HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 082289 =Mize aeu�� 1 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 22, 1989 The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 6:05 p .m. by Mayor Dexter , followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL All Present : Councilmembers Borgeson, Lilley (arrived at 6:20 p .m. ) , Mackey, Shiers and Mayor Dexter. Staff: Ray Windsor , City Manager ; Henry Engen, Community Development Director ; Paul Sensibaugh , Public Works Director ; Chief Bud McHale, Police Department ; Jeff Jorgensen, City Attorney; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo ; Mark Joseph , Director of Administrative Services; & Boyd Sharitz , City Clerk . Mayor Dexter presented a Certificate of Recognition to Richard Perce, Rotary International Exchange Student to Curitiba, Brazil. He also introduced Alan Maior who is the exchange student from Curitiba, Brazil who will be staying in Atascadero for the next year . FINAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE POLICE FACILITY, FOLLOWED BY AUTHORIZING BID OF THE PROJECT. City Manager, Ray Windsor , gave a brief staff report . Chief Bud McHale gave a report on the history of the police facility . He then introduced Rod Levin of Ross, Levin, Maclntyre & Varner . Mr . Levin gave his presentation regarding the proposed Police Facility. Following Mr- . Levin ' s presentation council questions and discussion followed . MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to authorize staff to seek bids for the construction and remodeling of the proposed new police services building at 5505 E1 Camino Real including the eight alternatives. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. Mayor Dexter asked for a 10 minute recess at 6:50 p.m. The regular Council Meeting reconvened at 7:03 p .m. 1 I 1 II I I I I COMMUNITY FORUM: I Planning Commissioner George Highland read the following prepared statement : "There are two items I would like to present to the Council this evening , both with accompanying questions. I realize, due to what I consider to be a basic inconsistency in the Brown Act , answers to my questions will not be forthcoming tonight . I would request the matters to be addressed at the next Council Meeting . I The first item is related to the hiring of Lisa Schicker as a part-time City Arborist . Ordinance 168, adopted 4/12/88, commonly known as the Tree Ordinance, is the effective legal authority at this time. In reference to tree protection plans or tree removal , Sect . 9-4. 155(b ) states "Said plans shall be approved by an ISA certified arborist chosen from a list recommended by the Tree Committee and designated by resolution of the City Council as acceptable to the City of Atascadero" . The section goes on to say "'The Community Development Director , in case of disagreement with the arborist ' s recommendations, may seek a second qualified arborist ' s opinion ( at City expense) . . . " . In reviewing the Curriculum Vitae submitted by Ms Schicker , I find no record of her certification by the ISA as a certified arborist . As an obvious corollary, her name does not appear on the list adopted by resolution of the Council . The City Manager , in a memo dated 8/16/89, states that Ms. Schicker ' s first major "real " project assignment will be a tree removal request for the extension of Garcia Rd . According to the provisions of Ordinance 168, she does not qualify to prepare or certify such a plan, either for the applicant or for the City. If that is the case, what will be her function on this project and what authority will she have? The second item pertains to the /same ordinance Section 9-4. 155 (c (5) deals with replacement trees. It states "Except where, upon recommendation of the arborist , the remaining tree cover is so extensive that tree replacement would serve no useful purpose, removed tree(s) shall be replaced . . . "and goes on to specify type and size of replacements. Beginning with the very first tree removal permit request , one from Murray Warden last October , the City has required a monetary donation to a Tree Replacement Fund for such exceptions. Neither a monetary donation nor a Tree Replacement Fund exist in Ordinance 168. My obvious question is, by what legal authority does the City require such donations? Is it not fact that the City has been extracting these monies illegally, with absolutely no authority to do so? The process sounds suspiciously like what is commonly defined as extortion. " He further- stated that he will be at the September 12th City Council Meeting to hear the Council ' s answers to his questions. 2 i A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 . AUGUST BA 1989 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. AUGUST 11 , 1989 SPECIAL COUNCIL MINUTES 3. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 12-89, 10785 EL CAMINO REAL - Subdivision of one parcel containing approx . 10.0 ac . into four- lots: Lot 1 an 2 will contain 2.0 ac . , Lot 3 will contain 1 .0 ac. and Lot 4 will contain 5.0 ac . (Columba/Lewis) 4. REQUEST BY PETERSON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (STEVE DEVENCENZI ) FOR A ONE YEAR TIME EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 13-870 8519 EL DORADO ROAD. 5. APPROVE ANNUAL AGREEMENT WITH S.L.O. COUNTY VISITOR'S & CONFERENCE BUREAU 6. APPROVE CONTRACT WITH BECKER AND BELLO INC. TO CREATE, REVIEW AND REVISE THE ATASCADERO CITY PERSONNEL RULES& REGULATIONS 7. AWARD FOR APPRAISAL OF PROPERTIES LOCATED . ALONG MORRO ROAD AND ATASCADERO LAKE TO ROBERT H. HARRISON, M.A. I . jMOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Lilley for approval of Consent Calendar Items A 1-7. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: I 1 . CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL BY LARRY VON DOLLEN OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S REQUIREMENT FOR AN OPEN SPACE EASEMENT ON TPM 3-89, 4200 OBISPO ROAD (Volbrecht Surveys) Staff report was given by Henry Engen Community Development Director with the recommendation to deny the appeal and approve TPM 3-89 based on Findings for Approval and subject to Conditions of Approval of the Planning Commission, Council questions and discussion followed . Alan Vol`brecht spoke on behalf of Mr . Von Dollen. He answered questions the Councilmembers had regarding this property . MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Shiers to deny the appeal . Passed 4: 1 by roll call vote with Councilman Lilley voting no 3 ` 2~ CONSIDERATION OF EXTENSION OF ORDINANCE NO. 196» WHICH CREATED° ON AN URGENCY BASISv A COMMERCIAL RETAIL-DOWNTOWN ZONING DISTRICT (Requires a 4/5 vote of Council ) A. Ordinance No . 197 - An urgency ordinance of the City of Atascadero amending Title 9 Zoning Regulations by extending Ordinance No . 196 for 22 months and 15 days (First and Final Reading : Recommend ( 1 ) motion to waive reading of ordinance in full and approve by title only Staff report was given by Henry Engen, Community Development Director with the recommendation to approve Ordinance No . 197, which extends the CRD Urgency Ordinance for up to 22 months and 15 days. Council questions followed . There was no public comment . MOTION: By Councilman Shiers , seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to adopt Ordinance No . 197. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1 . DOWNTOWN PARKING LOTS AGREEMENTS (3) (City of Atascadero with B. I .A. /J. Stinchfield/D. Smith ) Ray Windsor , City Manager , asked that this item be continued until the Council Meeting on September 12th. 2. - PROPOSED POLICY FOR ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN COLONY ROAD ALIGNMENTS/TREE PRESERVATION CONFLICTS. Staff report was given by Paul Sensibaugh , Public Works Director with the recommendation to adopt Resolution 59-89. He read Resolution No . 59-B9 in full for the benefit of the audience. Council discussion followed with Councilwoman Borgeson stating that in Item (f) of this document she would feel more comfortable if the phase "may be waived" was followed by "by City Council " . Councilman Lilley said he had a concern with paragraph (g ) in regards to the 125% figure. He asked how this figure was arrived at . Paul Sensibaugh , Public Works Director , stated this was an unscientific figure. It is a number that he felt that was fair , and that there has to be some limitation as to what can be required . City Attorney, Jeff Jorgensen, said it was up to the Council to decide whether this is the policy they want to establish . Perhaps they might want to add language that if it exceeds 125% then it would be reviewed by the Council for a determination. ` Paul Sensibaugh said it should be bought back to staff first . He doesn ' t want Council to be put in the position where they have to deal with every roadway alignment . Mayor Dexter asked for public comment at this time. Robert Johnson, 8181 San Dimas Lane, asked the Council if this percentage figure is used where you have a roadway that is very short for a small parcel development , and the cost of developing that road would be nominal , and it goes right through the middle of a tree, does this mean that the tree would not have to be saved ; and if you had a road that is one half mile long , under a large development that goes through one tree, does that mean that the tree gets saved because the cost would not be 25% more? Paul Sensibaugh said that normally on short segments you do not have any flexibility in which to change the alignment so the tree has a likelihood of being taken. These things are going to happen. We are not guaranteeing that we are going to save all the trees, but we are going to have some reasonable means to save trees on the second example which was one half mile or greater . Further Council discussion followed . MOTION: By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilman Shiers to adopt Resolution 59-89 with the amendment proposed by Councilwoman Borgeson as to sub-paragraph (f) requiring City Council approval for waiver of tree protection plan. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 3. AGREEMENT WITH RECREATION SYSTEMS, INC. n ARCHITECT FOR THE ATASCADERO LAKE PAVILION PROJECT Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo gave the staff report with the recommendation to award the contract to Recreation Systems Inc . Council comments followed . There was no public comment . MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to awarded the contract to Recreation Systems, Inc . Passed unanimously by roll call vote. ` D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: Mayor Dexter asked Council , staff and audience to stay after the meeting and enjoy coffee and birthday cake in honor of Councilwoman Borgeson. 1 . CITY COUNCIL A. DIRECT STAFF TO DEVELOP A FORMAL PROCEDURE FOR INTERVIEWING AND SELECTING MEMBERS OF CITY BOARDS AND . COMMISSIONS (Mayor Dexter) Mayor Dexter asked that staff develop a formal procedure for interviewing and selecting members of City Boards and Commissions' Councilman Lilley gave Councilmembers a copy of his ideas for Downtown Lighting . He asked Councilwoman Borgeson and Mackey share these ideas with the Downtown Revitalization Committee for their consideration. Councilwoman Mackey stated that she had been on "Sound Off" and that a woman had expressed the need for a recreation facility for youth . She said that the youth in the community need to ask for it . NORTH COASTAL TRANSIT: Mayor Dexter reported that we are now on a 3 run daily, Monday through Friday, running between Paso Robles and San Luis Obispo . We hope that the public will take advantage of this and relieve some of the congestion on Cuesta Grade and improve our air quality . Paul Sensibaugh reported that 36 out of 39 seats were filled on the first run~ RECYCLING COMMITTEE: Councilwoman Mackey reported that a meeting had been held last week . DOWNTOWN STEERING COMMITTEE: Henry Engen, Community Development Director , reported that a meeting will be held September 6 at 3 p .m. in the Club Room. They in receipt of the Consultant ' s list of questions that they want policy direction on before they firm up their proposed plan. GROWTH MANAGEMENT: Henry Engen, Community Development Director , stated that Council has copies of the draft staff report that went from the County Planning Staff to the Board of Supervisors. They are meeting on Wednesday at Cuesta College for consideration of an interim ordinance following the direction from their last meeting . 6 , The Interim Growth Management Committee is lo6king into possible recommendations to the Council ' s General Plan Sub-Committee to address the language that we would like to see in our General Plan in regards to growth management . We expect to have a resolution for the council ' s consideration to forward to the County Board of Supervisors. GENERAL PLAN SUB COMMITTEE: Henry Engen said that this committee met on the 17th and will be meeting ag�in on the 24th . First meeting was devoted to going over the status of where we were in the General Plan process, looking at the status of the downtown master plan which will be an element of the General Plan, the Parks and Recreation Element will be coming forward to the Planning Commission for a hearing and recommendation formally to the Council . Also the Sewer Master Plan that has been submitted in draft form to the Public Works Department was discussed. AD HOC COMMITTEE REGARDING ROADS: Staff report was given by City Manager , Ray Windsor . Data provided by Public Works allowed the Committee to make a better evaluation of the situation before we develop some strategies to come back to full Council and then on to Wells Fargo . City Manager Ray Windsor wished Councilwoman Borgeson a Happy Birthday . Meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m. to a closed session on Wednesday, August 23° 1989 at 3r00 P.M. in room 304 for the purpose of discussion concerning employee salaries and benefits pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6~ MINUTES RECORDED BYt PR ~ ` RG2v� I�GB�* �����B CITY CLERK 7 ' r ' 22 August 89 To: Members of the Atascadero City Council There