On motion by , and seconded by ,the foregoing . Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call ;rote : AYES : NOES : ABSENT : ADOPTED: ATTEST : BOYD C . SHARTIZ City Clerk BARBARA PdORRiS Iiayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: '.P-PROVED AS TO" CONTENT : JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH • City Attorney Director of Pubic Works City Erngineer MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton , City Manager FROM: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT : 2 Hour Parkinq - Pueblo Avenue DATE: October 6 , 1987 Recommendation : The Traffic Committee recommends that Council approve the attached Resolution establishing a 2 Hour Parking zone on the Northwest side of Pueblo Avenue from El Camino Real to Sinaloa Avenue , Background: • This request was brought to the Traffic Committee by a businessman in the area who requested limited time parking to prevent all day parking in the spaces directly in front of his business . Due to the 2 Hour Parking on El Camino Real , some all day parking has shifted to the side streets causing a problem for some of the merchants . Fiscal Tmpact : The cost to the City is approxiiriately 100 to be paid out of the 1987-88 budget . • • RESOLUTION NO. , 107-87 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A 2 HOUR PARKING ON THE NORTHWEST SIDE OF PUEBLO FROM EL CAMINO REAL TO SINALOA AVENUE WHEREAS, Section 4-2 . 1301 et seg, of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to determine the location of 2 Hour Parking zones , and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS . the Atascadero Traffic Committee has recommended 2 Hour Parking on the Northwest side of Pueblo Avenue from El Camino Real to Sinaloa Avenue ; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that he City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating a 2 Hour Parking zone as described above . • --)n Motion by ,ar.d seconded by ,the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call rote : AYES; NOES ; ABSENT : ADOPTED: ATTEST : BOYD C SHARITZ City Clerk BARBARA NORRIS , Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT : JEFFREY G . 1ORGENSEN PAL M . ;tSEN'SIBAUGH City Attorney Director of Public ',Forks/ City Engineer , • MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton , City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT : Resolution Prohibiting Parking in an area Behind the High School DATE: October 6 , 1987 Recommendation The Traffic Committee recommends that Council approve the attached resolution prohibiting parking on the Northerly side of San Andres from a point that is approximately 150' from Santa Lucia to a point approximately 775' from Santa Lucia (Basketball Courts) and • then from a point approximately 975 feet from Santa Lucia (opposite end of Basketball Court) to a point approximately 200' from the San Andres Atascadero Creek Bridge . Background: Parking in this area has been a continuing problem for the residents in the area and previously a resolution was passed prohibiting parking in a portion of the area described here . We have received complaints from both the residents in the area and the School Disrict requesting that this area be posted for No Parking. There is adequate student parking in the lower parking lot to accommodate these cars . Fiscal Impact : The cost of establishing this No Parking area will be approximately $200 to be paid out of the 1987-88 street department budget . RESOLUTION NO 111-87 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO . DESIGNATING A NO PARKING ZONE ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF SAN ANDRES FROM A POINT APPROXIMATELY .150 FT . FROM SANTA LUCIA TO A POINT APPROXIMATELY 750 FT . FROM SANTA LUCIA CTO BASKETBALL COURTS) AND THEN FROM A POINT APPROXIMATELY 975 FT . FROM SANTA LUCiA (OPPOSITE END OF BASKETBALL COURTS TO A POINT APPROXIMATELY 300' FROM THE SAN ANDRES- ATASCADERO CREEK BRIDGE THIS RESOLUTION TO SUPERCEDE RESOLUTION NO. 41--86 WHEREAS, Section 4-12 . 1101 et sequence of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to determine the location of NO PARKING areas , and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS , The Traffic Committee has studied the traffic problems at this 'Locations in response to resident' s complaints and at the request of the Atascadero Unified School District and has determined that No Parking zones are appropriate for this location . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings as indicated above . • On Motion by Councilman ,and seconded L,y Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the foilo: ,ling roll call vote : 1 AYES . NOES : ABSENT ADOPTED: ATTEST : CITY OF ATACADERO BOYD C . SHnRITZ , �ity Clerk BARBARA NORRIS, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT JEFFREY G. JGRGEi�ISEN PAUL I1-1. SENSIBAUGH i City Attorney Director of Public Works/ City Engineer i�{ K l �-. r"' �'-✓ t5'`a $� `.�£ �,. '`c..` ,rte.. 4�� � € s s :' ' x r yyy 44. 1.44 i { 1 moi✓ „�•� � � a '� w� -� i .yam Vie. 5 {, .. t d 5 -- Y +sr � T7' r S 3 r,s f i-> .L SM es, '� M1 '. �'�.7.yt✓ - f� ,`y't,.t � t — s Z Y; 'S,... p� t S 5 t Y _- � -'V r �i'�' •A*!"�88t 1 ��,:j !+l-�� #.3 F¢�Si �*i .�t. �� " iuN S � t:- x` { *t TT a � l d3 Wit/ .ii L _ •YG..'s -r- f ' d 3 �> -..{;... 2 .•'x,s ,-f i�,�3.T. _ a" 'ry. ��. .� 7'J"ti��.M1 t,� .,i r•gv tA,a " ���-t3 Std .. .s.'htL,t•a. #� �' :;� "r 71 41 7 1'r Fo lidMat 1 . Al 9Aie,. _ � `' ( -f i 7ka .a,.Ser '' 4:a i# '"� warat�r"�r- - ""s.t m� ,��'llfr , " .,•, �• .. �� �� 11.K#y�.:x � � �. � y� F 5 r �"�E -. {to�r •+�µt.r - tx `x• °J .}>x fir a i t '" k. 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AL tr Z. 1 V' .i ry r* y tr yf fit:'. �► to 0 / � 4 ,� ` U • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council October 13, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager g % FROM Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Lot Line Adjustment 14-87 LOCATION: 8000 Belle Vista APPLICANT Frank Atkinson (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To adjust the property line between two (2) existing lots of record. BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission reviewed the above-referenced subject on its • consent calendar on September 15, 1987, unanimously approving the re- quest subject to the findings and conditions contained in the attached staff report. There was no public testimony given. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Lot Line Adjustment 14-87 subject to the findings and condi- tions of approval. HE:ps cc: Frank Atkinson Twin Cities Engineering CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: A-3 • STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: 9/15/87 BY:4APSteven L. DeCamp, Senior Planner File No: LLA 14-87 SUBJECT: Request to adjust the property line between two (2) existing lots of record. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Frank Atkinson 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Twin Cities Engineering 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8000 Belle Vista 4. Legal Description. . . . . . . . . . . .Lot 4, Block 14, Atas Colony and Parcel 2 of PM CO-77-145 • 5. Site Area. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .Lot 1 - 2.52 acres Lot 2 - 8. 21 acres 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RS (Residential Suburban) 7. General Plan Designation. . . . .Suburban Single Family 8. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lot 1 - Vacant Lot 2 - SFR, Garage 9. Environmental. Status. . . . . . . . .Categorically Exempt (Class 5) B. ANALYSIS: The subject property is located in the RS (Residential Suburban) zone. Minimum lot size in this zone ranges between 2. 5 and 10. 0 acres depending upon the "score" of the various performance standards. Lot 1 is smaller than the minimum, allowed=by- the zoning ordinance, Lot 2 is larger than the minimum allowed lot size. The proposed lot line adjustment will be conditioned to ensure an equal exchange of land between the two affected parcels. City policy has been to allow lot line adjustments in cases such as this provided that the degree of nonconformity of any lot is not Lot Line Adjustment 14-87 September 18, 1987 Page 2 increased. The proposed adjustment will not increase the degree of nonconformity of Lot 1. Based on the above, it is Staff' s determination that the proposed lot line adjustment does not present any substantial planning issues. The proposed map, as conditioned, complies with City policies and standards. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Lot Line Adjustment 14-87 based on the Findings in Exhibit C and the Conditions of Approval in Exhibit D. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location and Zoning Exhibit B - Proposed Lot Line Adjustment Exhibit C — Findings for Approval Exhibit D - Conditions of Approval SLD:sld >e 418 i CITY OF ATASCADERO ��►-��o� , ZaN,n� 1 ' 1975 1 can 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LLA 1 -4 - Sl A"� oto DEPARTMENT / —Et1DINOCA SP t NA 'A TA J 2 p h -- � N t o � 4 �6 bN 6 D AB P P OLA OP i P � 4 P FS \qO Pia � OL 7 (OS Gpt S \\� QfC h V/y�q RS A • c SI � E 4�00o P.��II� V►s-�� A GAB cz O r I � � \ DS P b CITY OF ATASCADERO ,�-4,81A 4� , ,9,.-7 A�COC COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AJ3u4mcm4- Maf DEPARTMENT LLA 14 —8? f� Z'4Z LCT 2.6zAC- ' GRu,w4e torL#qS o' aS� —FF vn��rT p �r`e�v/or�az L O T iOl 2 L. I � "-i ori+',•�\ � r•1!f��L� \1 o to a� zm j EXHIBIT C - Findings for Approval Lot Line Adjustment 14-87 September 15, 1987 FINDINGS: 1. The application as submitted has been determined to be categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 2. The application as submitted conforms with all applicable zoning, general plan and subdivision regulations of the City of Atascadero. . EXHIBIT D - Conditions of Approval Lot Line Adjustment 14-87 September 15, 1987 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The lot line adjustment as generally shown on the map attachment provided herein shall be submitted in final map format or reflected in a record of survey to be approved by the Community Development Department prior to recordation. 2. The proposed adjusted lot lines shall be surveyed and monuments set at the new property corners prior to recordation of the final map or record of survey. 3. The proposed lot line adjustment shall be drawn to insure an equal exchange of property between the affected parcels. 4. If a final map is to be recorded, all existing easements shall be delineated thereon. 5. Approval of this lot line adjustment shall expire two years from the date of approval unless a time extension has been granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. COPY IN FILE • San Luis Obispo County Visitors & Conference Bureau September 21, 1987 Mr. Mike Shelton City of Atascadero P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Dear Mike, I am so delighted that the City of Atascadero has voted to support the San Luis Obispo County Visitors & Conference Bureau for the second year. The first year was devoted to the formation and organizational structure of the bureau. The second year will • be devoted to obtaining some tangible results due to our marketing efforts. I 'm glad you'll be a part of this process. I have enclosed the promotional agreement between the VCB and the city for your signature and of the other parties concerned. Please sign and return the original copy with your payment by the date indicated on the agreement. I look forward to another successful year in tourism promotion and to your continued support. incerely, Y)A&k,- onni S. Eylar irector • 1041 Chorro Street, Suite E, San Luis Obispo, California 93401 (805) 541-8000 TOURISM PROMOTION AGREEMENT This agreement made and entered into this 1st day of September 1987, by and between the Chamber of Commerce of San Luis Obispo, Inc. , a California not-for-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Chamber" and CITY OF ATASCADERO, a municipal corporation hereinafter referred to as "City" . W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the City is desirous of increasing the economic well- being of the county through tourism development, AND WHEREAS, the Chamber has organized the San Luis Obispo County Visitors & Conference Bureau for the express purpose of promoting • the tourism attributes of San Luis Obispo County and its cities. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 1. Scope of Services. The Chamber shall maintain the San Luis Obispo County Visitors & Conference Bureau, hereinafter referred to as "Bureau" , as a standing committee of the - Chamber but separate for accounting purposes. This Bureau shall include exclusively identifiable offices, telephone number, address, and at least one full-time, professional staff person totally devoted to the work of the Bureau. The Chamber agrees that the Bureau activities will include, but • . TOURISM PROMOTION AGREEMENT page 2 not be limited to, the following: newspaper, magazine, and direct mail advertising, participation at travel trade shows and missions, brochure and other publications development, solicitation of group and conference business, assistance with conference planners, media relations, act as liason with the State Office of Tourism, and other activities which would reasonably be a part of a tourism promotion program. The Chamber agrees to spend funds generally in accordance with the following guidelines: 35% for advertising and advertising production, 20% for trade show and sales mission participation, 15% for publications and brochure development, and 30% for salaries and administrative costs. 2 . Time of Performance and Termination. This contract shall be effective as of September 1, 1987 and shall terminate on September 1, 1988 unless extended from year to year by mutual written agreement of both parties. 3 . Compensation. For services rendered, Chamber shall be paid $2 , 300. A payment of $2 , 300 shall be made on or before October 1, 1987 . 4. Records. Chamber agrees that the Bureau will keep complete financial records of income and expenses separate from the TOURISM PROMOTION AGREEMENT page 3 Chamber and that the Bureau will produce financial and activity reports on a quarterly basis, to be made no later than 30 days following the end of the calendar quarter. Chamber agrees to audit the finances of the Bureau annually. Financial records of the Bureau shall be available for inspection by the City upon reasonable notice to Chamber and may be audited by the City annually at the City's expense. 5. Insurance. Chamber agrees to maintain insurance for the life of this agreement in a single-limit amount of not less than $1, 000, 000 for bodily injury and property damage covering the scope of services of this agreement. 6. Independent Contractor. The Chamber, and all the agents and employees of Chamber and the Bureau, in the performance of this agreement, shall act in an independent capacity and not as officers, employees or agents of the City. 7. General Provisions. A. This agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this agreement, shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. B. All materials, files, photographs, manuscripts, and artwork produced under the terms of this agreement shall remain . TOURISM PROMOTION AGREEMENT page 4 the property of the Bureau during the agreement period and after the agreement expires. C. This agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with all the laws of the State of California. D. The Chamber certifies that it does not discriminate and shall refrain from discrimination against any person or group of persons, on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry or national origin. ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: By; Deputy City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF SAN LUIS . OBISPO, INC. BY: BY CITY ATTORNEY PkESIDEN BY: EXECUTIVE MANAGER • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council October 13, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Tract Map 4-87 LOCATION: 9240 Atascadero Avenue APPLICANT: Michael Hawkins (Cuesta Engineering) • On April 7, 1987, the City Council approved Tentative Tract Map 4-87, subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The required condi- tions have been complied with and the final map is recommended for approval. HE:ps cc: Mike Hawkins Cuesta Engineering t 9s.. --- 1 i� •r - t 3Q � I � 2 \ ; h \ u • qgo � / I /f7 \ fib O '\ ,(•tOGfL d-S- c•150 e' - I \ _ sl.v s w 1 ATA5CAD CA0 , AY ---------------- CN ----- to W � � �4�\ \ V � $T Z� l^ yeti •� c Tg°yvo • MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council Through: Michael Shelton, City Manager From: Pau` _� Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject : Authorization to bid Monterey Bridge over Graves Creek Date : October 1, 1987 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council authorize the Public Works Director to approve the plans and specifications and to advertise for bids for the Monterey Road-Graves Creek bridge project . Backround: This project is one of four bridges in the present budget that *has received an 80% Federal Aid-Highway Act grant being administered by Caltrans . The project was designed by Bischel & Karns of Sacramento. The project will remove the existing bridge and erect a wider and longer single span reinforced concrete deck bridge, .including a pedestrian walkway on the school side of the street. Discussion: There was what is called a "design exception" requested by the State to place an extended guard rail into an area outside the present right-of-way near .the tree farm that is now being finalized. Also, the environmental study has drawn attention to a historical site under the present Monterey Rd. Elementary School grounds . Although additional attention has been directed toward this issue, clearance is expected very soon. There are a few other incidental paperwork loose ends that are being resolved with Caltrans, otherwise the project is esentially ready to bid. Fiscal Impact : The estimated cost of the total project with engineering is approximately $325,000 with the City participation of 20%, or - $65, 000 . This money is budgeted in the 1987-88 C. I .P. budget . • MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Through: Michael Shelton, City Manager �aA From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject : Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Policy Date : September 15, 1987 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council adopt the attached resolution •establishing a Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) Policy and Liaison Officer. Backround: The newly enacted "Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987" revised the DBE requirements for contracts and subcontracts for projects receiving Federal-Aid funds. Such projects are the four bridges replacement projects, FAU and FAS road-related Projects, Revenue Sharing projects, and transit fund projects . More specifically, Section 106(c) of the "Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1987" requires that an annual goal of not less than 10% be established for the participation of small business concerns owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals . Additionally women shall be included into this category and a seperate goal for Women Business Enterprises (WBE) is no longer acceptable . Discussion: The Monterey Road-Graves Creek Bridge is. nearing= approva-l' to bid from Caltrans and- since the Highway Act is now in effect, the City must (1) establish a Policy Statement by council action, (-2) designate a DBE Liaison Officer, (3) establish an annual goal , (4) establish . individual project goals, (5) give public notification of annual goal 0 on an annual basis and (6) administer the DBE policy. __ The annual goal is the aggregate of the individual contract • project goals that are expected during the federal fiscal year. By establishing the annual goal now the project goals can be set individually with a single goal less than or greater than the annual goal . A project goal is based on the size (cost) and type of work, availability of DBE participation, and past achievement . Title 49CFR requires that a waiver must be requested and approved for an annual goal of less than 10%. Fiscal Impact : The fiscal impact of the required policy is unknown at this time and may never be fully determined. The abstract factors such as availability of DBE' s, inefficiencies due to subletting just to meet the requirements, inexperience and unforseen actual administrative time could be costly. On the other hand the value of the grant itself will outweigh the negatives . The accumulation of requirements, however, sometimes does not outweigh the negatives especially on smaller projects . • • 0 0 RESOLUTION No. 99-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING A POLICY STATEMENT FOR DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (DBE) AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A DBE LIAISON OFFICER IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS 49, PART 23, SECTION 23.45 AND OTHER RELATED SECTIONS WHEREAS, CFR 49 23 requires the establishment of a Policy Statement and a Liaison Officer with respect to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises; and WHEREAS, certain certain City projects receive Federal-Aid funds; and WHEREAS, the City recognizes the hardships of small business concerns owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals; and WHEREAS, the minimum acceptable goal for contracts is 10% DBE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby establish the policy to utilize Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) in all aspects of contracting to the maximum extent feasible . This policy is fully described herein on Exhibit A which constitutes policy and commitment to substantially increase Disadvantaged Business Utilization. This policy includes any Program activity funded wholly or in part by any U.S. Department of Transportation modal element . This City, its contractors and subcontractors, which are the recipients of Federal-Aid funds, agree to ensure that DBE firms have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts and subcontracts . In this regard, this City and all of its contractors and subcontractors will take all reasonable steps in accordance with 49 CFR 23 to ensure that DBE firms have the maximum opportunity to compete for and perform contracts . • On motion of Councilperson and seconded by Councilperson the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote : AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE: ATTEST: City of Atascadero BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk BARBARA NORRIS, Mayor By: APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH City Attorney Director of Public Works/ City Engineer 0 EXHIBIT A • I. Adopt Policy Statement II . Disadvantaged_Business_En.terprise (DEE) Liaison Officer Paul M. Sensibaugh , Director of Public Works/City Engineer is the DBE Liaison Officer for this agency and shall report to the City Manager . He/She will be assigned such staff as is necessary to fully implement the provisions of 49CFR Part 23 and such other DBE programs as may be required. III . Duties_of DEE_Liaison_Officer The DBE Liaison Officer shall develop, manage and implement the DEE Program on a day-to-day basis . The Liaison Officer shall : - Develop and carry out technical assistance programs for DBE' s . - Arrange solicitations , time for the presentation of bids , quantities , specifications , and delivery schedules so as to facilitate the participation of DBE' s . Where such changes are found necessary to increase DBE utilization , they will be made in con- sultation and cooperation with the functional unit involved. - Provide guidance to DBE' s in overcoming barriers , such as inability to obtain bonding or financing. - Carry out information and communication programs on contracting opportunities in a timely manner , Programs shall be bilingual where appropriate . - Investigate the services offered by banks owned and controlled by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises . - Unless noted elsewhere herein the listing of DBE' s certified by Caltrans will be utilized. Said listing is to be made available to all project bidders . Such listing will include the following information : name, address , phone number , ethnic and/or sexual ownership, type of work performed by firm. - Prior to approval of the substitution ofanyDBE sub- contractor , the prime contractor will be required to prove performance of good faith .effbrts to replace the DEE with another eligi'-ble DEE. - Establish overall goals for disadvantaged business enterprises . Goals shall be evaluated annually and adjusted as necessary , -- - Establish appropriate individual project goals for disadvantaged business enterprises . All projects will be evaluated for the appropriatness of goals . - Perform good faith analysis when project goals are not achieved. - Maintain such documentation as is necessary to verify performance of all activities included in this program. IV , Public Notification 1 . At the time of the submittal of this program to the State Deaprtment of Transportation , a notice in both minority and majority local media will be published. Said publication shall include - The annual overall DBE ctoals . - Inform the public that the goals and a description of how they are set are available for public inspection for a period of 33 days . - Inform the public that both U. S . DOT and this agency will accept comments on the goals for 45 ways from the date of the notice . - The notice shall advise interested parties that comments are for information purposes only . 2 . This program will be reaffirmed by public notice annually at the time of pub'_ication of overall -.oafs . If substantial changes are made to this document , the entire document shall! be subject to notification noted in (1) above . 3 . In addition to the foregoing, interested disadvantaged and minority contractor organizations will receive direct mailings of this complete program. V . Establishment of Goals 1 . DBE goals will be established both annually (overall) and on a per contract basis . The overall goal will be based on planned contract activity for the coming year . The overall goal established will be subject to methodology and procedures established in 49CFR 23, Subparts (C) and (D) and tai• e effect on October 1st of each year , 2 . The overall goals established with this _ initial program is 10"6 DBE; and covers the period of October 1 , 1987 to September "30 , 1988 . 3 . IndividLal project goals will be established for DBE activity based on the following criteria : - Attainment of established overall goals . - Size of project . - Opportunities for DBE' s as subcontractors , vendors , and suppliers . - Minority population of geographic area in which work is to be performed. - DBE goals being utilized in the geographic area by other State , Federal or local jurisdictions . - Availability of DBE' s . - Past experience on projects similar to the project being evaluated. - Such other factors as may effect the utilization of DEE. - Complete evluation documentation will be retained for each project . 