HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 102788 . ITEM: A-2 MEETING DATE: 11/15/88 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 27, 1988 The joint meeting of the City Council/Planning Commission was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. by Mayor Borgeson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL• Present: Council members Dexter, Shiers, Lilley, Mackey and Mayor Borgeson Commissioners Luna, Highland, Lopez-Balbontin, Waage, and Chairperson Lochridge Absent: Commissioners Tobey (out of town on business) and Brasher ( ill) Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Steve DeCamp, Senior Planner; Eric Porter, Assistant Planner; Paul Sensibaugh, Public works Director GENERAL PLAN UPDATE: 1 . Minutes of September 29, 1988 Joint Meeting. Henry Engen noted that this was included in the packet as background information from the last meeting and had been approved by the City Council, but is open for comment. George Luna clarified that on Page 5 of the minutes, he did not think that 10,000 square foot lots should be an alternative for multi-family zoning. 2 . Policy Direction Discussion. A. Commercial Land Use - "Encouragement of nodes" over strip development, ERR recommendations, re-evaluation of number and character of commercial zoning designations, e.g. , neighborhood centers, community centers, office areas and tourist designations. Mayor Borgeson opened the discussion by noting that this was a continuation of the discussion begun on September 29, 1988, to give general policy direction to guide staff in drafting an updated General Plan Henry Engen summarized recommendations made by Economic Research Associates with respect to General Plan and zoning. These included: not • 0 increasing commercially designated land use; creating a new semipublic zone (which has been done) ; establishing one tourist designation location pursuant to a specific plan; encouraging establishment of a Craftsman Park; and encourag- ing rural resort activities. With respect to existing lack of encouragement for existing nodes, it was noted that there are six commercial and two industrial zones in the City, wherein key anchor uses are allowed in most of said zones . For example: Super markets are allowed in seven districts; these are primary tenants for neighborhood centers . General merchandise stores are allowed in eight districts; these should be the principal tenants in retail commercial zones . Hotels are allowed in four districts; these are the principal tenant for the CT zone. Offices are allowed in some six districts . Staff J would look to re-structuring, and reducing the number of zoning districts to provide clearer direction as to where concentrations of compatible uses should occur. Discussion followed with comments concuring in there being too much duplication in districts; the re-structuring of permitted uses was long over due. For example, tourist and highway commercial was spoken to in the plan but not shown in the Zoning Ordinance; need was recognized to target uses to capture sales dollar leakage; notation was made of the disirability of increasing the node at the San Anselmo intersection and possibly re-adjust commercial zoning from other locations to expand this area; and discussion was held relative to desirability of encouraging such nodes, while at the same time protecting abutting single family areas . Con- siderable discussion was held as to means that may be employed to define nodes, including greenbelt separations on larger scale projects and providing special conditions where single family neighborhoods are affected. Diffi- culties of planning for such buffers on existing small lot platted land versus the opportunities afforded by larger master planned parcels was acknowledged. Mayor Borgeson than opened the meeting to the public. Barbara Reiter stated that there should be a distinctive office zone which allows only offices with high standards of one fifteen gallon tree per five parking spaces; distinctive neighborhood zones should be established with not more than five to seven acres, dominated by super market type uses; a light commercial zone containing banks, cleaners, etc. , would be appropriate, and C2 type zone for car dealers and larger lot uses should be considered; public uses should not be allowed in the commercial zones but should be a separate category. She questioned whether houses converted to commercial use might be required to build a commercial building in five years. She felt that a six foot block wall was the best separation to single family, and appropriate set backs from single family areas to provide for some light 0 0 and privacy; trash containers should be screened; small lot developments might need adjustments to provide for reason- able development. Livia Kellerman applauded the concept of providing open space between businesses and single family housing. Planning should be done so neighborhoods are protected from signs such as MacDonalds . She spoke against the recent bowling alley/lube shop project as being inappropriate; there' s a need to soften commercial development. Terry Graham questioned the concept of substituting multi- family for commercial uses by making those residents subject to the arterial road noises . They should have the same quality of living as other forms of residential. He questioned whether there would be small area public hearings on the General Plan. Dennis Lockridge responded that considerable efforts are being made to elicit public comments in the course of study leading to the new General Plan, including quadrant