HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 051088 (MINUTES APPROVED BY COUNCIL, AS WRITTEN, 5/24/88) ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 10, 1988 The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:40 p .m. , followed by the Pledge of Alle- giance. ROLL CALL Present : Councilmembers Bourbeau, Mackey and Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson Absent : Councilman Handshy and Mayor Norris Staff Present : Bill Hanley, Int . City Mgr . ; Jeff Jorgensen, City Atty. ; Henry Engen, Commun. Dev. Dir . ; Paul Sen- sibaugh, Pub . Wks. Dir . (arr . 9:35 p .m. ) ; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Cindy Wilkins, Dep . City Clerk COUNCIL Q MMENTS Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson expressed her desire that Council and staff work toward 11 p .m. adjournment of Council meetings, sug- gesting that discussion of new items not begin after 10:45 p .m. No consensus was reached among Councilmembers present . Councilwoman Mackey, in response to comments of J. Baumgart at 4/26 meeting , has suggested to Brian Sword , Public Works Dept . , that affected property owners be notified of pending shrubbery trimming by the City. Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson issued proclamations: "National Public Works Week" , May 15-21 , 1988 "National Police Week" , May 15-21 , 1988. Chief McHale of the APD noted that Friday, May 20th , is "Atascadero Loves its Cops Day" , urging citizens to recognize the City 's police officers on that day. "National Nursing Home Week" , May 9-13, 1988 COMMITTEE REPORTS City/School Committee Councilwoman Mackey noted the key issue discussed at last week ' s meeting was the need for additional tennis courts and lighting at the high school courts in the interim. Also discussed was the need for additional portable classrooms at the Lewis Avenue and Jr . High schools. i - 2 - North Coastal Transit - Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson reported that. this committee adopted a budget at its last meeting and reviewed the ridership between SLO and Atascadero . SLO Area Coordinating Council - Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson reported that this committee met May 4th and elected Harry Ovitt , County Bd . of Supvrs. candidate, as President ; also , the committee heard a report on a State Transp . Improvement Program She noted that , at its March meeting , the State Transp . Commission decided to postpone the adoption of the 1988 State Transp . Improvement Plan until Sept . 1988, due to the need to meet funding requirements of SB 140, SolidWaste -Mgmt. Committee - Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson reported that this committee met May 5th and reviewed an update of the County Hazardous Waste Mgmt . Pian, which is Item B-2 on the agenda Tree Committee - Councilwoman Mackey noted this committee met last night , noting Ursula Luna is its Chairman, Barbara Schoenike the Secretary, and Elaine Oglesby is Vice-Chairman. Pavilion Committee - Councilwoman Mackey requested this commit- tee hold a meeting with the City Mgr . regarding its status. Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson introduced the new Interim City Manager , Bill Hanley. COMMUNITY FORUM No public comment . A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 . Approval of the 4/26/88 Regular Council Minutes 2. Lewis Ave. Bridge Agmts. : A. Authy. to enter into Design Agmt. w/John Wallace & Assoc. for the Lewis Ave. Bridge Vehicular and Pedestrian Contracts - $56,000 (conceptually approved at the 4/26/88 Council meeting) B. Authy. to enter into Design Amt. w/Tartaglia-Hughs for the Lewis Ave. Bridge Street Connection Contract- $5,485 (conceptually approved at the 4/26/88 Council Meeting) 3. Authy. to solicit bid proposals for play equipt. for the Traffic Way Park 4. Authy. to solicit bid proposals for a two-year grounds maint. svc. 5. Authy. to solicit bid proposals for irrigation supplies for Traffic Way Park - 3 - b. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 31-87 - 7800 Santa Cruz Rd.- Las Encinas (Cuesta Engin. ) Rollin Dexter requested Items 2-A & B be pulled for discussion. Motion: By Councilman Bourbeau to approve the Consent Calendar , minus Items 2-A & B, seconded by Coun- cilwoman Mackey; passed by 3:0 roll-call , with Councilman Handshy and Mayor Norris absent . Re: Items 2-A & H: Mr . Dexter requested postponement of this item for further study due to community concerns provoked . Coun- cil discussion followed ; joint , public-advertised meetings by AUSD Board and City Council regarding this subject were noted , as was the low public attendance at those (2) meetings. Motion: By Councilman Bourbeau to continue this item for a public hearing at the next regular Council meet- ing , seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed by . 