HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 052388 - Special Mtng X_Z *//VP %T!X.. (MINUTES APPROVED BY COUNCIL AS WRITTEN, 6/14/88) MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Special Study Session Monday, May 23 , 1988 7 : 00 p.m. Rotunda Room, City Administration Building The special study session of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7 : 05 p.m. by Mayor Norris followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Bourbeau Mackey, Handshy, Mayor Pro- Tem Borgeson, and Mayor Norris Absent: None Staff Present: Bill Hanley, Interim City Manager; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; and Steven DeCamp, Senior Planner 1 . REPORT ON THE ECONOMIC BASE ANALYSIS BY CONSULTANTS, ECONOMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES. Henry Engen provided background on the City' s "Economic Base Analysis and Downtown Revitalization Study" reports from the firm of Economic Research Associates . The first was reviewed at a Community Forum on January 11 , 1988 and is entitled "Volume I, Economic Base Analysis" . The reason for todays meeting is the final presentation of the recommendations contained in "Volume II, Findings and Policy Recommendations" . Receipt of this report represents the end of the Consultant' s contract, but the beginning of the process of reviewing and following up on the recommendations contained therein. He then introduced Dave Wilcox, Executive Vice-President of Economic Research Associates . Mr. Wilcox traced the process and products leading to tonight' s meeting. In addition to the two final reports, which are available for purchase through the Community Development Department, there have been separate memorandum offering ideas and pro forma development potentials in the downtown area. Utilizing overhead transparencies, Mr. Wilcox then reviewed the inventory findings of their analysis with respect to population, labor force, economic base, markets, market and land planning recommendations, recommended target industries, suggested economic development strategies and tactics, map of the City' s market area, and their recommendation to not string out commercial development beyond the San Anselmo and Santa Rosa Roads . Other highlighted recommendations included: seeking a single traveler destination site beyond that corridor, and noting the need for freeway ramp improvements through the City. With respect to the pro forma developments in areas on three potential sites in the Business Improvement Area, they would all work provided that there' s relief from standard parking requirements . An in lieu parking program is suggested. There needs to be a program for encouraging clusters, within the corridor, and clear policies adopted. If all the projects that have been proposed in the course of the study analysis were built, there would be a substantial over supply of floor space. He noted that the City had a life style that was well liked and there' s a need for deliberate decisions to provide an economic base that can support that decision. City Council Comments: Councilwoman Mackey questioned intention of the cluster recommendations and spoke against the multi-family density alternative in the commercial corridor. In response to question, Dave Wilcox said that the reference to being a "year late" had to do with the post office and the library moving out of downtown. Councilwoman Borgeson questioned the data having to do with the square footage of overbuilding, with Mr. Wilcox indicating that there was no need for additional commercial zoning. In response to question from Councilman Bourbeau, Mr. Wilcox clarified that the inefficient overpasses are those between San Anselmo and Santa Rosa. With regard to rural resort development areas, one possibility could be the southwest corner of Santa Barbara and Highway 101 . Entrepreneurs will need an identifiable location for a quality visitor accommodation such as the Nut Tree or Casa de Fruita. Alternatively, there could be a resort destination which may take the form of equestrian or other North County unique facility, which could be exclusive and expensive and provide a packaged experience. Councilman Handshy questioned whether the City needed to grow in order to support the rural atmosphere, and Mr. Wilcox responded affirmatively, indicating that cost would increase with the general fund as the main basis for funding plus sales tax, bed tax, property tax, fines, utility charges, etc. Mayor Norris questioned the recommendation on Page Iv-4 , as to whether the Armory could be acquired. She also spoke against encouraging multi-family development as an alternative to commercial land use. Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson questioned whether the rural resort recommendation conflicted with the finding that motels were overbuilt, with the response being that the packaged type of development could be for conferencing, rural golf activities, etc . , which would be pre-sold and not be in the category of the highway commercial motel . Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson indicated appreciation that specific locations are not being proposed, leaving land use policies to the City Council . Public Comment: Mayor Norris then opened the meeting to the public . Mike Arrambide, member of the Chamber of Commerce Economic Develop- ment Committee, indicated that he appreciated the rapport that had gone into the ERA Report, but questioned whether zoning shouldn it be increased, referencing the proposed shopping center at San Anselmo and Highway 101 , and inquiring what harm would be done to existing uses . Mr. Wilcox responded that his guess would be that, depending on the tenant mix, 750 of sales will be from a re-distribution of existing spending with possibly 25% being new market capture. With respect to the strategy of driving down rents, he noted that a new super drug store needs to generate $250 . 00 per square foot of floor space and higher returns are needed in those situations then is presently being captured. Dorothy Smith, Morro Road resident, spoke to the proposal to create nodes, and thought the San Anselmo site could be the loca- tion for a Government Center. She expressed a community need for studios and workshops , with a downtown emphasis . Mr. Wilcox responded that creating nodes on the southwest side of the freeway was a City policy choice, and that incubators for small industries could occur east of the downtown area. George Highland, Carmelita resident, questioned whether the study was recommending that a proportion of housing be in multi-family development, i .e. , 40%, with the response being that the ERA Report was not recommending any proportion. Barbara Reiter, San Marcos resident, complemented the report and questioned what type of Junior Department Store could find a niche in the City. Mr. Wilcox responded that 25 , 000 to 35 , 000 square feet could conceivably locate anywhere in the 2 1/2 mile corridor or in the downtown. In response to question, Mr. Wilcox noted that a KOA or RV Park was not the type of traveler-destina- tion being considered, unless perhaps it were a shared time operation with two week stays . He did not think such facilities were in Atascadero' s image. With regard to how a Central Coast fat farm type facility might be promoted, Mr. Wilcox suggested that the proposed Atascadero round table could provide for consensus on deliberate choices of economic activities to pursue and follow-up for promotion. He confirmed that the report recom- mends that the North County Government Center be sought for Atascadero, noting that any offices requiring public record search, permit counters, etc . , generate the kind of traffic that would be positive for the community. He thought the City could take the initiative in promoting a centralized wine tasting function for smaller wineries in the area. Mayor Norris then directed discussion back to the City Council . 2 . _ DISCUSSION ON CONSULTANT RECOMMENDATIONS AND POSSIBLE FUTURE POLICIES. Henry Engen, Community Development Director, suggested that the Planning Commission be requested to review and incorporate recommendations that they felt appropriate into the General Plan Update . Similarily, the BIA should be requested to review and recommend priorities to the City Council for implementation of ERA recommendations relative to downtown revitalization. Any recommendations impacting the budget should receive City Manager review and recommendation prior to a decision. With respect to entrepreneural suggestions in the report, this could be dele- gated to the proposed economic round table group. Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson indicated opposition to that concept, feeling that the Chamber of Commerce could fulfill that roll and questioned how that got into the report. Mr. Wilcox indicated that it was their responsibility to provide policy recommendations and such a group could serve a useful purpose in developing "common targets" for the City. Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson questioned the added responsibilities for economic development being suggested for the Community Development Department, noting that a new City Council will have to be brought up to speed on this process . Interim City Manager, Bill Hanley, indicated that he would see to it that newly elected Council people receive copies and backgrounding on the reports and their content. Henry Engen indicated that the soonest responses could be brought back from the BIA would probably be a month and a half, and the Planning Commission would take two to three months . The meeting adjourned at 9 : 05 p.m. MINUTES RECORDED BY: 44� gtiS6 — HENRY ENGEN,VOMMUNITY TnOPMENT DIRECTOR