HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 04/14/1987 CINDY WILKINS DEPUTY CITY CLERK A G F N n A ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOOR, ROTUNDA ROOM APRIL 14, 1987 7:30 P. M. City Council Members: (seating from left to right) Councilwoman Norris Michael Shelton, Mayor Mackey Councilman Handshy Jeffrey G. Jorgensen Councilwoman Borgeson City Attorney RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION * Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. *_ A person may speak for three (3) minutes. If a group has a spokesperson, the spokesperson may speak for five (5) minutes•. * No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so. * No one may speak more than twice on any item. * Council members may question any speaker; the speakers may respond; but after the alloted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. * The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call ** Recognition Plaque to George Molina for Services as City Council Member (Approximate Time - 30 Minutes) COMMUNITY FORUM The City Council values and encourages exchange of ideas and comments from you the citizen. The public comment period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items. To increasethe effectiveness of Community Forum, the following rules of public participation will be enforced: * A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. * All remarks shall be addressed to Council as a whole and not to any individual member thereof. * No questions shall be asked of a Council Member or City Staff without permission of the Mayor. * No person shall be allowed to make slanderous, profane, impertinent, or personal remarks against any Council Member. * Any person desiring to submit written statements may do so by forwarding to Council, prior to the Council Meeting, nine (9) copies to the City Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday ' preceeding the Council Meeting (Approximate Time - 5 Minutes) A. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of _these items. A member of the Council or public may, by request, have any item removed from the Consent Agenda, which shall then be added to and taken up at the end of the "New Business" agenda. 1. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 24, 1987 2. Approval of Parking/Crosswalk Amendments in Relation to Monterey Road Elementary School: A. Resolution 37-87 - Designating a "No Parking" Zone on Monterey Road at Monterey Road School (between the two main driveway entrances to the school) B. Resolution 36-87 - Relocation of School Cross Walk on tt Monterey Road at Monterey Road School ' 3. Approval of Tentative Lot Line Adjustment 4-87 - 5505-5555 Bajada - Adjusting Property Line between 2 Existing Lots - �, Jones/Lebovic (Cuesta Engineering) 4` 4. Denial of Claim by David Hunt and Douglas Nix Representing a Class Action Claim in the Amount of $1,500,000 for Damages Caused by Requirements to Hook Up to Sewer System 5. Approval for Mayor to Enter into an Encroachment Permit with Caltrans. -Planting of Trees at San Diego Way and Highway 101 6. Approval of Final Parcel Map 28-84 - 9095 La paz Road - Doyle Dunham 7. Acknowledgement of Proclamation Acknowledging Earthquake Preparedness Month - April, 1987 B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES & REPORTS (Approximate Time - 5 Minutes) 1. Resolution 34-87 - Approval of Proposed Road Abandonment - (Lots 51-53, Block 55) Portion of Chorro Road - Landis (Approximate Time - 30 Minutes) 2. Zone Change 23-86 - 7421 Santa Ysabel - California Manor (Young) A. Ordinance 150 - Revising Existing Zoning to Lot 6, Block lA from Residential Multiple Family, 16' Units Per Acre to Residential Multiple Family, 16 Units Per Acre with a Planned Development Overlay (allowing reduced lot size development) (FIRST READING) C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Approximate Time - 5 Minutes) 1. Ordinance 149 - Amending the Zoning Text on Multiple Family Residential Zoning Standards (Zone Change 3-87) (SECOND READING) (Cont'd from 3/24/87) (Approximate Time - efi Minutes) 2. Resolution 35-87 - Approval of Appearance Review Manual Guide- Ines for New Construction D. NEW BUSINESS (Approximate Time - 10 Minutes) 1. Authorization to Solicit Requests for Proposals for Computer Equipment (Approximate Time - 5 Minutes) 2. Resolution 32-87 - Authorization for the City Manager to Enter Into Agreement with AT&T for Telephone Equipment - Fire Station #2 (Approximate Time -,. 10 Minutes) 3. Approval of Lease/Purchase of New Pierce Fire Engine in the Amount of $129. 546 .00 E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council A. Status Report - New Cuoncil Member Recruitment and Selection Process s �► B. Open House - Government Day (Norris) 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager *** NOTE: THIS COUNCIL MEETING IS ADJOURNED TO A-SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ON WEDNESDAY, 9 :00 A.M. , APRIL 15, 1987_ IN THE .ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOOR CLUB ROOM FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERVIEWING AND APPOINTING-A--NEW--CITY COUNCIL MEMBER. i DA • ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 24 , 1987 Atascadero Administration Building The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Mackey, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. An invocation was given by Rev. Guy Godfrey, Faith Baptist Church. ROLL-CALL Present: Councilmembers Borgeson, Handshy, Molina, Norris and Mayor Mackey Absent: None STAFF Mike Shelton, City Manager ; David Jorgensen, Administrative Services Director; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director ; Jeffrey Jorgensen, City Attorney; Bob Best, Recreation Director; Boyd Sharitz, City Clerk; Cindy Wilkins, Deputy City Clerk. COMMUNITY FORUM Hal Hayes, representing the Atas. Homeowners Assn. , read a prepared statement summarizing the results of a survey conducted in February at one of their meetings regarding goals & objectives for Atascadero. He invited Council and public to attend a presentation of the survey re- sults to the Assn. 's membership this Thurs. , 3/26, 7:30 p.m. at the Prather Building, Atas. Jr. High. Tom Bench, 7503 Carmelita,♦ expressed concern over delay of a hearing before the Planning Commission to consider a two-way split, and pos- sible City compensation for a third lot. (Relates to 2/23 Council denial of application for a three-way lot split and referral back to Planning Commission) . Doug Nix, 4533 Yerba, complimented the City and Atascadero News for publishing Council agendas. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 10, 1987 2. Approval of Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of March 2, 1987 3. Approval of the Finance Director ' s Monthly Report - February, 1987 4. Approval of the Treasurer 's Monthly Report - February, 1987 5. Authorization to Solicit Bids for Playground Equipment for Paloma Creek Park 6. Recognition of February Employee of the Month - Peggy Green, Fire Department 7. Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 12-86 - 9280 & 9380 Bar- ranco Rd. - Anderson/Keil/Volbrecht Surveys 8. Denial of Claim by Anne Hammond for $45.00 - Personal Property Damage MOTION: By Councilman Handshy to approve the consent calendar, sec- onded by Councilwoman Borgeson; passed unanimously by roll- call. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES & REPORTS 1. Zone Change 3-87 - Revisions to Residential Multiple Family Zoning - City-Wide ^ A. Public Hearing B. Ordinance 149 - Amending Zoning Text on Multiple Family Residential Zoning Standards (FIRST READING) Mr. Engen, Commun. Devel. Director, gave staff report and responded to questions from Council. Public Comment Terril Graham, 6205 Conejo Rd. , expressed disappointment with ongoing development; he noted figures from a recent poll conducted by Cal Poly students regarding growth-related issues which indicates that Atas. citizens feel there is enough residential multiple family housing. Mr. Graham urged Council to curtail growth now. John McNeil, resident, inquired if planned RMF parking requirements accommodates three vehicles per unit on 16 per acre developments, ex- pressing concern over future RMF parking problems. Further discussion between Council and staff, with individual Council- members members expressing his/her views on this issue. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson to adopt draft Ord. 149 as per staff recommendations (with revisions to Section 9-3.175 (a) , (b) , and (c) , as noted in Exh. B to staff report) , seconded by Councilman Handshy, passed by 4:1 roll-call, with Councilman Molina opposed. Second reading of Ord. 149 to be at Coun- cil' s April 14, 1987 , meeting. 2. General Plan Conformity Determination - Request to Construct an Office Building 10-Feet into Paper Alley at 5903 East Mall Mr. Engen, Commun. Devel. Director, gave staff report. Public Comment Dr. John Anderson, applicant, spoke in support of this application feeling his office is appropriate to the downtown area and will im- prove the existing lot. He expressed opposition to proposed require- ment to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement, noting the City has not been able to prove rights to the 15 ' of his property in question, also feeling it would pose an improper burden on him as he has no insurance for protection in the event of a future real estate lawsuit. Maggie Rice, Chamber of Commerce, spoke in support of Dr. Anderson' s request feeling it is reasonable and would not jeopardize future creekside development. Joe Elkins, applicant' s architect, spoke in support of this request; he noted that the project is viewed with respect for and will not have an adverse effect on the creekway plan. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to concur with Planning Commission' s recommended approval of Dr. Anderson' s request concurrently with the alternative staff recommendation, eliminating the request for a Hold Harmless Agreement (which motion amends alternative staff recommendation to read, " . .that lot merger agreement be filed and recorded with the County Recorder ' s office prior to issuance of a building permit. ") , seconded by Councilwoman Norris; passed by 3:2 roll-call, with Council- members Borgeson and Mackey opposed. Mr. Engen noted "Related Action Requested" in staff report. Mr. Jor- gensen, City Attorney, commented on a recent meeting with Wells Fargo Bank counsel and discussion regarding possible acquisition of re- maining alleyways and properties in the downtown area. Wells Fargo representatives indicated, at that time, they would perform an inven- tory of properties they held in trust and schedule subsequent meetings with City staff. There has been no contact in this regard from Wells Fargo since that time. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to direct staff to negotiate with Wells Fargo Bank to convey all of the alleys and right-of-ways held by them in the downtown (BIA) area to the City, seconded by Councilwoman Norris; passed unanimously. COUNCIL RECESSED FOR BREAK AT 9 :00 P.M. MAYOR MACKEY CALLED MEETING BACK TO ORDER AT 9 :09 P.M. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Proposed Amendments to the Salary Schedule of the Senior Building Inspector (new osition) (Cont'd from 1/12 & 1/26/87) Mr. Engen, Commun. Devel. Director, gave staff report and responded to questions from Council. There was no public comment. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to adopt Res. No. 29-87 , seconded by Councilwoman Norris; passed unanimously by roll-call. 2. Resolution 27-87 - Establishment of Admission Fees for Charles Paddock Zoo (Cont'd from March 10 , 1987) Mr. Best, Rec. Director, gave staff report and responded to questions from Council. Public Comment Ruth Dickey, 3925 Falda Ave. , member of Zoo Society, spoke in favor of the proposed fee system, but urged creation of an enterprise fund and that gate receipts do not go into the Gen. Fund. She noted the survey taken implied that gate monies were to be used for the benefit of the zoo and, if used otherwise, would be breaking faith with those sur- veyed. Dorothy McNeil, resident on Sierra Vista, spoke in support of gate receipts supporting the zoo. David Duncan, 8885 Marchant, Zoo Society member , expressed concern over expense (est. $14,000 per year, according to Mr. Best) of a paid gate attendant. He also expressed he hopes consideration for free entrance be given to Zoo Society members; Mr. Best responded that was staff' s recommendation at !Council' s 3/10 meeting, although the resolu- tion doesn' t specify it. (In response to Councilwoman Borgeson, Mr. Jorgensen, City Atty. , noted that whether or not gate monies go into the Gen. Fund or an en- terprise fund is a policy question that the Council can decide either within this resolution or separately; Mr. Shelton, City Mgr. , had fur- ther related comments regarding the concept of an enterprise fund, and related discussion with Council ensued. ) Doug Nix, 4533 Yerba, suggested Council allocate $14,000 to the zoo now and see what is done with it, ..since it is unknown how many people will pay gate fees. He also would like to see mention of a yearly pass fee in the fee schedule, whether it relates to Zoo Society mem- bership or otherwise. Greg Mann, Santa Rosa Rd. resident, expressed support for fee system and establishment of an enterprise fund and separate books; he sug- gested installation of an automated turnstile in view of the estimated annual cost for a paid gate attendant. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to adopt Res. No. 27-87, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed by 4:1 roll-call, with Council- woman Norris opposed. 3. Request to Solicit Request for Proposals - Engineering Services for Design of Atascadero Lake Improvement Project (Cont'd from March 10 , 1987) Mr. Best, Rec. Director, gave staff report and responded to questions from Council. Due to some Council concerns expressed, he noted that proposals from engineer (s) will be presented to Council for action, at which time there may be further discussion of which items are/may not be necessary for inclusion in the project. Mr. Sensibaugh, Pub. Works Director, urged Council to determine, now, which items consultants are being asked to consider in view of the bidding process, as the dollar amount of proposals may be affected by items eliminated after they have been submitted. Public Comment David Duncan, 8885 Marchant, requested inclusion of language in the recommendations regarding improvement of the intake structure for the 12" pipe that feeds water into the lake, which would help to keep the water level up; he recalls this must be coordinated with the Dept. of Fish & Game. Sarah Gronstrand, resident, made inquiries regarding consideration of clean-up measures discussed in the Lake Feasibility Study relating to (1) small aquatic plantings to determine whether or not the lake soil will support certain submergent/emergent plants, and (2) expedient removal of domestic fowl; :Mr. Best responded, noting that both con- cerns are addressed in staff's recommended expenditures. Further discussion between Council and staff. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy to authorize staff to seek proposals for Engineering Services for the Atascadero Lake Improvement project, based on cost estimates for engineering services provided by the study consultant and staff (see staff re- port) , noting further evaluation/prioritization of recommend- ed expenditures. Motion seconded by Councilwoman Norris; passed unanimously by roll-call. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. General Plan Conformity Issue - Proposed Sale of City-Owned Prop- erties on Lake View Drive and Proposed Acquisition of Property on Morro Road Mr. Engen, Commun. Devel. Director , gave staff report and responded to questions by Council. Public Comment Laura Johnson, 8401 Santa Rosa (purchased property 2 yrs. ago) , ex- pressed concern about what development is planned for properties adjoining hers. She spoke in support of leaving properties in their current rural state. Jaime Lopez-Balbontin, 5224 Barrenda, proposed that Council consider selling 6-8 of the lots under consideration and using the funds to invest in the Atas. Creekway Plan. Sarah Gronstrand, resident, requested clarification on what is being proposed in this item, to which Mayor Mackey responded. Mrs. Gron- strand spoke in support of leaving the properties under consideration for sale in their open, recreational state. Mike Lara, Parks & Recreation Commission Chmn. , stated the Commis- sion's consensus regarding the imperative need to secure the Morro Road properties under consideration for any planned expansion of rec- reational facilities near the park and/or zoo. Dorothy McNeil, resident, spoke in support of securing the Morro Rd. lots with the idea of establishment of a recreation center, however, in opposition to giving up the open space on Lake View Dr. John McNeil, resident, inquired how much is anticipated to be received from the proposed sale of properties; Councilman Molina responded an appraisal would be necessary, and an amount is not known at this time. Mr. McNeil expressed surprize that an approximate figure is not avail- able and thinks one should be obtained before Council makes a deci- sion. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson that (1) the sale of surplus City property along !Lake View Dr. is not in conformity with the General Plan and is, therefore, denied, and (2) that staff study further the issue of proposed acquisition of property along Morro Rd. for recreational purposes and bring back alternatives for either acquiring an option on the property or some financing alternative(s) . Motion seconded by Coun- cilwoman Norris; passed by 4 :1 roll-call, with Councilman Molina opposed. Mayor Mackey suggested a citizens committee be formed to explore how money may be raised to go toward acquisition of the Morro Rd. proper- ty, noting .she has a small amount she would be willing to contribute. L 2. Authorization to Purchase Right-of-Way Property on Monterey Road (Required for reconstruction of Graves Creek Bridge) Mr. Sensibaugh, Pub. Works Director, gave staff report. There was no public comment. MOTION: By Councilwoman Norris to authorize staff to pay fair market value for right-of-way required for the construction of the Graves Creek Bridge, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson; passed unanimously by roll-call. MOTION: By Councilman Molina that Council recess and convene as the Atas. County Sanitation Board of Directors, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed unanimously. E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (ACSD) 1. Resolution 28-87 - Extension of Sewer Service to Assessors Par- cel Numbers 28-061-12, 32, 33, 39 & 40 (Separado Avenue) Mr. Sensibaugh, Pub. Works Director , gave staff report. Public Comment Paul Anderson, 4992 Separado, spoke in support of this extension, expressing disappointment that this area was not included in the es- tablishment of Assess. Dist. No. 4, feeling it' s critical from a health standpoint. He noted he has contacted the other (4) property owners affected, who are also in favor of this extension, and has re- ceived a bid from Beaver Const. for extension to the (5) parcels. Jerry Conway, 4996 Separado (purchased in 1979) , spoke in support of annexing the parcels parcels under consideration; he noted that where he once had a garden is now saturated with water . Doug Nix, 4533 Yerba, asked why the owners in the area under consider- ation weren' t approached when they were removed from the district at time of formation, due to costs they now face being substantially higher than the assessments to lots in Dist. No. 4. Mr. Sensibaugh responded that subject area is out of the designated Cease & Desist area, and there was no reason for the City to force annexation; fur- ther, he noted that people were repeatedly invited to join Assess. Dist. No. 4 during its formation, and there were no volunteers. Mr. Nix spoke in favor of imposing the same assessments to the lots under consideration as to the other lots in Dist. No. 4. Paul Anderson spoke again, noting the bid received from Beaver Const. , divided by 5, should come to less than the est. dollar figure an- nounced by Mr. Sensibaugh (approx. $6,000 per parcel) , requesting that staff review the costs further ; secondly, he requested consideration of a reimbursement agreement for -property owners who may not be able to come up with the full amount of their assessments. Mr . Sensibaugh responded that owners