HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 05/27/1987 CINDY WILKINS DEPUTY CITY CLERK A G E N P A ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL OPEN MEETIN ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOOR CLUB ROOM MAY 27, 1987 7:30 P, � M ) City Council Members: Council Member Norris Michael Shelton Council Member Bourbeau City Manager Mayor Mackey Council Member Handshy Council Member Borgeson RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION * Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. * A person may speak for three (3) minutes. If a group has a spokesperson, the spokesperson may speak for five (5) minutes. * No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so. * No one may speak more than twice on any item. * Council members may question ` any speaker; the speaker may respond; but after the alloted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. * The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. 1 . FISCAL YEAR 1986/87 THIRD QUARTER STATUS REPORT 2. FISCAL YEAR 1987/88 PROPOSED BUDGET OVERVIEW PRtSSENTATION NOTE: THE CITY COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN FROM THIS SPECIAL OPEN COUNCIL MEETING TO A ED" COUNCIL SESSION IN THE • FOURTH FLOOR CLUB ROOM FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING THE CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. 1 A *NDA M E M O R A N D U M To: City Council f Through: David G. Jorgensen Admin. Svcs. Directo From: Jette ChristianssoA, Acctg Supervisor Date: April 24 , 1987 Subject: Nine-Month Budget Report BUDGET OVERVIEW GENERAL FUND Overview The General Fund shows an excess in the amount of $73,919 through the first nine months. This is due primarily to the majority of our revenues coming in above expectations and expend- itures being closely monitored by department heads. Revenue Actual operating revenue is running at 76.7 percent after nine months of the budget year . This is due primarily to Planning Permit revenues coming in above expectations. Sales Tax and Property Tax revenues are running slightly below the projected amount. However , we will receive our second large share of Property Tax revenues in April. Most other revenues are coming in slightly above expectations. Expenditures Year-to-date expenditures, on the whole, are running below appropriations. A few departments are exceeding the budget appropriation for this time of year because of high front-end costs (Computer payoff, Trips). Unless something unforeseen happens during the next three months, most departments should end the year within their budget appropriation. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Revenues collected are above expectations for development taxes and Amapoa-Tecorida. The nine-month actual shows very few expenditures to date in capital projects. If you are interested in the status of a particular project, please contact Dave Jorgensen. ENTERPRISE FUNDS Revenues for the Enterprise Funds are coming in slightly below appropriations. This is offset by expenditures also running below appropriations. I don't foresee any problems with these funds. Continued monitoring will take place for the remainder of the fiscal year . Summary I feel the City is in fair financial shape at this time. We will continue to monitor to determine how the current budgets compare with historical trends. The investments of the City and the Sanitation District are being maintained at the