HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 092689 - --'-~~~�-r�~�� �^I ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 260 1989 The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dexter, followed by the pledge of Allegiance lead by Councilwoman Borgeson. ROLL CALLm All Present : Councilmembers Lilley, Shiers, Mackey, Borgeson and Mayor Dexter Staff: Ray Windsor , City Manager ; Henry Engen, Community Development Director ; Chief Bud McHale, Police Department ; Jeff Jorgensen, City Attorney; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo; Mark Joseph, Director of Administrative Services; and Boyd Bheritz , City Clerk. Rudy Hernandez the new Assistant Finance Director was introduced . Councilwoman Borgeson announced that the month of October is "Adopt-A-Dog" Month and is being sponsored by AFAR. Mayor Dexter proclaimed October 1-7, 1989 as "Mental Illness Awareness Week" and presented the proclamation to Barbara Barnard . COMMUNITY FORUM* Gail Mudgett, 3125 Ardilla Fld~ read the attached prepared statement regarding drainage, erosion and seismic hazards in Atascademro. Mayor Dexter told Ms. Mudgett that she had raised some very important questions and Council is in the process of look-ing into this situation. Lee Perkins thanked the City for the generous support of the DARE Program so that children at Lewis Avenue School could learn about the dangers of drugs. Also as a member of the Lewis Avenue PTA she expressed concern of the safety issue of the crossing at Olmeda and Traffic Way. They would like a crossing guard at that intersection due to the heavy traffic . She presented the City Clerk with a petition requesting a crossing guard at this intersection. Mayor Dexter advised that this would be an appropriate subject for the City-School Committee. � 0 0 Terry Graham stated he agreed with Mrs. Mudgett 's statements. He also expressed his concerns regarding exclusion of the public from occurrences which are occurring all around us. There have been several issues on the consent calendar that he feels were of great significance to the general public of Atascadero, but to � which the Chairpersons of those meetings felt were � inconsequential for public input , including the establishment of a hazardous waste and/or other toxic waste dump in the North ' County and the changing of the zoning requirements for the Aonepoa Tecmrida District . Glenda Silva urged Council action on having a crossing guard at the Intersection of Olmeda and Traffic Way. She stated her granddaughter had been struck this summer crossing the street from the Junior High School as she left Bummer School . She said trees are important but our children are our most natural heritage. - Dolores Berry, 6955 Balboa Rd. spoke in support of Mrs. Mudgett ' s statement . Alan Volbrecht spoke on behalf of the Atascadero Highlands Project . Drainage and erosion control in the immediate vicinity of Mrs. Mudgett ' s property and the people down stream can be mitigated. He feels that through the improvements proposed on Ardilla Rd. that with the erosion control plan that has been submitted to the City that they can help to contain the water and run off from the large bowl that is immediately above their property. The intent of the developers is to put the road in the original road right of way as was originally laid out by the original colony subdividers 60 or 70 years ago. 1. PRESENTATION OF WARNER BROS. REm FILMING SCHEDULE City Manager Ray Windsor introduced Andy Stone, Executive Producer, Charlie Harrington, Location Manager, and Barbara Friedman, Production Assistant . Mr. Stone stated that the name of the movie will ' be called "My Blue Heaven" and will be released around the end of July. The Production Office is at 3100 E1 Camino Real , telephone number 461-7000. Atescadmero will be the main location of this film. Photography will start on November 6th. About 110-125 technicians, scenic people, cast , etc . will be used to make this movie. A. CONSENT CALENDARs 1. SEPTEMBER 12n 1989 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2° FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - JULY 1989 3° FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - AUGUST 1989 4° CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - JULY 1989 S. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - AUGUST 1989 6. REQUEST BY THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO FOR SUPPORT IN ASKING LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES TO SPONSOR LEGISLATION ENABLING CITY-SPONSORED BUSINESS SIGN PROGRAMS ALONG STATE HIGHWAYS. 7. RESOLUTION NO. 17-89 - PROCLAIMING THE MONTHS OF SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER AS "GOOD NEIGHBOR" MONTHS (United Way/Neighbors Helping Neighbors) S. FIRE, EMERGENCY MEDICAL AND HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MASTER PLAN REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 9. AWARDS OF BIDS - RESURFACING PROJECT 10. ELIMINATION OF CROSSWALK AT ARCADE AND EL CAMINO REAL 11 . AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO AUDITOR'S CONTRACT TO REFLECT INCREASED COMPENSATION ($2,000) FOR SANITATION DISTRICT AUDIT. 