HomeMy WebLinkAbout3F Performance Agreement 4-2014 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 04/22/14 ATTACHMENT 6: Draft Performance Agreement Amendment#9 FOR RECORDER USE ONLY RECORDING REQUESTED BY: . City of Atascadero WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero,CA 93422 f , 3.5.14 REVISED DRAFT PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT AMENDMENT Amendment'Nb. 1 1, x (3F MEADOWS,aka,OAK RIDGE ESTATES),., This Amended Performance Agreement(Amendment)`is entered into between the City of Atascadero, a municipal corporaiion of.the-State�of,Califomia, hereinafter known as "the City", and Castlerock Development;a,,Califomia co -rporabon, developer of the 3F Meadows(aka Oak Ridge Estates)Project,.hereinafter known as"the Developer". This Amendment shall be°el(ective on the date the'-,Agre6mbnt is approved by the Atascadero City Council("Effective WHEREAS,on Februaryll,2003,the City,and the Developer executed a Performance Agreement for the_project,(Exhibit'h);,and WHEREAS, the Performance.Agreementprovided that Developer make and complete certalWoffsite public improvements-to the intersection of Los Altos Road &Highway 41, pursuant to Atascadero Munlcipal°Code Section 9-3.656(c)(3)(Exhibit B to Performance Agreement,'hereinafter reierred to as-Highway 41. Public Impro4ements"),within three (3)years frorrl the'date of issua�n ce of the first residential building permit;and i WHEREAS,the.Developer provided financial assurance in the amount of$18,862.17 as guarantee for completion',of the Highway 41 Public Improvements (Exhibit C to Performance Agreement);and WHEREAS, the City is requiring the Developer to increase the project's financial assurance for the Highway 41 Public Improvements to include Caltrans Improvements, as described in the attached .Caltrans Highway 41 Improvements (Exhibit "2') and Engineer's Estimate of Probable Cost_(Exhibit'3");and WHEREAS, the Developer desires to increase the time to make and complete all the aforementioned Highway 41 Public Improvements to within three (3) years from the 3F Moadows PoRormanco Agtoomonl Amondmcrt—Pago I e t ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 04122/14 Effective Date of this Amendment or prior to the issuance of the building permit for the 52"d housing unit,whichever occurs first. WHEREAS, Developer agrees to make and complete the additional Los Altos (toad Maintenance Improvements included as Exhibit°4" within one (1) year of the Effective Date of this Amendment subject to approval of satisfactory completion of said Improvements by the City in writing;and WHEREAS, it is the intent and purpose of both the Developer and the City to hereby enter into this Amendment that will: 1. Guarantee the full and satisfactory completion of'the State Highway 41 Public Improvements for the 3F Meadows project;by'increasing the 3F Meadows project's improvement securities to in.dude the,Caltrans Highway 41 Public Improvements(Exhibit "2");and; l 2. Increase the time to make and complete all the aforementioned Highway 41 Public Improvements to three (3)'\years from. the Effective Date of this Amendment, except for the timing for,t}ie interim signage and sight distance improvements;and 3. Provide for the full and satisfactory'completionTof Additional Los Altos Road Maintenance Improvements(Exhibit'41)$y,the Developer. WHEREAS,all other condiron`s•of the origlnal`Perforrna_nce Agreement approved by the City on February 11,2003,wil'remain in effect;'and l3 , WHEREAS, the, mutual promises, -covenants and obligations contained in this Amendment.are�authodzeb by ate law.and.City,subdivision.regulations. 4 t NOW THEREFORE IT BE,RESOCVED,the parties hereby agree as follows: ,x 1. All terrns;and conditions-;of the February 11,2003 Performance Agreement shall remain full-force and effect except as expressly modified below; •� F 2. Caltrans Improvements to State Highway 41 shall mean the offsite public improvements to the intersection of Highway 41 and Los Altos Road required by Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-3.656(c)(3) et. seq., as revised as of the Effective Date of this amendment; 3. The Developer shall increase the 3F Meadows project's Performance and Labor and Material financial securities (Exhibit C to the Performance Agreement) to include the proposed Caltrans Improvements to State Highway 41 based on the attached Engineer's Estimate of Cost (Exhibit°3").The financial security shall be in a form, as approved in writing by the City Attorney for the City of Atascadero. 3F Maadows Porfoffnvge Agreemari Arramdmenrt—P}ago 2 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 04/22/14 The Engineer's Estimate of Probable Cost-shall be based on Caltran's Standard Construction Costs and shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval in writing. At such time as a Caltrans permit for the Caltrans Improvements to State Highway 41 and Los Altos Road is ready for issuance,the additional security will be reduced by the City upon evidence that the Developer has provided Caltrans with financial securities that are equivalent or higher than the City Engineer approved security amounts. All updated or new financial i instruments shall include a 20% contingency for construction costs and a 20% contingency for engineering surveyingladministration costs. The City shall retain its right to require appropriate financial instruments and the dollar amounts necessary for the construction of improvements''In-the Los Altos Road right of way. Financial instruments for the Additional Los Altos Road Maintenance improvements will not be required. The Applicant•will be required to obtain an encroachment permit and provide insurance indemnifying the City and naming the City as an additional insured according.to City policies, 4. The City agrees to increase rthe"Ame to make end-,,complete all the aforementioned Highway 41 Public Improvements, except.the requirements for interim signage and site distance as described'belgw, to three(3)years from the Effective Date,of this amendinent ,or prior to_ 'the issuance of the'building permit for the 52nd housing unit,whichever occurs'first;,_ No additional building permits for housing units will be issued,if any of the timing.requirements are not satisfied. 5. The interim site distance and 'signage,improvements,for the Highway 41/Los Altos intersection shall,be constructed within`six months of the effective date of this amendrneh The City will cease issuance of building permits for housing units after six'monthsfoffthe effective date of this amendment, if the timing requirements of ND-11.are not satisfied, unless the City Engineer and Community„-Development Director granVa time extension in writing. Time i.ext4nsion requests will."nly be considered for delays that are outside of the Developer's control:,Thesite'distance Improvements for the driveways accessing Lotsj09-112 shall'be`constructed prior to the issuance of the building permit for the frrsl.housing unit for any portion of Lots 109-112. 6. The Additional.Los Altos-Road Maintenance Improvements included as Exhibit "4" shall be compfeied{by the. Developer no later than one (1),year from the effective date ofthis=Amendment. The City will require the Developer to submit Public Improvemeni Plans for such work, and will issue a no fee encroachment permit, in accordance with the City's policy for voluntary landowner initiated offsite maintenance improvements upon approval of the plans by the City Engineer. The Applicant will be required to provide insurance indemnifying the City and naming the.City as an additional insured according to City policies. 3F Meadows Pedonnanco Agreomen[Amondment—Page 3 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 04122/14 In WITNESS WHEREOF Developer has hereunto set its hand and the City has caused these presents to be signed by its duly sworn and authorized officers the day and year first hereinabove written. City of Atascadero: Developer: Rachelle Rickard,City Manager Darren Shetter, President Castlerock Development, a California corporation Attest: Marcia M. Torgerson,City Clerk Approved as to content: David Athey, Deputy City Engineer Approved as to content: Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney 3F Meadow%Performance Agroemont Arwnoment-Page 4 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 04/22/14 EXHIBIT 1 EXECUTED PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT