HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 01/26/1987 CINDY WILKINS DEPUTY CITY CLERK PLEASE NOTE: THERE WILL BE A CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION AT 6 :00 P.M. IN THE 4TH FLOOR CLUB ROOM REGARDING LABOR NEGOTIATIONS THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL OPEN COUNCIL SESSION AT 6 :45 P.M. IN THE 4TH FLOOR CLUB ROOM REGARDING THE 1986- 87 MID-YEAR BUDGET REVIEW A G E N P A ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOOR, ROTUNDA ROOM JANUARY 26, 1987 7:30 PA, ** Introduction of New Employee Kim Treece, Police Officer ** Introduction of New Employee Scott Mc Seveney, Fire Fighter ** Proclamation - Proclaiming February 8-14, 1987 as International Forgiveness Week RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION * Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. * A person may speak for three (3) minutes. If a group has a spokesperson, the spokesperson may speak for five (5) minutes. * No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to speak. * No one may speak more than twice on any item. * Council members may question any 'speaker ; the speakers may respond; but after the alloted time' has expired, may not initiate further discussion. * The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation - Roll Call (Approximate Time 30 min. ) . COMMUNITY FORUM The City Council values and encourages exchanges of ideas and comments 1 Forum, the following rules of public participation will be strictly enforced: * A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. * All remarks shall be addressed to Council as a whole and not to any individual member thereof. * No questions shall be asked of a Council Member or City Staff without permission of the Mayor * No person shall be allowed to make slanderous, profane, im- pertinent, or personal remarks against any Council Member. * Any person desiring to submit written statements may do so by for- warding to Council prior to the Council Meeting nine (9) copies to the City Clerk by 5 :00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceeding the Council Meeting. (Approximate Time 5 min. ) A. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. A member of the Council or public may, by request, have any item removed from the Consent Agenda, which shall then be added to and taken up at the end of the "New Business" agenda. 1. Approval of Minutes of Regular Council Meeting of January 12 1987 2. Approval of Finance Director ' s Monthly Report - December, 1986 3. Approval of Treasurer ' s Monthly Report - December, 1986 4. Recognition of December Employee of the Month - Matt Bailey, Police Department 5. Authorization for Parks and Recreation Department to Solicit Bids for Tractor 6. Authorization for Fire Department to Solicit Bids for Fire Engine Replacement 7. Authorization for Public Works Department to Solicit Bids for: A. Backhoe-Tractor for Street Division B. Used Motor-Grader for Street Division 8. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 30-85 - 905 El Camino Real - Subdivision of 102. 62 Acre Parcel into 4 Parcels Rochelle/Webb/ Atascadero Limited (Bethel) 2 • 9. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 29-86 - 9990 El Camino Real Subdivision of 1.09 Acres into 2 Lots of . 64 and .45 acres Hawkins/Twin Cities Engineering 10. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 34-86 - 8730 Coromar Rd - Subdivision of 1.11 Acres into 2 Lots of .50 and . 61 Acres - Bryson/Volbrecht Surveys 11. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 10-85 - 3280 San Fernando Road - Barnes/Twin Cities Engineering 12. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 32-85 - 11400 Santa Ana Road - Davis/Twin Cities Engineering 13. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 1-86 - 10870/10900/11020 Santa Ana Road - First Nationwide Mortgage/Twin Cities Engineering 14. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 18-86 - 11505 Santa Ana Road - Davis/Twin Cities Engineering 15. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 19-86 - 2470/2500 San Fernando Road - Davis/Twin Cities Engineering • 16. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 22-86 - 5120& 5300 San Benito St Clair/Cook/Bland/Volbrecht Surveys/Golden West Development 17. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 23-86 - 5100 San Benito - St Clair/Cook/Bland/Volbrecht Surveys/Golden West Development 18. Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 4-86 - 7205 Santa Cruz Davis/Twin Cities Engineering 19. Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 6-86 - 10755/10855 Atascadero Road - Garcia/Cuesta Engineering 20. Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 9-85 - 9095 La Linia Meyers/Volbrecht Surveys B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS (Approximate Time - , 10 Minutes) 1. General Plan Amendment 1B-87 and Zone Change 26-86 8505 San Gabriel Road (Portion of Lot 27, Block 13, Atascadero Colony) - Trumpp A. Public Hearing • (Approximate .Time - 10 Minutes) 2. General Plan Amendment 1F-87 and Zone Change 29-86 — 8130 - 8300 El Camino Real (Portion of Lot 5A, 6 and 7 , Block 7, Atascadero Colony) - Massicotte/Hinckley/Mc Namara 3 A. Public Hearing B. Proposed Resolution 13-87 - Approving Amendment to General Plan Land Use Map from Industrial Park to Service Commercial C. Proposed Ordinance 146 - Amending Official Zoning Maps from Industrial Park to Commercial Service (FIRST READING) (Approximate Time - 30 Minutes) 3. Proposed Parking Conditions on E1 Camino Real from San Anselmo to San Gabriel Roads: A. Public Hearing B. Resolution 11-87 - Estabishment of 2-Hour Parking Limit C. Resolution 12-87 - Prohibiting Parking from 2 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. on Tuesdays C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Approximate Time 5 min) 1. Ordinance 143 - Zone Change 24-=86 - 9425 El Bordo (Lots 27, 28, 29, 30 & 31, Tract 5, Atascadero Colony) - Revision of Existing Recreational with a Planned Development Overlay Zoning to Residential Single Family 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 Acre Minimum Lot Size - Jensen/La Prade (SECOND READING) (Cont'd from 1/12/87) (Approximate Time - 15 Minutes) 2. Budget/Personnel Request - Building Division, Community Develop- ment Department - "Permit Services Coordinator" Position (Cont'd from 1/12/87) (Approximate Time - 5 Minutes) 3. Traffic Signal Maintenance Contract Proposal with Lee Wilson Electric, Arroyo Grande for $1,800 (Cont'd from 1/12/87) D. NEW BUSINESS (Approximate Time . - 30 Minutes) 1. Resolution 14-87 - Atascadero Police Officers Association Settlement on Wages, Benefits, and Other Conditions of Employment 2. Resolution 15-87 - Authorization to Purchase 3 Police Department is Patrol Cars 4 E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DIST. (Council will recess and convene as the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board of Directors) 1. Authorization to Solicit Bids for `Backhoe-Tractor (The Board of Directors will Adjourn and Reconvene as the City Council) 2. Resolution 10-87 - Sewer Annexation Proposal - Lot 42, Block 12 (Lake View Drive) into Sanitation Improvement District No. 1 F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager PLEASE NOTE: COUNCIL MEETING ON JANUARY 30, 1987 AT 10:00 A.M. , ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 4TH FLOOR CLUB ROOM TO REVIEW CITY COUNCIL GOAL SETTING & MID-YEAR BUDGET STATUS • 5 y I P R O C L A M A T I O N - INTERNATIONAL FORGIVENESS WEEK FEBRUARY 8 - 14, 1987 WHEREAS, the ninth annual observance of International Forgiveness Week will be from February 8-14, 1987; and WHEREAS, observance of the week began in New York City in 1979 at an interfaith gathering and has since grown to encompas many cities and countries throughout the world; and WHEREAS, Tthe week proposes to bring about a shift -in world consciousness to progress from inner personal peace to peace throughout the world as a mutual ceremony of forgiveness between groups or nations; and WHEREAS, forgiveness across economic, cultural, and political lines is an important contribution towards global peace. THEREFORE, I, Marjorie R. Mackey, Mayor of the City of Atascadero do hereby proclaim February 8-14, 1987 as International Forgiveness Week. MARJORIE R. MACKEY Mayor January 26, 1987 iNG AGENDA DATE I fZJTEM ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES January 12, 1987 Atascadero Administration Building The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Mackey, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. An invocation was given by Rev. Roland Dexter. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Borgeson, Handshy, Molina, Norris and Mayor Mackey Absent: None STAFF Mike Shelton, City Manager ; David Jorgensen, Administrative Services Director; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Paul Sensi- baugh, Public Works Director ; Jeffrey Jorgensen, City Attorney; Lt. • Chuck Hazelton, Police Department; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Boyd Sharitz , City Clerk; Cindy Wilkins, Deputy City Clerk Mayor Mackey read a placque to be presented to Grigger Jones in recog- nition of his services as both former City Clerk (October ' 84 - June '86) and City Attorney (July 185 - October 186) . Mayor Mackey presented a proclamation to Coach Larry Welch and team members Sam Burnett (#51) , David Hurst (#75) , and Darin Brebes (#12) , representing the Atascadero High Greyhounds Football Team, in recogni- tion of the team' s 1986 CIF Desert-Mountain Conference Football Cham- pionship. Mr. Sensibaugh, Pub. Works Director, introduced new employee Larry Barbus, Engineering Tech. II. Mayor Mackey read a statement regarding Brown Act amendments which went into effect 1/1/87 ; she noted that Mayor Pro Tem Molina will be the official timekeeper during meetings. COMMUNITY FORUM Roland Dexter, citizen, requested that the City Council give careful consideration to the expenditure of funds (set aside) for architec- tural drawings for the APD facility, urging continued progress on Plans/plan checks so that when funds become available, construction may commence; Mr. Shelton, City Manager , noted that the recent is- suance of permits for the Vandenburghe Bordeaux Project will provide funds so staff may move ahead and bring a recommendation for architec- tural services before Council for consideration shortly. Councilman 1 • • Molina made further related comments, summarizing the progress to dale on the facility. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes of Regular Council Meeting of December 8, 1986 - 2. Approval of Minutes of Special Council Meeting of December 18, 1986 3. Approval of Finance Director ' s Monthly Report - November, 1987 4. Approval of Treasurer 's Monthly Report - November, 1987 5. Approval to Declare Two Police Vehicles as Surplus Property and to Dispose of Said Vehicles 6. Recognition of November Employee of the Month - Gil Dovalina, Parks and Recreation Department 7. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 31-86 - 10955 San Marcos Road Subdivision of a 24.39 Acre Parcel into 3 Parcels of 17.85, 3.27 and 3.27 Acres - Morris/Major/Daniel Stewart Engineering 0 8. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 33-86 - 3980 El Camino Real Subdivision of an 8.3 Acre Parcel into 3 Parcels of 5.65, 1.89 and 0.84 Acres - Kmart/Lars Anderson and Assoc. 9. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 29-84 - 7120 Valle - Time Exten- sion to Comply with Conditions of Tentative Map Requirements 10. Approval of Lot Line Adjustment 11-86 - 2480 Ardilla - Adjustment of Property Line between Two Existing Lots - Diel/McMasters 11. Approval of Lot- Line Adjustment 12-86 9280/9380 Barranco - Adjustment of Property Line between Two Existing Lots - Anderson/Keil/Volbrecht Surveys 12. Acceptance of Final Map 15-84 - 1875 E1 Camino Real - HLS Proper- ties/Associated Professions Engineers 13. Approval of Resolution 5-87 - Prohibiting Parking on El Camino Real, between Villa Margarita Mobilehome Park and Mira Vista Apartments 14. Approval of Resolution 3-87 - Establishment of Stop Sign on Alamo Avanue at its Intersection with Honda Avenue 15. Acceptance of Notice of Completion of Phase II-B Administrati Building Renovation Project 2 *16. Approval of Resolution 2-87 - Reducing the Speed Limit on West Front Street, between San Gabriel and San Rafael Road from 55 MPH to 30 MPH 17. Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 1-85 - 8400 Atascadero Avenue - Compliance with Planning Commission Requirements - Watson/Kennaly Councilwoman Borgeson requested Item #8 be pulled for discussion (moved to New Business). * Mr. Sensibaugh, Pub. Works Director , noted that Item #16 should be corrected to reflect speed limit reduction on W. Front Rd. between San Gabriel and San Rafael Roads. MOTION: By Councilwoman Norris to approve consent calendar , minus #8, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed unanimously by roll- call. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Zone Change 24-86 - 9425 El Bordo (Lots 27, 28, 29, 30 & 31 Tract 5, Atascadero Colony)- Revision of Existing Recreational with a Planned Development Overlay Zoning to Residential Single Family 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 Acre Minimum Lot Size - Jensen/LaPrade Mr. Engen, Commun. Devel. Director, gave staff report. There were no public comments. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to read Ord. 143 by title only, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed unanimously. Mayor Mackey read Ord. 143 by title. MOTION: By Councilman Molina that this constitutes the first reading of Ord. 143, seconded by Councilwoman Norris; passed unani- mously. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance 141 - Amending the Official Zoning Maps from Residen- tial Suburban to Commercial Retail (Related to Proposed Zone Change 27-86) - Brazzi (SECOND READING) (Cont'd from 11/10, 11/24 and 12/8/86) Mr. Engen, Commun. Devel. Director, gave staff report. There were no public comments. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy to read Ord. 141 by title only, second- ed by Councilman Molina; passed unanimously. Mayor Mackey read Ord. 141 by title. 3 MOTION: By Councilman Molina that this constitutes the second readis and adoption of Ord. 141, seconded by Councilwoman Norris; passed by 4 :1 roll-call, with Councilwoman Borgeson opposed. 2. Council Consideration Regarding Library Bid Alternatives to Rebid Library (Proposed Resolution 7-87) Mr. Shelton, City Manager , gave staff report; regarding alternative #3, he noted that the $135,000 figure was erroneously reported as $130,000 at the 12/8/86 Council meeting. He summarized the memo deli- vered just prior to meeting time by Friends of the Library (regarding increased donations received for the new library) . Councilman Molina clarified the total financial contribution and commitment by the City to date. Public Comment Bob Botta, Building Facility Manager, County General Services Dept. , noted the memo from Friends of the Library would have to be reviewed further in order to verify the factors presented and cost of automatic doors. He also noted the importance of maintaining a minimum of 5% (preferably 6%) in contingency funds for the project, reporting it is now roughly 3%, which is very low. He then responded to questions from Council, followed by review of a scenario of the time-frame the project prepared by his staff. 6 Sarah Gronstrand, Friends of the Library, reiterated the price she was quoted for the automatic doors ($15,000 - $20,000) . Greg Mann, resident, suggested a basic layout, within budget, be proposed and amenities added where financially feasible; Mr. Botta responded that is the approach being taken, and related discussion followed. Sarah Gronstrand spoke again, extending thanks to Mr . Briam and County staff for supporting alternative #3, and she urged no further delays on this project. Ellen Baer , Treasurer of Friends of the Library, apologized for not notifying the City and County about the added monies sooner, explain- ing that they are the result of a fund-raising drive. She also noted the overwhelming number of signatures (gathered in a very short time) on petitions in support of a quality library. Mr. Botta noted, in addition to the contingency fund factor , furniture and consultant/inspection services are components of the budget which have yet to be addressed; further lengthy discussion ensued, including discussion of issues involved in event of project rebid. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson for approval of Res. No. 7-8 amended as follows: "Be it resolved, that the Atascade� City Council appropriate additional funds from the Council Contingency Account in an amount not to exceed $20 ,500 match- ing funds for Atascadero Library, not to exceed the County 4 • 9 contribution" ; seconded by Councilwoman Norris. Passed unan- imously by roll-call. COUNCIL RECESSED AT 9 :30 P.M. MEETING WAS CALLED BACK TO ORDER AT 9:40 P.M. Mayor Mackey noted that Councilwoman Norris was excused from the re- mainder of the meeting (due to the birth of a grandson at 2:00 a.m. today) . D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution 6-87 - Hourly Rate Adjustment Proposal - Part-Time Building Inspectors Mr. Engen, Commun. Devel. Director, gave staff report. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to adopt Res. No. 6-87, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed by 4:0 roll-call, with Council- woman Norris absent. 2. Resolution No. 1-87 - Budget/Personnel Request - Building Division, Community Development Department "Permit Services Coordinator" Position Mr. Engen, Commun. Devel. Director, gave staff report and responded to questions from Council. Councilman Molina urged that staff recruit and retain the Senior Building Inspector position. Staff was directed to report back additional information on this proposal. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to table this item until the next meet- ing, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed 3:1, with Councilwoman Borgeson opposed and Councilwoman Norris absent. 3. Traffic Signal Maintenance Contract Proposal with Lee Wilson_ Electric, Arroyo Grande for $1,800 Mayor Mackey announced this item is pulled until next meeting to allow for review by the City Attorney. 4. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 33-86 - 3980 E1 Camino Real - Subdivision of an 8.3 Acre Parcel into 3 Parcels of 5. 65, 1.89 and 0.84 Acres - Kmart/Lars Anderson and Assoc. (Note: This item was previously A-8 on Consent Calendar) Councilwoman Borgeson expressed concern with regard to street lighting on El Camino; Mr. Sensibaugh, Pub. Works Director , noted where PG&E is to install lighting on El Camino Real, saying additional lighting, if 5 needed, for the west side of the street can be requested at a futur time. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson for conditional approval of TPM 33-86, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed 4:O, with Councilwoman Norris absent. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to recess as Council and convene as ACSD Board of Directors, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed unanimously. E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (ACSD) 1. Resolution 4-87 - Sewer Annexation Proposal - Lot 4, Block 7 (Musselman Avenue) into Improvement District #1 Boundaries Mr. Sensibaugh, Pub. Works Director, gave staff report. Councilman Molina noted he once had an interest in the property and asked the City Attorney for clarification of whether or not he has a conflict of interest in voting on this item; Mr. Jorgensen, City Attorney, responded that since Mr . Molina no longer has a direct fin- ancial interest in this annexation he does not have a conflict. MOTION: By Director Handshy to approve Res. No. 4-87, seconded is Director Molina; passed 4:0 , with Director Norris absent. MOTION: By Director Molina to adjourn as ACSD Board of Directors and reconvene as City Council, seconded by Director Handshy; passed unanimously. F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION City Council - Councilwoman Borgeson expressed she' s grateful the library is finally on track, and she hopes the Police facility is soon on line as well, in addition to a community center. City Attorney- Mr . Jorgensen noted that the notice at the end of the agenda, regarding a special meeting at 6 :OO on 1/26/87, should be corrected to reflect that the meeting is open to the public. Also, he noted the minutes of the special meeting of 12/18 should be corrected to reflect that he was not in attendance. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:20 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED BY: MINUTES PREPARED BY: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk CINDY WILKINS, Deputy City Clerk 6 AG^� • !N23 Im"ee d A January 19, 1987 To All Council Members: The breakdown detail on all accounts is available for your viewing in the Finance Department. Davi o gensen Admin rvices Director • 3 CITY OF ATASCADERO i FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT DECEMBER 1, 1986 TO DECEMBER 31, 1986 BALANCE AS OF NOVEMBER 30, 1986 119.45 DEPOSITED BY TREASURER, SEE RECEIPTS, TREASURER'S REPORT, PAGE 1 2,875,179.16 TOTAL 2,875,298.61 HAND CHECK REGISTER DATED 12/31/86 2,337,121.11 CHECK REGISTER DATED 12/05/86 91,223.97 CHECK REGISTER DATED 12/12/86 136 ,176. 59 CHECK REGISTER DATED 12/19/86 92,267.41 CHECK REGISTER DATED 12/26/86 46,946. 62 SERVICE CHARGE-MASTERCARD 2. 50 EXPENSE LISTING 151, 561.82 TOTAL 2,855,300.02 BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1986 19,998. 59 PETTY CASH 540.00 TREASURY INVESTMENTS • SEE TREASURER'S REPORT, PAGE 2 3,941,000 .00 TOTAL 3,961,538. 59 I, DAVID - JORGENSEN, do hereby certify and declare that demands enumerated and referred to in the foregoing register are accurate and just claims against the City and that there are funds available for payment thereof in the City Treasury. DATED: January 19, 1987 DA ID JO E SEN Admin. S ry ces Director 4 • CITY OF ATASCADERO FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT DECEMBER 1, 1986 TO DECEMBER 31, 1986 EXPENSE LISTING PAYROLL DATED 12/10/86 CHECKS #37981-38093 80,088.79 PAYROLL DATED 12/23/86 CHECKS #38094-38205 79,817.21 VOID CK#32425 CK. REG. DATED 11/26/86 (14.18) VOID CK#32679 CK. REG. DATED 12/12/86 (8,200.00) VOID CK#32689 CK. REG. DATED 12/19/86 (100.00) VOID CK#32506 CK. REG. DATED 12/05/86 (30.00) TOTAL 151,561.82 5 'c7 �ING AG71NDA CITIt OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT DECEMBER 1, 1986 TO DECEMBER 31, 1986 RECEIPTS TAXES Property Tax 603 ,405.64 Cigarette Tax 2,150. 63 Motor Vehicle "In Lieu" 35,450.94 Sales Tax 171, 553. 76 Franchise Tax 2,420.67 Livestock-Head Day Tax 136.08 Development Impact Tax 199,149.50 LICENSES/PERMITS/FEES 196,330.69 DEVELOPMENT FEES 353,710.18 GAS TAX 39, 561.82 PARKS & RECREATION FEES 11,535.69 LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND 100,000.00 TRANSPORTATION SB-325 2,746.80 STREET ASSESSMENT 3,311.62 TRAFFIC SAFETY 10,751.43 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT #4 1,046,892.75 MISCELLANEOUS Narcotic' s Officer 4,877.02 School Resource Officer 2,308.02 Zoo Reserve 2,756.76 Sale Maps/Publications/Reports 286.90 Special Police Services - 87.00 Fines & Penalties 1,127. 54 Planning Permit Deposits (39,988.71) Bails/Bonds 1,231.00 Business Improvement Assn. Fee 1,162.00 Overages & Shortages 6.00 P.O.S.T. Reimbursement 3,724.71 Reimburse to Expense 652.46 Performance Bond 650.00 Rents/Concessions 303.22 Refunds 468.35 Sanitation Reimbursement 108,276 .19 Administrative Chg.-Sanitation 5,316.50 Weed Abatement 2,826.00 • TOTAL 2,875,179.16 1 �1 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT DECEMBER 1, 1986 TO DECEMBER 31, 1986 INVESTMENTS LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND $3,941,000.00 TOTAL INVESTMENT DEPOSITS $3,941,000.00 Charles Bourbeau City Treasurer 2 Q r PLEASE INSERT THIS Ma INTO YOUR ITEM: A-4 JAN . 26 COUNCIL PAKCET • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council Members January 26, 1987 FROM: Mike Shelton, City Manager SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH NOMINATION - DECEMBER RECOMMENDATION: Council recognize Matt Bailey, Police Officer , as "Employee of the Month for December, 1986. BACKGROUND: Matt has been nominated for this title due to his diligence and comprehensive followup of leads in a recent local burglary case which resulted in arrests and recovery of stolen property. Matt has also been nominated for his interest and involvement with organizir. several "Neighborhood Watch" programs and numerous courses trough the schools. • cc: Matt Bailey Personnel File Police Department File: MEmploy2 • MEMORANDUM y,. January 1 1 9 , 1987 To: City Council Via: Mike Shelton, City Manager From: Bob Best , Parks and Recreation Directo4464— Subject : Bid Authorization RECOMMENDATION Authorize the Parks and Recreation Department to go to bid for a tractor for the Parks Division. BACKGROUND Council approved a parks tractor as part of the FY 1986-87 Budget . Parks and Recreation has received notification from Administrative Services that funding is now available for this purchase . • FISCAL IMPACT $12 ,000 was budgeted for the parks tractor. • 1`� • AA7 Yom/ 100 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Mike Hicks , Fire Chief SUBJECT: Authorization to bid fire engine replacement Background: The Atascadero City Council approved the necessary funds to replace a 1961 Van Pelt fire engine this fiscal ,year. Analysis : The fiscal impact of this project would be between $110 , 000 - $135 , 000 . . With a life expectancy of at least 20 ears the p Y years , engine would cost approximately $6 , 500 per year. The engine purchased would meet all safety requirements such as a seat for all responding personnel and a closed cab. In addition, the new engine would have a larger pumping capacity of at least 1250 G.P.M. to a maximum of 1800 G.P.M. The engine to be replaced is a 1000 G.P.M. pumper. Rated pumping capacity is extremely important when the city' s insurance rate is calculated. Recommendation: Authorize the Fire Chief to solicit bids for a fire engine . Every effort will be made to purchase with a department that has already gone to bid in quantity, such as Los Angeles City or County, Ventura County, etc. • MIKE HICKS FIRE CHIEF MH:pg f AIA DAA G �/g s �L 4 MEMORANDUM To: - City Council Through: Michael Shelton, City Manager From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject: Authorization to bid a new Backhoe-Tractor and a used Motor Grader for the Street Division of the Department of Public Works Backround: These items were authorized in the 1986-87 Budget and went through the public -hearing process. These items were prioritized to wait until adequate cash flow was generated from the 50c Development Impact Tax. Discussion: Equipment do es not necessarily -fall under the cost accounting construction bid procedures that were adopted by Council last fiscal year. Therefore, expenditures for equipment costing over $5,000 must be publicly bid and advertised. Council has the right to accept or reject any and all bids. Fiscal Impact: The 1986-87 Budget allocates $3S,000 for a new Backhoe-Tractor and $40,000 for a used Motor Grader. It is not known if a used grader can be purchased for this amount since the particular one that was viewed has since been sold. However, a new grader would cost in excess of $150,000, therefore, it is important to "test the waters" for a reliable and functional machine that will not require a tremendous amount of maintenance. The cash flow is now available for these purchases due to the recent collection of the Bordeaux House fees. r ^ 671Y� DA n M_E M_0 R A N_D U M_ TO: City Council January 26, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director 1%0 SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map 30-85 LOCATION: 905 E1 Camino Real APPLICANT: Atascadero Limited - Don Rochelle/Zelda Webb) (Bethel & Associates) REQUEST: Request to subdivide 102.62 acres of land into four parcels of 12.08, 12.47, 21.02, and 5.05 acres for Residential, Commercial and Recreational zoned land On January 5 , 1987, the Planning Commission conducted a public • hearing on the above-referenced matter and reommmended approval of request subject to the findings and conditions contained in the attached staff report. HE:ph cc• Don Rochelle Zelda Webb Bethel & Associates Attachment : Staff Report, dated 1/5/87 i ! City of Atascadero Item: A.1 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: January 5,0 98- BY: Joel Moses, Associate Planner Project Address : 905 E1 Camino Real SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map 30-85 initiated by Atascadero Limited (Don Rochelle/ Zelda Webb/Bethel & Associates) to subdivide 102.62 acres of land into four parcels ; 12.08 acres for RS(Residential Suburban) , 12.47 acres CT (Commercial Tourist) , 21.02 acres RS(Residential Suburban) , and 52.05 acres L (Recreation) . BACKGROUND: The proposed site was reviewed by the City during Annexation, Prezoning and Environmental Impact Report Hearings. An EIR was certified for the project and zoning established for the site over the last three years. Notice of public hearing was published in the Atascadero News on Friday, November 20, 1986. Allro ert owners of record located within 300 P P Y feet of the subject property were also notified on that date. A. LOCATION: 905 E1 Camino Real B. SITUATION AND FACTS: . 1. Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To. subdivide 102.62 acres of land into . four parcels of 12.08, 12.47, 21.02, and 5.05 acres for Residential, Com- mercial and Recreational zoned land. 2. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Atascadero Limited(Don Rochelle/Zelda Webb/Bethel & Associates) 3. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .102.62 acres 4. Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .El Camino Real 5. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . * * . . so . . . . . .RS - Residential Suburban L - Recreational CT - Commercial Tourist 6. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Residential/Agricultural ' 0 0 STAFF REPORT _ Cont d TPM 30-85 905 E1 Camino Real 7. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . .North: County - Paso Robles Creek to Entire Study Area South: RS Residential Suburban East : County - Salinas River West: County - Freeway 8. General Plan Designation. . . .Residential/Commercial/Recreational 9. Environmental Status. . . . . . . .Prior Certified EIR C. ANALYSIS: The applicants have submitted a parcel map to subdivide property an- nexed to the City and previously zoned. The property is zoned for several types of uses : Commercial, Residential and Recreational. The site is also covered by several waterways (Graves Creek, Paso Robles Creek and the Salinas River) . Access to the site is gained by way of El Camino Real. Access from the freeway is not permitted. The site is currently used for a residence and agricultural use. The site is somewhat isolated due to the freeway and the waterways . The proposed annexation and zoning were reviewed in public hearings by the City and an E.I.R. certified for the sites proposed zoning and development. During the process, extensive public comment was given as to access to the site and zoning. The project was revised and the current zoning configuration approved. In reviewing the proposed Parcel Map, the staff has been concerned with the site's access and internal circulation. After a meeting with CALTRANS (State of California) , who controls access location and design, it was determined that final access design and improvements would be held until the time of development of any of the parcels . To maintain options, large easements have been provided along the front of Parcels l & 2. The site is also split by the railroad. This presents an access problem that under the EIR was solved by the proposed construction of a grade separation (bridge) over the railroad tracks . As an interium solution, the applicant is provid- ing a private crossing. Ultimate development of higher density uses beyond this access point, will require the grade separation. The City's General Plan and State Law provides for access and use of waterways for recreational uses. Since the site contains several waterways , General Plan conformity would require the establishment of access rights . D. RECO14MENDATION: Staff recommends conditional approval of Tentative Parcel Map 30-85 based on the Findings in Exhibit D and Conditions of Approval in Exhibit E. JM:ph ATTACHMENTS : EXHIBIT A - Location Map EXHIBIT B- Tentative Map EXHIBIT C - School Letter EXHIBIT D - Findings EXHIBIT E - Conditions ,� I i���♦ir�����i►�k►. ►� ���W �i,� ♦MeLWEEWLMA •4•-4 'M '4 ON r4AOffffWj Ord VA'IVA o ow �� u .r?oil .rte e� � 2�R 45� 1�•rs. C'pE'Eq- j Ar N c f e;t\v•�\�P _rp p• Q Y �'1 A ' b ti I thi0 �y '• \ ' b h4 Amit .a RE it - �a�N1 ���� �� o too n\�•\ e� A t nY� .a=` _ a 8 � N ar �g w i r A $ 'b i A a N -r—C I.•ZOO' ze er 71 V14 a a H a IgyVliV _ rr D o i 4 It ZO N^k n e�4"a o '� Oa wtie� n r�k\ N " mrri e 0 Z R "' 3 n i z p , i 4cFp • m �. A dr.09 14 ca z �< > QCN 161T T3 �T�T3�1111/E 1M A'Pa 9D5- LCL CATH I ND EM ; �C.N E1LE•U/LTST��1��`rL L. TEMPLET t s UNIFIED SCHOOT DISTRICT "Home ,of Tomorrow's Leaders" 9th and Main Streets OCT2 319x6 Route 2, Box 1 Templeton, CA 93465 (805) 434-1445 - COMS�(D�ITY DEVELOPME�� City of Atascadero Community Development Department PO Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Re: Rochelle/Webb/Bethel Tentative Parcel Map '30-85, 905 El Camino Real 77. .Gent I emen _ - - We have received notice of the proposed subdivision of approximately. 102 acres of property described above. Please be advised that this District Is severely impacted by the addition of any new dwelling units within the school district's boundaries. The schools of TUSD are already overcrowded, and the County Board of Supervisors has approved the District's request to levy Developers' Impact Fees, effective 11/23/86. due to the Board of Trustees' findings of overcrowding within the District schools. In addition, there is new legislation recently signed which would allow the District to levy up to $1 .50 per square foot of habitable living space, including any fees levied under SB201 , Developers' Impact Fees. It is anticipated that the Templeton Unified School District Board of Trustees will implement such fees effective as soon as legally possible following 1/1/87, the effective date of such legislation. At the point of conversion to fee collection under the new law, SB201 fees would probably be discontinued by the County, and the new fees would be levied directly by the schools' Board of Trustees. If the TUSD does implement these new fees, issuance of building permits -- ..--by any agency-so charged would be dependent on a "sign-off" from the school district attesting to the mitigation of the Impact of the development by payment of these fees. Although we were unable to respond by the October 6 Planning Commission meeting, we do wish these comments to be noted for development within the boundaries of the TUSD. If you have any questions, please give me a call . SI er y, kez + Diana M. La sen Business Manager r" TEMPLETON ELEMENTARY TEMPLETON HIGH 8th&Main Streets EX - .�•• » f .,` Rt 2.Box Templeton, G/��1�7-` SCA4W r- I-� / i tit � Templeton.CA 93465 (805)434.1841 GIII�TV �F =Z 14K3/y,, 905' 6Z. C~tjU IZ671L F_oCHr4(_F-tv4-W•&-MLZ _ �rr-ccArvn�� Last iT�l� '�, EXHIBIT D - Findings TPM 30-85 905 E1 Camino Real FINDINGS ; 1. The creation of these parcels conforms to the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan. 2. The creation of these parcels , in conformance with the recommended Conditions of Approval, will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for the project and was certified. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development that is proposed. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of development that is proposed. 5. The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. 6. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvement will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision; or that substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7. The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474.6 of the State Subdivision Map Act as to methods of handling and discharge of waste. • EXHIBIT E - Conditions of Approval (REVISED 1/5/87) TPM 30-85 905 El Camino Real CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. All development fees and/or assessments in effect at the time of building permit application,shall be paid at the time of building permit issuance, to the City of Atascadero and the Templeton Unified School District. 2. Public recreation easements covering the three water courses (Graves Creek, Paso Robles Creek and Salinas River) and areas 25-0" back from the top of the bank shall be shown on the final map. A 25.0" public access easement shall be provided from E1 Camino Real to Graves Creek on an alignment acceptable to City of Atascadero. 3. Prior to the residential or commercial development of Parcels 3 and 4, a grade separated railroad crossing shall be approved and con- structed to City and State Standards. A single residential struc- ture may be constructed on Parcels 3 and 4 if the structures are equiped with fire sprinkler systems as per N.F.P.A. #13d. A note so stating shall appear on the final map. 4. Public Improvements Plans , acceptable to both City of Atascadero and State of California (CALTRANS) , shall be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of any permits for development of Parcels 1 and 2. Said improvements shall be installed along entire frontage of E1 Camino Real at the time of development of either parcel. This shall appear as a note on the final map. 5. Access rights along State Freeway R/W are relinquished and shall be addressed on final map along entire frontage. Submit proof of acceptance by CALTRANS for use of existing encroachment and speci- fying terms of agreement for said use. 6. Submit recorded grant of easement for encroachment within S.P.R.R. easement prior to construction of access road or recording final map, whichever is first. 7. Obtain encroachment permit from CALTRANS and construct encroachment for access road to their standards and specifications . 8. Access road shall be constructed to serve all parcels , including. structure-rseq-iiired -to cross Graves Creek to serve Parcel 4 and rail- road crossing or provide alternate access acceptable to the Depart- ment of Public Works and the Community Development Department (or bond for said improvements) prior to recording final map. 9. Plan and profile drawings of access road shall be submitted for approval by the Department of Public Works and the Community De- velopment Department prior to start of construction. Plans shall be designed to City standards ; 20" minimum width traveled way, 50' radius (minimum) curves, with turn around acceptable to approval by other agencies , as well , as, the City. Z� r EXHIBIT E - Conditions of Approval '(REVISED 1/5/87) TPM 30-85 905 E1 Camino Real Page Two 10. Access road shall be contained within designated easement as des- cribed on final map including all slopes , drainage structures , etc. Access easements shall also be P.U.E. `s 11. Detail plan showing intersection of. El Camino Real and Highway ramps in relation to subject subdivision and possible future street design shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works. An Offer of Dedication for future street may be required and shall be determined upon review of this plan. Dedication would be along the southerly subdivision boundary. 