are two items I would like to present to the Council this evening, both with accompanying questions. I realize, due to what I consider to be k basic inconsistency in the Brown Act, answers to my questions will not be forthcoming tonight. I *would request the matters be addressed at the next Council meeting. The first item is related to the hiring of Lisa Schicker as a part-time City Arborist. Ordinance 168, adopted 4/l2/88, commonly known as the Tree Ordinance, is- the effective_ legal authority at this time. In reference to tree protection plans or tree removal, Sect. 94..155 (b) states "Said plans shall be approved by an ISA certified arborist Chosen from a list recommended by the Tree Committee and designated by resolution of the City Council as aoceptible to the City of Ataseadero". The section goes on to say "The Community Development Directors in case of disagreement with the arborist' s recommendations, may seek a second qualified arborist' s opinion (at City expense%,.«. In reviewing the Curriculum Vitae submitted by Ms. Schicker, I find no record of her certification by the ISA as a certified arborist. As an obvious corollary, her name does not appear on the list adopted by resolution of the Council, The City Manager, in a Memo dated 08/l6/890 states that Ms Schicker's first major "real" project assignment will be a tree removal request for the extension of Garcia Road. According to the , provisions of Ord. 168, she does not qualify to prepare or certify such a plan, either for the applicant .or for the City. If that is the case, what will be her function on this project and what authority will she have? .. The second item pertains to the same .ordinance. Sect. 9.4.155 (c) (5) deals with replacement trees. It .states "Except where, upon recommendation of the arborist, the remaining tree cover is so extensive that tree replacement would serve no useful purpose, removed tree(s) shall be replaced...` and goes on to specify type and size of `replac_ements. Beginning with the very- first tree removal permit request, one from Murray Warden last October, the City has required a monetary donation to a Tree Replacement Fund for such exceptions. Neither a monetary donation nor a Tree Replacement FVnd exist in Ordinance 168. My obvious question is, by what legal authority does the City require such donations? Is it not fact that the City has been extracting these monies illegally, with absolutely no authority to do so?-The process sounds suspiciously like what is commonly defined as extortion. Thank you for yo#r time, I will be here, to hear your answers, on September 12th. "George P &at j t •�, , r ' � y4 ' � ` V -; r . . ��� _ . � � ; �.�� �` � . _� __ �. _ . . . . . _. ,� a, ! _� _ a � .. .s. �. �' y u, �, - �.� a � �, iy '. - .� ��` -:P r \ �� � t+.. _. x +' .. 7 . h -. _P ._ 3C .y ., .. I' �y' c ,� , j � i _.., + it :. *`� �'. �\ — .). a �,. ��' s i� ��,," }� 4... �, .. � _— 'T .� _ �. � �.. � t ` ja t ` . :�.�. _,` ��'. _ } y R ' � y 8 � . . -.�, l PROPOSAL FOR CONSIDERATION OF STREET LIGHTS AS APART OF DOWNTOWN PLAN As a part of downtown revitalization efforts throughout the State of California, it would appear, from my limited research, that serious emphasis is being given to the need for adequate pedestrian lighting. Although pedestrian oriented lighting was a component part of most communities as of the turn of the century, over time this type of lighting has been supplanted in many communities by vehicular traffic oriented lighting, usually in the form of pole armed lights that are primarily designed to properly illuminate the street for vehicular traffic. In an effort to encourage pedestrian traffic and to provide a character of uniqueness to revitalized downtown areas, most revitalization plans incorporate some form of pedestrian lighting. From my other research, cities such as Clovis and Antioch, who have recently completed revitalization efforts to downtown areas, have incorporated, to one degree or another, turn of the century type historical pedestrian lighting. In my review of the Atascadero downtown preliminary plan outline, I note that much emphasis is placed on pedestrian traffic within the downtown area. I note that; under the heading of "Other Design Concept Components" , the preliminary outline at least addresses to some degree the advisability of "period street lighting" and "special night lighting at sunken gardens and creek side areas. " A review of the early architectural drawings of the sunken gardens and memorial building areas and photographs of those areas and the bridge area to the east of the memorial building reveal that E.G. Lewis had incorporated into his overall design theme some very interesting and, in some areas, elaborate