HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 101089 MEETlNQ /�A�1�1 Minutes approved by Council, as submitted 10/30/89 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 10, 1989 The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:00 p .m. by Mayor Dexter followed by the Pledge of Allegiance lead by Sarah Gronstrand. ROLL CALL: All Present : Councilmembers Lilley, Shiers, Mackey, Borgeson and Mayor Dexter. Staff: Ray Windsor, City Manager ; Henry Engen, Community Director ; Chief Bud McHale, Police Department ; Jeff Jorgensen, City Attorney; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo ; Mark Joseph , Director of Administrative Services; Fire Chief, Mike Hicks and Boyd Sharitz , City Clerk . Mayor Dexter proclaimed the week of October B-14 as "Fire Prevention Week" and presented the proclamation to Fire Chief, Mike Hicks. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTSs None. COMMUNITY FORUMS Steve LaSalle read the attached prepared statement regarding the selection process in choosing the most recent appointee to the Planning Commission. He stated he will return to the next Council meeting and read the answers from Council to the public . John McNeil stated that 6 months ago he spoke regarding a Board of Supervisor ' s meeting at which time they considered the frequent and flagrant violations of the grading permit process. He said the stated at that time Atascadero is having the same problems with many violations of our grading permit process and he thought it would be appropriate that our Planning Department would take a look at what was being done at the County. The Mayor instructed staff to do so at that time. Six months have gone by and the Board of Supervisors have voted to make the first infraction of the grading permit process a misdemeanor. It is about time that Atascadero do the same. It is about time something is done about the previous speaker ' s comments and Mr . McNeil 's also. 0 • City Attorney, Jeff Jorgensen, indicated that the County revised their code to make all violations of land use entitlement an infraction as a way of streamlining the enforcement process because they had so many enforcement actions and they found that wasn ' t enough to deter people because the penalty for an infraction was less than the cost of a permit . So they did in fact make recent changes which would allow them to prosecute under a misdemeanor violation. Under the Atascadero Municipal Code we have the authority to prosecute any land use or building code violation as a misdemeanor and that is the way it has been since incorporation. There is the ability to charge certain offenses as infractions if that is considered proper and more efficient. Councilwoman Borgeson said that what the public is saying to Council is that when the public speaks and asks to look into an item, what they are asking for is an answer and when directed to have staff bring that information back, it should be forth coming . A. CONSENT CALENDARS 1. SEPTEMBER 260 1989 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. REQUEST FOR A ONE-YEAR TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 26-879 11300 VIEJO CAMINO (Yamabe L Horn Eng./Vanden Berghe Development) 3. TENTATIVE PARCELMAP 16-89p 9350 SANTA CURZ - Subdivision of one parcel containing approx. 9.63 ac. into two lots of 4.0 ac. and 5.63 ac. (Lobo Investments/Pace) 4. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PARCEL MAP 43-e7, 8500 EL DORADO - Sub- division of 5.02 ac. into four parcels, three containing 20,000 sq. ft. each, and one parcel of 3.64 ac. (Lindsey/ Engineering Development Associates) 5. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN, DAVID BRASS 6. AWARD OF BID FOR PLANNING DIVISION UTILITY VEHICLE TO PETE JOHNSON CHEVROLET 7. ACCEPTANCE OF RECENTLY CONSTRUCTED ROADS INTO THE CITY- MAINTAINED ROAD SYSTEM: A. RESOLUTION NO. 64-89 - ACCEPTING ALEGRE AVENUE B. RESOLUTION NO. 81-89 - ACCEPTING RAYAR ROAD 8. RESOLUTION NO. 77-89 - DESIGNATING A STOP INTERSECTION ON SIERRA VISTA AT MONITA AVENUE 9. RECOMMENDATION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF STOP INTERSECTIONSe A. RESOLUTION NO. 78-89 - DESIGNATING A STOP INTERSECTION ON LAUREL AVENUE AT SANTA LUCIA AVENUE B. RESOLUTION NO. 79-89 - DESIGNATING STOP INTERSECTION ON CENEGAL AVENUE AT LAUREL AVENUE Councilwoman Borgeson