HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 032889 s MEET! DATM4 ITEM# ..�L,..:.... ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 28, 1989 The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order by Mayor Borgeson at 7:05 p .m. , followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Full Council Present : Councilmembers Dexter , Lilley, Mackey, Shiers and Mayor Borgeson Staff Present : Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director ; Henry Engen, Director of Community Development ; Mark Joseph , Director of Administrative Services; Jeff Jorgensen, City Attorney; Bud McHale, Police Chief, Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo; and Boyd Sharitz, City Clerk . COMMITTEE REPORTS City/School Committee: Councilman Dexter reported that there is a meeting scheduled for this Friday, March 31 . S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council : Mayor Borgeson stated that they will be meeting the latter part of this month . Traffic Committee: Councilwoman Mackey said that a man asked that Halcon Road be moved but was rejected because it cost too much money and really wouldn ' t serve the park . Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgt. Committee: Councilwoman Mackey said this will be discussed later on tonight . Economic Opportunity Commission: Councilman Dexter said that he was unable to attend the meeting last Thursday. Finance Committee: City Manager Ray Windsor said that he was hoping to have a meeting, this week before Councilman Shiers has to return back to school , possibly Thursday. Downtown Steering Committee: Mayor Borgeson reported that they are meeting on Wednesday, March 29 from 3-6 p .m COMMUNITY FORUMa George Luna, Planning Commissioner, stated that since the joint meeting on the Tree Ordinance he has been asked many times on the status of the text amendments to the Tree Ordinance. His reply has been always the same. He then quoted the zoning ordinance on text amendments. "The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on any proposed text amendment to this title of the zoning ordinance. It has done that . The purpose of the hearing shall be to receive testimony from parties interested in the proposed text . To consider the recommendations of the Planning Director , it has done that and to adopt a recommendation to the City Council and it has not done that . The Planning Commission shall submit a written recommendation to the City Council on the proposed amendment setting forth findings in support of the recommendation. It has not done that . Upon receipt under the City Council notice and hearing, upon receipt of the recommendation of the Planning Commission the City Council shall hold a public hearing after giving the necessary public notice. The City Council may approve, modify or disapprove the recommendation of the Planning Commission, as yet there has been none. Provided that any modification of a proposed text amendment by the City Council not previously considered by the Planning Commission shall first be referred to the Planning Commission for a report and recommendation. As yet there is no written recommendation to refer to Thus it was a surprise to him to see on the agenda tonight a report on the Tree Ordinance with the expectation "to hopefully get final conceptual approval to bring back an ordinance for first reading before the Council . Say it isn' t so , show us that the City ' s Ordinance will always be followed and send this matter back to the Planning Commission for its written recommendation" . ft.m. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1 . March 14, 1989 City Council Minutes 2. RESOLUTION NO. 1-89 - ADOPTING BOARD OF APPEALS RULES OF PROCEDURE 3. REQUEST FOR SEWER ANNEXATION (KESTERMAN - DULZURA AVENUE) 4 CLAIM OF VERNON GRAY (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 5. REQUEST FOR SPONSORSHIP - ATASCADERO COMMUNITY BAND City Manager, Ray Windsor , asked that Item- 5 be pulled and asked that Council give consideration tonight to give support or sponsorship to the band , and then referring the item back to staff so that it can be brought back to the Council as para of the budget review. I I MOTION: By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve Items A- 1-5 with the recommendation from the City Manager that the Council officially recognize the Atascadero Community Band and refer to staff for the financial consideration at budget time. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 2 B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCESa 1 HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Tim Mazzacano , Director of Environmental Health with the San Luis Obispo County Division of Environmental Health, County Health Department reported that the San Luis Obispo County Hazardous Waste Management Plan was developed in response to the Tanner Bill . The Hazardous Waste Commission with County staff have beenworkingon the plan since July 1987. Marge Mackey is the City of Atascadero representative on the Hazardous Waste Management Commission. Throughout the process the public has been encouraged to participate. A public hearing was held on the draft plan before the council last spring . All of the comments received from the public , the city councils and the state on the draft plan were plan. Seven the development of the final p considered in p Cit of I� final plan were delivered to they � copies of the Atascadero in November . The draft environmental impact report for the plan was available for comment from October to December . A copy of the final impact report which includes responses to all of the comments received on the draft environmental impact report was delivered to the city the end of February. The EIR identified an environmentally superior alternative which modified the general areas identified in the chapter 9 of the plan. There are no general citing areas within the City of Atascadero . The environmental alternative was approved by the Hazardous Waste Management Commission and appears in the changes and corrections. The changes and corrections also identify changes for internal consistency, changes to update the information, correction of spelling and grammar and omitted information. Approval of the plan will provide the county and the cities within the county with the greatest degree of local control of citing of hazardous waste management facilities and implementation of the plan will bring about waste management programs and policies which will benefit the environment including a household hazardous waste program. They have received approval from thecitiesof Morro Bay, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo , Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande and Grover City. They anticipate the county board of supervisors will hold their hearing on the final plan on April 18th. Ms. Corliss of the Division of Environmental Health staff is present to answer any questions council may have. Mayor Borgeson asked if the City does not approve the plan, will the state mandate it? Mr . Mazzacano responded the plan is submitted for approval to the State and the State can either approve or disapprove the plan. If the State does not choose to approve the plan, we can still have a locally 3 II • I approved plan but they plan to work with the cities. The plan is to the benefit of all . Cathy Corliss said the State is going to develop a State Hazardous Waste Management Plan. That will incorporate conflicts from all the counties. If there isn' t a County Waste Management Plan she isn' t sure where that leaves us with the State Hazardous Management Plan. Council discussion followed. Mayor Borgeson asked Paul Sensibaugh , Public Works Director if he would prepare a condensed report from the two large reports that the Council has received. Mr . Sensibaugh said he would prepare this for the Council before the next scheduled Council meeting 2. CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL BY DON MESSER OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 12-88 (Kentucky Fried Chicken, 6900 E1 Camino Real ) Henry Engen, Community Development Director, gave the staff report recommending approval with the project re-designed to eliminate the drive thru reversing the site plan to put the restaurant on the creek and eliminating the tower roof sign. Council discussion followed Mayor Borgeson opened the subject for public comment Paul Geis, attorney for Mr. Messer and O.C. Crothers stated they are seeking a conditional use permit from the City for signage only which is in excess of the standards prescribed by signing provisions of the city ' s zoning ordinance for a drive through restaurant. This is the only entitlement for which they seek . The notice of public hearing is consistent with that request . It says that they are appealing the planning commission 's denial of a conditional use permit request to allow for signage in excess of 100 square feet including a freeway sign for a restaurant. Also the staff report is consistent with that request for entitlement in that it notes that this is a public hearing on a conditional use permit involving a request for signage in excess of zoning ordinance standards for a drive through restaurant . This becomes important because the staff reports in the past have mislead the Planning Commission as to the issues before them with regard to this application and he intends to show Council the errors in that staff analysis. Initially the applicants only seek the use permit for signage and not a use permit for the overall projects, just the single feature of a use permit for signage which is peculiar the signing 4 provisions in the city' s ordinance. The signage they are seeking a variance from is the freeway signage (freeway identification sign) and signage that is in excess of 100 square feet . Those provisions are found in the signing provisions of the zoning ordinance in section 9-4. 