3:0 roll-call , with Councilman Handshy and Mayor Norris absent. B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES/REPORTS 1 . Presentation and discussion of the Salinas River area land use update - County Dept of Planning & Bldg _ Mr . Engen, Commun. Dev . Dir . , introduced Bryce Tingle, Deputy Planning Director , SLO County, who gave a lengthy verbal report on the current review towards updating the Salinas River Area Plan of the County ' s Land Use Element (covers the Salinas River/Hwy. 101 corridor , from Cuesta Grade to the north County line) . He noted this is the first significant review of the County General Plan and , particularly, the. Land Use Element since 1981 when it became operational . In meeting with the communities involved in subject area, the primary focus ( in what' s to be a five-year , cyclical review) is the urban reserve line up and down the corridor . He requested comments/input either through Mr . Engen or directly to the County, noting rep- resentatives would attend any special study sessions. He noted the County ' s desire to complete a draft of the plan by this fall; the time-frame to receive input would be during the next 2-3 months. Councilwoman Borgeson directed that the City Mgr . work with Mr . Engen to schedule a special joint Planning Commission/Council meeting for discussion of this subject within the next 3-6 weeks. There was no public comment. II I� • - 4 _ 0 2. County Hazardous Waste Mamt. Plan Mr . Hanley, Int . City Mgr . , introduced Tim Mazzacano of County staff, who summarized the current status of this plan. Bob Holden, a Co . Supervising Envir . Health Officer , made addi- tional comments on the plan, reviewing the "Tanner process" (A.B. 2948, 1986, authored by Sally Tanner ) which authorizes Counties to develop plans for proper disposal of hazardous waste. He noted that copies of the HWMP have been provided to the City Council , are available at the branch libraries and the Co . Envir . Health Office (2156 Sierra Way, SLO) and encouraged public re- view. Kathy Corliss, a Hazardous Waste Planner for the Co . Divn. of Envir . Health , was also present and offered to respond to questions. Mr . Holden noted that the draft plan was submitted to the State Dept . of Health Svcs. for review prior to the March 31st deadline; responding comments are to be received from the State by the end of June, at which time the final plan will be drafted and circulated to city councils for approval . There was no public comment . 3. Report on Luna appeal of Davis tree removal - request for $100 refund George Luna, appellant , requested continuance to the next regular meeting for decision by the full Council . Council consensus was for continuance as requested . 4. Report on Council appointee to the Parks and Recreation Com- mission Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson pulled this item, noting that the ordi- nance that this appointment was based on was repealed in 1985. COUNCIL RECESSED FOR A BREAK FROM 9:00 TO 9: 15 P.M. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 . Ord. 169 - Amending the zoning text to allow churches as interim uses in the Commercial Service and Commercial Park zones (SECOND AND FINAL READING) (font 'd from 4/26/BB Mr. Engen, Commun. Dev. Dir . , gave staff report . There was no public comment . Motion: By Councilman Bourbeau to read Ord . 169 by title only, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed by 3:0 roll-call . Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson read Ord . 169 by title. Motion: By Councilman Bourbeau that this constitutes the second reading and adoption of Ord . 169, seconded - 5 - by Councilwoman Mackey; passed by 3:0 roll-call , with Councilman Handshy and Mayor Norris absent . 2. Ord. 172 - Amending Ord. 107 - Extending the Sunset Clause of the City's Interim School Facilities Ordinance - Re- quested by the A.U.S.D. (SECOND AND FINAL READING) (Cont 'd from 4/26/88) Mr . Engen, Commun. Dev. Dir . , gave staff report . There was no public comment , Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to read Ord. 172 by title only, seconded by Councilman Bourbeau; passed unanimously. Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson read Ord . 172 by title. Motion: By Councilman Bourbeau that this constitutes the second reading and adoption of Ord . 172, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed by 3:0 roll-call , with Councilman Handshy and Mayor Norris absent . 3. Ord. 171 - Establishment of the Atas. Tree Committee (SECOND AND FINAL READING) (Cont 'd from 4/26/88) Mr . Engen, Commun. Dev. Dir . , gave staff report. There was no public comment . Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to read Ord . 171 by title only, seconded by Councilman Bourbeau; passed unanimously. Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson read Ord . 171 by title. Motion: By Councilwoman. Mackey that this constitutes the second reading and adoption of Ord . 171 , seconded by Councilman Bourbeau; passed by 3:0 roll-call , with Councilman and Mayor Norris absent . 