have a right to file for a reimbursement agree- ment, but questioned if there would be anyone left to join the dis- trict. . MOTION: By Director Molina to ,;adopt Res. No. 28-87, seconded by Dir- ector Borgeson; passed unanimously by roll-call. MOTION: By Director Molina to extend the meeting past 11:00 p.m. , seconded by Director Norris; passed 4:1, with Director Hand- shy opposed. Mr. Jorgensen, City Atty. , encouraged Mr. Anderson to explore the issue of a reimbursement agreement with staff before relying on it, expressing doubts over whether it is applicable in this case. 2. Acceptance of Grant of Easement Agreement with William Vetter for $850 for Easement on a Portion of Block M (southeast corner of Buena Avenue and Traffic Way) to Locate a Sanitary Sewer Pump Sta- tion Mr. Sensibaugh, Pub. Works Director, gave staff report. There was no public comment. MOTION: By Director Molina to accept a Grant of Easement from Mr. William Vetter for a portion of property owned by him on Traffic Way, seconded by Director Norris; passed by 4: 1 roll- call, with Director Handshy abstaining. MOTION: By Director Molina to recess as ACSD Board and reconvene as City Council, seconded by Director Handshy; passed unanimous- ly. F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council a. Arbor Day Recognition - Mayor Mackey proclaimed March 30, 1987, as Arbor Day and March 24-31 as Tree Appreciation Week in Atascadero, encouraging citizens to plant trees. She noted she will be discussing a plan, tomorrow, with CalTrans to plant memorial trees on a lot near the northbound San Diego Rd. offramp; if the City would apply for an encroach- ment permit to subject property for said purpose, the fee which would be cost-prohibitive to private citizens - would be waived by CalTrans. The owner of the mobilehome park has agreed to route irrigation to subject parcel for maintenance of trees planted. Councilman Molina expressed he would like to see greater participation by the adjacent mobilehome park , which the trees would serve to screen. Mr. Vanderpool, mobilehome park owner, reiterated attempts to negotiate with CalTrans for development or maintenance of subject property during construction of the park. n Mayor Mackey requested the issue of approving application for an encroachment-`permit from CalTrans be included on the next Council agenda; Council concurred, and staff will com- ely. b. Tree Ordinance Considerations - (See report in agenda pac- ket) Mayor Mackey expressed her hope that Council would be receptive to considering reinforcement of the current tree ordinance. Lengthy related discussion by Council ensued. Public Comment Steve LaSalle, volunteer tree committee member, noted infor- mation gathered regarding tree ordinances of other cities, urging adoption of an ordinance that is a clear, informa- tional tool rather than punitive in order to urge voluntary compliance. Dave Duncan, resident, urges inclusion of a clear definition of "pruning" to the ordinance and asked that Council limit application of the ordinance to native trees only. Mr. Engen, Commun. Devel. Director, noted that comprehensive tree ordinance is not included in this year ' s work program and suggested it be referred to the pending budget cycle. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson to direct staff to study the tree ordinance and work with the volunteer cit- izens tree committee, seconded by Councilwoman Nor- ris; passed 4 :1, with Councilman Molina opposed. 2. City Manager a. Atascadero School District Development Fee Deadline of May 4, 1987 and Impacts to the City Mr. Shelton, City !:Mgr. , gave staff report (see agenda packet) . Mr. Engen, Commun. Devel. Director , made added comments. Mayor Mackey directed staff to report back on what the AUSD is proposing. Further Council Comment - Councilwoman Norris inquired of the status of the City Clerk' s report on the issue of the pros & cons of elect- ed Mayor and possibility of a measure being included in the next general election; Mr. Sharitz, City Clerk, noted he has prepared a report. Mayor Mackey requested it be made available to the full Council at next meeting. Mr. Sharitz requested the question of pros and cons be discussed with the City Attorney. Councilman Molina suggested the pros and cons of elected Mayor be posed in the form of a survey to the public in the next City-wide newsletter; Council concurred to discuss this further at a future meeting. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11:50 P.M.' TO A SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING ON APRIL 9, 1987 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE CITY HALL, 6500 PALMA, FOURTH FLOOR CLUB ROOM. MINUTES RECORDED BY: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk PREPARED BY: CINDY WILKINS, Deputy City Clerk r�'Nr�i AGENDA • MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager _ FROM: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Pedestrian Safety - Monterey Road School DATE: April 7, 1987 Recommendation Staff recommends that Council approve Resolution No. 36-87 and Resolution No. 37-87 . Background The Traffic Committee has been approached three times • and visited twice by the Monterey Road School PTA and Principal to help with the traffic problems around the school . San Anselmo has a regular pedestrian crosswalk which is located where the greatestsight distance is achievable . The topic of flashing yellow signals and overhead signs has been discussed, as well as rumble strips and plastic dots . These items will be studied and considered at a later date . The issue of the need for a crossing guard for Monterey Road and for San Anselmo has been discussed. The City/School Committee will be addressing that issue prior to the budget hearing process . Discussion The items proposedin the above resolutions are recommended from the staff level as immediate items that may greatly help the safety of children at the school for little expense . The Traffic Committee has discussed speed limits , signing and pavement marking in this area and has asked staff to pursue the problem. • With the new Monterey Road (Graves Creek) bridge and the E1 Camino Real - San Anselmo signal to be constructed in the near future, some problems will be eliminated. - The shift in the crosswalk location and the no parking in front of the school have been discussed in the field with the principal and PTA representative and are considered positive safety improvements . The school is going to deal with on site parking needs in the near future as about four stalls will be eliminated. Fiscal Impact The costof the above improvements is approximately $175 and will be paid for out of the existing budget . i • RESOLUTION NO. 36-87 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO TO RELOCATE THE CROSSWALK ON MONTEREY ROAD AT MONTEREY ROAD SCHOOL WHEREAS, Section 4 .2 .401 et sequence of the Atascadero Municipal Code : allows the City Traffic Engineer to determine the location of Traffic Control Devices , and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and - WHEREAS, nd -WHEREAS, the Traffic Committee has studied the traffic problems at Monterey Road School and has recommended that the City alleviate the pedestrian safety problem. WHEREAS, the City Traffic Engineer has recommended relocation of the school crosswalk across Monterey Road from the crest vertical curve at the most southerly drive to a point on the extension of the school main sidewalk which is perpendicular to Monterey Road will help alleviate a pedestrian hazard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the Traffic Engineer to make the adjustment to the crosswalk as indicated above . On Motion by Councilman ,and seconded by Councilman ,the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote : AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST : BOYD C . SHARITZ, City Clerk MARJORIE R. MACKEY,Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH City Attorney Dir . of Public Works/ City Engineer RESOLUTION NO 37-87 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A NO PARKING ZONE ON MONTEREY ROAD AT MONTEREY ROAD SCHOOL WHEREAS, Section 4-2 . 1101 et sequence of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to determine t'he location of NO PARKING areas , and to place and maintain`' appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS, The Traffic Committee has studied the traffic problems at Monterey Road School and has recommended that the City alleviate the pedestrian safety problem. WHEREAS, The ICity Traffic Engineer has recommended that prohibiting parking on Monterey Road between the two main driveways adjacent to the school • entrance will alleviate a pedestrian safety problem. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings as indicated above. On Motion by Councilman ,and seconded by Councilman ,the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk MARJORIE R. MACKEY, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH City Attorney Director of Public Works/ City Engineer TRAFFIC COMMITTEE Agenda Item No. ACTION REQUEST/ _ Problem: CSA- / C c�T(� l`l f1 t-9 Location: �CY1�PrAC� r� wenC Action Requested By: T '�°` v Signature Sketch Below See' Attached Sketch a Refer to Drawing !c= aB, a, �.�G'F.c� '�t b-kin �o_✓Par�nP� _v.l rorKir �tiiP�I ? I$ nrTIS 12Pur�� r x I RKY Ca�i�" Wa _ Wali sI s Recommended Solution: Committee Action: �. ��, `I �-� /< L � � Necessary Action: Council F LI-D-irector of Public Worksf-1 Chief of Police ❑None Controlling Ordinance or Resolution:- ED--Approved esolution:©Approved by Traffic Committeer� /�- Disapproved by Traffic Committee Chairman Date Chairman Date Approved by Council F� Denied by Council aDate Date Approved by Director El Disapproved by Director Date Date Initials E] Work Completed by Public Works Superintendent . *;!! GNDA _ 7 ITS -3 1 M E M 0 R A N' D U M • TO: City Council April 14, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director AC- SUBJECT: Lot Line Adjustment 4-87 LOCATION: 5505/5555 Bajada APPLICANT: Alice I. Jones/Koloman Lebovic (Cuesta Engineering) REQUEST: To adjust a lot line between two existing parcels result- ing in a reduction in the size of an existing nonconform- ing lot. BACKGROUND: On March 17, 1987 , the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the subject matter, unanimously approving the lot line adjustment request subject to the findings and conditions contained in the at- tached staff report. John Falkenstien with Cuesta Engineering, represented the applicants and concurred with staff recommendations. There was no other public comment. RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of Lot Line Adjustment 4-87. HE:ps ATTACHMENT: Staff Report - March 17, 1987 cc: Alice I. Jones Koloman Lebovic Cuesta Engineering City of Atascadero Item: B.2 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date : Mar. , 17, 1987 BY: Steven L. DeCamp, Senior Planner)00�k File No: LLA 4-87 Project Address : 5505/5555 Bajada SUBJECT: Request to adjust a lot line between two existing parcels resulting in a reduction in the size of an existing nonconforming lot. BACKGROUND: The City' s Zoning Ordinance provides a method for accomplishing lot line adjustments that will result in a reduction in the size of exist- ing, nonconforming lots. This lot line adjustment procedure is the same as that required for the review of variance requests. Among the requirements for this type of action is that a public hearing be con- ducted. Notice of public hearing was published in the Atascadero News on March 6, 1987. All property owners of record located within 300 feet of the site were also notified on that date. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alice I. Jones/Koloman Lebovic 2. Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cuesta Engineering 3. Site Area. . . . . . . o . o . . . . . . .Parcel 0.37 acres/0-: 1 acres Parcel '''2 : 0.37 acres/0.43 acres 4. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RSF-Y (Residential Single Family 1.0 acre minimum lot size with sewers) 5 . Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . .Parcel 1 : single family residence Parcel 2 : single family residence 6. Adjacent Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . .North: RSF-Y South: RMF-10 East : RSF-Y West : RSF-Y 7. General Plan Designation. . .Moderate Density Single Family 8. Environmental Status. . . . . . .Cate Categorically Exempt (Class 5) Lot Line Adjustment 4-87 (Jones/Lebovic) Staff Report - March 17, 1987 Page Two C. ANALYSIS : The property which is the subject of this lot line adjustment application, is located in the RSF-Y zone. The minimum lot size in this zone is one (1) acre where sewers are available and 1.5 acres where sewers are unavailable. Both of the subject lots are connected to the sewer--line. Because one of the lots will be made smaller (more nonconforming) as a result of the proposed lot line adjustment, Section 9-7.116 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that review and action on the proposal follow variance procedures (Section 9-1.113) . These procedures require that the Planning Commission make additional specific findings prior to approving such a lot line adjustment. The General Plan provides for the reduction in size of existing nonconforming lots through lot line adjustment in certain speci- fied cases. Land Use Policy #10 on Page 62 of the General Plan provides, in part: "Reduction in size of existing nonconforming lots shall, however only be allowed with lot line adjustments to correct historical and geographical use problems and to facilitate the relocation of existing utilities , infra- structures or easements where no increase in overall density will result." The lots in question are both developed with single family dwel- lings . Improvements on Parcel 2, including a portion of the dwelling, landscaping, a fence and sewer line, have been con- structed on or beyond the property line. Because of the location of these existing improvements , there is no opportunity to effect a lot line adjustment involving an equal exchange of property be- tween the two lots . Under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, there are four findings that must be made prior to the approval of the proposed lot line adjustment. These are the same findings that must be made prior to the approval of a variance. The first finding requires a determination that the lot line ad- justment does not represent a "grant of special privileges ." Although this project would result in the further reduction in the size of a nonconforming lot, it will not result in any in- crease in overall neighborhood density. Thus , even though other properties would not be allowed to subdivide into substandard lot sizes , they would be allowed lot line adjustments under sim- ilar circumstances . Lot Line Adjustment 4-87 (Jones/Lebovic) Staff Report - March 17, 1987 Page Three C. Analysis - cont'd The second finding requires a determination that "special circum- stances" exist to justify the action requested. As noted above, both of the subject parcels are fully developed to the limits allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. Some of the improvements were placed across a property line and have existed that way for a num- ber of years . Due to the size and configuration of the lots and their improvements , there is no feasible alternative lot config- uration that will meet the intent of the application without re- ducing the size of a nonconforming lot. The third finding requires a determination that the approval will not authorize a use not otherwise authorized in the zoning dis- trict. The use of both of the subject parcels is residential which is the allowed use in the zone. No change in the use or density of the parcels is requested or will be authorized through approval of the lot line adjustment. Finally, a finding must be made that the proposal will not, if approved, adversely affect public health, safety or welfare. The lot line adjustment requested will not result in any density in- crease or any new development. The change requested is legal in nature and will not result in any discernible change to the sub- ject parcels or the neighborhood character. Thus , there will .be no effect upon the health, safety or welfare. The proposed lot line adjustment meets the test of the required variance findings and is in conformance with all of the other General Plan and Zoning Ordinance provisions. In this case, there will be no detrimental effects from the further reduction in size of an existing nonconforming lot. D. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Lot Line Adjustment 4-87 based on the Findings in Exhibit C and the Conditions in Exhibit D. SLD:ph ATTACHMENTS : Exhibit A - Location and Zoning Map Exhibit B - Tentative Lot Line Adjustment Map Exhibit C - Findings for Approval Exhibit D - Conditions of Approval n ME sill Do5.4 Aklw ;��• ► ♦ I� J"` �"' Oil -� • � til `� �.� ♦`, ,� � � ■ �7�� ,����� *� ,, • �„ •: •� ii .moi IP PIP OR Images Mass � ����I� !��iiii'� �i■iii��ih?��i,ial��� ,rte sit ■.■amu� - -. �- NMI 11 Sill I 13 z LLA 1- a� m a j a L-q - i / ra Ch 1` szo It � �, ,t55 q2 M / �` / � R•G2I)N��dY-�� �_ _�J�a/i'R ,35•.:.a o)• 5�•'�n^i '� ��.i••fL 50• d•3 �.w• [ D�� ; /r� ��X050 2� � O h ,y . � tiJ W 3 e �•co�o2 > 2 b',vo� N ��„^ a b•`oa �� �e21 � N��Q 22sm 3 C \�2w� e1 Y Q MTYi~ � tiML� EXHIBIT C Lot Line Adjustment 4-87 (Jones/Lebovic) Staff Report - March 17, 1987 Findings for Approval FINDINGS: 1. The application as submitted has been determined to be categori- cally exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 2. The application as submitted conforms with all applicable zoning, General Plan, and subdivision regulations of the City of Atascadero. 3. The lot line adjustment - if authorized - does not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zoning district in which such property is situated. 4. There are special circumstances applicable to the property, in- cluding size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings . and because of these circumstances , application of this -Title would .deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other property 'in the vicinity and in the same zoning district. 5. The lot line adjustment does not authorize a use which is not other- wise authorized in the zoning district. 6. The granting of such lot line adjustment, under the circumstances and conditions applied in this particular case, will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons , is not materially detri- mental to the public welfare, nor injurious to nearby property or improvements . EXHIBIT D Lot Line Adjustment 4-87 (Jones/Lebovc) Staff Report - March 17, 1987 Findings for Approval CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The lot line adjustment as generally shown on the map attach- ment provided herein shall be submitted in final map format or reflected in a record of survey to be approved by the Community Development Department prior to recordation by the County Re- corder' s Office. 2. The proposed adjusted lot lines shall be surveyed and monuments set at the new property corners prior to recordation of the final map or record of survey. 3. If a final map is to be recorded, all existing easements shall be delineated thereon. 4. Approval of this lot line adjustment shall expire two years from the date of approval unless a time extension has been granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. h EiNG AG-NDA L I DAT` ITEM E•M# • M E M O R A N D U M To: Mike Shelton, City Manager From: David G. Jorgensen, Admin. Svcs. Directo Date: April 6, 1987 Subject: Claim of David Hunt & Douglas Nix RECOMMENDATION • City Council deny the above-mentioned claim which was submitted on February 10, 1987. This claim has been investigated by th city' s insurance adjustors and recommended for your aenia�. BACKGROUND This is a class action claim on behalf of 100 claimants who allege they were damaged because they are now required to be hooked up to a City sewer system. • Agenda Item: A-5 i MEMO ON SAN DIEGO WAY ENCROACHMENT PERMIT WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AT A LATER TINE. i • AG_NDA • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council April 14, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director �- SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 28-84 LOCATION: 9095 La Paz Road APPLICANT: Doyle Dunham tOn March 25, 1985 the City Council approved Parcel Map 28-84 sub- ject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommen- dation of the Planning Commission. The required conditions have been complied with and the final map is recommended for approval. HE••P s cc: Doyle Dunham A f ., Q: Lu N � c:), Lq env h� �� � i�•�oc J W Oc °c ti iG• ^1 q 4 - _ q r ..