meetings. Mildred Copelan, respresenting the Economic Development Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, agreed that a buffer was appealing and that it was too bad that it had not been planned into existing development. She' s concerned with calling for a specific figure, i.e. , fifty foot (501 ) , which would be inappropriate on small lot areas . Councilman Lilley agreed that he was concerned with imposing any arbritrary greenbelts which could lead to inverse condemna- tion. He encouraged unique solutions which might combine landscaped walls and site features . Mayor Borgeson expressed concern that the north end of E1 Camino Real is not getting better and questioned some of the wood walls on projects which weren't esthetic. Councilwoman Mackey agreed with Mrs . Reiter with regard to enclosing trash areas but not with six foot walls, which she didn' t think the City should require, in that it can create permanent shady spots . Commissioner Luna noted that the Appearance Review Manual covers many of Mrs . Reiter' s concerns and indicated that he did not want to see the new General Plan lose any of the wisdom in the rewrite. Following discussion, Henry Engen noted that the intent of the rewrite was to retain the accepted proven policies of the present General Plan, while making it easier to administer and understand plus strengthening its weak contents, including the commercial land use section. Councilman Shiers expressed concern of the redundancy of businesses in the community and the need for entrepreneur- ship to encourage business. Commissioner Waage stated that this could be facilitated by having redundant uses concentrate in the nodes, which would serve customer convenience and reinforce each other. Dorothy McNiel expressed concern whether the staff was rewritting the plan ahead of the policy review process . Mayor Borgeson and Henry Engen advised that much of the work to date had been data gathering and mapping and that the whole reason for this series of meetings was to assure that we are pointing in the same policy direction before commencing rewrite of the plan. Bill Hand indicated the need for a mission statement for each land use category. Henry Engen concurred, and indicated that there will have to be a clear transmittal document stating the differences between the 1980 Plan and the proposed updated plan. Councilman Lilley noted the need for broad brush review. He felt that the single family standards and policies have wide-spread acceptance, with only fine tuning needed. He concurred that consensus was needed for considering major changes to commercial/indus- trial policy and this is the direction staff needs. Mayor Borgeson agreed that the single family residential was fairly well set. Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin questioned whether business redundancy was all bad, and felt that there should not be excessive restrictions on uses individ- ual business persons having the right to make investment decisions . Barbara Rieter questioned whether a six month moratorium on new commercial development would be appropri- ate to allow time to get new policies in place. Council- woman Mackey spoketo excess office construction, and Councilman Dexter spoke to the need to recruit the right uses in the community. Terry Graham urged that the Council not worry about rezoning commercial land for other uses provided its per the General Plan. Mayor Borgeson indicated that perhaps the next agenda should be a little less ambitious in terms of subject matter. She stated she felt that there was a consensus on commercial land use and that less commercial land would be appropriate and that greenbelt buffers shoulb be encouraged, where possible, between commercial and residential areas . It' s the consensus that such greenbelts providing for elbow space in the business district would be desirable, together with breaking up the character of a narrow strip. Followed was a discussion of the characteristics of the desired nodes being identifiable clusters of like development in proximity to off-ramps. Engen indicated that staff would prepare various alternatives using the general direction given in this meeting for review in the future by the Planning commission. Mayor Borgeson than opened the meeting for public comment to those who were here on other agenda items which the Council and Commission were not able to get to this evening. John Harris, Vice Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commis- sion, reported their Commission' s concern that bikeways and trails be contained in the circulation element to provide linkages to the park system proposed in their draft of the Parks and Recreation Element. Livia Kellerman spoke to the 0 0- meeting of the night before on Highway 41 . Councilman Shiers reported that there were many circulation issues that needed to be addressed in the circulation element that were brought up by the public in their testimony. Doug Lewis inquired of the status of paper roads and Paul Sensibaugh indicated that he was working with the lawyers and it may take special legislation to resolve that problem. Mayor Borgeson suggested that the next agenda cover Item 2.b, Industrial Land Use and 2 .c, Circulation Element, with remaining agenda items to be reviewed at a subsequent time. The next joint meeting of the Planning Commission and Council was tentatively set for Thursday, November 17, 1988 . (Note: Subsequently changed to Tuesday, November 29, 1988) . Meeting adjourned at 9 : 20 p.m. MINUTES APPROVED BY: IkK'--,A �� —1--,* Henry Engen, Commun' y Development Director