4 . Projects which do not contain specific goals will contain the following provisions : A. "Policy . It is the policy of the City of Atascadero . that disadvantaged business enterprises as defined in 49 CFR Part 23 shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds under this agreement , Consequently , the DBE requirements of 49 CFR Part 23 apply to this agreement . " B. "DBE_ObligatirDn . (i) The recipient or its contractor agrees to ensure that disadvantaged business enterprises as defined in 49 CFR 23 have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts and subcontracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds provided under this agreement . In this regard, all recipients or contractors shall take all necessary and reasonable steps in accordance with 49 CFR Part 23 to ensure that disadvantaged business enterprises have tfle maximum opportunity to compete for and perform contracts . Recipients and their contractors shall not discriminate on the basis of race , color , national origin , or sex in the award and performance of DCT-assisted contracts . " VI . Contract Procedure This program shall be implemented through the utilization of a contract special provision which will be provided/updated as necessary by Caltrans' Division of Local Streets and Roads . These procedures- require bidders to submit the names of DBE subcontractors and suppliers , a description of the work each is to perform or material to be furnished, and the dollar value of each DBE subactivity . • s VII DBE Notification Projects will be advertised in 'Local news-pacers and minority focus newspapers when possible . These ads will include reference to DBE requirements and c.rill indicate DBE project goals . DBE assistance centers will receive notification of projects scheduled to be advertised . Assistance Centers, Minority Business Development Centers and Program Management Centers will be afforded the opportunity to receive complimentary plans and specifications for projects within their geographical area of responsibility . VIII . Selection Criteria_for_Proiects with LOBE Goals Every project containing DBE goals shall be evaluated by the DBE Liaison Officer or his/tier designee to ascertain bidding contractors ' efforts to attain the DBE goals . The award of any project with DBE goals must be concurred with by the DBE Liaison Officer or his/her designee before said contract may be awarded. Should there be disagreement between functional units concerning contractors' efforts to attain contract goals for DEE participation , the matter shall be referred to City Council or his/her designee for final determination . Competitors that fail to meet the DBE goats and *ail to demonstrate sufficient reasonable good faith efforts shall not be eligible to be awarded the contract . Any contracts that contain DBE goals , pursuant to this policy , will be monitored on an ongoing basis by ?protect personnel during the course of construction . - e: DBE L T_ iaison Officer is to be immediately advised of any circumstances wherein contractor compliance with thee DBE provision is questionable . The contractor shall submit a final report for each proj;ct with DEE goals which includes total payments to the prime contractor as well as payments the prime contractor has made to DBE subcontractors , vendors and suppliers . If the report indicates -the pri;ne contractor has not achieved the project goals , project personnel shall attach an evaluation , in narrative form, of the reasons for failure to attain the qoals and any corrective action that was taken . Prime contractors will be required to notify the Agency of any situation in which regularly scheduled progress =t r e 1_10t made l 1.o DBL" e+ i:1 o f L. c;upplier=' IX . Set-A=ides If determined necessary by tree DBE Liaison Officer , DBE :)et-Asides will be consideree a tool to achieve annual overall goals . X . Countirn_DBE_Participants This Agency , its contractors , and subcontractors shall count DBE participation in accordance with the provisions of Section 23 .47 , Title 49, of the Code of Federal Regulations . XI . Records and Reports 1 . The DBE Liaison Officer shall maintain such records , and provide such reports , as are necessary to ensure full compliance with this policy . Such records and reports shall include, as a minimum, the following information : - Awards to DBE' s - Awards to majority contractors . - Final project reports concerning DEE utilization - Such other data as is needed to fully evaluate compliance with this program. 2 . The DBE Liaison Officer shall submit reports to Caltrans and/or to the appropriate U. S . DOT element as required. These reports will include : Number and dollar value of contracts awarded. - Number and dollar value of contracts and sub- contracts awarded to DBE' s . - Description of general categories of contracts awarded to DBE' s . - The percentage of the dollar value of all contracts awarded during the year which were awarded to DBE' s . indication as to the extent of which the percentage met or exceeded the overall goals . - Reports shall be broken down separately by ethnic__ grouping and sex . n YII . Complaints Any complaints received by the Agency concerning this program will be investigated by the City Manager , He/She will endeavor to resolve said complaints within 90 days of receipt by the DEE Liaison officer , The appropriate DoT element and Caltrans will be furnished a copy of the complaint and may be invited to participate in the investigation/resolution . The DoT element and Caltrans will receive a complete investictative report on the complaint and may he requested to concur in the proposed disposition of said complaint . Contractor will be directed to notify the Agency of any complaints they may receive concerning this program, • DESCRIPTIOti '` • TYPE OF WORK CC21TR.1C T PRO:LCT GOALS . COST DBE TRAFFIC SIGNALS Controllor replacement CNLY S100,000 0 leap than 3 to 3' TRAFFIC SIGNALS w/ Hardware and loops S50,000 10 to 12' more than less than 8 to 10 TRAFFIC SIGNALS w/ Any roadwork(islands-access ramp) S100,000 10 to 12 more than w STREET LIGHTING / NO OTHER WORK 520,000+ 5 to 8 LANDSCAPING w/ NO OT:XR WORK $20,000+ S to 8 PAVEMENT HARKING w/ NO OTHER WORK S20,000+ 5 to 8 • less than 8 to 10 ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION w/ Pavement resur�acing only, no 5150,000 fabric, dig-outs or striping more than 10 to 12 less than to 12 ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION w/Pavement resurfacing only, with $150,000 i fabric, dig-out3 and striping more than lI to 13 less than 10 to 12 4 7WAY CONSTRUCTION w/Drainage items 5200,000 12 to 14 more than - less than IO to 12 ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION w/C.srbs, gutters, sidewalk and Sh 12 to 14. access rrmps moore re t1:an less than 12 .to 14, 00 ROAD11AY CONSTRUCTION w/Pavement resurfacing and one of S300 13 13 to 15' above items • less than 13 to 15; ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION w/Pavement resurfacing and two or S300,000 14 to le • more of the above items more than less than 12 to 14 ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION w/Pavement reconstruction ONLY S4aO,000 more than 14. to 1.6- less than 14 to 1� ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION reconstruction with S500,000 15 to 18 any of above items morn than • less than 15 to 1Q ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION w/All new work,-new roadway aligmmnt S500,000 1G to 20 more than less than 10 to 12 • BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION w/ Roadway apgoach under 100 ft. 5200,000 more than 11 to 13 less than 11 to 13 RIDGE CONSTRUCTION w/Roadway appoach over 100 ft. 5400,000 12 tb 15 more than i t ATTACHMENT "B " �~ DBE ANNUAL PLAN TO: CALTRANS DISTRICT 05 Local Streets and Roads Civil Rights Coordinator The CITY of ATASCADERO requests approval of annual overall goal of . 10 DBE for Fiscal Year 1987-8$ beginning on July 1, 1987 and ending on June 30, 1988 It is anticipated that the following Federal-Aid Highway projects will be advertised during this Fiscal Year with preliminary DBE participation levels established as shown. ( Include consultant preliminary engineering and construction contracts anticipated for award. ) +' ESTIMATED PROJECT CONTRACT DBE DESCRIPTION ITEMS COST PARTICIPATION TYPE OF I-IORR Monterey (1) Road Bridge $ 280,000 $ 28,000 Rr dQe ConGtriirti nn ycamore (2) Road Bridge $ 400,000 $ 40,000 Bridge Construction San Andres (3) Road Bridge $ no,nnn $ ?5z_Qn Bridge Construction Garcia Road e Construction ( 4) Bridge $ 150_000 $ 15_nnn Br id g West Mall ( 5 ) Signal $ 160,000 $ 16,000 GRAND TOTAL $ 1,270,000 $ 127,000 DBE 10 % Paul M. Sensibaugh 10/1/87 �".:; DBE LIAISON OFFICER DATE ATTACHMENT "C" THIS CITY OF ATASCADERO FOR FEDERAL-AID HIGHWAY PROJECTS HAS SET -AN ANNUAL _GOAL FOR THE 1987-88 FISCAL YEAR OF 10 % FOR DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (DBE) . THE GOAL ESTABLISHMENT PROCEDURE WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION FOR A PERIOD OF 30 DAYS AT CITY HALL 6500 PALMA AVENUE IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. COMMENTS ON THESE GOALS WILL BE RECEIVED IN THE ABOVE- MENTIONED OFFICE AND BY THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. , FOR A PERIOD OF 45 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE. Mtg Date: 10/13/87 Item: A-13 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council October 13, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 37-86 LOCATION: 7421 Santa Ysabel APPLICANT: Ted and Judy Young • On July 14, 1987, the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 37-86, subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The required condi- tions have been complied with and the final map is recommended for approval. HE:ps cc: Ted and Judy Young CITY OF EXHIBIT B Site Plan :v-is� 0F `" .L?ERO Tentatixe Pa�.'cel Map 37-SE 7 4 21 Santa `3sabel ` COMMUNITY D`FLOPMENT Califamnla ManOr (Yo.l DEPARTMENT 1N3Wd013A30 WNt1WW00 If 4 L eta �W ''•� ��$$ Asa �$�� Sl00 IOaV * ` 1� 3 :$ •W�• � v\ aiEzc vti i c - err;..•`'}.� i�:~ ��I1 17 P R O C L A M A T I O N ACKNOWLEDGING OCTOBER 15, 1987 AS WHITE CANE SAFETY DAY x+. WHEREAS, the white cane, which every blind citizen of our city has the right to carry, demonstrates and symbolizes his/her ability to achieve a full and independent life, and his/her capability to work producively in competitive employment; and WHEREAS, the white cane, by allowing every blind person to � Y move freely and safely from place to place, makes it possible for him/her to fully participate in and contribute to our society; and WHEREAS, every citizen should be aware that the law requires that motorists exercise appropriate caution when approaching a blind person carrying a white cane or using a dog guide; and • ` WHEREAS, California law also calls upon employers, both public and private,. to be aware of and utilize the employment skills of our blind citizens by recognizing their worth as individuals and their productive capacities; and WHEREAS, the State of California, through its public agencies, and with the cooperative assistance of the National Federation of the Blind of California, can look forward to a continued expansion of employment opportunities for and greater acceptance of blind persons in the competitive labor market. THEREFORE, I, Barbara Norris, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, do hereby proclaim October 15, 1987, -as "WHITE CANE SAFETY DAY". BARBARA NORRIS Mayor October 13, 1987 �`�;� - � ...A s pal I M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council September 22, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager KA_ _ FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director Vo�, SUBJECT: Zone Change 11-87 LOCATION: 8485 E1 Corte (Lots l and 2, Block 1, Eaglet #2) APPLICANT: Initiated by City of Atascadero REQUEST: To revise the zoning map designation from RMF-4 (PD6) to RSF-Z. BACKGROUND: This re-zoning was initiated by the City Council on July 28, 1987 to restore pre-existing development rights on property included within an • adjoining planned development re-zoning. On September 1, 1987 , the Planning Commission conducted a public hear- ing on this request, unanimously recommending approval of the zone change request as outlined in the attached staff report. There was discussion and public testimony given as reflected in the attached minutes excerpt. This item was continued from 9/22/87 Council Meeting due to A ppIicant's inability to attend. RECOMMENDATION: Concur with the Planning Commission' s recommendation and (1) read by title only and (2) approve Ordinance No. 158 for first reading. HE:ps ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report - September 1, 1987 Minutes Excerpt - September 1, 1987 Ordinance No. 158 cc: Steven N. Cool _ Hap Brenizer Ray Bunnell Steven A. Sweet City of Atascadero Item: B-2 . STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: 9/1/87 BY: PApSteven L. DeCamp,- Senior Planner File No: ZC 11-87 Project Address: 8485 E1 Corte (Lts. 1 & 2, Blk. 1, Eaglet #2) SUBJECT: Request to revise the Zoning Map designation on the subject property from RMF-4 (PD 6) to RSF-Z. BACKGROUND: In May of 1986, the City Council approved General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Zoning Map amendments affecting the subject property. The project for which the zoning (and Planned Development Overlay) were designed will not involve these lots. Because these lots will not benefit from the existing zoning, reversion to the prior zone designation should be accomplished. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: • 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City of Atascadero 2. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 acres 3. Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .El Corte is a paved, City-maintained street 4. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RMF-4 (PD 6) 5. General Plan Designation. . . . . . . .Low Density Multiple family 6. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lot 1 : SFR and barn Lot 2: Vacant 7. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted August 12, 1987 B. ANALYSIS: In 1985, the ACOMA Corporation (Bill Poe) approached the City with a proposal for redevelopment of the old mushroom farm on E1 Corte. The original proposal envisioned the construction of • seventy-two (72) dwelling units on the flatter portions of the site, and reservation of the higher elevations in an open-space Zone Change 11-87 September 1, 1987 Page 2 easement. This plan consisted of approximately twenty-two (22) acres and included Lots 3 through 10 in Block 1, Eaglet No. 2. During the process of reviewing this development proposal, the possibility of adding additional area to the project was discussed. When the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance amendments were initiated, the study area was expanded to include two additional, adjacent lots (Lots 1 and 2) . The study area, therefore, consisted of thirty-two (32) acres and included all of the area within the City east of E1 Corte. At the conclusion of the public hearing process, the General Plan designation for the property was changed from Low Density Single Family to Low Density Multiple Family. The zoning on the property was also changed from RSF-Z to RMF-4 (PD 6) . These designations provide for a density shift to allow for the construction of an average of four (4) units per acre on the lower elevations. The conditions of the Planned Development over-lay require that all construction on the property be held below the 960 foot contour line. An open space easement is to be established above that elevation as a part of future development review. Lots 1 and 2, which as noted above were added to the study area, lie almost entirely above the 960 foot elevation. These lots are, therefore, virtually undevelopable under the currently imposed zoning. At the time of the original rezoning to RMF-4 (PD 6) , it was thought that these to lots might become part of the larger project to the south and would be utilized to increase the allowable number of units in that project. Because of that, the requirement for an open-space easement was not considered to be detrimental. It has now been determined, however, that these lots will not be part of the mushroom farm redevelopment. For this reason, the current zoning designation is not appropriate for these lots. Prior to the rezoning approved in 1986, Lots 1 and 2 were zoned RSF-Z, which requires a minimum lot size of between 1.5 and 2. 5 acres depending on the site' s "score" on various performance standards. This designation was based on the steepness of the property, the lack of sewer availability, and access conditions. As part of the larger adjacent project, and given the restrictions of the Planned Development over-lay, these site - characteristics were not critical in determining an appropriate size for these lots. When these lots are viewed individually, however, those same characteristics are critical in determining • suitable lot sizes. For this reason, reversion of the zoning for Lots 1 and 2 to RSF-Z appears most appropriate. This zone �i Zone Change 11-87 September 1, 1987 Page 3 designation will allow reasonable development of the property in keeping with the intent of the General Plan and in conformance with the general character of the surrounding area. It should be noted that this currently proposed zone change does not require a concurrent General Plan amendment. The density of development that could occur under the RSF-Z zone designation would not exceed that allowed by the Low Density Multiple Family General Plan designation. This lower level of density would not be inconsistent with the General Plan designation. Any future change in the General Plan can be accommodated as part of the current General Plan Revision Program. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Zone Change 11-87 reverting the zone designation of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 1, Eaglet No. 2 from RMF-4 (PD 6) to RSF-Z as shown in the attached draft ordinance. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location and Zoning Map Exhibit B - 960 Foot Contour Map Exhibit C - Staff Report: GP 1C-85 & ZC 3-85 Exhibit D - Draft Ordinance r C)04151 T A CITY OF ATASCADERO �o�a��o� �►d za��� 191!{ .C? . 197•-7SC D �OCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Z G I► - $7 DEPARTMENT �W L�►�.VE" I I � I ' W S ITE 8.1 SS Ef Gov4d, L* i. 14 Z; elk. I c-_-A Z I rf AVr F-- 10 pb \� a� V Q 04% ° < ° •° d--1 J y 6 P / P 'is99. \vQQr— Sr �r 0 CT �� � EX�tiBiT 6 CITY OF ATASCADERO 940 F--ac+ can- cur lot 19.E '�asc�w COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ZG 11 - 67 DEPARTMENT iTe AV' 940' Gov►-�ouv 1 �� 9 t `` b 47 A P O Ob, t 0, bJ'' 5.4. IZdloor--: 4? 1 C-95 ZG 3-SS • City of Atascadero STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: 3/31/86 BY: Steven L. DeCamp, Senior Planner File No: GP 1C-85 and ZC 3-85 Project Address: 8555 E1 Corte SUBJECT: Request to revise the existing General Plan land use map and zoning map from Low Density Single Family (RSF-Z) to Low Density Multiple Family (RMF-4) with a Planned Development (PD) overlay. BACKGROUND: The applicants are requesting an amendment to both the general plan land use map and the zoning ordinance text and map from low density single family to low density multiple family with a planned develop- ment overlay. This proposal was continued from the last general plan amendment cycle at the applicant' s request. Notice of public hearing was published .in the Atascadero News on Fri- day, March 21, 1986 and all property owners of record located within 300 feet of the subject property were notified on - that March 20, 1986 . A. LOCATION: 8555 E1 Corte (Lots 1-10 , Block 1, Eaglet No. 2) B. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .General plan and zoning ordi- nance from Low Density Single Family to Low Density Multiple Family designation. 2. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ACOMA Corporation_ 3. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 acres 4. Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .El Corte is a paved (18-20 feet) City-maintained street 5. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RSF-Z (Residential Single Family 1. 5 - 2. 5 acre minimum lot size) 6. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Partially vacant/warehouse (former Mushroom Farm) C General Plan Amendment 1C-85/Zone Change 3-85 (I'O MA Poe ) 7. Adjacent Zoning and Use to. . .North: RSF-Y Entire Study Area South: Golf course (San Luis County) East: Golf course (SLO County) West: RSF-Y 8. General Plan Designation. . . . .Low Density Single Family 9. Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Flat at the lower elevations to steep at higher elevations 10. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration C. ANALYSIS: The minimum lot size in the RSF-2 zoning district is 1. 5 to 2. 5 acres depending upon the site' s "score" based on various perfor- mance standards. This zone does not envision the availability of sanitary sewer service. The proposal for low density multiple family zoning would more than quadruple allowed densities in the area. There are, however, factors that tend to mitigate the ef- fects of this increased level of density. Surrounding Uses: The property to the south and to the east of the subject parcels is the Chalk Mountain Golf Course. This large expanse of open space will lessen the impact of higher densities on the adjacent parcels by maintaining low overall area densities. The parcels to the west of the subject site have been recommended by the Planning Commission for redesignation to RSF-W (10,000 square foot lots) . Although the RSF-W zone is for single family lots, the applicant' s proposed RMF-4 zoning designation would result in similar overall densities (4 units/acre) . The property would not, therefore, be an island of higher density surrounded by low density uses. Site Design: The applicant is proposing a planned residential development em- bodying significant areas of open space. The applicant has pro- posed, and an open space easement will assure, that the upper por- tion of the slopes on the site will remain open. Building heights and location on the site will be controlled to the same end. Each of these considerations will lessen the visual impacts. Public Services: Sanitary sewer service is currently available to only one of the parcels proposed for redesignation. the entire site .is, however, - within the Urban Service Line and could be annexed to the sewer district. Because of the terrain on and surrounding the site, and the number of dwelling units possible, the developer will be re- quired to provide off-site sewer system improvements. These im- • provements will be designed as part of the master plan of develop- ment for the site. 2 General Plan Amendmet 1C-85/Zone Change 3-85 (AMA/Poe) Access to the site from E1 Camino Real via La Linia Avenue, Cas- cada Road and/or Arcade Road is of concern to staff. Each of these roads is paved but narrow. Traffic flows are currently light and adequate capacity exits for some additional development. The cumulative impact of this project and others approved in sur- rounding areas must be considered, however . The recommended re- designation of adjacent areas for 10 , 000 square foot lots could result in an excess of eighty-five (85) new lots. Not all of these potential new lots would impact the roads mentioned here, but when added to the seventy-two (72) dwelling units proposed by the applicant in the RMF-4 zone, impacts could be of concern. This issue could be addressed by requiring a master plan of devel- opment with appropriate offsite improvement requirements identi- fied and imposed. These may include, but not be limited to, street, drainage, and sewer system improvements. A related issue to that discussed above is the question of access from this site and surrounding areas onto E1 Camino Real. Traffic generated by build-out of the area between El Camino Real and the golf course could trigger the need for a traffic signal at one of the side streets and El Camino Real. This site ' s contribution to future traffic loads will be identified in a circulation proposed to be completed as part of the master plan of development prior to building permit applications. Appropriate fees will be levied prior to the eventual issuance of building permits. A redesignation of the affected property to low density multiple family would allow for development that appears to be appropriate for the site. The preparation of a master plan of development will provide an opportunity to assure design which is suitable for the neighborhood and which assures that the development contrib= utes its fair share to necessary neighborhood improvements. D. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of General Plan Amendment 1C-85 and Zone Change 3-85 based on the findings contained in Exhibits E and F. SLD:ps ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Existing General Plan Map Exhibit C - Existing Zoning Map Exhibit D - Site Plan Exhibit E - Draft Resolution Exhibit F - Draft Ordinance Exhibit G- - Supplemental Statement 3 WE �..iil V.HIM w •a`�' � t � ,RV�lll�f�A •q i�agp ��-Y I,� �� a. 'C.I ♦• •ice - i � � �� • �{101 , ,. !1► ������ not 1511 WWAFA �I/I��IIe'�� ► visa'—�. � .oils ILI, w 1 ® ®�•.;�� /fid` � � s ,, ri• ` • EXHIBIT C EXISTING ZONING MAP �09 - ribs. ba •�y � S. � ! \ �'�'•�v ' ''....' '°e ♦:e ' �J• a•I.r1 ''' C^^� •,01 _ ° r Is eT,bti^ •`yet rw r ei) s,'• ��,r '., ''b SITE `JQO,P,I:rJO c ,,.', tr.d. • e''14 � ' 3-85 ?0 8555 EL CORTE �� S�%S?yy' ryfJ, •ice•• by d� .�1, .+1 ;tom•y �\ .•yti ♦ 1�A i VF to 5 1- 4 4 ee• IK r,•° 'L. ,•�p.n^ .� .1.r rro a '. f,I,�Y'"' '.S e�Ne � • \ 4 •"P��, ��/ • r4''1C+,:,, !+ i o • e1ce, ..r Vit+' \Oa` I-y..r � '•.y .•+,`x ++ . ', i-A ✓„y ia, `_` rra:2 fief,' � �t e�6N' ^`i. j•. +-r'. �i f�.11� e.n\ .� qq��•+ e 1'`� '+Yp CMU _ 1� • r ca) 7rfm +tu .N'26 11 i w SSG + tlir•i�' �++„t• X11 .IS s1 _\ - ♦�. •3 F7� ra; •1 1 S. ...28 _ t rJ S ,\b $.'b 1 ., . • +�Z� a '4' • :;CK .�•'•j r'30- .' \ i •2 :. 3+Yi+^ +wu �. 1 �7jr�m `'r nis 30 �e r,+! ri •h to 31 % ►3o gat ts- . VS ,w ,\,.• '�.e i-J/ +mss !� • u°$ .. � 16 yr •'~ f• 7L� '.W \ .. ^�. )' .. •Cc+ �}+° :^-• e+, • 15S f�o q• I- 'o JIB - 'L i• +.+h ` n[f +d a•J ♦` rJ 3 IL CD _ - - ot-+[ {,xS< 1++'i s - •+J �f,� -.'' ` yJ° ..,,t. t• Jr'.� -9 +�'r ����. fir•' 10•s i Ib S 2t ..1 r ° i°% .O•r \' °i•�,,),t �'4 •`� b �J _CIOs •-, �r•K r. r �'r,$r a ''f° +�� `-I'',. �,S pYa •+lp O �I ret•_ r ,. t3 __ .d 3:t'. V1 •'' n .` I i t �.►+as���r• t •� o•. ��-f�\�� � LLL r :s 4/9 41 -� E nl . :fir`• .:, + � `� if _ I Exhibit G General Plan Amendment and Zone Change RSY-Z to RSY-POD 4 8555 E1 Corte Road i Adult Plan Unit Development: The idea of this project is to provide an alternative environment for active adults. Designed by Barry Berkus AIA, founder and president of Berkus Group Architects, a national firm of architects and planners with headquarters in Santa Barbara, Newport Beach, and Washington D.C. Lifestyle is the key word for this planned unit development,- a-- retiree who doesn't feel like retiring. The idea for this project was taken from his Leisure Village Ocean Hills, the 1985 Gold Nugget Award of Merit for the best low density development. The site plan was cautiously laid out to take advantage-of the views of -Chalk Mountain Golf Course and the distant Santa Lucia Range, yet it doesn't impose on the hillside. Using open space and a height limitation (approximately 960') means almost 65% of this development will be landscaped, common area or open space. With the abandonment of La Linia and a stucco wall along E1 Corte, . the development creates its own environment within. One entrance and cart access to the golf course helps to accentuate this. This is the same effect Berkus created with Leisure Village. The Spanish style stucco and tile roofs make one think of a small Mediterranean hillside village. This project will be a compliment to the neighborhood and a welcome addition to one of Atascadero's most beautiful assets, Chalk Mountain Golf Course. THIS PROJECT IS PRESENTED BY ACOMA CORPORATION Bill Poe President EXHIBIT D • 0 ORDINANCE NO. 158 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP NUMBER 19 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY AT 8485 EL CORTE FROM RMF-4 (PD6) (RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY (PD6) ) TO RSF-Z (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 1. 5 - 2. 5 ACRE MINIMUM) (ZONE CHANGE 11-87 : 8485 EL CORTE) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning reg- ulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant ad- verse impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 1, 1987 and has recommended approval of Zone Change i 11-87. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse en- vironmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. Section 2. Zoning Map. Map Number 19 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atasca- dero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended to reclassify the area shown on the attached Exhibit "A"" from RMF-4 (PD6) (Residential Multiple Family) to RSF-Z (Residential Single Family, 1. 5 - 2. 5 acre minimum) . 1 0 Ordinance No. 158 Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and ef- fect at 12:01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by the motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: BARBARA NORRIS, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager A OV AS 0 FORM: J F G. J GE EN, City Attorney R ARE B HENRY ENG-E _ Community EtvelopmeODirector 2 �, .,.. ,�.. . CITY OF ATASCADERO �Yd ,�ar►�� se ,�-4,s q -- . 197 -7 -1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Z.o�� Gtia►�y� ! ( — �, DEPARTMENT •yam � ESP,. a9�`(<' E L pVE I J1T� J i 9W,r---4 +0 - P — ,\\� Z�►1�c. GkaKja, 11-8-7 1 vE AV i Fc app i cz p a �'A. ? tS F=kl n F� LAO 464� `\ /10O �\ a 0&1 P / V Coz ��F � ! � 14, 4�F CT C. /�.P7 N, Minutes - Planning Commission - September 1, 1987 Mr. DeCamp ed that the applicant as submitted revised plans and are works with staff to his regard. He asked that this matter be continue o the Com ssion meeting of September 15, 1987 in order for ff o complete its final review on these revised plans. MOTION: Made by Co ssioner Hat 11, seconded by Commissioner Cope-Laind carried unanimou to continue the hearing on G eral Plan Amendment 2C- nd Zone Change 6-87 to Sep mber 15, 1987. 2. Zone Change 11-87: Request initiated by the City of Atascadero to revert the existing zone designation of RMF-4 (PD6) - Residential Multi- ple Family (Planned Development #6) to the prior designation of RSF-Z - Residential Single Family, 1. 5 - 2. 