HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 06/30/1987 Y NOTE: THERE WILL BE A CLOSED COUNCIL SESSION AT 7 :30 A.M. FOR DISCUSSION ON LABOR NEGOTIATIONS A G E N D A ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL OPEN MEETING ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Fourth Floor Club Room June 30, 1987 8:30 A.M. RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION * Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. * A person may speak for three (3) minutes. If a group has a spokesperson, the spokesperson may speak for five (5) minutes. * No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so. * No one may speak more than twice on any item. * Council members may question any speaker ; the speaker may respond; but after the alloted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. * The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. I . Police Facility - Presentation by Architect , Ross , Levin and McIntyre (Approximate Time 1 1/2 Hours) 2 . Atascadero Lake Park PropertyAcquisition Consideration - Presentation ' by Ad Hoc Committee (Approximate Time - 30 Minutes) 3 . Fiscal Year 1987/88 Capital Improvement Program Budget Adoption Consideration A. Resolution 57/87 - Amending Resolution 55-87 , Adoption of City of Atascadero Fiscal year 1987/88 Budget and Appropriating Funds Thereof B. Resolution 54-87 - Adoption of City of Atascadero Fiscal Year 1987/88 Revenue Sharing Budget & Appropriation of Funds M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council Members FROM: Mike Shelton SUBJECT: Police Facility Architect' s Report (Design Program and Site Analysis - Police Services Facility) DATE: June 24 , 1987 Discussion Architect (Rod Levine) will be providing Council and staff with a police facility program, schematic design and site analysis re- port. The report provides for a new police facility to be con- structed in three phases: Phase I - to accommodate current F.Y. 1987-88 needs Phase II - to accommodate expansion needs to F.Y. 1997-98 Phase III - to accommodate expansion needs to F.Y. 2007-2008 Council has scheduled a special Council meeting to review the report on June 30 , 1987, at 8:30 a.m. Attached is a chronology of assumptions and events spanning one and one-half years, leading up to obtaining the architectural report. This information is being provided as the results of the architectural report are significantly different (facility cost & site problems) than was anticipated. It is hoped this background information, along with the archi- tect' s report, will assist the Council in having greater informa- tion to move forward with problem solving. Staff will be meeting with the architect prior to your June 30th meeting to assist you with alternative considerations. MBS/cw Attachment cc: Chief McHale David Jorgensen Note: Copies of architect' s report placed with City Clerk & Lib- rary. CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS Council Meeting Action 1/27/86 Authorized solicitation of proposals 3/24/86 *Selection/Recommendation for archi- tectural services 4/14/86 *Selection/Recommendation for archi- tectural services 5/12/86 *Selection/Recommendation for archi- tectural services 11/10/86 Agreement between City & County re- lating to property transfers 2/10/87 **Authorization to enter into contrac- tual agreement with architect Other 5/8/87 Letter to architect extending archi- tect report deadline to 6/24/87 " 6/24/87 Architect submits report 6/30/87 Council/Staff review report (Special • Council Meeting) * Scope of service included alternative site feasibility study, programming & schematic designs. ** Scope of service deleted alternative site feasibility analysis. MBS/cw 1Z 716 ublic Comment Ric rd Shannon, 4820 Obispo Rd. , spoke in support of repla ing trees removed (due to ' nuisance ' locations) . Doug Lew resident, agrees with previous speaker ' s sugges- tions, ad g that it' s possible to replace trees on a large scale and n merely by seeding or saplings. Steve LaSalle, esident & tree committee member, highlighted item No. 7 on th ' r outline relating to incentives for pre- serving trees, not g the committee welcomes any and all ideas from concerne citizens. MOTION: By Councilman Hands to accept staff recommendations, seconded by Councilwo an Mackey; passed unanimously. 3. Proposed Resolution No. 7-86 ranting 18.3% Rate Increase Requested by Wil-Mar Disposal Co. David Jorgensen, Administrative Ser ices Director , gave staff report. Public Comment CDavid Smith, CPA for Wil-Mar, noted the prop ed 18.3% in- crease addresses only immediate costs. The la t rate increase effected was in December of 1982; sinc then, the Consumer Price Index has increased, by 11. 69%, thu a built-in cost increase. He summarized Wil-Mar ' s current ope ating costs and cost projections and hopes to 'prove' those figures within the next 6-9 months. z MOTION: By Councilman Molina to adopt Res. 7-86 , seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously by roll-call vote. 4. Proposed Request Authorizing Staff to Solicit Proposals for Atascadero Police Services Facility Bud McHale, Police Chief, gave staff report. Public Comment Terrill Graham, 6205 Conejo Rd. , requested Council frame their decision in giving the public the opportunity to respond with suggestions. Maggie Rice, Chamber of Commerce, believes it' s time to. let the City Council make the decision regarding a new police facility, noting that one of the reasons people voted for incorporation was to have a police department; a new facility for them to work out of would provide the town with a great 7 ,� P asset, and she encourages Council support. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to approve staff proposal from Chief McHale, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously. 5. Mid-Year Budget Review: Resolution Approving Mid-Year Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 1985-86 b. erbal Report on Mid-year Budget Objectives Achieve- m is David Jorgen en, Admin. Svcs. Dir. , gave staff report on item (a) , noting m t of the items listed were discussed in the budget session which t ok place at 6: 30 p.m. prior to tonight' s meeting (refer to staff eport dated 1/22/86) . _MOTION: By Council oman Mackey to extend meeting past 11: 00 p.m. , secon ed by Councilman Handshy; passed unanimous- ly. ** Councilman Molina req ested, for reasons of consistency, that ,the record reflect he ' ssents on item I-A in the staff report (re: CDBG) . MOTION: By Councilwoman Mack to approve Res. 6-86, seconded by Councilman Handshy; pa sed 4 :,1 by roll-call vote, with Councilwoman Norris voting NO. (see ** above) Mike Shelton gave staff report on i em C-5 (b) . MOTION: By Councilman Handshy that C uncil recess and convene as the Atas. County Sanitation Di trict, seconded by Coun- cilwoman Mackey; passed unanimo sly. D. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (A SD) 1. Motion to Accept the Wallace Sewer Study ( port previously delivered - Verbal presentation by Public Wo ks Director) Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, introd ed John Wal- lace, representing John Wallace & Assoc. as well as Lawrence, Fisk and MacFarland, who reviewed the highlights f the sewer study performed by them and conclusions drawn. Mr. Wallace introduced Gary Simms, Project Engineer , who' s respo sible for a major percentage _of the work on this study. Mr. Sensibaugh noted that the City Clerk ' s Office will r tain _ a copy of the report for public review, and additional co ies - can be made available for the cost of printing (no charge press) . .8 MEMO RAN D UM ff CITY MANAGER MIKE SHELTON AND COUNCIL MEMBERS "Y FROM CHIEF OF POLICE . . SUBJECT ` PROPOSED REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ATASCADERO POLICE 13 g"# ' .R ►� c SERVICES FACILITY c. .��� < f "d +: DATE *� 5 _u JANUARY 21, ,1.9 8 6s b 4 ,� Nag Y !,r7 t yr,4 a RECOMMENDATION ..gip: �� It is1 6 recommended that =staff be authorized ,to request :proposals ; from architectural 'firms to ;includes V�Rstatement of qualifica`t'ions for the safe selection, 'desi nand g project budget for the Pitas $ Lr cadero Police' Services Fac`ility `� '_ `� '�� '�`fzr. •.y,xf .g.3 y��r 5„Jx.w. t� � �,s. � �.�"+k �.� 3 ., t � ✓ «�, „� ,� r#� } COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED .$�xAuthorize staff by 'motion to request proposal as herein outlined. qK "$ , y?Q*A *4166!n STATEMENT OF tPRO13LEM ro - s• N�, � ,v r .a ,-I believe it e ry is well established that there is a need for a police facility which isspecifically designed for the delivery of public (` } services. It now a ppears timely and feasible to undertake this project as the renovation of our City Administration Buildingis fr 'being planned. (Current plans for remodeling of City Hall do not call for expansion or improvement of space occupied by the P.D'. ) ` As the County Library _ prepares to move into a new facility, other =k: City departments may develop design plans for City use of the old r-- library space. It is clear that other Cit de artments �.larly the Community` Development Department, are in dire�needtofu �p r�. , additional operating space which is convenient to the needs of our residents. While there seems to be an abundance of space in ` our Admin. Bldg. , there are more activities and departments !; competing for the space at this time than ever before, `;:-'e- BACKGROUND - Present police facilities are inadequate and space now occupied °"=by police operations can be better utilized by other departments ; of general government. Police employees and many. local residents have long recognized the need & importance of a separate police facility., " (Please see attached R.F.P. for additional background ,information. ) °ALTERNATIVES ,., _. :- 1- Remain in offices currently occupied. 2• Remodel interior and exterior of Admin. Bldg , to properly accommodate police operations. 1 %'F'•e a 3. Purchase existing vacant building in city and remodel to 'suit needs FISCAL IMDACT `_r `? ..ak ,�•'�+t -; r i -r', a.+;, 2rr..t1 ^ =x s+r �F r a z Y rs"( the presenttime, ¢$150,000 has been earmarked fort the acquisition ` r of a police facility "Another $235 ,000 is now anticipated in fees +, < -from the Vandenbur9 :Bordeaux `House" project. It is estimated that s rr `the total cost of a stand-alone police facility will amount to approximately: $900,000. ;, (Precise cost will depend upon whether .or .not the .City must purchase land for the project.`) •.Obvil will be ous necessary to 'finance more than half of the required ' undin fpossibly,, tsr g. P y through certificates of participation, 'etc _ AU'. "As -our ,,V 5 yf #'s •'�a5 ti{rR „ 5 + Cit y _establishes. ",appropriate development fees &'as we identify °potential �dditional fund n sources :'-the` -,Vo g _ • ._t,. concept •'of A new , l ice. r;ffacility `becomes a ,reality It ._is _staff 's judgement that it -snow r "a ears feasible PP and timely ;to proceed with :,the ,preliminar ' Y` � , stagesof „this project ;'concurrently with the renovation of- our �4t` Admin a Bldg and with construction of the new county-city library -: y ' x i+f. s ,� sgh..,.V�$�„-”` r. z-•_ ,amu e ro °^A - -rp� r 7 �•.�rr - f .,K�- � F' j y �°N g t s ' _ Y j.tr 5,b�f,s2r tv6 T. your consideration �• t'" ...T+^'.., �r. ' t KGJ'{ RICHARD H McHALE n P '1 ./fir 0 'RHM:sb J e .t.� .s 'k+"`}a"+..r '^'f . '• _ y sr _ 1� S. y . r �} sis „ ,•,i'.s q h..Rrw rr��xSz-'��r �. + , `.,S {.� a� v� �r r"• - •? .