HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Special Meeting NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL/TREE COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AND ATASCADERO TREE COMMITTEE WILL 'HOLD A SPECIAL OPEN JOINT MEETING ON MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1988, COMMENCING AT 6:30 P .M. ON THE 4TH FLOOR OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATION BLDG . j 6500 PALMA AVENUE THE PURPOSE OF SAID MEETING IS FOR REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF ACTIVITY WITH RESPECT TOTREE PERMITS AND PROCEDURES AS THEY RELATE TO THE TREE ORDINANCE . DATED; 8/17/88 BOYD C. SHARITZ, CITY CLERK. BY . ✓ � r�L CINDY WILKINS, EPP LITY CLERK A E N D A JOINT CITY COUNCIL/TREE COMMITTEE OPEN MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 6 : 30 PM City Administration Building 4th Floor 1 . Committee Review of Activity w.r. t . Tree Permits a)Number and Type of Permits b)Problems, Observations 2 . Procedures a)Applicant Steps-(Engen) b)Committee Role 3. Relationships a)Between Volunteer Committee and Professional Staff b)Between Volunteer Committee and Public c)Between Volunteer Committee and City Council 4. Discussion on Makeup and Role of New Tree Committee a)How Many b)Cross Section/Qualifications 5 . Review of Ordinance a)Public Input-Suggestions, Problems b)Questions Regarding Theory Behind Rules 6 . Discussion of 6-Month Review of Ordinance a)Expectations b)What Next? (Reminder of Mid-Year Budget Review) (PLACE--LOGO HERE) - - THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AND ATASCADERO TREE COMMITTEE WILL HOLD A SPECIAL OPEN JOINT MEETING ON MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1988, COMMENCING AT 6:30 P .M. ON THE 4TH FLOOR- OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATION BLDG. , 6500 PALMA AVE - , FORDISCUSSIONOF THE FOLLOWING : I. COMMITTEE REVIEW OF ACTIVITY REGARDING TREE PERMITS 2 . PROCEDURES 3. RELATIONSHIPS (BETWEEN VOLUNTEER . COMM.ITTEE & PROFESSIONAL STAFF/PUBLIC/CITY COUNCIL) 4. DISCUSSION ON MAKE-UP & ROLE OF NEW TREE COMMITTEE 5. REVIEW OF ORDINANCE 6. DISCUSSION OF 6-MONTH REVIEW OF ORDINANCE f I WE! � ITEM (*MINUTES APPROVED BY COUNCIL, AS WRITTEN, 9/27/88) ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL/TREE COMMITTEE MINUTES — SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 22, 1988 The Special Joint Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p .m. by Mayor Borgeson. ROLL CALL Present : Councilmembers Dexter , Lilley, Mackey, Shiers and Mayor Borgeson _ Tree Committee: Elaine Oglesby, Jim Dulitz , Barbara Schoenike, Stubby Fasig , Livia Kellerman (alternate) , John Cole, Steve LaSalle, Tim O ' Keefe (alternate) and Chairperson Ursula Luna Staff Present : Paul Sensibaugh , Acting City Mgr . ; Henry Engen, Commun. Devel . Dir . ; Steve DeCa;mp , Sr . Planner Mayor Borgeson noted that the purpose of the meeting is for review and discussion of' activity with respect to tree permits and procedures as they relate to the Tree Ordinance. 1 . Committee Review of Activitv with Reaard-jLo_Tree Permits Ursula Luna indicated that some 122 trees have been removed , to date, and -the Tree Committee (T.C. ) has reviewed some 16 of 23 permits, but no tree protections plans, as yet . Paul Sensibaugh requested that a copy of the tree removal inventory be provided to staff. Henry Engen referenced the August 19th Tree Removal Report that had been prepared by staff for the City Council, which identified a total of 84 trees removed , with 92 replacement trees haying been required . He noted the difference in numbers between the T.C. ' s count and that of staff is that the Tree Ord- inance did not go into effect until May 13, 1988. Ursula Luna indicated that , with respect to problems, property had not always been properly posted , and the committee has not been receiving copies of tree protection plans. Mr . Engen res- ponded that it is the responsibility of the applicant ' s arborist to post the property and that staff will be seeking two copies of future tree protection plans, so one can be provided the T.C . Councilman Dexter questioned whether there were enough arborists to handle the work and wondered if the definition of heritage trees is too broad . i i i 2. Procedures Henry Engen recited the process by which individuals are required to prepare tree protection plans when any development improve- ments are proposed within 20 ' of a defined tree. Hence, the tree protection plan becomes part of an application package the same as a percolation test or soils report . With heritage trees, hearings are required before the City Council before they can be authorized for removal . In response to question from Councilman Lilley with regard to the role of the T.C . , John Cole indicated that their function is to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council . Mayor Bor- geson indicated that the committee would be making regular reports to the Council . 