5 acre minimum lot size. Subject site is located at 8485 El Corte in the City of Atascadero, legal description being Lots l and 2; Block 1 of Eaglet Tract #2. Mr. DeCamp, presented the staff report and provided a background on the previous general plan amendment and zoning change approvals which took place in May, 1986. It was noted that since the sub- ject lots are not a part of the planned development, reversion to the prior zoning designation is in order. In response to question from Commissioner Hatchell, Mr. DeCamp explained how the subject lots (1 and 2) came to be included within the original project. Mr . DeCamp answered several ques- tions for the Commission and it was noted that staff has been working with the applicant on a specific development plan for the remaining portions of the site (lots 3 through 10) . Steve Cool, attorney from Arroyo Grande and speaking for Don Rob- inson, owner of Lot 2, concurred with staff ' s background analysis. He clarified that there was never any type of agreement between Mr. Robinson and ACOMA Corporation relating to sale of the proper- ty or including it within an overall development. He asked " the Commission for approval of a zoning designation that would allow two units per acre (or a maximum 10 units for the 5 acre lot) . Hap Brenizer from Grover City, speaking on behalf of Mr. Robinson, pointed out that Lots 1 and 2 were added to the PD just prior to the Commission' s approval of the project, and spoke about his understanding of what steps took place -at the =March 31, 1986 Commission meeting (minutes excerpts were distributed to the Com- mission) . s Mr . DeCamp clarified that staff' s understanding at the time of review of the project was that Lots 1 and 2 could be included with the remaining portions of the project and that they would be dev- eloped under the same PD6 zoning (which would allow for no "devel- opment above the 960 foot elevation) . Mr. DeCamp emphasized that the revision to the study area that included Lots 1 and 2 along 2 Minutes - Planning Commission - September 1, 1987 - with Lots 3 through 10 was made approximately 6 to 9 months prior to the Commission' s action approving the zone change (Lots 1 and 2 were not added to the project a matter of weeks before the Commis- sion hearing as implied by Mr . Brenizer) . Mr. Engen added that the owner of Lot 1 was notified of the new zone change application. In response to question from Commissioner Hatchell, Mr. Engen explained that a meeting was held with staff and Mr. Robinson, et al, concerning the feasibility of development with this PD zoning. It was their general consensus that Lots 1 and 2 are not needed for the development of the property. This proposed reversion back to the original zoning was initiated by the City Council after considering Mr. Cool' s request for higher density. Two units per acre is too dense for this steep property. Mr. DeCamp pointed out that staff has now instituted a policy change of requiring each property owner to sign an application when there is a PD involved. Commissioner Michielssen concurred with this. Commissioner Bond spoke on his recollection of the March 31, 1986 meeting and noted that he would not have a problem with reverting back to the original RSF-Z zoning. 0 MOTION: Made by Commissioner Bond, seconded by Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin and carried on a 7 :0 roll call vote to recommend approval of Zone Change 11-87 as outlined in the staff report. 3. Ten tive Parcel Ma 23-87: Reque initiated by Tom Vaughan to allpow subdivision of 10.55 res into two lots containing ap roximately 5. 2 acres each. Sub 'ect site is located at 116"05 San Marcos Road; legal descr ' tion being Lot 2 Block 80 in Atascadero Colony. Mr. DeCamp presented th staff rep t on this land division re- quest recommending conditi nal a roval. He emphasized that staff could not recommend that thi ite ever be further subdivided given the site' s geology and tic suitability. Tom Vaughan, applicant, poke in support of the request and stated that in addit' n to the geo gic study that was prepared, Dr . Chipping (prepar of geologic r ort) indicated that the development of t access road would tabilize an old existing slide. He added hat the driveway into bot sites would be under 12%. Commissone Hatche11 asked for clarification on t location for _ the prop ed access road. Discussion followed. 3 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council October 13 , 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager N&I • FROM*DIenry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment 2C-87 and Zone Change 6-87 LOCATION: 9300 El Bordo APPLICANT: . L.D. McCaslin and Richard Hawkins REQUEST: To revise the existing General Plan Land Use Map designa- tion from Low Density Single Family to High Density Multi- ple Family, and to revise the existing RSF-Z zoning to RMF16 (PD-7) . BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing of this matter at . its July 21st, August 18th, and September 15th, 1987 meetings, and recommended approval of General Plan 2C-87 and Zone Change 6-87. Under present zoning, the applicant could construct one house on each of two, one acre non-conforming lots of record. The applicants' orig- inal request was for a General Plan change leading to a planned devel- opment rezoning to permit a 24 unit small lot subdivision. The Plan- ning Commission requested and approved a 16 lot re-design. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Resolution No-. 105-87 and (1) reading by title only of Ordinance No. 159 and (2) approval of Ordinance No. 159 for first reading. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Denial based on the findings of Exhibit E contained in the July 21, 1987 staff report. HE:ps Enclosures: Staff Report - July 21, 1987 y Staff Report - September 15, 1987 Resolution No. 105-87 Ordinance No. 159 Minutes Excerpts - Planning Commission Hearings cc: L.D. McCaslin Richard Hawkins Item: B-1 Meeting Date: 9/15/87 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Planning Commission DATE: Sept. 15,1987 FROM: Joel Moses, Associate Planne SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment GP. 2C- 7 and Zone Change ZC:6-87 9300 E1 Bordo Road (McCaslin/Hawkins) BACKGROUND; At its July 21, 1987 meeting the Planning Commission held a Public Hearing concerning the proposed above referenced General Plan and Zone Change. The Planning Commission directed that the applicant prepare a revised development plan for the PD Overlay showing a maximum density of 8 units per acre. The applicant has now submitted the revised site plan (Exhibit B) . Staff has prepared the appropriate resolution and draft ordinance (Exhibit E & F ) to enable action to approve. n has reduced the density The proposed site plan y as the Planning Commission has requested, Staff has reviewed the plans for conformity to the City' s Zoning ordinance. As per the original submittal the project is requesting a reduced lot size. Proposed lots would vary from 3,000 to 3,560 square feet in size. The plan proposes to continue the concept of zero lot line setbacks for some side yards. The site meets the required parking standard of 1 stall per residential lot for lots less than 4,000 square feet (Sec. 9-4. 118 (c) 5) . The applicant has in reality exceeded the requirement by providing a total of 38 stalls where 16 would be required. Other setback modifications are also being requested in the form of what would normally be the front yard setback. The Zoning Ordinance allows for flag lots to select which yard will be the front yard and thus the required 25 '-0" setback (Sec. 9- 4 . 106 (a) 2) . In most cases depending on the final lot line configuration the 25'-0" is not provided or accessory buildings are located in those yards. The proposal now contains several amenities for the residents. These include a common open space area, an outdoor basketball hoop and a spa. Staff has only one concern with the amenities. The spa is located in the middle of the drive area. The staff in reviewing, the project still feel that the area is one that should be considered for higher density than is currently allowed. The City is presently in the process of considering the over all land use pattern of the City and undoubtedly this area would have been and will be considered when public hearings are held on the new Land Use Element. The use of the Planned Development Overlay as noted is suppose to be in response to a specific development plan that will benefit the community as a whole. In the case of this project the only benefit being derived is that of possibly providing lower cost homes.Staff does not believe that the special findings required by the Zoning Ordinance for the establishment of a Planned Development Overlay can be made. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the new proposal and the findings contained in Exhibit E of the previous Staff Report dated July 21 , 1987 the staff recommends denial of General Plan Amendment GP:2C-87 and Zone Change ZC: 6-87 EXHIBIT A - Location Map EXHIBIT B - Site Plan EXHIBIT C - General Plan Map EXHIBIT D - Staff Report (Date July 21, 1987) EXHIBIT E - General Plan Resolution EXHIBIT F - Draft Ordinance JM:jm CITY�F ATASC ' �'_; •� ��y� ADERO EXHIBIT A - LOCATION MAP CAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT G.P. AMENDMENT GP : 2A- DEPARTMENT ZONE CHANGE ZC: 3-87 9300 El Bordo Road SITE 9300 El Bordo Road Low .Den. Sing. Family to _ High Den. Multi Family & d �. RSF-Z to RMF/16 (PD-7) M . cP o W \ \ 7 f --;R F o EC ,i O \� - p0 4p' - \\ 06,00 b \� Q` \ ` p9 F� I J i v NZ `\lig P. CR AVE CT T CT a i ti t ' J c /. /r , C R _ , i 4 r4 V � .a O O� CYC s0 �4i i% ZE�p4K` h / ..N VIEW T RIVE u CO L v /0 � � • EXHIBIT B SITE PLAN CITY OF ATASCADERO G•P•AMENDMENT GP:2A-87 ZONE CHANGE ZC: 03-87 cwf COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 9300 E1 Bordo Road -jc?. DEPARTMENT McCaslin/Hawkins W co O y I Lu W Ca Lu a W A CLD W crLn az t W.J J IL Lu �(` CDS, .%i 1 1. cc j m 11 z Lu 24 >I "• : :; ill! � - �iD .f � "� _ i � 1 � Ids I - p II I t CITY OF ATASCADERO EXHIBIT C Gen. Plan.Map _ 1 tl'' • G.P. Amendment GP: 2A-87 `S� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Zone Change ZC: 3-87 x`'501 9300 El Bordo Road DEPARTMENT Mc,Casli.n/Hawkins s _r, SITE 9300 E1 Bordo Road i ' Low Density Single Fam. .' •: ;�;:-,_, ,;_�-->y „•, TO High Densit MultiFam. Wit` >• ;� .� \�.�_ -.,-`I j. \/ X. {•••! ew '' -:3::': •lir ::. ::�' ..........::::::: ..........•. .. ::::::::::::::::::::::.. G 0 ..... „ A An ::::i e. nnnO � 0r; 000 o ATASCADERO ) 00 GENERAL PLAN MAP (7LAND USE AND CIRCULATION HIGH DENS. MOLT. FAM. HEAVY COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE ' (€�(( LOW DENS. MULT. FAM. i' 1 RETAIL COMMERCIAL RECREATION HIGH DENS. SNGL. FAM. COMMERCIAL PARK SPECIAL RECREATION "- MOD.DENS. SNGL. FAM. SPECIAL COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL DIVIDED LOW DENS. SNGL.FAM. :: PROFESSIONAL OFFICE `� �- ARTERIAL UNDIVIDED " COLLECTORS SUBURBAN SNGL FAM. INDUSTRIAL PARK URBAN SERVICES LINE PUBLIC INDUSTRIAL URBAN RESERVE LINE CITY BOUNDARY City of Atascadero Item: B-3 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: July 21, 1987 August 18, 1987 BY: Joel Moses, Associate Planner File No: GP: 2C-87 ZC: 6-87 Project Address: 9300 E1 Bordo Road (Lots A&B of PM 5-1; Ptn Lot 39 ADS Addn No. 1) SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment GP: 2C-87 to revise the existing General Plan Land Use Map designation from Low Density Single Family ( 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 acre minimum lot size) to High Density Multiple Family (Maximum 16 units/acre) , and coinciding Zone Change ZC: 6-87 to revise the ex- isting RSF-Z zoning to RMF/16 (PD-7) for 2 acres of land at 9300 E1 Bordo Road. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To revise the existing General Plan Land Use Designation from Low Density Single Family to High Density Multiple Family and the current zoning from RSF-Z to RMF-16 (PD-7) allowing for a small lot subdivision of 24 lots on 2 acres and for a zero lot line setback on some sideyards and a reduced front front yard setback. 2. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L.D. McCaslin/Richard Hawkins 3. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 acres 4. Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .El Bordo Road-45 foot Collector 5. General Plan Designation. . . . .Low Density Single Family (1 1/2 to 2 1/2 acre minimum lot size) 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RSF-Z (Residential Single Family 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 acre minimum lot size dependent on specific lot criteria Staff Report - GP 2C-87/ZC 6-87 Page Two 7. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . . .North: RSF-Z - Vacant to Entire Study Area South: RMF/16 - Mobile Home Park East: RSF-Z - Single Family West: RSF-Z - Church 8. Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sloping 10 - 15% up from E1 Bordo 9. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Proposed Negative Declaration B. ANALYSIS: As noted, the applicants' proposal is to modify the existing Gen- eral Plan Land Use designation from Low Density Single Family Res- idential ( 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 acre minimum lot size) to High Density Multi-family (maximum 16 units per acre) . The coinciding Zone Change is not only asking to revise the RSF-Z (Residential Single Family 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 depending on site criteria) to RMF/16 (Resi- dential Multiple Family 16 units per acre) , but proposes a Planned Development Overlay (P.D.-7) . The main purpose of the P.D. over- lay, is to modify the minimum lot size from 1/2 acre to 2,600 square feet. The Overlay will also allow for the modification ..,, of minimum side yard set back from 5 ' 0" to 0 to allow for common wall development and modification of minimum distances required for curb cuts. These last items are more site design specific as opposed to the overall land use discussion needed for the question of lot size and density modification. The applicant has based his request on specific points as listed in his development statement (Exhibit D) . These, in the staff' s opinion, can be boiled down to several points. To provide reason- able priced housing, proximity to more intensive uses, and to use as a buffer between differing land use densities as per General Plan Policies. These items, in the applicant' s opinion would pro- vide the City with redeeming features to compensate for the re- quested modifications of the ordinance and constitute a need for the increased density. The staff has reviewed the proposal with the applicants several - times, and concur with several of the applicants' assertions. The staff has concured with the concept of a higher density_- along . E1 Bordo due to the street' s designation of a collector and its use as an access to the golf course and regional park. But the question of using the maximum density in the City would seem too high. The City, in the interim of the application and this re- Staff Report - GP: 2C-87/ZC: 6-87 Page Three view, has revised the maximum allowed density per the Multifamily Slope Standards. This would set the maximum density allowed under the zoning of 24 units (based on 0-10% slope - 2 bedroom units 12 units per acre) not the 32 units (based on 16 units per acre) . This would effectively reduce the overall density to an acceptable level per the Zoning Ordinance evaluation of the site. staff feels that the density proposed is still too high. This is re- flected in the minimum lot size proposed of 2, 600 square feet. In examining the surrounding land use pattern, the site would seem to be a logical extension for the higher density uses as a buffer. This general area was reviewed in two prior General Plan Amendment requests. These requests were along Los Lomas to the west of the proposed site. Both were denied, not based on land use, but based on lack of sewer and the visual impact from a change of density on the side of Chalk Mountain. The applicant, in this case, is not on a highly visable area of Chalk Mountain (Exhibit C) . Sewer services have been reviewed for the site and are engineeringly feasible, but annexation to the sewer district has not been com- pleted. The approval of small lot developments has previously been re- viewed by the City. The use of small lots could reduce the cost of housing but what other benefits to the community, in this spe- cific case, would occur. The staff notes that in two prior PD Overlay areas, the City benefited by the clustering of units and the provision of substantial open space (Poe on E1 Corte and Yeo- mans on the end of El Bordo) . In the design of this proposal, no provisions for amenities are made. The site is to small to pro- vide greater amenities. Staff has discussed the possibility of the sale of development rights to this developer by the owners of property on the top and sides of Chalk Mountain. In doing so, the potential development on a highly visable area would be eliminated in favor of a higher density in another area not so sensitive to the community' s image, while transfering density as opposed to expanding densities. The proposed site design is requesting some modifications of the normal physical development standards required by the Zoning Ord- inance (Exhibit B) . The site plan proposes zero side lot lines, and a reduction in the required distances between curb cuts (ac- cess drives) . In reviewing these modifications, staff sees few problems. The use of zero lot line setbacks is common in many - other cities and counties. The practice allows for side yards that are normally a wasted part of property to be eliminated. The use of joint driveways, eliminating required distances for curb cuts, present no real problems. Overall, the staff would also find that the project would conform to the City' s Appearance Re- view Manual. • Staff Report - GP: 2C-87/ZC: 6-87 Page Four In responses from outside agencies, no major problems were noted. Utilities can be provided to the site by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company, Pacific Gas and Electric and Southern California Gas. Of course appropriate easements will be needed at the time of development. The Fire Department noted the need to comply with Fire Codes and the development of fire supression facilities (fire hydrants) at the time of development. The Building Division indi- cated a need for apppropriate soils reports and compliance to the Uniform Building Code and State Regulations. In summary, the staff would find that no real redeeming features, save reduced housing costs, are being provided. The reduced den- sity on this site could be a logical extension to existing land use patterns in the area. The area will undoubtedly be reviewed under the current General Plan rewrite. The requested modifica- tions to development standards would be a benefit to this type of project that the existing development standards do not provide for. C. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the Analysis and Findings, staff recommends denial of General Plan Amendment GP: 2A-87 and Zone Change ZC: 3-87. JM:ph Attachments: Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Site Plan Exhibit C - Section Exhibit D — Development Statement Exhibit E - Finding for Denial CITYA ATASCADERO EXHIBIT A - LOCATION MAP r MBIA��C � , � IY]■-� `fi'ArasCAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT G.P. AMENDMENT GP : 2A-87 DEPARTMENT ZONE CHANGE zC: 3-87 9300 E1 Bordo Road SITE 9300 El Bordo Road Low .Den. Sing. Family to _ High Den. Multi Family & RSF-Z to RMF/16 (PD-7) M (PD }� 7 n EL .4 1 p ♦` oar♦ moo' � ^ �o c// ♦ `�`� %� �i a� ��, C NZ ♦ v QP Pr I r v ♦ y °�J H O �? Sic°� ♦..� Z_� ` �.♦ / cP COs m, / ♦\ 9s 4 l` - _ R >� CR / CT (` T J i V/7 r ; CR 45C4QEq OPS �' !• P _ P / 4 \ VE� e�\ V cc OI IRCCE� sD i IVF 1 i VIEW 1 RIVE o L C CO oQa / �F LAIU� �. RS o s CITY OF ATASCADERO EXHIBIT B — SITE PLAN p�ascan COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT G.P. AMENDMENT GP : 2A DEPARTMENT ZONE CHANGE ZC: 3-87 9300 El Bordo Road (McCaslin/Hawkins) ,nnSv77V!'tl - f - tll of ; lit ¢Q�+a ss�sal3 W _ •m a _ Wim, ROO QO ZM I•i. . _ }.. y_l. i - - J-- R W ZLu `"• �, ® m m fF c cc Ego J cc cc W J �; .... CITY OF ATASCADERO EXHIBIT C - SECTION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT G.P. AMENDMENT GP:2A-87 ZONE CHANGE ZC: 3-87 DEPARTMENT 9300 E1 Bordo Road (McCaslin/Hawkins) y'-=Y > � QLu oO.>uj Q M Z Lu IL W a 8 a i W 0 Q a 0z F- j 0 -- w 1— 4 ...i Lu U w+ll'dad -- N y i TY CI OF ATASCADERO EXHIBIT D - DEV, STATEMENT �19'a'I'1� ^' 197" - G.P. AMENDMENT GP: 2A- 7 AT C`1D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ZONE CHANGE ZC 3--87 DEPARTMENT 9300 EL BORDO ROAD NCV-10, 1986 1.. D Mc!A.SL1N, DICK MWKINS BEI'n.,R II V'Ef), 10205 EL PLANNING COMMISSION CAMINU ".L. VIAS. CA 93422 CITY OF RTAS. . ATSACADERO CA RE PROPOSED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON EL BORDO AVE ATAS. CA 93422 y. DEAR COR IONERS IN VIEW OF THE CURRENT PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY IN 'DIE AREA Uf' 'FHL: NTASCADE:RU REGIONAL PARK AND GOLF COURSE, WE FIELL IT IS AT THIS APPROPRINIE TIME: 'IC) I'UT F)vni A PIAN TO CREATE A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDr'N17AL PLANNED DEVI-10 .-'�T OR' m_ Bomm AVE. TM IDEAL IS TO Gy-ATE SMALL IDIS OUT OF LARGF JI7TS,TEIIS WAY WE WILL BE AR11: TO PRODUCE ., A REASONABLE COST PER H(7,!E,THE SURROUNDING CITY HAS BE114 USII,Y; 111IS APPRGAC11 FOR SOME TIME,AND IT IS WORKING.' QUITE WEIL,THESE ARE: INDIVIDUAL LOT EnR HOMES IKi"I' CbMbS. THIS PR TF-,*T IS CENTRALLY LOCATED- NEAR THE GOLF (IDURSE, SHOPPING CFN'M, SCHOOL. AS YOU ARE UNDOUBTEDLY AWARE THE SURRON-DING AERA IS CURR04ILY DEVE'L,OPEU WI111 HIGH DENSITY MU-11 FAMILY RLNIA UNITS.IT IS OUR FEE LPiG TfINT ASINGLE FAMILY PRoa-c.I' NJ-THIS �7! LOCATION WOULD PROVIDE A PLEASING AND EUNCTIONAI. BUFFER LEADING 'In TETE GOLF C(-X1R5E AND }'' RECREATIONAL AREAS JUST TO TFC T FAST OF OUR SITE.. IN ADDITION, OUR THINKING W)ULD TARGET 2IIF5E AFFORDABLE HCX`ivS SITES TWORD RETI;y'RD PERSONS WHO WUULI) BE AB1.I: 10 TAKEiilftl ADVANTAGE OF THE RE:1tFATI(hYAL A�,D 0�.M SERVICE FirILI'IIFS, WI'IN MINIMUM INPAC.0 ON VL'111C(1!.AlZ CIRaJLATION IN THE. AE-RA. THE SITE IS C aN=GUOUS WITH WIIII 271E EXISTING C;i'I.Y :iLXJ1s� llISTRICT"' , AND A FORMAL APPLICATION FCR AL'NTNCN1'10N TO 'IEEE DIS'I'RiCT 'iAS BEEN LNI"NIT ) WI-111 '1.11E CITY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARIYTNT. WE SENCEI2LY HOPE YOU Lr'II1 OONSII)E;t OUR REp11!1S* I ult A C,h:V(:RAL PLAN AAifND`xrZ%T AT THIS TIME, ANIS WE LOOK FORWARD 'I'7 D:IS(:USSI%'G 'II!;S !'1t(11h,C!' W1711 ntL: COMISSION IN FUR11fR DETAIL AT YOUR NEY.T MEF-71NG. ItFSl'F.CI'E''1i_I Y - L D Nk C SLiN EXHIBIT E - Findings for Denial GP: 2C-87/ZC: 6-87 (mcClasin/Hawkins) July 21, 1987 1. Modification of development standards and processing require- ments is not warranted to promote orderly and harmonious devel- opment. 2. Modification of development standards and processing require- ments will not enhance the opportunity to best utilize special characteristics of an area and will not have a beneficial effect on the area. 3. Benefits derived from the overlay zone cannot be reasonably achieved through existing development standards or processing requirements. 4. Proposed plans offer no redeeming features to compensate for re- quested modifications. 5. The proposed revision would not be in conformance with the Gen- eral Plan policies. RESOLUTION NO. 105-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF ATASCADERO APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO AMEND THE LAND USE MAP OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN (GP 2A-87 : MCCASLIN/HAWKINS) WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has grown considerably since in- corporation; and WHEREAS, the City' s General Plan, which was prepared in the 1970 ' s and adopted in 1980 to guide the City' s general growth is in need of updating; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero conducted a public hearing on subject matter on July 21, 1987 and Sep- tember 15, 1987; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65356 provides that a general plan be amended by the adoption of a resolution; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Atascadero finds as follows: 1. The proposed general plan amendment recommended by the Plan- ning Commission is consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan. 2. The proposed general plan amendment will not have a signifi- cant adverse effect on the environment. The Negative Decla- ration prepared for the project is adequate. THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does resolve to approve General Plan Amendment GP 2A-87 as follows: 1. Amendment to the General Plan Land Use Element, Land Use Map as shown on the attached Exhibit "A" . On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: Resolution No. 105-87 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA BARBARA NORRIS, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELT , City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION �� ��'�'d�. • • : '• • . �,� CITY OF ATASCADERO GENERAL PLAN APZENDMENT 1a7.� GP:2A-8 7 `s "ascan COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 9300 El Bordo Road DEPARTMENT McCaslin/Hawkins �•. ) , SITE 9300 E1 Bo rdo : Road Low Den.Sing.Fam. TO ^�..:.,,,.,,-�,' -),� ;•,<<, � High Density Multi Family •,•: '1 I ' - Ift \• ^Y .. ' ���:... ...... . . 0 4 0 Q 0 4 4 :: •• 0004QC9444 004 :1: Q 0 4 0 4 0 4 4 4 .... .. ;, r. 040 • 0G0 Q0444 .004 Q..p. . OATASCADERO 7 00 M L GENERAL PLAN MAP ° LAND USE AND CIRCULATION X. HIGH DENS. MULT. FAM. HEAVY COMMERCIAL r�'r;'���, AGRICULTURE JJIIfI{ LOW DENS. MULT. FAM. RETAIL COMMERCIAL RECREATION HIGH DENS. SNGL. FAM. COMMERCIAL PARK SPECIAL RECREATION MOD.DENS. SNGL. FAM. SPECIAL COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL DIVIDED LOW DENS. SNGL.FAM. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE •` ARTERIAL UNDIVIDED TORS SUBURBAN SNGL. FAM. INDUSTRIAL PARK •••• •••••••• ••• URBANSERVICESLINE PUBLIC INDUSTRIAL URBAN RESERVE LINE 16 CITY BOUNDARY ORDINANCE NO. 159 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP NUMBER 19 OF OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY AT 9300 EL BORDO FROM RSF-Z (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY) TO RMF/16 (PD-7) (RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY 16 UNITS PER ACRE WITH A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY) (ZC 3-87 MCCASLIN/HAWKINS) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning reg- ulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant ad- verse effect upon the environment, and preparation of an environmental impact report is not necessary; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 15, 1987., and has recommended approval of Zone Change 3-87. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan land use element and other elements contained in the General Plan. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse envi- ronmental impacts, and preparation of an environmental impact report is not necessary. Section 2. Zoning Map Change. Map Number 19 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atasca- dero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended to reclassify Lots A and B of PM 5-1; Portion Lot 39, ADS Adn. No. 1 as shown on attached Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" which are here- by made a part of this ordinance by reference. Ordinance No. 159 Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City in accordance with Government Code Section 36933 ; shall cer- tify the adoption of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and certification to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and ef- fect at 12:01 a.m. on the thirty-first (31st) day after its passage. ..._. . On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing ordinance is hereby adopted in its en- tirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA BARBARA NORRIS, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk 0 Ordinance No. 159 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTO;14, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director R L-21,l'•ti v ,lo"+{ J�Q •����.�.�� •�/ t ..r�� r, x' nT-eo•sr fz. '.CS 'Ga\`�' \�r, ` 4'`�•' ,�•. .,v, 1• 3 AT-78.135 s \ •� • , '-S('t\ •� N.•/ AT-T8.113 ! )+ °� Ow •• .• 'L1`'s �\ G,� AT-79'13 12-61 + ) `1.90 v \.�• .;� \,'� '3 \ AT-81-183 '.12-61 '• d r�,pp !'f ° �''+� is .\ , ,•`. _.� AT- 81 256 54Z6f \�• ra•e �,\08{1' •rjr r V. �\ ' _ e4•P 9 {r• .SYO' ° 4\\�'� ,•Z �l 4J :n� ,•\..>° �'�\/ " •4°'165 w9,a °e'' T °�G+ Iss• ' /elf `.V,� •",S` ` REVISION DATE RAF-�° "A •' i'� Y-=r}; ''$ SITE 9300 El Bordo Zone Change ZC: 03-87 RSF-Z cog ;2 -�;" .� -.� -•'_ (Res.Sing.F am. ) To RMF 16 •'� .d 1%' t qy+ i,ss ,• ,rte J t' / \p`� •,. •�;. a•- , z, ,\, 6• _ (P.D.-7) (Res•Mult.Fam.Plan ' '`'"�`° "- e35 i- Dev Overlay) • a7°A` a ,•�lpa ;° ;��., Ott,. SF=Y1._ • orf •�. °• •' ,� 3.nee r6YS,t e� - • �� 3• 3 rs. �+� 2. se��ts,y�. U J.•i w• C�' •.b•. 4•tep ML ' Lr 174-1 ell I� f 34 ro Osi co 7 377�foo •n, ' ,• `'.y\ 4, o /�, �•� i .mac °'o .,. Is � � _ , IJ Y 9F Ir 28 I•J , `;;+.yZ•.f• • e._�}D �� ��ra , h 531,3i• II,' ±`�_ 1'nv flRSF `.4 am 10CT 'JG s .