HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 05/09/2006• �11t� 1 0 - ❑ Wl lI�/, l�l� l Idl I1�oil CITY OF - I CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:00 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino.Real Atascadero, California REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:30 P.M. CLOSED SESSION: (Immediately Following Redevelopment Agency Meeting) 1. PUBLIC COMMENT - CLOSED SESSION 2. CALL TO ORDER a. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (Government Code Section 54957) Title: CITY ATTORNEY 3. ADJOURN 4. CLOSED SESSION REPORT REGULAR SESSION: 7:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Luna ROLL CALL: Mayor O'Malley Mayor Pro Tem Pacas Council Member Clay Council Member Luna Council Member Scalise COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to five minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. The Council may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Council.) APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) PRESENTATIONS: 1. Proclamation declaring May 15 — 21, 2006 "National Police Week" and May 15, 2006 as "Police Memorial Day." 2. Proclamation declaring May 2006 as "Bike Month" and May 15 — 19, 2006 as "Bike to Work Week." • A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non -controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken.) 1. City Council Meeting Minutes — April 11, 2006 ■ City Clerk Recommendation: Council approve the City Council meeting minutes of April 11, 2006. [City Clerk] 2. March 2006 Accounts Payable and Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact: $2,302,848.23. ■ Recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for March 2006. [Administrative Services] 3. March 2006 Investment Report ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Council approve the Investment Report for March 2006. [City Treasurer] 0 2 4. Interchange Operational Improvement Studv / Consultant Services Contract ■ Fiscal Impact: $167,960 ($120,000 from the 2005/2007 Capital Budget and $50,000 from the Regional State Highway Account Funds). ■ Recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Whitlock & Weinberger Transportation, Inc. known as, W - Trans, for an Interchange Operational Improvement Study. [Public Works] 5. Temporary Road Closure / Del Rio and Obispo Roads ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Council approve the request from Dave Spurr Excavating for the temporary closure of portions of Del Rio Road and a partial closure of Obispo Road. [Public Works] 6. Temporary Road Closure / Palma Avenue ■ Fiscal Impact. $160.00 for the installation of Road Closed signs by Public Works Staff. ■ Recommendation: Council approve the closure of Palma Avenue from East Mall to West Mall during the Father's House organization event in the Sunken Gardens on June 3, 2006, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. [Public Works] B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Appeal 2006-0008 of Front Yard Fence Height Variance 2005-0009 (9186 Palomar Avenue) ■ Description: Appeal of Planning Commission approval of a variance allowing a recently constructed six-foot high solid wood fence to remain within the front yard setback within a single-family residential neighborhood. ■ Disclosure of Ex Parte Communications ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt Draft Resolution A granting Appeal 2006-0008 (denying Variance 2005-0009) based on findings. [Community Development] 2. Interim Urgency Ordinance Establishina a Moratorium on Conversion of Residential Units to Condominiums ■ Description: Temporary Ordinance establishing a moratorium on conversion of residential units to condominiums. ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt the Interim Urgency Ordinance establishing a moratorium on conversions of residential units to condominiums. This action extends the moratorium for 10 months and 15 days. [City Attorney] 3 C. El 3. Weed/Refuse Abatement Program ■ Fiscal Impact: The City recovers costs for administering this program through the 150% administrative fee, which is placed on the San Luis Obispo County Special Tax Assessment for the fiscal year 2006-2007 Tax Roll. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt the Draft Resolution, declaring vegetative growth and/or refuse a public nuisance, commencing proceedings for the abatement of said nuisances, and placing all abatement fees on the San Luis Obispo County Special Tax Assessment for the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Tax Roll. [Fire] 4. Downtown Parking & Business Improvement Area (FY 2006-2007) Confirmation of Annual Assessment ■ Fiscal Impact: Revenue of approximately $10,500 for Fiscal Year 2006- 2007. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt the Draft Resolution confirming the annual assessment for Downtown Parking & Business Improvement Area (Fiscal Year 2006-2007). [City Manager] MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Signage Task Force Report ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Direct staff to update the City Sign Ordinance to incorporate the Signage Task Force's recommended changes; and, 2. Direct staff to work with the Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Association on a signage clean-up information campaign while the ordinance update is in process. [Community Development] 2. Cardroom Ordinance / Request for Expansion of Tables (Outlaws Card Parlour ■ Description: Request from the owner of Outlaws Card Parlour to increase the number of card tables from two (2) to five (5). ■ Fiscal Impact: If the City Council amended the Municipal Code to allow additional card tables, the City would receive a one time revenue of $300 per additional table. ■ Recommendation: Council give staff direction on how to proceed on this request. [City Manager] 3. Hwy 101/41 Interchange Value Analysis Study ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Council receive a verbal report from Caltrans on the results of the Hwy 101/41 Interchange Value Analysis Study and recommend they proceed to further explore two options and report back on May 23rd. [Public Works] • • 9 J D. COMMITTEE & LIAISON REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): Mayor O'Malley 1. County Mayor's Round Table 2. Finance Committee 3. Air Pollution Control District (APCD) 4. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) 5. League of California Cities — Grassroots Network 6. City / Schools Committee 7. Economic Opportunity Commission (EOC) 8. SLO Council of Governments (SLOCOG) / S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) Mayor Pro Tem Pacas 1. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) 2. City / Schools Committee 3. Atascadero Youth Task Force Council Member Clay 1. S.L.O. County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Water Resources Advisory Committee 2. Nacimiento Water Purveyors Contract Technical Advisory Group 3. North County Water Purveyors Group Council Member Luna 1. Finance Committee Council Member Scalise 1. Atascadero State Hospital Advisory Board 2. Local Agency Formation Commissions (LAFCO) E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Clerk 3. City Treasurer 4. City Attorney 5. City Manager • 5 F. ADJOURNMENT: Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. Correspondence submitted at this public hearing will be distributed to the Council and available for review in the City Clerk's office. I, Shannon Sims, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the May 9, 2006 Regular Session of the Atascadero City Council was posted on May 2, 2006 at the Atascadero City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review in the Customer Service Center at that location. Signed this 2nd day of May, 2006 at Atascadero, California. Shannon Sims, Deputy City Clerk City of Atascadero • 0 City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING Oe City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth. Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., at the City Hall Council Chambers, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Central Receptionist counter and on our website, www.atascadero.org. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager's Office or the City Clerk's Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the podium. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: • You must approach the podium and be recognized by the Mayor • Give your name and address (not required) • Make your statement • All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council • No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present • All comments limited to 5 minutes (unless changed by the Council) • No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so, and no one may speak more than twice on any item. If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the City Clerk's office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Access to hook up your laptop to the City's projector will be provided. You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the City Clerk before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in the printed copy. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Council TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "COMMUNITY FORUM", the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to: • Please approach the podium and be recognized • Give your name and address (not required) • State the nature of your business This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Council). TO HAVE ITEMS PLACED ON AGENDA II business matters to appear on the Agenda must be in the Office of the City Manager 14 days preceding the Council eeting. Should you have a matter you wish to bring before the Council, please mail or bring a written communication to the City Manager's office in City Hall prior to the deadline. 7 1 10 1\ WIN City of Atascadero - Proclamation May 2006 "Bike Month May 15 — 19, 2006r "Bike To Work Week" WHEREAS, bicycle commuting is an effective means to reduce air pollution and conserve energy and promotes the "livability" of communities by reducing traffic, noise and congestion; and WHEREAS, many businesses, organizations and schools have made efforts to help customers, students and employees commute by bicycle, including installation of bicycle parking and other commute facilities; and WHEREAS, bicycle transportation is an integral part of the it transportation systems planned by federal, state, regional, and local transportation agencies; and WHEREAS, bike month is a San Luis Obispo County -wide celebration of human powered transportation which encourages people of all .ages and abilities to ride bicycles to their destinations;' and WHEREAS, bike month promotions such as "Bike -to -Work and School Week "Commuter Bike Challenge", "Executive Commuter Bike Challenge" and "Bike Fest 2006 successfully encourages citizens to ride their bicycles, thereby: reducing vehicular emissions in the county; and WHEREAS, "Bikes in Bloom" is the theme for 2006, an appropriate notion as this area is in bloom with .cycling groups who are working together and individually to support bicycling in all of its forms in San Luis Obispo Couizty; and W1 EREAS, `Businesses are encouraged to take part in the "Bike Alt Display" by decorating their company's window in the "Bikes in Bloom the May. me throughout them month of NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED that I, Toni O'Malley, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby officially proclaim May 2006 as "Bike Month " and May 15 -19, 2006 as "Bike to Work Week WITNESS THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO: J 0 Tom O'Malley, Mayor City of Atascadero, California May 9, 2006 I im i City of Atascadero Proclamation NATIONAL POLICE WEEK, MAY 15 - MAY 21, 2006 POLICE MEMORIAL DA Y. MA Y 15, 2006 WHEREAS, Police Memorial Day was first established by Presidential Proclamation in 1960 to commemorate all law enforcement officers who had given their life in the line of duty; and WHEREAS, since 1960, Police Memorial Day has been observed on May 15'h and the week in which Police Memorial Day falls has ;been proclaimed as "National Police Week"; and WHEREAS, law enforcement officers willingly perform :hazardous duty to protect and defend their community; and WHEREAS, the people of our Nation and State should commemorate those officers who have given their lives while providing service and protection to their community. NOW,, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Tom O'Malley, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, on beha f of the City Council, do hereby officially proclaim: MAY I5, 2006 AS"NATIONAL PEACE OFFICERS MEMORIAL DAY" and MAY 15=21, 200b AS "NATIONAL POLICE WEEK" in Atascadero and call upon all citizens and lawenforcement agencies to pay tribute to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice while protecting their community. WITNESS THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF THE CITY OF A TASCADERO:, Tom O'Malley, Mayor City of Atascadero, CA May 9, 2006 E u ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 05/09/06 CITY OF A TA SCA DERO CITY COUNCIL DRAFT MINUTES Tuesday, April 11, 2006 7:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION: 6:33 p.m. (Immediately Following Redevelopment Agency Meeting) 1. PUBLIC COMMENT - CLOSED SESSION None 2. CALL TO ORDER a) CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Government Code Section 54956.8) Property: Paloma Park Agency Negotiator: City Manager and/or Assistant City Manager Negotiating Parties: State of California Under negotiation: Instruction to negotiator will concern price and terms of payment. 3. ADJOURN: 6:50 p.m. 4. CLOSED SESSION REPORT City Attorney Patrick Enright announced that the City Council met in closed session and no reportable action was taken. REGULAR SESSION: 7:00 P.M. Mayor O'Malley called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and Council Member Clay led the Pledge of Allegiance. CC Draft Minutes 04/11/06 Page 1 of 11 12 ROLL CALL: Present.. Council Members lay, Luna Scalise and Mayor O'Malley Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Pacas Others Present: City Clerk / Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson and Deputy City Clerk Grace Pucci Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, Police Chief John Couch, Public Works Administrative Assistant Valerie Humphrey and City Attorney Patrick Enright. COMMUNITY FORUM: Pastor Johnny Johnson, Paradise Fellowship Ministries, led those present in prayer. James Corey thanked the Mayor for the letter sent to the residents of his neighborhood regarding the new railroad spur and asked that the city work with the local businesses who will be using the spur as well as with Union Pacific Railroad. Ann Ketcherside asked Council to give direction for staff to work with her regarding the zoning on a specific property in Atascadero. Kate Montgomery read from a letter she sent to the newspaper regarding the removal of landscaping along the freeway especially at the intersection of Highways 101 and 41. Joan O'Keefe expressed concern regarding the amount of mature vegetation that will be destroyed through the widening of the 101/41 interchange, and questioned whether the construction of the overpass requires the removal of all vegetation or if some can be saved. Marge Mackay spoke about the removal of trees at the Highway 101/41 interchange and asked Council to retain as many trees as possible. Mayor O'Malley announced that he has asked staff to report back on this issue, and that he would keep the community informed. Eric Greening spoke in support of the previous speakers and of the need to focus on saving every tree possible by downsizing the project where trees exist. He also spoke in support of those who came to address the climate change issue. go CC Draft Minutes 04/11/06 Page 2 of 11 13 Daphne Fahsing stated she had looked at the Cal Trans report and does not believe • they want to see the city remove so many trees at the 101/41 interchange, and that doing so will not present a pleasing view. Maria Hooper encouraged Council to be certain that Cal Trans removes as little vegetation as possible and to replace landscaping where needed. Council Member Luna indicated that if there are safety issues at the 101/41 interchange they should be brought before the Council He stated it is inappropriate to take out trees to get a better view of the downtown and out of character with the city's protection of trees. Council Member Scalise explained that the Aesthetics Committee met three years ago when this project first came on line, and they put in place a large budget for vegetation replacement. She is confident that tree removals will be minimal. Council Member Clay commented that Cal Trans should save as many trees as possible without sacrificing safety. Mitch Paskin expressed his concerns about the condition of San Marcos Road, and stated that he is waiting for an answer on whether the city it will accept San Marcos Road into the city maintained system. Jono Kincaid explained why he would like Atascadero to be the next City to sign on to U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement. There was Councif consensus to continue with the Community Forum. Brandon Istenes spoke in favor of Atascadero signing on to the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement. Jordan Elkins, Vice President Atascadero High School Earth Club, asked Mayor O'Malley to sign the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement and spoke about another community who has benefited from doing this. Brenda Cherry, Atascadero High School student, spoke in favor of Mayor O'Malley signing on to the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement. Natasha Meyers Cherry, President Atascadero High School Earth Club, spoke in support of Mayor O'Malley signing the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement and gave an example of a community where this program was used successfully. Mayor O'Malley asked staff to report back in two months on this issue. Joanne Main distributed a progress report for the Chamber of Commerce and reported on some of their activities benefiting the community. CC Draft Minutes 04/11/06 Page 3 of 11 14 Mayor O'Malley closed the Community Forum period. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Scalise to approve the agenda. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Mayor O'Malley stated he was pleased to see the report in the Tribune on the Council's activities, spoke about the progress being made for the Farmer's Market, and commended staff's proactive approach to road failures in the community. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Proclamation Declaring April 9 - 15, 2006 as "National Public Safety Telecommunicator's Week." Council Member Scalise read the proclamation and presented it to Ryan Infantino, Ann Banks and Candy Flohaug, public safety dispatchers. Police Chief Couch spoke about the role of public safety dispatchers in the community. 2. Proclamation Declaring April 23 — 29, 2006 "National Volunteer Week." Council Member Scalise read the proclamation and presented it to Police Chief John Couch who asked the volunteers to stand and be recognized and spoke about their contributions to the community. 3. Proclamation Declaring April 22, 2006 as "Earth Day." Council Member Luna read the proclamation and presented it to the President of Atascadero High School Earth Club, Natasha Meyer Cherry, and to Jordon Elkin, Earth Club Vice President. 