HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 080889 MEET .Z2 8 AIENOA _ ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 8, 1989 The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. by Mayor Dexter,' followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL All Present: Councilmembers Borgeson, Lilley, Mackey, Shiers & Mayor Dexter Staff: Ray Windsor City Mgr. ; HenryEngen, Dir. of Community Development; Paul Sensibaugh Dir. ofPublicWorks; Andy Takata, Dir. of Parks, Rec. & Zoo; Chief Bud McHale, Police Dept.; Jeff Jorgensen, City Attorney; Mark Joseph, Dir. of Admin. Services; Boyd Sharitz, City Clerk; Cindy Wilkins, Admin. Secy. COUNCIL COMMENT Mayor Dexter_ congratulated Ray and Berte Windsor, celebrating their 31st Wedding Anniversary. COMMUNITY FORUM Sarah Gronstrand, announced that Gordon T. & Beatrice Davis, yesterday, gave the Friends of the Library $100,000 for the Chil- drens' Library building fund. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. July 25, 1989 City Council Minutes 2. SLO Area Coordinating Council Joint Powers Agreement . 60-89 - Designatinga sto intersection on Alamo Res. No 3. � P Ave. @ Barrenda Ave. 4. Res. No. 61-89 - >Reduction of speed limit on San Andres Ave. etween Santa Lucia Rd. and Santa Ynez Ave. 5. Application to Present a Late Claim Vida Ricioli (Recommend Denial) 6. Certificate of Acceptance - Atas. Lake Ozonation Project councilwoman Borgeson requested that Items A-2 & 6 be pulled for separate discussion. _1 Motion: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Items 2 & 6 . Passed unanimously by roll-call. Re: Item A-2: Councilwoman Borgeson requested that Council approve the agreement, omitting the 11supervotell provision (option (c) in staff report) noting that although it is seldom used by the Area Coordinating Council, it is nearly always controversial and is of little benefit to the cities in the North County. Mr. Sensibaugh added that the supervote tends to "cloud" a good vot- ing process already in place. Councilwoman Borgeson noted that the Mayors of Morro Bay and Faso Robles concur with this opinion and have expressed they feel their councils will approve the agreement without it Mr. Jorgensen expressed concern about whether the City can unilaterally change the contract, since it' s intended to be executed by all the member agencies, and he recom- mended that Council defer action on this item in order to allow both staff and the Council delegate to communicate their concerns to SLOACC for comment. There was no public comment. Motion: By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to continue this matter to the meeting of 8/22/89 and request that. Councilwoman Borgeson and Mr. Sensibaugh communicate the Council' s concerns regarding the proposed agreement to ,SLOACC; passed unanimously. Re: Item A-6: Councilwoman Borgeson expressed her feeling that this item is worthy of note and commended the staff report as excellent. Mr. Sensibaugh reviewed the status of the Ozonation Project and the problems discussed in his report, followed by Council discussion. There was no public comment. Motion: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Lilley that Council approve the; Certificate of Acceptance for the Atas . Lake Ozonation Project; passed unanimously by roll-call . B. REGULAR BUSINESS 1. Res. No. 58-89 Designating Pine Mtn. ' Stadium as a historic site and endo sing efforts to purchase sane Mr. Windsor gave staff' report, followed by Mr. Engen reviewing excerpts from the General Plan regarding the .zoning of subject area, who added that there is no pending development plan for the property, although there have been some inquiries. 2 Lengthy discussion by Council ensued, as there were conflicting opinions as to the intent and appropriateness of the resolution as it relates to support for the property's purchase by a private party and designating it for public use. Councilwoman Mackey noted that the stadium has been included in the General Plan since 1968 . In 1978, the County balkedat her personal request that it purchase the property, largely due to the then uncertain affects of the passage of Prop. 13 . She commented on discus- sions, shortly after the City' s incorporation, by certain local business owners to create a foundation to purchase the land. She expressed that it is her hope that a private, non-profit organi- zation is founded to, attempt to purchase the site for its his- torical value to the community and that, perhaps, eventually the City might own it. Mr. Jorgensen clarified that the intent is to encourage and express support for the property's purchase by the private sector for use as 'a recreational facility consistent with the General Plan. Public Comment Shirley Summers, an 18-year resident who served on the General Plan Advisory Committee in 1973, on the Gen. Plan Sub-Committee and on the City Planning Commission from incorporation until 1985, spoke of the community' s historical commitment to designate the stadium area for recreational and public use. She urged the Council, as "the custodians of our community, the guardians of our heritage" , to preserve Stadium Park, noting it is one of the very few remaining historical roots of Atascadero. Fred Strong, F. Strong' & Associates, a land-use` consultant whose firm has been retained by a client who currently has subject property in escrow, requested that the Council publicly clarify its intent and policies with respect to the property. Motion: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Shiers that the Council reaffirm the City' s com- mitment to the General Plan, which speaks of preserving` Stadium Park as an important historic and cultural site, by adopting Res. No. 58-89, amending the title to read "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL' DESIGNATING PINE MTN. STADIUM AS AN IMPORTANT HISTORIC SITE" and amending Para. 6 to read, " . . .the City Council does hereby officially recognize Pine `Mtn. stadium as an important his- toric site." Motion passed unanimously by roll call . 