HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 092788 iMg IDATMI B • . .1..- ---- ATASCAOERO ACITY COUNCI-L - -- MINUTES SEPTEMBER 27, 1988 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7 :35 p.m. by Mayor Borgeson, followed by announcement that Council met prior to meeting in closed session concerning litigation, People v. Becky Williams . ROLL CALL All-Present: Counci.lmembers Dexter, Lilley, Mackey, Shiersand Mayor Borgeson Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Mgr. ; Henry Engen, Commun. Devel . Dir._; Paul Sensibaugh, Pub. Works Dir. ; Lt. Bill Watton, Police Dept. ; Dave Jorgensen, Admin. Svcs. Dir. ; Roland Snow, Fire Dept. ; Bob Best, Parks & Rec. Dir. ; Jeff Jorgensen, City Atty. ; Boyd Sharitz, City Clerk; Cindy Wilkins, Dep. City Clerk COUNCIL COMMENT Mayor Borgeson announced the Council ' s appointments of Jim Rodger and John Vial, on Sept. 19, 1988, to the Board of Appeals. City Clerk Boyd Sharitz administered oath of office to Mr. Rodger (Mr. Vial unabletobe present): Mayor Borgeson issued the following: - Recognitionplaque to Mike Bewsey, departing Board of Appeals Member (Chairman, 2/82-7/88) - Proclamation: "Mental Illness Awareness Week" , October 2-8, 1988, accepted by Barbara Bernard Proclamation: "Fire Prevention Week" , October 9-15, 1988, accepted by Capt. Roland Snow, AFD Councilman Dexter presented a proclamation, Acknowledging Soviet - Friendship Visit, October 6-1.1 , 1988, accepted by Sharon Winslow. Ms. Winslow announced that <Sat. , 2:00 p.m. , a "Peace Pole" will be planted outside the Administration Bldg. ; the public is invited to attend and may meet the Soviet visitors at that time. She made further announcements,regarding the "'Soviets Meet Middle America" project and planned local activities'. Councilman Shiers noted receipt of a citizen request for closer vehicle access to play equipment at Paloma Creek Park in order to allow for better supervision. Councilman Lilley noted receipt of 1 a -call-- express-ins - that -there- is--inadequate handicap access--moo = - Paloma Park facilities. Mayor Borgeson directed that these concerns be brought to the attention of the Parks & Rec. Direc- tor. COMMITTEE REPORTS City/School Committee - Mr. Windsor, City Mgr. , announced the committee is scheduled to meet Wed. , 10/12, at 1 :30 p.m. , AVSD offices . SLO Area Coordinating Council - Mayor Borgeson announced she would like to schedule a meeting with Ron DeCarli, Mr. Windsor and- herself- to discuss Atascadero' s transportation concerns . - Traffic Committee - Councilwoman Mackey reported this committee meets tomorrow; she noted, for concerned citizens, that Mr. Sensibaugh is looking into the shrubbery growing into the street at 7735 ECR. Solid Waste Mgmt. Committee - Councilwoman Mackey reported on committee discussion of an extra fee for handling household hazardous waste; also, the committee viewed a video of a recycling plant in Marin County. Police Facility Committee At City Mgr. ' s request, Council consented to meet for a 6 :45 p.m.; study session, prior to next regular meeting, in order to receive a presentation on the police facility from the architect. Pavilion Committee - Councilman Shiers reported he, Councilwoman Mackey, Mr. Windsor, Mr. Sensibaugh and Chief Hicks visited the Pavilion. Mr. Windsor asked that Council allow 2-3 'weeks addi- tional time for an engineer to develop a report on the building and possible alternatives . BIA Committee Mr. Windsor announced he and Mr. Engen are scheduled to meet with Kirk Pearson at 8 :30 a.m. tomorrow. Tree Committee - Ursula Luna announced the committee will hold a public information meeting to provide tree management informa- tion and an opportunity for public input this Wed. , Oct 5th, 7-9 p.m. in the Rotunda Rm. , and she urged public attendance. COMMUNITY FORUM Gary Clay, resident, expressed concern regarding the Pavilion Bldg. and encouraged Council to refurbish the structure for use as a community hall . '2 CONSENT--CALENDAR - 1. September 13, 1988 City Council Minutes 2. September 22, 1988 Special City Council/Tree Committee Minutes 3. City Finance Department Report - August 1988 4 City Treasurer's Report - August 1988 5. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 46-87, 11755 Santa Ana Rd. (Blue/Kamm/Dohan/Cuesta Eng. ) -- 6. - Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 9-88, -4800 San Jacinto - (Palmer/Cuesta Eng. ) 7 Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 44-87, 1909 Traffic Way (Johnston/Cuesta Eng.) 8. Acceptance of Final parcel Map 12-85, 7100 Serena (Harrell/Dan Stewart Eng. ) There was no public comment. Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve Items 1-8, seconded by Councilman Shiers; passed unanimously , by roll-call . B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES/REPORTS 1. Tree Removal Request - Vista Rd. Extension (Ibsen/Dan Stewart Eng. ) A. Public Hearing° B. Council Action Mr. Engen gave staff report. Councilwoman Mackey commended the Tree Committee for saving a number of trees on this proposal. Public Comment Ursula Luna, Tree Committee, commented that the redesign of this road was a great success and very encouraging, thanking the Mayor for her continued efforts . She also thanked staff for hiking through the site, as well as the developers engineer and other individuals involvedfortheir cooperation on this project. ' Dan Stewart, project engineer, briefly apologized to staff for his many culls to get this project through the approval process 3 Motion._ By Councilwoman -- Mackey_ to _- _approve_- the -t-ree -- - protection plan recommended by the arborist, including nineteen (19) compensatory planting trees, seconded by Councilman Shiers; passed, unanimously by roll-call. 2. Tree Removal Request - 8625 San Gregorio Rd. (Messer/Cuesta Eng. ) A. Public Hearing B. Council Action Mr. Engen gave staff report. Public Comment Robert Carnes', Cuesta Eng. , offered to respond to questions; there were none Motion: By Councilman Dexter for approval of tree removal permit for '8625 San Gregorio Rd. (Precise Plan 29- 88) , with mitigation measures as recommended by the arborist, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously by roll-call . 3. General Plan Conformance Reports A. City of Atas. proposed extension of Barranco Rd. to Hwy. 41 (addl access to 3-F Meadows area - cont'd from 8/23/88) B. County proposed acquisition of So. Pacific Railroad right-of-way (Cortez Ave. , east of Curbaril) for eques trian staging area Regarding Item (A) , staff reports were given by Mr. Engen and Mr. Sensibaugh. Public Comment Sam Stevenson, 9220 Lucinda, suggested that Carmelita be com- pleted by moving the large rocks in the creekbed to the curve - (which. washes out on Carmelita) , fill it in and pave the street. Hefeelsthis would also avoid use of an Arizona _ crossing. Mr. Sensibaugh responded the suggestion is a good one in combination with, perhaps, a future extension of Barranco; however, Caltrans is interested only with encroachments to Hwy. 41 . Lee Freedman, Barranco ;Rd. resident and CDF' s local Operations Officer, commented, on the difficult fire/emergency vehicle access to the area beyond the creek, urging improved access. 4 Ted -Monmonier, Barranco Rd,-, -noting -the - --historic -use of the existing crossing by school buses, the water company, City vehicles and others (despite installation of a small berm by Caltrans about 8 yrs . ago) , expressed that it is not a desired crossing and that extension of the logical Colony road seems to make sense. Mr. Sensibaugh encouraged any resident who sees a petition cir- culating for a maintenance district in subject area to get it to his attention. Motion: By Mayor Borgeson that Council accept the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission that this is in conformance with the General Plan, directing staff to negotiate with Caltrans for acquisition of any excess property if there is any, seconded by Councilman Lilley; passed unanimously by roll call . Regarding Item (B) , Mr. Engen gave staff report. There was no public comment. Motion: By Councilman Lilley that Council adopt the recommendations and findings of the Planning Commission that the proposed acquisition is consistent with the General Plan, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously by roll- call . Motion: By Mayor Borgeson to direct staff to begin zone change proceedings for subject property to (P) Public, seconded by Councilwoman ' Mackey; passed unanimously by roll-call . COUNCIL RECESSED FOR BREAK FROM 8 :45 - 8: 55 P.M. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. 1988/89 road resurfacing project (award resurfacing Bid #88- 10 to Union Asphalt) (cont'd from 8/9/88 Mr. Sensibaugh gave staff report. Following public comments, discussion focused on the issue of non-City maintained roads. Public Comment Gordon Canfield, Mananita Rd. resident, inquired why Mananita is not :City maintained. Responding that (being in the category of the Colony roads) it is not in the City' s maintained road system, Mr. Sensibaugh encouraged Mananita residents to form a main- tenance district; he noted that the sales tax in the future is 5 -going to - -be- directed toward road improvements, which 'may provide the opportunity for needed improvements, Motion: By Councilman Dexter to award the annual resur- facing bid to Union Asphalt in the amount of $324,924 .00, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously by roll-call . D. NEW BUSINESS 1. 20,000 sq. ft. LotRequirement (authorization to initiate making Ord. 175 permanent Ord. 175 clarifies the required minimum lot size in LSF-X and RSF-X °districts as 20,000 sq. ft. net area with sewer) Mr. Engen, gave staff report. There was no public comment. Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to initiate a zoning text amendment tomakeOrd. 