+ u J: ` , ¢fi �;�z�� ,-, t a of ♦ +� J � .. - � t + ` §`�' ra �}i '+>1a. '� �i � a .:. .s'r,'" � ' j7` 7�.c r r 'j -_i ',z t • - 'r 4:-, - J 1 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING CITY ATTORNEY POST OFFICE BOX 747 POST OFFICE BOX 606 ATASCADERO.CALIFORNIA 93423 ATASCADERO.CALIFORNIA 93423 PHONE: (605) 466.8000 PHONE: (805) 466.4422 CITY COUNCIL �� CITY CLERK � ® ?OLICE DEPARTMENT ` CITY TREASURER ED JULY fffllittt �iI333��� POST OFFICE BOX 747 \ CITY MANAGER INCORPORATED JULY 2. 1979 ATASCADERO. CALIFORNIA 93423 i% 140w ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT PHONE: (805) d66-8600 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ...�� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT 6005 LEWIS AVENUE ATASCADERO.CALIFORNIA 93422 PHONE: (805) 466.2141 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL AND STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE SITE SELECTION, DESIGN AND PROJECT BUDGET FOR THE ATASCADERO POLICE SERVICES FACILITY January, 1986 City of Atascadero Police Department 6500 Palma Avenue P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 X00 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL AND STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS INTRODUCTION The City of Atascadero requests proposals and qualifications from architectural firms for site selection, design and project budget. It is the City of Atascadero' s anticipation that the Police Services Facility will be of sufficient size to adequately house all existing police services and functions. The design of the building should provide for planned expansion over both short and long terms. The facility will be located and designed with community and City staff input. PROJECT HISTORY At the present time, city police operations are housed within the Atascadero City Administration Building at 6500 Palma Avenue. The police department occupies approximately 3500 square feet of - office space on four floors of the building. Over the past five and one-half years since the police department began operations, police employees and many residents have been recommending the building or acquisition of an appropriate, sepa- rate police facility. Some complaints frequently stated by police staff regarding the present facilities include: 1. Inadequate overall space to accommodate various police functions. 2 . Office space provided is not contiguous, thus supervision and functional work relationships are negatively impacted. 3. Internal security for the P.D. is lacking in that the Administration Building is of necessity a multi-use community facility. 4 . Police vehicles are frequently vandalized making them temporarily inoperable. Limited parking space and loca- tion of parking areas make surveillance difficult and impractical . 5 . Physical layout of police offices is detrimental to maintenance of confidential and/or sensitive investiga- tions . 6 . A safety hazard exists in mixing in-custody prisoners with citizens and general City employees who must come within close proximity of one another. SCOPE OF DESIGN SERVICES The project will involve two phases to complete. Phase I will involve the review of current and future police operations and space needs and a recommendation for an appropriate site will be made. The site selection process will include an opportunity for community and staff involvement. Funding sources must be identified and preliminary arrangements should be proposed also in Phase I. Following the City Council approval of the site selection, Phase II will begin. Phase II will consist of for- mulating the construction and project budget and the preliminary building design which must include floor plans, site plan, building elevations and colored renderings. The firm selected must anti- cipate making presentations at no less than four public and City staff meetings . Site selections should be limited to not more than three options. REQUIREMENTS OF SUBMITTAL 1. Name, address, telephone number of the firm. 2 . Past record of performance on previous contacts on similar projects. 3. Specialized experience in designing law enforcement facilities. 4. Specific approach to design tasks for this project. 5. .. Resumes of key project team members to be assigned. 6. Proposed sub-consultants and their qualifications. 7 . Proposed project schedule. 8 . Estimated fee to complete the project. EVALUATION CRITERIA The firms selected to -interview for this project will be evaluated by the following criteria: a. Design ability. b. Relevant project experience. C. Technical ability. d. Client/project references . e. Key personnel . f. Fee. TIMELINE 1. Pre-proposal meeting 10 : 00 am. to 11 : 00 AM. Friday, Febru ary 1986 , in Room 304 of the Atascadero Administration Building, 14 , 6500 Palma Avenue . Contact person for the meeting: 1�� R.H. "Bud" McHale, Police Chief 6500 Palma Ave. P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 (805) 466-8600 2. Proposals must be submitted by 12 :00 noon Monday, March 10 , 1986 . 3. Those firms selected based upon a paper screening of proposals and qualifications will be invited for a presentation inter- view on Wednesday, March 19 , 1986. 4. A recommendation to the City Council for the selection of a firm will be made Monday, March 31, 1986 . Please submit all proposals to: R.H. "Bud" McHale, Police Chief (Project Director) Police Department 6500 Palma Ave. P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 4 312- eve Dirkes, 10800 Colorado, expressed his feeling that Council need to onsider the concerns of the neighborhood, noting that the Robert can still build one house on their property, and a decision denying a zone ange would not totally deprive them. Roger Co , 10600 Colorado, spoke in opposition to the zone change due to the :rai age problem which already exists from the Roberts's prop- erty; hthi ks the property should remain as it is and not be split. Strape Zanartu, 10618 Colorado, expressed opposition to the subdivi- sion for all the easons previously stated by area owners. Mark Lawall, 10755 lorado, expressed opposition to the zone change; he owns horses an is concerned that eventually, if the area starts becoming subdivided, t rural character will be threatened as will having horses or other a imals (people may begin to complain) . Nell Isom, 10775 Colorado 0-year resident) , spoke in opposition to any zone change. Discussion came back to Council, Councilman Molina asked that the agenda for the upcoming Council/Planning Commission Joint Meeting (Thursday, 3/27) be expanded to in ude discussion of possibly taking a look at the five-year cycle of th General Plan, noting Mr. Engen' s earlier mention of (18) applicationsr GP amendments, in addition to numerous other concerns expressed by pe le; Mayor Nelson noted the various subcommittees which are works g on such things as the tre ordinance, a hillside standards ordinance, multiple-density zoning, the subject of architectural review and p pulation projections (in- cluding schools) , concurring with Councilman Tina' s concern for dis- cussion; Council concurred, and Mayor Nelson di ected Mr . Engen to add the topic to the joint meeting agenda. Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director , noted that 's staff will look into the watershed problems in their upcoming drainag study. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to uphold the Planning Commission' s recommendations, denying the zone change, secon ed by Coun- cilman Handshy; passed 4:0, with Councilwoman Norr absent. COUNCIL RECESSED FOR A FIVE-MINUTE BREAK. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Selection/Recommendation for Architectural Services - City Police Facility (Cont'd from 1/27/86) Bud McHale, Police Chief, gave staff report and responded to questions from Council; Mike Shelton, City Manager , made additional comments relating to the fiscal impact of and financial approach to this pro ject. 4 Public Comment Terril Graham, 6205 Conejo Rd. , accused the Council of foregoing the public's choice in the last election (of whether or not they want a new police facility) right into the planning phase. (Councilman Molina removed himself from the Council podium during Mr. Graham's comments) . Mr. Shelton, in response to Mr. Graham' s comments, expressed the importance of providing a facility in which the Police Dept. can func- tion efficiently, suggesting the decision for acquiring/providing a facility for the staff is appropriately a City Council decision. Debra Rankiewicz, 11455 Viejo Camino, relayed that she has questioned some Atascadero police officers, and she relayed their concerns over the fact that the present facility would not be safe in the event of earthquake, and safe parking is a necessity due to recurring vandal- ism; she spoke in favor of providing an adequate facility. She in- quired as to the cost of blueprints for a new facility; Chief McHale responded that it will be contingent upon the estimated cost of con- struction (the square footage is not known yet, which is part of the architect's task) , and is considered 8% of the architect's total cost. Terril Graham addressed Chief McHale, recalling a conversation between the. 'two of them 3-4 months ago relating to the consideration for a new police facility. Maggie Rice, speaking as a resident, encouraged (as at two previous meetings) the City Council to allow the Police Department to grow with the community, without further delay, feeling that the single-most important issue prior to incorporation, other than autonomy, was ac- quiring a police department. It's her opinion the City property (just north of the armory) would be the best site. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve staff recommendation to contract with Ross Levin & McIntyre, with the stipulation that, within the next month, Council will make a decision on whether to hold public hearings to determine site selection or to let the architects determine a site; if the City makes the site selection, staff will bring back a counter-proposal, and the architect will not be paid for the service of site selection, Motion seconded by Councilman Molina; passed 4:0 by roll-call vote, with Councilwoman Norris absent. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion on Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting Scheduled for March 27, 1986 Mike Shelton, City Manager, gave staff report. MOTION: By Councilman Molina that Council authorize up to $300 to cover the out-of-pocket expenses of Mr. Milton Farrell for his travel from Sacramento, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; 5 • �r,T: 3 z j t T. U D M N A R O M E M = - _. ,: ,• _ �a„��, tea' TO: CITY MANAGER MIKE SHELTON AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROMh CHIEF OFPO ICE ,SUBJECT i-<,,:SELECTION/RECOMMENDATION FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES POLICE FACILITY r b t j.� DATE � � MARCH 18 198 6 :��s r�b ti x.ah,�,, i.14+ x �a"l .'f_.' .7. r .'.x'.; ? e' 6' } t -.e t�' r k x " f. a. �' .t °F.'" ;X t RECOMMENDATION •, om "fi,;3,3,�,'F'-!' e.;'` ,n n..x�``3 r _" ' �11.i+,s u. +.r�t3'E'L�a1G' r. T•'. recommended that we contract with .the 'San Luis Obispo firm , of: Ross, Levin and MacIntire for architectural 'services to include W � " ite analysis/selection, design and budget for the Atascadero ''-Po ice Facility # a 3�8 G V b30, ' '.>'c''+ .-"'- COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED b � e Q E�G By motion; .`authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement 3�a , �� `tracting with the architectural firm of Ross, Levin and MacIntyretS s s w, ,for complete planning and architectural services to encompass all elements described in the RFP released 1-27-86 at an initial cost not to exceed *$31,700. v L �, BACKGROUND M 4v P In keeping with Council direction, thus far the following stages have been completed toward the police facility project: , ,• Iry = 1. Council authorization to request proposals - Jan. 27, 1986 2 Requests for proposals (eight) nailed out Jan. 29, 1986 3. Pre-proposal meeting held with architectural firms on Friday, February 14, 1986. 4 R.F.P. submission deadline Mon, March 10, 1986 . (Six �� f proposals received. ) z 5. Presentation interviews were held Friday, March 14, 1986. Six firms (including four local- and two out-of-county) were interviewed by a board consisting of Councilman Bear Handshy, Admin. Services Director Dave Jorgensen, Community Development Director Henry Engen and myself. FINDINGS/CONCLUSION Following the half-hour interviews, and having done a reference check of the recommended, top two firms, Ross, Levin and Maclntyre k *In the event that the City elects to use R.L. & M. Architects for . final design (balance of arch. services) for this project, architect will credit $12 ,800 toward the full _fee for architectural services. emerged as the best qualified to serve our needs. (Please see t � "client references and related projects" attached. ) While the experience and credentials of R.L. & M. are singularly �= # a�- impressive with respect to public facilities projects they have ,� F: :completed, it is significant also that the firm incorporates- y; -the consulting services of Marion J. Varner and Associates (architectural, ;,planning and engineering services) who enjoy : an impressivejij nation-wide,r re reputation for police facility designservices t} ^ L 4 .;pE.. As indicated in my memo to Council on 1-27-86, it now appears F' wM4 feasible and timelyto . proceed with the preliminary stages of , x this_ project concurrently with the renovation of our Admin. Building 3 ;,rarx 'and with construction' of the new county-city library.' "-Please 5�+ see attached 'architects project time frame for information relative . to timeproject'ons ��;+a' •l Bios, _d�• -r� i{°"T, ` t.., , t c _ # Y y � ,ra�rr�-e#a.+✓r�n��"r�# f+ ��' �;.`'�' _ � F 16... As `Council will' recall, '$150,000 has been earmarked for the police facility project and as indicated, the preliminary archi tectural services fall well .within the budgeted amount. c � h:rM X.4. R.� ..�` 9� .i•'kkg .� .•4„i 3•. r t[ _ «y, j T i •,. •i �it., RICHARD H. :McHALE ,r RHM sb - Attach. . E u. > •� r... -•ra: - - ,... :..' ,� y -• .fir•• ,�.. ',�.. - - r: • R Js Levin*& MacIntyre Architects JOHN R. ROSS FAIR RODNEY R. LEVIN AIA KENNETH H. MACINTYRE AIA March 6, 1986 City of Atascadero Police Department 6500 Palma Avenue Post Office Box 747 Atascadero, California Attention: R. H. Bud McHale Police Chief Re: Proposal for Police Service Facility City of Atascadero Dear Chief McHale, The Architectural Firm of Ross Levin & MacIntyre Architects in concert with Marion J. Varner and Associates Inc. , together with our Consultants are pleased to respond to your call for proposals to provide professional services for the above. i We thank you for meeting with us to discuss the RFP and the guided tour of your present facilities on Monday, March 3, 1986. Ross Levin & MacIntyre Architects is presently designing thenew Atascadero City - County Library and has completed other projects in the 1 Atascadero area. We appreciate working with the Cities Staff and Commissions and 1 look forward to meeting with your Selection Committee. Ross Levin & Mac- Intyre, Marion J. Varner and our team of Consultants feel confident that we will provide the most efficient, aesthetically pleasing, on time and within budget Police Services Facility for the Citizen of this City. As requested, we include the following sco a of proposal information in addition to the design teams individual resumes. Very tr,Lgy yours, 1 �r Rodney R. Levin AIA 1 RRL:sk Enclosures I 1129 Marsh Street, San Luis Obispo, California 93401 (805) 543-1291 t Project Title: Police Service Facility for City of Atascadero 1.00 Applicant: Ross Levin & r4acIntyre Architects 1129 Marsh Street San Luis Obispo, California 93401 2.00 Past Record of Performance & Firm Qualifications: John R. Ross & Associates Inc. dba Ross Levin & MacIntyre Architects is owned by two principals, Rodney R. Levin A.I.A. , NCARB and Kenneth H. MacIntyre, A.I.A. , NCARB. We have three licensed Associate Archit- ects, Robert J. Varner, A.I.A. , Daniel E. Clark and Steve Stewart. Since our founding in 1946 here in San Luis Obispo we have gained ex- tensive experience with projects both in the public and• private sectors Of our County and coastal region from Montery in the north to Los Angeles in the south. Some projects of importance which RLM has completed within the past few years are: Agriculture Science Building - 1986 California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, California - 5.5 Million Energy Efficient Improvements - 1982 Atascadero State Hospital Atascadero, California - 1 .3 Million New Corporation Yard - 1985 City of San Luis Obispo California - 2.5 Million San Luis Obispo City Municipal 50 Meter- 1979-1984 Swimming Pool , Solar System & Bath House San Luis Obispo, California - 1.2 Million New Headquarters Office - 1986 SESLOC Federal Credit Union San Luis Obispo, California - 1 .64 Million Fire Safty Improvements - 1984 SLO County General Hospital San Luis Obispo, California - .400 Million 1 • 0 Heavy Vehicle Maintenance Facility - 1984 r Vandenberg Air Force Base - Vandenberg, California 1.102 Million It is important to note that all of the above listed projects came within budget and Architects Cost Estimates and within the time frames planned. At present RLM is designing the new 7 Hundred Thousand Dollar City-County Library, a 3.4 Million Dollar KSBY- TV Broadcasting Facility. A 1 .2 Million Dollar Aquatic and Fitness Center for the Lee's of San Luis Obispo, a new 300,000 Dollar Southern California Gas Company Base Facility in Templeton, 230,000 Dollar extension of the Mission Plaza for the City of San Luis Obispo, 750,000 Dollars Outpatient ICU/CCU Dialysis Addition and Rehab to the San Luis Obispo County General Hospital and a variety of projects for the San Luis I Coastal Unified School District. A partial list of projects under design or completed and their - ferences, RLM Office Brochure and Governmental A-E StandardForme #254 are included at the end of this section of the proposal. Currently the Firm of Ross Levin & MacIntyre maintains $1 ,000,000 of General Liability and $250,000 of Professional Liability Coverage. 3.00 Specialized Experience: Ross Levin & MacIntyre is currently completing the Final Design of the County of San Luis Obispo Jail and Sheriff's Facility Rehabilitation which includes : Total re-design of the Booking - Control Area, Set Up for a Temporary Booking & Control Space, Remote Locking Audio and Visual Surveillance Systems, Roof Drainage Modifications, Kitchen Equipment Replacement and Alterations, Improvements to Day Rooms and Exercise Yards, Replacement of Emergency Power Unit and Extension of Coverage and Expan- sion of Fire Detection System. In 1980 RLM completed the 552,000 Dollar remodel and additions to the Grover City, City Hall and the design of a new 5200 sq. ft. Police Facility, which included three Holding Cells, Booking Control & Dispatch, a basement for Emergency Operations Center, Evidence & Property Storage Archives and Staff Excersize. The existing Police Facility in City Hall continued operations throughout the remodel and Construction Period. In 1968 Principal Rodney Levin was the Project Architect for the design of the two story 10,000 sq. ft. new Policy Facility for the City of San Luis Obispo located on the corner of Santa Rosa and Walnut. This facility provides full services to the Cities 22 ,000 + population which included space for Patrol , Investigations, Divisions, Technical Services, 2 C2 J ` Communications & Dispatch Center, Five Cells, Booking and Salle Port Covered Parking for City Vehicles was also included. The building ap- pearance had to be inviting, reflect the image of our Community and to ] provide protection and efficiency of operation. In 1980 RLM and this ! Architect provided the Cities Police Department a Master Plan for expan- sion of those same facilities recognizing the original expansion schemes 1 and the Cities anticipated growth. A 5400 sq. ft. building addition with 2400 sq. ft. interior remodeling was planned. This Firm did not complete the Final Design and oversee the construction of this addition & remodel- ing due to our involvement with three other projects for the City. The 1 planning by this Firm was followed with much success. In 1978-79 RLM completed a Master Plan for the Pismo Beach City Hall & i Police Facility Expansion and Renovations. Plans *and applications were used to obtain grants for this work which was completed in the early 1980's. This Firm rehabed all of the electrical and some of the structural during this period of time. Much of the interior design was completed in- house. For further specialized experience refer to Police Facility Consultant Marion J. Varner Architects, Section 2 of this Proposal . 4.00 Specific Approach To Design : The Scope of Design Services is separated into Two Phases, the First Phase includes the development of a Design Program and selection of a suitable building site. The Second Phase includes the formulation of a Schematic Design and Probable Construction Cost for budgeting purposes. . The Architects approach to these phases are as follows: .01 Phase I : a. lst meeting with Police Department Staff to review space and equip- ment needs as they relate to projected City-County-State growth. In- ventories of. Personel , Furnishing and Equipment are logged. b. Architect and Consultants prepare design program draft outlining general goals, specific objectives , space needs and relationships and desired site requirements. c. Design program draft is presented to Police Department Staff for review and comment. Revisions and corrections are made. Conceptual bubble diagrams depicting spaces and relationships are completed. d. Presentation of Final Design Program Draft is made to Police Department Staff for approval and shared with City Administrative Officer. 3 l • • e. Prospective sites for the proposed new Police Service Facility are visited by Police Department Project Manager, Architect and Consultants. Analysis is made of each site and advantages and dis- advantages weighednumerically to established preference. f. Graphic Presentation of recomended site (conceptaul building and parking foot print) and design program is submitted to the Cities ] Council. 