HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 121488 0 6 AAEE71 X �� Z DAT / .......... JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, December 14, 199e The special meeting of the Atascadero City Council and Planning Commission was called to order at 7 p .m. at the Prather Building by Mayor Borgeson. It was immediately adjourned to the National Guard Armory where the meeting reconvened at 7: 15 p .m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present : Council members Dexter , Shiers, Lilley, Mackey and Mayor Borgeson I Commissioners Luna , Highland , Lopez Balbontin, Waage, Brusher , Tobey and Chairperson Lochridge Staff Present : Henry Engen, Community Development Director ; Paul Sensibaugh , Public Works Director ; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Ray Windsor , City Manager ; Mark Joseph , Administrative Services Director and Boyd Sharitz , City Clerk . I 1 . PUBLIC HEARING ON THE. PROPOSED EXTENSION OF HIGHWAY 41 I Council and Commissioners introduced themselves. Ray Windsor , City Manager , introduced staff and the Cal Trans Representative, Jerry Hanto , Deputy District Director- , Project Development and Construction. Mayon Borgeson discussed the rules of participation for the evening ' s discussion. Speakers will be limited to three minutes unless they are spokesperson for a group in which - ease it will be 5 minutes . I Henry Engen, Community Development Director , gave the staff report , Mr . Hanto , Cal Trans Representative, reviewed Cal Trans ' written response to a letter from the City Manager , Ray Windsor , to Cal Trans. Council and commission comments followed . Commissioner Brasher stated that clarification was needed from Mr. Hanto regarding input from the public . At the November 29th meeting , Austin Carlton from Carl Trans spoke to the issue, he indicated that any input that the public -1_ i i i i i i i developed up to and including this public hearing tonight would be a part of the documentation. Yet evidently such is not the case. She wanted to know exactly what is meant when he speaks of consideration. Mr . Hanto responded that he was not present at that hearing so he could not say precisely what was said . It is his understanding that it was understood by at least some members of the audience that Cal Trans would keep the record open until some future date that was unspecified . If the record was kept open it would be included in the document as part of the document itself. Mayor- Borgeson read a transcript of the hearing of November 29th and Mr . Austin Carlton and he did not say he supposed that the public comment would be kept open. He definitely stated that we can take written documents beyond that date to be included in the final document . He stated that it seemed to him that Cal Trans can extend the time limit on this environmental document . Another Public Hearing was needed and saw no reason why Cal Trans can ' t accommodate that . He further stated "Nie can extend the time of the document" . Mayor Borgeson asked if Cal Trans position had changed on this, Mr . Hanto stated that Cal Trans will consider all of the documentation but only include in their report that received by December 1st . Further discussion by Commission and Council members followed . At this time Mayor Borgeson opened the meeting for public comment . Terry Graham, 6205 Conejo Road , commented that a special election should be held to decide this matter . Bob Ellison, attorney from Fresno , representing Ed Allred , spoke against Alternate A and in favor of Alternate B. He asked Council to request that Cal Trans prepare an EIR and that council defer any decision until the entire environmental process has been completed . Eric Micheilssen, 5300 Aguila , spoke in favor of Alternate A. Barbara Schoeneke, 7505 Marchant , stated that there is not enough information for the City Council and the residents of Atascaderro to make a proper choice. An EIR should be completed before a decision is made by the council. Bill Garcia, 1.0755 Atascadero Ave. , spoke in favor of Alternate A. -2- Dr . Anthony Avina presented to Council a copy of a resolution passed by the Atascadero Unified School District Board of Education in favor of Alternate A. Mildred Copelan, 8610 Portola, stated she strongly supported Alternate A. Doug Sheffer , 8085 Carbaril , spoke in favor of Alternate A. Jim Comes said he felt Alternate A is the only way to go. Norm Canfield , 10690 San Marcos, President of the Atascadero Board of Realtors, representing 170 members of the Board of Realtors, spoke in favor of Alternate A. f David Baker , Director of the North County Contractor ' s Assoc . spoke representing 500 members of the Assoc . and stated that they were in support of Alternate A. Glen Lewis encourage the Council to act now -- don ' t wait any longer . John Cotsenmeyer , e705 Casanova Rd . , President of the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, and Vice President/Manager of Bank of America in Atascadero . He stated that Highway 41 Alternate A makes good business and economic sense and he strongly supports Alternate A. Al Gustafson, 9305 Curbaril , spoke regarding the truck traffic on Curbaril Ave. and the growing dangers to school children on their way to school . Give the trucks a safe and proper way to take and maketheirlivelihood . Gary Hoskins, 5140 Mercedes, asked Council to get more facts before making a decision and wait for a full ElR. Stephen LaSalle, 7505 Marchant , said that intelligent decisions can not be made without adequate information. The people of Atascadero deserve an ETR so that an intelligent, informed