�; - mss• � � - p LU - SCALE loo peo - 'e \__ e-// • lg. - Ar- ol by ! .P '�• _ t _ , Q '44 , P R O C L A M A T I O N EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS MONTH April 1987 WHEREAS, the State of California continues to experience seismic activity, thus posing an increasing threat of earthquakes with damaging intensities; and WHEREAS, the loss of life and property can be greatly reduced if appropriate earthquake preparedness measures are taken before, during and after a damaging quake; and WHEREAS, George Deukmejian, Governor of the State of California, has proclaimed April 1987 as California Earthquake Preparedness Month; and WHEREAS, the measures presented in this campaign, "Don't Wait--Get Ready for the Quake, " should increase public awareness regarding proper procedures to follow during a tremor; and WHEREAS, this important earthquake safety information should be studied and observed throughout the year in order to prevent injuries, loss of life and property damage during an earthquake; THEREFORE, I, Marjorie Mackey, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, declare the month of April 1987 to be "California Earthquake Preparedness Month" and encourage all citizens to increase their knowledge and awareness of proper safety measures to follow before, during and after an earthquake. Marjorie R. Mackey Mayor April 2, 1987 • 1 :hlG AGENDA DFS IT EJ1A M E M 0 R A N b U M TO: City Council April 14, , 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Road Abandonment 3-86 LOCATION: Portion of Chorro Road (portion of Lots 51, 52 'and 53 of Block 55) APPLICANT: Mabel Landis Lindner (Cuesta Engineering) REQUEST: To abandon (vacate) a portion of Chorro Road. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the abandonment of a portion of Chorro Road by adopting Reso- lution No. 34-87. BACKGROUND: On March 17, 1987 a public hearing was conducted b the Planning Com- mission on this matter with the Commission unanimously recommending approval of the road abandonment. This action relates to a recently approved lot line adjustment and does not affect circulation in the area. John Falkenstien with Cuesta Engineering, representing the applicant, spoke in support of the request. There was no other public comment.. HE:ps ATTACHMENTS: Area Map Staff Report - March 17, 1987 Resolution No. 34-87 cc: Mabel Landis Lindner Cuesta Engineering • .#C `\ i h .� • aO a � CE CFR ►J 1 vsz AT 11 t II � 1 City of Atascadero Item: B.1 STAFF REPORT FOR: City Planning Commission Meeting Date: March 17, 1987 BY: Doug Davidson, Assistant Planner File No: Rd. Abandonment 3-86 Project Address: Portion of Chorro Road (portion of Lots 51, 52 and 53 of Block 55) SUBJECT: Request to abandon (vacate) a portion of Chorro Road. BACKGROUND: Notice of public hearing was published in the Atascadero News on Fri- day, March 6, 1987, and all owners of record property located within 300 feet of the subject property were notified. The property was also posted per the Street and Highway Code. (The notice of public hearing incorrectly stated that a Negative Dec- laration had been prepared. This proposal is in fact exempt from the provisions of CEQA) . A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mabel Landis Lindner 2. Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cuesta Engineering 3. Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chorro Road is an undeveloped paper street. 4. Zoning.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RS (Residential Suburban) 5. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Parcel B of Lot 52 contains a single family residence. 6. Environmental Status. . .. . . . . . .Categorically Exempt (Class 5) Staff Report - Road Abandonment 3-86 Portion of Chorro Road Page Two B. ANALYSIS: The applicant is proposing abandoning the portion of Chorro Road that crosses Lots 51, 52, and a portion of 53 in Block 55. These lots are presently served by Santa Lucia and a recorded 40 foot access and utility easement as shown on the attached Exhibit (A) . This action would abandon an undeveloped right-of-way and clarify the legal access consistent with the road actually being used. Letters were sent to all concerned utilities notifying them of our intent to vacate this paper road. Their response was favorable, in that alternative utility easements have been provided. This application raised several issues. It was reviewed as a part of the city-wide road ownership question and furthermore for the proper City procedure to abandon Colony paper streets. The City Attorney has advised us that this is the proper procedure and that this vacation poses no conflict with City policies. A tentative lot line adjustment has also been approved at this site (Exhibit C) . This previous action is consistent with the current request. Road abandonments are accomplished by City Council resolution. Under the Street and Highways Code, the Planning Commission must make two findings: 1. That the vacation is in compliance with the General Plan and will not frustrate any of its goals and policies. 2. That the right-of-way is unsuited for development as a non- motorized transportation facility, i.e. primarily for the use of pedestrians, bicyclists, or equestrians. Both findings can be made. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Road Abandonment 3-86, subject to the attached Draft Resolution No. (Exhibit A) and the Conditions of Approval in Exhibit B. DD:ph • ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Draft Resolution No. Exhibit B - Conditions of Approval Exhibit C - Lot Line Adjustment 8-86 EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 34-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO SUMMARILY VACATING A PORTION OF A ROAD PURSUANT TO STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE; PART 3, PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS AND SERVICE EASEMENTS VACATION LAW; CHAPTER 4, SUMMARY VACATION; 8333 (BEING A PORTION OF CHORRO ROAD) WHEREAS, Streets and Highways Code 8330 permits summary vacation of a street or highway by adoption of a resolution of summary vaca- tion; and WHEREAS, this portion of Chorro Road, as shown . on the attached Exhibit A, has been determined to be actually superseded by relocation and has been impassable for vehicular travel for at least five consec- utive years and no public money was expended for its maintenance dur- ing that time; and WHEREAS, the vacation of this portion of Chorro Road, now super- seded by relocation will not work to cut off access to any person' s property which, prior to relocation, adjoined the street or highway to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the vacation of this portion of Chorro Road will not affect any in-place, in-use public utility facility or will not ter- minate a public service easement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code 65402, the City Planning Commission has recommended to the Council its ' finding that vacation of this portion of .Chorro Road is in conformance with the City' s Gen- eral Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Streets and Highways Code 2381, the City Planning Commission has recommended to the Council its' finding that this portion of Chorro Road is not suitable or useful as ' a non-motorized transportation facility. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved as follows: 1. Based upon the above findings, the Council now finds and de- clares the above-described road portion superseded by reloca- tion to be unuseable as a non-motorized transportation facil- ity. 2. Based upon the above findings, the Council now finds and de- clares the proposed vacation.- of this road portion superseded by relocation to be in conformance with the City' s General Plan. 3. The Council now summarily vacates, pursuant to Streets and Highways Code, Part 3, Chapter 4, 8330 , that portion of Chorro Road shown on Exhibit A. Resolution No. 34-87 Page Two 4. That from and after the date this resolution is recorded with the County Recorder , the road portion shown on Exhibit A shall no longer be or constitute a street or highway. 5. The City Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this Resolu- tion of Summary Vacation, attested by him/her under seal, to be recorded without acknowledgment, certificate of acknow- ledgment, or further proof in the office of the County Re- corder. On motion by and seconded by the motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: MARJORIE MACKEY, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: , HENRY ENGE , Community development Director 0 1 O ............. • � x. v1 M R S V1 i a V W do ' Art iz tt � 0 oe t i.r,..•:,:1 e �lu fv.� i ! akc CU t ED 71 5. i 1 - � EXHIBIT B - Road Abandonment 3-86 ,. (Lindner/Cuesta Engineering) Conditions of Approval 1. The property owner shall obtain fee title to Chorro Road. 2. The property owner shall indemnify and "hold harmless" the City from claims that may arise from the abandonment procedure. This agreement shall be reviewed and found acceptable by the City At- torney. 3. The property owner shall prove to the City that the easement and offer of dedication for the new access has been recorded. 4. A lot merger shall be recorded to clear title for the Chorro right-of-way. 5. All conditions of this approval must be completed prior to or si- multaneous to the recording of the abandonment resolution. 41 Nt uj yam,� y�, �� �r {.• •t} cb -~ / l � L t � 'i�� { s,,tF� Yl� �•• 2 -�Ye��:�. ..A ri'I _�i s ;.,3 ��.,. ,'' 1� i ;'1}X}=C+ ta.$ r,-•s a 3 17� i.if'tsS�.': "`% '1 �t'S{ �},�•�'T � ��� .�: . / i {r� ��Da 3r CI 7.i1ttt�Y�3i+ y7h.! � r[�� �_'�':•.5 � r �:k�tEi�r "`t. .a Vii' , I; }i s f tµ�� y.a. p-.. `.�-� t '' � �c4dee,:.f L NFF�j1` t �� «i� -'--_-+-�•�� L i ,'�S / 1 �; :r +i :rt�.r-, i•FCf: S1y1'�.�' a ,.k+{afs�. '�. ! ir1 ��'u�Ab i a 3 t -, sti t -...,- �� 1 • 66 f ry r 1 f r sr� i ,r� r � :'^` "I ! z'r.... '�• /6 't-ri Viv ♦ `- :. _ ty is ,.= 7"'i i,. � +•H••4i � � _ !i s� ? t 6 `C_�tX s+ � � , I Y A i ' F � r it_..« `fiy,.e�±r1e`t.�F_F«''��T l�i7:�f�'Y' -�tkk�•YrT t•� i�rh(tts,r.,}'I�p r ,:�it -� ..--_.� �• .. •l tl ��� t ' � a�+r�l,,l �+!��?�fM f ] ;[Lt315���3 1: / .h �oo ' �• 4� 11111 , rty�ti y ./ \/ � y J Oo lit,Eti ell V o`v�'e!=, .... ' rt �t v .Toru.+ .._ t�E. y ..� ; `� •1i'7�!-� � rise.y, ,.. - � , 01 a tnLL=�� M E M O RAN D U M • TO: City Council April 14, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager , FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director , SUBJECT: Zone Change 23-86 LOCATION: 7421 Santa Ysabel APPLICANT: California Manor/Ted and Judy Young REQUEST: To revise the existing zoning from RMF/16 to RMF/16 (PD) to allow for small lot development. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Ordinance`,No. 150 revising the existing zoning from RMF/16 (Residential Multiple Family, 16 units per acre) to RMF/16 (PD) (Resi- dential Multiple Family, 16 units per acre, with a planned development overlay) to allow for small lot development (less than the allowed 1/2 • acre minimum lot size) . BACKGROUND: On March 17 , 1987 , a public hearing was conducted by the Planning Com- mission on this matter with the Commission unanimously recommending approval of the zone change request. Alan Volbrecht, agent for the applicants, expressed support for the zone change request. Judy Young, applicant, summarized particular features of the proposed units. She explained that a planned unit development was chosen be- cause it was felt that Santa Ysabel already has a great amount of apartments/condominiums and that their proposed five unit single fam- ily approach will decrease traffic on the street as well as provide affordability to first time homeowners. There was no other public comment. HE:ps ATTACHMENTS: . Staff Report - March 17., 1987 Ordinance No. 150 cc: Ted and Judy Young (California Manor) Alan Volbrecht • City of Atascadero Item: B.5 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: Mrch 17, 1987 BY: Joel Moses, Associate Planner File No: ZC 23-86 Project Address: 7421 Santa Ysabel SUBJECT: Zone Change Application ZC 23-86 initiated by California Manor (Ted & Judy Young) to revise existing zoning from RMF/16 (Residential Multi- family 16 units per acre) to RMF/16 (PD) (Residential Multifamily 16 units per acre with a Planned Development Overlay) . The Planned De- velopment Overlay to allow for small lot development (less than the normally allowed 1/2 acre minimum lot size) . BACKGROUND: The applicant has applied for both the proposed Zone Change (ZC 23-86) and a Tentative Tract Map (TTM 37-86) implementing the pro- posed small lot development. Notice of a public hearing was published in the Atascadero News on Friday March 6, 1987 . All property owners of record located within 300 feet of the subject site were also noti- fied on that date. The applicant has previously received approval of a Precise Plan 48-86 and has obtained building permits to construct four (4) single family dwellings on the site. A. LOCATION: 7421 Santa Ysabel - Lot 6, B1k lA (Atascadero Colony) B. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To revise the existing zoning from RMF/16 (Residential Multi- family 16 units per acre) to RMF/16 (PD) Residential Multi- family 16 units per acre with a Planned Development Overlay) . The Planned Development Overlay .to allow for small lot develop- ment (less than the allowed 1/2 acre minimum lot size) . • I� Staff Report - ZC 23-86 7421 Santa Ysabel (Young) . March 17, 1987 Page Two 2. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .California Manor/Ted & Judy Young 3. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 acres 4. Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Santa Ysabel - residential col- lector 5. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RMF-16 (Residential Multiple Family 16 units per acre) 6. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vacant (permits issued for four (4) residential units 7. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . . .North: RMF/16 - residential to Entire Study Area South: RMF/16 - residential East: RMF/10 - residential West: RMF/16 - residential 8. General Plan Designation. . . . .High Density Multiple Family (maximum 16 units per acre) 9. Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sloping to Santa Ysabel 10. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration C. ANALYSIS: The applicant is proposing to revise the existing zoning from RMF/16 (Residential Multiple Family, 16 units per acre) to RMF/16 (PD) (Residential Multiple Family, 16 units per acre with a Planned Development Overlay) . The specific proposal is to allow for a small lot subdivision and a reduction in the required sideyard setbacks. The existing RMF zoning would require a minimum lot size of 1/2 acre. The application proposes lot sizes of 5440, 3573, 3473, 3323, and 3172 square feet subdivided from a .44 acre parcel. The applicant also proposes the use of a 3 '-0" sideyard setback on the three rear lots. The standard zoning ordinance sideyard setbacks would be 5 '-0" . `r1 Staff Report - ZC 23-86 7421 Santa Ysabel (Young) March 17, 1987 Page Three Analysis - Cont'd The applicant is presently developing the site with four (4) single family dwellings (PP 48-86) . The site contains .44 acres and at a rate of 16 units per acre, the site would allow seven (7) units on the site. The applicants' proposal would be to allow for a total of five (5) single family dwellings on indi- vidual residential lots. This would represent a 28% reduction (2 units) in the potential number of dwelling units approvable on the site. This would represent an overall density of 11 units per acre. The General Plan and Zoning Ordinance allow for the proposed density. The Zoning Ordinance sets the minimum lot size as 1/2 acre in an RMF zone district. The General Plan reconfirms this, and allows for modification of the minimum lot size. Residential Land Use Policy 6 (page 62) (Exhibit F) notes "Smaller lot sizes may be allowed in conjunction with Planned Residential Developments. . . . provided that the overall density within the project is consis- tent with other density standards. . . . " . The Zoning Ordinance allows for the creation of areas of Planned Development Overlays to accomodate the modification of the Zoning Ordinances Develop- ment Standards (Section 9-3.643) (Exhibit G) . In the past, the City has approved two Planned Development Over- lays dealing with residential developments that would allow smaller lots than normal. PD-6 and PD-2 allow for the residential development trade-offs. PD-2 deals specifically with large lots and PD-6 provides for smaller lots. This application - if ap- proved - would make a third PD modifying development standards for single family dwellings. The City is also presently review- ing and working with developers on two other PDs of similar de- velopments. The staff would note that the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance support such developments. The questions arising from these types of developments are all somewhat similar. The infra- structure' s already in place to serve sites of an overall den- sity. Impacts would generally be mitigated by. the existing service levels and development standards. The proposed lot size question would be - what is too small - (leaving the density as allowed) . In most cities, 6 ,000 square feet is a common stan- dard for most residential lots, and most cities go smaller. The real questions come down to the specifics of the proposal that differ from normal development standards and a specific design. 11 Staff Report - Zone Change 23-86 7421 Santa Ysabel (Young) March 17, 1987 Page Four Analysis - cont'd Looking at the specific design, the applicant has worked with staff to provide alternatives that would provide adequate open space and safety measures for the residents. The normal fire ac- cess has been reduced by installing fire sprinkler systems in some of the units. Common access has been provided across a common drive. The units will have a continuity of architectural detail- ing. The applicant has requested a reduced sideyard setback. The three foot setback on both sides of the interior property line would meet the minimum requirements of the building code. Staffs' concern with the overall project does not lay with the specifics of the project, but with the mechanism implementing the proposal. It is foreseen that the City will continue to receive and process requests for similar types of developments (small lot subdivisions) . With approval of these zone changes, the Zoning Ordinance text will have to be revised by adding additional text sections for individual Planned Development Overlays. The staff is concerned that each Overlay will require separate numbering and text section. Staff has discussed several alternatives that could solve the problem. The easiest solution, at this time, would be • the establishment of a single PD Overlay Zone for small lot resi- dential PDs. The potential for individual conditioning would be done by the approval of a specific site plan and conditioning of the subdivision tract map that would be processed for the indi- vidual projects. D. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the Analysis and Findings, staff recommends that Zone Change 23-86 as proposed be approved, and establish one specific Planned Development Overlay for small lot subdivisions in RMF (Residential Multiple Family) zone districts. JM:ph Attachments: Exhibit A -, Location/Zoning Map Exhibit B -: Site Plan Exhibit C - Elevations Exhibit D - Perspective Drawing Exhibit E - Developers Statement Exhibit F - General Plan- Section Exhibit G - Zoning Ordinance Sections Exhibit H - Draft Ordinance �n IVA ♦ , law p .ice 1 � �• .I � ♦ �. sit � ► .♦�'. �i��i`.'� �� ;= _■•,►, 111"■ ,�,� ♦ �1 ,�r ■ : ,1,111,1,11= '�� e . -:• Lon all 0 WA gap �. - -` 11,1111111111111111,1.,E .%r ♦ � �� �� far ������♦ all all 1110M �♦ .� on11, ur .. a�'�v���`�♦��� ����"�1> � �' �.� � �� -vim � �'' � est, �I���� � ♦� . _♦ �� � � '■111 � ,�� •'� . �� ���� � � 11 �Jr fN r to �r 3 ze � �t 8 C-3 \ c c� co o vt c EXMQJr'F) 517E PL.gn z 7,12t 3nnrr5 ' ys1:?8r_L. zomnF,E c� � JnGi z3 -St. 16 TO �zMT__I Cc- D ,� L. urrznln M4_na2 .y�unC, . I $; i N , 771 I � � Im I D I rl oI - I ' S\ e I T t I � I ci Cs N n I , T DDD i DDI ❑ O❑ ' DD❑❑ i I f� i I I Iii I i I I -rxpigmr tik-m ons 71M SANTA YSAEEL CAUZEN!A leiA VE - -VOL NG a �I `It Y ye J ! 