1 g. City Council approves site selections and design program and pro- ceeds with site aquisition if required. .02 Phase II • a. Architect and Consultants begin Schematic Design Phase. City obtains Soils Investigation Topographical Map and Boundry Survey of Selected Site. b. Schematic Site Floor Plan drafts are presented to Police Department Staff for review and comments, p t c. Schematic Design is completed depicting site, floor plans, exterior elevations, building sections, colored renderings and probable .con- struction cost to establish budget. Coordination with Public Works, Planning and Utility Companys and Cities Architectural Review Process. d. Final presentation of Schematic Design with established budget to City Council with recomendations to proceed with project is proposed. Phase I & II Services Complete 5.00 Resumes of Design Team: .01 Ross Levin & MacIntyre Architects Mr. Rodney Levin who joined the Firm in 1958 and is President of the Corporation will be the Principal-In-Charge, refer. to enclosed copy of resume at the end of this section of the proposal . Mr. James R. Varner is an Associate and member of the Firm for seven years will be the Project Architect. Mr. Varner, not to be confused with our Specialist Police Facility Architect Consultant, Marion Varner, is a Graduate of California Polytechnic State University with a Bachelor of Architecture in 1972 and also holds a Bachelor of Arts and Sociology from San Jose State University. He shares his broad experience with Governmental , Industrial and Utility projects. He is presently acting as Director of Legislation for the CCCCAIA Chapter of the A. I.A. 4 RLM's support to the Principal-In-Charge and M 9 r. Varneris a Staff of four other licensed Architects, draftpersons and Secretary. .02 Police Facility Consultant - Marion J. Varner and Associates Marion J. Varner and Associates, Architectural-Planning-Engineering Mr. Varner, with his extensive background in civic architecture and emphasis on public safety facilities, was selected as the specialist team member. The need for expert guideance for a project of this scope where funds and site size may be limited to a great extent, dictates correct dicissions regarding the important needs and provisions for future growth. Refer to Section 2 for a more complete resume. .03 Structural Engineer Consultant - Hans F Mager Inc Mr. Mager hasservedas RLM Structural Engineer for the past seven years. His knowledge of Structural Engineering and the efficient use of building .materials in our opinion is unmatched in this coastal region. A keen understanding of the local soils conditions and available building materials together with the ability to solve the many structural solutions posed by Architects is excellent. Refer to Section 3 for more complete resume. .04 Electrical Engineer Consultant Jack D Todd Inc Jack D. Todd Inc. has provided RLM continued Professional Services for over twenty years with projects ranging from Police and Security Systems, Hospitals, Schools and highly technical communication fac- ilities. This Firm has maintained a highly skilled permanent staff and has an awarness of our central coasts natural beauty and lifestyle. Jack 0. Todd Inc. 's recent experience in Police and Governmental Projects are: a. ' Monterey County Sheriff's Building & Offices Salinas , California Currently Under Construction 5 b. Salinas Public Safety Building Salinas, California Completed in 1972 - Four Hundred Thousand Dollars c. Addition to Salinas Public Safety Building Salinas, California Two Hundred Thousand Dollars d. Grover City Police Department Grover City, California Completed in 1980 e. San Luis Obispo Police Department San Luis Obispo, California Completed 1968 f. San Jose Police Building Training Unit San Jose, California Completed 1979 - Eight Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars Three story building & basement with gun range 9. San Jose City Hall Annex San Jose, California Completed in 1970's Five story addition to existing City Hall h. Salinas City Nall Salinas, California Completed 1971 Two story building i. Cupertino City Hall Cupertino, California Two story Refer to complete resume in Section 4. .05 Mechanical Engineer Consultant - Gurries & Okamoto Inc Gurries & Okamoto Inc. has provided R.L.M. with over 20 years of continued successful service, a Firm which maintains a large well experienced staff at their office headquarters in Cupertino, California and a sub-office in San Luis Obispo. This Firm is es- pecially aware of our local environment due to their high activity with most of the Architect, Developers, City and County Planning Departments. a. Arvin Police Station & Firing Range Paso Robles Police Station Addition Design of Complete Facility - 15,000 sq. ft. 6 r '� b. Mountain View Police Station & Facilities Mountain View, California Design of Complete Facility - 30,000 sq. ft. C. Study of San Luis Obispo Police Facility San Luis Obispo California d. San Luis Obispo County Fire Station at Airport San Luis Obispo California - 5,000 sq. ft. e. San Luis Obispo County Jail Remodel San Luis Obispo California f. San Luis Obispo City Corporation Yard San Luis Obispo California g. Mamoth Lakes Fire Station Mamoth Lakes, California Design of Complete Facility - 4000 sq. ft. Refer to complete resume in Section 5. .06 Landscape Architect Consultants - The Environmental Collaborative Dave Farmer of The Environmental Collaborative (T.E.C. ) has also . served RLM for the past eight years and is well known and respected by the Cities various commissions, staff and and other professional designers in this area. His knowledge of plant material , and our many micro climates is highly respected. Refer to complete resume and his letter in Section 6. .07 Planning Consultant - The Planning Mill Rob Strong of The Planning Millis no stranger to this area having " served as Planning Director of the City of San Luis Obispo, together with maintaining a private practice which reaches from the San Francisco Bay area to -Los Angeles. His extensive knowledge with planning as it relates to site analysis and selection lend credibility to our design team. Mr. Strong has been assisting RLM far the past 15 years. Refer to complete resume in Section 7. 7 6.00 Proposed Sub Consultants Refer to Consultant Sections 2 through 7 7.00 Proposed Project Schedule Refer to Attached Time Schedule Exhibit "B" 8.00 Estimated Fee - Ross Levin & MacIntyre Architects and its Consulants propose to furnish planning and architectural services to the City of Atascadero for the proposed Police Services Facility as des- cribed in the request for proposal dated January 29, 1986 and as outlined below. Phase I• ; A. Develope a Design Program 9 g am & Related Presentations $ 8,797.00 B. Formal analysis of three building sites & related presentations $ 4,853.00 Phase II : Schematic Design of project includes site, floor plans, exterior elevations building section, two colored renderings, landscaping & probable construction cost 4$18,050.00 Total Fee $ 31 ,700.00 Note: In the event that the City of Atascadero elects to use Ross Levin & MacIntyre Architects for the Final Design (balance of Architectural Services) for this project, Architect will credit $12,800-,, (Twelve thousand Eight Hundred Dollars) to- ward the full fee for Architectural Services. Rodney R. Levin , A.I.A. , President of John R. Ross & Associates Inc. dba Ross Levin & MacIntyre Architects Ross Le . & MacIntyre Architects JOHN R. ROSS FAIA RODNEY R. LEVIN AIA KENNETH H. MACINTYRE AIA CLIENT REFERENCES & RELATED PROJECTS Agriculture Science Building California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, California Douglas Gerard - Executive Dean 805-546-2581 Begin Construction March 1986 ] Corporation Headquarters Office 1 SESLOC Federal Credit Union Los Osos Valley Road & Royal Way San Luis Obispo, California Mrs. Bertha Foxford - Executive Manager 805-543-1816 Begin Construction January 1986 New Broadcasting Facility - KSBY-TV Blair Broadcasting San Luis Obispo, California David Cox, Vice President Ken Reid, Chief Engineer 805-544-2224 Schematic Design Complete I r Heavy Vehicle Maintenance Facility Vandenberg Air Force Base Vandenberg, California Army Corp. of Engineers Bob Parkins 916-440-2555 Completed 1984 1129 Marsh Street, San Luis Obispo County of San Luis Obispo Jail & Sheriffs Facility Rehabilitation County Department of General Services John Hancock 805-549-5200 Ready for State Review Grover Cit Hall R Y e- Model .& New Police Facility Grover City California Chief David Brown Administrative Officer Arnold Dowdy 805-489-4040 Completed 1980 San Luis Obispo Police Facility Santa Rosa & Walnut Drive San Luis Obispo, California Chief Donald Engle rt 805-549-7320 Completed 1968 San Luis Obispo County General Hospital Rehabilitation & Expansion of ICU/CCU Dialysis Nursery & Outpatient Wing Addition John Hancock - Project Coordinator 805-549-5200 Completed 1984-1986 Atascadero City - County Library Atascadero, California County Department of General Services Kathy McNeill - Project Coordinator 805-549-5200 Schematics Complete San Luis Obispo City Community Swimming Pool Complex & Solar System Sinsheimer Park, San Luis Obispo, California Jim Stockton - Director of Recreation 805-549-7110 1979 - 1985 0 # City of San- Luis Obispo Corporation Yard Prado Road, San Luis Obispo, California Dave Romero, P.W. Director 805-549-7210 Completed - 1984 Atascadero State Hospital Energy Rehabilitation �- Atascadero, California Completed - 1982 Mission Plaza Expansion City of San Luis Obispo Broad to Nipomo Streets Jeff Hook Project Manager 805-549-7176 Completed Schematics C' • 0 PROJECT TIME SCHEDULE ATASCADERO CITY POLICE SERVICES FACILITY MARCH 1986 City Administrative Estimated Date Proposal Due 3/10/86 Consultant Interviews 3/14/86 Notice to Architect to Proceed 3/24/86 1 Design Phase I • Consultants s meet with P f o .D.St f develop & present Rough Draft Design Program 3 weeks P.D. response to Draft Design Program 1 week Final Draft Design Program to P. D. Staff 2 weeks Field visits to prospective sites, Graphic Presentation & Analysis of Sites to P. D.Staff 3 weeks Presentation of Selected Site, Analysis & Design Program to City Council for Approvals 1 week i Phase II • Notice to Architects to Proceed 6/2/86 City Proceeds with Site Aquisition if Required Architect Developes Schematic Design & Probable Construction Cost Review with P. D. Staff 3 weeks 6/23/86 P.D. Staff response to Schematic Design 1 week Architect & Consultants present final Schematics to City Council 3 weeks 7/21/86 Scope of Services This Contract Completed City Administrative Select Architect to Complete Final Design of Project Unknown Phase III Notice to Architect to proceed with Design Development - Construction Documents Phase 8/21/86 0 PROJECT TIME SCHEDULE ATASCADERO CITY POLICE SERVICES FACILITY MARCH 1986 (continued) Phase III (continued) Estimated Date Architect Complete Design Development Review with City P.D. Staff, Planning & State Department Corrections Public Works 6 weeks 10/10/86 Presentation of Completed Construction Documents Probable Construction Cost to City Council for Approval to Go To Bid 5 weeks 11/14/86 City Plan Check 2 weeks 12/01/87 Phase IV - Bid Negotation Phase City Advertise for Bids, Distribute Bid Package (Extend Bid Time for Holidays) _ City Review Bids ( Architect Issue Addendum ) 6 weeks 1/15/87 Phase V - Construction Phase City Notice to Proceed to Contractor 2 weeks 1/30/87 Architect to make periodic field visits, issue Certificates of Payments & Change Orders Architect conduct Final Inspection issue-- Certificate ssueCertificate of Completion (270 day construction) 39 weeks 10/30/87 Architect to follow through processing record drawings, assisting P. D. movein etc. November 1987 //1" 0 COUNCIL MINUTES -#/14/86 PAGE FIVE Mr. Shelton asked if the Corporation looks forward to additional phas- es of participation after the Pavilion Project is complete (Phase I) ; Mr. Arrambide stated the committee would be willing to serve at the City's pleasure and is totally open to their desires. C. = UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Authorization to Enter into Agreement with Ross, Levin and MacIntyre for Architectural Services for Police Facility and Es- tablishing Design Perimeters Mike Shelton, City Mgr. , reported that he and Councilmen Handshy and Molina met with County representatives today and discussed some Coun- ty-owned properties located in Atascadero and continue to negotiate with them; he feels it is appropriate for Council to continue to delay a decision on this item until a more firm understanding is achieved as to possibilities that may open up. _ MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to table this item until it is brought back as an agenda item, seconded by Councilman Molina; passed unanimously. 