asked that item #3 Tentative Parcel Map 16- 89 be pulled from the consent calendar and continued until the next council meeting . Philip Baldner of Volbrecht Surveys responded to Council questions. It was the consensus of the Council to have this item continued until the October 30th meeting for staff input and to have it scheduled as a public hearing . Councilwoman Borgeson asked that item #7 Acceptance of Recently Constructed Roads into the City-Maintained Road Systems A. Resolution No. 64-89 - Accepting Alegre Avenue B. Resolution No. 81-89 - Accepting Rayar Road be pulled from the Consent Calendar for further discussion. Council discussion followed. MOTIONS By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Lilley to approve all Consent Calendar Items except Item A-3. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCESs 1. APPEAL BY TURKO SEMMES OF INVESTIGATION FEE CHARGED FOR GRADING WITHOUT A PERMIT AT 12070 SAN MARCOS ROAD Henry Engen, Community Development Director , gave the staff report with the recommendation for denial of the appeal . Council discussion followed. Turko Semmes said he does not feel the investigation fee is justified. There was no work done on the site that requires a permit . The grading that was done is exempt (UBC Section 7003, line items 8 and 9) . The site is on a major old farm road that attached Paradise Valley and the top of San Marcos Rd . That road has been there over 20 years. The grading was already there and the house has been designed around that grading by putting it in two levels. The sand that was piled up was brought in for future use. Only very minor grading was done. He put in a pipe for the gas line but this does not require a permit. There are a lot of reasons you can dig a trench that does not require a permit . It was his intent not to use the pipe for gas unless he 3 0 0 had a permit . Mr. Semmes answered questions from Council . Henry Engen responded that the $1590 fee has been established as a precedent to discourage violations as noted by earlier community forum comments. Our Senior Building Inspector visited the site twice before the permit was issued and verified site activity clearly showing work was begun without a permit . Council discussion followed. MOTIONa By Councilman Shiers, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to deny the appeal . Motion failed by 3:2 vote with Councilmembers Lilley, Mackey and Dexter voting no . MOTIONi By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Mayor Dexter to accept the appeal . Motion was amended to read : to deny the appeal but reduce the fine to the sum of $100. Also that there be a communication with the Contractor 's Assoc. to clarify the City 's regulations not allowing commencement of work without a permit . Passed by 3:2 vote by roll call vote with Councilmembers Shiers and Borgeson voting no. MAYOR DEXTER ASKED FOR A RECESS AT 8115 P.M. MEETING RECONVENED AT evao P.M. C. REGULAR BUSINESSo 1. SALARY ADJUSTMENTS AS A RESULT OF THE FY 88-89 WAGE AND CLASSIFICATION STUDYs A. RESOLUTION NO. 73-89 - ADDING 7 DELETING VARIOUS JOB CLASSIFICATIONS AND ADOPTING A SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE FOR VARIOUS MANAGEMENT, MID-MANAGEMENT/PRO- FESSIONALO CONFIDENTIAL AND ATASCADERO PUBLIC SAFETY TECHNICIANS ORGANIZATION (APSTO) EMPLOYEES B. RESOLUTION NO. 74-89 - AMENDING THE EMPLOYMENT AGREE- MENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND RAY WINDSOR, CITY MANAGER. C. RESOLUTION NO. 75-89 - APPROVING NEW SALARIES FOR CITY CITY AND CITY TREASURER. Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director gave the staff report with the recommendation for adoption of resolutions, adjusting salaries for the City Manager , City Clerk , City Treasurer and various Management , Mid-Management/Professional , Confidential and Atascadero Public Safety Technicians Organization (APSTO) employees. 4 0 0 MOTIONS By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve Resolution No . 73-89. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. MOTIONS By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve Resolution No . 74-89. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. MOTIONS By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Mayor Dexter to approve Resolution No. 75-89. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 2. HAZARDOUS WASTE PILOT PROGRAM FUNDING Councilwoman Mackey gave the report . Council discussion followed. It was the consensus of the Council to refer to the City Manager that the Council is in agreement and willing to cooperate and a statement or resolution be drafted to indicate this. 3. SELECT DATE FOR CITY ATTORNEY INTERVIEWS. Mayor Dexter gave the staff report based on the memo Council received from the City Manager . Lengthy Council discussion followed . Council directed staff to place display advertisements with City Logo contained in them in the following newspapers: Santa Maria Times, Atascadero News, Telegram Tribune and the News Press. Deadline for applications will be November 1 and the interviews will be held all day on November S. It will be decided at the next Council meeting whether it will be an open or closed session. Councilmembers Borgeson and Lilley, City Manager and City Attorney will serve on the Committee to develop this recruitment . 4. RESCHEDULE END MEETING IN OCTOBER DUE TO LEAGUE CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE. Mayor Dexter said that due to the League Conference it will be necessary to change the next Council meeting . It was the consensus of the Council that the next Council meeting will be Monday, October 30, 7 p .m. in the Rotunda. 5 D. jNDIVIDUjAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTIONs 1 ° City Councils Mayor Dexter read a proclamation for Red Ribbon Week during the week of October 22-29. The proclamation was given to Police Chief, Bud McHale. Red ribbons were handed out the Council and staff present. Councilwoman Borgeson asked that staff re-evaluate the developer fees in relationship to other cities in the county. City Manager Ray Windsor said his office will be doing this, going one step further doing all fee structures for the City. Councilman Shiers said he would like staff to look into how you define the cumulative impact of development and how does that tie in with the City ' s zoning ordinance and sub-division ordinance and whether 10% slopes required a CEQA determination. Councilman Lilley asked to have a Growth Management Committee Meeting as soon as possible to review anything that might impact this city in light of the current debate. City Manager Ray Windsor said one will be held the first week of November . Councilwoman Mackey discussed the Colony Days Parade. Councilman Lilley said he is working on cars for the Council to ride in. 2. City Attorneys None 3. City Clarks None 4. City Treasurers None 5. City Managers None MEETING ADJOURNED AT lOml5 P.M. UNTIL THE OCTOBER 30w 1989 REGULAR COUNCIK. MEETING. Y MINUTES RECORDED BY: BOYD C. SHARITZ, CITY CLERK PREPARED BYs GEORGIA RAMIREZ, ACTING DEPUTY CITY CLERK 7 October 10 , 1989 Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council , As you know, several people from the public, including myself, questioned the selection process in choosing the most recent appointee to the Planning Commission. The meeting was chaired by Mayor Dexter. I refer to my letter published in the Atascadero News, dated August 16 , 1989 ' . . . From the standpoint of fairness, the voting pattern is even harder to justify. After the first round the two candidates that received the least votes were eliminated. After the second round the candidate that received the least votes was not eliminated. When questioned, Mayor Dexter decided without obtaining a consensus from the Council that this was acceptable. This candidate went on to become the eventual winner. . . " . I call your attention to Resolution No. 35-81 , titled "Resolution Adopting Procedures for the Selection of Committee, Commission and Board Members" . See section 4 . pharagraph c . "The candidate or candidates receiving a majority of the votes of the Council members present shall be appointed. In the event that no candidate or candidates receive a majority vote or in the event of a tie vote, `then a run-off ballot or ballots will be cast, following the procedure of sub-paragraph a. above, until a majority is reached. The run-off candidates will consist of all candidates receiving at least two ( 2) votes and if no candidates have received at least two (2) votes, then those receiving at least one ( 1 ) vote will participate in the run- off balloting. This procedure shall be continued until a majority vote is cast" . I am submitting this in writing anAI wish a written response to the following questions : 1 . Was and is the Council obligated to follow Resolution 35-81 in the selection process of a Planning Commissioner? 