HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 011789 - Joint Mtng IT16 A-1 MEETING DATE : 2/7/89 MINUTES JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Tuesday, January 17 , 1989 7 :30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting of the Atascadero City Council and Planning commis- sion was called to order at 7 :36 p.m. by Planning Chairperson Lochridge, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Mackey, Lilley, Shiers, Dexter, and Mayor Borgeson Planning Commission Members Luna, Highland, Lopez-Balbontin, Waage, Brasher, Tobey, and Chairperson Lochridge Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Mark Joseph, Administra- tive Services Director; Gil Dovalina, Acting - Parks and Recreation Director; Joel Moses, Associate Planner; Pat Shepphard, Administrative Secretary I PUBLIC COMMENT: John McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista, commented on the offer by Wells Fargo Bank to give a blanket conveyance of their interest in all their roads to the City. He spoke on three benefits the people of Atascadero wanted by incorporation which included maintenance of all the City' s roads, and urged that there is a moral obligation to the people who voted for incorporation that the City accept all the City roads and accept Wells Fargo Bank' s offer. A. CONSENT CALENDAR (Planning Commission items) 1 . Approval of minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting of January 3, 1989 2 . Approval of time extension for Tentative Parcel Map 29-86 at 9990 E1 Camino Real (Mike Hawkins/Twin Cities Engineering) Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin referenced the previous meeting wherein he made a recommendation that Traffic Way should be widened as soon as possible due to the street' s hazardous nature: _2_ 0 MOTION: Made by Commissoner Luna, seconded by Commissioner Waage and carried 7 : 0 to approve the Consent Cal- endar as presented. At this point, Chairperson Lochridge turned the meeting over to Mayor Borgeson for the General Plan Update. Mayor Borgeson provided a brief summary on the agenda items noting there may be some that will not be discussed this evening in the interest of time. B. GENERAL PLAN UPDATE - City Council/Planning Commission Policy Direction Discussion: 1 . Circulation Element - road classification system, trails, bikeways, routes- to-school - implementation. . .paper roads, assessment districts - 101 corridor deficiencies In presenting this item, Henry Engen explained the intent of the study session for the update, and proceeded to address the existing 19 policies which are highlighted in the circulation element in Atascadero. He spoke on efforts by Public Works and Planning for a new functional classification map that would detail a more sophisticated breakdown of street classifications ( i .e. with regard to major arterials, a breakdown between urban and rural areas which would represent different standards) . Paul Sensibaugh reported on a road classification study which is currently under way noting there is confusion between the General Plan and CalTrans' classification for some of the same roads . He explained a matrix which is being designed to determine what rights-of-ways should be along with appropriate street lengths; there is a need for some type of pattern. Discussion followed. Mr. Engen explained that in addition to the proposed map that shows the detailed breakdown of the functional classification of streets , there would also be a correspond- ing text that defined what the purpose of each of the streets are. There was discussion by the Council and Commission relative to changing the name of "Traffic Way" . Upon the consensus, it was noted that this item will be placed on a future Council agenda for discussion. Mr. Engen introduced Ron DiCarli- and Mike Harmon with the Area Council of Governments which is the transportation planning agency for all of the cities and county areas _3_ within San Luis Obispo County. Mr. Dicarli referenced the Highway 101 corridor study which has been prepared by this agency along with CalTrans and is now completed. A series of deficiencies have been identified which include design deficiencies and projected levels of traffic impacts along the entire 101 corridor, and in some cases, improvement options . Mr. DiCarli proceeded to address various means available to improve some of the deficiencies, but emphasized that a higher level of financial responsibility is now falling upon the local jurisdictions . Mike Harmon referred to various overheads and described the various deficiencies pointed out by the study. Recommended major improvements to highway interchanges currently necessary include: Route 41 west, Traffic Way, and Curbaril . Also discussed were possible mitigation measures. Mr. DiCarli emphasized that funding has