2. A. Proposed Res. 36-86 - Appointment of Planning Commission Vacancy (1 vacancy) ) B. oposed Res. 37-86 - Appointments to Building and Construc- tio Board of Appeals Ballots prepare by the City Clerk's Office were passed out to Councilmembers fo selection of Board and Commission members. Mayor Nelson noted that Ra all Q. Young should be crossed off (did not interview) . Council marked their ballots and returned them to City Clerk for vote count. Robert Jones,. City Clerk, ann nced that John Edens, Kenneth Lerno. and David Walters have been selecte or appointment to the Board of Ap- peals (all are ' incumbents' , havi served during the previous term) . A second vote was taken due to a tie ote between Fernando C. Ebhardt and Marjorie Kidwell; after Council vo Mr. Jones announced the sel- ection of Marjorie Kidwell to the vacancy n the Planning Commission. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy to appoint M 'orie Kidwell to the Planning Commission by adoption of es. No. 36-86, and to appoint John Edens, Kenneth Lerno and Dav ' Walters to the Board of Appeals by adoption of Res. No. -86 , seconded by Councilman Molina; passed unanimously by roll- 11 vote. Mayor Nelson thanked all who applied and interviewed and ncouraged them to apply to future vacancies. COUNCIL RECESSED FOR A FIVE-MINUTE BREAK AT 9 :05 P.M. t • �DMEEffNG y/ AGfND� _ h° ATF - t a TO City Council April 14, 1986 4, , 2�FROM Mike Shelton, City Manager{ i � 1.7 SUBJECT COST FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR POLICE FACILITY AND RECOMMENDATION REGARDING POLICE FACILITY SIZE AND COST ! RECOMMENDATION: , 4, ..: City Council .authorize Mayor to enter into agreement with the '7' , F wx.Arch itectural Firm of Ross, Levin, sand Mac 'Intyre in the '`: ` , , amount _,.,of .$31,700, less $2,987 if only one °(1) site analysis'` .. �# is required, and less $12,800 K�.f Architect :_performsinal construction documents _; T y 4 •.a,w N:. - .«.• �.ai+ .. '« k�t a4.-':_v.., :. "s? 4 ...., �._'� 4 3 i +'fne�q 6i � ;'Yr 2. Architect design a Police Facility, 'not to "exceed $950,600, x ,, o " ,accomodate current Police Department facility needs that Y be expanded upon in future years, as additional expansion -,'.'IQ s � *4 needs may be required r AM At the last Council ,Meeting, the Architect .,Selection 'Committee '' recommended the Council contract with the Architectural Firm of ' Ross, Levin, and Mac Intyre to provide architectural "`services �irfor the proposed new Police Facility. Council concurred with the concY appointment of the architectural firm, but directed staff to 'Z bring back an amended agreement showing an alternate price, if only one site analysis is required. The Architect has amended i x he agreement, reducin the g price by $2,987 if only one site Y "analysis is required. - Council also discussed concerns as to the cost of the new facility and -;the City's ability to meet ' cost requirements. . °Attached is a memo from Chief Mc Hale providing researched infor mation as to probable alternative costs and Police Facility size based on industry .:.standards and -comparative data with other Police Facilities in our immediate area. It is desirable to define a Scope or provide perimeters for the Arcitect to work in so as to avoid the cost of sending the Architect back to the drawing board should an unacceptable design be submitted. Limiting perimeters may be as follows: 1. Planning Guidelines - The size of the building will be impacted based on planned future Department growth pro- jections. ;' -2. Facility Cost - Design -should correspond to funding limitations, if imposed. ` Yr 3. Facility Location - Cost savings will be realized if the facility can be built on already owned City land. Per the attached memo from Chief Mc Hale, staffy recommends ,3 x the -following perimeters be required of the Architect ALndesigning the Police Facility The facility shall be designed to meet current .. staffing needs � tr '� t only Police Facility Industry Standards are 250-330 -square feet ' q _.per . employee Extrapolated for 'Atascadero, `based on current staffin = `of 31 ,employees and using the low =end -.-of .,;the ,range, ' a 7,750 pV square feet facility �s required, 3.°costing approximately :$775,000. a the current County-wide ;:Police Facilit y , size E average, excluding Atascadero, is 234 square feet per employee 52`k,TW • f S` �. `-�L �Nr `V- .,. ¢ t: .f}ALTERNATIVES w �' x t Council may wish -to -alter recommended perimeters to: 1. Require the facility be built onCityowned property. K.fi uhf dY�. 2 Set a maximum expenditure at a different level ;€`$a Design- the Police Facility within the Administration Build f 1 n x�> n 4. Other FINANCIAL IMPACT: s a -` Construction of the Police Facility during Fiscal Year - 1986/87 will :require short-term debt financing. " It is anticipated, 3' based on a maximum expenditure of $950,000 , the debt service can '` rt r y be paid , off Ana a five (5) year period. It is -anticipated that Y interest costs, which _;include processing cost (bond council, financial consultant, underwriter) will be between 6 - 8%. These very favorable rates are available through the California Cities Financing Corporation (literature attached) . --Revenues to meet ' annual indebtedness would come from the newly enacted Police Facility Development Fee. MS:kv : _ File:. MPDFACI - M E M O R A N D U M • TO: CITY MANAGER MIKE SHELTON ( � , FROM: CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: CONTRACT WITH ARCHITECTURAL FIRM OF ROSS LEVIN AND MacINTYRE - POLICE FACILITY DATE: APRIL 8 , 1986 Attached for your review and execution is a "standard form of agreement between owner and architect" . Project is to include the programming, site analysis and schematic design of a new police service facility for the City of Atascadero Police Department. Please note that the fee is established as originally. Y pre- sented by R.L.M. at $31 , 700 , and as an addendum, we have the option of requiring only one site plan a nal s is versus three -analyses. Should we *choose to have only one site Plandone , we will deduct the sum of $2 , 987 from the figure above. Addi- tionally, the architect agrees to deduct :$12 ,800 from the amount shown if the City decides to contract the final complete con- struction phase of the project. Depending upon the above factors, initial cost of architectural services will range between $15,787 and $31,700 . For your consideration. . . RICHARD H. McHALE RHM: sb Attach: *This alternative expires May 14 , 1986, at which time architect would proceed with three site plan analyses . j .z," Ross Levin & MacIntyre Architects JOHN R. ROSS FAIA RODNEY R. LEVIN AIA KENNETH H. MACINTYRE AIA HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE May 1, 1985 Principal $ 55.00 per hour Architect Designing, Engineering and Production $ 40.00 per hour Associate Architect $ 30.00 per hour Draftsman $ 22.00 per hour Steno and Bookkeeping $ T7.00 per hour Field Supervision & Observation Certified Architect $ 50.00 per hour Consulting Engineers Cost + 5% Consultation $ 300.00 per day Travel - $ .20 per mile +,direct cost Printing .30 per square foot Specifications At Cost Telephone, Long Distance At Cost Greyhound, U.P.S. At Cost ROSS LEVIN & MACINTYRE ARCHITECTS - LIABILITY POLICY The Owner agrees to limit the Design Professional 's liability to the Owner and to all construction Contractors and Subcontractors on the project, due to the Design Professional 's professional negligent acts, errors or omissions such that the total aggregate liability of each Design Professional to all those named shall not exceed $50,000 or the Design Professional's total fee for services rendered on this project, whichever is greater. 1129 Marsh Street, San Luis Obispo, California 93401 (805) 543-1291 w M E M O R A N D U M C , TO. CITY MANAGER MIKE SHELTON FROM: CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: POLICE FACILITY UPDATE DATE: APRIL 4 , 1986 Having completed the process of architectural services selection, it now appears appropriate to address some concerns voiced by Councilmembers regarding the breadth of the police facility request. As you know, I intentionally omitted any specific refer- ence to square footage requirements in our Requests for Proposals ("R.F.P. ") which were sent to architectural firms. Additionally, I did not mention a maximum dollar amount which the Project was not to exceed. As mentioned, this was by design on the advice of city officials in other jurisdictions who had completed similar projects. In my research, I was cautioned against creating artificial benchmarks which are without substantial foundation and which may be based upon preconceived notions having no application to our particular circumstances. In an effort to clarify the parameters of the P.D. project, I gathered some current information from the below sources which recommend standards for law enforcement facilities: 1. National Criminal Justice Reference Service U.S. Dept. of Justice, Wash, D.C. 2. Operational Improvement Service International Association of Chiefs of Police Gaithersburg, Maryland 3. National Council on Crime and Delinquency Paramus, N.J. 4 . Center for Studies of Crime and Delinquency Rockville, Maryland 5. National Clearinghouse for Criminal Justice Planning and Architecture Champaign, Illinois From these sources, general considerations affecting facility cost are : 1. Structures should be designed for a minimum i5 year life span. 2 . Proposed additions for future growth must be planned • . into original plan and must enhance the design. 3. Seismic design is a critical factor in P.D. facilities. 