4. Proclamation Declaring April 2006 the "Month of the Child" and "Child Abuse Prevention Month." Mayor O'Malley read the proclamation and presented it to Theresa Sheppard, Director ASH Building Blocks Child Development Center. Ms. Sheppard thanked the City for the proclamation and had several children from the center distribute items they had made in their classrooms to the Council. CC Draft Minutes 04/11/06 Page 4of11 15 0 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: • 1. City Council Meeting Minutes — March 14, 2006 ■ City Clerk Recommendation: Council approve the City Council meeting minutes of March 14, 2006. [City Clerk] 2. February 2006 Accounts Payable and Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact: $1,981,530.70. ■ Recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for February 2006. [Administrative Services] 3. February 2006 Investment Report ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Council approve the Investment Report for February 2006. [City Treasurer] 4. Final Map 2005-0118 (Parcel Map AT 04-0130) West Front (TPM 2004- 0060) (Linda Lee Kenyon) ■ Description: Approval of the division of one lot of 3.02 acres gross into three lots of 1.00 acre gross each. ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Accept Final Parcel Map 2005-0118 (Parcel Map AT 04-0130); and, 2. Reject, without prejudice to future acceptance, the offer of dedication for Public Utility Easement. [Public Works] 5. Street Closure Request / Porsche Show `n Shine • Fiscal Impact: Approximately two hours of un -allocated staff time for Public Works Maintenance Workers. ■ Recommendation: Council approve a request by Atascadero Main Street to close portions of East Mall and Palma Avenue on Saturday, August 26, 2006 for the Porsche Show `n Shine event. [Public Works] 6. Street Closure Request / Sunken Gardens Flea Market ■ Fiscallmpact: None. ■ Recommendation: Council approve a request by the Community Services Department to close a portion Palma Avenue on Saturday, April 15, 2006 for the Sunken Gardens Flea Market. [Community Services] CC Draft Minutes 04/11/06 Page 5 of 11 16 7. Affordable Housing Program ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt Draft Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute documents for the City's Affordable Housing Program. [City Attorney] Items pulled: Council Member Luna, Item #A-7 MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Luna to approve Items #A-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. Item #A-7: Council Member Luna stated he believes the buck stops with the Council for affordable housing and it is appropriate oversight for the Mayor to do this signing. For this reason he cannot support delegation of this authority. MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Item #A-7. Motion passed 3:1 by a roll -call vote, (Luna opposed) (Resolution No. 2006-021) B. PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Atascadero Creek Corridor Enhancement Project ■ Description: Request direction on enhancement project including proposed agreement with the State and a Public Hearing. ■ Fiscal Impact: Annual trail maintenance on the trail project is projected to be approximately $30,000-$60,000 annually. There are currently no funds budgeted for this maintenance. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Review and comment on the Creek project report, and provide direction as necessary; and, 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the letter of agreement with the State; and, 3. Authorize the Parks and Recreation Commission to conduct a public hearing on the environmental document. [Community Services] Community Services Director Brady Cherry gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. D.J. Funk, Executive aDirector, Resource Conservation District, answered questions of Council. CC Draft Minutes 04/11/06 Page 6 of 11 17 • • • 0 PUBLIC COMMENT Kathy Hustace, North County representative to San Luis Obispo County Trails Advisory Committee, explained why they highly recommend Atascadero go forward with the project. Eric Greening stated his agreement with leaving the San Gabriel area as it is, and asked several questions relating to the EIR. Ron Bergdorf stated his concern about how much narrower this path will make Ensenada and the safety on the street given the increased pedestrian traffic. Jonalee Istenes stated that one property owner should not be allowed to stop the public right of way, and shared several of her concerns with the trail proposal. Joe Montoya expressed concern regarding the costs to maintain the trail. Bill Obermeyer, Atascadero Horseman, asked the Council to consider this as a multi use trail, and indicated there would be many volunteers to help with maintenance. David Ryan stated he was pleased that the trail stops at San Gabriel, spoke about trail maintenance and restoration, and was supportive of keeping the trail near the downtown. Ellen Beraud expressed her support for the proposal, and stated she had found six policies in the General Plan that support this project. John Shadack stated he lives along the trail area and expressed concern that proposed work would change the direction of the stream and destabilize the banks in the area. D.J. Funk addressed issues raised during Public Comment. Mayor O'Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: 6y Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Scalise to authorize the City Manager to execute the letter of agreement with the State; and, authorize the Parks and Recreation Commission to conduct a public hearing on the environmental document. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. (Agreement No. 2006- 021) • CC Draft Minutes 04/11/06 Paige 7 of 11 18 2. Consideration of Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Code to Permit (with a Conditional Use Permit) Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Certain Commercial Zones ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendations: Planning Commission Recommends: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A certifying Proposed Negative Declaration 2006-0004; and 2. Introduce for first reading by title only, Draft Ordinance A approving Zone Code Text Amendment permitting medical marijuana dispensaries in the CS Zone subject to a conditional use permit. [City Attorney] City Attorney Patrick Enright and Police Chief John Couch gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Charles Lynch, Central Coast Compassionate Care, thanked Council for considering this issue, and spoke about his facility in Morro Bay and its acceptance by the City Council there. He suggested allowing this use in the Commercial Retail and Industrial Park Zones as well as Commercial Services. Mr. Lynch answered questions of Council. Kent Canella stated that Council is doing what is necessary for the community and asked them to reconsider allowing this only in the Commercial Service Zone, which is too restrictive, and to increase the number of facilities allowed. Mike (last name not given) commended Council for considering this ordinance and spoke about the establishment of dispensaries and the regulatory body that should handle this use. He submitted several documents for the record. (Exhibit A) Joanne Main stated this use should be limited to the Commercial Service Zone because no sales tax will be accrued with this use and it is important to protect retail zones. Charles Lynch stated he had proposed a licensing fee for allowing dispensaries in the city, and that this use brings people to the city to use the facility, potentially generating sales tax income. Mayor O'Malley closed the Public Comment period. Council Member Scalise stated she does not want to see this in Atascadero, and that there are other ways for patients to get the medication they need. However, if it is approved it must be as limited as possible and with the use of the CUP process. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor O'Malley to adopt Draft Resolution A certifying Proposed Negative Declaration 2006-0004; and introduce for first reading by.title CC Draft Minutes 04/11/06 Page 8 of 11 19 only, Draft Ordinance A approving Zone Code Text Amendment permitting medical marijuana dispensaries in the CS Zone subject to a conditional use permit, and with a limit of 250 patients and the hours of operation to be 8:00 to 5:00. Motion passed 3:1 by a roll -call vote. (Scalise opposed) (Resolution No. 2006-022) Mayor O'Malley recessed the hearing at 10.30 p.m. Mayor O'Malley called the meeting back to order at 10:37 p.m. C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Sunken Gardens Fountain / Anti -Grind Devices ■ Description: Approval of anti -grind devices to protect the Sunken Gardens Fountain from skateboarding damage. ■ Fiscal Impact: $2,000 from budgeted maintenance funds. ■ Recommendation: Council approve the purchase and installation of decorative anti -grind devices for the Sunken Gardens fountain. [Public Works] Public Works Administrative Assistant Valerie Humphrey gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. Council Member Luna stated he could not support this item because he believes there shouldn't be any skateboarding in Sunken Gardens at all as the city has provided a skateboard park. PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening expressed support for the staff recommendation. Mayor O'Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve the purchase and installation of decorative anti -grind devices for the Sunken Gardens fountain. Motion passed 3:1 by a roll -call vote. (Luna opposed) 2. Atascadero Short Range Transit Pian ■ Description: Request approval of the 5 year Short Range Transit Plan. ■ Fiscal Impact: With the proposed changes, annual operating costs are expected to increase by $25,000 in Fiscal Year 2006-2007. Funding for CC Draft Minutes 04/11/06 Page 9 of 11 20 the remainder of the Plan period will be requested in the appropriate future budget cycle. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt the Atascadero Short Range Transit Plan and direct staff to implement the Service, Capital, Institutional and Financial Recommendations outlined in the Plan. [Public Works] Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Public Works Administrative Assistant Valerie Humphrey and Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. (Exhibit B) PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening disagreed with Service Recommendation #3, suggested ways to eliminate redundancy and spoke against establishing a transit center in the downtown. MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Scalise to go past 11:00 p.m. Motion passed 3:1 by a roll call vote. (Luna opposed) Mike Anderson, shuffle bus driver, spoke about problems with the RTA schedule, and suggested establishing five or six express stops for the RTA. Mayor O'Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: B Council Member Scalise and seconded b Council Member Y Y Clay to adopt the Atascadero Short Range Transit Plan and direct staff to implement the Service, Capital, Institutional and Financial Recommendations outlined in the Plan. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. 3. Lewis Avenue Bridge ■ Fiscal Impact: Approval of the change order will result in the expenditure of $19,000 of budgeted funds. Approval of the disbursement to the Atascadero Unified School District will result in the expenditure of $115,000 of budgeted funds. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to sign Contract Change Order No. 3 for $19,000.00 and other future change orders with Psomas for design modifications needed on the Lewis Avenue Bridge 2. Authorize the City Manager to enter into an $115,000.00 agreement with the Atascadero Unified School District for mitigation of bus impacts. [Public Works] Public Works Director Steve Kahn gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. CC Draft Minutes 04/11/06 Page 10 of 11 21 PUBLIC COMMENT — None MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to authorize the City Manager to sign Contract Change Order No. 3 for $19,000.00 and any expenditures in the future above $5,000 to come back to the Council for the Lewis Avenue Bridge; and to authorize the City Manager to enter into an $115,000.00 agreement with the Atascadero Unified School District for mitigation on the bus stop. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. (Agreement No 2006- 022) D. COMMITTEE & LIAISON REPORTS: Council Member Clay 1. School Committee: Will be going tomorrow to the San Benito School to look at possibilities for fields. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1 None F. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor O'Malley adjourned the meeting at 11:11 p.m. to the Public Financing Authority Meeting. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Grace Pucci, Deputy City Clerk The following exhibit is available for review in the City Clerk's Office: Exhibit A — Mike, Documents regarding Dispensing of Medical Marijuana Exhibit B — Short Range Transit Plan CC Draft Minutes 04/11/06 Page 11 of 11. 22 ITEM NUMBER: A - 2 DATE: -05/09/06 1919 1 1979-- Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Administrative Services Department March 2006 Accounts Payable and Payroll RECOMMENDATION: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for March 2006. DISCUSSION: Attached for City Council review and approval are the following: Payroll Dated 3/9/06 Checks # 22444 - 22498 $ 56,882.11 Direct Deposits 168,561.07 Dated 3/23/06 Checks # 22499 - 22552 48,902.95 174,679.26 Direct Deposits Accounts Payable Dated 3/1/06 - 3/31/06 Checks # 104234 - 104832 & EFTs 405 - 416 1,853,822.84 TOTAL AMOUNT $. 2,302,848.23 FISCAL IMPACT: Total expenditures for all funds is $ 2,302,848.23 CERTIFICATION: The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for pay ent and that funds are available for these demand 2�/M,4 Rachelle Rickard, Dir for of Administrative Services ATTACHMENT: March 2006 Eden Warrant Register in the amount of $ 1,853,822.84 24 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount 104234 03/03/2006 10-8 RETROFIT Accounts Payable Check 307.50 104235 03/03/2006 A & T ARBORISTS Accounts Payable Check 175.00 104236 03/03/2006 A -JAY EXCAVATING, INC. Accounts Payable Check 13,761.00 104237 03/03/2006 A.J. DIANI CONSTRUCTION CO,INC Accounts Payable Check 65,152.04 104238 03/03/2006 KEITH AGGSON Accounts Payable Check 10.00 104239 03/03/2006 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT Accounts Payable Check 1,107.23 104240 03/03/2006 AMERICAN'MARBORG Accounts Payable Check 42.19 104241 03/03/2006 AMERICAN WEST TIRE & AUTO INC Accounts Payable Check 67.32 104242 03/03/2006 API, ATLAS PERFORMANCE INDUST Accounts Payable Check -.905.00 104243 03/03/2006 AQUAMARK POOL CARE Accounts Payable Check 227.98 104244 03/03/2006 ARAMARK Accounts Payable Check 1,128.55 104245 03/03/2006 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 308.88 104246 03/03/2006, GINA ARIAS Accounts Payable Check 50.30 104247 03/03/2006 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 43.15 104248 03/03/2006 ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 5,144.37 104249 03/03/2006 ATASCADERO GLASS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 3,022.00 104250 03/03/2006 ATASCADERO LOAVES & FISHES Accounts Payable Check 5,000.00 104252 03/03/2006 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. Accounts Payable Check 3,135.40 104253 03/03/2006 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 1,932.37 104254 03/03/2006 ATASCADERO UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST Accounts Payable Check 697.50 104255 03/03/2006 WILLIAM AUSMAN Accounts Payable Check 150.00 104256 03/03/2006 AVAYA INC. Accounts Payable Check 22.42 104257 03/03/2006 TIFFANY AYLES Accounts Payable Check 80.00 104258 03/03/2006 ANN BANKS Accounts Payable Check 34.71 104259 03/03/2006 SHERRY BAZZELL Accounts Payable Check 54.50 104260 03/03/2006 AMY M. BEEMAN Accounts Payable Check 345.80 104261 03/03/2006 CINDY K. BENSON Accounts Payable Check 449.75 104262 03/03/2006 BILLY NIX SEAL COATING & PAVNG Accounts Payable Check 2,200.00 104263 03/03/2006 TOM BIRKENFELD Accounts Payable Check 10.00 104264 03/03/2006 JEFF BRAZZI Accounts Payable Check 100.00 104265 03/03/2006 BRENDLER JANITORIAL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 505.00 104266 03/03/2006 CASEY BRYSON Accounts Payable Check 70.00 104267 03/03/2006 CA. CENTRAL FIRE PROTECTION Accounts Payable Check 13,479.37 104268 03/03/2006 CAD -SCAN CONNECTION Accounts Payable Check 149.96 104269 03/03/2006 CAL -COAST REFRIGERATION, INC Accounts Payable Check 543.20 25 Check umber 104270 104271 104272 104273 104274 104275 104276 104277 104278 104279 104280 104281 104282 104283 104284 104285 104286 104287 104288 104289 104290 104291 104292 104293 104294 104295 104296 104297 104298 104299 104300 104301 104302 104303 • 104304 104305 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check Date Vendor 03/03/2006 CELLULAR ONE 03/03/2006 CENTRAL COAST WATER TREATMENT 03/03/2006 CES SANTA MARIA 03/03/2006 CES SANTA MARIA 03/03/2006 CHICAGO GRADE LANDFILL 03/03/2006 CINGULAR WIRELESS 03/03/2006 KATHY J. CINOWALT 03/03/2006 CLEAN WATER SYSTEMS, INC. 03/03/2006 COAST ELECTRONICS 03/03/2006 COASTAL IMAGING SUPPLIES 03/03/2006 COASTLINE EQUIPMENT 03/03/2006 CREATIVE PIPE, INC. 03/03/2006 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 03/03/2006 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY 03/03/2006 DENNIS VACA BACKHOE 03/03/2006 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 03/03/2006 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 03/03/2006 DFM ASSOCIATES 03/03/2006 EASYLINK SERVICES CORP. 03/03/2006 FEDERAL EXPRESS 03/03/2006 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR 03/03/2006 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL 03/03/2006 FIRST AM REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS 03/03/2006 NATHAN FULLER 03/03/2006 GEM AUTO PARTS 03/03/2006 GEOSOLUTIONS, INC. 03/03/2006 GILBERT'S LANDSCAPES 03/03/2006 GLENN'S REPAIR &RENTAL 03/03/2006 KENNETH GLYNN 03/03/2006 GOLDFARB & LIPMAN, LLP 03/03/2006 GOLDING CONCRETE SAWING 03/03/2006 'GRISANTI HARDWARE 03/03/2006 GUTTER PROS 03/03/2006 H.D. PETERSON 03/03/2006 HARMONY MACHINE & FABRICATION 03/03/2006 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT & COPY Description Amount Accounts Payable Check 1,302.15 Accounts Payable Check 70.00 Accounts Payable Check 3,297.94 Accounts Payable Check 2,198.62 Accounts Payable Check 60.00 Accounts Payable Check 11.23 Accounts Payable Check 196.70 Accounts Payable Check 35.00 Accounts Payable Check 67.57 Accounts Payable Check 347.06 Accounts Payable Check 75,032.10 Accounts Payable Check 731.33 Accounts Payable Check 59.50 Accounts Payable Check 1,243.89 Accounts Payable Check 2,360.00 Accounts, Payable Check 3,087.00 Accounts Payable Check 1,053.21 Accounts Payable Check 48.26 Accounts Payable Check 12.32 Accounts Payable Check 72.90 Accounts Payable Check 185.00 Accounts Payable Check 195.00 Accounts Payable Check 100.00 Accounts Payable Check 80.00 Accounts Payable Check 225.38 Accounts Payable Check 150.00 Accounts Payable Check 306.56 Accounts Payable Check 86.23 Accounts Payable Check 259.00 Accounts Payable Check .15,500.00 Accounts Payable Check 292.50 Accounts Payable Check 164.10 Accounts Payable Check 3,225.00 Accounts Payable Check 1,517.50 Accounts Payable Check 65.15 Accounts Payable Check 328.40 26 27 Description Amount Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check 160.00 50.00 1,318.64 565.94 1,990.71 624.28 62.71 40.00 353.92 496.66 1,589.79 