4. Proposed police facility acquisition —5505 E1 Camino Real (Beno 's) A. Visual Inspection Report on structural integrity of Beno 's building B. Report on proposed contract w/Ross, Levin, Maclntyre and Varner Architects for Police Facility Renovation Proiect,L per Res. 8-88 (Cont 'd from 1/12/88) Mr . Hanley, Int. City Mgr . , summarized the reports included in the agenda packet which were submitted by the Police Chief, Plan Check Engr . and Public Works Dir . , following the walk-through inspection of the Beno ' s building . There was no public comment . I Motion= By Councilman Bourbeau to authorize the City Atty. to notify the escrow holder that the condition regarding the building ' s acceptability has been met and to proceed with escrow, seconded by Coun- cilwoman Mackey; passed by 3:0 roll-call , with Councilman Handshy and Mayor Norris absent . Mr . Hanley noted certain essential items relating to the proposed contract and cost analysis with R,L,M & V have yet to be complet ed , and he recommended continuance of this item. Mr . Jorgensen, City Atty. , added that staff is reviewing ways to define the project and restructure_ the agreement in order to get the most economic first phase possible (within the $500,000 limit approved by Council in Jan. ' BB) . There was no action taken. D. NEW BUSINESS 1 . Gen. Plan Cycle 2-BB - Preliminary review of study areas proposed for aoolications Mr . Engen, Commun. Dev. Dir . , gave staff report . Proposed study areas were reviewed and separately considered by Council . GP: 2A-BB - Public Comment Fred Frank , 7755 Graves Ck . Rd . , spoke in opposition to this pro- posal , urging that Council discourage further interest in the project now before additional costs are incurred by both the developer and the City. Ned Rogoway, a Morro Bay planning consultant representing a group of property owners on Ramona Rd . near its intersection w/Monterey Rd . , relayed traffic and drainage. concerns related to this pro- posal . He asked that Council review the Plan. Comm. recommen- dation and adopt this as part of the GP study process without enlargement . Mike Arrambide, Del Rio Rd . resident , expressed traffic concerns, but urged that Council investigate all facets of this proposal . Robert Nimmo , Bella Vista Rd . resident, expressed concern regard- ing proposal to deny the processing of this application, encour- aging that Council allow the applicants to "have their day in court" . Fred Ebhardt , Monterey Rd . resident adjacent to subject property, requested that his property be included in this study when Coun- cil takes the proposal into consideration. Barbara Reiter , resident , expressed support for a market only at subject location but concerned about expanded commercial devel- opment there. - 6 i John McNeil, Sierra Vista resident , relayed the Atas. Home- owners ' Assn. consensus opposing any GP revision during the time that the overall process is under review; he also noted the pre- sent surplus of commercial property. Kenneth Wogge, 7450 Balboa Rd . , expressed traffic safety concerns for children at Monterey Rd . School . Dan Lloyd , Engineering Devel . Assoc . , representing the developer , asked that Council process this application as proposed and for an objective analysis. Doug Beckett questioned whether all property owners in the cor- ridor all the way to Templeton shouldn ' t be considered for commercial rezoning . Richard Kirkpatrick , resident , encouraged that Council refer this matter back to the Plann. Comm. and that adjoining property own- ers be noticed so they may apply for consideration at the same time. Motion: By Councilman Bourbeau to direct staff to prepare an analysis and bring to public hearing study area GP 2A-88 as recommended by the Plann. Comm. , sec- onded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed by 3:0 roll- call , with Councilman Handshy and Mayor Norris absent . GP: 2B-88 - Public Comment Dennis Garad , chairman of the land acquisition committee for the Atas. Elks Lodge, asked that Council give every consideration for a speedy review of this proposal in order that the Elks can meet the time-frame and not lose their option on this land . Don Kline of the Elks spoke in support of this proposal and en- couraged expeditious review by Council . Staff suggested that the Elks consider discussion of an extension on their option. Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve the study area for this proposal to include all of the area bet- ween the freeway and ECR north of the Neighbor- hood Commercial zoning at Del Rio Rd. , seconded by Councilman Bourbeau; passed by 3:0 roll-call , with Councilman Handshy and Mayor Norris absent GP: 2C-88 - Public Comment Barbara Reiter , resident , expressed that she feels the entire block should be considered in this study. - s Robert Nimmo , one of the property owners involved (although riot the applicant ) spoke in support of this proposed study area as recommended by the Plan. Comm. Motion: By Councilman Bourbeau to direct staff to prepare an analysis and bring to public hearing study area GP 2C-88 as recommended by the Plan. Comm. , sec- onded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed by 3:0 roll- call , with Councilman Handshy and Mayor Norris absent . GP: 2D-88 - Public Comment Mr . Engen noted that this application has been withdrawn. GP: 2E-88 - Public Comment Tom Kankiewicz , applicant , spoke in support of this proposal . Motion: By Councilman Bourbeau to direct staff to prepare an analysis and bring to public hearing study area GP 2E-88 as recommended by the Plan. Comm. , sec- onded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed by 3:0 roll- call , with Councilman Handshy and Mayor Norris absent . GP: 2F-88 - Public Comment Barbara Reiter , resident , spoke in support of rezoning subject property to agricultural . Sarah Gronstrand , resident , asked if there is water to this property; Mr . Engen responded there are wells , but the property is outside the service area for Atas. Mut . Water Co . Ursula Luna, resident , asked if there is an overlay for this project ; Mr . Engen responded that a PD overlay could apply. Mrs. Luna spoke in support of agricultural zoning for subject prop- erty. Jim Hahn, Bella Vista resident , a real estate broker , indicated he has a listing on the property; he brought it to Council ' s at- tention that there is no escrow on subject property at this time, and the applicant (Mr . Lopes) does not own it . He noted there are 3 producing wells which could be expanded , according to well reports. Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to recommend consideration of a PD zoning for GP 2F-88 contingent on ascer- taining ownership of subject property, seconded by Councilman Bourbeau; passed by 3:0 roll-call , with Councilman Handshy and Mayor Norris absent . _ $ - I • - 9 - 0 Motions By Councilman Bourbeau to continue the meeting past 11 :00 p .m. , seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously. GP: 2G-BB - Public Comment - None. Mr . Jorgensen, City Atty. , noted that Council has the discretion to either approve or deny this area for study since it was recommended by the Plan. Comm. and is City of Atas.-initiated . Motions By Councilman Bourbeau to delete GP 2G-Be, sec- onded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed by 3:0 roll- call , with Councilman Handshy and Mayor Norris absent . 2. Report on offer to donate 1 ac. of land to be used for the construction of a community assembly hall and/or performing arts center (cont 'd from 4/26/88) Mr . Hanley, Int . City Mgr . , recommended that Council respectfully decline this offer due to location and size of this parcel . There was no public comment . Motion: By Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson that the City respect- fully decline this offer based on the City Mgr . ' s comments, seconded by Councilman Bourbeau; passed by 3:0 roll-call , with Councilman Handshy and Mayor Norris absent. 3. Discussion by Council regarding possible locations for a No. County Govt. Ctr. in Atascadero Mr . Hanley, Int . City Mgr . , gave staff report , recommending that Council consider designation of an ad hoc committee to make specific recommendations on behalf of the City for submittal to the appropriate County officials, noting that time is of the essence. Council thanked Maggie Rice of the Chamber for her work and fact-gathering on this subject . Mr . Hanley was directed by Council to request a time extension from the County to allow for study and recommendation. Public Comment Rollin Dexter , resident , urged expeditious Council action as suggested by Mr . Hanley. Alden Shiers, resident , asked who the public would contact to provide input ; Mr . Hanley responded that people could contact either himself or Mr . Engen directly. Mr . Shiers urged that this subject be advertised in the newspaper to solicit public input. 9 _ - 10 - Mike Arrambide, resident , noted that over 3,000 signatures have been gathered from citizens who support locating such a facility in Atascadero . Maggie Rice of the Chamber noted that the County Bd . of Supvrs. does not plan to take any immediate action on this issue, but is reviewing preliminary sites which have been submitted . Sarah Gronstrand , resident , spoke in support of Mr . Shiers ' s sug- gestion. Following Council consensus, Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson appointed the following persons to an ad hoc committee as recommended : Bill Hanley & Henry Engen - City Staff Maggie Rice Chamber of Commerce Kirk Pearson B. I .A. Bonita Borgeson - City Council Motion: By Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson that a committee is formed , consisting of the above-named persons, to give suggestions to the County Bd . of Supvrs. for a site selection of a No . County Regional Ctr . in Atascadero , seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed by 3:0 roll-call, with Councilman Handshy and Mayor Norris absent . Motion: By Councilman Bourbeau to recess as Council and convene as the Atas. Co . Sanitation District , seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimous- ly. I I E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (ACSD) I 1 . Authorization to solicit bids for ACSD storage building I Mr . Sensi'baugh , Pub . Wks. Dir . , gave staff report . There was no public comment . Motion: By Director Bourbeau that the Board authorize staff to advertise for bids for the construction of a new storage building to be located at the wastewater treatment plant , seconded by Director Mackey; passed by 3:0 roll-call , with Director Handshy and Chmn. Norris absent . I I Motion: By Director Mackey that the Board adjourn and reconvene as Council , seconded by Director Bour- beau; passed unanimously. F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION City Council - Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson announced that Council met in closed session prior to the regular meeting to discuss per- sonnel matters. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11 :35 P.M. TO A SPECIAL OPEN COUNCIL MEETING ON MAY 23, 1988 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, FOURTH FLOOR ROTUNDA ROOM REGARDING THE ATASCADERO GENERAL PLAN ECONOMIC BASE ANALYSIS STUDY. f MINUTES RECORDED BY: CINDY WILKINS, Dep . City Clerk