12. RESOLUTION NO. 72-89 - APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE ROBERTI-Z'BERG-HARRIS URBAN OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM FOR THE ATASCADERO LAKE PAVILION. Councilman Shiers stated he would like item A-6 pulled from the Consent Calendar . Councilwoman Borgeson said she would like item A-12 pulled from the Consent Calendar. MOTIONS By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approved the Consent Calendar except for items A-6 and A-12. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. Councilman Shiers said he pulled Item A-6 because of the issue that was raised in that item. He has no problem with what is being proposed here, but this proposed resolution as written would not apply to the City of Atascadero and that seems to be what is implied in the issue. He would like it applicable to the City of Atascadero and would like us to pass on to the City of San Luis Obispo a request that it would be reworded so that the City of Atascadero, as well as other cities, could take advantage of such a program. 3 MOTION: By Councilman Shiers, seconded by Councilman Lilley, to approve Item A-6 noting that the City of Atascadero requests that the language be modified so it includes sign abatement programs as well as amortization programs. Passed unanimously. Councilwoman Borgeson asked that Andy Takata give a staff report on Item A-12. Mr. Takata gave the report and answered questions from the Council . Terry Graham spoke against this grant . Sarah Gronstrand spoke in favor of securing this grant . MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve Item A-12, Resolution No . 72-89. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. HEARINGSIAPPEARANCESs 1 . APPEAL BY TOM VAUGHAN OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 23-88 - PROPOSED DIVISION OF TWO LOTS OF 18.7e ACRES INTO 4 PARCELS OF 4.5 ACRES EACH (10750 SANTA ANA RD. ) Henry Engen, Community Development Director , gave staff report with the recommendation to deny the appeal based on the Findings for Denial adopted by the Planning Commission. Council discussion and questions followed. Tom Vaughan, the applicant , thanked the Council for meeting with him at the site and allowing him to explain what he personally feels has been a confusing issue. He has letters from various engineers who have addressed the buildability of these sites. He asked that condition #7 that says "cul-de-sac" be replaced with the word "Private road" and condition #10 the word "three" changed to "four" . He feels that this is a unique site and a lot of time and effort has been spent in trying to preserve this setting. Dave Main from Engineering Development Associates stated that the sites are septic sites. He stressed that all septic systems are engineered and he would venture to say that every septic system in this area has been engineered and that the City is equipped with everything it needs to review and approve this type of system. The Building Department already has in place the mechanism that it needs to assure that a proper and effective system is going to be installed on any one of these sites. Mr. Main responded to questions from the Council . 4 William Dohan, 8035 Santa Rosa Rd. , stated that four different engineers have visited the site and have indicated that not only are there adequate room for building sites but also for the private disposa l systems and the 100% recharge area. Since they have agreed to utilize the existing fire road alignment, not only can they do the subdivision without removing a single tree, by so doing the concurrent adjustment of the lot lines will add additional disposal area to parcels 1 and 2. Mr. Dohan answered questions from the Council . Council discussion followed. Henry Engen indicated that mound, evapotranspiration and infiltration, and evapotranspiration systems are unconventional , last resort systems on existing lots of record but not advisable if they can be avoided. MOTION: By Councilman Shiers, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to deny the appeal based on the findings for denial adopted by the Planning Commission in Exhibit A. Passed unanimously by Roll Call Vote. Mayor Lilley asked for a 10 minute recess at 8:55 p .m. Meeting reconvened at 9:09 p.m. C. REGULAR BUSINESS= 1. DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT AGREEMENTS (3) (City of Atascadero with B. I .A. /J. Stinchfield/D. Smith ) (Continued from 8/22/89 and 9/12/89) Councilman Lilley stated this item will be continued until the next Council meeting. 2. CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION FINANCING: A. RESOLUTION NO, 68-89 — AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $2,000,000 IN CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director, gave the staff report and then introduced Jerry Laster who answered Council questions. Doug Lewis asked questions regarding the bids for the Police Facility. Terry Graham said he felt that the building of the Police Facility should be placed on the ballot and let the people decide about the building of the Police Facility. Sarah Gronstrand said Council should "stop talking, and do" . 