HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 121289Approved as read 1/9/90 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 129 1989 The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 6:04 p.m. by Mayor Dexter. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Lilley. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Shiers, Mackey, Lilley, Borgeson and Mayor Dexter Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Arther Montandon, City Attorney; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Bob Fielding, Chief Building Official; Gary Sims, Senior Civil Engineer; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Chief Bud McHale, Police Department; Chief Mike Hicks, Fire Department; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo; Boyd Sharitz, City Clerk and Lee Daykav Deputy City Clerk Mayor Dexter read the Proclamation endorsing the concepts of "Human Responsibilities for Peace and Sustainable Development". At 6:10 p.m., Mayor Dexter recessed to Closed Session for the purpose of discussing instructions to the City's negotiator regarding purchase and/or sale of real property. The City Attorney, quoting the Brown Act, clarified by reading the following list of items to be addressed: To give instructions to the City Manager as the City's negotiator, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8, regarding the following real property transactions: A. Sale of City owned property. Lots 28,29, 33, 34, 336, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 of Atascadero Colony Amendment 6. B. Purchase of property owned by William P. Guidry, et al., described as lots 4, 5, 29, 30, 31 and Block 3C. 1 C. Purchase of property owned by Gene and Clara Mumford described as lots 1, 2, 33 and 32 of Block JC. D. Purchase of property owned by E.L. Brown described as lot 3 of Block JC. E. Purchase of property owned by George and Dorothy Bench described as Parcel 3 of T.M. at 88-307. F. Purchase of property owned by W.L. O'Reilly trust, et al., described as lots 1, 2 and 3 of portion of Block YA. The Open Session was reconvened at 7:02 p.m. ■ Councilwoman Borgeson made reference to the proclamation Mayor Dexter read earlier in the evening and suggested to the Council that the City make a contribution to the County Chapter of Beyond War Foundation. After consulting with the City Manager on the proper procedure for making such a donation, the following motion was made. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers that the City Council donate $100 on behalf of the County Chapter of Beyond War Foundation; passed unanimously by roll call vote. COMMUNITY FORUM: Gail Mudgett, 3125 Ardilla Road, read the attached prepared statement (Exhibit A) regarding recent contact with City offices for the purpose of ascertaining whether an Environmental Impact Report had been ordered for the area in which she lives. Mrs. Mudgett referred to a copy of the 1979 Draft Environment Impact Report (DEIR). Henry Engen responded, for the purpose of providing information to Council, that the 1979 DEIR was referenced at the Joint Meeting of the Planning Commission and City Council on November 21, 1989. He stated that the report had originally been completed for the Department of Real Estate for the Long Valley Ranch Project done by Gordon Davis, and is presently used as an information document. The Community Development Director further stated that the applicant's engineers will now be submitting a geology report 2 along with all other legally required submittals. With respect to building permit status requests by the public, Mr. Engen explained that there was a standard process of requesting information regarding current permits from the building counter and that it was not easily done on instant demand. He further reported that no permits are currently being sought on Ardilla. Mr. Engen added that perc testing is a pre- requisite to issuing a building permit and does not require a permit. 1. NOVEMBER 28, 1989 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. NOVEMBER 30, 1989 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 3. FINAL PARCEL MAP 37-87, 8430 SANTA ROSA ROAD (Messer/Cuesta Engineering) 4. PROCEDURES FOR THE SELECTION OF COMMISSION, BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mayor Dexter read the Consent Calendar. Steve LaSalle, of Atascadero, asked that Item #4 be pulled for further discussion. MOTIONS By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve, with the exception of Item #4, the Consent Calendar; passed unanimously by roll call vote. Mayor Dexter clarified Item #A-4 stating that this was a reaffirmation by the Council of Resolution of 35-81, a resolution adopting procedures for the selection of commission, board and committee members. He reported that both he and Councilwoman Borgeson had served as a subcommittee to review the resolution and had decided that it was acceptable and that no changes were necessary. Public Comment: Mr. LaSalle asked the Council if the resolution was reaffirmed as it stands. Mayor Dexter answered that it was, with no changes. The City Manager noted, for the record, that the resolution was a policy of the Council and not part of the Municipal Code. 3 0 & MOTION: By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey that Resolution 35-81 be reaffirmed; passed unanimously. B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: 1. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO REMOVE A HERITAGE TREE, 5550 TRAFFIC WAY ("The Oaks") (Cont'd from 10/30, 11/14 & 11/28/89 --Public hearing closed) Henry Engen gave staff report and confirmed that landscaping had died. He stated that the CC&R's did not provide any leverage for the City to require restoration of the landscaping. He reported that the matter would be pursued under the enforcement provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant was not present. Councilwoman Borgeson asked Mr. Engen if he had spoken with the Homeowner's Association regarding pruning of the tree. He stated that he had not and indicated that the tree was not a good candidate for pruning because of its' limited crown. Council discussion ensued regarding the safety and liability issue of the tree. The City Attorney advised that once the City is put on notice that there is a potential danger, the City does assume some liability if the tree is allowed to remain. Mayor Dexter clarified the opinion of the City Arborist. There were no public comments. MOTION: By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Mayor Dexter to grant the applicant's request to remove a Heritage Tree at 5550 Traffic Way; passed 4:1 with Councilman Shiers voting No. Councilwoman Mackey indicated her yes vote was made reluctantly and Councilwoman Borgeson stated that her yes vote was based upon the City Attorney's assessment regarding liability. 2. PROPOSED ADOPTION OF MODEL CODES AND TITLE 8 BUILDING REGULATIONS A. Ordinance No. 199 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING TITLE 8 (BUILDING REGULATIONS) TO THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE, THE UNIFORM CODE FOR BUILDING CONSERVATION INCLUDING ALL APPENDICES (LATEST PRINTING), THE UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, 1985 1988 EDITION, PUBLISHED BY M • 0 THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS; THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, INCLUDING APPENDIX CHAPTERS 79 32, 35, 38, 57 AND 74, 1985 1988 EDITION, AND THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STANDARDS, ALL PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS; THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1987 EDITION, PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION; THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, INCLUDING ALL APPENDICES, 1985 1988 EDITION, AND THE IAPMO INSTALLATION STANDARDS, 1985 1988 EDITION, ALL PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL OFFICIALS AND THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BUILDING OFFICIALS; THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, INCLUDING ALL APPENDICES, 1985 1988 EDITION, PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL OFFICIALS AND THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS; THE UNIFORM SWIMMING POOL, SPA AND HOT TUB CODE, 19851988 EDITION, PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL OFFICIALS; THE UNIFORM SIGN CODE, 1985 1988 EDITION, PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS; THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, INCLUDING APPENDIX CHAPTERS I -A, I -B, I -C, II -A, II -B, II -D, II -E, III -A, III -D, IV -A, V- AND VI -A, VI B, 1985 1988 EDITION, AND THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE STANDARDS, 1985 1988 EDITION, PUBLISHED BY THE WESTERN FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION AND THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS; THE UNIFORM HOUSING CODE, 1985 1988 EDITION, PUBLISHED BY THE CODE FOR ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, 1985 1988 EDITION, PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS, ALL AS AMENDED. (FIRST READING: Motion to (1) waive reading of ordinance in full and approve by title only - Voice vote; (2) motion to approve Ord. No. 199 on first reading - Roll Call) Henry Engen gave staff report with recommendation. Bob Fielding, Chief Building Official, clarified the reason behind the adoption of the Uniform Building Code for Conservation. He explained that it allows the City more flexibility in dealing with existing and historic buildings and additionally allows reinforcement of un -reinforced masonry or potentially hazardous buildings. Mr. Fielding described the Code as the most current and viable document; one that everyone can be familiar with and use as a standard. Mayor Dexter commended the Chief Building Official for his report and Mr. Fielding responded to Council questions regarding State mandates and earthquake requirements. Councilman