HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 112889• ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 289 1989 MEETX-NG AGENDA DATE.�„� ITEM N A.. The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dexter followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mike Hicks, Fire Chief. ROLL CALLP Present: Councilmembers Shiers, Mackey, Borgeson, Lilley and Mayor Dexter Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Arther Montandon, City Attorney; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo and Lee Dayka, Deputy City Clerk Absent: Boyd Sharitz, City Clerk COUNCIL COMMENTe Councilwoman Borgeson stated she was pleased with the progress on the Traffic Way Ballfield. She further announced that she had received many calls from the public regarding the poor alignment at Hotel Park Road and Capistrano Avenue. In addition, Ms. Borgeson reported that others had made favorable comments about the additional landscaping provided by the movie company during the shooting of "My Blue Heaven" and proposed that the City budget monies toward the improvement of landscaping around City Hall. PUBLIC COMMENTSs Mrs. Gail Mudgett, 3125 Ardilla Road, read the attached statement (Exhibit A) regarding the proper noticing of City legislative meetings. Dolores Berry, 6955 Balboa Road, read a statement prepared by her husband, James A. Berry (Exhibit B), urging enforcement of all ordinances with particular reference to Zoning Ordinance 9-4.148 (Drainage). Mr's. Berry stressed immediate attention be given to her and her husband's appeals to correct multiple violations in their area and stated that she hoped legal action would not be necessary. 1 A. CONSENT CALENDARm 1. NOVEMBER 840 1989 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2~ TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP eO-88w 10450 MORRO ROAD - Consideration of Planning Commission recommendation to deny proposed lot split of 33.13 ac. into two lots of 28.0 and 5.13 acres (Evans/Stewart) Ray Windsor, City Manager, requested that a correction be made to Page 3 of the Minutes of November 28 (reference made to attorney Elizabeth Scott -Graham). MOTION: By Mayor Dexter and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve the Consent Calendar, Minutes amended; passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. HEARINGSIAPPEARANCESs 1. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO REMOVE A HERITAGE TREEn 5550 TRAFFIC WAY ("The Oaks") (Cont'd from 10/30 and 11/14/89) Public Comments Linda WoIfrank, 5561 Tunitas, spoke in opposition of the tree removal, stating that landscaping at "The Oaks" had not yet been completed. Doug Lewis, P.O. Box 1017 in Atascadero, also opposed the request. Council discussion followed. Councilwoman Borgeson observed the tree may only need pruning. Councilwoman Mackey suggested waiting to decide on the tree removal until after the landscaping had been brought into conformity. Councilman Lilley declared that the Council could not hold the tree hostage for compliance with prior conditions. He additionally questioned the liability problem of the tree and asked that the matter be referred to Public Works. MOTIONm By Councilwoman Borgeson to direct staff to see that the subject site is in conformance with the Landscape Plan and ask the landlord to prune the tree. Motion died for lack of second. MOTIONs By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to continue the item one additional meeting and direct staff to review the CC&R's; passed unanimously. ff-W 2° CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO REMOVE A HERITAGE TREEw 8250 LOS OSOS ROAD Henry Engen gave staff report indicating the appropriate marking had been made and recommended approval with a 2:1 replacement. The applicant was not present. Council discussion followed with Councilman Lilley and Mayor Dexter supporting the request. Councilwoman Mackey stated that she believed there was more going on here than what was shown. Councilwoman Borgeson disagreed that there was a danger to animals. She further requested that Lisa Schicker, City Arborist, be present at City Council meetings when tree removal requests are being heard. Henry Engen responded to Council questions regarding whether another homesite would be allowed on this property. Public Comments George Luna, 10600 San Marcos and speaking as an individual, stated that if allowed, the tree would survive us all. Dolores Berry, of Atascadero, spoke in support of tree protection and thanked the Council for its' serious consideration of this request. MOTIONm By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to deny the request to remove a heritage tree at 8250 Los Osos Road; passed 3:2 with Councilman Lilley and Mayor Dexter opposing. 3= TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 16-89 n 9350 SANTA CRUZ - Subdivision of one parcel containing approx. 9.63 ac. into two lots of 4.0 ac. and 5.63 ac. (Lobo Investments/Volbrecht Surveys) (Con'd from 10/10, 10/38 and 11/14/89 Council Meetings) A. City Attorney's response to Elizabeth Scott -Graham's letter of October 17, 1989 City Attorney, Art Montandon, read a portion of his November 22, 1989 memo to the City Manager which stated that the environmental review is legally adequate, that there is little, if any, evidence to overturn City staff's determination and that the City Council may approve this project. Lengthy Council discussion followed regarding fire service response time to the area. Councilwoman Borgeson stated that this was an irresponsible lot split which would provide inadequate safety to future residents. Councilman Lilley stated that the Council cannot deny simply because the property is out of the City's current emergency response area. He reiterated 01 that the General Plan allows construction outside the five-minute response time and that other requests of this type have been granted. Comments:Public Gail Mudgett stated that a geological report is needed. Robert Nimmo, 7375 Bella Vista Road, stated that it is the City's responsibility to provide municipal services and that that obligation is not currently being met. Phillip Baldner, civil engineer for Volbrecht Surveys (representing applicant) and a resident on Mananita Avenue in Atascadero, referred to the sewage problems on his street as an example of a cumulative affect problem. He spoke in support of the project and urged the Council to make a decision stating emergency response time is not an issue and that there is not a single finding to warrant denial. Further discussion ensued on the issues of City growth and public safety. MOTIONs By Mayor Dexter and seconded by Councilman Lilley to approve TPM 16-89 according to the recommendations of the Planning Commission; passed 3:2 with Councilmembers Borgeson and Shiers voting in opposition. Mayor Dexter called a recess at 8:35 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:48 p.m. u»° TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 7-899 7000 SAN PALO ROAD - Reconsideration of proposed subdivision of one 7.0 ac. parcel into four lots of 1.55, 1.60= 1.65 and 2.2 acres <McNamara/Cuesta Engineering) (Reference 7/11 and 10/30/89 Council Meetings) Councilman Lilley announced that he had a conflict of interest and excused himself from discussion and action. Henry Engen gave staff report explaining proposed revisions. Council discussion followed with respect to setbacks. Comments:Public Attorney Roger Picquet, representing Thomas McNamara, submitted his letter of November 28, 1989 to the City Council (Exhibit C) asking that they note the significant compromise on the part of the applicant and vote favorably for approval. John Faulkenstein, of Cuesta Engineering, explained the intent of 4 the revised setbacks and availed himself for further questioning. MOTION: By Mayor Dexter and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve the Appeal of TPM 7-89 with revised Conditions of Approval; passed unanimously 4:(] (Councilman Lilley excused). Mr. Picquet thanked the Council for reconsideration. C. REPULAR BUSINESSo 1° ATTORNEY SERVICES CONTRACT -~ ART MONTANDON The City Manager presented the Draft Attorney Services Contract making special note of Page 4, Section 3: Termination of Contract; which dictates a sixty-day notice requirement. Mr. Windsor answered additional questions from the Council regarding the Contract. MOTIONm By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilman Lilley to approve the Attorney Services Contact; passed unanimously by roll call vote. Mayor Dexter welcomed Mr. Montandon to the City staff. 2~ CONSULTANT SERVICES RECOMMENDATION _ FIRE MASTER PLAN Chief Hicks gave staff report with recommendation to authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Hunt Research Corporation for the purpose of developing a city fire and emergency medical master plan. He noted that Hunt was not the lowest bidder, but had come in as the second to the lowest and explained that it was the firm's qualifications that the selection committee was most impressed with. The Fire Chief further announced the estimated date of completion as March of 1990. Councilmembers Shiers and Mackey supported the selection, expressing that Hunt Research is local and well-qualified to prepare such a plan. Comment:Public Alan Filmore, 7453 Balboa and representing the lowest bidder, ' disclosed his disappointment at not being interviewed. He reported that he was also local and well acquainted with the particular needs of this community. Mayor Dexter replied that he would personally contact Mr. Filmore at another time to discuss the matter. 