HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/24/2004 1913 19710 CITY OFATASCA DFRO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2004 7:00 P.M. Atascadero Lake Pavilion 9315 Pismo St. Atascadero, California REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:30 P.M. CLOSED SESSION: (Immediately following Redevelopment Agency Meeting) 1. PUBLIC COMMENT - CLOSED SESSION 2. Call to Order a. Conference with Real Property Negotiators-Govt. Code 54956.8 Property: The Printery, 6361 Olmeda Ave. Negotiator: City Manager Wade McKinney Negotiating Parties: Masons Negotiations will include price and/or terms of payment. b. Conference With Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation. Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to 54956.9(b) of the government code: One Case 3. Adjourn 4. CLOSED SESSION REPORT 1 REGULAR SESSION: 7:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tem Scalise ROLL CALL: Mayor Luna Mayor Pro Tem Scalise Council Member Clay Council Member O'Malley Council Member Pacas INTRODUCTIONS: COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to five minutes. Please state your name and address for the record before making your presentation. The Council may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Council.) APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken.) 2 1. December Disbursements — December 2003 Accounts Payable & Payroll ■ Fiscal impact: $922,728.81. Staff recommendation: City Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for December 2003. Administrative Services] ] 2. City Treasurer's Report December 2003 ■ Fiscal impact: None. ■ City Treasurer recommendation: City Council approve the City Treasurer's report for December 2003. [City Treasurer] 3. Lewis Avenue Bridge Design ■ Fiscal impact: Approval of these contracts would result in the expenditure of $198,261.00 in Transportation and Community and System Preservation (TCSP) funds, and $168,138.80 of the $400,000.00 from Fund 281, which has been designated for design and construction of this project. ■ Staff recommendation: 1) Council authorize the City Manager to execute contracts with: a) Morro Group, Inc., in the amount of $116,984.50 for Lewis Avenue Bridge Environmental Services, and b) Psomas in the amount of $188,221.5 for Lewis Avenue • Bridge Professional Engineering Services. 2) Council authorize the Director of Administrative Services to allocate $168,138.80 from Fund 281 toward environmental and engineering services for the Lewis Avenue Bridge Project. (Public Works) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Tentative Parcel Map 2002-0028 (AT 01-091) and Road Abandonment 20020009 9230 Vista Bonita (APN 030-441-015) (Frederick) ■ Fiscal impact: The project would likely have a slight negative impact on City revenues. As a general rule, single-family dwellings require services that exceed the revenue generated by the proposed uses. ■ Staff recommendation: 1. Council adopt draft Resolution A certifying the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration 2003-0066 and approving Tentative Parcel Map 2002-0028 (AT 01-091), a request to subdivide one parcel totaling 4.33 acres, gross, into two parcels of 1.87 and 2.46 acres gross, based on findings and subject to conditions. 2. Council adopt draft Resolution B approving a request to abandon a portion of Vista Bonita, from its intersection with EI Bordo Avenue to its westerly terminus. (Community Development) • 3 C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. 2004 Community Development Block Grant Allocation (CDBG) ■ Fiscal impact: Available funds are estimated at $225,655 for the 2004 cycle. ■ Staff recommendation: Council forward to the County Board of Supervisors allocation recommendations for the 2004 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. [Management] 2. Masonic Temple/Printery Building Disposition ■ Fiscal impact: If the City retains the building there will be costs associated with the reconstruction and ongoing maintenance and operations costs. Staff Recommendation: Council evaluate the City's options and give staff direction on Council's preferred course of action. D. ATTORNEY REPORTS: 1. Emergency Resolution ■ Fiscal impact: Unknown ■ City Attorney recommendation: Council adopt the draft Resolution continuing in full force and effect the resolutions declaring the existence of a state of emergency and directing the City Manager to take direct and immediate acts to repair (City Attorney) E. COMMITTEE & LIAISON REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): Mayor Luna 1. Finance Committee 2. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) 3. County Mayor's Round Table Mayor Pro Tem Scalise 1. Atascadero State Hospital Advisory Board (appointed by Governor) 2. Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) (City Selection Committee appointment) 3. S.L.O. Council of Governments (SLOCOG)/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) Council Member Clay 1. Water Committees 4 Council Member O'Malley 1. Finance Committee 2. City/ Schools Committee 3. Air Pollution Control District (APCD) 4. League of California Cities - Grassroots Network 5. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) Council Member Pacas 1. City/ Schools Committee 2. Atascadero Youth Task Force F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Clerk 3. City Treasurer 4. City Attorney 5. City Manager G. ADJOURNMENT: Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that • person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. Correspondence submitted at this public hearing will be distributed to the Council and available for review in the City Clerk's office. I, Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the February 24, 2004 Regular Session of the Atascadero City Council was posted on February 17, 2004 at the Atascadero City Hall Annex, 6905 El Camino Real, Suite 6, Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review in the Customer Service Center at that location. Signed this 17th day of February 2004 at Atascadero, California. , c — Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Perk City of Atascadero 5 City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING The City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., at the Atascadero Pavilion on the Lake,9315 Pismo St., Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall Annex business hours at the Central Receptionist counter and on our website, www.atascadero.org. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager's Office or the City Clerk's Office, both at (805) 461-5000. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the podium. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: • You must approach the podium and be recognized by the Mayor • Give your name and address (not required) • Make your statement • • All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council • All comments limited to 5 minutes (unless changed by the Council) • No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so, and no one may speak more than twice on any item. If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the City Clerk's office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Access to hook up your laptop to the City's projector will be provided. You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the City Clerk before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in the printed copy. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Council TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "COMMUNITY FORUM", the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to: • Please approach the podium and be recognized • Give your name and address (not required) • State the nature of your business This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Council). TO HAVE ITEMS PLACED ON AGENDA All business matters to appear on the Agenda must be in the Office of the City Manager 14 days preceding the Council meeting. Should you have a matter you wish to bring before the Council, please mail or bring a written communication to the City Manager's office in City Hall prior to the deadline. 6 ITEM NUMBER: A_I • DATE02/24/04 Ail 1ee�80 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Administrative Services Department December 2003 Accounts Payable and Payroll RECOMMENDATION: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for December 2003. DISCUSSION: Attached for City Council review and approval are the following: Payroll Dated 12/04/03 Checks # 18298 - 18367 $ 77,214.78 Direct Deposits 111,234.47 • Dated 12/12/03 Checks # 18368 - 18385 9,660:72 Direct Deposits 4,538.13 Dated 12/18/03 Checks # 18386 - 18460 90,087.29 Direct Deposits 113,351.91 Accounts Payable Dated 12/1/03 - 12/31/03 Checks # 92619 - 92835 & EFTs 248 - 251 516,641.51 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 922,728.81 FISCAL IMPACT: Total expenditures for all funds is $ 922,728.81 CERTIFICATION: The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for nayment and that funds are available for these demands. Rachelle Rickard, Director of Administrative Services Approved by the City Council at a meeting held February 24, 2004. ATTACHMENT: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Clerk December 2003 Eden Warrant Register in the amount of $ 516,641.51 1 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listini; For the Month of December 2003 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount. 248 12/3/2003 MID-STATE BANK Accounts Payable Check 118.20 92633 12/4/2003 TOBIN JAMES WINERY Accounts Payable Check 545.04 92634 12/4/2003 VERIZON WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 67.49 92619 12/5/2003 ATASCADERO FIRE DEPT EMP.ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 240.00 92620 12/5/2003 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 30.00 92621 12/5/2003 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS ASN Payroll Vendor Payment 399.50 92622 12/5/2003 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 182.69 92623 12/5/2003 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 7,105.47 92624 12/5/2003 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 712.10 92625 12/5/2003 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 8,992.22 92626 12/5/2003 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST-457 Payroll Vendor Payment 757.90 92627 12/5/2003 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS Payroll Vendor Payment 88.00 92628 12/5/2003 NATIONAL DEFERRED COMPENSATION Payroll Vendor Payment 606.99 92629 12/5/2003 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 32.31 92630 12/5/2003 SEIU LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO Payroll Vendor Payment 556. 