100.00 27,063.06 44.27 12.50 95.50 939.11 450.00 40.00 2,775.01 103.00 1,075.70 730.90 787.89 26,024.08 564.73 113.40 102.84 1,052.25 74.98 10.00 2,209.35 917.86 310.42 10.00 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check Check Number Date Vendor 104306 03/03/2006 NATHAN HASCH 104307 03/03/2006 HEIDI HASKELL 104308 03/03/2006 HASTY AWARDS 104309 03/03/2006 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 104310 03/03/2006 INTERSTATE SALES 104311 03/03/2006 JESPERSEN'S TIRE SERVICE, INC. 104312 03/03/2006 JIFFY LUBE/SOUND BILLING 104313 03/03/2006 COURTNEY JONES 104314 03/03/2006 KRITZ EXCAVATING & TRUCKING 104315 03/03/2006 L.N. CURTIS & SONS 104316 03/03/2006 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY, INC. 104317 03/03/2006 JAMES R. LEWIS 104318 03/03/2006 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 104319 03/03/2006 LIFE ASSIST, INC. 104320 03/03/2006 LIMELIGHT MUSIC AND GIFTS 104321 03/03/2006 LOCATE PLUS CORPORATION 104322 03/03/2006 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE 104323 03/03/2006 MAINLINE UTILITY CO. 104324 03/03/2006 STEVEN A. MANIER 104325 03/03/2006 MATHIS & ASSOCIATES 104326 03/03/2006 DAN MCGAULEY 104327 03/03/2006 STEVE MCHARRIS 104328 03/03/2006 WADE MCKINNEY 104329 03/03/2006 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 104330 03/03/2006 MICHAEL FREDERICK PAVING,INC. 104331 03/03/2006 MID -COAST MOWER & SAW 104332 03/03/2006 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 104333 03/03/2006 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE 104334 03/03/2006 MORRO GROUP, INC. 104335 03/03/2006 LUCY MUNOZ 104336 03/03/2006 PAUL NETZ 104337 03/03/2006 OAK COUNTRY LUMBER & RANCH 104338 03/03/2006 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 104339 03/03/2006 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN 104340 03/03/2006 GLENN OHLER 27 Description Amount Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check 160.00 50.00 1,318.64 565.94 1,990.71 624.28 62.71 40.00 353.92 496.66 1,589.79 100.00 27,063.06 44.27 12.50 95.50 939.11 450.00 40.00 2,775.01 103.00 1,075.70 730.90 787.89 26,024.08 564.73 113.40 102.84 1,052.25 74.98 10.00 2,209.35 917.86 310.42 10.00 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 104341 03/03/2006 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 1,052.55 104342 03/03/2006 PAPER WORKS Accounts Payable Check 282.87 104343 03/03/2006 PASO ROBLES MAIN STREET ASSC. Accounts Payable Check 195.00 104344 03/03/2006 PAUL BUVICK'S SWEEPING SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 1,824.00 104345 03/03/2006 PC MECHANICAL, INC. Accounts Payable Check 5,240.00 104346 03/03/2006 PCWORLD Accounts Payable Check 33.97 104347 03/03/2006 PERRY'S ELECTRIC MOTORS & CTRL Accounts Payable Check 2,304.13 104348 03/03/2006 PERRY'S PARCEL & COURIER SVC Accounts Payable Check 119.25 104349 03/03/2006 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS Accounts Payable Check 55.13 104350 03/0312006 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION, INC. Accounts Payable Check 107.44 104351 03/03/2006 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 311.26 104352 03/03/2006 PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIO Accounts Payable Check 52.73 104353 03/03/2006 GRACE L. PUCCI Accounts Payable Check 472.50 104354 03/03/2006 QUICK CRETE PRODUCTS CORP. Accounts Payable Check 870.87 104355 03/03/2006 QUILL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 180.31 104356 03/03/2006 RADIO SHACK CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 38.03 104357 03/03/2006 RECOGNITION WORKS Accounts Payable Check 301.35 • 104358 03/03/2006 STEVE ROMO _ Accounts Payable Check 40.00 104359 03/03/2006 RUSSCO Accounts Payable Check 286.75 104360 03/03/2006 SAFETY-KLEEN INC. Accounts Payable Check 216.60 104361 03/03/2006 SAN LUIS SECURITY Accounts Payable Check 882.00 104362 03/03/2006 SANTA MARIA TIRE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 131.79 104363 03/03/2006 SCOTT SATTERTHWAITE Accounts Payable Check 50.00 104364 03/03/2006 SBC SMART YELLOW PAGES Accounts Payable Check 251.47 104365 03/03/2006 SBC/MCI Accounts Payable Check 127.03 104366 03/03/2006 SCHIMM'S TREE SERVICE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 3,600.00 104367 03/03/2006 LISETTE SCHOLL Accounts Payable Check 132.30 104368 03/03/2006 KAMAL SHAMASH M.D., INC. Accounts Payable Check 125.00 104369 03/03/2006 RICHARD J. SHANNON Accounts Payable Check 150.00 104370 03/03/2006 SHORES SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 181.04 104371 03/03/2006 JOHN SIEMENS Accounts Payable Check 429.70 104372 03/03/2006 SLO CO NARCOTICS TASK FORCE Accounts Payable Check 609.80 104373 03/03/2006 SOUZA CONSTRUCTION INC. Accounts Payable Check 94,457.87 104374 03/03/2006 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN Accounts Payable Check 429.19 • 104375 03/03/2006 STEWART'S WHEEL SHOP Accounts Payable Check 90.00 104376 03/03/2006 SUN BADGE COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 29.25 go Check Number 104377 104378 104379 104380 104381 104382 104383 104384 104385 104386 i[1r'191- r1 104388 104389 104390 405 104391 104393 104394 104395 104396 104397 104398 104399 104400 104416 104419 104420 104421 104422 104423 104401 104402 104403 104404 29 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check Date Vendor Description Amount 03/03/2006 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL Accounts Payable Check 1,409.64 03/03/2006 TARVIN & ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 840.00 03/03/2006 TAYLOR RENTAL CENTER Accounts Payable Check 32.83 03/03/2006 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS Accounts Payable Check 519.06 03/03/2006 CHRISTOPHER DANIEL THOMAS Accounts Payable Check 80.00 03/03/2006 TODD PIPE & SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 1,440.37 03/03/2006 UNION ASPHALT, INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,701.62 03/03/2006 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST, INC Accounts Payable Check 5,489.77 03/03/2006 UNITED STAFFING ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 1,020.00 03/03/2006 UPS Accounts Payable Check 22.14 03/03/2006 VIGNERON, INC. Accounts Payable Check 170.00 03/03/2006 WESTATES TRUCK EQUIPMENT CORP Accounts Payable Check 76.67 03/03/2006 BRIAN WESTERMAN Accounts Payable Check 10.00 03/03/2006 SUSAN M. WILLIAMS Accounts Payable Check 15.66 03/06/2006 MID -STATE BANK 03/06/2006 AFLAC 03/06/2006 BLUE CROSS OF CALIFORNIA 03/06/2006 BLUE SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA 03/06/2006 DELTA DENTAL, ATTN: ACCOUNTING 03/06/2006 THE STANDARD UNIT 22 03/06/2006 UNUM LIFE INSURANCE CO. 03/06/2006 DAVID W. BROWN PAINTING 03/06/2006 VOID 03/06/2006 RANCHO MOTOR CO. 03/09/2006 CELLULAR ONE 03/09/2006 I.M.P.A.C. GOVERNMENT SERVICES 03/09/2006 BOB JOSLIN 03/09/2006 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC 03/09/2006 FINANCE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH 03/09/2006 SAN LUIS OBISPO CO ENVIRONMENT 03/10/2006 ATASCADERO FIRE EMPLOYEE ASSN. 03/10/2006 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION 03/10/2006 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS ASN 03/10/2006 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Accounts Payable Check 174.52 Payroll Vendor Payment 3,427.90 Accounts Payable Payroll Vendor Payment 96,254.9* Payroll Vendor Payment 1,747.11 Payroll Vendor Payment 8,160.74 Payroll Vendor Payment 954.56 Payroll Vendor Payment 624.68 Accounts Payable Check 825.00 Accounts Payable Check 0.00 Accounts Payable Check 34,338.40 Accounts Payable Check 951.09 Accounts Payable Check 11,020.81 Accounts Payable Check 100.00 Accounts Payable Check 2,923.92 Accounts Payable Check 413.61 Accounts Payable Check 793.00 Payroll Vendor Payment 570.00 Payroll Vendor Payment 20.00 Payroll Vendor Payment 599.50 Payroll Vendor Payment 207.6 Check tuber 104405 104406 104407 104408 104409 104410 104411 104412 104413 104414 104415 406 104424 104425 104426 104427 104428 104429 104430 104431 104432 104433 104434 104436 104437 104439 104440 104441 104442 104443 104444 104445 104446 104447 Check Date 03/10/2006 03/10/2006 03/10/2006 03/10/2006 03/10/2006 03/10/2006 03/10/2006 03/10/2006 03/10/2006 03/10/2006 03/10/2006 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Vendor EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST - 401 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST - 457 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEP SEIU LOCAL 620 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY 03/14/2006 MID -STATE BANK Description Amount Payroll Vendor Payment 8,354.69 Payroll Vendor Payment 843.80 Payroll Vendor Payment 10,308.45 Payroll Vendor Payment 2,323.37 Payroll Vendor Payment 854.88 Payroll Vendor Payment 88.00 Payroll Vendor Payment 450.78 Payroll Vendor Payment 16.19 Payroll Vendor Payment 68,298.21 Payroll Vendor Payment 695.52 Payroll Vendor Payment 26.00 Payroll Vendor Payment 37,333.15 03/18/2006 A & T ARBORISTS Accounts Payable Check 1,137.15 03/18/2006 A CLEAR PERSPECTIVE Accounts Payable Check 1,150.00 03/18/2006 ACTION TOWING & RECOVERY, LLC Accounts Payable Check 50.00 03/18/2006 AIR -LEFT REFRIGERATION & HTG Accounts Payable Check 160.87 03/18/2006 ALL ABOUT PRODUCE, CORP.- Accounts Payable Check 1,039.38 03/18/2006 ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. Accounts Payable Check 656.14 03/18/2006 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL SAFETY Accounts Payable Check 22.52 03/18/2006 AMERICAN MARBORG Accounts Payable Check 145.54 03/18/2006 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS Accounts Payable Check 41.50 03/18/2006 API, ATLAS PERFORMANCE INDUST Accounts Payable Check 410.00 03/18/2006 AQUAMARK POOL CARE Accounts Payable Check 156.90 03/18/2006 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 1,125.06 03/18/2006 GINA ARIAS Accounts Payable Check 25.76 03/18/2006 ARLYNE'S FLOWERS & ETC. Accounts Payable Check 367.86 03/18/2006 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 42.59 03/18/2006 ATASCADERO COMMUNITY Accounts Payable Check 31,133.00 03/18/2006 ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 1,443.32 03/18/2006 ATASCADERO GLASS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 275.00 03/18/2006 ATASCADERO LOAVES & FISHES Accounts Payable Check 7,040.00 03/18/2006 ATASCADERO MAIN STREET Accounts Payable Check 14,790.00 03/18/2006 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. Accounts Payable Check 102.60 03/18/2006 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 4,396.18 03/18/2006 ATASCADERO PLUMBING Accounts Payable Check 1,831.16 30 Check Number 104448 104449 104450 104451 104452 104453 104454 104455 104456 104457 104458 104459 104460 104461 104462 104463 104464 104465 104466 104467 104468 104469 104470 104471 104472 104473 104474 104475 104476 104477 104478 104479 104480 104481 104482 104483 31 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check Date Vendor Description 03/18/2006 ATASCADERO TEMPLE ASSOCIATION 03/18/2006 ATASCADERO TRAFFIC WAY STORAGE 03/18/2006 ATC ASSOCIATES, INC. 03/18/2006 AVAYA INC. 03/18/2006 B.W.S. DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 0.3/18/2006 BANGERT CONSULTING 03/18/2006 BANK OF NEW YORK 03/18/2006 BASSETT'S CRICKET RANCH,INC. 03/18/2006 BAY LAUREL GARDEN CENTER 03/18/2006 SHERRY BAZZELL 03/18/2006 CINDY K. BENSON 03/18/2006 BEST BEST & KRIEGER LLP 03/18/2006 BFGC ARCHITECTS PLANNERS, INC. 03/18/2006 BOB'S CRANE SERVICE 03/18/2006 BRYAN BOOTS 03/18/2006 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC 03/18/2006 JEFF BRAZZI 03/18/2006 BRENDLER JANITORIAL SERVICE 03/18/2006 CAL -COAST REFRIGERATION, INC 03/18/2006 CALIFORNIA CODE CHECK 03/18/2006 CALIFORNIA CONSERVATION CORP 03/18/2006 CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL 03/18/2006 CANNON ASSOCIATES 03/18/2006 CASHIERS OFFICE 03/18/2006 CED 03/18/2006 CENTRAL COAST ARCHAEOLOGY 03/18/2006 CENTRAL COAST BRIDE 03/18/2006 CENTRAL COAST CONTAINERS 03/18/2006 CENTRAL COAST PLAYGROUNDS 03/18/2006 CENTRAL COAST STRIPING, INC. 03/18/2006 CENTRAL COAST WATER TREATMENT 03/18/2006 CHEM CLEAN 03/18/2006 BRADY CHERRY 03/18/2006 CHEVRON 03/18/2006 CHICAGO GRADE LANDFILL 03/18/2006 JOSEPH CHOUINARD P.E. Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Amount 455.00 1,067.00 34,158.60 22.42 768.87 5,322.98 2,279.00 109.86 63.50 41.01 819.35 4,701.97 3,250.00 250.00 160.00 238.02 70.0 595.0 90.39 22,385.43 1,200.00 120.00 305.00 154.00 406.81 1,375.00 350.00 2,981.96 10,379.92 1,268.00 140.00 312.68 300.00 970.11 40* 6,853.01 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check umber Check Date Vendor Description Amount 104484 03/18/2006 CINGULAR WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 88.72 104485 03/18/2006 • CJP PRODUCTIONS Accounts Payable Check 600.00 104486 03/18/2006 JERRY L. CLAY Accounts Payable Check 75.00 104487 03/18/2006 CLEAN WATER SYSTEMS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 35.00 104488 03/18/2006 COAST ELECTRONICS Accounts Payable Check 83.66 104489 03/18/2006 COASTAL COPY, LP Accounts Payable Check 317.13 104490 03/18/2006 COASTAL IMAGING SUPPLIES Accounts Payable Check 164.09 104491 03/18/2006 COASTLINE EQUIPMENT Accounts Payable Check 1,487.68 104492 03/18/2006 CONOCOPHILLIPS Accounts Payable Check 3,300.66 104493 03/18/2006 CONSOLIDATED PLASTICS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 169.97 104494 03/18/2006 COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 511.50 104495 03/18/2006 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 178.00 104496 03/18/2006 CSK AUTO, INC. Accounts Payable Check 13.88 104497 03/18/2006 CTM GROUP, INC. Accounts Payable Check 188.30 104498 03/18/2006 CUSTOM DESIGN SOFTWARE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 10,031.25 104499 03/18/2006 DARRYUS LOCK AND SAFE Accounts Payable Check 113.65 104500 03/18/2006 DATAPRINT CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 272.25 104501 03/18/2006 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 104502 03/18/2006 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 473.69 104503 03/18/2006 PATRICIA DEIRMENJIAN Accounts Payable Check 25.39 104504 03/18/2006 DOCUTEAM Accounts Payable Check 24.95 104505 03/18/2006 DOGGIE WALK BAGS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 134.69 104506 03/18/2006 MANDY DUMONG Accounts Payable Check 69.70 104507 03/18/2006 MIKE DURKEE Accounts Payable Check 48.00 104508 03/18/2006 RICHARD DUTRA Accounts Payable Check 35.00 104509 03/18/2006 EL CAMINO CAR WASH LLC Accounts Payable Check 14.95 104510 03/18/2006 EL CAMINO HOMELESS ORG. Accounts Payable Check 5,062.41 104511 03/18/2006 ESCUELA DEL RIO Accounts Payable Check 178.20 104512 03/18/2006 EWING Accounts Payable Check 315.62 104513 03/18/2006 KEITH J. FALERIOS Accounts Payable Check 20.00 104514 03/18/2006 FEDERAL EXPRESS Accounts Payable Check 19.33 104515 03/18/2006 FENCE FACTORY ATASCADERO Accounts Payable Check 138.64 104516 03/18/2006 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 299.82 104517 03/18/2006 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check 441.00 104518 03/18/2006 FOOD FOR LESS Accounts Payable Check 139.77 32 Check Number 104519 104520 104521 104522 104523 104524 104525 104526 104527 104528 104529 104530 104531 104532 104533 104534 104535 104536 104537 104538 104539 104540 104541 104542 104543 104544 104545 104546 104547 104548 104549 104550 104551 104552 104553 104554 33 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check Date Vendor 03/18/2006 KEN FORMAN 03/18/2006 WARREN FRACE 03/18/2006 FRANKIE'S DELI 03/18/2006 FRAZEE INDUSTRIES, INC. 03/18/2006 ` NATHAN FULLER 03/18/2006 FURNITURE INSTALLATION TEAM 03/18/2006 GAS COMPANY 03/18/2006 GLEN GAULTNEY 03/18/2006 GEM AUTO PARTS 03/18/2006 CHARLES GENASCI 03/18/2006 GIBBS INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 03/18/2006 GILBERT'S LANDSCAPES 03/18/2006 GRISANTI HARDWARE 03/18/2006 H.D. PETERSON 03/18/2006 BRIAN J. HAMPTON 03/18/2006 ASHLEY HARRIS 03/18/2006 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT & COPY 03/18/2006 HI STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE 03/18/2006 HINDERLITER, DE LLAMAS 03/18/2006 HOBBY BODY & PAINT SHOP 03/18/2006 WILLIE E. HOLLOWAY 03/18/2006 HSM ELECTRONIC PROTECTION SCVS 03/18/2006 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS MGMNT 03/18/2006 J.S.M. ELECTRIC 03/18/2006 JIFFY LUBE/SOUND BILLING 03/18/2006 JOBS AVAILABLE, INC. 03/18/2006 COURTNEY JONES 03/18/2006 STEVEN KAHN 03/18/2006 KERSEY S ATASCADERO QUICK LUBE 03/18/2006 KPRL 1230 AM 03/18/2006 JAMES R. LEWIS 03/18/2006 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 03/18/2006 GEORGE W. LUNA 03/18/2006 MADRONE LANDSCAPING 03/18/2006 DAVID C. MAIN, AIA 03/18/2006 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK, INC. Description Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Amount • 492.23 300.00 111.81 133.75 80.00 6,752.00 4,940.82 4,782.32 970.63 35.00 3.89 150.00 58.47 443.16 50.00 29.79 661.666 11,317.73 900.00 2,943.61 600.00 390.00 73.50 315.00 158.53 479.40 237.16 350.00 36.67 144.00 250.00 104.00 75.00 1,130.00 2,750.00 284.35 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check umber Check Date Vendor Description Amount 104555 03/18/2006 STEVEN A. MANIER Accounts Payable Check 40.00 104556 03/18/2006 MATTHEW BENDER & CO., INC. Accounts Payable Check 147.47 104557 03/18/2006 BECKY MAXWELL Accounts Payable Check 64.65 104558 03/18/2006 MCALLISTER OFFICE PAVILION Accounts Payable Check 6,627.77 104559 03/18/2006 ERIN MCGRATH Accounts Payable Check 8.90 104560 03/18/2006 STEVE MCHARRIS Accounts Payable Check 145.02 104561 03/18/2006 WADE MCKINNEY Accounts Payable Check 500.00 104562 03/18/2006 SAM MCMILLAN Accounts Payable Check 56.00 104563 03/18/2006 CORY MEYER Accounts Payable Check 20.00 104564 03/18/2006 MICHAEL FREDERICK PAVING,INC. Accounts Payable Check 2,011.59 104565 03/18/2006 MICHAEL'S WINDOW CLEANING Accounts Payable Check 75.00 104567 03/18/2006 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 1,563.12 104568 03/18/2006 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 80.04 104569 03/18/2006 DAVID MONGE Accounts Payable Check 40.00 104570 03/18/2006 NORTH COUNTY DIESEL Accounts Payable Check 768.77 104571 03/18/2006 THOMAS P. O'MALLEY Accounts Payable Check 75.00 104572 03/18/2006 OFFICE DEPOT INC. Accounts Payable Check 836.20 104573 03/18112006 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 406.93 104574 03/18/2006 BECKY J. PACAS Accounts Payable Check 75.00 104575 03/18/2006 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 5,095.85 104576 03/18/2006 PADRE ASSOCIATES, INC. Accounts Payable Check 293.05 104577 03/18/2006 PASO ROBLES ELECTRIC, INC. Accounts Payable Check 63.30 104578 03/18/2006 PASO ROBLES SAFE & LOCK Accounts Payable Check 194.00 104579 03/18/2006 KATHLEEN A. PENCE Accounts Payable Check 6,581.25 104580 03/18/2006 PERFORMANCE CLEANING SYSTEMS Accounts Payable Check 200.00 104581 03/18/2006 PERRY'S PARCEL & COURIER SVC Accounts Payable Check 82.83 104582 03/18/2006 KAREN POLAND Accounts Payable Check 14.37 104583 03/18/2006 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION, INC. Accounts Payable Check. 1,178.68 104584 03/18/2006 PRINT LOGIC, INC. Accounts Payable Check 70.00 104585 03/18/2006 PRO MOTION SIGNS & SPORTS Accounts Payable Check 91.16 104586 03/18/2006 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 633.19 104587 03/18/2006 PSC INDUSTRIAL OUTSCOURCING IN Accounts Payable Check 590.00 104588 03/18/2006 GRACE L. PUCCI Accounts Payable Check 622.50 104589 03/18/2006 RECALL SECURE DESTRUCTION SERV Accounts Payable Check 61.53 104590 03/18/2006 RACHELLE RICKARD Accounts Payable Check 300.00 34 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 0 104591 03/18/2006 ROHRER HAY & FEED SALES Accounts Payable Check 211.28 104592 03/18/2006 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SHERIFF Accounts Payable Check 28,814.94 104593 03/18/2006 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY TAX COL Accounts Payable Check 55,461.00 104594 03/18/2006 SANTA MARIA TIRE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 732.81 104595 03/18/2006 SANTA MARIA TOOL, INC. Accounts Payable Check 9,987.82 104596 03/18/2006 SBC Accounts Payable Check 1,134.96 104597 03/18/2006 SBC/MCI Accounts Payable Check 1,014.91 104598 03/18/2006 WENDY SCALISE Accounts Payable Check 75.00 104599 03/18/2006 MICHELE SCHAMBER Accounts Payable Check 20.00 104600 03/18/2006 SCHIMM'S TREE SERVICE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 875.00 104601 03/18/2006 SCMAF . Accounts Payable Check 25.00 104602 03/18/2006 SCOTT O'BRIEN FIRE & SAFETY CO Accounts Payable Check 190.71 104603 03/18/2006 SHELL Accounts Payable Check 390.60 104604 03/18/2006 GEORGE SITYAVITZ Accounts Payable Check 49.32 104605 03/18/2006 SIGN OUTLET Accounts Payable Check 1,644.99 104606 03/18/2006 SLIGH CABINETS, INC Accounts Payable Check 2,400.00 104607 03/18/2006 SLO COUNTY CLERK RECORDER Accounts Payable Check 1,275.0 104608 03/18/2006 SMART AND FINAL Accounts Payable Check 152.40 104609 03/18/2006 KATE STEINBECK Accounts Payable Check 86.82 104610 03/18/2006 GARI STINEBAUGH Accounts Payable Check 100.00 104611 03/18/2006 KURT W. STONE Accounts Payable Check 40.00 104612 03/18/2006 SUN BADGE COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 109.98 104613 03/18/2006 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL Accounts Payable Check 1,269.90 104614 03/18/2006 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIERS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 54.76 104615 03/18/2006 TAYLOR RENTAL CENTER Accounts Payable Check 59.21 104616 03/18/2006 TED MILES JEEP Accounts Payable Check 225.00 104617 03/18/2006 TEMPLETON FEED & GRAIN Accounts Payable Check 86.00 104618 03/18/2006 TESORO Accounts Payable Check 5,352.57 104619 03/18/2006 KRISTIN K. THAYER Accounts Payable Check 300.00 104620 03/18/2006 CHRISTOPHER DANIEL THOMAS Accounts Payable Check 70.00 104621 03/18/2006 RUSS TOLCHARD Accounts Payable Check 34.16 104622 03/18/2006 TOWN & COUNTRY FENCING Accounts Payable Check 20,285.00 104623 03/18/2006 UNION ASPHALT, INC. Accounts Payable Check 381.57 104624 03/18/2006 UNITED STAFFING ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 1,280.00 104625 03/18/2006 USA BLUE BOOK Accounts Payable Check 266.1 0 104626 03/18/2006 VALLEY PACIFIC PETROLEUM SVCS Accounts Payable Check 5,866.14 35 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check umber Check Date Vendor Description Amount 104627 03/18/2006 VERIZON WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 1,476.15 104628 03/18/2006 WILLIAM VETTER Accounts Payable Check 2,441.60 104629 03/18/2006 VIBORG SAND & GRAVEL, INC. Accounts Payable Check 110,042.40 104630 03/18/2006 WALLACE GROUP Accounts Payable Check 4,096.42 104631 03/18/2006 WYSONG CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 50,670.00 407 03/20/2006 MID -STATE BANK Accounts Payable Check 500.00 408 03/20/2006 MID -STATE BANK Accounts Payable Check 75.00 409 03/20/2006 MID -STATE BANK Accounts Payable Check 10.00 410 03/20/2006 MID -STATE BANK Accounts Payable Check 70.00 414 03/22/2006 MID -STATE BANK Accounts, Payable Check 66.00 411 03/24/2006 MID -STATE BANK Accounts Payable Check 42.00 412 _ 03/24/2006 MID -STATE BANK Accounts Payable Check 66.00 413 03/24/2006 MID -STATE BANK Accounts Payable Check 84.70 415 03/24/2006 MID -STATE BANK Accounts Payable Check 42.00 104632 03/24/2006 ATASCADERO FIRE EMPLOYEE ASSN. Payroll Vendor Payment 650.00 104633 03/24/2006 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 20.00 104634 03/24/2006 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS ASN Payroll Vendor Payment 599.55 104635 03/24/2006 AXA EQUITABLE Payroll Vendor Payment 371.15 104636 03/24/2006 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 207.69 104637 03/24/2006 CITIPAC Payroll Vendor Payment 30.00 104638 03/24/2006 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 8,174.68 104639 03/24/2006 EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 820.76 104640 03/24/2006 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 10,308.45 104641 03/24/2006 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST - 457 Payroll Vendor Payment 854.88 104642 03/24/2006 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS Payroll Vendor Payment 88.00 104643 03/24/2006 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Payroll Vendor Payment 483.26 104644 03/24/2006 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 16.19 104645 03/24/2006 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEP Payroll Vendor Payment 67,931.12 104646 03/24/2006 SEIU LOCAL 620 Payroll Vendor Payment 661.33 104647 03/24/2006 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 31.00 416 03/28/2006 MID -STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 36,440.04 104648 03/31/2006 AAA APPLIANCE SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 399.55 104649 03/31/2006 ACE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 440.09 36 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check Number Check Date Vendor. Description Amount 104650 03/31/2006 AGP VIDEO Accounts Payable Check 350.00 104651 03/31/2006 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT Accounts Payable Check 600.70 104652 03/31/2006 AIRGAS WEST Accounts Payable Check 92.08 104653 03/31/2006 ALLAN HANCOCK COLLEGE Accounts Payable Check 135.00 104654 03/31/2006 ALTHOUSE & MEADE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,776.52 104655 03/31/2006 ALTHOUSE & MEADE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 713.00 104656 03/31/2006 AMERICAN EXPRESS Accounts Payable Check 220.60 104657 03/31/2006 AMERICAN MARBORG Accounts Payable Check 85.16 104658 03/31/2006 PAULA ANTON Accounts Payable Check 244.10 104659 03/31/2006 API, ATLAS PERFORMANCE INDUST Accounts Payable Check 205.00 104660 03/31/2006 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 431.34 104661 03/31/2006 , ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 1,244.29 104662 03/31/2006 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. Accounts Payable Check 126.15 104663 03/31/2006 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 1,581.50 104664 03/31/2006- ROBERT J. BAGBY Accounts Payable Check 220.70 104665 03/31/2006 BANGERT CONSULTING Accounts Payable Check 3,977.02 104666 03/31/2006 BATTERY SYSTEMS Accounts Payable Check 325.70 104667 03/31/2006 AMY M. BEEMAN Accounts Payable Check Y 277.20 104668 03/31/2006 CINDY K. BENSON Accounts Payable Check 300.30 104669 03/31/2006 LAURA BERNA Accounts Payable Check 66.00 104670 03/31/2006 BEST BEST & KRIEGER LLP Accounts Payable Check 6,381.40 104671 03/31/2006 BIG TRAY Accounts Payable Check 3,896.39 104672 03/31/2006 DIANE L. BISTAGNE Accounts Payable Check 79.80 104673 03/31/2006 BLUEPRINTER Accounts Payable Check 30.57 104674 03/31/2006 BP GRAPHICS & SCREENPRINT, INC Accounts Payable Check 2,144.65 104675 03/31/2006 JEFF BRAZZI Accounts Payable Check 20.00 104676 03/31/2006 BRENDLER JANITORIAL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 180.00 104677 03/31/2006 BRINAR CONSTRUCTION, INC. Accounts Payable Check 6,701.54 104678 03/31/2006 CALIFORNIA CONSERVATION CORP Accounts Payable Check 800.00 104679 03/31/2006 CANNON ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 3,081.00 104680 03/31/2006 CED Accounts Payable Check 33.82 104681 03/31/2006 CELLULAR ONE Accounts Payable Check 887.35 104682 03/31/2006 CHICAGO GRADE LANDFILL Accounts Payable Check 40.00 104683 03/31/2006 KATHY J. CINOWALT Accounts Payable Check 196.00 104684 03/31/2006 COAST ELECTRONICS Accounts Payable Check 912.4 104685 03/31/2006 COASTAL IMAGING SUPPLIES Accounts Payable Check 201.19 37 Check 0umber 104686 104687 104688 104689 104690 104691 104692 104693 104694 104695 104696 104697 104698 104699 104700 104701 104702 104703 104704 104705 104706 104707 104708 104709 104710 104711 104712 104713 104714 104715 104716 104717 104718 104719 104720 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check GAS COMPANY Date Vendor 03/31/2006 MARGERY CONNER 03/31/2006 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO 03/31/2006 CREDIT BUREAU 03/31/2006 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 03/31/2006 CUESTA COLLEGE 03/31/2006 DARRYUS LOCK AND SAFE 03/31/2006 DAN DAVIS 03/31/2006 GAIL L. DAVIS 03/31/2006 JOSHUA STEPHEN DAWSON-LEISURE 03/31/2006 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY 03/31/2006 PATRICIA DEIRMENJIAN 03/31/2006 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 03/31/2006 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 03/31/2006 DOOLEY ENTERPRISES INC 03/31/2006 DRIVER ALLIANT INSURANCE 03/31/2006 EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC 03/31/2006 EASY FUNDRAISING IDEAS 03/31/2006 EASYLINK SERVICES CORP. 03/31/2006 EL CAMINO CAR WASH LLC 03/31/2006 KEITH J. FALERIOS 03/31/2006 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR 03/31/2006 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL 03/31/2006 FIRST AM REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS 03/31/2006 FOOD FOR LESS 03/31/2006 FRAZEE INDUSTRIES, INC. 03/31/2006 NATHAN FULLER 03/31/2006 FURNITURE INSTALLATION TEAM 03/31/2006 GAS COMPANY 03/31/2006 GEM AUTO PARTS 03/31/2006 GILBERT'S LANDSCAPES 03/31/2006 KELLY GLEASON 03/31/2006 GLEN N,BURDETTE,PHILLIPS,& 03/31/2006 KENNETH GLYNN 03/31/2006 GOLDEN STATE COPIER & MAILING 03/31/2006 GRAY LIFT, INC. Description Amount Accounts Payable Check 42.00 Accounts Payable Check 43.00 Accounts Payable Check 8.64 Accounts Payable Check 168.00 Accounts Payable Check 50.00 Accounts Payable Check 193.25 Accounts Payable Check 609.00 Accounts Payable Check 2,218.85 Accounts Payable Check 580.00 Accounts Payable Check 12.24 Accounts Payable Check 32.68 Accounts Payable Check 2,090.00 Accounts Payable Check 1,252.12 Accounts Payable Check 1,483.88 Accounts Payable Check 2,626.00 Accounts Payable Check 2,194.50 Accounts Payable Check 375.00 Accounts Payable Check 2.13 Accounts Payable Check 29.90 Accounts Payable Check 10.00 Accounts Payable Check 185.20 Accounts Payable Check 691.00 Accounts Payable Check 100.00 Accounts Payable Check 43.55 Accounts Payable Check 470.37 Accounts Payable Check 80.00 Accounts Payable Check 185.00 Accounts Payable Check 2,517.21 Accounts Payable Check 155.47 Accounts Payable Check 8,153.00 Accounts Payable Check 140.00 Accounts Payable Check 3;200.00 Accounts Payable Check 259.00 Accounts Payable Check 1,400.00 Accounts Payable Check 904.72 Check Number 104721 104722 104723 104724 104726 104727 104732 104733 104734 104735 104736 104737 104738 104739 104740 104741 104742 104743 104744 104745 104746 104747 104748 104749 104750 104751 104752 104753 104754 104755 104756 104757 104758 104759 104760 104761 M City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check Date Vendor 03/31/2006 GRISANTI HARDWARE 03/31/2006 ASHLEY HARRIS 03/31/2006 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT & COPY 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 ` 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2006 HERITAGE HELMETS HOME DEPOT HSM ELECTRONIC PROTECTION SCVS I.M.P.A.C. GOVERNMENT SERVICES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EVELYN INGRAM INTERNATIONAL FOOTPRINT ASSC. INTERNATIONAL POLICE TECHNOLOG J. CARROLL JACOB JAMISON JESPERSEN'S TIRE SERVICE, INC. JIFFY LUBE/SOUND BILLING JOEL SWITZER DIESEL REPAIR ROBERT M. JONES JERI KNOTT L.N. CURTIS & SONS LAB SAFETY SUPPLY, INC. LAUTZENHISER'S STATIONARY LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE LOCATE PLUS CORPORATION CHRISTINE LUND MAINLINE UTILITY CO. STEVE MCHARRIS MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. MCWILLIAMS CONSULTING CANDICE MELENDEZ DELMA MEYER KEN MEYER MGE UNDERGROUND, INC. MICHAEL FREDERICK PAVING,INC. MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE DAVID MONGE Description Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Amount —6 125.75 28.80 409.87 657.28 6,401.36 500.00 37,495.93 762.73 648.67 70.00 172.25 2,615.89 40.00 576.99 95.13 119.24 687.50 19.51 769.15 ` 618.88 157.83 1,421.32 55.00 92.40 2,775.00 94.06 695.62 5,325.00 50.00 34.90 74.00 68,769.04 4,071.00 271.52 80.0 30.00 Check tuber 104762 104763 104764 104765 104766 104767 104768 104770 104771 104772 104773 104774 104775 104776 104777 104778 1*104779 104780 104781 104782 104783 104784 104785 104786 104787 104788 104789 104790 104791 104792 104793 104794 104795 104796 • 104797 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check Date Vendor 03/31/2006 MORRO GROUP, INC. 03/31/2006 NEW EDGE NETWORKS TRANSEDGE 03/31/2006 NOWDOCS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 03/31/2006 MATTHEW J. O'CONNELL 03/31/2006 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 03/31/2006 ONE HOUR PHOTO STOP 03/31/2006 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY 03/31/2006 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC 03/31/2006 PASO ROBLES ELECTRIC, INC. 03/31/2006 PASO ROBLES HEATING & AIR COND 03/31/2006 PASO ROBLES SAFE & LOCK 03/31/2006 KATHLEEN A. PENCE 03/31/2006 PETE JOHNSTON CHEVROLET 03/31/2006 FRED PFLUM 03/31/2006 PLANT DOCTOR 03/31/2006 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS 03/31/2006 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION, INC. 03/31/2006 PRINT LOGIC, INC. 03/31/2006 PRO MOTION SIGNS & SPORTS 03/31/2006 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY 03/31/2006 PSOMAS 03/31/2006 GRACE L. PUCCI 03/31/2006 QUILL CORPORATION 03/31/2006 RECOGNITION WORKS 03/31/2006 REDWOOD TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY 03/31/2006 REESE WATER & LAND SURVEYING S 03/31/2006 REGAL ELECTRIC 03/31/2006 REGAL ELECTRIC 03/31/2006 RETURN ENGAGEMENTS 03/31/2006 REVENUE & COST SPECIALISTS LLC 03/31/2006 RACHELLE RICKARD 03/31/2006 CAROLE ROBINSON 03/31/2006 STEVE ROMO 03/31/2006 SAN LUIS OBISPO CO OFF. OF EDU 03/31/2006 SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE Description Amount Accounts Payable Check 206.25 Accounts Payable Check 279.95 Accounts Payable Check 120.11 Accounts Payable Check 16.00 Accounts Payable Check 1,450.92 Accounts Payable Check 1,007.07 Accounts Payable Check 17.77 Accounts Payable Check 22,499.22 Accounts Payable Check 2,596.39 Accounts Payable Check 471.03 Accounts Payable Check 18.98 Accounts Payable Check 1,752.18 Accounts Payable Check 13.71 Accounts Payable Check 60.00 Accounts Payable Check 475.00 Accounts Payable Check 33.19 Accounts Payable Check 102.45 Accounts Payable Check 70:00 Accounts Payable Check 32.18 Accounts Payable Check 540.96 Accounts Payable Check 952.98 Accounts Payable Check 630.00 Accounts Payable Check 33.73 Accounts Payable Check 4.29 Accounts payable Check 6.00 Accounts Payable Check 1,355.00 Accounts Payable Check 7,795.88 Accounts Payable Check 3,511.64 Accounts Payable Check 107.50 Accounts Payable Check 10,352.87 Accounts Payable Check 43.39 Accounts Payable Check 460.00 Accounts Payable Check 81.00 Accounts Payable Check 520.00 Accounts Payable Check 635.00 Ed Check Number 104798 104799 104800 104801 104804 104805 104806 104807 104808 104809 104810 104811 104812 104813 104814 104815 104816 104817 104818 104819 104820 104821 104822 104824 104825 104826 104827 104828 104829 104830 104831 104832 41 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2006 Check Date Vendor 03/31/2006 SANTA LUCIA SPORTSMEN ASSOCIAT 03/31/2006 SANTA MARIA TIRE, INC. 03/31/2006 SBC 03/31/2006 SBC SMART YELLOW PAGES 03/31/2006 SBC/MCI 03/31/2006 LISETTE SCHOLL 03/31/2006 SCOTT O'BRIEN FIRE & SAFETY CO 03/31/2006 JANELL SHERER 03/31/2006 JOHN SIEMENS 03/31/2006 SIMS FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 03/31/2006 SHANNON SIMS 03/31/2006 SLORTA 03/31/2006 DAVID L. SMAW 03/31/2006 SOUZA CONSTRUCTION INC. 03/31/2006 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 03/31/2006 KRISTIN K. THAYER 03/31/2006 CHRISTOPHER DANIEL THOMAS 03/31/2006 TIME WARNER TELECOM 03/31/2006 TOP SHOP UPHOLSTERY 03/31/2006 MARCIA TORGERSON 03/31/2006 U.S. POSTMASTER 03/31/2006 U.S. POSTMASTER 03/31/2006 UNITED STAFFING ASSOCIATES 03/31/2006 US FILTER AERATOR PRODUCTS 03/31/2006 VALLEY PACIFIC PETROLEUM SVCS 03/31/2006 VERIZON WIRELESS 03/31/2006 VIBORG SAND & GRAVEL, INC. 03/31/2006 WALLACE GROUP 03/31/2006 WALLACE GROUP 03/31/2006 WESTERN FARM SERVICE, INC. 03/31/2006 SUSAN M. WILLIAMS 03/31/2006 WILSON LAND SURVEYS, INC. 03/31/2006 MARCUS C. WOLF Description Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Accounts Payable Check Amount 212.80 589.84 1,026.86 223.00 1,415.29 259.70 167.92 74.00 164.55 800.00 20.92 4,500.00 51.00 66,310.74 1,703.31 125.00 80.00 1,347.3] 167.24 120.00 160.00 160.00 6,444.00 9,939.93 1,038.05 294.97 34,024.00 10,738.34 3,305.00 2,377.00 62.64 2,944.70 128.00 $ 1,853,822. ITEM NUMBER: A — 3 DATE: 05/09/06 ,' ® ago e a Isis- , Atascadero City Council March 2006 Staff Report - City Treasurer March 2006, Investment Report RECOMMENDATION: Council approve the City Treasurer's report for March 2006 REPORT IN BRIEF: Cash and Investments Checking $ 849,968 Money Market Accounts 2,083 Certificates of Deposit 8,308,837 Government Securities 8,292,030 LAIF 13,546,686 Cash with Fiscal Agents 149,161 Cash in Banks at March 31, 2006 $ 31,148,765 Deposits in Transit Outstanding Checks (613,279) Cash and Investments at March 31, 2006 $ 30,535,486 Investment Activity ,Securities Purchased: Purchase Date Description Type Cost Maturity Date 03/10/06 Federal Home Loan Bank gov't security $ 250,000 03/10/10 Securities Matured: None Securities Sold/Called Prior to Maturity: None Other Reportable Activities: None • Page 1 of 14 42 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT CASH & INVESTMENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 2006 CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS Balance per Banks at March 1, 2006 $ 369,993 $ 29,942,507 $ 184,097 $ 30,496,597 Receipts 2,335,467 129 446 2,336,042 Disbursements (1,928,492) - (35,382) (1,963,874) Transfers In from Redevelopment LAIF 280,000 - - 280,000 Transfers In 1,158,000 ' 1,365,000 2,523,000 Transfers Out (1,365,000) (1,158,000) - (2,523,000) Balance per Banks at March 31, 2006 $ 849,968 $ 30,149,636 $ 149,161 31,148,765 Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks (613,279) Adjusted Treasurer's Balance $ 30,535,486 43 Page 2 of 14 oo .• rrn 000 V O r oo V1 W b N 10 1 7 M V 10 M r0 M Lij ce O <Y N r oo lc ao 0o O O oo �O r M r M Nol r d' O O -Ir O O N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Z OLLQ W 10 W N O Ol O 0` O M O O of O U r (� O O O l� O. O V'i O h O u1 O O O O, S N ed e�tl to eV N t7 10 C, N C 1F C Z Ou r 10 M O O o v o o o o o O o O Cl O o O O O o O o O w 10 00 O O O O O O O M O O O O O O M O O O� O O O � O O� O � O O O O O Q M 0 0 0 0 e o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 v Z o v o o v v ro o v v v v o ry b a' N O o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o e o o Z M ^C7 Q [r C C o oo m a V M '+i M m e+i r•i a V 7 ri d' d ,� L h c \ CZ N N td ty N ted N R N N j f.. w 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 v a v Z .. C A v A a°i A aQi A aai A v N aAi A u y aAi A aAi A aai A A A y Q 4 > w m E a Id w w w w c v � � Ci U U U U C7 U C7 U U U V U C7 U o 0 0 o 0 C 0 0 0 o o CD N C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 u E m c 4 > o ° �a m •w � \'�+ ah "��" u Fey o �d F v sq oro SM E Q c o a ex z c o¢o um ;; a�1 cy e c Em o a3 w e c� co m 3 oC q tik UU e y 0 C4 o C Y+ Y � :Y d O F d L O S a b L oq p R O E u O� u Z U s N� m N L .F w L � Y G 7 .