become very tight for state highway projects and explained his agency' s role as a regional transportation agency in working with the various jurisdictions within the County. On a local route to a state highway connection, a great deal of the financial responsibility now falls to the local jurisdiction in which the total cost can be anywhere from $5 to $6 million each. Because of Caltrans present funding situation, a large local contribution is needed in order to have the opportunity of securing state highway project funding ( i .e. Highway 41 realignment, Traffic Way improvements, etc . ) It is important that the circulation element address some kind of implementation program for raising the 'revenues needed. In response to question from Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin concerning financial responsibility for the Highway 41/101 interchange, Mr. Decarli responded that if it is a high priority, it is funded 100% by the state. In this case, neither the district nor the state feels this particular interchange is a high priority. Discussion followed concerning possible ways of raising the necessary funds : development fees, assessment districts, sales tax, etc. Councilman Shiers referenced the serious deficiency at the northbound Traffic Way onramp and asked how Caltrans ' percentage of payment is affected to get this , corrected. Mr. DiCarli explained the interchange funding formula based upon safety and congestion. The major funding areas are urban areas . -4- ` 0 There was discussion concerning funding for the realignment of Highway 41 and the interchange at 101/41. It was noted it would take approximately $5 million to improve the 101/41 interchange, and was suggested that a consultant be hired to specifically identify what the improvement options are, to work with Caltrans in clarifying those options and then to secure local government support for a preferred option. Mr. Sensibaugh felt that there are many roads that Caltrans are responsible for ( in which roads were designed for a 20 year life span) . He commented on the various design deficiencies along the 101 Corridor in Atascadero adding that the City believes that this - is Caltrans ' responsibility. Discussion followed concerning Caltrans ' priorities and which areas projects are most heavily concentrated ( i .e. mass transportation, metropolitan areas) . It was noted that Caltrans has an adopted policy wherein if a jurisdiction allows development to occur which impacts the interchanges, Caltrans identifies recommendationsto improve those, and if not done so by the local jurisdiction, then they will oppose funding at the statewide level for the project. Discussion continued. Mr. DiCarli reviewed the relevant points raised in this presentation: 1) Need to recognize in circulation element what the deficiencies are ( interchange related improvements) . 2) Make certain that SLO-COG' S plan includes those projects . 3) With regard to funding requests, a project study report needs to be conducted on each project (State law requirement) . _Councilwoman Mackey asked if the rail system was considered as an alternate means of transportation. Mr. DiCarli answered there are major legal hurdles with Southern Pacific Railroad and major funding problems with commute runs . In conclusion, it is important to look at the need for implementation in some form of a funding program in order to get some of these projects funded. Public Comment - Doug Lewis, area resident, proposed that there be a frontage road between Atascadero and Templeton on the west side of 101 as an option for safety considerations . -5 Ray Windsor emphasized how important it is going to be for development decisions in the future to be regional in nature. Jerry Clay, area resident, asked for clarification with regard to the Alternate A Highway 41 realignment. Mr. Windsor added comments concerning constraints in the city' s ability to raise millions of dollars; the flexibility is not there. The practical solution is development fees but you can only go so far with those fees . Mayor Borgeson stated that as individual taxpayers, everyone should have input with regard to what Caltrans ' priorities are. Discussion followed. Councilman Lilley stated the state has created a "rock" that local governments cannot lift. It is absurd to think that Atascadero could come up with large sums of money to help fund Caltrans ' freeway interchanges . Comissioner Highland felt this is an extension of a problem which has been ongoing for years at the state level . He concurred with Councilman Lilley that Atascadero should consider the internal circulation of the city. He added that Caltrans should take the responsibility for poorly designed interchanges; the state should be aware that local agencies cannot always assume the financial burden. Mr. DiCarli recommended that the deficiencies be identified and improvement options prioritized and that they be addressed in the Regional Transportation Plan, as well as making clear how an interchange can be improved. It is also important that future development does not preclude those improvement options. Discussion continued relative to possible fund raising revenues such as a $ . 