HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 041189ME "E MTL,, � Lwj: (MINUTES APROVED BY COUNCIL, AS PRESENTED, 4/25/89) ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 1989 The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order by Mayor Borgeson at 7:05 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Full Council Present: Councilmembers Dexter, Lilley (arrived at 7:08 p.m.) Mackey, Shiers and Mayor Borgeson. Staff Present: Paul Sensibaugh, Public "Works Director; Henry Engen, Director of Community Development; Mark Joseph, Director of Administrative Services; Jeff Jorgensen, City Attorney; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo; and Boyd Sharitz, City Clerk. Mayor Borgeson read proclamations for the following: California Earthquake Preparedness Month, April 1989 National Library Week, April 9-15, 1989 Tri Counties Small Business Opportunities Day, April 30, 1989. COMMITTEE REPORTSo S.L.O. AREA COORDINATING COUNCIL Mayor Borgeson reported that a meeting will be held on the 19th of April and they will be looking at unmet public transit needs determination. Three requests met the definition of unmet transit needs: l) extended regional transit services in the north county 2 ) general public transportation system in Paso Robles and 3) an increase regional handicapped transit services. They will also be working on will be a final determination of the one year San Luis Obispo; south county area transit service. SOLID/HAZARDOUS WASTE MGT COMMITTEE Councilwoman Mackey stated she went to a meeting last week. One item on their agenda was the hazardous waste plan. All of the other cities besides Atascadero have passed it and will be forwarded to Sacramento. Recycling will be a big issue in the waste management commission. She will be meeting with Bill Gibbs from Wil Mar Disposal on Wednesday regarding recycling and welcomes other members of the council if they would like to attend that 9:30 a.m. meeting. ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION Councilman Dexter said he represented the Council last Saturday at a dedication of a new head start facility at Camp Arroyo Grande. _ FINANCE COMMITTEE City Manager, Ray Windsor, said that the Council Sub -Committee and staff met last week to discuss capital facility long term debt financing~ As a result of that meeting staff is in the process of putting together a report in draft form for the sub- committee and he is hoping to have that for Council for the next council meeting. DOWNTOWN STEERING COMMITTEE Councilwoman Mackey reported that a meeting was held on March. 29th and a brainstorming session went on for three hours. There were a lot of ideas which will be forwarded to the consultant. CITY/SCHOOL COMMITTEE Councilman Lilley stated a meeting was held at which time they discussed the draft of the lease agreement regarding placement of temporary facilities. He had asked that the agenda include an item addressing the Creekway Plan and the prospects of exploring some city/school district cooperation to the JPA as a possible way to expedite the implementation of that plan. He met with Dr. Avina who indicated that he had some very positive response from within the district and his own staff. COMMUNITY FORUM: `Doug Lombardo expressed his concerns about 4 -wheel drive vehicles that are driving through the Salinas River. They are releasing ' _ oil and fuel from these vehicles. This is affecting his drinking water. He said the police department's hands are tied because they have no way to get down in that area. They need a vehicle which would aid them in policing this area. Councilman Lilley suggested that staff explore some appropriate ordinance to prohibit that kind of activity in thecreekwaV. ` Mayor Borgeson asked staff to look into this and report back to | the Council at a future time. Terry Graham discussed the need for an Architectural Review ` Mayor Borgeson reminded Mr. Graham that a meeting will be held Thursday, April 13 at which time this will be discussed. ' At this time City Manager, Ray Windsor said that an error was made on the agenda. Items B l and 2 should have been included as part of the Consent Calendar and Council should act on this as ' items A 1-4~ ' A. CONSENT CALENDARs 1~ MARCH 28, 1989 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES` | 2. RESOLUTION NO. 21-89 - ADOPTING THE S.LO. COUNTY AND INCORPORATED CITIES HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN 3. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 24-ee - 8005 San Gabriel Rd. (Kennedy/ Stawart)s Request to subdivide two existing lots of 9.35 ac. total into three parcels containing 2.509 2.50 and 4.35 ac. each 4. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 1-89 8623 Atascaderc Ave. (Iverson/Central Coast Engineering): Request to subdivide 13.9 ac. each. The request includes establishment of two new City standard roads to serve the subdivisions Via Tortuga and Calle Refugio. Mayor Borgeson said she would like to pull item A-2 for further discussion. MOTIONS By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey for approval of consent calendar items A 1, '3, and 4. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. Mayor Borgeson expressed her concerns about site one being the central site chosen and feels that it is not an adequate site. Council discussion followed. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Lilley for approval of Resolution 21-89. Passed 3:2 by roll call vote with Councilman Shiers and Mayor Borgeson voting no. C REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. TREE ORDINANCE REVISION: REFERRAL TO PLANNING COMMISSION (Continued from 3/28/89) Report was given by Councilmen Shiers and Dexter. Lengthy Council discussion followed. Council requested that this be referred to the Planning Commission on May 2, 1989 for a report back to the City Council within 40 days and then set a date of public hearing. Council directed City Manager Ray Windsor to meet with Andy Takata and Henry 'Engen to prepare a job description for a City Arborist/Urban Forester on a part-time or contractor basis. Council also directed Director to prepare Henry Engen, Community Development a resolution for the tree value and 3 replacement costs. At this time Mayor Borgeson asked for public comments. Mr. R. C. Thorpe stated he was disappointed in the fact that it seems to him that not the City Council but the staff were running "this thing He feels that many things in this "draft tree ordinance, if they were to be instituted what it would amount to, is driving every legitimate contractor out of the City of Atascadero. "If you put this through as it was drafted or handed to the Council tonight, which you are not going to do, I am glad to see, but if you did you would wonder why in the world the cost of living here is so high, along with the contractors would go your support". He pointed out that this arborist would be hired and he would need a secretary, a helper, and an office and pretty soon it is a short time before you have another layer of government that has not and is still not needed here. Mayor Borgeson reminded Mr. Thorpe that a public hearing will be held when this comes back from the Planning, Commission. Helen Weaver said she is in agreement with many things that Mr. Thorp stated. She is disappointed because it looks like even though the public may have something to say, she thinks we are well on the road to putting this through just the way it is. She doesn't believe we needan arborist hired by the City. She thinks the City has qualified people that should be able to protect the trees and thinks most people here in Atascadero are interested in protecting the trees. Marjorie Kidwell stated this third draft is definitely not a result of the input that she heard at the study. She is not aware of any public hearing that the Planning Commission ever had on this issue. She knows there have been studies, but there has never been an original public hearing since the original tree draft that was adopted over a year ago. Mayor Borgeson stated she agreed with Mrs. Kidwell. Mrs. Kidwell continued by saying that when the original tree ordinance was adopted a year and 5 months ago_, it was with the understanding there would be a review of it in six months. That review was not a public review, it was a draft written (35 pages) by the Tree Committee. It was presented by the Tree Committee and it was well done with a lot of hard work, but doesn't believe the public ever had any input. City Attorney, Jeff Jorgensen, responded that to this point the staff has simply carried out the desire of the Council to develop a draft ordinance with the direction of the tree 4 sub -committee based upon the joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting and staff will certainly review all the procedures necessary to bring it properly before the City Council. Doug Sheffer complimented the Council on the discussion that went on tonight that touched on a number of things that he was concerned about. If the Council doesn't pick out a few things such as "save the oaks" and "pass an ordinance that people will support" Council will be wasting their time. If the public doesn't like it, they will always find a way around it. He thanked Council for all their hard work. AT 9w5O P.M. MAYOR BORGESON `ASKED FOR A RECESS~ MEETING RECONVENED AT 10m10 P.M. 2. FUNDING COMMUNITY AGENCY REQUESTS Staff report was given by City Manager, Ray Windsor. Consensus of Council � s that this would be a good way to aid in determining how to allocate the resources to be used in funding community agency requests. - 3~ SENATOR ROBBINS REQUEST FOR COUNCIL LETTER OF ENDORSEMENT - SB 103 Staff report was given by City Manager, Ray Windsor. ` Council discussion followed. ` MOTIONm By Mayor Borgeson, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to support SB 103. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION/AND OR ACTIONn ' 1. City Council: A. Summary of sub -committee meetings - Mayor Borgeson stated that reports on sub -committee meetings will be given once a month instead of at each council meeting. Cindy Wilkins and Ray Windsor will ask each council member before the agenda is prepared if they have anything to report regarding their sub- committee meetings. Mayor Borgeson asked each council member if they would prepare written reports regarding any of their meetings. City Manager: ' 9 Ray Windsor stated that a League of California Cities Annual Workshop & Quarterly Meeting will be held on Friday, May 5 in Solvang. -Deadline for registration is April 28th. He reminded Council that Thursday is the monthly Chamber meeting. Councilmembers Shiers and Mackey expressed interest in attending this meeting. He also reminded Council that on the 26th there is a seminar in Lake Tahoe. Mayor Borgeson said she will be out of town and will not be able to attend the joint Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation and City Council Meeting on Thursday. She asked Mayor Pro-Tem Dexter to handle that meeting. COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10s35 P.M. TO A JOINT 'MEETING WITH THE CITY'S PLANNING AND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONS ON THURSDAY, APRIL 139 19599 AT 7100 P.M. IN THE FOURTH FLOOR I ROTUNDA ROOM FOR DISCUSSION REGARDING THE GENERAL PLAN. MINUTES RECORDED BY: BOYD ff. HARIT , CITY CLER PREPARED BY• f - � OR IA RAttfREZ, DE UTY CITY C ERK 6