highest level possible. The City currently has $3, 336 ,000 invested in the Local Agency Investment Fund of which $1, 001, 699 is the Assess- ment District #4 Bond proceeds. The Sanitation District currently has $2,135, 000 invested in the Local Agency Investment Fund. If there are any specific questions or concerns as you review the attached data, please let me know. DGJ:al file: bdgtrept 2 CITY OF ATASCADEO GENERAL FUND Nine Months to 03-31-87 Summary 1986-1987 9 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $4,917,861 $3 ,770, 683 76.7 EXPENDITURES 4,965 ,300 (3,696 ,764) 74. 5 EXCESS $ 73 ,919 File: genfndsm CITY OF ATASCADERO GENERAL FUND REVENUE Nine Months to 03-31-87 1986-1987 9 MONTH SOURCE APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT Property Tax $1, 069, 000 $ 721, 762 67.5 Sales Tax 1,286 ,326 909 ,457 70 . 7 Occupancy Tax 80 , 000 71, 561 89.5 Franchise Tax 270 ,000 26 ,224 9.7 Other Tax 65,000 45,925 70. 7 Bus. Lic. 75,000 63 ,238 84.3 Permits 315 ,800 405,724 128. 5 Fines 59 ,000 82, 526* 139.9 Invest. Earnings 75,000 20 ,678 27.6 Rents/Concessions 16 ,000 12, 342 77.1 Motor Vehicle 503,649 428, 444 85.1 Cigarette Tax 49, 562 36 ,830 74. 3 Police Reim. 97 ,304 79, 690 81. 9 Planning Fees 181,875 136 ,790 75.2 Admin. Chg. 63,798 47,849 75 .0 Recreation Fees 169,000 159 ,167 94. 2 Zoo Fees 27, 500 16 , 702 60. 7 Other Revenue 53 ,357 79 ,508 149 .0 Sub Total $4,457 ,171 $3 ,344 ,417 75.0 Dev. Mit. Tax 327,500 426 , 266** 130. 2 Fund Balance 133 ,190 -0- -0- Total $4,917,861 $3 ,770 ,683 76 .7 * Includes a transfer from the Traffic Safety Fund. ** Transferred to Capital Projects Fund. file: gnfndrev . CITY OF ATASCADEI! GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Nine Months to 03-31-87 1986-1987 9 MONTH DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT City Council $ 29,804 $ 21, 649 72.6 City Clerk 33,191 23 ,900 72. 0 City Treas. 1,975 632 32.0 City Mgr. 104 ,261 74 ,145 71.1 Personnel 54 ,333 20 , 612 37. 9 D.P./Comm 97 ,842 76 ,835 78 .5 City Atty. 42,945 40 ,342 93. 9 Finance 141,993 102,886 72. 5 Comm. Devel. 509,929 345 ,320 67. 7 Police 1,292,039 963,172 74. 5 Fire 688 ,107 445 ,187 64. 7 Recreation 242,048 203 , 351 84.0 Parks 187,795 139,696 74.4 Zoo 144 ,411 97 ,609 67.6 Engineering 146 ,142 82, 241 56 .3 Streets 373 ,519 251,244 67 .3 Bldg. Maint. 150 , 540 104, 092 69 .1 Risk Mgmt. 270 ,000 186 ,898 69.2 Non-Dept. 126,926 90 , 687 71.4 Sub-total $4 ,637,800 $3 , 270 , 498 70 .5 Contribution to Cap. Proj . Fund 327, 500 426 ,266 130 .2 Total $4 ,965 ,300 $3 ,696 ,764 74 . 5 File: gnfndexp • CITY OF ATASCADE! GAS TAX Nine Months to 03-31-87 Summary 1986-1987 9 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $ 355 ,759 $ 224 ,117 63.0 EXPENDITURES 355 ,759 (385,900) 108 . 5 DEFICIT $ (161,783) file: gstxmoac CITY OF ATASCADEE� TRAFFIC SAFETY Nine Months to 03-31-87 Summary 1986-1987 9 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $50 ,000 $74,584 149 .2 EXPENDITURES -0- -0- EXCESS $74, 584* *Transferred to General Fund. file: btrafsty CITY OF ATASCAD* LOCAL TRANSPORATION Nine Months to 03-31-87 Summary 1986-1987 9 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $ 418,474 $ 293,397 70.1 EXPENDITURES 418, 474 (133 ,344) 31.9 EXCESS $ 160, 053 file: loctrnsb CITY OF ATASCADE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Nine Months to 03-31-87 Summary 1986-1987 9 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $3,173, 221 $830 ,232 26 . 