Shiers asked if the City could require commercial buildings to supply hot running water. Mr. Fielding explained that the Building Code only necessitates restaurants and food service facilities to provide the infrastructure for hot and cold running water. He further stated that the Department of Health and Safety has jurisdiction over issues of this nature. Councilwoman Borgeson asked Chief Hicks to clarify fire sprinkler square footage standards. He explained that the formatting is new, but the standard is the same. Mr. Fielding added that the fee schedule has not been changed. There were no public comments. MOTIONm By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to waive the reading of the Ordinance in full and approve by Title only; passed unanimously. MOTION: By Mayor Dexter and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve Ordinance No. 199 on first reading; passed unanimously by roll call vote. 3. REVISIONS TO TERMS OF PLANNING COMMISSIONERS A. Ordinance No. 200 - Amending Sections 2-9.02, 2-9.03 and 2-9.04 of the Atascadero Municipal Code revising the terms of office of the Planning Commission. (FIRST READING: Motion to (1) waive reading of ordinance in full and approve by title only - Voice vote; (2) motion to approve Ord. No. 200 on first reading - Roll Call) The City Attorney gave his report and presented his proposed revisions, including the deletion of the provision which required a planning commissioner who runs for City Council to resign. Mayor Dexter announced that he had noted that the Municipal Code also stated that a commissioner to the Parks and Recreation Commission be required to resign if he/she sought election to the City Council. He asked Mr. Montandon for procedure to make this provision consistent with other commissions. The City Attorney advised the Council to act on the calendared matter and if they intended to further amend other provisions of the Code, those amendments should be brought back at a later date. There were no comments from the public. 6 MOTION3 By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to waive reading and approve by title only Ordinance No. 200 to amend Sections 2-9.02, 2-9.03 and 2-9.04 of the Municipal Code; unanimously passed. MOTIONm By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilman Lilley to approve Ordinance No. 200; passed unanimously by roll call vote. uv. TAPE RECORDING OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS A. Ordinance No. 201 - Repealing Section 2-1.19 of the Atascadero Municipal Code, which regulated the recordation of City Council meetings. (FIRST READING: Motion to (1) waive reading of ordinance in full and approve by title only - Voice vote; (2) motion to approve Ord. No. 201 on first reading Roll Call) The City Attorney gave staff report indicating that Section 2-1.19 of the Municipal Code, which requires a four-hour notice of intent to record meetings, conflicted with Government Code Section 54953.5 and recommended deleting the whole requirement. Mr. Montandon clarified for Councilwoman Mackey by stating that if the amendment was adopted, no notice would be required and that the only control left to Council under State law would be that if the meeting is disrupted by the recording in anyway, the recordation devices could be excluded from the meeting. There were no comments from the public. MOTIONm By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to waive the reading of the ordinance in full and approve by title only; passed unanimously. MOTIONm By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve Ordinance No. 201 of the Atascadero Municipal Code repealing Sections 2-1.19; passed 4:1 with Councilwoman Mackey voting no, stating that she was not against the recordation of the meetings but felt that the Council should be notified. Mayor Dexter called for a recess at 8:12 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:25 p.m. 7 �� �� �� �� 1~ HERITAGE TREE REMOVAL° 8250 LOS OSOS ROAD ^- REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION (Denied 11/28/89) (Councilwoman Mackey) Mayor Dexter read Section 2-1.13(D) of the Atascadero Municipal Code regarding motions to reconsider. Councilwoman Mackey asked the Council for reconsideration of this tree removal request stating that she had received a call from the applicant, Mr. Bligh, and had gone back out to view the tree. She reiterated that she still did not think the tree would fall on anyone, but acknowledged that the applicant had properly processed the application and that staff had recommended to approve. She also reported that there were many more oaks on the property and that her original questions of intent on the property had been answered. Fencing had been completed and sprinkler heads were staked for identification due to plowing. In addition, Ms. Mackey observed many boxed trees awaiting planting. Councilwoman Mackey expressed, as a separate item, that she would like to see the new Tree Ordinance soon and to remove the review by City Council, except on appeal. Councilwoman Borgeson asked the City Attorney for clarification on reconsideration. Mr. Montandon advised the Council on the legality of voting on this matter. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilman Lilley to reconsider the 11/28/89 decision of the City Council on the request to remove a Heritage Tree at 8250 Los Osos Road; passed unanimously. Additional discussion followed with Councilwoman Borgeson declaring that there had been no new evidence presented. She asserted that another public hearing should be held before the Council addressed the request again. Councilwoman Mackey debated that there was additional evidence that justified reconsideration and clarified the reasons for changing her decision. Councilwoman Borgeson additionally reported that she had learned that Ms. Shicker's reports have been edited by Staff and objected strongly. She requested that the City Arborist be present at meetings when requests to remove trees are heard so that she could answer specific questions and note any additions to her E--] �� �� �� �� reports. Councilman Shiers spoke in opposition of the request stating that the tree is not dead and that it serves a useful purpose to wildlife. He favored fencing the tree off for safety reasons. Comment:Public Debbie Sligh, 8250 Los Osos Road and speaking on behalf of her father, asked the Council to vote on the matter. MOTIONn By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve the request to remove the Heritage Tree at B250 Los Osos Road; passed 3:2 with Councilmembers Borgeson and Shiers voting against. Councilman Lilley stated that he wanted to see the new Tree Ordinance address liability issues and considerations for preservation of wildlife habitats. Councilwoman Borgeson reiterated her request to have the City Arborist on hand when the Council hears items regarding Heritage Trees. Mayor Dexter directed the Community Development Director to ask Ms. Shicker to be present. Mr. Engen noted that this would create an additional cost to the program. 2. DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS A. Graves Creek Project Gary Sims, Senior Civil Engineerr, gave lengthy staff report explaining the present conflicts. He read portions of an independent survey performed by Volbrecht Surveys on December 12, 1989 and stated that there has always been a question of what is the potential runoff impact of the Dovica Tract Subdivision. He concluded that Paul Sensibaugh's original analysis during the Dovica Tract review period was correct and that the runoff implications resulting from that tract are minuscule. Mr. Sims proposed that once the Record of Survey has been filed and the Berrys have been provided with such, if they disagree with it, they would be entitled to thirty days to have another surveyor file an Opposing Record of Survey. He suggested that at that time Staff meet with the Berrys to identify and negotiate a suitable project. Mr. Sims defined "water course" and substantiated the area as 9 such. He answered additional Council questions regarding proposed runoff from new developments and stated that he did not believe the runoff from the Dovica Tract was surface water. He further reported that the Engineering Department's drainage and survey calculations are public information and invited the Berrys to come in and review and discuss them with Staff. Mayor Dexter directed the question of City liability to the City Attorney who advised that the liability would be based upon the amount of damage caused by any diverted water. He further explained that, given the calculations of today, there is little chance of liability. Comment:Public James Berry, 6955 Balboa, asked the Council to address the "real issue" which he described as excess water caused by development flowing through his property. He disagreed that his property was in a water course and strongly objected to runoff from new developments declaring that this is illegal. He further remarked that he would not accept Volbrecht's survey and asked to be granted time to have a re -survey completed. Mayor Dexter urged Staff to continue to do all that they can to negotiate with the Berrys and arrive at a satisfactory conclusion to the problem. B. Resident Petition re: Alegre Avenue Mr. Sims gave his staff report indicating that the developer's drainage plan was never submitted for review and that this oversight was not caught. Attempts to convince the developer and the design engineer to mitigate the existing situation failed because of the fact that their map had been signed off. Henry Engen asked Council to refer to Staff to more fully evaluate alternatives and make cost estimates. Lengthy Council discussion followed regarding the drainage issues of the City, the need for a Comprehensive Drainage Plan and the City's responsibility to ensure conditions of approval. 