175 a permanent part of the City' s zoning regulations, seconded by Councilman Lilley; passed unanimously by roll-call. 2. Atascadero Tree Committee (Initiation of recruitment for permanent appointments) Mr. Engen, gave staff report. Mayor Borgeson read a prepared statement praising the past year' s successful' efforts of the current T.C. members in developing and monitoring the Tree Ord. , recommending to council that the committee now be dissolved and its function be assigned to staff . Councilmembers each expressed their feelings on the subject. Public Comment Richard Alvarez, Pres of Arbor Tree Surgery, congratulated the T.C. for their work'; he noted the hazards related to trees, recommending that an ad hoc committee be retained for tree review and urging that tree, professionals be a part of that committee. Robert Nimmo, resident, noted that he has been a vocal critic of the T.C. and encouraged Council to disband it, however, acknow- ledging the" valuable public service provided by the committee' s efforts. He expressed opposition to its members entering private property to identify native trees . Following discussion and consensus by Council, Mayor Borgeson `directed staff to bring back the necessary ordinance(s) to dis- solve the Tree Committee and directed the City Manager to drafta letter of thanks its members. 6 - 3. Police Dept Troposed Site ----Capistrano Ave._--(di,ssolution_of lease w/County to construct a police facility on Capistrano Ave. - County property) Mr. Windsor gave verbal staff report, requesting Council direc- tion with respect to possible alternative use for subject property. Mr. Jorgensen, City Atty. ,; urged that Council make a specific, identified use request of the County, in line with the language contained in the Land Lease Agmt. , dated 9/12/86 . Mr. Windsor was directed to contact the County, requesting 30 days within which to recontact them with a specified use request, and, in the interim, explore with staff other potential uses for the site. The following (3) items were acted upon by one motion. There was no public comment: 4. Personnel Wage & Salary Classification Study (Authy. to solicit RFPsto determine costs for a personnel wage & salary classification study 7 . Fre Dept. Vehicle (Authy. to solicit bids or 4-wh. drive vehicle 8. Copy Machine (Authy. to solicit bids for ease pure ase option Motion: By Mayor Borgeson to authorize RFP' s for the personnel wage & classification study (Item 4) and for authorization to solicit bids for 4-wheel dr. vehicle (Item 7 ) and copy machine (Item 8) seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unani- mously. 5. Park & Recreation Dept. vehicle (Authy. to solicit bids for 4-wh. drive vehicle) Mr. Best gave staff report. Mr. Windsor noted that, being below $5,000, this purchase does not require the sealed bid process . There was no public comment. Motion; By Councilman Dexter to authorize the purchase of one used truck for Parks & Recreation from Palla' Equipment Co. for a total purchase price of $4 ,459 .00, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously by roll-call . 7 6.- -1988 Trails Grant Application -- Res.-- - {Authy.- to €i-le application through State Dept. of Recreation for develop- ment of Atascadero Creek trail system) Mr. Best gave staff report. He expessed his hope, in submitting this grant application, to provide the impetus to get the creekway plan on line during his final few weeks of employment with the City. Public Comment Sarah Gronstrand, resident whose property borders the creek,, requested basic clarifications of the Creekway Plan, asking if property owners will be asked to donate land in the future; she urged that the City investigate the purchase of desired land. Tom Bench, owner of a parcel of creekway property in question, also urged that the City further investigate the issue of land acquisition. Mike Tobey, resident, commented on the problem of off-road motor- cycle use in the creek, also noting use of the area by some residents as "the Chicago Landfill" he suggested some money be expended to deny- 4-wh. vehicle access to the riverbed to inhibit both problems. He encouraged expansion of the creekway plan as far west as possible for the use of equestrians and hikers. Motion: By Councilman Dexter to approve Res . 97-88, approving the application for grant funds for the Trails Grant Program under the CA Wildlife, Coastal Park Land , Conservation Act of 1988, seconded by Councilman Lilley; passed unanimously by roll-call . E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION City Manager -;Mr. Windsor noted Council' s acknowledgement of a special 6 :45 p.m. open session, prior to the next regular meeting, for review of the police facility renovation with the architect MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:10 P.M. TO THURSDAY, 7/29/88, AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE FOURTH FLOOR ROTUNDA RM. FOR A SPECIAL JOINT MEETING WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION REGARDING GENERAL PLAN UPDATE. MINUTES RECORDED BY PREPARED BY ­'BOYIVC.- SHARITZ, Jerk CINDY WILKINS, Dep. City Clerk APPROVED BY COUNCIL AS WRITTEN 10-11-88 8