HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 111489Approved as amended 11/28/89 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 849 8989 The regular meeting of Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dexter followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by John McNeil of Atascadero. Mayor Dexter announced that he had received a proclamation signed by Governor Dukmejian officially proclaiming November 19-25, 1989 as "Family Week". ROLL CALLs Present: CounciImembers Shiers, Mackey, Borgeson, Lilley and Mayor Dexter Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Chief Bud McHale, Police Department; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Gary Sims, Engineering Department; Mark Joseph, Director of Administrative Services; Boyd Sharitz° City Clerk and Lee Dayka, Deputy City Clerk. PUBLIC COMMENTSm George Luna, 10600 San Marcos Road in Atascadero and speaking as a private citizen, expressed his concerns regarding the public's right to tape City Council meetings quoting both Atascadero City Council Procedures Section 2-1-19 and the California Government Code Section 54953.5. Council discussion followed and Mayor Dexter referred the matter to the City Attorney. Karen Coniglio, 7600 Graves Creek Road, read the attached prepared statement (see Exhibit A) regarding the proposed road construction in the Ardilla Road and Graves Creek Road areas. Terril Graham, 6205 Conejo Road, spoke in support of the General Plan. He urged the Council to fulfill the specific commitments of the Plan. 1 COUNCIL COMMENTS: A. CONSENT CALENDARS 1. OCTOBER 309 1989 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. CERTIFICATION OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PAVILION PROJECT 3. RESOLUTION NO. 82-89 - AUTHORIZE INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS ON CAPISTRANO AT THE HOTEL PARK PROJECT 4. RESOLUTION NO. 83-89 - AUTHORIZE INSTALLATION OF STOP INTERSECTIONS ON LISA AVE. AT AMARGON AVE. AND ON LISA AVE. AT ARENA AVE. 5. NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING RENOVATION - PHASE IIC 6. POLICE CAR PURCHASE (3) - FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 7. APPROVAL OF S.L.O. AREA COORDINATING COUNCIL JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (Cont. from 8/8/89 meeting) 8. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PARCEL MAP 23-859 5495 TRAFFIC WAY - To allow the creation of two lots where three existed in the IP (Industrial Park) Zone (Carroll/Stewart) 9. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL TRACT MAP 12-889 6803 SANTA LUCIA ROAD - To convert an approved, but not yet constructed, 9 -unit apartment complex into residential condominiums (Anderson/Messer/Cuesta Engineering) 10. REQUEST AUTHORIZATION TO UTILIZE JOHN L. WALLACE & ASSOCIATES FOR SELECTED CITY ENGINEER SERVICES Councilwoman Borgeson pulled item #1, the Minutes of the City Council Meeting of October 30, 1989. Irene Bishop, 7151 Serena, asked that item #3 be pulled for discussion. MOTIONS By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of items #1 and 3 to be discussed separately; passed unanimously by roll call vote. 2 1. OCTOBER 30, 1989 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - Councilwoman Borgeson asked that the minutes be amended to reflect the omitted votes of Mayor Dexter and herself, as well as include her own comments giving her reasons for her vote. MOTION= By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve the amended minutes; passed unanimously. 3. RESOLUTION N0. 82-89 - AUTHORIZE INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS ON CAPISTRANO AT THE HOTEL PARK PROJECT Henry Engen, Community Development Director, gave staff report with recommendation for approval stating that the Traffic Committee had voted unanimously to approve. Public Comment: Irene Bishop, resident, was concerned that the people who are to be affected most are not fully aware of this action and spoke in opposition of the two stop signs. Henry Engen answered questions of the Council and discussion followed. MOTIONS By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Lilley to approve Resolution No. 82-89; passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCESS 1. TPM 16-899 9380 SANTA CRUZ - Subdivision of one parcel containing approx. 9.63 ac. into two lots of 4.0 ac. and 5.63 ac. (Lobo Investments/Volbrecht Surveys) (Cont'd from 10/10/89) Henry Engen gave staff report with recommendation to approve. He added that the issue of emergency services to the fringe areas of the City is one that is to be addressed under the Fire Services Master Plan, which is currently out for proposals. Mr. Engen respon d to Council questions in reference to a letter received a orne from / lizageth Scott -Graham XIM I X XIXX �IV Ri9Tii(rXXXXXXXTNz: 3E� 7� h a t lno written opinion has been rendered by legal counsel on this matter due to the timing of Mr. Jorgensen's leave and the new City Attorney's appointment. 3 0 Councilman Lilley stated that he did not share the opinion of Ms. Scott—Graham and was prepared to vote on the matter. MOTIONm By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Shiers to continue the matter until the new City Attorney has an opportunity to review the issue. The motion was passed 4:1, with Councilman Lilley opposing. Alan Volbrecht, representing the applicant, asked the Council for a meeting date and expressed his concern to have this issue resolved. November 28, 1989 was the date set for this continuance. 2" CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO REMOVE A HERITAGE TREEw 12550 SANTA ANA (Sandel) (Cpnt'd from 10/30/89) Henry Engen responded to Council questions regarding parcel size. The Council complimented Lisa Schicker» City Arborist, on her report. MOTIONm By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Lilley to approve the removal of three trees located at 12550 Santa Ana; passed unanimously by roll call vote. 3° CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO REMOVE A HERITAGE TREE, 5550 TRAFFIC WAY ("The Oaks") (Cont'd from 10/30/89) Following a brief Council discussion regarding the proper tagging of the tree, the City Manager stated that applicants must identify trees not only for the Council's inspection, but to give proper notice to the general public well in advance of the City Council meeting. ` Public Comment: Stephen LaSalle of Atascsdsero complimented the City Council for the serious consideration of the tree ordinance and urged the public to abide by the ordinance. The Council discussed the possible alternative of pruning the tree. 0 MOTIONs By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Mayor Dexter to continue this item; passed unanimously by roll call vote. 4. ZONE CHANGE B-89 - 7715/7745 SINALOA ROAD A. Ordinance No. 198 - Amending Map 17 of the official zoning maps by rezoning certain real property at 7715/7745 Sinaloa from RMF/16 to RMF/16 (PD7) (Jones/Cuesta Engineering) ` (FIRST READING: Recommend (1) motion to waive reading of ordinance in full and approve Ord. No. 198 on first reading - Roll call) Henry Engen gave staff report with recommendation to approve the Planned Development. Mr. Engen responded to Council questions regarding lot size and density, setbacks, road size and parking and recreational space. Comments:Public Deborah Hollowell, ofCuesta Engineering, appeared on behalf of the applicant, Bruce Jones. Ms. Hollowell spoke in support of the project stating that the applicant is trying to make use of an approved zoning density and offer some alternative ownership options. Ms. Hollowell responded to Council questions regarding CC&Rs. Bruce Jones, applicant, asked the Council to consider this not as a growth issue, but rather one of occupancy and ownership of residential buildings constructed under the multiple family density standards of the zoning ordinance. He further described the proposed benefits of the project. Dorothy McNeil, of Atascadero, asked what the expected price of the homes would be. Lengthy Council discussion followed with the concensus that although the Council was impressed with the concept and goals of the development, six homes may be too many for this planned development. Councilwoman Mackey raised the issue of no open space area for children to play in. Councilman Lilley expressed his concerns regarding property maintenance regulation. Mayor Dexter reminded the Council that the Planning Commission approved the development 7:0 and asked for a motion. 5 MOTIONs By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to deny Zone Change 08-89 and refer back to the Planning Department. The motion was withdrawn after Henry Engen suggested an alternative in order to keep the application alive. MOTIONn By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to refer back to the planning Commission for re- design; passed unanimously by roll call vote. / The applicant asked the Council for clarification of "re -design". Mr. Jones stated that the way to provide more affordable housing is to reduce lot size. The City Manager asked the Council to give more clarification as to how many homes they feel would be appropriate. Henry Engen indicated he understood that the Council was looking for four or five homes instead of the proposed six. Councilman Lilley stressed the need for a maintenance agreement that would mitigate the obligation of the homeowners to maintain the frontageway along the easements and driveways of the homes. Councilwoman Borgeson proposed four homes with an open space area to provide a playground for the children. Henry Engen stated that the Planning Department would look at the Young Project density when they re -check. Mayor Dexter called for a recess at 8:49 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:06 p.m. C. BEGULAR BUSINESSs 1° POLICE FACILITY PROJECT - BID RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Mr. Windsor asked the Council to review the results of the bids and award the contract, explaining that in order to maintain the legality of the bid process, a decision needed to be made within the 30 -day period from the date the bids were opened. Rod Levin, architect, stated his support of the views and recommendations of the staff and availed himself for questions. Councilwoman Borgeson raised the question of relieving R.P. Richards Construction Company from their bid. Mr. Windsor recommended that Council accept all the bids, with the exception of R.P. Richards. Mark Joseph, Director of Administrative 6 0 Services, verified that a mistake had been made by R.P. Richards and that they did, in fact, qualify for relief under Provision 51.03. MOTION: By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson pursuant to Administrative Provisions of the Government Code Sections 51.00 et seq. to relieve R.P. Richards from any obligations as a result of their previously tendered bid to the City of Atascadero for the Atascadero Police Facility; passed unanimously by roll call