4 -Ar w M o� :091— - , oF-I �. DW191T D P07-5P 7J I UE 79Z! SnnTl� J 5pSL-L ZM F. L, -ID EPM F- /LN- D vR VXn6, RECEIVE® MAR 4 1981 DEVELOPER'S STATEMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The Atascadero General Plan and Housing Element recognize the need for modest single family residential homes, particularly at' a more affordable price. Average in- come figures published by the State Board of Equalizat- ion for the County of San Luis Obispo indicated income i for single persons`household in the $16, 000 range and two person household $26, 000 range. It is apparent from these income figures that efforts need to be made to provide more adequate housing at lower cost within our community. With small affordable lots non existent in Atascadero I i we come to the choice of Condo' s which our more affordable then the traditional single family residence, or Planned Unit Developments. We have chosen the P.U.D. which is similar to single family residence only on a very small size lot. f Over -the past several months there has been considerable discussion concerning apartments and multi family high density property in our community. The lot which we propose the develope is zoned mult family high i i density and provides for the development of seven apartment units. Our request for P.U.D. with five • homes is a step toward the needs addressed in our Housing Element. I As parents we made a decision several years ago to relocate here feeling Atascadero offered a better quality of life for our family. Now as the children ihave grown we realize that in order for them to re- main in Atascadero jobs and affordable housing EXHIBIT E =WL7LP/11L7VF5� our needed. One of our communities most valuable 7'[Z1 S1?NT/q �Sl3Z�EZ assets are the young people and steps need to be taken in order that they may remain in there home town. The Proposed project would be compatible with the surrounding area, and would reduce over all density. Edward Young 7421 Santa Ysabel Atascadero, Calif. 466-0759 2. The ideal development pattern that shall be promoted is similar to that conceived by E.G. Lewis, i .e. , a popula- tion of 20 ,000 to 30 ,000 people living in some 7,000 homes scattered over about 23,000 acres of the Colony. Residential densities are proposed which create a devel- opment potential that will reach an ultimate population of about 34 , 000 . 3 . The residential densities proposed in this Plan automati- cally ensure considerable open space. 4 . High density residential land uses shall serve as a buffer between commercial and single-family residential areas where appropriate. 5 . Residential density shall decrease as one moves outward from the core, in order to maintain the rural atmosphere of the community. This can be accomplished by a graded increase in lot size and a graded decrease in the per- mitted density of population. 6 . Multi-family residential use areas shall have a minimum building site of one-half acre. Smaller lot sizes may be allowed in conjunction with planned residential dev- elopments, including planned mobile home developments and subdivisions, provided that the overall density within the project is consistent with other density standards contained herein. IT 7 . Multi-residential density areas shall be considered in light of such specific factors as topography, traffic circulation, drainage fire protection and general level of use intensity at that location. i 8 . In keeping with a basic goal to retain the rural atmos- phere of Atascadero, appropriate dens-ties , minimum lot sizes, setbacks and other development standards for dom- estic animal raising shall be established in the Zoning Ordinance. 9 . Hazard areas (geologic, land slide, flood, etc. ) shall have appropriate development standards. ' 10 . Lot splits shall be thoroughly evaluated and be in accordance with community plans and principles. Strict adherence to the lot sizes defined in this Plan is essential in order to retain the desired character of the community. Creation of- lots smaller than those recommended must not be permitted if the maximum popu- lation` of approximately 30 , 000 is to be maintained. "Reduction in size of existing nonconforming lots shall, how- ever , only be allowed with lot line adjustments to correct historical and geographical use probl CXHIg17'7-- C,LNL-0AL RA4 3& T1M the relocation of existing utilities, 7YZ/ SANTA Y5�4Y�f.Z easements where no increase in overall d ZDME C1tA_V6E 23-oG TLi14lc IG 7D T_tM F•!!WT 7 1 a, ADOPTED JUNE' 27, 1983 PD (Planned Development) Overlay Zone 9-3. 641. Purpose: The Planned Development Overlay Zone identi- fies areas where development standards or processing procedures dif- ferent from those established by the underlying zoning district, Chapter 9-4 or Chapter 9-6 , are deemed necessary to promote orderly , and harmonious development and to enhance the opportunity to best utilize special characteristics of an area. 9-3.642. Applicability of Planned Development Standards: The standards of Section 9-3. 645 et seg apply to all uses for which a zoning approval is required that are located in a Planned Development Overlay Zone. 9-3. 643. Minimum Development Standards and Processing Require- ments: The development standards, special use standards and pro- cessing requirements of the underlying zoning district shall apply in a Planned Development Overlay Zone unless specifically modified, to a greater or lesser extent, by a Planned Development Overlay Zone. The Planned Development Overlay Zone may be used as follows: (a) to modify setbacks; heights; parking and loading; landscap- ing, screening and fencing; signs; streets and frontage im- provements; and, other development and special use standards set forth in Chapters 9-4 and 9-6 ; and (b) to modify processing procedures set forth by the underlying zoning district (Chapter 9-3) ; and (c) to establish other development standards or processing re- quirements; and (d) to modify minimum lot sizes or permitted density. 9-3. 644. Required Findin s: In approving the establishment of a Planning Development Overlay Zone, the following findings shall be made: (a) Modification of development standards or processing require- ments is warranted to promote orderly and harmonious development. (b) Modification of development standards or processing require- ments will enhance the opportunity to best utilize special characteristics of an area and will have a beneficial effect on the area. C-X4ITIT G ZDW NG OPD. 5=M 7,9Z! -SgUTb Y5ABLZ._ ZD&O Gtr A1GE Z3-a L 3-50 DMF •l/. 7U EIMF •/& -PD � ,.� �,'N7 ADOPTED JUNE 27 r 1983 (c) Benefits derived from the overlay zone cannot be reasonably achieved through existing :development standards or processing �. requirements. (d) Proposed plans, if any, offer certain redeeming features to compensate for requested modifications. 9-3. 645 . Establishment of Planned Development Overlay Zone No 1 PD1. Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 1 is established as shown on the Official Zoning Maps (Section 9-1. 102) . The following modifi- cations to development standards and processing requirements are established: (a) A Master Plan of Development shall be approved prior to ap- proving a Plot Plan, Precise Plan, Conditional Use Permit, or Tentative Parcel or Tract Map. The master Plan of Devel- opment shall be applied for and processed in the manner pre- scribed " for a Conditional Use Permit (Section 9-2. 109) . (b) In approving a Master Plan of Development, the level of pro- cessing for subsequent projects or phases may be reduced to a Plot Plan provided that the Master Plan contains sufficient detail to support such a determination. (c) No subsequent Plot Plan, Precise Plan, Conditional Use Per- mit, or Tentative Parcel or Tract Map shall be approved unless found to be consistent with the approved Master Plan of Development. Any amendment to a Master Plan of Develop- ment, including conditions thereof, shall . be accomplished as set forth in Subsection (a) of this Section. (d) A minimum front setback of twenty (20) feet shall be provided along the E1 Camino Real frontage of all parcels. Rear set- backs shall be a minimum of ten feet. (e) Plans shall make provision to develop an attractive appear- ance along Highway 101 through the use of landscaping, building and parking orientation and other means. (f) The number of driveways along E1 Camino Real shall be mini- mized to prevent potential traffic conflicts. (g) All utilities shall be installed underground. (h) Exterior building materials shall be reviewed for accepta- bility and shall exhibit compatible relationships between buildings on a particular site or parcel. 9-3 . 646. Establishment of Planned Development Overlay Zone No 2 PD2. Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 2 is established as shown on the Official Zoning Maps (Section 9-1. 102) . The following modifi- cations to development standards are established: 3-50 ORDINANCE NO. 150 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP NUMBER 17 OF OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY KNOWN AS LOT 6 , BLOCK lA (ATASCADERO COLONY) , FROM RMF/16 (RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY) TO RMF16 (PD-7) (RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY - 16 UNITS PER ACRE - PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 7) (ZC 23-86 - CALIFORNIA MANOR) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning reg- ulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant ad- verse effect upon the environment. A Negative Declaration has been prepared on the project. WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 17 , 1987, and has recommended approval of Zoning Ordinance Change 23-86. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land uses and ex- isting zoning in the area. 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Map des- ignation for the site and is consistent with other policies of the General Plan. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse environ- mental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. Ordinance No. 150 Page Two 4. Benefits derived from the overlay zone cannot be reasonably achieved through existing development standards or processing re- quirements. 5. Proposed plans offer certain redeeming features to compensate for requested modifications. 6. Modification of development standards or processing requirements is warranted to promote orderly and harmonious development. 7. Modification of development standards or processing requirements will enhance the opportunity to best utilize special character- istics of an area and will have a beneficial effect on the area. Section 2. Zoning Map. Map Number 17 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atasca- dero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended to reclassify Lot 6, Block lA (Atascadero Colony) as shown on attached Exhibit "A" which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. Section 3. Zoning Text Change. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 23-86 is approved to change the text of the Zoning Ordinance to read as follows: 1. Section 9-3.651 is added to the Planned Development Overlay Zones to read as follows: 9-3.651. Establishment of Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 7 (PD7) . The Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 7 is es- tablished as shown on the official zoning maps (Section 9-1.102) . The following development standards are established: a. The Master Plan of Development of the site is approved as shown on Exhibit B which is hereby made a part of this ordin- ance by reference. All construction and development shall be done in conformance with the approved Exhibit. Any modifica- tion in density will require a rezoning. Modification of the Master Plan site design may be approved in a manner pre- scribed for a Conditional Use Permit (Section 9-2.109) . b. In approving a Master Plan of Development, the level of pro- cessing for subsequent projects or phases may be reduced to a Plot Plan provided that the Master Plan contains sufficient detail to support such a determination. • Ordinance No. 150 Page Three C. No subsequent Plot Plan, Precise Plan, Conditional Use Per- mit, or Tentative Parcel or Tract Map shall be approved un- less found to be consistent with the approved Master Plan of Development. Any amendment to a Master Plan of Development, including conditions thereof, shall be accomplished as set forth in Subsection (a) of this Section. Section 4. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City in accordance with Government Code Section 36933; shall cer- tify the adoption of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and certification to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and ef- fect at 12:01 a.m. on the thirty-first (31st) day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing ordinance is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: BY: MARJORIE MACKEY, Mayor City of Atascadero, California • Ordinance No. 150 Page Four ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: �-z HENRY ENGE Community D velopment Director j F 7 r1t Ii ��a :RMF%16 41, RMF/16 ;,mac +•• F•. � . ' • d 'L >► ;>o '• ,fit r G � a �`•?oL ^, � a,-- =,+R ..-1' - ;.. v ,•�y 4'�°•r •' r ', _.•^ ',+'' w,r. v s .- '+ `+�;:li' ,+tR t t+. ��/,' a / 1 °~'b� ^•q '. ..... � 1;'r a•1 L-r_ Lt,° i. ..,er,>k �' >, a„o -P d , '�•,.t' + b 1I. Lis Ar .. _�:. • u r. ~.,,r ,^,,,, ,, t,, ''t.,,`' a ^,,,. aft•y �•{ �• w: L!, �W r.� �( .• aT1 .'.��Y .Y i IN iA'O t .t ^, ` • y .•ii u BB ,:+�cx�L ,r• ter• i$ a : ti, :..`c''�",^�f ,..''• p, ..� t[.b �i L.» UN a - RMF>16 4z. F 1 1 A s a s'i �� • • `.� ,'• .,� ek, + ' •r" = = 'r' ,.. as �� ,� b: � -�:-we°r,fl:` '�t m y � ea tv?,� '3, ♦a „f+•`� -'s=. ,Y .. 'xs:�' �•,rr• �,t'-• � o° 'at oa° +e`s`• 1�.. rT iss,s� s• a_ .t •h'� 'e M�a 9�Y t r ,bra�>w '°L,• �e 1• .{ a �`• Y• x t {, ,aha -, � •a- t3- 1 ' x nes As Y_ p} '°a t a^ t, ' a+ ,' 1� �, •pad" r7 J ro nfy K, '-��ao rr�Ti ,�t to �,,� "s ,a 'f�Is 11 i. ,i ,�• a to '•1 r y. !•.�l s`.co *. �1 'Ln+ > s'•v, s• '' s•„so _le .A wf. a..%;ar t '”f' ^�i =.i as »o: , � " a• .".r noa Io ,`os a / �p, ` �• • •�Lc'- 1 'z' /Jb >trrJA � � [• ,'io uif� S v �1 e 1 'iY;_<+•L!1 , !e >yfii_r° , 1 +O 1 ' [• If 1Ls° Tfos f � „+�,r mBJ H t,' , •^ '•,� Ute•• .r>` P r? ,[z ,ie ,t» ,rw rl'. •rO , _ a �s CiP ° s• o ,jT -It nas f_ t ^,,a ' , t +y. T. >''� i��-d..3 >as2C r2 f i` a• a,io nssf taoe �iii ?7+ ,.+ a yR ♦+ •D` .. ' i t ,. »+, a 0 e >,os caro A .. sra• _q�i LSF-Y w Q '!d >�o i , t,,. ,tb r,r° a♦ 's ti " >see t! � so ,•° :t , ?i', 4-- rs ' ''�lv 4, .1Q rf ssO •°se,rro >rar > . 'O �� ..,r [• '' Ar-80- 041 - 12-si LSF-Y(FH) AT -7 1-45:?rscPoa PD , z ate•. .)-. zt �• >ey �� �,. >zLo •.,,e , r 1Y�,r � A .:.. ., ,L_•vr ri - y iaao ii y - -, T.2ACi 1004 12-81 1, ^7Z 7NE �jGOAtgGv E- /Z.3 '5LI -1 L/l S/1 NA /5/7 OGL LSF-4 L70 7 �-6_ EL,.GLK l/1 AT15 C 4. .i` 1' e. ,r. t •e N'° :a '1 �u seii t � Irs � -� r .,�, �,.�• .z•s•q •.Lf a, ''. .' r0 If ., LLLi If•C - Z,.. ,°`., 'IF. ,may • eeo ' I I t . ^/ 'ir. �• if `'•,T •:[^'i°.• °� ZSo .1 =tv° �` z, ass, • a�',i� ' X05 .���^\ io Tv7,'V 2SF-Y(FN1 u '_ � �� ,'�� .• °y���' ":.v,1 •sii r 't>i r• >tz.zr a�s`^^ �� 'i` 27 - o ii" t - �".� °sss •• '0•t.. Wiz• ) 'S) +5y/ —Y 0.1 ..'t f„ .. 'am '.•� J' i , 0/ o e yaw .• a .•zt•• .�z,y, ^-L`r,r.�.e "`� •„r �+” >> >cP v'A. J y zn. re 3 a • ° o ,tsr -�r• • e - f 28 , Les t.,; e e•' ��� , ,°� • ��e,,^, +f L ti i ' JBB4` Ir raM e:, �3:• b0p9i. ... 9 rar[ t+ e RMF/16(FH) •,r \\ s, 10.4 v. •'.+ �i s„ wn°,i a`0B Y•D 22 ti -y/�� 11 II-•., r , A BMS �.� j /-C9 s'A �'•.G•'er UA D CITY OF ATA ' SCAR , �, .T •� •�� >� i R--Planning .� b Department _ s, !, I� '” ::1 1C t•br+r rti�ay..t.rJ•y DM t •.t wl r.tT/: -•{'•� lOf4� •'� •� 1 • T a-—Pyt Vii» - 1,1 lJ7J,— t �a�'.aa7niY�J10 e...a.•....r.wu....., u•e....... �raelw oL•.w°at..•-yay,rn r'••�'•%�i .'�, �� �•1 _. D �7 E J lam/ (J ll.LJ7NN1�lt t '1�. eV ;� p . Map ZD No. 1'7 NE- Cpm Nor Z3 -8(0 74 Z/ SOA17A X5ABEL NMF 16 7D TZ111F• i(o PD 7) L4L1F6fLN1A MANDE • \ 3 N >•� rc�,eo � \ � ►+ u J Pti a �� K o DvaIBlT T3 • D7ZDINAMM co InZl�CD NC CHAWSF 23 fib Z4 Z! SANTA YSABn RNtF"•16 7D EMF-/, (PD•7) fn �EET�NG�/ AGENDq ATS ��7 SEM M E M O :R A N D U M TO: City Council April 14, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director Ste, SUBJECT: Zone Change 3-87: Second Reading of Ordinance No. 149 Relative to Residential Multiple Family Zone Standards and Findings Required for Precise Plan Approval BACKGROUND/RECOMMENDATION: This Ordinance had first reading approval on March 24 , 1987. Recom- mend separate actions to: (1) read by title only and (2) approval of Ordinance No. 149, second reading. HE:ph • Enclosure: Draft Ordinance 149 { • ORDINANCE NO. 149 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT RELATIVE TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY ZONE STANDARDS AND FINDINGS REQUIRED FOR PRECISE PLAN APPROVAL (CITY OF ATASCADERO: ZC 3-87) WHEREAS, the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment proposes stand- ards consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800, et seq. , of the California Government Code concerning Zoning Regulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant ad- verse effect upon the environment and preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 17, 1987, and has recommended approval of Zoning Ordinance Text. Amendment NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. - 1. The proposed zoning text amendment would be in compliance with the City of Atascadero' s General Plan. 2. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the Negative Declaration granted the project by the Community Development Director: is appropriate. Section 2. Zoning Text Change. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 3-87 is approved to change the text of the Zoning Ordinance as shown in the attached Exhibit A, which is hereby made a,-part of this Ordinance by reference. Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance, and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Ordinance 149 Page Two Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and ef- fect at 12:01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by the foregoing ordinance is hereby adopted in its en- tirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNI MARJORIE R. MACKEY, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT; MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community De elopment irector ---- = deleted language- EXHIBIT anguageEXHIBIT A RMF (Residential Multiple Family) Zone 9-3.171. Purpose: This zone is established to provide for apart- ment, condominium and townhouse development where higher density resi- dential development is desired within the Urban Services Line. 9-3. 172. Allowable Uses: The following uses shall be allowed in the Residential Multiple Family Zone. The establishment of allowable uses shall be as provided by Section 9-2.107 (Plot Plans) and Section 9-2.108 (Precise Plans) : (a) Single family dwelling (b) Residential accessory uses (See Section 9-6.106) (c) Accessory Storage (See Section 9-6.103) (d) Home occupations (See Section 9-6.105) (e) Collection station (See Section 9-6.130) (f) Multiple family dwellings (g) Temporary dwelling (See Section 9-6.176) (h) Utility transmission facilities 4}�--sk}��ed-Ple�s�xg-Fae���ty-fSee-Seetion-9-6:�d��-- (i) Residential care (See Section 9-6.135) (j) Temporary Events (See ,Section 9-6.177) 9-3.173. Conditional Uses: The following uses may be allowed in the Residential Multiple Family Zone. The establishment of condi- tional uses shall be as provided by Section 9-2.109 (Conditional Use Permits) : _ (a) Churches and related activities (See Section 9-6.121) (b) Schools (See Section 9-6 .125) (c) Mobilehome developments (See Section 9-6 .143) (d) Organizational Houses (e) Pipelines . (f) Farm Animal Raising (See Section 9-6.112) (g) Retirement hotel ADOPTED JUNE 27, 190 (h) Bed and Breakfast (1) SKILLED NURSING FACILITY (.see Section 9-6.134) (j) The following uses where established in a residential structure of historical importance: (1) Broadcasting Studios (2) Business Support Services (3) Libraries and museums (4) Offices (5) Personal Services (6) School-business and vocational 9-3.174. Lot Size: The minimum lot size in the Residential Mul- tiple Family Zone shall be one-half acre. Smaller lot sizes may be allowed for planned residential developments, including condominiums and mobilehome developments, provided that the overall density within the project conforms with Section 9-3.175 (Density) . I 9-3.175. Density-: The maximum allowable density in the Resi- dential Multiple Family Zone shall be designated on the Official Zoning Maps as provided by Section 9-3.104 (c) and be established in accordance with the General Plan as follows: (a Areas Designated Low Density Multiple Family Residential The maximum number of dwelling units per net acre is as follows: Number Of Dwelling Bedrooms Units/Acre 1 10 .0 2 7.5 3 5.0 4+ 3.8 (b) Areas Designated High Density Multiple Family Residential The maximum number of dwelling units per net acre is as follows: Number Of Dwelling Bedrooms Units/Acre 1 16 2 12 ry n (c) Hillside Density Standards. The maximum densities per- matte y su secti.ons a - and (b) above, shall be modified to the following maximums based on site topography, as follows: Average Low Density Multiple Family High Density Multiple Family_ Slope 1BR 2BR 3BR 4BR+ IBR 2BR 3BR 4BR+ 0-10% 10 7.50 5.0 3. 