� r7 • d a 10 �o 1010 r r r r r r r c 0 a F r r r ol O ... \ \ N O '+1 O O W O 00 O oa O W O w O Q = O O O O 44 Q O N N`D r �° N oo V �o 00 N r .-• .• N '00 00 � r Voo h V �O N O �D M N V M N �° V •� � fr � e+' N M .� �• V1 °� .-• r N 00 00 l ' •� ^- �° N vi 10 7 O O+ o+ °, of °+ O+ of N O O O O O O V't O O O O O O O O O O O o O O O 0 O O O O O O O' O O O O O O O V O O to O O O O O O O O O O W r' of 10 a, - o0 of of v ao 10 o p o of rn o, of o. 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Z [. .o ,o o o .o .Q .o .O 'o .o .o .o .o .0 7 2 a a a a a aJ N N U N N U V U d N N N W w w w `n o o o c o o q o 0 0 0 0 o o. tz E (D uv v h N N N V N N V V N N N N M V V V M e O O ^ C-1 M O OO O � ^ Q of of of O O ^, ... .+ O O O O O O O C p _ y i V y p Y F s bn a+ �C a v � bA e0 Y Y > CQ •� W C 2 Cc P�j oy Ci o� boa a w c F �d o woxv �0. h E E .a N Cq c c ° � E m E Y , .�'`.. � o C7 u E oXo a o •m E 0 3 C c d E m O �O a vyyz co xz m� Z# c V y oa° y c xM Y r I'd 10 E C" d z n � 2 - S o r y E S e a ay ° p c o c yvo v°a CO) v o i `� d a s i :c �i a- �°. — = o o > o° d a o� zu w3 u.0 win wu Liu a = aH u x u u3 xc� u, wu� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1O N O� h N a, eO O - -� -- ^ N N O 45 ol Cl ao o v r oo vi vi o ren � m v ri V �`; V? 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C O•E W R O y ., •SJ' O •C bll y etl W cpq• d x. F..� d O Z m n b m w E o `, z o o o d o E o d a 5 o'a °Cn o Cz o V w- o �3 ir. wU UU QO wx wt7 U wa iwn 3v� wU UU� v O O O O O O O O O O O O O OR O O ID O t`- OO 7 ,D �_ Ch N O O .�. N R a R O O O O O O O O O O O 47 1 _ h r h d' N 1 O oo O N M O Z rz Cl o C, r vn o0 00 0. oo ClN N V C, V' I� O W in n W GO vt N N °,. Q` D\ 0. °, oo O+ Q` e Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 00 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C O w vi v; o0 0 oo vi O r � r r O O (` N td V1 N t�tl N A ttl td of N ttl ttl ttl N`d � -41 4 C g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 o O o 0 0 0 C C U j ol rn 0 rn a rn o rn rn rn rn rn rn rn o ° ° e J O o 0 ol ri v n O o O ren �at1 O e IZI 0 o v O v v v v rn Q � Q vt vt Vt N 1� Q n (�. 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A.0 o v a° g C•b0 �OM# a!p CO d O N d D➢ '10 E N ' L O J .7. •O O 3 d .�- L N m d ice- w U iE m y .0 U ¢� 5 m u c7 U o w U 3 3 ¢ u" w x w U x U w U w rn rn ol rn rn h W 01 0o O in t� O� 00 V1 D\ 10 Q 10 ^ of N QN N ^ N ^ M N M N V ^ Vl N V1 ^ �D N O r O O O O O O O CD O O 49 W o o v co C o ^ N of N O M ? ry V j V � M Q\ h M oro vl 10 O� VNl W W M V M V V r 10 N V V 00 zr Q e 0 0 o o Cl n o0 0 0 0 LL, lZi1 co .6 10- 7 Cl � w 4 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 C C o O, N P D\ O N °' O N Q � � Q H9 a o 0 0 0 o o e o e e o N O 00 7 f+1 O wi LQ 0' N e e o e C !W. 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 �J F. rn e Vt O O h N � N M O N til Q. C N 7 vi wi tjy .73 10 w z til Z v v u v ° CL Q q m q q V) W q q q N q � v. Vl Q G o a {Y O O U U U V U U U C7 U Q W o o v'o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 C O r r C p p O O O O O O 10, 4 .01 0 V) o �vWy) �4 C7 U �E.�i x mx ww wU mw oav, ow wU u wU z wv a c nl Vt O O N O M N O O O O O O b M M 0 vi 00 O �.1 a a m ° o u O r N O I` G c O d v r 14 { O O N � N❑ 4 Q bs .� ti U v � a T .N w a. C odo n. O 3 w �a� QZ'^ QC d n o 14 CL 9+ h O N y N � p ¢ C vo U c O LQ C 5 o o � � o � w y � U L p ° 'E H m x bA 51 Li I* City of Atascadero Investments by Type March 2006 Cash with Government Securities Fiscal Agent 270/ 0% Other cernncates of veposn 27% Investment March 2006 LAIF $ 13,546,686 Certificates of Deposit 8,308,837 Government Securities 8,292,030 Cash with Fiscal Agent 149,161 Other 2,083 $ 30,298,797 Page i l of 14 52 On Demand 45% City of Atascadero Investments by Maturity March 2006 One Month to One Year 53 Page 12 of 14 � 0 I* City of Atascadero Investments by Custodial Agent March 2006 0% Custodial Agent March 2006 State of California $ 13,546,686 Other 52,117 Union Bank 16,550,833 Bank of New York 149,161 $ 30,298,797 Page 13 of 14 ork i rnia 54 City of Atascadero Investment Yield vs. 2 -Year Treasury Yield For the Month Ended March 31, 2006 5.00% 4.50% --- - ----------- 4.00°i° - - - - - - ------ --- .--= = 3.50% - ---- -- - --',, 3.00%�+cn""�r�' 2.50% -- - ---------- 2.00% -- --r- --- 1.50% - --- --- ----- --- 1.00% - - ------ 10.50% - -._ _ _---------- -- --- i , a . 1 0.00% Oh O� Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh O� 00 Oh 00 00 Oro O O O O O O O O O O O O O ,a�Jac1 "City Yield 2 -Yr Treasury Yield 55 Page 14 of 14 r� 0 � 2 -Yr Treasury City Yield Yield March 2005 April 2005 2.99% 3.65% May 2005 3.08% 3.64% June 2005 3.28% 3.64% July 2005 3.34% 3.87% August 2005 3.45% 4.04% September 2005 3.54% 3.95% October 2005 3.60% 4.27% November 2005 3.71% 4.42% December 2005 3.79%° 4.40% January 2006 3.88% 4.40% February 2006 3.97% 4.67% March 2006 4.03% 4.73% 55 Page 14 of 14 r� 0 � ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 05/09/06 i Q i9 e d t���+��®rn i'ity t'n� �nni► Staff Report - Public Works Department Interchange Operational Improvement Study Consultant Services Contract RECOMMENDATION: Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Whitlock & Weinberger Transportation, Inc. known as, W -Trans, for an Interchange Operational Improvement Study. DISCUSSION. US Highway 101 runs through the heart of Atascadero with El Camino Real paralleling it. The interchanges over US 101 are narrow two lane bridges with no turn pockets for left hand turns onto the freeway ramps. Frontage road are in close proximity to the ramps. All this combines to cause a poor level of service and congestion for the traveling public. The conventional way to improve the traffic flow through an interchange is to widen the bridge and realign the ramps. The cost for this improvement is in the tens of million dollars and rising, as shown in the continuing increasing cost for the US 101' /SR 41 Interchange Project. A cost effective way to help to improve the flow of traffic on an interchange is with operational improvements. Operational improvements are changes in the signing and striping, increasing sight distance, moving ramps away from the bridges to allow controlled turning movements, closing or controlling frontage roads, construction of round -a -bouts -or signals at the ramp heads and other improvements. These improvements will not fix all of the circulation problems on the interchanges, but they will provide a better level of service. 56 ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 05/09/06 Staff sent out a Request for Proposals for the Operational Improvements to Interchanges. We requested the consultant study Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa, Curbaril, Traffic Way, San Anselmo and Del Rio Interchanges. Four qualified companies returned proposals for this work. Upon opening the proposals, they were rated on the following aspects, with a possible of 100 points: past experience in the public sector (20), adequacy of professional staff and depth of firm resources (15), scope of services to be provided by the firm (20), past experiences in the design of similar facilities (15), ability to meet project schedule (10), fee for work (20). Based on these criteria a firm called W -Trans had the highest overall score. This firm specializes in Operational Improvement Projects. The proposed cost of their services is $153,960.00. Staff recommends that the City enter into a contract with W -Trans. FISCAL IMPACT: REVENUE 2005/2007 Capital Budget $120,000 Regional State Highway Account Funds (RSHA) $50,000 TOTAL $170,000 Note: The RSHA funds were recently awarded by San Luis Council of Governments and are not in the current budget. EXPENSES Contract Costs $153,960 Administration $14,000 TOTAL $167,960 ALTERNATIVES: Do not Award Contract. There would not be an Interchange Operational Improvements Traffic Study done. 57 u • ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 05/09/06 191i i 19 6 Atascauero City Council Staff Report - Public Works Department Temporary Road Closure Del Rio and Obispo Roads RECOMMENDATION: Council approve the request from Dave Spurr Excavating for the temporary closure of portions of Del Rio Road and a partial closure of Obispo Road. DISCUSSION: Construction of a sewer main extension on the portion of Del Rio Road between EI Camino Real and Obispo Road is required for service to newly constructed homes on Obispo Road. The width of Del Rio Road is not sufficient to safely allow for construction equipment and one lane of flagman -controlled traffic, as would be considered ideal. The Contractor anticipates that the construction in Obispo Road can be accomplished with a lane closure and flagging. In the event that site conditions do not allow partial closure, full closure will be required for an estimated three to four day period and the required detour signage will be installed. The request is for closure of the roadway from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., May 22"d thru June 9th. As a condition of approval, the contractor will be required to install informational signs a minimum of one week in advance giving notice of the closure. Traffic will be detoured as indicated on the attached map. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: Aerial map • • • ITEM NUMBER: A-6 DATE: 05/09/06 A tascadero City Council Staff Report - Public Works Department Temporary Road Closure Palma Avenue RECOMMENDATION: Council approve the closure of Palma Avenue from East Mall to West Mall during the Father's House organization event in the Sunken Gardens on June 3, 2006, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. DISCUSSION: The Community Services Department has approved rental of the Sunken Gardens for a carnival BBQ and concert to be held by the Father's House organization on Saturday, �a, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In order to minimize impact to the turf June 3area, staff is requesting the closure of this section of Palma Avenue to allow for set-up on the roadway. Closure of this section of Palma will have minimum impact to traffic circulation. FISCAL IMPACT: $160.00 for the installation of Road Closed signs by.Public Works Staff. ATTACHMENTS: Road Closure Map 60 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 05/09/06 n 1918 170 Staff Report - Community Development Department Appeal 2006-0008 of Front Yard Fence Height Variance 2005-0009 (9186 Palomar Avenue) (Appeal of Planning Commission approval of a variance allowing a recently constructed six-foot high solid wood fence to remain within the front yard setback within a single-family residential neighborhood) RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt Draft Resolution A granting Appeal 2006-0008 (denying Variance 2005- 0009) based on findings. REPORT -IN -BRIEF: This is a request to appeal Planning Commission approval of a Variance allowing a recently constructed six-foot high solid wood fence to remain within the front yard setback within a single-family residential neighborhood. PC VOTE: 5 - 2 (Commissioner O'Keefe and Beraud dissenting) approving Variance 2005-0009 The City received a formal code violation complaint from a neighbor immediately after a 6 -foot high fence was constructed within the front yard of a single-family residence located at 9186 Palomar Avenue. Other than on lots over one -acre in size, the zoning code only allows a front yard fence to be a maximum of 3 feet in height. After being contacted by Code Enforcement, the owner, Mr. Roy, consulted with planning staff for options. Staff made it clear that the fence could not be approved. Mr. Roy insisted on applying for a variance if his fence -was not approved. Staff consistently explained to Mr. Roy that variance findings could not be made and any such application would result in denial However, Mr. Roy applied for variance. At no time did staff encourage Mr. Roy to apply, submit fees, or suggest that the Commission would approve the variance. Planning Commission discussion focused on debating the findings for variance vs. the fact that the fence was already constructed and that the house wasconstructedwith bedrooms facing the street. No findings for approval were made in the motion to approve the variance. 62 At the subsequent Planning Commission meeting, the Commission voted 4-2 (Jones absent) to adopt findings of variance approval. There was no discussion or determination for any of the required findings. An appeal of the Planning Commission's approval is being forwarded to the City Council to review the basis by which each of the Findings for approval was made. The appellant believes the Findings for approval cannot be based on the fact that: (1) The fence has already been constructed; (2) Other illegal fences may occur in the neighborhood; (3) Mr. Roy believes he was misguided by code enforcement staff; and Community Development staff. During the Planning Commission hearing, one of the Commissioners raised the possibility that the fence may be located in the street right-of-way. The City Engineer has completed a survey of Palomar Avenue and determined the fence is located in the street right-of-way and not on Mr. Roy's property. Situation and Facts: 1. Appellant: Joan O'Keefe, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 2. Project Location: 9186 Palomar Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 (San Luis Obispo County) APN 029-201-026 3. General Plan Designation: Single -Family Residential —Y (SFR -Y) 4. Zoning District: Residential Single -Family -Y (RSF-Y) 5. Existing Use; Single -Family Residence 6. Environmental Status: Categorical Exemption 15305. Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations. DISCUSSION: Background: In July 2005, the City of Atascadero received a complaint concerning the construction of a solid wood fence located within the front setback within a single-family residential neighborhood located at 9186 Palomar Avenue. According to the applicant, the fence was constructed to replace mature landscaping which had previously provided a solid screen to the applicant's front yard (Refer to photos below). The applicant was not aware of the City's Zoning Ordinance which prohibits fencing beyond 3 -feet tall within the front yard setback at the time of construction. Without knowledge that 'the fence was constructed in the City right-of-way, Staff discussed issues with the applicant and recommended potential remedies in lieu of.the front yard fence including: 63 (1) Lowering the fence height to 3 feet; • (2) Constructing a privacy fence behind the front setback; (3) Planting a tree or shrub in the area of concern; or (4) Installing vertical or horizontal window blinds and/or curtains. In addition, staff, made it clear that the existing fence could not be approved as a variance application. The applicant has rejected all staff recommendations and has applied for a variance under the belief that the fence is imperative for their bedroom privacy and staff is incorrectly interpreting the Atascadero Municipal Code for granting a variance approval. On February 7, 2006, the application was forwarded to the Planning Commission for denial as the existing fence is in direct violation of the Atascadero Municipal Code and in its present form and location is not an item subject to a variance application. The Planning Commission discussed several issues regarding the applicant's privacy issue, the property line/fence location, and the legal requirement for a variance. The Commission voted 6 -0 to continue the item to February 21, 2006 for additional information regarding the variance and municipal code issues which are analyzed below. On February 21, 2006 the Planning Commission voted 5=2 to approve the variance request. On March 3, 2006, an Appeal was submitted, requesting that the City Council uphold staff's recommendation to deny the Variance. On March 7, 2006, the Planning Commission adopted the required findings on a 5 -2 vote. The Commission did not provide comment on the pending Appeal or the required Findings but did approve the Findings as listed in their resolution. In March 2006, The City Engineer completed a survey of Palomar Avenue which identifies the fence as projecting up to 3 feet into the City right-of-way. Improvements within the public right-of-way require an encroachment permit with a $720 fee which is required in the event the fence were to be approved by the City Council. 0 The following specific items were discussed by the Planning Commission and have been analyzed by staff to aide the City Council in reaching a finding determination for the proposed project: (1) Definition of a Variance (Government Code Section 65906): Variances from the terms of the Zoning Ordinance shall be granted only when, because of special circumstances applicable to a property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. Variances are only applied to very unique situations -where no feasible alternatives exist. Staff Comment: The variance is a request for additional front window privacy by which similar arguments could be made for most residential lots. The characteristics associated with the applicant's property (size, shape, topography, location and surroundings) are commonly shared with single-family residential neighborhoods throughout the City. Atascadero residential neighborhood roads intersect, turn, bend, change direction, and slope up and down. Atascadero residential homes have front windows and doors that commonly face these neighborhood streets with landscaping, window curtains and sometimes lower decorative front yard fencing, often designed for aesthetics and home privacy. The subject property is not unique to Atascadero and the only special circumstance associated with this property is that the applicant has already constructed the fence in question which. is not a qualifying circumstance for a variance. (2) Variance Findings: Any variance granted shall be subject to such conditions as will assure that the adjustment thereby authorized shall not constitute a grant of special privileges. inconsistent with the limitations ,upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which such property is situated. Staff Comment: Again, the characteristics associated with the applicant's property (size, shape, topography, location and surroundings) and relationship to the neighborhood roads are commonly shared with single-family residential 65 • • neighborhoods throughout the City. The requested adjustment cannot be considered as a variance as the request constitutes a grant of special privilege as the subject property and the home front windows are not special or unique to the single-family residential neighborhoods of Atascadero. (3) Fence Height Required by Code Section 9-4.128: Fencing within a required front or corner yard setback in the RSF-Y zoning district can be a maximum of three (3) feet in height. Staff Comment: The existing fence must be removed or lowered to 3 -feet in height within the 25 -foot front yard setback of this property. Staff also notes that the codes only allows a taller fence in the larger lot (1 -acre or larger) residential neighborhoods. The City Council recently reviewed these fencing requirements in 2005 and their final determination on fence heights is reflected in the current fencing code. (4) Safety/Sight Distance: Street intersections and driveways are reviewed by the City for sight distance to identify safe vehicular travel where roads and driveways intersect. Sight -distance is measured at point 3 -feet high at the applicant's driveway, 12 feet back from the paved road edge, to a distance of 150 feet (for a 25 mph zone) in either direction. The fence shall not impair safe sight distance for vehicular traffic nor result in any other potential adverse impact on human health and safety (refer to engineering standard: Minimum Sight Distance for Driveways and Intersecting Roads with Stop Control). Staff Comment: The applicant's 6 -foot high fence does not violate this standard. (5) Similar Enforcement or Requests: Staff receives weekly inquiries regarding fence height and placement in residential zones. Similar code enforcement cases have been resolved by the offending property owners either lowering, or relocating, or removing their non -conforming fences. Staff Comment: Staff is concerned that this variance will create a precedent that will undermine enforce of the fencing standards. (5) Staff was unclear about process: The applicant stated that code enforcement staff identified the complainant as not residing in the immediate neighborhood, and the Community Development staff led the applicant to believe that the Variance could be approved by the Planning Commission. Staff Comment: Staff consistently explained to the applicant that a variance did not apply and any such application would result in denial. However, Mr. Roy insisted on proceeding to convince the Planning Commission otherwise. At no time did staff encourage Mr. Roy to apply, submit fees, or suggest that the Planning Commission would approve the variance. (6) The Fence is Located in the Street Right -of -Way A survey by the City Engineer has concluded that the fence was actually constructed in the street. Objects and structures are not permitted in the street right-of-way unless the City 93 Fence located in street right- of-way has granted an encroachment permit. If the Council upholds the variance then an encroachment permit would also need to be approved. Staff Comment: Staff is very concerned about granting both a variance and an encroachment permit for the fence. The street right-of-way is already narrow and granting an encroachment permit would limit the City's ability to make street improvements or install utilities in the future. In addition, this action would set a precedent for future fence encroachment permits. 