5 MOTIONm By Councilman Shiers and seconded Councilwoman Mackey to authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Hunt Research Corporation for the purpose of developing a city fire and emergency medical master plan, in an amount not to exceed $19,900; passed unanimously by roll call vote. 3. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY GEORGE HIGHLAND TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 101 RE: PLANNING COMMISSIONER TERMS George Highland, 7275 CarmeIita Avenue and appearing on his own behalf, presented his proposal for changes to Ordinance 101. He briefly explained the three major modifications: 1) a designated staggering of terms, 2) delaying appointment dates from August until September and 3> removing the requirement of resignation prior to running for public office. Mr. Highland commented that he believed the changes would provide more continuity to the Commission and asked that the Council refer the proposal to staff for legal perusal. Brief Council discussion followed with Mayor Dexter expressing his support of the request. Comments:Public Mike Arrambide, representing the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, spoke in support of the concept. Robert Nimmo asked that the Council follow the precedent set by other legislative bodies and not ask commissioners to step down if they seek higher office. Barbara Reiter, 10150 San Marcos Road, spoke in support of the staggered appointments. John Himes, 210 Carmelita Avenue, commended the proposal stating that she believed it was well -thought out and urged the Council to adopt the revised ordinance. Councilman Lilley expressed his support of creating more continuity within the Commission and stated he felt the revisions were appropriate. The Council agreed to refer the concept to the City Attorney to draft in ordinance form. D. REQUEST TO SET SPECIAL MEETINGw RECOMMENDED TO BE HELD AT 300 P.M. THURSDAYv NOVEMBER 309 19890 4TH FLOOR CLUB ROOMw FOR THE FOLLOWINGs resulting from appraisals by Dennis E. Green, Inc. (Closed Session) (Verbal) 2. Status of land sale at San Benito & Highway 101 (surplus property and proceed with appraisal (Closed Session) (Verbal) 3. Request to reaffirm city -owned lot on Sycamore Rd. as surplus property and proceed with appraisal (Open Session) 4. Status of management, mid -management and and confidential employee agreements for 1999-1990 (Closed Session) The Council agreed to set the meeting as above with the time being changed from 3:00 to 3:45 p.m. at the request of Councilman Shiers. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council: A. Committee Reports 1. City/School Committee - Mayor Dexter announced meeting date of November 29 1989 at 1:00 p.m. 2. North Coastal Transit - Mayor Dexter stated there was no report. 3. S.L.O. area Coordinating Council - Councilwoman Borgeson announced an important workshop/meeting set for December b, 1989 in the Board of Supervisors Room of the County Government Center. 4. Traffic Committee - Councilwoman Mackey announced meeting date of November 29, 1989. 5. Solid/Hazardous Waste Management Committee - Councilwoman Mackey announced meeting date of November 29, 1989. b. Recycling Committee Councilwoman Mackey announced meeting date of November 29, 1989. 7. Economic Opportunity Commission - Mayor Dexter stated a meeting date was still to be set. 8. Finance Committee - Nothing to report. 9. B.I.A. - Nothing to report. 10. Downtown Steering Committee - Nothing to report. 11. Interim Growth Management Committee - Nothing to report. 12. General Plan Sub Committee - Mayor Dexter announced that the Study Session was held November 21, 1989 and that the Council is now awaiting the draft for public hearing. The City Manager 7 reported that the Drainage Plan was not discussed at the session. Comment:Public Whitey Thorpe, of Atascadero, expressed his concern regarding the "nothing to report" reports of various City Council committees. Mayor Dexter responded that committees meet at varying times and reports are given following those meetings. 2. CITY ATTORNEY Mr. Montandon thanked the Council again for his appointment and announced that he and his family had officially moved to Atascadero. 3. CITY CLERK Absent due to illness. 4. CITY TREASURER Absent. 