HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 101188 �' SNDA OAT # A I APPROVED 10/25/88 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1988 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to orderat 7 :40 p.m. by Mayor Borgeson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL All Present: Councilmembers Dexter, Lilley, Mackey, Shiers and Mayor Borgeson Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Mgr. ; Henry Engen, Commun. Devel . Dir. ;, Paul Sensibaugh, 'Pub. works Dir,. Chief Bud McHale, Police Dept. ; Jeff Jorgensen, City Atty. ; Boyd Sharitz, City Clerk; Cindy Wilkins, Dep. City Clerk COUNCIL COMMENT Councilwoman Mackey extended public invitation to the Historical House at 6 :30 p.m. this Friday evening to honor past and present Colony Days Royalty. Mayor Borgeson noted receipt of a call from Warren Miller to inform that the League of CA Cities has arranged for the USS Bagley to dock in Port San Luis on the 29th of October;' public will be welcome on board, and additional details will be forth- coming. COMMITTEE REPORTS North Coastal Transit Councilman Dexter reported that this committee met one week ago in Paso Robles to review bids for- a special, grant-funded study being conducted regarding the service lines and how they may more effectively serve the North County. S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council - Mayor Borgeson reported on a 10/5/88 meeting for (1) work session on the 188 Regional ' Trans- portation Plan update, ( 2) No Co. Public Transportation Consultant Study was authorized', (3) Staff was authorized to present the position of the Area Council of `Govts. in Sacto. on Oct. 6th. She noted that $2 . 5 billion funding for the Atascadero Hwy. 41 realignment has been approved for the 1991 State budget. Traffic Committee - Councilwoman Mackey noted citizen concerns expressed at the last T.C. meeting about truck traffic near the 1 Post Office on ECR, which will be further discussed at its next meeting. Solid Waste Mgmt. Committee - Councilwoman Mackey noted this committee met last week and is reorganizing into two committees. Reports were presented urging more public recycling. Police Facility Committee Councilman Dexter reported this com- mittee continues to meet with the architect to resolve problems associated with the development of the project. COUNCIL COMMENT Mayor Borgeson issued proclamation acknowledging October 15, 1988 as "White Cane Safety Day" , accepted by Donna LaVance, Pres. , Central Coast Chapter, Natl. Federation of the Blind of CA. COMMUNITY FORUM Livia Kellerman, ' resident, askedfor Council' s resolve on conflicting messages she is getting from staff regarding re- quirements for review (arborist vs staff) ' of non-native trees prior to approval for removal . Al' Sherman, Navajoa Ave. , expressed concern about dry street sweeping, which stirs up the dust on Navajoa, noting the vehicles also seem to be going at excessive speed.. He also expressed concern about a walnut tree on said street, " which is obstructing drivers' view, as well as complaints regarding skateboarding, nuisance abatement enforcement and money spent on consultants ." Mr. Sensibaugh responded, that water isn' t used during street sweeping in order to keep the pavement as dry as possible; regarding the tree issue, he responded that 300 of the tree canopy can be trimmed by the City crews without a permit. Mayor Borgeson indicated she will discuss Mr. Sherman''s concerns with him, or he may contact Mr. Sensibaugh. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. September 27, 1988 City Council Minutes 2 September 29, 1988 Joint City Council/Planning Commission Minutes 3. Authorization to purchase Police Dept. patrol car ($12,763.30) 4. Res. No. 101-88 Adopting the Atas. Local Emergency Plan in conformance with the State Office of Emergency Services (O.E.S. ) requirements 2 5. Res. No. 99-88 - Accepting negotiated exchange of Property Tax Revenue from the Atas. County Sanitation Dist. to the City of Atascadero Mr. Sensibaugh noted correction to Item A-5 : Res. 99-88, p. 2, should read, "Whereas, the negotiating parties, . . .have now concluded said negotiations . . . " Motion: By Councilman Dexter to approve the Consent Cal- endar, including change to Res . 99-88 as noted by Mr. Sensibaugh (above) , seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously by roll-call . B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES/REPORTS 1. - Appeal by Neil New of Planning Commission approval of an 8- mo. gime extension of C.U.P. 5-87 (Santa Lucia School, 9148 Palomar) (Recommend Denial) A. Public Hearing B Council Action Mr. Engen gave staff report. Public Comment Neil New, appellant, spoke in support of this appeal, reviewing + the history of the current usepermit at subject location, including past recommendations of the Planning Commission and Council decisions. Nora New, 9141 Palomar, spoke in support of the appeal, expres- sing the desire to see the school ' s owners expedite their move to Templeton before the end of this calendar year. Richard Lauder, 7955 Castano (adjacent to subject property) , encouraged the efforts of the school' s owners and the educational` service they provide; however, he feels the use is in conflict with the neighborhood and continued approvals by the City would be inappropriate and places an unfair burden on the neighbors Janet Thompquist, Director of Santa Lucia school, spoke in support of extension of the current use permit. She noted child- care is now available on Fridays for students of working parents, which is an amendmentto the original development statement; also, carpooling has reduced traffic flow to and from the school . She indicated that it is hoped that the school can move during Christmas vacation this year and that it will occupy the new building in Templeton in January 189 . 