2 . Did the Council follow Resolution 35-81? 3 . If Resolution 35-81 was not followed, what rules, regulations, procedures or resolutions did Mayor Dexter follow? 1 If the Council was obligated to follow Resolution 35-81 then it is obligated to correct the flawed balloting process . After the second round it had been narrowed down to Mildred Copelan and Jim Herman. According to Resolution 35-81 one of those two candidates should be selected for the Commission. I will be back in two weeks to read your answers in public . Very truly yours, Stephen P. La Salle See enclosures : 1 . Resolution No. 35-81 2 . Letter to the Editor, Atascadero News, Aug. 16, 1989 , Questions Procedure 3 . North County Tribune, Aug. 17 , 1989 , Resident ' appalled' at city' s selection process , by Ryan McCarthy 4 . Council ' s voting pattern for most recent appointed Planning Commissioner ( first three of five ballots ) 2 RESOLUTION NO. 35-81 RESOLUTION ADOPTING PROCEDURES FOR THE SELECTION OF *; COMMITTEE, COMMISSION AND BOARD MEMBERS The Council of the City of Atascadero hereby resolves as follows: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this resolution is to establish procedures for the City Council to follow in recruiting, selecting and appointing members to the standing committees, commissions or boards created pursuant to statute or by action of the City Council. Section 2. Recruitment and Eligibility. Announcements of openings for any committees, commissions or boards to which members are appointed by the City Council will be through the local news media. All electors of the City of Atascadero, over the age of 18, and meeting any announced additional criteria as established by the City Council shall be eligible to apply. Section 3. Interviews. All candidates meeting the criteria established in Section 2 will be interviewed by the City Council during a properly noticed meeting Section 4. Selection. a. Council members will vote for the candidate (s) of their choice by placing their name and circling the name of their . selection (s) on a ballot form provided by the City Clerk. Candidates' names will be placed in alphabetical order on the ballot form. b. After the City Council has had an opportunity to make its individual determination, the City Clerk will col- lect the ballots and will announce first the Council member 's name and second the name(s) of the candidate (s) of that Council member 's choices) C. The candidate or candidates receiving a 'majority of the votes of the Council members present shall be appointed. In the event that no candidate or candidates receive a majority vote or in the event of a tie vote, then a run- of f ballot or ballots will be cast, following the proce- dure of sub-paragraph a. 'above, until a majority is reached. The `run-off candidates will consist of all candidates receiving at least two (2) votes and if no candidates have received at least two (2) votes, then those receiving at least one (1) vote will participate in the run-off balloting. This procedure shall be con- tinued until a majority vote is cast. LETTER TO THE EDITOR ATASCADERO NEWS, AUGUST 16, 1989 QuGStions ure; ., Dear Editor: I attended the recent Atascadero City Council .inter- views..to fill the Planning Com- mission vacancy. It seems to me that the rules of fair play in.the selection,process were violated. I realize that the position of Plann- ing Commissioner is not a paid position and therefore many rules and regulations that apply to employment interviews do not necessarily come into 'effect.- However, effect:However, equitable treatment . and fairness should still apply. Councilman Lilley was not pre- sent for the first two interviews, but he. still voted on all can didates. Even .when this pro- cedure was questioned, Mayor Dexter decided without obtaining a consensus from .the .entire Council that this would be accep- table. ccep table. ,'!,-,From I.Jhe;,.standpoint:.