5. CITY MANAGER Mr. Windsor announced that, following tradition, there would be only one City Council meeting in the month of December, that date being December 12, 1989. He proposed that the Council meet at 6:00 p.m. to allow enough time to hear all matters. He further advised that all hearing items be heard after 7:00 p.m. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT NOVEMBER 28n 1989 AT 3n45 P.M.TO BE ADJOURNED TO A CLOSED SESSION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING. ° MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BYs LE9 AYKAj DEPUTY CITY, CLERK Attachments: Exhibit A (Mudgett) Exhibit B (Berry) Exhibit C (Picqmet) B 9m47 P.M. TO AN OPEN SESSION ON Gail Lee Mudgett 3125 Ardilla Road Atascadero, Calif 93422 November 28, 1989 Ladies and Gentlemen of the Atascadero City Council: I shall read the statement I prepared for the meeting held on November 21, but which I did not read. Since it was not completely read by our Mayor I shall read it now, because it is more than ever pertinent! The point I wish to make is that we not only must abide by our General Plan, but we must also have a firm understanding of the California Brown Act, for both are absolutely essential for coping with our public business and the implementing work of our public officials. I shall read my 21st statement: Quote: When I heard about the combined meeting, I checked the City Library for the Agenda, which should have been on display bn the table set aside for. City Affairs. I checked again today and it was still not there! I was able to get a copy of the January 1, 1989 copy of The Brown Act. 54954.2 says: At least 72 hours before a regular meeting, the legislative.body of the local agency, or its designee, shall post an agenda con- taining a brief general description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting. 54954.1 also states:` The legislative body of any district which is subject to the pro- visions of this chapter shall give mailed notice of every regular meeting, and any special meeting which is called at least one week prior to the date set for the meeting, to any owner of property located within the district who has filed a written request for such notice with the legislative body. There is no way the public can have any involvement without such fair notice. Such notices should be posted in more than two places in Atascadero. In all fairness this combined meeting should be adjourned to a time when the public shall be given full notice and full time for study and preparation Thank you, Gail Lee Mudgett 2 At that 21st meeting Mayor Dexter denied three times that there had been any intention to have an unposted meeting of our legislative bodies, our City Council and our Planning Commission. Mayor Dexter further protested that it was an adjourned meeting and only a study session. Was he infer- ring that there was no need of posting the meeting and the agenda? Contact had been made with the City Clerk's office and the Pity Library to check if the meeting was posted. It had not been. Following that meeting contact was made with the Atascadero News and the Telegram -Tribune news- papers. `there had been no posting. In addition to the four places that were not posted I wish to call attention to the limited amount of space afforded by the Ken Beck Hall. I shall call attention to the Brown Act, the essential law which protects the public's right to know their business, to participate with and to over- see and work with their public servants, their elected officials. Since the November 21st meeinar was a regular session for the Planning Com- mission, Section 5494.2 requires that the place, time, and the agenda be posted 72 hours before a regular meeting, and that no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. For adjourned meeting rs Section 54955 the requirements for notice are the same as for special meetings. In addition, the copy of the order of adjour- ment must be posted within 24 hours after the adjournment, at or near the door of the place where the meeting was held. Special meetings, such as study sessions, written notice must be sent to each local newspaper of general circulation, or to radio, or televions stations, which has requested the notice in writing. (Section 54952.3) Excellent statements from citizens were read during that 21st meeting.' Excellent ideas were advanced in the agenda. None should be lost. That agenda and statements should be repeated at a well notified meeting. Thank you, Gail Lee Mudgett MY NAME IS JAMES A IRRY A. I HAVE A RESIDENCE 6955 BALBOA. "t ('� HONORABLE MAYOR$ MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION: FIRST, MAY I WISH YOU THE GREATEST SUCCESS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF YOUR FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS THAT YOU WILL ARRIVE AT IN THIS AND FUTURE STUDY SESSIONS. I MOST SINCERELY HOPE THAT YOU ADDRESS THE BURDENSOME ISSUES THAT CONFRONT YOU AND THIS CITY WITH THE OPENESS AND UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PEOPLE OF THIS COMMUNITY EXPECT THEIR OFFICIALS TO HAVE. IIT IS MY FERVENT HOPE THAT YOU WILL VOTE FOR CHANGES THAT REFLECT THE WISHES OF THE MAJORITY OF THE RESIDENTS OF THIS CITY. _ IT IS MY FERVENT HOPE THAT YOU WILL TURN A DEAF EAR TO THE CON- STANT SUPPLICATIONS OF THOSE WHO WOULD HAVE YOU SET ASIDE THOSE GOVERN- ING SECTIONS OF LAW THAT PROTECT US FROM THE MANY PIT -FALLS OF UNREGU- LATED ACTIVITY. I ASK YOU TO SEE THAT ALL SECTIONS OF THE CITY ORDINANCES ARE ADHERED T09 WITHOUT EXCEPTION: AND IN MY PARTICULAR CASE, I ONCE AGAIN COME BEFORE YOU AND ASK YOU TO ONCE AGAIN REVIEW TITLE 99 ZONING REGULATIONS; PARTICULARLY 9-4,148: DRAINAGE: I WILL NOT BURDEN YOU WITH ENDLESS RUOTES FROM THE GENERAL PLAN OR OTHER PERTINENT RULES AND GOVERNING REGULATIONS. YOU ARE ALL FULLY AWARE OF THEM. I WOULD ONLY ASK OF YOU TO HEAR THE PLEA OF ONE CITIZEN, WHO, IN RIGHTEOUS ANGER COMES BEFORE YOU FOR REDRESS OF A GREVIOUS WRONG BEING PERPETUATED UPON HIM AND HIS FAMILY ....... A VIOLATION SO GRAVE AS TO THREATEN THE VERY HOME I LIVE IN AND TO MAKE UNBEARABLE FUTURE EXISTANCE WITHIN ITS PROTECTIVE WALLS. MY PROPERTY IS LITERALLY BEING PUT UNDER SEIGE BY NEW DEVELOPMENT, NOT ONLY NEXT DOOR TO MINE BUT BY DEVELOPMENT THAT HAS BEEN GOING ON SINCE THE ADOPTION OF THE GENERAL PLAN AND TITLE 9 ZONING REGULATIONS BY THIS CITY IN MY AREA, IN A DEVELOPING AREA OF OVER 200 ACRES OR MORE, MY PROPERTY, AND MINE ALONE HAS BEEN SELECTED TO BEAR THE BRUNT OF ALL THIS ADDITIONAL RUN OFF .... WITNESS THIS MAP WHICH TELLS IN GRAPHIC TERMS WHAT LIES IN STORE FOR ME. BUILDING AND INSTALLING LARGER DRAIN PIPES OFF THE PROPERTY AND UNDER GRAVES CREEKS WHICH -LAUGHINGLY, HAS BEEN SUGGESTED; NOR WILL CALLING MY PROPERTY A "WATERCOURSE" CHANGE ONE. IOTA THE DISASTOROUS FLOW OF WATER ILLEGALLY DIRECTED ACROSS MY PROPERTY. I ASK YOU TO, ONCE AGAIN ..REVIFW,PUR APPEALS AND CORRECT THE ..µ,ti MULTIPLE VIOLATIONS COMMITTED BYO NOT ONLY THE OVER ZEALOUS DEVELOPER BUT BY THE INDIFFERENCE AND, IN SOME CASES, ILLEGAL ACTIVITY OF OFFICIALS AND STAFF WHO CHOSE NOT TO ENFORCE THOSE LAWS THROUGH NEGLECT OR IGNORANCE. I ASK YOU TO ADOPT A DRAINAGE PLAN THAT PROTECTS ALL CITIZENS OF OUR CITY FROM SUCH TERROR. THANK YOU. �-,-�-. Com''• , 0 0 4k e-.,, LAW OFFICES LYON & PICQUET ROGER LYON* 1104 PALM STREET TELEPHONE ROGER PICOUET POST OFFICE BOX 922 (805) 541-2560 TELECOPIER TIMOTHY J. CARMEL SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA 93406 (805) 543-3857 •A LAW CORPORATION November 28, 1989 It ff t* Lr I V 96 rcv2a1 OVIKAWN City Council City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Ave. Atascadero, CA 93422 Re: Tentative Parcel Map 7-89 (7000 San Palo); McNamara Dear Honorable Mayor and Council: The staff report for this item on tonight's agenda (B-4) accurately represents the status of this application.- Mr. McNamara has responded to issues raised by both the Planning Commission and Council by making modifications to the original application which result in a better project for all concerned. In addition, the ap- plicant is agreeable to the revised conditions set forth in the draft resolution of approval. The net effect of the discussions that have ensued since this matter was last before you is a revised tentative parcel map application with many of the characteristics of a much more rigorous process (e.g. a planned development or conditional use permit). Mr. McNamara has agreed to the proposed revised condi- tions because he recognizes that, among other things, they are designed to enhance the ultimate development of these particular lots as well as ensure maximum compatibility with surrounding properties and uses. As currently configured, this application meets or exceeds all established standards. These standards are not mere guidelines but are, in fact, the law of the State of California and the City of Atascadero. The applicant has taken the earlier comments of concern and "fine-tuned" this application to fully and fairly address the merits of those concerns. We respectfully request that i • 0 City Council City of Atascadero November 28, 1989 Page 2 you act favorably on this application by granting approval with conditions attached as recommended by staff. Sincerely, LYON PIC —,::: � � Roger icque RP:ar