12. Area subject to inundation in 100year storm shall be delineated on final map and elevation of high water noted. 13. Three Benchmarks shall be set, spanning length of subdivision between the easterly and westerly boundaries , to be used as future reference points for determining limits of flood hazard zone prior to development. Location and elevation of each point shall be shown on final map. 14. Show location of all creeks and rivers on final map. 15. Prior to recording the final map, a soils investigation (as re- quired by the Map Act) shall be submitted, recommending corrective action which will prevent structural damage to each structure pro- posed to be constructed in the area where soils problems may exist. The date of such reports , the name of the engineer making the report, and the location where the reports are on file shall be noted on the final map. 16. Road improvement plans prepared by a registered civil engineer must be submitted to and approved by the Public Works Department prior to recording the final map. 17. An offer of dedication shall be made to the public for the Public Utilities Easements . 18. Offers of dedication or easements shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneously to recording the final map. 19. Install all street signs , traffic delineation devices, warning and regulatory signs , guardrail, barricades , and other similar devices where required by the Public Works Director as per approved site plan. Signs shall be in conformance with the Public Works Depart- ment standards and the current State of California uniform sign chart. Installation of traffic devices shall be subject to review and modifications after construction. �,Y • EXHIBIT E - Conditions of Approval (REVISED 1/5/87) TPM 30-85 905 E1 Camino Real Page Three 20. All existing and proposed utility easements , pipelines and other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are other buildings or other restrictions related to the easements , they shall be noted on the final map. 21. A final map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjuction with the processing of the final map. c. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 22. Approval of this tentative parcel map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. . • - - - - - MEMORAND-UM- TO: City Council January 26, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development ment Director SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map 29-86 LOCATION: 9990 E1 Camino Real APPLICANT: Mike Hawkins (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: Request to subdivide one parcel containing 1.09 acres into two (2) lots containing 0.64 acres and 0.45 acres On January 5, 1987, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced matter and recommended approval of request subject to the findings and conditions contained in the attached staff report. HE:ph cc: Mike Hawkins . Twin Cities Engineering Attachment : Staff Report, dated 1/5/87 City of Atascadero Item: A.2 STAFF REPORT 40 FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: January 5, 1987 BY:nn�NII��Steven L. DeCamp, Senior Planner File No: TPM 29-86 I' Project Address : 9990 El Camino Real (Lot 1 ; Block 11 ; AC) SUBJECT: Subdivision of one parcel containing 1.09 acres into two (2) lots contain- ing 0..64 acres and 0.45 acres. BACKGROUND: Notice of public hearing was published in the Atascadero News on Friday, December 261 1986. All property owners of record located within 300 feet of the subject property were also notified on that date. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mike Hawkins 2., Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Twin Cities Engineering 3. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.09 acres 4. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CS (Commercial Service) 5. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Commercial building currently under construction 6. Adjacent Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .North: CT (Commercial Tourist) South: RMF-16 (Residential Multi-family) East : CR (Commercial Retail) West: CS (Commercial Service) 7. General Plan Designation. . . . . . . . .Heavy Commercial 8. Environmental Status . . . . . . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted November 3, 1986 B. ANALYSIS: The application before the Commission proposes the subdivision of one parcel containing 1.09 acres into two (2) parcels containing 0. 64 acres and 0.45 acres. The property proposed for subdivision is lo- cated in a Commercial Service (CS) zoning district. There is no min mum lot size established by the Zoning Ordinance for parcels locate in this district. Minimum lot sizes in commercial zones are deter- mined by market conditions and development constraints (e.g. parking requirements , site configuration, etc.) . TPM 29-86 (Hawkins/T(� ANALYSIS : (Cont' d) The development proposed for this property was reviewed and approved by this Commission on April 21, 1986. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 8-86 established conditions of approval for a service station/con venience store and additional retail space. Current development plans call for the deletion of the additional retail space and construction of only the service station/convenience store. The proposed subdi- vision of the property will separate the site of the service station/ convenience store site from the balance of the property. Because the second half of the originally planned project will not be constructed, some of the conditions imposed by CUP 8-86 may no longer be applicable or may be in need of revision. Therefore, ap- proval of the tentative parcel map will be conditioned upon approval of an amended Conditional Use Permit application. The proposed subdivision does not present significant planning issues. Site development issues will be addressed by a new Conditional Use Permit application. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends conditional approval of Tentative Parcel Map 29-86 based on the Findings in Exhibit D and Conditions of Approval in Exhibit E. SLD:ph ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location and Zoning Map Exhibit B - Tentative Parcel Map Exhibit C - CUP 8-86 Conditions of Approval Exhibit D - Findings for Approval Exhibit E - Conditions of Approval C lk • �� ESC{-1.181 i a, I _�.� .•�--�- iZ LOG2��loc1, zcvtQ zovt►K.cJ i (PD / `' X-0 / \ o � QP � \vQ? 4 • r C//• ), CR 3 /> CR 9990 Et C-Amlvto * E� AVE p `O C,Mriyp QE4[ \ ?QQ v' F l N RS , , 1 17ASC4pE� \ 1 ' • =xkIBsT 13 ¢n—. PX&-CdA /Vl AT to 0 ri z _ � S i s . Z 1'sr n • F� _Zo y / S �� �C J' a' o � � �• �� <y''�oo j fat 144 � yy n• ]���� �• � 14j�,O. � i � � `• oa�p� �i 0�� � ^ ���y� n 1 CUp s- 5(, cakd(-osis TPM Z 9_86 Conditional Use Permit 8-86" (Jac6 Oil/Mike Hawkins EXHIBIT E - Conditional Use Permit 8-86 Findings and Conditions for Approval April 21, 1986 FINDINGS: 1. The proposed project is consistent with the general plan land use map designation of heavy commercial and land use policies. 2. The proposed project satisfies all applicable provisions of this Title. 3. The establishment, and subsequent operation or conduct of the use will not, because of the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety or wel- fare of the general public or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or injurious to prop- erty or improvements in the vicinity of the use. 4. The proposed project will not be inconsistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development. 5. The proposed use or project will not generate a volume of traffic beyond the safe capacity of all roads providing access to the pro- ject, either existing or to be improved in conjunction with the project, or beyond the normal traffic volume of the surrounding neighborhood thgt would result from full development in accordance with the land use element. 6. The proposed project meets all the site location criteria estab- lished by Section 9-4.164 and site development deficiencies can be brought into conformance by site design modification. 7. The proposed project, in conformance with the recommended condi- tions of approval; will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. The negative declaration prepared for the pro- ject is adequate. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. All construction shall be in conformance with Exhibit E (condi- tions of approval) and Exhibits C and D (site plan and elevations as modified) , and all other applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Atascadero. • 2. All conditions of approval herein shall be complied with prior to occupancy of any buildings. 3. Landscape and irrigation plans in conformance with Section 9-4.124 Conditional Use Permit 8-86 (taco Oil/Mike Hawkins) shall be approved by the Community Development Department prior to issuance of building permits. 4. All above-ground utilities on the site shallbe under.grounded. MODIF16All new utilities and utility connections shall also be placed 0 underground. 5. Submit two sets of grading, drainage, and erosion control plans for review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments in accordance with Sections 9-4.138 and 9-4.148. 6. Include storm water detention and drainage plan in project plan- ning. Submit calculations for the entire project prior to approv- al of the first building permit. 7. Public improvement drawings shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of any building or grad- ing permits and shall include: a. Curb, gutter, sidewalk and pave-out including a ten foot sidewalk along E1 Camino Real and a five foot sidewalk along San Gabriel Road. b. Make all curb cut accesses to 30 feet. C. Improvement shall be installed along the entire property in contiguous ownership. --Gnly twe euEb--eeis aeeeeses shall be--pFevided a!e49 tba- pE- e. Installation of a valley "U" gutter across San Gabriel Road at its intersection with El Camino Real. 8. The owner shall dedicate such additional right-of-way along San Gabriel and El Camino Real to bring the intersection into confor- mance with traffic _ design standards as approved by the City engineers. 9. Existing gas storage tanks shall be removed in conformance with State law and City codes. The applicant shall also obtain all permits prior to doing work. 10. Parking shall be redesigned to accommodate a minimum of 24 parking stalls including one handicapped stall. Parking area shall be modified to provide 10% landscaping. 11. A lot line adjustment shall be recorded or easements for parking and access recorded prior to issuance of building permits. Ease- ments shall also be provided to future northern lot along with limiting the northern property to one curb cut access. 7 Conditional Use Permit 8-86 (Jaco Oil/Mike Hawkins) 12. Service station area shall be modified to provide 20% of the area for landscaping and a 10 foot landscaped buffer along San Gabriel Road. 13. This conditional use permit approval shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless all conditions are satisfied and the project shows substantial progress, or unless an extension of time has been granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. Tentative Parcel Map 29-86 (Hawkins/TCE) r EXHIBIT D - Tentative Parcel Map 29-86 Findings for Approval January 5, 1987 FINDINGS: 1. The creation of these parcels conforms to the zoning ordinance and the general plan. 2. The creation of these parcels , in conformance with the recommended conditions of approval, will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. 3. - The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of development pro- posed. 5. The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife of their habitat. 6. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvement will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision; or that substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7. The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474.6 of the State Subdivision Map Act as to methods of handling and discharge of waste. & 0 EXHIBIT E - Tentative Parcel Map 29-86 (Hawkins./TCE) Conditions of Approval January 5, 1987 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and. water lines shall exist at the frontage of each parcel or its public utility easement prior to recordation of the final map. 2. All existing and proposed utility easements , pipelines and other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are other buildings or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 3. All conditions of approval required by CUP 8-86 shall be completed prior to recording the final map or as directed by the Public Works Director for road improvements 4. The applicant shall acquire and make an irrevocable offer for dedi- cation to the City of Atascadero the following rights-of-way: a. Street Name: Intersection of El Camino Real and San Gabriel Road b. Limits : A twenty (20) foot radius at the Southeast corner of the intersection for corner rounding. 5. An offer of dedication shall be made to the public for the Public " Utilities Easements. 6. Offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneously to recording the final map. 7. Install all street signs , traffic delineation devices, warning and regulatory signs , guardrail, barricades , and other similar devices where required by the Public Works Director as per approved site plan. Signs shall be in conformance with the Public Works Department stan- dards and the current State of California uniform sign chart. Instal- lation of traffic devices shall be subject to review and modifications after construction. 8. The property line wall between Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 shall be rede- signed, and appropriate revisions to the issued building permit shall be filed and approved by the Chief Building Inspector, to bring said wall into conformance with the fire rating requirements of the Uniform Building Code. 9. Wastewater disposal shall be by connection to the public sewer. 10. Obtain a sewer connection permit from the Public Works Department prior to hooking up to public sewer. 11. The applicant shall pay sewer connection fees and annexation fees for the additional lots created, in addition to the usual connecti000 tap-in and installation fees, prior to final building inspection. 0 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - TPM 29-86 - Cont' d 12. A City standard fire hydrant shall be installed on El Camino Real along the frontage of Parcel 2. The exact location of said fire hydrant shall be determined by the Atascadero Fire Department at the time of development of Parcel 2. 13. Obtain Encroachment Permit from City of Atascadero (Public Works Department) . Sign an Inspection Agreement and a Curb and Gutter Agreement, guaranteeing that the work will be done and inspections paid for, prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, and construct improvements as directed by the Encroachment Permit prior to final building inspection. Improvement Plans prepared by a Registered Engineer shall be submitted and approved by Department of Public Works prior to the issuance of the Building Permit. 14. Applicant shall apply for and obtain approval of an amended Condi- tional Use Permit to address , among other items , required parking for the development on Parcel l prior to recording the final map. 15. A final map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved ten- tative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. - Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a. ,registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall in- dicate, by certificate on the final map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. c. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for re- view in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 16. Approval of this tentative parcel map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. �r�Aly a•,:�yi�lJA M EMO RAND U M TO: City Council January 26, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map 34-86 LOCATION: 8730 Coromar Road APPLICANT: Bob Bryson (Volbrecht Surveys) REQUEST: Request to subdivide one (1) parcel containing 1. 11 acres into two (2) lots containing 0.50 acres and 0.61 acres. On January 5 , 1987, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced matter and recommended approval of request subject to the findings and conditions contained in the attached staff report. HE:ph cc: Bob Bryson Volbrecht Surveys Attachment: Staff Report, dated 1/5/87 City of Atascadero Item: A.3 STAFF REPORT 0 FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: January 5, 1987 BY:� /Psteven L. DeCamp, Senior Planner File No : TPM 34-86 Project Address : 8730 Coromar Road (Lot 33H; Block 7) SUBJECT: Request to subdivide one (1) parcel containing 1.11 acres into two (2) lots containing 0.50 acres and 0.61 acres . BACKGROUND: Notice of public hearing was published in the Atascadero News on Decem- ber 26, 1986. All property owners of record located within 300 feet of the subject property were also notified on that date. A. SITUATION AND FACTS : 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bob Bryson 2. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 11 acres 09 3. Streets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Coromar is a City-maintained Street with a 40 foot right- of-way 4. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .RSF-X (Residential Single Fam- ily - 0.5 acre minimum lot size) 5. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Single family dwelling located on Parcel A. Parcel B is vacant 6. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . . . . . . . .North: RSF-X: Single family dwel- ling South: RSF-X: is East : RSF-X: it West: RSF-X: " 7. General Plan Designation. . . . . . . . . .High Density Single Family 8. Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Flat 9. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted November 25 , 1986 STAFF REPORT TPM 34-86 Cont' d B. ANALYSIS: The property proposed for subdivision is located in the RSF-X zone. The minimum lot size in this zone is one-half acre. Both of the lots proposed in this application meet or exceed the minimum lot size requirement. The subject property currently contains one single family dwell- ing. The new lot being created is located to the rear of the ex- isting dwelling. Access to this new lot will be by an easement to Coxomar crossing the front lot. The access easement will also serve as a Public Utilities Easement allowing the rear lot to be connected to the sewer line existing in Coromar. The entire area surrounding the subject parcel was the subject of recent General Plan and Zoning Ordinance amendments allowing for the establishment of one-half acre lots. The proposal before the Commission is in conformance with the new General Plan and Zoning Ordinance provisions. Staff believes that the type and density of development proposed is appropriate for the neighborhood. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends conditional approval of Tentative Parcel Map 34-86 based on the Findings in Exhibit C and the Conditions of Ap- proval in Exhibit D. SLD:ph ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location and Zoning Map Exhibit B - Tentative Parcel Map Exhibit C. Findings for Approval Exhibit D - Conditions of Approval do ft M SO rsill I log ;N NO, A ♦ ' ID • WORM . . �,� ♦ e.