• µt v.• 1 13 .. 1 .•�;\ obi :. . ople7 ,)03 �JI6 .d \,••. �n •,c• a ly 3�fi.I�• J`.... .• fes•...v I PO _ 't� 9• ,•.t>° ro �S ''t;•'r'+ 7 s•' '. .- lass. \ �.. o• .�•�%� s %G. 2` ' '. v ,�•,r .. �`'&•a�, .' ;. 2 ,�v° ,,, •;, . .;.RMF/ - �-ro , A 'e ..J�.•. � ap1•• '�I .\ mar , _ = ,\a '' �n•a, �`. e. '�� S � .\�;, y _ . 1 y•A a ,�Y-'°p, a .<�,s' .e '�f•�•3,l 'li �,r 1.! '`�' _ .. 4 �a:` 10•A R Ib° -p.!1, ' e RM >' •!. ^e �` ' ' °-� ..,c r. � ��rvs'+g' • \�e °per'°" ,',,' `�T° O //�///�/ . /• ^.,c� 12 0,`\ '° r�� IMV��A:k '��I.�IL�,` 4y r b: 27 y....a Jt) '7'Crv�.•!'19i-ro+,i` /;"�_?.-rte. ^ s• °• �'' ljy at .r. . •�' .\ RSA- y 22 . . s. l..•..r-ILillass•• u. ..,I•Iw..•.a ...... r _'• 21 _ R -- i�+wa� 'e..✓,.{+_innN t,w:•,r w.rvu w. 20QVi. - vfn?q�.i.<s„trera•aow'tiA K a.+l..•. a «r•c 27 rIZA 1•°s••j^. Is.>...•.,... w.... ^ -� �71h,its �i�A^• •arc [/_ �� � .�, •,j ,s,e' :. yy_uua aur.• u.T.I,..�t... ,.. ,.r/.t1a * � �-+--�__ ` 2�,=!\ a J r'-..,�/�..c M.`I�. 1-r.1: 1..�?s ice:..t•���� •"' ie +�,' 4 CITY OF ATASCA EXHIBIT A ORD. 159 ri ZONE CHANGE ZC: 03-87 :�-{i�►�� lr'�i=:� �:�Il' � l! 9300 E1 Bordo McCaslin/Hawkins ��+ CI EXHIBIT B ORD 159 7 .I . . 11:IL TY OF ATASCADERO 191 r ZONE CHANGE ZC s 03-87 9300 El Bordo COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT McCaslin/Hawkins DEPARTMENT z W p , W o • � � - N 5 [[E3 - � � W ge c' S CCCC i CCC{ wit !� W Lu•� �+rrrrr- ,.�" e� W o J uiC ¢O z - / 7, U /� - ��i// •� W J Cc 1' a O - atat i I Wti , iii E Minutes - Planning Commission- September 15, 1987 Item: A. 1 MINUTES - ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 15, 1987 7:30 p.m. The egular meeting of the Atascadero Plannin Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Nolan, fol wed by the Pledge of Allegia ce led by Commissioner Michielssen. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Kidwell, Michielssen Bond, Copelan, Lopez- Balbonti (present 7:33 p.m. ) , an Chairman Nolan Absent: Commissione Hatchell (Excused) Staff Present: Henry gen, Communi Development Director; Joel Moses, As ociate Plan er ; Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Wor and Pa ricia Shepphard, Administrative Secretary I A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of minutes of the a ular Planning Commission meet- ing ing of September , 1987 2. Approval of min tes of the spec al Planning Commissin meeting of June 30, 19 7 3. Lot Line Ad ' stment 14-87 : Request itiated by Frank At- kinson (T n Cities Engineering) to djust the property line between t o existing lots of record. ubject site is located at 8000 ella Vista; legal description ing Lot 4 , Block 14 , Atascad ro Colony, and Parcel 2 of PM CO 7-145. Mr. Engen oted the following correction to Ite A-1: Page 1, (under endment to minutes of August 18, 1987) The motion was to nomi ate Commissioner Nolan (not Bond) for Chair n. MOTIO Made by Commissioner Bond, seconded by Commis ioner Michielssen and carried unanimously to approve he Con- sent Calendar with the above noted amendment to tem A-1. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS 1. General Plan Amendment 2C-87 and Zone Change 6-87 : Request initiated by L.D. McCaslin/Richard Hawkins to revise the existing General Plan land use map designation from Low Density Single Family to High Density Multiple Family and 1 i • Minutes - Planning Commission - September 15, 1987 coinciding zone change to revise the existing RSF-Z zoning to RMF/16 (PD-7) . Subject site is located at 9300 E1 Bordo (CON- TINUED FROM MEETINGS OF JULY 21, AUGUST 18, .AND SEPTEMBER 1, 1987) . (Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin is now present - 7:33 p.m. ) Mr. Moses presented the staff report summarizing the background involved with the previous hearings. It was noted that the re- vised site plan has -reduced the density of the previous proposal; however; staff is recommending denial as it does not believe that the special findings required by the Zoning Ordinance for the es- tablishment of a Planned Development Overlay can be made. Mr. Moses pointed out that this area will be more closely reviewed during the General Plan update. He responded to questions from the Commission. Mac McCaslin, applicant, spoke in support of the revised proposal pointing out the various amenities which have been added. In re- sponse to question from Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin, Mr. McCaslin explained the time frames involved with preparing this proposal for approval and did not feel comfortable with this matter being delayed until such time as this area is reviewed overall for the General Plan update. Commissioner Bond noted his concurrence with the revised site plan which reduced density as had been previously requested by the Com- mission (16 units instead of 24) ; Commissioner Kidwell agreed and felt this proposal was an attractive concept. There was some discussion by the Commission concerning the -new density standards and how they would affect this particular prop- erty. Mr. Engen advised that an 8 fold increase in permitted den- sity was being sought. In response to question from Chairman Nolan, Mr. Engen replied this item was not previously reviewed by the Traffic Committee but had been reviewed by the Public Works Department. Commissioner Michielssen felt that the density for- this area prob- ably would not change even after two years. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Bond, seconded by Commissioner Kidwell and carried 6 :0 on a roll call vote to recommend approval of General Plan Amendment 2C-87 and Zone Change 6-87. Commissioner -Copelan commented on the proposed location for the spa and felt this is something that can be worked oUt between the developer and staff at time of the development proposal. 2 Minutes - Planning Commission - July 21, 1987 (5) foot sidewalk and AC pave-out al g property frontage. " 1118-b. (for Principal Avenue) - Limits: Thirty (30) feet from centerline to curbface 1118-d. (for Las Lomas Avenue) - Lim' s: Thirty (30) feet from centerline to curb ace. . . . " 1118- (for Montecito) - Twenty 0) feet from center- line to curbface. . . . " "21. Ob in encroachment per t from. . . . . . . .Sign an In- spec ion Agreement a a Curb, Gutter, and Im- rove nt Agreement, uaranteeing. . . . . . " 2. Road Abandonment 1- Request initiated by ar s Gray to allow vacation of a por- tion of Curbaril Avenue Subject site is located at 9404 Curbaril. Mr. Davidson presented th staff eport pointing out that this road vacation was a s mmary or 'short-form" type of vacation in that adoption of a sep ate resolut n of intent is not necessary. Charles Gray, applic nt, spoke in supp t of the request noting le his intent to b ld a storage buildi g on the site if the road vacation is appro ed. There was some iscussion among the Commi ion concerning -the status of t e land once the vacation is ac omplished, how this surplus prop rty would be sold and that a lot m ger could be re- corded sim taneously with the sale of the surplu property. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Nolan, seconded by ommissioner Michielssen . and carried on a 6 :0 vote to r ommend that Road Abandonment 1-87 is in conformance with t e General Plan and not suitable as a non-motorized tran ortation facility, as well as that the sale of this land s sur- plus City property is also in conformance with the en- eral Plan. 3. General Plan Amendment 2C-87/Zone Change 6-87 : Request iitiated by L.D. McCaslin/Richard Hawkins to revise the existing General Plan land use- map designation from Low Density Single Family to High Density Multiple Family and coinciding zone change to revise the existing RSF-Z zoning to RMF/16 (PD7) . Subject site is located at 9300 E1 Bordo Road. . Mr. Moses presented the staff report recommending _denial of the request as presented. In response to question from Commissioner Michielssen, Mr. Moses 3 Minutes - Planning Commission - July 21, 1987 responded that an appropriate density given the characteristics of the site would be a possible reduction of two units on either site (more appropriately 8 units for each site) . Mr. .Engen added that this might be best determined in looking at the whole neighborhood as part of the General Plan update. Mac McCaslin, applicant, referred to the site map and showed all of the multi-family housing along E1 Bordo. He explained the benefits of the proposed project. He responded to questions from the Commission concerning the design aspects of the project. Commissioner Kidwell stated she would like to see a density de- crease occur on the approach to the golf course. She would be comfortable with an 8 unit development (on each acre) . Chairman Bond concurred. There was discussion among the Commission concerning multi-family zoning for the site even though the project is proposed to be single family in nature, as well as discussion on the planned development overlay. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Kidwell to recommend approval of General Plan Amendment 2C-87 and Zone Change 6-87 but to recommend approval of a revised zoning to RMF(PD7) allow- ing for small lot subdivision of 8 units per acre. Steve noted that the motion should also include directing staff to prepare appropriate findings and language to reflect the re- vision of the zoning. Discussion ensued as to the intent of the RMF(PD7) zoning as opposed to RMF (PD10) zoning. Commissioner Kidwell withdrew her original motion and made a new motion to recommend approval of General Plan Amendment 6-87 and to direct staff to bring back findings for approval of an RMF/10 zoning for Zone Change 6-87. The motion carried 6: 0 with a roll call vote. 4. Ge ral Plan Amendment 2B-87/Zone Change 5-8 . Reque initiated by Don Messer (Cuesta E ineering) to re- vise th existing General Plan land u map designation from SuburbanSi a Family to Moderate D sity Single Family with a coinciding z e change to revis he existing RS zoning to RSF-Y. Applica 'on include a request to extend the Urban Services Line. Subj t site s located at 8430 Santa Rosa Road. Mr. Davidson presented th staff r rt recommending approval of the applications. Deborah Hollowel ith Cuesta Engineering, r resenting the appli- cant, spoke in upport of the request noting s had no comments on the matt 4 I • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council October 13, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROV Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Zone Change 12-87 LOCATION: 8750 E1 Camino Real APPLICANT: Sandra L. Genzone REQUEST: To revise .the existing IP (Industrial Park) zone desig- nation to CS (Commercial Service) on approximately .75 acres of vacant land. BACKGROUND: • The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing of this matter at its September 15, 1987 meeting, and recommended approval of Zone Change 12-87 based on the Findings contained in Exhibit E of the at- tached staff report. Sandra Genzone, applicant, appeared and indicated her agreement with the recommendation. No one else spoke on the matter. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Zone Change 12-87 and (1) reading by title only of Ordi- nance No. 161; and (2) approval of Ordinance No. 161 for first reading. HE:ph Enclosures: Staff Report - September 15, 1987 Ordinance No. 161 cc: Sandra Genzone CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: B-2 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: 15 Sept 87 BY: Joel Moses, Associate Planner File No: ZC: 12-87 SUBJECT: Zone Change Application ZC: 12-87 initiated by Sandy Genzone to revise the existing IP (Industrial Park) zoning on approximately . 75 acres of an existing 1.2 acre site to CS (Commercial Service) at 8750 E1 Camino Real. BACKGROUND: In 1983, when the City rezoned the entire community, this site was reviewed specifically due to the splitting of the property with a zone line. The Commission and Council noted at that time the General plan for the area as being split in half with Industrial Park to the rear, and the street frontage as Commercial Service.Staff also noted at that time the problem of splitting ownerships with zoning and not following existing property lines. The property' s zoning was approved with the zoning line splitting the property. It was understood that the • property would probably request a rezoning of part of the site when a specific site development was settled on. The new owners of the site now desire to develop the site as a Motel/Hotel but the re-zoning of the rear half of the site will be needed to allow development of the entire site. The IP (Industrial Park) zone does not allow the development of Hotel/Motels, thus the rezoning is needed at this time. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .T & M Medeiros & S & S Genzone 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sandra Genzone 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8750 E1 Camino Real 4. Legal Description. . .. . . . . . .Ptn Lot 3 Blk 7 At.Col. 5. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Approximately . 75 acres 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IP (Industrial Park) _ 7. General Plan Designation. . . . . Industrial Park • Zone Change ZC: 12-87 September 15, 1987 Page 2 8. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vacant (front portion of lot is developed but is not part of the re- zoning) 9. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted 8/31/87 B. ANALYSIS: In evaluating the proposed rezoning staff has reviewed the proposal in light of the problems created by the split zoning on the site. Under normal circumstances the splitting of a lot by zone districts is not appropriate. The Zoning Ordinance as a part of its rules of interpretation (Sec. 9-109 (c) l) directs that " Where a boundary is shown as_ approximately following a lot line, the lot line shall be considered to be the boundary " . This is used to prevent what has occurred in this case. The site is split by zones that allow different uses on the two portions of the site. The applicant wishes to develop a motel/hotel on the site. The site plan for the motel/hotel is not being reviewed for approval at this time. The front portion of the site, zoned CS (Commercial Service) , lists the use as an allowed use (Sec. 9-3. 232 (a) ) .The rear of the site is designated as IP (Industrial Park) and motel/hotel is not a listed use either as allowed or by conditional use permit. The developer is thus left with a site that in some situations can be only partially developed with a single use. The City' s General Plan presently shows the area with two potential land use designations (Exhibit C) . As in the Zoning the front portion of the site is designated as Heavy Commercial and the rear of the site as Industrial Park. As discussed earlier the approval of the site' s present zoning was based on this mapping on the General Plan' s Land Use - Map. At that time concern was expressed as to the ultimate use of the site and a developer' s need at a future date to revise the zoning to conform to a proposed development plan. The General Plan has policies that allow for the interpretation of the map on a wavy line principle. This is based on the fact that the General plan is not a specific diagram, but a general one (Policy 9 Land Use Policy Proposals) . This would allow the finding that the proposal is in conformance with the General Plan. The revision will change the list of uses that could be developed on the portion of the site affected. The IP (Industrial Park) zone is meant to provide areas for large lot light industrial development. The CS (Commercial Service) zone is meant to provide large lot service Zone Change ZC: 12-87 September 15,1987 Page 3 commercial development. Reviewing the lists of uses allowed and conditionally allowed in the zoning districts shows the exclusion in the CS zone of more intense uses while the IP zone allows for what might be considered less intense uses (Exhibit D) . Comments have been received from outside agencies that note no problem with the proposed zone change. Comments did note the need for improvements at the time of development. . These improvements would include but are not limited to improvements for drainage, street development, and traffic signalization. These items would be addressed as conditions of approval of a specific plan for development of the site. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Zone Change Application ZC: 12- 87 based on the findings contained in Exhibit E. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Proposed Site Plan Exhibit C - General Plan Map Exhibit D - Zoning Matrix Exhibit E - Draft Ordinance JM:jm CI EXHIBIT A LOCATION MAP OF ATASCADERO �a►sc�w COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ZONE CHANGE ZC; 12-87 DEPARTMENT 8750 EL CAMINO REAL IP to CS (GENZONE) ,W f SITE 8750 EL CAMINO REAL ,' ZC: 12-87 INDUSTRIAL PARK TO $d COMM. SERVICE M SPD F= tkm cx \ o ' > A P( I r)v P O a • \\ �O� P� a "XO CO JP � 9s 4 - sr°�4� 41 CR CT, i c 4$ 4 OPPO \ 4 � � i M "lQ4Ni. EXHIBIT B PROP.SITE PLAN CITY OF A v1; . ■ .■ ■ � TASCADERO ZONE .CHANGE ZC: 12-87 �-s9 ■e_■ s■ 8750 E1 Camino Real Gd,n 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IP to CS (Genzone) DEPARTMENT L I C o r _ RE 4 - j • � 0 EX CITY HIBIT C GEN.PLAN MAP tl� 1 OF ATASCADERO ZONE CHANGE zc: 12-87 re91 c 197 8750 E1 Camino Real `s COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT IP to CS (Genzone) i ';��';� ;, .�1 •• .. SITE 8750 El Camino Real I Zone Change ZC:12-8 7 IP to CS :•:�; _i':,- .,fit•r_',"\": _t t -l.l. .r: •��r lam'. ..'\"1 ti, -„),-\ ` ai• • ' •/�” .. o ATASCADERO M GENERAL PLANT MAP LAND USE AND CIRCULATION HIGH DENS. MULT. FAM. HEAVY COMMERCIAL n'n AGRICULTURE LOW DENS. MULT. FAM. ;ii;: RETAIL COMMERCIAL RECREATION HIGH DENS. SNGL. FAM. COMMERCIAL PARK SPECIAL RECREATION MOD.DENS. SNGL. FAM. SPECIAL COMMERCIAL- ARTERIAL DIVIDED LOW DENS. SNGL.FAM. PROFESSIONAL OFFICEARTERIAL UNDIVIDED COLLECTORS SUBURBAN SNGL. FAM. INDUSTRIAL PARK — — —•—•—•—•- URBAN SERVICES LINE PUBLIC VZ0A INDUSTRIAL URBAN RESERVE LINE CITY BOUNDARY i CITY OF ATA SCADEROA-AL LOSVABLE! C-CONDIT IONAL ZONING MATRIX JUNE 27, 1983 . .S-SUBORDINATE -. H-HISTORICAL *SPECIAL CONDITION,.- Ar , .o:LAND'.USE ONDITION :"^LAND' USE TIRS RSF LSF RMF CN CP 'CR CS CT CPK IP I. L LS P. :Accessory, Storage A A A A A A A A A A A JAA A A : .Agrlcu tura , A A A A :. Accessory Agricu tural A CC A Processing .' Amusement C C C A A C v .. Animal Hospitals Hospitals A -C C A �Appare andA A I A .Finished .Products C* -: epic e. Dealers A C A and Supplies Auto Repair i I C A S A A A And Services Bed and Breakfast C C C C 11A A, A A S C A A Broadcasting H H H JH A A A A JA JA Studios ;I.Building Materials A* A A A A and Hardware C* Business Support H H H H A* A* A A A A C Services Caretaker C C C C C C C C C C C C C C A Residence . Cemetarles _ C C A Chemical Products C C C Churches ;-and C C C C C C - Related Activities Co lection A A A A A A A A = A .. A A , A A A A A Stations `Concrete, Gypsum, & 7 C C A Plaster Products - Contract Constr- A A A A tion. services ::Crop? rod.uc.tion A C A and Grazing Eat!ng , and::'; - A* A A A JA S C C Dr inking:.P.laces C* Electronic an Sclen A* A A A tific Instruments . C* Farm Animal A iA A C A j Raising . Farm Equipment A A . A Y A A Land Supplies Farm Labor Quarters A Financial A A A S Services Fisheries and C A C Game Preserves EXHIBIT D ZONING MATRIX ZONE CHANGE ZC:12-87 8750 E1 Camino Real IP to CS (Genzone) i LAND USE A RS RSF LSF [RMFFCN CP CR CS CT CPK IP I L LS P Food'.and,;Beverage A* A* A A S S C Ill Retail Sales C* C* Food and A IC I A JA A A ll I : Kindred Products !. Forestry,. A C A A Fuel and A A A A A Ice Dealers Funeral Services A A Furniture. and . :. Fixtures C* Furniture,:;, Furn- A* A A S ishins' & Equipment C* General Merchandise A* A* A A S S S C Stores C* C* Glass >Products C C C A Health Care A S A Services - Home Occupation A A JA A 11A A Horticultural A A* A A A A C Specialties C* Hotels, '-Motels - A AA C . Indoor- Recreation C C S A C Services Kennel A C C 1C A Laundries. .and A A JA A �; °Dr y Cleaning'- Plants Libraries,.',Museums H H H H A A A A I JA A A 'A _A7- Al - , lglt; epa r Services Livestock . A C Specialties Lumber and C C A Wood Products ac finery C C A Manufacturing Mail Order A JA A A and Vending11 Membership A A A Organizations .-..'Metal Industries/ C Primary Mining (&Surface) C C Mobilehome C C C C Development Mobilehome A A A A Dwelling Mu tip e Family A Dwelling ices H H H H A A A S S A Organization C C C C Houses 2 LAND USE: A S RSF _LSF RMF CN TPC CS CT CPK IP I L LS P ..Outdoor. Recreation C C A I JA C 4 Paper.-Products G C Al r`Paving :Materials C C A ' Personal H H H A* A* A A S S Services C* C* Petroleum C Extraction Petroleum `Refining C & Related Industry tPipellnes A* * C C C C C C C C C C. C C, C A +; C Plastics and . , C C ICI Rubber -Products rimary Family A . Housing ' Public Assembly I C C A C C A V and Entertainment { ecrea t Iona I A C C Vehicle Parks Recycling and C C C Scrap Residential A A A A IA A Accessory Uses .. Residential A A A Care, ' * C* C* Retirement HotelC A A Roadside-.Stands FA A A A A A =,Rura - Sports & - CA C . a Group- Facilities ,...Sales Lots A A C 'A A A Schools. - Business H H H H A A A C C A and Vocational rSChoOlS C C C C ,A A A A A A Service Stations C C C A ..Single Family A A A A A A Dwelling .Skilled Nursing A* A* A* A A A A Facilities C* C* C* ' mal Scale A A A A A Manufacturing Social & Service A A A A `' Or anizations ;Sports Assembly C C JA C Stone & Cut A* A A A Stone Products C* _ Storage Yards A JA JA ._Structural Clay & G C A Related Products- _ . Temporary Dwelling A A A A A A ,Temporary Events A_ A A A A A A A A A A A Temporary Offices AtA A A Temporary or A A A AA A A __ JAIA A A A Seasonal Sales LAND USE A RS RS LSFRMF CN CP CR CS CT CPK IP I L LSP .Textile Mills - C C C Transit Stations C C A C C C C A and Terminals Utility Service A A A A Centers Utility. Trans- AIA 1A . A A A A A A A A A A A A A mission Facilities _ _ Vehicle and C C C C Freight'Terminals Vehicle and A A A A A "E ui ment Stora ge Warehousin C C A A Wholesaling and A . A A A� .''Distribution ZONING DESCRIPTIONS :A - AGRICULTURE ZONE RS - RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN ZONE .RSF - .RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY ZONE :.';,LSF - LIMITED RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE -RMF - RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY ZONE CN - COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD ZONE `CP.. COMMERCIAL PROFESSIONAL ZONE CR COMMERCIAL RETAIL ZONE CS - COMMERCIAL SERVICE ZONE I :__CT COMMERCIAL TOURIST ZONE . :;CPK COMMERCIAL :PARK ZONE IP INDUSTRIAL PARK ZONE vI INDUSTRIAL ZONE L.: RECREATION ZONE LS - SPECIAL RECREATION ZONE �P PUBLIC ZONE 4 • 0 ORDINANCE NO. 161 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP NUMBER 19 OF OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY AT 8750 EL CAMINO REAL FROM IP (INDUSTRIAL PARK) TO CS (COMMERCIAL SERVICE) (ZC 12-87: GENZONE) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning reg- ulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant ad- verse impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 15, 1987 and has recommended approval of Zone Change 12-87. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan land use element and other elements contained in the General Plan, and specifically, policies pertaining to the "wavy line" concept expressed in the General Plan land use element. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse en- vironmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. Section 2. Zoning Map. Map Number 19 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atasca- dero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended to reclassify Portion of Lot 3 of Block 7 of the Atascadero Colony as shown on attached Exhibit "A" which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. • ORDINANCE NO. 161 Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and ef- fect at 12: 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. .On motion by and seconded by the motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: BARBARA NORRIS, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL aSHELTO , City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney _ PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director -- '. . t..- .S � ,`�ePO.ir L• i '• V•},,��:. .�i► �a/ t=. :sire t.,I c M� rR*+p 7Rn�w rr4 t}3 TJi�' ::/SY 60•ST '•1Z� �I ,�r/H�2[t- ♦M• t l •,t. �Sr •'.�`r 't+ •�` �F'•��'�r.r •i 1' �V..Z ,r Y .t�' i 'S.. t•r�i -7 -13T ` 1 e�Av �� ^,.,�'i• ' v yr:•, :�S rxe ..' .:, ' t{ t ' 1 > :j. AT-76.113 t rr ei 'o v ' 'y 1• \\ •y, y.. AT-19.23. 12-a1' •�' Tit a Ser •� a,a,r \. ••dr ci� +ti�5 S 'AT'81-183 .12-0[ • +: =/:: •. r•p �/'. • •!!L7 t '•` y a, ,� r"r .:�, .�'\ AT-81 2Siex 1... • e � ti • , � •r r S•iS t IH r��G •�it•yi 1 sy ,ri, (� * S .7i{ rile •- a r> . 6 e,� ! t � •..`+• b.s 4 e`dle,,.a, r el Sr , r>, r .. is r-f ....�' +es.`�' , _ ,tW It`• REVISION DATE: .\ \ e.• b. { ...r, i/ 1r 4 ? ` �`6a`: SITE 8750 E1 Camino Real;. ., Zone Change IP (Industrials" ,; SF-1'' " •6�a •�,., - ?, `' °' r"► s-, vi0. ~ 'j Park) to CS (Commercial eC t - Service) .. ape �� �, +ts,'2;�, [ •�' e• .r. J , i ye .re � °\.r•"'b'� e .+= w� 6 _. a-r•1 ,. , •.. `�,: =t a '.� .�•� ti%•. •�;s, SF'�.. �� 7- ,, � .:• . . .�: ai zee � 1 a t ,yt 'J' •q •p.a•• Sa4g.•s t v 17s' 1. 3e o t•tl ♦+ C fla v o ':r`,"S f,. K a 1 fir. ,t , ..,i s "� •10•A R,� 14 f',re26 , to )' y, sF 1� ze '1s s sS•� 3. .. — �G r$fib, rr .•. -r : •'.. � POptO�� �.go:fir , e �.. 4,� ;�+'I+Z,•` �•---• rua %bi rr ri .. •.� TZ tyl� ; ••, y +Yt,�'arw� ^'j/. �+q.� n,s 30 ' r_;' S i t 10ylif[ 31 RSFY . r •.,r ' to Cr > r, ' t'••.�?•• � TT 4."'- w ...a tits 1 • C wrr.a .50 7�SaoS '�-` • � •le � � Yr>, •1"'' ,>+It 6.1."r , � \ ^� - t yJc' BOS* of 1- � ,.. "`'F;i•.I 3 a V r ` � '_.. y w ; ' .7 �,� .•�.A `sip: `'„ �' ; s ,", *,, ..<.RMF/ ' �' � '4a '�, as�S - t .r ...`,d•.>` ,` ,.r ..�.,^ yee s +•�Y ,`e�9 @ t - UI,•Q �_., .�. .•.,`r�. -. rya .� \ • 10,11 _;S'• T I4\\ t,t's ahN .14Jj�'w \ 3 .. _ - ♦ cq >- le-A fib 3•1,04 �€la'1 • : •r. /' o •;g'' 4 \ . • ire-,•1 x ,.:x . r'S'ai• • roa °>/2 ns'' �+ •.•qty - T t � 22 '. - .•)e_1 r...,.as ..__. ,•�+ s�a > � •a .i .. ..�' •., t 1 12 •' ,` rY, r, . •'• V gyp: ... •1'y�' +}J R L:•t.•a> 3 ,\ • 23t� ..».0 ,ei3 ��'11-•yy;.a�}{i T• t•'M`i� 11 21 _ ,_ yµ.ntw.a>^.a 4rw NK.Lt.?.....«:•e,..•r . RS - Y _'' . .ua an•+�W«Inn..r,.,t>.,..a.•r.•rc>u M---.. ''r•� 20 '•,� i - a, <m er.inanuo':i_.w..l rr wvl.r.s 23• rrfw 1•�- • �` ': �� "'' ��! .. 71 u�,(�� J�T1 Ara, '•�. • � • +,'! A�,►'• /:auaa iu,a> c>I il,...q R i r.nw ' a r- 1 = i`�'1 9\\ .'�Ky.-txl[I �. {: .'•.,sS4M..rr'''T� CITY or ATASCA `, I� EXHIBIT A ORD. 161 Vr .. ZONE CHANGE ZC•12-87 i_2-12 c � ` 8750 El Camino•Real IP to CS (Genzone) � 13Y7 MEMORANDUM TO: City Council October 13, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROMp/,tHenry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Zone Change 9-87 and Tentative Parcel Map 10-87 LOCATION: 6875 Tecorida APPLICANT: Woodglen Ltd. REQUEST: To revise the existing RMF/16 (FH) zoning designation to RMF/16 (FH) (PD-7) allowing for the creation of a Planned Development Overlay providing for a small lot subdivision of acres of vacant property into 9 lots varying in siz from 3968 to 7074 square feet, and the establishment of os Arboles as a private street name. BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing of this matter at its September 15, 1987 meeting and recommended approval of Zone Change 9-87 and Tentative Parcel Map .10-87' in accordance with the findings contained in the attached staff report and the revised conditions of approval also attached. There was some discussion and public testimony given as reflected in the attached minutes excerpts. RECOMMENDATION• Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 10-87 subject to the revised condi- tions of approval, and approval of Zone Change 9-87 by (1) reading by title only Ordinance No. 160; and (2) approval of Ordinance No. 160 for first reading. HE:ph Enclosures: Staff Report - September 15 , 1987 - Revised Conditions of Approval - September 15, 1987 Ordinance No. 160 Minutes Excerpt - September 15, 1987 • cc: Woodglen Ltd. Cuesta Engineering CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: B-3 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date:Sept. 15, 1987 BY: Joel Moses , Associate Planner File No: . ZC: 9-87 & TTM: 10-87 SUBJECT: Zone Change 4-87 and Tentative Tract Map 10-87 initiated by Woodglen Development Ltd. to rezone property at 6875 Tecorida Ave from RMF/16 (FH) to RMF/16 (FH) (PD-7) to allow for the development of the 1. 