92631 12/5/2003 SLO CREDIT UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 625 92632 12/5/2003 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 33.00 249 12/9/2003 MID-STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 30,330.06 92635 12/9/2003 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 27,073.81 92638 12/11/2003 DEL MCCULLEY Accounts Payable Check 800.00 92636 12/12/2003 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 1,271.66 92637 12/12/2003 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 36.05 92639 12/12/2003 ALTIRIS Accounts Payable Check 132.00 92640 12/12/2003 SAGE AMTHOR Accounts Payable Check 50.00 92641 12/12/2003 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 246.78 92642 12/12/2003 ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 2,409.02 92644 12/12/2003 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. Accounts Payable Check 3,912.70 92645 12/12/2003 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 12.39 92646 12/12/2003 ATASCADERO UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST Accounts Payable Check 175.00 92647 12/12/2003 ANN BANKS Accounts Payable Check 12.00 92648 12/12/2003 JUDITH R.BARON Accounts Payable Check 380.8 92649 12/12/2003 BATTERY SYSTEMS Accounts Payable Check 1116 92650 12/12/2003 BEST BEST&KRIEGER LLP Accounts Payable Check 495.00 2 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2003 heck Check mber Date Vendor Description Amount 92651 12/12/2003 SURAYA BREEN Accounts Payable Check 75.00 92652 12/12/2003 BRENDLER JANITORIAL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 635.00 92653 12/12/2003 CAL-COAST REFRIGERATION,INC Accounts Payable Check 591.57 92654 12/12/2003 CALIF CONSERVATION CORPS. Accounts Payable Check 25,232.25 92655 12/12/2003 CDW GOVERNMENT,INC. Accounts Payable Check 196.18 92656 12/12/2003 CELLULAR ONE Accounts Payable Check 1,057.44 92657 12/12/2003 CENTRAL COAST REPTILE RESEARCH Accounts Payable Check 273.00 92658 12/12/2003 CHEM CLEAN Accounts Payable Check 95.40 92659 12/12/2003 CHEM SERVE Accounts Payable Check 104.16 92660 12/12/2003 BRADY CHERRY Accounts Payable Check 300.00 92661 12/12/2003 CHICAGO GRADE LANDFILL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 80.00 92662 12/12/2003 CIRCLE D LANDSCAPE Accounts Payable Check 662.09 92663 12/12/2003 CITY NATIONAL BANK Accounts Payable Check 22,683.75 92664 12/12/2003 LAWRENCE CLARK Accounts Payable Check 98.48 92665 12/12/2003 JERRY L.CLAY Accounts Payable Check 75.00 92666 12/12/2003 CLEAN WATER SYSTEMS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 35.00 92667 12/12/2003 COASTAL IMAGING SUPPLIES Accounts Payable Check 658.15 92668 12/12/2003 COASTLINE EQUIPMENT Accounts Payable Check 11.40 92669 12/12/2003 VINCE CONDE Accounts Payable Check 34.00 92670 12/12/2003 CONTINENTAL LABOR RESOURCES Accounts Payable Check 868.00 92671 12/12/2003 CIMON CORMIER Accounts Payable Check 51.00 92672 12/12/2003 CORNERSTONE COMMERCIAL CLEANIN Accounts Payable Check 235.00 92673 12/12/2003 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO Accounts Payable Check 167.00 92674 12/12/2003 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 106.50 92675 12/12/2003 CTE COMPUTER TRAINING CENTERS Accounts Payable Check 500.00 92676 12/12/2003 CTM GROUP,INC. Accounts Payable Check 513.10 92677 12/12/2003 CUESTA EQUIPMENT Accounts Payable Check 279.41 92678 12/12/2003 DATAPRINT CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 67.03 92679 12/12/2003 DAVID M FLEISHMAN Accounts Payable Check 25.00 92680 12/12/2003 DAN DAVIS Accounts Payable Check 119.00 92681 12/12/2003 SANDRA N.DEAL PH.D. Accounts Payable Check 290.00 92682 12/12/2003 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 161.61 92683 12/12/2003 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 480.09 92684 12/12/2003 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Accounts Payable Check 1,669.00 92685 12/12/2003 DIGITAL WEST VIDEO Accounts Payable Check 42.50 92686 12/12/2003 ED'S FLY MEAT,INC. Accounts Payable Check 24.50 3 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2003 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 92687 12/12/2003 EL CAMINO BUILDING SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 46.12 92688 12/12/2003 EL CAMINO CAR WASH LLC Accounts Payable Check 46.95 92689 12/12/2003 ESCUELA DEL RIO Accounts Payable Check 64.80 92690 12/12/2003 FAMILY MEDICAL GROUP OF PASO Accounts Payable Check 50.00 92691 12/12/2003 FARM SUPPLY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 102.88 92692 12/12/2003 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 397.92 92693 12/1212003 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check 643.50 92694 12/12/2003 FOOD FOR LESS Accounts Payable Check 837.46 92695 12/12/2003 WARREN FRACE Accounts Payable Check 300.00 92696 12/12/2003 FRAZEE INDUSTRIES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 39.15 92697 12/12/2003 GAS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 272.86 92698 12/12/2003 GATEWAY COMPANIES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 4,635.36 92699 12/12/2003 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 546.25 92700 12/12/2003 GIBBS SECURITY GATES Accounts Payable Check 123.50 92701 12/12/2003 MIKE GIL Accounts Payable Check 68.00 92702 12/12/2003 GLADWELL GOVERNMENT SVCS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,640.00 92703 12/12/2003 KENNETH GLYNN Accounts Payable Check 15 92704 12/12/2003 CECILIA GOTTFRIED Accounts Payable Check 275.x" 92705 12/12/2003 GRISANTI HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 0.75 92706 12/12/2003 H.D.PETERSON Accounts Payable Check 255.00 92707 12/12/2003 ANN HALL Accounts Payable Check 2,554.68 92708 12/12/2003 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT&COPY Accounts Payable Check 1,231.76 92709 12/12/2003 VALERIE HUMPHREY Accounts Payable Check 107.68 92710 12/12/2003 ICE TEES Accounts Payable Check 648.86 92711 12/12/2003 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Accounts Payable Check 503.77 92712 12/12/2003 J&S SWEEPING SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 400.00 92713 12/12/2003 JB DEWAR INC Accounts Payable Check 122.66 92714 12/12/2003 JESPERSEN'S TIRE SERVICE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 30.00 92715 12/12/2003 JIFFY LUBE#1932 PCJL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 126.47 92716 12/12/2003 JOHN L.WALLACE&ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 990.01 92717 12/12/2003 STEVEN KAHN Accounts Payable Check 335.83 92718 12/12/2003 LESLYN KEITH Accounts Payable Check 21.00 92719 12/12/2003 KEN'S MOBIL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 1,546.63 92720 12/12/2003 DAREN KENNETT Accounts Payable Check 39.13 92721 12/12/2003 KERSEY'S ATASCADERO QUICK LUBE Accounts Payable Check 50 4 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing; For the Month of December 2003 heck Check umber Date Vendor Description Amount 92722 12/12/2003 KIM LACEY Accounts Payable Check 17.32 92723 12/12/2003 LAIDLAW TRANSIT SERVICES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 15,951.59 92724 12/12/2003 LEHR AUTO ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 213.05 92725 12/12/2003 LEXIS NEXIS MATTHEW BENDER Accounts Payable Check 71.65 92726 12/12/2003 LOST COAST DETAILING Accounts Payable Check 180.00 92727 12/12/2003 GEORGE W.LUNA Accounts Payable Check 75.00 92728 12/12/2003 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 35.00 92729 12/12/2003 LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 187.85 92731 12/12/2003 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK,INC. Accounts Payable Check 361.26 92732 12/12/2003 ANNETTE MANIER Accounts Payable Check 13.14 92733 12/12/2003 MARK'S PLUMBING&WATER TRMNT Accounts Payable Check 550.00. 92734 12/12/2003 ROBERT MAXWELL Accounts Payable Check 414.46 92735 12/12/2003 MCALLISTER OFFICE PAVILION Accounts Payable Check 114.71 92736 12/12/2003 WADE MCKINNEY Accounts Payable Check 500.00 92737 12/12/2003 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. Accounts Payable Check 228.25 92738 12/12/2003 MICHAEL'S WINDOW CLEANING Accounts Payable Check 20.00 • 92739 12/12/2003 MID-COAST MOWER&SAW Accounts Payable Check 2,312.31 92740 12/12/2003 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 70.34 92741 12/12/2003 MOBILITAT Accounts Payable Check 3,000.00 92742 12/12/2003 MORENO STRIPING SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 26,844.18 92743 12/12/2003 MICHAL S.MOSES Accounts Payable Check 927.78 92744 12/12/2003 MOSS,LEVY,&HARTZHEIM Accounts Payable Check 5,000.00 92745 12/12/2003 NEW TIMES Accounts Payable Check 408.00. 92746 12/12/2003 NEWCO DISTRIBUTORS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 104.46 92747 12/12/2003 NEWTON'S SLO SPEEDOMETER Accounts Payable Check 232.18 92748 12/12/2003 NORTH COUNTY BACKFLOW SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 300.00 92749 12/12/2003 THOMAS P.O'MALLEY Accounts Payable Check 75.00 92750 12/12/2003 OFFICE DEPOT INC. Accounts Payable Check 273.63 92751 12/12/2003 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN Accounts Payable Check 96.40 92752 12/12/2003 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 334.77 92753 12/12/2003 BECKY J.PACAS Accounts Payable Check 75.00 92755 12/12/2003 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 35,339.17 92756 12/12/2003 PASO ROBLES SAFE&LOCK Accounts Payable Check 182.22 92757 12/12/2003 PERRY'S PARCEL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 179.59 • 92758 12/12/2003 POSTAL PRIVILEGE Accounts Payable Check 37.83 92759 12/12/2003 PRO MOTION Accounts Payable Check 236.93 5 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2003 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amoun!J0 92760 12/12/2003 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 289.72 92761 12/12/2003 GRACE L.PUCCI Accounts Payable Check 277.50 92762 12/12/2003 QUILL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 359.89 92763 12/12/2003 RADIO SHACK CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 126.46 92764 12/12/2003 RAINBOW MEALWORMS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 202.54 92765 12/12/2003 RECOGNITION WORKS Accounts Payable Check 537.43 92766 12/12/2003 RED'S PLUMBING Accounts Payable Check 81.75 92767 12/12/2003 REID ROOFING Accounts Payable Check 22,380.00 92768 12/12/2003 RICK BUTLER BUSINESS MACHINES Accounts Payable Check 300.00 92769 12/12/2003 RACHELLE RICKARD Accounts Payable Check 351.59 92770 12/12/2003 STEVE ROMO Accounts Payable Check 51.00 92771 12/12/2003 RXLASER Accounts Payable Check 334.58 92772 12/12/2003 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SHERIFF Accounts Payable Check 8,140.00 92773 12/12/2003 SAN LUIS PAINTS Accounts Payable Check 249.70 92774 12/12/2003 SAN LUIS PERSONNEL INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,941.10 92775 12/12/2003 STEVE SANDEFFER Accounts Payable Check 158.59 92776 12/12/2003 SANTA MARIA TIRE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,24# 92777 12/12/2003 SBC Accounts Payable Check 5,275. 92778 12/12/2003 SBC Accounts Payable Check 138.47 92779 12/12/2003 SBC/MCI Accounts Payable Check 277.77 92780 12/12/2003 WENDY SCALISE Accounts Payable Check 75.00 92781 12/12/2003 LISETTE SCHOLL Accounts Payable Check 138.60 92782 12/12/2003 JOHN SIEMENS Accounts Payable Check 42.79 92783 12/12/2003 SIGN OUTLET Accounts Payable Check 32.18 92784 12/12/2003 SLOCOMOTION Accounts Payable Check 19.84 92785 12/12/2003 SMART AND FINAL Accounts Payable Check 153.82 92786 12/12/2003 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL Accounts Payable Check 1,244.40 92787 12/12/2003 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIERS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 633.75 92788 12/12/2003 SYLVESTER'S SECURITY ALARMS Accounts Payable Check 500.00 92789 12/12/2003 T-N-T PEST CONTROL Accounts Payable Check 88.00 92790 12/12/2003 TECHDEPOT Accounts Payable Check 28.32 92791 12/12/2003 TEE'S PLUS Accounts Payable Check 215.27 92792 12/12/2003 TEMPLETON FEED&GRAIN Accounts Payable Check 136.39 92793 12/12/2003 TERRY&PAULSON ENTERPRISE INC Accounts Payable Check 18.00 92794 12/12/2003 TESORO CAR WASH Accounts Payable Check 7-0 6 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2003 Check Check mber Date Vendor Description Amount 92795 12/12/2003 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR Accounts Payable Check 668.55 92796 12/12/2003 ULTREX BUSINESS PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 357.17 92797 12/12/2003 USDA RURAL DEVELOPMENT Accounts Payable Check 110.57 92798 12/12/2003 VALLEY PACIFIC PETROLEUM SVCS Accounts Payable Check 465.39 92799 12/12/2003 JEFF VAN DEN EIKHOF Accounts Payable Check 214.20 92800 12/12/2003 TOM VELASQUEZ Accounts Payable Check 68.00 92801 12/12/2003 VERIZON WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 241.92 92802 12/12/2003 VIDEO PALACE Accounts Payable Check 14.60 92803 12/12/2003 VINTAGE CATERING&CAFE Accounts Payable Check 2,669.40 92804 12/12/2003 NANCY E.WEBBER,PH.D. Accounts Payable Check 290.00 92805 12/12/2003 WILLIAM AVERY&ASSC.,INC. Accounts Payable Check 11,971.26 92806 12/12/2003 WULFING'S POLYGRAPH SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 450.00 250 12/15/2003 MID-STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 4,450.34 92807 12/18/2003 RENE VASQUEZ Accounts Payable Check 352.87 92823 12/18/2003 BLUE CROSS OF CALIFORNIA Payroll Vendor Payment 71,034.16 • 92808 12/19/2003 ATASCADERO FIRE DEPT EMP.ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 240.00 92809 12/19/2003 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 30.00 92810 12/19/2003 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS ASN Payroll Vendor Payment 399.50 92811 12/19/2003 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 182.69 92812 12/19/2003 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 8,285.07 92813 12/19/2003 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 708.35 92814 12/19/2003 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 7,419.15 92815 12/19/2003 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST-457 Payroll Vendor Payment 757.90 92816 12/19/2003 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS Payroll Vendor Payment 88.00 92817 12/19/2003 NATIONAL DEFERRED COMPENSATION Payroll Vendor Payment 611.75 92818 12/19/2003 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 38.04 92819 12/19/2003 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 28,153.73 92820 12/19/2003 SEIU LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO Payroll Vendor Payment 596.51 92821 12/19/2003 SLO CREDIT UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 625.00 92822 12/19/2003 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 33.00 92824 12/22/2003 CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Accounts Payable Check 8,775.00 251 12/23/2003 MID-STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 34,414.70 92825 12/30/2003 BLUE SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA Payroll Vendor Payment 1,618.36 7 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2003 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 92826 12/30/2003 CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO Payroll Vendor Payment 793.63 92827 12/30/2003 COLONIAL LIFE&ACCIDENT INS. Payroll Vendor Payment 1,586.65 92828 12/30/2003 DELTA DENTAL,ATTN:ACCOUNTING Payroll Vendor Payment 7,661.12 92829 12/30/2003 EQUITABLE LIFE Payroll Vendor Payment 697.76 92830 12/31/2003 HOME DEPOT Accounts Payable Check 1,532.12 92833 12/31/2003 I.M.P.A.C.GOVERNMENT SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 10,148.78 92834 12/31/2003 FINANCE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH Accounts Payable Check 396.06 92835 12/31/2003 DENISE ANGEL ROBINSON Accounts Payable Check 150.00 $ 516,641.51 r ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 022404 taxa 1979 Atascadero City Council December 2003 Staff Report - City Treasurer December 2003 Investment Report RECOMMENDATION: Council approve the City Treasurer's report for December 2003. REPORT IN BRIEF: Cash and Investments Checking $ 408,004 Money Market Accounts 341 Certificates of Deposit 5,363,134 Government Securities 1;742,500 LAIF 16,331,454 Cash with Fiscal Agents 143,673 Cash in Banks at December 31, 2003 $ 23,989,106 Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks (117,916) Cash and Investments at December 31, 2003 $ 23,871,190 Investment Activity Securities Purchased: None Securities Matured: None Securities Sold/Called Prior to Maturity: None Other Reportable Activities: None Page 1 of 11 9 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT CASH& INVESTMENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 2003 CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS Balance per Banks at December 1, 2003 $ 295,105 $ 21,767,060 $ 143,612 $ 22,205,777 Receipts 2,740,733 369 61 2,741,163 Disbursements (957,834) - Transfers In - 1,670,000 - 1,670,000 Transfers Out (1,670,000) - - (1,670,000) Balance per Banks at December 31, 2003 $ 408,004 $ 23,437,429 $ 143,673 23,989,106 Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks (117,916) Adjusted Treasurer's Balance $ 23,871,190 10 Page 2 of 11 q h b V N w O O M 000 N N V O O �n N N N N m N V N W \ V � • O r- V N w O. O M - 'n O �o :r -N [� V O1 T W wIo 00 '.00 1O 'J OD r h Vi r r Qo N r C, C, b w ".00 a, 00 69 �o O O O O O M oo O O O O O - O M N h V Vi O O O O Cl O N O O O O :O O �D V M Vi O O O O O O r- O O O O O O O 10 h � vi vi 'lam m D\ D\ (1 C\ U 'V' of .ol O+ C\ C+ Cl of P 10 4 69 a C �d cid cq F N cd N �d cd ctl td l� G v C K 1L' C �L v ❑ Z �.,�L �L v U ti y q a �O -O 0 O O Cl M O O O 0 .. O C) O O 7 O O O. - O O O O Obi -� a, 7 a ( T C \. ol - r- In:C \ C\ ' rl- _.O, 69 q e e o 0 o v e o o a C W v v v a t(om ClC,Iq w� o o N -tt a a '�CWN U �WME, o v o 0 0 0 0 0 Iq IP 1� v o 0 0 v U 4 W V Y u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a W d w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o o o o W [�. o o u 4) > w s s a ro a ro Cs v ro a s ro V c z tr U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U o 0 0 0 N 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q M h 00 M N N M �o .-.. _ N O O O' O O O O O O O Cl 4 94 O F F�'r �i •S i Y y •� O � 0.1 Y Y C rt C R Oa Q Q Y `o 0 U zp a Y .^°. O ry w CG u o y L .� O a' U0 G W .c fl '= Z p EV x C Y o Z M a C Y 0 c �° u ,'`j ra o d 0. C $ d a .a C1 W W O W A 7 n C7 F0 Q U G1 v� d W U m 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F o o m o r o 0 o r v o N C, v q ^ N N N N M M h o rn O O O O O O O O O O O O ^ O GL N O N 7 V V'1 V1 00 •-• Vl O M O\ v1 ,D M 7 O N M r N til �n 10 N V ` N N N NN N N N V � O vl r 10 a, w O OMCl -It w _ Vl T N N r O O - • M r N M Iq N D\ D1 a,of � O � 69 O, O O O O O O O O O - O ..O O O : O O h Cl O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O tl v v r" C7, r" r a v of o, o, cz rn o, o, o, rn o, rn a Cla a o, a, o, o, a ti h O j ti ro o06 ro � O 4 ~ A � 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 o O O O o O 0 0 0 0 o O o o O o O Cl Cl Cl O Cl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V o rn a rn ar, Cl C, a rn C7, rn ol rn rn ol rn O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V oo o v v v, o 0 o n o o ,n O h W h N N � r N N N M 00 O O 00 O '. 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Q O O N�o 0 0 ,o r- a a r- o0 00 0o a o o Cl o 0 o O o o O o o O O 0. l 00 l a 11 It - 0. � cq ca a c `y oC�7 x 10, Y wd � d V ti c Y aro d o as o` u rn d F. ar X Pa . „ Ucc W ` � � o � a 0 cM °a � o : EM Ci YQ ° � db ? c G b c x # x # o xu tm x # d I e°ny is bo cl Cd 0 V) Cd K x ar d G d v o d � d o a� aq d a abi 7 '� U 3 wu wU Q wU wv H ¢ 3 � wU .9 � W o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F It ,o a O Cl cn o0 OV1 00 [� h O N ,o O O M :z N N M O O !Z4 ,o ,O �D \O fl- W[� f� h m m a O O Q O O O O O O O O Cl O O O -- 14 NO � • h r- v en N e en .-+ N 69 69 h� h r- O V� 0 w N d O N j N- H - '^ y AGM o u a� o 0 en N �L 69 (A w O obi ; O O O h� W Awry ii 3 `y U M q W w d h � oma „ g cCd ti cn wv ' � ¢ o o y � bo w b w 0 ti b ° v o o E .� b U N ti � e O w 16 > s -14 tis ' caw N d to h � 15 City of Atascadero Investments by Type December 2003 Gov't Cash with Securities Fiscal Certificates of Deposit 7% Agent 1% Other 23% 0% ------------- LA1F 69% Investment December 2003 LAIF $ 16,331,454 Certificates of Deposit 5,363,134 Government Securities 1,742,500 Cash with Fiscal Agent 143,673 Other 341 $ 23,581,102 Page 8 of 11 16 City of Atascadero Investments by Maturity • December 2003 One Month to One Year One to Five Years Within 5% 25% One Month 1% < .; { `e°fit r` • On Demand 69% Investment December 2003 On Demand $ 16,331,795 Within One Month 191,556 One Month to One Year 1,107,731 One to Five Years 5,806,346 $ 23,437,429 Page 9 of 11 17 City of Atascadero Investments by Custodial Agent December 2003 • RBC Dain Rauscher Bank of 21% New York City of Penson Financial Corp. 1% Atascadero 9% 0% State of California • 69% Custodial Agent December 2003 State of California $ 16,331,454 Penson Financial Corp. 2,112,625 RBC Dain Rauscher 4,945,347 Bank of New York 143,673 City of Atascadero 48,003 $ 23,581,102 • Page 10 of 11 18 City of Atascadero Investment Yield vs. 2-Year Treasury Yield . For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 • 3.50% 3.00% , ar 2.50% : + 2.00% �° 1.50% tj 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% 61SP Ori O� On' 5PrL0 rp T, rL0 rL0 �O �O ry0 T, 1P rl0 rp T Qee` e` e` o�Fie` O � � O City Yield 2-Yr Treasury Yield 2-Yr Treasury City Yield Yield December 2002 2.89% 1.84% January 2003 2.81% 1.74% February 2003 2.64% 1.63% March 2003 2.57% April 2003 2.46% 1.62% May 2003 2.36% 1.42% June 2003 2.28% 1.23% July 2003 2.22% 1.47% August 2003 2.23% 1.86% September 2003 2.23% 1.71% October 2003 2.21% 1.75% November 2003 2.18% 1.93% December 2003 2.11% 1.91% • Page 11 of 11 19 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 02/24/04 • i9is is e Atascadero City Council Staff Report- Public Works Department Lewis Avenue Bridge Consultant Agreements for Environmental Services and Professional Engineering Services RECOMMENDATION: 1. Council authorize the City Manager to execute contracts with: • a) Morro Group, Inc. in the amount of $116,984.50 for Lewis Avenue Bridge Environmental Services, and b) Psomas in the amount of $188,221.5 for Lewis Avenue Bridge Professional Engineering Services 2. Council authorize the Director of Administrative Services to allocate $168,138.80 from Fund 281 toward environmental and engineering services for the Lewis Avenue Bridge Project. DISCUSSION: Background: Lewis Avenue is an east-west collector road that runs parallel to EI Camino Real. West of the existing discontinuity at Atascadero Creek, Lewis Avenue services City Hall, Atascadero Junior High School, and Downtown as well as providing an important east-west collector link to Traffic Way. East of Atascadero Creek, Lewis Avenue connects to Santa Ysabel Avenue to create a collector route to Curbaril Avenue. A bridge on Lewis Avenue, over Atascadero Creek, will connect this east-west collector system. The Bridge has been identified as an important circulation element in the original Atascadero Colony Plan, the Atascadero Downtown Revitalization Plan (July 2000) and the Circulation Element (July 2002). 20 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 02/24/04 A Project Study Report dated August 31, 2001 was produced by Bengal Engineering for the proposed bridge on. Lewis Avenue. The study addressed design alternatives, environmental concerns and funding. This project is federally financed by the Transportation, Community and System Preservation (TCSP) Program and is subject to all requirements of that grant. The City established a 4% Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal for this project. Analysis: On October 31, 2003, Requests for Proposals (RFP) for both Environmental Services and Professional Engineering Services were published in the Telegram g g Tribune. In accordance with Caltrans' Consultant Selection Guidebook, the "One-Step RFP" method was used. Generally, procedures are as follows: 1. Advertise for Proposals. 2. Receive Proposals and review for responsiveness. 3. Consultant Selection Committeep erforms reference checks, confirms DBE requirements are met, and evaluates and ranks each proposal. 4. Top-ranked consultant is asked to submit a Cost Proposal. 5. City compares consultant's Cost Proposal with the Engineer's Estimate and negotiates the contract. Five proposals for Environmental Services and four for Professional Engineering Services were received on November 18, 2003 as follows: • Engineering Services: Bengal Engineering, Goleta John L. Wallace and Associates, San Luis Obispo Psomas, Sacramento URS, Santa Barbara Environmental Services: Morro Group, San Luis Obispo Padre Associates, San Luis Obispo Piedra Environmental Consultants, San Luis Obispo Rincon Associates, San Luis Obispo URS, Santa Barbara They were reviewed and ranked by the Consultant Selection Committee on December 4, 2003. Morro Group, Inc. was found to be the most qualified Environmental firm and Psomas the most qualified Professional Engineering firm. Cost Proposals were received and staff negotiated contracts with each firm. Conclusion: Staff recommends that the City Council award contracts to Morro Group, Inc. for Lewis Avenue Bridge Environmental Services, and to Psomas for Lewis Avenue • Bridge Professional Engineering Services. 21 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 02/24/04 FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of these contracts would result in the expenditure of $198,261.00 in Transportation and Community and System Preservation (TCSP) funds, and $168,138.80 of the $400,000.00 from Fund 281, which has been designated for design and construction of this project. EXPENDITURES Environmental Services Contract $116,984.50 Professional Engineering Services Contract $188,221.50 Contingency— 10% $30,596.90 Staff Coordination — 10% $30,596.90 Total Estimated Expenditure: $366,399.80 REVENUES Transportation and Community and System $198,261.00 Preservation TCSP Funding Fund 281 for Design and Construction $400,000.00 Total Revenues: $598,261.00 Construction funding for this project has not been totally allocated. $230,000.00 is remaining in Fund 281 for construction. These funds are proposed to be used for a match to leverage state or federal funding for construction. Staff will continue to look for funding sources. The goal is to construct this project in the summer of 2006 or 2007. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Do not award the contract. Direct staff to request additional proposals. • 22 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 ilia ■ ie e A tascadero City Council Staff Report - Community Development Department Tentative Parcel Map 2002-0028 (AT 01-091) and Road Abandonment 2002-0009 9230 Vista Bonita (APN 030-441-015) (Frederick) RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planning Commission recommends: 1. Council adopt draft Resolution A certifying the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration 2003-0066 and approving Tentative Parcel Map 2002-0028 (AT 01- 091), a request to subdivide one parcel totaling 4.33 acres, gross, into two parcels of 1.87 and 2.46 acres gross, based on findings and subject to conditions. 2. Council adopt draft Resolution B approving a request to abandon a portion of Vista Bonita, from its intersection with EI Bordo Avenue to its westerly terminus. REPORT-IN-BRIEF: The project consists of a request to subdivide one 4.33 acre lot into two lots of 1.87 and 2.46 acres, gross and abandon Vista Bonita Road. The site is located on the south side of Vista Bonita, west of EI Bordo Avenue. The property is steep, with average slopes over 30%. Although proposed Parcel 1 was not intended for residential development, building envelopes for both proposed parcels have been identified on slopes under 20%. Planning Commission Action: The Planning Commission heard this project at a public hearing on December 16, 2003. The Commission recommended approval of the project with changes to the conditions of approval. Specifically, the Commission recommended (1) changes to Planning Condition 8 to allow for the use of septic systems on the lots and (2) that Parcel 1 be permitted as a residential building lot, with all future grading to be restricted to the proposed footprint area. 23 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 At the time of the environmental analysis, Staff evaluated the project as a cellular • facility on lot 1 and a residential building site on lot 2. The proposal to allow residential development on lot 1 was first brought up during the Planning Commission hearing. Staff recommended the Commission refer this item back for additional staff and environmental analysis of residential development on lot 1. Staff's concern was that proper fire access to tot 1 does not exist and that development of lot 1 may require substantial grading that could create significant visual impacts. The mitigated negative declaration contains a mitigation measure (Mitigation Measure 9.b.1) that requires an open space easement over proposed Parcel 1. This mitigation measure is in conflict with the Planning Commission's recommendation. In addition, staff has not evaluated the potential impacts of additional grading on proposed Parcel 1, septic systems, or emergency response impacts for an additional residential parcel on an access road that will exceed 20% slope. Although the Planning Commission is recommending approval of the project, staff has withdrawn its recommendation of approval,that was originally forwarded to the Planning Commission. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant/Owner: Michael Frederick, P.O. Box 573, Atascadero, • California 93423; (805) 466-5060 2. Representative: Wilson Land Surveys, 7600 Morro Road, Atascadero, California 93422; (805) 466-2445 3. Project Address: 9230 Vista Bonita, Atascadero, California 93422 APN 030-441-015 4. General Plan Designation: SFR-Z (Single Family Residential, 1.5 to 2.5 acre minimum) 5. Zoning District: SFR-Z (Residential Single Family, 1.5 to 2.5 acre minimum) 6. Site Area: 4.33 acres, gross 7. Existing Use: Cell Site/Vacant 8. Environmental Status: Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. 24 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 DISCUSSION: • Background. The site is located t on the south side of Vista Bonita, west of EI Bordo Avenue. The surrounding parcels are generally developed with single-family residences on lots of 1 acre or greater. I p Chalk Mountain Golf Course r EI Camino Real Highway 101 Vista Bonita Avenue r ��I Project Site EI Bordo Avenue There are existing cellular sites within the area of proposed Parcel 1. Planning Commission Resolution 2001-038 approved the cellular sites in August of 2001. Proposed Parcel 2 has previously been graded and has an existing building pad area. 25 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 z Cellular Towers Building Area Parcel 1 Parcel 2 Analysis: Minimum lot size for Residential Single Family-Z parcels is based on performance standards and ranges between 1.5 and 2.5 acres, gross. Minimum lot size for the parcels in question were calculated as follows: • 26 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 IZ n Nlinimum,�t.Size=Grteria.For the Residential Sin le°Fame o e Lot Size Factors Distance from Center of 0-4,000=.08;4-6,000=.10; Community 6-8,000=.12 >8,000 0.12 >20 min/inch=.30;20-59 Septic Suitability min/inch=.50; >60 min/inch= (perk rate) .70 Sewer 0.3 0-20%=.3, 21-30%=.50, Average Sloe 31%and over=.70 0.7 City accepted road=.15 Paved road less than 15%=.15; Paved road more than 15%=20; All weather less than 15%=.25; All weather more than 15%=.30; Access Condition Unimproved surface=.40 0.2 Average Lot Size Within 1500 Feet (acres) 1.021 0.20 Minimum Lot Size= 1.523 • M iumum<<Lot Size=Ci iteria:For the.Resid6ntialx,Sin le Family zone . Lot Size Factors Distance from � Center of 0-4,000=.08, 4-6,000=.10 Community 6-8,000=.12 >8,000 0.12 >20 min/inch=.30 Septic Suitability 20-59 min/inch=.50 (perk rate) >60 min/inch= .70 Sewer 0.3 0-20%=.3, 21-30%= .50, Average Sloe 31%and over=.70 0.7 City accepted road=.15 Paved road less than 15%=.15 Paved road more than 15%=20 All weather less than 15%= .25 All weather more than 15%=.30 Access Condition Unimproved surface= .40 0.2 Average Lot Size Within 1500 Feet (acres) 1.02 0.2 Minimum Lot Size= 1.523 27 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 The proposed lot sizes meet the minimum lot size requirement for parcels using City sewer facilities. General Plan Policy 5.2.5 does not permit the creation of new lots • when average slopes are 30% or greater, unless a building envelope with slopes of 20% or less can be established. Both lots have building areas with slopes of 20% or less. In addition, staff recommended a condition of approval for the subdivision requiring an open space easement over all of Parcel 1, which is currently used as a cellular facility site. This condition was removed by the Planning Commission. The lots will take access off of Vista Bonita Avenue as a private driveway. The applicant is requesting abandonment of Vista Bonita with this application. City Council Resolution 24-97 previously abandoned the most westerly portion of Vista Bonita in May of 1997. If approved, this abandonment request would relinquish the remaining portion of Vista Bonita Avenue. L., L01 C; N �Z m � Z— O a � ��?'`� �wocna_ Jew a ZZw3Z own 0 0 LLIaaa �O ZQaUQ�' N WOa8LL a V)MLL o a0 o W(aF pa U SOB n EL 0 En 10 Q�a o • Requested Abandonment sw N m N Q oa wm J �•- FO Um as Q¢ 0 dQ JWWP n _m o Q a< = J W C N n N r W'd N ¢ Ji nr urn ¢ 4J Previously Abandoned _M CC Resolution 24-97 JI N N O 0 Q y! nQaF i 5¢ � OJ N O v O 2z0 Z X3 600Vf= 9 U J o Cpq iV N D W�pOF MI M C n e r 28 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 The Public Works Department and the Fire Department have both reviewed the abandonment request and determined that, due to the steepness of Vista Bonita Avenue, the road will not meet City standards and therefore, abandonment is appropriate at this time. The Fire Department has not evaluated the project in light of the additional residential unit proposed on lot 1. 'Environmental Review: The Initial Study concludes that there will be no significant harm to the environment as a result of this subdivision. A proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared for the project. Staff is concerned about the adequacy of the environmental review since the Commission changed the project description to allow residential development on Lot 1. Public Improvements: The City Engineer's office is not requesting public improvements at this time. 1 5i I+�I yhl '• � y I �! 1„ 1 t \ 5i q § ,1 II � Proposed Tentative Parcel Map for TPM 2002-0028 • 29 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 Conclusion: The original subdivision project was consistent with the General Plan and Zoning • Ordinance. The parcel configurations are consistent with the Subdivision Ordinance requirements and the size and shape of the proposed lots are consistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the tentative parcel map and road abandonment with changes to Planning Condition No. 8 to allow the use of septic systems and to allow proposed Parcel 1 to be developed in the future with a residential unit. Absent a building footprint and grading plan for lot 1 staff has not been able to analyze if the project meets all applicable City standards and the requirements of CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT: The project would likely have a slight negative impact on City revenues. As a general rule, single-family dwellings require services that exceed the revenue generated by the proposed uses. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The City Council may continue the hearing and refer the item back to staff and/or the Planning Commission for additional information or analysis. Direction should be given to staff and the applicant on required information. 2. The City Council may approve the subdivision subject to additional or revised project conditions. The Council's motion to approve needs to include any new or revised project conditions. 3. The City Council may deny the subdivision if it is found to be inconsistent with the General Plan or any of the other required findings. The Council's recommendation to deny must include a finding basis for denial. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 Draft Resolution A Attachment 2 Draft Resolution B • 30 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 ATTACHMENT 1: Draft Resolution A • TTM 2002-0028 9230 Vista Bonita Avenue DRAFT RESOLUTION A A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 2002-0028 TO DIVIDE ONE RESIDENTIAL LOT INTO TWO RESIDENTIAL LOTS ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF VISTA BONITA (APN 030-441-015) (FREDERICK) WHEREAS, Michael Frederick, P.O. Box 573, Atascadero, California 93423 (Applicant/Owner) applied for a Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide one lot totaling 4.33 acres into two parcels of 1.87 and 2.46 acres, gross; and, WHEREAS, the proposed project has a General Plan Designation of SFR-Z (Single Family Residential, 1.5 to 2.5 acre minimum) and, as conditioned, is in conformance with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and all other applicable General Plan policies; and, WHEREAS, the site is located in the RSF-Z (Residential Single Family, 1.5 to 2.5 acre minimum) zoning district, which allows for the proposed use and density when certain findings are made; and, WHEREAS, an Initial Study and Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration 2003-0066 were prepared for the project and made available for public review in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA); and, WHEREAS,the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and Tentative Parcel Map application on December 16, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. and considered testimony and reports from staff, the applicants, and the public; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended the City Council certify Mitigated Negative Declaration 2003-0066; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended the City Council approve TPM 2002-0028 with the following changes: 1. Revise Planning Condition 8 to allow for the use of septic systems on the resulting lots, and 2. All residential development on Proposed Parcel 1. 31 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 NOW, THEREFORE,the City Council takes the following actions: • SECTION 1. Certification of Negative Declaration. The City Council of the City of Atascadero, hereby certifies Mitigated Negative Declaration 2003-0066 based on the following findings: 1. The Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration has been completed in compliance with CEQA; and, 2. The Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration was presented to the Planning Commission, and the information contained therein was considered by the Planning Commission, prior to recommending action on the project for which it was prepared; and, 3. The Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration was presented to the City Council and the information contained therein was considered by the Council, prior to taking action on the project for which it was prepared; and, 4. The project does not have the potential to degrade the environment when mitigation measures are incorporated into the project. 