vote. Bud McHale, police Chief, stated that he would be open to questions from the Council. Discussion followed regarding the cost of a detention facility. Councilman Lilley expressed his concern over the cost of the facility, but granted if it is to be done, it should be done right and doing it right means having a detention facility. Rod Levin explained the alternative bids and answered questions from the Council Public Comment: Larry Wilson, 7910 San Marcos, spoke in support of awarding the contract and getting the project going. Mike Tobey, 8193 San Dimas, enthusiastically encouraged the Council to award the contract in its' entirety so that we may provide the proper tools to our Police Department. Morey Lane, 3105 ArdiIla Road, commended the Police Department and recommended full approval as presented. Councilman Lilley gave credit to the Police Chief for making the project as affordable as possible. Mayor Dexter urged the Council to accept the whole package and go with it. Councilmembers Shiers and Borgeson reported that they had received calls from concerned citizens asking that the Council consider some community volunteer assistance to help shave costs. Discussion followed regarding this issue and it was the consensus of the Council that this project be completed as a whole package under professional leadership. 7 0 0 MOTIONm By Mayor Dexter and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to authorize City staff and the architect to negotiate a contract with Larry Wysong Construction Company, Inc. in a total project amount not to exceed $1,289,000; passed unanimously by roll call vote. Chief McHale expressed his appreciation and gratitude. 2. CONSIDERATION OF REVISION TO CONTRACTm SAN ANDRES DRAINAGE PROJECT Gary Sims, Engineering Department, gave staff report with recommendations for approval. Mr. Sims and Mr. Engen responded to questions from the Council. Lengthy Council discussion followed regarding the cost of the project, the necessity to abide by the Tree Protection Ordinance and the need to have the City Arborist on the site to oversee the project and give tree protection. Mr. Windsor reminded the Council that they had a fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers in doling out funds. Comment:Public Whitey Thorpe, 8025 Santa Ynez, stated the City needs to abide by its' own Ordinance, despite the cost. Ursula Luna, 10600 San Marcos Road, stated that there should be no exceptions to the Ordinance and expressed hopes that the Cit), Arborist would be on the site. Robert Nimmo, 7375 Bella Vista Road, asked the Council to observe the Ordinance and give more consideration and tolerance to the individual applicant. George Luna, 10600 San Marcos Road and speaking as an individual criticized the Public Works Department and stressed that environmental review should be done before Council gives approval to projects such as this. MOTIONm By Councilwoman Mackey to proceed with the project according to the plans and negotiate the hand -digging around the trees with proper supervision and care of the roots. Motion failed due to lack of second. Further Council discussion followed. B Further Council discussion followed. MOTIONS By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Mayor Dexter to authorize the project and to have Lisa Schicker, City Arborist (or another arborist if she is unavailable) on hand to supervise; passed unanimously by roll call vote. 3. RESPONSE TO COUNCIL'S REQUEST TO REVIEW DEVELOPER FEE RATES Mr. Joseph gave staff report and asked Council for authorization to conduct a comprehensive in-house study. MOTIONs By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Lilley to direct staff to conduct a comprehensive in- house rate review and report the findings and proposed adjustments to the Council as recommended in the staff report; passed unanimously by roll call vote. 4. REQUEST TO SET JOINT MEETING WITH PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS MEETING OF NOVEMBER 210 19890 TO DISCUSS GENERAL PLAN MATTERS Mayor Dexter set the time at 7:00 p.m. and the place for the meeting at the Ken Beck Building. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AMR/08 ACTIONS 1. City Councils A. Confirmation of City Attorney Appointment Mr. Windsor confirmed the appointment of the new City Attorney and stated that an agreement between the City and himself will be on the next agenda for ratification. Mayor Dexter introduced the new City Attorney, Arther R. Montandon. Mr. Montandon thanked the Council for the appointment and stated that he was looking forward to working with the Council and the citizens of Atascadero. B. Consideration of revisions to Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance (Councilman Shiers) Councilman Shiers expressed the need for some changes 9 0 Councilwoman Borgeson conveyed the concern of a citizen to have the Sign Ordinance (with respect to City businesses) tightened up. 1. City/School Committee - Mayor Dexter reported that a meeting has still yet to be established. 2. North Coastal Transit - Nothing to report. 3. S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council 4. Traffic Committee - Nothing to report. 5. Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgmt. Committee - Written report submitted by Councilwoman Mackey. 6. Recycling Committee - Written report submitted by Councilwoman Mackey. 7. Economic Opportunity Commission - Mayor Dexter announced a meeting date. B. Finance Committee - Nothing to report. 9. B.I.A. - Nothing to report. 10. Downtown Steering Committee - Nothing to report. 11. Interim Growth Management Committee - Nothing to report. 12. General Plan Subcommittee - Nothing to report. ��. CITY ATTORNEY No report. 3. CITY CLERK Mr. Sharitz reported that he was happy with the progress of the new Deputy City Clerk and thanked Georgia Ramirez for her help. 4. CITY TREASURER Not present. 5~ CITY MANAGER No additional comments. 10 MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10:50 P.M. TO JOINT SESSION WITH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1989 AT 7:00 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED BYi BOYD C. SHARITZ, CITY C PREPARED BYs LEE DAYKA, DEPUTY CITY CLERK Attachment: Exhibit A (Coniglio) 11 Karen K. Coniglio 7600 Graves Crk. Rd. Atascadero, Ca. 93422 November 14, 1989 City Council of Atascadero 6500 Palma Ave. Atascadero, Ca. 93422 Dear Sirs: I am writing to you in regards to the proposed road construction of Ardilla from Balboa to Graves Crk. Rd. and the future develop- ment of that hill. At the present time this area is open space, therefore I will refer to the sections of our city's General plan which pertain to open space. As you are well aware the general plan is likened unto the Con- stitution of our beloved United States. It is our basis for gov- erning our city. It gives us insight into the character of the land we occupy as Atascadero. It also gives us rules to wisely protect the people who live here. We are deeply indebted to the many people who contributed much work and effort to make a guide for us to follow in ruling our city's development. They saw great need for responsible stewardship of this land of Atascadero. I Quote to you a passage from page 47..."The right to use of land is a privelege conferred by the community and includes responsibil- ity for considerate stewardship." I hold the position that it was definitely not -considerate of our city to allow Bill Barnes the right to grade over the natural drainage of that hill and put the residents below that hill in imminent danger should we receive a heavy rainfall this year. On page 51 under Land Use Policy Proposals #6 I quote..."High pri- ority is placed upon open space as a land use element. This in- cludes'.the.protection and preservatioft.of scenic areas, water courses, hazard lands,hilltops, etc. that add much to the quality of the rural atmosphere in Atascadero," I would like you to take note of the words HAZARD LANDS, then to refer to page 57 #9 under Residential Policy Proposals. "Hazard areas ( geologic, landslide, flood, ets.) shall have appropriate development standards." This area is a`landslide area as pointed out in your own generotl plan and assigned a specific number, landslide area V. Therefore, This is a hazard area and should be under the.protection ofyouAir own Land Use Policies as pointed out and quoted above. Also, listed on page 58 under Residentioi Policy Proposals, we as a city are further urged to preserve our "trees, watersheds, and natural slopes and other natural amenities from abuse and destruc- tion resulting from poor design and development practices." I would like to inform you of the Random House Dictionary definition of PRESERVE. " a= to keep alive or in existence, make lasting b- to keep safe from harm or injury; save c- to keep possession of, to retain. A Now, please refer to page 70 Preservation -Policy Proposals #1. " Because water resources are the principal key to the survival of whole plant and wildlife communities, the watershed areas of Atascadero shall be allowed to continue to function without dis- ruption." The city has already acknowledged that it was poor practice to allow Bill Barnes to do preliminary grading on the proposed Ardilla Rd. It is also very poor practice not to reopen the natural drainage or watershed ditches since the rainy season is here. These natural drainage areas of landslide hill #7 should have been "allowed to function without disruption." Let us stop this disruption and destruction and use our own general plan as it was meant to be used, as a guidebook to the development and preser- vation of our beautiful city. To delve further into the general plan, we find page 69 entitled Open Space and Conservation. "Open space uses are defined by the State of California as those necessary for public health and safe- ty. ...#3 Open space. Principles Scenic and sensitive lands shall be protect -ed from destruction, overuse and misuse." Hill #7 is definitely sensitive and has definitely been misused be Bill Barnes and the city that gave him permission to rough grade that road. I will now quote page 71 "Open space for public health and safety includes areas which require special management or vegetation be— cause of hazardous or special conditions, such as earthquake fault zones, unstablesoilareas.'.." Hill #7 is unstable soil, alluvium, as stated un our general plan and is very hazardous soil in an earthquake. Mrs. Mudgett has taken up this topic with you and I feel no need to elaborate more on the topic for she has covered it extensively. Therefore, I conclude from reading Atascadero's general plan that this area should remain open space and should be protected by the city from future development. Your action will either ensure the safety of many future citizens of Atascadero or ensure harm to come to them at some future time. Which action will you take? Will you be considerate stewards of the land we cull home? Karen R. Conigli( 0