3° DOWNTOWN STREET LIGHTING PROJECT (Councilman Lilley) Councilman Lilley reported that he had met with Dave Vega, Area Manager for PG&E's North County Customer Center, in an effort to revamp existing lighting around City Hall. Mr. Lilley summarized some of the technical difficulties and costs involved with a historical lighting program. He suggested a pilot program that WE would 1> restore the lighting along both East and West Mall and 2) allow the City an opportunity to "work out the bugs" by establishing a good liaison with PG&E to coordinate a cost- efficient way to replace the lighting system. Mr. Vega, an 11 -year resident of Atascadero and representing PG&E, addressed the Council and announced that he would be happy to work with the City on the proposed project. Discussion followed with supportive comments from the Council. The City Manager suggested starting a fund for the downtown revitalization program to help account for monies spent. MOTIONx By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to authorize a sum not to exceed $3,000 to restore the lighting along both Malls from El Camino Real to the Memorial Building; passed unanimously by roll call vote. OATH OF OFFICE At 10:10 p.m., the City Clerk swore in the new City Attorney, Art Montandon. uw. CALTRANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mayor Dexter appointed nine persons to serve on the Caltrans Advisory Committee: Lisa Bhicker and Gary Sims, members of Staff; Bonita Borgeson and Marge Mackey as members of the Council; Henry Hammer, Tim O'Keefe, Anne Little, David Duncan and Will Lewis as Members -at -Large. 5. SALES TAX SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING _ SELECTION OF TWO TASK FORCE MEMBERS TO SLOACC The City Manager gave his report stating that this task force's primary objective would be to secure input in a public opinion survey to assess public attitudes,' test support for specific measures, projects and fund options, evaluate survey results and assist in developing a program that could be supported by all jurisdictions to be ultimately decided on by voters in the County. He announced the first meeting of this task force and asked the Mayor to appoint two members of the Council. Mayor Dexter appointed Councilwoman Borgeson and Councilman Shiers; both Councilmembers accepted. 11 6. _ WASTE REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT RESOLUTION (Atascadero Recycling Committee) The City Manager gave his report explaining that the resolution before the Council was the first step in identifying issues the Committee wants to work on. Mr. Windsor supported adoption advising that the resolution is in conformance with State legislation with respect to the goals of recycling. Comment:Public Ron Valarino, resident of Atascadero and member of the Recycling Committee, spoke in support of the resolution. He asked the Council to give them the "green light" as they are anxious to get started. Jim Patterson, 9312 N. Santa Margarita Road in Atascadero and Chairman of the Recycling Committee, stated that the resolution sets the groundwork for the Committee and establishes goals to manage the issues of solid waste. Mr. Patterson answered Council questions regarding current legislation and enforcement of source reduction. Councilwoman Mackey announced that there is currently a vacancy on the committee. Mr. Patterson answered Council questions regarding member qualifications. MOTIONm By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to adopt Resolution 84-89; passed unanimously by roll call vote. D. : &. City Councils A. Committee Reports (The following represents ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1. City/School Committee - Mayor Dexter gave report stating that the Committee had met and discussed a request to include a member of the business community on the committee. It was decided that the Committee stand as it is: a communication between the two entities of City Council/Staff and School Board/Staff. The City Manager announced the newt meeting date as Thursday, December 14, 1989. 12 2. North Coastal Transit/S.L.Q. Area Coordinating Council - Councilwoman Borgeson attended a public hearing to receive public input on the existence of public transportation needs and gave her report. The newt meeting will be in January of 1990. 3. Traffic Committee - Councilwoman Mackey reported that the Committee had held a special meeting to discuss the four-way stop at Olmeda and Traffic Way. PTA members have requested a crossing guard at that location. Ms. Mackey indicated that the request has been referred to the City/School Committee and the City Manager re -iterated the date of their next meeting. 4. Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgmt. Committee - Councilwoman Mackey indicated that a report and recommendation was forthcoming on the Chicago Grade Landfill. 5. Recycling Committee (see Item C-6) 6. Economic Opportunity Commission - Mayor Dexter gave his report and announced the next meeting date as December 14, 1989. 