4. Other factors dictating special construction and detail features: a. Texture of the city including nature of residential, commercial , industrial and schools. b. Location/adjacent to other cities, courts, jails, sheriff and other allied agencies. C. Police criminal records - trends and enforce- ment problems. How handled by staff. d. Size of staffing (actual and needed) . e. Communications center (combined police and fire) . f. Need for emergency operations center. g. Record-keeping system, microfilm, computers , other. Through additional research, I learned that the parameters addressing space needs versus staffing were fairly broad - following are examples: *Recommended square footage for police facilities : 250 square ft. to 330 sq. ft. per full-time police employee. This formula, in our case, would suggest an immediate need of 7,750 sq. ft. to 10, 230 sq. ft. without consideration of room for growth over a ten year projection. Assuming our police department will continue to employ a comparable ratio of police employees to the number of city residents as we grow, the minimal needs are seen as follows: Year **Population P.D. Staffinq Level pace Needs 1985 19, 600 31 7,750 sq. ft. 1990 23, 520 37 9,250 1995 28 ,224 45 11 ,250 2005 34, 150 54 13,500 It should be noted that the figures quoted are conservative, minimal figures and that should city priorities change in the future, the police staffing level could increase considerably *Source: Criminal Justice Statistics, 1983 edition for Pacific Coast 1 ,578 cities with populations of 10 , 000 24 , 999 . *"Source: Atascadero Community Development Department and State Department of Finance. placing us within the average staff/resident ratio in San Luis Obispo County (see Police Annual Report - Staffing Comparison - 1985) . To insure we are dealing with current and valid infor- mation, I again surveyed (March, 1986) city police agencies in S.L.O. County which revealed the following facts : Number of Total Sq. # of Sq. Ft. Police Full-Time Footage Per Full- Agency Personnel Allotment of P.D. Time Employee *Arroyo Grande 20 4, 400 220 **Grover City 18 5,200 289 Morro Bay 22 4, 920 224 Paso Robles 27 5, 044 187 **San Luis Obispo 76 20, 800 274 Pismo Beach 20 4, 250 212 Atascadero 31 4, 000 129 County-wide average, excluding Atascadero, is 234 square feet per police employee. By way of comparison, it is interesting to note that the S.L.O.P.D. moved into a new 10, 000 sq. ft. facility in 1968 (population 22 ,000) and during 1985, with a population of approx. 35 ,000 , that facility was expanded to over 20, 000 square feet of floor space. All these fiqures can tend to maks one dizzy, and it has been said by some that "figures lie and liars figure" ! It is not my intention to overwhelm anyone with statistics, rather, I am attempting to clarify the matter in an effort to assist Council in making a difficult decision! On the basis of all data considered, I offer the following estimated costs for our project alternatives : A. Build P.D. for current, 1986 needs: -7 ,750 sq. ft. @ $100 sq. ft. _ $775 , 000 -Built on City-owned land = (0) ***-Purchase land = estimate $65 ,000 to $200 , 000 depending upon location, zoning, etc. -office furnishings: 20 ,000 * Now• in planning stages of new police facility. **Recently constructed P.D. /remodel & add-on. ***According to my research, land requirements for a public facility such as a P.D. are generally four times the building square footage as an industry-wide benchmark. B. Build P.D. for projected population in 1995 of 28,224 . -11,250 sq. ft. @ $100 sq. ft. _ $1, 125, 000 -Built on City-owned land = (0) Purchase land = estimate $65,000 to $200 ,000 depending upon zoning, etc. -Office furnishings $20 , 000 It appears that alternative A comes closest to our current and five-year projected financial means, and while certainly it would seem prudent to build a facility to include (at mini- mum) a ten-year growth factor, a fund could be established to build an addition of approx. 4, 000 sq. ft. to the building in later years. Current available and anticipated funding as seen by City staff is: -Current P.D. "set-aside" : $150 ,000 VanderBerghe Apartment Project: 235 ,000 -F.Y. 1986-87 Police Dept. Develop- ment Fees: 113 , 000 Actual Funds Available 1986-87 Fiscal Year: $498 ,000 -Other: (prioritized development , mitigation or R.S. funds) : 37 , 000 -Projected available funds - four years (four year police dept. development fee income @ $113, 000 per year) : 452 , 000 GRAND TOTAL $987 , 000 If facility is constructed during fiscal year 1986/87 , approximately one-half of the total cost must be funded through debit financing. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City direct the architectural firm of Ross, Levin and MacIntyre to evaluate alternative sites and make recommendation to Council as to the most appropriate site and facility which will best serve the needs of the police department (preferably over a ten-year period) at a total construction cost not to exceed $950 , 000 . RICHARD H. McHALE RHM! sb �'� � V r�-r "J. G "�-S rte+ � �.; �' �• (v. � � � ►�.� i"� Sn) O .rte.i d '-'� r�-. ~ � � � .:� .�' r-r ... r' C: = --' r' � '. = •V �++ '• R I„' ,Y V 1.♦ ..1 r ^ (�. G all � Fes.`. ^v e-+ � ,� �-' •Z � � � � �� � �� �. ...7 ."'. ^% F+• CA rD - J n 00 ^ O = -7. '.�r3$-_a2.✓.-:'-- `..i.14.-.-_ -`.^-a r•iL ,++{4-: y �_r-k. :�--may•`r,i.�^iY•�-vim -. a..',.'r� «! ... .....,+-, ar-w!�': _�..,�`"'>X.s, �-�y'•:„7"y�r"�yw�'+-t _' � 3{ F -���� � �:f�,�° <-7r`'`r` '•�'. '" .Ts %y �``�' _ ,_.,� .,.ti a�- :Tt `�`e-"x��.�-`i'�`"; # - __a ,y.� r^ 3• Y"�' �+'.✓=rt S -' x.. .y. a a,:_ :etk�-'•-- .� /"- m w;. -,+P k :t w-iif .` _ t`-a � r! _.1':;,y'a .i.,v?! ,#_-.,y..ti,q.•_. -� y :4i '^'r ar' y A rYx C7 C27 m "n O hh f^�' C•' rC'• .0 '� s y r t ". .�� 07 •7 ;,, 7 f9 �_ c S .'S y O A � w O � � k k �.YX �f ti w C7 = ' ;t._ �y'A w c S+O fD fD O y C��• 'r�-•• pq F .^ ,g.• . d - r •'vpo - co CI co co �s c f, `m' VCAumo,� - 3 •, '7 M .T _ _ 1�1 H"� 3 iES:' 'fC•.3 tail C '3acz0-4 �. ��•• O [71CA C7 ►� y S S C _ w n c O O O• 00 A N C (9 a Q cod c fD O wro y O p• ca O. 7 to n - _ '_,;'Y f1 cow wa 00 •� GQ �` '' '+ w n cz, n w '+ O O• w X � � V] - F-� i �'� :',�•� 7 C lD 7 y O`G ar fill r at Yom. =� tee® Ilr 7= 4-4 7j 7D 4.4 7= el > Zj 7= 7= 7j 7j < 7=: X tc -ic Irl tic 7= Lr 7: tf 7= 7= 7: 7: tr, 7-- 7= C%— u tr 7Z: 7. 7= x ell 7= ct 7Z: L .7= title. MOTION: By Councilwoman Norris that this es the second reading and adoption 124 , seconded by Councilman Handsh by roll-call vote, with Councilwoman ey voting NO and Councilman Molina absent. 2. Mayor to Enter Agreement with Architectural Firm of Ross, Levin and MacIntyre - Police Facility (Cont'd from 4/14/86) Mike Shelton, City Manager, gave staff report (Chief McHale out of town) . Mr. Rod Levin, representing Ross, Levin & MacIntyre, responded to Council questions relating to the programming for the project (i.e. , setting the criteria as to how the building is designed to meet the needs and design of the community). Public Comment -•Debra Kankiewicz, 11455 Viejo Camino, asked Mr. Levin what the esti- mated cost of blueprints for the facility is; Mr . Shelton responded that it will be 7% of the value of the project, as indicated in the architect's proposal, which is a standard fee. In response to concerns expressed by Councilman Handshy relating to deficit spending, David Jorgensen, Admin. Services Director , review some of the financing plans for the police facility, in addition t comments by Mr. Shelton. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy to enter into agreement with Ross, Levin & MacIntyre in the amount of $13, 650 for Phase I , sec- onded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed 3 :1, with Councilwoman Norris voicing NO and Councilman Molina absent. Robert Jones, City Clerk, requested the vote be by roll-call. Councilman Handshy withdrew his motion. ' MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to adopt the funding for Phase I, $13, 650 , for Programming & Site Analysis, seconded by Mayor Nelson; failed 2:2 by roll-call vote, with Councilmembers Handshy and Norris voting NO and Councilman Molina absent. Councilman Handshy expressed his desire for Council to hold a special work study session on this project and its relation to other budget issues. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion - Reappointment of Recreation Commission Vacant Positions (Effective 7/86) 6 j .tip... TO .City Council May 12, 1986 _'AA tFROMMike Shelton, City Manager r _ SUBJECT COSTS FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR POLICE FACILITY jr N ' AND RECOMMENDATION AS TO FACILITY SIZE AND COSTS r tie^ f tsi c w :ext I f 1R^y t Y 3 =^T t p` 1 tt {{„„ N l• s = '' s• ...:..:-l- ..., .. � ...,,.; y.; �.'S s .4 w i � t •� � .}.�`yam. t .� � ...-`� ;:. ;� a � ,' {�iso*� n � RECOMMENDATION: J' i tr Council authorize the Mayor to ,enter intoa standard .,A.I.A. ; agreement With the Architectural 'Firm of Ross, :Levin,=hand Mac r sx,rtIntyre in `the amount of ;$13,650 for .Phase I: Site a :Analysis nd � Architectural Programming plus 7% of project costs for * sche matics and working drawings. ; N> 3 i t 4, L" t!.+ Y� S� ��`p,.^r- � 1` fi:➢ s� �,a>. '" ..�� S -s ,.r Ae' '� x. c.r .a c 1{ }j> � �, � --�:( � '� ^s .`:�'` �'I��� fes. � f{ -r ..w �'T1 � .s CSS .0 7 .t .. _�r''!':� x�" i •`"_ �, �'s�� , Architect design a. Police Facility not to ...:'.exceed $950 000 err a -jincluding Architect, land costs, and debt service cost. " u e DISCUSSION: yl At the March 24, 1986 Council Meeting, the Architect 1Selection } Committee recommended Council -contract with the Architectural �. Firm of Ross, Levin, and Mac Intyre to providearchitectural services for the proposed new Police Facility. Council concurred with the appointment of the firm, but directed staff to bring back an amended proposal showing an alternative price i on y one site analysis is required. The Arc iter as amen a co t .. ... requirements. cost proposal, as initially presented and amended, :are as follows: PROJECT ,1 AS INITIALLY PRESENTED =AS AMENDED Phase I r s. Programming $ 8,797a $" 8,797 . Site Analysis $ 4 ,853 $ 4,853 (if (Analysis of 3 sites) ', . only 1 site - : .. -• no cost) Total = $13,650 $13, 650 Phase Schematics $18, 050 "$10 ,990 r 34 Total Phase I and II* r :_ $31,700 $24 , 640 `* Based on maximum project' cost_estimated at $785,000 1 - f�. ` s Cost savings of $7,060 between original proposal and the amended 4.1 proposal assumes normal client/architect services inwhich ; the Architect performs working drawings upon . approval of 3� schematics. ; No commitmentis required to do working drawings upon completion of the :schematics, . only that if the working {mss drawings ;are preformed, `.Ross, Levin,' and Mac Intyre will perform "t `'the work without having to rebid for working drawing services. k1 , The Architect has also agreed to redo original 8% cost for sche- matics and working drawings to 7$ f A Council also discussed concerns regarding costs as to the new k •= facility and the `:_ City's ability ,to meet cost requirements. _Attached *'.is a ::memo Ffrom -Chief ;:Mc' ;Hale ,=providing researched `information ;as -t.to .probable -':falternative costs '-and police facility size, .based on -industry ;.:standards and ?comparative ' ...data from other police facilities in our immediate area. It is ,� ' f • -desirable to define a -. scope or provide parameters . for the 7 r, 'Architect -to ' work -, in so - as ° to avoid the cost of sending the y4:�fi Architect back to ` the drawing board should an unacceptable design be submitted. Limiting parameters may be as follows: = '` 1. Planning Guidelines The size of the building will be impacted based on planned future Department growth projections. _. _ P 2. FacilitY Cost - -`Design should correspond to funding limitations, if -imposed. 3. Facility Location - A cost savings will be realized if' -. a facility could be constructed on already owned City land. Per the attached memo from Chief Mc Hale, staff recommends the following parameters be required of the Architect in designing the Police Facility: 1. The facility shall be designed to meet current staffing needs only. Maximum cast not to exceed $950,000 , including Architect, land, and debt service costs. .' Police Facility Industry Standards are 250 to 330 square feet per employee. Extrapolated for Atascadero, based on current staffing of 31 employees and using the low end of the range, a 7,750 square foot facility is required, costing approximately $775, 000 . As a comparasion, the current County-wide Police Facility size, excluding Atascadero, is 234 square feet per employee. ALTERNATIVES: .; ' Council may wish to alter recommendedaram ters to P e 2 _ 1. Require the facilityb to e built on City-owned property.. 