80 16 12.0 8.0 6.0 11-15% 7 5.25 3.5 2. 66 12 8.4 5.6 4. 2 16-20% 5 3.75 2.5 1.90 8 5.6 3.7 2.8 21-25% 3 2.75 1.5 1.14 6 4.2 2. 8 2. 1 26-30% 2 1. 50 1.0 0. 75 4 2.8 1.8 1.4 31%+UP 1 0.7-5 0.5 - 0.38 2 1.4 0.9 0.7 (d) GROUP QUARTERS : THE MAXIMUM POPULATION DENSITY FOR GROUP QUARTERS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: MAXIMUM POPULATION DENSITY LOW DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 22 PERSONS/NET ACRE HIGH DENSITY MULTIPLE 36 PERSONS/NET ACRE FAMILY (e) SEWER SERVICE. SEWER SERVICE AND THE INCLUSION OF PROPERTY WITHIN THE URBAN SERVICES LINE (USL) SHALL BE A PREREQUI- SITE TO DEVELOPING MULTIPLE FAMILY PROJECTS TO THE DENSITY STANDARDS OF THE RMF ZONE. RMF-ZONED PROPERTIES OUTSIDE OF THE URBAN SERVICES AREAS SHALL DEVELOP IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS OF THE RS RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN DISTRICT. (f) Density Bonus : A density bonus OF UP TO 25% may be granted through Conditional Use Permit approval IN EXCHANGE FOR PROVISION OF where-adequate-previsieng-are-rade-te-previde dwelling-units-whieh-are affordable HOUSING to low and moderate income persons . The-granting-ef-a-density-beans shall-be-geverned-by-the-fellewixg- ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 -Ei}--The-ma�iaitim-density-beaus-shall-be-2�'{,-exeept- whea-a-g-Eeate-r-bentis-is-allewed-by-Stibseetiea- this-Seetiea: �}}}---The-at��►ber-a€-t�Aits-alleweel-3�p-these-bonny-provi-- sions-skull-Ae�-be-less-�l�aa,-diet-may-e�ceeed�-�iie actual-numbers€-�1welllag-u���s-p�ov�ded-�o�-��e- �a�geted-ixiee�ae-gse�ipr- �iii�--The-a�aeun�-of-eke-dens}�y-beaus-stay-be-ad�asfed-�- the-Elanniag-Ccmmissien-iA-e�de�-�a-aesomp��s�i-- � goals-and-ebjeetives-set-ferth-in-the-Housing-Eie- meet-of-the-General-Planr- f2}--Regeired-Piadi�e�s---the-€ellew3ng-adelitienal-findings- shall-be-made-€er-ani*-project-reeeiving-a-density- benus.- -fly--'Phe-prejeet;-prier-to-the-granting-of-the-density;- : bents;-shall-eensiat-of-a-minimum-of-four-dweiiing-� t3Fiitsr fiiY--The-dwelling-an=ts-allowed-by-the-bonds-shaii-be available-to-the-targeted-income-group-for-a-min-i- muffi-a€-€ifteen-f lS}-yearsr- t fiii}--Per€ermanee-and-management-guarantees-have-been i g�o�idea-whisk-dex�er�strate-eentinueel-availability- e€-ciweliiag-twits-€er-tie-targeteel-i�eeme-group-as- pr-ovided-by-Ssbseetlem-iii}-e€-this-Seetien: f}v�--The-granting-e€-a-density-bangs-will-serve-to-sup-- gor-t-goals-and-ebjeetives-set-€girth-in-the-Housing El-emest-e€-the-General-Plan7- (3) Alternatives-te-Density-Eeaas . In lieu of granting a density bonus , the Planning Commission shall consider other bonus incentives allowable under Government Code Section 65915 . The-grantiag-ef-a-density-beads-dees- aet-preeltide-eeasideratiea-e€-these,--er-ether,--beads iaeentiveS- } t 9-3. 176 . PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. IN ADDITION TO THE STAND- ARDS SPECIFIED IN CHAPTER 4, GENERAL SITE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, THE FOLLOWING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SHALL APPLY TO MOBILE HOME AND MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS: (a) PERCENT COVERAGE. THE MAXIMUM PERCENT OF A LOT THAT MAY BE COVERED BY STRUCTURES (EXCLUDING DECKS LESS THAN 30 INCHES FROM THE GROUND) SHALL BE 40% FOR LOW DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY PROJECTS AND 50% FOR HIGH DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY PROJECTS. (b) ENCLOSED STORAGE. EACH DWELLING UNIT SHALL BE PROVIDED A MINIMUM OF 00 SQUARE FEET OF ENCLOSED STORAGE SPACE, EX- CLUSIVE OF.: CLOSETS, WHICH 14AY BE LOCATED IN EITHER A PRIN- CIPAL OR ACCESSORY BUILDING. (c) OUTDOOR RECREATION AREAS. FOR DEVELOPMENTS OF 4-7 DWELL- ING UNITS, OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL OPEN SPACE SHALL BE PROVIDED AT A RATIO OF 300 SQUARE FEET PER UNIT. THIS OPEN SPACE MAY BE PROVIDED EITHER AS (1) A PRIVATE AMENITY DESIGNED FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF A DWELLING UNIT OR (2) AS COMMON OPEN SPACE PROVIDED THAT NO INDIVIDUAL OPEN SPACE IS LESS THAN 1,000 SQUARE FEET. FOR DEVELOPMENTS OF 8 OR MORE DWELLING UNITS, OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL OPEN SPACE SHALL BE PROVIDED AT A RATIO OF 300 SQUARE FEET PER UNIT.. THIS COMMON OPEN SPACE MAY BE PROVIDED IN MORE THAN ONE LOCATION PROVIDED THAT NO INDIVIDUAL OPEN SPACE AREA IS LESS THAN 19000 SQUARE FEET. (d) SCREENING WALL. A SOLID WALL OR FENCE NOT LESS THAN SIX FEET IN HEIGHT SHALL BE PLACED AND MAINTAINED ON INTERIOR LOT LINES ABUTTING PROPERTY ZONED FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESI- DENTIAL USE. (e) COVERED PARKING. ONE (1) COVERED PARKING SPACE (CARPORT OR GARAGE) SHALL BE REQUIR D PER DWELLING UNIT OF THE TOTAL OFF-STREET SPACES REQUIRED BY SECTION 9-4. 118 . PAGE FT17V � .� • ZONING EXC T - TANDEM PARKING ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 (4) o -Off Points Required: Parking areas for pu assem facilities shall include a design on-site location o opping off passengers an entrance to the facility in nce of park ' the vehicle. Drop-- off points are to be p for : hotels and motels; schools with 50 or Stu churches with a capa- city of 100 or e; restaurants w a capacity of 50 or more omers; public transportation urinals; pl of public assembly; public buildings; a �fices arger than 5,000 square feet. (5) Tandem Parking: Each space in a parking lot, area or garage is to be individually accessible, except that automobiles may be parked in tandem in the following situations: (i) In a parking area serving a single family dwelling, OR individual mobilehome 9F-multi-family-dwellixg7 where the tandem parking is not more than two cars in depth; provided that both spaces are for the same dwelling, and are not located in a required front setback. (ii) In a public garage or public parking area where all parking is performed by attendants at all times, or for public assembly facilities and temporary events where user arrivals and departures are simultaneous and where parking is attendant-directed. (iii) For all-day employee parking lots restricted to em- ployee use, provided that required aisle widths are maintained, and no more than 50% of the employee spaces are designed for tandem use. 9- 18. Required Number of Parking Spaces: All land uses re- quirin proval under this Title shall provide off-street rking spaces as cified in Subsection b and c of this Sect' . (a) Use of Cha ' The charts in Subsect' c of this Section determine theber of parking s ces required for each use of land, as follow (1) Uses Not Listed: or es not specifically listed in this Subsect' n that do no ave parking requirements set by C ter 9-6 (Special Us , the same parking and loa ' g space is required as for t most similar use of uivalent intensity; except where a u not listed re- quires Conditional Use Permit approval, in ich case the amount of parking and loading space requir shall be as determined by the Planning Commission. PAGE SIX ,n ZONING EXCWT - PRECISE PLAN ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 FINDINGS (iii) Areas in excess of 30% slope may be designated s such and contours omitted, unless propos for grading, construction or other alteration. (6) S lementar Develo ment Statement: Sha include a phase schedule for project construct' if one is pro- posed an identification of any ar proposed to be reserved a maintained as comm o open space. Applica- tions for Spe ' 1 uses (Chapte -6) shall include ex- planation of h the ap cable provisions of Chapter 9-6 will be met. (b) Precise Plan Processin Preci Plan applications shall be submitted to t Planning artment and shall be pro- cessed a4.,--'follows- (1) s.;-'follows-(1) Enviro ntal Determination. A Preci Plan applica- tio accepted for processing as set th in Section 9 .102 (Determination of Completeness) sha receive an environmental determination as required by the alifor- nia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) . The Planni De- partment shall process the application concurrently h the environmental determination. 9-2. 108(b) (2) Staff Report. The Planning Department shall prepare a Staff Report which: (i) Describes the characteristics of the proposed land use or development project, as well as the project site and its surroundings; and (ii) References applicable policies and regulations; and (iii) Determines whether the proposed use or project com- plies with the provisions of this Title; and (iv) Sets forth any findings required to support the decision. APPROVAL OR CONDITIONAL APPROVAL RE- QUIRES FINDINGS AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 9-2 . 109 (c) (4) FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS. (v) Specifies any conditions necessary to assure com- pliance with this Title or the mitigated adverse environmental effects . (3) Public Notice. After the staff report has been pre- pared, a notice shall be sent by first class mail with postage prepaid to all persons whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized assessment roll as owning property adjacent to the exterior boundaries of the pro- ject site. Additional notice may be provided when ap- propriate by the Planning Director. The notice shall 2-7 PAGE SEVEN r ZONING EXC*T - CONDITIONAL ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 USE PERMIT • (2) Additional Conditions. In addition to the conditions of Section 9-2.109 (c) (1) , the Planning Commission ay adopt other conditions, including but not limited t : Requiring that security be provided to arantee performance and/or compliance with c dtions of pproval, as set forth in Section 9-2. 2 (Guaran- t s of Performance) ; (ii) Requi ing installation of specifi on-site or off- site i rovements; (iii) Requiring riodic review or imiting the permit to a specified eriod of time (iv) Requiring that a per t be personal to the appli- cant or be applic 1 to the property; (v) Any other conditi s s are judged by the Planning Commission to b neces ry to achieve compatibility between the p posed use nd its site, its immedi- ate surroun Ings, and the mmunity. (3) Effect of Con itions. Whenever a nditional Use Per- mit approva is granted or amended ubject to condi- tions, u or enjoyment of the Cond ional Use Permit approva in violation, or without obsery ce of any con- diti.oqZ shall constitute a violation of th ' s title. In V event of such a violation, the approva may be re- or modified as provided in Section 9-8 . 5 (Revo- n of Approval and Forfeiture of Bonds) . a dura- of conditions is established in Section -2.119 e of Entitlement) . Any change in the condi ions proval of a Conditional Use Permit shall only be ed after following all procedures undertaken f riginal approval. 9-2, 109 (c) (4) Required Findings. If the Planning Commission ap- proves or conditionally approves a Conditional Use Per- mit, it shall first find that: (i) The proposed project or use is consistent with the General Plan; and (ii) The proposed project or use satisfies all applica- ble provisions of this Title; and (iii) The establishment, and subsequent operation or con- duct of the use will not, because of the circum- stances and conditions applied in the particular 2-10 PAGE EIGHT ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 case, be detrimental to the health, safety or wel- fare of the general public or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be det- rimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the use; and (iv) That the proposed project or use will not be incon- sistent with the character of the immediate neigh- borhood or contrary to its orderly development; and (v) That the proposed use or project will not generate a volume of traffic beyond the safe capacity of all roads providing access to the project, either ex- sting or to be improved in conjunction with the ;::project, or beyond the normal traffic volume of the surrounding neighborhood that would result from full development in accordance with the Land Use Element; and (VI) THAT THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH ANY PERTINENT CITY POLICY OR CRITERIA ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL; AND (vii) Any additional findings as deemed necessary. (d) Effective Date. The approval of a Conditional Use Permit shall become final and effective for theur oses o p p f issuing a construction permit or establishing a non-structural use fourteen (14) days following Planning Commission approval unless prior to that time, an appeal to the decision is filed as set forth in Section 9-1.111 (b) (Appeal - Planning Commis- sion Decisions) . 9-2.112. Approved Plans. A land use or development project au- thorized through a zoning approval shall be developed or established only as shown on the project plans approved as part of the applica- tion. Deviation of the project design or construction from the approved plans may occur only as follows: (a) Except as provided by subsection (b) of this section, a fea- ture of the use or project which is subject to the standards of Chapters 9-4 and 9-6 may be modified provided that the change requested is in conformity with the standards of this Title. Such change shall be requested in writing with appropriate supporting materials and explanation of the rea- sons for the request. The Planning Director may approve a requested change upon verification of its conformity with this Title, provided that such approval shall not modify the effective date of the approval (Section 9-2. 113) . (b) In the case of a project feature which is subject to condi- tions of approval of a Conditional Use Permit, or was a spe- cific consideration in the approval of a Conditional Use Per- mit, a new Conditional Use Permit approval shall be obtained. ] PAGE NINE 2-11 � A` . AG Npq. ITEM# �Z 0 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council April 14, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager k)4 FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Proposed Resolution Approving Appearance Review Manual Guidelines BACKGROUND: On February 23, 1987, a public hearing was held before the City Coun- cil for consideration of the draft Appearance Review Manual prepared by the City's ad hoc Architectural Standards Review Committee. This draft had been subject of review by the Planning Commission and in- cludes their recommendations. The action of the Council was to endorse the draft conceptually with staff directed to bring back a resolution formally approving its use at the time that final action is to be taken on the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to implementing language. This has been done as part of the draft comprehensive re-write of the multi-family zoning ordin- ance (Ordinance 149) . RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Resolution No. 35-87. HE:ps cc: Gary Harcourt ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 35-87 Appearance Review Manual RESOLUTION NO. 35-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING APPEARANCE REVIEW MANUAL GUIDELINES WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Atascadero has appointed an ad hoc Architectural Standards Review Committee to make recommenda- tions that would enhance the appearance of future development in the City of Atascadero; and WHEREAS, said `Committee has met for over a year and has recommen- ded adoption of .-its proposed Appearance Review Manual as a guide for quality development in Atascadero; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero has studied said guidelines and made modifications thereto, and con- sidered them at a public hearing on February 2, 1987; and WHEREAS, the City`.Council of the City of Atascadero conducted a public hearing on the subject matter on February 23, 1987 and endorsed the draft in conceptpending implementing language proposed in draft Ordinance No. 149; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Atascadero finds as follows: 1. The proposed guidelines are consistent with the goals and policies of the City' s General Plan. 2. The proposed guidelines are categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does resolve to approve the attached Appearance Review Manual, dated January 8, 1987, which shall be utilized by the Community Development Department, Planning Commission and the City Council in evaluating future develop- ment projects pursuant to Section 9-1.106 of the zoning regulations. Effective date for utilization of said guidelines shall be "ay 15, 1987. On motion by and seconded by the motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: MARJORIE MACKEY, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City clerk APP RO AS TO CONTEN MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HEARI ENG N Community Develop nt Director • �s' ..me• •rte i �r/.r. r ...+wa • ► 3J rAw$" i• • 't' •!' �, y i "� • ' ! fMal.. • - .� _.. s -•. = Mk L O u a L D c � E CL L L L r•� („) O a a c a c c O C Q Q a L c c N c 0 O > a cEp a a c O U iL i ca E c d kAa. •- CL LL. a a a th LL. on >. U a a 13 •- +j ^ +� Q c as [L to +� ._ I— w •- o o IV ed 3 � H U >. c a0 u 0 � v M p }' L E -n •— O F— c E a c a W D tA cntA p a 0 41 a O N O VI a to 0: 0: U 2U ttltn tiQ D4 iQ CL Q c W L toO L W i a c c u ._ M E : c WY .- &I^ c .J u c ccn to ^ — c a c i E >1 +�6 N •N ~ U d 3 N to m 4 0 U O� -0 � p W a c G 0 Z U Y O a C7 z o a = W tv C7 O S a U u c p UL a RS L Z O a, O�41 o N L a .- a L c L •- 1J �i G L O a _ L X O c L L E U u L E L — u U � 3 Lo m m n, D" ti — L w+ d C.) •— _ F- � iWW � � (AW-F- Z • ZZWO - w = (11 .., Woxmf Z ~ ~ F-- `y O F-- O cn U (n Z 0 • J O Q Ocf- O O Z O Q ~ W Q O W X ' 0 0 U 3 ? J p CA O w " OO WZ F- } W WZQW � (n �, (,LU -i n. 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D Qr � m Do Zmc 0G-) b-- 0 000 � m � v ccn ;o -n .. c m ►- mDm m DD m � � r D 0 Z6-4 '"' n U) --10 .. Z Q rmm m D mLD Z � Z � D 0 z D z D 0 hi Ga X ` -n 0 co -nz Z 0 D n - D C7 v m Dr ;aM �--� y � r -vQ ccv MM Ln w VJ m No D -I c7 r m z m m oc co M �' D � m X O Ln D z " cnmm Zo %40 ruZ £ Z MEDIUM TREES 25-40 feet Acacia baileyana . . . . . Bailey Acacia Ailanthus altissima . . . . . Tree-of-Heaven Albizia julibrissin . . . . . Silk Tree Eucalyptus sideroxylon Red Ironbark Juglans species . . . . . Walnut Olea europaea . . . . . Olive Prunus caroliniana . . . . . Carolina Laurel Cherry Quercus chrysolepis . . . . . Canyon Live Oak Quercus ilex . . . . . Holly Oak Sambucus species . . . . . Elderberry Zelkova serrata . . . . . Sawleaf Zelkova Y DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTS FOR ATASCADERO LARGE TREES 40 feet and higher Acacia decurrens . . . . . Green Wattle Acacia melanoxylon . . . . . Blackwood Acacia Cedrus atlantica . . . . . Atlas Cedar Ceratonia siliqua . . . . . Carob Tree Eucalyptus leucoxylon . . . . . White Ironbark Grevillea robusta . . . . Silk Oak Lithocarpus densiflorus . . . . . Tanbark Oak Pinus canariensis . . . . . Canary Island Pine Pinus halepensis . . . . . Aleppo Pine _ Pinus radiata . . . . . Monterey Pine Pinus pinea . . . . . Italian Stone Pine Pinus sabiniana . . . . . Digger Pine Quercus agrifolia . . . . . Coast Live Oak Quercus chrysolepis . . . . . Canyon Live Oak Quercus douglasii Blue Oak Quercus ilex Holly Oak Robinia pseudoacacia . . . . . Black Locust Zelkova serrata . . . . . Sawleaf Zelkova S r DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTS FOR ATASCADERO LARGE SHRUBS 10-18 feet Acacia baileyana . . . . . Bailey Acacia Acacia b. 