�... SM .. OARM MFb �' ��•�I �� fill ORROM r SII• ��►=_ =11OFA ■ 1 1 /1 ■ , 1 . t �EXPISIT 6 Pa rcd 1 M a i PM, 3-4 - 8& a� 0 �o 0 lv � c� \ NSTrom'E h3Q� 1 P Poe�e a PavZ pop k4 i i3:.r,.. ,� EXHIBIT C -Tentative Parcel'. Map 34-86 (Bryson/Volbrecht) FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL '~ JANUARY 5, 1987 S FINDINGS• 1. The creation of these parcels conforms to the zoning ordinance and the general plan. 2. The creation of these parcels, in conformance with the recommended conditions of approval, will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of development pro- posed. 5. The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife of'their habitat. 6 . The design of the subdivision and the type of improvement will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision; or that substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7. The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474.6 of the State Subdivision Map Act as to methods of handling and discharge of waste. EXHIBIT D - Tentative Parcel Map 34-86 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (REVISED) January 5, 1987 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and water lines shall exist at the frontage of each parcel or its public utility easement prior to recordation of the final map. 2. All existing and proposed utility easements , pipelines and other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are other buildings or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 3. Construct City-standard drive approach to serve each parcel (or bond for such improvements) prior to recording the final map. 4. Obtain encroachment permits from the Public Works Department prior to construction of drive approaches and construct improvements as directed by the encroachment permit (s) . 5. Grading, drainage, and erosion control plans , prepared by a regis- tered civil engineer, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to issuance of building permits. This shall appear as a note on the final map. 6. The applicant shall acquire and make an irrevocable offer for dedi- cation to the City of Atascadero the following rights-of-way for public road purposes or submit proof acceptable to the City Attorney that said right-of-way has been previously dedicated for such pur- poses : a. Street Name: Coromar Road b. Twenty (20) feet from centerline along the entire property frontage. 7. Offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneously to recording the final map. 8. Wastewater disposal shall be by connection to the public sewer. 9. Obtain a sewer connection permit from the Public Works Department prior to hooking up to sewer. 10. The applicant shall pay sewer connection fees and annexation fees for the additional lots created, in addition to the usual connec- tion, tap-in and installation fees prior to issuance of building permits . This shall appear as a note on the final map. 11. Adjust the proposed lot lines to insure that the gross size of Parcel B is 0.5 acres outside the right-of-way of Coromar Road unless it is determined that the applicant owns to the centerline of Coromar Road. i� oc EXHIBIT D - Tentative Parcei .Map 34-86 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - Cont'd (REVISED) 12. A final map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved 1. , tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth here- shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to re- cordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. c. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 13. Approval of this tentative parcel map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. i -NG 1 GE,-NDA • MEMO RAND U M TO: City Council January 26 , 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 10-85 LOCATION: 3280 San Fernando Road APPLICANT: Bill Barnes (Twin Cities Engineering) On April 15, 1985 , the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 10-85 , subject to certain findings and conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. • The required findings and conditions have been complied with and the final parcel map is recommended for approval. HE:ph cc: Bill Barnes Twin Cities Engineering • a� Im k• Co / y �'•a i Q�% � N n. 390.85 n 44 N •� nl�� � r � � \`� a�^ , �` � � � N4/0218£ 300.24• Y 3 Zg53.£" ,7�•./ � y� �i ; N N./0'03J2f 799F2� N9/JI:Jr ZG939' -i �j V rn ' 8 � N42b2q�i✓932.23• � �''� C� T O ^ y QN aim a 4 In A41 ,.. v 9 adOra vlO coni • Ari �3 / AG7NDA 1 CAS 1 6 11 M �F �'�•Z • M EMO RAND U M TO: City Council January 26, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director , SUBJECT: Final Parcel Map 32-85 LOCATION: 11400 Santa Ana Road APPLICANT: Gordon T. Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: Request to subdivide a 10.24 acre parcel into two lots of 5. 12 acres each. On February 11, 1986 , the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 32-85 , subject to certain findings and conditions and in • concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The required findings and conditions have been complied with and the final parcel map is recommended for approval. HE:ph cc: Gordon T. Davis Twin Cities Engineering • a� tNll ,•I � I� l�, �n 1 - I i I I �:� \ ,•�'E 99i7FI 43244 a a' ' 35 1 1 cQ�I i I a I 1� i r I�seery i /rrsos 1 . 1 � 1I 11 �l r � ooloo� 01 bz �T � '�� �. is• � �.h� 1. ro VI . .ice m ,I \:^:`: t�• � �, � ` � - • rD o Xj Z.�l•e� ;21 h� _ vl • M E M 0 R AND U M TO: City Council January 26 , 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 1-86 LOCATION: 10870/10900/11020 Santa Ana Road APPLICANT: 1st Nationwide Network Mortgage (Twin Cities Engineering) On June 23, 1986, the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 1-86 , subject to certain findings and conditions and in concur- rence with the recommendation of the PlanningCommission. The required findings and conditions have been cmplied with and the final parcel map is recommended for approval. i HE:ph cc: 1st Nationwide Network Mortgage Twin Cities Engineering • {;. 's ,�1d rr4..•f-ay•: �•� � .,rRr"..'ast A-��+'"''V¢r > s' e..I .•> X .L 4iJ' -a.- M' _'� .���fAl�•J' _ ?;x� Z.i�.(y�e,R 0:� �{a��} .cr�..�a+" „���+��'�.�?' •.,."�eL ^t�`4`.4� V 'Y w Y��•� 3 +r _ PP.oPo- coD p•A'RGEL- MA-F oil _ e'vY;r'�r�'�tij` �'�•v.�',p+�•`j�`e+a- '+ii r y�.. -e, `yt'�"+�..5 4{-''�rT �'S.-' S���`j�7�"�..5,_. 4�.'- F`L`.f i.,•,'i•t,.=��S'`���� a`ec• )re�, - h����:y,c 1:'t'�a 'TL`•S- '�\� J ? F°J ?"1 'n3 ;"t 7P� J. L.4••��`�4 '�'{..�t.d�.S��$�.v,!„ ,k4 .x#�•'�s2k `r, '�F`_'"1 _,3._;t yy #�,::. I .,.,,{ S c-.A ..x, z .t. �... scG d' t �.-''�+ v r k�i��•'+• 14+ r ; !j• • 4 7 i . y R _ c s I i ay 4 too flap -are• q ` - tel.- �` "•� - V �` O'r _ 00" Sj cot, " O h g _ :It ` ✓On/n Q/IO PPeeo \ivK'[J!9' � NIb'•f0/l`N efI 7C' � e•TADP/.!•J7Ba.a•Jooa. gise tj tj Zl y^ j . v 1�1 • M_EMORANDUM_ TO: City Council January 26, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 18-86 PA-` LOCATION: 11505 Santa Ana Road APPLICANT: Gordon T. Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) On August 11, 1986, the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 18-86, subject to certain findings and conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The required findings and conditions have been complied with and the final parcel map is recommended for approval. HE:ph cc: Gordon T. Davis Twin Cities Engineering 52 -rON i. PARC a- M QF TQM t rJ� `' ti'V J ba C ia � , CIT �O�S Fboy y y Pn �3'� Cly - i ::. : . .:_ • � is - _. _....--- .. .�.. `.. _.y 4+ - .AYo „ • o - via Z a :ova �� � � -/ � ' .. •6 {•T,_• ._�.� -• 7�'_. _ /. - :'�-�• ,/� � 'I� i�.�.;_i—�� - V lir .- .�V. •lii `'. Im 915..=•1 -77 f f M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council January 26 , 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director }� Y- SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 19-86 LOCATION: 2470/2500 San Fernando Road APPLICANT: Gordon T. Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) On August 25 , 1986, the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 19-86, subject to certain findings and conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The required findings and conditions have been complied with and the final parcel map is recommended for approval. HE:ph ,cc: Gordon T. Davis Twin Cities Engineering 1t • � > ` t• i'4, t ..N3 s.. }S�R�F.sY�'��`T-��.y'���i-y��'=�t•.+13'lz�e�,:I ��+�""Pe � r� S'� rk � � .�y'�,hr'o•. a+> fO.^`c`'`it'� �f"'�7'�' t2S• •\�`5��� 1r QIP' i / `� � '��.: -� .. . 'C ,�: wl patci4 ^ sp;�. b _ _ Chi y.� +wj • w :�;,. _ - Or� Z vlra Ste^ Fey, In 0'71 - _ \ � � � :•.:.1\�1w. `'t`Vpi Ic 4-1 oYl - _- 'h - i11��,�! Y �M1 •`, •'!-''rim -•-_ !° t,. �7 �° �•• ,roe i' .:'eze'= ,�. ._- _ .+q ` , c '��;. � -----'� C y a Sol 8 - R so �t - 'IB —b� fi"ij ;� v C1 _(816x-3 <. iii 7 �S, r'v!p t1 M1 • M EMO RAN D U M TO: City Council January 26 , 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 22-86 LOCATION: 5120 & 5300 San Benito APPLICANT: Patricia St. Clair/Audrey Cook/Gifford Bland (Volbrecht Surveys/Golden West Development) On October 13, 1986 , the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 22-86 , subject to certain findings and conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The required findings and conditions have been complied with and the final parcel map is recommended for approval. HE:ph cc: Patricia St. Clair Audrey Cook Gifford Bland Volbrecht Surveys Golden West Development • _ III Alf y J . + L,l ,� 4 vi �'.F ,i-, Y' M x'1 r •3 d s f p �" _"C'�f�'yr '�i'N'x fh �.•,,t.., y a�°� ♦ >'� � ¢`' f y, a '.x G � �'a3q>�z A f "' � L! Mia,�r� .x � '�.c�t —iq.. -r3-� \�(v�� t � a M1 ice �? ` s ra \ P X._ x 3 t7 Y �.�� ;.. ��4 9 • 1�� # sft r ; � f F irIV IZI is N Is -1 �.3 �' p � •,fir '` z�� ♦V ��O Vv � ;," t� � �� ,� ,xia1 ti \ f -ti � Ffs 0 \ ..+ C Y •�fi Lsl 0.9y GS'� _ ".at f, Y�z A r 3� ��� TiN- ^ W777. / a�kr�1 U • MEMORA_NDU_M_ TO: City Council - January 26 , 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director Ak-T SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 23-86 LOCATION: 5100 San Benito APPLICANT: Patricia St. Clair/Audrey Cook/Gifford Bland (Volbrecht Surveys/Golden West Development) On October 13, 1986 , the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 23-86, subject to certain findings and conditions and in • concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The required findings and conditions have been complied with and the final lot line adjustment is recommended for approval. HE:ph cc : Patricia St. Clair Audrey Cook Gifford Bland Volbrecht Surveys Golden West Development o � u o a • ; 4 b kN ^ p v p f V IN kv I X L ' ` t 1 �o ` , c 1'4 .532 �.S .7y.C.D�.• , . U � a • MEIM0RANDUM TO: City Council January 26 , 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 4-86 LOCATION: 7205 Santa Cruz Road APPLICANT: Gordon T. Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) On August 25, 1986, the City Council approved Lot Line Adjust- ment 4-86, subject to certain findings and conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The required findings and conditions have been complied with • and the final lot line adjustment is recommended for approval. HE:ph cc: Gordon T. Davis Twin Cities Engineering • c�ti ;, �•; �o� .. �� '�:, • it IO.; cn4 'y' q t •.� l :•r 'i '� '� von 0 - -- - r - b • 3 � Z Uk 6ITI: .t raj !_. I.�+.A 7V / M EMO RAND U M TO: City Council January 26, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director W5, SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 6-86 LOCATION: 10755/10855 Atascadero Road APPLICANT: Gloria Garcia (Cuesta Engineering) On October 13, 1986, the City Council approved Lot Line Adjust- ment 6-86, subject to certain findings and conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The required findings and conditions have been complied with and the final lot line adjustment is recommended for approval. HE:ph cc: Gloria Garcia Cuesta Engineering �ti J.0 r� L-LA -sem •( � �of Jy N \ `� 3 � � � n le �1 z , JQ Z (09-' • M EMO RAND U M_ TO: City Council January 26, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director 4-Vi, SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 9-85 LOCATION: 9095 La Linia Avenue APPLICANT: Richard Meyers (Volbrecht Surveys) On September 8, 1986, the City Council approved Lot Line Adjust- ment 9-85 , subject to certain findings and conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The required findings and conditions have been complied with • and the final lot line adjustment is recommended for approval. HE:ph cc: Richard Meyers Volbrecht Surveys • � ° 4a �.•`w " t=)(141F3 I T n . ' qr �a�� ��� �` , , ����',' '�° • °' � Lia -Ss 9 Vi h • !'r I 1 I ,n J w Ilk C r cit• ;,'�'%'r'�s�` �l do 6 b 1 P $c wi Ai ,�'zs ,s•v A0 r ----`_ M EMO R A N D U M TO: City Council January 26, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director 3 SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment 1B-87 and Zone Change 26-86 LOCATION: 8505 San Gabriel Road APPLICANT: Karl Trumpp REQUEST: To revise the existing General Plan Land Use designation from Suburban Residential to Moderate Density Single Family and coinciding Zone Change from RF(Residential Suburban) to RSF-Y(Residen- tial Single Family) On January 5 , 1987, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the above referenced matter. Upon review of the attached staff report, the Commission unanimously recommended denial. Mr. Trumpp was invited to withdraw his request. HE:ph cc: Karl Trumpp Attachment Staff Report, dated 1/5/87 • City of Atascadero STAFF REPORT Item: A.6 FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: January 5, 198-7 BY: Joel Moses , Associate Planner File No: GP: 1B-87 ZC: 26-86 Project Address: 8505 San. Gabriel Road SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment GP: 1B-87 and Zone Change ZC: 26-86 initiated by Karl Trumpp to revise the existing Suburban Residential (22 to 10 acres minimum lot size) General Plan Land Use designation to Moderate Density Single Family (12 acres without sewer, 1 acre with sewer minimum lot size) and coinciding Zone Change from RS(Residential Suburban) to RSF-Y(Residential Single Family) . BACKGROUND: The proposed applications were reviewed preliminarily by the Planning Commission and City Council and no modifications to the proposal were made. Notice of public hearing was published in the Atascadero News on Decem- ber 26 , 1986. All property owners of record located within 300 feet of the subject property were also notified on that date. A. LOCATION: 8505 San Gabriel Road (See Exhibit A) B. SITUATION AND FACTS : 1. Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To revise the existing General Plan Land Use designation from Suburban Residential to Moderate Density Single Family and coinciding Zone Change from RS(Residential Suburban) to RSF-Y(Residential Single Family) 2. Applicant. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Karl Trumpp 3. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .4.68 acres 4. Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .San Gabriel Road - collector 5. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RS(Residential Suburban) 22 to 10 acre minimum lot size 6. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Residential use STAFF REPORT GP: 1B-87 ZC: 26-86 Cont' d 7. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . .North: RS Residential to Entire Study Area South: RS - Residential East : RS - Residential West: RS - Future School 8. General Plan Designation. . . .Suburban Residential 9. Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . .Sloping upward to the east away from San Gabriel Road 10. Environmental Status. . . . . . . .Negative Declaration C. ANALYSIS: The applicant's proposal would allow for the creation of lots of 12 acres in an area where the present lot size is determined by the sites characteristics. A partial review would note that leaving out a sites individual slope and assuming minimum 2.5 acre lot size for neighborhood character, a minimum site would be 2.65 acres. Slope for individual site would only move this figure higher; probably in the area of 3.5 acres for a minimum lot size. The applicant shows a site of 4.68 acres so a lot split under the existing designation would not be in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance. The site is located opposite the new school site under construction on San Gabriel. The school is going to be provided with sewer as per the General Plan, however, the service per General Plan con- formity is limited to the school only. Since public facilities are required to conform to the General Plan, a revision to the General Plan will be needed to provide service to the area. This would require the expansion of the Urban Services Area and then the in- stallation of new facilities to serve those areas. San Gabriel Road is designated as a collector in the General Plan. The street is a typical narrow Atascadero road. Traffic in the area will naturally increase as vacant land in the area is developed and as the new school is opened. Where the single proposal will not impact traffic in the area, future cumulative projects might. The existing General Plan Land Use Element notes several policies as to decreasing density as one moves outward from the community's center. The proposal would expand a higher density further out from the community's center. The site falls into several areas of special concern. The site is partially within the Amapoa/Tecorida Drainage Area and will be liable for the required fees , as well as, adding drainage to the flooding area. To the north of the site, at the intersection of San Gabriel & Morro Road, is a Regional Water Quality Cease and Desist area. STAFF REPORT GP: 1B-87 ZC: 26-86 C. ANALYSIS - Cont' d The area is made up of several small (just above 2 acre) lots. It would be anticipated that further divisions into smaller lots could create additional septic and ground water problems in the area. The site also has the potential for containing Native Amer- ican sites. The area contains several registered sites in the vicinity. Denser development would undoubtedly lead to the po- tential disruption of these sites . On an overall land use basis, the proposal exhibits several prob- lems. The site will be a typical spot designation. " The nearest land use designation other than the present Suburban Residential is on the western side of Santa Rosa Road (see Exhibit B) . Lots in the area do reflect subdividing that occured prior to the current Gen- eral Plan and Zoning Ordinance, allowing some lots less than 22 acres. Exhibit C notes that a substantial number of the lots , con- tinuing away from Morro. Road, are larger than 22 acres. Few lots are as small as 12 acres in the area but some do exist. If a larger area of revision is considered, the other constraints of po- tential problems with ground water contamination and disruption of historical sites would make it possible for some long term problems D. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of proposed General Plan Amendment GP: 1B-87 and Zone Change ZC: 26-86 based on the proposed application and Findings contained in Exhibit D. JM:ph ATTACHMENTS: EXHIBIT- A - Location Map EXHIBIT B - General Plan Land Use Map EXHIBIT C - Lot Size Map EXHIBIT D - Findings for Denial fC n WE \ D all - ► � 1 rG' 1 � •�Y S I 1�; I� IN y • I . y c . ,...1 1..., q M 1...1 u■. q I.■.1 / P p {ilii �� i � '• ® � 1 • • —� � iii ��. 't •• •• � � r � puw iii ■ i • � • • � � / ® q r r m q ,� ` � d ilii\ I �•i�ii � � q r- •�ii� 'ii iiee! v q ® 4' q q ® S� !t p O �• Y� a q a e> •> r E \ p y 1e !i t 1► 1 ra r 8�ei/�/}}� \\\ b b b e' • if�'fi� ^• nlf I I Ir II. q O I .mr Onuuf J ■..nu. ` 11•..■YO.fr VI IV ■.? ..o.rnn 11 IN 1!-li■. 1n� n. ar u I 1■ J y __iOWN Name -�' u Name.•. Mo 1 uuus uuu . • • � _ � uousff i • ► f ■ am i • I j / ii • `' I J ; iiIMI MWII i • ■ -..max.. � �� � ■■. .�i a •� I 10 �r����i • • a� A.Jams a q a •••, A MA m m y n �e n •. ■ � Cii• e •n a , b � � ®� r; • er ,r q �., q � w .' 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LOT SIZL- (MIS CP Is 0 Z.0 26.54 Y , , w �J� SOS _SAMGAVfL1L'L •?tZL1YYIP� SL .M M NID M3 Sl NILE F" 2S -Ill NZL� Y STAFF REPORT EXHIBIT D GP: 1B-87 Findings for Deni, 1 ZC: 26-86 8505 San Gabriel Rd. FINDINGS FOR DENIAL: 1. The proposed General Plan Land Use Map revision would not be con- sistent with existing policies contained in the General Plan Land Use element due to the proposed project' s inconsistency with the general level of land use intensity adjoining the site, 2. The proposed land use designation would be a spot designation and would be inconsistent with existing land use patterns in the area. 3. The site is not within the sewer improvement district and sewer services are not yet available to the site. 0_7 f 197- M—E M O R A_N D U M_ TO: City Council January 25 , 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment 1F-87 and Zone Change 29-86 LOCATION: 8130-8300 E1 Camino Real APPLICANT: Tom McNamara (Steve Massicotte and Buzz Hinckley) REQUEST: To revise the existing General Plan Land Use Map from Industrial Park to Service Commercial and the existing zoning from IP(Industrial Park) to CS(Com- mercial Service) BACKGROUND• . On January 5 , 1987, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced matter and recommended approval of request subject to the findings and conditions contained in the attached staff report. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approval of Resolution No. 13-87 2. Approval of Ordinance No. 146 (1st Reading) HE:ph cc: Tom McNamara Steve Massicotte Buzz Hinckley Attachment: Staff Report, dated 1/5/87 Draft Resolution No. 13-87 Draf Ordinance No.146 City of Atascadero STAFF REPORT Item: A. 7 FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date : January 5, 87 BY: Joel Moses , Associate Planner File No: GP: 1F-87 ZC: 29-86 Project Address : 8130-8300 E1 Camino Real SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment GP-1F-87 and Zone Change ZC-29-86 , submitted by Steve Massicotte and Buzz Hinckley for Thomas McNamara to revise the existing General Plan Land Use designation from Industrial Park to Service Commercial and revision of the existing zoning from IP(Industrial Park) to CS(Commercial Service) . BACKGROUND: During its preliminary review of the General Plan Amendment Cycle, the Planning Commission, with the City Council' s concurrence, expanded the area to be considered as a part of the proposed revisions . The expansion was to cover all the area designated Industrial Park or zoned IP(Indust- rial Park) to the north of the area originally proposed for revision. Public hearing notice was published in the Atascadero News on December 71 1984, and copies were sent to all record property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. A. LOCATION: 8130-8300 El Camino Real (Ptns. of Lots 6, 7080, Block 7 of Atasca- dero Colony) . B. SITUATION AND FACTS : 1. Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To revise the existing General Plan Land Use Map from Industrial Park to Service Commercial and the existing zoning from IP(Industrial Park) to CS(Commercial Service) . 2. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Steve Massicotte and Buzz Hinckley for Tom McNamara 3. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Approximately 12 acres 4. Streets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .El Camino Real/Via Obra 5 Zoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IP Industrial Park ( ) 6. Existin Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mixed Heavy Commercial and Industri 1 g y '1` STAFF REPORT GP: IF-87 ZC:29-86 - Cont ' d 7. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . .North: CS-Mixed Heavy Commercial and to Entire Study Area vacant South: IP.CS-Mixed Heavy Commercial and Industrial East : CS-Commercial West : Freeway 8. General Plan_Designation. . . . Industrial Park 9. Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Generally level 10. Environmental Status. . . . . . . .Negative Declaration C. ANALYSIS : The applicant proposes to revise the existing General Plan and Zoning Maps from Industrial designations to Heavy Commercial. From a land use stand point, the proposal will revise the potential land use that could be established on the site or area. The site is currently occupied by several uses . The existing land uses , on the general, will not be made nonconforming due to the change. In come cases , the uses will become conforming or require a less intensive form of re- view for further expansion (Exhibit Q . The potential impacts of the proposed revisions will be nonexistant or undeterminable. Most important, would be the potential traffic impacts . Due to the wide divergents of the types of uses , no spe- cific determination can be made. The City is collecting traffic mitigation fees that will be used to mitigate potential impacts , un- less a project is proposed that would generate traffic that would require a special study or Environmental Impact Report. Other impacts on services would be hard 'at this time to determine. A specific project or Master Development Plan would have to be reviewed to determine the impacts on the specific need for services. As noted before, impact fees are already being collected by the City for general impacts ; but again, like traffic, such items like fire suppression, utilities and drainage will have to be reviewed as a part of a specific design. However, no major problem is foreseen in these areas due to the close association of the use designations. The question of the loss of potential industrial land is an open question. It must be considered that the existing area is already developed with a mix of uses , most being more heavy commercial in nature than industrial. Areas to the north and east of the site, and some to the south, are designated and developed with commercial, uses. STAFF REPORT GP:1F-87 ZC:29-86 - Cont' d D. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of General Plan Amendment GP:1F-87 and Zone Change ZC:29-86 based on the Draft Resolution and Draft Ordinance which are attached. JM:ph ATTACHMENTS: EXHIBIT A - Location Map EXHIBIT B General Plan Land Use Map EXHIBIT C - Zoning Matrix EXHIBIT D - Draft Resolution EXHIBIT E - Draft Ordinance n� i'G� REEK - f am Umet. i::iii `a ® 1: :ii:� , � � �a• ,■■■� ro r 6 - C iii:■ �I � ♦sY� �• 1 / � � iii::�ti::i vi� �::l ^� � f� ♦ , wvu■■■an■s*via i�I .. 1 � u�l■uu■ � ./�� ■■V•w■I...■■■■•. ' gam -- ■■■/■■/■rte ■■ Mi ' .■ ■.■i' 1� � � try� , :: '--- 1 I'■ J �, � ••.~ter z=e. � I / ti. a s . CITY OF ATASCADERO A-ALLOWABLE C-CONDITIONAL ZONING MATRIX JUNE 27, 1983 S-SUBORDINATE H-HISTORICAL *SPECIAL CONDITION LAND USEA RS RSF LSF RMF CN CP C CS CT CPK I I L LS P Accessory, Storage A11A A A A A A A A JA A A JA A A Agricultural, AIA A A Accessory Agricultural AIC C 'A Processing Amusement L C C A A C Services i Animal Hospitals A C C A Apparel an A A A 1A Finished Products C* Vehicle Dea ersA A C A and Supplies Auto Repair C A S A A .A and Services Bed and Breakfast ; C C C C A A A •A C A A Broadcasting H H H H A A A A A `A A I Studios Building Materials A* A A A A A and Hardware C* Business Support H H IH H A A A A A 'Al C Services ; Caretaker C C C C C C C C C C C 'CIC C A Residence Cemetar i.es C C A Chemical Products C C C Churches and C C C C C C C Related Activities Collection A A A A A A A A A A A :A A A A Stations Concrete, Gypsum, & C C A Plaster Products Contract Constr- A A A A tion services 11 1 Crop Production A 'C A and Grazing _ Eating and A* A A A A S C C Drinking Places11 C* ' Electronic and Scien A* A A !A tific Instruments C* Farm Animal A iA A C A Raising I Farm Equipment A A JA A JA and Supplies . Farm Labor Quarters A Financial A A A S Services Fisheries and CLA C I Game Preserves n(ffIF3jTG ZONE' M91-EV cP-lF_-� i ze Z7 _M bI,3D •L?60 a C")NO Pznt I I L. ;TV Ylt..,pnk/- TD 507,1Iff (UPA 17 TD CS 1 LAND USE A RS RSF LSF RMF CN CP CRS IT CP III I L LS P Food and Beverage A* A* A IS S C Retail Sales 1C* C* Food and A C A A A Kindred Products Forestr Y A C A A Fuel and A A A A Ice Dealers Funeral Services A Furniture and A �A JAI Fixtures Furniture, Furn- A* A S ishin s & Equipment C* General Merchandise A* A* A S S C Stores C* C* Glass Products C IC ffA Hea t Care A S A Services Home Occupation A A A A A A Horticultural _,i A A A A A C Specialties = C a Hotels, Motels A JA C Indoor Recreation C A C Services Kennel A C C C Laundries and JA JA A Dry Cleaning Plants Libraries, Museums H H H H I A A JA A JA LightRE-pair Services I II Livestock A IC Specialties Lumber an C C A l I Wood Products Machinery C C A Manufacturing Mail Order A A A and Vending _ Membership A 11A A Organizations Metal In ustries, C Primary " Mining (&Surface) C C Mobilehome C IC C C Development q Mobilehome A A A A i Dwelling I Multiple Family A Dwelling -Offices H H H H A A S I A Organization C C C C Houses is .. 2 LAND USE AS RSF LSF RMF CN CP C C CT CP I I L LS P Outdoor Recreation IC C A A C Paper Products C C A Paving Materials C C A PersonalH H H A* A* A A S S Services C* C* Petroleum C Extraction Petroleum Refining C & Related Industry Pipelines A*P,3F C C C C C C C C C C C C! C JA C*C* Plastics and C C C Rubber Products Primary Fami y A Housing Public Assembly C C A IC C A and Entertainment ecreationa A ITVehicle Parks Recycling and , C C C Scrap11 Residential A A A A ! A Accessory Uses Residential A A A Care * C* C* _ I Retirement Hote C A A Roadside Stands JA JA A A Rural Sports & C C A C Group Facilities Sales Lots A A C A A A Schools - Business H HH H AA A C C A and Vocational I Schools C� C C C ;A A A A A A Service Stations C C C A Single Family A A A A Dwelling JA A Skilled Nursing A* A* A* A A A A Facilities C* C* C* mall Scale A A A A A Manufacturing Social & Service A A A , A Organizations Sports Assembly C C A C Stone & .Cut I A A A A Stone Products C Storage Yards A A A Structural Clay & C C A l I Related Products Temporary Dwelling A A A A A - — A Temporary Events A A A _ A_ A A A A A A A A A A Temporary Offices A A ;A A Temporary or A A A A A �A A A A A' A A A Seasonal Sales 3 LAND USE A RS RSF LSF RMF CN I CP �CR CS T CP IP I L LS P Textile MillsC C C Transit Stations C C A C C C C A and Terminals Utility Service A A A A Centers Utility Trans- A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A mission Facilities _ Vehicle and C C C C Freight Terminals Vehicle and A A A A A E ui ment Storage Warehousing :C C A A Wholesaling and A A Distribution ZONING DESCRIPTIONS A - AGRICULTURE ZONE RS - RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN ZONE RSF - RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY ZONE LSF - LIMITED RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE RMF - RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY ZONE CN - COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD ZONE CP - COMMERCIAL PROFESSIONAL ZONE CR - COMMERCIAL RETAIL ZONE CS - COMMERCIAL SERVICE ZONE CT - COMMERCIAL TOURIST ZONE CPK - COMMERCIAL PARK ZONE IP - INDUSTRIAL PARK .ZONE I - INDUSTRIAL ZONE L - RECREATION ZONE LS - SPECIAL RECREATION ZONE P - PUBLIC ZONE i 4 STAFF REPORT EXHIBIT D GP: 1F-87 ZC:29-86 RESOLUTION NO. 13-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING GENERAL PLAN MAP AMENDMENT TO AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE CITY' S GENERAL PLAN PERTAINING TO AN AREA ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF EL CAMINO REAL SOUTH OF CURBARIL FROM INDUSTRIAL PARK TO SERVICE COMMERCIAL (GP 1F-87 : MCNAMARA/MASSICOTTE/HINCKLEY WHEREAS, an application has been filed to amend the City of Atas- cadero's General Plan pertaining to the area westside of El Camino Real south of curbaril; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero conduc- ted a public hearing on the subject matter for an enlarged study area on January 5, 1987, and recommended approval of the amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero conducted a public hearing on the subject matter on ; and, WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65323 provides that a general plan be amended by the adoption of a resolution; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Atascadero finds as follows : 1. The proposed general plan amendment recommended by the Plan- ning Commission is consistent with the goals and policies of the City' s General Plan. 2. The proposed general plan amendment provides a logical repre- sentation of the commercial sites within the existing land use pattern. 3. The proposed general plan amendment is compatible with surround- ing land use and zoning. 4. The proposed general plan amendment will not have a signifi- cant adverse effect upon the environment. The Negative Declara- tion prepared for this project is adequate. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does resolve to approve General Plan Amendment GP 1F-87 as follows : 1. Amendments to the General Plan Map as shown on Exhibit A. On motion by and seconded by the motion was approved by the following roll call vote: �l71 Resolution No. 13-87 Page Two i AYES: NOES : ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: MARJORIE MACKEY, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director IN IM. uu� ro r s • iii: �t' �\\ �//�"�- ��� ISHNINes • • • ``� ` y iii::�:::. �i:i�uj � r f ♦uu■a�oa.nrr R. � uu.■■wa■ es.oa � �Gi■ua 1I � MR ) ...■. ■..■■■ • Net • _�11 iii S( r J j STAFF REPORT • EXHIBIT E GP:1F-87 ZC:29-86 ORDINANCE NO. .146 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP NUMBER 19 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY ON EL CAMINO REAL AND VIA OBRA ROAD FROM IP (INDUSTRIAL PARK) TO CS(COMMERCIAL SERVICE)-:(ZONE CHANGE ZC:29-86 : MCNAMARA/MASSICOTTE/HINCKLEY) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning regulation; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows : Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposed land use map change results in a logical represen- tation of the existing commercial areas . 2. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse environ- mental impacts upon the environment. 4. The proposal is consistent with the policies of the General Plan land use policies and other elements of the General Plan. Section 2. Zoning Change. Map Number 19 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended to reclassify the following described property from IP(Industrial Park) to CS(Commercial Service) . Ptns. of Lots 6 , 7, 8 & 9 of Block 7 of the Atascadero Colony as shown on attached Exhibit A. Ordinance No. 146 Page Two Section 3. Zoning Map. Map number 19 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atasca- dero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended as shown on the attached location map which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. Section 4. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News , a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and ef- fect at 12 :01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: MARJORIE MACKEY, Mayor ATTEST: City of Atascadero, California BOYD C. SHARITZ, City. Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: • JEFFREY FR G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN. ommunity DeveloDment Director ';. ::`� • "`'� ..`' ,.. ��r'1M I P �f LIDLT�i��Zl zTti � ': ,ST=-- � 18 T'1`tfl_!L�-TD CS(CIJvY►M Un A L 5\ , _.••�• ra \:���' ;, SLOW LC /� AT•76d35 CS - _-�.: - : •+. -j(rr � �.�' �•:• .AT-76.11! -Oi: e • 1. .'� /+. ___ ,�\,• 1 S,�+y a •3 'AT•8I-183 .IL•EL f • i� •d .• . ,�.! . •%- .1' • AT-81 ZU S-LS-'8 :., i'�'��' �>,pip y :(� 4• ,.ar F':' 4 •�!1 n.>, �• r _� •�t.,;}.�•iF '. ••.•. •yi•�, � � I5� .a\•�'>• 7; ••y> ,4`! . \5. ♦ ,.,s•. 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G fA if er•rrw,t 41-4 •.a.V♦w,H(•.W,w --•'---:.._ ' - RS -2�/4 ww14,•Ur,/«.t+%IT 1i.,�^'•.f•+ -� Lwa•swaW,rlwn!- a 20 �t I!:=q cm ei ti.u>w':s_.a•..I,f en..r, ', , uew Nom. .�: ` . • •.�.r,r.....> •a.�•y151�,' (,...,: .. - .nes . � '� ` '�•' ,•' y�. �.�.�-y f f(, :bila .♦ S gig. '.'� 23 ~='==` — " .� s♦ � �► CTTV Ori ATASC 1 ;�, .. __„ alllErT A OTODII JMVCE 146 - i� �� "n(n(n. �s•�:c-�G Z C C�YP� 6E 29-BL •. :�-(; ►�_�'Ir+�N'� �ii r� rt 1)130 ID LZc ,mwD Ee rnc1J"IAV,A•iMA55IOTTE •NIKEKLO IF TD C_S, Ok MEMORANDUM To: City Council Through: Mike Shelton, City Manager From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject: Resolution 11-67 to establish 2-hr. parking on E1 Camino Real from San Anselmo Rd. (west) to San Gabriel Rd. and Resolution 12-87 to prohibit parking within these limits from tam to Sam on Tuesday mornings. Date: January 20, 1987 Recommendation: The Traffic Committee recommends that Council adopt resolutions 11 -67 and 12-87. Backround: One year ago on January 22, 1966 a public hearing was held regarding the 2 hr parking proposal . Noone except committee members attended that hearing . The issue was brought to the council prior to that hearing for discussion and to set the hearing. The hearing was appropiately advertised although there was no legal requirement to hold or notice such hearing. Again at the budget hearings the topic was discussed and an appropiation was passed along with the no parking of vehicles greater than 6 ft. in height within 100 ft. of an intersection. These two . items were tied together by the Traffic Committee but available cash flow prohibited the accomodation of the 2-hr parking until now. No adverse comments from the public were .received during the budget hearings. Discussion: The Public Works Superintendent requested that the Traffic Committee discuss the problem of parked vehicles on E1 Camino Real that make it difficult to impossible to provide effective street sweeping. Many alternatives were considered such as no parking on one side on certain nights and posting no parking the day prior to sweeping. The unaminous decision was to provide an early morning one or two days per week that might not interfer with overnight parking near motels during the weekend. The B. I .A. committee considered this issue during their review of • the downtown parking discussions. The E1 Camino Real businesses between West Mall and Traffic Way complained about the ineffectiveness • r of the sweeping program. The committee felt that the limited no parking during off hours approach should be tried. The 2-hr parking will eliminate high vehicles that block sight distance from drives from camping in one spot all day and will provide turnover for businesses along E1 Camino Real that do not have sufficient offstreet parking. Additionally, cars that are parked for advertising the sale of the vehicle or other advertising will be discouraged from using the street for such purposes. This item has been advertised in the local newspaper of general circulation for public hearing to give any property owners or businessperson an opportunity to speak for or against the proposal . Fiscal Impact: The project will consist of approximately 170 signs and could tie up two men and one vehicle for an aggregate of about two weeks. The money for the signs and hardware has been appropiated out of the 50c Development Impact Tax. The cash flow is now available due to the recent partial collection of the Bordeaux House fees. The estimated cost is $8,000. t Q � s �r. RESOLUTION NO. 11-87 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A 2 HOUR PARKING ZONE ON EL CAMINO REAL FROM SAN ANSELMO ROAD (WEST) TO SAN GABRIEL ROAD WHEREAS, Section 4-2. 