HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 112988 - Joint Mtng 0T COUNCIL MINUTES- 11/29/88 EXHIBIT "A" JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 29, 1988 EXCERPTS MAYOR BORGESON: We do have a deadline to written testimony from the public in to CalTrans and I believe that that date is December 1st. And I ' ll confirm that . We have a representative here from CalTrans . . .Could you possibly address that? AUSTIN CARLTON: My name is Austin Carlton. I am a Systems Planner from CalTrans , and I believe that the date is December 10th for taking testimony on the environmental document . I understand correctly, however, and this is not my field of endeavor exactly, that we can take written documents such beyond that date to be included in the final document. Austin Carlton: I don' t see any problem with what we are coming up with here . It seems to me that CalTrans can extend the time limit on this environmental document . We are getting caught in a situation here that obviously a lot of people want to discuss this- a let more fully than has been up to now. You need another public hearing obviously, and I see no reason why CalTrans can' t accommodate that at all . We can extend the time of the document . Mayor Borgeson: OK. Thank you, would you CalTrans get back to the city confirming that. Austin Carlton: If you could arrive at a date then give me the date and then I can carry it from there. Mayor Borgeson: OK. Austin Carlton: And we' ll make the extension. Mayor Borgeson: Thank you, Thank you I I I I I I MINUTES RECORDED BY: I I I BOYD C. SHARITZ, CITY CLERK PRE D BY: EO GIA RA IREZ, tEUTY CITY y� -RK b . Circulation Element - road classification system, trails , bikeways, routes to school . - implementation. . .paper roads, assessment district - Highway 41 extension impacts - 101 corridor deficiencies I I Commission/Council comments followed . I Mayor Boregson asked for public comment at this point . I Barbara Reiter stated in regard to circulation and school site that we have a designated industrial area along Traffic Way where there is a proposed school site and believes those two are incompatible. Jerry Bond spoke regarding the circulation element . One of the problems that he has with the circulation element is Traffic Way. People ask how can we help the downtown Atascadero . He would like to see the consideration of the possibility of taking Traffic Way from about where Atascadero Door Company is where it makes the turn to go south , to take it behind PCA across the back of the auto salvage yard area and tap it into Capistrano in the vicinity of the railroad undercrossing . The truck traffic going up Traffic Way through the downtown does not help the downtown area. He would like to see a study made on something like that to see if it is feasible. Mayor Borgeson closed for public comment and returned to the Planning Commission and City Council . She noted that this subject would be continued to a future study meeting . The Mayor requested a S minute recess at this time. d . Request to directstaffto solicit proposals to prepare a plan for. downtown. Staff report was given by Henry Engen, Community Development Director . Council and commission comments followed . Consensus of the council and commission , was to direct the staff to develop an RFP for council review. There was no public comment Meeting adjourned to next regular Council Meeting on December 13 at 7:00 p .m.