5. The project will not achieve short-term to the disadvantage of long-term environmental goals. 6. The project does not have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable. 7. The project will not cause substantial adverse effects on human beings either directly or indirectly. SECTION-2. Findings for approval of subdivision.The City Council finds as follows: 1. The proposed subdivision, as conditioned, is consistent with the General Plan and applicable zoning requirements. 2. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan and applicable zoning requirements. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of development proposed. • 32 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 5. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision will not cause • substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. 6. The subdivision is consistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood. 7. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through, or the use of property within, the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternative easements are provided. 8. The proposed subdivision design and type of improvements proposed will not cause serious public health problems. SECTION 3. Approval. The City Council does hereby approve Tentative Parcel Map 2002-0028 (AT 01-091) to subdivide one parcel totaling 4.33 acres into two parcels of 1.87 and 2.46 acres each, subject to the following Conditions and Exhibits: EXHIBIT A: Mitigated Negative Declaration EXHIBIT B: Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT C: Tentative Parcel Map 2002-0028 • i 33 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 On motion by Council member and seconded by Council member the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following • roll call vote: AYES: ( ) NOES: ( ) ABSENT: ( ) ABSTAINED: ( ) ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA George Luna, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Roy A. Hanley, City Attorney 34 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 EXHIBIT A: Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration • Draft Resolution A TPM 2002-0028 ® CITY 0.FATASCADER0 PROPOSED MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECL4R4TTION #2003-0066 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero,CA 93422 80 5146 1-5 03 5 Applicant: Michael Frederick,'P.O.Box 573,Atascadero,CA 93423 (805)466-5060 Project Title: Tentative Parcel Map 2002-0028 and Road Abandonment 2002-0009 Project Vista Bonita Avenue,Atascadero,C,JggR*, Location: (San Luis Obispo County)APN'030-441-015 ProJect A proposed subdivision of a 4.33 acre,gross,lot into two individual parcels of 1.87 and 2.46 acres, Description' gross,each. Proposed parcel l is currently developed with cellular facilities,which willb a confined to that lot and proposed parcel 2 could be developed with a single-family residence. The property will utilize the City's wastewater facilities and Atascadero Mutual Water Company will provide water services. Abandonment of Vista Bonita Avenue,from El "Avenue,westerly to the qW de sac terminus of Vista Bonita Avenue is also proposed. General Plan Designation: SFR-Z,1.5 to 2.5 acre minimum,based on performance standards . Zoning District: RSF-Z,1.5 to 2.5 acre minimum,based on performance standards Findings: 1. The project does not have the potential to degrade the environment. 2. The project will not achieve short-term to the disadvarnage of long-term environmental goals. 3. The project does not have jMpAgJ..ty.. )are individually limited,but cumulatively considerable. 4. The project will not cause substantial adverse effects on human beings either directly or indirectly., Determination: Bas ed on the above findings,and the information contained in the initial study 2003-0056(made a p art hereof by reference and on file in the C ommunity Development Department),it has been determine d'that the ab ove proje ct will not have an adverse impact on the environment when the following proposed mitigation measures are incorporated into the project(see attachment). Prepared By: Kerry A ftZaso.n,Associate Plamer Date Posted: December 3,2003 Public'Review Ends: December 23,2003 Attachments: Vicinity Tentative Parcel Map Road Abandonment Exhibit Aerial Photo Initial Study 2003-0066 • L4�:'C+t„34L�i:.S"iY�.�^aasm.nuxFax pfYSiS i�w; 6501''$ t,M;k i " ;,S, FR.ta ., I F 0 Rl I 2 (q464 5V3-4 AY 6, 0; 35 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 EXHIBIT B: Conditions of Approval • Draft Resolution A TPM 2002-0028 Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Timing Responsibility Mitigation /Monitoring Measure TPM 2002-0028(AT 01-091) PM: Parcel Map GP:Grading Prmt PS:Planning Services 9230 Vista Bonita Avenue BP:Building Prmt BS:Building Services TO:Temporary FD:Fire Department Occupancy PD:Police Department FO:Final CE:City Engineer Occupancy WW:Wastewater PI: Public CA:City Attorney Improvements AMWC: Atascadero Mutual Water Company Planning Services -Standard Planning Conditions 1. The approval of this application shall become final, Ongoing PS subject to the completion of the conditions of approval, fourteen (14) days following the Planning Commission approval unless prior to that time, an appeal to the decision is filed as set forth in Section 9-1.111(b) of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall be valid for FM PS two years after its effective date. At the end of the period, the approval shall expire and become null and • void unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request received prior to the expiration date, or a final map is recorded with the County Recorder's Office. 3. The Community Development Department shall have FM PS the authority to approve minor changes to the project that (1) result in a superior site design or appearance, and/or (2) address a construction design issue that is not substantive to the Tentative Parcel Map. 4. A Parcel map drawn in substantial conformance with FM PS the approved tentative map, and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein, shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. 5. The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold Ongoing CA harmless the City of Atascadero or its agents, officers, and employees against any claim or action brought to challenge an approval by the City, or any of its entities, concerning the subdivision. 6. The final map shall be subject to additional fees for FM PS park or recreation purposes (QUIMBY Act) as required by City Ordinance. 36 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Timing Responsibility Mitigation /Monitoring Measure TPM 2002-0028(AT 01-091) PM: Parcel Map GP:Grading Prmt PS:Planning Services 9230 Vista Bonita Avenue BP:Building Prmt BS:Building Services TO:Temporary FD:Fire Department Occupancy PD:Police Department FO:Final CE:City Engineer Occupancy WW:Wastewater PI: Public CA:City Attorney Improvements AMWC: Atascadero Mutual Water Company Project Specific Conditions FU FSS rev.&Ned-and approved by the Gammun4y 8. GP/BP PW/PS/BS Septic systems to be allowed on these parcels. 9. All future development shall be consistent with the PM PS Conditions of Approval detailed in Planning Commission Resolution No. 2001-038. 10. All future proposals for cellular facilities shall be Ongoing PS required to amend the existing Conditional Use Permits and shall be required to co-locate on existing facilities. 11. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant PM PS shall submit a landscaping plan for all areas previously disturbed and for the area surrounding the gate on Vista Bonita. This landscaping plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department and the landscaping shall be installed prior to recordation of the final map. Engineering Standard Conditions 12. In the event that the applicant is allowed to bond for FM CE any public improvements required as a condition of this map, the applicant shall enter into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement with the City Council 13. An engineer's estimate of probable cost shall be FM CE submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer to determine the amount of the bond. 14. The Subdivision Improvement Agreement shall FM CE record concurrently with the Final Map. • 15. The applicant shall enter into a Plan Check/inspection FM CE agreement with the City. 37 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Timing Responsibility Mitigation /Monitoring Measure TPM 2002-0028(AT 01-091) PM: Parcel Map GP:Grading Prmt PS:Planning Services 9230 Vista Bonita Avenue BP:Building Prmt BS:Building Services TO:Temporary FD:Fire Department Occupancy PD:Police Department FO:Final CE:City Engineer Occupancy WW:Wastewater PI: Public CA:City Attorney Improvements AMWC: Atascadero Mutual Water Company 16. The applicant shall acquire title interest in any off-site FM CE land that may be required to allow for the construction of the improvements. The applicant shall bear all costs associated with the necessary acquisitions. The applicant shall also gain concurrence from all adjacent property owners whose ingress and egress is affected by these improvements. 17. Slope easements shall be obtained by the applicant FM CE as needed to accommodate cut or fill slopes. 15. Drainage easements shall be obtained by the FM CE applicant as needed to accommodate both public and private drainage facilities. The applicant shall address storm water detention prior to grading and drainage approval. 18. A current preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be FM CE submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the parcel map. 19. The final map shall be signed by the City Engineer FM CE prior to the map being placed on the agenda for City Council acceptance. 20. Prior to recording the final map, the applicant shall FM CE pay all outstanding plan check/inspection fees. 21. Prior to recording the final map, the applicant shall FM CE complete all improvements required by these conditions of approval. 22. Prior to recording the final map, the applicant's FM CE surveyor shall set monuments at all new property corners. A registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate by certificate on the parcel map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. 23. Prior to recording the parcel map, the applicant shall FM CE submit a map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all . conditions set forth herein.The map shall be 38 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Timing Responsibility Mitigation • /Monitoring Measure TPM 2002-0028(AT 01-091) PM: Parcel Map GP:Grading Prmt PS:Planning Services 9230 Vista Bonita Avenue BP:Building Prmt BS:Building Services TO:Temporary FD:Fire Department Occupancy PD:Police Department FO:Final CE:City Engineer Occupancy WW:Wastewater PI: Public CA:City Attorney Improvements AMWC: Atascadero Mutual Water Company submitted for review and approval by the City in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. 24. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, FM CE or other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements,they shall be noted on the final map. The applicant shall show all access restrictions on the final map. 25. Prior to recording the final map,the applicant shall FM CE have the map reviewed by all applicable public and private utility companies (cable, telephone, gas, electric, Atascadero Mutual Water Company). The applicant shall obtain a letter from each utility . company indicating their review of the map. The letter shall identify any new easements that may be required by the utility company. A copy of the letter shall be submitted to the City. New easements shall be shown on the final map. 26. All public improvements shall be constructed in FM CE conformance with the City of Atascadero Engineering Department Standard Specifications and Drawings or as directed by the City Engineer. 27. The applicant shall be responsible for the relocation FM CE and/or alteration of existing utilities. 28. The applicant shall install all new utilities (water, gas, FM CE electric,cable TV and telephone) underground. Utilities shall be extended to the property line frontage of each lot or its public utility easement. 29. Prior to the final inspection of any public FM CE improvements, the applicant shall submit a written statement from a registered civil engineer that all work has been completed and is in full compliance with the approved plans. . 