'Purpurea. . . . . .Purple-Leaf Acacia Acacia decurreAs Green Wattle Acacia d. dealbata Silver Wattle Adenostoma sparsifolium . . . . . Red Shanks Aesculus californica California Buckeye Arbutus menziesii . . . . . Madrone Arbutus unedo . Strawberry Tree Arctostaphylos glauca . Bigberry Manzanita Arctostaplylos manzanita . . . . . Common Manzanita Baccharis viminea . . . . . Mulefat Calliandra tweedii . . . . . Trinidad Flame Bush Callistemon citrinus . . . . . Lemon Bottlebrush Ceanothus arboreus . . . . . Feltleaf Ceanothus Ceanothus crassifoius . . . . . Hoary-Leaf Ceanothus Ceanothus cyaneus San Diego Ceanothus Ceanothus impressus Santa Barbara Ceanothus Ceanothus 'Frosty Blue ' Ceanothus ' Ray Hartman' Ceanothus ' Sierra Blue' Cercis occidentalis . . . . . Western Redbud Cercocarpus species . . . . . Mountain Mahogany Comarostaphylis diversifolia Summer Holly Cotoneaster lactus . . . . . Red Clusterberry Dendromecon harfordii . . . . . Island Bush Poppy Dodonaea viscose . . . . . Hopseed Bush Elaeagnus pungens . . . . . Silverberry Eriobotrya deflexa Bronze Loquat Eriobotrya japonica . . . Loquat Eucalyptus macrocarpa Desert Malee Eucalyptus niphophila . . . . . Snow Gum r � Y r , v DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTS FOR ATASCADERO SMALL TREES 15-25 feet Aesculus californica . . . . . California Buckeye Arbutus unedo . . . . . Strawberry Tree Callistemon ctrinus . . . . . Lemon Bottlebrush Callistemon .rigidus . . . . . Stiff Bottlebrush Ceanothus arboreus . . . . . Feltleaf Ceanothus Cercis occidentalis . . . . . Western Redbud Eriobotrya deflexa Bronze Loquat Fremontodendron species . . . . . Flannel Bush Heteromeles arbutifolia . . . . . Toyon Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle Photinia serrulata . . . . . Chinese Photinia Punica granatum . . . . . Pomergranate Quercus dumosa . . . . . Scrub Oak Rhamnus alaternus . . . . . Italian Buckthorn Sambucus species . . . . . Elderberry Schinus terebinthifouius . . . . . Brazilian Pepper Tree fi LARGE SHRUBS 10-18 feet continued Feijoa sellowiana . . . . . Pineapple Guava Fremontodendron species . . . . . Flannel Bush Heteromeles arbutifolia . . . . . Toyon Jasminum humile Italian Jasmine Juniperus species . . . . . Juniper Laurus nobilis . . . . . Sweet Bay Lithocarpus densiflorus . . . . . Tanbark Oak Mahonia higginsae Nerium oleander . . . Oleander Photinia fraseri . . . . . Photinia serrulata . . . . . Chinese Photinia Plumbago auriculata Cape Plumbago Prunus species . . . . . Prunus Psidium guajava . . . . . Guava Punica granatum . . . . . Pomegranate Pyracantha species . . . . . Firethorn Quercus chrysolepis . . . . . Canyon Live Oak Quercus dumosa . . . . . Scrub Oak Rhamnus alaternus Italian Buchthorn Rhamnus californica . . . . .California Coffeeberry Rhus integrifolia . . . . . . Lemonade berry Rhus ovata . . . . . Sugar Bush Sambucus species . . . . .Elderberry Schinus molle . . . . . California Pepper Schinus terebinthifolius . . . . . Brazilian Pepper Tree Tecomaria capensis . . . . . Cape Honeysuckle Xylosma congestum . . . . . Shiny Xylosma 4V - DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTS FOR ATASCADERO MEDIUM SHRUBS 5-10 feet Arbutus unedo 'Compacta' . . . . Dwarf Strawberry Tree Arctostaphylosdensiflora 'Harmony' Arctostaphylos densiflora ' Howard McMinn' Arctostaplylos franciscana Artemisia tridentata . . . . . Big Basin Sagebrush Atriplex canescens . . . . . Four-Wing Saltbush Atriplex lentiformis . . . . . Quail Bush Baccharis pilularis consanguinea . . . . . Coyote Brush Baccharis viminea Mulefat Caesalpinia species Bird of Paradise Bush Calliandra tweedii . . . . Trinidad Flame Bush Callistemon citrinus . . . . . Lemon Bottlebrush Callistemon pallidus Callistemon rigidus . . . . . Stiff Bottle Brush Cassia species Senna Ceanothus griseus horizontalis ' Santa Ana' Ceanothus ' Concha' Ceanothus ' Joyce Coulter' Ceanothus 'Julia Coulter' Ceanothus 'Mountain Haze ' Ceanothus ' Sierra Blue ' Cercocarpus ledifolius . . . . . Curl-leaf Mountain Hahogany Chamelaucium uncinatum . . . . . Geraldton Waxflower Cistus purpureus . . . . . Orchis Rockrose Cotoneaster lacteus . . . . . Red Clusterberry Cytisus species . . . . . Broom Dendromecon harfordii Island Bush Poppy Dodonaea viscosa . . . . . Hopseed Bush Elaeagnus pungens . . . . . Silverberry Eucalyptus macrocarpa . . . . . Desert Malee Feijoa sellowiana . . . . . Pineapple Guava Garrya species . . . . . Silktassel Grevillea ' Noelii ' Grevillea rosmarinifolia . . . . . Rosemary Grevillea Grevillea thelemanniana . . . . . Hummingbird Bush Isomeris arborea . . . . . Bladderpod Jasminum humile . . . . . Italian Jasmine Juniperus species . . . . . Juniper Laurus nobilis . . . . .Sweet Bay Lupinus arboreus . . . . . Tree Lupine Mahonia amplectans Mahonia nevinii • . . Nevin Mahonia Nerium oleander . . . . . Oleander Penstemon antirrhinoides . Yellow Penstemon Photinia fraseri Is 4t DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTS FOR ATASCADERO MEDIUM SHRUBS 5-10 feet, continued Pittosporum tobira . . . . . Tobira Pyracantha species . . . . . Firethorn Rhamnus californica . . . . . California Coffeeberry Rhamnus crocea . . . . . Redberry Ribes aureum . . . . . Golden Currant Ribes sanguineum . . . . . Red Flowering Gooseberry Ribes sanuineum 'Glutinusum' . . . . . Romneya coulteri Matilija Poppy Salvia apiana White Sage Simmondisia chinensis . . . . . Jojoba Tecomaria capensis . . . . . Cape Honeysuckle Viguiera species Xylosma congestum ' Compacta' . . . . . Shiny Xylosma v � DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTS FOR ATASCADERO SMALL SHRUBS 3-5 feet Achillea species . . . . . Yarrow Arctostaphylos densiflora 'James West' Arctostaphylos hookeri . . . . . Monterey Manzanita Arctostaphylos, 'Green Sphere' Argemone species . . . . . PricklyPo ppy Artemisia cal�ifornica - - . . CaliforniaCn Sagebrush Calliandra californica Calliandra eriophylla . . . . . False Mesquite Cassia species . . . . . Senna Ceanothus 'Blue Cushion' Cistus species . . . . . Rockrose Convolvulus cneorum . . . . . Bush Morning Glory Cotoneaster buxifolius . . . . . Bright Bead Cotoneaster Cotoneaster congestus Encelia farinosa . . . . . Desert Encelia Eriogonum crocatum . . . . . Saffron Buckwheat Eriogonum fasciculatum . . . . . Common Buckwheat Hypericum beanii Juniperus species . . . . . Juniper Lavandual species . . . . . Lavender Leptodactylon californicum Prickly Phylox Leucophyllum frutescens 'Compactum' . Texas Ranger Lotus scoparius . . . . . Deerweed Lupinus arboreus . . . . . Tree Lupine Mimulus species . . . . . Monkey Flower Osteospermum species . . . . . African Daisy Pennisetum setaceum . . . . . Fountain Grass Penstemon heteronhyllus . . . . . Blue Penstemon Penstemon spectabilis . . . . .Showy Penstemon Pittosporum tobira 'Wheeleri ' . Wheeler' s Dwarf Pyracantha species . . . . . Firethorn Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostrates' . Prostrate Rosemary Salvia clevelandii . . . . . Cleveland Sage • q n, 4J 4 1 DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTS FOR ATASCADERO GROUND COVERS Acacia redolens Achillea species . . . . . Yarrow .Arctostaphylos species Atriplex glauca Baccharis pilularis . . . . . Prostrate Coyote Brush Ceanothus griseus horizontalis . Centaurea cineraria Carmel Creeper Cistus salviifolius , � • " Dusty Miller • . Sageleaf Rockrose Coprosma kirkii . Creeping Cotoneaster buxifolius Coprosma Bright Bead Cotoneaster Cotoneaster congestus Eriogonum crocatum Saffron Buckwheat Eriogonum fasciculatum . . . . . Common Buckwheat Gazania species . . . . . Gazania Grevillea 'Noellii' Grevillea rosmarinifolia , H _ Rosemary Grevillea elianthemum species . Sunrose Hypericum calycinum • . Aaron' s Beard Juniperus species Juniper. . . . . Lobularia maritima - Sweet Alyssum Lupinus nanus Annual Lupine Mahonia repens . . . . . Creeping Mahonia Pyracantha species . . . . . Firthorn Rosma'inus officinalis 'Prostratus ' Salvia sonomensis • • • - • Prostrate Rosemary Santolina chamaecyparissuseeping Sage Santolina virens Lavender Cotton Trifolium frageriferum O' Connor' s F " ' • 0 Connor's Legume Zauschneria californica . . . . California Fuchsia a XETEND y / AGyNDq • MEMORANDUM To: City Council Thru: Mike Shelton, City Manager , From: David G. Jorgensen, Admin. Svcs. Directolq_____ Date: March 30, 1987 Subject: Computer System Request for Proposals (RFP) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the time schedule and bid documents to solicit proposals for a finan- cial computer system and departmental word processing. DISCUSSION As part of the most recent presentation of the City' s audit by the independent auditor , it was suggested that the City explore the possibility of replacing the existing financial system hard- ware , and software. In working with the City' s software support consultant, he has suggested the City explore the possibilites of new computer hardware and application software because of the obsolescence of the hardware and the inadequacy of the software. Prior to bringing the bid package to the Council he has reviewed it and his suggested changes have been made. Software Needs For quite a long time, the financial system software has been inadequate for our needs. As the city grows this inadequacy becomes more acute. We do not have a usable general ledger by account number. This makes accurate tracking of revenue, expenditures and fund balances difficult and time consuming, with a greater possibility for error. Our payroll system should automatically update the general ledger by fund and account number. This is not happening with the current system. Beginning .in 1988-89, the City will be required to submit a detailed business license report to the State of California. We do not have an automated business license system. To do this report manually would be time consuming and nearly impossible with • the current number of personnel on staff. Each year the auditor suggests, the need for a detailed fixed asset system. Once again, this can not be done with the current computer software or manually with the current level of staffing. The bid RFP is designed to respond to these reporting needs, as well as others, so that the finance department can supply the Council and departments with accurate usuable information at all times. Hardware Needs The existing computer hardware is over five years old. In terms of technology, it has become obsolete. Because of this, the manufacturer, each year, increases the cost to the City of maintaining the hardware in workable condition. With the cost of maintenance as high as it is and the cost of new systems becoming lower, it is conceivable that new system hardware can be obtained at the same cost as the cost of maintenance on the current system. FISCAL CONSIDERATIONS An example of cost comparisons is attached. These examples show that the City could buy new financial system hardware and software for less than was allocated for computer costs in the 1986-87 budget. A more detailed cost analysis will be included with the final report after the bids have been received and evaluated. ALTERNATIVES At this point the alternatives for the Council to consider , are to allow us to request proposals or not. After the pro- posals are received there will be additional alternatives based on actual price comparisons for either replacing the existing system, or not. These alternatives will be based on the cost effectiveness of new systems proposals compared to the existing system. file: bids2 r Computer Cost. Comparison All costs except current are estimates only. Actual costs will be determined by the bid process. Current (1) Costs Vendor A(2) Vendor B(2) Lease/Purchase Payment Hardware $ 2,699 .00 (3) $ 618.46 (3) $ 1,002.00 (3) Lease/Purchase Pmt. App Software -0- Not Quoted 529.00 Maintenance - Hardware 1,007.00 199 .00 317.91 Maintenance - Software 164.30 205.00 -0- Maintenance - App. Software 253. 50 Not Quoted -0- monthly total $ 4 ,123. 80 $ 1,022.46 $ 1,848.91 x 12 months $49,485.60 $12,269.52 $22,186.92 1. Based on expenses paid during 1986-1987 fiscal year. 2. These are quotes from actual vendors, but are unofficial and may change when official bids are submitted. Also they represent different hardware configurations. 3. All rates are monthly. file: bids2 NOTICE INVITING BIDS The City of Atascadero will receive sealed bids until 1:45 p.m. , Friday, May 29, 1987 for Data Processing Hardware and Application Software. Bids will be opened at 2:00 p.m. on May 29, 1987, in Room 201 of the City Administration Building. Bids must be addressed to: David G. Jorgensen, Director of Administrative Services City of Atascadero P. O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 The envelope must be clearly marked "DATA PROCESSING BID" . The City reserves the right to waive any information or irregularities in the Request For Proposals or in the bids; to reject any or all bids; to be the sole judge of the suitability of the materials offered; and to award a contract or contracts for the furnishing of one or more items of the property or serv- ices it deems to be in the best interest of the City. David G. Jorgensen Director of Administrative Services DGJ:al file: bidsl • INFORMATION TO BIDDERS Securing Documents: Specifications and other contract document forms are available and can be secured by prospective bidders at: Finance Department City Administration Building Room 208 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Additional Information: Questions relating to this document may be addressed to: David G. Jorgensen Director of Administrative Services P. O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Phone: (805) 466-8000 Bidders should not have contact with other City personnel except as specifically authorized by Mr. Jorgensen. Response Forms: Response form sections are identified as being "Information" or "Requirement" Informational questions are not requirement, but request information that is of interest to the City, and will be used in evaluating bidders. There is a space provided for the bidder to write a brief explanation or to refer to supporting material or documentation, which must be attached or included. Content of Bid: The bid shall contain the following: Two copies of: Cover letter Response Forms At least one copy of any supporting material or documentation. City Use of Bid Reply Contents and Concept: The City reserves the right to use any or all contents and concepts presented on any bid, whether selected or rejected by the City. The City will make a reasonable attempt to safeguard proprietary information (if identified as such) from copy or unnecessary exposure by the City. However, the City accepts no liability for exposure of proprietary information. Interpretation of Documents: If any person contemplating sub- mittinq a bid is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of this Request for Proposals, or finds discrepancies in, or omis- sions from, the specifications, he may submit to the City a 10. ! • written request for an interpretation or correction thereof. The person submittinq the request will be responsible for its prompt delivery. Any interpretation or correction of the proposed docu- ments will be made only by Addendum duly issued by the City, and a copy of such Addendum will be mailed or delivered to each person who received a Request for Proposals. The City will not be responsible for any other explanation or interpretation of the Request for Proposals. Addendum or Bulletins: Any addendum or bulletin issued by the City the t mi a of biddinq or forming a part of the docu- ments provided to the bidder for the preparation of his bid shall be covered in the bid and shall be made a part of the contract. Withdrawal of Bids: Any bidder may withdraw his bid, either personally or by a written request, at any time prior to the scheduled time for the opening of bids. _Economy of Preparation: Bids should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of the bidder ' s capabilities to satisfy the requirements of these guidelines. The bidder shall be responsible for costs incurred in the proposal preparation and delivery. Schedule: The followinq schedule is planned: Apr 15, 1987 - Malllnq of this Request for Proposals May 6, 1987 - Deadline for receipt, by City, of written requests for interpretation or correction. May 8, 1987 - Last day for City to mail addendum. May 29, 1987 - Openinq of Bids May 29, 1987 to June 30, 1987 - Evaluation Demonstrations Negotiations Jul 14, 1987 - Award of Bid Jul 15, 1987 to Aug 1, 1987 - Negotiations Signing of Contracts Oct 1, 1987 - Installation The installation schedule will be negotiated with the successful bidder. Evaluation Process: Bids that are judged by the City to be unresponsive or materially incomplete will be immediately rejected. Finalists will be selected from the remaining bidders. The City anticipates there will be three finalists, but reserves the right to vary this number . The City will request demonstrations from the finalists. The City shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by the bidder in the presentation of these demonstrations. Demonstra- r tions shall be performed on a system which is similar to the configuration proposed by the bidder. The City will perform whatever research it deems necessary into the bidder ' s history, financial viability, and references. The bidder shall cooperate with the City by providing appropriate information. Evaluation Criteria: The primary evaluation criteria shall be the overall cost benefit as perceived by the City, rather than cost only. The City will consider many factors, including the followinq: (These are not in any specific sequence of importance. ) Long-term costs (Five years) Responsiveness to the needs of the City (current and future) Growth capability Bidder Qualifications Partial Bids: The City desires a solution to their financial data processing needs, and recognizes that the best total solution may not come from a single vendor. Therefore, the City will accept partial bids. For example, the City may acquire Application Software from one bidder and Hardware from another bidder . In this example, the Application Software bid should clearly identify the hardware components necessary to run the Application Software according to the requirements of the City. The City will thoroughly check bidder ' s references to confirm that the bidders have satisfactorily performed in previous installations. Divisibility: Unless the bidder specifies otherwise, the City shall assume that a bid is divisible. For example, the City may choose to take some Application Software from the bidder and some from other sources, including other bidders. The City is aware that incompatabilities may exist, and therefore this will be done only when it is considered to be in the best interest of the City. Multiple Bids: Bidders may submit multiple bids if they so desire. Such multiple bids will be evaluated separately on their own merits. Availability of Equipment and System Software: The equip- ment and system software proposed in the bid must have been formally announced for marketing purposes on or before the date of bid receipt by the City. Additionally, equipment and software should be available for delivery and installation within 30 days of the bidder signinq a contract with the City. Requirements: The City has established certain requirements as specified in the Request for Proposals. None of these require- ments are designed to give any bidder an advantage or disadvan- tage in the bidding process. Bidders are encouraged to bid even if the bid does not meet the requirements as stated. However , the bidder must state specifically, which requirements are not met, how the same function may be otherwise performed, and why this deviation should not be considered material. The City' s determination that a deviation is not material does not excuse the bidder from full compliance with other specifications if he is awarded the contract. Peripherals: There are not specific requirements for the number and location of terminals, nor the number , speed, and location of printers. Bidders are expected to determine these hardware requirements based on the efficiency of their hardware, system software and application software; and on their experience with comparable cities. Bidders may arrange an appointment to visit the City's offices to make this determination. System Capacity: The City recognizes that different disk stor- age techniques use varying amounts of disk storage space, and that application software design can affect the amount of disk storage required. It is the responsiblility of the bidder to determine the amount of disk storage required. The same is true of CPU memory. Bidders should not be conservative in the disk capacity bid. Bidders may be requested to prove the adequacy of their proposed configuration. Contract: The responses submitted by bidders in the Request for Proposal will become part of the final contract document. VOLUME INFORMATION 5-Year Current Projected Population 20, 000 25,500 Employees: Full time 103 120 Part time 31 36 Funds 14 14 Departments 21 21 Number of Accounts Payable 750 960 invoices per month Average number of distributions 10 10 per Accounts Payable invoice Number of permanent vendors 600 960 Number of business licenses issued 1, 500 1,900 Payroll frequency: bi-weekly file: dvolinfo 1 RESPONSE FORMS HARDWARE AND SYSTEM SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Requested Information Response or Reference 1. At least one principal 1. language, commonly used on the system as bid, must be an industry standard, high-level language. Specify this language. 