decision may be made. Ernie Porter , 9420 Marchant Way, spoke in favor of Alternate A but not without question. He questioned the destruction of the Heilmann Bridge and asked that it not be destroyed . Alyce Porter , 9420 Marchant Way, said she was in support of Alternate A with the reservation that there should be a cloverleaf on the other side of the railroad near the county facility on Sycamore. Daniel Heilmann, 3005 River Rd . , spoke in favor of Alternate A. -3- Mr . Kellerman read a letter on behalf of Joan O ' Keefe, 9985 Old Morro Rd . East . requesting the City Council members to be futuristic and to have the moral integrity to make independent decisions that will benefit the greatest number of residents. Craig Monn said he felt that the Council did not have the information available to them. He supported Alternate B and asked that a special election be held to solve this issue. Mrs . Paul McGill , 5100 Mercedes Ave. , expressed her concerns regarding the traffic and pollution. Peter Boonisar , 521:2 Magdalena Ave. , spoke in opposition to Alternate A and asked Council to get a complete EIR. Tom Hatchell , 5385 Barrenda, expressed support of Alternate A as the most direct and feasible alternative to the present conditions. Bill Blankenship , 6905 Country Club Dr . , stated that he has had his house up for sale for two years . He was in support for Alternate A if for no other reason so that something can be done so that he can possibly sell his house. Dorothy McNeil , e765 Sierra Vista Rd . , stated that Cal Trans motives must be called into question. Their refusal to back: their own representative ' s assurance that letters and petitions would be included in the document makes their motives seem clear . Cal Trans knows that the guidelines requires an EIR if there is an out pouring of public concern. Cal Trans does not want letters and petitions of over 1 ,000 people to reach Sacramento as part of the document . Neither A nor B really appeals to her . She strongly urged the Council to call for an EIR so that they can consider this matter with adequate information. Jerry Bond , 4844 El Verano, said this is in the General Plan--- let ' s follow it . He is in support of Alternate A. John McNeil , 8765 Sierra Vista, stated that no decision should be made by this Council on this project until they have a competent , thorough traffic analysis. Traffic is THE problem of Atascadero and has been for years. Gary Larson, 49 Quail Ridge, stated that he strongly supports Alternate A as a major funded circulation improvement of great benefit to the community. Celia Moss, 8040 Coromar Rd , asked Council to pay attention to the wishes of the citizens of Atascadero and said that she opposes Alternative A unless an EIR which can justify to the citizens of Atascadero why this project is warranted . .-4- I Jay DeCou, 9200 Pino Solo , spoke in favor of Alternate A. I John Himes, 8210 Carmelita, asked the Council to do what is good for the majority of this City. He stated that he is in support of Alternate A. I Dennis Garret , 4300 Corr-izo , expressed his concerns of safety of school children and said that Alternate A has been a part of the General Plan for years and believes it is time to get on with it . Ned Thompson, 5960 River- Rd . , said he was in favor- of Alternate A. Mayor Borgeson asked for a brief recess at 9:50. Meeting reconvened at 10 p .m. Brad Davis , 5497 Fresno , representing the Chamber- of Commerce and 460 local businesses said they are fully in support of Alternate A and did not believe an EIR was necessary. Jerry Clay, 7285 Sycamore Rd . , said he encouraged the Council to take action now and get on with Alternate A. He believes an EIR is a stall . Robert Nimmo, 7375 Bella Vista Rd . , said that the Highway 41 issue is an issue of public safety and responsible and timely planning for proper traffic control . He supports Alternate A. Barbara Reiter , 10150 San Marcos Rd . , stated that she is not in favor of either Alternate A or B, but Alternate C as proposed by Doug Lewis . David Duncan 8885 Marchant , said Alternate A is not acceptable. An alternative that was omitted is to turn the present Highway 41 from Atascadero into Shandon over the County. Highway 41 can be routed up 1.01 to Paso Robles and Highway 46. He asked the City Council to reject Alternate A and require an EIR. Chris Jespersen, 6890 Rocky Canyon Rd . , stated that he endorses Alternate A and believes Council should live with the decision that they made two years ago . Mike Arrambide, 7243 Del Rio , President of Atascadero 2000 spoke for members in support of Alternate A. Marti Monn, 5385 Mercedes, staved she was in opposition to Alternate A and would support Alternate B. Gregory Mann, 7925 Santa Rosa Rd . , 7925 Santa Rosa Rd . , President of Santa Rosa PTA, stated that he believed that the EIR spoken about tonight is important and Alternate A presents the best safety measure for our children and the community. -5 II Harry Ovitt , of San Miguel asked the Council to use caution to protect all funding available to the City and to implement the General Plan. Carol. Ball , 7070 Marchant , spoke supporting Alternate A. Eric Hagen, representative of the Downtown Business Improvement Assoc . stated that the BIA is in support of Alterate A. Jim Ha.rer , 4400 Templeton Rd . , spoke in support of Alternate A. Anne Marie Kirkpatrick , 6291 Monterey Court , spoke representing an Ad Hoc Committee which was formed in order to oppose Alternate A. She presented the City Council with petitions signed opposing Alternate A. She asked Council to withhold making a decision pending an EIR. Tom Collins, 8730 Casanova, asked Council to put or- hold until an EIR is completed . Fred Frank , 7755 Graves Creek Rd . , asked Council to re-evaluate the Alternate A plan and press for an EIR before making a decision. Frank Bush , 4685 'Viscano Ave. , Vice-Chairperson of the Sierra Club , spoke in support of Alternate B and asked that the Negative Declaration be appealed because the initial study is inadequate. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter , seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to extend the meeting past 11 p .m. Passed unanimously. John Bunyea, 4858 Templeton Rd . , spoke in opposition of Alternate B mainly, because of safety. Doug Marter , 10890 Santa Lucia, stated the old bridge is falling down, and the money is available for a new bridge, the route from the new bridge to the other traffic is the cleanest there is. Let ' F, get it over with and get it over with . Tim McCutcheon, stated we creed this project now. He asked the Council to look ahead and get the _project started now. Wayne L_aprade, 6505 San Gabriel Rd. , stated that he was in favor of Alternate A and EIR ' s can be a-worthwhile tool , but also they can be a problem. William Collins, 4205 River Road , (Carousel Ranch ) said that when you weight the loss of a child ' s life, the inconvenience to the general public of the present traffic routes against his personal loss of a few acres and privacy on his ranch , he said that he was in favor- of Alternate A. -6- Randi LaFollette, 53e5 Magnolia, spoke in opposition of Alternate A and would like to see a full EIR done before a decision is made. Doug Lewis, said he wanted to address three issues: 1 ) serenity (Atascadero Cemetary) 2) public safety 3) foresightedness . Lorrenso Pace, 5190 Mercedes, spoke in opposition of Alternate A and feels that an EIR is essential before a decision can be made on the issue. Carla Cole who lives on Mercedes Ave. , stated she was, in opposition of Alternate A and requested that an EIR be done before a decision is made. Alan Volbrecht , who lives on Highway 41 , approximately 112 mile east of the end of Alternate A said he hoped the City Council in their consideration of this particular item will show their support for Alternate A and show the same consistency with interpretation of the General Plan that they have asked development projects to bring in. Bill Carroll , 5360 Ensenada Ave. , stated he supported Alternate A. Ursula Luna read a prepared statement for Dr . Timothy O ' Keefe stating he was concerned that Cal Trans has failed to complete an adequate EIR analysis for the proposed realignment of Hwy. 41 . Linda Stewart , 5225 Magdalena Ave. , stated she was in favor of Alternate B because of the traffic that would be caused by Alternate A. Jay Harris, 5365 Magnolia, said he was in opposition of Alternate A. Mark Goforth , lives on Templeton Rd . , spoke in favor of Alternate B and an EIR study needs to be done before a decision can be made on this project . Doug Filipponi , 5995 River Road , asked council to look at the staff recommendations and accept Alternate A. Don Messer , 7555 Cristabol , spoke in favor- of Alternate A and felt that an EIR was not necessary. Sarah Gronstr-and , 7620 Del Rio Rd . , stated she was in opposition to Alternate A. -7- Livia Kellerman, 5463 Honda said she was against Alternate A. She then read a prepared statement for Gidi Pullen, stating that an EIR be prepared for this project before a decision can be made. Don Allaire spoke in favor of Alternate A. Richard Kirkpatrick , 6291 Monterey Court , spoke in favor of an EIR being done. Diana Boswell , 5505 Bajada, stated she was strongly against Cal Trans proposed plan Alternate A. Ron DeCarli , Program Manager for the SLO Area Coordinating Council , stated he wants Cal Trans to reopen comments for the document . He said that a full EIR could be conducted , but it would cause a 1 year delay that could jeopardize funding . Lack of City support could eliminate the project given the 53.5 billion billion, Cal Trans funding shortfall . Donna Harris, 5365 Magnolia Ave. , said she preferred Alternate B. Melanie Billig , read a prepared statement opposing Alternate A and asked that an EIR be completed before a decision is made. Robert McNew, 4830 El Verano , spoke in support of Alternate A. Mayor Borgeson read a statement from Herman Plew, 5395 Capistrano Ave. , in support of Alternate A but does not want Magnolia and Magdalena Streets to be connected to the new route because Magnolia is just behind his house and the increased noise from route traffic coming onto Magnolia would be very undesirable. Ursula Luna, 10600 San Marcos Rd . , asked that an EIR be prepared to assure the greatest sensitivity towards the residents, the environment and the character of the City. Raymond Jensen, 6655 Country Club Dr . , spoke in favor of Alternate B. MayorBorgeson read a prepared statement of Mike Kohle which stated a complete EIR is needed before any decision can be made. At this time Mayor Borgeson closed the meeting for public comment and asked if there were any written statements or petitions they should be given to the City Clerk at this time. Council and Commission comments followed . Motion: By Councilman Shiers to support a Full EIR. The motion died for lack of a second . �Ba Motion: By Councilman Dexter , seconded by Mayor Borgeson to reaffirm the City ' s position in respect to Alternate A subject to an EIR. Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote. Meeting adjourned at 12:50 a.m. MINUTES RECORDED BY: BOYD C. SHARITZ, CITY CLERK: PREPARED BY: GEORGIA RAMIREZ, DEPUTY CITY CLERK