2 acre site into a small lot subdivision containing 9 residential lots varying in size from 3968 square feet to 7074 square feet. BACKGROUND: The site has been zoned RMF/16 (FH) (Residential Multiple Family with a Flood Hazard Overlay) since the establishment of the • current Zoning Ordinance in 1983. The site has been designated on the current General Plan Land Use Map as High Density Multiple Family since 1980. The property was in a moratorium area for development for several years due to its location within the Amapoa / Tecorida Flood Area . The moratorium on development was only lifted with the establishment of standards for development within a flood area. The area is not designated at this time within a designated 100 year flood area, but is designated by the City in response to studies under taken by the City on flooding in the area. The applicants initially submitted a request to rezone and subdivide an additional parcel to the east of the site as a part of the project. After review by the staff and a determination that an Environmental Impact Report would be needed the applicant scaled down the project and reduced the potential environmental impacts. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Woodglen;Development Ltd-:- 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cuesta Engineering - 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6875 Tecorida Ave 4. Legal Description. . . . . . . . . . . .Lots 30, 31 & 32 Block UA • Atasc.Col. 5. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 2 acres Zone Change 9-87 & TTM 10-87 Sept. 15, 1987 Page 2 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RMF/16 (FH) Residential Multiple Family with a Flood Hazard Overlay 7. General Plan Designation. . . . .High Density MultiFamily 8. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vacant lot 9. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted B. ANALYSIS: The application proposes to rezone the property to allow the re-subdivision of the land into a 9 unit small lot subdivision. The rezoning of the property will be required due to the property' s current zoning of RMF/16 (FH) requiring a minimum lot size of 1/2 acre and the required front yard setbacks of 25'-0" . As a part of that rezoning a specific plan for development and coinciding tract map are being presented for approval ( Exhibits B & C ) . The developer has also submitted a set of proposed • development standards for the project (Exhibit D) . The site is currently undeveloped along the south side of Tecorida Road (undeveloped) east of San Andres Road. The site contains a drainageway for the Amapoa/Tecorida area and a portion of another drainageway coming from the south. The site and adjoining road area also contain a number of trees. The adjoining propertys are currently zoned RMF/16 (FH) to the south and east . The property' s to the north across Tecorida Road are zoned CR(FH) (PD-3) (Commercial Retail with Flood Hazard and Planned Development overlays) . Across San Andres to the west the zoning changes to LSF-Y(FH) (Limited Single Family Residential, 1 acre minimum lot size with sewer with a Flood Hazard Overlay) In reviewing the project comments and information was acquired from several outside agencies that add to the environmental review of the project. The property is located close to a known archaeological site and a site survey was required as a part of the review. The survey noted no specific finds of archaeological artifacts; if any are found during construction the find would be reviewed at that time. Comments from Caltrans were also received as to the potential impacts of development along Morro Road. These impacts included delays and congestion at the Morro Road -- /Marchant Ave and the Morro Road/Atascadero Road intersections. Concern was also expressed as to the need for construction of additional drainage facilities. This is due to the design capacities of the existing 36" culverts under Highway 101 that were based on the undeveloped state of the drainage area (Amapoa/Tecorida) when designed and installed. The comments were Zone Change 9-87 & TTM 10-87 Sept. 15, 1987 Page 3 reviewed by the Public Works Director and a traffic and drainage reports prepared for the project It was found that the current development fees and proposed development improvements would mitigate the potential impacts. The site was also reviewed for potential problems with flora and fauna removal. The plans were reviewed by the State Department of Fish and Game. After the review a steam alteration permit was issued under specified conditions listed in the permit. Comments were received from the Building division about the potential concerns as to the soils on the site. A soils report was prepared by a Register Civil Engineer for the site. The report was reviewed by the City' s Engineering division and found adequate to allow for the development of the site. The Fire Department' s review of the project showed no problems. Access was good but standard fire hydrants shall be required. Comments from utility companies requested standard easements and advised that the site can be served from existing facilities. . Under the current RMF/16 zoning of the property of the site would fall under the hillside density standards. The application was submitted initially before the standards went into effect but will now have to comply with the new standards. At 16 units per acre the site could have held 19 residential apartments. The City' s current standards based on slope and the number of bedrooms on the site could allow for a varying degree of intensity of development. Densities could range from 16 units per acre for 1 bedroom units to 6 units per acre for 4 bedroom units. This could allow for the development of up to 19, 14, 10 or 7 residential units on the site. Under the developers proposal for 3 bedroom units on 0-10% slope a density of 8 units per acre maybe allowed. This would allow a maximum of 10 units on the site. The proposal is to provide 9 - 3 bedroom residential units on the site and thus would be within the City' s density standards. The proposed density would also be well below the maximum of 19 units possible on the site. The proposed site plan is also seeking to modify the street frontage setbacks that are normally required for this type of development. The normal 25 '-0" setback on the front of the proposed lots is proposed to be reduced to 10' -0" on most of the lots. The design still provides for a 20 ' -0" drive to a double car garage for each of the units. The street side yards are shown as being approximately 10'-0" which would be in conformance with zoning ordinance standards (Sec 9-4. 107 (a) l) . �� 1 • Rel Q � ►MI. -„tom , ��Is � �� � z �,�,I�I� � � ♦ � - ANN \����.�� per'-`':�► v tri►' _ ��v � ♦��* �, � � �1 ♦• ♦ �� W ■ PIN s� �`�-, t��. • ���� ��► � •: her tires' NIP •• . e . �- I/ Iva ��1► III IIIA Aria RM : RM - . ��������.���hit!►;`:�.. � I � :,� ��I � ._ � .�►�. tom,• • ��►��j ��1 � her �ri- • EXHIBIT C TRACT MAP CITY OF A TASCADERO 6875 Tecorida Road 'r.i, -, Zone Change ZC: 9-87 �L`' � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tent.Tract Map TTM: JW7 DEPARTMENT woodglen Ltd/Cuesta Aflu jut o z Jnr 2 � � 4 ♦ f t t�`,•y ,'�_.-_- _� ��\ ;`\'I,: ;\Tom__.--�-_=\�\\ __ �. �; Lae - :� ��,�� - � - '• 4c .�, Bili fAN t ANOREI AVENUE f s �XHIBIT D Developers Sta. 6875 Tecorida Road Zone Change ZC: 9-87 Tent Tract Map TTM:10-87 WOODGLEN PROPERTY Woodalen Ltd/Cuesta Proposed Development Standards a. ) Approval of a Site Utilization Plan (SUP) reflecting a Master Plan of Development for a residential development and related uses is required as part of the "PD" overlay zoning designation. The SUP shall be incorporated in the "PD" development standards. b. ) Any revisions or deviations from the approved SUP shall require a Conditional Use Permit c. ) The Level of Processing for individual building or grading permits shall be a plot plan provided the proposal conforms to "PD" development standards. d. ) Building height shall be limited to thirty (30) feet, (not to exceed two (2) stories) . e. ) All street, sewer, water and underground utilities shall be • provided by the developer prior to occupancy of any building. f. ) Each lot in the development may be developed separately and individually per the development standards. g. ) The developer or applicant shall pay all applicable fees, such as drainage fees, school fees, development fees, as required for a single-family residence as each building permit is drawn or issued. h. ) Development within the"PD" zone shall conform to the Flood Hazard Overlay Standards for the project area. i . ) No access shall be provided from San Andres Avenue. Access from Tecorida Avenue shall be limited to two (2) private road access encroachments per the SUP. j . ) All project streets shall be private _easernent roads. The Gross Area of each lot shall include a portion of the _ private easement road. A private Road Maintenance Agreement shall be executed by all future property owners within the development. ! 0 k. ) The following minimum setbacks shall be provided as shown on the SUP: 1 . ) Front setback shall be 10' to face of building except that a minimum of 20' shall be provided from the edge of the private road to the face of the garage door. 2. ) Rear yard setback shall be 15' except along Tecorida Avenue where the rear yard setback shall be 12.5' . 3. ) Side yard setback shall be 10' for all corner lots on both public and private streets. Interior side yard setback shall be 51 . l . ) Six (6) foot high solid fencing shall be provided along property lines at San Andres and Tecorida Avenues with landscape breaks for tree planting as shown on the SUP and landscape plans. m. ) All utilities shall be provided underground. n. ) All residences shall be constructed with a 2-car garage. • Supplemental Statement Woodglen Development 6875 Tecorida Avenue The attached application is a request to establish a "PD" overlay zone for 4 individual lots currently zoned RMF-16/FH. The applicant proposes a single-family residential project rather than multi-family apartment units permitted under the current zoning. The project proposes 15 units (7 units per acre) rather than 33 units (16 units per acre) allowed under current zoning. Single-family detached units are in keeping with the mixed residential uses in the neighborhood. The "PD" overlay zone would allow creation of smaller lots so that the project homes and lots can be individually and privately owned. The "PD" Development Standards will ensure orderly development of individual lots and maintenance of common easements and facilities. The concurrent, planned development of the 4 separate lots will avoid piecemeal work on the drainage areas. A master plan also improves traffic circulation, reducing the number of access points to public streets by providing one private street rather than four separate driveways with parking lots. "PD" modification of setbacks allows for better useable yards by reducing front yards and increasing rear yards. "PD" control of landscape design and maintenance ensures adequate screening and shading of the project. The attached development standards are proposed to supercede the existing RMF zoning standards. • • i EXHIBIT E - Findings for Approval Tentative Tract Map 10-87 6875 Tecorida Road Sept. 15, 1987 FINDINGS 1 . The creation of the proposed parcels conform to the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan land use designation , densities and other policies. 2 . The creation of these parcels , in conformance with the recommended Conditions of Approval, will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. The Negative Declaration .prepared for the project is adequate. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed. 5 . The design of the subdivision , and the proposed improvements,will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat 6 . The design of the subdivision , and the type of the improvements, will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or the use of property within the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7. The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474. 6 of the State Subdivision Map Act as to the methods of handling and discharge of waste. 8. The proposed subdivision will be in conformance with approved Zone Change 9-87, RMF/16 (FH) (PD-7) and the existing development standards for the City of Atascadero. 9. The proposed Zone Change and Tract Map are in compliance with all pertinent city policy or criteria adopted by ordinance or resolution of the City Council. • EXHIBIT G - Conditions of Approval Tentative Map 10-87 September 15, 1987 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1 . Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. Water lines shall be extended to the frontage of each parcel or its public utilities easement prior to the recording of the final map. 2. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easement are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 3. Grading, and Drainage plans , prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to the issuance of any building permits or the recording of the final map. 4. Obtain encroachment permit from the city of Atascadero Public Works Department. Sign an Inspection Agreement and a curb Gutter Agreement, guaranteeing that the work will be done and the inspections paid for, prior to the issuance of a building permit and construct improvements as directed by the encroachment by the encroachment permit prior to the final building inspection or the recording of the final map. 5 . A road maintenance agreement, in a form acceptable to the - City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed. A note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 6 . Road improvement plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Community Development and Public Works Departments for review and approval for the a construction Tecorida Road, the subdivisions internal street (Los_. Arboles) and the reconstruction of San Andres or recording of the final map, or prior to the issuance of any building permit, which ever comes first. Plans shall include, but not limited to : a. Tecorida Road: Design shall conform to design of Tecorida Road being prepared in connection with proposed development at 6715 Morro Road per Precise Plan 03-87. Plans shall include a minimum paved section -of 15 '-0' plus City standard curb, gutter. and 5 '-0" sidewalk. Design shall include measures to save and preserve trees_ within the right-of-way. b. San Andres Road: Design shall include City standard curb, gutter, 5 '-0" sidewalk and additional paveout, width to be determined by the City Engineer not to exceed 15 '-0" . Design shall include measures to protect and preserve trees within the right-of-way. c. Subdivision's internal street (Los Arboles) : Design shall include measures to preserve and protect existing trees on the site. 7 . Construction of the public road improvements shall be completed (or bonded for) prior to the recording of the final map. 8. All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be responsibility of the developer at his sole expense. 9 . The newly created lots shall be connected to the Public Sewer. All annexation permit fees shall be paid for the newly created lot prior to the recording of the final map. Sewer improvement plans shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department prior to the recording of the final map. 10. The applicant shall deposit with the Director of Public Works a dollar amount determined by the Director of Public Work, which shall be utilized for the future development of improvements for the implementation of a Routes to School Plan for Santa Rosa Elementary School. 11 . Public Improvement plans prepared for the site shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department. The plans shall include two standard fire hydrants. Design and location shall be approved prior to the recording of the final map. 12. Parcels 6 & 7 shall have no direct access to San Andres Road Parcels 1, 9, 8 & 7 shall have no direct access on to Tecorida Road. Access shall be by way of the subdivisions internal street (Los Arboles) . A note to that effect shall appear on the final map. 13. An address identification signs shall be approved as a part of the public improvement plans . the signs shall contain 4' reflective address numbers for each residential unit served by a driveway. The signs shall be located on the right hand side of. the drive way and shall be so placed as not to effect the visibility of the intersection. 14 . Prior to the approval of the improvement plans by the Director of Public Works, either the Subdivider shall acquire sufficient title or interest in the off-site land to allow the improvements to be made as required by these conditions: or the City Council , upon request by and at the expense of- the subdivider, shall have made all appropriate findings and adopted Resolution of Necessity as required by law so that tYje City may exercise its power of Emminent Domain. 15 . Drainage Facilities shall be constructed to City of Atascadero standards. All work shall be completed or bonded for prior the final building inspection or the recording of the final map. i 16 . The Subdivider shall provide drainage easements and/or drainage releases from the points of concentration of stormwater leaving the project boundary through adjoining properties to the nearest natural watercourses as approved by the Public Works Department if applicable. 17 . All lot grading and drainage improvements shall require write certification by a registered Civil Engineer that all work has been completed and is in full compliance with the approved plans. 18. All grading and erosion control measures shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and constructed in accordance with the City of Atascadero grading codes and standards. Prior to the final building inspection, said engineer shall submit to the City written certification that grading is in conformance with said codes and standards , including all Flood Hazard Overlay Zone requirements. 19 . The subdivider shall install all street signs , traffic delineation devices, warning and regulatory signs, guardrails, barricades , and other similar devices were required by the Director of Public Works. Signs shall be in conformance with the Department of Public works standards and the current State of • California uniform sign chart. Installation of traffic devices shall be subject to review and modifications after construction. 20. Offer of dedication to the City of Atascadero the following rights-of-Way and or easements: Street Name: Tecorida Road Limits: 20 '-0" along westerly edge of property frontage adjacent to Tecorida Road. Minimum Width: 40 '-0" Right-of-Way 21 . Offer for dedication to the Public the Public Utility Easements. 22. Offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneous to the recordation of the final map. 23. A Drainage Maintenance Agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed and a note to this effect shall be placed on the final map. 24 . Prior to the recording of the final map , a soils investigation ( as required by the Subdivision Map Act) shall be submitted, recommending corrective actions which will prevent structural damage to each structure proposed to be constructed in the area where soil problems exist , as indicated in the Preliminary Soils Report. The date of such reports, The name of the Engineer making the report, and the location where the reports are on file shall be noted on the final map. 25. All lots shall be individually connected to the public sewer system.Sewer laterals shall be extended to the frontage of each lot prior to the recording the final map. Permits for the connection to the sewer shall be obtained from the Public Works Department prior to the work being done. 26 . The applicant shall establish Covenants , Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the regulation of land use,control of nuisances, architectural control of all buildings, driveway and landscape maintenance. These CC&Rs shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Attorney and the Community Development Department prior to the recording of the final map. . 27. Zone Change ZC: 9-87 shall be approved and in effect prior to the recording of the final map. 28 . A final map in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City' s Subdivision Ordinance prior to the recording of the final map. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil. Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that the corners have been set by the date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. c. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 29. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. 30. Applicant shall pay all applicable development fees in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. The Amapoa/Tecorida Drainage development fees shall be based on Multiple Family use of the site. • 10/10OUNCIL AGENDA ITEM: B-4 APPROVALSHAVE B�ENIRE-COPIEDO . EXHIBIT G - Conditions of Approval Tentative Map 10-87 AS NOT ALL CONDITIONS WERE PRINTED. September 15, 1987 (REVISED) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1 . Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. Water lines shall be extended to the frontage of each parcel or its public utilities easement prior to the recording of the final map. 2. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easement are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 3. Grading, and Drainage plans , prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to the issuance of any building permits or the recording of the final map. 4. Obtain encroachment permit from the city of Atascadero Public Works Department . Sign an Inspection Agreement and a curb Gutter Agreement , guaranteeing that the work will be done and the inspections paid for, prior to the issuance of a building permit and construct improvements as directed by the encroachment by the encroachment permit prior to the final building inspection or the recording of the final map. S . A road maintenance agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed. A note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 6 . Road improvement plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Community Development and Public Works Departments for review and approval for the construction Tecorida Road, the subdivisions internal street (Los Arboles) and the CONSTRUCTION of IMPROVEMENTS ON San Andres or recording of the final map, or prior to the issuance of any building permit, which ever comes first . Plans shall include, but not limited to : a. Tecorida Road: Design shall conform to design of Tecorida Road being prepared in connection with proposed development at 6715 Morro Road per Precise Plan 03-87 . Plans shall include a minimum paved section of 15 ' -0" Plus City standard curb, gutter and 5 ' -0" sidewalk. Design shall include measures to save and preserve trees within the right-of-way. (SEE # 10) b. San Andres Road: Design shall include City standard curb, gutter, 5 ' -0" sidewalk and additional paveout , width to VARY FROM 20' FEET TO 10' FEET FROM THE CENTER LINE TO THE FACE OF CURB, DESIGN TO be determined by the City b Engineer. Design shall include measure,.& tiro prwtiect and preserve trees within the right-of-way. c. Subdivision' s internal street (Los Arbolkis)):A i;ishall include measures to preserve and protect iis :iira trees on the site. 7 . Construct ion of the publ is road improren is sfthaalik be completed (or bonded for) prior to the recortliing wff t�:` ifinal map. 8. All relocation and/or alteration of existirgj u4i®1d1ties satall be responsibility of the developer at his sole ar _ 9 . The newly created lots shat I be connecte-& taD t4i* l?'obllc Sewer . All annexation permit fees sha1I be pwii all f ly created lotS prior to the recording of the final! ma - Sewe r improvement plans sha I I be submi t telt Fair mewiiam and approval by the Public Works Department prior to) t4vm mwev, 4rdims of the final map. 10. The applicant shall deposit with the Direct )?r; wfF ftiMiMix: Nmrks a dollar amount determined by the Director of likc Vftwllk. ircb shall be utilized for the future development of iimpramanTwmts for the implementation of a Routes to School Plain fmtr Samia Rosa Elementary School (SEE # 6A) . FEES SHALL BE DEFGSFIM WMIN TjHE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR THE LINEAR FEET SIDEWALK 1S NOT CONSTRUCTED, AT A UNIT PRICE OF, $I-SM PER SQtMRE FOOT. 11 . Publ is Improvement plans prepared for Vlkw, silt_ silo be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department., ll&ms shall l include two standard fire hydrants . Design and I iishall be approved prior to the recording of the final map- 12 . ap-12 . Parcels 6 & 7 shall have no direct access b;ca Sri Andres Road Parcels 1 , 9,- 8 & 7 sha I I have no direct access i - o, Vecorida Road. Access shall be by way of the subdivision-.s �rli secret ( Los Arboles ) . RELINQUISHMENT OF ACCESS 80BE DELINEATED ON THE FINAL MAP. 13. Address identification signs sha I I be approv;t as as part of the publ is improvement plans . the signs silo,&i it ce)mttzln 4a reflective address numbers for each res i dent i all was ltt �r-w;e;,d by a driveway. The signs shall be located on the rii4htt I#t n-d side of the drive way and sha I I be so placed as ne-A #baa e,,ffec t the visibility of the intersection. 14 . Prior to the approval of the improvermrod, pliams lby the Director of Public Works, either the Subdivii rr •llll acquire sufficient title or interest in the off-site Jilainxe ttm ailftm ithe improvements to be made as required by these tii#tii :: or itle City Counc i 1 , upon request by and at thin e3qpemse ,oif Ithe subdivider, sha 11 have made a I I appropriate f imt ii aar WIted Resolution of Necessity as required by law so tzt WjvE (Cutty zoy . exercise its power of Imminent Domain. 15 . Drainage Facilities shall be constructed to City of Atascadero standards. All work shall be completed or bonded for prior the final building inspection or the recording of the final map. 16 . The Subdivider shall provide drainage easements and/or drainage releases from the points of concentration of stormwater leaving the project boundary through adjoining properties to the nearest natural watercourses as approved by the Public Works Department if applicable. 17 . All lot grading and drainage improvements shall require write certification by a registered Civil Engineer that all work has been completed and is in full compliance with the approved plans. 18. All grading and erosion control measures shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and constructed in accordance with the City of Atascadero grading codes and standards. Prior to the final building inspection, said engineer shall submit to the City written certification that grading is in conformance with said codes and standards , including all Flood Hazard Overlay Zone requirements. 19 . The subdivider shall install all street signs , traffic delineation devices, warning and regulatory signs, guardrails, barricades , and other similar devices were required by the Director of Public Works. Signs shall be in conformance with the Department of Public works standards and the current State of California uniform sign chart . Installation of traffic devices shall be subject to review and modifications after construction. 20. Offer of dedication to the City of Atascadero the following rights-of-Way -and or easements : Street Name : Tecorida Road Limits : 20 ' -0" along westerly edge of property frontage adjacent to Tecorida Road. Minimum Width: 40 ' -0" Right-of-Way 21 . Offer for dedication to the Public the Public Utility Easements. 22 . Offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneous to the recordation of the final map. 23. A Drainage Maintenance Agreement , in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed and a note to this effect shall be placed on the final map, OR BUILD THE STORM SYSTEM TO CITY STANDARDS TO BE ACCEPTED INTO THE MAINTAINED CITY DRAINAGE SYSTEM. f�1 t. 2 . Prior to the recording of the final map, a soils investigation ( as required by the Subdivision Map Act) shall be submitted, recommending corrective actions which will prevent structural damage to each structure proposed to be constructed in the area where soil problems exist , as indicated in the Preliminary Soils Report . The date of such reports, The name of the Engineer making the report , and the location where the reports are on file shall be noted on the final map. 25. All lots shall be individually connected to the public sewer system.Sewer laterals shall be extended to the frontage of each lot prior to the recording the final map. Permits for the connection to the sewer shall be obtained from the Public Works Department prior to the work being done. 26 . The applicant shall establish Covenants , Conditions and Restrictions (CCERs) for the regulation of land use, control of nuisances, architectural control of all buildings, driveway and landscape maintenance. These CCBRs shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Attorney and the Community Development Department prior to the recording of the final map. 27 . Zone Change ZC: 9-87 shall be approved and in effect prior to the recording of the final map. 28 . A final map in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City' s Subdivision Ordinance prior to the recording of the final map. a . Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that the corners have been set by the date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. c . A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 29 . Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. 30 . Applicant shall pay all applicable development fees in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. The Amapoa /Tecorida Drainage development fees shall be based on Multiple Family use of the site. ORDINANCE NO. 160 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP NUMBER 17 OF OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY AT 6875 TECORIDA ROAD FROM RMF/16 (FH) (RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY, 16 UNITS PER ACRE WITH A FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY) TO RMF/16 (FH) (PD-7) (RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY, 16 UNITS PER ACRE WITH A FLOOD HAZARD AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAYS) (ZC 9-87 : WOODGLEN) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning reg- ulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant ad- verse impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 15, 1987 and has recommended approval of Zone Change 9-87. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan land use element and other elements contained in the General Plan. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse envi- ronmental impacts, and preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. 4. The appearance of the project is in compliance with the City' s Appearance Review Manual guidelines. Section 2. Zoning Map. Map Number 17 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atasca- dero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended to reclassify Lots 30, 31 and 32 of Block UA of the Atascadero Colony as shown on attached Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" which are made a part of this ordinance by reference. J Ordinance No. 160 . Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City in accordance with Government Code Section 36933 ; shall cer- tify the adoption of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and certification to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and ef- fect at 12:01 a.m. on the thirty-first (31st) day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by the foregoing ordinance is hereby adopted in its en- tirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA BARBARA NORRIS, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk • Ordinance No. 160 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director i t=g � ;� �� ,.�[ • Au +ST,`�,G y, sa _, l�/'T ``° ' 0.0 h�.,,� ,.• F,y�, RMF/16 i ,���� Y�1 :mac ; ,��"f�-`U `• „r� ,4; a. f�'�. -,+ 6 t'.�►-ila�N-t .. �, ♦ e• i f r;'�Y• 0° Y "� 4ba [!„k ��”„ ;� ,�.S�t,,. SITE 6875 T ecorida Road ZC: 9-87 RMF/16 (FH) to RMF 16 FH PD-7 �` ti,::. A Baer.„• :�v, , .-i-7RMF/16 r , ' •'osr _ as �`'� '� O "t\bier��+.. 1�--. 3 �+SL d t- \e +� +e M/� eNs _ .. rroJar,w ua r• `6 .a LL +' Y- ^l a a..a \°+h>,a. . ,,t�� o,' •h�,.ya ' ■6 'St ° hfi�.l° ' '�, ,Its t +•, ,�\TS'• I I 'f - 1,4 'a t S\L0. Yl {{ ,. +p'�S .. 4I)fia ..M,3 ,�t( ;,,,f.• L \ ' r H '.t. .yI"e 'k, ix �,� i 'e to •..r ,tm Io •' `► , �n 'a. tb�. �' •,+ '`'` � I�Mb �rrS F b t• o r �fr� � 2 S+ a `' l] 18 '�?�•d Fa , ,'lae , r! It •It r%'� 1 11 S +• ,O,le H -' a r� ,tz a it,+ �[ "o° saT• .so i t - , ,moi •••; >t i �� �`t' .:�„�-D�3 ra,2oP-J 'zo �; Lr>_ nit[ ',� ,ss�s° reoo ,?e� f \.x a �¢. � ..�t Se '' •ate t. '�' r >rY ,+e l °.\ iM •QG rbSy 1.4J 'Jo ''�+� . \t'•. ,w `,, LSF-Y .,. a ,+z � r' •°sO [ rsoo n._ 1 'e 600 ...fi ! ''-•� y\ �b $ •1Q • ° ,..er .'�. �ll,� S' a ,. p \+'' ns ca,:/r:° .as• s:o 'xs .,; ,r-2z �i [o • 6 AT-60-C41 ri' .. :1'`- y rb, •sus f�`T±_� ,., .rte. ! a ,i.6 'z' r� 't>is 's•o s• t,e ¢i.. ;� • AT-7e-LOS 14 9I _ .r �;..� LSF-Y(FH) ar 7e 45 e ,Ian AT (� �\ U� ,z7 1. b a•>e'1 _ o 3 , � sten., � LSF—Y(FH) • �'f� ,,tp t„ . 3 ! rr .•- �Im >,. `off VI1 14A e� _ .' 19 LSF-i ' �� rt �,,[ > _ ""„ g I,.s a ro•\ a>' 'S,Y3• rs ,!• a mr+la bl--• Y'e�+°� - - _ i�. • tet• '[ •0 e`"� � e it �M wai 1S• - - rr w 20 ;. ':.C.. .rJ,• r> •i •r\ 'Ir :,�R• a Yoh^0'y`� e.tr t�� ,,� ♦�� O .' o 'r,. t \, r>!'i{.\t,. 23 OA 'ritSF—Y(FH) ..IL , ' °:' • ,4 dla� �p5 ,, ia: ' sr rb a 'tas„ iv i p,;.26-A 7 5,r c G rr `. � .y y? '-`.y;.�� - � r r f r� ,O [r, °, •� . r,S 5 rte+ —Y 27 b O•ji •' '� •rs rf � fin, ys�."� `�`\ s.', •v. t''w >>,f 0`� 'y I� Thr• �S' �/ �[A� a''I' ., +.+'.l '.,, tom. o/�� �-a i�°a e•s �.� r " e,�j9,"�. 4�jDS t%�9 ego ��.f`,o•P� ' o \ :i� ,y Y�r' eys, rH �6 V''n3'• ga°9i'� '.+p'n a,,+>>../20 • RM 16(FH) 3 z� so 'n� lo�a .,y Le" s.. o.11- • i .F y> 1•' �. i c��✓•,�- 3I qI i�'•h y/'=��s. - �22 G, f INS i CITY . OF ATASCADE - s �I Planning Apartment I !' r r 1 ._ - ( ,`,. D lr r y) >�s is r �"}. '► �1( G Y 1 r e..Ir..I.�r2 s-e I— \I/I/ •�t'..tl`le.e,^ I�II+a J,+a N..wtOM.elrr wrlw. W�...al ,M. rim I. �� � • I ♦r.�rl.�1.Wrl�•[r•..,t-.Sw �r 4 `11j�,ir1�I I 1 1 , )!( y • �r*.ue•N ar ar rt u.�r eo•LLa g11etK earlro n,r ., ( i4)%►i EXHIBIT A ORD. 160 Zone Change ZC:9-87 Map No. .17 6875 Tecorida Road Tent.Tract Map TTM:10-87 Woodglen Ltd/Cuesta CITY OF ATASCADERO EXHIBIT B ORD. 160 Zone Change ZC• 9-87 � - �feu'�n f 1978-7 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 6875 Tecorida Road DEPARTMENT Woodglen Ltd/Cuesta tit I , i � ,��.,'• rn il, .a I " ISI'• I'Y,ti Aft O i I� 1 IT It rl R Ji I I o Z ° � i 1. 4 1 H7 c _ 1 J m Tco _ r f Minutes - Planning Commission - September 15, 1987 2. Zone Change 12-87: R uest initiated by Sandra L. Genzone t revise the existing IP dustrial Park) zoning designat' to CS (Commercial Service on approximately 0.75 are of vacant land. Subject site is 1 ated at 8750 E1 Cam' o Real; legal description being Lot 3 Block 7, Atas ero Colony. Mr. Moses presented th sta report on this matter recommending approval of the zone cha request noting that this property cur- rently has a split zo ' g o ndustrial Park and Commercial Ser- vice zoning which place in 983 and that the zoning was being sought to enable edevelopment as motel.. Sandra Gen ne, applicant, appeared an tated she was happy with staff' s ecommendation. M ON: Made by Commissioner Kidwell, seconde y Commissioner Copelan and carried 6 :0 with a roll ca vote to recom- mend approval of Zone Change 12-87. 3. Zone Change 9-87 and Tentative Parcel Map 10-87 : Request initiated by Woodglen Ltd. (Cuesta Engineering) to revise the existing RMF/16 (FH) zoning designation to RMF/16 (FH) (PD7) allowing for the creation of a Planned Development Overlay providing for a small lot subdivision consisting of the subdivision of 2.1 acres of vacant property into 9 lots • varying in size from 3968 to 7074 square feet and the estab- lishment of Los Arboles as a private street name. Subject site is located at 6875 Tecorida in the City of Atascadero; legal description being Lots 30 , 31 and 32 of Block UA in Atascadero Colony. Commissioner Michielssen stepped down from the Commission due to a possible conflict of interest. Mr. Moses apologized for the lateness in the distribution of the staff report and proceeded to present the report recommending con- ditional approval of the requests. He pointed out_ a set of re- vised conditions of approval for the tentative map, which the Com- mission took a few minutes to review. Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director , responded to various ques- tions from the Commission pertaining to drainage requirements, circulation patterns in the area, CalTrans' priority in signaliza- tion for the Morro Road-San Andres intersection. Mike Bewsey, agent for the applicant, stated he had reviewed the -" revised questions and had no problems with them. He then answered questions from the Commission. 3 Minutes - Planning Commission - September 15, 1987 . Commissioner Bond stated he liked the design and plan of the project. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Bond, seconded by Commissioner Copelan and carried 5 :0 on a roll call vote to recommend approval of Zone Change 9-87 as reflected in the draft resolution and Tentative Tract Map 10-87 subject to the revised conditions of approval. Commissioner Michielssen took his place back on the Commission. 4 Tentative Parcel Ma 21-87: Request initiated by Tom Gouff (Dan Stewart) to r subdivide two existing developed residential lots totalin 2.03 acres to four lots varying in size from 22,990 squ re feet to , 20 225 square feet. Subject site is located 8865 Portola Roa • legal description being a portion of Lo 32, Block 7, Atasc dero Colony. Mr. Moses pre ented the staff report recommending approval of the the application He pointed out a revised s of conditions which superceded the c dition contained in the a enda packet. Mr. Moses and Mr. S sibaugh then respon ed to various questions from the Commission. Tom Gouff, applicant, to ked about t e background involved in ini- tially trying to obtain a of spl ' back in 1978 through the County. He expressed c ncern with Conditions #4 (improvement plans for private access dri w ) ; #14 (fire hydrant) ; #6 and . #8 (road improvements) ; #12 (an xation fees) . Discussion followed with clarifications and reaso i s on the conditions offered by Mr. Moses and Mr. Sensibaug . There was discussion amo the Commi sion concerning the flag lot figuration;. the possibl reduction in ots from four lots to three lots; and concerns wit the road easeme t to Parcel 3; and the possibility of a re sign of the site p n. Discussion also cen- tered on clarification and possible modifi ations to the condi- tions which were concern to the applicant MOTION: Made b Commissioner Bond and seconde by Commissioner Kidw 1 to deny Tentative Parcel Map 21 7. Discussion ontinued among the Commission. The -motion was defeated 4 :2 with' a roll call te: AYES: Commissioners Bond and Kidwell NOES : Commissioners Michielssen, Lopez-Balbontin, ope- lan, and Chairman Nolan 4 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council THROUGH: Michael Shelton, City Manager . FROM: Jette Christiansson, Accounting Supervisor DATE: October 6 , 1987 SUBJECT: Three-Month Budget Report BUDGET OVERVIEW GENERAL FUND Overview The General Fund shows a deficit in the amount of $473,205 through the first three months of FY87-88. This is due primarily to high front-end costs (liability insurance, overtime for the recent fire) . Also, the majority of our revenues are received later during the year (in December and April) . Revenue Actual operating revenue is running slightly above 19.1 percent after three months of the budget year. Again, this is due to the fact that Property Tax revenues will be received later in the year . Sales Tax revenues are running above expectations. • Part of this is due to a change in the State Board of Equalization procedure. We will be receiving part of our allocation 90 days early. Most other revenues are coming in above expectations. Expenditures Year-to-date expenditures, on the whole, are below appro- priations. A few departments are exceeding the budget appropria- tion for this time of year. Basically, the expenditures in all departments are in good shape. Some departments had some high costs early in the year (liability insurance, fire) that were a one-time only expense. Unless something unforeseen happens during the next nine months, all departments should end the year within their budget appro- priation. Capital Improvement Projects The three-month actual shows very little expenditures to date in the area of capital improvements. If you are interested-- -in the status of a par-ticular project, please contact Dave Jorgensen. Enterprise Funds • Revenues for the Enterprise Funds are running below appro- priations. I don' t see any problems with these funds since the majority of our revenues are received later in the year. Continued monitoring will take place for the balance of the fiscal year. Summary We will continue .to monitor to determine how the current budgets compare with historical trends. The City's investments are being maintained at the highest level possible and some revenues are coming in above expectations. The City currently has $2,040 ,000 invested in the Local Agency Investment Fund. The City also has $788,203 invested in Certificates of Deposit and a Bankers Acceptance. The Sanitation District currently has $2,340,000 invested in the Local Agency Investment Fund. If there are any questions or concerns as you review the attached data, please let me know. file: bg3month • CITY OF ATASCADERO GENERAL FUND Three Months to 09-30-87 Summary 1987-1988 3 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $5, 040, 058 $ 963,170 19 .1 EXPENDITURES 5,040 ,058 (1, 436,375) 28.5 DEFICIT $ (473,205) File: genfndsm • i CITY OF ATASCADERO GENERAL FUND REVENUE Three Months to 09-30-87 1987-1988 3 MONTH SOURCE APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT Property Tax $1,323,000 $ 38 ,141 2.9 Sales Tax 1,250 ,000 410,410 32.8 Occupancy Tax 90,000 30,515 33.9 Franchise Tax 210 ,000 8,689 4.1 Other Taxes 71, 800 26,924 37. 5 Business Licenses 82,000 21,748 26.5 Permits 312, 550 42,160 13. 5 Fines 108,300 25,727* 23. 8 Invest. Earnings 60, 000 -0- -0- Rents/Concessions 13,000 1,114 8.6 Motor Vehicle 665, 025 182,328 27 .4 Cigarette Tax 50 ,000 12, 450 24.9 Police Reimbursements 82, 429 23, 064 28.0 Planning Fees 162,125 26,525 16.4 Admin. Chg. Sanit. 66,988 16,747 25.0 Admin. Chg.-Zoo 6,000 1, 500 25.0 Recreation Fees 163 , 000 56, 466 34. 6 Other Revenue 34 ,191 10 ,143 29. 7 Sub-Total $4 ,750 ,408 $ 934 ,651 19.7 Dev. Mit. Tax 249 , 000 28, 519** 11. 5 Fund Balance 40 ,650 -0- -0- Total $5,040,058 $ 963 ,170 19. 1 * Includes a transfer from the Traffic Safety Fund. ** Transferred to Capital Projects Fund. file: gnfndrev i . CITY OF ATASCADERO GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Three Months to 09-30-87 1987-1988 3 MONTH DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT City Council $ 33, 434 $ 7 , 721 23.1 City Clerk 47,224 5,132 10.9 City Treasurer 2,403 92 3. 8 City Manager 108,901 26,833 24. 6 Personnel 57, 214 11, 550 20.2 D.P./Comm. 86 ,901 13 ,416 15.4 City Attorney 45, 091 14, 234 31.6 Finance 151, 865 36,130 23.8 Comm. Devel. 533,142 131,515 24.7 Police 1,340,709 356,236 26.6 Fire 728,309 202,993 27. 9 Recreation 253,969 74 ,035 29. 2 Parks 212,827 63,711 29.9 Engineering 122,814 31,710 25.8 Streets 366, 413 84 ,833 23.2 Bldg. Maint. 156 ,704 29,659 18.9 Risk Mgmt. 313, 099 252,791 80.7 Non-Dept. 112, 265 35,821 31. 9 Sub-Total $4,673,284 $1, 378,412 29. 5 Contr . to Zoo Ent. 117 ,774 29, 444 25. 0 Contr. to CIP 249 ,000 28, 519 11. 5 Total $5,040 ,058 $1,436,375 28 .5 File: gnfndexp • CITY OF ATASCADERO GAS TAX Three Months to 09-30-87 Summary 1987-1988 3 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $ 255,897 $ 47, 842 18.7 EXPENDITURES 255,897 ( 11,858) * 4.6 EXCESS $ 35,984 *Includes SB-300 street overlay expenditures. file: gstxmoac CITY OF ATASCADERO GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Three Months to 09-30-87 1987-1988 3 MONTH DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT City Council $ 33, 434 $ 7, 721 23.1 City Clerk 47,224 5,132 10.9 City Treasurer 2,403 92 3.8 City Manager 108,901 26 ,833 24. 6 Personnel 57, 214 11, 550 20.2 D.P./Comm. 86 ,901 13 ,416 15.4 City Attorney 45, 091 14, 234 31.6 Finance 151, 865 36,130 23. 8 Comm. Devel. 533,142 131, 515 24.7 Police 1,340 ,709 356,236 26.6 Fire 728,309 202,993 27.9 Recreation 253,969 74,035 29.2 Parks 212,827 63 ,711 29.9 Engineering 122,814 31,710 25.8 Streets 366, 413 84 , 833 23.2 Bldg. Maint. 156 ,704 29,659 18.9 Risk Mgmt. 313, 099 252, 791 80.7 Non-Dept. 112, 265 35 ,821 31. 9 Sub-Total $4,673 ,284 $1,378 ,412 29. 5 Contr . to Zoo Ent. 117 ,774 29, 444 25. 0 Contr. to CIP 249 ,000 28 , 519 11. 5 Total $5,040 ,058 $1, 436,375 28. 5 File: gnfndexp CITY OF ATASCADERO GAS TAX Three Months to 09-30-87 Summary 1987-1988 3 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $ 255,897 $ 47, 842 18.7 EXPENDITURES 255,897 ( 11,858) * 4.6 EXCESS $ 35,984 *Includes SB-300 street overlay expenditures. file: gstxmoac 0 CITY OF ATASCADERO GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Three Months to 09-30-87 1987-1988 3 MONTH DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT City Council $ 33, 434 $ 7,721 23.1 City Clerk 47,224 5,132 10.9 City Treasurer 2, 403 92 3. 8 City Manager 108,901 26 ,833 24. 6 Personnel 57, 214 11,550 20 .2 D.P./Comm. 86 ,901 13,416 15.4 City Attorney 45, 091 14, 234 31. 6 Finance 151, 865 36,130 23.8 Comm. Devel. 533 ,142 131, 515 24.7 Police 1,340 ,709 356,236 26.6 Fire 728, 309 202,993 27.9 Recreation 253,969 74 ,035 29.2 Parks 212,827 63,711 29.9 Engineering 122,814 31,710 25.8 Streets 366, 413 84,833 23.2 Bldg. Maint. 156,704 29,659 18.9 Risk Mgmt. 313, 099 252,791 80.7 Non-Dept. 112 ,265 35,821 31. 9 Sub-Total $4 ,673 ,284 $1,378, 412 29. 5 Contr . to Zoo Ent. 117, 774 29, 444 25. 0 Contr. to CIP 249 , 000 28, 519 11. 5 Total $5,040 ,058 $1, 436,375 28.5 File: gnfndexp CITY OF ATASCADERO GAS TAX Three Months to 09-30-87 Summary 1987-1988 3 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $ 255,897 $ 47, 842 18.7 EXPENDITURES 255,897 ( 11,858) * 4.6 EXCESS $ 35,984 *Includes SB-300 street overlay expenditures. file: gstxmoac 0 CITY OF ATASCADERO GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Three Months to 09-30-87 1987-1988 3 MONTH DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT City Council $ 33, 434 $ 7, 721 23.1 City Clerk 47,224 5,132 10.9 City Treasurer 2,403 92 3.8 City Manager 108,901 26,833 24.6 Personnel 57,214 11, 550 20 . 2 D.P./Comm. 86 ,901 13,416 15.4 City Attorney 45, 091 14, 234 31.6 Finance 151,865 36,130 23. 8 Comm. Devel. 533,142 131,515 24. 7 Police 1, 340 ,709 356,236 26.6 Fire 728,309 202,993 27.9 Recreation 253,969 74 ,035 29.2 Parks 212,827 63,711 29.9 Engineering 122,814 31,710 25.8 Streets 366, 413 84 , 833 23.2 Bldg. Maint. 156,704 29,659 18.9 Risk Mgmt. 313, 099 252,791 80.7 Non-Dept. 112,265 35,821 31.9 Sub-Total $4,673,284 $1, 378,412 29. 5 Contr. to Zoo Ent. 117, 774 29, 444 25.0 Contr . to CIP 249 ,000 28, 519 11. 5 Total $5,040 ,058 $1, 436 ,375 28.5 File: gnfndexp • T CITY OF ATASCADERO GAS TAX Three Months to 09-30-87 Summary 1987-1988 3 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $ 255,897 $ 47, 842 18.7 EXPENDITURES 255,897 ( 11,858) * 4.6 EXCESS $ 35,984 *Includes SB-300 street overlay expenditures. file: gstxmoac i CITY OF ATASCADERO • TRAFFIC SAFETY Three Months to 09-30-87 Summary 1987-1988 3 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $ 98,349 $ 22,897 23.3 EXPENDITURES -0- -0- EXCESS $ 22,897* *Transferred to General Fund. file: btrafsty • CITY OF ATASCADERO REVENUE SHARING Three Months to 09-30-87 Summary 1987-1988 3 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $ 514 , 609* $ -0- -0- EXPENDITURES 514 ,609 -0 -0- EXCESS $ -0- Fund Balance Contribution file: rvshract CITY OF ATASCADERO LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Three Months to 09-30-87 Summary 1987-1988 3 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $ 467,439 $ 6,781 1. 5 EXPENDITURES 467, 439 ( 45,871) 9.8 DEFICIT $ ( 39,090) file: loctrnsb • CITY OF ATASCADERO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Three Months to 09-30-87 Summary 1987-1988 3 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $3,682,993 $ 94,425* 2.6 EXPENDITURES 3,682,993 ( 90, 470) * 2. 5 EXCESS $ 3,955 *Includes Revenue Sharing projects file: bcapimps CITY OF ATASCADERO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS REVENUE . Three Months to 09-30-87 1987-1988 3 MONTH BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT Dev. Mit. Tax $ 249, 000 $ 28, 519* 11. 5 Dev. Fees 286,500 22, 214 7.8 Amapoa-Tecorida 30 , 000 1,771 5.9 Grants 1,497,000 40,000 2.7 Contr. Fr . Others 634 , 750 1,853 0.3 Fund Balance 290 ,134 -0- -0 FAU Funds 151, 000 -0- -0- Mnt. District 30,000 68 0.2 Rev. Sharing 514, 609 -0- -0- Total $3, 682,993 $ 94, 425 2.6 * Transfer from General Fund • file: bcapimpv CITY OF ATASCADERO • CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS EXPENDITURES Three Months to 09-30-87 1987-1988 3 MONTH PROJECTS APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT Handicapped Ramps $ 19, 500 $ -0- -0- Road Widenings 12, 000 -0- -0- Maintenance District 30,000 359 1.2 Misc. Drainage Projects 73,000 1,000 1.4 Amapoa-Tecorida 30 ,000 -0- -0- Graves Creek Bridge 300 ,000 -0- -0- Sycamore Road Bridge 480, 000 3,116 0. 6 San Andreas Ave. Bridge 340,000 4,070 1. 2 Garcia Road Bridge 165, 000 3,888 2.4 Atascadero Creek Bridge 96,000 -0- -0- ECR and West Mall 180, 000 4,735 2.6 Santa Rosa & West Front 100 ,000 -0- -0- Santa Rosa and ECR 100 , 000 -0- -0- Binding Machine 700 -0- -0- Photocopier 1, 200 -0- -0- Cabinets 400 -0- -0- . Dictaphone 625 557 89.1 Pick-Up Truck (repl) 11,000 10,501 95. 5 Used Vehicle 2, 000 -0- -0- General Plan Update 40 ,000 7,553 18.9 Pick-Up Truck (new) 11, 000 10,922 99.3 Police Computer 22,000 -0- -0- Police Vehicles 45, 000 3, 442 7.6 Salvage Vacuum 825 -0- -0- Desk & Chair 650 -0- -0- Files 800 -0- -0- Vehicle Repl. (Fire) 2, 000 -0- -0- Recreation Computer 3,000 -0- -0- Utility Vehicle (Parks) 9 , 800 -0- -0- Survey Van 15,000 -0- -0- Base Radio 1, 500 -0- -0- Vehicle Radio 1, 000 -0- -0- Planimeter 500 -0- -0- Automatic Level 3,500 -0- -0- Concrete Saw 800 -0- -0- Mapping Reproductions 2,400 -0- -0- Computer Software 1, 000 -0- Paint Mixer - 3,500 -0- -0- Ecomomic Base Study 45, 000 -0- T -0- Fire Truck Leases 45,000 3,944 8.8 Suction/Resuscitator 1, 475 -0- -0- Mobile Radio 2,200 -0- _ -0- Base Radio 3, 500 -0- -0- Engine-3 Equipment 5,600 -0- -0- Gang Charger 755 -0- -0- Police Facility 651,987 4,383 0.7 Lake Pavilion 50, 000 387 0.8 Paloma Creek Phase II 50 ,000 20 ,981 42. 0 Lake Improvement 200 , 000 8,140 - 4.1 Traffic Way Fields 54,000 -0- -0- Parks Workshop 15, 000 1,891 12. 6 Group Barbeque 4,000 -0- -0- Room Renovations 25, 600 -0- -0- Park Light Timers 1,125 -0- -0- P. W. Shop Building 18, 000 -0- -0- Sidewalks 5,000 -0- -0- Irrigation System 3, 000 601 20. 0 Admin. Bldg. Renovation 241,000 -0- -0- Land Purchase 40 , 000 -0- -0- BIA Proposal 10,000 -0- -0- Babe Ruth Proposal 5, 000 -0- -0- Contr. to Fund Balance 100,051 -0- -0- Total $3,682,993 $ 90,470 2.5 CITY OF ATASCADERO ZOO FUND RESERVES Three Months to 09-30-87 Summary 1987-1988 3 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL REVENUE -0- $ 870 EXPENDITURES -0- (1,048) DEFICIT $ (178) file: bzoofund 0 CITY OF ATASCADERO ZOO ENTERPRISE FUND Three Months to 09-30-87 Summary 1987-1988 3 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $192,274 $ 42, 765 22.2 EXPENDITURES 192,274 (38,974) 20.3 EXCESS $ 3,791 r file: bzooent CITY OF ATASCADERO ASSESSMENT DISTRICT #4 REVENUE . Three Months to 09-30-87 Bond Proceeds 3 MONTH REVENUE ACTUAL Redemption Fund $ 8,614 Reserve Fund -0- Construction Fund $ -0- $ 8,614 EXPENDITURES (400 , 687) DEFICIT $ (392, 073) * *FY86-87 Carryover is in excess of $600,000 file: basmtdst • CITY OF ATASCADERO WASTEWATER TREATMENT Three Months to 09-30-87 Summary 1987-1988 3 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $ 939,279 $ 70, 381 7. 5 EXPENDITURES 1,183,280 (102, 479) 8.7 DEFICIT $ (32,098) file: wswatmtm ISI e ADMINISTRATION BUILDING , -�.f��(�/j( [ /_ y,. /•/ POST OFFICE BOX 747 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 POLICE DEPARTMENT PHONE: (805) 466-8000 POST OFFICE BOX 747 ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93423 CITY COUNCIL PHONE: (805) 466.8600 CITY CLERK tasea elC®, • CITY TREASURER +• INCORPORATED JULY 2. 1979 CITY MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT.DEPARTMENT 6005 LEWIS AVENUE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PHONE: (805) 466-2141 October 7, 1987 To: Members of City Council From: Boyd C. Sharitz, City Clerk Subject : MAYOR ELECTION PROCESS By direction of City Council this office conducted an advertised Public Survey thru the local newspapers on the above titled subject. Forms returned by mail or in person totaled: - $2 votes for Retain present system, and 168 votes for Changed to an elected process. • The above excludes : - 12 votes for retaining present system, and 85 votes for Changed to elected process. These were challenged at a Council meeting when presented to this office in person by an in- terested citizen who had copies made and handed them out himself. However, should you consider both the above tallies the outcome is totaled as:- 72 votes for retain, and 253 for change to an elected. process. It has been my pleasure to serve you in this matter, if we may be of further service advise. R Boyd C. Shari City Clerk Cy:Files • • MEMORANDUM To: - Honorable Mayor and City Council Through: Michael Shelton, City Manager From: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/CityEngineer Subject : Traffic Committee Appointments Date : October 5, 1987 Recommendation: Staff recommends that staff advertise for citizens to submit their interest of serving on the Traffic Committee to the Director of Public Works and that the Director set up interviews before the Traffic Committee so that the Committee can recommend a candidate to the Council ; and that Council appoint a council member to the committee for 1987-88. Backround: The Traffic Committee consists of one (1) Councilmember, three (3) Staff members and two (2) Citizens—at—large . The Council member serves for a one—year term but may be reappointed with no limit on the number of reappointments . Staff members serve continuously for the duration of their employment and consist of the Director of Public Works, Chairman, the Director of Community Development and the Police Chief, or their representatives . The citizens serve staggered two—year terms with a new appointment annually. Citizens may n@t serve two (2) consecutive two—year terms. Discussion: The open citizen position is currently occupied by Bill Heath. Bill has been a valuable asset to the Traffic Committee and has contributed to the technical aspects of committee decisions . Bill is also the District Traffic Engineer for Caltrans . • Other options open to Council for the Citizen appointment are : (1) Council selection after council interviews . (2) Council appointment without interviews . (original concept) (3) Use of a nominating committee other than the Traffic Committee . (not favored by staff) (4) Recommendation from Staff . (5) Recommendation from the Traffic Committee without interviews. The present Councilmember serving on the committee is Barbara Norris and the alternate is Marjori Mackey. Fiscal Impact : This is a volunteer position. • • MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Through: Michael Shelton, City Manager From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject : 19V-88 Resurfacing Program (Street Overlay) Date : October 5, 1987 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council award the annual resurfacing bid to Madonna Construction of San Luis Obispo in the ammount of $423, 105 .84, llowing the Director of Public Works to adjust the quantities to reflect the monies available. Backround: The annual resurfacing project is normally bid so that the overlay can preceed the winter rains . This year there is no "Maintenance District" work but the City is doing a joint venture with developers to improve Llano Road to City Standards . Llano was scheduled to be overlayed this year and would have gone through the typical preparation by City crews . However, due to a suggestion by the Planning Commission the Llano work was coordinated with a conditioned development (Drake) and a future development (Davis) to make a better finished product. Discussion: The work represents about 10% more that the normal 10 miles of paving (has varied from 8 to 12 miles dependent upon the width of the streets) . A list of the streets involved is attached. A bid summary is also attached for your reference . Madonna Construction received the bid last year and some problems were encountered with the equipment and manpower allocated to the . Atascadero job. These issues will be discussed in detail with the Aftcontractor prior to signing the agreement . It is expected that we iqWwill receive appropriate cooperation. Fiscal Impact: • The budget shows about $365,000 appropriated for the annual project but did not include any carryover funds or interest earnings which may not be known until the audit is completed. If this information is not known or estimated by the mid-point of the work then the work will be cut back to the original ammount . Last year approximately $400, 000 was expended on resurfacing. It is difficult to estimate the correct amount at budget time but there is very little fluxation in the Gas Tax and Transit funding formulae . Santa Lucia may have to be carried over until next year. • BID SUMMARY PROJECT: 1987-88 OVERLAY ittri#f###iif##i#if##f####r##f####ts#tf#trot#t######t#t###########f#s#f#itfftfstttt#ii##fff##tt#ii#tttt###s##tf##tt##ttzf####tf#iz###ftfff # BIDDER t MADONNA CONSTRUCTION i M.J. HERMRECK, INC. t R. BURKE CORP. t MICHAEL FREDERICK t szfz#f##iuftftfsttt####fr#f#tf###t###itttfsist##izittisztt#ttst##f#i#ittz#sttttztttsitstzii######tttt#tuft#it##f#ttiit##ti##ft#izz##iffz# t ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY x UNIT PRICE = TOTAL x UNIT PRICE = TOTAL x UNIT PRICE = TOTAL x UNIT PRICE = TOTAL t f#iii#i##i##si#r#1####sft#sr#tt#rft#tits#ttt##f#it##hitt######ts##tit#ft#f#fits#tt###fists###ttstr#f##s#stfsittt#t#fs#i#i#tf##f#f##t####is# I l 2-TYPE B AC T 15,431.38 x $25.73 4397,049.41 x 425.50 =$393,500.19 x $26.00 =$401,215.88 x 426.75 =$412,789.42 t 1 2 TACK COAT T 56.43 x $1.00 = $56.43 x $200.00 = $11,286.00 x $250.00 = $14,107.50 x $300.00= $16,929.00 # # 3 ADJUST MH EA 61.00 x $200.00 = $12,200.00 x $165.00 = $10,065.00 x $190.00 = $11,590.00 x $250.00 = $15,250.00 t f 4 ADJUST MON EA 39.00 x $100.00 = $3,900.00 x $140.00 = $5,460.00 x $120.00 = $4,680.00 x $150.00 = $5,850.40 1 t 5 SUR MON EA 39.00 x $100.00 = $3,900.00 x $140.00 = $5,460.00 x $80.00 = $3,120.00 x $150.00 = $5,850.00 t t 6 PAVE MARK LS LUMP SUM x $6,000.00 = $6,000.00 x $11,000.00 = $11,000.00 x $12,600.00 = $12,600.00 x$10,681.00 = $10,681.00 f ##rtrttttf:ft#rrrist##t#r##tir#tr#tt#tirtttiit#tt####rrtt###i#Piz#ttt#tt#####tttizi###rr#trtz#rtztttt##tt#ftrt##fir###rz#ztr#itrztrzz##zrttt I TOTAL BID 1 $423}405.84 t $436,771.19 t $447,313.38 r $467,349.42 f firirzi#r#fffiizizf#t##ttz##t##rzt#ttt#ttt#tint:##iz#ztt#ztf#rttttt#t#ttt#iitttf##trttrtzit#iittt#zi#titt##ft#tt#iii#ri####r#tint#t##ztztt LOW BID ##ft##rr#t##ritr##t##fr###tit#rt#ttt#t#trot##r#tt##z#rt#z##z##t###s###t#tt##t##t#st######tt###t#ttiit#fir#r#hitt I BIDDER f A.J. DIANI CONST.,INC. t HAROLD D. PETERSON f ENSINEER'S ESTIMATE t t#iir#r####r####t##t##rt##r#tritttsritrt#zrttrr#tittrttiititt#ttt#trt##ri#it#tt#t##Piz#rtrrtttrrrrtritrttrzt#rrtt I ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY x UNIT PRICE = TOTAL x UNIT PRICE = TOTAL x UNIT PRICE = TOTAL t istitr#t#f#Pts#rtt#rr#i#rr#iz#tt##zrt#tstr##zt##tzttsrr#ttttttt#rtttiizt#r#trtrtt#t#t##tftttttt#t#crit#tart#r 2-TYPE B AC T 15,431..18 x $23.52 =$362,946.06 x $36.00 4555,529.68 x $27.00 =$416,641.25 f t 2 TACK COAT T 56.43 x $673.40 = $37,999.96 x $320.00 = $18,057.60 x = $0.00 r 1 3 ADJUST MH EA 61.00 x $118.00 = $7,198.00 x $.320.00 = $49,520.00 x = $0.00 r t 4 ADJUST MON EA 39.00 x $118.00 = $4,602.00 x $192.00 = $7,488.00 x = $0.00 r 1 5 SUR MON EA 39.00 x $200.00 = $7,800.00 x $43.00 = $1,677.00 x = $0.00 t t 6 PAVE MARK LS LUMP SUM x $57,000.00 = $57,000.00 x $11,458.00 =$11,458.00 x = $0.00 t ri#rs###ffsitfts##sft#tsssssis#situ##tiiistiitt##ttiitti##iisffsiss#t#stt#f#s#si#sstitit#ttittsttzftsiitttstssti I TOTAL BID # $477,546.02 r $613,730.2B t $416,647.26 t sfris#tssttsssit#stt##sttttitstss#ttfsiistit##tits#iss#iiits#sssssit#tttitttst�iittsfiisstzitifssfsstftsttsssstsi 1987-88 OVERLAY PROGRAM 1. Valle Avenue - Curbaril to end 2. Sinaloa Avenue - Pueblo to Curbaril 3. Pueblo Avenue - Sombrilla to E1 Camino Real 4. Santa Barbara Road - El Camino Real to Atascadero Ave 5. Alcantara - All 6. San Andres - Marchant to Santa Lucia 7. Santa Rosa - Highway 41 to Highway 101 8. Old Santa Rosa Road - All 9. Carmelita - Portola to San Andres 10. Atascadero Avenue - From Santa Rosa .4 miles 11. San Clemente - San Marcos to Portola 12. Bella Vista Road - San Marcos .5 miles 13. Los Gatos - San Marcos to Santa Lucia 14. Flores Road - Santa Luica to Los Gatos 15. Cascabel - Santa Lucia to end 16. Santa Lucia - Llano to end - 2.4 Miles. MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council Through: Michael Shelton, City Manager From: Paul M. Se ib Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject : Authorization to bid Monterey Bridge over Graves Creek Date : October 1 , 1987 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council authorize the Public Works Director to approve the plans and specifications and to advertise for bids for the Monterey Road-Graves Creek bridge project . Backround: This project is one of four bridges in the present budget that has received an 80% Federal Aid-Highway Act grant being administered by Caltrans . The project was designed by Bischel & Karns of Sacramento. The project will remove the existing bridge and erect a wider and longer single span reinforced concrete deck bridge; including a pedestrian walkway on the school side of the street . Discussion: There was what is called a "design exception" requested by the State to place an extended guard rail into an area outside the present right-of-way near the tree farm that is now being finalized. Also, the environmental study has drawn attention to a historical site under the present Monterey Rd. Elementary School grounds . Although additional attention has been directed toward this issue, clearance is expected very soon. There are a few other incidental paperwork loose ends that are being resolved with Caltrans, otherwise the project is esentially ready to bid. Fiscal Impact : The estimated cost of the total project with engineering is approximately $325, 000 with the City 'participation of 20%, or $65, 000 . This money is budgeted in the 1987-88 C. I .P. budget . PLEASE ADD INTO YOUR SPNCIL PACKET JOETING: 10/13/87 ITEMS: D-3,4, AND 5 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council Members October 13, 1987 FROM: Michael Shelton -City Manager SUBJECT: SALARY AND BENEFIT INCREASES Enclosed in your agenda packet for the October 13, 1987 Council Meeting are resolutions providing salary and benefit increases for the Department Heads, Confidential Clerical Employees, and myself. A brief analysis of the three resolutions follow: Department Heads A basic two year proposal is presented, with all issues being defined with the expection of setting fiscal year 1988/89 cost of living salaries and possible consideration of retirement benefit enhancement for the Police and Fire Chief as Public Safety Employees. Fiscal Year 1987/88 salary and benefit increases, without equity • adjustment, will cost the City 4.9%. Equity adjustments for four of the six Department Heads for part year will cost an additional 1.71% for a total budget impact of 6.61%. Confidential Employees A two year proposal ' is presented for Confidential Clerical Employees. The proposal provides the same benefits as provided to all other City Clerical employees plus providing a 5% confidential- differential, phased over 2 years. The confidential differential is awarded to these employees, as they do not have the right to belong to a bargaining unit for the "meet and confer process" Fiscal year 1987/88 salary and benefit increases, including the confidential differential for part year , will cost 6 .1% . City Manager A one year proposal is presented. The proposal provides the same benefits as proposed for Department Heads in fiscal year 1987/88. Fiscal year 1987/88 salary and benefit increases will cost 4.9%. Recommendation - • City Council adopt the resolutions providing the proposed increases for Department Heads, Confidential Clerical Employees, and the City Manager. MS:kv File: MCMSAL _NDA Y • RESOLUTION NUMER 106-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING RESOLUTIONS 21-85 AND 112-86 CITY MANAGER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, on March 18, 1985 , Michael B. Shelton, City Manager, entered into an employment agreement with the City of Atascadero; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend the terms and conditions of the agreement. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Section 4 - Compensation of Employee - Section 4 is amended providing: Section 4.1 - Base salary, in effect on June 30, 1987, shall be increased by two and three quarter percent (2-3/4%) , effective July 4, 1987. • Section 4.2 - Base salaries in effect on December 31, 1987, shall be increased by three and one quarter percent (3-1/4%) , effective January 2, 1988. Section 21 - Cafeteria Plan - Section 21 is added, providing for Fiscal Year 1987/88 $200.00 available for selection from a list of benefit options. Benefit options (cafeteria list) available are: a. Dues and fees for civic club membership b. Vision Insurance C. Additional administrative leave 10 additional hours - 1987-88 20 additional hours - 1988-89 d. Annual physical exam e. Tuition and books for University courses f. Contribution to deferred compensation program BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that modification included in previous amendments to the employment agreement, not superseeded, are continued. On motion by Council member and seconded • by Council Member the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO BOYD C. SHARITZ BARBARA NORRIS City Clerk Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: i MICHAEL B. SHEL ON City Manager • IDA RESOLUTION • RESOLUTION 103-87 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING A SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE AND BENEFITS FOR MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES SECTION 1. SALARIES 1.1 Base salaries in effect on 30 June 1987 shall be increased by two and three-quarter percent (2 3/4%) effective July 4, 1987. 1.2 Base salaries in effect on 31 December 1987 shall be in- creased by three and one-quarter percent (3 1/4%) effective January 2, 1988. 1.3 Equity Adjustments - To pay wages comparable to the average of other cities in the County for similar positions. These adjustments will be made over a two year period as follows: Effective January 1, 1988 • Admin. Services Director 5. 84% Community Development Director 4.45% Parks & Recreation Director 4.82% Police Chief 5.47% Effective January 1, 1989 Admin. Services Director 5. 84% Community Development Director 4.45% Parks & Recreation Director 4.82% Police Chief 5.47% 1.4 A cost of living adjustment effective July 1, 1988 will be granted after negotiations for other employee units have been completed. SECTION 2. MEDICAL/DENTAL BENEFITS 2.1 The City shall pay all medical and dental benefit premiums for the employee and dependents. 2.2 Those employees without dependents or who choose not to enroll their dependents in the' City plan will r-ece-ive the amount of the dependent premium as an addition to his/her -- regular pay. - SECTION 3. ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE • 3.1 The City shall grant five (5) days of Administrative Leave to be taken during Fiscal Year 1987-88. 3. 2 Administrative Leave hours will be available to each employee effective July lst annually. 3.3 Time not used by June 30th annually, shall be forfeited. • SECTION 4. RETIREMENT 4.1 The City shall continue to pay the employee monthly contri- bution (7% of base salary) to the Public Employees Retire- ment System (PERS) . 4.2 City will request and pay for an actuarial study to be per- formed by the PERS to determine the cost of implementing a 2% @ 50 retirement plan for Safety employees. Such study to be requested in September, but to use a, 1 July 1988 effective date for analysis purpose. 4.3 City agrees it has no philosophical opposition to 2% @ 50. 4.4 City agrees to negotiate 2% @ 50 during the next negotia- tions, if such plan is proposed by the Safety employees. City makes no promise to agree to 2% @ 50. City agrees, however, that agreement to 2% @ 50 is merely an economic problem. If the economics can be agreed to, then 2% @ 50 can be implemented for Safety employees. SECTION 5. LIFE INSURANCE 5.1 The City shall maintain a term life insurance policy on each employee in the amount of Fifty-Thousand Dollars ($50,000) and the City shall pay the full premium amount for such coverage. 5.2 The City shall maintain a term life insurance policy for each eligible dependent of the employee in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per dependent and the City • shall pay the full premium amount for such coverage. SECTION 6. SICK LEAVE ACCRUAL 6.1 There will be no maximum limit on the amount of sick leave an employee may accumulate. SECTION 7. CAFETERIA PLAN 7.1 For Fiscal Year 1987-1988, $200.00 is available to each department head to be used to select from a list of bene- fit options (see 7.3) . 7.2 Beginning on July 1, 1988, the amount available for each department head will be increased to $400 for Fiscal Year 1988-1989 . 7.3 The benefit options (cafeteria list) available are: a. Dues and fees for civic club membership b. Vision Insurance c. Additional administrative leave 10 additional hours 1987-1988 20 additional hours 1988-1989 d. Annual physical exam e. Tuition and books for University courses T f. Contribution to deferred compensation program SECTION 8. AUTO ALLOWANCE 8.1 The City shall pay a monthly vehicle allowance of $175.00 per month to the Director of Community Development, the Director of Parks and Recreation, and the Director of Administrative Services. The Director of Public Works shall be paid $200.00 per month. On motion by Councilperson and seconded by Councilperson , the foregoing resolution is hereby adotped in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: BARBARA NORRIS, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk PREPARED BY: DAVI G J RGENSEN, Director of Administrative Services APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: J_ MICHAEL SHELTO , City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney • L'0-0., JA-)//2/77r _r• ;z RESOLUTION 104-87 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING A SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE AND BENEFITS FOR - CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES SECTION 1. SALARIES 1.1 Base salaries in effect on 30 June 1987 shall be increased by three percent (3%) effective 4 July 1987. 1. 2 Base salaries in effect on 31 December 1987 shall be in- creased by two percent (2%) effective 2 January 1988. 1.3 Effective the first day of the first full pay period in July 1988, employees shall receive a salary increase which shall be determined by the Los Angeles/Anahiem/ Riverside, Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, May to May (printed by the BLS on about 25 June 1988) , Consumer Price Index. • The salary increase shall equal the full percentage change of the CPI-W up to five percent (5%) plus one-half of the full percentage change above five percent (5%) . Therefore, full CPI-W up to 5% + 1/2 of CPI=W over 5% is 5% + 0.8% ( (6.6 - 5.0 = 1. 6; (1. 6)/2 = 0. 8) ) = 5.8% SECTION 2. CONFIDENTIAL COMPENSATION 2.1 Confidential Employees shall receive a five percent (5%) differential over their base salary. This differential shall be implemented as follows: Effective January 1, 1988 two and one-half percent (2 1/2%) over base salary. Effective July 1, 1988 an additional two and one-half percent (2 1/2%) , for a total of five percent (5%) , over base salary for each classification. SECTION 3. HEALTH INSURANCE 3.1 The City agrees to continue to' provide -the current- medical and dental -benefits. -- 3. 2 The City Employee Medical Insurance Committee may recommend ` changes to the level of service and service providers during the term of this agreement. 3.3 The City shall continue to pay 100% of employee costs for insurance premiums. 3.4 The City shall pay 50% of dependent cost increases. SECTION 4. VISION INSURANCE • 4.1 The City shall provide employee only vision insurance at no cost to employee. SECTION 5. TERM LIFE INSURANCE 5.1 City shall maintain a term life insurance policy for each employee in a total amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) and shall pay all premiums for such policy. 5.2 Effective July 1, 1988 the City shall maintain a term life insurance policy for each employee in a total amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20, 000) and shall pay all premiums for such policy. 5.3 The City shall maintain a term life insurance policy for each eligible dependent of the employee in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per dependent and the City shall pay the full premium amount for such coverage. SECTION 6. SICK LEAVE 6.1 An employee may use sick leave for the care of relatives who are ill, injured or pregnant and who are living in the employee' s household. SECTION 7 . STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 7.1 City shall provide State Disability Insurance at a cost to employee. On motion by Councilperson and seconded • by Councilperson , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: BARBARA NORRIS, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk p Resolution 104-87 cont. PREPARED BY: . 0 1,U"' DAVI J I RGENSEN, Director of Administrative Services APPROVE7 AS TO CONTENT: 1�' �kjt;z= M CHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney .' . .. , li ---�- MEMORANDUM To: City Council Through: Michael Shelton, City Manager , From: Paul M. Sensibaugh. Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject : Bordeaux House Sanitary Sewer Bypass Date : September 25, 1987 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Bordeaux proceed with the southside sewer project with the staff-initiated design changes as described below and that any costs above the conditioned limit be taken from the Paid annexation fee. *Backround: The sanitary sewer bypass which was conditioned for the Bordeaux House-Vandenberg project will run from E1 Camino Real to the Wastewater Treatment Plant via La Linia and must be installed prior to occupation of Phase I . This project was privately bid last week and two bids were received. Discussion: The original design has been altered twice by the City Engineer to accomodate increased storage capacity of the main lift station near the State Hospital and the Septic Tank Dump at the Wastewater Plant . The main lift station was re-analysed to assure that no downstream lines are surcharged (not flowing more than full) with the future flow. At the same time a one-hour emergency storage capacity was added to handle the maximum gravity flow plus 150 gpm which is expected from private lift stations . • At the same time the problems with the Septic Tank Dump were • becoming more evident and dumping procedures were being questioned by nearby residences . Although that facility will undergo a redesign on its own merit, the southside sewer was revised to come into the Plant prior to the Septic Tank Dump and a new set of grinders smaller than the existing were added. Additionally, the designwill extend the life o,f the larger existing grinders by reducing the flow demand through them. Fiscal Impact : The above changes fit into the overall plan to ready our plant and systems for the buildout flow capacity. The changes are beyond the scope of the Bordeaux condition, however. Bordeaux was required to construct the southside bypass, including the upgrading of lift station No. 2, up to the amount of $350, 000 , The preliminary estimate made by John Wallace & Assoc . was $327,500 not including engineering and without grinders . Yamabe and Horn (Vandenberg' s engineering consultant) estimated $300, 500 not including engineering and with only $10, 000 for a grinder. Both estimates were prior to the final design changes . The actual bids came in at $371 ,418 from Align Construction and $372,986 from Beaver Construction with $60, 138 and $61 , 000, respectively included in the above for the valve and grinder • assembly. The engineering by Yamabe and Horn will reach approximately $40,500 including inspection, surveying and soils work. The total bill without the valve and grinder assembly is $351 ,780 or slightly above the $350, 000 Bordeaux limit, and includes the additional expansion of Lift Station No. 2 and a new lift station near the railroad tracks at the golf course . Bordeaux also paid $318, 000 in annexation fees which are to be used for future expansion of the sewage treatment plant and mainline lift stations . Staff suggests that the project proceed with the added requirements to accomodate the grinders, the Septic Tank Dump effluent and the larger Lift Station No. 2 and that the cost over the $350,000 condition be taken from the $318, 000 annexation fee . Unless change orders occur, which will be highly scrutinized by staff, approximately $62, 000 will be needed from the annexation fee and a balance of approximately $256, 000 of the annexation fee will remain available for future plant and system expansion. ( It is interesting to note that the total contribution by Bordeaux is $668, 000 and if they were to pay today ' s sew er ee f s it would be $662,400 . ) - • • MEMORANDUM To: The Board of Directors of the Atascadero County San. Dist . Through: Michael Shelton, City Manager ' From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject : Awards for Sewer Cleaning and TV-Monitoring ( I & I ) Date : October 5, 1987 Recommendation: W Staff recommends that The Board award the Sewer Cleaning bid to Ilton Simon of Florence, Arizona in the amount of $54, 012 .80, and that the TV-Monitoring bid be carried over to the next regular meeting. Backround: Prior to the end of the last fiscal year the Board authorized staff to advertise for for the I & I analysis that would include Sewer Cleaning, TV-Monitoring and perhaps Smoke Testing and Dye Testing of the sewer lines . Due to the exit of the Senior Civil Engineer at that time theworkload was shifted and the specifications were not completed until the end of August . Discussion: The sewer cleaning can be performed at any time but it is advantageous to conduct the TV-Monitoring during wet weather. It appears that the above internal delay will work to the City' s advantage since the line cleaning should be finished in December. The TV-Monitoring will follow immediately-, and in some cases concurently with, the cleaning of parts of the system. The apparent low bidder for the TV-Monitoring is Eagl-e Cam of -San Luis Obispo but the award is being delayed to assure that they can . meet the intent of the specifications . References are being checked •since they have only been in business for 8 months . The next low bid was about $8500 higher. Fiscal Impact : • The Engineer's Estimate is based on 100% of' the lines to be cleaned and 75% of the lines to be inspected by TV, plus 10% of the lines smoke tested and about 2 1/2% dye tested. Actual quantities will be determined in the field as approved by the City Engineer. The bids were very favorable and are particularily good for the City since it was based on a pick—and—choose of the items that would be awarded to each bidder. The bidders also had a chance to enter a deduct if awarded all items . The combined apparent low bid is $89, 652 .80 but the final amount will be based on actual quantities completed which could be greater than or less than the above . A complete Bid Summary is attached for your reference . $250, 000 has been set aside for this project which includes $150,000 in improvements to the sewer system as reflected in this year' s budget . The latter work is dependent upon the results of the above I & I analysis. • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SEWER CLEANING-TV MONITORING # BIDDER # MILTON SIMON t EAGLE-CAM # CYCLOPS # CAN-SCAN (BLOIS) t I ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY x UNIT PRICE = TOTAL x UNIT PRICE = TOTAL x UNIT PRICE = TOTAL x UNIT PRICE = TOTAL t # 1 JET CLEAN L.F. 191,189.00 x $0.20 = $38,237.80 x = $0.00 x = $0.00 x $0.24= $45,885.36 t ! 2 SWAB,BUCKET L.F. 63,100.00 x $0.25 = $15,775.00 x = $0.00 x = $0.00 x $0.24 = $15,144.00 t # 3 TV-MONITOR L.F. 142,560.00 x $0.35 = $49,896.00 x $0.25 = $35,640.00 x $0.31 = $44,193.60 x $0.35 = $49,896.00 t t 4 SMOKE TEST L.F. 20,000.00 x $0.15 = N/A x = x $0.25 = x t # 5 DYE TEST L.F. 5,000.00 x $0.10 = N/A x = x $0.25 = x = t # TOTAL BID # $103,908.80 t $35,640.00 t $44,193.60 # $110,925.36 t LOW BID-CLEANING LOW BID-TV MONITORING # BIDDER t t # # ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE t # EM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY x UNIT PRICE = TOTAL x UNIT PRICE = TOTAL x UNIT PRICE = TOTAL x UNIT PRICE = TOTAL x JET CLEAN L.F. 191,189.00 x = $0.00 x = $0.00 x = $0.00 x $0.235 = $44,929.42 x 1 2 SWAB,BUCKET L.F. 63,100.00 x = $0.00 x = $0.00 x = $0.00 x $0.380 = $23,978.00 x t 3 TV-MONITOR L.F. 142,560.00 x = $0.00 x = $0.00 x = $0.00 x $0.370 = $52,747.20 x ! 4 SMOKE TEST L.F. 20,000.00 x = $0.00 x = $0.00 x = $0.00 x $0.150 = $3,000.00 x # 5 DYE TEST L.F. 5,000.00 x = $0.00 x = $0.00 x = $0.00 x $0.150 = $750.00 x I TOTAL BID t $0.00 # $0.00 # $0.00 # $125,404.62 t MILTON 5IMON LOW BID-CLEANING $54,0I2.80 EAGLE CAM LOW BID-TV MONITORING $35,640.00 TOTAL COMBINED LOW BIDS $89,652.80 MEMORANDUM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT THROUGH: MIKE SHELTON, CITY MANAGER , FROM: PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT : INFLOW AND INFILTRATION ANALYSIS PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION DATE: MAY 5 , 1987 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board authorize the Director of Public Works to advertise for bids for the cleaning, tv- monitoring, and smoke testing for the existing sewer system as presented in the current budget . BACKGROUND: The sewer study conducted by John Wallace and Associates as well as the grant facilities plan presented by Engineering Sciences expressed the importance of an inflow and infiltration (I & I) analysis and implementation to increase the life of the wastewater treatment plant . The I & I analysis was somewhat informally done in-house since the start of the fiscal year . A normal cleaning schedule has been layed out by sanitation personnel and an investigation of services available, as well as associated costs , was conducted by the Director . The winter of 1985 showed an increase in discharge to the plant of 3.7 times the average daily flow during the rainy season . Normal infiltration is about 20% with peaks up to about 2 . 0 times the average daily flow. The current average daily flow is approximately 1 . 0 million gallons per day (mgd) . Thus , about 2 .7 mgd of the peak flow of 3 .7 in 1985 , which came after the sewer study had indicated 3 .2 as a historic figure, represents storm water intrusion . The storm water enters via joints or cracks in the sewers ' (infiltration) , or into manhole lids or manhole joints/cracks or other inlets (inflow) . The latter , or other inlets , could be street or parking lot storm drains , roof drains or a drainage • 0 open channel finding its way along a sewer trench to a large crack or opening. DISCUSSION; The problem is clear ; the solutions are less obvious since the cause of the problem is an unknown . Cleaning of the lines , which has never been completely done except for problem areas due to minimal slope, is the first step in the process . Cleaning not only readies the lines for the tv-monitoring but can give a good idea of which areas should be monitored. Areas of large breaks and sags may be detected by cleaning by the type of draggings such as sand or pieces of pipe. Tv-monitoring can locate exactly any cracks , joints , storm drain inlets , roof drain inlets , etc . The records from this process are invaluable for future reference . Smoke testing can also be conducted to find sources of roof drains or other illegal taps . The above processes will help determine not only where and what the problem is , but whether it is more economical to fix the problem or to expand the plant to accept the water . It is noted here that not only does non-polluted water use up mainline and plant capacity and make treatment more difficult due to dilution, but it is illegal by our own rule to allow such acceptance of flow. Staff is recommending to bid the project on unit prices with an estimated quantity that can be controlled by the ` Director as work progresses . Contractors will bid on cleaning, tv-monitoring, and smoke testing and may be awarded as few as one or as much as all items . Thus two or more different contractors may be awarded the bid based upon their expertise and price of work. All work will be based upon a linear footage of sewer main . It is the intent to clean the entire system but to only tv-monitor the- areas designated by the Director . Actual corrections to the system will be conducted in the next fiscal year based upon the results of the above project . It should be understood that sometimes problem sources can be found that cannot easily be corrected, and in that sence their is somewhat of a risk to overdoing the tv-monitoring. Corrections may include removing illegal roof drains , elimination of storm drains , water proofing manholes , sealing cracks in sewer main joints , , slip lining sewer mains or completely removing and replacing inadequate lines . It is anticipated that the bulk of the work will be necessary in the older downtown section of the system where the sewers are slip joints and roof drains are evident . Flat areas such as Morro Flats is suspect of drainage I & I especially when the ground is saturated. FISCAL ANALYSIS ; There are over 38 miles , or over 200, 000 linear feet , of sewer mains . Cleaning and bucketing ranges from 20 cent s/l , f . to 27 c/l . f , with root cutting as much as 40 c/l . f. Tv- monitoring is estimated from 30 c/l . f , to 50 c/l . f . , and smoke testing about 15 c/l . f. If the entire system was done for all items the price could reach about $150, 000 . It is anticipated that all of the sewer will be cleaned and only about half will be tv-monitored and perhaps only 25% smoke tested. The estimate for that work is about $90, 000. The budget includes $250, 000 . The balance of funds will carry over into the next budget year' s corrective items . The current sewer fee structure includes I & I work, future line replacement and expansion, sludge handling, and future lift station and plant improvement and replacement . The above work fits into the build-out projection used to establish the fees . i •� ,�'i � �• s�uosa�ee '�f1t�,lrSSuON,XS� i y_ uat.n a .r:�'''�'i71+.