3 Carol Ochtekirken, Santa Lucia School ' s ride-share coordinator, discussed the carpooling program, which she noted is a school policy. Larry Dubrul, 2954 G Street, Santa Margarita, and owner of prop- erty in question, noted the expense of remodeling the structure into a low-volume, educational facility and that it would have to be incurred again to change it back to a residence; he feels certain neighbors are harassing the users of the facility. Discussion came bank to Council and staff. Motion: By Councilman Dexter to deny this appeal and extend the C.U.P. to August 1, 1989 as recommended by the Planning Commission, seconded by Council woman Mackey; passed unanimously by roll-call . Council concurred to recommend this subject to staff at the time of the Gen. Plan re-write. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Paloma Creek Park Equestrian Arena - Proposed Usage & Sched- uling Policy (cont'd from 9/13 & 9/27/88) Mr. Windsor gave staff report, reviewing the recommendations listed in Mr. Best' s report. He noted, in discussions with the City' s insurance broker, the main concernwas the liability involved with jumping obstacles there are none at the arena, and the proposed use policy stipulates there is to be no jumping. ' There was no public comment. Staff was encouraged to expedite the policy as soon as possible and no later than Jan. 1, 1989 . Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to accept staff' s report, , seconded, by Councilman Dexter; passed unanimously. 2. Walkway at Paloma Creek Park (Report requested at 9/27/88 meeting) Mr. Windsor recommended that this item be directed for review and comment by the Parks & Rec . Commission, then placed on the next regular Council agenda. There was no public comment. Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to continue this item to the next regular Council agenda, seconded by Councilman Dexter; passed, unanimously. 3. Potential alternate uses - Capistrano Property Mr.. Windsor gave staff report. ; There was no public comment. 4 Council concurred that the long-term use might be for joint-use (City/County) parking. Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve staff recom- mendation: (A) To direct staff to record a parcel map or public lot recordation for said property, and (B) to direct staff to initiate a GP amendment and change to the Zoning Ordinance redesignating the hospital/clinic and the Capistrano property as P (Public) . Motion seconded by Councilman Shiers; passed unanimously. COUNCIL RECESSED FOR A BREAK FROM 9 : 10 TO 9 :30 P.M. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Conversion of $.50 Development Mitigation Tax to ,a fee and expanding the boundary for the Lewis Ave. Bridge fee Mr. Sensibaugh gave staff report, noting that the draft document will be available in both Public Works and the City Clerk' s office for public review; interested groups may request a copy for their review, as well. He suggested that any action be held off until Nov 8th to allow adequate time for review by all concerned, as well as allow for the incorporation of comments at the public hearing, or for explanation of why they' re not incor- porated in staff' s final recommendation. There was no public comment. Motion: By 'Councilman Lilley to set a public hearing for October 25, 1988, to consider Res No. '100-88, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimous- ly. 2. Authy. for UMTA Section IS grant applications: A. Bus Replacement - .:16 passenger w/lif B. Radio/Computer Equipment C. *Bus Shelters (* State discretionary funds) Mr. Sensibaugh gave staff report. There was no public comment Motion: By Councilman Shiers to. approve -Res . 98-88, designating an agent for matters pertaining to UMTA Section 18 Capital Assistance Contracts, seconded by Councilman Dexter; passed unanimously by roll-call. 5 3. Noise Problem at Atascadero Lake Mr. Windsor requested Council continue this item to allow for review by the Parks & Recreation Commission. I Public Comment' Jeri Mulder, who resides adjacent to the lake, expressed her annoyance at the noise caused by model boats, which she indicated are operated on weekdays, not just weekends Sarah Gronstrand, resident, noted that the lake does not belong to the homeowners but to all the people of Atascadero. She urged Council not to act hastily in this matter but to research it carefully, feeling that prohibition of the boats would be un- reasonable, given their expense. Greg Baum, model boat operator and member of the North American Model Boaters' Assoc. (NAMBA) noted that the noise levels of the boats being run at Atas . Lake are far below the NAMBA minimum standards . He indicated that NAMBA carries $1 million liability insurance for its members, that the group is basically operating