20 gas tax (as proposed by Caltrans) ; alternate means of transportation which could be utilized. Councilman Lilley suggested that the 'City set forth a policy to make it clear that Atascadero will not contribute any money to the improvement of interchanges off of Highway 101 through Atascadero, as well as to set priorities of concern relative to interchange improvements. Chairperson Lochridge concurred adding that the deficiencies need to be prioritized and that a policy statement be added to the General Plan to this effect. Discussion followed. Mayor Borgeson clarified language for a policy statement in the General Plan: The City of Atascadero does not intend to contribute money for improvement of interchanges and the City sees these as the responsibility of Caltrans . In prioritizing the interchange deficiencies, it was the general consensus that the freeway interchanges at Highways 101 and 41 and Traffic Way should merit the highest priority. Concern was raised relative to the southbound offramp at Santa Rosa Road which has a severe design deficiency. After discussion, it was the general consensus to delete policy statement #8 (page 120) . The Commission and Council also discussed identification of right-of-ways needed ( i .e. acquiring right-of-way for frontage road, etc. ) . After discussion, the following changes/modifications are proposed to the Circulation Policy Proposals : - deletion of policy statement #8 - deletion of policy statement #11 - modification to policy statement #14 : change "periodically investigated" to "vigorously pursued" - modification to policy statement #15 : add " . . .environmental change including minimal tree removal', With regard to #7 , Councilman Lilley suggested there be additional language relative to coordinating a plan with the school district that encourages the development of safe pathways on major school routes, preferably separated by some type of barrier from traffic lanes. Discussion continued concerning what responsibility the school district has for upgrading, maintaining roads for the schools, particularly the proposed new school in the San Benito/Del Rio area. Mr. Sensibaugh stated he met with Mike Cannon in discussions of the Del Rio school site and conveyed to the school district that they would be treated like any other development with regard to road improvements, routes-to- school, etc. With regard to landscaped center dividers on Morro Road to San Gabriel, (page 183) , Commissioner Luna asked what type of priority this situation has as a deficiency. Discussion followed concerning raised median strips on El Camino Real, etc. Councilman Dexter expressed concern with possible future abandonment of the Capistrano railroad underpass with an alternate abovegrade passing. Mayor Borgeson added this should be placed on the deficiency list. Chairperson Lochridge stated that it is important to identify appropriate locations for businesses that generate Targe amounts of vehicle traffic. Upon conclusion of item B-1 (Circulation Element) , Mayor Borgeson announced that the rest of the agenda items would not be discussed at this time due to the hour. _7 0 Mr. Windsor introduced the new Parks and Recreation Director, Andy Takata, who will be starting work on February 6th. Chairperson Lochridge felt that the Parks and Recreation Commission' s input would be valuable in future meetings . Mayor Borgeson stated she would like to see the Appearance Standards on a future Council agenda. Mr. Engen noted that the civic center will be considered as part of a downtown plan. Doug Lewis would like to see a clearer definition of the word "rural" . John Harris, Parks and Recreation Commissioner, commented on the routes-to-school plan in that there needs to be a safe design of roads in order to encourage more pedestrian and bicycling traffic. Commissioner Tobey referenced the repaving and slight widening of San Gabriel after the school opened, and asked what is the implication of the solid white line on one side of the road. Mr. Sensibaugh explained this ties in with work being done on a bikeway circulation and route-to-school plan. Discussion continued concerning the need for multi-purpose shoulders, windy road concepts with blind curves with a balance needed with the cut/fill topography. Meeting adjourned at 10 : 02 p.m. MINUTES RECORDED BY: 2.lzuc"�_ atricia Sheppliard, dministrative Secretary MINUTES APPROVED BY: Henry Eng n, Co Tr nity Development Director I