�,.,} t}'^ice' •�` �-.- '��.-' V.� "`�n"ir. _ _ .��--tea` '+.•���. ■ woke INFILTRATION/INFLOW surveys used smoke testing for identification of manhole frame seal inflow sources. CO2.5-1 and Sk td9h, . i i on WILLIAM C. CARTER, P.E. discharge to receiving streams during lation of flow meters and rain gauges RICHARD J. NOGAJ, P.E. moderate rainfall events for the past were selected. Flow monitoring was and 30 years. Construction of about performed at 45 key locations ALAN J. HOLLENBECK, P.E. 250,000 linear ft of supplemental relief throughout the Mission Township dis- sewers and three side stream holding trict while rainfall monitoring was Mr. Carter is senior engineer with the facilities in the 1960s and a voluntary conducted at two locations. Flow Johnson County Unified Wastewater Dis- downspout disconnection program in meters and rain gauges were oper- tricts,Johnson County,Kansas.Mr.Nogaj the 1970s did not prevent sewer ated from mid-March 1984 to mid- is president and Mr. Hollenbeck is an as- backups or the discharge of untreated June, 1984. Theo eration of wet sociate with RJN Environmental As- P sociates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, Wastewater into the receiving weather holding stations and activity Wheaton, Illinois. streams. In addition, the connection of sewer bypasses were also and discharge of many of the monitored. Flow data were used to OMMUNITIES and sewer agen- downspouts remains unknown. evaluate system behavior and to de- cies needing sewer improve- In an effort to provide improved termine the base wastewater flow ments have been reluctant to under- sanitary sewer service to JCUWD (dry weather/low ground water),infil- take major sewer rehabilitation pro- customers and to reduce the bypass- tration (dry weather/high ground grams largely due to the cost to quan- ing of wastewater into the receiving water) and inflow (wet weather/high tify the need and the lack of funds streams, JCUWD retained RJN En- grount water) quantities. needed to implement the required vironmental Associates, Inc. to con- -Base, infiltration, and inflow rates improvements. Also, in many cases duct an initial sanitary sewer study of were determined from the monitored sewer studies have not resulted in on- MTMSD No. 1. Project objectives data.Initially,inflow rates that would going survey and maintenance activi- were established to: identify existing be generated during a one-year rain- ties. That is, the sewer study is not conditions, develop alternative so. fall event were determined. Inflow used as a basis for system manage- lutions with cost estimates, and pro- was estimated by developing a rela- ment. vide an implementation plan based on tionship between inflow and rainfall Johnson County Unified Waste- the selected solution. The scope of intensity with a technique reported by water Districts(JCUWD), despite po- work was developed for selected Hollenbeck and Nogaj., tential difficulties, is proceeding with areas to provide a sound basis for de- Average daily base flow was de- sewer improvements in a major veloping cost estimates for the re- termined to be 3.6 mgd or about 207 watershed known as Mission Town- quired improvements(without having gallons per building per day. The ship Main Sewer District No. 1 to initially perform a comprehensive diurnal variation in base flow rates (MTMSD). The watershed includes investigation throughout MTMSD resulted in an average measured base about 1.3 million linear ft of sewer No. 1.) flow peaking factor of 1.52,where the line, 17,500 residences, and nine mu- Flow Data.Existing sanitary sewer base flow peaking factor is defined as nicipalities. maps were used for defining sewer the ratio of the peak hourly flow to Residents-in the MTMSD service tributary areas or basins. MTMSD total daily flow. Peak infiltration was area have experienced sanitary No. 1 was divided into 42 sanitary determined to be slightly over 9.8 mgd sewer backups in their basements sewer basins. After determining or about 2.7 times average base flow. and there has been raw wastewater basin boundaries, locations for instal- The unit infiltration rate, based on 64 PUBLIC WORKS for October, 1986 pipe diameter and lengthh infosani- torY sewers stem was 5,700 gallons per day per inch-diameter mile (gpd/ Table 2— Typical Rehabilitation and Construction Costs idm). Peak one-year inflow was de- Rehabilitation Estimated termined to be 96.8 mgd or nearly 27 1/1 Source Method Cost times the average base flow rate.The Ponding Manhole Replace Manhole Cover $100 one-year unit inflow rate was 48,800 Pick Hole Inflow Replace Manhole Cover 100 0 gpd/idm. Corbel Leak Grout Corbel . 200 I/I Source Data. To obtain an esti- Cracked Manhole Wall Chisel Cracks and Grout 375 mate of the total infiltration and inflow Cracked Pipe Seal Chisel Cracks and Grout 200 (M)sources within the MTMSD,six of Cracked Bench/Trough Grout Joint 200 the 42 basins were selected for inten- Cracked Frame Seal Adjust Frame and Seal 360 sive investigation. The six selected Storm Connection Repair as necessary' 7,000-8,000 basins had high inflow rates,included Direct Storm Sump Repipe to Grade 800 several different communities, and Direct Storm Sump Remove Diverter Valve 300 were geographically distributed With Diverter throughout the district. Downspouts Redirect Downspouts 100 The intensive survey of the six ba- Foundation Drain Connect New Storm Sump 5,2003 sins included the following activities: Unsealed Pum ♦ Manhole and visual pipe inspec- p Seal Pump with Sewer 200 tions. Suspect Building Replace Building Sewer 4,0003 Sewer ♦ Internal and external building Cleanout Repair as necessary 250 inspections. Collapsed Pipe Replace Pipe(Each ♦ Smoke testing. 5 It Section)' 4,300-6,000 ♦ Dye water testing of public and Building Sewer Replace Pipe 1,200 private sector IR sources. Combination Sump Seal Old Pump/Install ♦ Television inspection of selected New Sump 1,800 sewer lines.A comparison between UI source Driveway Drain Disconnect Drain/Install data and monitored flow data was de- pump 2,200terTransition Joint Repair as necessary 800 ing all offd.For the purposes of analyze the MTMSD, the relative Manhole Frame Replace Manhole Frame 175 ng all proportion of each type of I/I source 'Unit cost will vary with pipe diameter, number of repairs per line segment, and identified in the intense study was required surface restoration. applied throughout the entire district. 2Actual recommended repairs will depend on the use of the existing pump as a storm From the study 22.5 percent of the sump pump, a sanitary sump pump,or both. infiltration was identified, including 3Generally not cost-effective to repair. 13.9 percent from defective manhole walls, 1.4 percent from defective pipe seals, 0.3 percent from defective bench/troughs, and 6.9 percent from _ defective joints and broken pipe. It was further determined that the pub- lic sector produced 27.1 percent of the Table 1 — Distribution of E '. Inflow Sources _ Percent Source Inflow Public Sector Inflow Manhole Cover/Frames 5.6 Manhole Frame Seals 14.4 Manhole Corbels 7.1 Storm Connections 0.1 Private Sector Inflow Storm Sumps 1.3 Storm with Diverter Valves 0.1 Combination Sumps 1.5 Unsealed Sumps 0.2 Suspect Storm Sumps _ 0.9 Downspouts 1.1 Suspect Downspouts 2.1 Foundation Drains 2.1 Suspect Foundation Drains 41.6 ■ VISUAL in of manhole revealed this infiltration source at a pipe seal. ea 0.2 AreaDrains Area Drains 2.6 Suspect Area Drains 5.1 Transition Joints 0.1 Leaking Service Lateral 0.1 Suspect Leaking Service Lateral 14.0 PUBLIC WORKS for October, 1986 65 • tion cost was converted to capital cost 5-YEAR STORM INFLOW (MGD) by using a service and contingency factor of 27 percent for legal and fiscal 0 26 52 78 104 130 156 costs, administration, engineering, 70.0 and other expenses. Cost estimates LEGEND were based on an ENR index of 4168 \ ACTUAL DATA as of August, 1984. \ -----PROJECTED COST BASED The four major alternatives derived 60.0 \�\\ ON PHASE I INTENSIVE from this study were: \ \ SURVEY DATA ♦ ALTERNATIVE D Alternative "A": No rehabilita- tion of I/I sources;construction of new �\�\ sewers; and construction of required ` treatment facilities. 50.0 \\\ TOTAL COSTS ♦ Alternative "B": Removal of I/I \ \\\\ sources considered to be cost- effective; construction of required =a `\\\ new sewers and treatment facilities F-J 400 \ ALTERNATIVE A Cr p� \� for the six intensively studied basins. 3 S \\� ALTERNATIVE B ♦ Alternative "C": Complete field Z \ (LIMIT OF REHAe studies for all of MTMSD No. 1 to lo- wo\ \\ W/ EXISTING DATA) \ cate and quantify I/I sources;removal W :-i30.0 \\\ of I/I sources considered to be cost- W effective; and construction of new a. \\` ALTERNATIVE C sewers as required. F REHABILITATION \`\ ��' ♦ Alternative "D": Complete field 0 200 a SURVEY COSTS \�\ studies for all of the MTMSD No. 1 to locate and quantify I/I sources; re- COST-EFFECTIVE i� moval of I/I sources generally consid- �\ POINT �i ered cost-effective; and removal of all \ �' directly connected foundation drains. 10.0 NEW SEWER \� �� TREATMENT The results of the analysis, as COSTS i� COSTS __, shown in Figure 1, indicate that alter- __ native"C"would be the least-cost ap- proach. Design Storm.In separate sanitary 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 sewer systems, there is a relationship between inflow and rainfall intensity PERCENT .REDUCTION OF FLOW where Inflow increases exponentially BY REHABILITATION with storm intensity.I Existing system analysis and new sewer requirements depend on a level of design storm pro- 0 FIGURE 1. Analysis shows Alternative "C" to be most cost-effective. tection; this storm event frequency must be selected for the analysis and inflow with the remaining 72.9 subsequent final design. ech- cent having its source in he private costs used nbthis astudy are shown methods rin niquee asru ed to develop thginal cost analysise unit sector. The distribution of these n- Table 2. cost for the work necessary to prevent flow sources is listed in Table 1. Treatment and transport costs a surcharge occurrence for flows that Analysis were based on historical capital, op- exceed the system design capacity at eration, and maintenance costs for a given storm frequency as reported Optimization. Cost-effectiveness complete treatment and for wet by Braam and Nogaj.2 Using this analysis was utilized to estimate the weather flow, sidestream treatment. approach a design storm can be optimum level of I/I removal for the New sewer costs were based on selected. New sewer line, treatment, purpose of achieving sanitary sewer preliminary relief sewer require- and I/I rehabilitation costs were esti- system integrity. System integrity is ments obtained by using the RJN En- mated with analyses performed at 1-, defined as an operational condition vironmental Sewer System Evalua- 2-,5-, 10-, and 25-year storm frequen- where sewer backups, overflows, or tion Model (SSEM). This model cies. Incremental costs were de- bypasses would not occur up to a routes the projected flow by line seg- veloped at each of these storm fre- specified storm event. The optimum ment and compares the line capacity quency intervals followed by a de- level of I/I removal would correspond to the expected peak flow. Where termination of the unit cost to prevent to the projected least cost alternative. total flow exceeds line capacity the surcharge occurrence. These data Elimination, treatment and trans- model specifies a new sewer line that are shown graphically in Figure 2.--' port, and new sewer line require- is sized to carry the excess flow.Slope The results of the marginal costs ments were analyzed at several levels and depth of the new line is assumed analysis indicate that a point of di- of infiltration and inflow removal. to be the same as the existing line. minishing return would be experi- Elimination costs were based on the ' Estimated construction cost for the enced somewhere between the estimated construction costs to re- new sewers is based on depth of ex- 5-year and 10-year storm protection move I/I sources. This would include cavation and pipe diameter. level and that the design frequency removal of sources such as storm Total present worth for several al- should be between these two points. SUMP pumps, downspouts, and area ternatives was compared based on a The 5-year storm protection level drains as well as repairing manhole planning period of 20 years at an would result in, on the average, a frame seals, pipe seals, and sewer interest rate of 85/s percent. Construc- backup occurrence twice every 10 66 PUBLIC WORKS for October, 1986 • years(a 20 percent probabilMin any be handled by the existing treatment provements early in the program. given year) while the 10-year storm facilities. Perimeter basins will be completed level would result in a backup once Phasing Schedule.The initial idea first so that these basins will not be every 10 years(a 10 percent probabil- toward phasing of the sewer system subject to upstream tributary areas ity in any given year). survey, design, and rehabilitation ac- that could overload areas of rehabi)� For cost-effective private sector tivities was based on the magnitude of tation and new sewers. and public sector improvements fi- the unit inflow rate determined for Completion of the work by water- nanced over 20 years, a typical each basin. However, performing shed allows for early evaluation of the homeowner cost based on an average work in this manner would result program. It is estimated that each assessed property evaluation would in having the work "scattered" phase will take about two years to be $55.80 per year for 5-year protec- throughout the district during any complete. Survey and design will tion and $68.30 per year for 10-year given phase. This could result in both proceed concurrently in one phase protection. Based on the computer higher administrative and construc- while construction and rehabilitation modeling and survey work the esti- tion costs. Further, basins with high is being conducted for those basins mated public and private sector capi- unit inflow rates would not necessar- included in a previous phase. The tal cost for 5-year protection was$15.3 ily correlate with the areas where type of sewer rehabilitation is antici- million(or a unit cost of$0.098 million there were known sewer backups. pated to be the same in all phases in- to prevent a surcharge occurrence); Sewer capacity relative to actual cluding public and private sector for the 10-year protection the esti- flows must therefore be considered work. The types of public sector re- mated cost was$18.7 million(or$0.46 when evaluating the potential for habilitation will include manhole re- million to prevent a surcharge occur- backup reduction. pair, sewer line repairs and grouting, rence). The phasing is based on a combina- relief sewers, cross-connection re- The breakdown of work for the 10- tion of watershed location,unit inflow movals,and in-place lining of sewers. year protection program included rate, and the history of sewer Conclusions nearly$1.3 million for the remaining backups.This recommended phasing survey work in the district, $2.5 mil- approach will generally concentrate The"project approach"used in the lion for infiltration elimination, $3.1 the survey and construction activities Mission District study can be applied million for inflow removal in the pub- in the same geographical areas thus to provide information for determin- lic sector, nearly$3 million for inflow lowering construction and adminis- ing the total cost of proceeding with removal in the private sector, and trative costs. Work will generally be survey, design, and construction ac- over$8.8 million for new sewer lines. phased according to the watershed tivities. This enables planners to Treatment of the remaining IR could thereby producing measurable im- evaluate the work based on economic feasibility. In addition, the level of ■ FIGURE 2. The relationship of cost for protection and design.storm. protection against peak flow during wet weather conditions can b selected from the partial survey data 1400 25-YEAR STORM The grouping of the work by geo- graphical areas allows an early evalu- 1300 ation of the program and helps control construction costs and area construc- 1200 tion activity. The Mission District study indicates that system flow 1100 monitoring and selective survey in- vestigation can achieve the following: i1000 ♦ Provide cost-effective evaluation of sewer rehabilitation alternatives. e0 ♦ Project the total system rehabili- 0 tation cost. O ♦ Develop a rationale for the selec- 0 cr 800 tion of a storm design level of protec- d a tion. _ 0 700.- 00 00 ♦ Determine a phasing schedule for implementation of a selected so- 13 600 lution. 0130 Q Q 10-YEAR STORM W o 500 Acknowledgment. Data used in this W v study were obtained during the sewer sur- a 400 vey conducted by RJN Environmental and funded by the Johnson County Unified 0 0 300 Wastewater Districts.This article is based N on a paper presented at the Water Pollu- U 200 tion Control Federation Conference held -" 5-YEAR STORM in Kansas City, Missouri, October 1985. 100 2-YEAR STORM References 1."One Technique for Estimating Inflow 0 with Surcharge Conditions."Richard J� 0 10 20 30 40 Nogaj and Alan J. Hollenbeck,Journa TOTAL PRESENT WORTH WPCF, April 1981. (MILLION DOLLARS) 2."Selection of Optimum Storm Fre- quency for Sewer Studies." Richard J. Nogaj and George A. Braam, Journal WPCF, October 1982. PUBLIC WORKS for October, 1986 67 '.A C- MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Directors THROUGH: Mike Shelton , City Manager ., FROM: Paul M. Sensibaugh , Director of Public Works SUBJECT : Sewer Annexation - Evangelical Free Church DATE: September 29, 1987 Recommendation : Staff recommends that the Board approve the attached Resolution annexing a Portion of Lot 16 Block 13 into the boundaries of Improvement District No . 2 . Background: In January of this year Council approved a Conditional • Use Permit for the Evangelical Free Church of Atascadero to construct a new church on Santa Rosa Avenue . They are in the process of applying for a building permit and will be under construction immediately after issuance . The annexation is conditioned upon paying a sewer extension reimbursement charge to the Church of Christ as specified in the annexation resolution . The Church of Christ , in 1975 , extended the sewer lines that the Evancreiical Free Church will be connecting to . They filed a reimbursement agreement at that time and therefore are eligible for reimbursement in the amount of $529 .79. Fiscal impact : There is no cost to the District related to this annexation . The Applicant will be required to pay all annexation fees and connection fees in effect at the time of application and/or connection . • RESOLUTION NO. _ 109-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT APPROVING EXTENDING PUBLIC SEWER SERVICE TO A PORTION OF LOT 16 BLOCK 13 AND INCORPORTING .THE AREA CONCERNED INTO THE BOUNDARIES OF IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 (9225 MORRO ROAD) WHEREAS , the Atascadero County Sanitation District is empowered by Section 4834 of the Health and Safety Code to annex territory already a part of the County Sanitation District to the Improvement District of that County Sanitation District ; and WHEREAS, The Evangelical Free Church of Atascadero owns the property described in Exhibits A and B attached to this resolution; and WHEREAS, said, property , located at near Morro Road on Santa Rosa Avenue, is contiguous with Improvement District #2 ; and • WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission has interpreted the General Plan as authorizing connection of this property to existing sewer lines ; and WHEREAS, the proposed annexation has received a Negative Declaration pursuant to the provisions of the Environmental Quality Act ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Directors of the Atascadero County Sanitation District as follows : Section 1 . The Board finds that the territory described in this resolution will be benefitted by such sewer service (Health and Safety Code Section 4830) Section 2 . The Board approves the connection of public sewer service to the following parcel , subject to the payment of appropriate fees as listed _ in the Atascadero County Sanitation District Coder A PortionofLot 16 Block 13 APN 54-151-3 Section 3 . The area included in APN 54-151-30 , Portion of Lot 16 Block 13 is hereby incorporated into the boundaries of Improvement District NO. 2 . Section 4 . The above action is conditional upon said lot paying a reimbursement agreement filed by the owners of Lot Lot 17 Block 13 on 6-28-76 in the amount of $529 .79 . On motion by Board Member and seconded by Board Member ,the foregoing resolution is adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote , AYES : NOES : ABSENT : DATE: ATTEST : ATASCADERO COUNTY 1 SANITATION DISTRICT MICHAEL B. SHELTON BARBARA NORRIS Secretary President APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO CONTENT JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN — PAUL M. ------------- SENSIBAUGH City Attorney Dir , of Public Works - • EXHIBIT "A" TO ITEM E-3 0.%4�sl �z SLO-847004 KS The land referred to In this Report is situated in the State of Callfornla , County of San Luis Obispo, and is described as follows: That portion of Lot 16 in Block 13 of Atascadero Colony , in the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo , State of California , as shown on the map of Atascadero Colony, recorded In Book 3, Page 11 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the center Ilne of Santa Rosa Road , as shown on said map , that is distant along said center Iine, South 450051 East, 489 . 08 feet from the center line of Morro Road as shown on said map ; thence South 45054111 " West, 262.92 feet to the Southwesterly line of said Lot 16 ; thence along said Southwesterly Ilne, North 500261 West, 208.09 feet to the most Southerly corner of the land described In the deed to Pacific Gas and Electric Company , recorded September 22 , 1954 in Book 772, Page 533 of Official Records , in the office of the County Recorder of said County ; thence along the Southeasterly line . of the land described in said deed , North 39 °341 East, 201 . 9 feet to the center line of said Santa Rosa Road , South 43°051 East, 239.08 feet to the point of beginning . EXCEPT therefrom that portion of said land lying within the lines of Santa Rosa Road as shown on said map as reserved by Colony Holding Corporation , by deed recorded July 18, 1921 in Book 147, Page 28 of Deeds . ALSO EXCEPT therefrom that portion of said land described in the deed to Pacific Gas and Electric Company , recorded April 14, 1964 in Book 1293 , Page 14 of Official Records, in the office of the County Recorder of said County . PAGE 2 THE EVANGETJCAL *FREE CHURCH of ATASCADERO david r.lee,pastor To the Public :forks Director City of Atascadero r;;ay 1 1987 Dear Sir: I am writing this letter of request on behalf of the _Evangelical Free Church of Atascadero that we might be included by annexation to the sanitation district. Our Church facility will be located approximately near Porro Road on Santa Rosa. Our Z AP",' 54-151-030 should help you identify what is contained in our conditional use permit as approved by the City Council in January, 1987. ".^1e are presently on the brink of getting our building permit • and would very much appreciate your approval to this request as soon as possible . Thank you very much for yout cooperation. Cordially, C David R . Lee P.S . Correspondence could be addressed to our Building Chairman: i• r. Russ :'right Rev. David R. Zee P .0 - Box 377 P .C . Box as Atascadero, Ca. or Atascadero , Ca. 93423-0377 93423 POST OFFICE BOX 777 •• ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 •• (805) 461-1197 > .7. t _ EXHIBIT B .L c ` iw. .. _. 41* i► :�C Y A - . SCto � k r t 1ru .:CREEKRES NO 9 O Qw � J ,s NATE . — W w� ROAD)` •§w��O�O � - y dL. h R+ erg S•'T. i 32 171.94 k •—at4 .�E�, '`:.,0 `E._s..a-a' • �-r••- t4ai /0c.8l i _ I a 6 jf - * �.s �i a F_..'� -3'r .R,�Y_=-� _ ��-�. *�� f -%mss. a -� .:� .y. .h '_' �� ^"E�i.• - � - to �Ou m O _ �tA 4a ZT& . ;6 �.0 C,. IE ,� Go fo vi •P0 n r • 0 i 4t'f.2Z �yyc -a- bb - �� n � - � M91"3!DGW-•_i'O R L1 _ �s' r- 7ttco uz rtt w FYI _ N n - . q A � PM.28-80 0 `OOE Z D n Z y O C) ? ` rq ir _ �.+f°•��'n^�':taD°"O�+.Y,+�.'iw-.:^R••,.��.aw.....+..a9. -v at��TN i'• i • MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Directors THROUGH: Mike Shelton , City Manager , FROM: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT : Sewer Annexation - Spanish Ridge Yeomans DATE: September 29, 1987 Recommendation : Staff recommends that the Board approve the attached Resolution annexing Lots 10 , 11 , 12 , 13, 14 , 15 , 24 , Portions of Lots 5 and 7 of Tract 5 ; and, Parcels 1 , 2 and 3 of Parcel Map AT-81-281 , Background: • The property involved in this annexation is a reconfiguration of existing lots to create a Planned Unit Development of 8 Units with a large open space area which will be known as ''Spanish Ridge'' . The remaining property derived from this reconfiguration will be sold as unimproved residential lots . The area to be developed is within the Urban Services Area , but in order to maintain a gravity sewer system this development was required to construct a new trunk line through the Chalk Mt , Golf Course to connect to the Bordeaux bypass line and to obtain an easement from the County for the same . Fiscal Impact : There is no cost to the District related to this annexation . The Developer is required to extend the sewer line and to pay all annexation fees in effect at the time of approval . • • RESOLUTION NO. 110-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT APPROVING EXTENDING PUBLIC SEWER SERVICE TO LOTS 10, 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 24 , PORTIONS OF' " LOTS 5 AND 7 OF TRACT 5 ; AND, PARCELS 1 , 2 AND 3 OF PARCEL MAP AT 81-281 (EL BORD6 AVENUE) WHEREAS, the Atascadero County SanitationDistrict is empowered by Section 4834 of the Health and Safety Code to annex territory already a part of the County Sanitation District to the Improvement District of that County Sanitation District ; and ti WHEREAS, Mr . Mike Yeomans owns the property described in Exhibits A and B attached to this resolution; and WHEREAS , said, property , located on El Bordo Avenue, is contiguous with Improvement District #1 ; and WHEREAS , said property is within the boundaries of the • Atascadero County Sanitation District ; and WHEREAS, the proposed annexation has received a Negative Declaration pursuant to the provisions of the Environmental Quality Act ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Directors of the Atascadero County Sanitation District as follows : Section 1 . The Board finds that the territory described in this resolution will be benefitted by such sewer service (Health and Safety Code Section 4830) Section 2 . The Board approves the connection of public sewer service to the following parcels , subject to the payment of appropriate fees as listed in the Atascadero County Sanitation District Code : Lots 10, 11 , 12 , 13 , 141. 15, Lot 24 , -arid portions of Lots 6 and 7 of Tract 5 ; and Parcels 1 through 3 of Parcel Map AT 81-281 Subject to the following condition : Obtain all necessary plumbing and street encroachment permits and execute a sewer main extension agreement . • Section 3 . The area described above is hereby incorporated into the boundaries of Improvement District NO. 1 . On motion by Board Member and seconded by Board Member ,the foregoing resolution is adopted in its entirety by the following roll call rote . AYES: NOES : ABSENT : DATE: ATTEST : ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT MICHAEL B. SHELTON BARBARA NORRIS Secretary President APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO CONTENT • JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH City Attorney Dir , of Public Works EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS • Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 30-451-04 = Lots 11 thru 15 Tract 5 30-441-01 = Lots 6,7, 10 Tract 5 30-442-06 = Lots 1,2, 3 of Map AT-281 30-442-03 = Lot 24 Tract 5 Legal Descriptions: Lots 6,7,10,11,12, 13, 14, 15,24 of Tract 5, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, According to the map recorded in Book 5, Page 24 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Parcels 1, 2, and 3 of Parcel Map AT-81-281 in the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to the map recorded October 25, 1982 in Book 32 at Page 86 of Parcel Mpas in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. EXHIBIT B l'9N.Ws � ✓L' C � Q� w aown O Q y o at Ab w ^j N � i d G --moo ; � � w ✓J 21 .� z P