on the lake between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Sundays and that res- ponse from passers-by has been positive. Dick Pearce, 9155 Lakeview Dr. , spoke in support of allowing the ,current boating activity to continue. He expressed concern over continued legislative controls over the use of public property and noted the considerate, friendly and cooperative attitudes of the NAMBA members . Lon Allan, 5625 Capistrano, noted he ,operates a model sailboat on the lake and expressed that restricting the hours of operation" might be an acceptable compromise. He urged careful considera- tion by onsidera-tionby Council and that use of subject boats not be prohibited. Al Sherman, resident, agreed with the comments of the previous speaker. Sarah Gronstrand suggested that the boat noise be measured both at the lake and surrounding homes with a decibel meter. Mr. Jorgensen, City Atty. , urged Council to proceed cautiously in this matter, noting that the regulation of noise is one of the most difficult, particularly when based on decibel levels. Council concurred to refer this matter to the Parks & Rec. Com- mission meeting of Oct. 20th, urging the concerned public to attend. 6 4. RFP's for a traffic signal at intersection of Santa Rosa & ECR Mr. Sensibaugh gave staff report. There was no public comment. Motion: By Councilman Dexter that Council authorize staff to request proposals for the design of a traffic signal at intersection of Santa Rosa & ECR, sec- onded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously. 5 Post Office Traffic Signal Participation Agreement Mr. Sensibaugh' gave staff report. There was no public comment. Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey that Council authorize the Mayor to enter into the proposed agreement' with the U.S. Post office insuring a participation to the ECR/Santa Rosa traffic signal in the amount of $36,000, seconded by Councilman Shiers; passed unanimously by roll-call . 6. B.I.A. property acquisition Mr. Windsor gave staff report. Public Comment Kirk Pearson, Pres . of the B. I.A. , expressed his pleasure at the progress of this proposal and pledged the B. I.A. ' s support for information which it could supply to the City in this regard. He indicated that, once appraisals are secured, the B. I.A. will work with the City toward a-mutually agreeable buying proposal. Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey that Council authorize staff to obtain formal appraisals on lots 23 and 24 of Block MF in Atascadero Colony in an amount not to exceed $1,500, seconded by Councilman Shiers passed unanimously by roll-call . 7 . City credit card - City Manager (verbal) Mr. Windsor gave staff report, indicating this subject grew out of the upcoming League of CA Cities Conference, which will be attended by several members of Council and staff. He suggested that a representative of Council be authorized with the discretionary use of a credit card for certain City business- related occasions, recognizing that control , would have to be , exercised by both Council and the City Manager. 7 Council conceptually agreed to authorize the City Manager to draft a resolution in this regard. Mr. Windsor suggested that, when considering said resolution, Council appoint a finance sub- committee of Council to work closely with Finance staff and the City Mgr. to 'review the complete range of the City' s financial operations Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to recess as Council and convene as the ACSD Board of Directors, seconded by Councilman Shiers; passed unanimously. E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (ACSD) 1 Quitclaim Deeds transferring property owned by the ACSD to the City of Atascadero Mr. Sensibaugh' gave 'staff report and noted that this should be the final action of the ACSD Board. There was no public comment. Motion: By Director Dexter that the Board approve the proposed, Quitclaim Deeds transferring property owned by the Atascadero County Sanitation District to the City of Atascadero, seconded by Director ' Shiers; passed unanimously by roll-call . Motion: By Director Lilley to adjourn as ACSD Board and reconvene as. City Council, seconded by Director Mackey; passed unanimously, F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION City Council - Council commended Mr. Windsor to the business community and the homeowners in the City for both the Lewis Ave. Bridge fee conversion and the encouragement of downtown revit- alization. City Attorney Mr. Sharitz thanked the City Attorney for being available to assist him in recent matters. City Manager Mr. Windsor` noted interviews will be conducted Friday for the Administrative Services Director position. Council discussed and consensus was to schedule a ' C.I .P. study session on Wed. , Nov. 9th, commencing at 5 :00 p.m. Further, a joint meeting with the Planning Commission is scheduled for Thurs. , Oct. 27th, commencing at 7 :00 p.m Mr. Windsor noted that adjournment to a closed session, as noted on tonight' s agenda, is not necessary as the item of concern does 8 not meet closed session criteria, per his discussion with the City Attorney. MEETING ADJOURNED AT APPROX. 10:30 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED BY BOYD . S TZ, Cite, Clerk PREPARED BY: CINDY WILKINS, Dep. City Clerk 9