5 MOTIONs By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Mayor Dexter to approve Resolution No . 68-e9. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. RESOLUTION NO, 70-89 - AMENDING THE BUDGET TO RECEIVE THE PROCEEDS FROM THE CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director, stated that no action will be taken on this resolution at this time. 3. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Ray Windsor , City Manager , gave the staff report. Council discussion followed. It was the consensus of the Council to approve having an Economic Development Committee. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTIONo 1 . City Council Councilman Lilley asked that the City Manager contact Dr . Avina from the Atascadero Unified School District in writing requesting a meeting of the City-School Committee as soon as possible. Mayor Dexter asked the City Attorney to work with the City Manager and the Mayor regarding the selection of a new City Attorney. 2. City Attorney None 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer Gere Sibbach said he would like to meet with Council in closed session to review the salary of the City Treasurer. 6 S. City Manager Ray Windsor stated that he had given a copy of a proposed Resolution from the Home Owners Assoc . regarding creekway set backs. He recommended that this be referred to the General Plan Sub-Committee and to then come back to Council with a recommendation on the matter . Whitey Thorpe inquired as to the nature of this proposal . MOTIONS By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to forward the Study and Resolution adopted by the Home Owners Association be referred to the General Plan Sub Committee for further study and actions they deem appropriate. Passed unanimously. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:55 P.M. TO A CLOSED SESSION IN THE 4TH FLOOR CLUB ROOM FOR DISCUSSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(b) p SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION; SAID MEETING WILL ADJOURN TO A CLOSED SESSION ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 279 1989 AT 3s00 P.M. , ROOM 207p FOR DISCUSSION CONCERNING EMPLOYEE SALARIES AND BENEFITS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6. MINUTES RECORDED BYe BOYD SkARITZ7 CITY CLERvL---- PREPARED BYs 0, IA RAIREZp�ACTING DEP V CITY CLERK 7 ;„'ail Lee Mudgett 3125 Ardilla;- Road Atascad ero, Calif 93422 September 26, 1989 Mr. Chairman andMembers of the Atascadero City Council This statement is regarding Drainage, Erosion, and Seismic Hazard. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to hear of my anger and deep concern about two components of our State required Safety Element,- the nine year lack of a City-wide Drainage Plan, and the lack of heeding the excellent Seismic, Landslide, and Geological component in our Safety Element. Only having the General Plan for one day previous to my August 24th Statement I did not spot that one inch, powerful paragraph on page 116, mandating a comprehensive flood control and drainage system for the Colony of Atascadero, which was to be combined with the street and sewer improvements. On August 24th I spoke only from my sense of what a city drainage system should be. In my 19th Statement to the Planning Commission I emphasized the nine year lack of that component of the Safety Element. Mrs. Karen Caniglio, a neighbor on our Block, and I spent two hours with Mr. Sensebaugh on the 15th, during which he said that the City was too poor for a -- combination of City wide Drainage with the Street and Sewer Improvements. In fact, he said that neither the City Council nor the Planning Commission had authority over his work, - that the only relationship was with the budget. Is that true? Do you have only the power of the purse strings over Mr. Sensebaugh? It ipas not drainage that aroused my anger before our meeting on August 24th with Mr. Windsor, Mrs. Borgeson, and Mr. Sensebaugh with my Block neighbors. It was what I had read about seismic activity on the hill above me BEFORE, my purchase of the General Plan. I read/inaa copy of the 1977 Advisory Report, loaned to me by my neighbor Dolores Berry. After my purchase of the General Plan, for twenty dollars, she and I compared the 1977 Report with the General Plan and. found that the scientific Advisory Report had been incorporated into 2 the General Plan, with its maps and tables. When I read what then became Page 139 of the General Plan, I was truly alarmed. I quote: "Thoughtful Land Use decisions are fundamental to seismic safety. We j should not erect a structure or carry out-vradine on ground that is subject to high levels of seismic activity, or other ireologia, hazards until the conse- quences have been evaluated and the work approved by competent professionals. To this end no structure should be built unless geologists, architects, soil engineers, and builders, AS WELL AS THE COMMUNITY ARE SATISFIED THAT ADEQUATE STANDARDS DESIGNED TO PREVENT LIFE THREATENING COLLAPSE OR DAMAGE IN FUTURE EARTHQUAKES." Unquote. The emphasis is mine. See ! pages; 