2. A "Report Writer" must be 2. provided. Refer to documen- tation describing its capabilities. 3. A text editor must be 3. supplied that is capable of effectively maintaining source programs in all lanauages proposed. Refer to documentation describing its capabilities. 4. All hardware must be 4. current models, in current production. They can not be models soon to be discontinued by the manufacturer. 5. All systems software, 5. including compilers, must have been in general and successful use for a period of at least one year. Specify at lease one reference. 6. Print spooling is to be 6. supported with the ability to restart printing at an operator-specified point. 7. Adequate disk storage 7. supplied to take full advantage of printer spooling capabilities for the volumes specified. ° • w RESPONSE FORMS HARDWARE AND SYSTEM SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Requested Information Response or Reference 8. Security provisions must 8. be adequate to prevent unauthorized access to data files. Is security a function of the operating system or application software? 9. Terminal response time 9. for all users must not exceed five seconds under normal operation, with an average of no more than three seconds under normal operation. 10. Other installations with 10 . hardware configurations similar to the proposed must have. experienced no more than 5% hardware or system software down-time. 11. Specify location of 11. nearest hardware service personnel. 12. Specify number of 12. service personnel at the above location. 13. Specify the location of 13. backup service personnel other than specified above. 14. Normal operation not to 14. require operator intervention for purposes other than printer forms change and backup. RESPONSE FORMS HARDWARE AND SYSTEM SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Requested Information Response or Reference 15. All data movement to and 15. from peripheral devices and within the CPU must have complete error checkinq. 16. Disk storage devices 16 . must be able to flaq areas as unusable and assign` alternate areas. 17. Disk storaqe devices 17. must be protected from damage due to power failure, including preservation and integrity of data written before failure. 18. Terminal screens must be 18. at least 11 inches measured diagonally. 19. Terminals must display 19. at least 24 lines of 80 characters each. 20. Must have a "10 key 20 . numeric pad" section on the keyboard. 21. Must have function keys 21. which allow the operator to move the cursor up, down, right or left. 22. Printers must print at 22. least 132 columns per line. - Specify printer line width in inches and columns. i RESPONSE FORMS HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Requested Information Response or Reference 23. Capable of printing 23. industry standard sprocket- feed continuous forms with varvinq widths from 4 inches to 14 7/8 inches. 24. Must allow printing of 24. multiple-part forms of up to five parts, separated by carbon paper. 25. Must be capable of 25 . printing all characters normally used by the programming language (s) proposed. 26. Attach a list of at 26 . least five references using a similar configuration. 27. Describe data base manage- 27 . ment system. RESPONSE FORMS HARDWARE AND SYSTEM SOFTWARE INFORMATION Requested Information Response or Reference 1. Manufacturer of hardware 1. components: a) CPU a) b) Disk drive (s) b) c) Terminals c) d) Printers d) 1. Central Line 2. Remote Character or Serial e) Other (specify) e) 2. Attach a separate sheet 2. detailinq what training will be provided, and costs, if any. 3. Specify the lanquage (s) 3. proposed. 4. List all lanquages 4. supported (including those not bid) and specify implementation level. 5. Specify backup media 5. proposed. 6. Specify time to backup 6 . 100 megabytes of data files. 7. CPU memory capacity as 7. proposed (in bytes) . 8. Maximum CPU memory 8. capacity without major modifi- cation replacement of CPU (in bytes) . r RESPONSE FORMS HARDWARE AND SYSTEM SOFTWARE INFORMATION Requested Information Response or Reference 9. Disk storage capacity as 9. proposed (in megabytes) . 10. Maximum disk storage 10 . capacity without replacement of CPU (in megabytes) . 11. Do anv of the above 11. memory or disk upgrades require re-compilation of programs? 12. Printer speed when 12. printing a mixed set of alphanumeric characters. 13. Expected transfer rate of 13. data to and from terminals. 14. For all hardware 14. proposed, what is the total power usage (in KVA) ? 15. For all hardware 15. proposed, what is the total heat dissipated (in BTU) ? 16. Operating temperature 16. range. 17. Operating relative 17. humidity range. • • RESPONSE FORMS HARDWARE AND SYSTEM SOFTWARE INFORMATION Requested Information Response or Reference 18. Floor space required for 18. all hardware other than desk- top printers and terminals (square feet) . Define clearance for servicing and maintenance. 19. Desk space required for 19. terminals (square inches) . 20. Desk (table)' space 20 . required for desk-top printers (if any) (square inches) . 21. For each hardware 21. component, specify the required voltaqe and phase (1 or 3) a) CPU a) b Disk Drives ve b) c) Terminals c) d) Printers d) e) Other (specify) e) 22. Specify the maximum 22. number of terminals that may be attached without major modification or replacement of the CPU. RESPONSE FORMS HARDWARE AND SYSTEM SOFTWARE INFORMATION Requested Information Response or Reference 23. Allowing for the 23. operating system, how much of the proposed memory is available for user programs? 24. When were the first 24. customer shipments of the: a) CPU a) b) Disk Drives b) c) Terminals c) d) Printer (s) d) e) Other (specify) e) 25. At what level would 25. concurrent users encounter a file lock-out situation (record, sector, file) ? 26. Does the system have 26 . print spooling available to all users and for all printers? 27. Does the system have an 27. input job queue feature? 28. Does the system provide 28. on-line help text for system functions? 29. Does the system have a 29 . job-interrupt feature to allow suspension of a currently executing job to initiate a second iob? RESPONSE FORMS HARDWARE AND SYSTEM SOFTWARE INFORMATION Requested Information Response or Reference 30. Cost per additional 30 . terminal. 31. Can a micro-computer be 31. attached to the system and be used as a terminal as well as a stand-alone system? Include information. 32. Is word processing avail- 32. able? Can it be run on same hardware? 33. Is stand alone word pro- 33. cessing available as part of the system? 34. If stand-alone, can the 34. station equipment be used to access the main computer? 35. What type of individual 35. letter quality printers are available for each word processinq station? (Give recommendation and cost. ) 36. Is communication line 36 . coaxial or twisted pair cable? RESPONSE FORMS GENERAL APPLICATION SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Requested Information Response or Reference 1. Along with delivery of 1. the Application Software Programs, source code for all Application Software must be provided in machine readable form at no additional cost. 2. All applications are to 2. be menu driven. 3. Are file allocations 3. automatically adjusted such that space constraints (other than total disk capacity) do not cause job termination? 4. Attach a copy of any 4. Application Software Maintenance and Support agreements. 5. All data files must be 5. compatible with the system' s report writer. 6. Attach a list of at least 6. five references using the software. 7. For each application, 7. attach a description of at least one "user-friendly" feature of that application. RESPONSE FORMS GENERAL LEDGER AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REQUIREMENTS Requested Information Response or Reference 1. Cash or accrual 1. selection by fund. 2. The System must protect 2. against fund out-of-balance conditions. 3. Financial statement 3. format under control of the user. 4. Ability to have multiple 4. years open. In other words, post transactions to the new year without having yet closed the previous year. 5. Interactive inquiry by 5. Account Number or Account Group or Vendor Number. 6. Print out 1099 ' s. 6. 7. Previously used invoice 7. number edit to protect against paying duplicate invoice. 8. Check reconciliation 8. system. 9. Account status to 9. include encumbrances. 10. The system must 10 . automatically encumber as purchase orders are posted. s RESPONSE ,FORMS GENERAL LEDGER AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REQUIREMENTS Requested Information Response or Reference 11. Encumbrances are to be 11. automatically relieved fully or partially as a result of invoice entry or payment. 12. Reporting to conform to 12. NCGA Statements 1 and 2. 13. The system must produce 13. complete journals of transactions posted from other applications. RESPONSE ;.FnRMS GENFRAT. T.EnapR ANO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INFnRMATION Reauested Information Response or Reference 1 . Describe the fnrmat of ] , the account number. 2. Describe the cvstem' s 2. audit trails. RESPONSE .FORMS PAYROLL REQUIREMENTS Rea"ested Information Resnonse or RefPrenne 1. Maintain 12 months 1. earninns history on-line. 2, Salaried and hourlv 2. emnlovpes. 3. A minimum of ten 3. voluntary deductions. 4. Miscellaneous deductions 4. are either a fixed amount or a nprcentanp. 5. Print W-21s. 5. 6. Calculation and tracking 6. of: al deferred ommnensation al bl sick leave b) c) vara t-i on l pave N d) comnensatory time dl el holidav time e) 7. FICA and State Retirement 7. calculation and renortinn_ 8. Automatic distribution of 8. salaried nprsonnel to nn to six predetermined General Ledapr Acco"nts. 9. Automatic distrihution.. of 4. actual emnlover-paid fringe costs and nostina these to the General Leda er. RESPONSE -FORMS PAYROLL REQUIREMENTS Requested Information Response or Reference 10. User defined earnings 10. types, deductions, and fringes. 11. Personnel information: 11. a) next increase date a) b) ranqe and step b) c) EEO information c) d) probationary status d) e) drivers license e) expiration date f) training history f) . 12. Check reconciliation 12. system. 13. Automatic posting to the 13. General Ledger, including distribution of employer contribution for all fringe benefits. RESPONSE .,FORMS PAYROLL INFORMATION Requested Information Response or Reference 1. Maximum number of: 1. a) voluntary deductions a) b) deductions b) c) earnings types c) d) predetermined d) distributions e) distributions at time e) of time card entry 2. What personnel 2. information is available? RESPONSE ;.FORMS BUDGET PREPARATION REQUIREMENTS Requested Information Response or Reference 1. Maintain previous year ' s 1. history. 2. Five workinq levels of 2. budget development, allowing defaults from one level to another. 3. User definition of 3. workpaper content with multiple formats per level. 4. Experimental budgeting. 4. 5. Automatic postinq of the 5. Final Budget to the General Ledger. 6. Text insertion into the 6 . Final Budget. 7. Printinq of "Final 7. Budget" . • RESPONSE .,FORMS BUDGET PREPARATION INFORMATION Requested Information Response or Reference 1. Is upper and lower case 1. supported? 2. As the current vear 2. progresses, can the current year-to-date "actuals" be rolled into the budget development process in order to continually improve the accuracv of the new budget? RESPONSE FORMS FIXED ASSETS REQUIREMENTS Requested Information Response or Reference 1. Accountinq for: 1. a) City owned assets a) b) assets leased from b) others c) assets leased to others c) 2. Calculation of 2. depreciation. 3. Valuation by: 3. a) actual cost a) b) reproduction cost b) c) replacement cost c) d) above factors less d) insurance exclusion and/or depreciation. 4. Appraisal support system. 4. 5. Qualitative and 5. quantitative information, for such things as parking lot striping, lineal feet of fence, etc. 6. Accountinq for mass 6. assets on FIFO basis. 7. Identification by source 7. of acquisition funds, allowinq for multiple sources. RESPONSE :FORMS FIXED ASSETS REQUIREMENTS Requested Information Response or Reference 8. Accounting for joint- 8. owned facilities. 9. Accountinq for ioint-fund 9 . facilities. s 10. Interface to the General 10 . Ledger for depreciation and retirements. s s RESPONSE =FORMS FIXED ASSETS INFORMATION Requested Information Response or Reference 1. Specify the methods of 1. depreciation available. 2. Attach documentation 2. describing your appraisal support system. 3. What is the maximum 3. number of FIFO levels for mass assets? 4. What facilities are there 4. to aid in balancing the Fixed Asset system to the General Ledger control accounts? RESPONSE =FORMS MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE REQUIREMENTS (BUSINESS LICENSES, RENTAL PROPERTIES, ETC. ) Requested Information Response or Reference 1. Accountinq for the 1. following receivables: a) recovery of charges for a) damage to public property b) rentals b) c) inter-governmental c) d) notes receivable d) e) other miscellaneous e) receivables 2. Generation of journal 2. entries on a cash or accrual basis according to fund. 3. Receivables for multiple 3. funds. 4. Optional printinq of 4. bills (invoices) . 5. Optional printinq of 5. statements. 6. Recurring charges: 6. a) with expiration by date a) or amount billed b) billed weekly, monthly, b) bi-monthly, quarterly, annually, etc. 7. Optional finance charges 7. or penalties based on percentage or flat amount. ' A RESPONSE FORMS MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE REQUIREMENTS (BUSINESS LICENSES, RENTAL PROPERTIES, ETC. ) Requested Information Response or Reference 8. Delinquent notices 8. 9. Full audit trail and 9. transaction history. 10. Maintain 12 months 10. transaction history on-line. 11. Ability to inquire into 11. transaction history by: a) name a) b) account number b) 12. For cash basis funds, 12. distribute cash receipts for partial payments according to operator specifications. 13. Interface to the General 13. Ledqer. COST RESPONSE FORMS Bidders should attach the following schedules: 1. A list of all hardware proposed, each component separately identified, and the monthly maintenance contract price associated with that component. 2. List individual costs for the following: Display Stations Additional disc capacity Word Processor Letter quality printer 3. A list of all System Software components showinq all one-time, monthly recurring costs, and upgrade cost policy associated with each component. 4. A list of all Application Software components, showing all one-time and monthly recurrinq costs associated with each component. For the convenience of the City, the above costs are to be summarized onto the following Cost Response Forms. Computer„ Configuration Proposed Room 201 1 Word Processor with main system access 1 Letter Quality Printer Room 205 1 Word Processor without main system access 1 Letter Quality Printer Room 207 1 Word Processor without main system access 1 Letter Quality Printer Room 208 2 Display Stations 1 Word Processor with main system access 1 Letter Quality Printer Room 210 1 CPU/Processor 1 Disk Drive (dual) 1 Tape or Disk Drive for system backup 1 High Speed Line Printer 1 Display Station Room 103 1 Word Processor without main system access 1 Letter Quality Printer Summary 1 CPU/Proccessor 1 Disk Drive (dual) 1 Tape or Disk Drive for system backup 1 High Speed Line Printer 3 Display Stations 5 Word Processors 5 Letter Quality Printers Please give unit price for each. This is only a proposed configuration. Bidder may suggest another configuration when bid is submitted or discuss an alternate configuration during the bid preparation phase of the process. file: bids2 • COST RESPONSE FORMS ONE-TIME CHARGES Hardware: Purchase Price Shipping (estimate) Installation Other (itemize) System Software: License Fee Shipping Installation Training Other (itemize) Application Software: License Fee Customization Installation Conversion of Data Traininq Other (itemize) Other (itemize) Total One-Time Charges $ COST RESPONSE FORMS MONTHLY RECURRING CHARGES Hardware: Maintenance Other (itemize) System Software: License Fee Maintenance Other (itemize) Application Software: License Fee Maintenance Other (itemize) Other (itemize) Total Monthly Charqes $ PROPOSED LEASE OPTION FOR ONE-TIME COSTS Total Amount To Finance Number of Years Percentage Rate Monthly Payment Quarterly Payment Semi-Annual Payment Annual Payment �11 � / AGENDA _Z DR ITEM M •E M O R A N D U M DATE: 4/6/87 TO: City Council VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Mike Hicks, Fire Chief SUBJECT: Telephone Equipment for Fire Station #2 This is a request for the City Council to allow the City Manager to sign a contract agreement with AT&T for telephone equipment at Fire Station #2 . The equipment consists of the following : 1 ) Installation charges 2) Surge suppressor 3) Merlin phones • 4) Merlin control unit Fiscal impact Costs: 1 ) Installation - $325 . 00 2 ) Monthly charge - 73 . 68 3 ) License fee - 118 . 00 I am only requesting that you authorize entering into the agreement, not requesting additional funds for this fiscal year. I will address next fiscal year' s costs for this system during the budget process. Summary This is the same system that AFD currently has at Station #1 . It has proven to be extremely efficient with no down time in three years . 111-�Lg jA6 MIKE HICKS MH:pg =AT&T Information Systems 5558 CALIFORNIA AVE March 26, 1987 BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 CITY OF ATASCADERO ATTN FIRE CHIEF 6005 LEWIS AV ATASCADERO, CA 93422 Dear MIKE: I would like to thank you for taking the time to speak to me regarding your company's communications requirements. After our discussion, I feel confident that the MERLIN communications system will serve your organization well for many years to come. AT&T's corporate philosophy of manufacturing the highest quality equipment backed by the finest service possible, has proven to be the benchmark for the entire communications industry. I have enclosed the paperwork associated with ordering your communications system. After your review, please endorse the papers in the locations designated by the red check marks. For your records please retain the Green Copy of each form (Customer Preliminary Copy). I am also including an envelope for use when returning the forms. Again, I would like to thank you for your investment with AT&T Information Systems. Once I receive the returned paperwork, I will contact you to coordinate the installation arrangement. In the meantime, if I can be of further assistance please feel free to contact me. I can be reached on 800-421-2013. Sincerely, NANCY ALVAREZ SYSTEMS SPECIALIST Equi ant Agreement OBS082 EAT&T (10/86) s Customer Name ract No. CUY OF ATASCADEHO Am FIRE�� AT&T Information Systems Ina Contract ContC 0310236 Billing Address Contact Transaction Description 8999 W FRONTAGE RD city State Zip Telephone No. PLAN I , Customer IDLY(optional) Branch Code Approximate InStalJDelrv.Date 0146829163 G94EBPEE Transaction Details , (See Legend Below) Post-Warrimty T"" — Purchase Term Plan Maintenance Equipment/Service ties,ro.o wxq a ops W. Price/ Installation Monthty Monthly Description Price Element Code Oty sass U.P Tres sne T ss license Fee Charges Charge Charge lW/tR1N/mUS1D1 2782-MAI 4 W A RR G J 80.00 160.00 — — 428 SURGE SUPMMm 8310-001 1 N N POR G N 38.00 — — - WRGAFIN/FRL/SID2 2782-MA2 0 U A PUR G J — — — — IMERLIN 5 NZIM SET 3160-111 4 N N 060 G N — 80.00 24.00 MERLIN*FW CW 1 6100-FCI 1 N N 060 G N — 20.00 6.53 -- MERLIN410 CDMM UNI 6110-QA 1 N N 060 G N — 55.00 43.15 1 T&M WIRING NOTICE:As stated in paragraph 5 on the reverse hereof, "Time and Materials"(T&M)wire charges rather than the flat rate wire Totals This Page 118.00 315.00 73.68 charges quoted above may apply.If flat rate wire charges are not specified above,T&M wire charges shall apply for AT&T-provided Wire. S btotals AllacheFrom---Page(s) s — — Advance-Payment Post-Warranty Maintenance Schedule For Equipment Subtotals 118.00 315.00 73.68 — N/A By Contract Duration In Years Shipping Chg. — 10.00 O y Payment Monthly j — Execution — — — — $ Date Plan Service Chg. — Plus El Prepayment Plan — — — Other Chgs. By InstallJ Deliv.Date Prepayment — Amount Due Credits on Invoice i Taxes Grand Totals "noeiadad 118.00 �325.00 �73. — REMARKS: ORDER NUMFFR # : 033308536 GUST. Onna-MM HICKS 8054662141 CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT CUSTOMER HAS READ AND UNDERSTANDS THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE FRONT AND REVERSE SIDES OF THIS AGREEMENT. CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE ALSO ACKNOWLEDGES AUTHORIZATION FOR AT&T TO REQUEST CREDIT INFORMATION FROM ANY CREDIT REPORTING AGENCY OR SOURCE. ACCEPTANCE BY AT&T IS SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL CyK AT&T Information Systems Inc. BAccepted by: Customer Representative's Signature (Date) (Authorized Signature) pee�d or Printed Name) (Typed or Printed Name) 89 tI W FRONTAGE RD 998 GALIIUM SIE. 410 y�t Location Address) (A 93422 (Ajt�ftj,�U Location Address)CA 93309 (City) (State) (Zip) (City) (State) (Zip) LEGEND: A-One Year N-Around-the-Clock Maintenance During Warranty or Term Plan T-Two Years C-80 Days J-None U-Used or refurbished C-Depot/Mai4in Malnlenance During Post-Warranty Period K-Other(Specified in Aemarks) W-New D-Business Day Maintenance During Post-Wananiy Period L-Software License 001-Month-to-Montt Term Plan E-Around-the-Clock Maintenance During Post-Warranty Period MNT-Post-warranty maintenance wit, Note:Any other number(012,024.0/8,Ne.)In"term length F-Depovmail-In Maintenance During warrenly or Term Plan N-Not applicable column Identities the fixed term length(in months)of the Term Plan G-Business Day Maintenance During Warranty or Term Plan PUR-Purchase selected by the Customer. AGLNDA M& fNG Y �lt-� 7 13CM �,.. • M E M O R A N D U M DATE : 4/2/87 TO: City Council VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager ..] , FROM: Mike Hicks, Fire Chief SUBJECT: Lease/purchase fire engine Background Per prior Council approval , the search for a piggy-back bid purchase for a fire engine replacement has resulted in such a bid that meets our needs with the City of Delano , California. We have received written approval to use their bid. Attached are copies of a letter of approval from the City of Delano, a copy of bid results, fire apparatus specifications , and Resolution No. 32-87 , authorizing purchase of Pierce Dash demo engine, shop #E- 3572 . The engine, manufactured by Pierce, will be available for delivery on 9/1/87 for $129 , 546 . 