2. Atas. Lake/Pavilion Master 'Plan - Proposed ad hoc committee Mr. Takata gave staff report. There was no public comment. 3 Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Lilley that Council approve the recommendation to create a 15--member ad hoc committee to work with Recreation Systems, Inc . , for the preparation of a master plan for Atas. Lake Park & -Pavilion. The Council concurred to name the committee members at a later date, following the receipt and review of suggestions as to potential candidates. 3 Police Facility status and presentation of final plans- Aug. 22, 6:00 p.m. Mr. Windsor gave staff report, noting a -correction to p.2 of the Judy 20th correspondence from the consultant--Bids are to be re- ceived at City Hall on Wednesday, Oct. 6th. _ Council concurred to adjourn to the above suggested date and time. 4. set closed session for employee negotiations (Mid-Mgmt./Pro fessional Employees) Mr. Windsor gave staff report, indicating that the , two dates; Council is being requested to consider are 8/23 or 8/24 Council concurred to meet in closed session, as requested, on the 23rd at 3:00, and will adjourntheir regular meeting of 8/22/89 to that date and time, C. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION City Council Committee Reports' Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgmt. Committee Mayor Dexter report- ed on having attended a meeting of the County Hazardous Waste Management Commission last week. Discussion focused on the County-wide landfill problems and the potential haz- ard if refuse were to be hauled up the Cuesta Grade to the Chicago Grade Landfill . There was also discussion on the Turri Road transfer station (S.L.O. ) and on the -subject of recycling, which will be a key :issue over the next decade. Councilwoman Mackey added that the Recycling Committee met recently and is scheduled to meet again on August 16th. Councilwoman Borgeson asked that the Recycling Committee be added to the regular committee reports on the agenda. Economic opportunity Commission - Mayor Dexter reported on attending a meeting of the EOC .last week, but, because there was not a quorum, there was no action taken; several reports were made 4 L Downtown Steering Committee - Mr. Engen reported thatthis committee met last Thursday, and the consultants presented a preliminary document on planning' ideas for the downtown, which has been distributed to Council, Planning Commission and those on the General Plan Update mailing hist. The committee will meet again within the next 2-3 weeks to respond to a checklist/questionnaire prepared by the consultants. Interim Growth Management Committee -` Mr. Engen reported that this committee was appointed at the Council's last regular meeting, and the members met last week. They dis- cussed the action taken by the Co. Board of Supvrs . on Aug. 2nd following two hearings on their proposed urgency ordi- nance, which passed on a 3: 2 vote. The matter will again be before the Board on Aug. 22nd, following direction to estab- lish a 2J o -cap on population and to direct growth to where the resources are. They' re considering exempting antiquated subdivisions, ; affordable housing, master plan projects, specific plans and ag clusters that would have housing as a component. -The- sub-committee discussed concerns about the impacts of whatever policy the County might adopt which will affect the fringe areas of the City, because the water com- pany service extends beyond the City limit line, and that is a resource.. Staff was asked to monitor building permit activity to note any increases or unusual activity resulting from this debate. The committee is considering drafting a resolution reaffirming the City' s policy of not encouraging annexations other than those limited ones included in the LAFCO report for the City (basically, the golf course, State Hospital and Paloma Creek Park areas) . The committee dis- cussed recognition of the need for language in the General Plan. on the general subject of growth management. The next ' meeting, of the committee will be the afternoon of Fri. Aug. 18th. City Clerk - Mr. Sharitz, announced that he intends to retain the services of a private attorney to defend his office,, and Council may expect to hear from said attorney shortly. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:40 P.M. TO FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1989, AT 2: 00 P.M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERVIEWING APPLICANTS TO A VACANCY ON THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, AND TO 6:00 P.M. ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1989, PRIOR TO THEIR NEXT REGULAR MEETING, FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING THE CONSULTANT' S PRESENTATION OF THE FINAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE POLICE FACILITY. MINUTES RECORDED BY: PREPARED BY: BOYD C. SHARITZ, Clerk CINDY_ WILKINS', Admin. Secy. 5