2 EXPENDITURES 3,173, 221 (188 ,384) 5.9 EXCESS 641, 848 file: bcapimps • CITY OF ATASCADE* CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS REVENUE Nine Months to 03-31-87 1986-1987 9 MONTH BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT Dev. Mit. Tax $ 327, 500 $426 , 266 130 .2 Dev. Fees 520 ,900 174 ,460 33. 5 Amapoa-Tecorida 45, 000 56 ,083 124.6 Grants 1,320 ,000 154 ,879 11.7 Contr. Fr. Others 478, 600 -0- -0- Contr. Fr. Sanit. 7,221 -0- -0- Fund Balance 252, 000 -0- -0- Interest Earnings -0- 18,544 100 .0 Rev. Sharing 222,000 -0- -0- Total $3 ,173 ,221 $830 , 232 26 .2 * Transfer from General Fund file: bcapimpv CITY OF ATASCADEA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS EXPENDITURES Nine Months to 03-31-87 1986-1987 9 MONTH PROJECTS APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT Road Projects $ 36, 000 $12,334 34.3 Maint. District 30 ,000 201 0.7 Drainage/Study 89, 450 10 , 078 11.3 Amapoa-Tecorida 45 ,000 50 ,707 112. 7 Graves Creek Bridge 275 , 000 3,787 1.4 Sycamore Bridge 470 ,000 10 ,139 2. 2 Santa Rosa Lake Bridge 13, 000 -0- -0- Lewis Avenue Bridge 101,750 -0- -0- Traffic Control 293,400 -0- -0- Parks Tractor 12,000 11,130 92. 8 Police Vehicles 35,921 -0- -0- Fire Dept. Computer 3,000 2,995 99 .8 Microfiche Reader 3, 500 -0- -0- P. W. Tractor 35 ,000 -0- -0- Dump Truck Lease 3, 600 3, 584 99.6 Signs 14 ,000 1, 403 10 .0 Pavement Marking 16, 000 15 ,198 95 .0 Nuclear Density Gage 5 ,000 -0- -0- Computer Software 2, 000 1,749 87.5 City Hall Phones 45 ,000 -0- -0- P. W. Grader 40, 000 -0- -0- Phone Sys. Consultant 5,000 495* 9.9 Fire Truck 108 , 000 17,749 16 .4 Police Facility 535,000 2, 637* 0. 5 Lake Pavilion Imp. 50, 000 -0-* -0- Zoo Exhibit Renov. 14 ,000 -0- -0- Paloma Creek Phase II 82,600 -0-* -0- Lake Improvement 200 ,000 -0- -0- Park Workshop Bldg. 20 , 000 10 ,822* 54.1 Atas. Lake Feasibility 5,000 4 ,713* 94.3 Admin. Bldg. Renov. 412,000 5,811* 1.4 Fire Station Painting 8,000 4 ,800 60 .0 Shop Bldg. 18,000 -0- -0- Fuel Island 10 ,000 -0- -0- City Hall Room Renov. 25,600 -0- -0- City Hall Irrigation 3, 000 -0- -0- City Hall Sidewalk 5, 000 -0- _ -0- Carpet Cleaner 3,400 -0- -0- General -Plan Amend. 50 , 000 18,052* 36 .1 Redevelopment Agency 50 ,000 -0-* -0- $3,173 ,221 $188 , 384 5.9 * Revenue Sharing Projects file: bcpotlyx L CITY OF ATASCADL* ZOO FUND RESERVES Nine Months to 03-31-87 Summary 1986-1987 9 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL REVENUE -0- $4 ,180 EXPENDITURES -0- (1, 500) EXCESS $2, 680 file: bzoofund CITY OF ATASCADERO ASSESSMENT DISTRICT #4 REVENUE Nine Months to 03-31-87 Bond Proceeds 9 MONTH REVENUE ACTUAL Redemption Fund $ 68 ,992 Reserve Fund 52,049 Construction Fund $1, 094 ,942 $1,215,983 EXPENDITURES (214 ,284) EXCESS $1, 001, 699 file: basmtdst CITY OF ATASCADERO STREET ASSESSMENTS Nine Months to 03-31-87 Summary 1986-87 9 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL REVENUE -0- 29 , 364 EXPENDITURES -0- (1,726) EXCESS 27,638 file: bstasses CITY OF ATASCADERO DONATIONS Nine Months to 03-31-87 Summary 1986-87 9 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL REVENUE -0- 82 EXPENDITURES -0- -0- EXCESS 82 file: bdonatn CITY OF ATASCADERO WASTEWATER TREATMENT Nine Months to 03-31-87 Summary 1986-1987 9 MONTH APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL PERCENT REVENUE $1, 009,899 $ 857, 545 84.9 EXPENDITURE 1,094 ,990 ( 423 , 553) 38 .7 EXCESS $ 433,992 file: wswatmtm i