3. RelationshiQs (between the Committee, Staff/Public/Council ) Councilman Lilley expressed concerns that there may be too many interpretations occurring with respect to the Tree Ordinance and expressed the need that the City speak with one tongue on this issue. general discussion followed on this matter . 4. Discussion on Makeuo and Role of New Tree Committee Mayor Borgeson indicated that this matter would be the subject of discussion at the time of the six-month review process. 5. Review of Ordinance Jame - Smith , Atascadero Ave. , expressed concern about the many shopping centers that have led to the death of a number of trees. Art Tonneson, Arborist , indicated that he had not been called yet for arborist services, and it was suggested that a precise list of available arborists be prepared . He questioned whether all 20 ' diameter trees should be considered heritage trees and ex- pressed the need that there be an urban forester . Betty Sanders, local attorney, expressed concern over ambiguities in the ordinance, and Mayor Borgeson indicated that a letter in- corporating suggested changes would be welcome. Mildred Copelan, Portola Rd . , wondered whether staff wasn ' t being overburdened with T.C. time demands. She also felt that it was slowing the process and that monitoring by the T.C. should not occur on every permit but through a random process. Yodi Adanas stated that the T .C. was an asset to the community whose efforts should be lauded and that these nine people should be thanked by staff for all the work they have done. i r • • Eric Michielssen, Aguila Ave. , questioned whether all recommenda- tions of the T.C. had been formulated in public meetings. Ursula Luna responded that reviews had been made in public . Terril Graham, resident , supported a professional approach to the process and urged that we work together and not be adversarial . I Jack Brazeal , arborist , expressed support for the ordinance. I Dorothy McNeil , Sierra Vista Rd . , stated that the T.C. deserved the community ' s thanks. Joe Elkins, architect , felt that the town is better now than in the past when there was a . lack of rules. He stated , further , that he expects to survive the transition at this time but an orderly process is required with respect to who has the author- ity in the matter of trees; currently, it is confusing . He has always diligently avoided trees , but he didn' t want letters from the T.C. (to re-do his C.U.P. application) any more than he wanted the staff to predesign his projects . Frank Platz , Venado Rd . , indicated that he had arrived in the City in 1929, and that there are more trees now than then. He felt the ordinance was unnecessary and restricted property rights. He recently applied for a garage and had difficulty finding an arborist ; when he did , the person did not seem familiar with the ordinance. 6. Discussion of 6-Month Review of Ordinance Henry Engen reported that , when the ordinance was adopted , there was direction to bring back a review of it by Oct . 25, 1988. Councilman Dexter expressed the need to clarify duties and have tighter definitions of terms. Councilman Shiers indicated the need to take into consideration comments from today ' s meeting . He felt the process had been fairly smooth , as he had not been receiving negative calls. Councilwoman Mackey hoped that we could straighten out complaints and asked that a five-name list of arborists be available for hand-out Councilman Lilley indicated that the meeting had uncovered some problems with the ordinance and urged that actions under the ordinance not appear as punitive. He spoke to the need to speak with one voice on ordinance interpretation. Mayor Borgeson noted that , at mid-year budget time, Council re- consider hiring an urban forester. She also noted the need to clarify definition of "hazardous" . She recalled a letter sub- mitted during testimony of the Tree Ordinance from a Santa Margarita resident indicating the need to exercise good judg- ments on trees, which have few rights. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:00 P.M. MINUTES PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGVN Community Development Director HE:cw I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I