130. They have thrown in zoning law consistency including the need for a conditional use permit which is not necessary. They have thrown in general plan consistency which is not appropriate or necessary, creek plan consistency which is part of the city ' s general plan which is not necessary for what entitlement is being sought this evening . The overall project as applied for is in fact consistent with the City 's zoning ordinance, the city ' s general plan and the creekway plan. There is no requirement that the council make findings as to those consistencies for the conditional use permit which they seek for signage only. Regarding the zoning ordinance, staff indicated that this is CR commercial retail zone. There is no provision in thecity' s zoning ordinance that has a sub-category for central business district retail zone. It is just a CR commercial retail zone that is prescribed in section 9-3.221 of the zoning ordinance. It states that the purpose of this zone is to provide for a wide range of commercial uses to accommodate most of the retail and service needs of the residents of the city and surrounding areas. Allowable uses 9-3.222 reads: in the commercial retail zone includes general merchandise stores, offices, eating and drinking places. There is no restriction whatsoever as to drive through restaurants, it just states eating and drinking places. 9-3.223 are uses that require a use permit , and they do not fall under any of those uses. This project does not require an overall use permit for restaurant and the offices and stores which they are proposing. 9-3.224 says there shall be no minimum lot size in the commercial retail zone. Deborah Hallowell , from Cuesta Engineering spoke regarding the history of the development of the site plan and addressed the conditions and the signing issues that have been brought up. Council questions and discussion followed. Jerry Bond said he, believed that the plan is excellent and the drive through is well hidden. He hoped the Council would approve it tonight because it is an excellent project. Dorothy McNeil asked if there are any windows or doors on the retail stores on the creekside. Ms. Hallowell responded that there are three windows, three doors and a patio. Mrs. McNeil then asked about where the trash receptacles would be. Ms. Hallowell pointed out where the trash dumpsters would be placed . She believes the Council should say no to 5 this project . Keith Higgens, Traffic Engineer, stated this is a good project. O.C. Crothers, one of the applicants, asked the Council for their support . Without the drive thru it becomes an economic non-feasibility. They did a traffic count last month at the Paso Robles store and 49% of their customers went through the drive-thru. Terry Graham suggested that the Kentucky. Fried Chicken people look into the vacant building that was formerly Del Taco because they had a drive-thru. At this time Mayor Borgeson closed the discussion for public comment. Jeff Jorgensen referenced Section 9.2. 108 (b) (2) ( iv) of zoning ordinance wherein precise plans are subject to the same findings as CUP ' s. Council discussion and questions followed . Mayor Borgeson noted that page 3 of the 11-15-88 staff report pointed out the findings necessary for a precise plan. Henry Engen indicated staff would not have made the necessary findings. Don Messer stated that he feels that he has a good project and has tried to change it to get approval . If the Council wants a walk-way around the creek that would be fine. He is looking for some direction from the council He wanted to thank the Council for their time on this project . Mayor Borgeson responded to Mr . Messer that at this point Council couldn ' t give him specific suggestions on what to do on this project , but staff has some conditions of approval that they felt that project could be approved with the conditions before the council and with the architectural changes and this going back to the Planning Commission, perhaps and working with them, you may come up with what you want and the city wants. MOTION: Made by Mayor Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Shiers to direct staff to send conditional use permit 12-88 back to the Planning Commission with the recommendation for approval subject to conditions of approval as outlined in the Council packet of March 28th with the addition of condition 15 "developer shall provide an access easement through the project to the creek reservation. " Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 6 I At 9: 15 p .m. Mayor Borgeson requested a 15 minute recess. The meeting reconvened at 9:30 p .m. 3. HERITAGE TREE REMOVAL REQUEST (Lot 16, Block 43, Atascadero Colony - Rayar , Millhollin/Tartaglia) jStaff report was given by Henry Engen, Community Development Director . I jCouncil questions and discussion followed. Mayor Borgeson opened the discussion for public comment . Glen Millhollin said this tree is 25 or 30 inches and is not one of the most beautiful trees. This lot has quite a few' trees on it and in order to get sufficient grading to build the house you need to level some spot and the only thing that they can do is to take the top of the hill and level it out . The slope is too steep to put in a septic system in any other location. Mayor Borgeson closed for public comment. Council discussion followed. MOTION: Made by Mayor Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Shiers