1101 et sequence of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to determine the location of 2 Hour Parking zones, and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Traffic Committee has recommended 2 Hour Parking on E1 Camino Real from San Anselmo (West) to San Gabriel; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineeer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating a 2 Hour Parking on El Camino Real from San Gabriel to San Anselmo (West) . On Motion by , and seconded by , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: City of Atascadero, BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk MARJORIE MACKEY, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH, City Attorney Director of Public Works/ City Engineer �l RESOLUTION NO. 12-87 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A NO PARKING ZONE ON EL CAMINO REAL FROM SAN ANSELMO ROAD (WEST) TO SAN GABRIEL FROM 2 AM TO 6 AM TUESDAYS WHEREAS, Section 4-2.1101 et sequence of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to determine the location of No Parking areas, and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Traffic Committee has recommended prohibiting parking on El Camino Real from San Anselmo (West) to San Gabriel from 2 AM to 6 Am Tuesdays; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineeer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating a NO PARKING AREA on E1 Camino Real from San Gabriel to San Anselmo (West) from 2 AM to 6 AM Tuesdays. On Motion by , and seconded by the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: City of Atascadero BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk MARJORIE MACKEY, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH, City Attorney Director of Public Works/ City Engineer 2 . M_E_M 0_R A_N D U_M_ TO: City Council January 26, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director W� SUBJECT: Zone Change 24-86 : Second Reading of Ordinance No. 143 (9425 El Bordo: Jensen/La Prade) BACKGROUND/RECOMMENDATION: This Ordinance had first reading approval on January 12 , 1987. Recommend approval of Ordinance No. 143, second reading. HE:ph Enclosure : Draft Ordinance No. 143 0 EXHIBIT D ORDINANCE NO. 143 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP NUMBER 19 OF OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY AT 9425 EL BORDO FROM L(PD5) (RECREATION —PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY) TO RSF-Z (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY - LOW DENSITY) AND ELIMINATING SECTION 9-3. 649 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT (ZC 24-86 : JENSEN/CITY OF ATASCADERO) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Govern- ment Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning reg- ulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant ad- verse effect upon the environment, and preparation of an environmental impact report is not necessary; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 15, 1986 and has recommended approval of Zone Change 24-86 NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan land use element and other elements contained in the General Plan. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse en- vironmental impacts, and preparation of an environmental im- pact report is not necessary. Section 2. Zoning Map Change. Map Number 19 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atasca- dero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended to reclassify Lots 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 of Tract No. 5 as shown on attached Exhibit "A" which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. Section 3. Zoning Text' Chang . 10 Section 9-3. 649 of the Zoning Ordinance text for the Establishment of Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 5 (PD5) shall be deleted from the Zoning Ordinance. Section 4. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City in accordance with Government Code Section 36933; shall certify the adoption of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and certification to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and ef- fect at 12:01 a.m. on the thirty-first (31st) day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing ordinance is hereby adopted in its en- tirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA MARJOIT R. MACKEY, Mayor ATTEST: .BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: M CHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROY?ASFORM:40 RS , City Attorney �, tic. ,. � � �/ / `\� - ay•,11., �y -M•• •1 f�• �AT-Al . ''• :. �:.cOw �v ••rr,_e`r�Z 1 / 2 .. .r t e�IK�\ i•we=�-RO N: '! -Tt X•{' ' .. 18 . hT •c a •:�- • 1 �. <-��eo•sr nz�e1 " r.: .'AT•76.135 12-61 r J0 ' ``r 1 e+a ��• + .• ' , x` ...• '° .� 1., :AT T0•N! 12.01: 79 + ° � '� • �s '• t• '•, � �' \�ti .. 'AT-t)I-18S •12.01 it AT- 81 2SL S•iS BI r�•)1 t •Ll: s •++.<•a,'. S�f •fir •Sss(� 1 ,:i: ' '1� w •6 .;r. •,s \ ru •Z .�16'M'r. ay ' ,, •tia ".t.'• REVISION DATE. w O °•,. \a �.. 1� a•' !�t,♦ ,• ':•, -.5`\{ > .-.. ,'`. e'�'' •tl'�t '1'60`0 , Yr' ty s• :Aa�e nd � 1.: i, .1 ..-..�. . ..,., . .. .. :' .. I- �Jr'-1 �'• .a; 0�,• � ', •-' 4•, r` '-�s= •' ZONE �l�YMV N"LE Z9 8t 11-Cs. .. t L-70-5 TD 7-5F •7 f!•,dl o,e"'°' \G9 i \� ��-� 1.0` moi}„..'_!'_°- � . e•T s� i�;. t yY• i,s• r•y,; J •� . �* +. � 11�r0'� O -.•'j'. t, �1 I.l. 1 d.. A �g j�g5 .. . . ori 3t .G .� r .i• ..•t•. SF�I �' See!' � - r- At is } . 7 Sa .J;� •t` /.'•br 1-sae waif � CR �� Pis 1 10 1' f C>a srzc .iSer t 3• I� r N r0 4, CO7h37 7t .s. ;.t;. 1 23y 11 i to • A 10'A aw 10 '\y 26t :..\ IL -13 \,,'' ,'• I At'P• `s'7 •al '•� i 3 28 '1•iv�•¢ \5 •i'�, • �Oacp tOt-A \0,..9���`. ," s ti''••0 ;�:.1 •.�`,:\ r. r sus %'rG. , cr4. ,� i4. to � ,r 31 F"Z C , ' Io RSF ' r. t'' •� •'` do-' ° •'" Y13 '°d d+ .d\. 38•' ,,x' '.>' ► ? �1" twS ` C.3 ' moi• 16 ' W t .A u 4 / nll M[.•N AT RMF/ ftgS � \O\d`. 9`Q t� ./.G ♦ A-10•A +i� 1 •.7 ` ,'S s J+^// .• i y \+\ �.,�\F. �';f� 1\t� } w\J•, fS, • ',e •bo`tia_.iii: 4 ♦9\ V\ • . .. _ r'_Ji i• IO,A f lb o �_€_,gi • :.11-•u \•e I� .,i,•Y•3. 'lti'' \ • - rr•ri n ' tls.•� At 1 11 1 - ,ell$ } • -1+•t? 3 dyt• .1 s^ s ,' ]J. +�,l..�Yp�4�•'h K�A•a_lry\s 23 .. „n� • ! 22- ' stfacu.w.atlww, «.../ ' Iw.tn•t.jrt.•t..t44.?.wa«;•e•.�e..rl.- RS X21'\/ ? ..IsJ.'...tl..l«of.7•.awb.,a.rlau.wn,•a. ,?��_..�-• 'r-c r s - 1fw cm er;vmew��••v.•i t7 rnl.r.r•.•r '.' 20 s rr..�27.N!l.1.•::•li•s 11:r:e!+••,ss-.... tr^ r.v.+ 1• si\ ' ' yh: �i,.'r'1!.i,'v� .Cti fr`!:�i.... _ �_� .�.,.., 23 ....� •rt•W t/ 17 0 .•ri<` •�T`(fit\�•.t• �� Au 23 i, t 3. - c!'n!►"'. �• � • •..r•r.-�� •L ��•i\\ 'E\ _ .• 1i.7..a-yet iL1#/'� A IL F 1f 'Lr315i`4?�t: �� ` �--� � �.•�\ : �F' p-�'y1 �Y\`t1z....i?o.lti"S'..1�.aA:3•.r_t•.t:ktl I"s<•.1.... r•n••- I ZGNE a1"1imc--T Zy-fy, 9�IZS L-L `C Da CZE. t, a---•---.---z "n'nfn(n��;:ffil " JYD-5 Tib [ZS F Z ^:� E-KSDN CT7 LF RT76CAb A 9,AGZDA • TO: City Council January 26, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Budget/Personnel Request: Building Division, Com- munity Development Department (continued from 1/12/87) BACKGROUND: At the January 12th meeting, the City Council continued for further study consideration of creation of the position of "Permit Services Coordinator" (refer to attached staff report) . This position was recommended as an alternative to further recruiting to fill the position of Senior Building Inspector . Council directed staff to research possible causes for lack of qualified applications, including utilizing a recruitment firm. ANALYSIS: The position of Senior Building Inspector (see attached) , was for an individual who would act as Chief Building Inspector in the absence of the Division Head and be capable of doing plan checks, handling the public information counter, and dealing with special field inspection needs. The alternative position offered at the January 12, 1987, meeting, focused on providing counter informa- tion, interdepartmental coordination, and field inspection. Plan checking ability was not a requirement of the Permit Services Coordinator position. The following summarizes the salary ranges for the existing and proposed position within the Building Division: CLASSIFICATION SALARY RANGE Chief Building Inspector $2,188 - $2,675 Plan Check Engineer $2,271 - $2,776 Senior Building Inspector $1,969 - $2,406 Permit Services Coordinator $1879 - $2, 272 (proposed) Building Inspector $1,790 - $2,187 Building Aide $1,479 - $1,808 Contact with other communities and a review of recent job opening descriptions, indicates that the skills we are looking for in the Senior Building Inspector bring higher salaries. The City of San Luis Obispo is currently recruiting for a field Building In- spector at a salary range of $1,926 to $2,366 per month, about • the same as our Senior Building Inspector . The City of Santa Maria recently recruited for a Building Engineer Inspector-Supervisor at $2, 454 to $2,996 a month. The City of Santa Barbara recently recruited for Assistant Building Official at $2,610 to $3,263 per month. San Luis Obispo County Senior STAFF REPORT - Aulget/Personnel 'Request Page Two Building Inspectors positions - which do not require plan check abilities - pay $2,038 to $2,478 per month. An outside recruitment firm was contacted for insights into the cost of undertaking recruitment services for this position. They noted that normally they do not get involved in technical po- sition recruitment; however , they acknowledged that many com- munities are finding it difficult to find/replace key mid-level positions. The firm contacted would charge $4,000 plus inci- dental expenses for generating candidates for the position, with the City undertaking interviews. The City could perform this function more efficiently, provided we could compete in terms of salary which would require a re-evaluation of salaries in the Building Division. Such a salary re-evaluation should be for a community with the physical complexity and volume of work being experienced here over the last several years (see at- tached chart) . It should be recognized that there is already a salary compaction problem within the Building Division and - should salary adjust- ments be approved - salary compaction could become an issue in other departments. RECOMMENDATIONS: Direct staff to re-open recruitment for the Senior Building Inspector with the advertisement to list "salary open depending on qualification" ; 2. Have Bill Avery conduct a concurrent salary survey for all positions in the Building Inspection Division using cities with comparable staff size, volume of con- struction activity, and physical complexity. 3. Hold in abey- ance action on Permit Services Coordinator until results of the salary survey and second recruitment effort are evaluated. ALTERNATIVE: Drop a second effort to fill the Senior Building Inspector position in favor of the Permit Services Coordinator position as outlined in the January 12th staff report. HE:ph cc: Dave Jorgensen enclosures: Permit Valuation vs. Staffing Budget: 1980-1986 Building Summary: 1980 - 1986 Senior Building Inspector Job Description January 12th Staff Report • \l� �1 Z w 220 CL H � $500 400 $300 � TWO _ 1979 1960 1981 198*2 1989 1,984 ---4995 196& 1997 _. PE Q M 1T VALUATION * DEPT BUDGET CCTY 01' A'TA9CA-OMPo 1980 ; %966 co �a O Ln v o am o 00 o N In ci v r m ro ^ N M rn r 1n rl 41 co %D M 01 -W O 1 N O C rn N O O co I c t O E r .M-1 01Ln V 1 b 1 1 ro z 1 C U 1 ' Y b Ix .. 41 1 N N 0 $a U CO a 1 A O pDi r 0% - .i N O 01 N O y r' — r Ln 1n N 91 N C1 m • r•1 .-1 .i .i r-1 r•1 Of j E: N � 1I4-f Tr v1 0% - i . 10 Oi 01 ri O V' O - M r m v 1 41 '0 d N 1 ro to $4 goV a > v r1 v N rn n to In i to a .-I m tD O 1n O M %0 1 N z 41 . Q m M In %0 r M N tp -1 C1 N O $4 E"- U) iL In N * rn s? aHi v a a H U - In d m r1 N r �D .-1 M m 1 A > t E°1 ri•n O m m m m to N r-I 1 N C O 1 1 ro O .i ri .i r I 1 I N er u1 t d go E to 1 H G W N0. ,j I. O 4J as i q 14 � - a » C £m in r .•••1 01 1 N 4511 U m W E sT M %0 N O V O O H M �••I N %t �p In In 1. U m W a to �D M M M 1 -.-1 to 41 'o co M O r 01 r Ol N 1 W $4 N -E5 E O > m v1 m n m In v O .a� N a a N %D r n I U ro 0. U.0 * J � i m 1'i C of >4 w v i $ �i a an 'i i n a E E MaQ E N In r m r M m v N 1 C rn ro U >4 I U W NN N H �' ; U 3H 1 1 -t m A rn ' Go 1 m G -1 1 10 r•i $4 loo r In .1 .-1 N m -W In 00% 1Ln Ln Ln 0 1 A -'roi.0 -.1 V' d' N- -r' Of d' - M O t C 41 M @ M m v'1 c ON r 1 to d OI U N •-1 N m N •a1 m -1 .-1 O 1 -11 10 4+ - .a o m O m r 01 tD r 1 $4 -.i $4 rl 1i M O �D ri 01 10 I 41 tO O 61 Dl, H .t N M .N-I - 1 7 10.1 a 1 10 c to m 1 'rC1 G U ImCO 1+ %0 -W An r•I m �0 - 1 m 0 OI - 4.1•.a r-1 In -W b Ln O 0% M 1 '0 10 O 10 to O C .-1 .i .i N M N %D N 1 7 Of 7 H E Z) • N 1 U U N U H ' e _ C c rJ C O 1 H - 1 O 1 z N 4., I to O 41•.1 _ 1 j, .7 .4 C w E « O 1 1.1 N w to a 1 d V 41 �D N .-1 I n O m�D m'm t0 of 1 M U U MI.••) MI,-i I•-7 OIM rIM N Q N v10 I d 1n .i .i M' 1l4J 4J1 NIN 1 �(o 0 0 C a 1 U M D. ++ i ani .1 ►1 E itoC 0 a N M N r r M N %D 1 V O C ' I+. m N O v1 m r r 0% 1 H 1n O •-1 rl .-1 ri rl .i O� 1 W 1 14 101 U N O .•1 N M v In %D X f0 411 N to m m m m m m m -'1 0 OI * * 0 0 0% ON 0% 0% m 0% a% In >.E-1 * s t 0 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCH, 1986 CLASS TITLE: SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: Under general supervision, in a lead capacity, reviews and approves highly technical construction plans and specifications; assists in reviewing codes and ordinances and recommend changes; performs diffi- cult and complex field building inspections; may supervisor subordin- ate personnel, and do related work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES PERFORMED: (Any one position may not include all duties listed, nor do the exam- ples listed cover all the duties that may be performed. ) Reviews building and grading plans to determine compliance with local, state and federal codes and laws, including the various uniform codes, city ordinances, state energy conservation and handicapped regulations and applicable federal laws; interprets and explains construction codes and regulations to contractors, public officials and others; and makes field inspections where difficult problems are involved. EMPLOYMENT GUIDELINES: Knowledge of: Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbin Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electric Code and related uniform codes; applicable federal regulations governing building construction and practice; state build- ing code and other applicable state regulations; proper methods of construction work and inspection; the legal procedures in the enforce- ment of building codes and ordinances; principles and practices of supervision and training. Ability to: Deal tactfully, diplomatically and persuasively with the public; in- terpret codes and ordinances; read and interpret plan specifications; analyze situations accurately and to adopt an effective course of action; maintain accurate work records and prepare comprehensive reports. Desirable Education and Experience: Equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade. Possession of a Certi- ficate of Registration as a Plans Examiner issued by the International �2 Conference of Building Officials or the State of California. At least three years of field work and plans examining or directly related work experience, or any combination of training and/or experience that could likely provide the desired knowledge and abilities. Special Requirements: Possession of an appropriate California operator ' s license issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. Other Conditions of Employment: Must be a permanent United States citizen or hold status of an immi- grant "permanent resident." Must be able to periodically pass a medical examination administered _ by the City medical consultant. AG_iVDA D�, E I TEM ME'1MORANDUM TO: City Council January 12, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager �IIkLL_ FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director �— SUBJECT: Budget/Personnel Request: Building Division, Community Development Department - "Permit Services Coordinator" BACKGROUND: On April 14th, 1986, the City Council approved Resolution No. 28-86 incorporating a Senior Building Inspector job description into the City salary plan and authorizing recruitment for said position. To date, we have not been able to recruit acceptable candidates for this position, which was intended to provide for a combination plan checker, counter information person, and special field inspector. As an alternative to this approach, we are rec- ommending that a new position, Permit Services Coordinator, be created which will allow career growth within our own ranks , while responding to demands for more assistance by Building Inspectors at the counter and in facilitating interdepartmental responses. ANALYSIS : The attached job description for Permit Services Coordinator borrows heavly from that of the Senior Building Inspector with the exception of plan checking responsibilities . The proposed salary range is midway between that of Building Inspector($1988.54/ month - Step C) and the advertised position of Senior Building In- spector ($2187.40/month - Step C) . This person, under the supervision of the Chief Building Inspector, would accept permit applications and evaluate materials for com- pleteness and expedite permit processing by acting as a single input source for all documentation required. He would assist con- tractors , architects , engineers , owner-builders and the public with information on construction requirements , fees , etc. , and co- ordinate the routing of plans for interdepartmental response, together with outside plan checkers . One of the key suggestions made in the recent Building Division User' s Survey was to have a Building Inspector available more frequently during day time hours at the public counter. Absent our ability to successfully recruit for a Senior Building Inspector, we feel that we can respond to this legitimate need through establishment of this position. Creation of this position would also free up planning staff time from review of single family projects for zoning compliance, to- gether with allowing the Chief Building Inspector more time to monitor field inspection practices and standards . 0�' MEMORANDUM - Budget/Personnel Request Page Two FISCAL IMPACTS : Fiscal impact over the next six (6) months would be a theoretical savings in salary of approximately $600.00. However, given the fact we are proposing internal recruitment and advancement of our current Building Inspector at Step E to theosition it would actually incur added costs of approximately $$510.00 to fill a po- sition at Step E. Filling the Senior Building Inspector' s authori- zation in effect with a Permit Services Coordinator would generate a need to also fill the vacated position of full time Building Inspector, which would result in a small savings. The attached organizational chart reflects the proposed staffing change. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Resolution 1-87 incorporating a Permit Services Co- ordinator Job Description into the City Salary Plan and establish- ing salary scale. HE:ph Enclosures Resolution No. 1-87 Organizational Chart cc: Dave Jorgensen O� • RESOLUTION NO. 1-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AUTHORIZING A NEW POSITION OF "PERMIT SERVICES COORDINATOR", AND APPROVING JOB DESCRIPTION AND SALARY SCHEDULE WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Atascadero wishes to expedite efforts to strengthen the City' s ability to provide a timely service for building and planning services. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero resolves as follows : Section 1. Instruct the Administrative Services Director to incorporate the attached job description for Permit Services Coordinator (Exhibit A) into the job descriptions of the City of Atascadero. Section 2. Authorize the Administrative Services Director to fund the posi- tion from monies authorized for the unfilled position of Senior Building Inspector at the following salary schedule: it Classification STEP A B C D E Permit Services Coordinator $1879.17 $1983.57 $2087.97 $2192.37 $2296.76 On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing reso ution is adopted in its entirety y the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: MARJORIE MACKEY, Mayor City of Atascadero, California (RESOLUTION NO. 1-87 , Pg. �) ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAELLT-0—N, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: F y JO -E:d .N, City Attorney P PARE BY: HENRY EN G mmunity 3rment Director EXHIBIT "A" JANUARY, 1987 CLASS TITLE: PERMIT' SERVICES COORDINATOR GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES : Under general supervision, accepts building permit applications and evaluates submittals for completeness. Serves as a single input source for all documentation required to expedite permit processing. Assists contractors , architects, engineers, owner-builders and the public with information, construction requirements, fees , etc; co- ordinates the efforts of all City departments and outside plan checkers, who review building permit applications for compliance with ordinance requirements, to assure accurate and expeditious permit processing; performs site checks , reviews single family projects for zoning com- pliance; may make field inspections when supplementary staff is needed and do related work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES PERFORMED: (Any one position may not include all duties listed, nor do the exam- ples listed cover all the duties that may be performed.) Reviews building and grading plan applications for completeness ; routes completed plans to City departments and outside plan checkers , and facilitates timely response to enable complete plan checks ; interprets and explains construction codes and regulations to contractors, public officials and others ; makes site inspections to identify construction issues that need to be resolved in the plan check process. EMPLOYMENT GUIDELINES: Knowledge of: Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electric Code and related uniform codes ; applicable federal regulations governing building construction and practice; state build- ing code and other applicable state regulations ; City development regulations ; proper methods of construction work and inspection. Ability to: Deal tactfully, diplomatically and persuasively with the public; in- terpret codes and ordinances ; read and interpret .plan specifications ; analyze situations accurately and to adopt an effective course of action; maintain accurate records on the status of permit applications and plan check conditions. Desirable Education and Experience: Equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade. At least three years experience as a building inspector and plans examining or directly re- lated work experience, or any combination of training and/or experience that could likely provide the desired knowledge and abilities . 0� JOB DESCRIPTION - PERMIT SERVICES COORDINATOR Page Two r` Special Requirements : Possession of an appropriate California operator' s license issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. Other Conditions of Employment: Must be a permanent United States citizen or hold status of an immi- grant "permanent resident." Must be able to periodically pass a medical examination administered by the City medical consultant. Must be able to be trained in use of computer systems . ATiAS�r,)C—JP4p Commuwl-ry DEVELOPMENT DEPT, wiz-L&G 0 G,-J►�F — t3c.OG, s�.�rtot2 FN6r�1E�l� Ptt�•fir�j? f-le 1 n-srts'7�� l vil�t�v AVOW .. ...........—0 s�c.z 0 Z-!-E)Z"ANE-I'qT T I ME It, Pz 87 ` r (ZZ�Lg �� - a 31 MEMORANDUM T0: City Council THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager OU,� , FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Signal Maintenance Contract DATE: January 6, 1987 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council approve the attached Traffic Signal Maintenance Contract with Lee Wilson Electric of Arroyo Grande. Background: In the past, traffic signal maintenance has been done by Caltrans on a contract basis. Caltrans discontinued this service at the beginning of the 1986/87 fiscal year due to manpower limi- tations. Lee Wilson Electric Company has done signal repair work for the City in the past and is qualified to maintain traffic signals. This Company has been maintaining our signals since July 1, 1986 when the Caltrans maintenance program ended. Fiscal Impact: Contract costs are $1800 per year plus an hourly rate for emergency call-outs. The approximate cost of State service was $2400.00 per year . Funds for this maintenance are available in the 1986/87 budget. THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into th' first day of July 1986 by and between the City of Atascadero municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter refer ed to as the CITY and Lee Wilson Electric Company, hereinafter cal d and referred to as the "Contractor" . WITNESS TH: Whereas, the City of Ata cadero has considered a proposed, contract tendered by the co tractor for traffic signal maintenance including the furnishing of al labor , service, materials and equip- -.Ment, And WHEREAS, the City Co ncil of the City of Atascadero does find and determine it would be i the best interest of the city that the pro- posed contract be acce ted and executed. NOW, THEREFORE OR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS AND P MISES OF THE PARTIES HERETO AND UPON THE EXPRESS TERMS AND CONDIT ONS HEREINAFTER SET FORTH, IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THEM, .A D EACH WITH THE OTHER, AS FOLLOWS: FIRST 11 contract documents are intended to be coordinate so that any work called for in any one, and not mentioned in the 0 er is to be performed the same as if mentioned in all con- • TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 198_11 by and between the CITY OF ATAS- CADERO, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as the "City", and LEE WILSON ELECTRIC COMPANY, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor". Witnesseth WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has considered _a proposed contract tendered by the Contractor for traffic signal maintenance, including the furnishing of all labor, services, materials, and equipment; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero • does find and determine it would be in the best interest of the City that the proposed contract be accepted and executed; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises of the parties hereto and upon the express terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, it is agreed by and between them, and each with the other, as follows: FIRST: The Contractor agrees to furnish all tools, equipment, apparatus, -facilities, labor, services, and mate- rials, and perform all work necessary to maintain traffic signal facilities in a good and workmanlike manner. It is understood and agreed that all said labor, services, 1 materials, and equipment shall be furnished and said work • performed and completed by the Contractor as an independent contractor, subject to the inspection and approval of the City, its Director of Public Works, or inspectors or their representatives. SECOND: The Contractor agrees to inspect, clean, adjust, and make a routine inspection of each control unit once per month. The Contractor agrees that he will maintain a record in each controller cabinet showing the date and time checked. Controller units shall not be replaced, except temporarily for repair, without prior approval of the City. THIRD: The Contractor agrees to replace or repair any and all defective or worn out parts in the signal system • which cause a signal failure or malfunction as the occasion arises. FOURTH: The Contractor agrees to replace all lamps in all signals using an eighty percent (80%) depletion curve, but not to exceed twelve (12) months, using standard traffic signal lamps. The Contractor shall be entitled to receive and shall be paid by the City the sum of $540. 00 per year for each signalized intersection. FIFTH: The Contractor agrees to clean, polish, and inspect all lenses and reflectors at the time the traffic signals are relamped. At this time, all broken or deterio- rated parts will be replaced or changed as necessary, and parts, except lamps, will be billed on a separate invoice. • 2 SIXTH: The Contractor agrees to maintain a 24-hour per day emergency service for the replacement of burned out lamps or controller malfunctions. In the course of traveling to and from the locations of the equipment to be serviced, the Contractor's representative shall observe the traffic signals at other designated intersections for possible malfunctions. The replacement of burned out lamps need not be on an emer- gency basis, provided there are at least two (2) indications still operative for each direction of travel. In such case, replacement shall be handled as soon as possible in a routine manner. SEVENTH: The Contractor agrees to provide the same service for the repair of other equipment and appurtenances, • such as safety lighting, pedestrian signals, and detector devices, which the Contractor may be called upon from time to time by the City to repair, replace, or refurbish. EIGHTH: (a) For and in consideration of furnishing said labor, services, materials, and equipment under paragraphs SECOND, THIRD, FIFTH, and SIXTH, except when such repairs are necessitated by obsolescence or accidental damage, such as collision, acts of God, and vandalism, the Contractor shall be entitled to receive and shall be paid by the City the sum of $75. 00 per month for each signalized intersection (Traffic Way and E1 Camino Real, and E1 Camino Real and Curbaril) or each newly signalized intersection. 3 (b) For and in consideration for furnishing said • labor, services, materials, and equipment under paragraph SIXTH, when such repairs are necessitated by obsolescence or accidental damage as defined above, and under paragraph SEVENTH, the Contractor shall be entitled to receive, in addi- tion to the monthly sum above, labor costs at the Contractor's prevailing standard rates, as follows: Emergency Call Outs (1) Regular Hours Weekdays (8: OOAM - 4 : 30PM) . $39. 00/hr (2) Overtime Hours — Weekdays (4 : 30PM - 8 : OOAM) . . . - $55. 00/hr (2 hour minimum) (3) Overtime Hours- Saturdays . . . . . . . . . . . $55. 00/hr (2 hour minimum) (4) Overtime Hours - Sundays & Holidays. . . . . . . $68. 00/hr (2 hour minimum) • (5) Plus equipment used at posted rates. (6) All parts used will be billed on separate invoice. (c) The cost for services provided herein may be negotiated each year following the anniversary date of this Agreement, and will be subject to the approval of the City. Any insurance increases may also be negotiated at that time. NINTH: The Contractor shall carry public liability and property damage insurance in an amount not less than $500, 000. 00 for injuries, including accidental death, for any one person, and subject to the same limit for each person in an amount not less than $1, 000, 000.00 for any one accident, and property damage insurance in an amount not less than • 4 • $50, 000. 00. The Contractor shall also maintain during the life of this Contract, workers' compensation insurance cover- ing all of his employees on the project, and shall furnish to the City, certificates issued by such companies showing that all of the above-mentioned insurance has been issued and is in full force prior to commencing work. The Contractor shall likewise obtain public liability and property damage insurance to cover vehicles used or maintained by him in the performance of the work, with liability limits of not less than $500, 000. 00 for any one person, and $1,000,000. 00 for any one accident, and property damage of $50, 000. 00. TENTH: This Contract shall extend for a period of • one (1) year from the date hereof. However, either party, in its discretion, shall have the right to terminate this Agree- ment at any time sooner by giving sixty (60) days advance written notice. ELEVENTH: If the Contractor should neglect to prosecute the work properly, or fail to perform any provisions of this Contract, the City, after three (3) days written notice to the Contractor, without prejudice to any other remedy it may have, may make good such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then or thereafter due to the Contractor. TWELFTH: Except for the manufacturer's factory warranty, the Contractor disclaims all warranties with respect 5 to materials supplied hereunder, and further disclaims any and • all liability for failure to perform or delay in performance hereunder where the same is due, in whole or in part, to any cause beyond the Contractor's reasonable control, such as but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, lightning, strike, or other labor difficulty. THIRTEENTH: The Contractor shall not be liable for damages arising out of injury to person or damage to property of the City or any third party unless the same was due to the Contractor's fault or neglect. (a) The City further' agrees to indemnify to the extent authorized by law, and save free and harmless the Contractor against negligent acts or omissions caused by the • City, its agents or employees,, and any costs and expenses incurred by the respective parties on account of any claim therefor. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless the City and its authorized representatives and employees against negligent acts or omissions caused by the Contractor, his agents, or employees, and any costs and expenses incurred by the respective parties on account of any claim therefor. (b) It is agreed by the parties that this indemnity agreement is not limited in any way by the extent of any Policy of insurance currently in force and held by either party. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limit- ing in any way the extent to which the Contractor may be held • 6 i f • responsible for P payment of damages to persons or property resulting from his operation or any operations of any subcon- tractors under him. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City Council of the City of Atascadero has caused this Agreement to be subscribed by its Mayor and City - Clerk, and said Contractor has agreed and caused this Agreement to be executed by his duly authorized officer. CITY: CONTRACTOR: CITY OF ATASCADERO, LEE WILSON ELECTRIC COMPANY a municipal corporation, By By MARJORIE R. MACKEY, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN City Attorney JGJ: fr/1/19/87 C:AGATA290 7 • MEMORANDUM City of Atascadero January 19, 1987 TO: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works FROM: Jeffrey G. Jorgensen, City Attorney SUBJECT: Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement Attached is the revised Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement with Lee Wilson Electric Company. I tried to make as few changes as possible while still making the agreement accept- able to the City. Most of the changes are corrections or clarifications which do not substantively affect the agree- ment. I deleted paragraph FIRST as it did not make any sense without supplemental documents. I am also forwarding a copy of the agreement Wilson has with Arroyo Grande for your informa- tion as to costs. Please put this back on the agenda when Wilson has reviewed and approved it. • Sincerely, l Ce, S� � J rR JO/GENSEN � �i- ity Att rney JGJ: fr A2 :MMATA2 91 Attachments 6n 7,171 cc: City Manager c I AGREEMENT • THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 5the day of August 19-9 86 by and between the aty of Arroyo Grande, CA, a municipal corporation of the State of California,hereinafter referred to as the"City",and Lee Wilson Electric Company,hereinafter called and referred to as the "Contractor". WITNESSEIHs WHEREAS,the aty council,of the aty of Arroyo Grande,cA,has considered a proposed contract tendered by the Contractor for traffic signal maintenance including the furnishing of all labor, service, materials and equipment, and WHEREAS, the aty Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, CA,does find and determine it would be in the best interest of the City that the proposed contract be accepted and executed. NOW, THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS AND PROMISES OF THE PARTIES HERETO AND UPON THE EXPRESS TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREINAFTER SET FORTH, IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THEM, AND EACH WITH THE • OTHER, AS FOLLOWS: FIRST: That the complete contract shall consist of and include the following documents,all of which shall be and are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof as fully as if set out in full herein: 1. This Agreement. 2 List of Intersections. (Attachment "A") I Adjusted Labor Rate Schedule. (Attachment "B") 4. Equipment Rate Schedule. (Attachment "B") All contract documents are intended to be coordinated so that any work called for in any one, and not mentioned in the other is to be performed the same as if mentioned in all contract documents. SECOND: The said Contractor agrees to furnish all tools,equipment,apparatus,facilities, labor,service and materials,and perform all work necessary to maintain traffic signal facilities in good • and worLmwilike manner. It is understood 'snd agreed that all said labor, service, materials and equipment shall be furnished and said work performed and completed by the Contractors as an • independent contractor, subject to the inspection and approval of the Qty, its Director of Public Works, or inspections or their representatives. THIRD: The Contractor agrees to inspect clean,adjust and make a routine inspection of each control unit once per month. The Contractor agrees that he will maintain a record in each controller cabinet showing date and time checked. FOURTH: Contractor agrees to replace or repair any and all defective or worn out parts in the signal system which cause a signal failure or malfunction as the occasion arises, on a time and material basis per posted rates. FIFTH: Contractor agrees to replace all lamps in all signals once a year. Contractor agrees to use only standard traffic signal lamps as manufactured by General Electric Company or Sylvania Company. Lamps to be billed on separate invoice. Per posted rates, labor for yearly replacement is included in monthly maintenance charge. SIXTH: Contractor agrees to clean,palish and inspect all lenses and reflectors at the time the traffic s' At this time, all broken or deteriorated parts will be replaced or �� are relamped. changed as necessary. (Parts used will be billed on separate invoice per posted rates) SEVENTH: Contractor agrees to maintain a 24 hour per day emergency service for the replacement of burned out lamps or controller malfunctions. In the course of traveling to and from the locations of the equipment to be serviced,Contractor's representative shall observe the traffic signals at other designated intersections for possible malfunctions. The replacement of burned out lamps need not be on an emergency basis provided there are at least two indications still operative for each direction of travel. In such case,replacement shall be handled as soon as possible in a routine manner. Payment shall be on time and material basis per posted rates (see attachment "C" for emergency telephone numbers). EIGHTH: Contractor agrees to provide the same service for the repair of other equipment and appurtenances such as safety lighting, street name signs, street lighting, pedestrian signals, • flashing beacons and detector devices which the Contractor may be called upon from time to time by the City to repair, replace, or refurbish, with payment on time and material basis per posted rates. • NINTH: (a) For and in consideration of furnishing said labor,services, andt �P� under paragraphs THIRD, FIFTH, SIXTH, excepting when such repairs are necessitated by obsolescence or accidental damage such as collision,acts of God and vandalism,Contractor shall be entitled to receive and shall be paid by the City the sm of (See attachment "B") per month for each signalized intersection (b) For and in consideration for furnishing said labor,services,materials and equipment under paragraphs FOURTH and SEVENTH when such repairs,are necessitated by obsolescence or accidental damage as defined above and under paragraph EIGHTH, Contractor shall be entitled to receive in addition to the monthly sum above,a per call payment based upon Attachment "B". Labor costs will be at Contractor's prevailing standard rates for job classifications when repairs are made. (c) 'Ilse cost for services provided for herein may be negotiated each year following the anniversary date of this agreement, and will be subject to the approval of the City. Any insurance • increases may also be negotiated. TENTH: The Contractor shall carry public liability and property damage insurance in an amount not less than $500,000.00 for injuries, including accidental death, for any one person, and subject to the same limit for each person in an amount not less than$1,000,000.00 on account of any one accident. ELEVENTH: This contract shall extend for a period of five (5) years from the date hereof. However,either party in its discretion shall have the right to terminate at any time sooner by giving sixty (60) days advance written notice. TWELFTH: If the Contractor should neglect to prosecute the work properly,or fail to perform any provisions of this contract, the City, after three (3) days written notice to the Contractor, may without prejudice to any other remedy it may have,make good such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then or thereafter due to the Contractor. THIRTEENTH: Except for the manufacturer's factory warranty, the Contractor disclaims all • warranties with respect to materials supplied hereunder, and further disclaims any and all liability for 3 failure to perform or dty in perform m hereunder where the same is due in whole or in part to any cause beyond Contractor's reasonable control, such as, but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, • lighting, strike, or other labor difficulty. FOURTEENTH: Contractor shall not be liable for damages arising out of injury to person or damage to property of a customer or any third party wiless the same wen due to Contractor's fault or neglect. (a) City further agrees to irxk reify to the extent authorized by law, and save free and harmless Contractor against negligent acts or omissions caused by City,its agents or employees,and arty casts and expense incurred by the respective parties on account of any claim therefore. Contractor agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless City and its authorized representatives and employees, and any cost and expenses incurred by the respective parties on account of any claim therefore. (b) It is agreed by the parties that this indemnity agreement is not limited in any way by the extent of any policy of insurance currently in force and held by either party. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which the Contractor may,be held responsible for payment of damages to persons or property resulting from his • operations or any operations of any subcontractors under him. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City Cot wU of the City has caused this agreement to be subscribed by its Mayor and City Clerk and said Contractor has executed or caused this agreement to be executed by his duly authorized officer. CITY OF By: MAYOR ATTEST: Lln DATE: _ u9_st 5, . A1gg6 LEEN ELECTRIC COMPANY By: President Date: &4k9- (seal) LEIE`WJLSON ELECTRIC COMPANY ELECTRIC M P.O."$OX 260 • ARROYO GRANDE. CALIFORNIA 98420-026( 1161 HIGHWAY 101 • PHONE (805) 489-421f EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE LIST OF INTERSECTIONS 1. GRAND AVENUE AND ELIC STREET. 2. GRAND AVENUE AND HALCYON ROAD. 3. FAIR OAKS AVENUE AND HALCYON ROAD. } LELS'WJLSON---' ELECTRIC COMP,I�NY ssuni:Mcua» P•0. BOX 260 • ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 98420.0250 1151 HIGHWAY 101 • PHONE (805) 489-1218 EXHIBIT "B" LABOR - EQUIPMENT - MATERIAL RATES 1. MONTHLY MAINTENANCE CHARGE. . . . . . . . . ... . $105.00/MONTH/INTERSECI 2. TIME & MATERIAL LABOR (8:00 AM - 4 :30 PM) . . . .$ 40. 00/Hour OVERTIME RATE (4 :30PM - 8:00 AM). . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 55. 00/Hour DOUBLE TIME RATE (Sunday' s & Holiday' s). . . . . . $ 68. 00/Hour 3. EQUIPMENT RATES: a) SERVICE TRUCK. . . . . . . . . .$7. 50/Hour b) BUCKET TRUCK. . . . . . . . . . . $21. 00/Hour c) CRANE TRUCK. . . . . . . . . . . . $21 . 00/Hour 4. MATERIAL to be billed at cost +15% (Cost based on End Column of Biddle Trade Book) _ II ELECTRIC COlA N1f MAW&"an P.O. BOX 260 • ARROYO GRANDE. CALIFORNIA 98d20.026c 1161 HIGHWAY 101 • PHONE (806) '489-421( EXHIBIT-'"C" EMERGENCY PERSONNEL 1. ) CRAIG RULISON. .*. . . . : . . . . . . . .543-8096 2. ) DONALD RUSSELL. . . . . . ..o .'. . . . .481-1196 3. ) LEE WILSON III. . . . . . . . . . . . . .489-9672 STATE OF CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY ril/r _ GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Govemor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 10P.O. BOX 8114, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93403-8114 TELEPHONE: (805) 549-3111 February 11, 1986 Mr. Paul Sensibaugh Public Works Director City of Atascadero P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Dear Mr. Sensibaugh: It is necessary for Caltrans to reduce services provided to local agencies. Caltrans has been maintaining two signals for the City of Atascadero, but we will not be able to provide this service after July 1, 1986. This reduction is necessary because of our increasing inventory and the limitation on our resources. The two signals we have been maintaining are: 1. E1 Camino Real and Curbaril Avenue 2. E1 Camino Real and Traffic Way I hope this notification will give you sufficient time to make other arrangements for your signal maintenance. The City of Salinas and the City of Paso Robles have their signal maintenance done by contract. I understand that Lee Wilson Electric of Arroyo Grande may be involved in signal maintenance work. We will also discontinue our signal maintenance service to the City of Grover City (4 signals) and the City of Arroyo Grande (3 signals) . Perhaps the three agencies may be able to make a joint arrangement for signal maintenance. We can, if necessary, provide emergency response on your signals. If your agency would screen the trouble calls to see that a response is truly necessary. If you are unable to provide through your forces or through a contract response the necessary emergency corrective work, we can respond if personnel are available. Permanent repair would be your agency's responsibility. The current maintenance agreement will be terminated July 1, 1986 . I hope that your agency will be able to make this adjustment in the time provided. Sincerely, R. G. Elliott Deputy District Director Maintenance & Operations 1� A IDA Dpi i,� M E M O R A N D U M To: City Council Through: Mike Shelton From: David G. Jorgense Date: January 21, 1987 Subject: Atascadero Police Officer Association Settlement RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution regarding the wages, benefits and other issues for the Atascadero Police Officers Association. DISCUSSION After negotiating with the APOA for many months, an impasse was declared. In October a State Mediator met with both the City and the Police Officers Association. She was unable to work out an agreement satisfactory to both parties. We have included the terms and conditions of the City' s last offer in the resolu- tion we are asking the Council to adopt. FISCAL IMPACT The proposed settlement is within the guidelines established by the Council and is within the adopted budget for fiscal year 1986-1987. 1 ,,\ RESOLUTION 14-87 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING A WAGES, BENEFITS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT WITH THE ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has met and conferred in good faith with the Atascadero Police Officers Association for the purpose of discussing wages, benefits, and other conditions of employment; and WHEREAS, the City of Atascasdero and the Atascadero Police Officers Association Bargaining Unit have been unable to reach an agreement regarding said wages, benefits, and other con- ditions of employment for the term of Fiscal Year 1986/87; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Atascadero City Council hereby adopts the following terms and conditions to govern the Atascadero Police Officers Association for Fiscal Year 1986/87: 1. A 6% across the board pay raise effective the first full payroll period in October. 2. Implementation of the revised medical coverages as already agreed to by the respective employee groups. That is, the California Care HMO, the Blue Shield Preferred Provider Plan, and the Blue Shield Dental Plan. A Fifteen dollar ($15.00) per employee per month increase in the City' s contribution to One hundred ten dollars and 89/100 ($110 .89) per month, effective November 1, 1986. 3. Effective immediately, an increase in compensation for employees acting as Field Training Officer or Acting Watch Commander to One hundred dollars ($100 .00) per month. Compensation shall be provided only for hours acutally spent serving in the capacity of Field Training Officer or Acting Watch Commander. 4. Overtime language as follows. Overtime, except training time, shall be compensated at the rate of time and one-half pay for hours worked in excess of 80 hours in each bi-weekly pay period. Paid time off shall be considered time worked for overtime compensation purpose. Each unit employee shall work up to 2 hours overtime per pay period at straight time pay for Department-wide training and meetings. Unused training hours may be accrued for one pay period. That is, up to two unused i 0 • training hours may be carried forward. Overtime worked in less that one hour increments shall be compensated as follows: 1 - 15 minutes, overtime compensation - 0 16 - 30 minutes, overtime compensation - 1/2 hour 30 - 45 minutes, overtime compensation - 3/4 hours 46 - 60 minutes, overtime compensation - 1 hour Compensatory time off in lieu of overtime shall be completed at the rate of time and one-half and shall be granted to employees at the mutual convenience of the Police Department and the Employee and subject to the Accumulation Provisions as specified by City Resolution No. 12-80, dated July 14 , 1980, Personnel Rules and Regulaitons. 5. Work Schedule. In general, employees shall be sched- uled to work five (5) consecutive days with two (2) con- secutive days off. Exceptions shall be made for 1) employee volunteering for other schedules 2) employees needing schedule adjustments to allow for military leave 3) employees needing schedule adjustments to accomodate schooling and 4) emergencies. 6. Bullett Proof Vests. The City shall make available to all unit employees a bullet proof vest. Employees requesting a vest shall certify that they will wear the vest at all times, except in extreme climatic conditions. Vests shall be replaced or refurbished on an as needed basis as determined by the Chief of Police. Employees already owning vest shall continue to use them until repair or refurbishment becomes necessary, as determined by the Chief of Police. 7. State Disability Insurance. Unit employees shall be afforded the opportunity to vote on an addition of State Disability Insurance, to be provided at the employees expense. Prior to implementation of State Disability Insurance the City and Association shall agree on an integration formula which shall operate to insure that employees do not receive greater net pay when drawing State Disability Insurance than they would if working. 8. Although it has expired, all other provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding adopted October 14, 1985, between the City and the Association should be honored until a successor memorandum is negotiated. 0 • On motion by Councilperson and seconded by Councilperson , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA By: MARJORIE R. MACKEY, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARTIZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney 1 1 07 M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER MIKE SHELTON AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: PURCHASING OF PATROL CARS THROUGH STATE COOPERATIVE PURCHASE PLAN DATE: JAN. 20, 1987 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the purchase of three 1987 police patrol cars in keeping with the current budget. COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED: ` Execute the attached standard resolution which will permit the City to purchase three standard CHP-type patrol vehicles. BACKGROUND: Council will recall that the current budget calls for the acquisition of three replacement patrol cars. (We have six marked patrol units at this time.) As has been the practice in the past, the State of California has offered allied agencies the opportunity to purchase the standard CHP sedan through the cooperative purchase plan. Having requested bids for our vehicles in San Luis Obispo County, I received one proposal for the same vehicle as offered by the State. The total cost for three cars as supplied by a S.L.O. County dealer is $46,984.50. The total cost for identical cars supplied by the State is $36,700.68. While it would seem desireable to purchase our equipment locally for a number of reasons, with a difference of $10,283.82, it would be .fiscally irrespon- sible not to buy the State cars as proposed. It is estimated that the three cars will be delivered within 120 days. The three cars scheduled for replacement are about two and one-half years old and will have about 100,000 miles on them at the time of replacement. FISCAL IMPACT: The police department budget calls for an expenditure of $35,921.00 for patrol car purchase. No additional allocations will be required for this acquisition. • RICHAR H. McHALE RHM:sb RESOLUTION No. 15-87 AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PURCHASE CERTAIN ITEMS. Be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby authorize the Office of Procurement, Department of General Services of the State of California to purchase materials, supplies and equipment for and on the behalf of the City of Atascadero pursuant to Section 14814, Government Code, and that the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to sign and deliver all necessary requests and other documents in connection there- with for and on behalf of the City of Atascadero. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Atascadero at a meeting thereof held on the 26th day of January, 1987, and that the same now appears of record in my office. In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this 26th day of January, 1987. On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member the toregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following votes : AYES NOES : ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: MARJORIr R. TUCKEY - Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICHARD MC HALE Police Chief APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY -G. JORGENSEN City Attorney D.tiTr Z� AG E ,''J1 JT C� . MEMORANDUM To: - Board of Directors, Atascadero County Sanitation District Through: Michael Shelton, City Manager From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject: Authorization to bid- a new Backhoe-Tractor for the Sanitation Division of the Department of Public Works Backround: This item was authorized in the 1986-87 Budget and went through the public hearing process. The present backhoe was bought used and is undersized for the required useage. Discussion: Equipment does not necessarily fall under the cost accounting construction bid procedures that were adopted by Council last fiscal year. Therefore, expenditures for equipment costing over $5,000 must be publicly bid and advertised. Council has the right to accept or reject any and all bids. Fiscal Impact: The 1986-87 Budget allocates $35,000 for a new Backhoe-Tractor and cash flow is available in the sanitation fund for the purchase. �rL • MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Directors THROUGH: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: Request for Seer Annexation DATE: January 20, 1987 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached resolution subject to the conditions listed. BOARD ACTION REQUIRED: Approve or deny BACKGROUND: . Attached is a request from George and Mary Shreve for annexation of their property on Lake View into Improvement District Number One. Staff has reviewed their request has had determined that the criteria for annexation has been met. It should be noted that this property is in a Cease and Desist Area. ALTERNATIVE: Denial of the annexation request eliminates the option of sewer service. The applicant is then limited to an on-site septic system which may or may not be allowable in a Cease and Desist Area,: This annexation will require no line extension as the property has a 15' easement for a sewer main on the northerly property line. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no cost to the District as properties annexing into the Improvment District pay all applicable annexation and connection fees. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 10-87 E RESOLUTION NO. 10-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT APPROVING EXTENDING PUBLIC SEWER SERVICE TO LOT 42 BLOCK 12 APN 56-312-14 AND INCORPORATING THE AREA CONCERNED INTO THE BOUNDARIES OF THE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 1 WHEREAS, the Atascadero County Sanitation District is empowered by Section 4834 of the Health and Safety Code to annex territory already a part of the County Sanitation District to the improvement district of that County Sanitation District; and WHEREAS, George & Mary Shreve owns the property described in Exhibits A and B attached to this resolution; and WHEREAS, said property, located on Lake View Drive is contiguous with the existing improvement district; and WHEREAS, said property is within the Urban Services Line on the City' s Land Use and Circulation General Plan Map and is con- sistent with the General Plan; and WHEREAS, it is in the interest of Atascadero County Sanitation District to provide sewer service when consistent with the General Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed project has received a Negative Declaration pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Directors of the Atascadero County Sanitation District as follows: Section 1. The Board finds that the territory described in this resolution will be benefitted by such sewer service (Health and Safety. Code section 4830) ; Section 2. The Board approves the extension of public sewer service to the following parcels, subject to the payment of appropriate fees as listed in the Atascadero County Sanitation Code: Lot42 , Block 12 Atascadero Colony n� Subject to the following Conditions: a. Obtain all necessary plumbing and street encroachment permits b. Payment of all connection fees as provided in the Atascadero County Sanitation District Code in effect at the time of connection. Section 3. The area included in Lot42, Block 12 is hereby incorporated into the boundaries of Improvment District Number 1. On motion by Board Member and seconded by Board Member , the foregoing resolution is adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE: ATTEST: MICHAEL SHELTON MARJORIE R. MACKEY Secretary Chairman APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH Director of Public Works/City Engineer 2 f EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION - Lot 42 in Block 12 of Atascadero Colony, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to amendment C to map of Atascadero Colony, recorded September 16 , 1925 in Book 3, page 1 et seq. of Maps. 1