-of even harder to justify. After the first round the two candidates that received the fewest votes were eliminated.After the second round the candidate that received the fewestvotes was not eliminated. When questioned, i"Mayof� Dexter decided without obtaining the consensus from the . Council that this•was acceptable. This candidate.;went on to L Become the'eventual winner'.", Is this a;example of the.make- it-up-as-you-go-along procedure now ::used'�to . conduct City`' business Stephen La Salle i esident 'ap .alle 'at cit 's selection �cessp y 4; y Ryan McCarthy as commissioner. arrived late for the meeting andh elegram-Tribune He replaces Michael Tobey, who missed their interviews. resigned in May for health reasons. Additionally,Hanauer was not elin ATASCADERO — An Atascadero The vote for a new commissioner inated as a candidate despite receive, esident..,who, was a consultant to . split the council along slow growth;�ing only a single vote in the. early ties on personnel matters said he is and pro-development lines,with Han; rounds,LaSalle said appalled" at..how the City Council auer winning votes_ from bovncll _. Finally, he questioned a statement elected a new planning commission- members Robert Lilley,Rollin Dexter by Mayor Dexter that a candidate... r;-There and Marge Mackey. " was no sense of fairness," James He y could t show receive°council the votes even if he aid Steve LaSalle, , Herman, who ran for City did not show up for the interview. " Council last year on a slow-growth "That is totally out of the realm of City officials:defended the process, platform, won votes from Council any interview situation I've ever been A. owever. A personnel department members Bonita Borgeson and Alden in," LaSalle said of Dexter's com okeswoman said planning commis- Shiers.Herman,a county government ment. Toners are pot,,city employees, so employee, formerly worked as a LaSalle, who also worked for the rural rules for`hiring personnel do builder contractor in Southern Cali- State Personnel Board, asked "what x"ott apply to the'commission. forma. kinds of rules and procedures are After taking.five votes, the council LaSalle, who has been active in they following?" He said children' ajority iday''finally selected J. slow-growth efforts, wanted Lilley to picking teams for schoolyard games onald Hanauer;'a former Los Ange- abstain from.voting on Herman or s Chamber,of Comm "erce executive, Hanauer, because the councilman pay e a better sense of honor and fair "That's Mr.LaSalle's point of view," Dexter responded, "and I'm going to stick by my guns." . .Dexter called the council prose- dures fair and Lille s voting g proper. NORTH COUNTY TRIBUNE "I'm the mayor," Dexter said. "I had to make.a decision and I did it." August 17, 1989 fey,an attorney,was late getting .to Friday's meeting because of a court hearing. He. said Friday that he knew Herman from the city council cam- Paignand knew Hanauer from a local service club. Candidates for the planning com- mission' submitted written state- ments, Lilley noted. "An interview is- part of an overall impression,,, he added.. Herman.said that he would like to see Lilley's vote stricken and for the council-to vote again on a planning commissioner. Hanauer"s'aid this week-that it would have been"disastrous"for his try to win a commission post if Lilley had.not voted, but that the council-,, man's Participation was proper be- cause he knew the contenders. -As -the council vote for a new commissioner developed Friday,Mar- _ gey Mackey became the swing vote in - the selection of Hanauer. Herman`had two votes, Hanauer_ had two-Votes,and Mackey supported former Planning commissioner Mildred Copeh-a... After the council twice deadlocked with two votes apiece for Hanauer and Herman,with Copelan getting the fifth vote, Mackey announced she would support Hanauer. She said after the meeting that she supported Hanauer because he had a business background, as did Michael Tobey. City Clerk Boyd Sharitz said this �veek that only three of the five 7ouncil members turned in evaluation heets used to help mate candidates. M COUNCIL' S VOTING PATTERN FOR MOST RECENT APPOINTED PLANNING COMMISSIONER (FIRST THREE OF FIVE BALLOTS) First ballot : Dexter Hanauer Lilley Copelan Mackey Johnson Borgeson Herman Schiers O' Keefe Note: The following people received no votes and were eliminated: McNew, Sharp Second ballot : Dexter Hanauer Lilley Copelan Mackey Copelan Borgeson Herman Schiers Herman Third ballot: Dexter Hanauer Lilley Hanauer Mackey Copelan Borgeson Herman Schiers Herman