to deny the applicant ' s removal of this Heritage tree. Passed 3:2 roll call vote with Councilmen Lilley and Dexter voting no . Mayor Borgeson told Mr . Millhollin it is suggested that he consult with staff and find out what possible alternatives he may face at this point . Mr . Millhollin asked what suggestions staff might make at this point. He had engineers do this work for him and he doesn ' t know where to go next, he wished he had some advise from the Council , this is devastating 4 ORDINANCE NO. 192 - ADOPTING POLICY FOR THE FINANCIAL RECOVERY OF COSTS OF EMERGENCY RESPONSES PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 53150, ET SEQ Bud McHale, Police Chief., gave the staff report . Council discussion followed. Mayor Borgeson asked for public comment at this time. Whitey Thorpe said this piece of legislation that the police department would Like to have in their hands would be 7 placing in the hands of the law enforcement a hammer to knock any citizen down that he so happens to choose. This is going a little bit too far, and the police department should be ashamed to ask for such a piece of legislation be bought before the council . MOTION: By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to refer this back to the Police Department for revisions in line with the Council comments that have been given and bring back to the Council for further consideration. Specially that there needs to be modification as to when and what act , be it conviction vs arrest triggers the recovery effort and also a monitoring time to insure that this is cost effective over a 6 or 8 month period. Passed unanimously. C. REGULAR HUSINESSs 1 . DOWNTOWN STEERING COMMITTEE ' S RECOMMENDATION RE: CONSULTANT FOR DOWNTOWN MASTER PLAN CONTRACT Staff report was given by Henry Engen, Community Development Director . Council discussion followed. There was no public comment . MOTION: _ By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey I authorize the City Manager and Mayor to execute the attached contract not to exceed $28,800. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 2. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO INITIATE ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT RE: NON-CONFORMING LOT DEVELOPMENT (ZC 3-89, Williams) Staff report was given by Henry Engen, Community Development Director . Council discussion followed. There was no public comment MOTION: By Councilman Dexter , seconded by Councilman Lilley to instruct staff to prepare a zoning tent amendment to to allow development for non-conforming uses or structures subject to CUP approval and selective findings. Passed unanimously. 3. APPEAL OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION (Officer Eric Schlerf) Staff report was given by City Manager , Ray Windsor . 8 I I I I I There will be a closed session on Friday, March 31 , 1989 at 4 p .m. to discuss this item with Council in a closed session for personnel matters. Councilwoman Mackey will be out of town so Mr . Windsor will meet with her on Thursday to go over the issues and to set a date for the hearing . Tonight ' s meeting will be adjourned to this closed session on March 31 , at 4 p .m. 4. ARBOR DAY TREE PLANTING Staff report was given by Andy Takata, Parks, Recreation and Zoo Director . Following discussion by Council it was decided that the tree should be planted in the City parking lot. 5. DISCUSSION RE: SKATEBOARDING Staff report was given by Ray Windsor , City Manager . He suggested that Council refer this to the Parks and Recreation Commission to allow them to hold a form of hearing. Also it will be discussed as part of the subcommittee meeting with the School District on Friday. There was no public comment . MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Mayor Borgeson to refer this to the Parks and Recreation Commission with a recommendation to the City Council . Passed unanimously. D INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION/AND OR ACTION: 1 . CITY COUNCIL a. Tree Ordinance revisions set public hearing date City Manager Ray Windsor gave the staff report . Mayor Borgeson stated that she would like this item continued to the next regular council meeting and put on as a regular agenda item. MOTION: By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey , to continue this item to the next regular council meeting . Passed unanimously. Mayor Borgeson asked when items go out to bid in the city, such as the pavilion, is there any way that we can have our local contractors have-a better chance at getting a bid awarded to them? 9 I I City Attorney Jeff Jorgensen said it isn ' t easy to put something in for local preference but will look into it . Paul Sensibaugh , Public Works Director , reminded Council that we adopted what we call a cost accounting bid procedures through the State Controller ' s Office. Meeting adjourned at 11 p .m. to a closed session on Friday, March 31 at 4:00 p .m. for discussion of personnel matters. MINUTES RECORDED BY: BOYD C. SHARITZ, CITY RK PRE PAR D BY: C � RG` RAM EZ, D PUTY CI CLERK II I f f I I I I L I I I I 10