00 F.O.B. factory, plus sales tax. This engine is being built as a demo unit and construction will be complete in July, 1987 . The engine will then go to St. Louis , Missouri , for the International Fire Chiefs Conference, and return to the factory for service prior to delivery. Our last fire engine purchase was from Paramount Equipment Sales (Pierce Pumpers ) and we have received excellent service from both Pierce and Paramount. Recommendation It is my recommendation that you authorize purchase of this engine . The engine meets or exceeds the City of Delano' s bid specifications . If we were to go to bid today, this engine is expected to cost approximately $160 , 000. 00 . It is my opinion this is perhaps the best fire apparatus on the market today. MIRE HICKS / • MH:pg M E M O R A N D U M To: City Council Through: Mike Shelton u , From: David G. Jorgensen Date: April 6, 1987 Subject: Financing of New Fire Engine At the mid-year budget meeting the Council reaffirmed the advisability of purchasing a new fire engine through debt financing as originally approved in the budget. Since we will not be taking delivery on the new engine until the new fiscal year, I am recommending carrying over the already budgeted funds for this lease/purchase to the next fiscal year. A summary of funds available to accomplish this shows: 1986-1987 Estimated Development Fees & $. 50 $55,869 Tax earmarked for Fire CIP 1986-1987 Annual Lease Purchase expenditure in (23,665) current equipment —annual payment 1987-1988 Estimated Development Fees & $.50 65,952 Tax earmarked for Fire CIP 1987-1988 Annual Lease Purchase expenditure for (23,665) current equipment - annual payment Amount available for lease/purchase of new engine $74 ,491 Under a lease/purchase °arrangement the full amount of the $74,491 will not have to be used for the new engine. An approx- imate annual payment for a seven year lease/purchase of the new engine is $17,000 - $22,000 depending on available interest rates. The use of debt financing depends on a reliance on development fees and taxes to meet future annual obligation payments to service the lease. Funding will come from development taxes and fees that are specifically earmarked for Fire Capital Improvement Projects. The funding for this capital expenditure has been allowed for by the Council in the development fees and taxes previously implemented. DGJ:al file: mfirengn sSY' O f - 1015 ELEVENTH AVENUE LEONARD T.VELASCO POST OFFICE BOX 939 MAYOR M %VINSLOE S.MATA �. Q MAYOR PRO TEM DELANO, CALIFORNIA 93216 / (805) 725-0230 JUNE FUKAWA <x: O VINCENT A.MATERA JOHNNY MUNOZ COUNCIL MEMBERS March 31, 1987 Mr. David G. Jorgensen Director-Administrative Services City of Atascadero Post Office Box 747 Atascadero, California 93423 Dear Mr. Jorgensen: In response to your request to me by telephone on March 31, 1987, I herewith give you permission and/or authority to piggyback the purchase of fire equipment on the City of Delano purchase order with Paramount Sales, 13101 Foothill Boulevard, Sylmar, California 91342. Because of sales tax considerations, we have reached an agreement with the actual manufacturer of the trucks, Pierce Manufacturing Incorporated, in Appleton, Wisconsin for billing purposes. Whichever road you choose, either Paramount Equipment Sales or with Pierce Manufacturing, you are most welcome to use our pricing and our purchase order reference. If you need further information from me, please feel free to call. I can be reached at (805) 725-1315. Sincerely, Michael P. Corn Finance Director/City Treasurer MPC/cva 0 CITY OF DELANO MEMORANDUM SR 86-182 Agenda item 2a October 6, 1986 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Fire Chief SUBJECT: Award of Bid for Purchase of a 1250 G.P.M. Pumper Issue: Should the City Council award a bid to purchase a Pumper. Discussion: Bids were received August 29, 1986 for the purchase of a Fire Pumper. Four bids were received with an alternate bid from one of the bidders. Bids received were as follows: 1. San Diego Fire Equip. Co. ---------------- $169,918.00 Alternate ---------------- 131,688.62 2. Paramount (Pierce) Equip. Sales --------- 154,861.92 3. F.M.C. Corporation ---------------------- 161,500.54 4. Seagrane Fire Apparatus Inc. ------------ 160,091.80 In reviewing the bids submitted, we find the alternate bid does not meet the specifications. Alternatives: 1. Purchase the pumper from Paramount (Pierce) Equipment Sales. 2. Rebid Pumper. Budget Impact: The City received a grant from Community Development Program Department in the amount of $160,000.00 to purchase this pumpber, so no City funds will be used. Recommendation: The Fire Chief recommends that City Council award the bid to Paramount (Pierce) Equipment Sales in the amount of $154,861.92. Respectfully submitted, ( Recommends Approval: ( ) es NOT Recommend Approval: Don Gallaghe Fire Chief depXh . orbett encs. pityen DG:ecs �/ PIERCE - E CE DASH DEMO E 3b72 AVAILABLE FOR DELIVERY 9/1/87 DEALER NET CHASSIS: STANDARD PIERCE DASH WITH 156" W.B., CATERPILLAR 3208ATAAC 300 HP ®2600 RPM, MT647 AND THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONS: 15.5 CFM COMPRESSOR FULL BENCH SEAT FRONT OF CAB ALL SIX WHEELS (TOTAL 4 UNITS) ARE EQUIPPED WITH "SCHRADER VISUALIZERS" ----4m(AWC- s 7"0 DISC BRAKES FRONT AND REAR S40W 44iZ PPMZ. eA,f-iAa s SIX (6) POLISHED ALUMINUM RIMS ELECTRIC/HYDRAULIC CAB TILTS SLIDING GLASS SIDE OF CANOPY TWO (2) MANUAL ROOF VENTS FRONT BUMPER EXTENSION WITH TRAY BABY MOONS ON REAR AXLE CHROME PLATED FRONT AXLE HUB COVERS TWO (2) ZIAMATIC TYPE HOLDERS IN CREW CAB RECESSED INTO JUMP SEATS BODY: STANDARD BODY WITH FOLLOWING ADDITIONS: 750 GALLON WATER TANK C-8 HIGH SIDE COMPARTMENT, LEFT SIDE C-16 COMPARTMENT AT REAR TOW EYE UNDER REAR STEP SPEAKER AND MIKE COMPARTMENT IN HIGH SIDE COMPARTMENT ONE (1) ADJUSTABLE SHELF LH AHEAD OF WHEELS RED DRI-DECK IN ALL LOWER COMPARTMENTS CHROME REAR FENDERS POSITIVE DOOR HOLDERS ON ALL LOWER DOORS (6) RUBBER COVERED HAND RAIL BELOW HOSE BED MUD FLAPS BEHIND REAR WHEELS WITH PIERCE LOGO PUMP: 1250 CM TWO-STAGE PUMP FLAME PLATED IMPELLER HUBS SHORT SUCTION TUBES BOTH SIDES ELECTRIC TRANSFER VALVE SPECIAL PIERCE PRESSURE CONTROLLER f INLETS: ONE (1) 2-1/2" INLET LH SIDE ONE (1) 3" TANK TO PUMP ONE (1) 6" FRONT SUCTION GATED AT PANEL CHROME PLATED HANDLE FOR FRONT SUCTION VALVE OUTLETS: 1-1/2" TANK FILL 2-1/2" DISCHARGES - 2 LH, 2 RH. 1 REAR 3" PUMP TO DELUGE GUN (NO ��� TWO (2) 1-3/4" CROSSLAY TO HOLD 200 FT OF 1-3/4" HOSE 2" PLUMBING TO 1-3/4" CROSSLAYS ALUMINUM CROSSLAY HOSE BED COVER PANEL/ GAUGES: PIERCE 5-LIGHT WATER LEVEL GAUGE SPAN FLOWMETERS FOR 1-3/4" CROSSLAYS ' PUMP COMPARTMENT LIGHT WARNING LIGHTS AND SIRENS: BACK UP WARNING ALARM DUAL AIR HORNS LANYARD PULL WHELEN WS-295 SIREN ONE (1) CP 100 W SPEAKER ON CAB ROOF WHELEN EDGE 9104 LIGHT BAR 7" RED LIGHTS REAR BODY RED HALOGEN/AMBER TURN SIGNALS ON FRONT OF CAB CODE 3 #500 TOP OF BEAVERTAILS ON STAINLESS STEEL BRACKETS TRIM/PAINT: TWO-TONE PAINT WHITE ROOF TO BELOW WINDSHIELD OF CAB - REMAINDER OF BODY CANDY APPLE RED ONE (1) GOLD LEAF STRIPE ON BODY 10" STRIPE SCOTCHLITE CAB AND BODY Deletions from standard NFPA Items: 6" x 4-1/2" adapter. 6" x 2- 1/2" adapter, both axes, both extinguishers, booster reel, hose and nozzle, hard suction hose troughs and strainer, pike pole. hand lights and lettering. RESOLUTION NO. 32-87 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF ATASCADERO TO PARTICIPATE IN EXISTING GOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION PURCHASES SINGULARLY OR WITH OTHER MUNICIPALITIES BE IT RESOLVED that the Atascadero City Council does hereby authorize participation directly with other governmental agencies in cooperative purchases either on an individual basis or in conjunction with other municipalities in order to purchase budgeted firefighting equipment for and on behalf of the City of Atascadero ; and that Michael Shelton, City Manager, Purchasing Agent, is hereby authorized and directed to sign and deliver all necessary requests and other documents in connection therewith for and on behalf of the City of Atascadero. On motion by , and seconded by , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote : AYES : NOES : ABSENT: ATTEST: City of Atascadero BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk MARJORIE MACKEY, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN MICHAEL SHELTON City Attorney City Manager ATE ITEM#� • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council Members April 14, 1987 FROM: Michael Shelton City Manager SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT ON NEW COUNCIL MEMBER RECRUITMENT As directed at your Special Council Meeting of March 30, 1987, staff began a . recruitment and prepared the following to assist you in selecting a new Council person. * Several advertisements have been in the newspapers; both of a news nature and paid advertisement notifying the community of the Council vacancy and deadline to apply. * There have been approximately 13 applications taken out to date. * The deadlione for application submittal is 5:00 p.m. April 10, 1987. * Applicants will be scheduled for Council interviews at the • Special Council Meeting of April 15, 1987, beginning at 9 :00 a.m. Interviews are scheduled at 25 minute intervals, allow- ing for 20-minute interviews. A 15-minute orientation, two 15-minute breaks and a one-hour lunch has been included in the schedule. A sample schedule is attached for your consid- eration. A final schedule will be given to you at your April 14th Council Meeting based on the number of applications sub- mitted. * Interviews are scheduled in the Club Room (fourth floor) . Microphones will be set up for the purpose of recording the interviews. Upon conclusion of the interviews, Council will have the option of making selection in the Club Room or mov- ing out to the Rotunda. Should you desire to relocate to the Rotunda Room, staff will be on hand to move and set up the microphones and p.a. system. This can transpire during the i break following the interviews. * Staff will be on hand during the day to assist you as desir- ed. Applicants will be received and escorted by staff during the day according to the schedule. In the event of a no show all applicants will be advised to be 30 minutes early. * Included in the attached packets is an evaluation worksheet. The worksheet is strictly optional for use by individual • Council Members, if desired. The worksheets will not be col- lected. Additional worksheets will be available on the day of the interviews. • * Other information attached includes the blank application and information sheet to applicants, interview information be given to applicants, and a sample ballot. If Council desires to use the ballot, all ballot voting will be kept and become public record. Staff will have ballots, with names listed according to the interview schedule, available at the con- clusion of the interviews. Staff will be available to assist you in tallying the ballot per your instructions. No recom- mended use of the ballot or selection process is recommended by staff. * The agenda for your special meeting is attached. The agenda has been posted and advertised per open meeting procedures. To enable the public to be present at a time specific during the selection process, the selection process is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Should the Council conclude interviews earlier, it is recommended that Council recess until 4:30 p.m. * At the conclusion of the selection process, a resolution is provided for your designation of the selected applicant to serve the unexpired term. * Staff is preparing a Council Member orientation for the new Council Member. MS:kv File: MCCMBRI M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: Cindy Wilkins, Deputy City Clerk SUBJECT: Interview Schedule - April 15, 1987 City Council Applicants DATE: April 7, 1987 Attached, for your review, are copies of the applications received from individuals seeking appointment to the City Coun- cil. Also attached are the following: - Sample Interview schedule for Wednesday, 4/15/87 - Suggested ballot to be used in making selections - Interview Form for your use as evaluation worksheet (more will be provided prior to interviews) - Information for candidates interviewing for the Council (provided to candidates on arrival for interview, for your information only) As you will note by the schedule, interviews will begin at G)=J5 a.m. and conclude at '�06 p.m. Interviews will be held in the Council Chambers, 4th Floor Rotunda, City Administration Bldg. (cw/file:schedmem) • 0 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING PROPOSED INTERVIEW SCHEDULE TY COUNCIL APPLICANTS APRIL 15, 1987 9 :00 A.M. 9:00 Orientation 9:15 9:40 10:05 10:30 Break 10 :45 11:10 11:35 12:00 Lunch 1:00 1:25 1:50 2:15 Break 2:30 2:55 3:20 3:45 4:10 Conclusion of Interviews - Break 4: 30 Council Selection CITY COUNCIL Voting Round: ELECTION BALLOT l�fiJ APRIL 15, 1987 VOTE FOR: One ( ) Two ( ) Three ( ) APPLICANT A APPLICANT B APPLICANT C APPLICANT D APPLICANT E APPLICANT F APPLICANT G APPLICANT H APPLICANT I APPLICANT J APPLICANT K APPLICANT L (X) COUNCIL MEMBER CITY COUNCIL EVALUATION WORKSHEET CANDIDATE: (Check One) x w COMMENTS PERSONALITY & Maturity, Manner, Sociability, SELF-EXPRESSION Emotional Stability, Speech, Facility, Adaptability ATTITUDE AND Philosophy, Job Insight, Plans INTEREST for Progress, Professional Orientation, Commitment EXPERIENCE AND/ Recency, Relevance, Level of OR EDUCATION Responsibility, Amount, Candidate's Success JUDGEMENT AND Analytical Ability, Decisive- ALERTNESS ness, Receptivity to Ideas and Reaction, Logical Response OTHER: OVERALL EVALUATION: Unsatisfactory Average Above Average Outstanding Other Length of time residing in Atascadero: years INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES INTERVIEWING FOR CITY COUNCIL VACANCY 1) Each candidate will have a [/O -minute interview; 2) Be as brief as possible so that you will have enough time to respond to all questions by the Council; 3) You are welcome< to remain and sit in on the other interviews after you have finished your interview; 4) It is anticipated a decision will be made following interviews at approximately P.M. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES INTERVIEWING FOR CITY COUNCIL VACANCY 1) Each candidate will have a -minute interview; 2) Be as brief as possible so that you will have enough time to respond to all questions by the Council; 3) You are welcome to remain and sit in on the other interviews after you have finished your interview; 4) It is anticipated a decision will be made following interviews at approximately p.m. INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS TO CITY COUNCIL 1. Applications to fill one vacancy on the Council for a term expiring June 7, 1988, will be accepted in the City Clerk's Office, Room 103, from 8:00 a.m., Wednesday, April 19- 'through S.:OO:p.m. , Friday, April 10, 1987. POSTMARKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 2. On Monday, April 13th, applicants are requested to call the City Clerk's Office at 466-8000, Ext. 143, to set up an interview ap- pointment. 3. The City Council will conduct interviews on Wednesday, April 15th, with selection thereafter. The interview schedule will depend on the number of applicants but will, most likely, be during the day. As information: A status report will be given to the Council at their regular meeting of Tuesday, April 14th, informing them of the number of applicants, the status of the recruitment process and the interview schedule. Should any applicants be interested in attending, there will be a special joint meeting of the City Council and the Parks and Recreation Commission on Thursday, April 9th, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 304 of the City Administration Building. MBS/cw 3/31/87 APPLICATION FOR MEMBER OF CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL (Please type or print) NAME: ADDRESS (Residence) ,(Mailing) , ° } TELEPHONE NO. : (Residence) (Occupation) GIVE A SUMMARY OF YOUR EDUCATION AND ANY RELEVANT EXPERIENCE ' 5, OR QUALIFICATIONS THAT YOU FEEL WILL ASSIST YOU IN SERVING ` AS A CITY COUNCIL MEMBER: PLEASE STATE YOUR REASONS FOR WANTING TO BE APPOINTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL AND WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO ACHIEVE: OUETtNv / �DA�_ y � • TO: City Council Members April 14► 1987 FROM: Michael Shelton City Manager SUBJECT: LOCAL GOVERNMENT OPEN HOUSE Councilwoman Norris suggested that the City hold an open house (s) as a community service to increase public awareness of City ser- vices and to meet public officials. In discussing the concept with Department Heads, staff concurs with the use.fullness of these events. However, several years ago, when the City held an open house, requiring considerable' staff preparation and some expense, the event was not well attended. To achieve the same objective and avoid duplication, staff recom- mends multiple open houses on a department-by-department basis to coincide with national recognition of the various departments. Accordingly, four departments currently have plans to hold an open house, stage demonstrations, and hold activities as follow: Fire Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May • Police Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May Parks and Recreation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .July Public Works Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . During these events, in addition to departmental staff, staff feels it would be appropriate to have Council Members and other City officials present and participate, if desired. As another consideration, staff recommends to Council that the City, in conjunction with the School District, consider a "Student in Government Day"event. Student in Government Day entails the introduction of interested students to mirror for a day the roles of Council Members, Department Heads, and other City personnel. The event might finish with an evening meal together after which the students could stage a mock Council Meeting. If Council would like to persue this concept, it could be dis- cussed at the next City/School Committee Meeting to make further recommendations back to Council. MS:kv File: MOpen •