HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 0413890 MR -576, Ca MT - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 13, 1989 The joint meeting of the Atascadero City Council, Parks & Rec. and Planning Commissions was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Dexter, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Council: Councilmembers Lilley, Mackey, Shiers & Mayor Pro Tem Dexter (Mayor Borgeson absent) Parks & Rec. Commission: Commissioners Cooper, Bench, Smart, McKrell, Meyer & Chairman Harris Planning Commission: Commissioners Brasher, Highland, Lopez-Balbontin, Luna, Tobey & Chairman Lochridge (Commissioner Waage absent) Staff: Ray Windsor, City Mgr.; Henry Engen, Commun. Devel. Director; Steve DeCamp, Senior Planner; Andy Takata, Dir. of Parks, Rec. & Zoo; Cindy Wilkins, Admin. Secy. COUNCIL COMMENT Mayor Pro Tem Dexter made opening comments, clarifying that this is a working session for the commissions and Council, with the goal of reaching a consensus, following discussion and any input from the public present, to send the proposed Parks & Recreation Element to the Planning Commission for a public hearing. Mr. Engen then provided an overview of the Parks & Rec.. Element. Beginning in the fall, Council and the Planning Commission had meetings reviewing the residential character of the City, commer- cial/industrial, circulation and other areas of the General Plan. In the latter part of 1987, a series of community forums, one in each quadrant of the City, were held and paralleled meetings held by the Planning Commission; one community -wide forum was held and a questionnaire was put out by the Parks & Rec. Dept. to supple- ment public input. This, in conjunction with analysis of Natl. Parks & Rec. Assoc. standards, provided the basis for making pro- posals for the draft Parks & Rec. Element that was transmitted, dated May 31, 1988. Following tonight's meeting, staff will pre- pare the necessary documents to go to public hearing before the Planning Commission who will make formal recommendation to the City Council. Mr. Takata reported that, in a special meeting held April 3rd, the P & R Commission reviewed the draft plan, which will serve as a guideline for staff to utilize in the development of rec- reational facilities and future land acquisition. He relayed that the P & R Commission and staff wish to recommend (1) empha- sis be placed on creating Graves Creek as a trailway or linear park, (2) stress the open space element, (3) emphasize the zoo as being a part of the Recreation Element and (4) consider recom- mending in the plan the possibility of hiring a specialized person for grants (not strictly for Parks & Rec. items but in other areas which the City may have needs as well). Mr. Takata noted, at its last meeting, the P & R Commission stressed the utilization of the neighborhood schools for parks. Commissioner Highland asked, in view of Atascadero's desire to maintain large lots, if the Natl. Parks & Rec. Assoc. standards are applicable to this community as they may be to the typical urban area. Mr. Takata responded that the national standards are general and non-specific as they relate to individual communi- ties. He relayed that staff feels the creation of the open space element is more important than the creation of mini -parks Commissioner Brasher feels the concept of mini parks should be considered in MF areas and not equally distributed around the City. Mr. Windsor commented that there are over $15 million in identi- fied needs and very limited resources. He expressed support for the plan, however, believes it is important for the community to know that the needs identified in the plan are what we would like to have but probably won't end up with a lot of due to costs. In light of this, he's very supportive of the joint use agreement with the School District, which would benefit both entities in terms of both 'cost and facilities, Commissioner Harris indicated the P & R Commission realizes the financial barriers, but is suggesting the idea of innovation and creativity to its height and that there are a multitude of stra- tegies to be tried. Commissioner Highland expressed he feels that a general disclaim- er should be included upon adoption of any element or re -write of the Gen. Plan that listed goals/ideals will be realized within the financial capacity of the City to realize them. Councilman Lilley expressed concern that the draft P & R Element assumes that the City will purchase properties, make any desired improvements and provide ongoing related maintenance. He feels the community effort which will be needed to realize some of the ideas outlined should be placed in the document. He noted that the JPA was touched on in the draft and has been discussed by the Committee with positive results. Three preliminary areas of note are: (1) The prospect of working together with regard to gymnasium rehabilitation and a possible future commu- nity center; (2) coordinating in the JPA regarding the new school campus in the northeast quadrant of the City and the possible joint development of recreational sites (e.g., tennis courts) for both municipalandSchool District use; and (3) the creekway plan, worked out between the City, School District and creekside property owners, to include a walkway under ECR and. Hwy. 101. Councilman Lilley relayed that there was a tremendous response from Dr. Avina to the idea, who relayed the same on behalf of several teachers; the District is supportive and eager to proceed with the plan. If the concept has support, a steering committee would be formed via the City/School Committee to develop a gener- al, conceptual plan for review and hopeful adoption by both the School District and City Council. Following brief discussion among those present, consensus was to direct staff to determine ownerships of the creekway properties under review. Staff noted that master planning of parklands and recreational facilities is essential in order to take advantage of any avail- able grant funds. There was brief general discussion regarding the collection of fees for funding recreational facilities. Chairman Harris reiterated that the P & R`Commission is not tied to the map designating placement of mini -parks which was dis- played at its last meeting, nor to the conceptual need for them. Councilwoman Mackey suggested that serious consideration be given to establishing a local conservancy for parklands. The various aspects of maintaining a few large park areas as op- posed to several smaller ones was discussed. Mr. Windsor relayed Council's discussion of acquiring additional lots around Atas. Lake to possibly round out and improve the existing park and zoo facilities there. Commissioner Tobey encouraged consultation with the Police Dept. in planning for park sites relative to its ability to patrol them. Public Comment Fred Frank, 7755 Graves Creek, read a resolution adopted by the Homeowners Assoc. at its last meeting petitioning the City Council to develop a comprehensive creekway inventory and long- term acquisition and management plan to be incorporated in the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, and that it coincide with the update of the Recreation Element and the Downtown Master Plan. 3 Steve LaSalle, resident, spoke in support of implementing the Quimby Act to acquire recreational properties. MAYOR PRO TEM DEXTER CALLED A BREAK FROM 8:25 - 8:45 P.M. (The Parks & Rec. Commissioners were dismissed.) Mr. Engen commented on the status of the Appearance Review pro- cess, which will be a part of the General Plan update, indicating that staff is seeking direction with respect to language within the text as it relates to appearance review standards and pro- cedures. Mr. Decamp commented on the architectural review guidelines, say- ing that staff feels they have been effective and that people have, by and large, been supportive when they realize that the goal is a higher level of quality than what has occurred in the past. Commissioner Luna expressed a desire to see application of archi- tectural review to SFR development. Mr. Engen responded that it was originally proposed that the standards be applied in sensi- tive site areas at the Commun. Devel. Director's discretion; but, SFR was excluded due to meeting with some resistence from the public, and Council's feeling at the time was to concentrate ap- plication on larger land uses only. General discussion regarding appearance review ensued. Staff was commended for expeditiously following up on reported zoning violations, as well as for monitoring the appearance re- view guidelines Public Comment Steve LaSalle, resident, encouraged that professional renderings be required on project submittals to 'allow for enhanced visual - impressions. Fred Frank feels the more flagrant problems should be addressed before SFR's, and he spoke in support of establishing a sub- committee to tighten appearance review standards. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:15 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED BY: HE ENGE , Comm. ev. Director 4 ■ PREPARED BY: Cindy Wilkins, Admin. Secy.