30. The applicant shall monument all property corners for FM CE construction control and shall promptly replace them 39 it ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Timing Responsibility Mitigation /Monitoring Measure TPM 2002-0028(AT 01-091) PM: Parcel Map GP:Grading Prmt PS:Planning Services • BS:Building Services BP:Building Prmt , 9 9230 Vista Bonita Avenue g FD:Fire Department TO:Temporary Occupancy PD:Police Department FO:Final CE:City Engineer Occupancy WW:Wastewater PI: Public CA:City Attorney Improvements AMWC: Atascadero Mutual Water Company if disturbed. Engineering Project Specific Conditions 31. An ingress, egress and utility easement shall be FM CE retained over Vista Bonita Avenue. 32. A road maintenance agreement shall be prepared for FM CE maintenance of the private driveway, prior to recordation of the final map. The agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer, Community Development Director and the City Attorney. After approval, the road maintenance shall record concurrently with the final map. Building/Fire Marshal: 33. Interior fully automatic fire sprinklers will be required for GP FD/PS/BS • all new residential development. 34. All roads, access ways and driveways shall be built to GP FD/PS/BS Fire Department standards, including turnouts and/or turnarounds, as required. The short stretch of grade @ 22% shown on the tentative map will be acceptable due to the shallow bury of utilities. 35. All residential structures shall be within 800 feet of a GP FD/PS/BS fire hydrant as measured along the road and driveways. Water tanks will not be an acceptable method of providing emergency water supplies. Water Company: 36. The applicant shall design and construct the water FM AMWC system improvements needed to serve the subdivision. The water system improvements required to serve the subdivision shall be private, shall be operated and maintained by the applicant and shall be isolated from the AMWC system with an appropriate back-flow prevention device. The applicant is responsible for designing and constructing water system improvements that will deliver water at the pressures and flows needed to serve the subdivision. • 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Timing Responsibility Mitigation • /Monitoring Measure TPM 2002-0028(AT 01-091) PM: Parcel Map GP:Grading Prmt PS:Planning Services 9230 Vista Bonita Avenue BP:Building Prmt BS:Building Services TO:Temporary FD:Fire Department Occupancy PD:Police Department FO:Final CE:City Engineer Occupancy WW:Wastewater PI: Public CA:City Attorney Improvements AMWC: Atascadero Mutual Water Company 37. AMWC expressly reserves and retains all rights and privileges grated to it, among other things, to construct and operate water facilities over, along, upon and through the segment of the roadway alignment that is to be abandoned. Said rights and privileges were granted to AMWC by that certain Deed, dated October 20, 1914, and recorded in the Office of the County Recorder, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, in Volume 113, at page 56. MITIGATION MEASURES Mitigation Measure 3.b.1: The project is conditioned to BS BS/PS 3.b.1 comply with all applicable District regulations pertaining to the • control of fugitive dust(PM-10)as contained in sections 6.3,6.4 and 6.5 of the April 2003 Air Quality Handbook. Section 6.3: Construction Equipment • Maintain all construction equipment in proper tune according to manufacturer's specifications. • Fuel all off-road and portable diesel powered equipment, including but not limited to bulldozers, graders,cranes, loaders, scrapers, backhoes, generator sets, compressors, auxiliary power units, with ARB certified motor vehicle diesel fuel (Non- taxed version suitable for use off-road). • Maximize to the extent feasible, the use of diesel construction equipment meeting the ARB's 1996 or newer certification standard for off-road heavy-duty diesel engines. • Install diesel oxidation catalysts (DOC), catalyzed diesels particulate filters (CDPF) or other District approved emission reduction retrofit services (Required for projects grading more than 4.0 acres of continuously worked area). Section 6.4: Activity Management Techniques • Develop a comprehensive construction activity management plan designed to minimize the amount of large construction equipment operating during any given time period. • Schedule of construction truck trips during non-peak 41 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Timing Responsibility Mitigation /Monitoring Measure • TPM 2002-0028(AT 01-091) PM: Parcel Map GP:Grading Pant PS:Planning Services 9230 Vista Bonita Avenue BP:Building Prmt BS:Building Services TO:Temporary FD:Fire Department Occupancy PD:Police Department FO:Final CE:City Engineer Occupancy WW:Wastewater PI: Public CA:City Attorney Improvements AMWC: Atascadero Mutual Water Company hours to reduce peak hour emissions. • Limit the length of the construction workday period, if necessary. • Phase construction activities, if appropriate. Section 6.5: Fugitive PM10 All of the following measures shall be included on grading, demolition and building plan notes: A. Reduce the amount of the disturbed area where possible. B. Use of water trucks or sprinkler systems in sufficient quantities to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. Increased watering frequency would be required whenever wind speeds exceed 15 mph. Reclaimed (non-potable)water should be used whenever possible. C. All dirt stockpile areas should be sprayed daily as needed. D. Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved project re-vegetation and landscape plans should be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities. E. Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading should be sown with a fast-germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is established. F. All disturbed soil areas not subject to revegatation should be stabilized using approved chemical soil binder,jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the APCD. G. All roadways, driveways,sidewalks, etc, to be paved should be complete as soon as possible. In addition, building pads should be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used. H. Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site. I. All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer) in accordance with CVC Section 23114. J. Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto streets, or was off trucks and equipment leaving the site. K. Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible. L. The contractor or builder shall designate a person or persons to monitor the dust control program and to order increased watering, as necessary, to prevent transport of dust off site. The name and telephone number of such persons shall be provided to the APCD prior to land use clearance for map recordation and land use clearance for finish grading of any structure. Mitigation Measure 4.e.1: The Grading Plan shall identify tree BP Ps 4.e.1 protection fencing around the drip line of each existing on-site tree and/or native shrub mass within 20 feet of construction activity. • 42 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Timing Responsibility Mitigation /Monitoring Measure TPM 2002-0028(AT 01-091) PM: Parcel Map GP:Grading Prmt PS:Planning Services 9230 Vista Bonita Avenue BP:Building Prmt BS:Building Services TO:Temporary FD:Fire Department Occupancy PD:Police Department FO:Final CE:City Engineer Occupancy WW:Wastewater PI: Public CA:City Attorney Improvements AMWC: Atascadero Mutual Water Company Mitigation Measure 4.e.2: Grading and excavation and grading BP PS 4.e.2 work shall be consistent with the City of Atascadero Tree Ordinance. Special precautions when working around native trees include: 1. All existing trees outside of the limits of work shall remain. 2. Earthwork shall not exceed the limits of the project area. 3. Low branches in danger of being torn from trees shall be pruned prior to any heavy equipment work being done. 4. Vehicles and stockpiled material shall be stored outside the drip line of all trees. 5. All trees within the area of work shall be fenced for protection with 4-foot chain link,snow,or safety fencing placed per the approved tree protection plan. Tree protection fencing shall be in place prior to any site excavation or grading. Fencing shall remain in place until completion of all construction activities. 6. Any roots that are encountered during excavation shall be clean cut by hand and sealed with an approved tree seal. . Mitigation Measure 6.b: All disturbed areas, not shown on the BP BS 6.b project landscape plan for landscaping shall be hydro seeded with a native seed mix. Erosion control measures shall include an erosion control blanket for all 2:1 fill slopes.Affected areas that previously contained native shrubs and vegetation shall be replanted with similar plant species per an approved landscape plan. Duration of the project:The contractor will be responsible for the clean up of any mud or debris that is tracked out on to El Bordo Rd and/or the private access drive by construction vehicles. Mitigation Measure 6.c.d: A soils report shall be required to be BP BS 6.c.d submitted with any future building permits by the building department.The building plans will be required to follow the recommendations of the soils report to assure safety for residents and buildings. QRS 9.b Mitigation Measure 11 A All construction activities shall comply BP BS/PS 11.d with the City of Atascadero Noise Ordinance for hours of operation. r 43 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 EXHIBIT C: Tentative Parcel Map Draft Resolution A TPM 2002-0028 [ s s -Y���sld -Mill 00 � � e 's ! : 9 70 yly • 44 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 ATTACHMENT 2: Draft Resolution B • TPM 2002-0028 9230 Vista Bonita Avenue DRAFT RESOLUTION B A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO SUMMARILY VACATING A PORTION OF VISTA BONITA AVENUE PURSUANT TO SECTION 8331 OF THE CALIFORNIA STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE (ROAD ABANDONMENT #2002-0009) WHEREAS, Michael Frederick, P.O Box 573, Atascadero, California 93423 (Owner / Applicant), applied for a Road Abandonment to abandon Vista Bonita Avenue right-of-way; and WHEREAS, the proposed project area has a General Plan Designation of SFR-Y (Single Family Residential, 1 acre minimum) and the project is in conformance with the Circulation Element of the General Plan and all other applicable General Plan policies; and • WHEREAS, the Vista Bonita Avenue right-of way, as shown on the attached Exhibit A, has not been improved for vehicular travel for a period of five consecutive years and no public money has been expended for maintenance on the street during such period; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the proposed Road Abandonment on December 16, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. and considered testimony and reports from staff, the applicants, and the public; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommends summarily vacating a portion of Vista Bonita Avenue to the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the proposed Road Abandonment on February 24, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. and considered testimony and reports from the Planning Commission, staff, the applicants, and the public; NOW, THEREFORE,the City Council takes the following actions: SECTION 1. Environmental Review. The City Council has certified the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for TPM 2002-0028 and RAB 2002-0009. SECTION 2. Findings of Approval. The City Council finds as follows: • 45 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 1. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan. 2. Vista Bonita ta Avenue, proposed to be abandoned has been not passable for vehicular • travel for a period of five consecutive years and no public money has been expended for maintenance on the street during such period. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby approve Road Abandonment 2002-0009 as shown on Exhibit A and subject to Conditions of Approval contained in Exhibit B. • 46 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 On motion by Council member and seconded by Council member • , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: ( ) NOES: ( ) ABSENT: ( ) ABSTAINED: ( ) ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA George Luna, Mayor • ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Roy A. Hanley, City Attorney i 47 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 EXHIBIT A: Vista Bonita Road Abandonment Map Draft Resolution B RAB 2002-0009 LJ O � 0� LL- OF E r 0 0 t—Z M z Z— O w 'L MWotn¢ Lj 0)o a LLJ oJ0 0 Z w< y OD�O m¢N(/)J N CL W Z QHQ V II �.. HLL- Q o LLI0 z } 0 0 ,n Qo f1Q Zw J moo wOFaUo N- oZLi z= n dSUU(n N ¢aa o m sLL N M < m O W p ~O. O 0� Oz U)a moll J J ¢^ �0 UOQ CLs Q¢ o CL�- ¢N (� Q J,LLJ 00I MM M Q J W N O Q a¢ fix/ O LO WN N J I H W� U,m OJ �� O Of I CL WObi d U �J Q Q aF F Q ` o fYvl�n�/j to to w to I ry N cp O O a� .Y 1 W w t �h >W 0 M M ct) W<�.ON O OZ0Wo t o OmZ�z ~ 9' q r%f Cf Q G O d O OJ oq pp r �! to N O Q� M M n n 48 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 02/24/04 EXHIBIT B: Vista Bonita Road Abandonment Conditions of Approval Draft Resolution B RAB 2002-0009 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The applicant shall be responsible for the relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities within the existing Vista Bonita Avenue right of way. 2. The applicant shall enter into a Plan Check/Inspection agreement with the City. All outstanding plan/check inspection fees shall be paid prior to the final inspection. 3. The applicant shall have the map reviewed by all applicable public and private utility companies (cable, telephone, gas, electric, Atascadero Mutual Water Company). The applicant shall obtain a letter from each utility company, which indicates their review of the map. The letter shall identify any new easements that may be required by the utility company. Letters from utility companies shall be submitted to the City prior to recordation of the parcel map. 4. The applicant shall acquire title or interest in any off-site land that may be required to allow for the construction of the an improvements to relocate existing utilities. p Y The applicant shall bear all costs associated with the necessary acquisitions. The i applicant shall also gain concurrence from all property owners whose ingress and egress is affected by these improvements. 5. Parcel Map AT 01-091 shall be recorded concurrently with the abandonment of the existing Vista Bonita Avenue right of way. 6. As part of the abandonment procedure, the City shall retain a storm drain easement and public utility easement covering the right of way. A metes and bounds description shall be prepared and found acceptable. This shall be shown on the document to be recorded. 7. The property owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the city from claims that may arise from the abandonment procedure. This agreement shall be reviewed and found acceptable by the City Attorney. 8. A slope maintenance easement shall be provided on the sides of the right of way as needed to maintain cut or fill slopes. • 49 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 02/24/04 ■ ■� . m 9" CAD�f Atascadero City Council Staff Report Public Works Department 2004 Community Development Block Grant Allocation RECOMMENDATION: City Council forward to the County Board of Supervisors allocation recommendations for the 2004 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds as follows: : • Atascadero Redevelopment Agency— Streetlight Replacement 25,000 City of Atascadero —ADA Improvements — City Facilities and 67,679 Infrastructure North County Women's Resource Center/Shelter— Interior Painting 4,000 0 *€ pad City of Atascadero— Homeless Services 2,345 Community Link— Senior Health Fair 1,000 Community Services Foundation — Youth Activity Scholarship Fund 7,000 EI Camino Homeless Organization —Operating Expenses 15,000 E.O.C. — Forty Wonderful Program — Health Screening 1,000 Literacy Council — Atascadero Program 1,500 Loaves and Fishes — Groceries 6,000 , City of Atascadero� — Code Enforcement 50,000 &. City Program Administration Costs — Maximum 20% 45,131 50 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 02/24/04 DISCUSSION: Background: Preparation of the 2004 CDBG Consolidated Plan began in the fall of 2003. - Workshops were held throughout the County to solicit public comment on community needs. The County published a request for CDBG proposals. The City received 23 applications for CDBG funds totaling $401,481. The City has an estimated $225,655 in CDBG funds available. CDBG funds are available for community development activities, which meet at least one of the three national objectives: 1. A benefit to low and moderate-income persons; 2. Aid in the prevention or elimination of blight; 3. Address urgent needs that pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community. In order for a program to qualify under the low and moderate income objective, at least 51% of the persons benefiting from the project or program must earn no more than 80% of the area median. Additionally, at least 70% of the CDBG funds must be spent toward this objective. The following criteria should also be used to guide selection of CDBG programs: 1. The proposal is consistent with the national objectives and eligibility criteria of • the HUD CDBG program; 2. The proposal is consistent with the Urban County Consolidated Plan; 3. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan and other City codes/ordinances. 4. The proposal will achieve multiple community development objectives; 5. The proposal can be implemented in a timely manner, without significant environmental, policy, procedural, legal,or fiscal obstacles to overcome; and 6. The project is not financially feasible without CDBG funding. 51 I ITEM NUMBER: G-1 DATE: 02/24/04 Summary: The following is a summary by category of each application received: PUBLIC FACILITIES Atascadero Redevelopment Agency— Street Light Replacement Funds Requested: $25,000 Recommended Funding: $ 25,000 The proposed project is designed to increase pedestrian safety by providing pedestrian lighting in the downtown core area. Improved lighting will support downtown revitalization efforts in support of evening shopping and events. City of Atascadero — ADA Improvements— City Facilities and Infrastructure Funds Requested: $100,000 Recommended Funding: $67,679 This project provides for the removal of accessibility barriers at all city facilities. Project includes, in part, sidewalk modifications, bathroom compliance upgrades, door hardware replacements, audible and visual warning systems, ramping issues and access to facilities. North County Women's Resource Center— Interior Painting • Funds Requested: $4,000 Recommended Funding: $4,000 North County Women's Resource Center provides assistance to women and children who are victims of domestic violence. Approximately 95% of their clients meet the low to very low-income criteria. The proposed project would clean, patch and paint interior walls of the Atascadero Shelter. PUBLIC SERVICES City of Atascadero — Homeless Services Recommended Funding: $2,345 To create a fund for various homeless service needs that arise during the 2004 cycle. Atascadero Community Link— Senior Health Faire Funds Requested: $1,050 Recommended Funding: $1,000 Annual Health Faire, which provides health screening and information regarding services available to seniors such as insurance, recreation, safety, housing and nutrition. • 52 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 02/24/04 Atascadero Community Services Foundation — Youth Activity Scholarship Fund Funds Requested: $7,500 Recommended Funding: $7,000 The Community Services Foundation has established a scholarship fund to assist families of low-income youth to participate in recreational and social activities. Because this program is limited to low-income youth, the benefit criteria will be met. EI Camino Homeless Organization — Intake Workers and Operating Expenses Funds Requested: $15,000 Recommended Funding: $15,000 ECHO operates a facility to provide meals for the homeless. They provide space for clients to meet with counselors, housing specialists, medical personnel and volunteers. Economic Opportunity Commission — Forty Wonderful Program Funds Requested: $2,000 Recommended Funding: $1,000 E.O.C. is requesting funding from all agencies for the "Forty Wonderful Program" which is designed to improve access to medical services, early detection and intervention of chronic diseases and reduce mortality for low-income women age 40 and older. • Literacy Council — Atascadero Program Funds Requested: $3,000 Recommended Funding: $1,500 This organization is requesting funds to recruit and prepare volunteers as tutors. Client information will be collected to ensure compliance with income. Loaves and Fishes — Groceries for Needy Families Funds Requested: $6,000 Recommended Funding: $6,000 Loaves and Fishes operate an emergency food pantry for very low and low-income residents. They are requesting funds to purchase groceries. • 53 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 02/24/04 CODE ENFORCEMENT City of Atascadero— Code Enforcement Funds Requested: $50,000 Recommended Funding: $50,000 This program would provide code enforcement services for low income, deteriorated and redevelopment areas where addressing the violations could be expected to arrest the decline of the area. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR FUNDING THIS YEAR Atascadero Christian Home— Site Improvements Funds Requested: $42,500 Recommended Funding: Not recommended for funding this cycle Atascadero Christian Home is requesting funds to purchase a salad bar, a pendant alarm system, and construct upgrades to their facility including enclosing a breezeway and driveway repair. The Family Care Network— Laundry Facility Funds Requested: $25,000 • Recommended Funding: Not recommended for funding this cycle With the planned expansion of the existing facility, the laundry room will be remodeled for additional living units. The Applicant is requesting funds to construct a new laundry facility. Atascadero Redevelopment Agency — Sidewalk Construction in Redevelopment Area Funds Requested: $15,000 Recommended Funding: Not recommended for funding this cycle Project would provide for completing sections of sidewalk in the downtown core area. Big Brothers/Big Sisters — Mentoring Program Funds Requested: $7,500 Recommended Funding: Not recommended for funding this cycle This organization is requesting funding to be used for Empowerment Training for at-risk children and their guardians and for volunteer training for Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Loaves and Fishes — Utility Support for Center Funds Requested: $5,000 • Recommended Funding: Not recommended for funding this cycle Loaves and Fishes are requesting funds for payment of gas and electric charges at their building at 5411 EI Camino Real. 54 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 02/24/04 Economic Opportunity Commission — Senior Health Screening • Funds Requested: $5,000 Recommended Funding: Not recommended for funding this cycle E.O.C. is also requesting funds from all agencies to support the Senior Health Screening program. Funds would cover testing and expenses. Economic Opportunity Commission —Teen Parenting Program Funds Requested: $3,600 Recommended Funding: Not recommended for funding this cycle The Teen Parenting Program ensures that pregnant and parenting teens receive health and education support. Homeless Housing Project— Motel Voucher Program Funds Requested: $10,000 Recommended Funding: Not recommended for funding this cycle The Homeless Housing Project is requesting funds to provide motel vouchers to the homeless population. Homeless Housing Project— Vehicle expenses for Furniture Program Funds Requested: $3,000 • Recommended Funding: Not recommended for funding this cycle The Homeless Housing Project is requesting funds to help cover the cost of operating a truck which is used to pickup donated furniture and distribute to previously homeless families when housing is obtained. Dream for Kids Foundation Scholarships Funds Requested: $5,000 Recommended Funding: Not recommended for funding this cycle Funds are requested to start a scholarship program, which would provide vocational, educational and professional scholarships to youth in the foster care system. Economic Opportunity Commission — Home Repair Program Funds Requested: $12,000 Recommended Funding: Not recommended for funding this cycle This program provides needed home repairs for lower income families, seniors and disabled individuals. These repairs include the removal of architectural barriers, roof repairs, plumbing repairs, etc. i 55 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 02/24/04 Cuesta College— Small Business Development Center Funds Requested: $3,000 Recommended Funding: Not recommended for funding this cycle Funds are requested to provide business consulting for existing and start-up businesses for low to middle income residents and business owners in San Luis Obispo County. FISCAL IMPACT: Available funds are estimated at $225,655 for the 2004 cycle. ALTERNATIVES: Council may modify the grant recommendations made by Staff. However, awards must meet program requirements, providing a minimum of 70% of funding for benefit to low and moderate-income persons, and no more than 15% can be allocated to public service items. 