22,24,and 141. The Table of Contents in the General Plan indicates in Chaters X and XJ, from pave 133 to 14 6, thirteen pages no less, that THAT portion of our Safety Element was well researched and made a part of the General Plan. WHY has it not been heeded? WHY are lots being sold on that unstable hill despite the great safety warning of our General Plan? Is it not exposing people and structures to geologic hazards? CEQA covers that! See page 299 for the list of Significant Effects! I have also read in my own search that development is not a right, but a priviledge. Much knowledge has come to light and many laws have been enacted since 1914, when Mr. Lewis plotted those beautiful lots on that hill above us. When Mr. Sensebaugh in his response to my August 24th Statement stated, "I do not read the General Plan." I was deeply shocked and I said as much that day to him and the group. I have not gotten over being shocked that our City Engineer would contemptiously dismiss my quotes from the General Plan, this 4-lCity s Constitution! I shall briefly go over my Statements and Letters for the main points: When I first called the City Engineer I asked for a copy of the State Law on Grading and Bulldozing. I knew one existed. Mr. Sensebaugh came out without a copy of either the State Law or the City Ordinance. When I complained, ,Mr. Barnes the engineer/owner in charge of the bulldozing said, "Mrs. Mudmett, I don't have to have a copy of the law. I just go to the city." To which I responded, "I like to do my own reading." 3 Two or three days later I received from Mr. De Camp a copy of Page 763 of the Uniform Building Code with the yellow pencil underlining und-W Section 7003 and Point 8, which allowed the bulldozing with no permit if the cuts were under two feet. HOWEVER, I read Point 1, which in effect says a permit IS required if damage is apparent to private property. Pulver.izina alluvial soil above my property just before the rainy season invites a sea of mud down on my property. QUESTIONS: Why was Point One skipped? Why also did he skip the deep grading being done south of me on the side of that steep hill, to dig out a road? There was NO permit for that? See paces 21 and 141 of the General Plan. I co to Page One of Mr. Windsors August 31st reply to my August 24 Statement. I'll mention the 3rd line in Paragraph 3. I quote: "The zoning ordinance con- tains Section, etc., , which declare as categorically exempt from CEQA proposed grading on terrain with slope$ LESS than 20%, that will involve less than 5,000 cubic yards of earth -moving. Unquote. II turned to Page 21 of the General Plan! The part of the map in array indicates solpes GREATER THAN 30%, and: I found that the hill above us was all in grayl SO, CEQA is NOT categor.ically. exempt! Was this pure deceit to a greyhead, who could not possibly know the percentages of grades? Or know where to find the State and City law for its application? Or is it just that Xr�~o�t read or study our General Plan either? On pane 2 of his letter he indicates ONLY a Drainage Plan is needed to co ahead on that major grading for a road on that unstable hill; See pages 22 and 24. On August 31st, Mr. Windsor included a copy of the 1986 Contract on Atascadero Road Construction with Mr. Gordon Davis with Mr. Pa'I Sensebaugh, signing. I have asked for the files on that contract on that high risk hill project. See my September 4th letter to Mr. Windsor about our City daring to approve building and grading on that unstable hill. I wrote to him that our City Council should not deceive buyers of lots on that beautiful hill, when our General Plan calls it a po6tential seismic hazard. Yy September 9th letter: No response has been made to correct bulldozing and fill-in of an old deep, natural ditch, which has been the result of years of 4 drainage from the high curve in the hill above, with the run-off converging into that natural drain. Nor has anything been planted on the hill above us, which the City allowed to be cleared and pulverized. And the rainy season approaches. This City faces law suits as a result of its ignoring the safety rights of its citizens, simply because two components of our Safety Element havitbeen ignored.. Finally in desparation, because my questions and requests to see the files were not being answered, I sent a certified letter to Mayor Rollin Dexter, on September 13. I have not received a reply as yet. I, as a citizen of this City have the right to the public information of our City Government. Since now I address my complaints to you, the City Council, I shall quote a portion of gay letter to Mayor Dexterr "Did the Sensebaugh/Davis Contract ignore the advice and strict„sures of the 1969 California Environmental 6A lity Act and of our own 1980 General Plan? And did the City Council ignore the General Plan, too, when they approved that 1986 Road Contract? Do you not have the power of the budget over our City Engineer? Mr. Sensebaugh said to me on the 15th, that the Budget items are directly related to you, and I assume that the Budget requires your approval of the Contract of 1986. Than you very such, r / f Gail Lee Mudgett 0111