67 0 � 1�1 • IN Monumen ^a in Wal( 1 a✓✓ ` Parke! 2 A ur y 8 PM' 99 antral y� ~C1. VVL .Y V FRO�Js �F-=LSO � 'I DATE: M/2000 wD. —31 � EXPIRES ,9"S3GI-tY7 a .." 0 ' • Cr Mp f " SCALE 1"- 20 THIS'MAP CORREMY'REPRESENTS A SUR4EY MADE BY ME 7�`l) ]MICSDN _ OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFD RMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS ACT P60G AT THE REQUEST OF: CITY OF ATASCADERB IN MARCH 2000. ,A3fw�'MIDs1#i iXd 88q�P CL AND RW (605)/66-i445 BASED ON \ I / FOUND MONUMENTS KENNETH D. NACSON LS 5571 EXP: 9-30-2007., 67 0 � 1�1 • • Analysis: As analyzed above, fencing and screening is subject to conform to the Zoning Ordinance for fence height. Disapproval shall be made when the City Council determines that the Variance does not satisfy criteria set forth in Government Code Section 65906 by finding that: (i) The variance constitutes a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zoning district in which such property is situated, or Staff Comment: The Variance request constitutes a grant of special privilege as the subject property location and the home front windows are not special or unique to the single-family residential neighborhoods of Atascadero. The Variance is a request for special privilege and will set precedence for future non -conforming fences that are currently resolved by staff through compliance with the municipal code. (ii) There are no special circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings, which would, upon application of this title, deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and in the same zoning district, or - Staff Comment: The characteristics associated with the applicant's property (size, shape, topography, location and surroundings) and relationship to the AM neighborhood roads are commonly enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and in the same zoning district. There is no special circumstance associated with this property. (iii) The variance would authorize a use which is not otherwise allowed in the zoning district, or Staff Comment: this finding does not apply to the request. (iv) The granting of such variance would, under the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, adversely affect the health or safety of persons, be materially detrimental to the public welfare, or be injurious to nearby property or improvements. Staff Comment: According to the City Engineer, the fence does not interfere with driveway sight distance per City standards. However, the fence is within the public -right-of-way and if approved, would require issuance of an encroachment permit. Conclusion: The requested Variance application does not apply to the applicant's existing front yard fence as there is no special circumstance associated with this property. In addition, the Variance is a request for special privilege and will set precedence for future non -conforming fences that are currently resolved by staff through compliance with the Municipal Code. The above stated Findings for Denial of the request are contained in Draft Resolution A (Attachment 5). If denied, the applicant will have the ability to modify his fence and/or landscaping in compliance with the Atascadero Municipal Code. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The City Council may determine that more information is needed on some aspect of the appeal and may refer the item back to the appellant, applicant or staff to develop the additional information. The Council should clearly state the type of information that is required and move to continue the item to a future date. 2. The Council may deny the appeal and grant an encroachment permit. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment l: Attachment 2: Attachment 3: Attachment 4: Attachment 5: Attachment 6: Attachment 7: Location and Vicinity Map Site Plan Aerial of Property Site Photographs Official Survey Parcel Map Draft Resolution A • • rM 0 Attachment 1: Location and Vicinity Map Project Site 9186 Palomar Ave. General Plan Designation: -General Plan: Single Family Residential - Y Zoning Designation: -Zoning District: Residential Single - Family — Y 70 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 05/09/06 Attachment 2: Applicant's Site Plan Note: Applicant map and rc �� r :. .:. dimensions are not to scale nor determined to be correct. Official survey identifies fence within Palomar Avenue Right- ~r, of -Way. cT 4 T o - "i _ V1j 771—+ 1 ' i n, f 1 J o i Oti n 1 71 • • � 0 Attachment 3: Aerial of Property 72 6 7 - [i I i 4 LL 1 i C SON ' t F 11113, [i I i 4 LL 1 i • • • ATTACHMENT 5: Official Street Survey 74 �fitNQl Point LAND DOUCI t y� JOB: W -036 _ � .. PROD; 4-456 DATE- 03,%2006 � � NO. 5571 E KPIRES 9-=30--Ck7 0 20.= 40 ONL"1v SCALE 1"-"20 /AT THIS MAI' CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME Irl som "m strjw '1"3' OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE, REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS ACT JWX 117MON - LS 5 'X6QRmorim Ail 'THE REQUEST OF CITY OF ATASCADERO IN MARCH 2O00. ArASCAj)XW CA 934,I',8 CL AND RMI (906)466-2446 BASES? ON � "✓ \ j FOUND MONUMENTS KENNETH D. WILSON LS .5571 EXP. 9-30--2007 74 ATTACHMENT 6: Parcel Map 0 � • ATTACHMENT 7: Draft Resolution A DRAFT RESOLUTION A A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING APPEAL 2006-0008 TO NOT ALLOW A VARIANCE FOR A SIX-FOOT HIGH FENCE LOCATED WITHIN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK, APN 029-201-026 (Appellant: O'Keefe) WHEREAS, an application has been received from Joan O'Keefe, 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422), Appellant, to reconsider Planning Commission approval of a Variance to allow a six (6') foot fence located in the front setback at 9186 Palomar on APN 029-201-026; and, WHEREAS, the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Article 19, Section 15305, Class 5; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero held a public hearing on April 11, 2006; and, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Atascadero, hereby resolves to take the following actions: SECTION 1. Findings of Variance Disapproval. The City Council finds that: (i) The variance authorized does not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zoning district in which such property is situated; and (ii) There are special circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings, and because of these circumstances, the application of this title would deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and in the same zoning district; and (iii) The variance does not authorize a use which is not otherwise authorized in the zoning district; and (iv) The granting of such variance does not, under the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, adversely affect the health or safety of persons, is not materially detrimental to the public welfare, nor injurious to nearby property or improvements. SECTION 2. Variance Denial. The City Council does hereby grant Appeal 2006-0008 4 denying Variance 2005-0009 that would have allowed a six (6') foot fence located in the front setback: 11 On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: Tom O'Malley, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 05/09/06 n 1918 p Yee Atascadero City Council Staff Report - City Attorney Interim Urgency Ordinance Establishing A Moratorium on Conversion of Residential Units To Condominiums (Temporary Ordinance establishing a moratorium on conversion of residential units to condominiums.) RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the Interim Urgency Ordinance establishing a moratorium on conversions of residential units to condominiums. This action extends the moratorium for 10 months " and 15 days. DISCUSSION: Background: On March 28, 2006, the City Council adopted an urgency ordinance that established a moratorium on conversions of residential units to condominiums. The urgency ordinance is effective for 45 days, or May 12th. The proposed action would extend the urgency for ten months and 15 days (to March 27, 2007). This is the maximum time that Council may extend the moratorium, but as always, the Council could extend the time for a shorter period of time. Staff has scheduled an agenda item for the June 14th Council meeting to discuss and review the condominium conversion ordinance. It is anticipated that the revised ordinance will be effect before the expiration of the moratorium period. Staff has also attached a written report on the progress being made to alleviate those conditions that lead to the adoption of the moratorium. In the past year, the City of Atascadero has received an increasing number of applications and inquiries from apartment owners interested in converting their rental units into for -sale condominiums. The issue was presented to the Council on SSeptember 9, 2005 and on March 14, 2006, and the Council expressed interest in exploring ways to control the rate of condominium conversions and to preserve the City's affordable housing stock. 78 ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 05/09/06 _ Prior History Over the years, typically during times when housing prices have been disproportional to rental levels, there has been an interest by individual property owners in converting existing rental units to ownership housing. Many communities have responded to the concerns with regard to these conversions --typically rental housing and tenant protection issues --through the adoption of condominium conversion regulations. The City of Atascadero did this in 2000, with the adoption of Chapter 11-12 of the City's Code. Chapter 11-12 regulates the process for the conversion of apartment to condominium including the application process, tenant provisions, hearing requirements, and property improvement standards. The Chapter does not address controlling the rate of conversions and the preservation of affordable housing stock in the City. In 2002, the City Council adopted a General Plan for the City, and the Housing Element provides: "Goal HOS 3: Ensure that an adequate amount of rental housing exists." "Policy 3.1: Ensure that the proportion of low and moderate housing isnot significantly reduced." Recently the City retained the firm of Goldfarb Lipman LLP to review the condominium ordinance. In particular, staff and Goldfarb Lipman LLP is to study and give options to the Council on reducing the rate of condominium conversions, including requirements for retention existing affordable housing units and any additional protections for tenants. The review will also evaluate the development standards and whether CC&Rs should be required on future condominium conversions. The purpose of the review is to ensure, as required by the City's General Plan, that the proportion of low and moderate housing in the City is not significantly reduced. The City Council may, pending a study of a contemplated zoning proposal, adopt a temporary interim ordinance, as an emergency measure. Interim ordinances enacting moratoria and other growth management measures are lawful exercises of the police power and do not amount to a temporary taking under First English Evangelical Church v. County of Los Angeles (1987) 482 U.S. 304, 320 so long as they do not "go too far." In California an interim moratorium ordinance must be adopted pursuant to Government Code section 65858, which prohibits approval of new development plans so that a City can re-evaluate its land use policies. The ordinance is lawful provided the period of delay is reasonable and there are valid governmental reasons justifying its adoption. (Tahoe -Sierra Preservation Council v. Tahoe Regi Planning Agency (2002) 535 U.S. 302, 353; First English Evangelical Church v. County of Los Angeles, supra at 320.) The moratorium may be extended for a period of 10 months and 15 days, and then if necessary for an additional one-year. The absolute maximum time is 2 years. Each extension requires notice and a hearing by the Council. The ordinance must contain 79 t • • El 10 10 ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 05/09/06 legislative findings that there is a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety, or welfare, and that the approval of additional subdivisions, use permits, variances, building permits, or other applicable uses which is required in order to comply with a zoning ordinance would result in a threat to public health, safety, or welfare. Ten days prior to the expiration of the interim ordinance or any extension, the City Council must issue a written report describing the measures that have been taken to alleviate the condition which led to the adoption of the ordinance. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: • Adopt the attached Ordinance; • Modify and adopt the attached Ordinance; • Do not extend the moratorium and therefore, do not adopt the attached Ordinance; • Provide direction to Staff. ATTACHMENT: Interim Urgency Ordinance i ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 05/09/06 Attachment 1 Urgency Ordinance DRAFT ORDINANCE AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING A MORATORIUM ON CONDOMINIUM CONVERSIONS, AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF The City Council of the City of Atascadero DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings A. The City's Housing Element to its General Plan provides as one of its goals that there is an adequate amount of rental housing in the City. Policy 3.1 of the Housing Element requires that the Council "ensure that the proportion of low and moderate housing is not significantly reduced." B. In the last 18 months, the City has seen a significant increase in the number of multifamily projects requesting a condominium conversion. C. The City has received applications for the conversion of 60 rentals to condominiums; and inquiries have been made about the conversion of an additional 200 rental units. D. If all of these rental units were converted to condominiums, it would represent the loss of over 12 percent of the 2,100 rental units in the City. E. The City Council has retained Goldfarb Lipman LLP to review and study the City's condominium conversion ordinance regarding the preservation, acquisition of the City's multifamily rental units, and to examine the need for inclusionary housing and/or fees for the loss of low and moderate income housing. F. On March 28, 2006, the City Council adopted an urgency ordinance declaring a temporary condominium conversion moratorium on review and/or approval of condominium conversions for buildings, finding it was necessary in order to permit the City the time to conduct research and consider appropriate regulations, amendments and/or clarifications to protect the public health, safety, welfare and economic prosperity of the City. - G. The temporary condominium conversion moratorium was for 45 -days, and the Council has not had the opportunity to consider or enact any appropriate regulations, amendments and/or clarifications to the City's Condominium Conversion Ordinance. H. Due to the foregoing, the City intends to continue to study the extent to which the conversion of rental units to condominiums are affecting the affordability of rental units and the impacts of increasing rental prices on very low- and moderate -income residents in the City. In the meantime, if a temporary moratorium on condominium conversions is not extended for up to 10 months and 15 days, substantial rent increases are likely to occur. Such 81 r� L • • ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 05/09/06 increases would defeat the intent and purpose of the City's General Plan policy of protecting the proportion of low and moderate housing in the City. I. A final report from Goldfarb Lipman, LLP has not been received; however, the consultant and the City Council have preliminarily concluded that the conversion of a significant number of multifamily units to condominiums in the City will produce economic inequities which may be exacerbated by a lack of rental units. Section 2. Imposition of Moratorium The City Council hereby declares that a temporary condominium conversion moratorium on the review and/or approval of the condominium conversions for buildings is necessary in order to permit the City the time to conduct research and consider appropriate regulations, amendments and/or clarifications to protect the public health, safety, welfare and economic prosperity of the City. Section 3. While this Ordinance remains in effect, no permit, other applicable entitlement, which entails in whole or in part the conversion of any existing rental housing or on residential structures to residential condominiums or community apartment projects within the City shall be issued, except as specified in Section 13 below. Section 4. While this Ordinance remains in effect, no person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind shall convert, in whole or in part, or attempt to convert, in whole or in part, any existing rental housing to residential condominium within the City, except as specified in Section 13 below. Section 5. Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code section 65858, this Ordinance is adopted as an urgency interim zoning ordinance and shall take effect immediately. The facts demonstrating the urgency that forms the basis for this ordinance are as follows: A. According to the City's General Plan adopted in 2002, in 2001 there were approximately 9,663 total housing units in the City. Of this total, there were approximately, 3,062 units in multi -family structures (31.7% of all City housing) and 3,282 renters. According to the 2000 Census data, there were approximately 9,531 households, 3,282 or 34% of which were renters; B. The City has most recently experienced an unprecedented increase in applications seeking to convert existing rental housing to residential condominiums; C. The approval or adoption of additional such condominium conversions within the City of Atascadero would result in a threat to public health, safety and welfare in that they could alter, in a radical and fundamental manner, the current way of life for the City's residents. By their unique characteristics and requirements, conversion projects tend to magnify the effects associated with higher urban densities to the point where public health, safety, welfare, and economic prosperity of the City are significantly affected. Such projects may conflict with the City's policy, set forth in the General Plan, to provide a reasonable balance of 82 ITEM NUMBER: DATE: B-2 05/09/06 rental and ownership housing within the City, to provide a variety of individual choices of tenure, type, price and location of housing andtomaintain the supply of rental housing for low and moderate income persons and families. It is thus necessary to establish a temporary moratorium to allow for: (1) research and study to determine how to address this use, the type of regulation that may be imposed on this use, and the potential impact this use may have on the City's neighborhoods; and (2) the preparation and presentation of any proposed ordinance, amendments or regulations to address this use. D. It is necessary that this Ordinance go into effect immediately in order to maintain the City's environment pending the outcome of the above -referenced research, study, and analysis, which may dictate the need to further regulate such condominium conversions and which, in turn, will help the City Council better understand the detrimental effects, if any, should such condominium conversions be allowed to proceed at a pace which, based on past experience, conversions will continue to occur but for the adoption of this interim ordinance; E. It is necessary that this interim Ordinance remain in effect until the afore referenced research, study and analysis have been completed and the recommendations of Planning Department staff and the Planning Commission can be received and considered by the City Council and the City Council, in turn, can consider amendment of the City's Condominium Conversions Ordinance or otherwise regulate future conversions. Section b. The City Council therefore finds that there is a current and immediate threat to the public health, welfare, and that the approval of additional condominium conversions through the issuance of permits authorizing such activities would result in a threat to, or breach of, that public health and welfare. Section 7. The City Council hereby finds that adoption of this Ordinance will not have the effect of denying approvals needed for the development of projects with a significant component of multifamily housing. Section 8. Pursuant to Government Code Section 36937(b), this interim urgency Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. Section 9. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65858, this Ordinance shall expire on a date 10 months and 15 days following the date of its passage and adoption, unless its term is extended by action of the City Council in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 65858, or at such earlier time as the City Council acts to repeal this Ordinance and replace it with a successor Ordinance. Section 10. At least ten days prior to the expiration period provided for in Section 9, the City Council shall issue a written report describing any measures taken to alleviate those conditions herein referenced which lead to the adoption of this Ordinance. 83 0 � I * I * C-1 ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 05/09/06 Section 11. This Ordinance or a comprehensive summary thereof shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Atascadero within 15 days after its adoption. Section 12. The adoption of this interim ordinance is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to sections 15061(b)(3), 15262 and 15306 of the State CEQA Guidelines because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that such adoption may have significant effect on the environment; such adoption involves only feasibility and planning studies for possible future adoption of an ordinance that has not yet been prepared or adopted. In addition, the adoption of this interim ordinance is partially exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines in that it primarily pertains to the conversion of existing small structures from one use to another where only minor modifications are made in the exterior of the structure. Section 13. This Ordinance shall apply to all applications filed on or after March 1, 2006. Section 14. This Ordinance shall be liberally construed to accomplish its intended purposes. Nothing contained in this Ordinance is intended to limit the continuation of lawful nonconforming uses or structures. Section 15. Severability. The City Council hereby declares that should any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, term, or word of this Ordinance hereby adopted be declared for any reason to be invalid, it is the intent of the City Council that it would have adopted all other portions of this Ordinance irrespective of any such portion declared invalid. ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 05/09/06 INTRODUCED, PASSED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, State of California, on May 9, 2006 by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., Tom O'Malley, Mayor City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Patrick L. Enright, City Attorney 85 • 0 • Attachment 2 Condominium Conversion Status Report ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 05/09/06 UITY OF ATASCADERO Memorandum COMMUNITY DELI ELOPMEVT DEPARTMENT Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 to: p%t Enri.ght, City Attorney cc: From: Warren Frace, Community Development Director Subject: Condominium Conversion Ordinance Status The City Council first heard this item on March 14, 2006 at which time, the Council directed staff to enact an emergency moratorium for 45 days, until the item could be brought back to the Council for further discussion. Staff has attempted to A , i this item, but due to the complexity of the issue, it is apparent that the Council will need ample time to explore all the issues and options and to hear members of the public wishi ng to speak on this topic. In addition, the City's consultant will be speaking at housing conferences in the Sacramento area and is unavailable until after May 24, 2006. At this time, staff has tentatively scheduled this item for the City Council meeti ng of June 13th, 2006. At that time, it is anticipated the Council will provide staff with direction to prepare a draft ordinance and complete the environmental review necessary for implementation of the ordinance. 0 t ITEM NUMBER: B - 3 DATE: 05/09/06 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Fire Department Weed/Refuse Abatement Program RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the Draft Resolution, declaring vegetative growth and/or or refuse a public nuisance, commencing proceedings for the abatement of said nuisances, and placing all abatement fees on the San Luis Obispo County Special Tax Assessment for the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Tax Roll. DISCUSSION: The Municipal Code, Section 6-13.03, addresses the -abatement of vegetative growth and/or refuse, which constitute a hazard. Adoption of the proposed Resolution is the first step in this annual program, which requires City Council action. The Fire Department conducted its. initial.inspection. duringthe month of April. There are approximately 10,376 parcels within the City, and this year 2,946 parcels were identified to have vegetative growth and/or refuse, which are or may become a public nuisance. FISCAL IMPACT: The City recovers costs for administering this program through the 150 administrative fee, which is placed on the San Luis Obispo County Special Tax Assessment for the fiscal year 2006-2007 Tax Roll. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution Vegetative Growth Notice Vegetative Growth / Refuse Notice 88 DRAFT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING VEGETATIVE GROWTH AND/OR REFUSE A PUBLIC NUISANCE WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero Fire Department is commencing proceedings for the abatement of said nuisances; and WHEREAS, will be placing all abatement fees on the San Luis Obispo County Special Tax Assessment for the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 tax roll, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: SECTION 1. That vegetative growth and/or refuse are a public nuisance and hereby declare to be such for the reasons that vegetative growth may attain such a large growth as to become a fire menace and/or drainage restriction, when mature, and said refuse may become a public nuisance, thereby creating a hazard to public health. The City Council of the City of Atascadero finds and declares that vegetative growth and/or refuse on specified parcels of property are seasonal and recurrent nuisances. Such seasonal and recurrent nuisances shall be abated in accordance with the provisions of City and State laws. No further hearings need to be held, and it shall be sufficient to mail a notice to the owner of the property as their address appears upon the current assessment roll. SECTION 2. A description of the parcel of lots of private property upon which, or in front of which, said nuisances exist, according to the official Assessment Map of said City of Atascadero, shall be posted annually in the office of the City Clerk and referred to as Exhibit A (Vegetative Growth) and Exhibit B (Weeds & Refuse). SECTION 3. The City Clerk or designee is hereby ordered and directed to mail written notices of the proposed abatement to all persons owning property described in accordance with Section 6-13.08 of the Atascadero Municipal Code. SECTION 4. Pursuant to Section 6-13.10 of the Atascadero Municipal Code, the City Council shall hear and consider all objections or protests to: the required removal of said vegetative growth and/or refuse. The City Clerk shall post a copy of the public hearing notice in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act. SECTION 5. Pursuant to Section 6-13.17 of the Atascadero Municipal Code, if the owner does not abate the hazard, it will be abated by the city contractor. The cost of the abatement plus a 150% administrative fee and county fee will be assessed upon the county property tax bill, and constitute a lien upon such land until paid. 89 On motion by Council Member and seconded by • Council Member , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: i Patrick L. Enright, City Attorney lie CITY OF ATASCADERO By: Tom O'Malley, Mayor EXHIBIT "A" ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 91 J • EXHIBIT `B ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � 40 May 10, 2006 City of Atascadero Fire Department NOTICE Dear Atascadero Property Owner: IF YOU RECEIVED THI5 YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE WEED ABATEMENT ORDINANCE THIS IS NOT SENT TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO. Weed abatement season has arrived and parcel inspections were performed throughout the City during the first two weeks of April. The City's Municipal Code, Section 6-13.08, requires this notification, which enables the Fire Department to abate dry noxious weeds in an effort to make our neighborhoods safer in the event of a fire. THE DEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE IS JUNE 9, 2006 DISREGARD THIS NOTICE IF YOU HAVE CUT YOUR WEEDS AND WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE IN MAKING THE CITY OF ATASCADERO SAFER DURING THE FIRE SEASON. NOTICE TO DESTROY VEGETATIVE GROWTH (NOXIOUS WEEDS) Notice is hereby given that on the 9a' day of May 2006, the City Council passed a resolution declaring that vegetative growth (noxious weeds) constitutes a fire hazard, which must be abated by the cutting of said vegetative growth (noxious weeds). If the owner does not comply within 30 days of the date of this letter (June 9, 2006) it will be abated by the city, and the cost of the abatement will be billed to the property owner directly, or assessed upon the county property tax bill, and will constitute a lien upon such land until paid. The City recovers costs for administering this program through a 150% administrative fee. Reference is hereby made to the resolution for further particulars and Municipal Code, Section 6-13.01. A copy of said resolution is on file in the office of the city clerk. All property owners having eany objections to the proposed removal of the hazard are hereby notified to attend a meeting of the City Council of the City of Atascadero to be held May 23, 2006 at 7:00 p.m., when their objections will be heard and given due consideration. Dated: This 10th day of May 2006. /s/Kurt W. Stone Fire Chief City of Atascadero, California 6005 LEWIS AVENUE — ATASCADERO, CA 93422 — (80.5) 461-5070 — FAX (805) 466-2907 . 93 0 0 � The deadline for weed/refuse abatement compliance is June 9, 2006 On June 10, 2006, the City's contractor begins the abatement process for parcels that are not in icompliance. The contractor's fees, as well as applicable City and County fees/fines are assessed on the County's tax roll. The Fire Chief has established the following requirements: CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS OF VEGETATIVE GROWTH (NOXIOUS WEEDS) a) Maximum height of 4 inches; b) Located within 100 feet of any building or structure, or to the property line, whichever is nearer; c) Located within 50 feet from the edge of any improved roadway; d) Located within 50 feet from each property line; e) Located within 10 feet on each side of driveways. EXEMPTIONS: a) Animal pastures and agricultural fields growing hay or grains. The interior portion of fenced pastures where the quantity of livestock significantly reduces the vegetative growth, therefore bringing the parcel into compliance. Agricultural fields must be cut at harvest time. Uncut hay and grain is subject to abatement. b) Habitat for endangered or threatened species or any species that is a candidate for listing as an endangered or threatened species by the State of California or Federal Government. c) Land kept in a predominantly natural state as habitat for wildlife, plant, or animal communities. d) Open space lands that are environmentally sensitive parklands. e) Other lands having scenic values. Abatement requirements shall remain in effect in waterways where flood preparation measures and emergency flood control mitigation is necessary. 1) This exemption applies whether the land or water are held in fee title or any lesser interest. This exemption applies to any public agency, and private entity that has dedicated the land or water areas to one or more of those purposes or uses, or any combination of public agencies and private entities making that decision. 2) This section shall not be construed to prohibit the use of properly authorized prescribed burning to improve the biological function of land or to assist in the restoration of desired vegetation. 3) In the event that any lands adjacent to land or water areas, as described above, are improved such that they are subject to this chapter, the obligation to comply with Section 6-13.04 shall be with the person owning, leasing, controlling, operating, or maintaining the occupied dwelling or occupied structure on the improved lands. All maintenance, activities, and other fire prevention measures required by Section 6-13.04 shall be required only for the improved land, and water areas as described above. Questions regarding weed abatement may be directed to 805-470-3300 or by writing to: City of Atascadero, Fire Department, Fire Marshal, 6005 Lewis Ave., Atascadero, CA 93422. PLEASE RETAIN THIS NOTICE FOR ANY RELATED COMMUNICATIONS May 10, 2006 City of Atascadero � Fire Department NOTICE Dear Atascadero Property Owner: IF YOU RECEIVED THIS YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE WEED ABATEMENT ORDINANCE THIS LETTER IS NOT SENT TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO An inspection was made on the above stated parcel and your property was identified to be in violation of Municipal Code, Section 6-13.01-17 and Uniform Fire Code (UFC) Section 1103.2.4. The City's Municipal Code, Section 6-13.08, requires this notification, which enables the Fire Department to abate all vegetative growth and refuse that may create a fire or health and safety hazard(s) in our neighborhoods. We have identified Vegetative Growth/Refuse. NOTICE TO REMOVE VEGETATIVE GROWTH (NOXIOUS WEEDS) AND REFUSE Notice is hereby given that on the 9a' day of May 2006, the City Council passed a resolution declaring that vegetative growth (noxious weeds) and refuse constitute a fire hazard, and health and safety hazard, which must be abated by the cutting of said noxious weeds, and removal of said health and safety hazard. If the owner does not comply within (30) calendar days of the date of this letter (June 9, 2006), it will be abated by the city, and the cost of the abatement will be billed to the property owner directly, or assessed upon the county property tax bill, and will constitute a Tien upon such land until paid. The City recovers costs for administering this program through a 150% administrative fee. Reference is hereby made to the Resolution for further particulars and Municipal Code, Section 6-13.01. A copy of said Resolution is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. All property owners having any objections to the proposed removal of the health hazard are hereby notified to attend a meeting of the City Council of the City of Atascadero to be held on May 23, 2006 at 7:00 p.m., when their objections will be heard and given due consideration. Dated: This 10'h day of April 2006 /s/ Kurt W. Stone Fire Chief City of Atascadero, California If you have any questions, please contact the City of Atascadero Fire Department at 805-470-3300 95 6005 LEWIS AVENUE — ATASCADERO, CA 93422 (805) 461-5070 — FAX (805) 466-2907 • • • Atascadero City Council Staff Report - City Manager's Office Downtown Parking & Business Improvement Area (FY 2006-2007) Confirmation of Annual Assessment ITEM NUMBER: B-4 DATE: 05/09/06 RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the Draft Resolution confirming the annual assessment for Downtown Parking & Business Improvement Area (Fiscal Year 2006-2007). DISCUSSION: Background: The City of Atascadero established a Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area in 1986 (Chapter 11 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) for the purpose of acquisition, construction .or maintenance of parking facilities, decoration of public places, promotion of public events, and general promotion of business activities in the downtown area. The formation and operation of a Business Improvement Area is governed by the California Streets & Highways Code (Section 36500 et. Seq.) Historically, the budget for the Business Improvement Area is submitted in conjunction with the City's annual budget. In each of the last five fiscal years from 2001, through 2006, the Council confirmed the annual assessment for the Downtown Parking & Business Improvement Area, and contracted with Atascadero Main Street, Inc., to administer the Downtown Parking & Business Improvement Area funds for downtown improvement activities and events. Atascadero Main Street received $9,500 fiscal year 2001-2002, $10,500 fiscal year 2002-2003, $10,500 fiscal year 2003-2004, $10,500 fiscal year 2004-2005, and $10,500 for 2005-2006. Analysis: The Streets & Highways Code requires that the "advisory board" provide a report to the City Council annually for the expenditure of funds derived from the assessment paid by businesses in the downtown area. The Atascadero Main Street Board of Directors functions as the "advisory board". The report identifies the proposed v� improvements and activities for the area, based upon the National Main Street Program's four -point approach. The report does not propose any changes to the area or of the assessment. The Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area assessments collected by the City are estimated at approximately $10,500 annually. . 