56 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 02/24/04 sa � ■ iais e CADF�/ Atascadero City Council Staff Report - City Manager's Office Masonic Temple/Printery Building Disposition RECOMMENDATIONS: Council evaluate the City's options and give staff direction on Council's preferred course of action. DISCUSSION: • In August of 2003 the City Council voted to return the Printery building to the Atascadero Masonic Temple Association. The agreements to facilitate the return were not completed prior to the San Simeon Earthquake. The Printery sustained significant damage in the quake. Since the building remains in public ownership it maybe eligible for public assistance funds through FEMA and OES. This could provide for the rehabilitation of the structure and eventual use as a youth center consistent with the original agreement with the Masons. The City Council discussed the opportunities associated with the Printery and their current policy of returning the building to the Temple Association at their recent Strategic Planning Workshop. The Council directed the City Manager to discuss options with the Masons and return the item to the Council Agenda. The City of Atascadero and the Atascadero Masonic Temple Association have shared ownership and occupancy of the historic Printery building since 1994, when the Atascadero Masonic Temple Association donated 99% ownership to the City of Atascadero. The donation contemplated the building being renovated for the purposes of a Youth Center. The Atascadero Masonic Temple Association in a letter dated February 24, 2000, requested the return of the building in accordance with the original intent and spirit of the Joint Occupancy Agreement, and the Council concurred in 2003. Even though the building sustained damage in the quake, the Masons and their project developer, Kelly Gearhart, are willing to complete the agreement and have the building transferred to the Masons and eventually Mr. Gearhart. The property has been listed on the California Register of Historic Places and the National Register of Historic 57 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 02/24/04 Places; thus, it is a significant resource under CEQA. Therefore, any attempt to demolish, alter or develop the building or property is subject to CEQA review. The Council has been evaluating an option wherein the City would maintain ownership of the building and use the public assistance funds to rehabilitate the structure as 'a combined youth center/Masonic Hall. There are questions regarding the eligibility of the project and funding available. This option would keep the building under public ownership, preserving the public access to the historical structure. It also includes an ongoing cost for maintenance, which would be partially offset if used as a youth center. The Masonic Temple Association is concerned about the future of the building and facilities for their various groups. The current agreement does require the City to provide reasonable meeting facilities after 60 days. The Masonic Lodge has indicated that the Pavilion is likely unsatisfactory for their needs although the Eastern Star group is open to the possibility of meeting in the Boy Scout room. Any meetings will require storage space for their furniture and props as well as space in the Pavilion facility. The Association apparently prefers to have the building returned to them allowing the transfer to Mr. Gearhart and eventually a new building for their use. They are concerned that the renovation to the building could take many years displacing them for an exaggerated period. They also fear that the City may not maintain the new building in a fashion that meets their needs. They were frustrated with the City's management of the Printery building in the pre-earthquake period. • The two options being considered, returning the building to the Masons and keeping it, are consistent with the General Plan goals of preserving the Printery. FISCAL IMPACT: If the City retains the building there will be costs associated with the reconstruction and ongoing maintenance and operations costs. 58 ITEM NUMBER: D- 1 DATE: 02/24/2004 n • 191$ � 1978 Atascadero City Council City Attorney Report Emergency Resolution RECOMMENDATION: City Council adopt the draft Resolution continuing in full force and effect the resolutions declaring the existence of a state of emergency and directing the City Manager to take direct and immediate acts to repair or replace public facilities and authorize the mayor to execute it. DISCUSSION: • Government Code sections 8550 et se rant emergency powers to Cities in dealing q 9 g yp g with a natural disaster such as an earthquake. As the Director of Emergency Services the City Manager is authorized to issue a declaration declaring a state of emergency. The declaration gives the city certain powers and immunities that do not exist in the absence of such a declaration. The declaration is also required for many FEMA or other reimbursement purposes. Such a declaration by the Director/City Manager must be ratified by the City Council within seven (7) days and the City Council must thereafter review the matter again within 21 days in order for the declaration to remain in force and effect. The City Council met in emergency session on December 24, 2003 and passed such a resolution. This regular council meeting is within 21 days of the prior resolution. Pursuant to Public Contract Code section 22050 the City Manager has the authority under the declared emergency to take immediate action to procure necessary equipment, services, and supplies for the purposes of repairing and or replacing public facilities. Such acts must also be ratified within seven (7) days by action of the City Council and the City Council may direct that the City Manager continue to take such direct actions without following contract bid procedures. To do so the City Council must find, based upon facts contained in the minutes (but not required to be in the resolution or in a written staff report) that the emergency will not permit a delay resulting from a competitive solicitation for bids and the action is necessary to respond to the emergency. This action requires a 4/5 vote for approval, or if less than 5 are present a unanimous vote of the City Council. This action must likewise be reviewed within 21 59 ITEM NUMBER: D- 1 DATE: 02/24/2004 days for the powers to continue. The City Council also ratified and so directed the City Manager at its meetings of December 24, 2003, January 13, 2004, January 27, 2004 and February 10, 2004. The City Council, if it finds that the facts still warrant based upon the presentation of staff, may also continue the contracting procedures in full force and effect. The conditions expressed in the oral reports of December 24, 2003, January 13, 2004, January 27, 2004 and February 10, 2004 still exist. City facilities and City services are not yet restored to the level that we can provide services at the expected level. If we were to have to follow normal contracting procedures we would be unduly delayed (by weeks) in our ability to restore the public facilities. We will continue to place these declarations on all regular agendas until the cause for the suspension of contracting procedures no longer exists and until the emergency is no longer current. We are still suffering aftershocks and additional damage to public facilities. The full extent of the damage and the reasonable measures to fix them are not yet known. FISCAL IMPACT: Unknown ALTERNATIVES: None ATTACHMENT: Draft Resolution 60 DRAFT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CONTINUING PROCLAMATION OF EXISTENCE OF A LOCAL EMERGENCY AND AUTHORIZING EMERGENCY CONTRACTING PROCEDURES (by City Council of Atascadero acting through its Mayor) WHEREAS, Atascadero Municipal Code Title 4 Chapter 4, Emergency Organization and Functions, empowers the Director of Emergency Services to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency when said city is affected or likely to be affected by a public calamity and the City Council is not is session; and WHEREAS, the Director of Emergency Services of the City of Atascadero did find; That conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property have arisen within said city, caused by earthquake; and That the City Council of the City of Atascadero is not in session (and cannot be immediately be called into session); WHEREAS, the Director of Emergency Services did, based upon those findings, declare a local emergency pursuant to local, State, and Federal Law, on December 23, 2003; and WHEREAS, the City Council convened for an emergency meeting pursuant to State Law at the earliest possible time and within 7 days .of such proclamation on December 24, 2003, which meeting was duly noticed pursuant to the emergency meeting procedures contained in the Ralph M. Brown Act; and WHEREAS, The City Council also ratified and authorized the use of emergency contracting powers by the City Manager; and WHEREAS, The City Council revisited the issues and proclaimed the continuation of the emergency and re directed the City Manager to take direct and immediate action to restore public facilities on January 13, 2004, January 27, 2004, and February 10, 2004; and WHEREAS, The City Council is required to revisit those resolutions within at least 21 days for them to remain in force, and WHEREAS, the conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property, and the conditions authorizing the use of emergency contracting powers by the City 61 Manager did and still exist within Atascadero, caused by earthquake and subsequent after shocks. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED that: 1. The Resolutions proclaiming an emergency and authorizing and direct the City Manager to take direct and immediate action to restore public buildings and services are hereby continued in full force and effect; and 2. A local emergency now and still exists throughout the City of Atascadero; and IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that during the existence of said local emergency the powers, functions, and duties of the emergency organization of this city shall be those prescribed by state law, by ordinances, and resolutions of this city, as approved by the City Council This resolution was unanimously adopted by the City Council of the City of Atascadero on February 24, 2004 in Atascadero, California, and the Mayor was directed to execute it. Dated: By: Dr. George Luna, Mayor City Of Atascadero . 62 COUNCIL MEETING 02/24/04 EXHIBIT A ATASCADERO HEALTH COLLABORATIVE • A partnership with the Atascadero Youth Task Force 5805 Capistrano Ave, Suite G, Atascadero, Ca. 93422 (805) 466-5465 Fax: (805) 466-5343 Web address: atascaderoyouth.com Email: link@calinet.com February 18, 2004 City Council City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Ave Atascadero, Ca 93422 Dear Council Members: The Health Collaborative encourages you to support the CBDG grant request of the Atascadero Youth Task Force for partial funding of the annual SENIOR HEALTH FAIRE. This important event provides seniors with an opportunity to receive various health screenings, flu shots, and vital information relating to senior issues, particularly health related services. For three years the Atascadero Health Collaborative in cooperation with the Atascadero Youth Task Force has sponsored this event providing the seed money to establish this as an annual community service event. In those three years over 600 seniors have benefited from this event. The Health Collaborative will continue to support this effort with volunteers and funds. The CBDG grant will provide the balance of the necessary funds to make this year's Health Faire a success. Thank you for your kind consideration and we are looking forward to another great SENIOR HEALTH FAIRE. Sincerely, Dale Magee Coordinator, Atascadero Health Collaborative