pedestrian lighting. The original architectural plans for the sunken garden area and the memorial building show a plan to install multiple globe ornate light standards such as depicted in the center of the I� cover of this proposal. At least one bridge in the community, that bridge located to the east of the present high school administration building, was also lit with round globe lights on cement pillars. Research of the downtown area also establishes that the area included within the "special design district"' is, in fact, the original downtown lighting district which originally had pedestrian oriented street Lights employing rather ornate metal columns and acorn top glass fixtures. I am advised that this lighting district is under the jurisdiction of Pacific Gas & Electric who have, to one degree or another, maintained the lighting district to present. Unfortunately, in either the late 1950's or 19601s, the original acorn globes were removed and replaced with an assort- ment of mismatched illumination fixtures that are highly g Y unattractive. In most instances, however, the original ornate poles remain. p ain. The historical society has received from various residents a number of the original acorn top globes which are presently in storage. In the City of Antioch, the downtown streets were completely redone with pole fixtures and fiberglass reproductions of these older acorn shaped globes. Further, in Antioch, these standards were placed approximately 60 feet apart as opposed to the much broader spacing that exists with the existing standards in our downtown area. I have requested Paul Sensibaugh to look into the possibility of relighting Atascadero's bridges and to check into the particulars of the lighting district to determine the viability of restoring the original lighting district with contemporary globes and standards. I have also contacted Wayne Cooper, local PG&E representative, to determine what is available through PG&E as far as "non-typical" historical light standards and globes on the order of what has been employed in communities such as Antioch. I would strongly urge that the committee incorporate into its final plan restoration of historical period lighting in the order of that envisioned by E.G. Lewis. I would suggest consideration be given to the restoration of pre-existing residential- lighting in the vicinity of Palma, El Camino Real and Traffic Way using the existent poles and reproduction of fiberglass acorn fixtures I would further suggest that additional poles and lights be added for proper effect. Ideally, if that type of light was re-instituted within _ the entire special design district, it would take advantage of the existing wiring and would set that special design district apart and create a sense of uniqueness for the downtown area at what foreseeably would be a rather modest cost. Further, I would suggest that consideration be given to the installation of multi- globe period lighting in the vicinity of the 'memorial building and the sunken garden area in accord with E.G. Lewis's plan or, as a more modest cost alternative, using the' conventional standards with acorn lights in greater numbersinthat area. Possibly, the more ornate, multi-globe lights could be restricted to the area of the fountain in the sunken gardens and certain locations within the immediate vicinity of the memorial building or in areas next to the creek way. 2 Many communities , in an effort to revitalize their downtowns, have to "create" historical design elements that never existed. In this community, we are fortunate in that we have a rich history of design and planning to draw from. In essence, what we would be doing is fulfilling, to a large degree, the original plan for our downtown area. The enclosed photos and information will hopefully be of some assistance in evaluating the alternatives for lighting in the downtown area as well as how E.G. Lewis envisioned the downtown lighting. I would strongly urge that you address this important subject very specifically in your final downtown plan. ROBERT LILLEY City Councilman 3 p �" 'icy-•' �,>.�a.�..°'��.v.^t oz y _ L"Co c tic I rF.�Y� It— v." C L _ �c ' C L-— - G` Cdc.7 v a> bC�,C=c o_=_Eos_:mos 82:8:E _� x^ � F _�a�i edi` Cti FC`^7>^_ d F V ^ 4 .0 6cC�oF� CS;.7 rcgr cv70•--•CEd .t. t& .� M!A t Vim`" C'•Vp�LC�""u=�.p tr - � H ti�3`oa�cctjd��u�^o QI TA me--1.•.� 4d^V C>y. 5<= c. -C - i d 3 a- z U COV O U o' v :i Cep F O=CCCCE OV=v C^ f r G =F:t tt=:3. CtdC3 r d�d.• o4- cc � wco= = r- d -T— r V G G C^C AdM.0>Cd�b�VO. ct UO 'ttl+GTL �r + — ��T.Y. ✓� S O�V V G>Cl L V O 4 y,�.•.u+ ,' , y moo" � _VcE:.o•.. -'X r GCO VC G CUO�C C=CVS C^_u.Vy,. { r Euc>`vCvpd tz C9p -,._._.-........ �-. -.`._ /_d.�F•d c..,^ -GSC^