96 ITEM NUMBER: B-4 DATE: 05/09/06 The recommended action would confirm the assessment and collection of these funds for downtown revitalization activities for 2006-2007. City Code Section 3-11.09 permits the City to enter into an agreement with an agency to expend District revenues consistent with City regulations. The City of Atascadero contracts with Atascadero Main Street, Inc., to expend the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area finds received by the City. The Atascadero Main Street Board of Directors are proposing expenditures for 2006-07 with the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area funds as follows: BIA Funds requested for 2006-2007 $10,500 Carry over from 2005-2006 $ 0 Total Proposed Funding Available $10,500 2006-2007 Proposed Expenditures: Signage & Banners $ 1,500 Membership Directory $ 1,500 Streetscape Maint./Improvement $ 1,500 Parking/Lighting/Art Coordination $ 1,000 Winter Wonderland Street Fair $ 4,000 Sweetheart Stroll (Valent'ine's Day) 1,000 Total Proposed Expenditures for 2006-07 $10,500 Fund Residual $ 0 The City Council adopted a draft Resolution of Intention on April 25, 2006, and seta public hearing for May 9, 2006 to receive public comment. Following the public hearing, the Council can adopt a Resolution confirming the report as originally filed or as changed by the Council. Adoption of the resolution constitutes the levying of assessment. FISCAL IMPACT: Revenue of approximately $10,500 for Fiscal Year 2006-2007. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The City Council may not confirm the resolution to levy the assessment, thereby eliminating the revenue and funding of Main Street. 2. The City Council may grant Atascadero Main Street, Inc., the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area assessment funds in an amount lower than recommended. 3. The City Council may redirect the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area assessment funds and cancel the contract with Atascadero Main Street, Inc. Alternatives 1, 2 and 3 are not recommended because planned downtown revitalization efforts would be reduced or eliminated. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution 97 is • DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CONFIRMING DOWNTOWN PARKING AND BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA ASSESSMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 WHEREAS, the Atascadero Main Street, Inc., Board filed a report with the City in accordance with Section 36533 of the Streets & Highway Code of the State of California; and, WHEREAS, the City Council having received the report adopted Resolution declaring intent to levy annual Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area assessment pursuant to Section 36534 of said code; and, WHEREAS, the City Council did fix a time and place for a public hearing on the levy of the proposed assessment for fiscal year 2006-2007; and, WHEREAS, on May 9, 2006, the City Council conducted a public hearing at the date and time for such purpose; and, WHEREAS, the City Council did not receive the required number of protests for the levy of such assessment. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby confirm approval of the Section 36533 Report as originally filed and conformation of approval of such report constitutes the levy of an assessment for fiscal year 2006-2007, pursuant to the Streets & Highway Code of the State of California. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council directs staff to make appropriations in the City's budget in accordance with such report. On motion by Council Member . buy Council Member hereby adopted following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: ADOPTED: ATTEST: By: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C. City Clerk , and seconded the foregoing Resolution is CITY OF ATASCADERO Tom O'Malley, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Patrick L. Enright, City Attorney ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 05/09/06 R Isla 1 e r �t Atascade o City Council Staff Report - Community Development Department Signage Task Force Report RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1. Direct staff to update the City Sign Ordinance to incorporate the Signage Task Force's recommended changes; and, 2. Direct staff to work with the Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Association on a signage clean-up information campaign while the ordinance update is in process. DISCUSSION: Background: Staff presented a signage clean-up report to the City Council on February 28, 2005. In the report, staff outlined some of the common sign ordinance violations that occur with banner and A-frame signs. Following public testimony and deliberations, the Council requested a task force comprised of members of the Chamber of Commerce, Main Street Association and staff be assembled. The purpose of the Signage Task Force was to review the existing sign ordinance requirements for banners and A-frame signs and report back to the Council with recommendations on how to update these sections of the sign ordinance. The Signage Task Force has met three times and has concluded its review. The Task Force's recommendations to the Council are contained in the attached letter. The recommendations are based on interviews with local merchants and a review of the City of San Luis Obispo and Paso Robles sign ordinances. Banner Sign Recommendations • Time Frame: allow banners up for 30 days then down for 60 days • Quantity: allow one (1) banner per public street frontage 100 • Mounting: banners must be secured flat against a building or secure structure. • Exceptions: Banners may remain up during the entire sign permit and installation process. • Public Info: Provide business owners notification if banners can be converted into permanent signs especially along freeways. A -Frame Sign Recommendations • Quantity: allow one (1) A -frame sign per street frontage • Size: maximum size shall be two (2) feet wide by four (4) feet tall • Location: A -frame signs must be located on business's property. • Exceptions: encroachment permits are required for A -Frame signs located in the public right-of-way. (The City should allow a 90 -day amnesty period with no fee for encroachment permits of existing A -frame signs.) Analysis: Staff attended all of the Signage Task Force meetings and participated in the discussion regarding the sign ordinance changes. In staff's opinion, the changes to the banner ordinance are minor, logical and will improve -the sign ordinance. The changes to the A -frame regulations are a significant change from the existing regulations. Underthecurrent ordinance, A -frame signs are not permitted. The current prohibition of A -frame signs has not been enforceable for a variety of reasons in the past.The Task Force's A -frame recommendations are very similar to the City of San Luis Obispo's regulations for A -frame signs. In staff's opinion the Task Force's recommendation appears to be a reasonable compromise that would allow A -frame signs but provide controls about where and how they are placed in the public sidewalk. If the Council directs staff to update the sign ordinance, it would likely take 90 to 120 days before the new regulations would become effective. Staff would recommend during this time, a public information campaign to encourage voluntary signage clean- up. The campaign should be a joint effort among the City, Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Association. ATTACHMENT: Signage Task Force Correspondence 101 1� 17'v " Aprll 17,'2446 jib City"of1�ascadem - Mayer Bc pity,Coueil 6947 Ei"Cuino 1" Atascadem, CA=93422 Dear Honorable' Council Mamba=s; 'Che Sign t?rdinanceTask Force rnet ou two different occasions ta.dtsausx The argn aildnance.nsit tains t9 BWmcrs;aW A-F-w,Signs The comrruttec mcnri�ers are; Maid':5`tir 1`I+YIeinbcrs, Steve n,' Greg C ,H, LeAwt Davis, Bob Wtllr m and Chamber embers, 7aaune "Main "Carol McCoiley and Cordelia Perry, Warton Fraee attended as welt The committee:�nembws serrvveyect 5tl.businmm with regard"twbau=B and A Fm= S, M ifi s tile, tecommewlation, of the committee to change the signo�as follows: Banner.Sip$: *Allow bauaers uP for N Days:then dowcli'or 60 darys * l banner per pr�lic"street frarrtage: ;, - A��� e�`4 *Bamrw�"txibesfdatagadnsts�uskhnl:dr�iue:s�nctnr�a. *Banners may remain during sil o piarrntt:a d instaftalion,pmcess GW%0 •Zamino Regi iftsca4em-O. ii 3422 A-FfameSrglts: 1805}'4662444 * l per street dsontagc"adioa�d *8i ti? be:2 feat wideby 4 ;[retktll: _� *"Slgu mush Bio sanbrss ct#�' , *Eucroaciuntant ru►its ate ti%ran negniirrarne:SIP, cdtad=isY�pulii%c right=cif-way A,ppli oasxo'be, essatixu2"�eeksbyti,e'` ilia odps"i�ej rtu>ent . *37nuin thc"9(l day pmeesstug to,have the ordinance'm"piece, applies �ulll i ve tltr, 5134 #ee�varucid: for an encraaclmertrtperrasf The committee also aecormmeiuis uotifyirrg btrsir that have banners the cattbe:donvertedurtn per, manent sigtm, particti1arly on the 'a3' i3 FC i Cernino Real {fir education will telae plane t`fuuugh maim Streetand Chambermciabei vslcttess as ta:ti above, Atzacadera, Ci4'83422 .... gos if approvedby'the Cound E805) 462-0177 itis also snggesteihta create a flyer listingtiie d►ffereirt ngtions a lrusrnesacan rrse:frvw"themast expcu= , siveto least eitpeusivc stslutians for their signagerrecrls. The Task Force wants to reserve the sigbt to be caiiat, up4n#n revu a other elemx�ufs of the " t]rxlinarice, flee" aspect of particrsiar merest is to ut�'the"dacirarter� txrnsistard"thmugh outwith easy.to.," vn&tstand language Thaakyouhr'Oving this group cfbusi.nm people the oppactua'ity to assist tt C ttyin TWkWing Sign;C3xdwance. �espeCtFuddy".Submitted,_ mw Maim SteveMartin PmWenUCBDExecutive i ireator Atascadeno`Cliamberof'C,ornmonx At scsdem Made Street w 1� ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 05/09/06 r iais A CADS Atascadero City Council Staff Report - City Manager's Office Cardroom Ordinance Request for Expansion of Tables (Outlaws Card Parlour) (Request from the owner of Outlaws Card Parlour to increase the number of card tables from two (2) to five (5).) RECOMMENDATION: Council give staff direction on how to proceed on this request. DISCUSSION: In 2005 the legislature amended Gambling Control Act to authorize a City or County to amend its Ordinance, without voter approval, to increase the number of tables allowed in a gambling establishment up to 24.99%, or two tables, whichever is greater, when compared to the number operated on January 1, 1996. (Business &- Professions Code section 19961.05) Also, the City may amend the Ordinance without the approval of the electors to: • increase by 24.99% or less the number of gambling tables in the City; • increase by 24.99% or less the number of licensed cardrooms; • increase by 24.99% or less in the number of gambling tables that may be operated in a gambling establishment in the City; • authorize additional forms of gambling, other than card games, that may be legally played in the state • increase by 24.99% or less in the hours of operation; • increase by 24.99% or less the maximum amount permitted to be wagered in a game. Presently, the City has one cardroom operator, Outlaws Card Parlour, who operates two card tables in the establishment. Mr. Brown, the owner of Outlaws Card Parlour, has recently inquired to the Community Development Department about increasing the number of tables in his establishment to five (5) tables, as a result of the passage of the 2005 legislation. 104 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 05/09/06 Background: The City adopted a cardroom ordinance in 1992, which was amended in 1999. This ordinance authorizes a maximum of five (5) card tables to be licensed and operate within the City, and limitsthe. number at any one establishment to two (2) card tables. The City Council may amend the Municipal Code to authorize up to four (4) card tables in a single establishment, without putting the matter on a ballot of the voters. Prior to adopting any amendment to the Code relating to gambling establishments, the City must submit the proposed ordinance to the Division of Gambling Control for review and comment. if the City desires to increase the number of tables to more than four, an ordinance would have to be submitted to the voters for approval. However, the Gambling Control Act places a moratorium on the authorization of legal gambling and any expansion of gambling until 2010. The legislature, in enacting the Gambling Control Act, indicated its intent to have state and local agencies provide uniform, minimum standards of permissible gambling activities and the operation of lawful gambling establishments. As long as it is not inconsistent with the Act, any city or county has the authority to prohibit any gambling activity, impose more stringent local controls or conditions upon gambling than are imposed by the Act or by the commission. The City may also inspect gambling premises to enforce applicable state and local laws, impose a local tax or license fee, and enact, amend, or enforce any local ordinance relating to license gambling establishments. Under the Gambling Control Act, no new gambling establishment may be opened in a city or county in which . a gambling establishment was not operating on or before January 1, 1984, except upon the affirmative vote of the electors of that city or county. Therefore, the City may amend the , Municipal Code to increase the number of card tables at any establishment to four, but not to five as requested. In addition, in any amendment to the cardroom ordinance, the City should review the other provisions in the ordinance, including hours of operation, games played, and any fees or taxes imposed. FISCAL IMPACT: If the City Council amended the Municipal Code to allow additional card tables, the City would receive a one time revenue of $300 per additional table. ITEM NUMBER: C-3 DATE: 05/09/06 All iais o is e Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Public Works Department Hwy 101/41 Interchange Value Analysis Study RECOMMENDATION: Council receive a verbal report from Caltrans on the results of the Hwy 101/41 Interchange Value Analysis Study and recommend they proceed to further explore two options and report back on May 23rd. DISCUSSION: Background: The Highway 101/41 Interchange is a significant regional hub for travel from the central valley to the coast, and from Northern California to Southern California. Also, this interchange serves local residents commuting within Atascadero. The 101/41 Interchange is operating at a poor level of service during peak hours, and traffic is backing up on local roads and the Hwy 101 ramps. This is caused by theincreasein the volume of traffic using the interchange. The City prepared a Project Study Report (PSR) in 1994 to investigate changes to the interchange that would provide a better level of service. Modification to the Interchange was funded in the 1998 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and Caltrans began environmental review and design. The estimated construction cost was $4.8 million and right-of-way was $1.1 million. Caltrans studied the traffic volumes using the interchange in 2000 and found them much higher than expected. This caused Caltrans to redesign the project by adding another lane under Hwy 101 The construction cost then escalated to $11.1 million. An additional $7.0 million was added to the project in 2002 to cover this increase. The project stalled between 2002 and 2004 due to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) not allocating funding to proceed with the right-of-way. From 2004 to the present construction prices have exploded. Concrete and steel prices are at an all time high. $3.68 million were added to the project in February 2006 to make the project fully funded. In late March 2006 Caltrans completed another construction cost estimate on the project and found that the current projected costs are as follows: 106 ITEM NUMBER: C-3 DATE: 05/09/06 Planning and environmental support: $1.75 million Design $3.10 million Right-of-way support $1.35 million Construction support $1.65 million Right-of-way capital $4.01 million Construction cost $20.5 million Total $32.36 million This means an additional $11.14 million dollars is needed to make the construction and right-of-way fully funded and $3.26 million is needed to fully fund support costs. At their April meeting the San Luis Council of Governments (SLOCOG) Board approved the following: 1) Add $6.0 million to the construction and right-of-way fund. 2) Put off funding $3.26 million in support costs to the 2008 STIP. 3) Perform a Value Analysis (VA) study on the project to look for costs saving. 4) Continue the right-of-way acquisition for the project. 5) Get the project out to bid as soon as possible. This leaves $5.14 million in construction and right-of-way costs unfunded. To address the short fall SLOCOG Board recommended a Value Analysis (VA) study be performed. A "VA" study is a short high intensity study that uses a specialized focused team to break the project apart to look for cost saving while still keeping the intent of the project intact. Summary: The VA study team met from April 20 to April 25, 2006 and came up with two options that could save the unfunded construction and right-of-way costs. They are: 1) Constructing three bridges instead of one bridge over SR 41, using asphalt instead of concrete on Hwy 101, removing color from the concrete structure and closing the northbound Hwy 101 onramp during construction. 2) Do not replace the Hwy 101 Bridge and construct round -a -bouts where SR 41 intersects the south bound ramps and El Camino Real. They also recommended the closure of the north bound Hwy 101 onramp during construction. Caltrans would like to further analyze these two options and report back to the City Council on May 23rd. Analysis: Staff supports option # 1 with the following concerns and questions: • Will inflation of construction costs erode the saving due to the length of time for redesign? • What are the traffic impacts to Atascadero on the closure of the north bound Hwy 101 onramp during construction? Staff recommends that both these concerns be addressed by Caltrans. ALTERNATIVES: Direct Caltrans to explore one or neither of the options. 107