2. Set a maximum expenditure at a different level. 3. Design a Police Facility- within the Administration Building. Other alternatives include: 1. Delay decision until after review of 1986/87 C.I.P. Budget. 2. Delay decision till after - receipt of Vanden Burghe funds in the amount of $235, 000. FISCAL IMPACT: Available funds for this project are proposed as follows: -F/Y 85/86 Budget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150, 000 Vanden Berghe Project. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$235,000 Newly Enacted 5-Yr . Police Development Fees. . . . . . . . . .$565, 000 TOTALAVAILABLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$950 ,000 Construction of the Police Facility during Fiscal Year 1986/87 will require short-term debt financing. In addition to the $150 , 000 budgeted, it is assumed that the Vanden Berghe monies of $235,000 will be available upon start of construction. However , estimated development fees in the amount of $565,000 will come in annually at approximately $113 ,000 per year for five years. To obtain a loan with final payoff costs equaling $565, 000 loan in the amount of approximately $400 ,000 would be obtained. The dif- ference between estimated available funds of $565, 000 and the loan of $400,000 is $165,000 required to pay for fees in acquir- ing the loan, loan contingency, and servicing the debt (interest cost) . The payback period for the loan would be five years or less. The interest rate for the loan will be between 5 and 6 percent, which is available through the League of California Cities Financing Corporation (literature attached) . Assumptions used by staff in estimating wive year revenues to be . derived by the newly enacted Police Facility Development Fee assumes a population growth of four percent each year . As a com- parative number, based on data recently released by the Depart- ment of Finance, Atascadero experienced a 6 .27$ population increase in calendar year. 1985 . MS :kv File : MPOLFAC 3 TION: By Councilman Handshy to approve Res. No. 128-86, seconded br Councilwoman Norris; passed 4:1, with Councilwoman Borgeso opposed. MOTION: y Councilman Molina to read Ord. 141 by title only, changing t zoning designation from CT to CS, seconded by Council- wom Norris; passed unanimously. Mayor Mackey read Ord. 141 by ti le (noting change) . MOTION: By Counc man Molina that this constitutes the first reading of Ord. 1, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed unani- mously. 3. Status Report on Busin s Improvement Association (B.I.A. ) Mike Shelton, City Manager, in oduced Kirk Pearson, B.I.A. President, who apprised the City Council o the workings of the B.I.A. to date, its status and progress. He n ted three areas of focus: Physical development of the downtown area, im roving business and Atascadero's image. Joe Grisanti, business owner, submitted a roposal for developing a parking plan for the downtown area which eeks to alleviate the im- mediate downtown parking problem, provide incentive to locate businesses off of El Camino Real and be a desi ning solution to all both the Planning Dept. and the B.I.A. to look into parking alteck natives for downtown. The proposal involved the ssible purchase of a lot on Traffic Way between Wil-Mar Disposal and th old fire house (now Nostalgia) to be made into a parking lot, in ddition to the lease of a 20 ' x 1401. strip abutting the Atas. Fire Dept. property for a proposed $1 per year, noting he has approached Chief Hie s who indi- cated it would not hinder the operations at the department. Mayor Mackey stated that Council will appoint a committee tonig and will get back to Mr. Grisanti within a week. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Proposed Resolution 129-86 - Agreement between the City of Atas- Cade ro and the County of San Luis Obispo Relating to Transfer of Properties and P Interest in .Properties from Each Public Entity to the Other (Cont'd from 9/10/86) Mike Shelton, City Manager, gave staff report, summarizing and review- ing the text of the proposed agreement. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy to adopt Res. No. 129-86, seconded b Councilman Molina; passed unanimously by roll-call. 6 AG-ND �y PLEASE INCLUDE ���AS MEMOS , � r j�! '� r1/I'0/86 '� _INTO THE 11/10 _CTU I L� r i r"�>>s= � `` a }���,�y► k. [Si_.1st �s ' {4 t•'a'f:7y. '+ tr t' , ' - >' t, PACKET 1 YR{ ��THANKS r` �"a� f" Y*. `3 s +.sy,. "" - .t �,.:• ?Gig ?bf• t s �"a ""t" `t- m, 1 `'-`-A^ Satz''s c �' i� " CTTY MGR SOFFICE n. ° '�, �s yr. r '^ i"�v ''' �e ,P33L2t-„ a_$_ r� aF g�. '.es. ,# t..�c ”- dd- *. L •� � � '�" t �- ' � - vfis' L x - `Zz TO. ""21051,14 ;City Council 'Members 1 � '° <�November '1us " 986 .,y � �'�'' Mr���n �_ x :FROM e TShelton; °Cit Mana er r !'R „TRANSMITTAL-OF -COUNTY :PROPERTIES TOiyi4. THE `CITY Comm G .` City Council authorize -'the .Mayor -oto -enter iinto an agreemen with 3, -the County of Zan.:Luis��Obispo tom transfer wm � ro erne ror,,,propertiesfromeach = : Y. .Pp ass .=and `interest public`;`- nti y .to. he other. I ACRGROUND :tiAt the conclusion ' f the ost r: cen roper. ax e o iations wthMthe ou t *` �P t g r y-Cn January, 86 eC$ounty iRT dentified various - o'P' ate^ Necause propertieszin theit *whichbeton ed to the Count of theseproperties '�° erewnedgy �?Y�the prior, .�to g incorporation, ' both'� entities agreed to ensue ;ne otation k,r 3 g reduce potentialf�ncorporatlon property ;rights disputes. ah . x - r " ea ? �'t ., ct.�!;im>jfip�, ti.-3a6r-r,-,'F < x5r`' v"- �zz 'r ,'-` -''�. ?° l;` , `t';'.t`+c. ,fr`Fs �,�c• t S _,z, k'.'_.W si .-x-s r r r a.�*,' The dttached 'resolution represents he outcome -negotiated with 'in the 'parameters ;given by the 'Council.r*� Council Members Handsh� and Molina` were a j � ; Y a ppolnted as cmmi.ttee#member's to assist ` i.n -"the::,. tionMGM roc ; t 7 $,�_ �f tia 4 3 p e$S - ,. � 4ifg 104` � � � -z' � °3'+'s'zS' t^k� �Nt , � i ,f... � .^ .y. > z i :.'J- ;2. ,h" .Y,•."I. d o-tXr' iY:. d ,w r i lq ro- ,•«3 w«t::.-",-GAY . 'ate' ; i awotjp„ d_ T In accordance with "General Plan conformity finding "requi`rements, `the Planning Commission, on September 15, 1986 found the ;proposed ` , �T property agreement an confromance with `the Cit r yl,s adopted General ` Plan y The ;;City Council, ,�a't their 'Se-ptember 22,' 1986 Meeting 'also Y, found the agreement inc onformi­y wi `the General Plan y,>.' 1 �.£u F s f `.t>r t Y'"� +a.�.,v��z•:3v r3�� z* r 4.a�i."rrt,e �5�`h��r'` "` .%�-k 3f - z!-,i.:t.c ".'=';2;,- �' x".3�„f'.+§°#c`� - �i4 eF6 M r�T: .�$.'t.>C zr {� x : Council is requested :to execute "the ,-.- attached documents. , Based` upon Council °;approval, it is ''expected that the Count Board Y - Supervisors will act on the "a reement at' their regular meeting of ', > g ; r November 18 1986 , f p r - WWI! _ Execution of the agreement, as ro osed, "will k P P provide `they' Cityi " �F with a -police .facility site and enable the `possible future ''sale ` i��� t�: z `or transfer of Atascadero _Lakeside `properties -to enable acqui a ` ' : :sition of , more =useful pro ernes frontin the P g park adjacent to' ,�> t Highway `41. - { _� r sY> a t - J tir'r, °f `:t .f . � ,.,, t�9c. � �` t x �t eta z,.,•� �%",y ys� - � � t -..'+'t 'c u,'g �r } y.: N FISCAL IMPACT `" s •;k j 3 �. ,:a r, A None, "the 'City will acquire ownership fi:of same t, P , properties 50-year no-cost-lease for a portion of the old hospital site will be acquired, `and deed restrictions will "`be removed ,on several ; hy:rh Atascadero lakeside properties owned by the City. MS .KVe +''� '> rs ! _'i z ' ✓ ' d - .s 4: '� -r d to y.r" _' v,y ♦ e'.y w°' '2:. s ' x ''t 1*K j r 1'-rt ,; '' > d ..* <.}zr H�; r 1 - FILE: MPROPI s x - %'.. � COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO + bepamment of cEneml sepwices COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA 05408'(805)540-5'_00 DUANE P. LEIB. DIRECTOR TO: PAUL HOOD, LAFCO DEPUTY DIRECTOR FROM: CURT SORG, PROPERTY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 15, 1986 SUBJECT: ATASCADERO PROPERTY TRANSFERS Attached are draft copies of documents pertaining to the above referenced transfer in addition to "Release of Conditions" on the Atascadero Lake Lots, a Lease Agreement for land to build and expand the City Police Department, and general Agreement between the City and the County. The following will outline the necessary steps to complete these actions: 1 . Board of Supervisors approve transfer (Quitclaim Deed) of three parcels to the City of Atascadero; APN 28-092-09 (Parcel A) - Sycamore Road River Lot APN 29-091-06 (Parcel B) - Traffic Way Ball Field APN 31-372-11 (Parcel C) - Pismo and Highway 41 2. City of Atascadero approve transfer (Quitclaim Deed) of four parcels to the County; APN 29-105-25 (Parcel 1 ) - Hospital Site APN 29-105-16 (Parcel 2) - Hospital Site APN 29-105-13 (Parcel 3) - Hospital Site, Police Department Site APN 29-091-01 (Parcel 4) - Armory Site 3. Board of Supervisors approve release of conditions with respect to the Atascadero Lake Lots. 4. Board of Supervisors approve 50 year lease agreement on land adjacent to the Hospital to build and expand a City Police Department Facility. 5. Execution of County Counsel drafted agreement between the City of Atascadero and the County. The attached documents and exhibits are therefore presented for your review and presentation to the City. After the City has signed the Agreement, Lease, and Quitclaim Deed and returned these documents to us, then we can place the entire package on the Board of Supervisors agenda for final action. Please contact me when further assistance or clarification is required. cjt/6562p 8-20 2. Mayor to Enter into Contractual Agreement with John H. Ross Assoc. dba Ross, Levin and MacIntyre for Architectural Servic s on the Police Facility with Costs Not Exceeding $28,713 (Cont'd from 5/12/86) APD Chief McHale gave staff report and introduced Mr. Rodney Levin of Ross, Levin & MacIntyre, present to answer questions. Mr. Levin thanked staff and City Attorney for their hard work in putting this contract together, noting his firm is looking forward to working with the City on this project. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to approve staff recommendation to auth- orize the Mayor to sign an agreement contracting with the S.L.O. firm of John H. Ross & Associates, Inc. , dba Ross, Levin & MacIntyre Architects for architectural services to include programming, site analysis and schematic design of a police service facility for the City of Atascadero at an ini- tial cost not to exceed $28,713, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson; passed unanimously by roll-call. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. A horization for Public Works Department to Solicit Request for Pro sals for Engineering Services on Design of San Andreas Bridge and Ga cia Road Bridge Mr. Sensibaugh Pub. Works Director, gave staff report and responded to questions m Council. Due. to concerns expressed by Council regarding staff su ittal of grant .application prior to their auth- orization, lengthy iscussion focused on the issues involved in the process of application or grant funds for these two bridges and potential obligations the City. Mr. Sensibaugh stressed the timeliness involved regards the City's notification to the State expressing its desire to be candidate for grant funds when notified of their availability. He note that, had staff had opportunity to address this proposal at the mid- ar budget study session, funds from this year ' s budget appropriation wo d not have been requested but recommended as a consideration for th following year. Councilman Molina noted that Council expr sed the priority of the street resurfacing program at the budget udy session (a portion of which may have to be postponed for .one year hould Council approve this proposal) , and he recommended further res e rch of funding alter- natives. Mr. Shelton, City Mgr. , noted the rapid timeframe of is particular grant, noting it' s not always known at the outset of t fiscal year what grant monies are going to be available. He also note that Coun- cil will still have the opportunity to undergo a full, 5-yea capital improvement plan review, with this project as a potential. lip M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS VIA CITY MANAGER MIKE SHELTON �r ` FROM: CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES AGREEMENT- POLICE FACILITY ARCHITECT DATE: FEB. 4, 1987 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that we contract with the S.L.O. firm of John H. Ross & Associates, Inc. , dba Ross Levin & MacIntyre Architects for architectural services to include programming, site analysis, and schematic design of a police service facility for the City of Atascadero. COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED By motion, authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement contracting with the architectural firm of John R.Ross and Associates, :Inc. , dba Ross Levin and MacIntyre Architects for architectural services to encompass the elements listed above at an initial cost not to exceed #$28,713. BACKGROUND In keeping with Council direction, thus far, the following stages have been completed toward the police facility project: - 1. Requests for proposals were mailed out during January, 1986. 2. Presentation interviews were held March 14, 1986. Six firms (including four local and two out-of-county) were interviewed by a board consisting of Councilman Bear Handshy, Admin. Services Director Dave Jorgensen, Community Development Director Henry Engen and myself. 3. During November, 1986, a lease agreement was reached with S.L.O. County and the City of Atascadero authorizing our use of the site on Capistrano adjacent to the S.L.O. County Mental Health Offices for construction of A.P.D. 4. Through funding sources including: General Fund, Vandenburgh Project, revenue sharing and development fees, Council has now authorized an expenditure of $635,000 for the design and construction of a police facility. 5. City Attorney Jeff Jorgensen, in concert with City Staff negotiated an updated contractual services a see attached � agreement ( with th the architectural fi rmro osed p p this week. *In the event City elects to use consultant for the final design (balance of architectural services) for this project, consultant will credit fifteen per- cent of the full fee for architectural services. ^Includes anticipated $1001000 development fee and $.50 tax in r V 1 QR7 1QQ CJ CONCLUSION As indicated, the services described herein are preliminary and call for the programming, site analysis and schematic design of the police facility. Following completion of these tasks, we would then contract for the remaining ;; architectural services including final design and development of working construction drawings and coordination of actual construction through project ke :< completion. i. . With this initial step, we are charging the architect with the design of a police services facility within the parameters of the $635,000 currently budgeted. Architect will also assess the needs of the police department both present and future and thus design the facility so that it may be easily expanded in a functional manner. FISCAL IMPACT : . j. As indicated in the contract, the cost of the listed preliminary services is $28,713, and upon contracting for the remaining services, consultant will ri.. credit the Cit fifteen City percent of the full, standard architectural service fees. The amount reflected falls well within the previous Council allocation. R RICH. P . McHALE RHM:sb Attach: 0 ` CMEMORANDUM City of Atascadero February 3, 1987 TO: Michael Shelton, City Manager -`�1R. H. Bud McHale, Police Chief FROM: Jeffrey G. Jorgensen, City Attorney SUBJECT: Atascadero Police Service Facility Consultant Services Agreement Attached is the revised agreement. I have discussed the revisions with the architect and Police Chief, and the agree- ment is acceptable and ready for the February 10, 1987 Council agenda. Sincerely, O SEN ty t r ney JGJ: f r A3 :MMATA328 Attachment cc: Rod Levin, AIA i Ross Levt & Maci my re Architects JOHN R. ROSS FAIA RODNEY R. LEVIN AIA KENNETH H. MACINTYRE AIA April 29, 1987 Chief R. H. Bud McHale City of Atascadero Police Department P.O. Box 747 Atascadero , CA 93423 Re: New Police Service Facility for the City of Atascadero Dear Bud McHale: In keeping with our consultant ' s Service Agreement with the City of Atascadero regarding the above, Ross Levin & MacIntyre Architects respectfully requests that our completion date of May 19th , 1987 be extended thirty six ( 36) calendar days to June 24th due to the development of the Topographical Boundary Survey and the "location of all utilities , easements and natural conditions so important to the programming and site analysis. Bud , I suggest that we establish the remaining targeted review ` dates for the schematic design phase after presenting the final program and site analysis. Per my telephone conversation with you on Tuesday, April 2Bth , I plan to present to you and Mike Shelton our final program and site analysis on Tuesday, May 5th providing I have received all of Mr . Varner ' s data and our soils information on time. I plan to meet with Mr . Engine of planning and public works today to verify planning and services as they relate to the site. Your ruly, �eel�� i RODNE"YR.LEV I N RRL:dk cc : Marion Varner 1129 Marsh Street, San Luis Obispo, California 93401 (805) 543-1291 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 747 • CITY ATTORNEY ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 POST OFFICE BOX 606 PHONE: (805) 466.8000 ATASCADERO.CALIFORNIA 93423 PHONE: (805) 466.4422 CITY COUNCIL � �� � ® --+ CITU CLERK POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY TREASURER INCORPORATED JULY 2. 1979 POST OFFICE BOX 747 CITY MANAGER ATASCADERO.CALIFORNIA 93423 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT PHONE: (805) 466-8600 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ~� PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT 6005 LEWIS AVENUE -�-. ATASCADERO. CALIFORNIA 93422 7"R E C, A ' E D PHONE: (805) 466-2141 1A AY 8 908 May 8, 1987 CITY MIGR. Rodney R. Levin, A. I .A. Ross Levin and MacIntyre Architects 1129 Marsh St. San Luis Obispo , CA 93401 Re : Atascadero Police Service Facility Dear Mr. Levin, In keeping with your request, the extension of thirty-six (36) calendar days for the completion of the first phase of our police facility is granted. It is understood, therefore, that the completion date will now be June 24, 1987 . This extension is in recognition of some complications ' encountered in the preparation of the topographical boundary survey and locating and identifying utilities , easements and natural conditions pertinent to site analysis . (These ' services have now been completed by Volbrecht Surveys , Inc . ) Of additional concern at this time, is the locating near the site of an appropriate sewa e_ services hook- up point for the facility. As I understand the problem, we must locate the precise, nearest sewer line and furnish measure- ments to your firm as quickly as possible so that our project is not delayed .any further. Pursuant to your suggestion, we are requesting that our Public Works Department complete this task as soon as possible. Yours truly, RICHARD H. McHALE CHIEF OF POLICE RHM: sb CC : C.M. Mike Shelton -- City Attorney Dave Jorgensen Public Works Dir. Paul Sensibaugh Attach: I� MEMORANDUM June 30, 1987 To : City Council From: Land Acquisition Committee Subject : Acquisition of Properties BACKGROUND The Land Acquisition Committee , consisting of Councilpersons Mackey and Borgeson, City Manager Mike Shelton, Administrative Services Director Dave Jorgensen , and Parks and Recreation Director Bob Best have met to discuss the possible purchase of properties in the 9000 Block of Morro Rd. and the 9000 Block of Amapoa (Atascadero Lake) . The Committee has dis- cussed possible alternatives for the purchase of the ten ( 10) lots . A map is attached in this report for Council review. LISTING OF PROPERTIES Properties considered by the committee include : 1) APN 31-361-08 , Lot 33 of Block JC, City of Atascadero. 2) APN 31-361-21 , Lots 1 , 2 , and 32 of Block JC , City of Atascadero. Current Owner of Record of l) and 2 ) : James H. and Dayne V . Johnson. This is in the process of being changed to Mr. Eugene Mumford. 3) APN 31-361-15 , Lot 31 of Block JC , City of Atascadero 4) APN 31-361-03, Lot 4 of Block JC 5) APN 31-361-181 Lot 5 of Block JC 6) APN 31-361-121 Lot 29 of Block JC 7) APN 31-361-11 , Lot 30 of Block JC Owner of Record of #3-7 : Phil and Shirley Guidry 8) APN 31-261-18 ,Lot 3 of Block JC Owner of Record: E.L. Brown. FINANCIAL PLANS DISCUSSED BY COMMITTEE Without benefit of a current appraisal on the above listed properties , the committee utilized the following values : Johnston (Mumford) Property - $175,000 Guidry Property - $325,000 Brown Property - $1003000 As discussed by the committee , the financing plans included the follow- ing 1. For the Guidry and Mumford properties , an option to purchase in the amount of $10 ,000 to each property owner, with this used as a credit toward the purchase price . For the Brown property, consideration was given toward a Life Estate or an option. 1 � -2- 2 . Selling some properties currently owned by the City to help offset the cost of acquisition. Included in discussions with estimated values were the following: Traffic Way Property $100 ,000 ( 32 ,600 s.f. ) Sycamore Property - $30 ,000 (This property will not be available to sell for at least one year) . Properties on Santa Rosa Road (near Lake - $507000 (2 ) 3. Fund Raising - A community-wide campaign to raise needed funds for a community center. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Authorize staff to engage the services of a licensed appraiser to have all affected properties appraised. This would be accomplished as the City is ready to acquire/sell specific sites . 2 . Authorize Staff to engage the services of a Realtor, to be selected by Council , to negotiate purchase options with the property owners and to market any properties the City wishes to sell . ALTERNATIVES Included in the committee ' s discussions were the following: 1) Vote of Public - General Obligation Bond 2 ) Grants 3) Loans 4) Lease - Buyback 5) Lease - Purchase Dave Jorgensen and Bob Best will provide additional information on the above alternatives verbally to Council . r 69 I ASSESSOR'S PLAT W Cf) 4q CL -q in cc o Q N oLA. I � W QNU CL00 N r 6e sr 9♦s 'fir vy O N - y0y CC 3 - ld 9,90116 - - _ �� - M a)W OO Wwzcc 1 90m y F U - �nf °' DOS o Q1 = M 6 2-81 5 f Q O= . N tu Maw 3t (, NOn 42S 4?/i,,,, t M i A Ad N •1 m _ - 10801 Z IMES E S 41 tc QLL O ILL } ;o o _ �q�1 1051 (\6009 M20�LS� TL dilmy 1 M00-Pa S 1 LL Z ''`I. 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