7. Finance Committee - Councilman Shiers indicated that there had been no meeting. B. B.I.A. - No meeting was held due to the busy holiday season. 9. Downtown Steering Committee - Henry Engen gave his report stating that consultants are working on a preliminary draft and announced that a meeting was to be scheduled for early January 1990. 10. Interim Growth Management Committee - No report. 11. General Plan Subcommittee - No report. 2. City Attorney - No report. 3. City Clerk - Wished all his associates a happy holiday season. 4. City Treasurer - No report. 13 5. City Manager — Expressed best wishes for the New Year. Additional Council Comment: Councilman Shiers referred to a letter the City Council had received regarding air pollution caused by burn days and asked the Council to take a look at the problem and consider some solutions. The City Manager indicated that input would be solicited from the Fire Chief. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10:42 P.M. TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING ON JANUARY 9, 1990. MINUTES RECORDED BY: BOYD C. SHARITZ, C LERK MINUTES PREPARED BY: wt&-C� &---- LEE DAYKA, DEPUTY CITY CLERK Attachment: Exhibit A (Mudgett) 14 Gail Lee Mudaett 3125 Ardilla Road Atascadero, Calif December 12, 1989 Ladies and Gentlemen of the City Council: On Thursday, December 7th, I telephoned Chief Planner Engen to protest the taking of "percolation samples, for building" on'the seismic hill above our home. I protested to Mr. Engen that this City Council had ordered an Envir- onmental Impact Report for that area earlier. Planner Enaen's reply was, "7I just discovered an EIR:" I said, "Please may I see it?" He said he would not be there, but that he would leave the EIR with a note addressed to me in the office. My immediate reaction to Mr. Engen's "discovery of an EIR" was: 1. Why hadn't Gordon Davis, or Bill Barnes, offered the EIR in Auaust, when without City permits for bulldozing, Mr. Sensebaugh stopped the work of grading the paper road on the steep slopes of that "high risk" hill? 2. Wily was that EIR belately discovered in December, three full months later, and after the City Council ordering of an EIR? On Friday, December 8, with three neighbors adjoining that area, I was given this 1979 DRAFT EIR, prepared by a San Luis Obispo firm, which is no longer listed in the telephone directory. The applicant is Gordon T. Davis. Four copies were made of that EIR for $37 dollars and not $38.00 for just one copy, as offered at City Hall; On Mondat the 11th, I telephoned the Sacramento Office of California Department of Real Estate, because the Title Page states that the EIR was prepared for them. Two Sections of that Department told me that the EIR was"not handled by them". I next contacted a specialist on EIR's and his simple analysis was: That as a DRAFT EIR it would have been obsolete after two years. That copy Mr. Engen gave me was dated January 1979 My question to you: Why would our City Chief Planner present me with an obsolete, ten year old DRAFT EIR (DEIR) as a Final Environmental Impact Report? WHY WAS THIS DECEITFUL TRICK FOISTED ON ME, A CONCERNED CITIZEN? 4 2 On Sunday, December 10th, a young workman was on the slope above our home, beside his truck taking sampled out of the big hole in the aground. Amazed, I asked him, "Why are you working on Sunday?" He answered,"Oh: We have to Bret this in by Monday." I wondered why the rush? When I went to the City Hall today, I asked to see the permits for any building on the paper road of Ardilla. I was told that it would take time for the girl to find them. When I asked,"Don't you have a list of very recent permits?" I was told, "No. It would take time to find them." My question to you our City Council is: What kind of store are you running? Fake EIR"s and the inability to locate permits as recent as one day? Memory can do that much: I wish this statement of questions and answers to be placed on the next Agendas for the Planning Commission and the City Council. Than You, /17G G (LGIi G p Gail Lee Mudge t r W 0? December 12, 1989 ADDENDUM TO THE GLM STATEMENT TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL, OF DECEMBER_!@th. Ladies and Gentlemen: Tonight at 5PM Lee the Secretary to this City Council, phoned to say she could not find. any reference to an EIR for the seismic hill above, south and north of my home, I thank Lee for her diligent search. I still honestly believe that such a City Council order was given. I certainly can be wrong, and for that I apologize. However, when I protested to Mr. Engen on the December 7th, saying I could not understand w� the building samples when the EIR had been ordered. Mr. Engen did not correct that protest. He said., "I just discovered an EIR." Nor do I withdraw my strong outrage at being given a ten year old obsolete DRAFT Report in order to facilitate building on those seismic foothills, That fact still stands! I also repeat, I wish to be on the agendas of the Planning Commission and the City Council w'it'h hat deceitful, tricking 1979 EIJI. G'M